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tv   Campbell Brown  CNN  August 13, 2009 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT

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the show. and some daily podcasts and, of course, we'll be talking about evil mongerers tomorrow. thanks for being with us tonight. join us here tomorrow for all of us, thank you for watching. good night from new york. sitting in for campbell brown, john roberts. tonight, hear the questions we want answered. is dick cheney going rogue? the former vice president already blasted the current commander in chief. >> he's make something choice that's in my mind will, in fact, raise the risk to the american people for another attack. >> now cheney confidantes say he is taking aim at george w. bush in his memoirs, the statute of limitations over. is he disrespecting the presidency? and is that crossing the line? plus, should rick pitino keep his job? the louisville basketball coach caught in a sex scandal. >> i made a very difficult decision to tell the truth to
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the federal authorities, the local authorities, to university officials and most important the people that love me the most, my family and friends. >> but is a mentor to students to be held to a higher standard? and an all-star tribute to a guitar god, steve miller and richy sambora remember les paul, the father of the electric guitar. plus, the video you got to see, an incredible rescue caught on tape. how a boat load of rowers tried to break a world record ended up saving a man's life. hi, everybody. campbell brown is off tonight. those are our big questions. but we start, as always with, the mashup. our look at the stories making an impact right now in the moments that you might have missed we're watching it all so you don't have to. breaking news into cnn on
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saturday's mid air collision over the hudson river, nine people killed when a small plane and a helicopter collided. there is a just-released statement from the faa saying the air traffic controller handling the flight was involved, apparently in, an inappropriate conversation on the telephone at the time of the accident. meanwhile, stunning new pictures of the collision. you're looking at exclusive amateur video obtained by nbc news when the small plane clipped the helicopter. the federal aviation administration and the national transportation safety board going over this tape frame by frame. nine people died in that disaster. stay with cnn with more on this developing story. in washington, the white house struggling to counter punch on health care. counter program against the ruckus town hall meetings. all over television today, scenes like this one captured by cbs news in new york of all
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places, the bluest of blue states. >> reporter: in queens, new york, our affiliate news crew was at first barred from the town hall that congressman anthony weiner. >> we're told by your people that you don't want cameras. >> take it down. take a deep breath. take a deep breath. this seasonal for channel 2. this is for my constituents. >> reporter: weiner finally let the camera in. and the now familiar scene played out. >> let's look at the whole picture. you are stealing from us! >> across tv land, meanwhile, a visceral conservative talking point now on everybody's list. check out today's buzz word. >> questions about the so-called death panels are being raised at health care town hall as cross the country. >> some of the critics call death panels. >> the quote unquote death panels. >> what is being called death panels. >> death panels. >> death panels. >> death panels. >> death panels. >> death panels. >> death panels. >> you have a death panel, a desire to kill granny. >> possibly pulling the plug on graned ma?
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>> pull the plug on grandma. >> pull the plug on grandma. >> the death panel talk continues. >> ugh! >> we'll fact check the death panels tonight. separating truth from fiction. this says the administration fights back itself blasting a myth busting e-mail to supporters charging the emerging picture of health care reform bears little resemblance to the truth. press secretary robert gibbs clearly on message. >> one of the reasons we pushed back is because misconceptions. some contributed to the poll numbers. and we hope to quell the misconceptio misconceptions. misconception that's are out there. misconceptions or misimpressions. we're not going to start pushing back on the misconceptions. some of these misconceptions. misconceptions out there. >> also helping the white house tackle the misconceptions, aof
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campaign. a somber homecoming for a war hero missing for nearly 20 years. >> michael scott spiker, navy pilot, shot down over the -- over iraq on the first night of operation desert storm. and here we welcome him back to the united states of america. a solemn moment, an important moment, a moment that for this family, god bless them, has been long and coming. >> as you may recall, iraqi forces hit specher's hornet and they listed him as the war's first casualty. >> it wasn't until this month that his remains were positively identified. >> speicher's body arrived at the jacksonville naval air station. he'll be buried in a private ceremony tomorrow. >> his ex-wife and children there today to meet his casket. meanwhile, an infamous veteran of the second gifl war tonight defending the abuse of prisoners in abu ghraib. former soldier lindy england
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speaking out in an interview with the bbc. >> reporter: what is your view, your personal view about stripping people naked and degrading them? do you think that that's an acceptable thing to do to, as you put it, soften up detainees? do you think that's okay? >> compared to what they would do to us, that's like nothing. because if you think about it, i mean they at the same time, they were cutting our guys heads off and burning their bodies and dragging through the streets of baghdad and hanging them off bridges. and this, you know, this happens at colleges and dorm rooms and whatever. here in the u.s. all the time. if it helps get whatever information they might have, sure. >> england was convicted of crimes at abu ghraib, served 19
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months in prison and dishonorbly discharged. she is it now on a book tour promoting her memoirs. an international difference is vofrg europe's most powerful leader. it is a dull election season. this unauthorized poster by an a woman in the same party as the cdu and running for a seat in german parliament. >> what do you think of that? >> i would rather say i brought more humor into the campaign. and i woke the campaign up somehow. because as tcampaign was sleeping. it was bull. >> what is the political message?
