tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN August 15, 2009 1:00am-2:00am EDT
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is either at high risk of taliban attack ore actually controlled by the taliban. the control by the taliban is about 7%. as of april of this year. most of that either control by the taliban or high risk for taliban attack is in the south and the eve. if you look at the map of the north and the west and the area where kabul is, you know, the taliban presence is either sort of medium risk of low risk. on the other side of that, the taliban has operations in the north in an attempt to show they're a national movement. we've seen attacks on german targets in the north of afghan stan in the last several weeks. this is really a phenomenon and they live prominently in the south and the east where most of the violence is. kabul is immune but not obviously immune completely as what looks like a suicide attack totem straits. >> our cnn terrorism analyst, peter bergen talking with us
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from kabul, afghanistan, who happened to be in kabul during the time of this explosion. peter, thanks. we'll talk with you again. since it is the top of the hour, we want to bring viewers who might be joining us up to speed on the news out of kabul, afghanistan. one hour ago, an explosion oc r occurred on the streets of the capital. defense ministry spokesman tells the associated press this was a suicide car bombing. the attack happened, we do know this, near the headquarters of nato and the u.s. embassy. we have seen video of the smoke. here's the street scene of what occurred just after the explosion. we have also received video into cnn of people who were injured and people being administered health care by rescue teams there on the scene. and so we'll continue to get more information about what happened, how many were injured, was anybody killed? we have on the street for us, as well, atia abawi of our team
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there in afghanistan. she joins us with the latest. atia? >> reporter: natalie, we're still waiting on more information. we can tell you a little bit past 8:30 a.m. here in kabul, there was a large explosion and what seemed to be an area in the vicinity of the international security assistance force. isaf headquarters and the u.s. embassy. let's state it was in the vicinity. we can't say how much it has infiltrated the area. from the images you have seen, there have obviously been injuries. there have obviously been casualties. this coming five days before the second-ever presidential elections here in afghanistan. obviously, a sign from the insurgency that they do not want these elections to take place. that they do not want the afghan people to actually head out to the polls. they want them to be scared. to be fearful. and this is a sign. after such tight security in the afghan capital, that they can
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still infiltrate it. they've proven their point this morning. they hope this will send a message to the afghan people to not head to those polls in five days. natalie? >> on this. thank you, ati. you were just a few blocks away when you heard it. give us more details about what you and the folks in our bureau there experienced? >> reporter: we were in various rooms of the house. it was 8:30 in the morning. some people were sleeping, some people were at the skrim. some people were having breakfast. suddenly we felt a strong blast. windows started rattling. some parts of the house shaking. everyone was in that house as well as everyone in kabul ran up to their roofs to see where the smoke would rise from. we did see it rising from the vicinity of isaf and the u.s. embassy. it whaks you up, remind you you are in the afghan capital, in a
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war zone, though you're living in the capital city which doesn't see much violence compared to the rest of afghanistan. there are ideologies out there strong enough to come infiltrate -- to come kill afghans, themselves, because whatever their intended targets are, usually foreigners, which usually are coalition forces u u.s. embassy, german embassy, where we saw a blast in january, the victims tend to usually be afghan civilians. they're killing more afghans than they are killing anyone else. this ideology that they have is warped in way because they're just killing people. that's what it is. these are people who have seen 30 years of war, 30 years of killing and they're sincerely tired of it. they're tired of seeing their families die. no one wants to see their children, their parents die. unfortunately the afghan people have been seeing it from one war to another for the past 30 year. it doesn't show signs of stopping, at least not any time soon. >> atia, prior to this explosion
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there this morning in kabul, what has been the mood, the general mood of voters who are about to vote in this historic election? the presidential election in five days in? >> reporter: sol afghans did mention the danger of the polls on the day of the elections. for the most part, what we are reminded of on a daily basis, as i mentioned, is the afghan people have been plifing with the danger for 30 years. gone on with their normal lives. motivated enough to vote, they would still head to the polls. unfortunately, for most of the afghan people we've spoke to, they feel like the elections won't make difference in their lives. they don't have a candidate they feel strongly enough. some do, the majority don't. they weren't fearful of an attack like this. they lived with a danger. five days before the election, this will affect them mentally. anyone who wanted to head out to the polls might think twice about it because they don't want their wife, share child, husband to go and vote if it means
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costing their lives. natalie? >> as far as security in kabul has been in the past, say, couple of weeks leading up to this election, how would you say people have been moving about the city? yes, there's a lot of security but you were saying earlier you can never forget you're in a war zone and what's going on. >> reporter: the afghan people have been going on with their daily lives every day now. they have to go to work. they have to provide for their family. their children have to go to school because it's the only future for afghanistan. we've seen people on the streets going shopping, going to the marketplace. us, ourselves, going out shooting stories. we have seen tightened security. more ana, the afghan national army vehicles. more police patrolling. we also have seen the security that i usually see in places like helmand province that have been cleared of the taliban.
