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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  August 8, 2009 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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i can't tell, did justice kennedy walk through the doors? if so, we told that is essentially the signal that the public swearing in of judge sonia sotomayor is set to take place any minute now. that's the cue that things are going to happen very quickly. the ceremony itself not expected to take more than just a few minutes. we're going to see this all unfold in that room you're looking at, the right-hand part of your screen. not the courtroom, where the justices here arguments but rather a conference room inside the supreme court building. what's going to happen is the chief justice, john roberts, will walk in. judge sonia sotomayor will walk in and at the front of that room should be the judge's family members. her mother, selena. her brother juan. after chief justice roberts makes some remark, brief remarks, we are told, the swearing-in will actually take place and we're told holding the bible will be sonia sotomayor's mother selena and her brother juan. they will be there.
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as i said, if we see justice kennedy walk in -- i apologize -- >> no. we were given word, she in the room. getting very close, and we see walking in, yes, i believe. walking in with -- sonia sotomayor, and the oath will be taking place very shortly. let's take a listen as we watch this play out, history in the making. >> members of the court, and special session of court. to administer the oath this morning simply so she can begin work at a supreme court justice without delay. i'd like to invite mrs. sotomayor, the judge's mother, and dr. sotomayor her brother, to come forward. judge sotomayor, are you prepared to take the oath? >> oh, yes. >> please raise your right hand
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and repeat after me. i, sonia sotomayor do solemnly swear. >> i sonia sotomayor do saum solemnly swear. >> that i will administer justice without respect for person. >> that i will administer justice without respect to person. >> and to equal rights to the poor and to the rich. >> and to equal rights to the poor and to the rich. >> and that i will faithfully and impartially. >> and that i will faithfully and impartially. >> discharge and perform. >> discharge and perform. >> all the do you wanties incumbent upon me. >> all of the duties incumbent upon me. >> as associate justice ever the supreme court of the united states. >> as an associate justice of the supreme court of the united states. >> under the constitution and laws of the united states. >> under the constitution and laws of the united states. >> so help me god. >> so help me god. >> congratulations, and welcome to the court.
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>> and there you have it. history has been made. justice sonia sotomayor has officially been sworn in. her title now will indeed be associate justice, and i want to bring in cnn senior legal analyst jeffrey toobin, who has done a lot of research and followed the supreme court over many, many years and jeffrey, you watched this. unlike the presidential oath, there were no problems or hangups in this one. >> no. john reports i thought thought it was the bert part of valor to take a piece of paper with him 20 treed, not try remember it. but it was a -- it's a much longer oath than the presidential oath. it would be hard to memorize, but, look, this is a big deal. it's a big event. 111th supreme court justices in the history of the country, and now we have the first hispanic,
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third woman, and third new yorker on the court right now. >> and for the first time, jeffrey, we are seeing this televised. why do you think that is? >> well, that's a very interesting development. because the court is extremely reluctant to allow television cameras into any part of its operation. one of the interesting and more forthcoming aspects of judge sotomayor, or now justice sotomayor's testimony during her congressional hearing was her statement that she has had good experiences with cameras in the courtroom. so she is more open to that. certainly this was a decision made by chief justice roberts, but i think noting justers sotomayor believes this is not such a terrible thing probably played a factor, jut by way of comparisons. the justice she's replacing, judge souter, known as the -- he
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said there will be cameras in the courtroom over his dead body. so we may see a little thaw on that subject in the future. >> what's so interesting. several current justices have indeed expressed concern over oath taking and saying that it's inappropriate and a display of political theater, yet we're watching it live, just did, today. >> actually what john paul stevens said was, he didn't like that is took place at the white house. that's where the last justice alito and chief justice roberts were sworn in. he thought it looked too much like a political event for the incumbent president. so i don't think justice stephens or any of the other justices were concerned about public oath taking. they were concerned about the location. so the fact the ceremony was moved to the white house was a visual representation of the separation of powers, and the fact that justice sotomayor, though she was certainly appointed by president obama, is in no way beholden to him, is not responsible to him, is not