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>> we have small things to offer. >> maybe offering a little too much. >> note to political strategists here at hoernlgs don't get any ideas. and now political eye candy for the ladies. brad pitt on to the day show asked bl he'll answer the call and run for mayor of his adopted hometown, new orleans. >> there is a nice rendering of you, i think. >> right. >> if chosen, would you run? >> yeah. >> you would serve? >> yeah. i'm running on the gay marriage, no religion, legalization and taxation on marijuana platform. >> okay. i don't have a chance. >> you would want to be -- >> i don't have plans. >> you would take it? >> didn't i just answer that? >> no, you said -- >> that's my answer. >> your answer is, no way. because you're not the guy. >> i don't have a chance, no. that's not what i do best. >> that sound you hear, hearts breaking all over the big easy. and that brings us to our punch line, courtesy of conian o'brien
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finding the funny in those death panels. >> president obama's been explaining his health care plan to senior citizens. and yesterday at a town hall meeting he promised the crowd he will not "pull the plug on grandma." there was an of courseward moment when grandpa stood up and booed. i thought that was interesting. boo! >> conan o'brien, everybody. en that is the mash-up. sarah palin the president is misleading americans about death panels. and a top college basketball coach caught in a sex scandal. she he lose his job? >> i want to coach nowhere else. i don't believe in anything as much as i believe in this university and this state. so as long as they'll have me, for as long as they'll have me, i'm going to coach here. enough calcium from food. our bodies can steal it from our bones. give yourself some tlc. tender loving caltrate.
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for health care, we're not letting the claims and accusations of either side go unanswered. and this week all the talk seems to be about whether washington wants to send dear old grandma to an early grave. >> there's some fear because in the house bill there's counseling for end of life. and from that standpoint, you have every right to fear. we should not have a government program that determines you're going to pull the plug on grandma. >> alaska governor palin who calls these panels that are dispensing care, as death panels. is that right? >> i think it's proper. it's in the context of what some people are seeing in the legislation out. there when you talk about panels that will be imposed, that will be making life and death decisions. >> the intention of the members of congress was to give people more information so that they could handle issues of end of
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life care when they're ready on their own terms. it wasn't forcing anybody to do anything. >> here again tonight to help us fact check what we're hearing is bill adare. they investigated hundreds of political claims during the 2008 campaign. bill, great to see you tonight. you heard the president's response to this yfd death panels. sarah palin has a new posting on her facebook page where she claims it's the president who's wrong. here's what she says -- >> so what do the truth meters say? is the former governor correct or incorrect? zblin correct. we gave that a false on our truth-o-meter. really when you look at the bill, when you look at the language, it is voluntary. there is nothing in the bill that says that it's mandatory. there's nothing that backs up
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this claim. nour palin makes the point well perhaps seniors could feel pressured to take this care. and perhaps that's possible. but as the long anguage is writ now and as we discussed it with experts, it's just not true to say it's not voluntary. it is voluntary. it's an optional thing. so she gets a false on the truth-o-meter. >> all right. bill, cleared up that. you also checked president obama on this claim he xeekeeps repeating. >> under the reform we're proposing, if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. if you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan. >> all right. and president obama's top adviser david axelrod sent out his own e-mail on this today saying -- >> we have given that one a half true.
