tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN August 5, 2009 1:00am-2:00am EDT
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about his number one cause animal welfare. he's calling attention to a situation involving some captive bears. you want to read this. right now it's erica hill and "ac 360." >> you've been following it tonight. the first is a horry story in pennsylvania. gunfire and fatalities at mall in collier township about half an hour drive west of pittsburgh. local officials telling us five people are dead, including the gunman. as many as 15 people wounded in this attack. the pittsburgh post gazette provides some more details quoting witness bhos saw a man carrying a duffel bag walk into the backdoor of an exercise class then open fire. one witness said she saw people flying off treadmilling, hitting
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the ground before she was able to escape through a fire escape. this is a live picture coming to you right now outside of that health club. it's an l.a. fitness in collier kounship in western pennsylvania just south of pittsburgh. these pictures from wtae. we're going to continue to follow these for you. there's also more breaking news on top of you tonight. at this moment, euna lee and laura ling are air born. here they are in the tarmac after almost five months in north korean captivity. finally they're on their way back home. their release and pardon, secured by the former president today. his trip and talks with north korean dictator described as a humanitarian mission.
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but there are reports they involved weeks of preparation. consultation with the white house and the state department. one south korean said he did not go to negotiate he went to reap the benefits of north korean. what if anything was offered, beyond a photo op or two for the dear leader in dispute. we'll keep digging that for you. and more on what went into the story. it's a welcome chapter that's starting to bewritten. euna and laura, as we mentioned now, somewhere every over the pacific. randi kaye joins us now with the latest. >> we're in santa monica, just outside the apartment building of lisa ling.
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we're not sure if this is where the family is going to be reunited. we came here just in case. they were sentenced in june and sentenced to 12 years of hard labor in a prison camp. the family hoping this day would come but never knowing for sure if it actually would. they're headed on the plane, back here to california. they should be landing sometime tomorrow morning. they have to refuel on the way. but the family has been waiting about 140 days. lau laura's father said he learned his daughter had been pardoned and would be freed on cnn. he said the breaking news came across and he was ecstatic. here's more of what he had to say to reporters stud. >> i'm elated. i'm going to go down there and
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see my little girl. i knew something positive was going to happen and it happened. i'm so glad and thankful for all the people for prayers and thoughts. i'm very thankful to the state department and for the government for doing all they can to gain the release. >> of course, this is a tough time for the family. euna lee's husband michael said hannah was starting to just show pictures and her father, showing that her mother euna was no longer in the picture, which was difficult for this 4-year-old and the father to handle. he asked for mercy and said really it was a mistake that the women had crossed from china into north korea. the family did release a statement that reads, we are grateful for our government, president obama, secretary clin r clinton and the u.s. state
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department for their dedication and hard work on behalf of american citizens. we especially want to thank bill clinton for taking on an arduous mission and al gore for his tireless efforts to bring laura and euna home. they said they can't wait to hold euna and laura in their arms. also tonight, al gore's company whom the women worked for released this statement, current media saying thank you to the obama administration, praising bill clinton, saying their thoughts are with the families who have shown remarkable courage during the 140 days. the family should be back here early tomorrow morning. we're not sure if they're going to reunite here. they're fly into burbank, we heard today. so we'll try to see them and catch them at this point. >> do you know the last time they actually heard from either
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of these women? when was that? >> doug ling said the last time he heard from his daughter laura is ten days ago. there she is captive in north kree that. she called him and he miss the the call. he said it was a very emotional message. he didn't say what it said, but imagine missing that phone call. >> safe to say we're going to be learning lot more when that jet does touchdown because there are still so many questions tonight, including how the women were treated, how they fell into north korean hands in the first place and what was done to win their release. in that sense, of course, this story is far from over. but here's a look at what we do know from the beginning. march 17, american journalist laura ling and euna lee are between the border of china and north korea, working on a story for current tv whempb
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they' they're suddenly arrested, possibly after crossing into north korea, accused of being spies. >> what's been the hardest part for you? >> for me, my sister is my best friend in the world and not having her to talk to every single day, multiple times a day has been so, so hard. >> reporter: for euna's husband michael, emotions overflowed when talk turns to the couple's 4-year-old daughter. >> and she drew a picture recently? >> yeah, yeah. normally the old pictures she would always draw were always my wife in the center. and i was be kind of to the side and smaller. and it would be all three of us. and she drew a picture, i was the center and it was just her and i. i didn't even know what to say. i just said thank you, hon, it's a beautiful picture, but deep
