tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN August 25, 2009 10:00pm-12:00am EDT
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>> if myself and dr. hymes weren't leer to resuscitate you, you. >> larry: thank you. we'll be calling on you again. see you tomorrow night. time now for anderson cooper and "a.c. 360." we've got new information. new signs that dr. conrad murray isn't alone. now appears this man on right, arnie klein, michael jackson's former dermatologist, may be a major part of the investigation. randy kay is working the story. first, though, our top story. another salvo fired at president obama by none other than former vice president dick cheney. in response to news the justice department is investigating actions taken by cia interrog e interrogat interrogator, mr. chaen's accused the president of playing politics and threatening our safety. the investigation, he says, serves, and a quote, a reminder, if any were needed, about why so many americans have doubts about this administration's to be responsible for our nation's security. mr. cheney's long-standing claim is harsh interrogation of terror
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suspects after 9/11 what some call torture, did in fact work, did prevent terrorist attacks. did the newly released report back up mr. cheney's claim? tonight tom foreman is keeping them honest. >> reporter: the former vice president has said all along if top secret papers were made public, they would also make his case, that what he calls enhanced interrogation and others call torture was necessary to make captured terrorists talk. >> the intelligence officers who questioned the terrorists can be proud of their work, proud of the results. because they prevented the violent death of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands, of people. >> reporter: but keeping them honest, the newly released papers are not so black and white. in page after page, they do say that much information used to disrupt al qaeda came from detainees, such as khalid shaikh mohammed and abu zubaydah, both of whom were repeatedly
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subjected to the controversial techniques. both of those men revealled potential targets but their information held to the arrest of others and disrupted attack plans, including some aimed at high-rise apartment and more passenger jets. but those plots were, in many case, little more than vague ideas, according to cnn terrorism analyst peter bergen. so -- >> did coweersive interrogation reveal plolts that were really serious threats? i think the short answer is no. >> reporter: the papers say call lead shake mo ham meld was given only just dated inaccurate information until the tougher techniques were applied. even some former members of the bush administration like fran town send, now a cnn contributor, admit he might have given up the more important intelligence anyway as his captivity wore on. >> it's very difficult to draw a cause and effect because it's not clear when techniques were applied versus when that information was received.
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it's implicit. it seem also when you read the report we got the most critical information after techniques had been applied. but the report doesn't say that. >> reporter: so in term also of determining whether mr. cheney's claims are accurate, the new papers make for murky reading. and a tough job for the justice department. as it tries to sort out what was done and why and whether it was illegal. anderson. >> more on the implications, repercussions. what we know so far, where there is lead, and why the fight is far from over. strategy from left and the right with cnn contributor paul begala and mary matalin. vice president cheney is essentially saying that president obama is polllize sizing the justice department and damaging national security. >> right. i got to say, for dick cheney to be accusing anyone of poll limit sizing the justice department, it's like paris hilton saying, that girl's a little too absolu -- for me. it's preposterous.
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eric holder, whos what smeared today by the former vice president when he was a u.s. attorney, he indicted the democratic chairman of the house ways and means committee when we were trying to pass a health care bill through his committee. ashg holder is beyond politic, believe me, and it's a sleazy thing for cheney to say, particularly given the bush record of poll limit sizing the justice department. >> even in even redacting sense, you could tell from these released documents, cia dump, that these programs, these interrogations were highly successful. they this warted second-wave mass casualty attacks. they revealled domestic cells. they were responsible for the bulk of our intelligence. and they resulted in the apprehension of almost every al qaeda extremist that we got so -- >> mary, the report -- >> -- is not playing politics -- >> -- is not saying that enhanced interrogation, which others will call torture,
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resultmilliresul resulted in these things. it's ambiguous on that. all along cheney has been saying these classified reports are going to show enhanced interrogation techniques saved lives and resulted in terrorist activity being stopped. in fact, these reports don't show that. >> these are -- reports are -- and subsequent -- or previously declassified report are not ambiguous. they categorically show the success of these interrogation, from khalid shaikh mohammed, to abu zubaydi, that's how we got this intelligence -- >> but cheney today, didn't -- in his statement, doesn't even make that claim anymore. he's now just saying, i quote, the documents released monday clearly demonstrate the individuals subjected to enhanced interrogation techniques provided the bulk of intelligence we gained about al qaeda. he's no longer saying enhanced interrogation held to this information. >> well, we've been having an ongoing conversation here. he gave a quick statement.
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he happens to be on his way back from alaska. i'm sure you'll be hearing more from him and all the other experts on this. the politization of this is obama going backwards -- and it's dumb politics too because the last time he went up against dick cheney, dick cheney moved the needle against barack obama on the security issue some 20 points. i don't know why barack obama is picking this fight. it's going backwards. the way people throw around the term torture, it has a very strict legal test. the way the political people throw around this word, as if our first line of offense, our war heroes, our intelligence collectors, i don't really understand what the democrats think they hope to gain by maligning the first line of defense in the war against terror. >> i think this is a political loser for the democrats, that's right, but it's a matter of justice. i mean, i'm just not that interested in the polls. i don't think dick cheney grew up wanting to torture people.
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there's ample evidence he grew up wanting to avoid conflict. he got five draft deferments in vietnam, my goodness. he was given responsibility for america's security. he was asked to chair a task force on terrorism. the task force never met. they mainly ignored the warnings before 9/11. whether it was the cia briefing that was later released that said bin laden determined to attack america. from that point on, all of a sudden, dick cheney wanted to play tough and be a cross between jack nicholson in "a few good men" or jack bauer on "24," or something, but none of that made america safer. >> by career prosecutors at the justice department, people who were not political appointees, why not just leave it at that, and move forward? >> i think that's a legitimate point. there's also that worry about scapegoating someone way, way down. the responsibility ultimately has to lie at the top. it has to lie with mr. cheney. has to lie with mr. bush. has to lie with mr. gonzalez.
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i i'm not for prosecuting them. the sort of thing that nancy pelosi asked for. a truth and reconciliation commission. >> mary worked in south africa. would a truth and reconciliation commission work here? >> have at it. the notion of this truth and reconciliation, there's nothing to hide except from the terrorists who now know everything we're doing to thwart their activities. >> mary matalin, paul begala, thank you. well, the conversation continues online. let us know what you think. join the live chat now under way at up next, what randy kaye's learning about not one, not two, but seven doctors now named in the michael jackson homicide investigation. later, anti-health reform anger at a congressman's town hall directed at a big-name guest, howard dean. >> howard dean is a baby killer!
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he's a baby killer! tom. now, i know the catering business but when i walked in here i wasn't sure what i needed. i'm not sure what i need. tom showed me how to use mifi to get my whole team working online, on location. i was like, "woah". woah ! only verizon wireless has small business specialists in every store to help you do business better. you're like my secret ingredient. come in today and connect up to five devices on one 3g connection. now only $99.99 abouwa shintindugtng the all new chevy equinox. with an epa estimated 32 miles per gallon. and up to 600 miles between fill ups. it's the most fuel efficient crossover on the highway.
