tv CNN Newsroom CNN August 26, 2009 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT
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best interest of the people of south carolina can no longer be served by the current administration. the serious misconduct has has already been revealed along with lingering questions and continuing distractions make it virtually impossible for our state to solve the critical problems we are facing without a change in leadership. that is why i now must call upon governor sanford in the interest of our state to resign. >> bauer goes on to say, by the way, that he fears that efforts to impeach the governor will dominate the next session of the state ledges lay yur and that would prevent other issues from gaining attention. governor sanford's term ends 2011. the pictures i was talking about. much of what you will see this hour will reveal senator kennedy as a part of american history that was captured on news reels
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and stills and video. he had a camera following him everywhere he went. here is some of that video we put together for you. another kennedy has thrown his hat into the national political arena. edward m. or ted officially announces his campaign for the massachusetts senate seat once held by his brother, the president. the youngest of the three brothers, he will face edward j. mccormick jr. in the democratic primaries. there are hot times brewing on the massachusetts political scene. at the state democratic convention, edward j. mccormick, 38-year-old nephew of house speaker, mccormick, faces the nomination for senator. in contest with edward, ted kennedy, youngest brother of the president. they both aim at the seat vacated by senator john f. kennedy when he assumed the office of president. it is a noisy demonstration that has the rafters ringing in springfield.
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30-year-old ted kennedy wins the convention endorsement by nearly 2-1. national attention is focused on a senatorial contest in massachusetts. while the president took no active part in the campaign, he left in the middle of one of the america's cup races to vote at boston's joy street police station. he had no comment on his brother's victory but political observers were quick to point out that the younger kennedy's race in november will be more than a local issue. >> a man who cares. edward m. kennedy endorsed democratic candidate for the united states senate. >> too many of our senior citizens are being forced to choose between neglecting their ailments or being p auchlt
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perized by them. >> vote for edward m. kennedy, the endorsed democratic candidate for the united states senate. >> the congress convenience. there are some new faces on capitol hill. among them are 12 new senators. of most interest is senator edward "ted" kennedy, the third brother to achieve success in the national political arena. >> from dallas texas, president kennedy died at 1:00 p.m. central standard time. 2:00 eastern standard time. some 38 minutes ago. >> making a final stop on his tour of ireland, senator edward kennedy finds 100,000 people in the streets to give him a sendoff. 70 degrees in the shade, very warm for the emerald isle. the temperature of the pop pew
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last is at a high to salute the brother of the mart terred president. senator edward m. kennedy was seriously injured when his private plane crashed in the woods. he was on his way to the state democratic convention where he was renominated when the plane crashed in a heavy fog. despite a broken back, doctors expect mr. kennedy to achieve complete recovery within eight to ten months. his family quickly gathered at his bedside and specialists were flown from walter reed hospital. >> here from his hospital room, senator kennedy speaks to you now. >> well, i'm coming along now. the doctors estimate that i will be out of the hospital around christmastime. i'm planning on thanksgiving. i haven't mentioned that to them yet but i plan to in the next few days. >> well-wishers wait outside a boston hospital to greet a man who made good a promise of six months ago to recover for a broken back in time for
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christmas. senator edward m. kennedy leaves new england baptist hospital for palm beach to spend the mol days with the kennedy clan. his older brother, robert tours the far east. edward stops in greaece for an unofficial visit. he spent every moment he could spare at the shrine that mothered democracy. from here, mr. kennedy went to warsaw to continue his private fact-finding tour. >> it is the season for congressional junkets. south vietnam refugee camps are visited by a lense late tiff party including senator edward kennedy of massachusetts. a fact-finding mission on the part of the committee who said they wish to see how civilian refugees were fairing in the centers set up by the south vietnamese government. the senator and his party expressed themselves as highly pleased with the efforts being
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made to help the south vietnamese, the civilians, who always suffer the most when caught in the path of war. >> let's go to chicago and win this. thank you very much. >> beyond what he was in life, to be remembered simply as a good and decent man. he saw wrong and tried to right it. saw suffering and tried to heal it. saw war and tried to stop it. those of us who loved him and who will take him to his rest today, pray that what he was to us and what he wished for others will someday come to pass for all the world. >> there is more, by the way, including raw footage of his brother's funerals and the moment when senator kennedy stood all but alone and gave a speech opposing the iraq war.
