tv CNN Newsroom CNN August 18, 2009 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT
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his operation paid for. what do you say about that in our national conversation for tuesday, august 18th? aar hello. this is rick sanchez. this is a conversation, certainly not a speech. i want to tell you that we have just received moments ago what appears to be the official statement that's being released on video by dr. conrad murlray o apparently treat michael jackson, the doctor who was trying to resuscitate him when he was found deceased. the video has come in moments ago. we are going to play that for you and hook up with our own correspondent and be able to break that down for you. we will share that entire video with you in just a little bit. now, many of you yesterday were
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shocked when you saw right here for the first time that video that we showed you during an interview that i was doing with our senior white house correspondent, ed henry, of a man who had an a.r.-15 rifle with him at an event where the president of the united states was speaking. president obama inside. this man outside. what's interesting about this is we now learn he was one of about 12 protesters who were packing near the president. in this video, we noticed that he was being interviewed. you see that man conducting that interview right there, his name is earnest hancock, the host of an online radio show, declare your independence with earnest hancock. mr. hancock is good enough to join us now. how are you, sir? >> i am fine, thanks, mr. sanchez. is that you in that video that we were watching right there? >> i am not seeing the video. i would imagine so. i was there and i interviewed
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the gentlemen named chris this morning for two hours. we had him on my radio show. i am also broadcast under a public broadcasting network. so a lot of people heard it. >> let's listen to some of that interview that you were doing yesterday now that we have been able to get it on the internet. here it is. >> is it your advocacy that by having guns here, we are all safer? >> absolutely, absolutely. >> one thing, how often and you ride a motorcycle. also, when you travel and such, i never even noticed, are you usually armed? >> i am almost always armed. sometimes when i take a shower, i set it out on the sink. other than that, i'm pretty much armed at all times. >> why? >> i think it is a dangerous world we live in. i can't carry a cop around with me. >> there is a lot of -- go ahead and come back to me, dan, if you can. a lot of leafity there.
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? did you know him? did you happen to come across him? >> oh, no, no, no. i have known chris for probably two years. he has been part of the revolution that has swept the country around dr. paul's campaign. it started in arizona. in fact, i'm the one that came up with the love logo. what happened was, it brought out an entire new generation. i'm a libertarian activist from 15, 20 years ago. what happened is that they are always worried about where is the next generation coming from. do they understand what's going on, do they know what the real issues are? this gentlemen, chris, does. >> but issues aside, you know, i've got to tell you, it seems to me, when we reported this yesterday, that this was just a guy out there who happened to coming of his own volition to this place. >> it was. >> and you happened to be a reporter who happened to go over there and interview him. the more we look into this, the
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more it appears it was really planned. >> it was more planned than you think. we worked with the phoenix police department. we talked to them. they came down to our studio friday. they have a squad they used to call the confrontation prevention squad. now, they call it community service. we have gone to this with them for 15 years. we said, we are going to come down and do the radio show live, we will be broadcasting it. i am going to have a firearm. i had a nine millimeter on myself. >> let's show the video now. dan, if you have it. this is chris before the interview, back stage, if you will. let's listen to this. >> there is chris back stage, showing off his gun preparing for his debut to go out there. there is something else interesting. freeze it right there. that's you, right? >> we have got video of chris. we are calling it back stage. we don't know where this is.
