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tv   Campbell Brown  CNN  August 14, 2009 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT

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we wish him and all of our men and women in uniform all of the very best, and you all have our thanks. we thank you for being with us tonight. for all of us, good night for there new york. next, in for campbell brown, john roberts. tonight, here are the questions we want answered. president obama pushes his health care plan in montana, but is everybody buying what the president is selling? >> we keep getting the bull. that's all we get. is bull. you can't tell us how you're going to pay for this. >> reporter: plus, michael vick returns to the nfl after two years in prison for dogfighting. >> i was wrong for what i did. after everything that happened at that point in time, my life was wrong. to this day, i can't understand why i was involved in such pointless activity. >> not everyone is welcoming him with open arms. >> i'm just a little upset with it, because i'm such an animal
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lover. >> crazy signing. i don't know what they'll do with the public relations part of it. >> has vick paid enough of a price for his crime? and the stories you may have missed this week. chuck grassley's blast at the president, and the town halls that didn't turn into shout fests. plus, what happens when three rock gods get together on the same stage? warning. it might get loud. ♪ hi, everybody. campbell brown off today. those are our big questions. but we start with our look at the stories making an impact right now and the moments you might have missed. we're watching it all, so you don't have to. the media bracing for a bat nell big sky country, but president obama fielded mostly softballs
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at his montana town hall meeting. none of the faresome protests we've seen erupting across the country. the toughest question from this guy, an nra member named randy. check it out. >> max baucus, our senator, has been locked up in a dark room for months now, trying to come up with money to pay for these programs and we keep getting the bull. that's all we get, is bull. you cannot tell us how you're going to pay for this. you're saving here, saving over there, take a little money here, take a little money there. but have you no money. the only way you'll get that money is to raise our taxes. you said you wouldn't. >> with that, randy's 15 minutes of fame started ticking down. >> well, i drove several hundred miles. slept on a sidewalk to get in a line. i was number 215 in line. >> after the town hal, randy said he wasn't convinced that
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the president could fulfill his promise. >> i'm afraid where the money is coming from is out of the taxpayers' pockets again. >> why wasn't there more anger in here? for one thing, after accuse republicans of orchestrating protests, democrats did somor te some orchestrating of their own, getting in line early. >> was there any screening? >> absolutely not. >> the president said he won't raise taxes on the middle class. will the president's plan fly in red-state montana? we'll ask brian schweitzer in just a few minutes. in philadelphia, kickoff for the michael vick comeback tour. fresh out of prison, the football star now reports to the philadelphia eagles, signing a two-year deal, potentially worth $6 million. more than enough incentive to
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stay on message. >> i knew it was wrong and i felt it was wrong. and i was wrong for what i did. at that point in time, my life was wrong, and it was unnecessary. it was totally unnecessary and uncalled for. i'm glad that i got the opportunity at a second chance. everybody deserves a second chance. but you only get one shot at a second chance. if i can, you know, help moran mall more animals that i hurt, then i'm contributing. if i can help more than i hurt, i'm contributing. try to do more good than bad. >> jeff laurie, a self-prescribed extreme animal lover is convinced that vick has changed his ways. but has he? in taiwan, a desperate fight for survival. thousands displaced by the most
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serious flooding in 50 years. look at the pictures, just in credible the cause? a massive typhoon swamping dozens of villages. >> survivors and rescuers making very treacherous conditions. john voss has been to the middle of it all. >> there is still devastation everywhere you go. roads remain impassable. rivers overfilling their banks. we made it to where there was a bridge, but the typhoon washed that bridge out. the emergency crew has set up a harness with ropes and pulleys and about 300 residents of the village were coming out, and the rescue crews were going in the other way. it's a 200-foot -- i reckon about a 20200-foot drop. there is a sign that says 32 people died here. there has been so much death and
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destruction here. >> more than 15,000 villagers have been rescued. three milestones to mark this friday evening. each summoning iconic images of the 1960s. first, a final good-bye to the sister of president john f. kennedy. >> reporter: a funeral today for eunice kennedy shriver, founder of the special olympics who died tuesday. >> family and friends, including vice president joe biden, oprah winfrey and stevie wonder packed the church. >> noticeably missing is ted kennedy. he is at the family compound, battling brain cancer. >> her daughter, maria shriver and arnold schwarzenegger, helped carry the casket into the church and maria shriver delivered a eulogy that included a poem. >> thank you, mommy, for giving me the breath of life. thaw for giving me a push over and over again.