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they put a blimp over the city to monitor the city, to make sure they can keep it secure. we've seen that in kabul the past week or so. that, in itself, gives me some sort of security when you know the blimp is up there. you think they can stop any kind of suspicious activity. we learned this morning it can't stop everyone. natalie? >> atia abawi, correspondent in kabul. thank you for your reporting, atia. we appreciate it. to recap our top story, less than an hour ago, a huge, large explosion rocked the capital of kabul, afghanistan. a defense ministry spokesman told the associated press it was a suicide car bombing. the attack happened near the headquarters of nato and the u.s. embassy. there have been injuries. we don't know the extent of injuries or if anyone was killed. no confirmation on who was behind this. we'll continue to follow the story and bring you developments as we get them. our cnn usa viewers will return
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to their regular programming. >> at the town halls, and expanded government on health care, specifically. probably the same people we may have seen a year ago at mccain and palin rallies. also, i mean, i think certainly there is vulnerability into the 2010 election. in they get something passed with health care and it works they'll be less vulnerable going into 2010. >> interesting, that's what bill clinton was saying that, you know, there will be a lot of anger and stuff. once they get a bill passed, obama's approval rating will go back up a year from now when people start seeing results. do you buy that? >> his approval ratings will go up if there are more jobs and the economy is better. there's no way debt is not the big domestic issue of 2010. a real concern. it will weigh on aspecks of government, all aspects of politics in the coming years. >> is that why we're hearing from president obama in the last day or so than previously? emphasizing his plan or that
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whatever plan is approved emphasizing savings that it will pay for itself which is a hotly disputed claim? >> there is a lot of anxiety about the growing deaf sit. people have to balance their checkbooks at home. they expect the federal government to do so, too. i agree with david, if the economy is doing well next year, that tends to really smooth over a lot of other ills. then you find that federal deficit doesn't matter as much politically if the economy is doing well. if it's not, however, people are going to beat them up for being inefficient and a spendthrift. >> we're going to have to leave it there. clarence page, david frumm, mia mallika henderson. conversation continues online. join the live chat at coming up next, president obama told stories today. people doing the right thing. paying their bills then losing their insurance when they needed it most. hear more from a former insurance company executive turned whistle blower.
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they were drowned, electrocuted, force to fight to death. michael vick's dogs. now that he's out of jail and back in the nfl, how are they doing? an update. mr. evans? this is janice from onstar. i have received an automatic signal you've been in a front-end crash. do you need help? yeah. i'll contact emergency services and stay with you. you okay? yeah. onstar. standard for one year on 14 chevy models. e ( siren blaring special interest groups are trying to block progress on health care reform, derailing the debate with myths and scare tactics.
