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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  July 12, 2009 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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information. while you are there, make sure you try the fareed challenge. thanks for being part of my program this week. i will see you next week. good evening, everyone. i'm don lemon. we begin with breaking news of an arrest in last week's double killing of a couple near pensacola with 16 children, many with special needs. our david mattingly is there. david, what can you tell us? we are hearing there is an arrest. i see them getting ready for a press conference behind you. >> reporter: that's right, don. one arrest in the killings of bird and melanie billings. they were found dead in their homes. investigators say this case was tied to a discovery of a large red van caught on security cameras at the couples' home.
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that van was found yesterday. they have two people they have been talking to as persons of interest. one of those persons has been arrested. a third person is connected with this crime they are still looking for. we hope to hear more details as the sheriff takes the podium behind me to give us an update. this case as of saturday was going rather slowly. they were running into roadblocks and dead ends until they got a tip about the large red van. made by dodge. it was thought it would stand out like a sore thumb. somebody did spot it, directed police how to find it. they brought in two people connected with that van. those two men were persons of interest and now one, we believe, one of those two men, we believe, has been arrested. no names. no details. the sheriff is going to bring those with us shortly. >> david, we are going to stick
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with this and see if it gets underway. this is a very interesting story, very odd the way it went down. police believe this was a professional situation, the way they went in, the way they were organized, but also there were children at home at the time and one of those children may have been old enough to offer police some help? >> reporter: well, a couple of things. first of all, not necessarily a professional job but because the men were able to get in and out so quickly it suggested to the sheriff here it was possibly they had some kind of experience. regarding the children, there were eight children at home at the time of the murder. six of those children have down syndrome. one of the children saw the men going out of the house and getting back into the van so there was some helpful information coming from one of these children for investigators to start on. but there were surveillance cameras, security cameras inside the home as well as outside.
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they were able to capture images of this van and of three young, white men who went inside this home, broke in through two doors in what looked like a coordinated attack oon thursday evening. >> david, stand by. we are going to get some other news in. we will continue to monitor where david is and as soon as the press conference gets under way we will get that on. police say there is an arrest in the slaying of a couple in florida. saying goodbye to a loved one, is hard enough, imagine having to relive it. hundreds of family are doing that after a shocking story of grave desecration and body dismemberment at a cemetery out of chicago. a family dozens of loved ones. cheryl jackson is wlif there.
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40 family members. >> reporter: that is right. there is broad oaks cemetery. police are putting down flags, red flags, yellow flags. we don't know if they are very evidence or mapping, but as the police search for evidence the families are distraught. >> i don't understand how people can do that. >> they have no -- they are piled up on top of each other in one area. >> reporter: these sisters and their niece janet joseph say they have about 40 family members at burr oaks cemetery. >> this is their oldest son, our brother, lloyd. this is my sister ursine manning. >> reporter: one funeral program after another shows where their loved ones were laid to rest. >> when we buried them, they are at peace now. so we can't even say they are at
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peace now because they dug up their remains and done who knows what. >> reporter: four burr oak employees are responsible for digging up graves and reselling them. remains are scattered throughout the grounds. >> as long as my relatives have been out there, they may have dug them up and put something on top of them. >> reporter: there may be more than one body. this woman believes her mother grave was targeted. >> they dismembered the bodies the bones and put it somewhere else. it is like a serial killer to me. >> reporter: it is already hard enough to bury your mother once, what if you have to do it again? >> you know what, i haven't thought about it again. if i have to bury her again. >> we have so many questions.
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we have a lot of questions. we are going to hold hands and pray whatever need to be done we will do it. >> reporter: police have had over 7,000 requests for grave information. starting tomorrow you have to call those requests in to the sheriff's department. they want to use all of their man hours to solve this crime. don. >> cheryl, thank you very much. in suburban philadelphia a group of children were booted from a swim club. the pool association denies racism but a lot of people are not convinced. we have new developments and susan candiotti is on top of them. what are you hearing? >> reporter: is this the first step of trying to smooth things out. after a heated weeks of protestations of racism the swim club is talking to the daycare center that got the boot and potentially invite them back.
