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tv   Larry King Live  CNN  August 8, 2009 12:00am-1:00am EDT

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>> the question is why she's picking up in a fish in the water whether it's real or not. >> that fish would have flipped out. >> helps to have a pole and bait i guess. >> the kids are cute. >> what's your take? >> i think they're both fake but they're cute. >> that does it for this edition of "360." thanks for watching. "larry king live" starts right now. -- captions by vitac -- >> larry: tonight, exclusive, jermaine jackson sharing his private pain about his late brother, michael. who does he blame for the pop star's death? if jermaine had one last chance to talk to michael brother to brother, what might he say? >> i miss you. >> larry: jermaine jackson setting the record straight on drugs, family drama. maybe who's the daddy? next on "larry king live."
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it's a great pleasure to welcome to "larry king live" one of many visits he's made to this program, jermaine jackson, one of michael jackson's older brothers. former member of "the jackson 5." he sang co-lead with michael for a number of years. by the way, jermaine has contributed a blog about michael's humanitarian work. it's on our website at at the end of the program tonight in the last segment we're going to have a very special announcement which should be of interest to our viewers around the world. jermaine was last with us when we were on location at neverland. at that time you said you were still in deep shock. has it now all set in? >> pretty much, but it's still a shock. it will always be a shock. >> larry: are there ever moments -- i know how close you were, where you feel his presence? >> i feel his presence all the time because there's a time in
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the morning when it's like just about, what, dawn or -- and the lights are still on. the lights in the city and you can see the sun coming up over the mountains. it's a special time for me to go out and i just talk to the sky and i talk to -- >> larry: do you talk to michael? >> i just say things to michael. wherever you are, i'm trying to talk to you. do you hear me? i mean, i miss you and it's such a beautiful time in the morning because it's quiet and very still. >> larry: the best time of day. yeah, it is. >> it goes fast. >> larry: smokey robinson said the seemingly endless media coverage has made the mourning process harder for him. what do you make of the fact that the story never ends? >> well, it's a great loss to the world and especially to me and my family and i guess people realize this is a great person,
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a great humanitarian besides the entertainer part. he's just a wonderful person. >> larry: so the fact that it's in the papers every day and on television every night, it becomes -- you're not upset by it? you understand it? >> yeah. well, not that i understand a lot of the things they say because i hate that jacko crap. they need to stop that. it's just getting the facts. they need to know the facts. everybody is saying they are doing business but there are facts. >> larry: we'll get to some tonight. what about the plans -- any plans for laying michael to rest? so many people are interested in that. >> i am also. >> larry: who decides it? >> my mother and i guess i want him at neverland and there's a question -- there's a question. but still -- >> larry: she's your mother. can't you say, hey, mom? >> i'm not the only one, larry. there's, like, so many.