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down inside she didn't include her mother which really made me sad. >> reporter: it becomes more public adds a stritrial approac. >> we're trying all channels to gain their release and we're asking for their immediate release on humanitarian grounds. >> reporter: instead, korea holds a secret trial and they're sentenced for 12 years in a labor camp. were they being held as pawns? here's what lisa ling told anderson cooper back in june. >> it's crazy to think right now there's a nuclear standoff going on. and laura and euna are in the middle of it. we hope the two countries keep these issues totally separate. >> reporter: north korea
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launched rockets in april, may, ion the fourth of july, adding concerns for the two families in california. still grapples for the fact that their loved ones were in a north korean prison. laura's husband described his reaction when he heard that news. >> i was actually writing a letter to laura, as i do every day. and, you know, the idea, you know, these three months have been the worst three months of my life. >> how are you doing? how is hannah doing? >> my daughter is still being hopeful? she asks is mommy coming home soon? i said just keep your hope up. >> reporter: then bill clinton was headed to north korea. tonight, all three are on a plane while their families count the seconds to hold laura and euna in our arms. we will, of course, continue to follow the other breaking news tonight, the shooting in a
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gym outside of pittsburgh. you can join the live chat under way right now. up next, though, the clinton connection. what we're learning tonight about the former president's role in this flight to freedom. and a little bit later, two birthdays at the white house today. we'll show you what you've got to do to get the president of the united states to serenade you and bring you cupcakes. i've been growing algae for 35 years. most people try to get rid of algae, and we're trying to grow it. the algae are very beautiful. they come in blue or red, golden, green. algae could be converted into biofuels... that we could someday run our cars on. in using algae to form biofuels, we're not competing with the food supply. and they absorb co2, so they help solve the greenhouse problem, as well. we're making a big commitment to finding out... just how much algae can help to meet... the fuel demands of the world.
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journalist laura ling and euna lee are headed home. the two women at this moment are in the air, aboard bill clinton's private jet. they took off just hours ago and are expected to touchdown in los angeles tomorrow morning. ling and lee were sentenced in june to 12 years hard labor. today, president clinton secured a pardon for the women and of course their release. his secret mission to secure their freedom lasting less than 24 hours. tom foreman has the details. >> reporter: officially, it was all unofficial, but when the former president and spouse of the secretary of the state comes tall calling the official overtones are unmistakable and that's why kim jong il was smiling according to the head of the korea economic institute. >> as you know for the last year, kim jong il has been plagued by health problems. there's speculation he's not
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going to sur vooi very long. >> so a visit like this makes him look strong? >> he looks healthy, happy in that picture. it puts to rest a lot of speculation, both internally and externally about his health and his command of authority in north korea. >> so how was the deal done? first through sweden. the united states has no formal relations with north korea, but sweden does. the swedish ambassador has been there since 2005 and he saw the captives repeatedly, keeping backdoor communications flowing there and at the united nations in new york. the state department worked tireletire le lessly through those channels. >> this is a touchy topic. >> reporter: secretary clinton initially suggested the charges
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against the pair were baseless. >> secretary clinton indicated this was somewhat of a sham trial and disparaged the north korean's legal system. the north koreans were furious after that. >> the two journalists and their families have expressed great remorse for this incident. and i think everyone is very sorry that it happened. >> reporter: the third key, when the obama administration responded to north korea's latest missile test by pressing for sharper international sanctions, pritchard said kim jong il needed to turn down the heat. >> and this was a face-saving way to recalibrate their relationship with the united states. >> reporter: and finally, bill clinton himself. kim jong il wanted president clinton to visit back in 2000. it did not happen but analysts
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say he never cave up on the idea and in the end that's what sealed the deal. a visit from about the biggest unofficial official america could send. >> david gergen is a crisis management veteran inside the white house. also joining us, the author of nuclear showdown, north korea takes on the world. good to have you both with us. gordon, there's this belief, and it's been stated numerous times today across the board that president clinton would not have made the trip without ashurnts that he would be. coming hoim with these two women. how much was hammered out before he got on the plane? >> i think 899.95%. he would haven't gone without having everything worked out in advance. the negotiations were very intense in washington. >> the white house has called this a solely private mission.
