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tv   American Morning  CNN  August 25, 2009 6:00am-9:00am EDT

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techniques. some inside the fbi fears it went too far. live in washington with new details. have you seen this man? he's captured on surveillance cameras on eight states sneering and holding his pistol sideways. he's robbed ten banks and the fbi is casting a wide net to try to find him. more on that ahead. two months ago today we learned michael jackson had died. this morning, we now know what investigators believe are the facts behind what killed the rock star. a cocktail of sedatives over a six-hour period with the dose of the powerful anesthetic, propofol. there are reports that homicide charges could come next. here's cnn's thelma gutierrez. john, kiran, an unsettling picture of what investigators
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believe took place in the hours leading up to his death. >> this document released in texas reveals there's a powerful drug propofol at the time of jackson's death. the police aft says dr. conrad murray, jackson's personal physician, told detectives he had been treating the star for insomnia for six weeks giving him a drip with 50 grams of propofol. murray worried that jackson was becoming addicted to propofol. in an attempt to wean him off, he put together other combinations of drugs and proceeded to put jackson to sleep two nights prior to his death. on june 25 when those drugs failed, murray said what he did hour-by-hour. 1:30, he gave 10 milligrams of valium. at 2:00 a.m., ativan, an anti-anxiety drug.
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3:00 a.m., verse sed. 5:00 a.m., more ativan. 7:30, more verse sed. he said he monitored him the entire time. at 10:40 a.m., murray administered 25 milligrams of propofol and jackson went to sleep. he said murray went to the bathroom and returned and when he returned, jackson was no longer breathing. he administered cpr until paramedics arrived but those efforts proved futile. much of what was in the search warrant affidavit is factual. however, unfortunately, much is police theory. most egregiously, the timeline reported by law enforcement was not obtained through interviews with dr. murray as implied by the affidavit. dr. conrad murray remains
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the chief target of the manslaughter operation but he's not been charged. the reports of the coroner is ruling jackson's death a homicide makes it likely jackson could face charges. what does it mean for dr. murray. senior legal analyst jeffrey toobin. from a legal standpoint, a homicide -- does that mean -- what does that mean, legal. could dr. murray be charged with, what, manslaughter, murder? >> it means legally taking the life of another. jackson didn't die of natural causes. it was not a suicide. it means that the government has concluded that someone else killed him. there are a wide variety of charges within homicide. intentional homicide, you can get the death penalty for it. negligent homicide is a serious crime. it's an unintentional negligent killing. he seems to be on that end of the spectrum. no one seems to suggest that
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conrad murray intentionally killed him. >> by doing something that is medically unsound, he could be charged with second degree murder? >> some version of manslaughter, an unintentional killing. you can still go to prison for several years. keep in mind, those that it's very rare that they give rise to criminal charges. malpractice? yes, losing your license, yes. a jail cell? very unusual. >> murray insisted he did nothing wrong. a video last week said he thinks it truth will prevail. the fbi a starring role in future terror negotiations. the move to overhaul how the nation interrogates and detains terror suspects comes after he learn more about the harsh extremists. we told you about interrogators using a power drill to scare an inmate. new claims of threatening their children and mock executions.
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elaine, within certain circles there in the nation's capital, this inspector general's report is well known. some of what we're learning in public is quite surprising. >> now asking the federal prosecutor to review whether interrogations under the bush administration broke the law. he said this decision was influenced by this newly released cia inspector general report. >> reporter: interrogators threatened to kill the children of khalid sheik muhammed, the 2004 cia report still partially redacted, quote, the interrogators said to khalid sheik muhammad, if anything happens, we're going to kill your children. it reveals a technique not previously disclosed that the interrogator reportedly used a pressure point point technique
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with both his hands on the detainee's neck blank manipulated his fingers on the carotid artery until he passed out. and the interrogation techniques on the man suspected of plotting the bombing. the debriefer entered the cell where all nashiri cell and racked it twice. later, the briefer sbd the detain detainee's cell and revved the drill while he stood naked and hooded. the debriefer did not touch him with the power drill. the report comes off a lawsuit by the civil liberties union called it outrageous. >> if threatening it isn't torture, i'm not sure what is. >> water boarding got khalid shaikh mohammed muhammad to talk saying he provided only a few
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intelligence reports prior to the use of the water board. the government released other declassified documents. cheney said they would show the interrogation process saved lives. information from detainee interrogations helped thwart a number of plots and arrests disrupted the attack plans in progress. what's not clear is whether that information was obtained through controversial techniques like water boarding. now, in a sign of the political pressure surrounding this issue, the aclu says it's disappointed with the attorney general's decision not to launch into a full investigation, calling a preliminary review without a commitment to prosecution, quote, simply anemic. john? >> this had been looked at before by the justice department and the bush administration. what's the likelihood that the obama justice department will find anything different? >> that's a very good question. and, in fact, that's a central
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question that some of the intelligence community are asking. they're saying, look, if the lawyers in the bush administration examined all of this and decided to take a pass, what's different now. this report as you noded in circles, senior members on capitol hill knew about the contents of this report. they request why, in fact, this review, this preliminary review is taking place at all. john? oh. >> elaine kehano for us in washington. thank you very much. frightening worst case scenario for the swine flu if it resurges this fall as expected. the h1n1 virus could cause as many as 90,000 deaths in the u.s., mainly among children and adults. this is painting a worst case scenario. but it's more than double the average deaths in the flu season. more than a million people could
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be hospitalized. cnn has learned that president obama plans to nominate bernanke as fed chairman this morning. we're expecting that announcement at martha's vineyard at 9:00 a.m. eastern. earlier this summer, the fed praised the fed chief for his handling of the crisis and the mortgage meltdown. bernanke will have to be reconfirmed by the senate. lightning near the space center forced nasa to scrub the launch. the next attempt will likely be early tomorrow morning. the shuttle was carrying, among other thing, a new space treadmill for the international space station colbert in honor of steven colbert. he asked his fans to get in there and vote. his fans won the naming rights. it's an acronym, combined operational road bearing excess treadmill.
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he wanted them to name the wing after him. that didn't work out. >> some you win, some you don't. libyan leader muammar qadda qaddafi, camping out in new jersey? what do the neighbors think of that? welcome to the now network. right now five coworkers are working from the road using a mifi-- a mobile hotspot that provides up to five shared wi-fi connections. two are downloading the final final revised final presentation. - one just got an email. - woman: what?! hmph. it's being revised again. the copilot is on mapquest. and tom is streaming meeting psych-up music - from - ( heavy metal music playing )
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that's happening now with the new mifi from sprint-- the mobile hotspot that fits in your pocket. sprint. the now network. deaf, hard-of-hearing, and people with speech disabilities access
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12 minutes past the hour. welcome back to the most news in the morning. the winds have died down. the wild fires near athens, greece are mostly under control. dozens of firefighters are still on stand by watching for any possible flareups. the government estimates 150 homes were damaged. but that may be much higher eventually after they are able to survey more of the area.
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50,000 acres of land destroyed and much of it forests that will take generations to regrow. flying illegal immigrants back to mexico. they'll take a direct flight from tucson to mexico city where they'll get bus tickets to their hometowns with no costs. the summer program is in the sixth year now. the goal, to reduce border deaths in the desert during the hottest season of the year. libyan leader to embrace the freed bomber of pan am flight 103, muammar qaddafi wants to pitch a tent near new jersey near the homes of some of the victims' families. he comes to new york next month for the u.n. general assembly. there are plans for him to stay in an air conditioned tent at a libyan owned estate. as a host of the united nations, the u.s. may be unable to stop it. a serial bank robber has reportedly struck again. it's believed he has hit as many as ten banks in eight states
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across the south from louisville, kentucky to charleston, south carolina. the fbi released photos of the man using electronic billboards in major highways to warn the public. the suspect is armed and considered dangerous. kevin keithley in johnson city, tennessee. thanks for being with us this morning. what's the latest on this string of robberies? >> good morning. yesterday the fbi released a series of photographs pertaining to the robberies that have gone on since may of this year and continued in to last week. most recently, last tuesday here in morris town, tennessee and jefferson city, tennessee. at this point, we believe that the suspect identified has been involved in at least nine to ten robberies since may between north carolina, south carolina, and here in tennessee. and yesterday in cooperation
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with our partnership with lamar outdoor advertising, a series of photographs were released that are being placed on digital billboards across the southeast. >> i want to get to the billboard in a second, agent keithley. when is the last time you had someone this awe -- audacious who robs so many banks over a wide area. >> this is not common. this is a unique instance in which the subject in the bank robberies has not used a mask, per se, or any kind of a gimmick is really uncommon just to go in to a bank, show his face like he has. >> he makes no attempts to hide his identity. great shots of him. some we saw there in the jersey.
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you have to get the photographs in front of the right person and find out. >> that's what we're hoping with the use of the digital billboards that we can develop a number of leads that we can follow up on to help in the capture of this individual. >> bring in one of the billboards to try to help you out here a little bit. the suspect is a white male. he's 5'9" to 5'11", weight, 17 0rks 175 pounds, mid to late 30s, unshaven goatee. forearms. you've been doing this digital billboard campaign here, not just on this fella but on others for a little more than 18 months now. how successful has this program been in bringing some of the fugitives to justice? >> it's been very successful. started in philadelphia in 2007. and the fbi has continued itses you through local and countrywide partnerships. and it's led to at least 11
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individuals being arrested for violence acts across the country. >> in talking about violent acts here, you can see this fellow waving this gun, brandishing this gunmen facingly. no one has been hurt thus far. are you concerned if someone resists a little bit, doesn't give this guy what he wants, he could resort to violence? oh. >> there's definitely that concern. this guy is -- has made no effort to hide the gun. he's threatened the use of it and every bank robber he's committed. put the gun in the faces of tellers, threatened to use the gun against them, and threaten violence against the bank itself. so certainly we need to get this guy in custody before he does harm someone. >> kevin keithley, good of you to come on this morning. good luck in apprehending this
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fellow. we appreciate the time, sir. >> thank you for the time. well, coming up, we took to the health care debate a lot in this country. going to talk to a "washington post" reporter who did a documentary going from country to country talking about a specific injury, he had shoulder injury and finding out based on what country he was in and the doctors he visited and the recommendations on how to treat it. very widely. interesting and how it relates to the united states health care. could we learn anything to help us be more efficient here at home. i'm lindy. and i'm joni. we've been best friends since we were two.