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>> larry: what does your mother say? does she give you any hint? >> she's thinking about -- i'm most concerned about security and him being secured in a setting. >> larry: if he had a public place it would be like have having a presley initially. they had to move presley's body to graceland. >> i'm most concerned about that. in the end she'll make the final decision. >> larry: was it true michael was unhappy at the end about neverland? didn't want to go there anymore? >> during the trial what they couldn't do with the trial, he wasn't happy with how they raided his home and this and that plus he had bitter feelings. you were there. you saw how peaceful it was. and how -- >> larry: i cannot imagine someone not wanting to go there. >> yes. it's peaceful. >> larry: once he's -- we have -- this came from an e-mail. once michael is buried, how would you and your family feel about the many admirers visiting the grave to pay respects? how do you draw that balance between making it a little obscene and still a good sense
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of mourning? >> well, the fans played a very important part in his life and i feel that they should have a chance to go and pay a visit to him without it being too crazy, but at the same time, they're the reasons why he did what he did. his performance on the level he was because he was giving it all back to the fans. i thought doing it memorially was wonderful but it was so scaled down. i feel that the fans still didn't get anything. >> larry: really? >> no. >> larry: you were disappointed in the memorial? >> no, not disappointed in the memorial. just the fact that the fans weren't able to come. to touch and feel and be a part. >> larry: michael's daughter, paris, scene we'll all remember. touched hearts. she spoke about her dad at the memorial service. let's watch a little and get your thought. >> i just want to say ever since
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i was born daddy has been the best father you can ever imagine. and i just want to say i love him so much. >> larry: i was there. you were, of course, standing right there. what did you -- that was not planned, right? >> no. >> larry: how did you feel during that moment? >> well, she said it all. all the names they've called him and all the things they've said about him for so many years. she stepped up and said, daddy. he was a father. he was a wonderful father and he was the great human being. she said it all. it wasn't planned. >> larry: how are they doing? >> they're doing fine. they're slowly but they're playing with my kids and they're coming back strong. they're doing fine. >> larry: not going out yet,
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anyway, are they? >> a little bit. they go to the movies to see "ice age." >> larry: oh, they do get that at least? >> yeah. >> larry: that's good. do you -- before the public service there was a private memorial. i know that's private but can you tell us anything about what that was like? >> well, my family felt that us being raised as jehovah's witnesses, it was very important to have something private for the family and my cousin, wendell hawkins, when dell, he spoke. he's an elder. he spoke very nicely so we had just a private moment and it was paris' request to play "gone to soon." we left there and came over to staples. >> larry: were you able to see michael after his death? >> yes, i did. i raced across town. i first got the word from you guys that there was something going on with him being -- going to the hospital.
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so i called my mother immediately and then she said, yes, she was on her way. i was in azusa, another side of pasadena. 45 minutes went by. i spoke to my sister, janet, spoke to our attorney. next thing i knew, i called my mother back and i heard this tone in her voice saying he's dead. she was crying. and i just cried and drove across town very quickly -- >> larry: you got to see him? >> yes. i came to ucla before all the helicopters flying in the sky and everything. first when i walked into the hospital, i went straight to my mother, caressed her and then i went to the room and saw him just lifeless and it just tore my heart out. >> larry: jermaine, by the way has something special to show us. it's from the memorial service and a special announcement at the end of the show, too. that's next.
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most people try to get rid of algae, and we're trying to grow it. the algae are very beautiful. they come in blue or red, golden, green. algae could be converted into biofuels... that we could someday run our cars on. in using algae to form biofuels, we're not competing with the food supply. and they absorb co2, so they help solve the greenhouse problem, as well. we're making a big commitment to finding out... just how much algae can help to meet... the fuel demands of the world.
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♪ with a child's heart nothing can ever get you down ♪ ♪ with a child's heart >> larry: what's it like for you to look at that? >> that's touching, larry, because that song "with a child's heart" says a lot just how innocent children are -- that's what he was about. it's tough. >> larry: the single gloves you and others wore at the memorial,
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whose idea was that? we've got one here. >> this was my idea. this was what he was about. this was the glove. when he put this on, he was ready for the stage. he was ready to just kill them. >> larry: how did he get that idea? >> i have no idea, but this is -- it's been him for years. it's the one glove and he was ready for battle, whatever you call it. >> larry: wow. they're beautiful gloves. and it was only one glove, right? he didn't wear two gloves? >> one. one. >> larry: very effective. the last time you said you were on the show, you said his wishes would be carried out exactly. that you wanted your mother to get custody. were you happy with the way all of this apparently has been resolved? >> yes. larry, there -- well, the co-counsel and john mcclain, these are people that we've known for many, many years. they're doing an incredible job. they raised a lot of money,
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close to $100 million for the estate. they're following out michael's wishes accordingly. i just said, and i'll say it again, anyone who is trying to contest the will is going against michael's wishes. >> larry: the judge said, though, they will have power for another 60 days. do you think it's all going to get together with your mother and them? >> yes. they're staying in close communication with my mother. again, i feel good because i've known joel cats for 30 years and he's a very standup guy and he's toing a great job. >> larry: banker is well known. >> yes. >> larry: your father, though he has a close relationship, he wants to visit the kids. he's not going to be involved in raising them because of his age. >> he's probably tired because he's raised us and he had a tough job. but, no, he has an aura about him that is really very respectful. >> larry: has he got a bad rap? >> he gets a bad rap. >> larry: why? he brings a little on, himself, right?