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how private, though, could it be? we're hearing rumbles of what was going on at department of state where, of course, his wife is secretary of state. >> well, i think the white house and secretary of state has been trying to describe this as a private mission, humanitarian mission, not one undertaken at the request of president obama, not one done for the obama administration. and in order to separate out the release of these two women to nuke rear talks. the white house does not want to be seen -- in exchange for the women we'll take a softer line on nuclear talks. all indications are that the signals actually came from the north koreans through the families, that if bill clinton were to come, that would be enough to trigger it, and that helped to set this off. but clearly there's been a lot of negotiating, but also a lot of choreography behind the scenes, in order to keep the emphasis on, this is a private humanitarian mission.
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>> and to keep that focus on the two women. you said to me earlier, thaez women were becoming a liability for the regime. >> the longer the regime held them, the more people look at the legal system in north korea. an the more vindictive kim jong il looked. they wanted to offload these two women. yes, it was a gesture of friendship, but it was in their best interest to do this. >> a point is made by the former u.n. ambassador john bolten. he said clinton made a forof political ransom. he writes it's a propaganda victory for north korea. whether or not he carried an official message from president obama, despite decades of rhetorrhet rhetoric rabbit not paying with terrorists to hostages, they
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chose not only to negotiate but to send a former president to do so. he's saying this is essentially a bad move. >> they've done some pretty awful things, and look at what happened since last april. they had the long-range missile tests. they had the nuclear tests, the renunciation of the korean war, cyberattack against south korea. >> they've been busy. . >> and then we send an emissary. that doesn't look too good. bolton's words might not have been quite right but he put his finger on something. >> he went on to write these reporters were pawns in a larger gape of enhancing the regime's legitimacy and gaining direct access to important u.s. figures. is this really going to give them better access and dictate where the conversation flows in the future? >> i think that's nonsense and
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heartless. i disagree. the united states gave nothing away. bill clinton went in the capacity as a private citizen. if john bolton had his way, these two women would still be in prison. we ought to take a moment here to say how exemplary bill clinton's behavior hash since his wife has been secretary of state. he's been totally supportive and he's been quiet pch he did something good for the country. i think people ought to have a higher level of respect for him after this trip and thank him for what he did. >> thank you for your insight. just ahead, one of charles man son's deadly followers and her unlikely supporter. . and later, two birthdays at the white house.
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just ahead, the manson killers then and now. they slaughtered seven people in crimes that stunned the nation. what are people saying today? a bloodbath at a health club just outside of pittsburgh. police say five people are confirmed dead, including the gunman at the l.a. fit nness center in collier. a gunman walked through the backdoor of the gym and open fired. iran has confirmed the arrest of three american hikers who walked into the country from the kurdish region on friday. they've been charged with illegal entry. the u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton and swiss diplomats in iran urged iran to provide information on the missing americans.
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authorities today say toxicology reports found a deadly wrong-way driver had high levels of marijuana in her system when she crashed her minivan and more than twice the legal am of alcohol. a bottle of vodka was found in the car. she killed herself, her daughter and three nieces in the crash. in the white house press room, president obama shared his birthday spotlight with white house correspondent helen thomas. president obama marking the day by serving up cupcakes with a plug to his health care. >> she and i had a common birthday wish. she says she hopes for a real health care reform bill. i will leave it up to you, helen, how you want to distribute the cupcakes.