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>> laid to arrest rest this afternoon on cape cod. release and maybe redemption for a child of the '60s who came to represent the fall of the flower children. >> lynette "squeaky" fromme was released today from a federal prison in texas. she pointed a gun at president ford during a visit to california. >> a follower of charles manson served more than 30 years. she was released from prison. >> today, released on parole. manson still serving his sentence. and the manson murders, one of the darkest times of the
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'60s. but just a week later, the setting a farm in upstate new york. 40 years ago tomorrow. >> marking its anniversary, woodstock, it's memory and marketing is alive. and echoing through the generations born since. >> it revived your faith in human beings and made you feel like you could trust your buddy, even though they were telling you couldn't. >> they become unexpected icons themselves when they were listening to music. >> their picture became the cover of the woodstock soundtrack. >> you always become nostalgic. >> we've been together 40 years. 40 years. that's a long time. ♪ >> reporter: the farm in upstate new york which revived their great escape.
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>> no one, including the promoters, anybody going to it, anybody performing at it had any idea that that weekend was going to be as big as it was. >> just three days of peace, love, and music. that brings us to our punchline, courtesy of jimmy fallon, clearly looking forward to dick chain cheney's tell-all book. >> cheney says george bush quit listening to his advice during his second administration. cheney explained that the statute of limitations expired on remaining silent about the bush administration. and bush said i love the statute of limitations. >> jimmy fallon and that's the mashup. some people like their football team just fine without michael vick.
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can he win them over? and later, a guitar god shares his secrets. ♪ >> this is what i'm actually playing. ♪ >> that's it. the rest is the foot pedal, the affects, the whole thing. taking 8 pills a day... and if i take it for 10 days -- that's 80 pills. just 2 aleve can last all day. perfect. choose aleve and you can be taking four times... fewer pills than extra strength tylenol. just 2 aleve have the strength to relieve arthritis pain all day. this is humiliating. stand still so we can get an accurate reading. pounds and a smidge. a smidge?
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y'know, there's really no need to weigh packages under 70 pounds. with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service, if it fits, it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. cool. you know this scale is off by a good 7, 8 pounds. maybe five. priority mail flat rate boxes only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship. maybe this is one of the most important. introducing new centrum ultra men's. a complete multivitamin for men. it has antioxidants and vitamin d... to support your prostate and colon. new centrum ultra men's.
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michael vick spent nearly two years behind bars in a federal prison after pleading guilty to charges of running a dogfighting ring. that wasn't enough to get him back in the nfl. he never would have gotten a deal with the philadelphia eagles, if he wasn't willing to deliver a very public mea culpa. today he did just that. listen. >> i have done some terrible things, made a horrible mistake. and now i want to be part of the solution and not the problem.
