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tv   Larry King Live  CNN  August 4, 2009 9:00pm-10:00pm EDT

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>> larry: tonight, breaking news, american journalist laura ling and euna lee on their way home. president bill clinton secures their freedom from north korea during a high-stakes meeting with kim jong il. five harrowing months in captivity and a sentence of 12 years of hard labor are now behind them. plus michael jackson exclusive, his manager reveals for the first time how he told the children about their father's death, how they reacted, and how they're going to make it without him next on "larry king live."
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good evening, the words two families and a nation have been waiting to hear, president clinton has safely left north korea with laura ling and euna lee. they are now on route to los angeles. there you see them at the airport in north korea where laura and euna will be united with their families. that's them boarding the plane long flight to l.a., arrive in l.a. tomorrow morning. joining us, three outstanding journalists. in new york, dan rather, the anchor and managing editor of "dan rather reports," the author of "meltdown," a former cnn senior asia correspondent, he's been to north korea 14 times, and in washington, jill dougherty, cnn's veteran foreign affairs correspondent. dan, on a personal note, close
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member of the lee family told me early this morning that they knew this was a done deal when clinton was on the way there. does that surprise you? >> no. because you don't move a big asset diplomatically such as bill clinton without it being clearly settled in advance that he's going to get what he's coming for. so that doesn't surprise me at all, larry. >> larry: do you think there was a quid pro quo here, dan? >> i don't know, larry, i think this could be a turning point in resuming some kind of dialogue with the north koreans. certainly i say this based on my own reporting, they certainly hope that it will be. as you noted and cnn has been reporting, the white house and the state department are keeping very mum about this whole thing. however, it could be a turning point in the dialogue. the north koreans almost, they badly wanted respect, and this shows respect.
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i'm told that when the conversations first began about, well, whom should we send if we're going to send anybody, vice president, former vice president gore, perhaps governor richardson who knew the north koreans well, what i'm told is the north koreans said one of the clintons and of course, it turned out to be bill clinton. so point number one, bill clinton still has it, that is in terms of his recognition whether you agree with it or not around the world. the north koreans saw him as "the big guy." the big guy came, he got what he came for, we'll have to see where it goes from here. there's no question in my mind the north koreans hope this will lead to a whole new area, an era in negotiations. >> larry: jill dougherty, do you concur? >> i do concur that that's the hope. but i don't necessarily think that it is going to happen. because there is a division in these two things, there is a personal story of these two journalists and then there's the other story, and that is getting
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north korea to come back to the six-party talks, not just talking directly with the united states, but doing what the administration wants, which is coming back and talking with the other countries in these six-party talks. and the north koreans so far are -- it seems willing and ready to talk immediately to the united states, but not to the other countries and that's the problem. >> larry: there you see president clinton greeting them as they arrive on the plane, get set for the flight to l.a., they'll be here in los angeles tomorrow morning. mike, i guess nobody knows north korea better than you. why did they take this action? >> why did the north koreans take this action? well, i think it's been clear ever since these two women flipped across the border and were captured by north korean border guards that this was not a problem the north korean leadership wanted and the signals have all along been they wanted to do a deal. these women were pretty well treated in captivity, they were kept in a guest house in
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pyongyang, not in a prison, they were given access to the swedish ambassador, they were allowed to call home. and i think they were waiting for the right moment and the clear signal that the united states was prepared to have a very senior official go and try to break the ice and that moment has now arrived. i think critical here is going to be what kim jong il and bill clinton talked about and whether or not in what kim jong il said there's enough for clinton to report back to the obama administration and for the obama administration to then try and move on that and see whether there's some hope for getting diplomacy underway. if the administration remains fixate that had the north has to agree now to the six-party process, we're going to have trouble. but i think there is -- i think dan's right, there's a lot of potential here for the u.s. and north korea to try and ratchet the tension down and get diplomacy going again. >> larry: we have a statement, folks, from the families of the two journalists and here's what they say.