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part of the executive branch, part of the judicial branch, and i think that, the message that was sent by holding this ceremony at supreme court rather than the white house. >> yeah. and in fact, president obama himself wanted to see this swearing intake place at the court rather than the white house. look at the timing of this. 11:00 a.m. on a saturday. why this particular time? >> well, there is a great desire, a part of both justice sotomayor and her two colleague on the court to let her get to work. she could not start participating in the informal work of the court that goes on over the summer without being sworn in. you never know what can happen. even over a weekend, and the idea is just that to get it done. most swearing ins of justices have taken place with 24 or 48
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hours after the vote in the senate. so this is not unusual. >> a short week and. is official. she is now the correspondent justice on the supreme court. jeffrey toobin, as always, thanks so much for your insight. >> nice to talk to you, betty. >> there is-it-is, judge, now justice sotomayor is source of pride certainly for the nation's hispanics. cnn's susan candiotti is in new york's spanish harlem following what i assume is a celebration and jubilation this morning. good morning. >> reporter: we're in a restaurant here in east harlem, where we are -- [ inaudible ] [ inaudible ]. >> i'm so moved by this movement, that it's for real. i'm so proud of her. i have two daughters and one is
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16, and -- history, i explained to them before today what they meant for her. my daughter is a trailblazer. there are so many other women who have greatness in their lives, but this proves that -- if you operate at the highest level of integrity there is nothing you can't accomplish. >> reporter: did you speak with her directly -- >> it would be thank you, because justice has been served. thank you very much. [ inaudible ]. >> organize this. >> reporter: -- bring people together -- >> very proud, the celebration of sonia sotomayor. i think that -- [ inaudible ] i'm very proud.
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the supreme court nomination. it's a culmination of -- [ inaudible ] we know in this country -- [ inaudible ] she has defined for us, she has defined -- [ inaudible ] compassion and -- [ inaudible ] all of that -- i did -- give my thanks to her and women like her. >> reporter: really haven't met anyone who knows her personally, but -- and this -- she's not -- >> all right. we're having a little bit of audiodifficulties. where susan candiotti is. taking a live look at the supreme court where the swearing-in just occurred for
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the new associate justice on that court, and that being sonia sotomayor. tough to cover a party. you know? >> and they were excited, and so should be, because this is quite a historic moment. >> absolutely. there she is once again. short and sweet. brief, and accurate. justice robins actually greeting me. >> when in doubt, make sure you have notes. coming up, in october, actually, cnn will present latino in america a look how hispanics participate in culture and politics in america. only on cnn this october. president obama says he is encouraged by a new report showing a slight decline in the unemployment rate. this is the first time that's happened, though, in 15 months, but the president says it's too soon to start to celebrating. in his saturday radio and internet address he once again made a pitch for health care reform calling it essential for economic growth.
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>> this month's job number, a sign that we've begun to put the brake on this recession, and that the worst may be behind us. but we must do more than rescue our economy from this immediate pressure. we must rebuild it stronger than before. we must lay a new foundation for future growth and prosperity and a key pillar of the new foundation is health insurance reform. reform that we are now closer to chaving han ever before. there's still details to be hammered out, still differences to be reconciled but we are moving towards a broad consensus on reform. >> now in response, republicans say a national health care system is not the answer and said they want lower taxes, less regulation, and reduced litigation. >> it's why we are committed to helping more americans to get the health care coverage they need, not through nationalizing system way costly government-run plan, rather by supporting free
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market incentives to help small business owners make coverage more accessible and affordable. in ensuring that americans can keep their individual private policy. government must be more efficient and more accountable, which is why we are calling an end to the new government spending leading to an explosive deficit and burdening our children with the new debt they will have to repay. >> where do you stand on this issue? passion over health care reform continues to flare up at town halls across the nigs. >> with people being so disruptive, some members of congress are actually changing their plan. >> reporter: in tampa thursday, democratic congresswoman kathy caster tried to talk health care reform over the shouting. >> we're not going to stand for this any more. >> reporter: it quickly turned ugly. >> back up! >> reporter: caster was eventually escorted out and it
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only left participanting frustrated. >> exercising a right to free speech but they're exercising a right to disrupt civil discourses. >> somewhere in the back and forth, no one got hurt. >> reporter: meanwhile, in maryland, another health care town hall meeting took on a different tone. >> what i am going to ask to you do, though, is that you have to be respectful. >> reporter: democratic congressman donna edwards fielded questions from a mostly democratic crowd, but not without critics who argued the system isn't broken. >> there's a difference between broken and tweaking it. a small number in our country that are uninsured. >> the fact of the matter is, while the system may not appear proek broken to you, at suburban hospitals it is broken for millions of americans. >> reporter: at these forums brought attention, participants are receiving detailed instructions how to unwind a town hall meeting. this e-mail from a group supportive of the president's