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desperately trying to stop you from discovering that reform won't ration care. you and your doctor will always decide the best treatment for you. tell congress not to let myths get in the way of fixing what's broken with health care. learn the facts at bad cholesterol but your good cholesterol and triglycerides are still out of line? then you may not be seeing the whole picture. ask your doctor about trilipix. statin to lower bad cholesterol, along with diet, adding trilipix can lower fatty triglycerides and raise good cholesterol to help improve all three cholesterol numbers. trilipix has not been shown to prevent heart attacks or stroke more than a statin alone. trilipix is not for everyone, including people with liver, gallbladder, or severe kidney disease, or nursing women. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you are pregnant or may become pregnant. blood tests are needed before and during treatment to check for liver problems.
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contact your doctor if you develop unexplained muscle pain or weakness, as this can be a sign of a rare but serious side effect. this risk may be increased when trilipix is used with a statin. if you cannot afford your medication, call 1-866-4-trilipix for more information. trilipix. there's more to cholesterol. get the picture. eb as president obama was holding his town hall hundreds of the 47 million americans without insurance were packing the englewood forum getting free medical compare. even having insurance is nos guarantee you'll get the care you need.
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>> if you do the responsible thing, if you pay your premiums each month so you are covered in case of a crisis, when that crisis comes it you have a heart attack or your husband finds out you have cancer, your son or daughter is rushed to the hospital, at the time you're most vulnerable and frightened, you can't be getting a phone call from your insurance company saying your insurance is revo revoked. it turns out once you got sick they scoured or records looking for reasons to cancel your policy. they find a minor mistake on your insurance form you presented years ago. >> with us, a man who once knew the reality firsthand, not as a patient but from the other side at the insurance giant, cigna. the top spokesman. he held similar positions at humana and a large hospital chain in tennessee and served as press candidate for tennessee gubernatorial candidate.
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you said insurance companies intentionally confuse their customers and dump the sick to satisfy wall street investors. how are they intentionally confusing customers and dumping the sick? >> they confuse customers by not being transparent. not providing the information they need. a lot of us don't know their insurance is inadequate. why so many people are finding they're in the ranks of the underinsuranced bud because they don't have any idea their coverages aren't good enough. they dump the sick by purposely looking at applications when someone files or has medical claims, when you have major illness or major accident. if you buy your insurance through the individual marketplace, outside of your employer, you have to disclose whether or not you've had a pre-existing condition. if you leave something out, forget something or don't even know something that is relevant in doctor's notes, the insurance will use that adjustification to cancel your policy.
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>> the forms i've seen on my own insurance are incredibly complicated. they make your head hurt. are you saying that's intentional? >> very intentional. these companies make billions of dollars a year. they can make these forms clearer, easily understood. it's not a priority. >> cigna, for the record, denies they dumped customers. quote, cigna complies with regulatory requirements regarding setting rates and policy terms consistent with mission to provide individuals with sense of security. is that the kind of statement you used to write? >> it is. i'm not surprised. for one thing, the regulations are not adequate to protect consumers. one thing. it should be part of reform to keep this stuff from happening. senator rockefeller in the senate asked cigna, i'm sure other insurers to make sure they're telling the truth because you can look through transcripts when these executives talk to wall street analysts and you'll hear them
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use the term purge. it's there. they acknowledge it. they say they do when they're talking to analysts. >> you're alleging the health care industry is engaging in dirty tricks to stop held care reform from being passed. what kind of dirty tricks are you talking about? specifically to be clear, are you accusing cigna? >> not cigna. i'm talking about the industry. during my career i served on a lot of industry committees through the trade associations and a lot of trade groups that were funded by the -- excuse me, front groups funded by the industry. the way it works is the industry will hire big pr firms that create these front groups that have names that have no association with the insurance industry. it is these front groups that do the things you're seeing right now that try to destroy health care reform by using terms like government takeover of the health care system or heading down toward a slippery slope toward socialism or going to
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kill your grandpa because of this health -- >> you're saying that lange wij is written by insurance companies? >> absolutely. >> i mean, you know, the folks who are showing up at these meetings, i mean, they're not backed by -- they're not paid to go there. there's a legitimate anger. legitimate opposition, concern not just about health care but about missive definites and government intrusion. >> the other thing they do, the other we they work, the pr firms have good connections with people that those folks listen to. they have very close ties with the conservative radio talk show hosts and commentators and editorial page writers and feed the talking points. >> did you used to do that? >> i did, absolutely. >> what do you mean feed talking points to radio talk show hosts? >> well, these pr firms have close ties. they have good relationships with the producers. with the talk show hosts, the z themselves, that will say you need to understand this of that health care reform. know if this bill passes this is going to represent a government
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takeover of the health care system. it's not true, but it is the kind of language that talk show hosts will welcome because it is ideologically insync with their world view. >> as always, for bringing you the angles at to find answers to your health care questions from sanjay gupta. caught on tape. a woman tasered twice in front of her kids. what she is doing about it. is this justified at all? how our correspondent got over a raging riverer a into a village. maybe this is one of the most important. new centrum silver ultra men's. a complete multivitamin for men over 50. it has antiodants and vitamin d... to support your prostate and colon. new centrum silver ultra men's.