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affidavit that came out yesterday. much more now from randi kaye. >> reporter: the day michael jackson died, a search of his bedside revealled numerous bottles of medications prescribed not only by dr. conrad murray, jackson's personal physician at the center of this case, but also by two other doctors. including the singer's longtime dermatologist, dr. arnold klein. klein's name was on a press pill bottle of zanaflex, a muscle relaxer. court documents show most of the other drugs were used to treat insomnia. together, medical experts say the combination can be deadly. >> there's no rational basis for this combination. there's no protocol on earth that would include these substances. >> reporter: dr. klein's criminal lawyer told me via e-mail, the affidavit does not say that dr. klein was giving sleeping medication to michael
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jackson. on cnn's "larry king live," dr. cussed the dangers of propofol, also known as diprivan. >> i know at one point he was using diprivan when he was on tour in germany. he was using it with an anesthesiologist to go to sleep at night and i told him he was absolutely insane. >> reporter: just last week, the coroner's chief investigator was back at dr. klein's office serving a second subpoena. klein's criminal attorney does not believe his client will be charged with manslaughter. when i asked dr. klein's civil attorney if it's possible the dermatologist had seen jackson within 24 hour also of his death, he told me simply, i don't know. and there's more. turns out, a few weeks after jackson died, court records showed a woman gave police a list of aliases jackson used when he visited dr. klein. including the alias omar arnold. court documents showed detectives found a prescription
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at jackson's resident in the name omar arnold prescribed by dr. klein. the name of the drug was not given. now, after two months of searching for answers, according to the affidavit, the detectives believe miscellaneous prescriptions from multiple doctors could have con tributed to jackson's death, and it cannot be determined whether the calls of death is due to the action of a single night and/or a single doctor, or the grossly negligent treatment of several doctors over an extended period of time. for the pop star's long list of doctors, that's more bad news. >> so, of all those doctors being looked at, how many does the affidavit actually say gave michael jackson pro poe fol? >> two doctors in all. one being dr. murray. the other a doctor named david adams from las vegas. the affidavit says dr. murray told investigator hess was in vegas at a cosmotologist's
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office when dr. davis see dated jackson with propofol. he told me, quote, my client did not administer propofol to michael jackson. i pressed him whether or not his client gave jackson anywhere at all, not just in that officials, and he would not say. nor would he say if his client had been questioned by police. just add dr. adams to the list of doctors who may or may not have con tributed to michael jackson's addiction and death. >> reports from years ago that dr. gupta followed up on about other doctors going on tour with michael jackson, giving him propofol while michael jackson was on tour for days at a time. up next, we'll speak with a pain specialist and anesthesiologist who was asked to consult on the case. also, on that scary swine flu report. do the numbers check out? possibly 90,000 deaths in america.
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more now on what went into michael jackson's body on the day he died. dr. murray says he gave jackson valium on the morning in question. then he administered the and steethic propofol. somehow jackson ended up with what the coroner calls a lethal amount in his body. there were other drugs found nearby. it raises a lot of questions. anesthesiologist and pained me signature specialist dr. jason hymes who declined an offer to consult on michael jackson's pain problems. how did that come to pass?
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>> a number of years back, i was called to see if i would be interested in working with this gentleman's pain problems. and i had known one or more of the physicians involved in his care. and i decided that it was probably not in my best interest -- >> why -- i've heard from a lot of doctors who say it's hard from celebrities to get good quality medicine. why is that? is it just because they're demanding? they think they should get special treatment? >> you know, celebrity medicine is different in many ways than regular medicine. and celebrity patients, whether they be entertainment industry or politicians or captains of industry, tend to not get such good care because in many ways the people that care for them may be placed in ethical situations that your care or my
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care might not ordinarily be. you know, many -- >> -- sort of sucked into the world of a celebrity and want to be kind of part of that world? >> "sucked in" is a very, very reasonable way of looking at it. no one goes out necessarily with the concept that "i'm going to start giving people things that i know better than to give them." but, in fact, they become your patients and you're somehow now involved in a world that you wouldn't orlandinarily see and you're asked to make a decision or do something you might not ordinarily do and another and another and these people are demanding and if you don't give them what they want, you know that they will get it from someone else. and somehow of course you think that, well, if i do it, i can keep a lid on the situation. and in reality, you get sucked in like anyone else would. >> and here's this dr. conrad murray who had financial problems of his own suddenly getting $150,000 a month from
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this patient to be this guy's only doctor. what do you make of a cardiologist suddenly giving drugs an anesthesiologist in a hospital would normally give, and weaning somebody off addiction -- you know, off an addicti addiction? was he qualified to do any of this? >> was he qualified to do any of this? you know, my personal opinion is probably not. you know, practicing in los angeles as i do, you know, it is not uncommon where i would see someone brought in from out of town that lands in the middle of a bad situation and tries to come up to speed, is way over their head, has no one to call, and suddenly things go south very, very quickly. and so here you have someone that -- i don't know, i don't know what his qualifications are. but from what i've heard, he's a cardiologist, is asked to administer anesthesia in a
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nonanesthesia-based setting. giving drugs he probably had only read about and certainly never used. dealing with someone that has problems, that he's unfamiliar with, addiction or substance abuse issues and pain problems. and they're running around trying to do these things, trying to do the right thing. they not only can't keep up, but they're unable to really fathom the depth of the problem. >> until it's too late. dr. jason hymes, i appreciate your expertise. still ahead tonight, singer chris brown's sentence. did he get off too easy? we'll let you decide. and the new warnings about swine flu, dire warnings. as many as 90,000 of us, americans, could die this flu season. dr. sanjay gupta answers your questions tonight. some people buy a car based on the deal they get.
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some 90,000 americans could die from the swine flu this fall and winter. dr. gupta joins us to talk about how to protect your family. first, erica hill. >> a coyotic scene at a health care town hall in virginia. invited former governor howard dean, who's also a medical doctor, to field questions from constituents. not exactly invited to the event was terry randal. founder of anti-abortion group operation rescue. take a listen. >> howard dean is a baby killer. abortion is murder. howard dean is a baby killer! howard dean is a baby killer! >> take him out! take him out! >> howard dean is a baby killer! >> get him out! >> howard dean is a baby killer! abortion is murder! >> was eventually escorted out by police. meeting continued as plans.
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nearly 40 people killed when a tanker truck full of explosives blew up in front of a construction company in kandahar, afghanistan, tonight. the head of the provincial council says the blast was so intense windows in towns more than half a mile away were shalterred. in southern afghanistan today, four u.s. service members were killed when a roadside bomb exploded. president obama, take break from his martha's vineyard vacation to nominate fed chair ben bernanke to serve another four-year term. he credits bernanke with helping to end the economic free fall in the financial system. just north of atlanta, in georgia, some just released dramatic video of a high-speed chase. police say it happened on sunday. at one point, the driver of the stolen suv tries to get away by, there you see it, jumping out of the vehicle. passenger still inside. car still moving. the suv crashes. you can see there. both people were arrested. >> unbelievable. crazy. all right. coming up, he's the pop singer who back in february became the
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poster child for domestic abuse. told, chris brown learned his fate for assaulting his then girlfriend rihanna. he was sentenced by a judge to five years of probation. he'll have to serve 1,400 hours of what the court called labor oriented service. brown was also ordered to stay away from rihanna, was given a warning from the bench. listen. >> remember, even though you have probation, this is a felony. and it does come with the potential of state prison, if you should violate in any way the terms and condition, of this probation or pick up any new kicks. you understand that? i want to make myself perfectly clear. >> yes. >> brown punched rihanna in the face, buiit her, and threat bedo kill her. as we also learned today this was not the first time he brutalized her. lisa bloom is a legal analyst for cnn. what do you make of it? was this too lenient? >> you know what's sad about this, anderson, is this is right in keeping with what first-time
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domestic violence offenders typically get in california. we're all shocked and outraged or most people are i think to hear this kind of violent act gets off with no prison time. this is exactly what noncelebrities get. he's a first-time offender. he doesn't have a criminal history. we learned as you say there was two prior incidents. rihanna did not report them to intelligent. so as far as the court looks at it, he's a first-time offender. he gets probation. he guilty a pretty serious amount of community service. six months of physical labor. other than that, he's off scott-free. >> but, i mean, even though he has these two previous domestic violence incidents? just because it was out of the country and it wasn't reported that doesn't play a role? >> well, you're right. you use the word incidents. they were incidents apparently admitted by him to the probation officer but they're not offenses. they're incidents that i assume rihanna discussed with the probation officer and chris brown discussed with the probation officer. one of them, the probation
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officer says she slapped him in europe. he shoved her against the wall. and the second one, they had an altercation in barbados and he punched the car window so hard he broke two car windows. in both of those incidents, rihanna was not harmed according to the report. but from the point of view of the law, they're not criminal convictions so they really don't zblounlt we're also learning more about the detail also whenever rihanna was assaulted in los angeles. reports say her injuries were inflicted by a large ring on brown's hand which he used to punch her. you can see that in the picture obtained by tmz. what is the message now that brown's been sentenced? >> every time i see that picture it just makes me remember how awful it was to see it the first time. this poor woman was really brutalized. the daniel mage to her career. she was out of the lime light for a long period of time. i think this sends a terrible message. in studies, young women, many of them, feel rihanna brought this on herself. even though there's no evidence
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of that at all. they had a verbal argument which he alone escalated to physical violence. choking her to the point where she nearly lost consciousness. he's pled guilty to that. so i think this sends a terrible message. it's just the same message all the batterer get when they don't get prison time either. >> lisa bloom, thanks. if you or someone you know is the victim of domestic violence, you can go to for a list of resources. next, terrifying worst case scenario for the swine flu. the grim report from the presidential advisory board warning half the country could be infected and the death toll could reach 90,000. the latest ahead. later, kate from "jon & kate plus 8," on "larry king" tonight. in her own word also.