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health care reform. bring as many as possible to drown themmous it said. on the right, rocking the town hall, the title of this circulating. he fro a conservative activist informing feel watch for an opportunity to yet out. challenge the statements early. it's enough your one democratic congressman to say he's going to hold his town hall meetings by telephone. >> he does not want to see this kind of mop action i think it's time for cooler heads to say, calm down and have respectful opinions. >> reporter: members of congress have received death threats at their offices and he feels additionally he can. all right. time to take the temperature down a bit. at least the message from the white house. >> they ought to be able to be conducted without shouting and
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shoving and pushing and people getting hurt. i think we can have honest policy disagreements without being either disagreeable or certainly without being violent. for more on health care, make it or break it month for the issue. check out my blog. go to hurricane felicia. i didn't know -- >> didn't know it was fake. >> what we're talking about. less respect as it draws closer to the shore.
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hurricane felicia, fizzling a little. expected to weaken more. the storm draws closer to hawaii, people are bracing for at least a likely storm surge and the once powerful category 4 storm, hurricane felicia now down to a count one. even if it goes down to a tropical depression it will still bring heavy rain, which will possibly cut off mudslides. talked about that earlier, reynolds, the big mountains, how mountainous it is, and get the rain to squeeze out of the clouds and that can be a pain for sure. >> that's right. the graphic lift, that may happen. a little mudslide action on the big island. the key thing that you were talking about, rob that is just this great thing that it is weakening. why that's happening. a couple things going on between this storm system and the hawaiian islands. for reference, hawaiian islands
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here. storm, hard to miss. what we've seen is, seen it considerably weaken. two big reasons why we don't anticipate the powerhouse. one reason to have the storms intensify, you have to have warm ocean water. the water temperatures right about here are about 77 degrees. 77 degrees fahrenheit. for these systems to remain -- same strength intensified, have to have it around 80 degrees or higher. cool waters are going to hurt. shear the top apart causing it to weather also. the path of this is expected to still march its way off to the west. as it gets close to hawaii, early tuesday morning, around 2:00 a.m., the storm is expected to be a minimal tropical storm or tropical depression. as rob mentioned, one of the big threats, the heavy rainfall and along the coast, that's what you can expect. expect here at home, no surprise. high temperatures starting to back up into the 90s across much
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of the southland and back into portions of text, the high humidity factored in, too. planning on going and and cutting the grass in plano, texas, maybe in waco, you might want to take it easy. meanwhile, 91 degrees in chicago. as we wrap things up quickly, chance of severe weather mainly western great lakes and central great lakes. cool and a chance of scattered showers. you, my friends, are up to speed. >> you have just become a hero to those men and women who -- >> said i shouldn't cut the grass. too hot. >> got have the excuses. take them when you can. >> thanks. all right. so police in indonesia, they believe they have killed the man blamed for last month the twin hotel bombings in jakarta and the 2002 bali nightclub. .
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>> they say he was killed in an 18-hour gun battle between militants and aents terror forces. listen to the firing out here. this was just one of a series of successful anti-terror operations carried out in indonesia. in another raid, authorities believe they averted a bomb squad aimed towards the indonesian president. >> translator: we found 100 milligrams of explosives, two boobytraps and two containers the explosives. >> and two terror suspects died in an early morning raid in jakarta. pakistan authorities are trying to verify the pakistani taliban leader was actually killed in a u.s. missile strike this week. pentagon correspondent tells us why his status is important to the u.s. military. >> reporter: a bomb ripped apart the marriott hotel in islamabad. pakistan's former prpt benazir bhutto assassinated on the
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street. in some attacks on american soldiers in afghanistan. a u.s. counterterrorism official blames this man with his back to the camera, baitullah mehsud. no doud he has american blood on his hands. >> this is an individual whose title is a motorist thug was well deserved. >> reporter: in march, the u.s. put a $5 billion bounty on his head. a senior defense official says the suit was watched long enough to develop a pattern of his activity and there is growing confidence mehsud was killed in an air sprik with this region. president obama authorized nearly as many unmanned squads as president bush did all last year. i asked a defense official, will this strike give the u.s. leeway to conduct more? he told me it gives us room with the pakistani government maybe and allows a bit more freedom, but not with the people.
