tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN July 13, 2009 10:00pm-12:00am EDT
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london kate alden was born on thursday, our producer and his wife. mother, father and big brother emerson are doing well. emerson, congratulations. time now for "ac 360." anderson? >> tonight a "360" exclusive. one-on-one with president obama in africa. part of an emotional and historic journey for president obama and his family. the president in the crowd dancing in front of his kids until sasha tries to put an end to it. literally retracing the steps that millions of enslaved africans took. we talked to the president of the impact of this place on his family and on america. a wide ranging discussion of the economy, don't-ask, don't tell and afghanistan. commanders say they don't have
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enough afghan support and three american service men have been killed since friday. this is the first time you have sent marines into combat. does it make you think differently about the conflict knowing you sent troops in? >> absolutely. it is the most profound decision i have made since being president. i have to sign letters for those who are fallen. we've seen a ramp up of fighting taking place in afghanistan. during the g-8 summit i was with gordon brown as he received news reports that you had additional british soldiers killed. the entire coalition is making enormous sacrifices and obviously, our soldiers are fighting hard. i want to make sure we have the
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best possible strategy to succeed in a very limited aim, to ensure that al qaeda and its allies cannot launch attacks against the u.s. homeland and u.s. interests. >> on the economy, vice president biden said you misread the economy. you said, no, no, no. we had incomplete information. nevertheless you said you would not have done anything differently. that seems contradictory. if you had known unemployment was going to 9.5% wouldn't you have asked for more money in the stimulus? >> it is not contradictory. keep in mind we got an $800 billion stimulus package. the largest stimulus package approved by a united states congress. the stimulus package is working exactly as we had anticipated. we gave out tax cuts early so that consumers could start spending or at least pay down debt so they could at later debt
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start spending. we put in $144 billion to states so that they wouldn't have to cut teachers and police officers and other social services that are vital, particularly at a time of recession and we always anticipated that a big chunk of that money then would be spent not only in the second half of the year but also next year. this was designed to be a two-year plan not a six-month plan. now, it may turn out that the enormous loss of wealth, the depth of the recession that's occurred requires us to re-evaluate and see what else we can do in combination with the -- >> possibly a second stimulus? >> well, there are a whole range of things, anderson, that we've done. the bank have stabilize much more quickly than we had anticipated. they're not all the way to where we would like them to be, but
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we've seen significant process. >> you still see glimers of hope? >> if you look at both financial sectors, the ability of businesses to get loans, the dropoff of volatility that has taken place, the general trajectory is in the right direction. >> one more question before we go to africa, don't-ask, don't tell. it requires an act of congress to overturn it. you say you want it to be overturned. your critics say, look, you could stop enforcement, you could defer enforcement. why not? >> i have had conversations with bob gates as well as admiral mullen about the fact that i want to see this law changed. i also want to make sure that, a, we are not simply ignoring a congressional law. if congress passes a law that is constitutionally valid then it's not appropriate for the
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executive branch simply to say we will not enforce a law. it is our duty to enforce laws. i do think that there's the possibility, though, that we change how the law is being enforced even as we are pursuing a shift in congressional policy. but, look the bottom line is i want to see this changed. we've already contacted congressional allies. i want to make sure it is changed in a way that ultimately works well for our military and for the outstanding gay and lesbian soldiers that are currently enlisted or would like to enlist. >> do you personally have a timetable in mind of when you would like to see it changed? >> i would like to see it done sooner rather than later. we have begun a process to not only work it through congress but make sure that the pentagon has thought through tall
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ramifications of how this would be most effective. >> before we walk, i want to ask you a question. you talked about your father. how much of this trip is about his story in kenya, with corruption and tribalism? >> his system but also my family's story which still continues. i'm reminded of the fact that on the one hand you have people of extraordinary talent and energy and drive. some of who succeeded but others who have been blocked because they find themselves in circumstances that africans all across the continent find themselves. can't get adequate school fees to get the education they need. try to get a job and turns out you have to pay a bribe to get that job. you know, living in small
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villages in which basic infrastructure still isn't provided and the public health system isn't adequate so that you are seeing children who at a very early age start having significant disadvantages. those are all things that i've seen and witnessed and those are stories that i've heard directly from people who i know. so when i think about these development issues, they're not abstractions to me. i can put a face and a name to what people are going through and that makes a difference. >> some of the images from ghana we saw while there. president obama's personal experience in africa next. you can join me on the live chat happening at my exclusive walk with the president through cape coast castle where so many enslaved
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africans died and so many visit to retrace their heritage. >> i think there is a special sense for african-americans somehow connecting up with a part of yourself that you might not have even been aware was there. breaking news. a new arrest in the murder that shocked the country and left more than a dozen kids without a mom and dad. new details on the murders in florida. the investigation into michael jackson's death. latoya jackson's explosive allegations. she says she knows who killed him that and more tonight on "360." imodium multi-symptom relief
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i was in ghana following president obama and his family. i spoke with the president at cape coast castle where he took a tour with his family. he visited the dungeons where countless enslaved africans were held to be shipped as cargo. many african-americans looking to retrace their roots. >> do you think what happens here happens in america? that the slave experience is something that should be talked about and and remembered in everyday life? >> i think the experience of slavery is like the experience
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of the holocaust. it is one of those things you don't forget about. i think it is important that the way we think about it and the way it's taught is not one in which there's simply a victim and a victimizer and that's the end of the story. i think the way it has to be thought about, the reason it is relevant is because of what is happening in darfur or what is happening in the congo or what is happen iing in too many plac around if world, the capacity for cruelty still exists, the capacity to think about people who are different not just on the basis of race but religion or sexual orientation or gender still exists. so trying to use these kinds of
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extraordinary moments to widen the lens and make sure that we are all reflecting on how we are treating each other i think is something i want my kids to think about and i want every child to think about. >> how did you explain it to sasha and malia? >> well, you try to explain that people were willing to degrade others because they appeared differently and you try to get them to engage in the imaginative act of what it would be like if they were snatched away from mom and dad and sent to some place they had never seen before. part of what you also try to do with kids is get them imagine themselves on the other side, as being the slave merchant and that slave merchant might have loved their children and gone to that place of worship right
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above the dungeon and get them to make sure they are constantly asking themselves questions about whether they are treating people fairly and whether they are examining their own behavior and how it affects others. >> this is the door of no return for african-americans. i spoke to one african-american lady yesterday she said coming here was such a powerful experience she decided to move here. they say there is a sense of coming home. do you understand that feeling? >> well, you know, i will tell you the first time i traveled to africa, i think that there is a special sense for african-american african-americans of somehow connecting up with a part of yourself that you might not have
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even been aware was there. now obviously for me it was different because i was directly meeting relatives and learning about a father i didn't know. i do think there is a sense for a lot of african-americans that it is a profound life-changing experience. the interesting thing is -- and i have met a lot of white americans who come to africa and say it was a life changing experience for them. there is a powerful sense of tapping into something very elemental. >> you sort of always come back? >> you do. later in the program we take you to a place where slavery still exists. more of the conversation with president obama on "360" including war crimes in afghanistan, whether he supports an investigation. there were light moments with president obama, specifically light gray. you are getting grayer.