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he sometimes gets carried away. >> yeah, but that's his way of expressing himself. we owe it all to him because if he wasn't the way he was, larry, we wouldn't be the way we were. >> larry: was he a tough father? >> no, he was just the way fathers were during that time. they were very concerned about their kids growing up to be strong. with so many bad influences during that time. >> larry: wow. >> my father's been great. >> larry: he's spoken of the possibility of michael's kids going into show business. do you think that could happen? do they have any tendencies that way? i mean, who knows better than you? >> they love film. they love film and they love movies and they know a lot about animation. so there's a great possibility. yes. >> larry: there's been a lot of speculation about whether michael's dermatologist, as you know, dr. arnold klein, might be the biological father. i asked him about that when he was a guest. watch this. >> i think to the best of my knowledge i'm not the father. i want to tell you that this discussion, however, is between michael's children and this
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person. >> larry: you don't feel you have to take a dna test to prove anything? >> if they want my dna test, they can have my dna. i don't care at this point. >> larry: he asked in court for his lawyer to be involved somehow in all this and the court refused. what do you make of the klein factor? >> well, i really don't know that much about it. you can look at the kids and tell that they're michael's kids and the fact that people come forth and they say things just to get attention, but those are definitely michael's children. >> larry: do you know dr. klein? >> i really don't know him but i've heard so many things and i wouldn't like to say something that i really don't know that much about because there's been so much speculation around this whole thing. i don't want to be one to contribute to that. >> larry: i understand. do you think it's a good idea debbie rowe is going to get some visitation? >> absolutely. she's -- i've spoken to her. we talk about horses because she has a ranch and i had a ranch before. yes, i think it's perfect. it's wonderful.
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>> larry: we'll be right back with more of jermaine jackson. don't go away. >> why don't you stand next to paris? >> okay. daddy? i have -- thank you for giving me ice cream. you're the best daddy in the whole world and i love you.
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a man with a golden heart, michael jackson. >> thank you very much. this is a special moment for michael, special moment for his legacy. it's a special award. >> larry: if you've been wondering about this gold piece on the set when we flash away, it's obviously rodon's the thinker.
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it says "save the world awards." jermaine jackson on behalf of michael jackson. what's the story of this? >> well, this was a special award that was given to michael from vienna, austria, and it was put on by the world awards media. they did an incredible job of just honoring him. everybody -- >> larry: he was going to get it and you went to get it for him? >> yes. they honored you, i think, in 2002. >> larry: they did, yeah. >> then they did michael in 2003. >> larry: more to say about vienna a little later. this is beautiful. where do you keep this? >> this is so heavy, larry. it's very heavy. we put it some place. it has to been a strong foundation. >> larry: an award or hernia? we have special home video from several years ago of prince, paris and their father. watch this. ♪ you're my daddy, my only daddy ♪ ♪ you make me happy when skies are gray ♪ ♪ you never know dear how much i love you ♪ ♪ please don't take my daddy away ♪
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>> larry: do they talk about their father a lot? >> yeah. because he was most concerned about them all the time. that's why they traveled with him so much. >> larry: he took them everywhere, didn't he? >> yeah. >> larry: we can't deny age in life. it's going to happen to you, jermaine. happens to all of us. your mother is 79. god forbid something happens, what would happen to the kids do you think? >> the kids would be in good hands because there are so many of us. >> larry: they'll be communeally raised, do you think? >> we're going to surround them with this jackson love. there's so much love and so many children. they're in a wonderful setting now because they're communicating with kids every day which are our kids and tito's got kids and there are so many -- rebbie's got kids. there are just so many. they feel so comfortable now. >> larry: you're saying that would really not be a problem? >> no. >> larry: what about janet? we haven't seen her. what's her involvement with the kids? is she close with them? how's janet doing?