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>> certainly officials with the pentagon will begin tells the obama administration this may not be an excellent strategy considering we must win the hearts and minds in this region. >> reporter: pakistan still sees the taliban as two groups. good and bad. >> the taliban, the border and the u.s. and afghanistan, those that tie down troops in kashmir. the bad taliban, pakistani government and military. >> reporter: she says the u.s. fleeds to keep cooperating with pakistan but realizes this one strike on mehsud does not mean that all of america's enemies are pakistan's enemies, too. >> so with all the shouting at health tear town hall meetings, how many americans actually say they oppose the president's reformed plan? well, we have those numbers for you. ♪ seems you've always been right there ♪
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all right. so angry protests. at health care town halls. democracy at work. some have gotten so loud no one can be heard. [ chanting ]
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cnn deputy political director mr. paul steinhauser joins us now live. all right, paul. here's the question. are they being orchestrated or is this really democracy at work? >> you know, betty, i think it appears to be a little of both. first let's talk about are they organized, orchestrated. yeah, some of these conservative advocacy groups opposed to the president's health care proposals on their websites are posting list where and when the town halls are held by members of congress and posting instructions on what to say, what to do. that's the orchestrated part, but people opposed to the president's plan are more likely to go to these town halls than people that support his plan. seems there's nor energy among the opponents. >> if that's the case, how are the demming responding? >> first of all, arguing this is
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all organized by the right bep saw a web video they put out, a lot of e-mail out. they learned their lesson and are trying to organize and get their supporters out to these town hall as well because they're doing the same thing as well now. that the right is doing it, saying get out to the town halls and speak out, betty. >> let's try to sift lieu through the shoving and shouting. what does your polling say about the health care debate a. new poll came out this week, cnn research corporation national poll, and found overwhelmingly americans say something needs to be done. changes need to be made. but check this out. 50% when it comes to the president's specific plan, 50% say they favor it. 45% say they oppose. americans appear to be divided. yes, reforms are needed to bring down costs and ensure people that aren't insured. at the same time, a lot of people like what they have. >> like in the numbers, 50% for, 45% against it. yeah. there is a big divide and maybe that's why we're seeing what we're seeing. >> exactly. >> all right, paul steinhauser,
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as always, appreciate it. >> thank you. the wheels come off the auto industry laid off workers, put their training wheels on. i think i'll go with the preferred package.
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good choice. only meineke lets you choose the brake service that's right for you. and save 50% on pads and shoes. meineke. happening now, justice sonia
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sotomayor sworn in. the first hispanic to sit on the high bench. today's ceremony televised, also a first for the supreme court. an 88-year-old eunice kennedy shriver in critical condition at a cape cod hospital. her children, including california first lady and journalist maria shriver are at her side. the white house is reacting cautiously, but optimistically to friday's better than expected jobs force. unemployment dipped slightly for the first time in more than a year. president obama said it's a sign the worst may be behind us ins recession, but also warned that a recovery has not happened yet, and unemployment may still reach
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10%. today we're pointed in the right direction. losing jobs at less than half the rate we were when i took office. we pulled the financial system back from the brink and the rising market, restoring values to those 401(k)s that are a foundation for retirement. >> well, michigan's unemployment rate is 15% now, highest in the nation. most of the lost job there's can be linked to the automobile industry, and president obama is warning those jobs, are not coming back. workers need to concentrate on new careers. here's cnn and you dra endo in detroit. >> doesn't look traditional. >> reporter: this is where ken sees his future, in renewable energy. walk with limb to his driveway, that's where his real love is parked. >> yeah. very important part of my life. >> reporter: cars. he's worked in the auto industry for eight years.
