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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  August 7, 2009 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT

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takes you through it. how did you find out? >> i opened the door. i say, what's wrong? what happened? i said, is anthony all right? then, the chaplain told me to sit down. is this what her son died for? more angry protests, more meetings interrupted, more signs like this. and, now, this fight. you need to open it up to the free markets. >> what happenings when free markets alone control health care? >> no, no, no. you are playing with the facts, sir. >> the interview that's gone viral with a former health care executive encouraging protesters. finally, the flag comes down on our national conversation for friday, august 7th, 2009.
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hello, again, everybody. i'm rick sanchez. this is, as we like to say, a conversation, no the a speech. as always, it is your turn to get involved. we will be getting to this tension town hall debate. what's going on in washington. that's senator mel martinez of florida. we interviewed him many times. senator mel martinez and i being of the same state, working together on many pronlgs jektje. mel martinez, we all knew, was not going to be going for a second term. it may be surprising, though, that mel martinez is deciding now to go ahead and get out of the race. he is not going to seek re-election next year. florida governor, charlie crist, has the power to appoint a replacement for martinez. we know that crist intends to
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run for that senate seat. does it mean one is getting out so another can get in? no. there is no reason to believe that up to now. we don't know who charlie chris the will appoint. we know he is being asked to appoint a hispanic e is the only hispanic in the senate and has been working on projects like immigration reform, for example. we are going to monitor this for you. if there are any surprises, we will turn it around right away. if there is any news or information about who is going to be taking over, we will bring you that as well. in the meantime, the story that the entire country is now glued to is this. since i first told you about this phenomenon, more chaos has erupted from health care forms. last night, it escalated to violence. i want to remind you that hundreds of these forums are scheduled for the month of august. we are hearing there may be some unions that are going to be protesting as well or maybe we
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should say countering these protests. let me take you to tampa, florida. this is last evening, a crush outside a health care event addressed by congressional democrat kathy kaster. let me let you listen in and see what happens at this point. >> sget off of me. get off of me. >> this gets heated and nasty. the man reportedly had his shirt ripped apart after the hall is filled to capacity. hundreds of people are drawn to the meeting. they couldn't get in. now, as you are able to see if you look at that video, they were extremely unhappy with that, as were some of the folks who were inside who said they couldn't hear. by that, i mean those who oppose
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the health care reform. let's watch this together now. >> if the pushing and shoving keeps happening, we will have to clear the building. >> excuse me. the police will make a decision
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as to whether it continues to be safe or not. >> finally, after trying but doing so in vain, representative kaster, there in the yellow, she has to leave under police escort. no one is able to hear anyone else talk. there were, however, no arrests. now, we'll continue. let me take to you st. louis. similar event. at this event, there were six arrests. scuffling amongst people trying to get in. health care opponents charging they are being silenced. by all indications, once again, the hall was simply full. there you see some of the videos. changes tonight. now, we are going outside. suddenly, some kind of fight is about to ensue. details of that are far from clear. let's take a listen and watch and see what happens.
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>> hold on to her. hold on to that. >> it gets loud. it gets crazy. police report six arrests on charges including suspicion of assault, resisting arrest, suspicion of disturbing the peace. is this what we should race for perhaps even worse as these health care reforms gear up, more of the forums are now being canceled out of fear of the participants safety. joining me from capitol hill, democratic congressman, brian baird. he has had to deal with this himself out of washington state. we understand you have decided to conduct your scheduled town hall meetings by telephone conference call. why are you doing that? >> well, rick, this is something that we planned before these less fortunate incidents we have just seen. during august, we think we can
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reach more people by telephone. we can do one in an hour and have about 45,000 people on the line. there is a national movement to try to intimidate people to suppress real discussion. there are talking points up on websites to say such things as, don't let an intelligent conversation happen. shout people down, urging people to get there early and not let people have a conversation. it is a fundamental principle of our democratic society that people have a right to discussion things but we have a responsibility with that right to listen to the other side. it's being denied right now. >> you know what he is interesting and ironic, i understand after reading your record that you have always been a big believer about taking these conversations to the people. you have held a ton of these in the past, haven't you? >> indeed, i have had more than 300 of them. a year and a half ago, i was subject to hours of grilling by 400, 500 people. i welcome the opportunity for people to disagree with myself.