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i'm making conscious efforts in the community to work with the humane society and hopefully i can do that locally. our country is a country of second chances, and, you know, i paid my debt to society. i spent two years in prison, away from my fiancee, away from my mom, my family. away from my two kids, and that -- that was a humbling experience. i know everybody is thinking, why philadelphia? i have a great place, and i just want to be part of that great tradition and give this team every opportunity to win a super bowl. >> joining me by telephone is michael vick's agent, joe seagul. did michael have a choice of teams? it's reported some other clubs were interested in him. who else was interested and how did he end up with the eagles? >> i was speaking to a host of clubs as the days went on after
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mike's reinstatement, teams got more excited. bottom line for mike, the eagles have unbelievable inf infrastructure, donovan mcnabb has been supportive. >> who were the other clubs that were thinking of bringing him on? >> i am not going to discuss them specifically, because it does nothing but bring chaos to them. >> how much of a factor was donovan mcnabb in vick coming to the eagles? >> i think it was huge. him telling the eagles we should get vick, that's huge when have you a pro bowl quarterback pulling for you. >> have you a pro bowl quarterback. he's not a backup, a starter. is he going to be comfortable as a backup? >> as mike said tonight, there's no way he can go out tomorrow, first day of practice in two years and be a starting
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quarterback for the philadelphia eagles or any other club. so the beauty of this situation is, he won't do that, he doesn't want to do that today. and he's ready to learn. >> i imagine, though, at some point he's going to do it. >> no doubt. mike eventually wants to be a starting quarterback, just not yet. >> will it be with the eagles? >> one day at a time. >> the eagles' owner jeff lurie said that if vick is not active in anti-dogfighting, he won't have a place with the eagles. >> there is a strong relationship with wayne pacelle, president of the humane society. mike's goal is to become more of a solution and a help than a problem and do as much as committee to stop dogfighting in america. >> good to talk to you tonight.
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thanks for taking the time. let's bring in steve and mike. you watched the press conference. what was your thoughts? >> he came across as very contrite, sin veer acere and apologetic. i'm extremely happy to see him back in the nfl. any time you spend 18 months in leaven worth, that's a stiff penalty. a lot of people in philadelphia feel it wasn't enough. i certainly believe it is. and i'm glad he's allowed the opportunity to be back in the nfl. >> less bow bowen, fans seem pr evenly split about vick's return to football. particularly in philadelphia. but there were protesters out there. what's your sense of where the town is with this? >> i think it was quite a surprise, john, to everyone. the eagles had not even been on the radar of vick's reinstatement options. i think that's one factor. another factor is that, you know, the eagles have an
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established quarterback in donovan mcnabb, and while that makes it attractive to michael as joe seagle said. fans don't think that will make a huge difference in the fortunes of their team. however if michael is reinstated and scores a couple touchdowns, i think the next poll will be quite different. >> it all hinges around performance, doesn't it? a lot of fans wonder what does this mean to donovan mcnabb? it's not like they are bringing on a draft pick they can build the future of the team around in five to ten years. here's a guy who may be breathing down donovan mcnabb's neck. will they have a good relationship? >> they already have a good relationship, number one. number two, give donovan mcnabb a lot of credit for being the man that he is. not too many starting
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quarterbacks in the game would lobby a team as donovan mcnabb eloquently put it to bring michael vick on to be a backup. that says a lot about the man that mcnabb is. you have to understand that the city has a love and hate -- not love and hate, but up and down when it comes to donovan mcnabb. when he's going well, they love him. when things aren't so well, they call for him to be replaced. he was benched last year for a man that nobody knew anything about. now that michael vick is the backup, you best believe the minute done advantage van mcnabb struggles, the same people who said get vick out of town will say please put him in the game. that's philadelphia. >> andy reid, the coach of the philadelphia eagles, no stranger to problems. his sons have had run-ins with the law and drugs. did that play in addition to donovan mcnabb, into the
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decision for the eagles to bring michael vick on, or this was all about football? >> it absolutely had an effect. andy spoke at length about that last night. the eagle has a preseason game against the patriots, a preseason opener, and andy brought that subject up after the game which is very unusual for him. it's been a few years now since his sons ran into their difficulties with drugs and being arrested, and it's not a subject he willingly addresses very often with the media but he brought it up and talked about second chances and redemption, and clearly we learned today that he was the person who initiated all of this with the eagles. i said a little while ago, nobody in philadelphia was really thinking about this with michael vick. i don't think anybody in the eagles' organization was thinking about it, until andy brought it up last week and that context really has a lot to do with why he -- he this idea. >> certainly a brand new story for the eagles. one we'll follow all season
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long. thank you for being with us. california's taking action in the face of a brand new wildfire threat tonight. plus, a guy with a gun threatens a helpless store clerk. bad move. you'll see why. grill: holy moly!!! what just hap...whoa! grill: i! hey! that looks great. grill: and there's no need to discuss it further. in fact, you can buff most of that out. just give it a once-over with a wet paper towel...hee, hee
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grill: ok, good talking to you... anncr: accidents are bad. anncr: but geico's good. ding! with 24-hour claims service.
