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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  July 12, 2009 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT

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>> we love you, michael. right now on the program, under arrest and more to come in the brutal double murder of a couple with 16 children. police say this story is unfolding like a movie script. we are live. cemetery plot. the investigation grows, and so does the outrage. one family, dozens of loved ones baueriedy e buried at a chicago area seam ter. here comes the judge. in a few hours sonia sotomayor faces the toughest jury of her life. and running of the bulls cajun style, on wheels and on your fanny. this could get ugly. it all starts right now. i'm don lemon.
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sonia sotomayor story will dominate the headlines starting tomorrow morning. first, a story unfolding right now, police have made an arrest in the double killing last week of a florida couple with 16 children. david mattingly tells us what police have turned up. >> reporter: don, one arrest, the promise of more to come, but at this point tonight there's still no one actually accused in this double homicide. investigators are saying they had no idea what they were getting into. leonard patrick gonzalez is not accused of being a killer, but he is accused of tampering with evidence in the double murders of dird abyrd and melanie billi. the couple known for their adoption of a dozen children, many with special needs, were shot to death in a home invasion, but now it appears to be much more. >> we are very anxious to share the story with the citizens of escambia county and with the nation if you will.
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it's going to be a humdinger. >> reporter: from there the details made public are few, but authorities are talking about a case now far more complex than it first appeared and involving more people than just the three men seen on surveillance video invading the billings' home. investigators do say gonzalez was one of their persons of interest and was arrested for allegedly attempting to conceal damage and paint this old red van identified as the vehicle used in the billings break-in. more suspects and arrest are promised in a case that's become filled with unexpected twists. >> this is like a movie script, all right? and the more we delved into this and worked this case, the different avenues that it would go down, just when you thought, all right, we're in a straight line at this point with this investigation, it would take a hard right or a hard left, and it was almost as though you had another investigation that you were initiating.
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>> reporter: and you heard the sheriff calling this case a humdinger. when we tried to press him for details he said he's talking about the scope of this case, the number of people involved, the complexities behind how this case is unfolding before them. not providing any details, but clearly he's saying this is much, much bigger than they possibly anticipated. >> david mattingly, thank you very much. very quickly to another story unfolding. two killers and a rapist are on the loose. three inmates have escaped from a maximum security prissen in michigan city, indiana. police, sheriff's deputies, and staff from nearby prisons are joining in the search. authorities believe the three might have used tunnels under the prison ground. they're identified as 45-year-old lance, 48-year-old charles smith and mark bore. now to washington where they're gearing up for tomorrow's start of sonia sotomayor's supreme court
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confirmation hearing. we're told president barack obama gave sotomayor is good luck phone call this morning and he complimented her on her courtesy calls to 89 of the senators who hold her fate. the white house says the president expressed his confidence that judge sotomayor would be confirmed to serve as justice of the supreme court for many years to come. democrats have the votes to confirm sonia sotomayor, but she'll still face some tough questions during this week's hearing. let's get a preview now from kate bolduan. >> thank you, mr. president. >> reporter: a journy that began at the white house now heads to capitol hill for supreme court nominee sonia sotomayor. >> i hope that as the senate and american people learn more about me they will see that i am an ordinary person who has been blessed with extraordinary opportunities and experiences. >> reporter: senate democrats who have the votes to confirm sotomayor are expected to highlight her personal story to
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win favor. growing up poor in bronx public housing. then going on to an ivy league education and now possibly the first latina supreme court justice. a smart approach for sotomayor as well, says former reagan chief of staff, ken duberstein who has advised several high court nominees. >> give an awful lot of your personal life and your values, but also your impartiality. >> conservatives have a difficult task ahead, challenging sotomayor's record without coming across as attacking her. republicans are expected to ask tough questions about sotomayor's views on gun rights, abortion, and affirmative action. but republicans think they have a better chance taking on her off-the-bench statements like this 2005 comment at duke university. >> court of appeals is where policy is made, and i know this is on tape and i should never say that because we don't make law. i know.