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and the reason is that it's kind of glossing over the details. it gives you the impression that perhaps everything will remain the same once this new system starts, if it passes congress. but the reality is we all know if we have employer provided health care is that anything can change. that often employers will decide to change your plan and under the president's plan with the heal health exchange, it's not correct for the president to say if you like your care can you keep your care. there could very well be changes. i think his goal has been stability, rely on the employer-based system and then have plans that people like. but it's not quite correct to say that if you like it, can you keep it. >> all right. so half true for the possibility of keeping your own insurance. which many people probably find troubling. >> something that keeps coming up in town hall meetings across the country is this notion, bill. >> why is it fair for an illegal
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immigrant to be eligible for health care over and over american that paid taxes their whole life? >> that was a question to senator charles grassley. can we put this to rest. illegal immigrants, are they provided for free health care? true or false? >> i don't know that we can put it to rest. but we can say whether it's accurate or not. that gets a false. actually, we gave that one a pants on fire on the truth-o-meeter whtruth-o truth-o-meter when is the lowest rating. this one has been circulated lornlgly throu l largely through a chain e-mail which claims that illegal immigrants get free health care. and that's just not true. you read the bill. actually, the house version of the bill specifies that undocumented aliens would not be eligible for the credits to go into the health exchange and get care. so that one is ridiculously false. now the new twist on that was that they would get it over senior citizens and that's just
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false, too. so a lot of misinformation still going around about this. >> not just false but a pants on fire misconception. bill, great to see you. thank you. >> thanks, john. >> is a great place for you to do health checking. you will find clear explanations and sticking points and details on where the next town halls will be held. that and much more at c next, an update on tonight's breaking news. two flight controllers suspended. did inappropriate conversations by the controllers cost nine people their lives in the air disaster over new york's hudson river? fe has better highway mileage than a comparable honda civic. this chevy traverse has better mileage than honda pilot. the all-new chevy equinox has better mileage than honda cr-v. and chevy malibu has better mileage than accord. however, honda does make something that we just can't compete with.
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we're following the breaking
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news on two fronts regarding that air crash saturday over the hudson river in which a small plane that took off from teeter borough airport in new jersey crashed into a helicopter. here's new video, this was taken by an italian tourist trying out a new camera. watch this. the helicopter comes into focus. here from the left side of the screen that piper aircraft, bang. hits the top of the -- hits the top of the helicopter. there the rotors come off the helicopter. this video obtained exclusively by nbc news. it shows that tragedy in the air. we're also learning that federal aviation administration suspended two air traffic controllers who were on do you think yes ti time of that accident. let's go to our susan candiotti with more details. what are we learning about this, susan? >> reporter: well, it's disturbing to say the least. but we're finding out that the faa has indeed put on administrative leave two air
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traffic controllers because of what happened that day, or in light of what happened that day. during the course of their investigation, faa learned that the controller, air traffic controller out of teterboro, new jersey that, is the small -- that's the smaller airport thand that handles smaller air traffic, that person was said to be on the phone at the time of the accident and the faa is not characterizing what the telephone conversation was about. a supervisor who was supposed to be present in the building was not in the building as they are required to be at the time of the accident. at this time they do not think that these actions contributed to the accident. but they do call the conduct "unacceptable" and that's why they put these two employees on administrative leave. and they have begun disciplinary
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hearings. >> so if we read that correctly, susan, no indication that this at all contributed to the accident. this is just something that the faa and the ntsb uncovered in the course of their investigation? >> as a result of their probe, that's right. what we do know about these air traffic controllers at teterboro, the ntsb has said in the past that that piper aircraft was, indeed, turned over electronically as they put it over to the newark airport. but that is when the plane dropped off the radar screen. newark was never able to reach the pilot because the accident had already happened. >> susan candiotti, thank you. now on the telephone with us is mary schiavo, the former inspector general. how do you interpret what is the faa is saying regarding the suspension of these two air traffic controllers, one of whom on the telephone at the time of the crash sh the other not in the building when they were supposed to be there? >> well, when something like