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>> janet is doing fine. she's busy doing her work right now. i was going through the market and saw janet wants the kids. i don't think that's the case. that's just sensationalism that's coming out there. >> larry: do you talk to janet? >> yeah. i speak to her. she's busy doing her -- she's doing a film then she's doing her next cd. >> larry: to you think you, the boys and her might get together for something? boy, would that pack them in. >> on the field, the dodgers' field -- no, that could be very exciting. >> larry: dodgers stadium. why not? the ball game around you. hey, we'd book anything. jermaine has written a blog exclusive for us on michael's legacy. go to to read it. more with jermaine after the break.
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♪ >> where's your guys' rhythm? come on. >> larry: do you ever see something wonderful and heartbreaking at the same time? by the way, are both sisters close with the kids? janet -- >> yes. >> larry: they're both? >> yes. very, very much. >> larry: lots of buzz whether a young man named omer bhatti might be michael's biological son. your father talked about it in a recent interview. let's watch. >> michael may have had another child. omer is his name? everyone said, oh, he was sitting right there next to rebbie and everyone was trying to connect some dots. do you know that as michael's other son? >> yes. i knew he had another son.
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yes, i did. >> and he looks like a jackson. >> oh, yes. he looks like a jackson. he acts like a jackson. he can dance like a jackson. >> larry: all right. let's hear it from jermaine. what do you make of omer? he reportedly denies he's michael's son. he was seated with the jackson family during the staple center service and there are also photos from this weekend of omer out with prince from this weekend with prince and blanket as well as jermaine's sons. who is he? >> i would say he's probably someone who michael really endeared and who wanted to just be part of his life. i really don't know if he's his son or not. but the fact that he's been around michael so much. i've seen pictures of him dressed just like michael with the hat and red shirt and everything. if he's not his son we're going to continue to give him love. >> larry: you like him?
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>> yes. >> larry: are you close to him? >> i've seen him at the house a few times and he's very nice, very respectful and that's all you can ask for really. >> larry: were you surprised your father seemed to think he might be? >> no. because i've been asked this question so much, but i really don't know. still, we're going to just take care of him and give him the love and the support he needs. >> larry: what about -- this is a twitter question. what about grace the nanny? is she going to be involved with is the kids? >> i really don't know because right now my mother is in control of everything and she's just making sure the children are being children and they're just playing and having fun. i think they put all the school programs together for the coming year and stuff. making sure that their studies are right. all that is most important. >> larry: nannies are special people in children's lives. she must have been terrific, right? >> yeah, but she was always there. >> larry: that's what i mean. >> yeah, but like i said, my
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mother's in charge. so who knows. >> larry: tell me about your mother. is -- everyone who comes on this program says she's one of the greatest people they've ever known. >> well, my mother's very, very special. i'll say this. i think i'm the closest to her that looks like her and she's probably laughing right now, but, no, she's incredible. she gave us that -- just that loving, endearment, the wanting to understand people and the sharing and the kind that sometimes i say to myself, i wish i wasn't like that because sometimes there's people out in the world and they take advantage of that. we all have it in us and there's nothing we can do about it. >> larry: would she do well on this show or is she shy? >> she would do well because you would probably make her feel very comfortable. >> larry: she is shy, right? >> she's very shy. >> larry: did michael get that from her? >> we all got it from her. yeah.