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>> reporter: republicans are also sure to press sotomayor on her past statement that a wise latina woman would reach a better conclusion than a white male. senator jeff sessions is the senior republican on the senate judiciary committee. >> she has advocated a view that suggests that your personal experiences, even prejudices, she uses that word, it's expected that they would influence a decision you make, which is a blow i think at the very ideal of american justice. >> reporter: democrats, including the committee's chair, will no doubt come quickly to sotomayor's defense. >> she has the experience and the cases that show her to be a mainstream judge. anything else is nitpicking. >> reporter: sources working closely with judge sotomayor tell cnn they've intensified sotomayor's prep session in the past week trying to make sure she's ready. president obama has said he wants her confirmed before congress leaves for its august recess. kate bolduan, cnn, washington.
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let's get some insight now into what we can expect starting tomorrow. our senior legal analyst, jeffy toobin joins me now from washington. he's also the author of the book "the nine." are we looking for a showdown tomorrow? >> you will see some hard questioning from the republicans. not so much about sotomayor's qualifications because those are really without -- there's no way you can -- she's been a federal judge for 17 years. there's no doubt she's qualified. the issue will be her ideology. some republicans will raise the issue of does she identify too much with ethnic groups. will she be a special pleader for hispanics, for other minorities. that's a very tough sell given her very mainstream record, but i think that's the main argument you're going to see against her. >> a recent cnn/opinion research corporation poll said should the senate confirm sotomayor to the supreme court? 68% of democrats said yes, while
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26% of democrats said yes. so there is a definite division here. 42% independents say yes and then on and on. there's a definite division. do you think though at the end of the day or end of the week, however long it takes, you will be confirmed? >> there are 60 democrats in the senate, don, and the last time a president lost a supreme court nominee when his party controlled the senate was 1968 with lyndon johnson and abe fortus. that's a long time ago. the fact there are 60 democratic senators virtually guarantees her nomination. some republicans seem inclined to vote for her. yes, there will be some hard questioning and there should be some hard questioning. this is a big deal. this is a lifetime appointment. >> but i have to ask you this, sometimes on these occasions sop people find it necessary to do a little bit of grandstanding for their constituents who may be
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watching? >> you might think united states senators might grandstand? you're so cynical. my favorite example was when joe biden was on the judicial committee and john roberts was testifying, biden had a half an hour to ask questions. biden talked for 24 of the 30 minutes available. you know, that's what a lot of the questioning is like. you know what? that's great for sotomayor. she wants to sit there. she can't lose to the senators are talking. that will be fine with her. >> our senior legal analyst, mr. jeffrey toobin and author of "the nine" which is about the supreme court. always good to see you. >> it's the nerd super bowl tomorrow. i can't wait. >> thank you, jeffrey. remember you can see judge sotomayor's confirmation hearings live right here on cnn. the pointed questions about her background, her rulings from the bench, and much more live all week. it is a tough thing to hear. families finding out bodies of
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their loved ones were stacked in piles in a chicago area cemetery. we'll hear their stories. also former vice president cheney out of office and under fire, accused of telling the cia to hide things from congress. political analyst lynn sweet and april ryan, they can't wait to weigh in on this one. also, we want you to weigh in as well. twitter, myspace, or you, too, can be a part of our show. we have ever created. a car that can help awaken its driver if he begins to doze... keep him in his lane if he starts to wander... even stop itself if he becomes distracted. if you want to see the future of the automobile, just look at the new e-class... today. this is the 9th generation e-class. this is mercedes-benz. a heart attack at 53.
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good choice. only meineke lets you choose the brake service that's right for you. and save 50% on pads and shoes. meineke. we have some breaking news into cnn. this is what we led our newscast with. an arrest in connection with the murder of a florida couple. we're hearing now from the sheriff's department in pensacola, florida, that there is going to be a second news conference just moments from now where they're expected to announce a second arrest, a second arrest of a person, and this person is possibly going to be charged with murder. that is coming from our folks on the ground there, not exactly sure of the specifics of that
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news conference. but we're hearing, again, news conference coming up very shortly. a second person to be charged with murder in this case, waiting on the sheriff to show up. that's what we're hearing. we're waiting to confirm all of that information. we'll bring it to you as soon as we get it. meantime, the u.s. ambassador to iraq, it can be a dangerous job. the u.s. embassy says a roadside bomb targeted chr eed christoph. the bomb went off as the convoy was driving by. also in iraq bombing at six area baghdad churches. four people dead and 30 others wounded. a government source tells cnn the car bomb dealt the deadly blow when it exploded outside a church in eastern baghdad. two bombs were actually placed inside one church. the others exploded outside. many of iraq's estimated 1 million christians have fled the country after targeted attacks by extremistextremists.
