tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN August 3, 2009 10:00pm-12:00am EDT
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>> larry: griffin o'neal. >> larry: kelly ripa and mark c consuelos are here tomorrow. here is erica hill and "ac 360." a boost for the economy, does it mean a boost for your taxes to pay for it? randy kay on a break through in the michael jackson custody case and growing questions about the jackson fortune. how much of a fortune is it? dr. sanjay gupta on a major discovery in a war against a disease that kills millions. four decades after their murders horrified the country, what became of charles manson and his twisted followers. we begin with new signs the recession is slowing. they come with a potential price. new taxes possibly for you. will president obama end up
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breaking a campaign promise not to raise taxes even a single dime on the middle class? this weekend a pair of the president's top economic advisers refuse to rule out new taxes to close the budget gap a short fall that grows the economy in a recession but could hurt it later. your money, your future, your taxes. ali velshi has it covered. bottom line, is everybody going to start paying more in taxes? >> six, even, eight months ago we couldn't get through a night without talking about the terrible things happening in the economy. before we get to taxes let's tet you what is going on. we have good reports. we know the stock market starts to recover before the rest of the economy in a recession. go back to election day and see where the dow was. about 9,139. it was pretty choppy but down until march 9th which we think at least if things don't go wrong again was the bottom of
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the market. it is almost like a "v" shape. we are higher than election day. that is number one. look at the thing that got us into the recession. the housing market. we have seen in june, the last month for which we have numbers, an increase, a little one, an increase in the price of homes. a lot of homes being sold and that is interesting. what is happening people are buying homes that distressed or in foreclosure. the increase in home prices in june in major metropolitan areas was .5%. boy, erica, we'll take a gain as opposed to a loss. existing homes the price from may to june went up 3.6%. low compared to last june a year ago, but over the course of one month we have seen an increase. new home sales. this is interesting. we stopped buying and stopped building new homes. up 11% may to june.
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down compared to last june but up in one month. a lot of stuff going on giving people a sense this economy might be on the mend. >> if it might be on the mend how do we get to the mending point? is it the government intervention? there were programs put in place before obama was in office so can his administration take credit? >> there are mixed views. some economists say if the economy continues to grow in a robust fashion this administration can take credit. the growth we have seen in the second quarter, the second three months of this year probably have a lot to do with what happened before the election. probably what happened last october where we had t.a.r.p. and that intervention by the federal government. boy, the government threw so much money at this economy and back then we were saying, look, you will see a reaction. you are starting to see the reaction. this probably has less to do with the obama administration and more than $1 trillion thrown
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at this problem by the previous administration. >> getting back to the issue at hand, even if things are getting better, how is the country going to pay for all the money that has been thrown at this problem? is it inevitable taxes are going to increase and not just those making more than $250,000? >> that was a long way for me to get back to the point you asked in the first place. that is exactly right. let me give you an example of what we spent in the fist half of this year. the government took in a little less than $1 trillion, $986,000,000. they spent $1.94 trillion. the government spent almost twice what they took in. leaving a gap of $954 billion. you have the national debt. it is a whopping national debt. you are going to talk to
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somebody after this a lot smarter than me, but it is not obvious how we end up paying for this national debt without increasing taxes on more than just high earners. we are going to dig deeper on the taxes, when and where we could see them and who will pay. damage control at the white house on response to what was said on this subject over the weekend. david gergen and david walker, former comptroller general of the united states. good to have both davids with us tonight. david walker, i want to start with you. basically what we heard from ali, a tax increase is all but inevitable. is this an increase in income tax for those making under $250,000 or a value added tax that would apply across the board because it is goods and services? >> i think it is going to be a combination. a broadening of the tax base to keep rates as low as possible. income tax increases for better
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off people. increase in the taxable wage base cap for social security and a vat probably dedicated to health care expansion. >> none of those are going to go over very well. david gergen, the president saying i'm not going to raise taxes one dime on 95% of americans. how does he sell a new tax which sounds like he has to do? >> he is not going to do it quickly, in any event. he is going to wait until the recession is over and unemployment comes down. that may be a year and a half, two years. inevitably the taxes are going to go up and go up on the middle class. the administration will try first to take it out of money on the high end. there is not enough money there. one day eventually if you spend a lot of money as this administration wants to do and the bush did that combination of spending is going to force taxes to go up eventually. >> we are going to continue this
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conversation. you can join in the live chat at sanjay gupta with news out of africa that could wipe malaria off the planet. new developments in the jackson story. dr. arnie klein getting into the legal act. the judge ruling on custody as the fight continues over the estate. want faster pain relief? get advil® liqui-gels. they're faster and stronger on tough pain... than tylenol® rapid release gels®. advil® liqui-gels rush real liquid relief... wherever you hurt. advil® liqui-gels. liquid fast. advil strong.
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further down the road. when it comes to taxes president obama campaigned on and kept his promise to cut taxes for the middle class. the question now, will he be able to keep that pledge when the bills come due? two of his chief economic advisers raised doubts over the weekend and the white house tried to squash them. >> we are going to do what is necessary. >> it is never a good idea to absolutely rule things out no matter what. >> the president's clear commitment in the clearest terms possible. he is not raising taxes on those who make less than $250,000 a year. >> back with david gergen and david walker. david gergen, you said just before the break that the president, if he did have to raise taxes without not do it now. would take a while until we are out of the recession. is there a bit of a political window because there are midterm elections and would it be better to get it out of the way so as to not end up with a larger problem for democrats if he
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wants to maintain a majority? >> i don't think so, erica. i think to raise taxes now would be bad economics with the recession underway and high unemployment. the political price of doing that now would be horrendous and democrats would lose badly in the 2010 elections. i understand yesterday why the economists on his team said you have to keep the door open to higher taxes. i understand why the political side of the house tried to close the door. they are going into a month that is vital for health care. they don't want this question of higher taxes dampening public support for health care. they have enough problems on health care reform. as david walker has been telling us again and again and again, we have created a bubble in our federal government spending that is going to burst. the only way you are going to be able to control and contain that bubble over time is to reduce spending and to raise taxes. and the middle class will have
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to pay for part of that. there is no way around it. there is not enough money among people over $250,000 to close that gap. >> david walker, you brought up health care. i noticed yesterday from treasury secretary geithner and larry summers said you can fix the deficit but the way to do that is to reform health care. the congressional budget office said health care reform will add $1 trillion to the deficit in the next ten years. is it smart to say we can fix this deficit. we can do it with health care which is what we want to push? >> we clearly need comprehensive health care reform. health care costs are the longest driver for deficit. you cannot reduce health care costs. that is an oxy moron. i'm sure the president meant what he said when he was running for election. there have been good subsequent
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events and the math doesn't come close to working. he will have to break that promise at some point but after the economy turns around. >> there is good news on the economy. we heard a little from ali. how much credit can the obama administration claim for that recovery? >> some, but not as much as they will. that's how politics work. >> david gergen, how much do you think they should claim? >> i think they should claim as much as they can get. as a political matter. i think david walker is right. most economists will tell you that the -- exactly what ali said in his report earlier, the stimulus program has helped some. the credit program the housing program this administration, the obama administration has put forward, they have helped some. but probably what the federal reserve did before they took office and all the money that was thrown at the economy before they took office probably did more. listen, when you're in the white house you're going to get blamed
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for what goes wrong. it is totally understandable you try to take credit for as much as you can when things go right. >> victory has a thousand fathers, defeat is an orphan. >> great to have you both with us tonight. what do you think about this? how is the new president doing as the second 100 days of the obama administration winds down? we want to know. cast your vote at give your grade. on thursday night 8:00 p.m. you will see the results. former president clinton heading to north korea. two lives may depend on his diplomacy tonight. also new evidence that chimps are the source of one humanities deadliest diseases to treat. dr. sanjay gupta has the latest. dallas. detroit. different rates. well with us, it's the same flat rate. same flat rate. boston. boise?