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then, we see you walking by him with a microphone. this is prior to you going out there and interviewing him. it does look like you have what looks like a 38 in your pocket? >> a 9 millimeter beretta. >> what are you doing back there? >> we didn't even know. we are getting ready to go. i talked to the representative of the phoenix police department. we have been around this rhetoric that was built up around william cosrick that did this in new hampshire. we knew from 15 years ago from janette napolitano prosecuted the viper military out of arizona and how that was generated into something it wasn't. i talked to al. we said, we know where this is going. we want to make sure we come o down, be peaceful, demonstrate the right of the people to carry their firearms and the phoenix police department protecting our rights. they knew this was in their best
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interest. they wanted to help. they assigned him two men. he was never more than four or five feet away from me. we had law enforceers around there to protect our rights to carry our firearms at this protest. >> you said they had assigned him to you? >> yes. >> that african-american gentlemen was assigned to you? >> no, no, the police officer. >> a lot of people are going to look at this and they are going to say, this was a publicity stunt. you weren't really a reporter who came across a guy who you were interviewing out there? >> oh, absolutely. >> he knew the whole thing was planned. >> absolutely. you guys are so easy. what we wanted to do was to make sure that people around the country knew that law enforcement in phoenix arizona protects our rights. they weren't upset. they are the ones standing a few feet away from us. oftentimes, the citizenry are better armed than law
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enforcement. they need us on their side. >> isn't there something terribly disingenuous about putting people on like that and isn't there also something a little bit dangerous about playing these kind of games. >> it's not a game. we know what we are up against. >> what are you up against? you were the only one there with weapons? what were you up against? ladies with brooms. >> oh, no, no, no, we are up against a tie ran cal government that will rop the next generation as long as they can get away with it. go to freedoms the top story is the interview i had with this young man. i gave him every opportunity to explain himself. quite simply, he understands that his generation is going to be plundered until there is nothing left to plunder. his message was that when you do that, at some point, there will be resistance. >> you mean chris, the interview that you did with this guy, chris? >> yes, yes. >> where is he, by the way? >> hiding from you.
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>> it looked like through the entire interview, he was laughing and joking? >> sure. we are all friends. we are having a good tichlt the event was more peaceful. the police officers, they understand that too. when you have these people coming in by the busloads, there to create a scandal. we are keeping peaceful. >> i don't have any problem at all with you having 1,000 guns if you want to have 1,000 guns. i believe in your cause and i believe in the fact that you are a libertarian. the only thing i can questioning is whether you have to do it in such a disen generalous way? >> i see him all the time. is he wearing a firearm all the times i see him? yes.
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it is not a secret. >> does he believe this stuff? >> he does. >> i am not saying he doesn't but the way he was answering the question e was advocating. >> if you are not having fun advocating for freedom, you are doing it wrong. >> i am glad you came on and i am glad we had a chance to talk about this. god bless you, appreciate it. >> you bet. thank you, sir. when we come back, we have this new video i want to share with you. a video of the doctor who was the last person to be with michael jackson apparently had been with him trying to resif him when he died, there has been a lot of heat out on him coming in from law enforcement. now, we understand. there it is. there is the video now. we are trying to make sure we get clearance on this. this is the first time he has spoken since the major heat as described by one of our correspondents. we are going to take a quick break. when we come back, we will let you see this in it's entirety. i have just been told we have clearance on this. stay with us. we'll be right back. between an environment at risk
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welcome back. you saw that interview i did just moments ago. we have just now gotten a secret service guy lined up. the former secret service agent is going to take us through this conversation about whether people with guns should be that close to the president and he will react to what we were just talking about there. let me tell you what we are going to do right now. i have ted rowlands standing by. there is ted. the reason we have got ted on is because ted knows as much as anybody about this situation with the doctor, dr. conrad murray, who was apparently the last person to see michael jackson alive. he was trying to resuscitate him
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when michael jackson died. is it safe it say that this video we are going to see shows a man right now in a lot of heat and probably could be fearing that he could be indicted. >> reporter: absolutely. this is a guy that is at the center of the investigation. according to lis lawyerhis lawy released this statement and sent it to his patients calling for updates and wishing him well. imagine yourself at the center of this investigation of all investigations. >> wow. >> it is playing out in the media on a daily basis. he says, he can't return phone calls, et cetera, et cetera. this is the first time we have heard from this guy from the very beginning. we haven't heard his voice. >> let's do this. let's you and i listen to this together. viewers will be hearing it for the first time as well. then, i'm going to get your
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reaction to it. so here now is dr. conrad murray for the first time since, to quote you, the heat has been on. here it is. >> i want to mang all of my patience and friends who have sent such kind e-mails, letters and messages to let me know of your support and prayers for me and my family. because of all that is going on, i am i am afraid to return phone calls or use my e-mail. therefore, i recorded this video to let all of you know that i have been receiving your messages. i have not been able to thank you personally, which, as you know, is not normal for me. your messages give me strength and courage and keep me going. they mean the world to me. please, don't worry. as long as i keep god in my heart and you in my life, i will be fine. i have done all i could do.