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remember that? also, there is another potential hurricane to tell you about. this storm is growing in the atlantic and most of you along the eastern seaboard will want to see this. also, remember the aftershow. it comes on right at 4:00. as we continue this special tribute and all the day's news. i'll be right back. sweet! (together) sweet! (announcer) now for the first time, a gram of healthy fiber in every packet. sweet! (announcer) splenda® with fiber. i never thought i would have a heart attack,
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he went on to say that that woman after calling authorities then tried to extort money from him. since that story and since that admission, the story has taken hold there in kentucky and in many parts of the country. just moments ago, rick patino held a news conference and walked away, stormed away. let us let you watch that. >> i am saying something. it is a 100% lie. you have all known it is a lie. you haven't printed. you haven't sit it. you have nope the background but you haven't said it. i am going to get on to basketball. i will tell you this. it hasn't hurt recruiting one bit. we will still bring in top 10 players. this has been a top 10 program the last two years. it will continue to be a top 10 program. our fans are the greatest in college basketball. my opinion, i work here. great fans everywhere.
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we will continue to bring in great players and run this program with great integrity. >> there was originally a lot of questions about whether or not he would resign or be asked to resign. it sounds from listening to that news conference he gave just moments ago that that is not something that he is considering. we'll stay on top of it for you. >> here is what we know about senator kennedy's funeral and burial. details have been released within the last couple of hours. sources close to the family say that the funeral will be held saturday morning at the basilica of our lady of perpetual health in boston. he will be buried saturday afternoon as many of you might expect who visited the site at arlington national cemetery next to the graves of his brothers, president john f. kennedy and sen. robert kennedy. some call the kennedys america's royal family. in an hbo documentary, it's called "ted kennedy," talks about his own family and his own life.
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we want to show you parts of that documentary that we have found. here it is. >> from my earliest beginnings, our house has been the scrapbook for our family. all of the really major times of joy and triumph and some of sadness and disappointment have been a part of these pictures. >> i've grown up in a large family. i was the ninth member of that family. the relationship between brothers and sisters was
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extremely close. all during the 30s and 40s, my father was one that would challenge all the members of the family. he could spot when you were not measuring up and not giving your all. >> that's just beginning of it. we will show you more of this after the break, including a look at ted kennedy as that pudgy-faced kid with his brothers and mom and dad. unbelievable video. something i have never known or seen before. ted kennedy was a college football player actually making a touchdown catch for harvard. this is an incredible film. you can see the entire hbo documentary fill pd, "teddy in his own words" tonight at 7:00 on cnn. we'll have more. stay with us.
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reading about washington these days... i gotta ask, what's in it for me? i'm not looking for a bailout, just a good paying job. that's why i like this clean energy idea. now that works for our whole family. for the kids, a better environment. for my wife, who commutes, no more gettin' jerked around on gas prices... and for me, well, it wouldn't be so bad if this breadwinner brought home a little more bread. repower america. i hope our senators are listening.
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around for you. so stick around. hopefully, within the next couple of minutes, we will be able to share that piece of audio tape with you so you can hear this exclusive conversation for yourself. this historic conversation, i should say. there is something else i want to tell you about. i watched this today. i was touched by it. today we watched -- i watched as well as everybody else who was watching cnn at the time, two grown men break down. one is the vice president of the united states, joe biden. he was extremely close to ted kennedy. the other was senator chris dodd who said today, i lost my best friend. as i share those words with you, i want to bring you into the next part of this hbo documentary that we are being allowed to share with you. again, this is teddy in his own words. that's what this is called. this is interesting. this is ted kennedy in the early years. >> people have a lot of challenges, a lot of heart ache
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during the course of their lives and still try and reach out and help other people. that is sort of a central kind of a theme in terms of our development. from the days of high school, i always wanted to run for office. i would say probably in college, i really became most interested in politics. >> there is no stopping a touchdown by ted kennedy. brother of massachusetts senator, john kennedy. >> all of us played sports. in our family, all the boys and
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girls were all really treated very equally and the strongest in the pecking order, people understood that. plus, being the youngest member of the family and being more conscious of that. the youngest, they said, i didn't wait in line. >> there is so much to say as you watch some of this video and so many of you are having so much to say. so i'm going to share that with the rest of the folks in our national conversation in just a moment. there is trouble in the atlantic. it could be serious trouble.