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swine flu could be. a presidential advisory panel says the country may be, and we stress, may be, heading for catastrophe. the swine flu, also known as the h1n1, has claimed 522 lives in the u.s. so far. some 1 million americans have been infected by the virus. that's according to the cdc. here's what could possibly happen next. the advisory panel says up to 90,000 people, move thely children and adults, could die from the swine flu this winter. it also warns as many as 1.8 million americans may be hospitalized. and says the virus could infect up to half the u.s. population this fall and winter. roughly 150 million people. we want to stress these numbers are a worst case scenario. the question is, how worried should you and your family be? i've got to believe -- these numbers are frightening. as much as half the u.s. population. 90,000 deaths. how seriously do you take this?
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>> well, there are pretty good models to try and predict. in some ways, it may be better news than we think. if you figure out the number of deaths with respect to the number of people infected, it is the likelihood of death is still pretty small. the number you and i have talked about, it's seasonal flu, the regular flu we think about, often causes about 36,000 deaths a year. having said that, there are things about this that really are a little bit alarming. the way we fight off viruss is if we've seen the virus before if our virus has seen the virus before, are better at fighting it. with h1n1, it is novel, it is now, which means we're not very good at fighting this particular virus. that's a concern. >> the report says this h1n1 may peak earlier than thought. is the vaccine going to be ready? >> no, and this is something we've been investigating, really trying to look into this. first, we heard the vaccine would likely be available, sort of mid-october. that would be the first shot of two shots. so what we're hearing from this
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presidential advisory committee is that it would be great to try and get this vaccine available sooner. i don't know how they do that, frankly. you have to obviously test these for safety. they're just trying to expedite that whole process. >> we have a couple of viewer questions. i want to ask you about them. how are you planning on protecting your own chin, dr. gupta? >> we follow typical vaccine schedules for our children. i have a 4-year-old, a 2-year-old and a 5-month-old. my youngest might be a little bit young for the vaccine. we will probably plan on getting the vaccine for our two older children. it's worth pointing out there's been some back and forth regarding the utility of school closingings. the official line from health and human services is, you know, the schools probably won't be closed, may not make that big a difference. they stay stick to routine. hygiene, washing your hands. all the sort of things to try and curb the spread of the virus. >> kim asks, how long does the
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vaccination take to be preventive of the virus? >> the thing about this particular -- this particular vaccine is it's going to be two shots. in between the first shot and the second shot will probably be three weeks. say you get the first shot mid-october, you probably wouldn't get the second shot until the beginning of november. it will probably be two or three weeks after that. so you're talking about a period of time. it's not instantaneous. >> here's a question from tish. she says, i heard that people specifically over the age of 50 maybe less likely to become ill with the h1n1 flu. if so, should my mom, who's 78 and lives in an assisted living facility, be vaccinated? >> my guess at some point way back there's some variant of this h1n1 circulated around and people who are older saw that virus. their bodies saw it. so they have a little bit of protection against that. that's probably why they're not, these older people are not as affected by it. for the 78-year-old grandmother, i'd get the seasonal flu vaccine first. >> thanks very much. safeguarding against the
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swine flu, topic has come up at some contentious health care town hall meetings. tonight, we saw how chaotic they can sometimes get. many people want to be heard. president obama's great-uncle. >> reporter: ralph isn't your average 92-year-old heading to a health care town hall. in fact, you could call him special. he's president obama's great-uncle. >> he's my brother's grandson. >> reporter: he's your great nephew? >> yes. >> reporter: on this day, he's just looking for information on his nephew's health care plan. do you feel like you have a good grasp of what's in the plans for overhauling health care? >> no, i don't, because the thing's over 1,000 pages long. >> reporter: do you feel con fulsed by it? >> i don't really know very much about it. i don't know whether to be confused or not. >> reporter: dunham says he has a good relationship with the president who lives 11 miles away in the white house, but hasn't spoken to his nephew since he took office. he's got a pretty good
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grassroolts operator in you. >> yeah. >> reporter: you think maybe he should call you and say help me get the word out, uncle? >> well, i don't know about that. but he's been pretty busy lately. >> reporter: so dunham came to this forum. >> i'm hoping to get some information just like everyone else. >> this generation is kind of afraid of what's coming next. >> reporter: unlike many of lz friends here expressing fear that proposed cults in medicare to pay for reform jeopardizes their benefits, dunham worries more about his uninsured son, the president's cousin. >> if something should happen to him, we could either let him die or go broke. that would be our choice. >> reporter: that's why, though dunham's in the dark about details, he's fiercely supportive of his nephew's quest to expand health coverage. >> health care is a right, not a privilege. >> reporter: here, he learned a bit more about the proposal but says the spirited meeting also taught him his nephew must do a better job communicating. >> he's going to have to talk to
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the general public about it and reassure them about it. >> reporter: a white house spokesman says not everybody in the president's family should be expected to know the detail also of his health care plan. as for dunham, he never ended up asking a question at this town hall. he simply listened to the presentations from his congressman and others. and he did tell us after worlds it helped him better understand the health care plans moving through congress. he also said he believes the president, his nephew, will ultimately be successful in what he call also this life or death cause. four years after hurricane cattle trina, four years after shooting on this bridge what really happened in the kay yuls of the storm? did police act as heros in this particular case? was there a cover-up? a serial bank robber on the loose, making no attempt to child his identity. what are police doing to catch him? (mom) i'm not going to be able to see her every day.
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it was the storm that destroyed lives. hurricane katrina. we've been back to new orleans a lot since 2005. we're going to return again this thursday and friday to report on the pain and the progress. tonight an update in the violent death in the chaotic days after katrina. police opened fire on a bridge. two people killed. one of them a disabled man. was it self-defense or not? cnn's drew griffin. >> reporter: four years after the storm, a mystery remains on the shootings on the dan zinger bridge. everybody agrees on one point, the first sunday after the hurricane, police shot and killed a 40-year-old mentally handicapped man. the question, was it justified?