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>> how is it different? i think you can see it. when you see the images you are showing. virtually, every town hall i know of is winding up like this right now. members of congress are receiving death threats in our offices. i've received them. people are showing up at town halls with people being hung in he have agy or tombstone. some of my colleagues are throwing gasoline on the fire. >> who do you think is orchestrating it or giving them the information or consistent slogans or talking points they are getting? >> talk show hosts, some have been encouraging this. there are websites and internet chat that describes it. it's not show up and discuss point "a" or "b." it's shout it down and disrupt
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them and post it on youtube. >> you are on the record and you will not have any more town hall meetings on health care until when? not at all? >> i think it is important for the american people to look at these images and say, is this where we want america to go. if we can get some public communication saying, this is a tremendously important issue. all of us want to have town haul halls. >> are you worried about the fact that the unions are now saying if they are going to go out there and protest, we are going to protest on the other side for the health care reform? you get two angry groups like that, something could happen. >> this is the problem. the people who are reaping this kind of whirlwind are about to sew it. we do not want to see this kind of mob action that we have seen thus far on either side. i think it is time for cooler heads to say, let's settle down and have respectful differences of opinion.
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>> it would be nice to hear a lot of different representatives an senators as welcome out and say words similar to the ones you just uttered. my thanks to you, congressman, for taking time to take us through your plans. >> thank you. now, there is the issue of the nazi ss logos and stickers. they are as hateful a symbol as their ease in american discourse. speaker, nancy pelosi told reporters about these swatiksa and their staff gave me an earful for not confirming what she had said. here is why i couldn't confirm what she said. our standards here at cnn are a little different and don't allow us to use pictures from a blog until we are able to independently confirm its validity. i reported yesterday that we had no proof of the swastikas.
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since then, we have done independent reporting canned now tell you that speaker pelosi was correct. this sign, held aloft by a woman at a health care event in ft. collins, colorado, does in fact show the swastika. it has a stripe running through it as if to say, no nazi. still, obviously, unsettling. now, we are finding out there may be a pattern here. look at this seen thursday outside a health care forum. it's romulus, michigan. a photo of the president, defaced by a hitler mustache. now, this. see that sign. it depicts texas democrat lloyd doggett as the devil. you see the symbol of the murder rows nazi ss on a sign that says stop socialism. if you see another view of that same sign, you will notice and we can see the man holding it up, we discover he is holding a little girl on his shoulders as he is holing thding that sign.
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one more. this from yesterday, a child, denver, colorado. enough said. well, maybe, except for this. just a few hours ago, the anti-defamation league released a statement calling the use of nazi imagery into the health care debate, outrageous, deeply offensive and inappropriate. >> speaking of offensive, wait until you hear what three police officers in texas sent out about president obama. talk about bigoted language. is a two to four-week vacation enough for them? we are going to ask you that. today is my day when i bring you my special when a fallen soldier is brought home, from the home his mom hears the knock on the door to the moment he is put on the ground at arlington national cemetery. this is an exclusive interview
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with unheralded access. we will show it to you when i come back. also, we should tell you this is one of the stories that will likely stay with you and may even bring a little miss t the corner of your eye. also, remember this, the aftershow. today, we will replay the interview with rick scott. stay with us. i'm coming right back. ly. people notice my love for animals. my smile. my passion for teaching. my cool car. people notice i'm a good friend and a good listener. people notice that i'm a good boss. people notice my love of nature. people notice i can fix anything. (announcer) thanks to miracle-ear what people don't notice about you is your hearing aid because, look closely, our hearing aids are nearly invisible. our exclusive line of open fit products are so lightweight, so small and so natural sounding even you won't know you're wearing one. you know, most people don't know how good or bad their hearing is...