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this comes to light with the faa, i mean this is not rare. this does happen. but when it comes to light in the context of an ntsb investigation, the faa has to act. these are serious violations of the faa regulations. obviously, they're not supposed to be on the phone. from the context, it was nonfaa business. it's very serious. if this came at the time when they were handing off flights to newark, air traffic controllers do have obligation to tell the pilot of any flight that they can reach if the aircraft had strayed from the assigned altitude. so it could be related. but, of course, it's always the pilot's do you think dwroi st pilot's duty to stay at the assigned altitude. >> so this was an inappropriate telephone conversation, it could just be the fact that this person was on the phone, nonbusiness related item? is that what we're saying? >> yes. that's what it sounds like. there are rare occasions when air traffic controllers do have
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to resort to picking up the telephone if they can't reach the people that they need to get ahold of. but not at teterboro and not new oracle. it sounds like they were engaged in a private conversation. that supervisor is supposed to be present. we worked a number of cases where the supervisor was not present. that's a serious violation, too. >> how long is the shift? how long is that supervisor expected to be in the building overseeing the other air traffic controllers? >> on every shift will is a supervisor designated. you know, sometimes they wear several hats. but, you know, at the regular workday shift, they do have breaks. it's not like stle they have to out and take their breaks. they have pretty good break policies. other than when they're on break, someone else has to take over the supervisory duties, persons are to be under the supervision of a supervisor personnel. >> okay. again, just want to stress here that the faa says that while we
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have no reason to believe at this time that these actions contributed to the accident, this kind of conduct is unacceptable and we have placed the employees on administrative leave and have gun disciplinary proceedings. mary schiavo, thank you for being us with. appreciate your time. >> thank you. my pleasure. a big time college coach caught in a sex scandal. will rick patino's aapology help save his job. >> they're very strong morally and very strong fundamentally. and i let them down with my indiscretion six years ago. and i'm sorry for that. and i've told them that every single day. taking its rightful place in a long line of amazing performance machines. this is the new e-coupe. this is mercedes-benz.
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hln's mike gill an yoez is
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at the senter in atlanta. >> we have a serial killer on the tloos night. police in rocky mount, about 60 miles east of raleigh, they're telling cnn that they have five victims, all african-american women. all suspected prostitutes. their bodies dumped in the woods over the last four years. three other women in the area are missing. no suspects as of yet. all right. we also have this story coming in to us. it's tense standoff in los angeles area. that is what we've got here. it's a man accused of making threats against the white house. we have the secret service involved, john. a red voekz wagon. can you see that humvee there on one side. cop car behind it. they have a robo camera trying to get a look at what's going on inside that vehicle. it's a standoff still on going. >> hundreds of people fled their homes ahead of a wildfire raging out of control near pat civic coast. it's about 60 miles south of san
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francisco. flames threatening 250 homes. 600 people evacuated. 2400 aches have burned so far number injuries. and they have no idea how it started. now this is a great story. dramatic rescue caught on camera in the irish sea. a man forced to ditch his aircraft. and he was saved after a rowing team spotted the plane plunge. they radioed for help, threw him a line. a helicopter plucked everyone out. the rowers were trying to break a world record but abandoned at tempt to save this guy's life. they were ten dmaz to break a 25-day record. one guy said that it's a plane. another guy said it's a sea gull. thankfully they listened to the one guy that said it's a plane. finally this one, john, i talk about inflight entertainment. a flight from mexico to los angeles on wednesday. a live concert. how about that? by grammy award winning mexican
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group. three rows of the seats were replaced by a make shift stage. 33 lucky contest winners were invited. no encore, though. by law, the muse hick to stop when the jet reached usair space. cut it. look at that lady. a little snooze. a little music. nice flight. >> there you go. >> should beats a bag of peanuts and a glass of water. >> thank you. >> all right. >> should a top college basketball coach caught in a sex scandal keep his job? mr. evans? this is janice from onstar. i have received an automatic signal you've been in a front-end crash. do you need help? yeah. i'll contact emergency services and stay with you. you okay? yeah. onstar. standard for one year on 14 chevy models.