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two u.s. marines were killed in afghanistan yesterday both victims of ieds. they were part of a massive anti-taliban offensive in hel mund province. a third service member died on friday from wounds he received in june. a total of 647 troops have died since military operations began in afghanistan in 2001. serious allegations against former vice president cheney today from the chairwoman of the senate intelligence committee. senator dianne feinstein says current cia director leon panetta told this to congress, that cheney once ordered the cia to withhold information from lawmakers about a secret counterterrorism program. feinstein suggested laws may have been broken, and a democratic clolleague says the report is troubling. >> if, as "the new york times" says, we have the vice president of the united states telling people to break the law, now, that's a pretty serious matter. either he did or he didn't. if he did, that's something we
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ought to know because i've been here for six administrations. usually if something is done wrong by one and it's exposed, the next one tends to behave themselves. >> republican senators cast doubts on the claims against cheney. he pointed to a recent dustup involving the speaker of the house. >> it comes on the heels of a statement unproven by speaker pelosi that the cia had lied to her about enhanced interrogation techniques, and this looks to me suspiciously like an attempt to provide political cover to her and others. >> well, the report about former vice president cheney first appeared in "the new york times." cnn has been unable to reach cheney for a comment. here to discuss some of the hot topics on capitol hill are lynn sweet, "chicago sun times." also april ryan, washington bureau chief and white house correspondent for the american
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urban radio networks. thank you very much. good to see both of you. lynn, what sort of legs could this cia surveillance story have? it is getting interesting. >> well, it could have legs because the democratic-controlled congress wants to know if there is any abuse of executive privilege. they want to know what else there is to know, and if i could quickly quote donald rumsfeld from his famous news briefing in 2002, there are unknown unknowns. the ones we don't know, the ones we don't know, and that's what the situation is right now. is there more? what else is there to be told to congress? can leon panetta figure it out. >> i understand, april, that the white house is looking at this very closely. what do they want to know? >> well, the president, indeed, wants to find out more, but you have to remember, don, you know, right after 9/11 the bush white house was trying to gain more information, and this obama administration found that the information that they pulled for this data mining was not
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productive, and my sources inside the white house and inside the administration say it's no surprise that they had this secret, this secret program. >> and, april, sonia sotomayor, her confirmation hearings begin tomorrow. it's been a very controversial couple months leading up to them. what are you looking at tomorrow? what are you hear beiing about start of those hearings. >> i have been talking to a lot of people, including my sources in the civil rights community. they're looking for something respectful and civil for her confirmation hearings, but at the same time they're very strong with sonia sotomayor because they're saying she is a friend to civil rights. she's very strong on affirmative action. i talked to mark moriel moments before we went on the air, the head of the national urban league association, and he said, look, she is -- she's strong on civil rights, on individual rights. the naacp, who is having their 100th anniversary celebration -- >> the president is going to speak there. >>. he's going to speak there. they're saying this woman -- she was communicating at least with
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civil rights stakeholders way before the nomination, this nomination process gn. so the civil rights community is very much behind her. >> but, lynn, does that even matter up on capitol hill? >> well, as jeff toobin pointed out, there 60 votes presumed. that makes this filibuster-proof. there is no threat of a filibuster. what matters is she going to have a rough time in her confirmation hearing? i don't think so. i think tomorrow the marquee moments will be from her own statements because she is going to be speaking tomorrow and in the next few days you will have a series of witnesses come. the administration has relied heavily on her narrative, on her biography, and what i think she will try to do and the friendly senators on the democratic side will try to do is say she is part of the mainstream. she's not outside of the mainstream. that's an important message to send to republican senators who might hesitate in their vote if they could argue that she's just a mainstream judge, not an activist. then it's easier to vote for