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breaking news tonight. cnn has learned former president bill clinton is on his way to north korea. a reliable source telling us he is headed there in hopes of securing the release of journalists euna lee and laura ling. they were tried, convicted and sentenced to a dozen years hard labor for "grave crimes against north korea." mr. clinton is reportedly on his way but not yet arrived of the north korea capital of pyongyang. we will keep you updated. we are following several other stories. gary tuchman with the "360 bulletin." >> the navy is awaiting dna tests of the first american officer shot down in the gulf war. michael speicher disappeared on the first night of the rain. they identified his remains with help from dental records.
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a tip from an iraqi citizen last month helped solve the mystery. iran not officially confirming they are holding three american hikers. secretary of state hillary clinton is pressing iranian diplomats for information. they are students of university of california berkeley and were hiking in kurdistan. they crossed an unmarked area. friday afternoon they contacted a friend to say they were surrounded by iranian soldiers. a new strain of the virus that causes aids is traced to gorillas instead of chimpanzees. it was detected in a 26-year-old african woman from cameroon who lives in paris. a terrifying moment for those onboard a continental flight, severe turbulence injured 26, four seriously. they diverted to miami.
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erica, flying is very safe. this is very rare but wear those seat belts. >> a man who plies about 18 times a week. i'll take your word. just ahead on "360," michael jackson's children and a fresh wild card from dr. arnie klein. we have the latest on the custody ruling. what it means for katherine jackson and debbie rowe and the strange request from the dermatologist. what did he ask the judge for? that is coming up. 40 years later, the anniversary of the manson murders. we take a look at the crime and the killers when "360" continues.
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tonight a major decision involving michael jackson's children and a final one. a judge making it official granting katherine jackson permanent custody of her three grandchildren. it was the singer's wish that michael jr., paris and blanket live with his mother. what about debbie rowe? the hearing addressed her rights and who should control jackson's estate. there was a bidarr moment that still has many people talking and wondering. randy kay with the latest developments. randy, i'm wondering about that one, actually. >> reporter: we all are. katherine jackson was awarded full custody. jackson's ex-wife debbie rowe will have visitation. before that was made official major drama in the courtroom. a strange request on behalf of dr. around klein. his lawyer told the judge dr. klein wanted to be involved with the children's medical care and education and be a part of their lives. this came out of nowhere and was
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all so bizarre because of all the talk out there that dr. klein may actual i will be the biological father of these kids. he told cnn "to the best of his knowledge he is not their father but he admitted he donated sperm once and just doesn't know." we are talking about the two oldest children. this is all very bizarre. the judge said dr. klein would not be a part to the custody hearing. his lawyer said dr. klein is not opposed to katherine jackson being the guardian adding "dr. klein has had a special relationship with the children and is looking out for their best interest. he apparently promised michael jackson he would do so. >> interesting. the last person a lot of people would expect. not the first twist or turn. the real business of the day was the custody issue and the hearing on the estate. custody resolved, how about the estate? >> reporter: not exactly. the estate battle continues.
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what is behind this mrs. jackson wants a seat at the table and more control over her husband's estate. it is unclear what the estate is worth. when he died he was about to go on tour. he hoped the final tour would jump start his career and juice his bank account. he was $400 million in debt by some estimates so why the fight over his estate? >> michael jackson will be worth more dead than he was alive. >> reporter: his business agent handles the estates of other celebrities like mayor ploin rowand james dean. he predicted jackson will be the biggest grossing personality of all time. good news for his mother katherine and three children who together were left 80% of his estate. so what is the estate really worth? katherine jackson's attorney said $2 billion. a source close to the estate dealings called that ridiculous.
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that source told me the estate is likely worth $100 million with the potential to be worth a whole lot more. already we learned deals are in the works that could bring in hundreds of millions of dollars including a movie featuring hours of jackson's final rehearsal footage. our source says the estate will get 90% of the profits. also jackson's memoir "moonwalk" will be released in october that deal is worth $60 million. >> you are talking about the copyrights, the trademarks, the rite of publicity associated with his name and likeness. >> reporter: one of the men in charge is john branca who helped turn around elvis presley estate. elvis is the top of the list of dead earnings celebrities. if all goes as planned jackson may surpass him. since his death he outsold every
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artist in albums and downloads. he is the highest selling artist after death since nielsen started tracking. from january 1st of this year until the week he died he sold 297,000 albums. compare that to 3.73 million three weeks later. in 2009 prior to the week he died fans downloaded 1.3 million of his songs. five weeks later it jumped to 8.5 million. he had the top ten albums on the billboard charts for two weeks, the first time any artist alive or dead has done that. this senior editor from forbes says the time is now for jackson's estate to cash in. >> right now michael jackson has his best shot ever because everyone is looking at it through rosie, tinted glasses. the further we get from his death the more the sunglasses are taken off. the value of his assets will go
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down. >> reporter: no doubt jackson's family and his creditors hope that doesn't happen any time soon. now the most significant piece of business to come from today's estate hearing was the fact that the will was sent on to probate which will review his wishes and interpret his instructions. this means the judge accepted the will as valid and katherine jackson did, too. her lawyer made a big deal about the will not being notarized. in california a will doesn't have to be notarized. this is a very good thing for the executors named by michael jackson in the will to handle his estate. >> those are the issues over the jackson estate. there is plenty to get to tonight. joining us is jeffrey toobin, in los angeles cnn legal analyst lisa bloom. there is never a dull moment in these discussions. jeff, we were talking about this at the break. i have to go back to the kids because this custody battle. dr. arnie klein showing up
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essentially saying he wants a say in how the kids are raised. did you see this one come something. >> the good news is there is not a custody battle. katherine jackson has custody and there wasn't a fight with debbie rowe. arnie klein comes in and he doesn't ask for custody. he doesn't ask for visitation. he just sort of asks to be invited to thanksgiving every year. >> what is the likelihood of that happening in a custody case? >> the thing is what he was asking for the law does not have any provision for and he has no legal status because he is -- he is rumored to be their parents but he has never proven to be the father. the deceased dermatologist gets no rights to the children. >> are you sure? >> i don't think there is anything going to come of this. >> what if he does turn out? what if it happens and it turns out he is the biological father. would he have rights and be invited to perhaps more than
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thanksgiving? >> remember, michael jackson married debbie rowe when she was six months pregnant with their first child. i thought he did that to take advantage of california's provision the child born to a mother and wife is the father of that child if they are co-habiting. period. except if a punitive father comes in within two years and requests a blood test. those two years have passed for a long, long time. there are other cases in california where the father can come in and request a blood test under unusual circumstances after those two years. so nothing as far as i'm concerned is off the table in this case. anything could happen just as we saw today in court. >> the weird thing is on one level, i want to have a dna test i want to prove i'm the father. he didn't do that. >> he is being so cagey. >> you think, lisa? >> i want to make sure they go
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to a good college. it was strange. >> it was odd. we can go back and forth on this. quickly, debbie rowe. does this seem like a good setup? any surprise she got visitation rights? >> no. i think it is a nice resolution. there is no conflict. she has gotten a great deal of money from the jackson family in the past. i thought she would hold them up for more money. but she didn't. >> lisa, let's turn to the estate. we didn't get a final judgment today. why not? and do you think it is something that the judge will come to quickly moving forward? >> the judge did give a temporary win in my opinion to the executors of the estate. they stay in as executors and the will is accepted. the will names them as executors. not katherine. he had the opportunity to name his mom. he did not name her. they are going to administer the
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estate. katherine jackson is not going to be brought in as an executor of the estate unless she can show serious misconduct or fraud. all we have is a run of the mill discovery dispute which i think is going nowhere. she is going to get the documents, agree to confidentiality. >> doesn't she get to see some of the comings and goings of the trust because she receives a portion? >> absolutely. she is a 40% beneficiary and guardian of the kids that have 40%. we are talking about 80%. she has the right to get documents and information. it doesn't mean she gets everything she wants. she doesn't get control over the complicated legal and financial dealings. we have a record industry executive and a lawyer which makes sense. >> that is right. it is worth noting that they don't have to resolve everything right away.