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are you worried about it? >> as long as i have you as a role model. >> that and much more. michelle obama, descendants of slaves and slave owners and sasha and malia met pope benedict. light moments with bugs. you can read my tweets from the trip including a bug bite that made my eye swell shut before meeting with the president. kind of odd. judge sonia sotomayor fighting back against critics. police make an arrest in the murder of the florida couple known for adopting special needs kids. we'll be right back.
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supreme court nominee sonia sotomayor in the hot seat. the raw politics behind the confirmation on capitol hill. first randy kay with a "360" bulletin. randy. >> security is tied around christian places of worship in iraq after a wave of church bombings. the latest attack this morning happened when a car blew up around mosul. six churches in and around baghdad were bombed and left four people dead. president obama picked doctor regina benjamin to be the next surgeon general. she has been working in the clinic for the poor in alabama. the chairwoman of the senate intelligence committee says leon panetta testified that former
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vice president dick cheney ordered the agency not to brief congress about a secret counterintelligence program started shortly after 9/11. senator dianne feinstein revealed those details on "fox news sunday." anderson, next time you stub your toe or slam your finger, don't censor your reaction. a new study finds a four letter word or two can make you feel better. researchers in england asked students to put their hand in a tub of ice water for as long as possible. the subjects who swore tolerated the painful cold longer. i don't know about you but i know a few people that could come in handy for. breaking arrests in the murder of a florida couple. who did it and why. a possible cuffle deal in the works of katherine jackson
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breaking news in a fast-moving murder investigation. another arrest was announced a short time ago. police believe as many as eight people were involved in the murder of a couple known for adopting kids with special needs. david mattingly joins me from the sheriff's office. what do we know about the
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investigation? >> reporter: anderson, gary lamont sumner jr. is the late toast be arrested. he was arrested after a routine traffic stop. the late zest four, three charged with murder. the sheriff is sounding very confident they could be wrapping this thing up. >> we are also encouraged by the information we have been receiving all day today and we expect more arrests to be imminent in this case. these seem to take on a life of their own and we are very proud to announce that we plan to bring all the suspects identified in this case to justice very shortly. >> reporter: they are expecting an arrest, it could be as early as tomorrow. other persons of interest they are still looking for. >> they said this crime was carried out with precision.
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do we know anything about motive or how it was carried out? >> so far they are willing to say there was robbery as a motive. there is the possibility there were some other motives. they have not, however, been able to nail down or tell us if they have any idea why this couple was murdered. they are willing to say this was robbery, but why were they killed? that still lingers and haunts this investigation. >> where are the kids, david? >> reporter: the kids are with family. i spoke to a family member who tells me the children are being well cared for, being kept together, maintained as a family. they will be cared for by family members. some provisions made, plans made in case something happened to the parents. they are putting those plans into place to make sure these children are raised by their family and raised together.
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>> this seems to have been executed with precision. >> that's right. that is something they have marvelled out. the men that went into this house, they entered from the front and rear of the home almost simultaneously. they were in the house a total of four minutes, got what they needed and got out. that suggests there was some sort of planning, suggests they were familiar with the house itself. the sheriff has not said that to us. it shows there was a lot of planning and they were only on this property with their vehicles, two vehicles now, on this property for a total of ten minutes. they were in and out of that house in a remarkable amount of time. >> there has been a fourth arrest. we will continue to follow the story. many of you are weighing in on our blog. join the chat at judging sonia sotomayor. the historic supreme court nominee in the hot seat speaking out against her critics. latoya jackson saying her
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brother was murdered and she knows who killed them. and a possible deal for custody of michael jackson's kids when "360" continues. you have questions. who can give you the financial advice you need? where will you find the stability and resources to keep you ahead of this rapidly evolving world? these are tough questions. that's why we brought together two of the most powerful names in the industry. introducing morgan stanley smith barney. here to rethink wealth management. here to answer... your questions. morgan stanley smith barney. a new wealth management firm
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it's the first supreme court confirmation hearing of the obama presidency. if confirmed judge sonia sotomayor will become the first hispanic and third woman to serve on the supreme court. today she confronted her critics, faced protesters and said she would strengthen our justice system. candy crowley has tonight's raw politics. >> reporter: her turn. >> i do. >> reporter: sotomayor on sotomayor. >> many senators have asked me about my judicial philosophy. simple. fidelity to the law. the task of a judge is not to make law, it is to apply the law. >> reporter: it the crux of the matter. how does the judge judge?
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>> nothingless than our liberty is at stake. may judges set aside or consider their personal feelings in deciding cases? is judicial impartiality is duty or an option? >> reporter: the legal and political framework for the week was set from the get-go. republicans suspicious of a nominee that says a wise latina woman can make a better decision than a white man will factor prejudice into her decisions. >> whatever it is, it is not law. it is more akin to politics. >> reporter: democrats intent on defending a judge with heavy duty credentials and a record they see as mainstream. >> there is not one law for one color and another. >> reporter: hr background in credentials, republicans tough but polite.
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the nominee took it in with her best pocker face judge look and laid the ground work for tuesday. >> my personal and professional experiences help me to listen and understand with the law always commanding the result in every case. >> reporter: all in all, a fairly high-minded discourse on judicial philosophy but the 19 lawmakers on the panel feel the strong undertow of politics, that includes the newly minted senator from minnesota who appears to have lost his standup comic gene. >> their definition of an activist judge is one who votes differently than they would like. >> reporter: politics, philosophy and one more thing, reality. >> unless you have a come pleet meltdown, you are going to get confirmed and i don't think you will. >> seriously, after having survived 17 years on the bench and 3 1/2 hours listening to senators it seems unlikely she will melt down now. candy crowley, cnn, washington.