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we listen to interesting, different music. is that on your ipod? >> i don't have an ipod. i listen to "american morning" all morning. welcome back to most news in the morning. christine romans minding your business this morning. we're talking about a huge budget deficit we're facing. >> keeps getting bigger. the administration has been overly optimistic since day one on budget numbers and the like. we're expected to get another number today from the government about ten years. the congressional budget office
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and the white house, what they're looking at for the next ten years for deficits. humongous, mind boggling. $9 trillion is what we're expecting for ten years. this is leaking out for several days because it's such a big number. the white house had closer to $7.1 trillion a couple of months ago. now ratcheting up those numbers. why? a complicated problem with a simple analysis. how much money the government is taking in. how much money is going out. look how much is going out. government spending has skyrocketed as you know in the last couple of years, up 21% in the first ten months. unemployment, health care, bailouts. we're spending gobs of money in lots of programs to get the economy out of the mess it's in. the same time, revenue is plunging. the money coming in is plunging down 17 months in the first ten
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months, 17%, rather for the first ten months. income in peril taxes. people are out of work. nonwage income. all kinds of income people are down sharply. tax credit -- that has to come from somewhere. that means less money coming in. this is the situation. money is not going in like it used to and money is coming out more quickly than it used to. that's red ink, red ink, red ink for ten years. >> the president is taking a little bit of time off from his vacation to renominate ben bernanke getting in the fed. some people not happy that he's getting the not for the second time. but not much of a surprise. >> this is a guy who didn't understand or grasp the magnitude of the sub prime problem. he said it would not spill over. that was wrong. people say he failed to see this is going to happen. but, when he did -- when he did understand how big this crisis
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was, he was creative and aggressive. this is the man who helped orchestrate a lot of the things that people say kept us from going over the abyss. now they need him to help unwind those things so we don't repeat some of the mistakes of the depression. he's a scholar of the depression. once the economy started going again, it was fed blunders and monetary blunders that caused the economy to go back in the hole. that's what they want to avoid. >> is it that rare for that position to not be politicized. meaning they would spill over. >> look at green span. >> it is insulated. it should be, at least. it's not unusual to have one president's nominee for a long time. greenspan was there for a long time. he was the well-known celebrity. this is the main stream. he went on 60 minutes, for
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crying out loud. interesting stuff. the president will speak on it tonight. >> more here on cnn. four years ago this week, hurricane katrina hit in new orleans, devastated on so many things. the medical community there. hospitals ruined there. how things are faring through after the storm as we continue our special series this week, katrina, four years later. achore (announcer) what are you going to miss
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when you have an allergy attack? achoo! (announcer) benadryl is more effective than claritin at relieving your worst symptoms. and works when you need it most. benadryl. you can't pause life. special interest groups are trying to block progress on health care reform, derailing the debate with myths and scare tactics. desperately trying to stop you from discovering that reform won't force you to give up your current coverage. you'll still be able to choose your doctor and insurance plan. tell congress not to let myths get in the way of fixing what's broken with health care. learn the facts at
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welcome back to to most news in the morning. 27 minutes past the hour. hard to believe it's been four
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years. but it marks four years since hurricane katrina took a toll on new orleans and many other surrounding communities. in many places around the city, the wounds four years later are fresh. in a special after the storm series, dr. sanjay gupta found the medical system is piecing itself back together. it's doing it one clinic at a time. . >> reporter: four years ago, katrina unhinged new orleans, homes, people, buildings, bruised and battered. along with the medical system, destroyed. charity hospital today is still closed. but out of the woodwork in unorthodox places, the community is responding. what does community-based therapy look like in new orleans? you're looking at it. this used to be someone's home. but is now an outpatient clinic. go take a look. >> so this is your house? >> yes. >> used to be your house?
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>> yes. not a clinic. i still own it, but now the clinic. the lower ninth ward health clinic. >> before, she was a nurse at charity hospital. >> i had water to the ceiling here in the home. >> there was water to the ceiling. >> to the ceiling. so hard to imagine. >> oh, yeah. the first time i saw it, it l k looked like a time bomb had hit it. everything was destroyed. >> reporter: the tr irk age area, a den. her old bedroom, more exam rooms. she built the clinic alongside a friend. another nurse from charity. >> the third patient walk in the door was so ill we had to send her to the emergency room. that confirmed our belief that we needed to be here. >> reporter: the days are long. the two nurses alongside two part-time doctors, two medical assistants care for about 80 patients every week. the cost to the patient, even
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those without insurance -- a pittance -- funded in part by government insurance like medicaid and donations. >> thank you, ma'am, all right. >> reporter: across town under a bridge, a pretherapeutic drum circle. >> increase in mental illness since the storm and a decrease of providers and decrease in hospital beds. >> reporter: this is not a cure for depression. but organizers say it's a subtle, nonstigmatizing way to get relief. the circle, the clinic, both a response to hemorrhaging hospital budgets and emergency rooms filled to the brim with patients. >> going to get to a time where this doesn't need to be a clinic anymore? >> we hope we'll get put out of business in a way. if that happen, that means we'll have adequate health care. >> reporter: dr. sanjay gupta, cnn, new orleans. tune in tomorrow. sanjay will be back in new orleans looking at the lingering
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emotional effects of hurricane katrina to help residents cope four years after the storm. to see our series, check out our blog, cnn/amfix. finally, an answer to what killed michael jackson. preliminary findings from the los angeles coroner suggests what was long suggested, he died from the lethal levels of the powerful drug propofol. it included a statement from his physician, dr. conrad murray. he gave the singer a cocktail of drugs to help him sleep over a six-hour period. he said he had been treating jackson for insomnia for about six weeks. will he or won't he run for governor in 2010? that's the question surrounding former new york city mayor rudy giuliani. according to "the new york times," giuliani could make a decision sometime in the next two months. the former republican presidential candidate has been meeting with gop movers and shakers across the state and urged the chairman to step aside
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which party insiders reveal is a concrete step to making a run at it. americans are eating way too much sugar, 22 teaspoons a day on average. 355 calories or two cans of soda and a candy bar every day. women should be getting no more than 100 calories of added sugar, six teaspoons a day or 150 calories for men, which is about nine teaspoons. >> or one krispy kreme doughnut, right? a look at health care in the make-or-break month for health care reform, t.r. reed went around the world asking a simple question -- can you fix my bum shoulder? he received a variety of treatments, spoke to doctors, health care experts, government officials, and patients in many countries to figure out how they're able to provide quality health care at a reasonable cost. are any of these lessons able to be learned here in the united states.
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the security in america for better health care. glad to talk to you this morning. >> you're welcome any time. you hurt your shoulder as a navy seaman and the surgeon at the time screwed your shoulder back together. >> a stainless steel screw. >> you can still see in the x-ray. >> still in there. >> you travelled around, germany, france, india, the uk, what did you notice. what kind of recommendations did you get about how they would go about treating it? >> everybody approached it differently. several countries would have done the same high-tech procedures, operation that an american doctor recommended. much less, 1/6 of the cost, 1/8 of the cost. in britain, the doctor told me to live with it. you're living your life. not going to fix this. good care in canada, not if you're only hurt. n only if you're acutely sick.
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he said i'll send you to the orthopedist, it will take six to nine months. >> india -- japan, i believe, they wanted to try other things first. india, alternative medicine. herbal remedies and massage. >> that's right. we did herbal medicine for five weeks. six guys massaged my shoulder with warm oil every day. it worked. more movement and less pain out of it. and the japanese insurance system would have paid for that. they paid for acupuncturacupunc shots -- japan covers everything. that's the broadest choice of any health care system i have ever seen. >> i want to ask you what lessons you can take away from some of the counselries on how we can make health care better in the united states. we're dealing with a much larger and diverse population. >> all of the countries cover everybody with high quality.
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they spend half as much as we do. i'm looking for that -- how do you do that? it's not all socialized medicine. a lot of countries, germany, netherlands, france, japan. private docs, private hospitals, private insurance. they cover everybody. >> what's the difference? >> in the first place, the insurance companies are much nicer. they cover everybody. they have to pay every claim. in switzerland, they have to pay the claim within five days or the next month's premium is free. >> are they for profit? >> nonprofit in every other country. all the countries have decided that health insurance has to be nonprofit. the docs, the hospitals, the drug company, they can be for profit. but the payment system has to be nonprofit. and guess what? they have much lower administrative costs, they cover everybody, and spend a lot less. >> you also -- i thought this was an interesting tidbit. we talk a lot about waste. 20% of every dollar goes to the administrative costs. talking about here in the united states. in france, everybody has a
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little bit of a green card, a medical card. all of it is computerized. all of it, 100% is digital. they've been able to bring the administrative costs down 3%. why can't we do that here? >> why can't we do that is the question. you think france is it the model of management efficiency? i don't know. but we're aiming to get everybody on digital records on 2014. the french got there at 2005. >> i believe our goal was 50% of medical records. 50% by 2014 and other countries are doing it. >> yeah. >> because we have a larger -- you're talking about 61 million people. here, 300 million or more. >> i don't think that's the difference, no. the difference is that we have so many different overlapping systems. there's one for veterans, one for seniors, one for members of congress, one for people under 16. and all of the other countries have put everybody in to one system. they think it's fairer, they think everybody gets it same access. but it's much simpler and
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cheaper. that's why the administrative costs are lower than ours. >> why do you have to wait ten months in canada to make your shoulder get looked at? >> they're saving money by making people wait for elective surgery or things they don't need. if you're sick in canada, an ambulance comes for free, they treat you for free in the hospital. if you have a shoulder that hurts when you wake up in the morning, you wait a year. >> and use massaging oil. fascinating. a documentary for "frontline," t.r. reed, the healing of america. thanks for being with us. >> delighted. thank you. the tale of the model versus the blogger. now it's getting nasty. guess who else is in the cross hairs. (mom) he needed everything for college: towels, sheets
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and then there was the stuff he wanted... like a new microwave. and because of walmart's unbeatable prices, we were able to get it all. ...and then some. set them up for success-- for less. save money. live better. walmart.
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♪ she reaches in and grabs right hold of your heart ♪ from the cat walk to the cover of fashion magazines,
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she's used to the spotlight and the scrutiny. but she says nothing compared to the scorn that she suffered at the hands of an anonymous blogger. she sued in a new york court for google to reveal the blogger's identity. now the outed blogger is fighting back. here's jason carroll. >> reporter: it's the kind of photo spread no model would want, feature on the blog called skanks in new york city. former vogue cover girl ended up on the blog telling cnn's campbell brown she was determined to find out who was behind putting her there. >> i wanted it gone. i departmeidn't want it to be tr the rest of my life. the only way to get it gone was to call my lawyer. >> reporter: she's not the only one. the woman behind the blog, rosemare port, a 29-year-old student and casual acquaintance of cohen.
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she's the real victim. >> i don't feel my client was wrong, but it sets precedent anyone with money and power can get the identity of anyone who decides to be an anonymous blogger. >> just cited with cohen to sue googling to get the information about the blogger. blogs like hers serve as a modern day forum for conveying personal opinions and shouldn't be regarded as fact. >> the court says, look, there was specific evidence that this one person may have libelled another person. in that circumstance, we're going to disclose that name. >> reporter: google says it complied with court orders saying we have a legal team whose job it is to scrutinize these requests and make sure they meet not only the letter but the spirit of the law. the blogger says google should have kept her name quiet and plans on suing google for $15 million.
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cohen's attorney says he can't believe her nerve. >> her being a victim here? i have trouble understanding that. in its entirety. >> reporter: web watchers like "wired" magazine's nicholas thompson say this is a lesson for all anonymous bloggers. >> some of the effects will be good. people will recognize -- wait a second, the law will apply to the blogosphere. good for society. >> jason carroll with that story. what do you think? >> i understand both sides. i understand where the lady was coming from. she's been impugned and this person has been able to write things about her that aren't true under the protection of being anonymous. >> a difference between people who are whistleblowers out there trying to expose things that need to get out there in the public forum and other people who are just like gossiping. >> in a hurtful way. >> yeah. true. >> very interesting that the court sided and i wonder how it will affect future bloggers. >> we'll find out if they accept
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the lawsuit against google. we want to know what you think about all of this? should bloggers' identities be private and is freedom of speech protected on-line, particularly when it's malicious speech. rob marciano will be joining us. weather brewing in the tropics near the bahamas and he's going to let us know, he scrubbed the shuttle launch last night. will tonight be any better. he joins us in a few minutes. . you just love the aromas of beef tenderloin... and, ooh, rotisserie chicken. yes, you do. [ barks ] yeah. you're so special, you deserve a very special dog food. [ woman ] introducing chef michael's canine creations. the deliciously different way to serve up your love at mealtime. chef-inspired. dog-desired. chef michael's canine creations. gathering dust, as pollen floats through the air.
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and for me, well, it wouldn't be so bad if this breadwinner brought home a little more bread. repower america. i hope our senators are listening. "what do you mean homeowners insurance doesn't cover floods?" "a few inches of water caused all this?" "but i don't even live near the water." what you don't know about flood insurance may shock you. including the fact that a preferred risk policy starts as low as $119 a year. for an agent, call the number on your screen.