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her. >> you traveled with then senator obama to africa, i'm not sure of the date. >> 2006. >> and also watching this trip now, do you have anything you want to share with us? >> well, i do. what's interesting is that he gave a message to many of the nations of africa that you can't blame colonialism for your problems today and that some of the corrupt regimes have only to blame themselves for the poor situations that many of their constituents have. that's a message he gave in kenya and nairobi where he stood there and talked about cleaning up corruption. the other thing that's the same, the sense of adulation for him because in ghana it seems he was treated as a native son coming home, just as he was in kenya, the place where his father was born. >> i hate to do this to you, we have some breaking news. but i want to ask you you also want to share something about that trip. you think it is being seen that president obama is sort of the savior to all people of color around the world. >> yes, very high expectations
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from africans who feel that, you know, the first african-american president who is a son of africa should help them to cleanse their problems, to fix everything, and the high expectations are not going to always be met, especially if it's the first african-american president. >> april ryan, lynn sweet, thank you very much. have a good rest of the weekend, what little bit is left. >> thank you. >> i want to tell you, you're look at that little screen to the bottom right of your screen. we're watching for a press conference in florida where they're going to make a new announcement, something new about the couple that was slain in their home last week, that couple with 16 children. we'll bring that to you live here on cnn. i bet the private swim club that turned away a group of minority kids never thought the justice department might get involved. plus, the wife of a former boxing champion now a suspect in his death. we're hearing a purse may have been the weapon. been true since the day i made my first dollar. where is that dollar? i got it out to show you...
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we're awaiting a press conference and new developments in the killing of a florida couple with 16 children. police should show up at any moment. as soon as we hear what's going on, we'll bring it to you live right here on cnn. i wonder what's happening, why they're holding another press conference. a brutal home invasion in florida. i want to go to philadelphia now where a group of minority children were booted from a private swim club last week. we're now learning that the justice department may get involved and the pennsylvania human relations commission is investigating. tonight, the valley club pool says it is open to inviting, quote, creative steps daycare facility back to swim, but there was a major if here. the wife of the swim club president said as long as we can work out safety issues, we'd like to have them back. an attorney for the daycare
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center said they will make a decision when an offer is actually made, but the daycare director was not so quick to forgive. she said they should have done that before these children are scared. how can i take those children back there? we want to know what's on your mind tonight. a lot of you are weighing in. jp 6882 says if this is not racism at its worst, i don't know what it is. another says why may invite if it's safety issues? i don't know that one. get them fixed and bring back the kids. it must be a typo in there. i don't think i'd wanting to there seeing how they tried to cover it up with some lame excuse. places like that still exist. atl says i wouldn't want to send them if they were my kids. wouldn't want to send them back there. go to facebook, myspace, or try to keep it grammatically correct. it will help me out. if you can't help but get
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emotional when you hear people talk their families, the plots desecrated. listen. apparently we don't have that, so don't listen. plus, she was homeless, living in her office at work. today she owns an empire. kathy hughes, up from a past. coming up. ♪ on this endless ocean ♪ finally lovers know no shame ♪ ♪ watching in slow motion ♪ as you turn to me and say ♪ take my breath away (announcer) ge locomotives. customers love them almost as much as we love making them. ♪ my love (announcer) innovation today for america's tomorrow.