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they were fighting over the notion that reform might lead to pulling the plug on grandma. or denying her care. in a word, rationing. fact or fiction? let's ask 360 m.d., sanjay gupta. >> anderson a term that comes up when talking about health care reform is rationing. what does that mean? we came to this intensive care unit of southern regional care hospital to try to find out. we heard a tale of three sisters. at 78, thelma is the youngest. then there is carolyn who is 80 and helen who is the oldest. she is 82. are you worried with health care reform -- a lot of people have been talking about -- >> i'm concerned with it. >> tell me why. >> i try not to worry. well, i have read some things that says that as you get older you are liable to wait and wait and wait before you can have surgery. i've heard they are going to look at the older people and you are going to wait longer than the younger people.
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>> reporter: it's not true. though a lot of people think so. a look at the reform bill in congress, there's no mention of that. no mention of rationing, no mention of the government making so-called end-of-life decisions for seniors. where is this notion coming from? from a provision in the house health care bill providing for oend end-of-life counseling. chuck grassley says his committee dropped that provision for fear it might be misinterpreted. >> i think people are freaked out because there's a lot of bad and misinformation put out there by opponents of health care reform by saying somehow we're going to pull the plug on grandma. those are fear mongering for opponents of reform. >> reporter: misinformation? yes. but the fear is growing. are they saying the older people aren't as valuable as younger people? >> certainly. >> reporter: you feel that for real? >> i don't personally feel that but i feel the government thinks so. i have had two knees replaced. i've had a hip replaced.
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i've had spinalstenosis, done in this hospital back in 2000. >> reporter: quite a few operations? >> yes, i have. >> reporter: how are you doing? >> i'm doing great. >> reporter: here's where it gets difficult. helen, the older sister, 82, also had a hip replacement. now she's in intensive care with problems with her heart and kidney. >> i'm doing the best i can. >> yeah? >> reporter: the three sisters have had more than 13 operations over the years costing close to $250,000. i asked carolyn, is it worth it? >> i say if you pay your premiums you ought to get the same service that the younger person does. >> reporter: there's no change in any of these pieces of legislation that would take the power away from the patient and physician making whatever choice is best for them. >> dr. thenare is helen's docto. should there be a cutoff to say
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this person is just too old? >> the cutoff needs to be decided based on general health, their ability to go for rehabilitation after surgery and ability to withstand surgery. >> reporter: anderson, as you can see here, as much as we talk about the policy of health sar reform, the numbers surrounding health care reform, a question that keeps getting asked of us, what if this were your mother? what if this were your grandmother? it is the art of medicine. >> difficult decisions. a simple traffic stop takes a stunning turn when a young mom gets tasered twice in front of her kids. first, erica hill with the "360" bulletin. hundreds in california forced to evacuate as wildfires plague the state. flames ripped through the santa cruz mountains damaged more than 4,100 acres of wilderness. sacramento, 125 square miles scorched. so far, no reports of injuries. there are new details tonight in the deadly hudson river plane crash that killed nine last weekend. investigators say only two of the five air traffic controllers
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scheduled for duty on saturday were in the control tower when the crash took place. two others were on break. a third, the manager left the facility eight minutes before the private plane and helicopter collided. regulators have closed loanall bank. a federal judge froze its assets. the bank which has 346 branchs, most across the southeast will be bought by rival bbnt. the largest bank failure in the year, six largest in u.s. history. eunice kennedy shriver honored today. her daughter maria shriver offering a moving eulogy. those in attendance celebrated the life of the special olympic's founder. truly unconventional life. >> mommy was our hero. she was scary smart and not afraid to show it. she was tough but also compassionate. driven, but also really fun and funny. competitive, but also empathetic, restless and