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we are so grateful to our government. president obama, secretary clinton, the united states state department for their dedication and hard work on behalf of american citizens. we especially want to thank president bill clinton for taking on such an arduous mission and vice president al gore for his tireless efforts to bring laura and euna home. we're counting the seconds to hold laura and euna in our arms. dan, why bill clinton and not the secretary of state hillary clinton? >> well, number one, he is a former president of the united states. number two, he may be with the possible exception of president obama the best known american. this was the biggest piece on the chessboard they could expect to get. and let me say in reference to something talked about earlier that i noticed today in pictures of the arrival of president clinton and i think it should be underscored that there on the tarmac to meet them was the
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korean negotiator when the six-party talks were underway. now, they have pulled out of it, but i think it should be noted he was at the airport to meet president clinton as were madame choi, an expert on western media relations and putting forth a better image for the north vietnamese to say nothing of several other people there. i think the fact this guy who was the chief negotiator for the north koreans in the six-party talks was there to meet him and many people think he is number two, number three, two places away from the very top kim jong il himself. i don't want to touch too much of this. i did find it interesting that that man was on the tarmac to meet bill clinton when he arrived. >> larry: we'll be right back with more on this fascinated story. it's not often in this business good news carries the day. good news is carrying the day. we'll be right back.
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>> larry: we're back, the families of laura and euna were on this show back on june 1st. here's what lisa ling had to say at that time. >> we don't know the details about what happened on march 17th, but if at any point the girls went into north korea, then we apologize on their behalf. they never intended to do so. and we are sorry, and we beg your government to allow my
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sister and michael's wife and hannah's mother to come home. >> larry: by the way al gore and joe, the co-founders of current media released this statement tonight reading in part, we want to thank the obama administration for its continuous and determined efforts to achieve this outcome. and president clinton for his willingness to undertake the mission. all of us at current are overjoyed that laura and euna's safe return. our hearts go out to them and their families for persevering through this horrible experience. jill, if they wanted to make a deal and they were not happy by any kind of imprisonment, why were they so tough at the sentencing? >> because they believed that these women had broken north korean law. and you have to note that right up until the end, that is what they said. and when secretary clinton going back a couple of weeks ago, when she changed the message that she
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had, initially she was saying north korean laws, you know, this is a bogus charge and i'm not quoting, but this is a bogus charge. and then the women should be released on humanitarian basis and then later, she said, it should be an amnesty. and there is an understanding of that. it was kind of an indirect way of saying that these women might have been culpable, might have broken the law. so the north koreans were antibiotic to save face up until the end saying yes, she broke our law, however we are magnanimous and we are going to forgive them and let them go home. that was important for the north koreans and for the u.s. too. >> dan, is this a passing incident in the scene of things? or is it historic? could it lead -- are you optimistic this could lead to bigger things? >> well, i'm an optimist by nature, by experience, larry. i simply don't know, but i do want to point out if you've got just a second, i went through my notes that back in the forum
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here in new york city in march of 2007, henry kissinger and madeline albright, the former secretary of state stress in their opinion that north korea needed to have a deal in place before the end of the bush administration because regardless of the election, with the new administration tougher to get a deal. and my notes show here that the man i mentioned earlier, a big player in north korea responded by saying here's a hint. send somebody who is high enough up to deal with our leadership, and a deal will get done. it never got done, i think the best we can say about this looking with some optimism to it that the door has opened and we'll have to see where it goes from here, but make no mistake the north koreans, they're eager to keep their respect, but they're eager for the world to know this is their viewpoint that they're credible, they'll be tough negotiators on the nuclear weapons issue, but they do want to deal. >> larry: laura --
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>> of course, it's a another matter. >> larry: laura called her family after she was detained. here's lisaling describing a phone call from her sister. >> she sounds scared, larry, absolutely terrified. you know, it's been almost three months and communication with her has been so limited. we got that one phone call, the first time i'd heard her voice in 2 1/2 months and we got one letter, our family got one letter and her husband got one letter. and that's it, the only people who have seen them outside of the north koreans is the swedish delegation. >> larry: mike, based on your vast experience with this, are you optimistic? >> i'm not sure i would be optimistic because this is a very, very complicated issue, but one of the things that was true over the last 8 1/2 years has been that the united states government has not had contact with people who make the
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decisions in north korea and specifically with the man at the top, kim jong il, all the negotiations were done at a lower level. and in the north korean system, he calls the shots. and so to engage him directly, to figure out where he's coming from, what might be possible, what are his concerns, is a very important first step. and it almost doesn't matter about the nitty-gritty of the details he went over with bill clinton. if the overall impression is that kim wants the deal, then there is something out there to work with, although the specific issues of denuclearization and so on are very, very tough. but i think there is potential opening if the obama administration can creatively build on what bill clinton has achieved here. >> larry: well said. dan rather, i'm sure we'll be calling upon you again, they're expected back home tomorrow. governor bill richardson knows the territory, his insights next.