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now to that story i was telling but before the break. dozens of families are scrambling for information about the graves and remains of loved one at a suburban chicago cemetery. four employees have been digging up bodies so they could resell burial plots. many of the families met detectives at a nearby high school today since the cemetery has been declared a crime scene. the reverend jesse jackson organized a vigil today. police suspect at least 300 of the 100,000 graves have been dug up at the historically african-american cemetery. saying good-bye to a dying loved one is hard enough, but
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imagine having to relive it. cheryl jackson was at the cemetery today and spoke to families. >> i'm just saying why. >> i don't understand how people could do that. >> they have no -- >> they're all piled up on top of each other in one area. >> reporter: sisters rosie and ann and their niece janet joseph say they have about 40 family members burred at burr oak cemetery. >> this is their oldest son, our brother, lloyd. that's my sister. >> this is my mom. >> reporter: one funeral program after another shows where their loved ones were laid to rest. now, they say there, is no rest for anyone connected with burr oak. >> when we finally buried them, they're at peace now. so we can't even say they're at peace now because they've dug up their remains and done who knows what. how hard can people be? >> reporter: police say four employees are responsible for digging up the graves and reselling them. piles and piles of human remains
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were found above the ground of the cemetery, some mingled. >> as long as my relatives been out there, they may have dug them up and put somebody on top of them. >> reporter: records indicate some graves may have more than one body in them. janet joseph's mother died about 20 years ago. information from police leads her to believe that her mother may have been targeted. >> and then they had to dismember the bodies. the bones. and put it somewhere else. it's like a serial killer to me. >> it's already hard enough to bury your mother once. what if you have to do it again? >> you know what? i haven't thought about that. if i have to bury her again. i haven't thought about that. >> we have so many questions. we have a lot of questions. so we're going to hold hands and pray whatever that needs to be done, we will do it. >> that was cnn's cheryl jackson. officials have received more
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than 7,000 written inquiries about loved ones buried at burr oak cemetery but they've only processed 400 because the cemetery's records are, in their words, disastrous. a dead boxer a bloody purse strap. now his wife is a suspect this. case is far from over. and las vegas will celebrate the king of pop's birthday with style. we're in for a star-studded concert there. plus, we will discuss the hot topics of the day with our talk show hosts. warren, i know you were paying particular attention to that cemetery story. you have 50 family members buried there. >> yes. >> all right. we'll talk about that on the other side of the break. (announcer) because active protection matters. because certified professionals matter. because rapid response matters. brink's home security is now broadview security - for home or business. and now you can get the standard system installed for just $99.
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we're hearing a news
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conference. you see the live pictures there. our producers, reporters, getting ready for a news conference in florida where they're expected to announce some new information about the double murder of a florida couple. we're hearing it could happen by 11:00 p.m. eastern. maybe at the top of the hour, maybe a few minutes before. they're not exactly sure. they're trying to get their ducks in a row. we're going to carry it for you live here on cnn if it comes within this 10:00 hour, 10:00 eastern hour here. if we're not on the air when this comes, you can go to they will stream it live for you, but we're standing by and we're watching. the death of u.s. lightweight boxings campion arturo gatti, it may have been a homicide. the boxer's 23-year-old wife is being held by brazilian authorities. the gattis were on vacation in brazil with their young child when the senior gatti was found dead in their hotel room yesterday. police confirmed to cnn that gatti appeared to have been strangled. brazilian news reports say a bloody purse strap was found at that scene. mark your calendars,
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saturday, august 29th, las vegas a staur-studded tribute and benefit concert honoring michael jackson. that's according to "the las vegas review journal." they say all the big names from the las vegas strip will appear at the show at the palm casino. it's michael jackson's birthday. the paper says jermaine jackson is talking about a possible jackson brothers reunion show. i'm joined by two of our regular radio hosts, martha and warren. i want to start with michael jackson, guys. a huge story on the radio. everyone was talking about it last week. especially how this story transcended race, borders, and perception. i want you to listen to someone who doesn't really speak on issues concerning entertain am and i want to get your take on it. take a listen, louis farrakhan. >> when he made that song, doesn't matter if you're black or white because the outside lost its meaning. the real meaning is not the color of your skin, it's the
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spirit that energizes you and moves you to action. that's the real person, and that's why jesus said, as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. >> was that the message behind all of this? much has been made about the reporting of it, what michael jackson was, what kind of icon he was. but is that the overall bottom line with that, martha? >> well, certainly what someone's character is is all they've got. your character lives beyond you. i mean, that's what people remember about you. that's what people talk about. so, yes, i mean, that's what the making of a person is. i'm not sure what minister fair c -- farrakhan meant. >> the footwork you did for this story, outstanding, outstanding. >> thank you, warren. you don't have to say that. >> i'm being cleomplete honest
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with you. i think minister farrakhan was saying this. it wasn't about what was inside of michael. basically we may have come here on different ships but we're all on the same boat. it doesn't matter if you're black, white, hispanic, asian. >> michael jackson on the radio. you guys are on the radio. it's appropriate to bring it up. let's talk about the president's agenda. a lot on his plate. can he get all of this done? sonia sotomayor, health care, cap and trade. can he get all of this done? >> i think we found out this week he had his first bad week legislatively where he had barbara boxer say we can't get cap and trade done before august, which the president wanted and then 50 blue dog democrats went to nancy pelosi and said health care is not going to happen the way you want it to. we have to preserve what we have while we're trying to protect people that don't have insurance. so it was a tough week for the president.