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this is a very complicated estate which exploiting it will take years we don't know how much it is worth because it depends how intelligently the assets are used. >> the value of the estate is not going to change what the judge decides or could it? >> no. it is not. it is an ongoing business and the beneficiaries are 80% the jackson family. >> we need this wrapped up with a bow. who are we kidding? this is the gift that keeps on giving. >> keeps legal analysts in business. >> there you go. jeffrey toobin, lisa bloom. to weight in on this story join the live chat at i have been remiss. i swear i'm going to log on right now. still ahead, a discovery that may have solved an ancient mystery. nathan wolf tracking the parasite that causes malaria.
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tonight a possible major break in a medical who dun it. a team of researchers has tracked down the origins of one of the deadliest killers on the planet. malaria. one of the authors of this just-published study is nathan wolf. he is a well-known virus hunter. in this case he focused on the parasite that causes malaria. first "360" m.d. dr. sanjay gupta has more. >> reporter: deep in the jungles of africa, nathan wolf is on the hunt. wolf is a pathogen hunter, looking to unlocate the mystery of one of nature's greatest killers, the source of malaria.
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he has been at it more than a decade, working with people who hunt these forests to take blood samples of the animals they kill, animals that could provide the answer. through the blood samples and work with research animals he and his team have solved the riddle. >> there is a particular chimpanzee in here, max. what has max taught us about viruses? >> what we have found in max and a couple of chimpanzees on the ivory coast is malaria parasites. give us the answer to an old riddle, namely what is the origin of malaria? the answer is actually -- >> reporter: max. >> it came from chimpanzees. yeah. >> reporter: malaria comes from chimpanzees. we can say that for sure? >> that's right. >> reporter: you are a virus hunter. how hard was it to hunt malaria? >> we have been chasing this a long time. it was exciting to nail it. >> reporter: they nailed it by
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identifying strains in chimpanzees to those killing humans. they are nearly identical except the chimpanzee strain is older. all of that suggest that chimpanzees pass malaria to humans. there is this interface between animals and humans so important because they can exchange viruses, pathogens, things you may have heard of like hiv, ebola, parasites like malaria. the question is exactly how does that swapping take place? more importantly for researchers, what can they do about it? knowing the origins of a disease, even the close relatives to it could be a huge step toward stopping it. more than 30 years ago scientists used a close relative of human smallpox found in cows to create a vaccine for humans. whether the same will happen with wolf's discovery is still unknown. he and his colleagues believe it is a major break through and only the beginning.
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>> we know very little of the diversity of microorganisms even within our own bodies let alone in other animals. that is what we are beginning to do, begin to describe this iceberg. we know a lot of it is under water that is part of the excitement scientifically. >> one of the reasons the study is getting so much attention are the high stakes here. malaria kills more than a million people every year, many are children. we want to dig deeper with dr. sanjay gupta and nathan wolf. nathan, congratulations on this discovery. i know this is so important in the scientific community. >> thank you. >> i listen to this and think, malaria, where does the mosquito fit in here? >> sure. mosquitos permit malaria to move from animal to animal. hundreds of thousands of years a single infected mosquito who fed
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on a chimpanzee and later fed on a human that permitted this parasite to cross over into humans. >> that is amazing. sanjay, medically, why is this so important? >> you mentioned a million or two die from malaria, 500 million get infected. i have had malaria. nathan has had it a few times. it is awful in terms of sympt symptoms. this idea if you isolate a path again like this in chimpanzees could you possibly be one step closer to creating a vaccine? we talk about mosquito nets and preventing malaria, a vaccine would be a huge, huge development in the world of malaria. whether that could happen or not, who knows but this puts us a step closer. >> this is far off but are you hopeful we could see something like that in our life time or is it too soon to tell?
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>> i am hopeful. what sanjay says is true. if you compare hiv, let's say hiv, katrina like a hurricane. malaria has been hitting us constantly for the last 1,000 years. it is a incredibly important parasite. it has ban incredible struggle to come up with an adequate vaccine that prevents against malaria. there are very few models, very few close living relatives to human malaria to compare and generate vaccinvaccines. >> like the smallpox, using cow ul smallpox to create the human vaccine. you mentioned this is the tip of the iceberg. what other diseases are you really focused on right now? >> we tend to be interested in two kinds of diseases. number one, things closely
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related to diseases that have had a huge impact on humans. retroviruses like hiv, malaria parasites. there was an interesting malaria parasite that jumped over in southeast asia. the second is things that are completely unknown. our ability to understand these agents has just begun. we have the tools that will allow us to do that. we need to do more field studies. watch when people get sick to see if these are novel things that cause people to be ill. >> i remember this in "planet in peril." you talk about the unknown viruses and the ability to jump quickly because of air travel. how much concern is there over the unknown viruses? >> we have been talking about this a lot recently with h1n1, the swine flu virus.
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we were looking at this in mexico. nathan ten years searching for the origins of malaria, with h1n1 they think it came from a pig farm in northern mexico. what sort of interesting is exactly what you said. it starts at this really isolated location, finds its way into mexico city, hospitals, tour iss there, and something that would have been in a very, very small part of the world all over the world. finding the origins of that, how it behaves can provide valuable lessons. >> great to have both of you with us. congratulations. we look forward to hearing more of what you find. >> thank you very much. you can log on to to watch an excerpt from "plane in peril." investigating how this deadly viruses spread. you can find ways to stop malaria. just ahead on "360," the face of evil. charles manson on the anniversary of the murders. the killings, the cult and the crime that gripped a nation.