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patient, curious and prayerful, she liked to hang with the guys but all her heroes except for her brother jack, were women. she had a husband who was totally devoted to her in every sense of that word. a man who marveled at everything she said and everything she did. he didn't mind if her hair was a mess, if she walks around a in wet bathing suit, if she beat him at tennis or challenged his ideas. he let her rip and he let her roar and he loved everything about her. add that to five kids who adored her and loved to be with her and you have the ultimate role model. mommy was all of our best friends, and it was an honor for all of us to be her children and a special privilege for me to be her daughter. >> eunice shriver's still
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surviving brother, ted kennedy, battling cancers was unable to attend. >> extraordinary life. we will show you the extreme rescues from taiwan. extre extremely and deadly encounter with a typhoon. how michael vick's dogs are doing now their former master is on the playing field and the dogs are no locker a part of his animal cruelty operation.
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terrifying. we have a correspondent in taiwan for the latest. >> reporter: even before typhoon morokot hit, getting to remote mountain villages was tough, now impossible, major roads blocked by mud slides and debris. some are partly washed away. this bridge is simply gone, brought down during the storm completing cutting off the village. the river is swollen and rapid. a few who tried to cross were swept away, plucked to safety by rescue crews. the only way in and out is by this harness. >> villagers out of shin chi. so for more than 100 people. they say it's pretty safe. but it's still a long way down. probably about 200-foot drop straight down on to the rocks down there. this water is moving pretty quickly. all that is holding me right now is this one hook there which is
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connected to the cleats. okay. whoa. the sign reads sos, 32 people died here and a local official coming out of the village say bodies have been left rotting for days. walking into the village the road has collapsed in places, paralyzed and down. there has been no electricity or running water for a week. there is mud. lots of it. just getting across is not easy. it really is just like walking through quick sand. this village has been all but abandoned except for one family refusing to leave. everyone else almost 300 people have made that perilous journey to safety. i'm not sure i'll go back says this young man. we'll wait until the roads are clear and try to clean up. >> what do you think? >> reporter: by day's end, getting out was not so easy.
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so basically they said -- so the safest way they said was across the river. the same river where others had earlier been swept away. they said the road was safe and if we tried it both cables could snap i realized i had no choice but to do this. it seems worse from up there than it did down here. and this is now life here for so many, villages and houses cut off by mud slides and debris. it will be a long time before the people of this village will be able to go home again. >> how are rescue efforts going right now? >> reporter: well, it is still slow work. to be honest there isn't any rescuing to be done. there are people that are isolated and need to get out, maybe 1,000, maybe a few more. as for the recovery of the bodies, well now they're saying that many of the bodies will be left where they are because that
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is the wish of some of the relatives. buried under that mud. they want to make those areas a memorial. an idea how difficult this is. where i'm standing right now, this was once a main two-lane highway, 45 feet wide. but with the rains from morakot this river just over here, it rose up, it burst its banks. it dumped piles of mud and rock and other debris all across here. this heavy moving equipment is actually using that rocks and gravel to try and build another temporary road just over there. they are trying to get this open. an old tunnel that was built by the japanese during the '30s is crucial because they need this access to get up to some of those isolated villages in the mountains, anderson. >> going to great lengths to get the story. thanks very much. stay safe. typhoon morakot, the raw data. 80 inches of rain fell during the storm last week. 80 inches. nearly seven feet of rain in two days.