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so guess what. again, when i least expected it, my asthma symptoms came back. so this time, my doctor gave me symbicort to help control my asthma. it combines two medicines that help control inflammation and constriction. so i'm breathing more freely day and night, and that feels good to me. and symbicort is an asthma controller that starts to open my airways within 15 minutes. very unexpected. symbicort will not replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. and should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol may increase the chance of asthma-related death. so, it is not for people whose asthma
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is well controlled on other asthma medicines. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. i know symbicort won't replace a rescue inhaler. it helps control my asthma and starts to open my airways within 15 minutes. ask your doctor if symbicort is right for you. (announcer) if you cannot afford your prescription, astrazeneca may be able to help. the sex scandal, time after time we've seen everybody from politicians to hollywood stars stand in front of the cameras to deliver a humiliating mia cope yachlt the late toast get caught is rick pitino. here's the story. >> reporter: yesterday the louisville cardinal coach talked to the media about the scandal surrounding an extramarital affair he had six years ago. in a news conference, pitino admitted he had consensual sex with a woman in a closed louisville restaurant.
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he also said he felt it was better to admit what happened than lie. >> in a restaurant with a woman that he didn't even know where it gets interesting is that as a result, she got pregnant. and then she calls him and he gave her $3,000 and now the woman is under arrest for allegedly trying to extort more money from the coach known for his best-selling books, his attire, and his doing whatever it takes to win. and winning, by the way, one of the winningest coaches in college basketball. the fbi is now investigating claims she tried blackmailing pitino for a cool $10 million. yesterday with the backing of the school's president, athletic director, pitino tried making amends with this apology. >> tell the truth, your problem becomes part of your past. if you lie, it becomes part of your future. >> joining me now is usa today columnist christine brennan. david, let's start with you. rick pitino accused her of extortion. she countercharged him with
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rape. it's a messy situation there. anyway, you look at the university of louisville. >> it certainly is. and, first, we have to point out that rape is a vicious crime. but it's also a vicious thing to do to falsely accuse somebody of rape. the police didn't find sufficient evidence to commence an investigation. not only does coach pitino have the right to be protected, but the impact that this could have on legitimate rape claims could be devastating. >> let's go, christine, to the issue of coach pitino. as david said, the police have not found enough evidence to start an investigation. some authorities say that pitino will not be charged with. this there is a public relations problem here that he got, the university got. he came out in answering all this he said if you tell the truth, it becomes a part of your past. if you lie, it becomes a part of your future. and he's come out. he's admitted to all of this z that help him at least in the court of public opinion?
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>> i think it does. a little bit. certainly, john. he has a pr nightmare on his hands. here is a man that is a devout catholic who has lived his life talking about his family, his wife, his five children. we know their story. he has a priest that joins with them on the louisville menz basketball team on the team flights. and sits near the bench. so for that image that he has cultivated and worked so hard to create and keep up, to then hear these kinds of stories, obviously it's a bit of a shook to a lot of people. i think that's what rick pitino is dealing with today. >> david, so fate university is standing by him. dr. james ramsey, the president of the university said, "he is clearly made errors in judgment that have come under intense public scrutiny. we can't ignore the errors in judgment and they saddened and disappointed me." does that sound like the
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university is willing to keep him on as coach? >> it certainly does to me. i think this is primarily now a private matter for coach pitino, his family, god, and the university. i wouldn't expect that it would have a huge impact on recruiting. but if it zshgs certainly a young man and his pafrnts can decide i don't want to send my son to the university of louisville. as a result, i think that's okay. >> apparently the coach had warned some of his potential recruits that this might be coming. talked to their parents as well. and they still wanted to go to the university of louisville. so christine, the coach's reputation sort of supersede all of this? >> it certainly does on the basketball court, john. and rick pitino is one of the greatest coaches in the game, in the history of the game. and so i think that's a big part of it. the fact that louisville, of course, is going to see the arch rival kentucky have a new coach in john calipari, you know, let's get right down to the basics here. this is about winning on the court. and the image of the university in terms of athletics. i think the university president and the athletic director are