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talk about an oops. a bad blowup. the unexpected botch of a buildingen implosion. the video and story are ahead. i would say convenience is something that the bank of america really has the market cornered on. let me make it easier for you. let me show you how i can make it easier for you. online banking is going to be your best friend; it's going to help you manage your money. it has an alert system that can text message you. we have great new image atms. it will give you a receipt which has a copy of the check you deposited. you're in control of your finances. now when you talk about convenience, you measure us up to everyone else.
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freedom and speculation of more victims the story continues to make news today. we are going to bring it to you over this full week. ted roland takes us back. >> reporter: the psychopath who carved a swastika on his forehead, peer into his eyes. they are dark and penetrating as the world first met him. it is 40 years since he and his family slaughtered seven people. on cielo drive, a quiet leafy could sack overlooking beverly hills. you see this security gate. behind it a mansion, in the 1960s a smaller house. home to two rising hollywood stars, roman polansky and his wife actress sharon tate. at 26, tate was young, beautiful, she was also 8 1/2 months pregnant when the killers arrived on august 9, 1969.
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on manson's orders four members of his cult or the family went on a murder spree at the home with knives and guns they took the lives of tate, a young caretaker and three family friends. before leaving they left a message scrawled in blood. the world pig. the scene was horrific but there would be more to come. the next day manson accompanied the group here to the home of the la biancas. the property looks much the same. more cryptic words in blood, rise and helter-skelter. >> the manson murders were the iconic crimes of the 1960s. they incorporated everything with the sexual fascination ofmanson with his followers, the
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beatles music, the outlandish courtroom circus. >> reporter: a 5'2" megalo maniac who spent half of his life behind bars before moving to california where he portrayed himself as a hippie and musician. he attracted the desperate, lonely. mostly women. they moved into an abandoned building on an old movie set outside of los angeles. what was behind the murders? >> manson said he tried to start a race war. his theory was blacks would win in a race war. they would be unable to govern and he would take over. >> reporter: manson and four of his followers were given the death penalty but the sentences were commuted to life when california abolished capital punishment. manson turned his parole hearings into a circus filled with wild ramblings. he will likely die in prison a fate the other members of the soengd family would like to
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avoid. susan atkins who has terminal cancer is locking for freedom. leslie van haugton said this in 2004 -- >> i was raised to be a decent human being. i turned into a monster. i have spent these years going back to a decent human being and i don't know what else to say. >> amazing. tomorrow the manson killers. the woman who followed his orders to murder. 40 years later. they say they have changed. you heard them asking for forgiveness. they want their freedom. should they get it? we'll let you decide tomorrow. for a full timeline and to see crime scene photos and more background log on to just ahead, 70% of children in america are in need of an important vitamin. what is it and what can parent dos? lucky for you we have the answer. demolition disaster. find out where this implosion went terribly wrong.
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just ahead, tonight's "shot." a building demolition didn't go as planned. first gary tuchman with a "360" bulletin. >> bank of america has agreed to pay a $33 million fine to settle governme government. they played year end bonuses. president obama is praising the expansion of the gi bill calling it a "moral obligation." the maximum benefit is a free education. those who served at least three years in the military since september 11. a new nationwide study shows u.s. children have low levels of vitamin d. a poor diet is to blame as well as not enough sunshine. they have a contest for everything. even screaming. in thailand, more than 1,500
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people tried to break the guiness book of world records. one had a few decibel shorts of the world record. >> short of the world record? >> this a competition i would be very good it. >> really? gary tuchman, the things we learn about you. that is not an event i want to cover. >> you want me to try it? >> we'll try it in the break. we'll move on to the beat "360" winners. our daily challenge to viewers, show up our staffers to come up with a better caption for the pick cher. photo, taste of fun and atmosphere in new jersey. in case you weren't in this area, it rained like crazy on sunday. our staff winner, taste of levy
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johnston's new reality show. that is clever. our viewer winner is ken who didn't tell us where he is from. cagey. his caption and with one final strategic move the u.s. congress begins their summer break. >> democrats or republicans? >> that is an excellent question. i think nonpartisan. >> let's say one of each. >> perfect. ken, your beat "360" t-shirt is on the way. we are not done. up next, a planned building implosion gone terribly wrong. it is our "shot of the day." plus the economy is improving but will president obama keep his campaign promise not to raise taxes on the middle class? ahead on "360." welcome to the now network. right now
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gary, for tonight's "shot" a demolition disaster. a factory in turkey was supposed to implode. we know how these things work. it is obvious this one didn't work. instead of collapsing it tumbled over, i can't believe it is in one piece, flipping over next to a residential building. nobody was injured. >> can you imagine being in that residential building. >> i'm going to watch that implosion like they do on vegas. we are getting a building on our balcony. >> the luckiest people in turkey are the people in that building because no one was hurt. >> see the most recent shots at your money, your future, your taxes. will president obama be able to keep his promise not to raise those taxes for the middle class?
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a boost for the economy, does it mean a boost for your taxes to pay for it? we'll take a look at that. randy kay on a break through in the michael jackson custody case and growing questions about the jackson fortune. first and foremost, just how much of a fortune is it? dr. sanjay gupta on a major discovery in a war against a disease that kills more than a million people every year. uncovering the origins of malaria and how it could save millions of lives. four decades after their murders horrified the country, what became of charles manson and his twisted followers. we begin with new signs the recession is slowing. these signs come with a potential price.
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new taxes possibly for you. will president obama end up breaking a campaign promise not to raise taxes even a single dime on the middle class? this weekend a pair of the president's top economic advisers refuse to rule out new taxes to close the budget gap a shortfall that grows the economy in a recession but could hurt it later. your money, your future, your taxes. chief business correspondent ali velshi has it covered. as always. ali, good to have you here. bottom line, is everybody going to start paying more in taxes? >> six, even, eight months ago we couldn't get through a night without talking about the terrible things happening in the economy. before we talk taxes, let's tell you what is going on. we have had several weeks, months, in fact, of good economic reports. we know the stock market starts to recover before the rest of the economy in a recession. take a look at this. go back to election day and see where the dow was. about 9,139. it was pretty choppy but down until march 9th which we think
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at least if things don't go wrong again was the bottom of the market. look at what has happened since then. it is almost like a "v" shape. we are back up today higher than we were on election day. that is number one. look at the thing that got us into the recession. the housing market. we have seen in june, the last month for which we have numbers, an increase, a little one, an increase in the price of homes. we've seen a lot of homes being sold and that's interesting because what is happening is people are buying homes that are distressed or in foreclosure. the increase in home prices in june in major metropolitan areas was .5%. boy, erica, we'll take a gain as opposed to a loss. let's take a look at existing homes, that is basically used homes. 85%, 90% of all homes sold are existing homes. existing homes the price from may to june went up 3.6%. low compared to last june a year ago, but over the course of one month we have seen an increase. take a look at new home sales. this is interesting.