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coming up on 47 minutes after the hour. rob marciano in the weather center in atlanta tracking the weather today. a little something, something down there in the southeastern part of the bahamas. >> we got rid of bill. now watching this wave that looks impressive. more than that, really. it's closer than bill was to a stand. so these things can flare up in a hurry. give you an idea of timing of this, this is the same area that katrina formed four years ago. this is the same area that andrew came in back in '92. so it's an area of concern. there's a tropical wave right here. running into a trough. that doesn't help things but the national hurricane center thinks things could become more favorable for development in the next day or two. they're giving it a 30% to 50% chance of that developing. a 50-50 shot of it becoming a tropical storm or a hurricane, then we've got some problems. no problems across the northeast today. looking at clear weather.
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nice day, albeit on the warm side. we're looking at also the threat perceived. showers and thunderstorms once again along cape kennedy with thunderstorms at least last night they scrubbed the launch. if not the same, maybe a little worse weather expected throughout the afternoon tonight. weather chance, again tonight. the watch at 1:10 a.m. 30% chance of there being problems with this particular watch. same as last night. we'll see if they get that in to shape. another strong front coming in from the western great lakes. chicago will be late in the day. watch carefully later on tonight. the night launches are i'm told the most spectacular things you can see in person. back to you. >> thanks so much. a reminder, rob hits the road every friday for "rob's road show." if you know a neat spot, send us an e-mail.
6:49 am >> outshine the tractor this week >> be difficult. i would have liked to have seen rob pulling the sled as opposed to being pulled by a sled. there was a new website out. there's a website for everything. this makes sense. you have nice clothes. what do you do when you're sick of them? do you give them to someone else? >> people know me well, i tend to hang on to them forever. >> as you're about to see, so do i? jeanne moos takes a look at a new tv anchor clothes website. is it taking off?
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hi, may i help you? yes, i hear progressive has lots of discounts on car insurance. can i get in on that? are you a safe driver? yes. discount! do you own a home? yes. discount! are you going to buy online? yes! discount! isn't getting discounts great? yes! there's no discount for agreeing with me. yeah, i got carried away. happens to me all the time. helping you save money -- now, that's progressive. call or click today.
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♪ glamorous ♪ the glamorous ♪ the flown si welcome back to the most news in the morning. larry king has his suspenders. rob marciano has his muscle ts, i have my ties or not. people on television news are known for their keen sense of fashion. >> tie-free tuesday. always a big hit with some of our e-mailers. >> tieless tuesday -- yeah, you know. whether we do it on friday. i'm amazed at how many people get their nickers in a twist when you don't wear a tie. >> it bothers some folks. if you are looking for a new update to your closet, you're in luck. genie most found a most unusual
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hand-me-down website. >> want to wear what they're wearing? >> hi -- >> hey there. >> alicia joins us live from miami. >> you can dress like a tv anchor for peanuts. >> send us your gently worn tv clothes and accessories. >> most tv anchors have them cast away in the closet. >> let me show you what's been rejected. >> someone told you not to wear this. >> your boss? >> yes. but i shall not reveal names. >> reporter: perfect candidate for tv news closet. >> you're out of the business, it doesn't fit, you don't like it. >> reporter: people send in this turquoise jacket and dress. the website sells it for $30 and splits the proceeds with the owners. names of the owners aren't specified. a certain morning anchor in the southwest seems to be cleaning out the closet selling a lot of
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items. anchors come in all sizes? >> they do. >> reporter: small? >> an abundance of small sizes right now. >> reporter: she was on air for 15 years. now running the website for a talent for coaching and recruiting outfit called talent dynamics. >> give this away. i can't wear shiny. >> reporter: sizes for men. not ron burgandy stuff. this is customary suit made for a anchor in a top five market. most of the clothing isn't designer. kiran hasn't said anything. she's got plenty of rejects. >> the piece day resistance. >> reporter: this is maternity? >> you need maternity stuff? >> absolutely. >> reporter: the idea is to hand it down to people who can't afford expensive clothing. maybe you won't want the clothing once you found out where it was.
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take the orange top deb feyrick wore to deliver a krafl. >> won't do it. >> send it our way. >> reporter: jeanne moos, cnn, new york. >> how much did you get rid of? >> she gave me an idea. there are charities as well as dress for success that give away the clothes. i have a lot of cleaning out to do. she made me realize i'm saving way too much stuff. >> definitely. a good way to get rid of some more clothes. >> she kept the jacket for posterity's sake. whole foods known as whole paycheck in some circles made some noise in the last couple of weeks about health care reform. now people not happy about whole foods. let you in on the whole story coming right up. 55 1/2 minutes after the hour.
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right now 1.2 million people are on sprint mobile broadband. 31 are streaming a sales conference from the road. eight are wearing bathrobes. two... less.
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- 154 people are tracking shipments on a train. - ( train whistles ) 33 are im'ing on a ferry. and 1300 are secretly checking email... - on a vacation. - hmm? ( groans ) that's happening now. america's most dependable 3g network. bringing you the first and only wireless 4g network. sprint. the now network. deaf, hard of hearing and people with speech disabilities access so what do you think? i think i'll go with the basic package. good choice. only meineke lets you choose the brake service that's right for you. and save 50% on pads and shoes. meineke. welcome back to the most news in the morning. if you like to eat organic and
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you don't mind spending a little more, it's the place to go. but now the grocery chain whole foods is in the middle of a health care reform debate after its ceo wrote an editorial about it. deb feyrick is looking at it this morning. many who shop at whole foods said it's justified to spend a little extra money to live longer. why are so many people upset? >> reporter: at issue, an editorial appearing on "the wall street journal's" conservative opinion page. john mackie argues universal health care is no more right than food or shelter. >> this is about a ceo using one of the most progressive brands in this country to murder any discussion of health care reform and health insurance reform. >> reporter: among the suggestions, deregulation,
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medicaid reform, and allowing a higher deductible, positions advocated by john mccain, newt gingrich, and conservative groups. mark rosenthal is a playwright activist and whole foods moralist. he has recruited more than 27,000 people to boycott whole foods saying the ceo has betrayed the ideas which helped build the whole food chains. >> it's a brand built up by progressive dollars being used as a trojan horse for some of the lies we have on health care reform. lies about deregulation, people who are sick not taking responsibility. >> whole foods saying the chain, quote, ha noz official position and that the ceo was, quote, expressing its own view points and providing constructive ideas to support reform as president
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obama invited america to do. so how badly will the boycott hurt sales if at all. >> my money says i should give it to someone else who's in support of health care. >> wouldn't stop me from buying. people are allowed their own opinions. >> rosenthal is not organize in a protest, per se, he's encouraging people to make a difference in copies of the editorial at whole foods across the country and let shoppers vote with their wallet. debra feywick, cnn, new york. welcome to "american morning" on this tuesday. i'm john roberts. here are the big stories we'll be breaking down for you in the next 15 minutes on the most news in the morning. drug after drug with michael jackson pleading and demanding for more. court documents show the coroner in los angeles found propofol
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killed jackson and his own doctor gave it to him. there are reports that the singer's death may be ruled a homicide. swine flu could cause up to 90,000 deaths in the u.s. alone this fall. the government is painting a worst case scenario. the victims could be mainly chirp and young adults. the h1n1 virus could infect half of the country in this year's flu season. talk more about the predictions and assessments and also how to protect your family just ahead. he's the man trying to navigate us out of a recession that started almost two years ago and printed up nearly $2 trillion to do it. today, president obama is expected to nominate ben bernanke to another term as chief of the fed. what it could mean for your bottom line. the cnn money team is all over this one this morning. whether bush-era interrogation tactics broke the law. this comes after a classified report in 2004 was made public
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saying one terror detainee was threatened with a gun and power drill. live in washington with the fallout. but first, after weeks of speculation, we begin the hour with the cause of death of michael jackson. court documents show the singer overdosed on propofol, the drug, doctors say, should never be administered outside of an operating room and his own physician, dr. conrad murray gave him a deadly dose. selma gutierrez has the documents and the hour by hour breakdown leading up to jackson's death. john, kiran, the affidavit paints a picture of what investigators took place in the hours leading up to michael jackson's death. >> this 32-page document in texas revealed there are lethal levels of propofol at the time of his death according to preliminary findings of the
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coroner. the police affidavit says conrad murray, the personal physician, told detectives he'd been treating the star for insomnia for six weeks giving him an iv drip with 50 milligrams of propofol diluted with lidocaine every night. he was afraid he was becoming addicted to propofol. he put together other combinations of drugs that succeeded to putting jackson to sleep two nights prior to his death. when those drugs failed, murray told detectives what he did hour-by-hour. he said 1:30 in the morning, he gave jackson 10 milligrams of valium. 2:00 a.m., he injected him with ativan, an anti-anxiety drug. at 3:00 a.m., versed. 5:00 a.m., more ativan. 7:30, more versed. murray says he monitored the entire time.
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after repeated requests and demands from jackson at 10:40, murray administered 25 milligrams of propofol. jackson was asleep. after ten minute, murray said he was gone to the bathroom and returned after two minutes. he said jackson was no longer breathing. he administered cpr but those efforts proved futile. dr. conrad murray's attorneys released a statement saying much of what is in the search warrant affidavit is factual. however, much of it is theory. most egregiously, the timeline rofrpted by law enforcement was not obtained through interviews with murray, as was implied by the affidavit. john, kiran? coming up, more on jackson's death and what it means for the possibility of criminal charges. at 7:10, former prosecutor and criminal defense attorney paul ca callan, that's ahead on the most
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news in the morning. the swine flu's deadly fall comeback. experts are predicting an alarming number of americans could get sick. new numbers call it a plausible scenario that half of all americans could catch the h1n1 virus in the next few months but a more disturbing number, 90,000 americans could potentially die. that's more than double the number of deaths in an average flu season. cnn's medical correspondent elizabeth cohen is in atlanta for details breaking it down for us. so we're clear, is this the worst case scenario they're painting? >> yes, kiran. i'm so glad you pointed that out. it is indeed the worst case scenario. the reports on the president's council on science and advisories say it might be 30,000 deaths from swine flu this upcoming season. take a look and put that in perspective from what happens every year in flu. again, this report shows there may be as many as 90 deaths from
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swine flu alone. every year, there's 36 thoirks deaths from regular season flu we have every year. the report says between 30% and 50% of americans will become ill. and also it's clear from this virus that young people are more likely to die from swine flu than they are from seasonal flu, children, young adults, and pregnant women. but let me make it clear, this report also says it may be more like 30,000 deaths. i'm throwing a lot of numbers out there. what it boils down to is they don't know. these are estimates. people are trying to look into the crystal ball. they don't have one that's accurate. it's fair to say there will likely be more deaths from flu this year than in previous flu season. kiran? >> when they say that, are they combining regular season flu or swine flu or are you saying regular seasonal flu could be
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more deadly this year? >> that's an excellent question. the judge bers i gave you are from h1n1 are from swine flu alone. in addition to all of the deaths from seasonal flu, there's project to be an extra 30,000 to 90,000 deaths just from swine flu. seasonal flu will be what it is in any year. no reason to think that will be different. a couple of questions when it comes to preventing death, hopefully, and preventing getting it. the vaccination situation. where do we stand on that? >> the vaccination situation is that in mid october they hope to have around 50,000 doses. i'm sorry, 50 million doses of vaccine ready for people. then they expect to have by the end of the year an extra 200 million doses on top of that. they're hoping to be able to get oh all of the people who need it which includes -- i won't go through the whole list, pregnant women and young people. >> you go to the doctor, the clinics, they offer it through
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work. are they going to be offering the swine flu? is this something you can get done at the same time? >> many places will be. the regular season flu shot, get your swine flu shot as well. two shots. a shot, wait three weeks, get another shot. >> what other steps can people take as we get ready to approach this and look at the numbers. they are alarming. what can you do to reduce the risks. >> the basings, wash your hands frequently. don't go out if you're sick. don't send your kids to school. don't go to work. cough or sneeze into your sleeve and not into your hand, which is what a lot of people do. that's a problem. you can get someone else sick. those are the big ones to think about as the season approaches. >> elizabeth cohen giving us useful information this morning. thanks so much. >> thanks. a cnn health alert. a dangerous side effect to the popular weight loss drug alli. liver damage in some patients taking this medication.