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clearly making that kind of decision. that's okay. but i think it's also important to note that. that if rick pitino were not the great coach that he is, would he be keeping his job? that's unanswered. it's a valid question. >> is this the argue that nothing gets in the way of the business of basketball and winning above all else? >> i really don't think so. i think that the university's president pointed that out. this is also about leadership and leadership is not just a quality in good times. it's a quality in difficult times. and the way that coach pitino stood up, faced the music with his family, forge rigthrightly addressed it with the public even though watz a private matter and addressed potential recruits as well. i think he showed leadership. and that is something that the university might embrace. >> on this point of leadership ' he apologized to his family, friends, university, and sports writers. but let's listen to what jeff pearlman of "sports illustrated" wrote about all. this
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>> if we're talking about leadership, has he failed that test of leadership by this happening? >> i think he has. i think he failed his own test of leadership. does that mean that he doesn't keep his job? no, i think he is going to keep his job. i think they're different conferences, john. but the way rick pitino led his life, the motivational speaking he has done which now certainly has to be in question whether that's going to keep going, the books he has written about how to live your life, about being a family man, about all those kinds of things, you have to question all of that based on these very sorted stories and allegations that, in fact, the things that he has admitted to doing. again, not illegal. but they -- they bring into question the character of the man who has built his life on that very character. >> i guess you could say that if you come clean, america can be a forgiving nation and loves the
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story of redemption. we'll see where this goes. it's great to talk to you tonight. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> is dick cheney turning on his former boss? what his friends say the ex-vice president may be writing about george w. bush. and coming up at the top of the hour, the premier of cnn presents generation islam. giving you a real sense of what's happening in afghanistan why and we are there. it's right here on cnn 9:00 p.m. eastern. gecko: uh, you wanted to see me sir? boss: come on in, i had some other things you can tell people about geico -
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great claims service and a 97% customer satisfaction rate. show people really trust us. gecko: yeah right, that makes sense. boss: trust is key when talking about geico. you gotta feel it. why don't you and i practice that with a little exercise where i fall backwards and you catch me. gecko: uh no sir, honestly... uh...i don't think...uh... boss: no, no. we can do this. gecko: oh dear. vo: geico. fifteen minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance.
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former vice president dick cheney is not shy about speaking his mind. this comes as a surprise to a lot of people, word that he is blasting his former boss, george w. bush. that made headlines today. >> dishg chack cheney is workins memoirs and sharing candid opinions about the man he worked for, former president bush. >> i'll read a line from the article, the implication that bush went soft on him or rather bush hardened against cheney's advice. he showed an independence that cheney didn't see coming. >> there were very big
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disappointments between the. two the president pursued a pardon for scooter libby, the aide of his involved in the cia leak in case the president went out of office, left scooter with that conviction. there was a lot of bitterness. >> here to talk about this is cnn political contributor and republican strategist mary matalin who is a counsellor to dick cheney and roland martin. mary, you saw the quote that wolf read. the implication was that bush had gone soft on him or rather that bush had hardened against cheney's advice. i mean that sounds like pretty interesting information to have in a tell-all book. is it true? >> it's absolutely, categorically untrue, john. you said in the cold open, the introduction to the show that cheney confident ants are saying such a thing. again, categorically untrue. in that story was -- there sun attributed quote to someone who alleged to have been in one of the book meetings. i worked for simon and shuster. the threshold imprint at simon and shuster of which i'm editor
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in chief has bought the book. i was involved in the preparation for the book meetings. i'm involved in working on the book. neither cheney nor any of the confident ants have any such thing as was alleged in that story nor will they in the book or -- and they haven't privately. so it's categorically untrue. what is true is that this man, the former vice president, has been in public service for 40 years. he served five presidents. it's going to be a blockbuster book. and he's going to say things that have previously been unsaid. and he has a lot of contemporaneous materials to support the book. >> well, jeff toobin, if he's saying things that were previously unsaid and a lot of those may have been a look behind the curtain this is a man who fiercely defended the white house's right to keep deliberations private. is there any contradiction there with writing a tell-all book? >> i don't think so. i think it's a great thing he's writing a book. i think all presidents, all vice