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and let private industry manage our nation's health care. you have heard it. they say, look, let the free markets run this. let private executives run this. fair enough. after doing a little digging, my staff found out that that philosophy which we've heard time and time again from these protesters mirrors, sometimes to the word, what's on a website called conservative or patient's rights. who runs conservatives for patients rights, a multimillionaire, former health care executive himself, whose company, interestingly enough, defrauded u.s. taxpayers and paid the highest fraud kate
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settlement, $1.7 billion in u.s. history. that is who is heading up that organization. that website that many of these protesters are using as their information before they go to these protests. here now part of the int voo you that i did yesterday that has now gone viral. this is my conversation with rick scott. some would argue and it would be hard to say they are wrong that you would be the poster child for everything that's wrong with the greed that has hurt our current health care system. people would ask, why should they listen to you? >> well, you don't have to listen to me. you should look at the facts. you should read the bill. if you want to go back and look at columbia, you should look at what we accomplished. health care when i got in in '88 were 16% a year in inflation. when i got out, they were less than 1%. we had the highest patient satisfaction, the best outcome. if you were in the hospital business in the late '80s, you
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went tloo you medicare investigation. president clinton expanded the investigation. they said, if you made a mistake in your filing, that would cause fraud. >> but $1.7 billion. that's the highest ever paid in the history of the united states that your company ended up having to pay as a result of what you did by defrauding the government? >> no one went to jail. i was never accused of anything. let's think about it. $1.7 billion sounds like a lot. we we had 343 hospitals, 150 surgery centers. over 100,000 patients a day. let's look at the industry. the cleveland clinic paid big fines. mayo paid big fines, yale paid big fines. were they as big? no. how many hospitals did they have? >> you are the guy who is sitting here telling us that we can't allow the government to do this because it won't work and they might take over or do some things that are wrong. how much more wrong can you be
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than what you just said in not only is your company screwed up and you just admitted to you it, you are saying, and look at all the other companies, they did the same thing. >> doesn't sound like a sterling syst system that we have? >> you ought to fix the sis stm and say, why do we have 135,000 pages of medicare regulations. the hospital industry works its tail off to do the right thing. don't believe me. read the bill. >> it gets a lot better and in some cases a lot more heated. we thanked him for coming on. we also want you to know that you can see the entire interview if not in one of the many blogs that are already out there on my blog at we will show the entire interview in the aftershow right here on
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you'll see it again at 4:00 after this newscast is done if you so choose. when we come back, the latest on a story we are proud to say we were invited to tell for the sake of a fallen soldier. his mother wanted us to tell you his story. it's emotional. it's touching. it will take you there. we'll be right back. to being able to manage your diabetes properly. it's very important for me to uh check my blood sugar before i go on stage. being on when i'm feeling low can be like a rollercoaster. it does at times feel like my body is telling me to do one thing...
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it's no secret that sedentary habits are associated with being obese. what's striking about this study is that nobody seemed to be immune. whether you are underweight, regular weight or overweight, children who watch 30 minutes or
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more of television per day seem to have a higher likelihood of developing high blood pressure. what this study did is they looked at children between 3 and 9, over 100 of them. what they found was that children who watched 30 minutes or more of television tended to have blood pressure that was 3 to 7 points higher than normal. as you sort of drill at them and try and figure out why, there were a couple of things that sort of emerged. one is that children, as well as a lot of people, tend to make poor food choices while watching television. they tended to get more sleep. their sleep patterns are interrupted and seem to be linked to high blood pressure. you thought to yourself, what's the big deal? that doesn't make a big difference. the truth of the matter is, we have no idea how to really monitor blood pressure in children trying to figure out how high is the problem? we don't talk about hypertension in children that much. if you think about this, you think about the scary prospects of 8-year-old that have blood
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vessels that look like 45-year-olds that want to keep all the numbers as normal as possible for as long as possible. this is just another study. dr. sanjay gupta, cnn, reporting.