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27 patients were hospitalized and six suffered liver failure. but experts say they have not established any direct relationship between the weight loss treatments and liver injury and patients should continue using the drugs as directed. the drug maker did not immediately return calls for comment. other stories new this morning -- the south african athlete at the center of the gender controversy is back home. hundreds turned out to see the 18-year-old runner who won the gold at the 800 meters in the championships in berlin. they were testing her gender after many people were questioning the athlete's deep voice and muscular build. nasa said the weather forced them to stop the launch of "discovery." they're going to begin tomorrow. the middle of the night mission. part of the mission is to take a treadmill to the international space station. it was named after comedy central steven colbert.
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the newest compartment of the international space station named after him. nasa said no, but then they offered to name the treadmill after him as a compromise. new york mayor rudy giuliani may want to be a governor. "the new york times" is reporting whether the governor will run for governor of new york in 2010. current governor david patterson has a dismal approval rating. anyone who flies a lot likes to bring the luggage onboard. who likes to check baggage? you don't want to check it. you don't want to put it in the belly of the plane, you want to put it in the overhead. how big is too big. >> people pushing, shoving -- >> people trying to use a jack to get it in there. the government may be making a move to regulate the size of your carry-on coverage. what they're planning coming up.
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introducing thall ne chevy equinox. with an epa estimated 32 miles per gallon. and up to 600 miles between fill ups. it's the most fuel efficient crossover on the highway. better than honda cr-v, toyota rav4 and even the ford escape hybrid. the all new chevy equinox. e w
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i don't know anything about computers and my daughter is going to college, so she needs one. - can you help me? - ( shouting ) - yes, you. - our line of next class laptops are perfect for college, and they start at just $650. are those good? 'cause i don't want to get her something - that she thinks is totally lame. - no, they're awesome. and they come with pre-loaded software so she won't have to do a thing. - great. she's good at that. - ( blue shirts laugh ) laptops designed for college and thousands of people eager to help. best buy. buyer be happy. new this morning, starting in september, american airlines is going to charge $50 each way
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to europe this fall for a second piece of checked baggage. other carriers already have similar fees. >> that may lead to more links in these flights. congress may set federal standards for how big your carry on bag can be. each airline sets the own size rules and not surprisingly, flight attendants are supporting that bill. >> right. cash for clunkers is a huge hit. now a new program, cash for washers. the federal rebate program is about to begin to give customers anywhere from $20 to $200 to buy energy efficient home appliances. washing machines, dishwashers, refrigerators, all part of the program. unlike cash for clunkers, you don't need to haul in your old model. that would make it a lot more fun. new court documents this morning are giving us a minute-by-minute breakdown leading up to michael jackson's death.
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dose after dose, drug after drug, the deadliest came from his own physician, dr. conrad murray. murray's lawyer saying that the affidavit twists what he said and it could be ruled a homicide. the current defense attorney is going to help us understand the case. you had a chance to look at the affidavit. what's interesting is it does set out a timeline of what went on that night. some of it according to the affidavit in conrad murray's lawyers is what he told them. others, they say, is police theory. how is that working? >> that's a very difficult thing to determine, police theory. obviously if murray said he gave valium or ativan or a drug at a certain time, we could time it in. but i don't know how the police could determine when the drug is administered ahead of time. when the autopsy was there, we don't know when it was put there. i'm skeptical of the timeline.
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>> what do they say when it's the homicide investigation and the possibility of manslaughter here. explain how you go about proving that and how you defend it. >> two terms, one is homicide. people say it's a murder case, it's not really what a homicide means. death at the hands of others. it could be a justifiable situation as in a self-defense situation. doesn't mean a crime has been committed. here, they're throwing in the term manslaughter. so they're clearly indicating that they believe murray acted recklessly with gross medical negligence causing the death and that's a form of homicide and manslaughter. >> there's a big range when it comes to manslaughter itself, right. involuntary, accidental, or intentional. how does that range work? >> absolutely. we hear of first degree mur, that's when you intentionally kill somebody. you point a gun, want to kill them, fire the gun. we're looking at manslaughter or reckless manslaughter. what you did was so grossly negligent and reckless that you
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should have anticipated somebody died. an analogy might have been you dropped a brick off the building. you weren't aiming but you hit a person. a medical context here is that the doctor was so grossly negligent and the drugs he prescribed caused jackson's death. that's the form of manslaughter. >> let's hear about what dr. murray said. this is his attorney. he said much of what was in the search warrant was factual. the timeline when he spoke to them is what they prescribed and when. he talks about trying to wean him off of propofol. he was afraid he would become addicted in the six-month period he was treating him for insomnia. he started to mix in other drugs, valium, ativan. very powerful sedatives. however, much is police theory. they're saying where he claims he left the room to make a series of phone calls. he said, wait a minute, he never said he did that. he didn't do that.
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>> there was an indication that he went to the bathroom sometime after propofol was administered to michael jackson. it looks like a doctor who's desperately trying to change the meds on michael jackson. why is michael jackson receiving these medications in the first place? he's -- why is he receiving versed, ativan, valium, propofol. these are powerful drugs. he's getting them at home to go to sleep at night. so i don't think you have to look at the timeline. you say why are these being administered in a home setting without proper backup. i think dr. murray has a problem. >> what's the defense? in part of the documents, he says at the insistence of his client, right? it was clearly -- he was not able to fall asleep is what it seems like because he was administering another drug or a few milligrams this or that over a half-hour period. is it defense? he asked for it. he demanded this? >> no, that's not a defense at all. if you think about this case,
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michael jackson is saying, hey, i can't get to sleep. so he brings in a bazooka in the form of the drug regiment given by this doctor to treat what a condition grandma used to give you warm milk for. michael jackson referred to the propofol as his milk. it has to do with the milky appearance of propofol. he's referring to the fact that grandmothers used to give warm milk to go to sleep. a doctor administering propofol we use only in operating room, occasionally in doctor's office, but clearly with proper supervision, not without the right supervision. it's clearly a case -- i think of medical negligence. whether it rises to the criminal level remains to be seen. >> reports from the coroner as well. thanks so much. >> nice to see you.
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go to now 22 minutes after the hour. christine romans, minding your business. this morning at 9:00, the president will be coming out to announce he's renominating ben bernanke to the fed chair. >> i didn't think there would be news on the president's vacation. >> always news. >> i don't think bill clinton went a week in martha's vineyard without something happening? >> he still doesn't go a week without something happening. sorry, bill, mr. president. the sub prime mortgage crisis picked up steam, remember, in 2007, ben bernanke asked point blank many, many times. look, is this sub prime problem going to be something we should be concerned about in the economy. he said, no. this is what he assured us in may, 2007. listen -- we do not expect significant spillovers from the sub prime market to the rest of the economy or to the financial system. >> could we put the truth-o-meter on that one? >> that's the pants on fire, i think. he was wrong, a lot of people were wrong. he succeeded a fed chairman,
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greenspan, hailed as a maestro for everything he did, an unrivalled period of prosperity for the american economy people know i it was prosperity on paper and the fed chief is trying to fix it up. this is what chris dodd has to say -- he runs it banking committee, basically. he says chairman bernanke was too slow to act in the early stages of the foreclosure crisis but ultimately demonstrated effective leadership and reappointment sends the right signal to the market. you'll see a qualified support for this fed chairman. he's been nominated -- will be nominated by the president for another go. there will be confirmation hearings. but he was too slow to react or understand, really, the magnitude of the crisis in the beginning like a lot of people. he reacted aggressively, creatively pumping $1.3 trillion of liquidity, printing money and flooding the system to a lot of different means with money to prevent something really terrible from happening. now the big question for this guy -- if he is confirmed,
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people think he will be -- he's got to pull that back. wille's got to pull it back without tipping his back into -- into trouble. but also doing it quickly enough so that we don't spark inflation. he's got a big job ahead. sounds like the president doesn't want to switch forces midstream. >> it's interesting because he's a student of -- he studied the great depression and where they went wrong, reacting too slowly and pulling back too quickly. so he knows the tight wire rope. he knows the act. he has to make it happen. >> the sound bite we played for you, you'll hear many, many senators reading it back to him in confirmation hearings saying, hmm, you didn't get it quickly enough. how can you fix it on the way out? >> christine romans, minding your business this morning. thank you so much. we're expecting an announcement from ben bernanke from the vineyard at 9:00 a.m. eastern. see it here on cnn and they taste fresh... say it again! what? say it like, "mmmm, these healthy choice fresh mixers taste freshh!!" they taste fresh...
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wait. what are you doing? got it. you're secretly taping me? you were good too! but you know, it wasn't a secret to us, we knew... yes, but it was a secret to me. of course, otherwise i would be sitting like this and completely block his shot. so that's why i was like... didn't you notice this was weird? no. they taste fresh because you make them fresh. healthy choice fresh mixers. and unlock the freshness of the outdoors... for your indoor cat... fueling an exhilarating adventure. each entrée is bursting with high-quality protein plus wholesome grain and garden greens. specially formulated to promote hairball control ...and healthy weight. friskies indoor wet cat food. feed the senses. now turn treat time into party time with friskies party mix cat treats. get the party started! and you know what, it works. nutrisystem for men: flexible new programs personalized to meet your goals. what's great about nutrisystem is you eat the foods you love
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and you lose weight. i'm dan marino. i lost 22 pounds on nutrisystem and i've kept it off for three years. for a limited time, get an extra three weeks of meals free! that's right, you can get an extra 21 breakfasts, lunches, dinners, desserts, and snacks. that's 105 meals free! i had awesome results. i mean, i lost 22 pounds, my goal was 20, it came off fast, and the food was great. it's what every guy's been waiting for: it's healthy weight loss and it's flexible. with prices as low as $12 a day, you'll save hundreds over other weight-loss programs. order now and get an extra three weeks of fantastic meals. that's right, 105 meals absolutely free. call or click now. guys, you can do this. just pick up the phone and call. you will lose weight. welcome back to the most news in the morning. 27 minutes past the hour.
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new fallout over this shocking report from 2004 about cia tactics behind closed doors. now, declassified. in it, details of bush-era interrogation including an account where one detainee was told, we're going to kill your children. attorney general eric holder is launching an investigation to see whether the spy agency broke the law. our elaine kehano join us from the washington bureau. remind people back in 2004, we're learning about it now some five years later. >> this is part of the lawsuit that was filed by the american civil liberties union, kiran. eric holder as you noted now asked a review of whether the bush administration broke the law and his decision was influenced by the newly released cia report. >> reporter: interrogators threatened to kill the children of khalcakhalid sheik muhammed.