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it happened after a meeting today called after a few hours' noticed. if safety issues can be resolved. "as long as we can work out safety issues we'd like to have them back that is from the club director's wife. it is not clear what will happen next." . the daycare center said "they should have done that before. these children are scarred. how can i take those children back there?" this swim club got into a lot of hot water when it canceled a contract after one visit from a daycare center that caters to mainly minority and hispanic children. the children said some members made racist comments but the club denies charges of racism but the contract was terminated because of overcrowding and safety problems. a lawyer for the daycare center
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said she won't close doors but has to see what the swim club is offering before deciding how to respond. the pennsylvania human relations commission is investigating and has issued a subpoena to the club for records as well as a formal complaint. its chairperson tells us he hopes the two groups can resolve the matter amicabally. we are more than an hour away from the launch of "endeavour" a mission that has been waiting a week to get off the ground. john zarrella joins us now. fingers crossed. >> reporter: weather this time. hydrogen leaks kept the shuttle grounded the last two attempts. no problems fuelling this time. the astronauts are onboard.
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but in the northwest there is a big thunderstorm brewing within 20 miles of the landing site. that is important. if there was a launch and the shuttle had to make an emergency landing at the kennedy space center they want clear skies, no lightning, no thunderstorms, no rain. that storm is within 20 miles so they are no go. the astronauts are onboard the shuttle. the commander polanski is going to be tweeting on this mission. he said at a press conference earlier he didn't know the difference between a twitter and a tweet and a facebook and a myspace until he got into this but he found there is a huge audience. dave wolf the mission specialist raised his hands to the sky and said thank you because that is as far as they have gotten so far, getting to the launch pad
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an onboard. the astronauts are onboard, ready to go. with "endeavour" when it lifts off, there will be seven flights left. weather was a problem, caused them to delay yesterday. nasa captured some spectacular video of lightning storms in the area friday night and into yesterday that forced them to delay until today the liftoff. just incredible summer thunderstorms here in florida producing intense lightning. again, only seven missions left after this one. once the shuttle program is over, the united states is going to have to rely on the russians to get to the international space station until the next generation vehicle is ready to go about five years from now. that's not sitting well with everyone. i had a chance to talk with robert cabana the director of the kennedy space center and he and many others wish it weren't this way. >> i want a u.s. capability.
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the russians were good partners in the columbia down time. we could not have maintained the space station without our russian partners. it is important to have more than one way to access space. when we go back to the moon do we want partnership? absolutely. do we want to rely on another country to fly our astronauts to space? absolutely not. >> reporter: once they get off the ground, 16-day mission, 13 people in space, seven on the shuttle, six on the international space station, the largest gathering ever. hopefully they will get the vehicle off the ground. >> you stole jacque's thunder, or lightning. >> reporter: sorry, jacque. >> where is that storm? >> the space center is right over here. this is the thunderstorm we are going to be looking at.
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it is moving east/southeast. we have an hour to get this thing out of the 20-mile range we are talking about. it is on the cusp, holding west of i-95. it is looking questionable as to whether or not we are going to get that thunderstorm out of there on time. there is more development in the north and west and might be feeding that throughout the hours. so we will continue to watch that. we are monitoring some strong thunderstorms across the midwest. look at this complex. this thing has been going since the overnight hours. it started out into western missouri, moved through kansas city at 9:00 this morning, making its way through kentucky and has a history of producing wind damage. stormy weather in nashville and parts of the deep south. wind gusts could be as strong as 60 plus miles an hour. the other big weather story continues to be heat.
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i know you are tired of me talking about, not as tired as feeling it. this is going to persist for another couple of days. excessive heat in the southwest, phoenix, in parts of california. it is summer and brutal for a lot of people. >> it is summer, but you know what, it is supposed to be hot, but not that hot. thank you, jacqui. an arrest has been made in the slaying of a florida couple. we are hearing that suspect is having an extensive conversation, according to the people on the ground, extensioniextension i conversations with the investigators. it is the beginning of the final showdown for sonia sotomayor. we take a look at what she's about to say on capitol hill. in boston, no money could mean
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no zoo. so what would happen to all these animals well, some of them might have to be put down. yesterday we told you about the mysterious death of arturo gatti. today his wife is a suspect. the space shuttle astronauts are going to be twittering, tweeting, we do it here, too. we'll get your content, as we call it, on the air. back in a moment.