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>> larry: bill richardson has held many key posts with regard to things foreign. he is now of course the democrat of new mexico, the governor of that great state. when you heard, bill, that the former president clinton was going there, did you know they were going to come back? >> yes. i'd been aware of this potential trip. and i knew that if somebody of president clinton's stature was set as a special envoy, that the north koreans would receive him. i knew more or less that it would be good news that we get the release of the two american journalists. you don't send an envoy like bill clinton without some kind of a goouarantee of a result. so i felt very good about the potential release of the two american journalists. so i was very pleased when that had happened. >> larry: had the obama administration kept you informed of this? >> yes. yes, i'd been working with them, they consulted me, been working with the north koreans, with the families, but i wasn't involved
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in the last intricate negotiations that sent president clinton. but i was very pleased when i learned that number one, the word amnesty was being used by both sides. that means that the girls, this would be the basis for the two women that they would be pardoned and that they wouldn't serve the hard labor, and that they would be released by a presidential pardon by kim jong il. but kim jong il getting president clinton to come, it solidifies his domestic base because he's been sick, he wants to be succeeded by one of his sons, there seems to be some turmoil there internally, so this was important for kim jong il to get somebody like bill clinton who he'd been trying to get for years to visit north korea when he was president. >> larry: right back with governor bill richardson of new mexico right after this.
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>> larry: we're back with governor richardson. governor, have you talked to the families at all yet? >> yes, yes, i spoke to lisa ling who i'd been in regular contact. and she was just ecstatic because it's been nearly five months, the contact has been limited. but our sense was that the north koreans were feeding them, treating them properly, they were in a guest house, but what was the most damaging was the sense of isolation that they were going to be sentenced to 12 years of hard labor, not knowing what was going to happen, limited telephone contact, but lisa and her family, obviously, are ecstatic, and they've done so much to raise awareness of this issue, and be diplomatic, i
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know they've been on your show several times and i think their behavior is a model of how when you are dealing with these very, very negative hostage situations how families can be diplomatic yet strong and raise consciousness of the plight of their own relatives. >> larry: this being a pardon, governor, was it important kind of both sides admit they made a mistake? the girls made a mistake? >> yes, yes. i think it was important after the trial that the fact that they were in the country, they crossed in an illegal way. but it wasn't espionage, they were doing their jobs, they were journalists, but they crossed and the north koreans needed that kind of apology. this is why the word amnesty was used. and after that, there was the
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view that the pardon could take place by kim jong il and that's what i believe triggered the visit by president clinton. and i believe only somebody of his stature could've gotten this accomplished. so he deserves a lot of credit, but also kim jong il needed this visit for his own internal political reasons. >> larry: do you think, governor, this might lead to direct talks? >> it might. because there are no talks whatsoever, in fact, i've never seen the relationship so negative, north korea has refused to talk to us, to engage in the six-party talks, there have been u.n. sanctions, so maybe this will open up some possible, a process for either direct talks or them rejoining the six-party talks, or simply sending an envoy from the united states to really negotiate about how we can reduce the nuclear arsenal the north koreans in
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exchange for food, fuel, although the north koreans and the u.s. seem to think that maybe that's not the way to go. that the best thing is the north koreans want face to face talks with us because they think they're the major power in asia, they don't want intermediaries, they don't want the six party talks, they want to do it directly with us, and perhaps this trip was a signal. and this is perhaps the message that president clinton may be taking back to president obama that the north koreans are ready to talk, but only directly with us. i have no knowledge of that, but i suspect that's what they may be saying. >> larry: governor, you supported the president, is this a big day for obama? >> it is a big day for obama. because he's skillfully sent an emissary -- well agreed to send an emissary unofficially. he's not a spokesman for the administration, president clinton, but a former president.