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the 2004 cia report partially redacted said, quote, according to the interrogators, the blank interrogators said to khalid sheik muhammed that if anything else happens in the united states, we're going to kill your children. the report reveal aztec unique not previously disclosed that an interrogat interrogator, quote, reportedly used a pressure point technique with both his hands on the detainees neck, blank manipulated his fingers to restrict the carotid artery until the detainee started to pass out. new information about a gun and power drill used to scare al-nashiri suspected of planning the bombing on the u.s.s. cole. the debriefer entered the cell where al nashiri sat shackled and racked the handgun once or twice next to his head. later, the briefer entered the detainee's cell and revved the
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drill while the detainee stood naked and hooded. it comes after a lawsuit with the american civil liberties union calling the details outrageous. >> if threatening a prisoner with an electric drill isn't torture, not sure it is. >> a report suggests water boarding got khalid shaikh mohammed to talk saying, he quote provided only a few intelligence reports prior to the use of the waterboard. late monday, the government released other declassified revised arguments showing cheney would argue that the interrogation program saved lives. the cia analysis says information from the detainee interrogation helped thwart a number of al qaeda plots and the arrests disrupted the plan in process. what's not clear from the heavily redacted documents, the controversial techniques like waterboarding. in a sign of the political
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pressure around this issue, the aclu said it's disappointed with the attorney general's decision not to launch a full investigation calling a preliminary review without a commitment to prosecution, quote, simply anemic. kiran? elaine quijano for more on that. stay with us. 8:10, we'll talk about the contributor and homeland security advisor to president bush, frances townsend and peter broox brooks on the most news in the morning. top stories this morning. experts are predicting an alarming number of americans could get sick from the swine flu. new figures from the president's advisory panel that sahhaf of all americans could catch the h1n1 virus and 90,000 americans could die. again, that's worst case scenario. cash for clunkers -- the program is over. after a website for dealers to submit so much paperwork with so
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much activity it crashed, the deadline is extended. car dealers have until noon today to file their paperwork. a sweet tooth could lead to a heart attack. the american heart association warning that if you consume more than 22 teaspoons of sugar each day, that's dangerous. new guidelines called for women to have no more than six teaspoonfuls a day. men should have no more than nine. that's just one teaspoon than a single can of soda. the first family is on vacation. no rest in washington. the debate on health care going strong. the department is investigating bush-era interrogation tactics. joining us now is joe klein. a couple of hot things to talk about. let's start with the detainee abuse. eric holder apointing a special prosecutor to look in to an alleged unauthorized and inhumane practices against detainees according to the ci
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a's inspector general's report. republicans are worried that this could be a witch hunt that goes up the chain of command. but other people believe it needs to have a wide net cast. david cole, who wrote the book, the torture memo said in "the new york times" -- to investigate line interrogators without investigating those who committed the, quote, original sin authorizing the cia to use cruel, tactics in the first place is is subjugating the true responsibility. start at the top of the ladder, joe? >> it needs to start at the top rather than the bottom. the big problem is the bottom of the ladder we have a clandestine service in the united states right now doing important things. we don't want those people to believe they can be called on the carpet. there's a real morale problem at the cia. those people need to be protected. the problem here is that people at the top of the bush administration were violating
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international rules of law by using these torture techniques. and that's where the -- the -- any investigation has to focus. not on the troops, but on the leaders. >> but what do you think? the white house want this? they're trying to push health care reform through? is this going to overshadow their agenda? >> i don't think the white house wants this at all. there are some things that are unavoidable when you've had an administration like the bush administration that clearly oversteps the line. yes, i'm sure this is the last thing that the president wants to have clouding an already difficult august. >> joe, at the same time the inspector general's report comes out, the two memos that former vice president dick cheney was urging the cia to release came out. suggesting they did glean some very good information from interrogations of these detainees. though it did not point directly because the document was so heavily redacted as to whether or not they got them from enhanced interrogation.
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>> i think there's a big debate about that. there's been a big debate between the fbi and cia about what's the best way to elicit information is. i mean, it's long been a technique that if you want to -- you need to get control of the person you're interrogating in some way. and in the middle east, they might show the guy picture of his wife without saying we're going to kill your wife. it seems to me that our techniques were a little bit more gross than -- than were necessary. >> let's switch gears to health care here. during the recess, republicans have been vehemently opposing the democratic plans that are out there. conservative commentator fred barnes thinks the republican party is on a roll right now because of all of that. he wrote, quote, republicans are discovering how effective an opposition party can be in washington. the strategy is simply aggressively and relentlessly oppose the liberal agenda of the president and the democratic congress. as a result, barack obama's agenda is in jeopardy, the
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president is disconcerted, less popular, and on the defensive. the republicans are with the sound strategy. you're saying there's nihilism rampant in the republican party. >> listen, john, i've been doing this for 40 years now. and in 1993, i, as a columnist, i supported the republican health care plan as opposed to the clinton health care plan. i thought it was a better plan. this year, there is no republican health care plan. and the things that the republicans are isolating to oppose aren't in any of the democratic plans. this is nihilism. this is pure destructive political behavior and it's preventing us from having a really serious conversation about a major, major issue. now, i think that this is just temporary. i think, again, it's august. i think that in the fall, you're going to get a health care bill that most -- you know, that the democrats will vote for. it probably won't be everything that the president wants. but i -- i find it hard to
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imagine that even -- the republicans would vote for a plan that would reform the insurance industry, prevent insurers from dropping you if you have a pre-existing condition, so forth. and in 2010, you know, president obama will be able to go to the country and say, look, insurers can't drop you anymore because of the work we did. i think that to just judge as fred barnes is doing on the basis of this difficult moment in the midst of the sausage making is way, way premature. >> always great to catch up with you. thanks for coming in today. >> my pleasure. >> much appreciated. sometimes, people end up being the victims of the blogs. people besmirch them, say bad things about them. maybe the reputation is at stake. this one went to court. model, blogger versus google. who won? jason carroll up next.
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we come welcome back to the most news in the morning. fashion models are used to being, i don't know -- sometimes -- well, they're used to the harsh realities of modelling, right? and sometimes the cattiness that takes place behind the scenes. after an anonymous blogger gave one model the title of skank -- okay to say that on national television? and the model sued, what happened next turned the blog sphere upside down. is it the end of anonymity for
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bloggers. >> it opens the door on how private you think you are. this one young woman learned a valuable lesson. who was the anonymous blogger who started this whole thing. now her name, no longer a secret. she used harsh language to describe a model. she says that language and her identity should have been protected. >> reporter: it's the kind of photo spread no model would want, featured on a blog called skanks in new york city, former vogue cover girl ended up on the blog telling campbell brown she was determined to find out who was behind putting her there. >> i wanted it gone. i didn't want it to be there for the rest of my life. and i knew the only way for it to be gone was to call my lawyer. >> reporter: she's not the only one calling a lawyer. so is the woman behind the blog, rosemary court, a 29-year-old fashion student and casual
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acquaintance of cohen. her attorney says she's the real victim. >> i not only feel my client is wrong, it sets precedent anyone with money and power can get the identity of anyone who decides to be an anonymous blogger. >> reporter: court's name released after a judge sided with cohen who sued google to reveal information about the anonymous blogger. the court rejected the claim that blogs like hers serve as a modern day forum for conveying personal opinions and shouldn't be regarded as fact. >> the court said, look, there was specific evidence that this one person may have libelled another person. in that circumstance, we're going to disclose that name. >> reporter: google says it complied with court orders saying we have a legal team whose job it is to scrutinize these requests and make sure they meet not only the letter but the spirit of the law. court still says google should have kept her name private and plans on suing google for $15 million.
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cohen's attorney says he can't believe court's nerve. >> her being a victim here? i have trouble understanding that. in its entirety. >> reporter: web watchers like "wired" magazine's nicholas thompson say, this is a lesson for all anonymous bloggers. >> some of the effects will be good. people will recognize, wait a second, the law applies to the blogo sphere. some say it will be good. maybe they shouldn't publish things that won't be good for society. >> court says she should have had a chance to appeal the decision before information was revealed. cohen's attorney could have been avoided if she had just apologized. cohen called port after she learned about who she was and said, look, if i eve done anything to warrant this, i'm sorry. >> she's the one to apologized. being a little facetious about it. >> in the end, she wanted the pictures taken down.
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she wanted that whole thing taken down. did she get that? >> she got what she wanted. she feels as though in some ways her reputation has been damaged. >> very interesting story, jason. thanks so much. should bloggers' identities be private? and is freedom of speech protected on line. we want you to sound off on our blog for us at we have a couple of good comments. we're going to read some in a moment. 43 minutes past the hour. (announcer) illness doesn't care where you live... ...or if you're already sick... ...or if you lose your job.
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good morning, kansas city. it's sunny and very pleasant right now. just 69 degrees later on today. mostly sunny with a high of 88. rob marciano tracking the extreme weather across the country. got storms delaying the shuttle. and got tropical weather out there. rob's coming in for us. good morning, rob. good morning, guys. tranquil weather across much of the country. except down south and the tropics, offshore but on shore. florida looking like the florida radar in august. a little bit of that especially around the peninsula itself. they scrubbed the shuttle launch as you know due to weather. a lot of weather criteria they have to meet. clouds and thunderstorms in the vicinity. that's what got them last night. they may see something similar to that tonight. 1:10 a.m. tonight. shortly after midnight. the forecast more of the
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scattered showers and the thunderstorms around the launch pad. so the nasa space flight forecaster giving about a 30% probability of no go for launch. and yesterday at this time, they gave it 20% probability of that. we'll see what happens as we go through that. speaking of tropics, we have a tropical wave getting bigger and looking impressive. san juan, puerto rico. getting to the bahamas now. national weather thinks this is one of two chances developing in a tropical depression, a tropical storm. what it has to do we have to wait and see. it's close to the u.s. today's highlights, a front across the great lakes. this front -- if that thing does develop, this would act like the front. that could be our saving grace if we get later to the week. 88, tampa, 88, atlanta, 85 in new york city. another beautiful late summer. warm day for you guys in the big apple. back to you.
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>> gorgeous weather. thanks so much, rob. every friday, rob on the road for rob's road show. whe where's he going next? the dog's day show in mystic, connecticut. off of the beaten path, not close to the golf courses in vermont, rob? send us your suggestions. >> hanging out with the doggies up there. >> the golf course he really loves is just around the corner from there so -- a fine hand hofstra teenlgic planning. >> he finds a way to work in some extracurricular fun regardless of where he goes. >> why not? >> sure thing. speaking of fun and work at the same time, sanjay is in dublin, ireland. he's taking a look at ireland's health care system, what works, what doesn't. and are there any lessons being learned about how countries have made it work or face challenges? 48 minutes after the hour.
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there's no way to hide it. sir, have you been drinking tonight? if you ride drunk, you will get caught... and you will get arrested.
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welcome back to the most news in the morning, it's 52 minutes past the hour right now. with all of the fighting over health care reform, we often hear comparisons. could we learn any lessons from that? like canada, sometimes the netherlands. >> sanjay gupta is in ireland for a cancer conference, a country where universal coverage may not even be enough. >> reporter: hey, john and kiran, i am at the global cancer summit here in dublin, ireland, but i couldn't help but think about health care reform back home. about five years ago, ireland found itself in the same position the united states is in now, trying to reform their health care system. so i took advantage of a unique opportunity to sit down with the health minister and find out where ireland stands now, what went right, and what went wrong. in ireland, everyone has access to health care, via a taxed public plan. but half choose to spend additional money on a private plan.