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right now, all over the country, discover card customers are getting 5% cashback bonus at the pump. now more than ever, it pays to discover.
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we are foal following breaking news in the arrest of the slay of a couple parents of 16 children. david mattingly is live. we will have the latest information as soon as that gets started. to washington where they are gearing up for sonia sotomayor's supreme court hearing confirmations. we are told president obama gave sonia sotomayor a good luck call. the president expressed his confidence that judge sotomayor would be confirmed to serve as a justice on the supreme court for many years to come. democrats have the votes to confirm sonia sotomayor but she will face some tough questions in this week's hearing. >> thank you mr. president. >> reporter: a journey that
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began at the white house heads to capitol hill for nominee of sonia sotomayor. >> i hope the senate and the american people learn more about me. they will see i am an ordinary person who has been blessed with extraordinary opportunities and experiences. >> reporter: senate democrats who have the votes to confirm sotomayor are expected to highlight her personal story to win favor. growing up poor in bronx public housing then going on to an ivy league education and now possibly the first latina supreme court justice. a smart approach for sotomayor as well says ken duberstein. >> your personal life and values and impartiality. >> reporter: conservatives have
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a difficult task ahead, challenging her record without coming across as attacking her. the republicans are expected to ask tough questions about gun rights, abortion and affirmative action. republicans think they have a better chance of taking on her off the bench statements like this 2005 comment at duke university. >> court of appeals is where policy is made, i know this is on tape and i know we shouldn't say that because we don't make law. >> reporter: they will press her on her past statement that a wise latina woman would make a better decision than a white male. senator jeff sessions. >> she advocated a view that your personal experiences, even prejudices, she uses that word, expect it would influence the decision you make. which is a blow at the very ideal of american justice. >> reporter: democrats including the committee's chair will come
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quickly to sotomayor's defense. >> she has the experience and cases that show her to be a mainstream judge. anything else is nitpicking. >> reporter: sources working closely with sotomayor say they have intensified the prep sessions in the last week trying to make sure she is ready. president obama wants her confirmed before congress leaves for august recess. >> what do you think about sonia sotomayor? we are hearing from you. paul steinhauser is live. what are the polls showing? >> reporter: we have a brand new poll this week. take a look. overall, here is what the american people say, 47% yes, 40% say she should not, 13%, one in eight of americans are unsure. this is interesting. take a look at the breakdown by
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party. there is a partisan divide. 7 out of 10 democrats say yes, she should be confirmed. independents are divided and 1 in 4 republicans feel she should be confirmed. 65% that is a lot of republicans who say sonia sotomayor should not be confirmed. >> hmm. i'm wondering if this is leading up to contentious hearings this week, what do you think? >> we asked that in our poll. 6 in 10 say they think there is going to be a lot of fighting. only 4 in 10 feel there will be agreements and partisanship and kumbaya moments. >> who are some of the major players? >> one of them, the lead republican, senator jeff sessions from alabama. the ranking republican.
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he may take charge if republicans try to go after her and say she is an activist judge. another republican to keep your eye on, john cornyn. arlen specter, who used to be republican and al franken is on the committee. >> ah, okay. paul, thank you. appreciate it. cnn legal analyst jeffrey toobin is joining us at 10:00 for more on judge sotomayor. join us at 10:00 p.m. eastern. jeffrey will break it down. remember, you can see sonia sotomayor's confirmation hearings live on cnn. the pointed questions about her background, her rulings from the bench live from cnn. a former boxing champion's wife a suspect in his death, plus the jackson 5 lost their leader, but not their desire to hit the stage once again. we are following breaking news
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coming out of florida. yeah, i'll take credit for peter jacobsen. introducing the all-new nutrisystem for men, flexible new programs personalized to meet your goals. get on the program, eat properly, you're going to lose weight. it's actually easier than you think it might be. that was really good. thanks. i had awesome results and i've kept it off for three years. for a limited time, get an extra three weeks of meals free. that's right, you can get an extra 21 breakfasts, lunches, dinners, desserts, and snacks. that's 105 meals free. that's what guys like. "tell me, 'do this,' i do it, i lose weight." with prices as low as $12 a day, you'll save hundreds over other weight-loss programs. order now and get an extra three weeks of fantastic meals. that's right, 105 meals absolutely free. call or click now.