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now check on some of the other must-see stories of the day. mike galanos with tonight's download. >> getting closer of solving the mystery of a missing russian cargo ship. the arctic sea has been located off of africa's western coast. no word on the 15-man crew. more than two weeks ago, the captain radioed the ship that was raided by masked memb eed m. a would-be robber picked the wrong store. he was holding up the store owner's wife. that's the husband flying in
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there. you can see the video, wrestling, the husband somehow wrestles the gun away right there and throws it away. for ten minutes, this guy wrestled the robber until the cops show up. husband, wife okay. the robber in jail. talked to law enforcement. they don't recommend taking on an armed gunman, but this time didn't end in tragic circumstances. the largest bank failure of 2009. colonial bank closed with $29 billion in assets. colonial's failure, sixth large nest history. 46 branchs across southern states will be taken over by rival bank in the morning. and more fire crews are trying to stop selveral wildfirs north of sacramento. two dozen homes already evacuated. a huge fire near santa cruz has been burning since wednesday.
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only about 5% contained. thankfully no injuries so far. john, you talked about cash for clunkers. now we have crash for clunkers. turtle lake, wisconsin, they take old cars and trucks, rig up remote controls so they can control the throttle and steering and drive them up the ramp and into a pit. why? one of the reasons, the desire to drive something off a shift. number two, cheap family entertainment. 300 folks showed up. a couple of buses go over the edge. this was a hugely popular event. 300 people. one lady skipped her high school reunion to watch this. you have the guys following behind in the four wheeler. they are controlling the steering as we get a bird's eye view. we spare no expense with the details, john. the organizers mooned the crowd to wrap it up. >> they were having too much fun there. >> kind of reminiscent of the
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guys in england who chase the wheel of cheese. the takeaway of president obama's town hall? an entire civil meeting. in a minute, we'll tell you who got president obama to say this? >> i can't cover another 46 million people for free. you're right. i can't do that. and we're going to have to find money from somewhere.
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president obama took his health care fight to the most conservative part of montana this afternoon, during his second town hall of the week. he took aim at the way insurance companies do business. >> you're held hostage at any given moment by health insurance companies that deny coverage or drop coverage or charge fees that people can't afford. at a time when they desperately need care. it's wrong. it's bankrupting families, it's bankrupting businesses. and we are going to fix it when
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we pass health insurance reform this year. we are going to fix it. >> during this make or break month, the president also found welcome support for montana's governor brian schweitzer who hasn't always agree with the president's ideas on how to fix health care. i spoke with the president a short time ago. what are you hearing about what will be a massive expansion of government in their lives to the tune of about $1 trillion over ten years? >> well, i got to tell you, if you run the numbers, you'll find that in the united states, we pay about twice as much for our health care as all the other industrialized country and about 17% of our people don't have health insurance. if we could cut back costs by even 20%, we easily have enough money to cover the rest of the folks. there is not a huge expansion of dollars. these are dollars that are shifting to make sure we can cover all of america and it actually wouldn't cost us any more money if we get cost