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another potential hurricane. chad myers is going to be all over it as we move on ahead. stay with us. i'm going to be right back. ♪ is to get as far away from it all as possible. don't let erectile dysfunction get in the way. ♪ viva viagra! viagra, america's most prescribed ed treatment, can help you enjoy... a more satisfying sexual experience. ready to talk to your doctor? find out how at ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. don't take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain... as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure.
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welcome back. as we reported earlier, there will be a memorial service for senator kennedy on friday at the kennedy presidential library in boston. a private funeral we now understand will take place saturday morning at our lady of perpetual help basilica. that's in boston. the senator will be buried later saturday at arlington national cemetery as you might expect next to the eternal flame where his brother, jfk, and bobby kennedy are also buried. we want to take a look at some of the things you are saying. many of you seem to be enjoying this newscast we are bringing you today, which is a combination of the news and the passing of senator ted kennedy. let's start at the top. it says, i am deeply sattenddeny our loss of teddy kennedy. what a splen did example of a man who learned to walk an
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honorable path. the last of tleet musketeers. they made policy that will live forever. i am enjoying the show. thank you. ted kennedy did more for black people in america than michael jackson. why aren't they in the streets crying today? >> interesting question. >> once again, you revolutionized the way news is reported. >> my family and i are deeply sattened by the loss of teddy kennedy. thank you. it is about teddy. >> it is and we are going to continue to try and bring you some of the latest videos and pictures that tell his life story with those stills and those films that many of us have never seen before. we have more looks at senator kennedy's life coming up in a little bit. we are also going to be watching fires in california. that's important. there is a storm in the atlantic as well, it's named danny. how potentially is old danny
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ask yourself how many americans thought this? it was an interesting message sent to me on myspace. shoot that one right there at the very top. when ted ran for president, i remember my mother, who was a democrat, saying, that she would never vote for him because she was terrified that he would be assassinated, like his brothers. you will be so missed, teddy. isn't that interesting? interesting comment. by the way, some news i have to tell you about now. there is a new tropical storm that's popped out on the east coast. it is so knew that this morning's editorial meeting, they hadn't even gotten a good projected track on it yet. chad myers has been following it for the better part of the day. danny boy, right?
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>> doesn't sound very ominous, does it? >> no. >> it is in the same place that bill was a week ago. the only difference, rick, is that when bill was here, it was already a category 2, category 3 storm and it was going to category 4. this thing is disorganized as can be. the center is over here. to be a good tropical event, you can't have winds only on one side. it must wrap around and make an eye. this thing isn't even close to that yet. the only problem is, it is farrell close to the u.s. east coast already. it is forecast to get stronger. you have heard of the gulf stream. that's the warm water. that warm water is the fuel to the fire. if you will notice, there is the whole cape hatteras era right there. >> i was going to say, like that cape hatteras magnet you and i talk about all the time. >> you bet. there is cape cod and there is maine. so here is the cone. we are right in it this time.
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we are not saying out here to the ocean. now, the difference, i think, a lot of the united states request take a minimal category 1 hurricane. we can take some of the showers. there will be more showers on up the cape. that's why these things look like this, because of the way the water is coming through. if we do hit the cape or something like that, 60, 70-mile-an-hour winds will take some beach away but not make a catastrophic event. this could get bigger. we will have to watch it. >> before you go, what's going on with the fires out there in california? >> again, i guess they could use some rain, couldn't they? >> it never rains in southern california. that's a song i can sing over an over. here is covina. that would take you up to the morris dam area. there is the lake right through there. these helicopters have been flying into this lake getting water trying to put this fire out. here is what it looked like in the overnight hours. it is still on fire now.