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want to update you on our breaking news. this is our lead story out of florida. press conference is about to get underway shortly. we will bring it to you live. florida police say they have made an arrest in the killings of the two people you saw right there, a couple who have 16 children. some of the children were at home, some of the children have down syndrome. that is the home that is the family. we are being told by our people
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on the ground the suspect they have arrested is now in extensive talks, conversations with investigators. we are going to get some information as soon as it gets underway. why did it happen ? why were these people targeted? >> the death of arturo gatti may have been a homicide. the boxers 23-year-old wife is being held by brazilian authorities. they were on vacation when he was found dead in their hotel room yesterday. police confirmed that gatti appeared to have been strangled. brazilian news reports say a bloody purse strap was found at the scene. mark your calendars, saturday, august 29th, las vegas, a star-studded tribute to michael jackson. all the big names from the vegas
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strip will appear in the show at the palm casino. august 29 is jackson's birthday. he would have been 51. jermaine jackson is talking to a casino about a possible jackson brother reunion show. reported that early on in the investigation that that was in the works, maybe before michael jackson's death. general motors moved swiftly to emerge from bankruptcy but will you buy what it is selling? we'll talk to the ceo. and there it is, folks. these are live pictures, right, coming from florida? the space shuttle "endeavour" hours away from one of its last missions. it is going to bring up the most number of people in space. 13 people in space at once. they are going to be twittering and on facebook. we are watching the launch, liftoff weather permitting. you'll see it live here on cnn.
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following two live stories. to the left of your screen you see the space shuttle "endeavour." on the right a very sad story out of florida. police say they have arrested a person in connection of the murder of a florida couple with 16 children. a press conference about to get underway in the murder investigation. we'll bring it to you live. general motors got out of bankruptcy faster than almost anyone expected. the company ditched a huge load of debt and positioned itself for future growth. now comes the hard part, will anyone buy its cars. that is the bottom line, isn't it, poppy harlow? >> that is exactly right, don. gm promising at $50 billion of our money, taxpayer aid, they'll
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make cars people will want to buy. they are smaller, they are cutting their dealership network from 6,000 to 3,600, they have unloaded billions upon billions of debt in the bankruptcy process. closing 16 u.s. plants that means 20,000 u.s. workers at gm will lose their jobs by the end of the year. they are going to launch new cars, ten new cars across the u.s., 17 new vehicles around the world in the next 18 months. the real issue is will people want to buy those cars more than they do now. the ceo came out with this announcement. i have three priorities, customers, cars and culture. a bankruptcy proceeding is a financial task. not a culture change at a company. i asked him can you ensure the american taxpayer that owns 61% of gm that the culture at your company has changed. here is what he told me one-on-one. >> i've always been a believer
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that culture is about how you act and how you perform and where you spend your time. where we are going to be spending our time as a leadership team from me on down is great cars, customers being focused on customers, and finally, making sure we have a culture which is faster, leaner, accountability embedded in it. it is all about winning. that is where as the president of the company i'm going to spend my time. >> don, this is an executive who has been with general motors for 25 years. he likes to move very, very quickly. he makes decisions like that. six weeks in bankruptcy. the company moving quickly. we'll see if they can do it down the road. >> my dad before he passed was a huge gm guy. that is all he would buy. he would be happy to see this company come back and see me driving a gm car. thank you very much, poppy harlow. we are monitoring a situation in pensacola, florida. we are hearing there is an
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arrest. we are hearing that police -- can we get that picture? there we go. it is over my left shoulder. there is someone going to podium. the suspect in this case was having an extensive conversation with investigators that delayed the press conference. you won't miss any of it. i want to know how this happened, why were this couple with 16 children targeted? why were they killed while some of the kitds were at home? budget woes threat on the shut down two boston area zoos, worst yet, they may have to euthanize some of the animals. we delve into depression and why so many african-american women don't recognize the symptoms.