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containment. we have to quit paying more than anybody else. we are looking like fools. >> we hear politicians say that, president say that, and all over capitol hill and still people aren't convinced. let's listen to one fellow who asked a question at the town hall today. >> max baucus, our senator has been locked up in a dark room for months and all we get is bull. you can't tell us how you're going to pay for this. your saving here, saving over there, take a little money here, take a little money there. but have you no money. the only way you're going to get that money is to raise our taxes. you said you wouldn't. >> so you heard it there, governor. they are hearing what you're saying, but they don't buy it. >> people are always concerned about change. they are not sure exactly how it will affect them or their family. but i can tell you this virtually everybody in montana knows we pay too much for health
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care. that it's increasing in costs too fast and we have to make changes. some of the changes are that we've got to use evidence-based medicine. that's pretty straight forward many don't subpoepend money on procedure that won't improve the outcome. >> are you worried are you going to get stuck with part of the tag? >> that's not what we've heard. we've heard we would like you, the states, continue to deliver the medicaid system. they would like to go to 133% of federal poverty. that means we would add 183 millimil,000 people to the program. >> let's look on that same point, let's listen to one of the answers that the president gave today talking about medicaid. >> we might see some expansion of medicaid, in fact, under the reforms that has been proposed in the legislation. >> you said medicaid is a broken
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system and here is the president talking about expanding it. what do you think about what he said there? >> the concern we've had with medicaid, it was a system designed initially to take care of the last in and the least. so now they are looking at expanding medicaid as opposed to medicare as the delivery vehicle. i'm okay with it as long as we have resources to pay for it. >> but didn't you say it's a broken system, though, governor? >> it is a broken system, because what they've done, they continue to expand medicaid without cost containment. in a state like montana, we do have cost containment. other states compete with one another to see how many federal dollars they get into the state and increase the compensation state to their health care providers. in montana, we negotiate for those services, make sure we're not paying for procedures that are not going to help the outcome so if you look to a state like montana, we've made medicaid work. some states, well, i guess they've been spending too much money and then you can't just
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spend more money to get a better outcome. >> when you take a look at the bills making their way through congress now, on a initial level, do you believe there's enough in there to bring the cost of health care delivery down? >> can't tell you. i know that there's at least five versions and i've been involved in law making here in montana, and if you're going to ask me which horse will win the race when they've only gone around one time and it's two times around before we pick the winner, well, i'm not going to bet anymore money. so let congress go to work on thing. let some cooler minds get involved in this. i know these summer meetings, people getting good ideas back home. get back in september, put together a health care program that's uniquely american so americans can have access to an affordable health care system. >> in terms of cost care containment, does the government have to turn to rationing. that's a big concern of many people who are skeptical of those plans? >> that's a buzzword.
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anybody who has a private insurance company that doesn't think they are rationed, they wasn't paid attention to it. >> governor brian swooichweitze mea montana, a question to talk to you. we are committed to bring you the facts. tomorrow, we have a live coverage of town halls at 2:00 p.m. eastern. tonight, the important hillary clinton story that you didn't see in the news this week. plus, u.s. troops fighting the taliban. just days ahead of a crucial moment for afghanistan. (pouring rain)
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i had a great time. me too. you know, i just got out of a bad relatio... it's okay. thanks. goodnight. goodnight. (door crashes in, alarm sounds) get out! (phone rings) hello? this is rick with broadview security. is everything all right?