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presidents should write a book. this is important stuff. and it's history now. the deliberations of the bush administration are something that has only relevance to our understanding of the past. it doesn't compromise anybody's activities now. more power to them. >> the contradiction will come in if it is truly a tell-all book. and we have to see what actually he writes when he's been highly critical of others who have written tell-all books and have shared conversations that took place in the white house. >> what you are looking for in this book? >> i think what i'll be looking for is from his perspective, put it into context of a certain situation that took place over those eight years. so as jeff said, reality is you do want to see the historical account. you have so many people that have written books in the past. and so what is his particular viewpoint on the issues? >> cheney was critical of bush insiders writing books while bush was president. i think it's very different now that he is out of office. >> mary, we have heard, you
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know, anecdotal evidence of this. in the second term of his presidency, the president moved away a little bit from the vice president and more toward condoleeza rice's point of view. is that true? >> well, what is true -- what was true then, i was in the first administration, but i was around enough and what continued to be true in the first and the second was that the vice president was there to offer his advice. it was sometimes taken. it was sometimes not. and when it was not, dick cheney said then i salute smartly and i carry out the president's agenda. >> did he take his advice to a lesser degree in the second term? >> i don't know how you could quantify that. i love what jeffrey and roland both said about the mark on history. there are great debates is no secret. that the debates should be aired, i think, anybody that has any interest in any history and trajectory of our future as it
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is involved in our history should be interested in. this the motion that a historical book would somehow be negative on colleagues that were in those conversations doesn't hold together to me. >> but staumentement, jeff, thes no secret that he was dismayed by not pardoning scooter libby. >> in the context of a long eight-year administration, it's not the only thing. but, you know this is the kind of thing we want to hear about the last days of the bush administration. what were their discussions? and i think it's -- i can't wait to hear it. >> so it will be helpful to get the insight in terms of the vp's thing. a lot of folks are making all kinds of statements. well, we heard this and that. if he lays out in terms of his view what took place between him and secretary of state colin powell and condoleeza rice and secretary of defense donald rumsfeld, i think that is critical to laying it all out so we can understand better.
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>> when what is the release date? >> spring of 2011. i'm glad you read that quote that wolf red. the implication was from this unnamed source. as you well know having interviewed him, cheney never implies anything. >> he is pretty direct about everything. >> mary matalin, roland and jeff, thank you. richy sambora and steve miller join me in a moment to remember les paul. he died today at the age of 94. if you're taking 8 extra-strength tylenol... a day on the days that you have arthritis pain, you could end up taking 4 times the number... of pills compared to aleve. choose aleve and you could start taking fewer pills. just 2 aleve have the strength... to relieve arthritis pain all day. so, what's the problem? these are hot. we're shipping 'em everywhere. but we can't predict our shipping costs. dallas. detroit. different rates. well with us, it's the same flat rate. same flat rate. boston. boise? same flat rate. alabama. alaska? with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service. if it fits, it ships
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michael vick has found a new football home. espn and the associated press report that vick has signed with the philadelphia eagles. nfl commissioner roger goodell allowed him back in the league but made it clear it would be a
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gradual return. again, vick has reportedly signed with the philadelphia eagles according to espn and the associated press. without les paul, we would not have rock 'n' roll as we know it. those words from one of the many tributes tonight from the man whose invention revolutionized music around the world, the solid body electric guitar. he died at the age of 94 after complications from knew moan yachlt today, we're privileged to have two of rock's greats us with. richy sambora and steve miller from the steve miller band. he is also les paul's god son. steve, let's start with you. he gave you your first guitar lesson at the age of 5. our condolences. i know how important he was to. what are your thoughts about les' passing? >> first, i would like to send my condolences to the les paul trio. it's an immense loss to lose les. he was a great inspiration. he was generous spirit and had a great sense of mischief.