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ten inches fell in new york's central park in the entire month of june which almost set a new record. whenever we new yorkers complain about rain this summer we should think of the people of taiwan. 4 join the live chat happening at a remorseful michael vick. seemed remorseful. so he says. fresh off his new deal with the philadelphia eagles he asked for a second chance. his dogfighting days may be behind him, but what about the animals he treated so brutally? how are they doing? an update. a traffic stop gone horribly wrong. a mom tasered by a sheriff's deputy in front of her kids twice. reading about washington these days... i gotta ask, what's in it for me? i'm not looking for a bailout, just a good paying job. that's why i like this clean energy idea. now that works for our whole family.
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michael vick is asking for a second chance. last month the former atlanta falcon completed a 23-month sentence for running a dogfighting ring. today as he announced his new deal remorseful vick vowed to make up for past mistakes. >> i was wrong for what i did. everything that happened at that point in time of my life was wrong and, you know, it was
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unnecessary and to the life of me to this day i can't understand why i was involved in such pointless activity and why did i risk so much at the pinnacle of my career? i was naive to a lot of things. i figure if i can help more animals than i hurt then i'm contributing, i'm doing my part. >> here at "360" we are less interested in what happens to vick to what happens to the dogs he was groomed to fight to the death. most of the dogs are doing amazingly better. randi kaye has the thx "360 follow." >> reporter: don't let those sharp teeth fool you. >> are you making a very scary face? >> that's juhmba, one of 51 pit bulls rescued from football great michael vick's dogfighting ring in 2007. two died of disease. two others were put down, one for medical reasons, another too
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dangerous but the rest are thriving. they had to be socialized and house broken, even taught how to walk upstairs. today half of them are either in permanent home ors foster homes. the rest are in an animal sanctuary in utah, none are in shelters. look at jumpa. she was adopted by kathleen who didn't want us to use her last name and now lives in new york. she has company, too. two other pit bulls, a black a lab, a terrier and five cats. >> one of the things that brought her out of her shell so much was the other animals and her learning from them and watching them and watching them trust me and learning that, you know, living in a home was actually a really good thing. >> reporter: jhumpa lives the life of luxury, when she is not on the couch she sleeps on her pink bed. she walks or runs five miles a day and snacks on doggie bon-bons. her favorite, though, is cheese. jumpa's owner says she's great
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with children and loves to be around people and other animals. like the other pit bulls adopted by families, jhumpa was closely evaluated to make sure it was safe for her to be around people. especially young kids. all she needed was time to understand the world was a better place than she had known before. >> the real truth of the matter is that she's taught me far more than i will ever teach her about repair and trust and growth and how, you know, how we can aspire to things that are bigger and better than we'd ever, ever imagined. so very, very fortunate to have her in my life. >> reporter: just like jumpa, kathleen says the man who abused her deserves a seconds chance, too. >> i think that in spite of everything he's done to these dogs, i think he deserves a second chance and i think he needs a chance to show the world that he, too, can repair. i hope that he's -- i hope that
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he has the tools to do that. >> reporter: randi kaye, cnn, new york. >> joining us now is jhumpa and her adoptive mom, kathleen. how old is jhumpa? >> she is about four. >> how much has she changed since you've had her? >> entirely. when she first came to live with us she didn't do a lot of standing up like this at all. she crawled on her belly and kind of moved her eyes side to side. it took her quite a while to figure out she could trust the world. >> she is still scared around strangers. >> she get nervous. >> i have cheese in my hand. >> you do. >> pit bulls get a bad rap. they are good dogs. >> they are. they are excellent dogs. they do get a bad rap. when they get into the hands of people who want to do bad things they get a reputation that doesn't represent the breed. the proceed breed is a very
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friendly breed and they're very social. >> how long did michael vick have her? >> we don't know. i think she was 2 1/2 when she came out of his yard. >> had she already fought? had she actually fought or was she just being -- >> we don't know. she did come with some scarring on her back and face and legs. but that could have been because she was bred. we think she had a couple of it litters before. >> how do you rebuild the confidence and the trust? >> time and experience and exposure to things like this. she gets out every single day and walks. i socialize her to places most people don't take their dogs. we do a lot of going into stores that allow dogs and things like that where she can get exposure to a lot of different people and experiences. >> i'm out of cheese. >> yeah, i know. >> i think we are out of time. thanks for coming by. >> thanks for having us. >> out of cheese, out of time. coming up, update on the breaking news we brought you last night. michael phelps involved in the car crash. what happened? whose fault?