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750 acres as of this morning. it's burned all day. i'm sure we are over 1,000. 600 firefighters on the scene right now. helicopters in the air, phos-chek planes in the air. it is just choking smoke because we don't have any wind to get the smoke out of the way. that's okay. watch what you ask for, right? because you don't want wind. temperatures today may range almost to 100 degrees and relative humidity, rick, could be 6%. that's no help to the fire department at all. >> good stuff. both stories you did involved songs. you sang "it never rains in southern california" and i'll sing "danny boy" as a tribute to the late, great senator kennedy. back to the death of senator edward kennedy, we are going to start by giving you one more look at that piece we showed you at the very beginning of this hour. we have gotten so much response from you on twitter, myspace, facebook, we are going too give you a chance to see this once
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again. here it is. another kennedy has thrown his hat into the national political arena. edward m. or ted officially announces his campaign for the massachusetts senate seat once held by his brother, the president. the youngest of the three brothers, he will face edward j. mccormick jr. nephew of the speaker of the house in the democratic primary. there are hot times brewing on the massachusetts political scene. at the state democratic convention, edward j. mccormick, 38-year-old nephew of house speaker, mccormick, speaks the party nomination for senator in a contest with edward "ted" kennedy, the youngest brother of the president. the two men both aim at the seats vacated by senator john f. kennedy when he assumed the office of president. it is a convention of noisy demonstrations that has the rafters ringing in springfield. 30-year-old ted kennedy wins the convention endorse the by nearly 2-1.
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>> national attention is focused on a senatorial contest in massachusetts. while the president took no active part in the campaign, he left in the middle of one of the america's cup races to vote at boston's joy street police station. he had no comment on his brother's victory but political observers were quick to point out that the younger kennedy's race in november will be more than a local issue. >> a man who cares, edward m. kennedy endorsed democratic candidate for the united states senate. >> too many of our senior citizens are being forced to choose between neglecting their ailments or being pauperized by them. >> vote for edward m. kennedy, the endorsed democratic candidate for the united states senate. the 80th congress convenience in washington for a busy session.
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new faces on capitol hill. among them, 12 new senators. most interest centers around edward "ted" kennedy, the third brother to achieve success in the national political arena. >> from dallas, texas, the flash apparently official president kennedy died at 1:00 p.m. central standard time. 2:00 eastern standard time, some 38 minutes ago. making a final stop on his tour of ireland, senator edward kennedy findses 100,000 people in the streets to give him a tumultuous sendoff. 70 degrees in the shade. very warm for the emerald isle. the temperature is at a new high to salute the brother of the martered president.
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>> press edward m. kennedy was seriousy injured when hess plane crashed in the woods. he was renominated when the plane crashed in a heavy fog. however, despite a broken back, doctors expect mr. kennedy to achieve complete recovery within eight to ten months. his family quickly gathered at his bedside. specialists were flown from walter reed. here from his hospital room, senator ken de speaks to you now. >> well, i'm coming along now. the doctors estimate that i'll be out of the hospital around christmastime. i'm planning on thanksgiving. i haven't mentioned that to them yet but i plan to in the next few days. >> well-wishers wait outside a boston hospital to greet a man who made good a promise of six months ago to recover from a broken back in time for christmas. senator edwa senator edward m. kennedy leaves new england baptist hospital to spend the holidays with the
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kennedy clan. >> edward kennedy stops in greece for an unofficial visit. mr. kennedy expressed pleasure at the opportunity to visit this seat of western culture and spent every moment at the shrine that mothered democracy. from here, he went on to warsaw to continue his private fact-finding tour. it's the season for congressional junkets. south vietnam rev few ji camps are visited by a legislative party that includes senator edward m. kennedy of massachusetts. the trip is described as a fact-finding commission. they wish to see how they were set up. the senator and his party expresseded themselves as highly pleased with the efforts being made to help the south vietnamese, the civilians who always suffer the most when caught in the path of war.
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>> let's go to chicago and win this. thank you very much. >> beyond what he was in life, he will be remembered simply as a good and decent man. he saw wrong and tried to right it. he saw suffering and tried to heal it. he saw war and tried to stop it. those of us who loved him and who will take him to his rest today pray that what he was to us and what he wished for others will someday come to pass for all the world. >> by the way, a full life is filled with as many ups as there are downs. take it from me. ted kennedy's downs were extremely low and highly visible, from palm beach to chappaquiddick and how what was captured as it happened, you will see. that's when we come back.