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no, my ex-boyfriend just kicked in the front door. i'm sending help right now. thank you. (announcer) brink's home security is now broadview security. call now to install the standard system for just $99. the proven technology of a broadview security system delivers rapid response from highly-trained professionals, 24 hours a day. call now to get the $99 installation, plus a second keypad installed free. and, you could save up to 20% on your homeowner's insurance. call now-- and get the system installed for just $99. broadview security for your home or business - the next generation of brink's home security. call now. video tonight from southern afghanistan. american forces locked in a battle to take a town in the heart of taliban country. i spoke with president obama's point man for afghanistan,
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richard holbrooke. mr. ambassador when asked to describe success in afghanistan, you said we'll know it when we see it. the war is almost eight years old now, and i'm wondering if you could be more specific about how you would define success. and do you think saying we'll know it when we see it is a satisfactory answer to the american people? >> john, that wasn't my full answer. but the fact that it's been quoted several times in the last 24 hours, i only said it yesterday. reinforces a lesson that everybody in washington should learn. don't do irony in the city. i was very clear on what i meant there is a very advanced set of benchmarks being developed as president obama stated in his march 27th speech. this project is being run by the director of national intelligence, admiral dennis blair. we were actually at the white
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house earlier today discussing this issue. they are being vetted with congress in full consultation. they'll be made public as soon as we finish the process which is nearing its conclusion and we'll start measuring ourselves against the benchmarks which are very detailed. and what i meant by my failed attempt at irony was that in the larger context of my answer was that people -- people can tell when things are going well or not. but we are measuring ourselves against very specific criteria. >> so just so people have an understanding of where this is all going, how do you measure success in afghanistan? >> you measure success in afg n afghanistan by strengthening the afghan government, restoringity once-vibrant agricultural export markets and restoring the
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confidence of the people. >> general stanley mcchrystal warned recently that u.s. casualties will remain high for months to come because the taliban is resurgent. last year was the deadliest month since 2001. just 41% of americans approve of the war in afghanistan. how patient should the american people be? >> the american people understand clearly that we're in afghanistan because of 9/11. that our national security and, undeed, our homeland, were directly threatened by the men of noip, the people who killed benazir bhutto and launched mumbai attacks and threatened the world. and president obama and the rest of us have explained that repeatedly. i want to draw your viewers' attention to the remarkably important events of the last week in western pakistan. the apparent death of baitullah
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mehsud. one of the top three or four people in the world plotting terrorism and probably directly involved in benazir bhutto's assassination this is really good news. but the most important event going on right now is the elections. and these are remarkable things and we're -- and we're very interested in how they are proceeding. >> how much of a problem would a contested election be? if one of the candidates doesn't get 50% which leads to a runoff, the election is contested and we see opinions rising on both sides, how much of a problem could that be for a country in the fragile state that afghanistan is? >> i'm not going to predict what's going to happen and give you scenarios of what we do under certain contingencies or otherwise. this is extraordinary. a contested election, the first in afghanistan's long history. in war-time conditions, but they
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are running it themselves, and they -- there are all sorts of outcomes here. i'm sure it isn't going to be easy and i'm sure some of the losers will claim there were irregularities, that happens in american elections, and we're so proud of our -- but if you go to aft afghanistan and you've reported this on cnn what you see is western style democracy in traditional garb. >> thank you for taking the time to talk to us. >> my pleasure. why the events in afghanistan and gaza impact all of us. watch "generation islam" saturday and sunday at 8:00 p.m. eastern. tonight, you'll meet the filmmaker who brought three guitar greats together, each from a different time in music history. ♪
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so we're so proud to manufacture... the accu-chek® aviva meters and test strips... here in the u.s.a. plus, we've proven you'll waste 50% fewer strips... when you use our meter, which means greater savings... for people with diabetes, like me. now that's a true american value. accu-chek® aviva. born in the u.s.a. ...or if you're already sick... ...or if you lose your job. your health insurance shouldn't either. so let's fix health care. if everyone's covered, we can make health care as affordable as possible. and the words "pre-existing condition" become a thing of the past... we're america's health insurance companies. supporting bipartisan reform that congress can build on.