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>> some politicians question who she will be an activist judge, some complain that roberts is a conservative judge on the court. >> jeffrey toobin, a well respected legal commentator reported that "in every major case since he became the nation's 17th chief justice roberts has sided with the prosecution over the defendant, the state over the condemned, the executive branch over the legislative and the corporate defendant over the individual plaintiff." >> well respected legal commentator and author of "the nine." jeffrey toobin joins us now. >> can i say one thing? >> that sheldon whitehouse has a big future. he is only in his first term. >> other than your name coming up, were there any other surprises today? >> there was one big surprise
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today. in the legal world the hot button issue has been same-sex marriage. it was not mentioned today. in 2004 karl rove said that was the key to getting president bush re-elected, mobilizing his base on that issue. here both sides just stayed away from it. it is no longer the sure-fire winner it was for republicans. they didn't challenge sotomayor on it at all. >> is lindsey graham right she is going to get the nomination? >> it is hard to see how she will lose. there are 12 democrats, seven republicans on the committee, 60 democrats, 40 republicans in the senate. do the math. there hasn't been a democrat who suggested voting against her. i don't see how she can lose. >> several republicans criticized obama today. >> i think the republicans have an excellent point.
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i think both sides should talk about the ideology. the party in power always talks about the qualifications. the professional excellence but the party out of power always talks about ideology. these jobs are so important and the justices hold them for so long we should know something about their ideology. >> there is central criticism that she will let her personal experiences influence her judicial experience. >> that is a stretch. if you looked how she has ruled in discrimination cases in all those years on the bench. she ruled for the defendants in most discrimination cases. it is true she was in -- her decision was overruled in the recchi case involving the new
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haven firefighters. four justices agreed with her on the supreme court including david souter. that is hardly a big repudiation. that is going to be a tough charge to make stick. >> jeff, stick around. i want to talk to you in a moment. new developments in the l m looming custody bamt over michael jackson's kids. a police where slavery still exists, the victims, kids, the conditions they are forced to live in, horrifying. sanjay gupta investigates. ththth
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there is word tonight the jackson family is negotiating behind the scenes with lawyers for debbie rowe the biological mother of michael jackson's two oldest kids. latoya jackson told the london tabloids she believes her brother was murdered for her money. there was supposed to be a custody hearing for the jackson kids but got postponed for a second time. do we know why? >> a source close to the family told us that katherine jackson's attorney is trying to broker a deal regarding custody. the family is trying to sort out what they want from debbie rowe, michael jackson's ex-wife. we are told the family wants her to give up custody and any visitation rights. apparently the family is trying to work out some nondisclosure
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agreement that jackson had with rowe. she wasn't allowed to talk to the media about him or talk about her children. rowe may be forced to not give anymore media interviews. >> has rowe signalled whether she will agree to this or how much money is changing hands. >> rowe has showed she is willing to hear the family out and possibly agree to a deal just like this. michael jackson raised these kids. she had visitation rights at one point but that never worked out. as far as money, absolutely part of the deal. there is quite a large payoff in the works. rowe stands to be paid "many millions" if she agrees to give up any contact and any custody with her two children so the singer's mother, katherine k. raise them. >> what about latoya jackson giving an interview, she made comments about debbie rowe and custody of the kids.
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what did she say? >> that interview with latoya jackson took place last week. we confirmed she was paid for that interview. >> wow. big surprise there. >> yeah, i know. right. latoya is quoted as saying in the article, these are not debbie's kids. they don't know she is their mother. like everyone else in his life she was motivated by money. we tried to reach debbie rowe through her attorneys but our calls were not returned. the paper said latoya said i believe michael was murdered. she used the word murder. according to the article latoya blamed a shad dowy entourage and his handlers saw him as a cash cow and fed him addictive drugs to control his moods. here is what the reporter who
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interviewed latoya told larry king about the control his handlers appeared to have. >> joe jackson went to the front door on many occasions they wouldn't let him in. when latoya called the house she couldn't speak to her brother. this is all very suspicious. >> did this article in "the daily mail" offer any information about the circumstances surrounding his death? >> the reporter said jackson was not found in his bed. as you know, that has been widely reported since day one. he was in a nearby bedroom belonging to his personal physician, conrad murray. his car was examined an returned to him. we don't know what was found if anything inside it. dr. murray's spokesperson said in response to latoya's comments, that is just not true.
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i'm not sure where latoya is getting it. she saw a drip stand and oxygen canisters lining the walls. >> any result on the toxicology report? >> results from jackson's autopsy could be announced as early as friday but looking more likely midweek next week. we are staying on top of it. >> let's dig deeper. senior legal analyst jeffrey toobin. last week joe jackson said foul play may have been involved. that was a paid interview. latoya jackson said it was murder in a paid interview and a conspiracy of people led to his death. what do you make of this? >> i don't make much of it. i am so skeptical. think of the facts and circumstances we know. there is no suggestion that
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somebody intentionally killed michael jackson. this is just nonsense as far as i can tell. yes, there may be questions about the quality of medical care he got, yes, possible negligence involved but murder seems completely -- >> murder is different than homicide. >> murder is intentional homicide. >> if he died of a drug overdose and given prescriptions he shouldn't have had or too many or intravenously to put him to sleep, that wouldn't be murder. >> that certainly wouldn't be murder. you could accuse someone of manslaughter, unintentional taking of a life. there is a lot more any investigator would need to know including what role jackson himself played in getting the drugs to him. i mean, that is a big issue in in case.
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>> if you track down what doctors gave him what drugs, what could they be charged with? >> professional misconduct resulting in the loss of their license. they could be sued civilly by jackson's estate or a criminal charge for some sort of manslaughter. but, again, i don't want to assume any misconduct on the part of these doctors until there is a lot more evidence. >> in terms of the custody, i don't know how many times debbie rowe can give up custody of these kids. allegedly she did it once before for a sum of money and got it back and now there may be negotiations behind the scenes. i don't know if that is true. it is one source telling us this. what happens? i mean, what happens in terms of the custody? >> well, michael jackson's death changes the whole situation. as the surviving parent she does
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have a reasonable claim to custody of these children at least in the abstract. so if you are the jackson family and if you really want to see katherine jackson have custody of these children, the possibility of a settlement is certainly one you would want to consider. debbie rowe, just to put this crudely, she sold her children once, she may want to sell them again. this looks like an opportunity to cash in for her. >> theoretically she could make a deal, get money and not have a relationship with the kids and when they become adults one day have a relationship with the kids if they want it? >> right. these kids are approaching the age where they will have contact with who they want to have contact with. in terms of custody which is a legal status for minor children and the oldest child is 12, debbie rowe does have at least a claim that a judge would want to listen to. it might be in the jackson's
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family interest to say here is some money for you not putting that claim before the judge. >> we have to get better video of debbie rowe. we are using that video where she was ambushed on the street. i feel bad for her on that one. we'll try to use other video. president obama talks about the slave trade. we take you to a pras where slavery is still a problem. dr. sanjay gupta meets kids forced into labor. you won't believe what their lives are like and what he found. a welcome sign of change, a historic battle on the soccer field. our shot of the day. (announcer) this is nine generations of the world's most revered luxury sedan. this is a history of over 50,000 crash-tested cars...