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and he gave his -- himself really freely to all guitar players. it didn't matter what kind of music he played. so he'll be missed. >> if i wasn't one of the first people to school you and hadn't invented the electric guitar, would there be a steve miller band? >> you know, i doubt it. you know, i was 5 years old. les and mary got married at our house. they spent their honeymoon at our house. and les, you know, taught me how to hold a guitar and showed me my first chords. and so i was just very lucky. >> incredible. >> richy sambora, you were friends with him for 20 years. how will you remember him? >> i tell you, les was such a generous man. you know, he was a legend. and he knew that he was a legend in his own life which i thought, you know, was a great thing for him. but i'm very, very sad for me
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today. i'm very, very sad for everybody else. because, you know, like you said, before i think that honestly, i don't think that most musicians, i don't care if you're a singer or trumpet player or guitar player or whatever, not only did he invent the electric guitar, but he also invented multitrack recording. >> and where would the world be without that, too? >> yeah. i mean he did it with use of echos. i mean he would just tell me stories about how he would be smuggling different things back from germany, different pieces of tape players to actually put the multitrack thing together. >> and richy -- >> i had an amazing relationship with him. i spent about two or three hours in the hotel room with him when we did the rock 'n' roll hall of fame thing? cleveland. >> you played in the rock 'n' roll hall of fame tribute concert to him last year with so many other great guitarists. what was that like? >> you know, look, for les, anything. you know, i mean les is -- i mean i played with les many, many times.
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and i inducted him into the songwriter's hall of fame. he asked me to do that for him. i think i had the most fun with him when i would go and play with him at fat tuesday's which is a jazz club in new york which he played every tuesday night. i wouldn't be surprised if he was just there last week. >> well, i did find out actually a contacted the folks. his very last show there was -- they said it was the week before his birthday on june 9th. so that would be june first. he played right up until the end. he was still doing this at the age of 94. what does that say about les paul? >> well, it says that he was a player, for real. he was very inspirational and he was one of these people that just sort of hit the ground running as a kid. he started experimenting. and he never stopped. and that was the amazing thing about him. to come to manhattan, to go over to the club and see les paul at the age of 93 doing two shows on
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monday night. you know? i mean he did one at 8:00 and one at 10:00. and he would have -- he'd bring up some amateur guitarist or there would be some -- somebody really famous. you know, richy would be there. he'd come up and play and i would play. then the next person would be a 1-year-o 12-year-old kid or something. i brought a kid from texas with me the last time i was there, last summer. and les called him up on the stage. and it was his moment of truth. he was 13 years old. >> entertaining people right to the end. >> and now that kid at the berkeley college of music. his name is max marshal and he's on fire. you know? inspired by les. that's what he did. >> we're all going to miss him. what an mazing life he had. it's great to talk you to. now let's listen to a little bit more from les paul.
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you measure us up to everyone else. well, you'll see we stand ahead of the curve. is main street saying the recession is over? that's where we look to see every day americans doing extraordinary things to make ends meet. tonight our chief correspondent is on the express in kansas. great to see you, ali. you spent the day at the missouri state fair. what is the temperature where you are? are people beginning to feel the end of the recession? >> they don't doubt what's being said, john, economists are saying the recession is over and
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the fed thinks it bottomed out. the reality for people is that this recession hit people hard in housing costs, value of their housing coming down. it hit them on the 401s and it really hit them on the job front. so until we start seeing recovery on the job front, people aren't going to feel it. now i wouldn't call this recovery, john, as you know. but in july, for the first time we saw unemployment going down. it's down to 9.4% from 9.5%. we saw fewer job losses than we had since last august. so by no means positive. but not more negative. so you know that, is a chat i had with people. >> on the job front, there is good news not far from where you are? >> yeah. i'm in a suburb of kansas city. i'm on the kansas side. on the missouri side, there is a ford plant that makes ford hybrid escapes there. ford announced that because in part of cash for clunkers and because people are buying some of the cars, they're going to up production of the ford escape d


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