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but credit should go to president clinton who, i believe, undertook the mission. to secretary of state clinton who was very engaged in this, and, i guess, partially to the north koreans who maybe are sending a signal that they're ready to talk by this humanitarian release. but the biggest victors are the families, lisa ling, the way they conducted themselves, and the best news about everything is that these two american journalists, these women who were only doing their jobs and doing it very well are coming home after five months, a very gruelling captivity. >> larry: do you expect to meet with the families, bill, you've been so close to this. >> well, i've met with lisa ling, i suspect we will. but i was just happy to play a very small part. but i think credit goes to these negotiations and to the obama administration, which i believe is behind the scenes, but not directly involved.
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and the outcome is good, and now hopefully this will lead to talks that will lessen tensions. that's in everybody's interest, larry, you don't want north korea with several nuclear weapons with a million men and women in arms. with missiles, with a number of land mines next to 27,000 american troops in south korea. we all should try to lessen tensions here no matter how bad any actor is. >> larry: it's realistic, thank you, governor, so much, we'll be calling on you again. >> thank you, larry. >> larry: governor bill richardson, democrat of new mexico. former ambassador to the u.n. the man who told the jackson children that their father had died is here. he'll tell us what happened on that sad day when "larry king live" returns. swork. cop,ining two essential insurances, term life and disability in one surprisingly affordable package. strengthen your safety net and find out how affordable it can be at
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>> larry: we've got some other news for you. five people are confirmed dead in a shooting, including the shooter, several others injured. it took place inside a fitness center in pennsylvania tonight. police received a phone call at 8:16 p.m., reporting a shooting inside the l.a. fitness gym, about eight miles southeast of pittsburgh. you're seeing a live shot of that center. no status of the reported shooter. we now welcome to "larry king live" finally frank delio, michael jackson's manager. he worked for michael from 1984 to 1989 and was rehired by michael earlier this year calling you out of retirement. why did he bring you back? >> well, first of all, you
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should understand that michael and i have been speaking for a couple of years before he came back. we were talking primarily about movie projects. and then he just called me and said, listen, would you like to manage me again? he said i need somebody who understands the music business. and i said, sure, love to. >> larry: the day he died, tell us how you first learned. >> i was having lunch in beverly hills. and i got a phone call from a fan -- >> larry: a fan? >> a fan, who said, frank, do you know there's an ambulance in front of michael's house? and i said no i don't, but i'm going to look right into it, i hung up, called michael's assistant, and i said -- his name is michael also. i said michael, is there an ambulance at the house? he said that's what i heard, i'm on my way. i said i'll be there in one second. i went in to get my tickets for the car. and i called randy phillips and said, look, you're close --
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>> larry: randy of -- >> aeg. i said you're closer to michael's house than i am at this moment. go there right away, i'll meet you there. drove there, the ambulance had already left, asked randy, he turned around, i came from the other direction. i went to pull in, they said, frank, he left. i said where did he go? to the hospital. i drove to ucla. >> larry: what was the scene like? where were the children? >> the children were in another room down the hall. they brought randy and i back. we were the first two people there. and they were working on him in the room. >> larry: they were still working on him? >> yeah. >> larry: he was alive at that point? >> i don't know. i said to randy, jeez, i think he's alive, we have a shot here he'll be okay. when the nurse came out and i looked at her and she looked at me, i almost fainted. >> larry: because she said -- >> she just looked at me and said he's not going to make it, he's gone, but we'll keep working on him until his mother
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gets here. >> larry: who finally told you he was dead? >> that nurse did. >> larry: you had to tell the children? >> i had to tell katherine first and i told her with a doctor and a social worker. and it was pretty emotional. she grabbed me and cried and we hugged and cried together. and then i had to tell the children. and in the meantime, i called joe jackson in between. but he's already known, i gave him my sympathy, and i went in and told the children. >> larry: how do you do something like that? no experience is there? >> no, i've never lost somebody like that, it's very difficult. i went in with a social worker and a doctor. and just had to say -- they knew, they knew. and they got up and i said i'm sorry, but your father's passed away. and they hung on to me for a while. we all cried. >> larry: how did you take it? >> very bad. i mean, i've cried for days, and it's a lonely feeling.