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for many years, i have been watching the rise of mel martinez. we are both from florida. i have talked a lot about different events in his career. as a city official in florida, as a party official, the highest of all, as a matter of fact, as one of the first hispanic cap net members of. united states and eventually as a senator from the state of florida. now, i'm here to tell you that just moments ago, mel martinez stepped to the microphone and announced he will no longer be a senator from the state of
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florida. he is stepping down, resigning. here is how he explained that. >> so, today, i'm announcing my decision to step down from public office effective upon a successor taking office to fill out the remainder of my term. i have enjoyed my time in the senate immensely. i have the most difficult time of all in leaving the great friendships that i have developed with wonderful people that serve this nation in the united states senate. >> there you go. by the way, with he don't know who will replace him, the governor, charlie crist of florida, so far says, no, i am not going to step down and take the position. he has said he would be interested in taking over mel's seat sometime in the future. we will watch that for you. we promise. >> one person come to the door. they've been injured. when two people come to the door, they've been killed.
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two people came to the door. >> a grieving mother shares with me how she was notified of her son's death in afghanistan. next, a special in-depth look at her soldier's journey home from the battlefield. this is part of our special war coverage that we had promised you. we were given unlimited access because the mother, miss lavonne lightfoot wanted us to share her story with you. it is worth watching. it may make you a little misty. we'll be right back. but i did. you need to talk to your doctor about aspirin. you need to be your own advocate. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. you take care of your kids, now it's time to take care of yourself.
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hot! hot! hot! time to check your air conditioning? come to meineke now and get a free ac system check. at meineke, you're always the driver. welcome back. now, something very personal, something very special. something we are very protective of. we have been talking afghanistan all this week during this hour. we have talked about the academic stuff, the diplomatic stuff and some of the policy stuff. ultimately, all of that means very little to the tens of thousands of american families who have loved ones in uniform and harm's way over in afghanistan. 42 u.s. troops died in the month of july, month than any single month since this war began. i want to show you a picture
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now. see that right there. see that woman. see that baby. the picture quas was taken 20 years ago. that baby grew up. his name was anthony. he would grow up and join the army just like his mom. he went to war. she went to war. he was there in afghanistan this last july. lavonne lightfoot is taking care of a fresh tattoo. it is not complicated, just a name and a km of dates. >> i got my son's name, killed in action, the day he was born and the day he died. >> what made you decide to do that? >> that was my bane bby. that was my son. and part of me is gone. >> that part of me that she is talking about is a handsome 20-year-old whose face in his
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mother's mind will never age. >> anthony, he couldn't find a job after he graduated. he put in for a couple of jobs. he couldn't find them. he said, mom, i think i'm going to join the military. >> he did. first, boot camp. then, infantry training. >> i said,anthony, you don't want to go infantry and sure as shooting, that's exactly what he did. >> deployment to afghanistan came next. >> the last too many i heard from my son was june the 6th. we used to talk by e-mail. you would tell me, mom, i'm okay, i'm doing all right. i would tell anthony, anthony, be safe. >> anthony, be safe. what a mother wanted but what war doesn't always allow. >> they told me that anthony had got hit by improvised explosives and then the rounds went off and then a grenade just shot through
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the vehicle. >> did they say he died instantly? >> i'm pretty sure he did die instantly. >> is that important to you? >> yes. he didn't -- i don't believe he suffered. i was told he don't have his lower extremities. he told me, he said, mom, when i get off that plane, i want you there. i say, antony, you don't have to worry about it. that was a promise. i was going to be there when he got off that plane. >> and she was there when he got off the plane but it was this way. her son, army specialist, anthony lightfoot returned to the united states through dover air force base. lavonne lightfoot allowed us to show you this scene with her permission. this is the only way we would see it. >> some people may want it private but i want my son to be remembered. i want to share.