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we stopped buying and stopped building new homes. up 11% may to june. down compared to last june but up in one month. a lot of stuff going on giving people a sense this economy might be on the mend. >> if it might be on the mend how do we get to the mending point? is it the government intervention? it isn't just the stimulus. there were programs put in place before obama was in office so can his administration take credit? >> you know, i have talked to a lot of economists about this and there are mixed views. some economists say if the economy continues to grow in a robust fashion this administration can take credit. right now the growth we've seen in the second quarter, the second three months of this year have a lot to do with what happened before the election. probably what happened last october where we had t.a.r.p. and that intervention by the federal government. boy, the government threw so much money at this economy and back then we were saying, look, you will see a reaction. you are starting to see the
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reaction. this probably has less to do with the obama administration and more than $1 trillion thrown at this problem by the previous administration. >> that $1 trillion has something to do with every single american out there. getting back to the issue at hand, even if things are getting better, how is the country going to pay for all the money that has been thrown at this problem? is it inevitable taxes are going to increase and not just those making more than $250,000? >> that was a long way for me to get back to the point you asked in the first place. that is exactly right. what's happened here is we have seen -- let me give you an example of what we spent in the fist half of this year. the government took in a little less than $1 trillion, $986 billion. that is revenues, taxes and things like that. they spent $1.94 trillion. the government spent almost twice what they took in. leaving a gap of $954 billion. almost $1 trillion. that's the deficit.
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when you take all the deficit and put them together you have the national debt. it is a whopping national debt. you are going to talk to somebody after this a lot smarter than me, but it is not obvious how we end up paying for this national debt without increasing taxes on more than just high earners. we are going to dig deeper with donna brazil and susan molinar, a senior principle at the law firm bracewell and giuliani. good to have you with us. it sounds like raising taxes on americans could be inevitable. in addition to most economists saying not only the quickest but most effective way to reduce the deficit. susan, has the president boxed himself in a corner with a campaign promise that 95% of americans would not see their taxes raised? >> clearly he has. his two political spokespeople
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this weekend said what president obama doesn't want to say which is they think they are not going to take middle class tax cuts off the table. i agree with the president. taxing the american people is the wrong way to stimulate the economy. what he needs to do going through his budget is reduce spending and cut the deficit from a governmental perspective. >> donna, can you do that and find those areas so the president doesn't have to go back on this promise? >> at a time when revenues are declining and real americans are hurting and they need more government services in terms of unemployment benefits, food stamps this is a tough time to be raising taxes on americans who are concerned about their jobs and economic health. the president is correct to rule it out, to not put new revenues on the table in the form of raiding taxes on the middle class but look for cuts in spending. he promised to reduce the deficit. i think it is an opportunity for us to make some real savings by
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enacting real health care reform as well. >> can they find the cuts we'll continue the conversation next. you can join the live chat at also tonight, dr. sanjay gupta with news out of africa that could wipe malaria off the planet. a judge rules on custody in the jackson case as the fight continues over his estate. the first and only complete multivitamin... that can lower cholesterol. centrum cardio. (announcer) introducing new tums dual action. this tums goes to work in seconds and lasts for hours. all day or night. new tums dual action. bring it on.
11:08 pm
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who bears that cost down the road. back with us donna brazil and susan molinari. when we talk about health care, donna you mentioned before the break, one of the things before the break one of the things american families need the congressional budget office sthad health care reform would add $1 trillion to the deficit over ten years. we look at two very big promises, donna, of health care reform and not raising taxes. it seems tough to reconcile the two. how do you get them both and keep them both on the table? >> we have to find real savings and modify the existing health care system in this country. we must make sure in reforming our health care system we don't put undue burden on small businesses. that is why republicans and democrats are focusing clearly
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on the cost. i think the strategy right now is to make sure we can find existing savings and try to keep down in terms of taxes, raising taxes on wealthy americans to 1% to 2%. >> as we have seen in the last six monte the economy is improving. there was a lot of talk at the beginning of this administration when it came to midterm elections this is something the gop could hang their hats on. look, the economy didn't improve. it looks like the economy is doing well. without that to sort of hang their hats on for midterm elections, what are republicans going to go after to regain their majority? >> i think all republicans would say, yes, we'd like to be wrong on this that the economy is going to be better. the economic forecast in terms of unemployment looks like the numbers are going to be dropping again. that is bad news for the white house and for america. at the end of this week. unfortunately, there is still going to be a lot of other issues as we continue to take over car companies and cash for clunkers and projects that
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american people are skeptical on big government making more inroads in their life. i think we are all willing to go down a few percentage points if president obama and the congress can get this economy going again. >> donna. >> the stimulus package is working. it is helping state governments make ends meet so they don't have to fire critical workers such as teachers and firemen and police officials. we know with the new construction money, we saw in a report today, that finally the construction industry is making a comeback. so this is a net plus for the american people to ensure that the money we are investing as taxpayers is being used to help rebuild this economy. we are now on the slow road to recovery. until the jobs come back it is a very slow road. >> as long as we learn to drop the deficit and watch out for inflation, i agree. >> susan, much of that deficit is we borrowed money for tax cuts we didn't need and one of the problems is the president
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has not -- >> let me ask you -- >> stimulus and spending bills could have been pared down. >> $1.3 trillion is what president obama inherited. 3% is on the books because of the stimulus package that is going to help people with a lifeline to make it through this recession. >> that still remains to be seen. a deficit we have to pay for including our kids. that troubles the american people. >> when you are looking t the improvements that have been made, you both are saying there are improvements. the economy has been improving. so how much credit because there is talk about what the president inherited in terms of issues economically, how much credit can this administration take and how much should it take for the recovery we've seen thus far? susan i'll start with you. >> the political reality is administrations wear the economy bad or good. whether they have all that much to do with it, you know, sometimes obviously private
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business has an awful lot to do with it, too. the economy needs to get moving again. i think some of the stimulus bill is starting to get in there and start to work. the point is i think a lot of people are looking at it and saying there was a lot more money in that stimulus bill that could have been better spent on infrastructure or jobs or given back to the taxpayer. he can take credit but not too much because bills are due before the next midterm election. >> donna, how much credit can the president take? >> it is too early for anyone to take a victory lap because too many americans are hurt. it is too early to pop champagne because too many americans are relying on government programs to make ends meet. the important thing is to make sure this money is targeted and spent wisely to help communities in need and the american people to rebuild their lives. >> ladies, i appreciate having
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you with us. >> thank you. >> thank you. it is your turn to weigh in as well. tell us how you think the in the president is doing as the second 100 days of the obama administration winds down. cast your vote at you'll see the results thursday 8:00 eastern. former president clinton heading to north korea. two lives may depend on his diplomacy tonight. new evidence that chichs are the source of one of humanity's deadliest and toughest diseases to treat. tom. now, i know the catering business but when i walked in here i wasn't sure what i needed. i'm not sure what i need. tom showed me how to use mifi to get my whole team working online, on location. i was like, "woah". woah ! only verizon wireless has small business specialists in every store to help you do business better. you're like my secret ingredient. come in today and connect up to five devices
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a reliable source telling us he is headed there in hopes of securing the release of journalists euna lee and laura ling. you may recall, they were tried, convicted and sentenced to a dozen years hard labor for "grave crimes against north korea." mr. clinton is reportedly on his way but not yet arrived of the north korea capital of pyongyang. euna and laura have been held there since the 17th of march. we will keep you updated as we learn more tonight. we are following several other stories. gary tuchman with the "360 bulletin." hi, gary. >> the navy is awaiting dna tests of the first american officer shot down in the gulf war. michael speicher disappeared on a combat mission on the first night of the war. the defense department said they found speicher's remains and they identified his remains with help from dental records. a tip from an iraqi citizen last month helped solve the mystery. iran not officially confirming they are holding three american hikers. secretary of state hillary
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clinton and swiss diplomats are pressing iranian officials for information. all three are former students at the university of california berkeley and were hiking in iraq's kurdistan region. they crossed an unmarked area. friday afternoon they contacted a friend to say they were surrounded by iranian soldiers. a new strain of the virus that causes aids has been identified and for the first time traced to gorillas instead of chimpanzees. it was detected in a 62-year-old african woman from cameroon who lives in paris. a terrifying moment for those onboard a continental flight en route to houston from rio de janeiro. severe turbulence injured 26, four seriously. they diverted to miami. a lot of people get scared, but erica, flying is very safe. this is very rare but wear those seat belts.