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rahmel madison says there is only one answer. you believe police, new orleans police, murdered your brother? >> yes, i do. >> reporter: and then covered it up? >> yes. >> reporter: now, four years later, armed with a search warrant, the fbi and other federal law enforcement officials, deskrenlded on the new orleans police department. seizing records, investigative files, evidence rahmle madison believes will prove a police cover-up. it was in the chaos engulfing new orleans that lance and his mentally handicapped brother ronald, fleeing floodwater, ran head on into what's become known as the dan zillizinger bridge killings. >> shot right here. and we kept running up the bridge here, trying to go zigzag so they wouldn't hit us. >> reporter: crossing the bridge, they suddenly found themselves being shot at by armed men dressed in t-shirts driving a postal truck.
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what they didn't know was the armed men were police who thought they were coming to the rescue. there had been a frantic radio call that sunday morning. it was reporting police under fire. contractors being shot at. on this bridge. it turns out it was all just one big mistake in the chaos after katrina. some would say it was based on lines. there were no contractors under fire on this bridge. police never found anybody with a gun. what they did find was a man running away from them, down this bridge. they chased him, shot him, and killed him. two people were killed that day. ronald madison was one of them. another four were wounded. the seven police officers involved have always said the shooting was justified. and the new orleans police department, which investigated itself, agreed. the civil rights division of the department of justice is now trying to figure out precisely what happened on the bridge. and as tull lane university
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criminology professor peter sharp points out, it is now the new orleans police investigation itself that is being investigated. >> the more critical question is not the seven guys on the bridge, but can this police department investigate itself? >> reporter: police say they fired in self-defense. when madison reached for his waist and turned on them. but over the past four years, cnn has been uncovering details that raise doubts. an autopsy, revealing madison was shot in the back. lack of any evidence madison was ever armed. and finding a witness who says he saw officers line up and gun down a man running away. >> would arm motion moving and -- >> reporter: and then how did he fall? >> he just fell, like, like he was collapsing, like, like he was collapsing. like something had just, like,
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wiped him out. >> reporter: you didn't see any gun on him? >> i didn't see any on him. >> reporter: seven police officers cheered as heroes by their colleagues. were indicted for the murder and attempted murder of ronald madison. but the case was thrown out on a technicality. and six of the officers are now back on the street. you believe these officers did nothing wrong, that there was no crime or even misconduct on that bridge? >> none whatsoever. we're confidence these officers acted appropriately. we're certain this investigation will have the same conclusion as the last one. they did, in fact, act appropriately and heroically. >> reporter: he says in the aftermath of katrina, the police force did what it wanted. of all the victims of hurricane katrina, your brother abelomong them, was justice and the rule of law also a victim in this town? >> yes, they were just as badly wounded as my brother was.
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because it just doesn't exist. >> reporter: the federal justice department wouldn't comment for this story, wouldn't confirm that they're investigate the possibility of a cover-up by the new orleans police. what the justice department is promising is a thorough review of the facts and circumstances surrounding the shootings on the danzinger bridge. >> we'll be in new orleans thursday and friday reporting on the recovery efforts. there are a lot of organizations continuing to help storm victims. you can go to to find out how you can help make a difference. the guy who stuck in the home of burma's pro democracy leader sungkhi is telling his story. >> the knowledge this experience brought and the trial, i've wept every day and i've suffered every day. it's not about her. it's certainly not about some unfit fella going through the
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water. it's about stopping the killings. that's what was from day one. because my message was why isn't anyone stopping the killings? and this has been her message of peace. and so what i believe has happened is -- it's not me. i didn't save her. the whole world has taken an interest. this is how high-profile the junta dare not have this plot. >> broke into her house, resultmillion her beiresul resulted in her being arrested, taken to prison. coming up next, kate gosselin.
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millions of people it unin every week to watch "jon and kate plus 8." the family's been torn apart by ugly rumors, now a divorce. kate and jon are living apart now. what was behind the break-up? what do they tell their kids? in an exclusive interview, kate talked to larry king tonight. >> they're doing remarkably well. this has opened up a lot of discussions between them and myself. a lot of questions come my way. and we're dealing with it. they're doing very well, considering. >> do you take any responsibility? >> everyone who is in a divorce or has been is responsible to a degree. >> police came to your home. >> well, number one, the tabloid and the whole media mess always makes it worse than it is. remember that. it actually was not this huge fight.
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it was just a thing where i wanted to be there with the kids. and as opposed to baby sitter. and he wasnfond of that idea. i just had a very rough day. i have good days and bad days. i just wanted to be with the kids if he wasn't going to be with them. and i did, i did, it was not a 911 call. it was the local routine police phone call -- >> no violence? >> no, no, just to meet me there. i didn't want them to get ugly in front of the kids. and the kids were not even around. i left peaceably, knowing that it's true, it was his day to be there. we bought that house for the kids. it is the kids house. it is the most stable normal thing for them to remain there. and i do live there with them. and he does when he has the kids. >> you go where? >> elsewhere. >> i mean, for days? >> i do.
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i have to. it's the harolde ehardest part this. the fbi is plastering bill boards with the face of a brazen bank robber. in hopes the public can help catch this man. the suspect is wanted for holding up at least ten banks in kentucky, north carolina, south carolina and tennessee. you see the pictures from the surveillance video. he's been captured by bank cameras sneering, a pistol sideways, even showing off taltus on his forearms during the heist. the fbi does consider him to be extremely dangerous. the new women's world 800 meter champion coming home to a hero's welcome. as the controversy surrounding her gender continues to grow. the record-breaking performances have prompted the international association of athletics federation to ask for a sex determination test.
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results of that test won't be available for a few weeks. be careful what you search for. computer security company mcafee calls the actress the most dangerous celebrity in cyberspace. one in five internet search results for terms related to jessica beale will lead you to spam, basically something bad contain ago cyber security threat. she's followed by beyonce, jennifer aniston. >> not a good list to be on. still head tonight. the shot, unobstructed views, guests bearing it all for sightseers. we'll show you. carol, when you replaced casual friday with nordic tuesday, was it really for fun, or to save money on heat? why? don't you think nordic tuesday is fun? oh no, it's fun... you know, if you are trying to cut costs, fedex can help. we've got express options, fast ground and freight service-- you can save money and keep the heat on.
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great idea. that is a great idea. well, if nordic tuesday wasn't so much fun. (announcer) we understand. you need to save money. fedex ( siren blaring ) special interest groups are trying to block progress on health care reform, derailing the debate with myths and scare tactics. desperately trying to stop you from discovering that reform won't force you to give up your current coverage.
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for tonight's shot, this is kind of the only new york kind of story. in a brand-new spanking hotel, emphasis on spanking, very cool-looking hotel, straddles a new pedestrian park. amazingly beautiful and cool space. what no one guessed would happen is certain guests in the hotel are putting on, well, shows, by taking off their clothes. >> oh, yes they are. >> see, there's these two dancing naked women aren't the only ones baring it all for the people down below. it seems many guests are stripping in front of the windows. there's in guy apparently has no problem letting his bait and tackle hanging out there. where did that come from? >> good sound effect. >> we've got these pictures from "the new york post." which reported people looking up
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and seeing a porno film. >> we were down with some friends, with the kids -- >> and it's the coolest thing -- >> it's a fantastic park. this old elevated railway into this wonderful park. we're walking by. he's just stopped, looking up. he said two windows in, three up. we all just stood there with our mouths agape because there were two people clearly having a very good time with the blinlds open on a sunday afternoon. we covered the kid's eyes. >> the high line is great, you should go. coming up at the top of the hour, dick cheney says harsh interrogation tactics, what many call torture, kept america safe. b
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we've got new information. new signs that dr. conrad murray isn't alone. now appears this man on the right, arnie klein, michael jackson's former dermatologist, may be a major part of the investigation. so could five other doctors. randi kaye is working the story. first, though, our top story. another salvo fired at president obama by none other than former vice president dick cheney, in response to news the justice department is investigating actions taken by cia interrogators, mr. cheney's accused the president of playing
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politics and threatening our safety. the investigation, he says, serves, and i quote, a reminder, if any were needed, of why so many americans have doubts about this administration's ability to be responsible for our nation's security. mr. cheney's long-standing claim is harsh interrogation of terror suspects after 9/11, what some call torture, did, in fact, work, did prevent terrorist attacks. did the newly released report back up mr. cheney's claim? tonight tom foreman is keeping them honest. >> reporter: the former vice president has said all along if top secret papers were made public, they would also make his case, that what he calls enhanced interrogation and others call torture was necessary to make captured terrorists talk. >> the intelligence officers who questioned the terrorists can be proud of their work, proud of the results, because they prevented the violent deaths of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands, of people. >> reporter: but keeping them honest, the newly released papers are not so black and white.