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it's only coincidence, but the timing certainly seems fitting. tonight, one day after the world lost electric guitar pioneer les
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paul, a unique rockumentary opens in theaters. it's called "it might get loud." it brings together three generations together in celebration of the electric guitar. >> drive everybody crazy to get the sounds i hear in my head out of the guitar. >> we have a chat, but the instruments are there as well. who knows? >> i plan to trick both of these guys to teaching me all of their tricks. >> it's going to be very interesting. >> i'm already excited. the man who made it happy is davis guggenheim. campbell brown sat down with him to talk about the movie and the music. >> first of all, why these three? why did you want to bring these three guys together? >> we thought it would be so cool to bring three guitarists from three different generations. a kid from detroit, a kid from
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dublin, a kid from london, and put them on a sound stage for two days and see what they would come up with. >> did you have to convince any of them to do it? >> jimmy page has never deny a movie like this before. >> he describes himself as kind of a hermit. >> for 40 years, he's been a mystery if you're a led zeppelin fan, there's nothing. to get him to come to l.a. and sit for two days was unbelievable. >> what did you tell him? how did you convince him? >> i said uit's a different kin of documentary. it's about the music. wouldn't it be cool to play your music for people? when we got them on the sound stage, it was a little tense for a little bit. >> really? >> and then out of nowhere he picks up his les paul and plays "whole lot of love" and you see
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it in the movie and edge and jack white were like -- can't believe it. >> hold on. i have a clip of that. ♪ >> i have this record at home and a lot of disdain and i said can you get that? and they went away and come back with this phenomenal thing. a distortion pedal which overloads the signal. and you try the sound and make it sound pretty rude. ♪
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>> what do you think? >> you know, i worked with al gore, barack obama. >> and we should tell people, you directed "an inconvenient truth." >> i did. and i was so much more nervous around these guys. when they pick up a guitar and play, and the speakers are blasting rock and roll, you just melt. like -- like the edge melts. and in that moment, it was a throwdown. jimmy page is like this is my stuff and edge had to get up and play u2. and jack -- >> what was the interaction like? were they competitive? in awe of one another? >> there was a little bit of coming together. they are from different generations, and every generation comes up trying to destroy the generation before it. u2 was a direct rebellion against bands like led zeppelin and jack white. but when they started playing music it just became this love fest. and when we finished shooting, they didn't want to leave. >> they aren't only generations,
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but they come from different backgrounds and have different influences in their lives. but is there some commonality? some thing that makes these guys extraordinary guitarists? >> there is a lot of those guitarists, virtuosos, and these are songwriters and the movie builds to how they write songs. are you with edge in a studio alone in dublin where they write their songs. he's showing us how they write their songs. and the new album called "get on your boots." here is there in the early, early musings and they are trying to figure out music. to me, that's a mystery. >> do you think, having watched the three of them so closely, is it just like a god-given talent? something they are born with? >> i used to think these guys are rock gods and sprinkled with some magic rock god dust, but when you meet them, you realize jimmy was just a kid in london in the '50s. and jack was the kid in detroit.
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he was an up pholsterer. as artists, they needed to find a voice. and u2 in dublin, they didn't like the music they were hearing and we are going to become u2. when they come together, you realize there is a thread between them. every generation passes the thread to somebody else. >> as we said earlier, you directed "an inconvenient truth." you worked with al gore. how do you go from global warming to rock and roll? you were dieing to do a rock and roll documentary or what? >> well there, are no glaciers melting no, co2 rising. but there is the challenge of telling the personal story of people we think we know. we think we know these rock stars and there was true of al gore, we thought we knew who he
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was. i love telling the story of people. and that's the challenge of a good documentary. when you get someone -- jimmy page takes us to his home and plays his favorite albums for us. and he's listening to his favorite album as he learned as a kid and playing air guitar and this is a moment that only a documentary can have. >> we had seen this visit -- this concept visited a number of times, but what were you going at -- going for? >> a lot of rock and roll documentaries are about car wrecks and drug overdoses and ex-girlfriends. >> right. >> and they all lead to this one moment and then music was never the same again. and you're like this isn't telling me anythingism and want to know how these guys wrote their songs. i want to know where did "sunday bloody sunday" come from. you see edge take out of the early tapes. he's in his closet. pulling out the tapes this is
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before bono put the words in. and he hasn't learn listened to them for 30 years. so if you're interested in music and how it's written or just in how anyone who provides a creative path, that's what this movie is. >> and it's called "it might get loud." >> and it gets a little loud if you go to the theaters, be ready, because it rocks out. >> going to the theater tonight, as a matter of fact, to see that. davis guggenheim with campbell brown. you may have think you heard all of the news about hillary clinton. the health care debate and the famous town hall meetings, but there are the stories behind the stories until now. coming up.