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>> larry: you're saying all the jacksons are shy? >> they are shy until they hit the stage. >> larry: explain that. i have been told michael would be sitting shy, not wanting to go on stage. somebody calls him up, sheepishly gets up, whack. >> well, starts with my father saying, all right, get up. this is the stage. moving very little. so it's like rehearse, rehearse, rehearse. we felt more comfortable on stage. in a small setting -- if i was to come to your house and you had some guests and you asked me, jermaine, come in and meet someone. i'm very nervous. very shy. >> larry: really? >> yes. >> larry: another twitter question. are the children being raised as jehovah's witnesses? >> they've been to the hall before. i don't know if they're going to be raised as jehovah's witnesses because they've had christmases and enjoyed birthdays and stuff. >> larry: not decided yet? >> i don't think so. >> larry: you don't think so? >> i don't think so.
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>> larry: the results of the autopsy have been delayed again indefinitely. what effect is this having on jermaine and the family?
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♪ >> larry: how do you and the kids -- before we ask you about the autopsy -- deal with all this paparazzi? amust say -- we'll talk about it later. there's a special announcement coming later. jermaine's been at my house a few times. i walk out to get the mail and there's 14 people across the street taking pictures. you've got to deal with that all day long. and the kids, how do you deal with that?
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>> you just ignore them. i said to you, larry, duck. >> larry: he tells me, duck. duck from what? you just get used to it? >> your answer was, why do i have to change my life for them? >> larry: yeah, why am i going to change my life? >> larry, they're there. this is all going to quiet down. >> larry: are you sure? when, what year? >> you're right. >> larry: the release of the official autopsy report delayed indefinitely. >> why? >> larry: you don't know why? they don't tell you? >> no. no. >> larry: as a family member couldn't you call the coroner and the others and say, what's going on? >> yeah, but i have to wait for my mother first. >> larry: boy, she really runs the show here. has she called? >> she's in touch very, very much. i do know once they're ready to -- the facts or whatever they're going to be, they're going to call her then they're going to come to the house. >> larry: didn't you get a family report, autopsy? for the family only? >> i don't think so.
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>> larry: no? you haven't seen an autopsy? >> no, i have not seen one. >> larry: do you fear -- what about the foul play that your sister, la toya, said? your father hinted at? do you think there's foul play defined by doctors doing wrong? >> larry, it's hard to say because there's so much being said and i think to rush to judgment would be the wrong thing to do or say. i think there's an ongoing investigation and to say these things is not -- without knowing the facts. if it ends up to foul play, then that will be dealt with accordingly. at the same time we really don't know. we will know and we will find out. >> larry: did you know or have knowledge of michael being addicted to anything? >> no. >> larry: never discussed it? >> never. i've never seen him act abnormal around me or never known anything like that. >> larry: did you ever ask him about it? >> no. >> larry: why not? >> that never came to my mind.
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>> larry: all of this is a shock to you? >> yeah. i heard during the pepsi commercial there was some things that he was taking during that time because the -- >> larry: hair. >> the hair thing. no, i never had any reason to ask him that. >> larry: now when you learn all this and people report about medication found in the house, are you surprised? >> i'm very surprised and very uneducated about all these pills and all these things, like i told you before. i like it that way. meaning not to have much knowledge about these type of things. at the same time, i'm hearing all this stuff and saying, where is it going? i tell you, if there was anything administered in my brother's body that was not in the proper setting, meaning a hospital, then that would be dealt with. >> larry: but you never thought of -- i mean, aren't you curious about it, as a brother? would it bug you if a doctor were giving him drugs indiscriminately? >> yes, absolutely. absolutely.