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>> the president is closing in on another important anniversary here, his 200th day in office. we're really going to look at this. thursday night at 8:00 eastern time, we will have our national report card for the second 100 days of the obama administration. you can go to our website,, the political section and you can actually vote for how the president is doing. for example, question number two is on health care reform. purple is not a good thing. those are all the votes coming in. we're going to collect these all the way through the special. we're going to let you tell us what you think about the president, not only about him but about congress about hilly clinton. it's a great chance for you to interact with your democracy.
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>> you can also grade the media. i hope you give us a great grade. here's what you'll find. the economy, question number two is health care reform. click on that. it's as easy as heading up here to the grades. you can give it an a, a-minus, b, b-plus, all the way down the line. you can see the results, what people are saying on facebook about it. it's your chance to be heard and weigh in on the president's second 100 days. out's your chance to have your voice heard. coming up tonight is he a racist cop or a victim of discrimination? the boston police officer suspended for his explosive remarks about professor henry louis gates. he's suing the city, the police department and even the mayor of boston. why? we'll get his side of the story ahead.
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and later, john waters tel s s us why he believes one of the manson murderers should be released. >> no one would ever imagine this was this person. [ male announcer ] preparation h cream. burning, itching, plus maximum strength pain relief, on contact. the most complete relief, from preparation h. pain relief on contact. (announcer) introducing new tums dual action. this tums goes to work in seconds and lasts for hours. all day or night. new tums dual action. bring it on. new tums dual action. while i was building my friendships, my family, while i was building my life, my high cholesterol was contributing to plaque buildup in my arteries. that's why my doctor prescribed crestor. she said plaque buildup in arteries is a real reason to lower cholesterol. and that along with diet, crestor does more than lower bad cholesterol, it raises good.
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believe that the officer acted studioly, but just 29% of white respondents felt that way. there's more news from another boston cop many considered to be racist comments about professor gates. tonight he says he's the victim. when he got suspended, this officer claimed his civil rights were violated. an e-mail kplam claimed about a column simple thet ir to henry louis gates, recently arrested by the cambridge police. the e-mail got him suspended from the police department. should the e-mail be enough to cost him his badge? you be the judge. >> he wrote, if i was the officer he verbally assaulted like a banana-eating monkey, i
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would have sprayed him with o.c. ba what they call pepper spray. transcending back to a bumbling jungle monkey and said it should have been titled comments unbecoming to a jungle monkey, back to its roots. >> he said he's not a racist and went on tv to apologize. >> i'm not a racist. >> reporter: but once the e-mails made the rounds, the higher-ups, erupted. the mayor said he's gone. the chief put him on administrative leave. >> his racist feelings have no place in this department or our society and will not be tolerated. >> reporter: barrett's lawsuit said he was effectively terminated without due process or equal protection of the law, that his contract rights were violated and accused the city of intentional infliction of
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emotional distress. but a cnn legal analyst and formal civil rights lawyer lisa bloom doesn't see merit in the suit. >> his writing is so beyond the pale, his continued employment on the police department would be a disruption. he's entitled to a hearing but at that hearing he's going to lose. >> reporter: some might say his words speak for himself. joe johns, cnn, washington. >> we are joined now by justin barrett. thanks for joining us. you allege the mayor and commission commissioner's actions caused pain and suffering, mental ang kwish, sleeplessness, degradati
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degradation, injury to reputation, and restrictions on personal freedom. in this ways, didn't you bring that on yourself with this e-mail you sent on july 22? >> erica, i don't think so. i composed the e-mail. i did not mean for it to be offensive. i apologize. if i'm charged with a crime i want a chance to answer. i want for a chair hearing. that's why i got my attorney. >> justin in numerous conversations has regretted the choice of words. they weren't meant to characterize professor gates as a banana-eating jungle monkey. they were meant to characterize the behavior, not the person as a whole. >> so why should the missionner and the mayor be paying damages