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let's bring you up to date. reaction of the death of senator ted kennedy. he has ordered all federal buildings to fly flags at half staff. senator kennedy will lie in repose at the john f. kennedy presidential library in boston on friday. a memorial service there friday evening and then a private funeral service saturday morning. that's going to be at boston's
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our lady of perpetual health basilica. on saturday afternoon, senator kennedy will be buried at arlington national cemetery near the graves of his brothers, the eternal flame for john f. kennedy and sen. robert kennedy. under current law kennedy's senate seat will remain vacant until there is a special election. before he died, kennedy asked the state legislature to pass a bill that would allow the appointment of a temporary replacement for him, governor e deval patrick said he will sign that law if it is passed. sir, have you been drinking tonight? if you ride drunk, you will get caught... and you will get arrested.
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...or if you're already sick... ...or if you lose your job. your health insurance shouldn't either. so let's fix health care. if everyone's covered, we can make health care as affordable as possible. and the words "pre-existing condition" become a thing of the past... we're america's health insurance companies. supporting bipartisan reform that congress can build on.
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there is something going on we want to share with you. governor mark sanford of south carolina, his lieutenant governor came out earlier today and said that -- in so many wore, he seemed to be recommending that the governor resign, that it would be good for the state. now, governor sanford is expressing himself. let's listen in to see what he has to say. with all due respect to some in the media, maybe some think it helps sell papers. there are a variety of different reasons as to why this thing has been chronicled as it has. i don't mean that meanly. when you look at the fact that this state is going to run a $100 million deficit this year and the amount of coverage that has gotten versus some of these other things, it says, wait a minute, we do have some real big world issues that we've got to be talking about. that is incumbent upon even folks in the media to be talking
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about some of those things. so, i guess, to cut to the chase, what i say in this letter is that i am not going to be railroaded out of this office by political opponents or folks that were never fans of mine in the first place or put a different way. a lot of what is going on now is pure politics, plain and simple. so what i talk about in my letter is, me hanging up the spur 16 months out, as comfortable as that would be, as much as i might like to that that on a personal basis, it is wrong, one, because as much as you might dislike somebody, it is not right to go out and try to rewrite history, because we have an incredible records when it comes to watching out for the taxpayer. there have been attempts to rewrite history on that front. >> at least from what we are hearing, if this is his response to his lieutenant governor, it does not sound like the governor is going to acquiesce.
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earlier, as i mentioned, we heard the lieutenant governor say this he probably should think about stepping down. it doesn't sound like that's what governor mark sanford is saying. we wanted you to hear some of his response, if nothing else, to be fair to him. we know full well about ted kennedy's personal flaws that help squash his presidential ambitions. let's remember two moments from the life of ted kennedy. one, deeply familiar and one you may have forgotten. i want to take you back to the volatile summer of 1969. young senator kennedy, attended a party off of martha's vineyards. he was married at the time. kennedy left with a woman. her name was mary jo kopechne. she drown after his car plunged off of a bridge. the senator said that he tried to save her but, in fact, he waited for hours to call police. only after talking with advisers, that in a nutshell was
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shap pa qu chappaquiddick. for some americans, it is the moment that they believe defined ted kennedy, perhaps you remember this. >> there has been no advanced text to the senators remarks. we go to hyannis port and a statement by senator edward kennedy. >> my fellow citizens, i have requested this opportunity to talk to the people of pass mass about the tragedy which happened last friday evening. this morning, i entered a plea of guilty to the charge of leaving a scene of the accident. no words can possibly express the terrible pain and suffering i feel over this tragic incident. this last week has been an agonizing one for me and for the members of my family and the
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grief we feel over the loss of a wonderful friend will remain with us the rest of our lives. >> my father has always said to me, son, it is not how you fall. it is how you get up. well, that was ted kennedy's biggest fall. that was ted kennedy on chappaquiddick. his foes made sure it was a moment never forgotten, the no even to this day. a decade after that scandal, kennedy felt ready to try to follow in his older brother's footsteps and run for the presidency. now, i want you to watch this moment when kennedy was asked a simple question and he seemed unable to answer. >> why do you want to be president? >> well, i'm making the announcement to run.