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because i'm not family, but i'm a friend. >> larry: you were more than a manager? >> oh, yeah, he was my friend. forget the manager part. he was my friend. and we were close, we talked a lot. not as often as i wanted to. but we worked well together years before and we were working well now. >> larry: did he seem physically okay? >> yeah, he was physically okay. >> larry: he was rehearsing, right? >> he was rehearsing well, eating well, we were making sure that he had the right protein shakes, the right food, we gave him chicken. you know, we brought him food to eat. he ate it. he'd say i'm not hungry, but he'd eat it. >> larry: was he insured, by the way? >> yeah, there's insurance, not on him, but on non-performance. although, it's aeg and michael jackson's company. >> larry: so they get money? >> they get the company goes towards the estate. >> larry: does the dispute --
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>> when it pays off. >> larry: there's a dispute, frank, about how many shows he agreed to perform. hooergs what the long time friend of joe jackson told us a few weeks ago, watch. >> larry, the first conversation i had with michael jackson the night, it was a friday night, the night he asked me to come and go to work for him. this is what he told me. he said, i only agreed to do 10 shows for aeg. i never agreed to do 50. >> larry: is that true, frank? >> no. michael knew there was more than ten shows. he knew there were 50 shows. sometimes michael would like to say, gee, i'm only doing ten, i woke up, now i'm doing 40 more. >> he might have said that to leonard? >> yeah, but what he was saying was what by popular demand i have to do 40, and incidentally there were enough ticket
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requests to do 85. >> larry: 85? >> 85. and you have to understand this also, the manager at the time, three attorneys read the contract to him. he knew how many shows he had to do. >> larry: you read that contract? >> i read it too and i know what's in it and there was a minimum and a maximum. >> larry: what's the minimum? >> you have to ask aeg, i'm not allowed to divulge, no from aeg, but michael's sake. >> larry: we'll be right back. friday night jermaine jackson's here. don't go away. tom. now, i know the catering business but when i walked in here i wasn't sure what i needed. i'm not sure what i need. tom showed me how to use mifi to get my whole team working online, on location. i was like, "woah". woah ! only verizon wireless has small business specialists in every store to help you do business better. you're like my secret ingredient. come in today and connect up to five devices on one 3g connection. now only $99.99 it's the chevy open house.
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>> larry: we're with michael jackson's manager. you wanted to add something about the dates. >> just the fact that it came out to 50 was because he wanted to beat prince's record of 21 and be in the guinness book of world records, he wanted to do 50 to put it out of touch. >> larry: really, he was competitive that way? >> michael's a very competitive person in everything he does. >> larry: all right. frank, what about this dispute now, you know mr. branca, who gets to be the handler of the funds? katherine is the -- she's in charge, but they've got 60 days, how do you read it? >> well, i read it this way. branca and maclaine are in charge. >> larry: for 60 days? >> for 60 days, i'm sure something will be worked out with mrs. jackson. it may be here, she may want to
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appoint somebody. i think they're going to try to work that out. mrs. jackson is one of the loveliest women in the world, i think she's going to make the greatest grandmother ever. i had two grandmothers, i can pick another one, i'd want to be her grandchild. whether she wants to personally haggle with movie companies and record companies is another thing. >> larry: what do you think of the branca companies? >> yeah, michael liked them. he wouldn't have put them in there -- >> larry: do you think they can work together with mrs. jackson? >> yeah, absolutely, about absolutely. they can work with her. >> larry: joe jackson and leonard rowe were on this show and joe said that they seemed to have not imply, they said that michael was being controlled. watch this. >> michael jackson life at the end was being controlled and manipulated. michael jackson was not allowed to make his own decisions.
