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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  August 25, 2009 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT

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coverage. she could not get insurance because she possibly might have m.s. so from the time she was in her 20s on, she was denied any insurance until she qualified for medicaid and was totally disabled. now, that is not right. our country is better than that. >>em. could i just quickly respond and then continue? >> i agree with you. i hold no for much of the practices of the insurance companies in america. don't get me wrong. we have to fix the pre-existing condition situation and we don't shout at my town hall meetings. i agree with you. we have to address the issue of people with pre-existing conditions, people who are unable to attain health care insurance and we should do it through risk pools and it is going to cost money. go ahead. >> and the other thing is, mayo
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clinic that you talked about having good practices is one of the ones that president obama has cited as being the type of medical facility that we should pattern our health care reform on. >> they just don't agree with his proposals. go ahead. >> they suggest some of the same things that the mayo clinic is doing and i have some experience with the mayo clinic. my husband, who was on medicare, chose to stay on regular medicare. so he had the choice of going to mayo. i chose an hmo with medicare. i am wondering, when we have that choice with our government-provided medicare, why are so many people opposed to a government-provided health care option? i believe you, senator kennedy. i just promoted you.
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>> boo, boo. >> senator mccain. i'm sorry. i believe you have had access to government-provided health care for most of your life. you know, i would imagine that most of us here are on medicare and there may be some who would like to give up their medicare. >> no, none of us do. so what is so wrong with government-provided health care? >> thank you. >> i have one more question. in the proposals you are suggesting, i didn't see any way to control costs. that's been one of our major problems, not only the denial of care shall the rationing of care by health insurance companies but that the costs have gone out of control. so how would you propose it --
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how would your system control it? >> i'll send you a cope of that poster board. i don't want to get into it with mayo clinic. in all due respect, here is what they said. the proposed legislation misses the opportunity to help create higher quality, more affordable health care for patients. in fact, it will do the opposite. that's a farrell clear-cut statement from mayo. wellness and fitness, risk rules, the ability to go across state lines to purchase health insurance, reform medical malpractice. give every family a $5,000 refundable tax credit to go any place in america and get the health insurance they think best meets their needs. eliminate this problem that this wonderful nurse and i were just talking about, about hospital readmissions, which is a tremendous increase in costs. we can do so many reforms and so many things we can change if we
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are incentivizing wellness and fitness without adopting a government plan. way in the back. a young woman with her hand in the air and then i will go back to you. >> thank you, senator mccain. coming at you right now, what killed michael jackson? the affidavit, valium, at 1:30 a.m. he is awake. ativan at 2:00 a.m. still away. versed injections at 3:00 a.m. still awake. more ativan at 5:00 a.m. still awake. finally, 10:40 a.m., propofol, unbelievable detail. we'll take you through it. he is alleged to have helped tax cheats hide $14 billion in offshore accounts from you. $14 billion. so why is he playing golf with
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the president? man at town hall calls himself a proud right wing terrorist. republican congressman, wally herger responds, a men, got bless you. and you'll find out why this mother is using a hoe to defend her granddaughter's honor. august 25th, 2009. hello again, everybody. i'm rick sanchez. a little bit after 3:00. let's get started with what is the next generation of news, a conversation, not a speech. as always, your turn to get involved. we told you right here, thursday, about americans, hiding money from the government by putting it in offshore accounts, billions and billions of dollars that are being denied
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you, the taxpayer. by certain individuals. the finger points right at international banking conglomerate, ubs, which is creating secret accounts in switzerland and different parts of the world, including the caribbean, by the way. there is something i want to show you now. that is president obama playing golf on martha's vineyard. look closely and you will see his partner there. you know who he is playing with, the man in the white shorts and the light blue shirt? that man is this man. that's robert wolf, president of ubs america's, the swiss bank. this last month shall as i had mentioned, copping to facilitating massive tax fraud against the u.s. government, the company, not him. here we see them again, the president playing golf with robert wolf, head of ubs america's. wolf faces no charges. he, himself, has not been implicated in anything at all.