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>> do you have plans to make the school lunches better? >> make sure there are more fruits and vegetables in the schools. kids may not like that but it's better for them, healthier for them and those are some of the changes we're trying to make. >> i suggest we have french fries and mangos every day for lunch. >> see, you know, that -- if you were planning the lunch program, it would probably taste good to you. it might not look you big and strong like you need to be. >> everybody knows that you love basketball. i think it would be cool to have a president that can dunk. can you dunk? >> not anymore. i used to when i was young. i'm almost 50 now, so, you know, your legs are the first things to go. >> french fries and mangos? damon weaver, 11-year-old damon weaver. he should know about dunking. his other interviews, wade of the miami heat. hi, i'm damon weaver, here
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at the white house to interview president obama about education. >> nice to meet you. >> first i was nervous, like, i'm nervous. i was shaking. i wanted to invite my friends but my mom told me stop. when i sat down, my list was trembling then it just stopped. then i got relaxed and then i asked him my questions. >> yes. you asked him his first question. >> all across america money is being cut from education. how can education be improved with all of these cuts? >> well, you know, we've actually, here in the administration, tried to put more money into schools. >> what kind of fellow did he strike you as? >> a nice, young man. >> do you think he's a smart man? >> yeah, i think president obama is a smart guy. he's a good person. with a good personality. now that i interviewed you, would you like to become -- >> absolutely. >> i feel that we can be very
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close friends and i thought that since i made him my home boy, i should see him often. >> these are the questions you prepared ahead of time, right? >> uh-huh. >> as a president, you get bullied a lot? >> were you ever bullied in school? >> you know, i wasn't bullied too much in school. i was pretty big for my age. >> do you think he gets picked on a lot as president. >> well, by republicans. >> why do you suppose they do that? >> because he's a democrat. >> that's it? >> on different sides. >> i notice here he actually signed your questions on here. gave you a little autograph here. >> uh-huh. i thought it was nice to have a president's autograph. i'm going to go frame it and -- let's see. i might not sell it but i might. >> you're not going to sell his autograph. what -- did he strike you as what you thought a president
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would be like? >> pretty much. uh-huh. yeah. he did. >> what would you like to see him do more of? >> i would like to see him do more outside time with his kids and his dog and his wife. have more family time. >> would you like to be president one day? >> would love to be president one day. >> would you be a good president? >> pretty much if they just serve mangos and french fries -- if the chef served mangos and french fries. >> if the chef gave you mango and french fries you would be a good president? >> yep. >> what would you do as president? >> help homeless people out, help them try to get a home and bring taxes up a little to help the homeless and the poor. >> uh-huh. what do your friends think about you going around and talking to people like the president?