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i feel like my son didn't die in vain. so i don't feel like u know, i feel like i need to share this with people. so they will know. >> that picture you just saw, that man, that anthony lightfoot, dead in afghanistan at the age of 20. when we come back, the mother who you just met, who you were just hearing from, with a warrior son overseas. here is a knock on the door and she takes us through and as her life changes forever. >> i opened the door. i say, what's wrong? what happened? i said, is anthony all right? then, the chaplain told me to sit down. >> the news was bad. she heard it the army way, face to face. i'm going to talk to her. i'm going to show you the pictures and i'm going to talk to the sergeant who delivered a message on behalf of the secretary of defense. that's part two, next.
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we welcome you back. we saw a mother burying her son. lavonne lightfoot did something for cnn. she allowed our cameras into her life at this painful time, wanted us to be there in order to share her son as he returned to the united states in a flag-draped casket. those are her words, by the way, share my story. look at this picture. that's lavonne lightfoot in her former life, as a career soldier
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in the u.s. army. she is a gulf war veteran. 22 years in uniform did nothing to prepare her for the day last month when two soldiers in uniform came and knocked on her door. that's where this part of the story begins. >> july 20th, this year, lavonne lightfoot's 20-year-old son, anthony, was dead in afghanistan. one of those improvised explosive devices killed him and three others in his unit. the army knew. lavonne lightfoot didn't know yet. she was about to be notified officially. >> when was it like going to the door? >> a military chaplain accompanied by sergeant first class alicia mccray was coming to her door, because the army has a rule. this is news that parents must get face to face.
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>> i found out when they came and knocked on my door. >> did you arrive in uniform? >> yes, class a. >> i was looking at tv in the kitchen with the kids, my grandchildren. >> i was kind of shaking myself. >> what do you say, i am sergeant mccray? >> i introduce myself. >> somebody knocked on the door. i said to myself, who was this? i don't really go nowhere. i look at tv with the grandkids. >> i'm here to tell you. >> i don't remember what i said. then, i saw two people in uniform. sergeant mccray and a chaplain. i open the door. i say, what's wrong? what happened? is anthony all right? >> and that's when they told you. >> yes. >> when they first came to the door and you saw them, you immediately knew there was something wrong? >> right, because when they
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first came to the door, they asked me was my name lavonne lightfoot, i said, yes. i guess, they say, when one person come to the door, they have been injured. when two people come to the door, they've been killed. and two people came to the door. >> it is the most difficult thing that i have ever experienced in my life. >> i think sergeant mccray, to are a minute, she couldn't say anything. >> how difficult is it to tell someone that someone they love has died? >> i am thinking of my own child as i walk into her house. >> it is that painful. >> that was, yes. >> then, the chaplain told me to sit down. when he told me to sit down, i knew. >> how do you say it? >> how do i say it? how do you tell someone that they have lost a son or daughter? >> that's one difficult thing to do, sir. >> they told me that anthony had
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passed and i still can't really believe it but -- >> this is the first time you have ever had to tell a mother that her son died. >> exactly. yes. >> i mean, it just -- i don't know. in my mind, i went out. i was in denial. i didn't want it to be my son. >> how was she when you told her? >> how was she? >> how did she react? >> she was distraught. that took everything out of her. >> i thought they made a mistake. i was hoping it was a mistake. i didn't think it really was anthony. there was some way or another they could have had a mistaken identity. i didn't believe it. >> look at the reaction we are getting so far from people who are watching this story. go to our twitter board if we possibly can. >> i am honored that she let's me see the burial of her son and that she lets us share her
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story. his sacrifice was for all of us. thanks. >> hey, rick, the lightfoot story is making me cry. bring our choops home. when we come back, anthony lightfoot's mother grieving, allows you to see her son laid to rest at arlington national cemetery.