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to justin barrett? >> well, the damages to justin barrett are that he's been fired. >> he's been suspended. not fired yet. >> he's actually been fired. >> when did that happen? >> the mayor got on tv and said he's gone, g-o-n-e. >> when i spoke with the police officer this afternoon, they didn't tell me he was fired. he's suspended and they're waiting to set that hearing date. he hasn't officially been fired, correct? >> well, in our opinion he has been officially fired. >> i just want to be clear for everybody at home because it sounds like we're talking about two different things here. he has been suspended and suspended with pay. no one has come to you and officially told you your client has been fired. >> my client, it's our position, has been fired. whether we get a formal letter in the mayor or we have the mayor on television telling an add yans he's fired, he's the man who's supposed to sit and
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listen to my client's's explanations about his actions. he's supposed to be afforded a fair hearing before anyone says he's gone or anyone says he's a cancer and needs to be cut out. >> when you are a police officer as with so many other jobs in this country, aren't you held to a higher standard whether you're on duty or sitting at home. aren't there certain things expected of police officers. did your client violate that trust? >> my client was expressing his opinion as a private citizen. is he held to a higher standard? absolutely. but the problem comes being held to a higher standard shouldn't eradicate his right to free speech. >> if you are reinstated do you feel you can do your job
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effecti effectively. >> i will stand up and perform my duties. i worked every day in my life. i'm a hard worker, i'm honest. >> thank you for your time tonight. >> tomorrow night, we will take you inside the war. a death squad descended on this home with guns and grenades. it happened predawn. inside, a police commander, his wife and four children killed. the youngest victim, just 6 years old. the dea called some of the most technological, sophisticated and violent of the cartels and they have a strong hond hold north of the border an they're getting stronger. don't miss the report coming up tomorrow night on "360" right here. still ahead, the manson killers have been locked away for decades. their crimes stunned the nation.
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tonight you'll hear from one of the killers. why she believes she deserves to be set free. plus, an update on our breaking news out of pennsylvania. a deadly shooting near pittsburgh. a report that the gunman turned off the lights before opening fire. we have the latest. ost importan. new centrum silver ultra men's. a complete multivitamin for men over 50. it has antiodants and vitamin d... to support your prostate and colon. new centrum silver ultra men's. 20 minutes later, she'll bring one into the world in seattle. later today, she'll help an accident victim in kansas. how can one nurse be in all these places? through the nurses she taught in this place. johnson & johnson knows, behind every nurse who touches a life... there's a nurse educator... who first touched them. ♪ you're a nurse ♪ you make a difference sfx: chear that?can shaking
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anniversary of those murders. last night we brought you back to the crime scenes. tonight, we profile the killer then and now. >> reporter: they shocked the world, young, good looking americans in their 20s laughing about butchering their innocent victims. the manson killers are now in their 60s. tex watson, leez livan houten, patricia atkins. watson turned them all into murderers. they came to this house with van houten where they tortured and killed leno and rosemary labianca. >> i stood in the hallway and looked into a blank room that was like a den. i stood there until tex turned me around and handed me a life
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and he said do something. i went back in the bedroom and mrs. labianca was laying on the floor in her stomach and i stabbed her numerous times in the back. >> reporter: she was holding down 8-month-old actress sharon tate as she pleaded for her and her child's life. . >> i told her that i didn't have mercy for her. >> reporter: humanson convinced them to skill and torture without remorse baffled the world. it was a combination of chari a charisma, drugs and manson's knack of recruiting the right group of vulnerable followers. >> it was us, like little birds with our mouths open, feed us. and he said the things we were
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thinking. we thought he had access to our heads and hearts. >> watson would turn out to be manson's right hand man. the faces have gotten older, the courthouse smiles and giggles, replaced with pleas for forgiveness. >> and i'm appalled that i could have even been involved in something like that. >> it's terrible. i feel terrible about it. but i cannot change it, no matter what i do, i cannot change one minute of my life. >> granted, i have committed one of the most heinous crimes in the history of mankind and i realize that. i'm very remorseful for that and would give anything to pay for that. >> reporter: they were given life sentences when the death penalty was abolished gi bithe
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state supreme court. susan atkins has terminal brain cancer. last year her request for compassionate release was denied but she's scheduled for a parole hearing next month. van hauten is not expected to have a hearing until 2010. 40 years later, all claim they're remorseful, but the family of sharon tate doesn't believe any of them deserve the mercy that sharon and her unborn child never saw. >> leslie van hauten was 19 years old when she and other followers of charles manson wept on their killing spree. 40 years later, she remains in prison and has been denied parole more than a dozen time bus continues to plea for her release. >> i was raised a decent person and turned into a monster.