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he was not allowed to hire who he wanted to hire to work for him. michael jackson was being told what to do. and people were controlling michael jackson. the same people that were controlling michael jackson financially. >> larry: want to comment on that? >> absolutely. that is as false as they get. michael jackson has done and always did what he wanted to do. >> larry: no one controlled him? >> no one controlled him. when i worked from 1984, you want to see michael, call up, is michael available? what time, you come over. same thing now, you want to see michael jackson? what time? come over. if he wants to see you, he's seeing you. if he doesn't want to see you -- >> larry: doesn't control him? >> how could they control him? >> larry: or out to harm him? >> absolutely not. absolutely not. this is a devastating thing for everybody. you think aeg's happy they've got 50 empty dates?
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they're not going to fill them this year. >> larry: the family also insists foul play. here's what joe jackson told me in july. watch. >> larry: do you frankly think that drugs were involved in your son's life? >> something happened there, larry, it wasn't only drugs, there's something else behind all of that. >> larry: what do you mean? where is -- what are you thinking? >> well, i'm thinking that there's foul play. >> larry: frank? >> listen, something happened to michael jackson. we really don't know till the toxicology reports. >> larry: we don't know at all. >> we don't know at all. we weren't in the room. no one was sent up there to do any harm to michael that we know of. i'm not sure what he's talking about. did the doctor make a mistake? i don't know. you know, that has to come out. >> larry: you don't think there was some plot? >> no. absolutely not. >> larry: did you know about
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michael's drug problem? >> i knew about it in the past. i didn't know if anything was going on now and i still don't. because you have to remember something, they get the lords of london to give you an insurance policy, you have to pass the exam. it was a four-hour exam with an outside doctor that they picked, they sent the doctor from new york, examined him. >> larry: they did that at the home? >> somewhere, i wasn't here for that, but they have the results, they're not allowed to give them to anybody, but they said he was in great health. now, you know, i asked them, i asked them in march, are you doing anything? he got a dig, why would you ask me that? i said i want to be sure -- >> larry: what do you make of the doctor in the house full-time, diprivan, stories like that? >> i never heard of diprivan until i heard it on your show to be honest with you, and i didn't know the doctor was staying overnight. because at the end of the night, he went to his house, i went to
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my residence. >> larry: back with more of frank delio. we thank you for being with us tonight. back in 60 seconds. some lunch. you hungry? yeah. me too. (door crashes in) (broadview alarm) (gasp and scream) go! go! go! go! go! go! (phone rings) hello? this is mark with broadview security. is everything okay? no. someone just tried to break in. i'm sending help right now. thank you. (announcer) brink's home security is now broadview security. call now to install the standard system for just $99. the proven technology of a broadview security system delivers rapid response from highly trained professionals, 24 hours a day. call now to get the $99 installation, plus a second keypad installed free. and, you could save up to 20% on your homeowner's insurance. call now - and get the system installed for just $99. broadview security for your home or bususess -
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the next generation of brink's home security. call now. >> larry: we're back. were you going to go on the tour? >> yes. >> larry: as manager, you'd have to go. >> absolutely, i was going for eight months. >> larry: do you know if dr. murray was going to go? >> yes, michael wanted dr. murray to go. i came in march, he said, frank, make sure they get a doctor. >> larry: didn't you question that? >> i said, why do you need a doctor? >> he said because after the shows i want to make sure i get the right fluids, you know, and i eat right, and i want somebody to help my health. >> larry: do you know dr. murray? >> no, i never met him until one day i had a meeting. >> larry: he has told us previously we're not going to respond to any statements made by the jackson family or anyone else at this time. he continues to cooperate with los angeles investigators in their efforts to determine the cause of michael jackson's
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death. what do you make of raiding his house, though? >> well, i'm sure they should have done it. the cops should find out. i'm curious too. but to this -- this communication here is that -- that was michael's doctor. aeg, we asked aeg to pay for it while we were in europe. he didn't even have a contract, he's never gotten a check. >> larry: aeg was going to pay the doctor? >> well, they were going to give the advance, it would be an advance against michael's earnings because michael demanded that. it wasn't like he was on aeg's payroll. but there was the contract was being negotiated, he wasn't -- >> larry: while you were his manager, did you ever feel the sense to have to warn him about medications and stuff? >> no, because in the first time there wasn't any. >> larry: in '84? >> right. >> larry: we'll be right back.