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i told the truth and i have faith the truth will prevail. god bless you. and thank you. >> there is his message. you have to take the man at his word. what do you think, ted? >> all along, his lawyers have said, this is a man who has told the truth. as the leaks have come out in this investigation, it seems as though he did. he did admit that he gave michael jackson dip pep provan his hope. he could be held liable for michael jackson's death. from his standpoint and his attorney's standpoint, they have done everything they can to help this investigation. apparently, they taped this last wednesday in houston. they decided to release it a few hours ago. i asked, was it because you think there is an rest going on here? is it a good-bye to be on the record before something big? they said, no, the timing has
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nothing to do with the investigation. >> it is funny. he was almost apologetic for not being able to return phone calls or e-mails. he almost sounded like a man in hiding. this is the first time we have even heard from him as far as i know on the record at all let me ask you this. what do your sources say you could be charged with. is he a target of the int vest gags? is he a suspect or a focus? what is he? >> since richard jewel back in the day, we don't use the term suspect for anybody. he is the center of the investigation. the investigation has led them back to him because he was the doctor there giving care when michael jackson died. he did give him diprovan. what is he looking at? he didn't try to kill michael jackson by any stretch.
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maybe negligent homicide. liken it to someone who not even a drunk driver, who accidentally kills somebody with a vehicle and is negligent, maybe on the phone or something like that, on those lines. is he looking at years and years in jail? >> no. is he looking at possible jail time if convicted? absolutely. it is serious business. according to his lawyers, he has been a prisoner in his home. he is afraid to go out. his family, they live in las vegas. so it is interesting. if you take a step back and look at it from his standpoint, you watch that video, wow, this guy is under a lot of heat, obviously. >> to be fair, he deserves the benefit of the doubt and we will give him any opportunity. i am sure you would say the same thing. if he wants to say more about his point of view, we certainly would invid him te him to come talk about that. until he is formally charged, he is an innocent man. thanks so much, ted. we appreciate that. here is a bigger question
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about the guns at political rallies. should the secret service create a no gun zone around the president when he traveled? just like they do right now with a no fly zone. i am going to ask a secret service agent, retired, about that. a 600 pound man who wants his insurance to pay for his gastric bypass. you have been going nuts. it has hit a nerve. remember the aftershow. we do it every day at 4:00. st stay with us. we'll be right back. save money. live better. walmart.
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we are getting a lot of tweets on this question we are asking. i just caught it right now. a gun zone, yes. there are so many more guns and crazies out there than back when other attempts were made on other presidents. >> that's an interesting question. the question we are posing, there is already a no fly zone. when the president travels, you
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are not allowed to put a plane or helicopter up in his air space. should the secret service start thinking about doing a no gun zone when the president travels? look at these pictures from phoenix. that's that one guy carrying this ar-15. the guy who is interviewing him, right there, that reporter, who is talking to him, he is carrying a gun. apparently, this was all -- this radio host is carrying a gun and, in fact, this was all a spoof, so to speak. it was planned. he just told us on the air. it was their way of getting their message out about guns, which is all fine and good, their right to do so. >> joining me now is joseph petro. what do you think of that idea? i have been tossing about that idea with some of the folks who watch our shows throughout the course of the day. i am just wondering if they have
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the no fly zone around the president. should they think if this thing gets worse, about having a no gun zone around the president if he travels. >> first of all, thanks for inviting me to the show. i think there is quite a distinction between airplanes and weapons. a no fly zone has a good purpose. an airplane could penetrate a zone at any time. these people, thee foolish stunts that are taking place around the country at presidential events, don't present any direct threat to the president. they are very far away from where the president is. the secret service knows how to set up the perimeters to prevent anything from happening to him. in rethe a, what they are doing is creating a very dangerous environment. i think it is irresponsible and i think it should be unacceptable to americans to allow these kind of activities to take place. >> well, this guy told me that the phoenix police were in on it and that he cleared everything with them and that they knew what he was doing and it was