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you know, he's a very intelligent man. i'm sure he can do many things at one time, but from a legislative standpoint, this is probably the worst week he's had. >> real quick, warren -- >> i don't think it was a rough week. i think this was anticipated and i think that the president is going to make this work and the congress is going to make this work. >> the cia saying the story about former vice president dick cheney instructed the cia to lie to congress. are people talking about that? are you hearing your listeners? >> my listeners aren't surprised about this at all. in fact, i said this was going to be the case three months ago. i said they will do some investigation and find out this government, this white house administration had told congress or told the cia to lie to congress. i predicted this three months ago. >> martha has a very different take. you don't think the sourcing is correct on it, do you? >> no, i really don't. they had two unnamed sources f you're going to do a good story, you have to have three if they're not going to identify themselves. but also joe biden is admitting to having meetings right now that he's having with people
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that he's not keeping records on. we have to look at this in context and i think that ultimately even dianne feinstein said when this happened, it was eight years ago, right after 9/11. i don't think much is going to come from that. >> warren, i want to get to you real quick because my condolences go to you. when you heard about the story you called me and said you had 50 family members there. i know you're from the chicago area and you know at least four of them that they can't account for or have been moved? >> four of them have possibly been moved. my mom and aunt are so distraught. it's such a sad story. burr oak was one of the few cemetery that is would allow african-americans to be buried there until up to 1955. most of the people on the south side of chicago have ties to that cemetery. my prayers are out to my family and every family who has a family member burred in burr oak. even the family members of the accused because they will have to live with this shame that their family put on them. >> it is a sad story.
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warren, martha, thank you so much. i appreciate you coming in. >> thanks. our hearts and prayers are with you as well and all of the other family members. mother nature has her way at the kennedy space center. nasa was forced to scrub the shuttle launch today. well, we're going to look ahead with our jackie jeras. it was all about the weather. >> lots of thunderstorms out there. not just in florida but also across parts of the deep south. find out if storms will delay your flight plans tomorrow. that's coming up yet tonight. - announcer: live a little... - ( crickets chirping ) - ( helicopter whirring ) - ...a lot. the first-ever is convertible from lexus. - ( helicopter whirring ) - ...a lot. ♪ [ female announcer ] looking for a stronger bath tissue that leaves fewer pieces behind? ♪ fortunately, there's charmin ultra strong. with its diamondweave texture, charmin ultra strong is soft and more durable. more durable so when compared to the ultra rippled brand,
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live again to florida near pensacola. the double murder of a florida couple. we're expecting a news conference to happen within this
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hour. it could come right at the top of the hour just as we're going off the air. if it does, you can go to otherwise, we'll have it right here for you live on cnn. take a look now at the space shuttle. live on the launchpad. this is also out of florida. it is not going anywhere tonight. for the second time in as many days. nasa has scrubbed the scheduled launch of "endeavour." the shuttle was supposed to have lifted off in the 7:00 p.m. hour, but just minutes before nasa backed off because storms around the 20-mile radius of florida's kennedy space center. there were storms there. the new launch time is tomorrow evening just before 7:00 p.m. eastern, and whenever it happens, of course, you can watch it live right here on cnn. jacqui jeras will tell us about that plus a look ahead at our workweek forecast. what do you have, jacqui? >> i just want to show you a radar image because it's kind of cool and helps put it in perspective what happened with the scrub of the launch today. you can see the launchpad and this is a radar image from 7:00,
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just after tonight where these storms were. they were right along that i-95 interstate here and west of there, and they were just too close. lightning strikes were in the vicinity as well. so we'll watch for that chance of sea breeze thunderstorms to redevelop again in that area for tomorrow afternoon. so maybe a 30% or so chance that the launch will have to be scrubbed once again due to the thunderstorms. we've had a lot of thunderstorms tonight. oh, my gosh, this complex has been holding together all day long. it caused flash flooding and damage in kansas city. paducah in nashville and into the atlanta metro area, we have some pictures we want to show you. a little time lapse video of the lightning and storm. you can see it in atlanta about two hours ago. as much as two inches of rain fell in just an hour. this was really widespread across much of the deep south. our other big weather story continues to be the heat just building across much of the south. 102 in dallas tomorrow.