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our good friend jim moret will join us, as well. we've been waiting for this for a long time, frank. >> thank you. >> larry: don't go away. dallas. detroit. different rates. well with us, it's the same flat rate. same flat rate. boston. boise? same flat rate. alabama. alaska? with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service. if it fits, it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. dude's good. dude's real good. dudes. priority mail flat rate boxes only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship. if you're taking 8 extra-strength tylenol...
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>> larry: once again, erica hill is sitting in for anderson cooper, she'll host at the top of the hour. what's up tonight, erica? >> larry, we're going to continue to follow a story you were talking about on your air. this breaking story coming to us out of the pittsburgh area where there has been a shooting at a local gym there in l.a. fitness. live pictures from our affiliate wtae. what we know about this point, we're hearing reports of five people dead. that number includes the shooter, a number of others injured, it happened just after 8:00 about 8:16 a report came in that there'd been a shooting at this gym, we'll bring you the latest this happening again just outside of pittsburgh in
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pennsylvania. in the meantime, we are also, of course, following the other breaking news of the day, u.s. journalist laura ling and euna lee on their way home. the latest developments in this story, information you won't see anywhere else, including details of how that deal was brokered. that is just ahead. plus officer justin barrett of the boston police department firing off a racially-charged e-mail, which then he found himself suspended from the force. he filed suit claiming he is the victim here. barrett joins me tonight. plus the crime that's captivated for decades, themanson murders, the killers then and now. those stories and much more coming up on "360." >> larry: a busy plate for erica hill that's at 10:00 eastern, 7:00 pacific. frank dileo exclusive with us. he worked for michael '84 through '89 and rehired this year. the man at the top of this case from the get go, jim moret, chief correspondent of "inside
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edition" he also has hosted this program on many occasions. has frank impressed you tonight? >> yes, he's done a good job of. he has done a good job explaining that day. frank we just discovered had to break the news to michael's children, his mother. he said katherine can work with the executors opening the door to perhaps a deal to be worked out. there is no question two administrators are very well qualified to do this job. they guided michael jackson's career. one biographer said would john branca there wouldn't be an estate to deal with. that is how good these people are. >> larry: do you think they will work it out, frank? >> very optimistic. mrs. jackson is very level headed. our attorneys are level headed. >> larry: was michael difficult to manage? >> no. >> larry: all talent has some
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quirks. >> they all have some quirks. michael was great to manage. he would have a wild idea and i would have maybe a different idea. he would be, like steven spielberg and i'm martin scorcesi. he used to laugh about that. >> larry: how did you feel about the accusation period, little boys? >> i know that wasn't true. i know michael was a kind soul that wouldn't touch or harm a child. at first when i told him to fight it. if he was alive today he would tell you. he told me frank dileo told me to fight it. i should have listen to him. the second time i knew he was innocent. the people were moochers. >> larry: jim, has that gone away? >> the allegations.