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really more of a protest show that was planned by them. what do you think of that? >> you used the word. it was a show. i don't know what the phoenix police did or didn't do. the dangerous environment that is created is a problem for law enforcement generally. what would concern me if i was the secret service today is that these kind of activities taking place around presidential events really is a distraction. it is tough enough to protect the president. they have a tough enough job. they depend on local law enforcement to help them protect the president. if the police officers have to go out and start dealing with these foolish gun nuts with exposed weapons in public crowds, they are being taken away from an activity that is much more important, that is, to keep our president safe and to keep the public safe. >> let me ask you a question. in all your years as a member of
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the secret service, have you ever seen a situation where according to our reports, anywhere between 10 to 12 people yesterday were walking tharnd venue where the president was inside and they were packing? have you ever seen a situation like that before? >> no, i've never seen or heard of anything quite like that. i think all of us should be xwernd this. what's the next step? they are going to ride around in pickup trukcks with automatic weapons. we are a democratic country. we should be better than this. what's the point of them carrying these weapons? it's intimidation. why should we tolerate it? it shouldn't be allowed. >> it's free speech. >> it's free speech but it is also. >> we have a right to show everybody that we are for the constitution, which gives us the right to bear arms. >> it is probably also not against the law to bring a can of cass lean and a match to an
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event. is that a good idea? no. having exposed weapons at events, it is just not -- particularly where people are disagreeing. it is really a formula for disaster. >> politically, how much -- patricia murphy, let me bring you in. particularly, how much hay can the president make about this without giving more fodder to the other side? when you make somebody a big deal, you kind of martyr them. >> there is really nothing the president needs or can say about this. it speaks for is itself. the protestors are doing something well within their rights. it was responsible for them to tell the police they were going to be there so they wouldn't be surprised by this. the it hurts the argument for the other protestors there who have their own legitimate concerns about health care. it was a health care protest.
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this takes the attention away from that and kind of lumps the entire movement in as crazy. it is not crazy to be worried about health care. to me, it is crazy to bring a gun to an event where the president is going to be. it is legal. it is like smoking in bed. you are just asking for something bad to happen. >> what do you think the strategy should be for secret service. if they start to see this becoming a pattern, especially now that it is making headlines? >> i can't speak for the secret service. i think if this becomes a continuing problem, they may have to extend the perimeters. >> what does that mean? >> instead of 100 yards, maybe it is half a mile. you could probably do that. i am not sure that the secret service views this as a problem for the president. i think it's a prosh lem fblem s citizens to see this activity
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taking place. >> jurisdictionally speaking is there a per imtir? >> outside the perimeter, as long as they don't present a danger, people have the right to do that. whether that is a good idea or not is another question. >> it is an interesting conversation. i'm so glad we had you to talk about this. thanks so much for joining us. i will be talking to you in a little bit as well. >> he tried to intervene in the dispute on the street. did you hear about this? he ended upbeaten over the head with a lead pipe. this isn't just anybody. he is the mayor of milwaukee wiz wiz. now, the family of the perpetrator is saying, he should have minded his own business. he lost his teeth.
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he was taken to the hospital. he is not in a good way. also, this story. the wife of south carolina's governor, even after he very publicly cheated on her, now jenny sanford is talking about their relationship and how they were never quite really in love. she talks about his addiction and talks about his mistress for the first time. wow. that's next. remember the aftershow at 4:00 on stay with us. we'll be right back. some lunch.
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i've learn that these affairs are almost like an addiction to alcohol or pornography. they just can't break away from them. like alcohol or pornography, isn't that what any person that cheats wants their spouse to believe? it wasn't me, honey, it was my addiction. i can't wait to read the tweets. she goes on to tell "vogue"
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everybody would like an escape. i would like somebody 5,000 miles away that i could e-mail. it's not exclusive to men but i know that isn't realistic. maybe we should get her a twitter account. i talk to about 1,000 people every day who are about 5,000 miles away from me. she describes her relationship with her husband this way, we weren't madly in love but we were compatible and good friends. next, from a governor who got in trouble in argentina to a mayor who got in trouble at state fair. it has cost him his front teeth and a whole lot more. medicare.