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for a long time with general motors, but like tens of thousands of other auto workers, ken was laid off a year ago and his first worry as getting health care for his wife and two kids. >> i had a feeling that this was going to be bad, aened i was right. 2 was real bad. >> reporter: they get by on his unemployment and his wife's job working at a veterinarian hospital, bus with few jobs available in the auto industry, ken being forced to switch gears i. just figured 2 was time i got to learn something else because the whole industry's going to change and stay changed. >> reporter: applied to no worker left behind helping retrain the unemployed by sending them back to school. he's taking classes in renewable energy. is the stuff you're learning now interesting you or just trying to get a paycheck down the road? >> at first it might have been just a new career to earn a steady check, but had you learn more about it, especially with stuff that could relate to cars it does interest me more. >> reporter: ken is one of more than 181,000 in the retraining
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program which started two years ago. it's in high demand in the state with the nation's highest unemployment rate. now there's at least a month waiting list to get in. this community college is where ken got his first degree in medals 24 years ago, now back studying a completely different field. take you to where the training program first started. >> can i. you? >> reporter: linda oversees his bustling job center. people are working on resumes and attending job training workshops. >> it's standards you see. >> reporter: more than a million resumes are posted on the state's online, only around 20,000 available jobs. the retraining program will pay up to two years or $10,000 for schooling in emerging fields but there's no guaranteed job. the bottom line is, there are no jobs. not enough jobs for everyone looking for one. >> the economy will change. the economy will turn around. and there are jobs available.
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you just have to be willing to get retrained and look at yourself differently. >> reporter: competition for jobs will still be a reality for many people like ken. >> he had to make a change. it was not going to be status quo. >> reporter: and ken's story is lake a lot of people coming in day in, day out. >> very typical. the automobile industry added 28,000 jobs in july, because gm and chrysler reopened plants they closed during bankruptcy proceedings. home, car, jobs. have we turned the corner in the economic like barack obama suggests we have this week? that's the topic of our full hour beginning at 4:00 p.m. eastern time. we want to hear from you. fredricka will be in the house centering your calls. federal investigators are releasing disturbing details on air travel on at least a dozen
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recent flights like this jetliner. pilots have no idea how fast they were going. the discovery of faulty air space centers all involve northwest airlines airbus a330s and suggest equipment problems may be more widespread than previously thought. they were noticed when officials began investigating a june air france crash that killed 228 people. congressional greed or just necessary expense? depends who you ask. >> get your feathers in a ruffle. some members of congress are defending the decision to buy new corporate jets that often shuttle lawmakers all around. supporter are says they're needed to replace the agency, but as brian todd reports, that doesn't seem right. >> reporter: rush back from congress against recent allegations of overspending. a spokesman for the house
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prangprangs appropriations committee, asked for only one new jet. >> we asked for what we need and only what we need. >> reporter: but the house added two more jets. price tag for all three, nearly $200 million. but the house committee spokesman says there are a total of seven aircraft that the air force plans to replace with these new gulf stream jets over the next few years anyway, and by paying for these two extra planes now, congress is speeding up the process and actually saving money, because the newer jets are more reliable and cost less to maintain. but steve ellis from the watchdog group taxpayers for common sense pounts poents out the two extra planes will be parked close to washington, d.c. and available to members of congress. >> they're going to andrews air force base and about to spend $1 3 million so congress will have nice jets, same as the ceos fly around in just to travel in comfort. >> reporter: the house appropriations spokesman counters that, too, saying the new jets are going to andrews, because that's where the fleet of planes that will be replaced is located.
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and he points out, congressmen aren't the frequent fliers. over the past five years, he says, less than 15% of the use of these planes has been by members of congress. they're mostly useed by members of the military and delegations from the white house. brian todd, cnn, washington. all right. the other extreme, are you looking for a bargain? yard sales are a good bet. you won't find a private jet there. what i found at the world's longest yard sale coming up. lowr bad cholesterol but your good cholesterol and triglycerides are still out of line? then you may not be seeing the whole picture.
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ask your doctor about trilipix. statin to lower bad cholesterol, along with diet, adding trilipix can lower fatty triglycerides and raise good cholesterol to help improve all three cholesterol numbers. trilipix has not been shown to prevent heart attacks or stroke more than a statin alone. trilipix is not for everyone, including people with liver, gallbladder, or severe kidney disease, or nursing women. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you are pregnant or may become pregnant. blood tests are needed before and during treatment to check for liver problems. contact your doctor if you develop unexplained muscle pain or weakness, as this can be a sign of a rare but serious side effect. this risk may be increased when trilipix is used with a statin. if you cannot afford your medication, call 1-866-4-trilipix for more information. trilipix. there's more to cholesterol. get the picture.