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a man who flies about 18 times a week. i'll take your word. just ahead on "360," michael jackson's children and a fresh wild card from his former dermatologist dr. arnie klein. we have the latest on the custody ruling. what it means for katherine jackson and debbie rowe and the strange request from the dermatologist. what did he ask the judge for? that is coming up. 40 years later, the anniversary of the manson murders. we take a look at the crime and the killers when "360" continues.
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tonight a major decision involving michael jackson's children and a final one. a judge making it official granting katherine jackson permanent custody of her three grandchildren. it was the singer's wish that michael jr., paris and blanket live with his mother. what about debbie rowe? the hearing addressed her rights and who should control jackson's estate. there was a bizarre moment that still has many people talking and wondering. randy kay with the latest developments. randy, i'm wondering about that one, actually. >> reporter: we all are. katherine jackson was awarded full custody. jackson's ex-wife debbie rowe will have visitation. before that was made official major drama in the courtroom. a strange request on behalf of dr. arnold klein.
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his lawyer told the judge dr. klein wanted to be involved with the children's medical care and education and be a part of their lives. this came out of nowhere and was all so bizarre because of all the talk out there that dr. klein may actually be the biological father of these kids. he told cnn "to the best of his knowledge he is not their father but he admitted he donated sperm once and just doesn't know." we are talking about the two oldest children. this is all very bizarre. the judge said dr. klein would not be a part to the custody hearing. his lawyer said dr. klein is not opposed to katherine jackson being the guardian adding "dr. klein has had a special relationship with the children and is looking out for their best interest. he apparently promised michael jackson he would do so. >> interesting. the last person a lot of people would expect. not the first twist or turn. the real business of the day was the custody issue and the hearing on the estate. custody resolved, how about the estate? >> reporter: not exactly.
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the estate battle continues. more hearings have been scheduled. what is behind this mrs. jackson wants a seat at the table and more control over her husband's estate. it is unclear what the estate is worth. when he died michael jackson was about to go on tour. he hoped the final tour would jump start his career and juice his bank account. he was $400 million in debt by some estimates so why the fight over his estate? >> michael jackson will be worth more dead than he was alive. >> reporter: business agent handles the estates of other celebrities like marilyn monroe and james dean. he predicted jackson will be the biggest grossing personality of all time. good news for his mother katherine and three children who together were left 80% of his estate. so what is the estate really worth? katherine jackson's attorney said $2 billion. a source close to the estate dealings called that ridiculous.
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and called her attorney terribly misinformed. that source told me the estate is likely worth $100 million with the potential to be worth a whole lot more. already we learned deals are in the works that could bring in hundreds of millions of dollars including a movie featuring hours of jackson's final rehearsal footage. our source says the estate will get 90% of the profits. also jackson's memoir "moonwalk" will be rereleased in october. that deal is worth about $60 million. >> you are talking about the copyrights, the trademarks, the right of publicity associated with his name and likeness. >> reporter: one of the men in charge is john branca who helped turn around elvis presley estate. two years ago "forbes" magazine put elvis at the top of its list
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of top earning dead celebrities. if all goes as planned jackson may surpass him. since his death he outsold every artist in albums and downloads. he is the highest selling artist after death since nielsen started tracking this stuff in 1991. the numbers don't lie. from january 1st of this year until the week he died he sold 297,000 albums. compare that to 3.73 million five weeks later. in 2009 prior to the week he died fans downloaded 1.3 million of his songs. five weeks later it jumped to 8.5 million. he had the top ten albums on the billboard charts for two weeks, the first time any artist alive or dead has done that. this senior editor from forbes says the time is now for jackson's estate to cash in. >> right now michael jackson has his best shot ever because everyone is looking at it flu rosy tinted glasses. the further we get from his death the more the sunglasses are taken off. the value of his assets will go down.
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>> reporter: no doubt jackson's family and his creditors hope that doesn't happen any time soon. now the most significant piece of business to come from today's estate hearing was the fact that the will was sent on to probate which will review jackson's wishes and interpret his instructions. this means the judge accepted the will as valid and katherine jackson apparently did, too. it is significant because her lawyer made a big deal about the will not being notarized. in california a will doesn't have to be notarized. this is a very good thing for the executors named by michael jackson in the will to handle his estate. >> those are the issues over the jackson estate. there is plenty to get to tonight. joining us is jeffrey toobin, in los angeles cnn legal analyst lisa bloom. there is never a dull moment in these discussions. jeff, we were talking about this at the break. i have to go back to the kids before we continue with the
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estate because this custody battle -- dr. arnie klein showing up essentially saying he wants a say in how the kids are raised. did you see this one come >> the good news is there is not a custody battle. katherine jackson has custody and there wasn't a fight with debbie rowe. arnie klein comes in and he doesn't ask for custody. he doesn't ask for visitation. he just sort of asks to be invited to thanksgiving every year. >> what is the likelihood of that happening in a custody case? >> the thing is what he was asking for the law does not have any provision for and he has no legal status because he is -- he is rumored to be their parents but he has never proven to be the father. the deseed -- the decease's
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dermatologist gets no rights to the children. >> are you sure? >> i don't think there is anything going to come of this. >> what if he does turn out? what if it happens and it turns out he is the biological father. would he have rights and be invited to perhaps more than thanksgiving? >> remember, michael jackson married debbie rowe when she was six months pregnant with their first child. i thought he did that to take advantage of california's provision the child born to a mother and wife of a couple that is cohabiting is the father of that child. period. except if a punitive father comes in within two years and requests a blood test. those two years have passed for a long, long time. there are other cases in california where the father can come in and request a blood test under unusual circumstances after those two years. so nothing as far as i'm concerned is off the table in this case. anything could happen just as we saw today in court. >> the weird thing is on one level, i want to have a dna test i want to prove i'm the father. he didn't do that. >> he is being so cagey. >> you think, lisa?