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you should know about this card; it's the only one of its kind... that carries the aarp name -- see if it's right for you. you choose your doctor. choose your hospital. and no referrals needed. there are no networks help protect yourself from some of what medicare doesn't cover. save up to thousands of dollars... on potential out-of-pocket expenses... with an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan... insured by united healthcare insurance company. call now for your free information kit... and medicare guide and find out... how you could start saving. we've gotten so many posts and so many e-mails on jenny sanford, some of you being just downright mean to her. others saying, you go, girl. let me show you a couple of these. look at this one. jenny sanford should have kept her mouth shut. like palin, she is an
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embarrassment to the post eisenhower era, women everywhere. that is not a very nice thing to say about someone. we have a couple up here at the top. let me see if i can find them for you. that are actually quite nice. everybody commented on the fact that she is physically very attractive. this one says, go ahead, miss jenny sanford, i admire you greatly. we have a facebook one that says, i don't believe addictions. they are simply choices. >> i think most people, mr. ramirez, would agree with you. what would you do if you sa you a man threatening to beat up a woman and a one yee1-year-old? would you step in and try and break it up? that's what the mayor of milwaukee did. for that, he was beaten to a pulp with a lead pipe. this is the major of one of the biggest cities in the country.
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here is cnn's erica hill. >> reporter: until this weekend, most of the questions surrounding milwaukee mayor tom barrett's future had to do with whether he was planning a run for governor. that all changed after he was attacked late saturday night while trying to help a woman and her granddaughter. >> my granddaughter's father just tried to pull her out of the car, broke my krecell phone threatened to shoot us and shoot himself. >> where is he right now? >> he ran down orchard street. there were some people from the fair that were walking past. i jumped out of the car and i shouted for them to call 911. >> one of the people who heard the woman's car was mayor barrett, heading to a call after spending the evening with his family at wisconsin state fair. he didn't make it home that night. >> what's going on? >> there is a beating on 88th and orchard, some guy arguing with his girlfriend.
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my uncle tried to step in. the guy took a stick to him and hit him over the head. he's bleeding. >> that bleeding man was mayor barrett. >> he called 911 and tried to calm the situation for the grandmother and her grandchild. as a result of his actions, he was attacked and struck repeatedly with a metal object. >> reporter: an emotional john barrett on sunday outside the hospital where the mayor was being treated. on monday, he gave cnn more details about the attack and how his brother ended up laying on the streets in a pool of brother. >> the individual, after he knocked the phone off and he stomps on the phone and says, you are not calling. he says, i have a gun and i'm going to shoot everybody here. tom's kids start to cry. he says to my sister, get the kids out of here. >> the mayor stayed and took a
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punch in the gut that doubled him over. he came upswinging and shattered his hand. when it was all over, the mayor had lost some teeth, had to have plastic surgery for cuts on his face and according to his brother, stitches on the back of his head. tonight, he is home recovering and a 20-year-old suspect arrested on sunday is behind bars. the little girl's grandmother tells cnn, they are both fine, while john barrett is proud and relieved. >> the family of the suspect says the mayor should not have gotten involved. that's the family speaking. the family adds if it had been anyone else who had stepped in but the mayor, the suspect would not have been arrested. before you go to break, let's go to the twitter board. the tweets continue to flow in about that story we read you moments ago about jenny sanford. people are always hard on women in situations like this. this is no different. the sanfords save it for oprah and the book. miss sanford airing her private
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laundry in the media is sad. i don't want to follow their marital problems. i don't care. this is coming up. does the white house have a message clarity problem when it comes to health care? specifically, the public option. given what they have been saying over the last 72 hours, it would certainly seem so. i have asked for a white house represe rep. i hope to grill him on this. it will be good for him and me and all of us. hopefully, it will clear things up. the water knee deep, that didn't stop this cameraman from almost getting swept away. it makes our fotos segment. everybody loves the fotos segment today. did you hear about the guy who ripped off $130 million in credit cards -- pardo me. i misspoke. ripped off 130 million credit cards, not dollars. you will. thththththththththththh
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welcome back. i'm rick sanchez. a latino conservative is respond together story we just read you about miss jenny can ford. here is what the latino conservative says. i have to try that one on my wife, quote, honey, i cheated because i have an addiction. sure. that's going to work, laugh out loud. speaking of latinos. we call this section las fotos del dia. take a look at one of these
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pictures. one of the most iconic photos from the spanish civil war. the photographer is robert capa. guess what? the spanish newspaper now says this is a fake. the paper says the foto was staged. numero dos. a cameraman tries to cross a flood-swollen river. no, don't do it. the man has a real deep appreciation for his helpers. could they pull him out of there? not to mention a appreciation for knee-deep water. numero tres. this man weighs 600 pounds and wants his insurance to pay for his gastric bypass. do you think insurance should pay for this guy's gastric
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bypass? go to my blog or twitter me and let me know. all day long we have been getting tweets on this story. it's mixed. up next, i will grill the white house on their public option or no public option. which is it, guys? that's next. you for a new power chair or scooter at little to no cost to you. stay tuned for this important medicare benefit information and free scooter guarantee. imagine... one scooter or power chair that could improve your mobility and your life. one medicare benefit that, with private insurance, may entitle you to pay little to nothing to own it. one company that can make it all happen ... great news. your power chair will be paid in full. the scooter store. why should you call the scooter store today? because their mobility experts are also medicare experts. and that means the scooter store is your best shot at qualifying for a scooter that costs you little to nothing. hi i'm doug harrison. at the scooter store, 97% of our medicare customers pay little to nothing out of pocket.