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we're following two developing stories in florida you see the space shuttle "endeavour" on the left. a live picture of a press conference about to get away at the escambia county sheriff's
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office where somebody has been arrested for the killing of the couple at their home, who have 16 children. this is michael humphrey, a truck operator for cnn. he said there is a delay. the sheriff will be down in five minutes. i said, do we know what the suspect is saying? unknown at the moment. hopefully the sheriff will let us know. i have been texting him. earlier he said the perp is talking to police. why the delay? hey, i'm at the briefing in florida. we are getting it from everyone. i'm talking to the operator on the scene and david mattingly is in the room where they will hold that press conference. soledad o'brien brought you an in depth look at depression among black men and the stigmas
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that keep them from getting help. tonight she discovers why so many women suffer. >> don, sometimes black women are the backbone of the family. they are the very last person sometimes to take time to care for themselves. vulnerability to an illness that affects millions of americans. because depression isn't open i will talked about in the black community black women are sometimes unaware that is what they are suffering from. terry williams is a successful publicist with a long list of top tier clients. on the surface she always looked like she had it together, but on the inside -- >> it was so dark. it was the hardest thing in the world to just get up, to shower and to dress and put the mask on because you had to put the mask on. you had to walk out that door and pretend all was well.
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>> reporter: even a background in social work didn't help terri see she was suffering from depression. you are a social worker, you know what that means? >> exactly. >> reporter: how come you didn't know? >> you just don't. >> reporter: there is a reason black women often don't recognize they are depressed. >> it is definitely something that hasn't been talked about in our culture so people don't know what the signs and symptoms of depression are. >> reporter: because it is unrecognized depression often goes untreated and some health experts say ignoring their mental health may be causing black women's physical health to suffer, high weight, heart diseases, hypertension and diabetes. >> it has to do with, i call the body screaming. somehow it has to get out. something has to break down eventually. so we are breaking down in
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numbers that are astounding. >> reporter: it was after a mental breakdown that terri williams got help in the form of therapy and medication. >> i was highly irritable. i snapped at people. >> reporter: she decided to share her story in a book and audiences around the country. she has been move bid the response. >> when i speak about it at these events i can't tell you the number of people who come after me and say, that's my story. in tears. >> reporter: how many of those people who say that's my story, too, are black and female? >> overwhelmingly female, black female. black women carry the nation, carry our communities, you know? we're nurturers, we are care takers, and feel like we have to be there and do for everybody.
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>> reporter: brenda gallion is the oldest of five children and is the one that the family turned to after her sibling became ill and mother was diagnosed to cancer. she cared for everyone. >> sorry about that we'll have to get back to that one. to florida. >> in the billings family murder. the gentleman's name is leonard patrick gonzalez, he will be charged with tampering with evidence in a murder investigation. at this time i would like to introduce mr. bill eddens. >> we feel progress is being made. we are pleased this arrest has been made. we are sure other arrests will be made. we are satisfied with the progress of the investigation.