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>> why does that happen? if you have access to the public system, it is not good enough for 50% of the people like you say? >> they do it for choice or choice of doctor or choice of accommodation, better quality accommodation, single room and private hospitals, for example. speedier access in many cases, more routine and procedures can be done more quickly. >> in the public sector, one can wait up to three years for a hip replacement or a corneal lens transplant. >> reporter: says many waiting lists have been cut from years to a few months, but tough choices have to be made. >> if you look at the silos how they predicated health care reform, decreasing cost and increasing access, can you do both? if you increase access, can you decrease costs across the board, as well? >> well, it's possible only if you reduce the number of procedures or the cost of those procedures. >> some will say that's
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rationing. >> no matter how much money you put into health, no matter how good your system is, you'll always have more patients than capacity at any one time and it's a question of how quickly can you prioritize the treatment for all patients? whether they're urgent or not so urgent. >> reporter: no matter what country you're from, ireland or the united states, it comes down to cost. >> some people say the medicare system in the united states is going broke, it'll be broke by 2017, it's very expensive and hard to maintain budgets. same problem here in ireland? >> yes, and we have -- we spent -- this year we would spend over 40% of the money we will raise in taxation on public health care. >> 40%? >> it's an incredible amount of money. and therefore if we're going to do that within existing budgets, then wuf to get smarter in the way we provide treatment. >> john and kiran, it's worth pointing out that every doctor in ireland has to accept all types of insurance, including public insurance. the minister thinks things have
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gotten better over the last five years. waiting times are shorter and everyone is now insured. but as you can see, it has come with tremendous cost. john and kiran, back to you. >> sanjay gupta for us in dublin. >> people are still opting to buy additional private insurance to get better coverage. >> same thing in england, there are two separate health care systems. the national and there's a private system because people didn't like the original one. there's some of that in canada going on, as well. there's something going on in washington. the attorney general eric holder is appointing a special prosecutor to look into cia interrogations conducted after 9/11. we've got fran townsend, as well as peter brooks, a former cia officer coming up to talk more about this in a few minute's time. 55 1/2 minutes after the hour. 90s slacker hip-hop. ♪ singer: buckle up, everybody 'cause pu're taking a ride ♪
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all you see is tree tops in the ball field there as we look at central park this morning. new york city, it's 58 minutes past the hour. today, it's going to go up to a high of 84, pretty pleasant for late august. right now it's 71 degrees out there. and welcome back to the most news in the morning. if you like to eat organic, don't mind spending a little more money, whole foods is the place to go. now they're in the middle of a big health care reform debate after the ceo wrote an editorial and now people are boycotting whole foods. we're looking into the controversy this morning. >> reporter: many who shop at whole foods say it's easy to justify spending a little extra money to feel you're staying healthy and may be living longer. so why are so many people so upset? >> boycott whole foods! >> reporter: price isn't the problem, at issue is the an editorial appearing on the conservative opinion page written by the chief executive officer john macky, he argues
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universal health care is no more right than food or shelter. >> this is about a ceo using one of the most progressive brands in this country to murder any discussion of health care reform and health insurance reform. >> reporter: among macky's suggestions, deregulation, medicare reform, and allowing higher deductibles, positions advocated by john mccain and conservative groups. mark rosenthal is a former whole foods loyalist, using facebook, twitter, and other social media he says he's recruited more than 27,000 people to boycott whole foods saying the ceo has betrayed the idea that helped build the chain. >> it's a brand built up by progressive dollars being used as a trojan horse for some of the most discredited lies that we have poisoning this debate on health care, lies about
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deregulation, lies about people who are sick not taking personal responsibilities. >> reporter: whole foods provided a statement saying the chain "has no official company-wide position on the health care reform issue and that the ceo was expressing his own viewpoints and providing constructive ideas to support reform as president obama invited america to do." so how badly will the boycott hurt sales if at all? >> my money says i should give it to someone else in support of health care. >> it wouldn't stop me from b buying. people are allowed their opinions. >> reporter: he is encouraging people who want to make a difference to hand out copies of the editorial at whole foods stores across the country and let shoppers vote with their wallets. cnn, new york. >> all right, deb, thanks so much. and good morning to you once again on tuesday, august 25th, i'm kiran chetry. >> i'm john roberts, thanks for joining us, and here are the big stories we'll be breaking down
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for you in the next 15 minutes. a chilling time line laid out, drug after drug after drug. court documents show the coroner in los angeles found a fatal dose of the powerful drug propofol killed jackson and his own doctor gave it to him. there are reports the singer's death may be ruled a homicide. we'll have the story from los angeles just ahead. the federal government trying to prepare for the worst-case scenario when it comes to swine flu. experts are predicting an alarming number of americans will get sick and die in the coming months because of swine flu saying half of all americans could catch the h1n1 virus and 90,000 americans could die from it. he printed up $1 trillion new get us out of a recession. and about an hour, president obama is expected to nominate ben bernanke to another term as chief of the federal reserve. what could this mean for your
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bottom line? the cnn money team is all over this one this morning. also this morning, the white house taking the cia out of the terror interrogation business. the move coming after a report that was made public revealing a laundry list of interrogation techniques. it's feared that some in the fbi even say it went too far. in a moment, we're going to look at whether the cia's treatment of terror suspects was tough but necessary or just plain criminal? but first, after weeks of speculation, we begin the hour with the cause of death of michael jackson. showed the singer overdosed on the powerful drug propofol, a drug never should be given out of an operating room. and the singer's own physician gave him the deadly dose. our selma gutierrez has the hour by hour breakdown leading up to his death. >> reporter: an unsettling
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picture of what investigators believe took place in the hours leading up to michael jackson's death. this 32-page document released in texas reveals lethal levels of the powerful drug propofol in michael jackson's blood at the time of death. the police affidavit says dr. conrad murray, jackson's personal physician told detectives he had been treating the star for insomnia for six weeks, giving him an iv drip with 60 milligrams of propofol every night. murray put together other combinations of drugs that succeeded in putting jackson to sleep for two nights prior to his death. on june 25th, when those drugs failed, murray told detectives what he did hour by hour. murray says he monitored jackson's vital signs the entire time. according to documents at 10:40
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a.m. after repeated requests and demands from jackson, murray administered 25 milligrams of propofol and jackson finally went to sleep. after ten minutes, murray says he went to the bathroom and was gone for two minutes. when he returned, he says, jackson was no longer breathing. murray said he administered cpr until paramedics arrived, but those efforts proved futile. his attorneys released a statement saying much of in the warrant is factual. it was not obtained through interviews as was implied by the affidavit. >> thanks so much. dr. conrad murray remains the target of an investigation. he has not been charged, but reports the coroner is ruling jackson's death a homicide makes it likely that murray soon could face charges, and if that is the case, what does it mean for the
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doctor? our anderson cooper spoke to jeffrey toobin about that. >> from a legal standpoint, a homicide, does that mean -- could dr. murray be charged with manslaughter, murder? >> it means legally taking the life of another. it means michael jackson did not die of natural causes, he was not a suicide, it means the government has concluded that someone else killed him. there are a wide variety of charges within homicide. intentional homicide, you can get the death penalty for. negligent homicide is a much less serious crime, it's an unintentional negligent killing. certainly he seems to be in that end of the spectrum. no one seems to suggestion that conrad murray intentionally -- >> but doing something medically unsound, he could be charged with what second-degree murder? >> no, it would be some version of manslaughter. an unintentional killing. but you can still go to prison for several years.
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keep in mind, though, that these sorts of medical situations, it's very rare they give rise to criminal charges. malpractice suits, yes, losing your medical license, yes, but an actual criminal case resulting in jail sentence, very unusual. >> murray insisted he did nothing wrong. and in a video he released last week he said he has faith that the truth will prevail. and more in a developing story. a frightening worst-case scenario for the swine flu if it surfaces this fall as expected. now predicting that half of all americans could catch the h1n1 virus in the next few months. but in even more disturbing number, 90,000 americans could potentially die from it. that's more than double the number of deaths in an average flu season. cnn's senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen is in atlanta with more details. these numbers are pretty alarming. just so we're clear, this is the worst-case scenario, correct? >> correct, and i'm so glad you
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pointed that out. there are a range of things that could happen this fall and winter, what you said is the worst-case scenario. let's take a look at that range. what this reports says there could be 30,000 to 90,000 deaths from swine flu alone this year and usually seasonal flu kills about 36,000 people. so you can see sort of where it falls, what the perspective is. now let's take a look at illness. this report says between 30% and 50% of americans will become ill from swine flu in a normal year between 5% and 20% become ill from regular flu. so here's the bottom line, kiran. there is no question that this flu season has a huge potential to be worse than other flu seasons because you have two types of flu running around. you have regular seasonal flu that comes every year plus you have swine flu. the big question is how many people will get sick and how many will die?
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the answer is nobody really knows. >> do we have any idea. we keep hearing it could be strong, when we saw the cases this past spring, it didn't turn out to be as virulent as a virus as it could be. how do they know come fall? >> they don't. for example, one thing that's already happened that was totally unpredicted, swine flu never went away. it has been with us this entire summer. it's killed more than 500 people since it's been around in april. you're right, they don't know. it could resurge in a big, big way, and we could see those 90,000 deaths, or it could come back and sort of stake its claim but kill 30,000 people, still that's 30,000 people dead, we don't know. >> and again, the situation right now with the vaccinations, i understand that the federal government is trying to undertake this huge initiative to go from, you know, recently developing it to getting it out to as many people as possible in quite a short amount of time.
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how do we figure that out as consumers and as patients? >> here we are end of august and they're still studying this vaccine and hope to give this vaccine to maybe even half the population between the months of october and december. so yes, that is doing it certainly in a quick way, but that's the only way they say they can stem the tide of swine flu. so consumers are -- people are going to have to make a decision. do you want the vaccine? and don't you? i'll tell you if swine flu comes back or actually never left, but if we see this huge number of people dying and getting sick from swine flu, i suspect there will be a huge demand for the vaccine. >> and meanwhile, what do you do to prevent catching seasonal flu and swine flu? >> right, it's all the same thing, and it's pretty much what your mom told you. first of all, wash your hands frequently because often it is spread person to person by hands. you can use soap and water or hand sanitizer. don't go out of the house if you're sick, don't go to school and don't go to work. and also cough into your sleeve,
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do not cough or sneeze into your hand. those are three big things to remember. >> thanks. >> thanks. the attorney general points a special prosecutor to look into cia interrogation tactics. will criminal charges fall out of this? we'll find out. 10 minutes after the hour. pr tif you're an avid golfer andr want gps to show . your distance from the green, there's an app for that. if you're an avid baseball fan and want to catch a game-winning run live-there's an app for that.
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welcome back to the most news in the morning. how far is too far to prevent another terrorist attack? eric holder has asked john durham to find out.