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in page after page, they do say that much information used to disrupt al qaeda came from detainees, such as khalid shaikh mohammed and abu zubaydah, both of whom were repeatedly subjected to the controversial techniques. the papers say those men not only revealed potential targets, but their information lead to the arrest of others and disrupted attack plans, including some aimed at high-rise apartments and more passenger jets. but those plots were, in many case, little more than vague ideas, according to cnn terrorism analyst peter bergen so -- >> did coercive interrogation reveal plots that were really serious threats? i think the short answer is no. >> reporter: the papers say khalid shaikh mohammed was given only just dated inaccurate information until the tougher techniques were applied. even some former members of the bush administration like his homeland security and
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terrorism adviser fran townsend, now a cnn contributor, admit he might have given up the more important intelligence anyway as his captivity wore on. >> it's very difficult to draw a cause and effect because it's not clear when techniques were applied versus when that information was received. it's implicit. it seems when you read the report that we got the most critical information after techniques had been applied. but the report doesn't say that. >> reporter: so in terms of determining whether mr. cheney's claims are accurate, the new papers make for murky reading and a tough job for the justice department as it tries to sort out what was done and why and whether it was illegal. anderson. >> more on the implications, repercussions. what we know so far, where this is leading, and why the fight is far from over. strategy from left and the right with cnn contributor paul begala and mary matalin. vice president cheney is essentially saying that president obama is politicizing the justice department and damaging national security. >> right.
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i got to say, for dick cheney to be accusing anyone of politicizing the justice department after what the bush people did, it's a little like -- i don't know, it's like paris hilton saying, that girl's a little too slutty for me. it's preposterous. eric holder, who was smeared today by the former vice president, when he was a u.s. attorney, by a democratic president, you know what he did? he indicted the democratic chairman of the house, ways and means committee when we were trying to pass a health care bill through his committee. eric holder is beyond politics, believe me, and it's a sleazy thing for cheney to say, particularly given the bush record of polly titicizing the justice department. >> mary? >> well, anderson, even in the most redacted sense, you could tell from these released documents, cia dump, that these programs, these interrogations were highly successful. they thwarted second-wave mass casualty attacks. they revealed domestic cells. they were responsible for the
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bulk of our intelligence. which is our first line of defense against these terrorists. and they resulted in the apprehension of almost every al qaeda extremist that we got so -- >> mary, the report -- >> but dick cheney is not playing politics. >> -- is not saying that enhanced interrogation, which others will call torture, resulted in these things. in fact, it's kind of ambiguous on that. all along, cheney has been saying these classified reports are going to show enhanced interrogation techniques saved lives and resulted in terrorist activity being stopped. but in fact, these reports don't show that. >> these are -- reports are -- and subsequent -- or previously declassified report are not ambiguous. they categorically show the success of these interrogations, from khalid shaikh mohammed, to abu zubaydi, that's how we got this intelligence -- >> but cheney today, didn't -- in his statement, doesn't even make that claim anymore. he's now just saying, i quote, the documents released monday clearly demonstrate the
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individuals subjected to enhanced interrogation techniques provided the bulk of intelligence we gained about al qaeda. he's no longer saying enhanced interrogation lead to this information. >> well, we've been having an ongoing conversation here. he gave a quick statement. he happens to be on his way back from alaska. i'm sure you'll be hearing more from him and all the other experts on this. the politization of this is obama going backwards -- and it's dumb politics too because the last time he went up against dick cheney, dick cheney moved the needle against barack obama on the security issue some 20 points. i don't know why barack obama is picking this fight. it's going backwards. but can i just speak to this torture? the way people throw around the term "torture," it has a very strict legal test. the way the political people throw around this word, as if our first line of offense, our war heroes, our intelligence collectors are sadists and
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torture urs, i don't really understand what the democrats think they hope to gain by maligning the first line of defense in the war against terror. >> i think this is a political loser for the democrats, that's right, but it's a matter of justice. i mean, i'm just not that interested in the polls. i don't think dick cheney grew up wanting to torture people. there's ample evidence he grew up wanting to avoid conflict. he got five draft deferments in vietnam, after all, my goodness. he was given responsibility for america's security. he was asked to chair a task force on terrorism. the task force never met. they plainly ignored the warnings before 9/11. whether it was from richard clarke, the counterterrorism expert, whether it was the cia briefing that was later released that said bin laden determined to attack america. from that point on, all of a sudden, dick cheney wanted to play tough and be a cross between jack nicholson in "a few good men" or jack bauer on "24," or something, but none of that made america safer. >> paul, what about the argument these interrogations were already examined in 2004 by career prosecutors at the justice department, people who
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were not political appointees, why not just leave it at that, and move forward? >> no, i think that's a legitimate point. there's always that worry about scapegoating someone way, way down. the responsibility ultimately has to lie at the top. it has to lie with mr. cheney. has to lie with mr. bush. has to lie with mr. gonzales. i'm not for prosecuting them. the sort of thing that nancy pelosi asked for. the speak of the house. a truth and reconciliation commission. >> mary, it worked in south africa. would a truth and reconciliation commission work here? >> have at it. dick cheney has been for laying it all out. the notion of this truth and reconciliation, there's nothing to hide -- except from the terrorists who now know everything we're doing to thwart their activities. >> mary matalin, paul begala, thank you. well, the conversation continues online. let us know what you think. join the live chat now under way at i'm about to log on during the
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commercial break myself. up next, though, what randy kaye's learning about not one, not two, but seven doctors now named in the michael jackson homicide investigation. later, anti-health reform anger at a congressman's town hall directed at a big-name guest, howard dean. >> howard dean is a baby killer! he's a baby killer! ( siren blaring ) special interest groups are trying to block progress on health care reform, derailing the debate with myths and scare tactics.