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we do know he raised $250,000 for the president's election campaign. he is a member of the president's economic advisory team. joining me from new orleans, the raging cajun, cnn's political contributor, james car ville and from philadelphia, ron kristy, former special assistant to president obama george w. bush. my thanks to both of you. while we were just watching john mccain, so i will go ahead and start with this question to you, james, is this change we can believe in? >> well, it's change that is coming about. boy you see this consumer confidence number today, people are starting to feel better. you see the stock market. people are feeling better about the way things are going. i think america is starting to get its foot back a little bit. does this president have a lot of challenges ahead of him? of course he does. >> does he have a challenge in terms of perspective, the appearance of a guy who said he was going to be a progressive and fighting for the little guy,
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playing golf with a guy who is considered one of the big wall streeters after his association with geithner, after his association with summers and on and on? >> well, his relationship with wolf before, did this crop out of nowhere? if they went back and they were friends, i mean, i have friends that do all kinds of things. by the way, listening to our report, he is the head of ubs america. my guess is that ubs switzerland has nothing to do with this. i think this guy is an old friend of the president. he is on vacation. he can play golf with someone. he didn't try to thid. >> by the way, here is what he did today. i asked one of our guys over here in our political segment, steve brusk, to check and see who the president was going to be playing with golf with today. you know who he is playing golf with? the assistant white house chef.
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i don't know if that is telling or not. it certainly is different from the president of a bank conglomerate, is it not? >> he is on vacation. if he is anything like me, i like to have a lot of different friends. i just don't find it troubling if he and wolf were old friends and he is on vacation and playing golf with the guy or if he likes the assistant chef. i like to cook. it takes me four hours to play two holes of golf. he is on vacation. the kids are getting ready to go back to school. >> let me ask ron christy the same thing. if president bush had been reported playing golf with one of the big wall street bankers or somebody whose company, as james said, is being associated with offshore investments being hidden from the america taxpayer, wouldn't the media be going after him? >> the media would be in a
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revolt. i appreciate the opportunity to join you. sorry about being on a train. listen, when president obama and his administration came into power, they said they were going to have the most transparent administration and redo the way that washington conducted business. unlike what james just said a second ago, these gentlemen aren't old friends. they met when president obama was the then senator from illinois and he was running for president. this is a company that's at the heart of a department of justice investigation and the internal revenue service for illegally keeping billions of tax dollars away from the american people. just when we hear there is a new estimate that the deficit is going to be an additional $2 trillion higher, i think it sends a very, very bad message to the american people that the president of the united states is off on a golf course for five hours with a company that's under investigation and, i might also say, that the administration curtailed the way the lobbyists and other individuals who have favor before the white house can
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conduct business. they want to post it on the internet and have an opportunity to see and read. i would like to know what the president talked about with this gentlemen yesterday. >> let me ask you directly, james, does this president have a problem with the left in the united states, where they are thinking maybe they are not getting what they got with this guy? >> look, part of being president is, yes, the left doesn't think that he is moving fast enough for them. the right doesn't think he was born in the united states. what can you say? this kind of stuff, you know, crops up. like i say, the truth of the matter is, people are starting to feel a little bit better. they dubbed the biggest hole you can imagine by this crowd he was in before. it is stunning. you look at what they ha've bee able to do. people are finally getting some sort of confidence in the leadership of this country. that's a good thing. >> you know what's ironic.