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around the world. there are 27 million slaves in the world today according to a nonprofit group free the slaves. haiti remains one of the placs s of the slave trade. sanjay, haiti is known for extreme poverty, the violence we have seen there. you are covering a story about a form of modern day slavery. what is it? >> that's right, anderson. it is known as the most impoverished and least developed country in the western hemisphere. the history of haiti is very interesting. it was born out of a slave revolution at the end of the 18th century. despite that, there is a form of modern day slavery. it comes from a creole world
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stays with. children are sent from the countryside to work as slaves. we met a man who took us around some of the slum areas of port-au-prince and introduced us to dina. we wanted to get an idea of what her life was like. we met her at 5:00 in the moshing where she was the water transporter for a couple of houses in these slums, carrying big five gallon jugs up the hill. mopping floors, washing dishes and essentially for scraps, no pay, all of it under the threat of mental and physical abuse. as far as carrying the jugs up. i just wanted to try it myself to get an idea of how hard it is. over 40 pounds, on your hill several times a day up hill. that is a daily routine. >> is this legal in haiti? >> well, it is interesting.
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we tried to ask that question of the ministry of social affairs. as far as we can tell there are no specific child labor laws here in haiti. more than that, anderson, i would say it is a haitian way of life, restivix, thinking they are going to get a better life. we found they sell whips openly and they are sold for the express person of beating, whipping, torturing, torturing these children. it is the way it is. laws aside, this is how it works. >> it is stunning they are not getting paid. as a doctor do you have a sense of what impact this has on these kids, physically, mentally? >> well, you know, from a physical standpoint it is almost impossible. i tried to look into that. none of these children see doctors. there is no health record. they don't have birth
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certificates. tariing that kind of load, just that one thing on young child's bones, i'm a grown man, i had difficulty doing it once. they do it several times a day. mentally, anderson, there is a seasons of self-loathing. they have no value whatsoever and that is a huge concern. dina, she told me that no one had given her hug up until the age of 14. zero affection. they are treated worse than animals. >> it is unbelievable to think this happens in the modern world so close to america. for more information about the foundation what they do go to their web it is. let's get more on the other stories. randy kay is back. >> hi again, anderson. two of three inmates who boeck
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out of an indiana prison are at large. one was caught near the beach vacation home of the chicago mayor. police are warning nearby residents to stay inside their homes. all violent criminals escaped through underground tunnels and pipes. a jet made a emergency landing. the boeing 737 carrying 131 people was traveling at 31,000 feet when the problem occurred. south korea unification ministry is denying a report that north korean leader kim jong il has pancreatic cancer. the report is fueling ongoing speculation about the 67-year-old leader's failing health. on a lighter note n des moines, iowa, the city council
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is striking down a ban on all-night dancing. even with a permit, public boogying between 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. is prohibited monday through saturday. on sundays the ban last until 8:00 a.m. critics say they should be able to shake their booties all night long. >> still ahead, maybe not cause for dancing but hope in iraq. soccer fans cheered their home team home again. michael ware was in the crowd. the shot ahead. my interview with president obama at ghana's cape coast castle where hundreds of thousands of africans were held for shipment bound for the slave trade in that castle and other fortresses along the african coast. that is up next. announcer: what's your cialis moment?
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only meineke lets you choose the brake service that's right for you. and save 50% on pads and shoes. meineke. latoya. tonight's shot, a milestone in iraq. iraqis played their first home soccer match since the invasion. michael ware was there. he get caught up in all the excitement. take a look. it is the shot. >> welcome to international football baghdad style. this is iraq's first time international since the ban was imposed in 2002 in the lead up to the u.s.-led invasion. excuse me, guys. iraq is playing its first home game against palestine. this is an incredible scene. this is filled to capacity with
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intense security. as the war continues. but it is this game, this that has been the iraqi people's disconnect from the horror and them. this is the only thing that has united the iraqi people. >> it is nice to see michael ware so excited and happy there in baghdad. >> i think in all his years of covering that war we've never seen him smile. >> see the most recipient shots at a lot more ahead at the top of the hour. my exclusive tour of ghana's cape coast castle with president obama and my sitdown interview.