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welcome back. i'm rick sanchez.
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anthony lightfoot was one of the soldiers killed in afghanistan during the deadliest month yesterday. he was only 20 years old. tuesday afternoon he was buried with full military honors. i am about to show you the cemetery, the ceremony, i should say. it is special, because anthony's mother wanted you to see it. she asked us to come along, to respectfully photograph it. please watch and listen. >> reporter: there are more than 300,000 memorials here at arlington. each one represents the story of a life of service and sacrifice. each one has earned the right to be laid to rest in this sacred place. that could not be more true than for us today. as we have come to honor the life and service of specialist, anthony lightfoot. >> people all over the country
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are going to listen to you and they are going to probably want to hug their kids a little closer. if you can capture the words, what's it like to lose a son? >> it's horrible. it makes you feel empty. i am just empty. >> for our come rad in arms, specialist anthony lightfoot, our nation bestows military honors. his life and today his death will be honored. >> do you believe he died doing something honorable? >> yes. that's the way that anthony was. >> he wanted to be a soldier? >> yes yes. >> in so doing, he lost his life as a soldier? >> he was a part of something. i read a little note he had in there. he wanted to be a soldier.
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he was familiar with it. he liked it. he liked being with the other soldiers. he liked what he was doing. >> because of your graciousness in allowing us to film this experience, hundreds of thousands of people, if not millions, will watch as your son is intered in arlington national cemetery. what do you want them to think as they are watching that scene? >> what i would want people to think when they watch this is that you cannot hold your children back from doing
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something that they feel may be right for them at the time. that's something you have to hope and pray that everything goes all right for them. i'm a grieving parent but also i'm willing to share my son with everybody because he made an ultimate sacrifice. he really did. >> will americans watch your son being buried at arlington national cemetery become better citizens, being persons that viewed this? >> i hope so, i hope so. because all this turmoil and animosity that's going on in the room, i really hope so. it will help everybody be better citizens an be kinder to each other. >> i don't think i can express my condolences to the lightfoot
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family for letting us share with them these painful and life-changing moments. lavonne lightfoot told me that she hurts but she knows that in time it will pass. i am indebted to her. as all of us may be indebted to her and her son, anthony, as well, but because he is gone, can you do me a favor? in his name, next time you see a soldier or a marine, tell them what we couldn't tell anthony. in fact, do this for anthony's sake. say, thank you for your service. grandma! what a nice surprise! mom, it's sunday. that's when i knew i couldn't wait. mom's doctor said these were signs of alzheimer's, a type of dementia, and that prescription aricept could help. he said it's the only treatment proven effective...
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for all stages of alzheimer's. studies showed aricept slows the progression... of alzheimer's symptoms. it improves cognition... and slows the decline of overall function. aricept is well tolerated but not for everyone. people at risk for stomach ulcers... or who take certain other medicines... should tell their doctors... because serious stomach problems... such as bleeding may get worse. some people may experience fainting. some people may have nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bruising, or not sleep well. some people may have muscle cramps... or loss of appetite or may feel tired. in studies, these were usually mild and temporary. mom. talk to your doctor about aricept. don't wait. alzheimer's isn't waiting.
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news about a kennedy reporting that eunice kennedy shriver is in critical condition at a massachusetts hospital. we're told her family is by her side. there she is. actually, maria shriver. she is the mother of california's first lady, maria, sister of president kennedy and senator ted kennedy, who has also been in poor health as a result of a brain tumor recently. we should also tell you she was married to sergeant shriver, who ran for president once, and she was also known for being the person who founded and started the charity that i've been very much tied to in my life, when is special olympics. so, there you have it. maria shriver's mom, eunice shriver, has just been taken to the hospital in critical condition, massachusetts hospital. family's at her side. as we get more information, we're going to be sharing it with you. you know the dad i've been checking in with this week,
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louis haros, who out-and-out refused to take down that tattered american flag until his son, corporal paul haros returned from iraq? all his neighbors were upset, saying take down the flag, even gave him a brand-new flag to put up and he wouldn't do it? guess what? it finally happened yesterday. the flag came down because the son came home. and there it is. it's the moment that we were waiting to see. it's finally over. the flag is down. that's his son. this is a cool moment right here. watch this. as a result of our story, it turned into a ceremony. people from all over the area came, as did other soldiers, and there's the brand-new flag going up and the neighbors will frown no more. great stuff. >> just say no! just say no! >> just say no! >> just say no. angry protests over health care.