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it is tedious, intention investigation. i will let the sheriff provide any additional information. >> we will open up for any other questions. >> what is tampering with evidence? >> tampering with evidence is like tearing up evidence, destroying evidence, changing evidence. in an effort to keep people from being detected or caught. we do not want to go into a lot of detail at this time. the sheriff is probably in a better position than i to make the final determination of that aspect as far as how much information he would like to release. i'm sure you understand because of the severity of the charges and the nature of this situation we are reluctant to provide any significant details at this time. however, i would like to reiterate that the sheriff and i
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feel that the invest is progressing nicely. we are satisfied with the progress of the investigation. we anticipate additional arrests will be made. >> is it a possibility that mr. gonzalez could be linked to the actual murder? >> that's to be determined. we prefer not to comment in any detail on that aspect. at this time he has been arrested for tampering with evidence. there is a possibility that other charges will be forthcoming. >> that means that you have -- is mr. gonzalez one of the two people who was initially brought in as persons of interest? tell me how you are still looking for. >> that is correct. mr. gonzalez was one of the initial two people we brought in as a person of interest. we are looking at multiple persons of interest at this time. >> the three you were originally
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talking about. >> we are looking at multiple persons of interest. >> any idea how many more -- >> we are not prepared to disclose the number. >> how is she related to the owner of the van? >> he is not the owner of the van. >> trying to conceal the van on his own property? >> mr. gonzalez was involved with altering the appearance of the van. >> in what way? >> he was covering damage and painting the van. to disguise the van from the video that was released to the press so it would not be readily recognizable. >> was it stolen? >> the van is not stolen. we have a clear and distinct line of the van when it was sold, who purchased the van, who
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reregistered the van. we have all the documentation to show the van. i'm sorry, sir? >> is there a motive? >> we will not release a motive at this time. i will tell you this, we are anxious to share the story with the citizens of escambia county and the nation. it is going to be a humdinger, i tell you that. >> the person of interest may be related to the owner of the van? if he is not the owner, is he related to the owner. >> to the owner. >> of the van. >> no ma'am. >> is there a reason why the residents in escambia county to be concerned about people on run the, armed? >> because of the nature of this case the answer is no. of course, again, we always tell citizens to exercise reasonable
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safety and security at any time in any city. we do not have specific threats or do not have any reason to believe citizens are in increased danger. >> is it known that mr. gonzalez has a criminal history already? >> yes, he does. >> do you have details of what types of crime? >> not at this time. >> mr. gonzalez have any connection to the billings? >> no. >> has he made a confession? >> we are not prepared to release any informs. >> what happened to the other person of interest? >> not at this time. >> are you pursuing suspects connected to the victims? >> we are not prepared to release that. >> let me just add, the sheriff
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has given the same answer several times. i support his position. we understand your frustration but i'm sure you understand if we are not extremely careful we could affect the investigation and because of that we have to take it one step at a time. the sheriff and i jointly would like to assure the citizens of this area that the investigation is progressing satisfactorily. we anticipate future arrests. >> correct. understand something, we have to coordinate. we are doing our part from a law enforcement perspective. we spent the better part of the day in conference with mr. eddens' office. we can conduct the world's best investigation but if the state attorney's office says sheriff that is a nice investigation but there aren't charges we can
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prosecute we wasted our time. the marriage we are keeping together, it is a happy marriage by the way, is stepping through this process to ensure that my part in this as the chief law enforcement officer is not to make a mistake that affects mr. eddens part. i know you are frustrated we can't give you certain information but this is our agreement. it is a workable agreement. >> has your investigation of the van produced any evidence? >> no. i can tell you the location of the van and again, i want to compliment the media for your assistance in this case the location of that van was the linchpin in this case. my thanks to the media. had you not placed this in the public venue and kept it running we would not have received the calls and the case would not have progressed. the van was pivotal in this investigation. >> was there any evidence
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recovered that had been buried? >> evidence was recovered but nothing i'm prepared to speak about. >> i know you can't go into specifics about mr. gonzalez, but can you tell us if he has a history of drug use? >> no. >> can't tell me? >> no ma'am. >> is tampering with evidence a felony? >> there are two charges that are quite similar. we have chosen today to arrest mr. gonzalez slowly on tampering with evidence. our investigation is continuing in terms of whether he is an accessory after the fact. there are certain legal issues involved we are evaluating. the seriousness of both charges is fairly similar. so hopefully that answers your question. third degree felony. i believe accessory after the fact is a second, greg? it is second or third.