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i've spent these years going back to a decent human being and i don't know what to say. >> reporter: john waters discusses his friendship in his upcoming book "role models" out next year. you can actually read the first chapter right now in "the huffington post." a lot of people may be surprised to learn you two have become friends. but you were inspired in your early days really by charles manson in many ways. >> well, we were making movies that shock the world and they did. kind of being a punk rocker for charles manson and things like that. to see what leslie van hauten has done. she's been in jail for 40 years and taken full responsibility in the acts.
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>> what is it about this woman that telling you she should be in streets? >> because she takes full responsibility. >> she went in a complete lunatic and ended up a very sober person who really takes responsibility and wants to lead a quiet life. >> that would be a tough pill for any of the victims' families to swallow. whether she had been rehabilitated. have you spoken with any of the victim's families? >> no, i haven't. but nothing they say is wrong. they're speaking from a personal thing and they have every bit -- i address in my piece, all the devastating things they've said against leslie. i've quoted the best things they've said. >> you have quoted them extensively. you put in a number of the
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things they said and you understand where they're coming from and yet you're pushing for her to be released. >> do they ever say we know where you're coming from but back off. >> no, they haven't but they have every right to. if there are rules for parole and i do believe there are some people that can be rehabilitated and deserve a second chance. >> why do you think it is that leslie van houten has not been granted parole? simply because of the notoriety of these murders? >> yes. i think freddie manson has become freddie krueger. he's a halloween outfit now. it's like a horror movie. and leslie has tried everything. as she said i spent 40 years trying to become the person i would have been if i hadn't met him. and i think she actually has. >> and what about the other convicted murderers here who were also still in jail? do you believe that they should be released as well?
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>> i'm not here to talk about them. you know? it doesn't matter what i think about them. leslie is my friend. >> it is a fascinating tale. understandably one that really could leave people feeling very divided. john waters, thank you for your time tonight. >> thank you. >> there is, of course, the other side, the family of the victims. alice labianca read a letter. leslie van houten chose to follow the instructions of charles manson. she chose drug crazed can i recalls as her family and she became one of them. but what about my family? when do we get our parole? when does leno get his parole? sympathy for these killers, and especially this one, is misplaced. we want to update you on the breaking news out of western pennsylvania. new and chilling detail es
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merging fra a shooting in a health club south of pittsburgh where five are reported dead including the gunman who apparently killed himself according to local authorities. 15 people are wounded. wtae says a man with a duffel bag walked into an exercise room and turned off the lights before opening fire. police describe a team of utter terror, some of it lit only by the flash of a muzzle. >> i was in a spinning class. i stopped to wash my hands and at that point i heard what i thought to be gun fire. >> what you were not expecting. >> i talked myself out of it. i was like okay, surely that's not gun fire in a gym. a few seconds later a guy came run into a locker room. i said what's going on? someone is shooting? at that point myself and him and some others in the locker room made our way out the backdoor through the pool exit.
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we heard a couple of guys saying we've got some girls shot over here. i turned around. one girl was shot in the thigh, another girl was shot in the back. >> what happened was they were in a pilates class or something like that. they turned the lights out and all of a sudden the shooting started. she said she saw one of the guys had a black hat on and is that's all she knew. >> he shut the lights off in the aerobic room. i could see flashes in the dark and that's when i realized someone was actually using a firearm in there. >> i took my headphones off because i had my headphones on and i heard a loud banging noise repeatedly, three or four. that's when i kind of knew what was going on, someone was shooting the place up with a firearm. >> how shocking was that? >> it was pretty intense. >> there is no word yet on the killer's identity nor an apparent motive. we will, of course, bring you any information we learn as soon as it comes into us.