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>> i want to make sure they go to a good college. it was strange. >> it was odd. we can go back and forth on this. we do have a couple of other things to get to. quickly, debbie rowe. does this seem like a good setup? any surprise she got visitation rights? >> no. i think it is a nice resolution. there is no conflict. she has gotten a great deal of money from the jackson family in the past. i thought she would hold them up for more money. but she didn't. again, it is good for all concerned there is no lingering conflict. >> lisa, let's turn to the estate. we didn't get a final judgment today. why not? and do you think it is something that the judge will come to quickly moving forward? >> the judge did give a temporary win in my opinion to the executors of the estate. they stay in as executors and the will is accepted. the will names them as executors. and doesn't name katherine. michael jackson had the opportunity to name his mom.
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he did not name her. they are going to administer the estate. katherine jackson is not going to be brought in as an executor of the estate unless she can show serious misconduct or fraud by these guys which so far has not even been suggested. all we have is a run of the mill discovery dispute which i think is going nowhere. she is going to get the documents, agree to confidentiality. i think that is going to be the end of it. >> doesn't she get to see some of the comings and goings of the michael jackson family trust because she does receive a certain portion of it? >> absolutely. she is a 40% beneficiary and guardian of the kids that have 40%. she is looking at -- really, we are talking about 80%. she has the right to get documents and information. to make sure the executors are abo acting in her best interest and the children's best interest. it doesn't mean she gets everything she wants. she doesn't get control over the complicated legal and financial dealings. we have a record industry executive and a lawyer which makes sense.
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>> that is right. it is worth noting that they don't have to resolve everything right away. this is a very complicated estate which exploiting it will take years we don't know how much it is worth because it depends how intelligently the assets are used. >> the value of the estate is not going to change what the judge decides or could it? >> no. it is not. it is an ongoing business and the beneficiaries are 80% the jackson family. >> we need this wrapped up with a bow tonight, jeffrey toobin. >> it is the legal system. nothing gets wrapped up quickly. >> who are we kidding? this is the gift that keeps on giving. >> keeps legal analysts in business. >> there you go. jeffrey toobin, lisa bloom. to weight in on this story join the live chat at i have been remiss. i swear i'm going to log on right now. still ahead, a discovery that may have solved an ancient mystery. this will get you talking. nathan wolf tracking the parasite that causes malaria.
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the disease itself kills more than a million people across the globe every year. see where the trail led nathan wolf. plus, the grisly murder that stunned the nation. charles manson 74. just ahead, his bloody legacy. ot out of a bad relatio... it's okay. thanks. goodnight. goodnight. (door crashes in, alarm sounds) get out! (phone rings) hello? this is rick with broadview security. is everything all right? no, my ex-boyfriend just kicked in the front door. i'm sending help right now. thank you. (announcer) brink's home security is now broadview security. call now to install the standard system for just $99. the proven technology of a broadview security system delivers rapid response from highly-trained professionals, 24 hours a day. call now to get the $99 installation,
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plus a second keypad installed free. and, you could save up to 20% on your homeowner's insurance. call now-- and get the system installed for just $99. broadview security for your home or business - the next generation of brink's home security. call now. (announcer) you can make a bigger difference in the world.
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break in a medical whodunnit. a team of researchers has tracked down the origins of one of the deadliest killers on the planet. malaria. one of the authors of this just-published study is nathan wolf. you may remember him from our "planet in peril" investigation. he is a well-known virus hunter. in this case he focused on the parasite that causes malaria. he'll join us in just a moment. first "360" m.d. dr. sanjay gupta has more. >> reporter: deep in the jungles of africa, nathan wolf is on the hunt. wolf is a pathogen hunter, looking to unlock the mystery of one of nature's greatest killers, the source of malaria. he has been at it more than a decade, working with people who hunt these forests to take blood samples of the animals they kill, animals that could provide the answer. through the blood samples and work with research animals he and his team have solved the riddle. >> there is a particular chimpanzee in here, max. what has max taught us about viruses? >> what we have found in max and
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a couple of chimpanzees on the ivory coast is malaria parasites. give us the answer to an old riddle, namely what is the origin of malaria? where did they come from? the answer is actually -- >> reporter: max. >> it came from chimpanzees. yeah. just like max. >> reporter: malaria comes from chimpanzees. we can say that for sure? >> that's right. >> reporter: you are a virus hunter. a pathogen hunter. how hard was it to hunt malaria? >> we have been chasing this a long time. it was exciting for us to nail it. >> reporter: they nailed it by identifying strains in chimpanzees and comparing them to strains killing humans globally. they are nearly identical except the chimpanzee strain is older. all of that suggests that chimpanzees pass malaria to humans. there is this interface between animals and humans so important because they can exchange viruses, pathogens, things you may have heard of like hiv,
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ebola, parasites like malaria. the question is exactly how does that swapping take place? more importantly for researchers, what can they do about it? knowing the origins of a disease, even the close relatives to it could be a huge step toward stopping it. more than 30 years ago scientists used a close relative of human smallpox found in cows to create a vaccine for humans. whether the same will happen with wolf's discovery is still unknown. he and his colleagues believe it is a major breakthrough and only the beginning. >> we know very little of the diversity of microorganisms even within our own bodies let alone in other animals. that is one of the things we are just beginning to do, sort of begin to describe this iceberg. we know a lot of it is under water that is part of the excitement scientifically. for those of us out there trying to discover these things. >> one of the reasons the study is getting so much attention are the high stakes here.
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malaria kills more than a million people every year, many are children. we want to dig deeper with dr. sanjay gupta and nathan wolf. both joining us tonight. nathan, congratulations on this discovery. >> thank you. >> i know this is so important in the scientific community. for folks at home myself included, i listen to all this and think, malaria, where does the mosquito fit in here? >> sure. mosquitos permit malaria to move from animal to animal. hundreds of thousands of years a single infected mosquito who fed on a chimpanzee and later fed on a human that permitted this parasite to cross over into humans. >> that is amazing. you can trace it back from that one single mosquito that far. sanjay, medically, why is this so important? >> you mentioned a million or two die from malaria, 500 million get infected. i have had malaria. nathan has had it a few times.
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a lot of people get this. it is awful in terms of symptoms. more to the point and curious what nathan thinks about this, this idea if you isolate a path gen like this in chimpanzees, could you possibly be one step closer to creating a vaccine? we talk about mosquito nets and preventing malaria, a vaccine would be a huge, huge development in the world of malaria. whether that could happen or not, who knows but this puts us a step closer. >> this is far off but are you hopeful we could see something like that in our lifetime or is it too soon to tell? >> i am hopeful. what sanjay says is true. if you compare hiv, let's say hiv to something like katrina as a hurricane. malaria is a hurricane that has been hitting us constantly for the last 1,000 years. it is an incredibly important parasite for the history of
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humanity. it has been an incredible struggle to come up with an adequate vaccine that prevents against malaria. there are very few models, very few close living relatives to human malaria to compare and generate vaccines. >> like the smallpox, using cow smallpox to create the human vaccine. you mentioned this is the tip of the iceberg. what other diseases are you really focused on right now? >> we tend to be interested in two kinds of diseases. number one, things closely related to diseases that have had a huge impact on humans. retroviruses like hiv, malaria parasites. perhaps unknown ones. there was an interesting malaria parasite that started to infect individuals in southeast asia that jumped over. the second is things that are completely unknown. our ability to understand these agents has just begun.