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let me bring you back in this. here james and i are having a discussion about how the left in this country apparently is in some circles very disappointed with this president. they don't think he is fulfilling his promises. the right is obliterating the guy. pardon me mispronunciation there. they really are. you look at the health care debate. they are not giving the guy an ounce. how can it be that he can be criticized equally from both side. >> the people on the left want a public option. they don't feel that the president is willing to fight hard enough for a public option. quite to the contrary, rick. i think if you look at senator bennett, a republican from utah, he has teamed together with senator widen from oregon. if you look at in the house of representatives, a bill, hr 3400, which has been introduced by the chairman of the republican committee, which offers serious health care alternatives. i think the president has had
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the opportunity -- >> why are people like my father in law in moltry, georgia, who are die-hard republicans saying their open party is turning into the party of no. >> if the tree falls in the woods and no one heard it, did the tree really fall? >> i think the republicans have made a concerted effort to work with the president and members of congress. the media hasn't covered it. >> james, do you believe the republicans have made a concerted effort to work with this president? >> look, the president took 180 republican amendments and four commit it is, there hasn't been a single republican vote for thinking. this goes back to the truth of the malt ter is, they don't have any intentions of voting for anything. they are saying it. i give them credit. all these guys, senator kyle, says he is not going to get a
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single vote. i geoff th i give them some credit. you had dick cheney say the administration was politicized. i thought i was reading "the onion." what they can do is with a straight face say ninthings tha normal people couldn't say. most of them have the honesty to say, we are not voting for any of this. we are going to bring this president down. you have to admire it at some level. >> you do have to admire it. in some circles, it's called, sticking to your guns. >> ron, last words for you. >> i love james, because i knew james and i couldn't have had a conversations without mentioning dick cheney. if you look at what's going on in the senate, you have senator grassley and senator snowe and a number of republicans that are trying to work across the aisle. i think the republicans are trying to be very con struck stiff and move something forward rather than being the party of
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"no," let's hope this new sense of optimism that james and i have will move something forward together in the news. >> my thanks to both of you, mr. car ville and mr. christie, he enjoyed it. great conversation. the details of how michael jackson died are, have you heard? they are astonishing. if you doubted or questioned just how hooked he was on drugs, you won't be after you hear this report. it is truly astonishing. also, this woman uses a hoe to defend her granddaughter's honor. you will see it. there is more than meets the eye in this report. stay with us. at 4:00, the aftershow, we are going to be talking about one of my favorite subjects today, cuba, the embargo. it gets nasty. ...and new questions about which pain reliever
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it was great having the raging okay john and ron christio. some of you are disagreeing and agreeing with them. let's go to national conversations. i can't believe people at town halls fighting for insurance companies are charging people to death. this is an interesting comment. this is the one that was referring to what car ville said. i am pretty sure that playing golf with the president didn't hurt when it came to offshoring $14 billion.
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if the president sends the wrong message to some, can he not have a life? this is lridiculous. an anonymous blogger called a model a skank on the internet. the model sued and outed the blogger. so much for anonymous. what does that mean for your privacy on the internet? what can you say about me and what can i say about you and does it depend on how private or public either one of us are. new case being made. we'll study it. we'll be right back. imodium multi-symptom relief combines two powerful medicines for fast relief of your diarrhea symptoms, so you can get back out there. imodium. get back out there.
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it doesn't cover everything. and what it doesn't cover can cost you some money. that's why you should consider... an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan... insured by united healthcare insurance company. it can help cover some pd what medicare doesn't... so you could save up to thousands of dollars... in out-of-pocket expenses. call now for this free information kit... and medicare guide. if you're turning 65 or you're already on medicare, you should know about this card; it's the only one of its kind... that carries the aarp name -- see if it's right for you. you choose your doctor. choose your hospital. and no referrals needed. there are no networks help protect yourself from some of what medicare doesn't cover. save up to thousands of dollars... on potential out-of-pocket expenses... with an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan... insured by united healthcare insurance company. call now for your free information kit... and medicare guide and find out...
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how you could start saving.
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i was going to find you one of these on the twitter board to share with you exactly what i'm talking about but, you know what, i can't. there is too many horrible and bad words and bad things on there for me to show you and my bosses would probably get mad at me. so don't. whatever you do, robert, don't point that camera at twitter board. i don't want people to see some of the things that are being written. here is the point i'm trying to
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make. the number of horrible things that people blog about me that are completely crazy or made up or fabricated or nothing short of astonishing. it is enough to make my mom pick up the hoe and go app somebody. it comes with the territory when you are a public person. here is the point. if the person you are blogging about is a public person, like me, your chances of winning a lawsuit, well, usually aren't pretty good. a model who says she was defamed by being called a skank, a pretty young lady, her case because she is really a private person, has opened up a real can of worms on the internet that we should all be aware of. here it is. >> reporter: it's the kind of photo spread no model would
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want. "squangs in. liskula cohen said she was determined to find out who put it there. >> i knew the only way for it to be gone was to call my lawyer. >> reporter: she is not the only woman calling a lawyer. so is rosemary port. swartz attorney says, she is the real victim. >> i not only feel my client is wrong but i feel it sets precedence that anyone with money and power could get the identity of anyone that decides to be an anonymous blogger. >> reporter: port's name released after a judge sided with cohen who sued google to reveal the name. they say blogs like hers serve as a modern day forum for conveying personal opinion and
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shouldn't be regarded as fact. >> the court said, look, there was specific evidence that this one person may have libeled another person. in that circumstance, we are going to disclose that name. >> reporter: google says it complies with court orders saying we have a legal team whose job it is to scrutinize these requests and make sure they meet the letter and spirit of the law. port says they should have kept her name private an plans on suing google for $15 million. cohen's attorney says he can't believe port's nerve. >> her being a victim here. i have trouble understanding that. >> reporter: web watchers like nicholas thompson say, this isatiis a less sn for all anonymous bloggers. >> some will be good and people will realize that the laws apply
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to the blogosphere. >> reporter: cohen's attorney says much of this could have been avoided if port had apologized for what she had done. jason carroll, cnn, new york. why y'all knocking on my door. get out of here right now. >> right now. he sh is angry and she has got a hoe. at the end of the day, she is just defending her grant daughter's honor. that is in fotos del dea. michael jackson's last hours would include a litany of drugs that would have put an elephant in a coma. how is it possible now that the affidavit is out and we have the document. how is it possible that a person can take that many drugs? it's crazy. it's next. achoo!