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cholesterol numbers. trilipix has not been shown to prevent heart attacks or stroke more than a statin alone. trilipix is not for everyone, including people with liver, gallbladder, or severe kidney disease, or nursing women. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you are pregnant or may become pregnant. blood tests are needed before and during treatment to check for liver problems. contact your doctor if you develop unexplained muscle pain or weakness, as this can be a sign of a rare but serious side effect. this risk may be increased when trilipix is used with a statin. if you cannot afford your medication, call 1-866-4-trilipix for more information. trilipix. there's more to cholesterol. get the picture. coming up next, more braen braeking news. two americans coming home with former help of former president bill clinton. the top u.s. commander in iraq disagrees with the
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colonel's call for the u.s. to declare victory and leave the country earlier than planned. >> another top u.s. command fer iraq disagrees with the poll that they should declare victory and leave earlier than planned. he says the u.s. is needed until 2011. last week a memo was released which called for a u.s. withdraw next august. a new study suggests that people as young as 40 with high cholesterol levels are at greater risk of developing alzheimer's disease and demen a dementia. the pentagon is reviewing its policy on access so social networking sites like facebook and twitter for all military personnel. it comes one day after a marine corps issued a ban on its those sites for security reasons. they can still access facebook and similar sites on their own personal computer, however. and a "360 follow-up." nine years after an australian family saw their dog vanish, they're all reunited.
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as we mentioned last week, he was found 1200 miles from home thanks to a microchip embedded in her neck. today she was reunited with her owners who were happy to have her back. >> look at that sweet face. is your dog chipped? >> our dog is chipped. >> so is mine. >> and our dog stays under our control at all times. so hopefully she'll never been 1200 miles away. >> but just in case you're prepared. >> just in case we make a mistake. looks like muf sf a lovely dog. >> we're not done, of course. still ahead, the latest on the breaking news out of north korea, the american journalist, lauraling and euna lee on their way home. pardoned by north korea's leader. so what exactly did former president clinton do and say to secure their release? and who is that manly swimmer,
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you ask? and how about vladimir putin. he's showing off his unclothed side. that's tonight's shot when "360" continues. mom was diagnosed with moderate alzheimer's. it was tough news to hear. everything changed. i didn't know what to do. right about then, our doctor mentioned the exelon patch. he said it releases medicine continuously for 24 hours. he said it could help with her cognition which includes
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things like memory, reasoning, communicating and understanding. (announcer) the most common side effects of exelon patch are nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. the likelihood and severity of these side effects may increase as the dose increases. patients may experience loss of appetite or weight. patients who weigh less than 110 pounds may experience more side effects. people at risk for stomach ulcers or who take certain other medicine should talk to their doctor because serious stomach problems, such as bleeding may worsen. mom's diagnosis was hard to hear, but there's something i can do. (announcer) visit for free caregiving resources.
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we continue with our coverage of breaking news on the pardon of euna lee and lisa ling from north korea. late-breaking details on what has happened with this private mission as it's been called today. dan? >> i just got off of a phone call briefing with a senior administration official. first we found out obama did reach out to the family members of both journalists, calling them between 8:30 and 9:30 to tonight and congratulating them. we found out this whole meeting between former president clinton going to north korea started with a phone call from the two journalists to their family members in july. they mentioned the people in
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north korea said we would be willing to grant you amnesty if you can get a high-level envoy to come here to get your release. president clinton said he would do this if he could ensure his mission would be successful. they got that guarantee and he decided to go. >> that does it. thanks for watching. "larry king" starts right now. larry: tonight, breaking news, (announcer) you can make a bigger difference in the world. you can make a positive change in your career. you can make a greater contribution to the greater good. and you can start today, by earning your degree online... at walden university. where advanced degrees advance the quality of life.
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