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>> larry: the story itself sort of faded. >> i think you hear people like frank talk, you hear from brooke shields and his daughter at the memorial. we are seeing a different side of michael jackson. we saw him as a strange guy, odd. he was odd but he was very tall ented and we are seeing a very human side to him. >> sometimes odd can be confused with he was a great marketer of himself. >> he was unusual. >> he knew what he was doing and he knew what would cause publicity. >> larry: he did? >> absolutely. >> larry: in the madonna mode. >> i learned a lot of things from michael. >> larry: was he a -- some people say a terrific businessman. >> he was very smart. when you get back to the number of shows. michael jackson knew if you spent $27 million to create a
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stage and production ten shows won't cover it. >> to that point michael jackson knew there were 31 shows originally. aeg told me there were 31. they rolled out the first ten and they said they have to add more. that is how they got to 50. let me make it easier for you. let me show you how i can make it easier for you. we have the number one rated online banking website. online banking is going to be your best friend; it's going to help you manage your money. it has an alert system that can text message you, so you're mobile banking, your bank's telling you what you current balance is. it's telling you a certain check is cleared. customers that use the internet, use online banking. it all kind of falls in with what you're doing, and it's free. you can pay all your bills online, customers can save tons of time. we have great new image atms. it will give you a receipt which has a copy of the check you deposited. deposit cash, any denomination you don't even have to count the cash, just put it in there. let it do the work for you. and they can have those deposits posted to their account
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>> larry: we're back with michael jackson's manager frank dileo. our exclusive appearance. jim moret, chief correspondent with "inside edition." what can you tell us about a meeting althe beverly hills hotel attended by michael and his father joe? >> that is the one day i happened to be out of town.
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joseph wanted to have a meeting with leonard rowe, michael, randy phillips and me. katherine came to the meeting. it was at the beverly hills hotel in a bungalow. they got there early. michael stayed in his car until randy and paul came. i was out of town. they went in, they had a meeting, joe asked all these questions, him and leonard, randy answered them. >> larry: you heard all this from randy? >> i heard it from michael. >> larry: oh. >> okay. this is may 15th. that is a friday. i get back sunday or monday. michael says we have to get rid of rowe. i said okay. he tells me everything that happened. may 20th -- >> larry: that letter went out. >> that letter went out and he received it. >> larry: he said he didn't. >> i know he did. he also said that meeting was three weeks before michael died and that's not true. his timeline is way off. >> larry: so michael was kicked
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after that meeting? >> he forgot he signed it. he signed it under pressure. he forgot to send a letter out earlier. when they had the meeting and they saw how they acted he said, frank, we forgot. we have to remove leonard. i said okay. >> larry: is this ever going to go away, jim? >> not for a while. the criminal aspect -- >> larry: where is that going? >> with anna nicole you didn't see charges for more than a year. you may see a similar situation here. the attorney general is involved, the dea, the lapd. it could take months. >> larry: anything you want to ask frank? >> i'm curious why there seems to be two camps between the family and management? it seems you all have the same interests at heart, to grow what is now an estate. >> right. it's not as big as people make it out to be. but the one thing you have to
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remember, michael liked to have his business separate from his family. he didn't like his family interfering in his business. >> larry: really? any of the family? >> any of the family. now, he did put katherine as a trustee as certain things because he trusted her. he didn't want them knowing what he was doing. >> larry: wasn't he close with his brothers and sisters? >> they are close as brothers and sisters. that has nothing to do with business. you could be close with your brother you don't want him to look at your contract. >> larry: do you think michael's kids will go in the business? >> i think they are very talented. they are very smart. i wish i could read as good as they do. >> larry: any idea where he is going to be buried? >> no. >> larry: why the mystery?
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>> the toxicology is not done and the brain tissue is not back with the family. they can't bury him until he is whole. there is a division in the family between neverland and somewhere else. >> larry: yeah. that's going to go on. >> that's going to go on. >> larry:ed a infinitum, frank. are you back to being retired? >> no. i'm not going to stay retired very long. >> larry: frank dileo, michael jackson's manager. last night griffin o'neal alleged alana stewart sold farrah fawcett's things on ebay. we were contacted by stewart's lawyer who told us the allegation is categorically false and went on to say as far as griffin is implying there was or is an inappropriate romantic relationship between alana stewart and ryan o'neal that is false and


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