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was far from alone in the roll call of doctors in jackson's life now under investigation. features at least seven doctors, including this man, dr. arnie klein. dr. klein, murray and five others named on the search warrant affidavit that came out yesterday. we have more now from randi kaye. >> reporter: the day michael jackson died, a search of his bedside revealed numerous bottles of medications prescribed not only by dr. conrad murray, jackson's personal physician at the center of this case, but also by two other doctors. including the singer's longtime dermatologist, dr. arnold klein. kwlin's name was on a prescription pill bottle of zanaflex, a muscle relaxer. court documents show most of the other drugs found at jackson's home were used to treat insomnia. together, medical experts say the combination can be deadly. >> there's no rational basis for this combination. for the treatment of insomnia. there's no protocol on earth that would include these substances. >> reporter: dr. klein's criminal lawyer told me via
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e-mail, the affidavit does not say that dr. klein was giving sleeping medication to michael jackson. based on our analysis, we continue to strongly believe in dr. klein's lack of culpability in this matter. on cnn's "larry king live," dr. klein discussed the dangers of propofol, also known as diprivan. the powerful sedative the coroner's preliminary report shows jackson overdosed on. >> i know at one point he was using diprivan when he was on tour in germany. he was using it with an anesthesiologist to go to sleep at night, and i told him he was absolutely insane. >> reporter: just last week, the coroner's chief investigator was back at dr. klein's office serving a second subpoena. klein's criminal attorney does not believe his client will be charged with manslaughter. when i asked dr. klein's civil attorney if it's possible the dermatologist had seen jackson within 24 hours of his death, he told me simply, i don't know. and there's more. turns out, a few weeks after jackson died, court records
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show a woman gave police a list of aliases jackson used when he visited dr. klein. including the alias omar arnold. court documents show detectives found a prescription at jackson's resident in the name omar arnold prescribed by dr. klein. the name of the drug was not given. now, after two months of searching for answers, according to the affidavit, the detectives believe miscellaneous prescriptions from multiple doctors could have contributed to jackson's death, and it cannot be determined whether the cause of death is due to the action of a single night and/or a single doctor, or the grossly negligent treatment of several doctors over an extended period of time. for the pop star's long list of doctors, that's more bad news. >> so, of all those doctors being looked at, how many does the affidavit say that actually
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gave michael jackson propofol? >> two doctors in all. one being dr. murray. the other a doctor named david adams from las vegas. the affidavit says dr. murray told investigators he was in vegas at a cosmetologist's office when dr. adams sedated jackson with propofol. he told me, quote, my client did not administer propofol to michael jackson. in a cosmetologist's office. i pressed him whether or not his client ever gave jackson that drug anywhere at all, not just in that office, and he would not say. nor would he say if his client had been questioned by police. just add dr. adams to the list of doctors who may or may not have contributed to michael jackson's addiction and death. >> reports from years ago that dr. gupta followed up on about other doctors going on tour with michael jackson, giving him propofol while jackson was on tour, for days at a time. up next, more of jackson's drug use.
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we'll speak with a pain specialist and anesthesiologist who was asked to consult on the case. also, on that scary swine flu report. do the numbers check out? possibly 90,000 deaths in america. who should be vaccinated? will the bug roar back before vaccines can stop it? and kate gosselin opened up on "larry king live." her thoughts now about her husband jon. we'll be right back.
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more now on what went into michael jackson's body on the day he died. dr. murray says he gave jackson valium, then two other power fu valium cousins, on the morning in question. then he administered the anesthetic propofol. somehow jackson ended up with what the coroner calls a lethal amount in his body. there were other drugs found nearby. it raises a lot of questions.
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let's dig deemer now with anesthesiologist and pain medicine specialist dr. jason hymes who declined an offer to consult on michael jackson's pain problems. how did that come to pass? >> a number of years back, i was called to see if i would be interested in working with this gentleman's pain problems. and i had known one or more of the physicians involved in his care. and i decided that it was probably not in my best interest -- >> why -- i've heard from a lot of doctors who say it's hard for celebrities to get good quality medicine. why is that? is it just because they're demanding? they think they should get special treatment? >> you know, celebrity medicine is different in many ways than regular medicine. and celebrity patients, whether they be entertainment industry or politicians or captains of industry, tend to not get such good care because in many ways
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the people that care for them may be placed in ethical situations that your care or my care might not ordinarily be. you know, many -- >> -- sort of sucked into the world of a celebrity and want to be kind of part of that world? >> "sucked in" is a very, very reasonable way of looking at it. no one goes out necessarily with the concept that "i'm going to start giving people things that i know better than to give them." but, in fact, they become your patients and you're somehow now involved in a world that you wouldn't ordinarily see and you're asked to make a decision or do something you might not ordinarily do and another and another and these people are demanding and if you don't give them what they want, you know that they will get it from someone else.
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and somehow of course you think that, well, if i do it, i can keep a lid on the situation. and in reality, you get sucked in like anyone else would. >> and here's this dr. conrad murray who had financial problems of his own suddenly getting $150,000 a month from this patient to be this guy's only doctor. what do you make of a cardiologist suddenly giving drugs an anesthesiologist in a hospital would normally give, and weaning somebody off addiction -- you know, off an addiction? was he qualified to do any of this? >> was he qualified to do any of this? you know, my personal opinion is probably not. you know, practicing in los angeles as i do, you know, it is not uncommon where i would see someone brought in from out of town that lands in the middle of a bad situation and tries to come up to speed, is way over their head, has no one to call, and suddenly things go south very, very quickly. and so here you have someone that -- i don't know, i don't
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know what his qualifications are. but from what i've heard, he's a cardiologist, is asked to administer anesthesia in a nonanesthesia-based setting. giving drugs he probably had only read about and certainly never used. dealing with someone that has problems, that he's unfamiliar with, addiction or substance abuse issues and pain problems. and they're running around trying to do these things, trying to do the right thing. they not only can't keep up, but they're unable to really fathom the depth of the problem. >> until it's too late. dr. jason hymes, i appreciate your expertise. still ahead tonight, singer chris brown's sentence. for beating his pop star girlfriend rihanna. did he get off too easy? we'll let you decide. and the new warnings about swine flu, dire warnings. as many as 90,000 of us, americans, could die this flu season. dr. sanjay gupta answers your questions tonight. ice 1) we've detected an anomaly...
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my nexium. announcer: for many, one prescription nexium pill a day can heal damage to the esophagus that acid reflux disease may cause over time. and nexium can provide 24-hour heartburn relief. headache, diarrhea, and abdominal pain are possible side effects of nexium and other serious stomach conditions may still exist. announcer: ask your doctor about the healing purple pill. learn how you can save online. if you can't afford your medication, some 90,000 americans could die from the swine flu this fall and winter. dr. gupta joins us to talk about how to protect your family. first, erica hill. >> a chaotic scene tonight at a health care town hall being held in virginia. invited former governor howard dean, who's also a medical doctor, to field questions from constituents. not exactly invited to the event was terry randal. founder of anti-abortion group operation rescue.
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take a listen. >> howard dean is a baby killer. abortion is murder. howard dean is a baby killer! howard dean is a baby killer! >> take him out! take him out! >> howard dean is a baby killer! >> get him out! >> howard dean is a baby killer! abortion is murder! >> was eventually escorted out by police. meeting continued as plans. nearly 40 people killed when a tanker truck full of explosives blew up in front of a construction company in kandahar, afghanistan, tonight. the head of the provincial council says the blast was so intense windows in towns more than half a mile away were shaterred. in southern afghanistan today, four u.s. service members were killed when a roadside bomb exploded. president obama, taking a break from his martha's vineyard vacation to nominate fed chair ben bernanke to serve another four-year term.