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the drugs and how many he took the day that he actually died. listen to what he took on his final hours of life, because he couldn't sleep. i'm going to take you through this list. the affidavit says that at 1:30 a.m., dr. conrad murray gave jackson 10 milligrams of valium to ease his insomnia. you and i would be out easily at this point. i know i would. that didn't work. a half hour later, dr. murray injected jackson with 2 milligrams of the anti-anxiety drug, ativan. he still couldn't sleep. an hour later, dr. murray administers two milligrams of the sedative versed. that's enough to knock out a horse at this point with everything he has got in him. jackson, still awake. at 5:00 a.m., the doctor comes back. obviously, we have a problem here. the doctor recognizes it. he gives jackson another shot of ativan, two more milligrams. two-and-a-half hours later, 7:30
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in the morning, jackson gets another two milligrams of versed. jackson still couldn't go to sleep. finally, it's 10:30 a.m. dr. murray gives jackson what he seemed to be addicted to and what he really wanted bad in the first place, what he was pleading for. he gave him the propofol, 25 milligrams. finally, he goes to sleep. the problem is, he never wakes up. before i share with you what an investigative reporter is finding about propofol and how incredibly addictive not only to michael jackson but to other people out there. i want you to understand what propofol is and how it is administered. i want you to know how it is supposed to work when it is used legitimately by doctors and how carefully they have to administer this and who better to do this man my friend and
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colleague, dr. sanjay gupta. >> we are here inside the operating hoom with the chief of anesthesiology. propofol is a medication he uses all the time. is this it over here? >> yes. >> it looks like milk of amnesia, they call it. >> milk of amnesia. >> >> vincent, you okay? we have to monitor his ekg, his co 2., make sure he is breathing and ventilating. >> that's all typical. >> standard of care, yes. >> so the propofol. >> you are going to get a little sleepy, vincent. give me some good, deep breaths. >> take a look at his eyes, how quickly. >> deep breath, vincent. doing great. may feel a little burning, okay. >> deep breath. >> ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.
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>> there is a reason for his heart race increase. >> his eyes are closed. >> what else are you looking at? >> he stopped breathing. this is watching his co2. he is not breathing anymore. my wonderful anesthetist is going to help him breath. >> you can see part of the problem. with that much there, the propofol, he has stopped breathing and he will need a breathing tube. >> what's so attractive about this medication? it has really been in the advent. it is a basically quick on and quick off. that may answer why people think this is something they could do at home. if it gets out of hand, it goes away quickly. the problem is, if it gets out of hand and there is nobody
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there to resuscitate you, nobody could bring you back. >> that was pretty quick. >> five, ten minutes. >> he has gone from completely awake to completely asleep. he is not breathing. i am breathing for him. >> this is obviously an operating room, a medication used thousands of times in a setting like this. it can also be used in outpatient medical settings. what dr. gershon will tell you, other things here, they have never heard it being used in the home. >> incase you are curious, the patient you just saw was going under anesthesia during a piece. he is doing fine. he woke up shortly after surgery without any complications from the an thaesh yoo, because the health professionals were there to take care of him. when we come back, an investigative reporter i want you to meet who will share with you some of the details he has uncovered about jackson, what he has uncovered about propofol that i, and i guarantee you, never knew, and about this investigation in general and where it is going to lead. stay with us. we'll be right back.