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i never realized, bemty, you had so much junk to give away. >> i found something, actually. >> really? >> you broke some of it. >> i did. >> good thing it wasn't me. >> like a bowl in a china shop. the world's longest yard sale stretches 654 mime on 127. today through sunday. i stopped off to check out the bargains in tennessee. >> looks like an oversized hamster ball. use your imagination. what you have to do. use your imagination at the worlds's longest yard sale, and
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you can find about anything you need. kettles, gas cans. look new. tires, high performance. not sure. something for it's kids. baby carriage. all sorts of eclectic thing. you name it, they got it. forget about the multithousand dollar kitchens. they got everything. a pound cake pan, iron frying pan. talk about years on this sucker, that's got flavor in there. all yours for $12. can't beat that. you're reading that right, $150 for a good year sign. this sign here, $80. this coke machine, which may or may not even work, $350. obviously for the vintage collector and one more reason that one man's junk is certainly somebody else's treasure. at least here in dunlap, tennessee. head up and this weekend, happening next year, the 23rd year, or any other weekend,
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country living has some tips for you, the magazine. first off, be prepared. afltd items to look through. know what you're looking for and be prepared not to find it, even if you think it's there. and be ready to make sure that you have cash on hand, because, as i learned, they don't take american express, corporate card, after i broke a $2 cup. negotiating is part of the process. also part of the fun. be fashionably late. later, things will be cheaper, but you may not have quite the selection. if you want a deal, definitely go late and, of course, be realistic. examine every piece. you want to make sure it actually work. a lot of stuff out there betty didn't work. lawn mowers were a good deal. didn't fire up. >> that's why they a good deal. >> washing machine. $10, great, but it doesn't work. >> i imagine a good deal on a teacup that's broken, thanks to you. >> i figure if that's the only thing i broke, i was doing good. thats 12ds skillet, i actually bought it and didn't haggle.
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i felt like -- >> bringing breakfast for the crew tomorrow. >> i should be -- >> whatever's been cooked on that over the year, you don't know. >> that's true. seize sned. right? >> should have brought you something. you know, there was -- it was tough to find good stuff. trust me, you wouldn't maybe want -- >> a lot of that was expensive. especially the coca-cola -- >> you don't need that. >> i have no room for it. all right. two doctors, in fact, have put their own health care reform into action. you'll see the results. no frills medicare, coming up.
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two doctors in rhode island are putting their own version of health care reform into practice and the bottom line, there's less bureaucracy and more doctoring. today's "health care in focus."
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>> opening a small practice. it's didn't a year and a half now. when you walk the door you're going to see a business arrangement of flowers where you normally would see secretary sitting. >> we don't have a secretary, we don't have a nurse. we don't have an office manager. >> probably not see other patients, because you don't double book. we got tired of hearing people, say, are you there? >> hi, jennifer. >> the ideal medical practice. . >> lower yore overhead. really focused on quality care. >> internal medicine. >> this is practice that's been completely redesigned. >> what can i. you with? >> we use computers a lot. you can click a button and our
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prescriptions get sent off to the pharmacy and they can push a button and our refirms get faxed and our computer automatic, patients before their business, we don't have to call each we wanted to be the kind of doctors we were trained to be. we both really value the relationship with our patients. >> we are doing a home visit for a newborn. he's 2 weeks old. hi. how are you doing? not many people do house calls. it's great for the patients. lovely for a mom with the toddlers. >> it's hard to get out the door with a newborn. it's nice to have them come to you. >> see you guys. bye-bye. >> this is what the medical assistant usually does. the traditional primary care
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doctor's office, they need to see patients quickly in the traditional setting. that's where you have the doctor holdening on to the door handle saying, everything all right, right? nothing is a problem, because you don't have time to address it if you get a positive answer. >> it was, i imagine, as it was 60 years ago. it's not a stressful work environment. >> they are part of a nationwide alliance of physicians called ideal medical practice. they call it a norman rockwell approach to medicine. some folks love it and maybe it will catch on. especially when we are dealing with a lot of debate when it comes to health care. >> more debate, more news-worthy information. >> with everything unique, we begin at news. >> we just teased the. >> there is nothing. okay. there you go. coming up noon hour, former