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we, in the news business, like to joke how slow the news cycle can get in the dog days of summer.
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not this week. with a few gems you might have missed. wohl la roland martin in chicago and kelly goss. >> i got one of the biggest news story, not the fact that hillary clinton had a right to get upset asking someone for her to get upset for asking a question about her husband. she is facing sexism and nobody is writing or talking about it. >> even though it was an error in translation? >> that's still to be determined. they were republished in "the new york times" that perhaps it wasn't a translating glitch. the bigger issue is the story that the meda was covering wasn't the right one. s if i asked what your significant other thought, wouldn't you get upset? >> i would probably bring them in to talk about it themselves. what was your story that we missed this week? >> calm town hall meetings where people actually asked questions
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and got answers. we were so focused on the drama and loonies out there that we didn't pay enough attention to frankly the people who were simply wanting to get some great answers because they were concerned. look, it is very easy for us to cover the drama but maybe we ought to cover the other side of the story. >> steve what did we miss this week? >> we all saw the town hall meeting where chuck grassley came out and said, hey, have you a right to be afraid of these death panels, he said a day or two ago. i think the significance is the role that he sort of assumed and that the white house and key democrats have let him assume. he's part of the finance committee, the gang of six, and the white house is sending a lot of signals that the gang of six compromise is what they are looking for. the democrats have 60 votes in the senate, a good majority in the house. they can do this without republican support. the white house is holding out to get a guy like grassley. >> and now grass this will week says, well, maybe he won't be
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able to stick it out through the negotiations. >> maybe it would be better to stick with just democrats. >> kelly, what of the best story of the week? >> it's the return of captain michael scott speicher to his homeland. any time a veteran comes home, it's a good thing. ith unfortunate it's under these circumstances, but i'm thankful his family and our country have closure after so many years. >> almost 20 years not knowing. the knowing would be relief. what was your favorite story of the week? >> see people losing their minds at these town hall meetings. if you want to see how these pr campaigns and how all of this emotion and drama all come together, the partisan folks as well, when you look at the people who are yelling and screaming and also disinformation we're seeing, it's clear we have people who don't have the full grasp of all of the facts. and fray newsstand point, that was the best. seeing all of that. and frankly i would hope next week we might see common sense
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and really people take an easy end, doing some breathing when it comes to the drama. >> it wouldn't be the best story of the week. >> again, if we focus on the real issue of 47.5 million people who don't have health insurance. >> it could be the best. >> what was your best story? >> i'm going to go with michael vick. >> i love roland. the best story was the drama. >> michael vick coming back to the nfl. i'm sort of agnostic on the question of should he get a second chance. >> he should, he should. >> if he should get a second chance, i think it's interestingiinteresting i it's interesting it's philadelphia this is where they booed santa claus, where they had to set up a makeshift jail because the fans were so rowdy and they needed to bring them in on game day in the stadium. there's a new character, and it's the philadelphia sport fan. >> philly fans only want to win.
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don't care about anything else. >> that's true and should donovan mcnabb not have a great season, we'll see what happens then. thaw thank you for being with us. i'll see you 6:00 a.m. eastern on monday morning. "larry king live" starts in just a minute. we just know. announcer: finding the moment that's right for you both can take some time. that's why cialis gives men with erectile dysfunction options: 36-hour cialis or cialis for daily use. cialis for daily use is a clinically proven low-dose tablet you take every day, so you can be ready anytime the moment is right. tell your doctor about your medical condition and all medications and ask if you're healthy enough for sexual activity. don't take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. don't drink alcohol in excess with cialis. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long term injury seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than 4 hours.
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