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we have the tools that will allow us to do that. we need to do more field studies. we need to be out there watching when people get sick to see if these are novel things that cause people to be ill. >> i remember this in "planet in peril." you talk about the unknown viruses and the ability to jump quickly because of air travel. how much concern is there over the unknown viruses? >> we have been talking about this a lot recently with h1n1, the swine flu virus. we were looking at this in mexico. nathan ten years searching for the origins of malaria, with h1n1 they think it came from a pig farm in northern mexico. what's sort of interesting is exactly what you said. it starts at this really isolated location, finds its way into mexico city, hospitals, subsequently tourists are there and all of a sudden you have something that would have bb in
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a very, very small part of the world all over the world. finding the origins of that, how it behaves can provide valuable lessons. >> dr. sanjay gupta, nathan wolf, great to have both of you with us. congratulations. we look forward to hearing more of what you find. >> thank you very much. you can log on to to watch an excerpt from "planet in peril." investigating how this deadly viruses spread. you can find ways to stop malaria. just ahead on "360," the face of evil. charles manson on the anniversary of the murders. the killings, the cult and the crime that gripped a nation. talk about an oops. a bad blowup. the unexpected botch of a building implosion. the video and story are ahead. only nationwide gives you an on your side review. you tell us about your life and your insurance. sometimes you don't have enough coverage. or you may even have too much. we'll let you know.
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in tonight's "crime and punishment" report. charles manson and the killing spree that cuts deep in the american psyche. the manson family murders. with his followers asking for freedom and speculation of more victims the story continues to make news today. we are going to bring it to you over this full week. ted rowlands takes us back to the crime that shocked the nation. >> reporter: the psychopath who carved a swastika on his forehead is 47 -- 74 now. peer into his eyes. they are dark and penetrating as the world first met him. it is 40 years since he and his
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dissignles slaughtered seven people. on cielo drive, a quiet leafy could cul de sac overlooking beverly hills. you see this security gate. behind it a mansion, in the 1960s a smaller house. home to two rising hollywood stars, roman polansky and his wife actress sharon tate. at 26, tate was young, beautiful, she was also 8 1/2 months pregnant when the killers arrived on august 9, 1969. on manson's orders four members of his cult or the family went on a murder spree at the home with knives and guns they took the lives of tate, a young caretaker and three family friends. before leaving they left a message on the front door scrawled in blood. the word pig. the scene was horrific but there would be more to come. the next day manson accompanied the group here to the home of the la biancas.
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the house today looks very much today as when the manson family entered the property and tortured the couple before killing them. more cryptic words in blood, rise and helter-skelter. a reference to the beatles song of the same name. >> the manson murders were the iconic crimes of the 1960s. they incorporated everything with the sexual fascination of manson with his many women followers to the beatles music of the day, the outlandish courtroom circus that the trial became. >> reporter: a 5'2" megalo maniac who spent half of his life behind bars before moving to california where he portrayed himself as a hippie and musician. he attracted the lonely, desperate and troubled, mostly women who traveled with him across the state until they moved into an abandoned building on an old movie set outside of los angeles. what was behind the murders? >> manson said he tried to start a race war. his theory was blacks would win
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in a race war. they would be unable to govern and he would emerge and take over.penalty, but the sentences were commuted to life with california abolished capital punishment. over the years, manson has turned his parole hearings into a circus filled with wild antics and rambling. he will likely die in prison, a fate other members of the so-called family want to avoid. susan atkins was denied parole last year but is up again next month. leslie van houten is also longing for freedom. this is what she said in 2004. >> i was raised to be a decent human being. i turned into a monster, and i have spentneys years going back to a decent human being, and i just don't know what else to say. >> reporter: ted rowlands, cnn, los angeles. >> amazing. tomorrow, the manson killers. the woman who followed his orders to murder 40 years later.
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they say they've changed. you heard them asking for forgiveness. and they also want their freedom. should they get it? we'll let you decide tomorrow. for a full timeline of the manson murders and to see crime scene photos and more background, logon to our website, 70% of children in america are in need of an important vitamin? what is it and what can parents do? we'll have the answer next. >> plus, demolition disaster. find out where this implosion -- keep watching -- went terribly wrong. what heals me? girls' night out. and for damage
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just ahead, tonight's shot. a building demolition didn't exactly go as planned. first, gary tuchman joining us with a 360 bulletin. >> bank of america has agreed to pay a $33 million fine to settle government charges it misled investors about bonuses for merrill lynch employees. the s.e.c. said as the bank bought the brokerage company it made plans to pay year end bonuses but did not tell shareholders. the president is praising the expansion of the gi bill. the maximum benefit is a free education at various state colleges or universities. that's for those who have served at least three years in the military since the september 11th attacks. a new nationwide study suggests about 70% of u.s. children have low levels vitamin d. it puts them more at risk for bone and heart disease. scientists say a poor diet is to blame, as well as not enough
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sunshine. and they have a contest for everything. even screaming. in thailand, more than 1,500 people tried to break the guinness world record for the loudest scream this last weekend. one chimed in with a scream as loud as an ambulance siren. that was a few decibels short of the world record. >> erica, i think this is a competition i would be very good at. >> really? >> when i go into libraries, people who know me run away. it's really something. i can yell loud. >> that is an event that i don't really ever want to cover without earplugs. >> you want me to try it now? >> you could but they probably wouldn't be happy in the control room. we'll move on to the beat 360 challenge. a chance to show off our staffers by coming up with a better caption. a little taste of the fun and atmosphere at a festival in new
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jersey over the weekend. in case you weren't in this area, it rained like crazy on sunday. our staff winner, a little taste of levi johnston's new reality show. very clever. here's my staff favorite, i have to admit. our viewer winner is ken who didn't tell us where he's from. very cagey. his caption, and with one final strategic move, the u.s. congress begins their summer break. >> are those democrats or republicans? >> that is an excellent question. i think it's a nonpartisan. >> let's say one of each. >> perfect. >> can you beat 360 t-shirt is on the way. up next, a planned building implosion gone terribly wrong. we'll tell you where it happened. it's our shot of the day. you can probably see why. introducing new centrum ultra men's. a complete multivitamin for men. it has antioxidants and vitamin d... to support your prostate and colon. new centrum ultra men's. my daughter was with me. i took a bayer aspirin out of my purse and chewed it.
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for tonight's shot, a demolition disaster. check it out. a factory in turkey, which was supposed to implode. we know how these things work. it's obvious that one didn't work. instead of collapsing, you can see it tumbled over. i can't believe it's still in one piece. flipping over before coming to rest next to a residential building. incredibly, no one was injured. >> can you imagine being in the balcony of that residential building and saying, what's going on next door? i'm going to watch the implosion like they do in vegas all the time. we've got popcorn. we're getting a building on our balcony. >> the
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