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announcer: captioned telephone - enjoy the phone again! >> tonight a "360" exclusive. one-on-one with president obama in africa. part of an emotional and historic journey for president obama and his family. we'll show you some of the personal and unguarded moments such as this one. dancing in front of his kids until sasha tries to put an end to it. literally retracing the steps that millions of enslaved africans took. before being sent to america. we talked to the president of the impact of this place on his family and on america. a wide ranging discussion of the economy, don't ask, don't tell and afghanistan. commanders say they don't have enough afghan support and three
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american service men have been killed since friday. this is the first time you have sent u.s. troops into combat. does it make you think differently about the conflict knowing you were the one who sent troops in? >> absolutely. it is the most profound decision i have made since being president. i think about it every day. i have to sign letters for those who are fallen. we've seen a ramp up of fighting taking place in afghanistan. during the g-8 summit i was with gordon brown as he received news reports that you had additional british soldiers killed. the entire coalition is making enormous sacrifices and obviously, our soldiers are fighting hard. i want to make sure we have the best possible strategy to succeed in a very limited aim,
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and that is to ensure that al qaeda and its allies cannot launch attacks against the u.s. homeland and u.s. interests. >> on the economy, vice president biden said you misread the economy. you said, no, no, no. we had incomplete information. nevertheless you said you would not have done anything differently. that seems contradictory. how can you say that if you had known unemployment was going to go to 9.5%? wouldn't you have asked for more money in the stimulus? >> it is not contradictory. keep in mind we got an $800 billion stimulus package. the largest stimulus package approved by a united states congress. the stimulus package is working exactly as we had anticipated. we gave out tax cuts early so that consumers could start spending or at least pay down debt so they could at later debt
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start spending. we put in $144 billion to states so that they wouldn't have to cut teachers and police officers and other social services that are vital, particularly at a time of recession and we always anticipated that a big chunk of that money then would be spent not only in the second half of the year but also next year. this was designed to be a two-year plan not a six-month plan. now, it may turn out that the enormous loss of wealth, the depth of the recession that's occurred requires us to re-evaluate and see what else we can do in combination with the -- >> possibly a second stimulus? >> well, there are a whole range of things, anderson, that we've done. the banks have stabilize much more quickly than we had anticipated. they're not all the way to where we would like them to be, but
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we've seen significant process. >> you still see glimmers of hope? >> if you look at both financial sectors, the ability of businesses to get loans, the dropoff of volatility that has taken place, the general trajectory is in the right direction. >> one more question before we go to africa, don't ask, don't tell. it requires an act of congress to overturn it. you say you want it to be overturned. your critics say, look, you could stop enforcement, you could defer enforcement. why not? >> i have had conversations with bob gates as well as admiral mullen about the fact that i want to see this law changed. i also want to make sure that, a, we are not simply ignoring a congressional law. if congress passes a law that is constitutionally valid then it's not appropriate for the
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executive branch simply to say we will not enforce a law. it is our duty to enforce laws. i do think that there's the possibility, though, that we change how the law is being enforced even as we are pursuing a shift in congressional policy. but, look the bottom line is i want to see this changed. we've already contacted congressional allies. i want to make sure it is changed in a way that ultimately works well for our military and for the outstanding gay and lesbian soldiers that are currently enlisted or would like to enlist. >> do you personally have a timetable in mind of when you would like to see it changed? >> i would like to see it done sooner rather than later. we have begun a process to not only work it through congress but make sure that the pentagon has thought through all the
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ramifications of how this would be most effective. >> before we walk, i want to ask you a question. you talked about your father. how much of your thoughts about africa are affected by his experiences, the problems he faced with corruption, tribalism? >> his story, but also my family's story which still continues informs how i think about this. i'm reminded of the fact that on the one hand you have people of extraordinary talent and energy and drive. some of who've succeeded but others who have been blocked because they find themselves in circumstances that africans all across the continent find themselves. can't get adequate school fees to get the education they need. try to get a job and turns out you have to pay a bribe to get that job. you know, living in small villages in which basic infrastructure still isn't
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provided and the public health system isn't adequate so that you are seeing children who at a very early age start having significant disadvantages. those are all things that i've seen and witnessed and those are stories that i've heard directly from people who i know. so when i think about these development issues, they're not abstractions to me. i can put a face and a name to what people are going through and that makes a difference. >> some of the images from ghana we saw while there. president obama's personal experience in africa next. you can join me on the live chat happening at my exclusive walk with the president through cape coast castle where so many enslaved africans died and so many
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african-americans visit to retrace their heritage. >> i think there is a special sense for african-americans somehow connecting up with a part of yourself that you might not have even been aware was there. breaking news. a new arrest in the murder that shocked the country and left more than a dozen kids without a mom and dad. an arrest and word of more possibly to come. new details on the murders in florida. the investigation into michael jackson's death. la toya jackson's explosive allegations. she says she knows who killed him that and more tonight on "360."
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i was in ghana following president obama and his family. i spoke with the president at cape coast castle where he took a tour with his family. he visited the dungeons where countless enslaved africans were held literally as shipment as human cargo for a life in bondage. the castle is a haunting place, a place that is visited by many african-americans looking to retrace their roots. >> do you think what happens here happens in america? that the slave experience is something that should be talked about and should be remembered and should be present in everyday life? >> well, you know, i think the experience of slavery is like the experience of the holocaust. it is one of those things you
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don't forget about. i think it is important that the way we think about it and the way it's taught is not one in which there's simply a victim and a victimizer and that's the end of the story. i think the way it has to be thought about, the reason it is relevant is because of what is happening in darfur or what is happening in the congo or what is happening in too many places around if world, the capacity for cruelty still exists, the capacity for discrimination still exists. the capacity to think about people who are different, not just on the basis of race, but rn or sexual orientation or gender still exists. so trying to use these kinds of extraordinary moments to widen
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the lens and make sure that we are all reflecting on how we are treating each other i think is something i want my kids to think about and i want every child to think about. >> how did you explain it to sasha and malia? >> well, you try to explain that people were willing to degrade others because they appeared differently and you try to get them to engage in the imaginative act of what it would be like if they were snatched away from mom and dad and sent to some place they had never seen before. part of what you also try to do with kids is get them imagine themselves on the other side, as being the slave merchant and that slave merchant might have
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loved their children and gone to that place of worship right above the dungeon and get them to make sure they are constantly asking themselves questions about whether they are treating people fairly and whether they are examining their own behavior and how it affects others. >> this is the door of no return for african-americans. i spoke to one african-american lady yesterday she said coming here was such a powerful experience she decided to move here. you've met with many african-americans who decided to move here. they say there is a sense of coming home. do you understand that feeling? >> well, you know, i will tell you the first time i traveled to africa, i think that there is a special sense for african-americans of somehow connecting up with a part of yourself that you might not have even been aware was there. now obviously for me it was
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different because i was directly meeting relatives and learning about a father i didn't know. i do think there is a sense for a lot of african-americans that it is a profound life-changing experience. the interesting thing is -- and i have met a lot of white americans who come to africa and say it was a life changing experience for them. >> this is the home for everyone. >> exactly. there is a powerful sense of tapping into something very elemental. >> you sort of always come back? >> you do. >> president obama cape coast castle in ghana. later in the program we take you to a place where slavery still exists. more of the conversation with president obama tomorrow on "360," including war crimes in afghanistan, whether he supports an investigation. there were light moments with president obama, specifically light gray. you are getting grayer. are you worried about it? >> as long as i have you as a
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role model. >> not so bad. >> that and much more. michelle obama, descendants of slaves and slave owners and sasha and malia met pope benedict. that's tomorrow night on "360." light moments and my battle with bugs, not the electronic kind. the creepy, crawley kind. you can read my tweets from the trip including a bug bite that made my eye swell shut before meeting with the president. kind of odd. judge sonia sotomayor in the hot seat and firing back against republican critics. break news. police make an arrest in the murder of the florida couple known for adopting special needs kids. we'll be right back.