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he credits bernanke with helping to end the economic free fall in the financial system. just north of atlanta, in georgia, some just released dramatic video of a high-speed chase. police say it happened on sunday. at one point, the driver of the stolen suv tries to get away by, there you see it, jumping out of the vehicle. passenger still inside. car still moving. the suv crashes. you can see there. both people were arrested. >> unbelievable. crazy. all right. coming up, he's the pop singer who back in february became the poster child for domestic abuse. told, chris brown learned his fate for assaulting his then girlfriend rihanna. the 20-year-old brown was sentenced by a judge to five years of probation. in addition, he'll have to serve 1,400 hours of what the court called labor oriented service. brown was also ordered to stay away from rihanna, was given a warning from the bench. listen. >> remember, even though you have probation, this is a felony. and it does come with the potential of state prison, if you should violate in any way
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the terms and condition, of this probation or pick up any new kicks. you understand that? i want to make myself perfectly clear. >> yes. >> brown punched rihanna in the face, bit her, and threatened to kill her. as we also learned today, this was not the first time he brutalized her. lisa bloom is a legal analyst for cnn. what do you make of it? was this too lenient? >> you know what's sad about this, anderson, is this is right in keeping with what first-time domestic violence offenders typically get in california. we're all shocked and outraged or most people are i think to hear this kind of violent act gets off with no prison time. this is exactly what noncelebrities get. he's a first-time offender. he doesn't have a criminal history. we learned as you say there was two prior incidents. rihanna did not report them to intelligent. so as far as the court looks at it, he's a first-time offender. he gets probation. he guilty a pretty serious
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amount of community service. six months of physical labor. other than that, he's off scott-free. >> but, i mean, even though he has these two previous domestic violence incidents? just because it was out of the country and it wasn't reported that doesn't play a role? >> well, you're right. you use the word incidents. they were incidents apparently admitted by him to the probation officer but they're not offenses. they're incidents that i assume rihanna discussed with the probation officer and chris brown discussed with the probation officer. one of them, the probation officer says she slapped him in europe. he shoved her against the wall. and the second one, they had an altercation in barbados and he punched the car window so hard he broke two car windows. in both of those incidents, rihanna was not harmed according to the report. but from the point of view of the law, they're not criminal convictions so they really don't count. >> we're also learning more about the details of whenever rihanna was assaulted in los angeles. reports say her injuries were inflicted by a large ring on brown's hand which he used to
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punch her. you can see that in the picture obtained by tmz. what is the message now that brown's been sentenced? >> every time i see that picture it just makes me remember how awful it was to see it the first time. this poor woman was really brutalized. the damage to her career. she was out of the limelight for a long period of time. i think this sends a terrible message. in studies, young women, many of them, feel rihanna brought this on herself. even though there's no evidence of that at all. they had a verbal argument which he alone escalated to physical violence. choking her to the point where she nearly lost consciousness. he's pled guilty to that. so i think this sends a terrible message. it's just the same message all the batterers get when they don't get prison time either. >> we'll see what happens to his car renow. lisa bloom, thanks. if you or someone you know is the victim of domestic violence, you can go to for a list of resources. also join the live chat at
11:31 pm next, terrifying worst case scenario for the swine flu. the grim report from the presidential advisory board warning half the country could be infected and the death toll could reach 90,000. the latest ahead. later, kate from "jon & kate plus 8," on "larry king" tonight. we're shopping for car insurance, and our friends said we should start here. good friends -- we compare our progressive direct rates, apples to apples, against other top companies, to help you get the best price. how do you do that? with a touch of this button. can i try that?
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tonight, we're digging deeper on that sobering new report showing just how deadly swine flu could be. a presidential advisory panel says the country may be, and we stress, may be, heading for catastrophe. the swine flu, also known as the h1n1, has claimed 522 lives in the u.s. so far. nearly 8,000 people have been hospitalized. some 1 million americans have been infected by the virus. that's according to the cdc. here's what could possibly happen next. the advisory panel says up to
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90,000 people, move thely children and adults, could die from the swine flu this winter. that's more than double the deaths of the average flu season. it also warns as many as 1.8 million americans may be hospitalized. and says the virus could infect up to half the u.s. population this fall and winter. roughly 150 million people. we want to stress, these numbers are a worst case scenario. the question is, how worried should you and your family be? chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta joins us now. i've got to believe -- these numbers are frightening. as much as half the u.s. population infected, 90,000 deaths. how seriously do you take this? >> well, there are pretty good models to try and predict. this sort of thing and in some ways, it may be better news than we think. if you think about, you know, sort of figure out the number of deaths with respect to the number of people infected, it is the likelihood of death is still pretty small. the number you and i have talked about that's worth reporting is the seasonel is flu, the regular flu we think about,
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often causes about 36,000 deaths a year. having said that, there are things about this that really are a little bit alarming. the way we fight off viruses is if we've seen the virus before if our bodies has seen the virus before, are better at fighting it. with h1n1, it is novel, it is new, which means we're not very good at fighting this particular virus. that's a concern. >> the report says this h1n1 may peak earlier than thought. is the vaccine going to be ready? >> no, and this is something we've been investigating, really trying to look into this. first, we heard the vaccine would likely be available, sort of mid-october. that would be the first shot of two shots. so what we're hearing from this presidential advisory committee is that it would be great to try and get this vaccine available sooner. i don't know how they do that, frankly. >> we have a couple of viewer questions. i want to ask you about them. how are you planning on
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protecting your own children, dr. gupta? >> we follow typical vaccine schedules for our children. i have a 4-year-old, a 2-year-old and a 5-month-old. my youngest might be a little bit young for the vaccine. we will probably plan on getting the vaccine for our two older children. it's worth pointing out there's been some back and forth regarding the utility of school closingings. the official line from health and human services is, you know, the schools probably won't be closed, may not make that big a difference. they stay stick to routine. hygiene, washing your hands. all the sort of things to try and curb the spread of the virus. >> kim asks, how long does the vaccination take to be preventive of the virus? >> the thing about this particular -- this particular vaccine is it's going to be two shots. in between the first shot and the second shot will probably be three weeks. say you get the first shot mid-october, you probably wouldn't get the second shot until the beginning of november. it will probably be two or three weeks after that. so you're talking about a period of time. it's not instantaneous. >> here's a question from tish. she says, i heard that people specifically over the age of 50 maybe less likely to become ill with the h1n1 flu.
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if so, should my mom, who's 78 and lives in an assisted living facility, be vaccinated? >> my guess at some point way back there's some variant of this h1n1 circulated around and people who are older saw that virus. their bodies saw it. so they have a little bit of protection against that. that's probably why they're not, these older people are not as affected by it. for the 78-year-old grandmother, i'd get the seasonal flu vaccine first. >> thanks very much. safeguarding against the swine flu, topic has come up at some contentious health care town hall meetings. tonight, we saw how chaotic they can sometimes get. we shod you that huard dean meeting a short time ago. many people want to be heard. including, as you'll see, president obama's great-uncle. dana bash explains. >> reporter: ralph dunham isn't your average 92-year-old heading to a health care town hall. in fact, you could call him special. he's president obama's great-uncle. >> he's my brother's grandson. >> reporter: he's your great nephew?
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>> yes. >> reporter: on this day, he's just looking for information on his nephew's health care plan. do you feel like you have a good grasp of what's in the plans for overhauling health care? >> no, i don't, because the thing's over 1,000 pages long. >> reporter: do you feel confused by it? >> i don't really know very much about it. i don't know whether to be confused or not. >> reporter: dunham says he has a good relationship with the president who lives 11 miles away in the white house, but hasn't spoken to his nephew since he took office. he's got a pretty good grassroots operator in you. >> yeah. >> reporter: you think maybe he should call you and say "help me get the word out, uncle?" >> well, i don't know about that, but he's been pretty busy lately. >> reporter: so dunham came to this forum. >> i'm hoping to get some information just like everyone else. >> this generation is kind of afraid of what's coming next. >> reporter: unlike many of his friends here expressing fear that proposed cuts in medicare to pay for reform jeopardizes
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their benefits, dunham worries more about his uninsured son, the president's cousin. >> if something should happen to him, we could either let him die or go broke. that would be our choice. >> reporter: that's why, though dunham's in the dark about details, he's fiercely supportive of his nephew's quest to expand health coverage. >> health care is a right, not a privilege. >> reporter: here, he learned a bit more about the proposal but says the spirited meeting also taught him his nephew must do a better job communicating. >> he's going to have to talk to the general public about it and reassure them about it. >> reporter: a white house spokesman says not everybody in the president's family should be expected to know the details of his health care plan. as for dunham, he never ended up asking a question at this town hall. he simply listened to the presentations from his congressman and others. and he did tell us afterwards it helped him better understand the health care plans moving through congress.