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because i'm one that won't even take an aspirin. and to hear these things, it's just shocking to me at his death. >> larry: do you know his doctor? >> no. >> larry: never met the doctor? >> never met him until he was in the hospital. >> larry: in the past there's been a lot said about dr. murray. you don't draw any conclusions, right? >> i don't like to draw conclusions until you get the facts. >> larry: all right. by the way, we received a statement from dr. murray concerning the mentions of him, not by jermaine. he says we're not going to respond to any statements made by any family member or anyone else at this time. dr. murray continues to cooperate with los angeles investigators in their efforts to determine the cause of michael jackson's death. i guess you support them, too? i mean, the investigators. >> yeah. >> larry: you want to know. you don't want to go without answers? >> right. let them do their job. >> larry: at this point you don't blame anybody? >> i'm not blaming anybody until the facts are there and how can i blame them? once the facts are there, then
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probably i guess we'll go into what they call a trial or whatever and it would be what it is. >> larry: do you think knowing michael as you do that he would want someone punished if that came out? >> listen, if this came out, it would be tough for anybody who had anything to do with michael's passing to walk this earth. really. >> larry: so you couldn't know if the family was planning anything because they didn't know if he had a problem, right? you didn't know if he had a problem? >> no. no. >> larry: what has surprised jermaine most about all of this since the death? we'll ask that next.
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♪ you'll find that life is still around if you just smile though your heart is aching ♪ ♪ smile >> larry: great performance of a great song michael used to sing. the great charlie chaplin song. how did it feel standing up there doing that? >> wow, that was a moment. that was very, very tough. i wanted to do that for him because it was one of my favorite songs as well.
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>> larry: great song. >> yeah. >> larry: what about the concert tour? were you going to go on it, by the way? >> yes. yes. you're talking about the shows at the 02? >> larry: yeah. >> there's been so much talk he was pressured by how many shows he was doing and all this kind of stuff. larry, it's speculation and people talking the facts. >> larry: what did he tell you? >> well, it's not what he told me. aeg, randy phillips did an incredible job of just making michael's vision reality. michael creates and he wants the stage and he wants this and that. they brought it to the forefront where he was able to present to the world. the first time 3-d was going to be worked into concert and song. i feel that they did an incredible job just working with him. it started out with 31 shows. they went so quickly that they went back to michael and said these 31 are going to go so fast. do you want to add more? michael said yes, considering
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certain conditions. now, those 50 shows were designed over nine months. two shows a week. he can take off any time he wanted. >> larry: the people you were talking about, they wanted seven shows a week? >> no, it was two shows a week over a nine-month period. they did a great job, aeg. >> larry: what did you make of that final rehearsal? last time you were here it was reported there were hours of footage. is that true? >> yes, yes. that's all put into a sort of documentary film type of deal and that was -- >> larry: going to be shown in theaters, right? not television, theaters? >> yeah. >> larry: we have a twitter question. did michael embrace islam before he died? do you know if he became a muslim? >> well, i'm one. michael -- i would bring him books. he did a lot of reading because he reads everything. >> larry: did you perform "smile" at this austrian awards? >> yes, i did. ♪ that's the time you must keep
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on trying ♪ ♪ smile when you've been crying ♪ >> larry: you're going to start making that your song, huh? >> no, no. what it was, they asked me to sing it. if i'm going to accept the award, i have to sing the song. i think my kids were there holding the umbrella as i was singing. >> larry: oh, it was outdoors. >> yeah. >> larry: in the months since the death, have you learned anything about your brother that surprised you? >> i've learned how people really didn't realize the type of human being he was and how they had a misunderstanding about -- >> larry: all that conception about young boys seems to have gone away. >> because there was never no truth to -- >> larry: did you ever think there was anything -- >> i tell you, we know the facts because i knew my brother. they took something that was so wonderful.
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you've been to neverland. that was divine for children who were less fortunate, with wheelchairs, who were terminally ill. for them to take that, meaning the media, and make it a horrible place, i mean, you were there. >> larry: what did all that do to michael? >> it hurts because he's a human being and he had to say, how much more do i have to give? i mean, he's a great humanitarian. as well as just a great entertainer, he's a bigger humanitarian. he's done so much. people who needed liver transplants, he would pay for them. he would do all sorts of things. i mean, he was in the hospital in israel. and he would walk the floor and find out who needs what? he's paying for things. this guy was incredible. >> larry: if jermaine could speak to michael one last time, what do you think he would say? we'll ask him in 60 seconds.