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supreme court nominee sonia sotomayor in the hot seat. the raw politics behind the confirmation on capitol hill. first randy kay with a "360" bulletin. randy. >> hi there, anderson. security is is tight around all christian places of worship in iraq after a wave of church bombings. the latest attack this morning happened when a car blew up around mosul. six churches in and around baghdad were bombed over the weekend leaving four people dead. president obama picked doctor regina benjamin to be the next surgeon general. she has spent most of her career
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working with the poor and uninsured patients working in a clinic in alabama. the chairwoman of the senate intelligence committee says leon panetta testified that former vice president dick cheney ordered the agency not to brief congress about a secret counterintelligence program started shortly after 9/11. senator dianne feinstein revealed those details on "fox news sunday." anderson, next time you stub your toe or slam your finger, don't censor your reaction. a new study finds a four letter word or two can make you feel better. researchers in england asked students to put their hand in a tub of ice water for as long as possible. the subjects who swore tolerated the painful cold longer. i don't know about you but i know a few people that could come in handy for. >> randy, thanks.
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breaking arrests in the murder of a florida couple. the parents of the parents of more than a dozen children gunned down. who did it and why. a possible custody deal in the works of katherine jackson and the biological mother of michael jackson's two oldest kids. world? these are tough questions. that's why we brought together two of the most powerful names in the industry. introducing morgan stanley smith barney. here to rethink wealth management. here to answer... your questions. morgan stanley smith barney. a new wealth management firm with over 130 years of experience.
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killings of a couple known for adopting kids with special needs. the husband and wife were shot to death. nine of their children were home at the time. david mattingly joins me from the sheriff's office. these arrests are happening fast. what do we know about the investigation? >> reporter: anderson, gary lamont sumner jr. is the late to be arrested in this case. he was arrested after a routine traffic stop. he brings the number of arrested in this case to four, three of them charged with murder. listen to sound we pulled from the press conference from the sheriff. he is sounding very confident they could be wrapping this thing up. >> we are also encouraged by the information we have been receiving all day today and we expect more arrests to be imminent in this case. these seem to take on a life of their own and we are very proud to announce that we plan to bring all the suspects identified in this case to justice very shortly.
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>> reporter: saying very shortly meaning they are expecting an arrest, it could be as early as tomorrow. other persons of interest they are still looking for. >> they said this crime was carried out with precision. do we know anything about motive or how it was carried out? >> so far they are willing to say there was robbery as a motive for this. there is the possibility there were some other motives. they have not, however, been able to nail down or tell us if they have any idea why this couple was murdered during this home invasion. they are willing to say this was robbery, but why were they killed? that still lingers and haunts this investigation. >> where are the kids, david? >> reporter: the kids are with family. i spoke to a family member who tells me the children are being well taken care of. they are being kept together. they are being maintained as a family. they will be cared for by family members.
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some provisions made, plans made in case something happened to the parents. they are putting those plans into place to make sure these children are raised by their family and raised together. >> they are saying the motive might have been robbery, but this does seem to have been executed with precision. >> that's right. that is something they have marveled out. the men that went into this house, they entered from the front and rear of the home almost simultaneously. they were in the house a total of four minutes, got what they needed and got out. that suggests there was some sort of plannings, possibly suggests they were familiar with the house itself. the sheriff has not said that to us. it shows there was a lot of planning and they were only on this property with their vehicles, two vehicles now, on this property for a total of ten minutes. they were in and out of that house in a remarkable amount of time. >> there has been a fourth arrest. david, appreciate the breaking news. we will continue to follow the story as it develops. many of you are weighing in on
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our blog. join the chat at judging sonia sotomayor. the historic supreme court nominee in the hot seat speaking out against her critics. we have the raw politics from candy crowley. latoya jackson saying her brother was murdered and she knows who killed them. her explosive allegations and new information on a possible deal for custody of michael jackson's kids when "360" continues. tums dual action. this tums goes to work in seconds and lasts for hours. all day or night. new tums dual action. bring it on. "what do you mean homeowners insurance doesn't cover floods?" "a few inches of water caused all this?"
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it's the first supreme court confirmation hearing of the obama presidency. if confirmed judge sonia sotomayor will become the first hispanic and third woman to serve on the supreme court. today she confronted her critics, faced protesters and vowed to strengthen "the impartiality of our justice system. candy crowley has tonight's raw politics. >> reporter: her turn. >> i do. >> reporter: sotomayor on sotomayor. >> many senators have asked me about my judicial philosophy. simple. fidelity to the law. the task of a judge is not to make law, it is to apply the law. >> reporter: it the crux of the matter. how does the judge judge? >> nothing less than our liberty is at stake. may judges set aside or consider their personal feelings in deciding cases? is judicial impartiality is duty or an option?
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>> reporter: the legal and political framework for the week was set from the get-go. republicans suspicious of a nominee that says a wise latina woman can make a better decision than a wise white man is a judicial activist who will factor race and gender into her decisions. >> whatever it is, it is not law. it is more akin to politics. >> reporter: democrats intent on defending a judge with heavy duty credentials and a record they see as mainstream. >> there is not one law for one color and another. there's not one law for rich and a different one for poor. there is only one law. >> reporter: democrats were solicitous of her background and credentials, republicans tough but polite. the nominee took it in with her best poker face judge look and laid the groundwork for tu. >> my personal and professional experiences help me to listen and understand with the law always commanding the result in
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every case. >> reporter: all in all, a fairly high-minded discourse on judicial philosophy but the 19 lawmakers on the panel feel the strong undertow of politics, that includes the newly minted senator from minnesota who appears to have lost his standup comic gene. >> their definition of an activist judge is one who votes differently than they would like. >> reporter: politics, philosophy and one more thing, reality. >> unless you have a complete meltdown, you are going to get confirmed. and i don't think you will. >> seriously, after having survived 17 years on the bench and 3 1/2 hours listening to senators it seems unlikely she will melt down now. candy crowley, cnn, washington. >> some politicians question who she will be an activist judge, democrats complain chief justice roberts has been conservative
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judge on the court. sheldon whitehouse quoted jeffrey toobin. >> jeffrey toobin, a well respected legal commentator reported that "in every major case since he became the nation's 17th chief justice roberts has sided with the prosecution over the defendant, the state over the condemned, the executive branch over the legislative and the corporate defendant over the individual plaintiff." >> well respected legal commentator and author of "the nine, inside the secret world of the supreme court." jeffrey toobin joins us now. >> can i say one thing? >> yeah. >> that sheldon whitehouse has a big future. he is only in his first term. >> other than your name coming up, were there any other surprises today? >> there was one big surprise to me. in the legal world the hot button issue has been same-sex marriage. it was not mentioned today. i think it is a real illustration of how quickly the world is changing.