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presidential candidate john edwards, well, his ex-mistress was in a merrill court this week. what do you suppose they were talking about? no, not that child, whose is it. also, did you go to summer camp as a kid? i did. loved it. >> loved it. >> i had bars on it. and guards. >> so it was in the city. this is scary. well, in gaza, hamas believe children should have summer camp there, as well. christi christian emcrist anna emtakes us there is the economy taking a turn as the president said yesterday? we are going to be having a conversation. a number of people are going to be involved in that conversation to say whether we sud have our hopes up. >> seems like everyone appears
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to be optimistically cautious. >> that is a good word. >> the jobless rate is great, but don't start celebrating yet. >> little insecurity. you do sound like you have more going on. >> do not feel insecure. we are taking the baton where you leave off. >> moving right along. we are looking forward to it, too. thank you, fred. >> an alabama county goes bust. will the state rise to the rescue? five co-workers are working from the road using a mifi, a mobile hotspot that provides up to five shared wifi connections. two are downloading the final final revised final presentation. - one just got an e-mail. - what?! - huh? - it's being revised again. the co-pilot is on mapquest. - ( rock music playing ) - and tom is streaming meeting psych-up music from that's happening now with the new mifi from sprint, the mobile hotspot that fits in your pocket. sprint. the now network. deaf, hard of hearing and people with speech disabilities access
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you could buy 300 bottles of water. or just one brita filter. ( drop plinks ) brita-- better for the environment and your wallet.
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session as early as monday. >> they hope to fix the county that is teetering near financing collapse. >> reporter: i went to a ride along with jefferson county sheriff's deputy michael jackson in a section of the county hit hard by crime. >> i feel bad for people just living out here. the ones approaching me, they are all scared right now. >> reporter: the county including birmingham is in crisis. dramatic budget cuts mean more than 3 hub of the 800 sheriff department employees will be out of work, off the streets and officers are fearful that crime will skyrocket. the people you talk to, are they really scared? >> they are terrified. you have elderly people living out here, living alone. they rely on us to have their back. if we're taken away.
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>> reporter: to avoid what officers call open season for criminals, sheriff is urging the governor to consider sending the national guard to alabama's most populous county. hale has been told he may have to cut his budget up to 50% next year from $61 million to $31 million. >> what i'll have left after furlough is enough to work the jail and a small group to work five or six areas in the county. >> reporter: the big problem, the county instantly lost about $70 million or 25% its annual budget from an occupational tax on income it collected since the 1980s, even though law makers repealed it about a decade ago, courts only recently mandated the county stop collecting that money. >> we are during the darkest hours this county has ever lived through. >> reporter: betty fine collins is the county commission
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president and says there is no quick fix. the commission has already ordered furloughs for 33% of county employees. >> you cannot have more expenditures than you have revenue, so what's the largest area of expense? personnel, which is why we have 1,004 people on administrative leave without pay. >> reporter: among those, michael morrison who worked three years in the zoning and planning office. he predicts major problems. >> it's going to slow down county road construction, slow down things like road maintenance, bridge maintenance, debris pick-up after storms. >> reporter: look at this massive line. people waiting eight, nine hours to renew auto tax. cuts mean only three people are working inside and a lot of frustrated people outside in line. >> it's insane. you've got these people over here that want this thing, and nobody believes in communicating to fix it. it's stupid. we could be in a kindergarten class watching this.
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>> reporter: sheriff hale refused to furlough his employees. if his budget is cut in half, deputy jackson says there will be a lot of people who suffer. >> reporter: with this cut, 50% of our personnel is letting the bad guy know, hey, we can pretty go and do whatever we want to do or any other part of jefferson county. alabama's governor wants ensureianses of a fix. judge, see you back tomorrow morning bright and early 6:00 a.m. there is more news to come. fredricka whitfield is watching it all for you. hello. have a great day. this is an historic day. she is now the associate justice sonja sotomayor. history was made last hour at the united states supreme court. the first hispanic and only the


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