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looking for 98 degrees there in houston and phoenix hit 115 today. a record high. tomorrow may be a smidge cooler if we're lucky. back to work, back to reality for you tomorrow. we'll be dealing with the storms in the southeast as well as the upper midwest. nice conditions, however, in the northeast. we're going to be traveling there. it should be smooth sailing, but watch out in atlanta and also places like nashville and memphis. don? >> texas and further west, just get in the pool and hang out all day with a bunch of sunscreen and lots of water. >> watch lots of movies inside in air conditioning maybe. >> jacqui, thank you. she's a broadcasting pioneer giving a voice to the voiceless. >> it is the african-american community of washington, d.c., that has kept this country functioning, running, and no one allowed them a voice. no one covered the greatness of their community. the only thing that we ever got from the media in washington, d.c., was a crack house being raided or someone being shot, stabbed, or robbed.
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>> kathy hughes. she never lost her voice and she founded a radio empire. she's up from a past, and tonight she let's loose. you'll hear her. of the world's most revered luxury sedan. this is a history of over 50,000 crash-tested cars... this is the world record for longevity and endurance. and one of the most technologically advanced automobiles on the planet. this is the 9th generation e-class. this is mercedes-benz.
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she built a radio empire,
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gained a massive following, and broke all kinds of barriers in broadcasting, and believe me it wasn't easy. she even ended up homeless at one point. she is cathy hughes. she is the center of our up from a past african-american first series tonight. >> our responsibility is dictated and mandated by the federal communications commission is to serve the public interest. >> cathy hughes is living the dream, one she had since growing up in omaha, nebraska. >> i knew it when my mother bought me the transistor radio. i knew it with the toothbrush that was my microphone. when god puts something on you, in the clergy they call it a calling. >> a calling that inspired her to work her way through the hard scrabble, male dominated radio business. her first gig was at a nebraska radio station. but a job offer as a lecturer in howard university's communications department would help shape her destiny. by moving her to washington, d.c. hughes had even bigger plans.
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>> i didn't want to be on the other side of the radio running things. i wanted to be on that microphone and i wanted to be the first black woman with a nationally syndicated radio show. >> in 1973, hughes became sales director of the university's struggling radio station whur-fm. by the time she left in 1979, she was general manager and says she boosted whur's revenue from $300,000 to $3.5 million. >> this was the greatest opportunity of my life. it was a defining moment in my career. >> it gave her the confidence to buy a small d.c. radio station, wol, and start her own company called radio one. it wasn't easy. >> black folks weren't borrowing millions of dollars. and women were not able to get a million dollar loan. and i was under 30. so i had all of these things going against me. >> against her professionally and personally. her marriage ended in divorce.