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the request follows the release of a report describing the worst of the alleged interrogations, including threatening suspected terrorists children, mock executions, threatening with handgun, power drill, and more. joining me now to talk more about this, peter brooks, a former cia official, and fran townsend, a former security adviser to george w. bush, now a national security contributor for cnn. folks, thanks for being with us. and fran, let's start with you, the results of this report, well-known inside government circles for about five years now, shocking to the public, words like unauthorized and inhumane practices being used against detainees, do you think there's possible criminal charges involved in here? >> well, john, when we look at the real question before the justice department, it is did the things that were done go beyond the authorization given by the office of legal council and the justice department? john, it's worth noting as you say the report is four or five years ago inside the government, and during that time, career
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prosecutors looked at the report, weighed it against the determinations and already made a determination the prosecution's not appropriate. attorney general holder reopened that and asked a new set of prosecutors to do this again, and that's what people feel is inherently basically unfair to the officers at cia who already been put through this ringer. >> the argument would go against some critics of that is the bush white house protects itself and you put it in the realm of a different white house, maybe they'll come up with a different conclusion. but peter, in terms of what fran said, did the interrogations go beyond the guidelines? clearly according to the inspector general's report it would seem that answer is yes. >> well, i can't judge that. i wasn't there in the room, i didn't read the guidelines myself. my bigger concern, john, is the effect it's going to have on our ability to prosecute, to undertake intelligence operations today. i think this is going to have a
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chilling effect, and i see the obama administration at war with the cia. i think this opens a lot of problems or creates a lot of problems for our folks out there. i think some of these cia officers today, the ones in the field today are wondering if they need to get the terrorists or get a lawyer. i don't see this as really advancing what we want to do and see it as a major policy flip-flop. when obama went to cia he said, look, things happened in the past, we're going to leave them in the past and move forward. i think this is really picking a scab that i think was on its way to healing. >> fran, we remember back in 2006 in a hypothetical scenario, former president bill clinton said "we get lucky, the number three guy in al qaeda and we know there's a big bombing going off in america in three days and this guy knows where it is, don't we have the right and responsibility to beat it out of him?" and there were a couple cia memos that dick cheney requested be released, those were released. cheney said the documents released monday clearly demonstrates that the individual
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subjected to enhanced interrogation techniques provided the bulk of intelligence we gained about al qaeda, this saved lives and prevented terrorist attacks. so when you look at what former president clinton said and what former vice president cheney said about the enhanced interrogation, is there a whole lot of daylight between those two things? >> well, you know, john, let's be honest, this is the conversation we have the luxury of having now in 2009 because we're nearly eight years without another terrorist attack on this country. it's easy eight years later to sit on the couch and quarterback a game that happened eight years ago. people felt under tremendous pressure to protect this country. and director panetta is very concerned. in his memo to the cia workforce yesterday he rightly says, look, we've been through this. what i'm focussed on is going forward and honoring the mission to protecting the american people against threats today. i really worry, john, not only about the morale at cia and cia officers, but our foreign intelligence partners. you know, i still travel around
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the world in the middle east and they say now if you can't keep your own secrets and protect your own people, why should we share counterterrorism information with you? that's a real problem. >> at the same time, all of this information came out, the white house announced the creation of a new high-value detainee interrogation group, based at the fbi, watched over by the national security council. are they saying to the cia you're out of the interrogation business? and if they are, what kind of effect does that have on national security? >> well, i don't know what motivated this, john, but you can on the surface say it was another swipe at the cia saying we don't trust you to carry out interrogations. i think the obama administration was saying we're so unhappy in what happened in the past that we're going to move that responsibility away, put it with the fbi and then have oversight responsibilities from the national security council. i don't think there's going to be operational responsibilities to have a national security council nor should there be. but again, this is another swipe at the cia, but at the same
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time, they think they're pointing out there were mistakes made, they want to say they're trying to improve the situation. once again, i think it's going to have an effect on the morale, and there's going to be people concerned about intelligence. >> is there something said for the argument that it didn't work the old way, there needs to be a new way and this is the way we think it can be done best. >> i'm not sure there's any evidence to suggest it didn't work the old way. and that is, you know, the fbi because it objected to bush administration interrogation policies did not participate. you now have a task force with all of the agencies, law enforcement and intelligence will all apply the army field manual, they're going to apply the same rules, share information, coordinate and follow-up leads and to the exent that happens and the implementation of this task force, that will be a positive thing. >> good to talk to you this morning. thanks for joining by. ben bernanke, fed chairman getting the nod for a second
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term. our christine romans is going to talk about what people are saying. is he the man to help guide us back on the road to prosperity? it's 19 minutes past the hour. introducing new nutrisystem d, the clinically tested program for losing weight and reducing blood sugar. hi i'm mike, and i lost 100 pounds on nutrisystem d when i was first diagnosed with diabetes, that first step was more like a giant leap. till i discovered nutrisystem d. in a clinical study people on nutrisystem d lost 16 times more weight and reduced their blood sugar 5 times more than those on a hospital-directed plan. plus a1c was reduced .9%. choose from over 140 menu options, there is no counting carbs, calories or points. i lost 100 lbs. and lowered my blood sugar level. nutrisystem d changed my life. mike is one of many who have lost weight and controlled their diabetes with new nutrisystem d. backed by 35 years of research and low glycemic index science nutrisystem d works. satisfaction guaranteed or your money back!
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22 minutes past the hour. the music coming right in on us. we had a small coffee collision, as well. >> john just cleaned up the whole mess. if we didn't tell you, you would never know. >> it smells like colombia in here. >> i figured i should clean it up. >> christine romans joins us now, we're talking all morning about the appointment or reappointment of the fed chair. and who is supporting it and what it means moving forward.
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>> speaking of clean-up, this is the clean-up man, ben bernanke, the president expected to renominate him for a second four-year term. what are the criticisms is that he was slow to realize the magnitude of the problem, but then once he did, he was aggressive and creative in ways to try to clean it up. i want you to listen to something he said may 17th, 2007, when we were all asking what's going to happen with this subprime problem? >> we do not expect significant spillovers for the rest of the economy or to the financial system. >> and of course now we know there was incredible spillover, historic spillover. and the depression, the depression expert ben bernanke who signed on in 2006 ended up presiding over something that he was trying to prevent another depression, irony of all ironies, now the big question for him, will he be able to help unwind all of this so we don't have further problems down the road? chris dodd is the chairman of the powerful senate banking committee. he said he was too slow to work
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during the early stages but ultimately demonstrated effectiveness and his reappointment sends the right statement to the markets. >> do you have a romans' numeral? >> i certainly do and the number is 1937, remember it well. 1937, and the significance of this roman numeral, this is an important year in the depression. the depression was two big horrible spikes. 1937 after the economy started to recover, there had been a lot of emergency measures as they began to take away the measures, there were blunders and we went boom, right back down. 1937 is the people like ben bernanke, like the president of the united states, like every economist and business leader in this country, 1937 is the number they are afraid of. they don't want to happen to us again. >> you spoke yesterday of rabini, right the double dip recession, meaning you start to
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climb out of it and boom, you drop back down. >> it's incredibly important to keep his team in place, ben bernanke who started this whole thing. and look, he's got a lot of depression experts around him, christina romer, and now they have to make sure we don't make it worse. >> let's hope, fingers crossed. christine, thanks so much. and don't forget, president obama expected to nominate ben bernanke at 9:00 a.m. eastern, you can see that right here on cnn. and we talk about the health care debate, a lot of people vocally opposed, in many cases seniors, some of them worried about what any changes would mean to them. well, it looks like some are taking it out on the aarp and dumping their membership. we're going to talk to somebody who did that and also to a former aarp board chair about what's going on. taking its rightful place
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in a long line of amazing performance machines. this is the new e-coupe. this is mercedes-benz.
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this week marks four years after hurricane katrina took its deadly toll on new orleans. and in many places across the city, the wounds are still fresh. in our special after the storm series, our dr. sanjay gupta found the city's medical system is piecing itself back together. and it's doing it one clinic at a time. >> reporter: four years ago, katrina unhinged new orleans,
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homes, people, buildings bruised and battered along with a medical system destroyed. an icon of that system charity hospital today is still closed. but out of the wood work, in unorthodox places, the community is responding. what does community-based therapy look like here in new orleans? well, you're looking at it. this used to be somebody's home but is now an outpatient clinic. let's go take a look. >> so this is your house? >> yes. >> used to be your house? >> yes, now a clinic. i still own it, but it's the clinic now. the lower ninth ward health clinic. >> reporter: before the storm, she was a nurse at charity hospital. >> i had water to the ceiling here in this home. >> there was water to the ceiling? >> to the ceiling. >> it's so hard to imagine. >> oh, yeah, the first time i saw it, it looked like a time bomb had hit it. >> reporter: the triage area
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used to be a den, her old bedroom, more exam rooms. she built the clinic alongside a friend, another nurse at charity. >> the first patient that walked through the door was so ill, that we had to send her to the emergency room, but what that did was that confirmed our belief that we needed to be here. >> reporter: the days are long. the two nurses alongside two part-time doctors, two medical assistants care for about 80 patients every week. and the to the patient even those without insurance, funded in part by medicaid and donations. across town, under a bridge, a free therapeutic drum circle. >> we've had an increase in mental illness from the storm with a decrease in providers and a decrease in hospital beds. >> reporter: this is not a cure for depression. but organizers say it's a subtle, non-sigmatizing way to
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give relief. the circle, the clinic, both a response to hemorrhaging hospital budget and an emergency room still to the brim with patients. >> are you going to get to a time when this doesn't need to be a clinic anymore? >> we hope we'll get put out of business, and if that happens, that means we'll have add kuwait health care. >> and a reminder, tune in at this time tomorrow, sanjay will be back in new orleans looking at the lingering effects from hurricane katrina and one group's effort to help residents cope four years after the storm. 31 minutes past the hour right now. we check our top stories. lightning near kennedy space center forced nasa to scrub the space shuttle launch early this morning, but they're going to go for it again at 1:10 eastern this morning. the shuttle is carrying a new space treadmill for the international space station. in honor of stephen colbert.
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talking about the country's nuclear program according to a report in a south korean newspaper. there has been no comment from the u.s. embassy in seoul yet, but cites a diplomat in washington who says if the american officials come, they could meet with north korean leader kim jong-il. and despite mounting anger, the man who freed the lockerbie bomber is defending his decision and denying any quid pro quo. >> it was based on the laws of scotland and the values i believe we seek to uphold. it was not based on political, diplomatic, or economic considerations. and as a matter of great regret that mr. al megrahi was received in such an inappropriate manner. >> the libyan leader gaddafi
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wants to pitch a tent, i guess you could say in new jersey near the homes of some of the victims' families. there were plans for him to stay in a tent at a libyan-owned estate. a senior is state department official calls it "awful" but as host as the united nations, the u.s. may not be able to stop it. a lot of seniors are concerned about how changes to health care will impact medicare in thing like access to prescription drugs. as this debate rages on, there's a small but local group of seniors who are opposed to president obama's health care reform plan and they're showing that they're disapproving of it by turning in their aarp cards. after the president said aarp was backing the plan, the group said it lost at least 60,000 members, still a small percentage of the 40 million roster, that's despite the fact that the aarp only supports portions of the proposal.
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i'm joined by elaine travis, somebody who gave up her membership and the current board chair for aarp bonnie cramer. thanks so both of you for being with us this morning. as we know, there's been a lot of fiery debate about any health care reform, what it would look like. and elaine, you have been an art member you say for the last eight years and you decided to turn in your -- your membership, to terminate it, why? >> well, because i heard that obama is backing it. and, you know, we've always -- people have suspected and known that aarp is a liberal organization, but it really has come to light with this. and i heard -- on television i heard obama say that the aarp had endorsed it, and i just couldn't believe it. i thought if any organization should be fighting against this health plan, it should be the aarp. and here they were endorsing it. i felt like, you know, they
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should be -- they should be running ads against it, be telling us to go call our congressman, things like that. here they were endorsing it. >> and bonnie, i want to ask you about that because you say that aarp has actually not endorsed a plan. the president did say something that gave many people the impression, though, that aarp was behind health care reform, at least in the current form. do you care to clarify where aarp stands? >> yes. well, aarp has not endorsed any particular plan. there are provisions in several bills that are currently in the congress that aarp does support. but we have not endorsed any plan in congress. as you know, bills are still being put together in congress. so i do want to make it clear, our ceo has made it clear, and we've stated many times in the past weeks that we have not endorsed any plan at this time.
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>> yet elaine said when she called to cancel her membership and said it was because of the support from aarp for the president's plan that the person on the phone didn't deny there was some support. are there portions of it? are you against any portion of it? how are you sort of -- if people call you and say where are you guys coming down on what changes are being proposed? what would you say to your members? >> well, i hope the person who took elaine's call told her how we're fighting to protect medicare. to save medicare for future generations, how we're fighting to lower the prescription drug cost, particularly for people in the infamous donut hole, the coverage gap, and how we're fighting to hold down the out of pocket costs for medicare beneficiaries, which have increased doubled over the past seven years and are projected to do the same in the next seven years. now, yes, there are things that we are not happy with in any bill that has come through congress.
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for example, the bills do not speak to long-term care. that is a major problem for seniors throughout the country who may be caring for someone with alzheimer's disease. so that's a major flaw. another thing that we are very concerned about that is not yet reflected in the bills in congress is we are working hard to bring the cost of prescription drugs down and that includes having generics for buy logic drugs. those have not been spoken to adequately in plan, so those are some of the things we are not happy with. >> i want to ask you about that, elaine, aarp is saying they want to support reform, they want to protect medicare benefits and find ways to lower costs. you say you are on medicare, thought about doing medicare advantage but decided against it. do you trust that perhaps that they were misrepresented and that they are looking out for the best interests of seniors?