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payment on a brand new power chair or scooter. call the number shown. joining me now deputy white house press secretary, bill burton. mr. burton, good to see you, sir. >> hey, rick, how are you doing? >> i'm confused. i am trying to figure out what you guys are trying to say. >> let me help you out. >> is there a public option or is there not a public option? i heard back in july that the president said he wouldn't sign anything that didn't have a public option. then, i heard him say it didn't matter if it did or didn't. then i heard kathleen sebelius saying it sounds like we might have to do it without it. then, this morning, linda douglass said, no, the president really wants a public option. which is it? >> let me do two things here. first, i am going to say, what's most important to the president
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here is that we are going to fix health care in the country, if we are going to bring down costs and increase competition, what we need to do is have a plan that does those things. unless we get something in plays that helps bring down costs, we are not going to help to stabilize the economy. we are not going to be able to make sure that americans aren't losing their health insurance. we are not going to be able to make sure that businesses aren't in worse shape and the federal government isn't going to be able to fix the deficit problem. what the president has said and the folks in his administration, i just sent all these quotes to ed henry, the most important part is choice, competition, bringing down cost. he thinks that the best way to do that is a public option. but he is, of course, going to sit there and listen to other ideas that about what people have to say. >> so you are telling me that the president is willing to live with a plan that's passed without the public option if that's what it takes to pass it?
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>> what i am telling you is exactly what the administration has said. the president thinks in order to bring down costs and give meem choices, the best way to do it is a public option. he is willing to listen to other ideas. >> here is your problem politically. i have spoken to republicans and democrats today. i have spoken to democrats who say, i am not going to volt for this thing if it doesn't have the public option in it. i have talked to republicans who say, imnot going to vote for this thing if it does have the public option in it. so, you know, you are kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place. how are you going to get out of that hole? >> nobody ever said health care reform was going to be easy. this is why we have been able to make more progress. >> you have that part right, bill. >> we have been able to make more progress than anyone else over the course of the last six decades. the president has been willing to listen to folks from the democratic and republican party from people from the hospital association and the doctor association, people in the pharmaceutical industry.