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but her newly found single mother status would end up helping her career. >> because of the quiet storm. >> the quiet storm. i had all these girlfriends who on friday night would be calling up each other saying let's get together. let's go out. well, that's not my idea of an exciting friday evening. my idea of an exciting friday evening is a good looking brother like you going out to dinner and going to a movie or something, doing something having some, you know, intellectual exchange. and so i created the quiet storm for my girlfriends, quite frankly, so they would have companionship. >> people started listening. and hughes got bolder by targeting d.c.'s black community with an all-talk format. >> it is the african-american community of washington, d.c., that has kept this country functioning, running, and no one allowed them a voice. no one covered the greatness of their community. the only thing that we ever got from the media in washington,
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d.c., was a crack house being raided or someone being shot, stabbed, or robbed. >> a risky move for which she took a lot of flack. >> wol, we're in the business of keeping our doors open. our bottom line is our number one consideration. we're not here to bring you something that is of displeasure. >> i'm fighting white advertisers who are telling me the black folks don't want news and information. and i'm fighting black folks who are afraid they're going to be embarrassed if they start expressing themselves. >> hughes had the will power and the drive, but she didn't know how to manage money. the fledgling radio mogul almost lost it all ending up homeless, living in her office with a sleeping bag for a bed. >> i'm washing up in the public bathroom and going to a girlfriend's house i grew up with in omaha, nebraska, taking my showers in the evening and washing up in the morning in the public bathroom that my staff and guests would be in. >> did your staff know? >> oh, yes. absolutely they knew.
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i was cooking on a hot plate. >> as the bank threatened foreclosure, at the final meeting hughes clung to her faith. >> i prayed this prayer that god would just use me to say the right thing. i stood up and said to them that they did not have the power to foreclose on me. that i felt that god had me on a mission to provide a voice for black people. >> her prayers were answered. she says the government-run small business administration came up with a payment plan that included a finance lesson in exchange for her teaching it to others. soon wol began turning a profit, enough to buy other radio stations in d.c. and eventually around the country. in 2004 she launched tv one, also targeting a black audience, and hughes is the first african-american woman to head a company publicly traded on a u.s. stock exchange. is it more about fate or is it more about passion and drive? >> i think it's a combination. i think that you have to have
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the passion and drive. when you are able to earn a living in something that turns you on, that excites you, that stimulates you, that inspires you, it's not work. >> the little girl who fell asleep listening to her transistor radio now owns the airwaves. cathy hughes is an african-american first. up from a past, african-american first airs every sunday night, 7:00 and 10:00 p.m. right here on cnn. our soledad o'brien has been working on some very special stories you will see only on july 22nd and 23rd when cnn presents "black in america two." all new stories here on cnn. don't go away. we have some new information on the developing situation in florida. breaking news after the break.
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so what do you think?
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i think i'll go with the basic package. good choice. only meineke lets you choose the brake service that's right for you. and save 50% on pads and shoes. meineke. back now to our breaking news. escambia county, florida, david
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mattingly colonelifollowing eve development. >> reporter: we are back here in this conference room waiting to hear from the sheriff again. this time we're told about another arrest in this double homicide case. what exactly the charges will be will have to wait and hear from him directly. who this might be, we're not sure. we know they had two persons of interest that they had been talking to in this case since yesterday. one of those persons was arrested today and he was charged with tampering with evidence, not with anything with the double murder that started this case, but with tampering with evidence. this particular person has been arrested and now we're hearing we might have a second arrest coming up. could this be the one that is finally a murder charge? we'll find out shortly. >> we're awaiting that press conference.
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david mattingly standing by. we will try to bring it to you live. if it doesn't make it within the 10:00 hour,, they will carry it for you. it could come after the break so don't go away. we've made a great product even better. now every drop of shell gasolines... contain a nitrogen-enriched cleaning system... that seeks and destroys engine gunk... left by lower-quality gasoline. it protects engines from performance-robbing gunk. try new nitrogen-enriched shell gasolines. [ thinking ] burning, itching... but the pain's the worst. i shoulda used... [ bump ] [ male announcer ] preparation h cream. burning, itching, plus maximum strength pain relief, on contact. the most complete relief, from preparation h. pain relief on contact.
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the big question in this case, this is really a who done it, and why would they target or kill two people with 16 children? many of them adopted. some of them with downs syndrome. some of the children at home at the time of this murder. we're talking about the murder of a florida couple inside their escambia county home right here pensacola, florida. we're waiting for a news conference with the sheriff's department there. they're expected to announce a new arrest in the case. they're not saying if this person will be charged with murder. there was an arrest earlier in the case. his name is leonard patrick gonzalez. he was arrested but charged with tampering with evidence and could spend up to five years in prison for


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