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in 2004 karl rove said that was the key to getting president bush re-elected, mobilizing his base on that issue. here both sides just stayed away from it. it is no longer the sure-fire winner it was for republicans. they didn't challenge sotomayor on it at all. we'll see whether they do tomorrow. >> is lindsey graham right she is going to get the nomination? >> it is hard to see how she will lose. there are 12 democrats, seven republicans on the committee, 60 democrats, 40 republicans in the senate. do the math. there hasn't been a democrat who suggested voting against her. i don't see how she can lose. >> several republicans criticized obama today. saying when he was a senator he went after republican nominees for their ideology. why can't republican senators go after democratic nominees the same way. >> i think the republicans have an excellent point. i think both sides should talk about the ideology. the party in power always talks about the qualifications. the professional excellence but the party out of power always talks about ideology.
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these jobs are so important and the justices hold them for so long we should know something about their ideology. if senators don't like it, they should vote them down. >> there is central criticism that she will let her personal experiences influence her judicial experience. we heard her comment about the wise latina. is it fair? >> that seems like a stretch. if you looked how she has ruled in discrimination cases in all those years on the bench. her record is very similar to most other judges. she ruled for the defendants in most discrimination cases. it is true she was in -- her decision was overruled in the recchi case involving the new haven firefighters. four justices agreed with her on the supreme court including david souter. that is hardly a big repudiation. that is going to be a tough charge to make stick. >> jeff, stick around.
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i want to talk to you in a moment. new developments in the looming custody battle over michael jackson's kids. word tonight that a deal may be in the works behind the scenes. a place where slavery still exists, the victims, kids, the conditions they are forced to live in, horrifying. sanjay gupta investigates.
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there is word tonight the jackson family is negotiating behind the scenes with lawyers for debbie rowe the biological mother of michael jackson's two oldest kids. latoya jackson told the london tabloids she believes her brother was murdered for her money. there was supposed to be a custody hearing for the jackson kids but late friday got postponed for a second time. do we know why? >> a source close to the family told us that katherine jackson's attorney is trying to broker a deal regarding custody. the family is trying to sort out what they want from debbie rowe, michael jackson's ex-wife. we are told the family wants her to give up custody and any visitation rights. apparently the family is trying to work out some nondisclosure agreement that jackson had with rowe. she wasn't allowed to talk to the media about him or talk about their children.
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our source says the family may force rowe to not give anymore media interviews. >> has rowe signaled whether she will agree to this or how much money is changing hands. >> rowe has showed she is willing to hear the family out and possibly agree to a deal just like this. michael jackson raised these kids. she had visitation rights at one point but that never worked out. as far as money, absolutely part of the deal. there is quite a large payoff in the works. our source told us that rowe stands to be paid "many millions" if she agrees to give up any contact and any custody with her two children so the singer's mother, katherine, can actually raise them. >> what about latoya jackson giving an interview, she made comments about debbie rowe and custody of the kids. what did she say? >> that interview with latoya jackson took place last week.
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we confirmed that "london's daily mail" newspaper paid la toya for the interview. >> wow. big surprise there. >> yeah, i know. right. latoya is quoted as saying in the article, these are not debbie's kids. they don't know she is their mother. like everyone else in his life she was motivated by money. we tried to reach debbie rowe through her attorneys but our calls were not returned. the paper said latoya said i believe michael was murdered. i felt that from the start. not just one person was involved, rather a conspiracy of people. she used the word murder. according to the article latoya blamed a shadowy entourage and her brother's handlers saw him as a cash cow and fed him addictive drugs to control his moods. here is what the reporter who interviewed latoya told larry king about the control his handlers appeared to have.
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>> joe jackson went to the front door on many occasions they wouldn't let him in. when latoya called the house she couldn't speak to her brother. this is all very suspicious. >> did this article in "the daily mail" offer any information about the circumstances surrounding his death? >> the reporter said jackson was not found in his bed. as you know, that has been widely reported since day one. he was in a nearby bedroom belonging to his personal physician, conrad murray. murray, we already know has been interviewed twice by investigators. his car was examined an returned to him. we don't know what was found if anything inside it. dr. murray's spokesperson said in response to latoya's comments, that is just not true. dr. murray administered cpr in michael jackson's room. i'm not sure where latoya is getting it. she wasn't even there. the attorney for dr. murray
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refused to comment on latoya's comments on seeing a drip stand and oxygen canisters lining the walls. >> any result on the toxicology report? >> the l.a. county coroner told cnn today that results from jackson's autopsy could be announced as early as friday but looking more likely midweek next week. we are staying on top of it. >> let's dig deeper. senior legal analyst jeffrey toobin. last week joe jackson said foul play may have been involved. that was a paid interview. or an interview where somebody paid for pictures. latoya jackson said it was murder in a paid interview and a conspiracy of people led to his death. what do you make of this? >> i don't make much of it. i am so skeptical. think of the facts and circumstances we know. there is no suggestion that somebody intentionally killed michael jackson. this is just nonsense as far as i can tell. yes, there may be questions about the quality of medical
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care he got, yes, possible negligence involved but murder seems completely crazy to me. >> murder is different than homicide. >> in lehman's terms murder is intentional homicide. >> if he died of a drug overdose and given prescriptions he shouldn't have had or too many or intravenously to put him to sleep or in a sleep like state and that was inappropriate, that wouldn't be murder? >> that certainly wouldn't be murder. you could accuse someone of manslaughter, unintentional taking of a life. there is a lot more any investigator would need to know including what role jackson himself played in getting the drugs to him. i mean, that is a big issue in in case. >> if you track down what doctors gave him what drugs, what could they be charged with?
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>> well, they could be charged with some sort of professional misconduct which could result in the loss of their license. they could be sued civilly by jackson's estate or a criminal charge for some sort of manslaughter. but, again, i don't want to assume any misconduct on the part of these doctors until there is a lot more evidence. >> in terms of the custody, i don't know how many times debbie rowe can give up custody of these kids. allegedly she did it once before for a sum of money and got it back and now there may be negotiations behind the scenes. i don't know if that is true. it is one source telling us this. what happens? i mean, what happens in terms of the custody? >> well, michael jackson's death changes the whole situation. as the surviving parent she does have a reasonable claim to custody of these children at least in the abstract.