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he also said he believes the president, his nephew, will ultimately be successful in what he calls this life or death cause. four years after hurricane katrina, four years after shooting on this bridge, what really happened in the chaos of the storm? did police act as heros in this particular case? was there a cover-up? a serial bank robber on the loose, making no attempt to hide his identity. what are police doing to catch him? with rheumatoid arthritis, it seems like my life is split in two. there's the life i live. and the life i want to live. fortunately, there's enbrel. enbrel can help relieve pain, stiffness, fatigue, and stop joint damage. because enbrel suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma and nervous system
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and nearly drowned a city. made landfall four years ago this saturday, hurricane katrina. we've been back to new orleans a lot since 2005. we're going to return again this thursday and friday to report on the pain and the progress. tonight an update in the violent death in the chaotic days after katrina. police opened fire on a bridge. two people killed. one of them a disabled man. was it self-defense or not? cnn's drew griffin. >> reporter: four years after the storm, a mystery remains on the shootings on the danzinger bridge. everybody agrees on one point, the first sunday after the hurricane, police shot and killed a 40-year-old mentally handicapped man. the question, was it justified? rahmel madison says there is only one answer. you believe police, new orleans police, murdered your brother? >> yes, i do. >> reporter: and then covered it up? >> yes. >> reporter: now, four years
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later, armed with a search warrant, the fbi and other federal law enforcement officials, descended on the new orleans police department. seizing records, investigative files, evidence rahmel madison believes will prove a police cover-up. it was in the chaos engulfing new orleans that lance madison and his mentally handicapped brother ronald, fleeing floodwater, ran head on into what's become known as the danzinger bridge killings. >> shot right here. and we kept running up the bridge here, trying to go zigzag so they wouldn't hit us. >> reporter: crossing the bridge, they suddenly found themselves being shot at by armed men dressed in t-shirts driving a postal truck. what they didn't know was the armed men were police who thought they were coming to the rescue. there had been a frantic radio call that sunday morning. it was reporting police under fire. contractors being shot at. on this bridge. it turns out it was all just one big mistake in the chaos after
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katrina. some would say it was based on lines. there were no contractors under fire on this bridge. police never found anybody with a gun. what they did find was a man running away from them, down this bridge. they chased him, shot him, and killed him. two people were killed that day. ronald madison was one of them. another four were wounded. the seven police officers involved have always said the shooting was justified. and the new orleans police department, which investigated itself, agreed. the civil rights division of the department of justice is now trying to figure out precisely what happened on the bridge. and as tulane university criminology professor peter sharrf points out, it is now the new orleans police investigation itself that is being investigated. >> the more critical question is not the seven guys on the bridge, but can this police department investigate itself?
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>> reporter: police say they fired in self-defense when madison reached for his waist and turned on them. but over the past four years, cnn has been uncovering details that raise doubts. an autopsy, revealing madison was shot in the back. lack of any evidence madison was ever armed. and finding a witness who says he saw officers line up and gun down a man running away. >> would arm motion moving and -- >> reporter: and then how did he fall? >> he just fell, like, like he was collapsing, like, like he was collapsing. like something had just, like, wiped him out. >> reporter: you didn't see any gun on him? >> i didn't see any on him. >> reporter: seven police officers cheered as heroes by their colleagues. were indicted for the murder and attempted murder of ronald madison. but the case was thrown out on a
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technicality. and six of the officers are now back on the street. you believe these officers did nothing wrong, that there was no crime or even misconduct on that bridge? >> none whatsoever. we're confident these officers acted appropriately. in fact, heroically. we're certain this investigation will have the same conclusion as the last one. they did, in fact, act appropriately and heroically. >> reporter: rahmel madison says in the aftermath of katrina, the police force did what it wanted. of all the victims of hurricane katrina, your brother among them, was justice and the rule of law also a victim in this town? >> yes, they were just as badly wounded as my brother was. because it just doesn't exist. >> reporter: the federal justice department wouldn't comment for this story, wouldn't confirm that they're investigate the possibility of a cover-up by the new orleans police. what the justice department is promising is a thorough review
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of the facts and circumstances surrounding the shootings on the danziger bridge. drew griffin, cnn, atlanta. >> we'll be in new orleans thursday and friday reporting on the recovery efforts. four years since the storm. there are a lot of organizations continuing to help storm victims. you can go to to find out how you can help make a difference. the guy who snuck in the home of burma's pro democracy leader sun khi is telling his story. >> the knowledge this experience brought and the trial, i've wept every day and i've suffered every day. it's not about her. it's certainly not about some unfit fella going through the water. it's about stopping the killings. that's what it was from day one. because my message was, why isn't anyone stopping the killings? and this has been her message of peace. and so what i believe has happened is -- it's not me.
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i didn't save her. the whole world has taken an interest. and because everybody -- this is how high-profile the junta dare not orchestrate this illegal assassination plot. >> this is the guy who broke into her house, resulted in her being arrested, taken to prison. watch the full interview tomorrow. coming up next, kate gosselin. (mom) for just $9, you can get them shoes from names like danskin now and starter.
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millions of people tune in every week to watch "jon & kate plus 8," one of the most popular ralphie shows on tv. the family has been torn apart by ugly rumors, reports of infidelity and now a divorce. what was behind the breakup? what did they tell their kids? in an exclusive interview, kate gosselin talked to larry king tonight. here's some of what she had to say. >> they're doing remarkably well. this has opened up a lot of discussions between them and myself. a lot of questions come my way, and we're dealing with it. they're dealing very well
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considering. >> larry: do you take any responsibility? >> everyone who is in a divorce or has been is responsible to a degree. >> larry: police came to your home. >> well, number one, the tabloid and the whole media mess always makes it worse than it is. remember that. it actually was not this huge fight. it was just a thing where i wanted to be there with the kids and as opposed to a babysitter and he wasn't fond of that idea and i just had a very rough day. i have good days and bad days. this day was a rough day. i just wanted to be with the kids if he wasn't going to be with them. i did -- i did -- it was not a 911 call. it was the local routine police phone call. >> larry: no violence? >> just to meet me there in case things got ugly. i didn't want them to get ugly in front of the kids. the kids weren't around. i left peacefully knowing it was
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true. it was his day to be there. we bought that house for the kids. it is the kids' house. it is the most stable, normal thing for them to remain there, and i do live there with them and he does when he has the kids. >> larry: and you go where? >> elsewhere. >> larry: for days? >> i do. i have to. it's the hardest part of all of this. >> all right. let's check the stories we're following. erica hill has the "360" bulletin. fbi is plastering billboards with a face of a brazen robbe r robberer. is the suspect is wanted for holding up ten games in kentucky, north carolina and tennessee. he's been captured by the bank cameras rearing a pistol sideways and showing off tattoos on his fore arm. the fbi considerses h him to be
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dangerous. the woman's world 800 meter champion coming home to a hero's welcome in south africa as the controversy surrounding her gender continues to do. semenya's record-breaking performances have prompted the international association of athletics association to ask for tests. the results of the tests won't be available for a few weeks. a warning for jessica biel fans. mcfee calls the actress the most dangerous celebrity in cyber space. one in ten search results related to jessica biel will lead you to a web page, photo, video or spam, something bad containing a cyber security threat. she's on the dangerous list with beyonce, thomas anderson and jessica simpson. >> not a good list to be on. still ahead tonight "the shot." unobstructed city views in the middle of manhattan, a new hotel
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visitors. what no one guesses what happens is certain guests on the hotel are putting on shows by taking off their clothes. >> oh, yes, they are. >> there's -- these two dancing naked women aren't the only ones baring it all for the people down below. many guests are stripping in front of the windows. this guy apparently has no problem letting his bait and tackle hanging out there. where did that come from? we got these pick from "the new york post," saying people looking up seeing a porno being fi filmed. >> we were at the highline with friends, kids -- >> the highline is amazing. >> fantastic park. they told this elevated railway into a beautiful park. we were walking by. my husband was ahead of everybody. we stopped. two windows in, three up. we stood there with their mouths
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