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>> well, no, absolutely not. i was going to get into medicare advantage this fall probably. but, you know, it'll probably be gone. what they're doing is just, you know, taking away from medicare they're reducing medicare by $500 billion, and they're going to do away with the medicare advantage plan. you know, that's just disastrous for seniors. and i don't know what aarp is doing. they say they're doing something, i've heard them talk about tort reform, i haven't heard anything they've said, you know, they're trying to do, they just say they are, but what are they doing? they sure aren't contacting their members about it. we don't know anything except that obama even last week said on national tv that the aarp had endorsed it. so what are we to think? >> and elaine, is any of this politically motivated? i know you were a former chair, right, for a precinct chair in dallas for the gop. are you just opposed to many of
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the policies of this current administration? >> no, i'm not against it because it's obama's plan and because i'm on the other side. it's just because it's such a disastrous plan. it's going to lead to a single-payer system if we get this thing in because we know that's what obama eventually is working towards. and with a government bureau, you know, telling someone making life and death decisions for us, we can't have that. we know enough about the canadian system and the great britain system, that's not for america. >> and bonnie, quickly before we go, some seniors who have canceled their memberships are joining the american seniors association, this is a group founded some years ago, a few years ago by somebody who says, who's name is stewart barton said it was founded on conservative values and they believe that the current legislation attacks baby boomers and seniors and any type of employer mandate would kill jobs. do you worry there's any type of
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competition coming from other groups who perhaps may represent more of what some seniors are looking for in terms of where they stand on these health care issues? >> well, let me say first that i hope we can gain the trust of elaine back as she watches us work over the next few months. but, you know, kiran, we have faced aarp tough choices before. in 2003, as we fought to get prescription drug benefits for medicare beneficiaries, we had one party in congress very angry with us at that time, the democrats. in 2005, we pushed back hard on the president's attempts to privatize social security. at that time, we had the republicans very angry with us, and we lost members during both of those battles, but we gained those members and more once those battles were over and people saw the benefits. so we're confident, aarp has a long history, a 50-year history
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of doing what's right for seniors and we'll continue to work to make health care reform something that does serve seniors and that most importantly protects medicare. >> we've got to go, but elaine, would you consider joining aarp again? >> no, i feel like this obama is trying to force this health care plan through. and he is not listening to ordinary people. and he's certainly not listening to the aarp correctly because he still thinks it's going -- no, i probably won't get back in. >> all right. i want to thank both of you this morning, elaine as well as bonnie, the board chair for aarp. thank you. >> thank you. and we do have a lot of questions, we know that you have them about health care reform and we're trying to do our best to sort fact from fiction, putting answers together online, if you'd like to check that out, go to we're awaiting president obama, he's on martha's vineyard in oak bluffs, expecting him to make the announcement to nominate ben bernanke for a
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second term. live look inside the file center there, the correspondents are discussing tape. the adhesive kind. dan lothian sitting right behind him. that's where all of the action is going to be. stay with us. 42 minutes after the hour. combines two powerful medicines for fast relief of your diarrhea symptoms, so you can get back out there. imodium. get back out there.
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developing story this morning, we are awaiting president obama who is going to be introducing ben bernanke for a second term as the fed chair. there's the podium at the oak bluffs school where the white house traveling press corps has set up. the president's expected sometime in the next 15 minutes. we thought he might actually be early. now looking less likely, more toward 9:00. >> so even on vacation. there's a traveling press corps and a podium. >> absolutely. >> work never ends. >> kind of deadly duty, actually, sitting there in the school all day waiting for something to happen. but, you know, inevitably it does. >> there you go. well, turning to another story we've been following, fashion models are used to be in the harsh spotlight, but after an anonymous blogger gave one model the title of skank on the internet, that model sued. >> absolutely, yeah. what happened next turned the
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blogisphere world up side down. jason carroll is here with that. sue, counter-sue, information, millions of dollars. >> yeah, and a lot of people wondering out there who are anonymous bloggers, you know, how much anonymity they really have. well, for months there was speculation about who was the anonymous blogger that had started this whole thing, now her name no longer a secret, she used harsh language to describe a model that says that language she used and her identity should have been protected. >> reporter: it's the kind of photo spread no model would want, a feature on the blog called skanks in new york city, former vogue cover girl ended up on the blog telling cnn's campbell brown she was determined to find out who was behind putting her there. >> i wanted it gone and i didn't want it to be there for the rest of my life, and i knew the only way for it to be gone was to call my lawyer. >> reporter: she's not the only one calling a lawyer, so is the
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woman behind the blog, rosemary port, a 29-year-old fashion student and casual acquaintance of cohen. >> it sets precedent anyone with money and power can get the identity of anyone that decides to be an anonymous blogger. >> reporter: port's name released after a judge sided with cohen who sued google to reveal information about the anonymous blogger. the blog had appeared on google's website. the court rejected claims that blogs like hers serve as a modern day forum of sharing personal opinions and shouldn't be regarded as fact. >> the court says, look, there was specific evidence that this one person may have libelled another person. in that circumstance, we're going to disclose that name. >> reporter: google says it complies with court orders, saying we have a legal team whose job it is to scrutinize these requests and make sure they need not only the letter
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but the spirit of the law. court still says google should've kept her name private and plans on suing google for $15 million. cohen's attorney says he can't believe port's nerve. >> her being a victim here. i have trouble understanding that. in its entirety. >> reporter: web watchers like nicholas thompson say this is a lesson for all anonymous bloggers. >> people will recognize, wait a second, the law does apply to the blogisphere, some of it will be bad, and some of it will be good for society. >> port's attorney says his client should've had the chance to appeal the judge's decision before information about her identity was revealed. cohen's attorney says much of this could have been avoided if port had simply apologized for what she had done. speaking of blogs, a number of folks have written into our blog here on
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adam wrote in, why shouldn't the freedom of speech be protected on the blog? it was written by an american on american soil. but overwhelmingly, most of the people who wrote in were like donna said it has not prevented bloggers from stating their opinions, only says if you express your opinion, you are accountable for what you say. also dick wrote in to say if you publicly give your opinion or critique, you should have the guts to at least sign your name. >> and that was the opinion, people saying, yeah, you have a right to your opinion and have a right to post your opinion, but you should have the guts to put your name by it. >> overwhelmingly, a lot of folks in support of the model, but the bigger issue now comes from a lot of the anonymous bloggers out there, what you write if it's defamatory, you better watch out. >> you look at the editorial page of the newspaper, which is a lot of the blogisphere is, people put their names on their editorials. if it's the newspaper editorial, you know who is the editor, it's not anonymous, right? >> and it sort of makes you look
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at the internet too how it's evolving. in the beginning it was pretty much a free for all, people were writing and saying whatever they wanted. and now as the internet continues to sort of evolve, we see how some things are beginning to pull back. >> before you can post, you often have to sign up or put your name or people to be able to find out who you are eventually. so what do you think? should bloggers' identities be private? sound off at well, we are going to be talking about -- we tracked bill a little bit. we felt bill, the hurricane, but bill didn't hit land here. a little. some people felt it a lot depending where you were on the coast. but had been a rather quiet season for hurricanes. why is that? we'll be joined by rob marciano we'll be joined by rob marciano and jto the company... it was a perfect fit. find out more at aflac!...
8:51 am reading about washington these days... i gotta ask, what's in it for me? i'm not looking for a bailout, just a good paying job. that's why i like this clean energy idea. now that works for our whole family.
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for the kids, a better environment. for my wife, who commutes, no more gettin' jerked around on gas prices... and for me, well, it wouldn't be so bad if this breadwinner brought home a little more bread. repower america. i hope our senators are listening.
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53 minutes past the hour, we check in with rob marciano, he's keeping track of the weather down in florida. because the shuttle tried to launch last night in the middle of the night, that didn't work out, had to scrub that one and now hoping to try again in the
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middle of the night tonight. >> they got a little bit unlucky. about a 20% probability of it not happening and then the showers and thunderstorms crept up during the nighttime hours and look at this, a pretty good chance of that happening again today. official forecast calls for about 30% chance of a no go because of weather. that's going to happen tonight at about 1:10 a.m. nice sliver of weather right here, and temperatures will be in the 70s and 80s. i'm assuming the president is walking toward the podium. >> actually, rob, that's right. we just got the two-minute warning as they say. this is where the president is going to be speaking today. he's announcing the nomination again of ben bernanke to be the chairman of the federal reserve. >> we're going to tell you where the hurricanes are, we'll have to leave you guessing until tomorrow on that. ben bernanke going to be renominated for a second term. some people were upset by that because figuring it was a holdover from the bush
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administration, he was at the helm when everything went south. he didn't think it was going to spill over to the general economy, but the president seems to have confidence in the fed chairman and so decided that he would buck some of his critics and decided to renominate him for a second term. >> one of the things christine romans was talking about when you're in the midst of a financial crisis and trying to claw your way out, you don't want to change the team. let's listen to president obama. >> i apologize for interrupting the relaxing i told all of you to do, but i have an important announcement to make concerning the federal reserve. the man next to me, bernanke has led the fed through one of the worst financial crises that the nation and the world has ever faced. as an expert on the causes of the great depression, i'm sure ben never imagined he would be part of a team responsible for preventing another. but because of his background, his temperament, his courage, and his creativity, that's exactly what he's helped to achieve.
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that's why i'm reappointing him to another term of chairman of the federal reserve. been approached a financial system on the verge of collapse with calm and wisdom, with bold action and out of the box thinking that has helped put the brakes on our economic freefall. and almost none of the decisions that he or any of us made have been easy. the actions we've taken to stabilize our financial system to repair our credit markets, restructure our auto industry, and pass a recovery package have all been steps of necessity, not choice. they face plenty of critics, some of whom argued that we should stay the course or do nothing at all. but taken together, this bold persistent experimentation has brought our economy back from the brink. there are steps that are working. our recovery plan has put tax cuts in people's pockets, extended health care and unemployment insurance to those
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who have bourn the brunt, and continuing to save jobs that otherwise would've been loss. our auto industry is showing signs of stabilizing, our housing and credit markets have been saved from collapse. of course, as i've said before, we are a long way away from completely healthy financial systems and a full economic recovery. and i will not let up until those americans were looking for jobs can find them until qualified businesses, large and small who need capital to grow can find loans at a rate they can afford and until all responsible mortgage holders can stay in their homes. and that's why we need ben bernanke to continue the work he's doing. and that's why i've said that we cannot go back to an economy based on overleveraged banks, inflated profits, and maxed out credit cards. for even as we've taken steps to rescue our financial system and our economy, we must now work to
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rebuild a new foundation for growth and prosperity. we have to build an economy that works for every american and one that leads the world in innovation, in investments, and in experts. exports. part of that foundation has to be a financial regulatory system that ensures we never face a crisis like this again. we've already seen how lacks enforcement can lead to enormous wealth for a few and enormous pain for everybody else. and that's why there's some resistance on wall street for those who would prefer to keep things the way they are, we will pass the reforms necessary to protect consumers, investors, and the entire financial system, and we will continue to maintain a strong and independent federal reserve. we will also keep working towards the reform of a health insurance system whose costs and practices are bankrupting our families, businesses, and our government. we will continue to build a clean energy economy that creates the jobs and industries
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of the future within our borders, and we will give our children and the workers the skills and training they need to compete for these jobs in the 21st century. much like the decisions we've made so far, the steps we take to build this new foundation will not be easy, change never is. as ben and i both know, it comes with debate and disagreement and resistance from those who prefer the status quo. and that's all right. because that's how democracy is supposed to work. but no matter how difficult change is, we will pursue it relentlessly because there's it is absolutely necessary to lift this country up and create an economy that leads to good jobs, broad growth, and a future our children can count on. that's what we're here to do, and that's what we will continue to do in the months ahead. so i want to congratulate ben on the work that he's done so far, wish him continued success in the hard work that he has before him. thank you so much, ben. >> thank you.


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