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so if you are the jackson family and if you really want to see katherine jackson have custody of these children, the possibility of a settlement is certainly one you would want to consider. debbie rowe, just to put this crudely, she sold her children once, she may want to sell them again. this looks like an opportunity to cash in for her. >> theoretically she could make a deal, get money and not have a relationship with the kids and when they become adults one day have a relationship with the kids if they want it? >> right. these kids are approaching the age where they will have contact with who they want to have contact with. in terms of custody which is a legal status for minor children and the oldest child is 12, debbie rowe does have at least a claim that a judge would want to listen to. it might be in the jackson's family interest to say here is some money for you not putting that claim before the judge. >> we have to get better video of debbie rowe. we are using that video where
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she was ambushed on the street. i feel bad for her on that one. we'll try to use other video. president obama talks about the slave trade from africa. coming up next, we take you to a place where slavery is still a problem. dr. sanjay gupta meets kids forced into labor. you won't believe what their lives are like and what he found. a welcome sign of change, a historic battle on the soccer field in iraq. our shot of the day.
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earlier we showed you some solve president obama's emotional journey to cape cos castle in ghana. africans held in horrific conditions before sent to the door of no return into a life of bond ajs. part two of our interview with the president tomorrow. slavery is still happening right now in places around the world. according to the non-profit group, free the slaves, there are slaves in the world today. one of the places a major destination of slaves ones of years ago remains one today. haiti. 360 md sanjay gupta there investigating the modern day slave trade. joins us with the 360 dispatch. haiti is known for extreme poverty, the violence we've seen over the years. you're covering a story very few people know about, a form of modern day slavery.
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what is it? >> reporter: that's right, anderson. it's known as the most impoverished country in the western hemisphere the history is interesting. born out of a slave revolution at the end of the 18th century, despite that, there is a form of modern day slavery that takes place still, today. it comes in the form of restovex, a creole word that means stay with. children are sent from urban centers to work as slaves. we met a man who took us around the slum areas of porta prince and introduced us to a girl, dina, who wanted to know what her life was like and if she was really a slave. we met her at 5:00 in the morning, forced to work as a water transporter, carrying five gallon jugses up the hill, mopping floors on her hands and
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knees, washing dishes, doing work in the house, essentially for scraps, no way, under the threat of physical and mental abuse. if you see the video there, i wanted to try it myself to get an idea of how hard it was. it's over 40 pounds carrying it on your head several times a day. up hill. up rocky paths and stairs. it's unbelievable. that's a daily routine for someone like dina anderson. >> is this legal in haiti? >> reporter: well, anderson, it's interests. we tried to ask that question of the social affairs, ministry of social affairs. as far as we can tell, there are no specific child lab r laws in haiti. more than that, anderson, i will say it's sort of a haitian way of life, the idea of countryside parents sending their children off thinking they're going to get a better life. instead what we found, they felt whipped, purposely, their soul
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purpose of beating, whipping, disciplining is the way it is. laws aside, this is how it works. >> it's stunning they're not getting paid. they're just in scraps. as a doctor, what kind of impact does it have on these kids, physically, mentally? >> reporter: well, you know, from a physical standpoint, it's almost impossible. i really tried to look into that. part of the problem is none of these children ever see doctors. there is no health record. they don't have birth certificates, no dujs. carrying that load on young child bones, 8, 9 years old, i'm a grown man. i had difficulty doing it once. they do it several times a day. mentally, there's a sense of self-loathing among the rest of it. they have no value whatsoever. that's a huge concern. dina, the girl you saw video of, she told me no one had given her a hug up until 14.
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zero affection. treated worse than animals. >> unbelievable to think this happens in the modern world and africa. in our hemisphere. for more information about the foundation, what they do to try to help these kids, go to their website, let's get the latest on the other stories we're following. randi kaye back with a 360 bulletin. >> hi, again, anderson. two of three inmates who broke out of a maximum security indiana prison are at large tonight. massive manhunt under way. police captured one of the men near the home of chicago's mayor, inside with his family at the time. police warning nearby residents to stay inside their homes. the inmates all violent criminals, apparently escaped through underground tunnels and pipes. a southwest airlines jet made an emergency landing in charleston, west virginia, after a football-sized hole in its fuselage caused the cabin to
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depressurize. no one injured. boeing 737 carrying 131 people traveling at 30,000 feet when the problem occurred. south korea's unification ministry denying a report by a south korean news agency that kim jong-il has pancreatic cancer. the report is fueling ongoing speculation about the 69-year-old leader's failing health. des moines, iowa, the city council is asked to strike down a ban on all-night dancing. the ordinance dating to at least 1942 requires a permit for public dancing. who would have thought that in with a permit, public boogying between 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. is prohibited monday through saturday. sunday the ban lasts until 8:00 a.m. critics say they should be able to shake their booties all night long in iowa's biggest city. problem there. >> still ahead, maybe not cause for dancing but hope in iraq for the first time in seven years.
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soccer fans cheered their home team. home again. michael wehr was in the crowd. it is the "shot." [ thinking ] burning, itching... but the pain's the worst. i shoulda used... [ bump ] [ male announcer ] preparation h cream. burning, itching, plus maximum strength pain relief, on contact. the most complete relief, from preparation h. pain relief on contact.
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i think i'll go with the basic package. good choice. only meineke lets you choose the brake service that's right for you. and save 50% on pads and shoes. meineke. tonight's shot, milestone in iraq. take a look. in baghdad, today, iraqis played their first home soccer match. celebrations. michael wehr was there, got caught up in the excitement. take a look. it's the "shot."
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>> reporter: welcome to international football, baghdad style. this is iraq's first home international since 2002. in the lead-up in the u.s.-led invasion. just here, excuse me guys, excuse me, iraq is playing its first home game. here against palestine and they're friendly. this is an incredible scene. this stadium is filled to capacity. with intense security. as the war continues. but it's this game, this that has being the iraqi people's disconnect, from the horror around them. this is what's the only thing that's united the iraqi people. >> nice to see michael wehr so excited and happy there in baghdad. >> i think in all his years of covering that war we've never seen him smile. really nice to see. >> see the most recent
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