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jarltd gerald posener joins us from plantation, florida. how does a person get to a point where they can even withstand, forget need, withstand those drugs that we were just listing that he took from 1:30 a.m. until 10:30 the next morning? >> you asked the key question. as you were going over that litany of drugs. 18 milligrams of anti-anxiety, strong drugs that you would knock out an elephant. what you were doing was telling
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everybody who was listening to this program, the extent of michael jackson's addition. when you are an addict, you build up a tolerance. if you are an ad duct, the more you have used it, the longer you have used it, the more you need to get the high or have the effect to go to sleep. the fact he was able to take that much and not get to sleep would tell you how long he has been using heavy, heavy sleep aids and been addicted. what's interesting is that you know, dr. murray, two days before he had died, had not given him propofol, was trying to wean him all, because he knew he was addicted. on this night, he was going through the same routine that had worked. finally, at 10:40, he gave him the propofol and it was deadly. >> it must have been other doctors in the past, i know there are a bunch of names out there. you don't have to i have go us the names. we don't want to get in the whole legal hassle. there must have been other doctors who had introduced him to this in the past. >> no question. propofol was improved in 1988.
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in the mid 1990s, michael gentleman c jackson went on tour with an anesthiologist. i have spoken to dea agents who have told me that dr. murray does not have an order from propofol filled in his name from any hospital or supply service. some of the propofol found in the jackson home was from germany. there were plenty of doctors beforehand that have some culpability here. i have been reading in some of the reports you have been filing, unbelievable digging you have done. some of the aliases that he used in the past, jack london,
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josephine baker, prince jackson, which is the name of his son. you know, what i'm most curious to get from you is, i was reading just before i came on the air some of the stories you filed about what propofol is and other people who have become addicted to this drug? tell our viewers what you found out about this. some of the case studies you cited were remarkable. >> this is not a problem like oxy con ton or not growing into one yet. the numbers are small but they are increasing. what's happened is there are only two civilian cases that we know of. one was a fellow in germany who was getting his propofol from a veterinarian nearby. he was saying he needed it for his fish, believe it or not, in his aquarium. the veterinarian believed it and he ended up using it. another one who got it from the internet to died from using it, the big problem that's growing and seeing the biggest numbers are among medical residents, residents in the program had
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found residents who were injected themselves up to 100 times a day, miniinjections of propofol, not to go out as you showed in your piece with the patient who was put under when sanjay gupta was there but to give themselves a sort of dopey feeling that they are somewhat in & out of this world just for a minute or two. it is very easy to go in consciousness and then you lose all control and you can die. >> great stuff. the information that you are sharing with us is head-turning. it's amazing to think that someone can get hooked on something as complicated and as bizarre as this drug, not to mention some of the others we have mentioned, gerald posner, thank you for being with us. he is running from the police. he pulse off the most amazing escape we have seen in a long time. does he get away from the cops? what happens to the woman in the
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car when the car crashes? stop it right there. let's go to the next tape. why is president obama playing golf with a man whose company allegedly defrauded the government of billions of dollars. we are asking and want your involvement as well. we will be talking more in the aftershow. stay with us. hi, may i help you? yes, i hear progressive has lots of discounts on car insurance. can i get in on that? are you a safe driver? yes. discount!
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do you own a home? yes. discount! are you going to buy online? yes! discount! isn't getting discounts great? yes! there's no discount for agreeing with me. yeah, i got carried away. happens to me all the time. helping you save money -- now, that's progressive. call or click today.
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we started this newscast by questioning the president's choice of golf partners given that it was the man who was the head of ubs americas.
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well, the white house spokesman has replied to our question about president obama's interesting choice of golf partners and the impression that may leave. mr. obama enjoyed a round on martha's vineyard with robert wolf, the president of ubs americas. ubs once helped taxpayers avoid their obligations to the irs, to the tune of billions of dollars. people were looking for offshore accounts and ubs helped them do so. wolf isn't accused of anything, the person, himself. now, ubs is cooperating with the federal government. still, spokesman, bill burton tells us this, quote, moments ago, roberts is a member of the president's economic advisory team, as well as a friend. the president has led the way on financial reform and regulation. i can assure you that his feelings on the matter will remain the same regardless of who he spends some of his well-earned vacation with.