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>> larry: you described earlier, jermaine, how you would get up in the morning and kind of commune in a sense, think things. we have a twitter question that says, do you feel michael's presence in spirit? >> i feel his presence in spirit all the time. we're all given a certain time on this earth, and it is our duty to try to be the best human beings we can be to ourselves and to others. i feel that michael did all of that. i feel he had a lot of good deeds, incredible deeds. that's all you can do is when you're gone take these deeds with you. i know my brother is in a very wonderful, peaceful place because of his actions. he took advantage of what god wanted him to do. make people happy, take your success and give to those who didn't have. >> larry: you believe in god? >> yes, i do. >> larry: do you get a little angry at him for taking michael
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so young? >> i don't get angry at god because god put him here and god has his time to say when he wants him back. michael did what he needed to do here during the time he was on earth. true, he didn't have to go so soon because there was so much more to do. i do know he took a lot of good deeds with him and he's in heaven. >> larry: speaking of that, michael jackson did so many things for others. jermaine wants to see that good work tonight. read about it on our blog only at one more section with jermaine then a surprise will join us in the last segment with a special announcement. coming up at the top of the hour on 360, it is getting ugly out there. more and more so-called town hall meetings on health care are starting to look like backyard brawls. one of the main organizers of some of the folks coming out to opposed health care plan. we'll also show you something we think may have gotten lost in the screaming. the actual health care options on the table that have so much
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people riled up. that plus a 360 exclusive. new details in the murder case against drew peterson tonight. defense preparing to drop a bombshell monday. we're going to give it to you first. cnn legal analyst lisa bloom has seen it. she'll tell us exactly what the bombshell is. all that and much more coming up at the top of the hour here on "360." ♪ take me home ♪ take me home ♪ to my family ♪ ♪ i need to be surrounded by ♪ the ones who care for me [ female announcer ] clean you can see. softness you can feel. tide with a touch of downy. ♪ take me home
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♪ >> larry: we have a lot of questions in this one area. twitters, voicemails, anything. what's your favorite michael jackson song? >> my favorite michael jackson song is "earth song." ♪ i used to dream, i used to glance beyond the stars ♪
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>> because it's him acknowledging how our world is deteriorating. that's what he was most concerned about. you have to save the planet. you have to save the earth. he just didn't say it. he put it in songs. he put it in actions way before the al gores of global warming. way before all of this. he was most -- >> larry: he was ahead of his time? >> yes. he was -- he was the voice for those who could not be heard. >> larry: they tell stories of how frank sinatra would see a sad story on television and send money to the victim of that sad story. would he do things like that? >> michael would go. >> larry: go? >> and be there. and touch. and feel. besides giving money and paying for the operation -- if there was a child who was all green
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from just a liver -- she needed a liver transplant. michael stepped up and took care of it. i hear so many stories like this. that makes me feel good. you know why? because he was raised the right way. he took his success and he just didn't care about material things because none of that is with him right now. he took all the good deeds with him. >> larry: there's been a buzz about a possible jackson family reunion. we touched on it earlier. you, janet, your brothers, a musical tribute. what's the word? are you all going to get together? >> there's been some talk. right now we're just making sure things are fine with the estate and making sure we finish just getting things back in perspective because it's very tough. >> larry: somebody wants to know if you've heard from elizabeth taylor? >> i haven't, but i'm pretty sure my parents have. yes. >> larry: what's your best memory of having fun with michael? by the way, did he have a sense of humor? >> yeah, yes. michael and i and i guess all the brothers when we were backstage on "the victory" tour, we would be so hyped because we
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couldn't wait to get out there. when we played the dodgers' stadium, we did, like, seven nights. before we would go on stage we would be backstage throwing candy and having food fights and all that kind of stuff. we walked out there, we'd just be ready to kill them. >> larry: when you were kids and you look at him, he was the youngest, did you realize then what an amazing talent he was? >> i knew he was special because he started out playing bongos and got into this james brown thing and started dancing and singing. he was most concerned on being -- concerned about being the best in what he did. he did a lot of practice, a lot of rehearsing. >> larry: he never had dance lessons, right? >> no. no. >> larry: what would you say to him if you had another moment with him? >> i would just -- if he was here in flesh, i would just joke with him like we always do. the last time i saw him, we were
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singing this song together. so i said, michael, i love the way you did that song we were just singing. ♪ baby don't make me, baby don't make me, baby don't make me fly away ♪ this song was so nice. he was singing the harmony. so we started singing harmony together. i said, michael, i love what you did on that song. he said, thank you, that means a lot coming from you. >> larry: you would sing together? >> yes. >> larry: okay. jermaine jackson's been our guest throughout this. jermaine and a special announcement is next. my wife, shawn, will be here, too. stick around.