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>> the charge as it stands now what is the penalty? >> maximum of five years in prison unless you have certain prereck sits and i'm not sure if he does. we know he has previous felony convictions. that information will become available and it could double for ten years. >> do you expect the invest to expand beyond this region? >> this investigation will expand much larger than anyone had anticipated. >> extensive surveillance at that house, was that factored into this? had they been threatened before? was the surveillance put in because of threats. >> no. it is my understanding the
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billings family installed the surveillance because of the children they had in their charge. children that were special needs, down syndrome children and autistic children. they had a surveillance system installed because of the children. >> can you describe the level of cooperation you have gotten from mr. gonzalez. we have heard that discussions kept going on and on so can you describe the level of cooperation? >> as with all cases, you cannot establish the ebb and flow and so throughout the day we interviewed numerous people of which mr. gonzalez was just one. and, again, it resulted in the charges being proffered against mr. gonzalez today. releasing anymore information on his level of cooperation i'm not comfortable releasing. >> the sheriff david morgan and the ag of escambia county, here is a person, this was e-mailed
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to me from michael humphreys on the ground there. he is our satellite truck operator. his name is leonard patrick gonzalez. race, white male, 5'4", brown hair, brown eyes, born in 1953. that is his picture. michael humphrey e-mailing me. here is what they are saying in all of this. that he has been charged not necessarily with the murder. it could go beyond that but he is charged with tampering of evidence. specifically what sheriff's deputies said he was doing was trying to paint the van or fix that red van that had been in the news, there is that picture. i will take this one down. he had been doing that. maximum five years in prison. this is a felony. he had no connection with this
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billings family and they are confident that this investigation will lead them to an arrest. at the very end the sheriff said this will expand much larger than anyone had anticipated. they are believing this will go beyond the borders of escambia county and florida and in pensacola area. press conference, an arrest for tampering of evidence. a second or third degree felony, maximum five years. they think they will get more results. there will be more arrests. no motive. there ear very interested and anxious to share this story with the citizens of escambia county. once this is over it is going to be a hum dinger. that is a quote from the sheriff. we have breaking news out of florida in regards to the space shuttle. john zarella is there, john, say
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it isn't so? okay. john will tell us after a break. man: it seems, only a minute ago, we were kids with little responsibility, zero accountability. our parents telling us what to do... how to behave. now, all of a sudden, we're there, in that role, at that time in our lives where everyone and everything is depending on us. it's a scary feeling, but it's also a good one. especially when i'm confident someone's there for me.
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imagine... one scooter or power chair that could improve your mobility and your life. one medicare benefit that, with private insurance, may entitle you to pay little to nothing to own it. one company that can make it all happen... your power chair will be paid in full. the scooter store. hi i'm dan weston. we're experts at getting you the scooter or power chair you need. in fact, if we pre-qualify you for medicare reimbursement and medicare denies your claim, we'll give you your new power chair or scooter free.
6:57 pm
i didn't pay a penny out of pocket for my power chair. with help from the scooter store, medicare and my insurance covered it all. call the scooter store for free information today. call the number on your screen for free information. i think i'll go with the basic package.
6:58 pm
good choice. only meineke lets you choose the brake service that's right for you. and save 50% on pads and shoes. meineke. all right. oh, boy. i'm just getting some guidance from our producer. john, you are on the air. we can hear you. john zarella. okay. john, you are on the air. listen, i'm getting some guidance from our producer on the ground and jacqui jeras. i'm looking at the note. john, i'm going to go to you, jacqui, you are nodding your head there could be trouble with the weather. what is going on? >> reporter: don, look behind me, it is beautiful. not a cloud in the sky. if you look in front of me due west, lightning and thunderstorms well within 20 miles of the landing site. that is problematic because if,
6:59 pm
in fact, the shuttle had to make an emergency return to the landing strip here, something goes wrong on liftoff they don't want bad weather near where they would have to land. they are no go, unfortunately, right now. they are getting close to the 7:13 launch time. >> john, is it an official scrub yet? >> reporter: no. not an official scrub yet. >> stand by, john. i want to bring in jacqui jeras. what is going on? >> thunderstorms, don. that is what is going on. they have developed and moving in the area. this is the launch pad area. you can see the thunderstorms are well within the 20-mile mark. they are kind of moving towards the south/southeast. they are nudging closer and moving to the south. at this time i don't see this moving out of here in the next


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