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>> they think that it's cool but they think of me as the same way before i got into the interviewing job. >> uh-huh. is it a hard job? >> not so hard. as long as i get paid with french fries and mangos. >> everything comes back to that. thank you very much. we really appreciate your time. >> you're welcome. >> all right. take care. good luck. >> to you too. >> i love how he likes french fries and mangos. just obsessed. coming up, my tough assignment today, chatting with nancy grace and her 21-month-old twins is tonight's -- i guess. i would use mangos. plus bob dylan's run-in with the law. no direction home. how does it feel. what happened to dylan when he decided to take a walk? i would say convenience is something
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wrongful conduct. her lawyer says her charges were dropped after the d.a. saw this video. the charles manson follower convicted of trying to kill president gerald ford in 1975 is a free woman tonight. "squeaky" fromme released after more than three decades in custody. 360 follow tonight. olympic gold medalist michael phelps is not to blame for a car zept he was involved in last night. the swimmer gave cops and expired michigan license after what caused the crash cops say the other driver ran a red light. we are getting word of another big-name run-in with the cops. this time legendary musician bob dylan was in long branch, new jersey, happened a few weeks ago. the report is surfacing. out for a stroll looking at houses. before a show he was plays that night. a 24-year-old cop approached him mt. gotten called about a guy wandering the neighborhood.
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when asked for i. d. he said i don't have any. a second cop arrived, also in his 20s. he didn't know who bob dylan was either. they gave him a ride to the hotel where he was staying. the tour staff suched for him. everybody was very nice. >> did you see my interview with nancy grace? >> yes. >> we're playing that for the shot tonight. >> good stuff. >> our beat "360" winners. daily chance for viewers to come up with one better for a photo for a photo on the blog every day. butler von everett pumps up a basketball for president obama. staff winner is steve. his caption, hey, could be worse. reagan rode horses. viewer winner, jason from dallas, texas, his caption, republicans got guns, democrats got balls. jason, your 360 t-shirt on the way. coming up next, one of my most challenging interviews today.
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nancy grace and her 21-month-old twins. it got completely out of control. i still don't know what happened. >> you're recovering still. you should take the weekend off. (announcer) take your time to find the right time with cialis for daily use... a clinically proven, low-dose tablet for erectile dysfunction you take every day so you can be ready anytime the moment is right. tell your doctor about your medical condition and all medications and ask if you're healthy enough for sexual activity. don't take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. don't drink alcohol in excess with cialis. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long term injury seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than 4 hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision stop taking cialis and call your doctor right away. (announcer) 36-hour cialis. or cialis for daily use.
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we sat down on the set of larry king. i thought it was going to be an interview with nancy. then the kids came out. >> totally different. >> something else entirely. >> are you ready? >> yeah. >> who should i try to let -- david, you better come hold him. here he goes. here he goes. here he goes. >> uh-oh. uh-oh. >> anderson? what did you do to him? >> i didn't do anything. >> daddy? >> what's the matter? >> here's another fish for you. >> of course, the stars are lucy and john david. you know, anderson, trying to work with two children is not easy. >> tell me about it. i'm sweating here, like dripping in sweat. >> i have a lot of help. my husband, my family helps a lot. it's hard. i wonder about what mothers go through that don't have -- i know it. anderson cooper did it. mommy had nothing to do with this. don't go to a therapist and tell me your mommy did it. >> i need a therapist after this
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hour. i'm making origami fish on national television. it got down to that. >> i am impressed and impressed you remembered the skill from first grade? >> i learned it in first grade. it's a trick i use all around the world with kids. >> i love it. add that to the "jeopardy" champion, is there anything you can't do? >> i honestly had no idea what she was talking about the last ten minutes. i was nervous trying to stop these kids from getting too upset. >> right. it seemed to work fairly well. >> i've, you know, i need heavy sedation. that's what i need. >> for you, not the children? they just need french fries and mangos and they would be fine. >> i need the entire weekend to recover from that. see the most recent "shots" at our website, very adorable kids. coming up at the top of the hour, president obama taking questions defending health care reform. is this really his last best chance to get what he wants? you need to be your own advocate. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen.
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