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>> larry: we're back with jermaine jackson and our special guest, to close it out with a surprise announcement, shawn king, my wife, who is also chairman of the larry king cardiac foundation. my son, larry jr. is its president. she's a singer, has worked with jermaine. jermaine, you want to open with what do you got to tell us?
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>> it started with a song first. we did "will you be there" with shawn. did a track and heard her voice, just incredible. so i -- they wanted me to do a verse. i asked them to be part of an event that we were doing in vienna, austria, in a few months sometime in september where we're going to pay a tribute to my brother and some of the world's greatest entertainers are going to be there. >> larry: was going to be a birthday event, right on august 29th? >> we wanted to be able to make sure that everyone that wanted to be there could be there. >> exactly. >> larry: so it's in september? we'll announce the date. let me get this straight. if you want more information about this and we're being seen all over the world, the charities will benefit from this are earth cares and the larry king cardiac foundation. for more information -- >> larry jones feed the children, too. >> larry: and what? >> larry jones feed the children. >> larry: and larry jones feed
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the children. check it out on the website called tribute2009 db that's one word, all right? >> and one last point. we have a forum that we put together that we can stream to blackberries and iphones and any hookup with the internet. we'll be able to stream it. >> larry: what are you going to have at the concert? >> a lot of surprises. a lot of -- we'll even have party favors for the guests. >> larry: why vienna? >> a very special party favor. >> why vienna? because that was a very dear place for michael. he loved castles. we're going to have this huge celebration in front of a castle. we're expecting hundreds of thousands of people. we feel that -- >> larry: hundreds of thousands of people? >> hundreds, that's plural, larry. >> this would be the proper setting. this is something i've felt all along that the fans need something. they shut l.a. down, larry, so they only let 20-some thousand
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into the staples. >> larry: we know about the larry king cardiac foundation. what's the earth care foundation? >> earth care is a foundation i founded and it's basically to focus toward the alleviation of suffering of children and just people any place in the world. so we've worked with larry jones feed the children. we have a center outside nairobi. we do work and larry jones is for real. he's the best. >> and this is -- because michael cares so much about children -- >> exactly. >> this is -- we felt that these were the perfect charities. >> larry: that's a great idea. you have a special cd coming. it includes a duet with jermaine and shawn. that cd will come out. the donations among those charities is the larry king cardiac foundation that will benefit from that. >> jermaine, oh my gosh. he did such a great job. >> larry: i don't get a chance to talk to you lately, so, why are you doing this? you? >> i'm doing it because i love
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music. i love jermaine. i love the jackson family. >> thank you. >> and it's just -- everything has come together so beautifully and so perfectly. i know it's meant to be. there's no question in my mind. >> larry: going to help a lot of people, too. >> help a lot of people. we've had some mischief in the studio, too. jermaine's vocals were erased accidentally. he thinks it was his little brother. >> larry: you think michael did this? >> could have been. >> larry: you never know. because he fooled around a lot, right? he was a kidder. let me get it straight. for more information about the concerts coming in september, they will give you the date when you contact them. it will be picked within a week. check it out on the website among the beneficiaries are the feed the children,ar


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