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we have been able to get all these voices to the table. the president has listened to them all. we have been able to get a lot of concessions. hospitals are on board. doctors are on board. nurses. even the aarp has said, they are looking for some kind of health care reform. >> for the record, the president still believes that the best way to deal with this is with a public option. that's correct, what i just said? >> that's correct. the president thinks that the point isn't just any specific legislation. the point is finding a way that we can bring down costs and increase choices and competition for the american people. >> but it sounds like you are also saying it is not a deal breaker. >> well, what i am saying is that the president, and this is his way, this is how he has dealt with any range of issue, he is willing to bring as many people to the table as possible and listen to all the ideas and come up with the best possible solution that works for everybody. >> one final thing. are you a little uncomfortable about what happened in phoenix,
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a man who works for a man who goes out there in public every other day that there were, according to our count, that there were as many assault rifles. >> look, rick, my view is that every state has different laws as it pertains to carrying guns and there's a long tradition in this country of states having their own laws and our feeling is that as long as people are following the laws and being safe, it is certainly well within their rights to do so. >> there is a long tradition of intense political debate and the president thinks that people ought to come and express their opinions, whatever they are, whether they agree with them or disagree with them. go out there and stepping on people's rights. >> does the president know about those 10 or 12 people out there that had guns when people were speaking? >> i didn't talk to him. and i want to make sure people know these weren't folks inside the event. >> nor have we said that but outside the event where the president was. bill burton, always a pleasure,
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thanks for -- you know, hey, thanks for taking the heat on this, a lot of confusion on this issue, man. >> thanks for having me on. >> send me that e-mail, all right? >> will do. >> okay, appreciate it. all right. who is that? oh, please, dan, take that off. come on. dan. i can't believe you guys are doing to me again. look, there is an explanation behind this, okay and it doesn't -- this is all about a republican senator in texas, not about me. i don't know why they are showing me, but now that we showed it i have to explain to you and i will. after the break. introducing the all new chevy equinox. with an epa estimated 32 miles per gallon. and up to 600 miles between fill ups. it's the most fuel efficient crossover on the highway. better than honda cr-v, toyota rav4
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check your local listings, everybody, tom delay, the former house majority leader, is going to be appear on dancing with the stars this fall. not a joke. cross my heart and hope to spit. i'm told he has been practicing all summer long. how's that image in your head of tom delay dancing doing right about now? yeah, mine, too. we can help. here's a video clip, magically. ♪ oh, my god. he's got a big head, that guy. all right. that was us messing around. all right. fine. if i make fun of him, i got to make fun of me is that what you're telling me? what my staff wants me to do so my staff this is before -- my staff in atlanta did this. i want to share something with you. this is my staff in new york about eight months ago or
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something like that. they wanted me to fill for five seconds at the end of the show before i tossed to larry king. so, i was gonna -- five seconds, right, maybe ten seconds at the most. they goofed up their timing, somebody messed up their become dash timing as they call it in this business. five seconds turned into an eternity and i was -- well, let's watch it again. ♪ all right. they are actually getting out early that thing lasted for about 55 seconds, while everybody in the control room laughed and, yes, i felt like a buffoon, but nonetheless, hey, you can't laugh at yourself, who are you gonna laugh at, right? al getter gonzalez, why am i tell bug albert gonzalez? in the world of cybercrime, this
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is one bad dude. also a bit of a genius, too. what was able to do to 150 million, pardon me, 130 million credit cards is remarkable. no one's ever done anything like this and that's why he is now under arrest. we will be back. introducing one a day women's 2o. the first complete women's multivitamin in a drink mix. with more calcium and vitamin d... to support bone and breast health... while helping you hydrate. one a day women's 2o. refreshingly healthy.
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i'm rick sanchez, here at the cnn headquarters in atlanta what do you do when you have been charged with the largest case of identity theft in the united states? try to top yourself, of course that is the charges being leveled at a computer hacker, guy lives in miami, florida my hometown. charged with stealing, are you ready for this, not going to believe this number, he stole the information from 130 million credit cards. i will give you that number again in case you are shaking your head, 130 million credit cards. that is a big step up from his previous record he also held after he stole the information on about 40 million accounts last year, but gonzalez wasn't any old cybercriminal. this is now one of the -- he was one of the good guys. he used to work for the government, trying to stop this sort of thing.
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somewhere along the line he became a bad guy, a a hacker. kevin paulson is joining us now. he works for "wired" magazine. kevin, 130 million credit cards. i mean, that is mind-boggling. how do you do something like that? >> well, first, to set the record straight, he was never actually one of the good guys, he was busted a few years back for a smaller-scale fraud operation. and then he cut a deal with the secret service and became an informant. >> so he went bad guy, good guy, back to bad guy? >> well, as far as we know, he was always a bad guy, but like a lot of bad guys, he cooperated at one point. he was basically a snitch. then as he was finishing up his role as an informant, he started launching a whole new crime wave. >> you know what this does though, it makes me think this is easier than a lot of us think, really in the end, many of us are very, very vulnerable. i'm going to hold you over, we are going to go to cnn.cove
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