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wolf also raised $250,000 for the president's election campaign. have you heard this one? a grandmother armed with a hoe, defending her granddaughter's honor, next in what is becoming a favorite around here, last fotos del dia.
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insurance covered it all. call the scooter store for free information today. call the number on your screen for free information. i'm rick sanchez. even death row inmates have mothers who still love them and believe in them. what do you think if a reporter or a group of reporters show up at a woman's house to question her about her daughter's honor, her daughter's ethics, because they believe her daughter may be underage and possibly dancing at a strip club. it is now time to bring out the how hoe? wouldn't you think? wouldn't you say? you are about to see this
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today's fotos segment. they showed up at rosemary lumpkins house who apparently called police about her daughter working at a strip club. the woman who answered the door said, i'm not rosemary lumpkin and began it hadding anybody she could find with the hoe. we go to brazil where a shanty town goes up in smoke. it isn't pretty. it's called an illegal settlement. police move in to evict 200 squatters but they use stun guns and tear gas and squatters resist with hand-made bombs and kaboom. now, numero uno.
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if there was an olympic event of car chases, this guy would be a top qualifier. police say he ran from them with a stolen car and a woman inside. just before crashing, he jumps out, rolls once and gets away. here, watch it again. now, watch as the woman gets out of the car after it crashes in a daze and sits down. as for mr. olympic car chase, he is under arrest. they are throwing the book at him, because police say he has done it before. this segment. f fidel castro is alive and well and new fuel on the fire about lifting the cuban embargo. it is coming from some of the world's most famous singers. remember the aftershow when we continue the conversation about all things on on our show, most particularly about the cuban embargo. stay with us. we'll be right back. with its built-in 3g network, it's fast and small,
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3:52 pm
>> let's go to the twitter. the doctor says now you know that woman has issues? she doesn't have anything else going for herself. and this then one. come on. deserves better graphics than that. did one of your kids design it? i will share with you that we are in the process of having a really nice graphics package for that segment because it has become such a hit. so there. all right. just the music concert. more than a music concert. when it comes to cuba, nothing is ever quite that simple.
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here is who sels going cue bachl one of the hottest musicians in latin america. he will be headlining the peace without borders show. what is going on is it is starting to get ugly. it is getting ugly because of what people are saying about it. it is today's installment.
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cone xion. this is knocking down our own mental walls. they are yelling why reward. a huge celebrity concert. i will talk to willie. internationally known smart guy. but first i want to bring in lewis head. u.s. cuba cultural exchange. the critics will say this is completely rewarding castro. i will say on baf of the network of artists all over the country. we also welcome the initiative of the new york philharmonic.
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let's clear up a misconception. cultural exchange happened in the 1970s and then became extensive in the 1990s. >> why is this one getting so much heat? is it because he is hispanic going to this country that sparked a fire? >> i think that is probably part of it. people don't realize how extensive things were in the 9 1990s. they were literally thousands of visual and performing and literary and other kinds of artists. >> so you are saying this is a good thing? lewis, thanks so much for being with us.
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we can't help but wonder if the time has come for the united states to do these programs. especially for the young kids who had nothing to do with the problems that your dad and my dad had. >> we are talking about a concert that will be held in cuba with a bunch of other artists. i have tried to sing in cuba for many years and they don't answer. you know? >> so let me stop you. you are saying right now, that if you could, you would be a part of this concert to go to cuba and sing? >> i have tried for many years to do my concert in cuba. i am a free man and i sing my
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music. part of my music deals with social and political issues regarding the cuban revolution. >> good songs. one of the greatest songs i have ever heard. >> you have great taste. but the thing is that i won't allow myself not to sing outside of cuba. i sing everywhere i go. why shouldn't i sing it in my own country. those songs don't claim violence. >> your argument is freedom of speech. if i were to go to cuba, i would want to be completely free to sing what i want? >> definitely. i am a free man and i don't allow that to happen anywhere in the world that i go. those are some of my songs. i applaud the fabt that he wants to sing for me people and give them a little


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