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it's enough to drive your blood pressure up and send you to the hospital. oh, wait. but there won't be any health care then. carlos will take his rare breed of humor to everything going on and politics as well. it's friday. it's time for the mind of carlos. you good? >> i'm great. >> fantastic. i love the salute. where all your cat's favorite flavors, including real carnation milk, come alive.
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friskies feline favorites. feed the senses. i think i'll go with the preferred package.
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good choice. only meineke lets you choose the brake service that's right for you. and save 50% on pads and shoes. meineke. you know, it's interesting. i just got this call from bob, he called my staff, he said that mel martinez is not the only hispanic in the senate because bob menendez is the senate. i meant to say bob is the only republican hispanic in the senate. but you know what they're saying. they're saying, carlos, that they'd like some fresh new blood in the republican party. what do you think? >> really. >> yeah. you run it? are you? >> i'm in. i'll do it. >> you'd be -- you know, i'd love to see you on the senate floor. hey, they already got a -- >> the party couldn't get any
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worse, rick. you know what i mean? i couldn't do anything worse in the party than what's going on. i mean, neither is rush limbaugh. i can do this. i can do this. >> what do you think of all these protests that have been going on? have you been watching this stuff? >> you know, i think the protesting, this part, the talking part, is great. that's what america is all about. i mean, you just did a story about soldiers and them passing away, and that's what they're fighting for, you know, people's rights to have voices and for those voices to be heard. i think when it gets violent it's just like -- it's ironic that it's getting violent and people are ending up in the hospital having to go to this system that they're protesting about in the first place. that's hysterical. they're going to come back -- they're going to come back and say, oh, my god, it needs fixing. there's something totally wrong with this. i was in the waiting room for hours and hours and it's, like, that's the point. that's why we're all trying to figure this out. personally -- >> go ahead. go ahead. >> well, personally, i just want everybody to understand where
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i'm coming from. i have unbelievable health care from sag, after, and the wga, so people like me, we have great health care. the rest of, you know, america are the people that, you know, have to go and wait. and it does need to be fixed, but this violence is crazy. i mean, when i was younger, i remember we used to make fun of these japanese, you know, game shows where people fell and flipped over. >> right. >> and now we have those game shows. yes used to make fun when we used to -- every once in a while you guys would put on a story of look what happened in venezuela, and then they would start fighting in the senate. and we're becoming that country now. we're literally becoming the butt of our own joke, like -- instead of being in this great country and saying, listen, don't fight, this is how we're supposed to deal, this is what democracy is all about, we're becoming those countries. >> yeah. we're suddenly -- you look up and -- you look in a mirror and
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you see the taiwanese parliament. you got a problem. >> exactly. all of a sudden people in taiwan are like look at the american people. they fine. look at them. and no kung fu. it's hysterical. not even good fighters. >> hey, do you think a lot of this still has to do with the resentment of president obama for reasons that are actually quite simplistic as far as some people see it in this country? >> well, look, the problem is this -- information in the hands of stupid people is bad. and i listen to talk radio. but i understand that that's a very small segment of society. i watch the news understanding that it's the news and, you know, people are reporting what they need to report. the problem is, is that, you know, somebody listens to a conservative talk show host and they go, oh, my god, he said everything's going to die and the birds are going to die and we're going to di


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