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the reasons that i would run is because i have a great belief in this country that it has more natural resources, the greatest educated population in the world, the greatest technology of any country in the world, the greatest capacity for innovation in the world and the greatest political system in the world, yet, i see at the current time that most of the industrial nations of the world are exceeding us because of productivity, are doing better than us in terms of meeting the problems of inflation. and on it went. kennedy's odd response to what was a pretty simple question. why do you want to be president? to some, the answer revealed kennedy didn't know or just truly didn't want it or as "time" magazine's joe klein rights today in a column that he sent me, he never really seemed
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to feel like he deserved it, maybe compared to his brothers or his dad. the ultimate irony is that after his single failed bid for the white kennedy went on to accomplish more in the senate than some men have gotten done in the white house. health care is his issue of today, but during the civil rights movement, no person in congress did as much as ted kennedy.
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right after ted kennedy's really horrible plane accident where a lot of people thought he would have lost his life. kennedy was in the hospital for about ten months after that. let's listen this. >> senator kennedy on line 0. >> hello? >> mr. president. >> my friend. i'm sure glad to hear your voice. >> thank you so much. listen, i wanted to call and tell you how much i appreciate it and we appreciate everything you've done. >> i haven't done anything. i haven't done anything. >> well, no, you sent all those wonderful people up from the army and the secretary, they made a great deal of difference and everyone's been so, so kind down here. and they take great care of me. >> well, you've got a bad break, but it'll -- my mother used to tell me that things like that develop character and make you stronger when you get older.
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>> well, i don't know, mr. president. you know, anyway, i keep reading all that mail and say after all that, suffering a better man. i guess i'll take my chances. >> well, you're a great guy and you've got lots of guts. and stay in there and pitch. anything we can do we're ready. >> i appreciate it, mr. kennedy. joan wants to thank you for all the calls. >> amazing to be able to peer in through a moment in history like that. joining me next, row laland mar. no rest and relaxation in this segment. we'll go around and around on civil rights, human rights, the loss of ted kennedy and more. that's why you should consider...
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good choice. only meineke lets you choose the brake service that's right for you. and save 50% on pads and shoes. meineke. roland martin is joining us now. thanks for being with us. >> glad to be here. >> it seems to me the president of the united states in many ways, not to mention his health care policy, lost its footing or lost his footing the day that we found out that senator edward kennedy had developed brain cancer. you agree? >> no. i think where it really hurt was when tom daschle had to withdraw as head of hhs. he had already been set up to run the entire show, to have somebody who was the leader of the democrats in the senate leading the effort. but there's no doubt not having senator ted kennedy there to be controlling the process from the floor of the senate did
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something. so, you had two pilars, one person in daschle who knew the system inside and out, people externtly as well as internally. then you had the political personality of ted kennedy but also someone who has been championing universal health care for 40-plus years. so, there's no doubt not having him there was a critical blow to the white house effort to pass health care this year. >> let me ask you a question. tell me as an african-american man what the kennedy family and ted kennedy means. >> well, first of all, you have to go back to several different things. that is when john f. kennedy was running, he really achieved -- he really got to the black vote by making one phone call, when dr. king was held in a georgia jail, i believe, and they really didn't know where he was. he made a call and he received a significant amount from african-americans on that particular effort.
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then, of course, as you go on through his administration, that you have even robert f. kennedy in terms of civil rights. what people don't realize is many civil rights leaders were very distrustful of the kennedys, especially robert. >> why? >> people remember robert kennedy approved the wiretaps on dr. king being pushed by j. edgar hoover. harry belafonte talked about that in various documentaries that they were not initially looking at robert f. kennedy as a supporter but his trip to the delta changed his view of poverty in this country and that was a turning point. i think what ted kennedy did going to the senate, he was able to carry that mandate, the civil rights act, the voting rights act, but keep in mind it was ted kennedy who amended the voting rights act to lower the voting age in the u.s. to 18 years old. so, if you're an 18-year-old person voting in the united states in any election, you have to thank ted kennedy for that. and so, again, this was somebody who had a tremendous impact in so many different areas. >> it seemed to me that when ted
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kennedy spoke there was -- you know, politicians, you and i talk to them all the time. and many times you get a feeling that their words coming out of their mouth but there's nothing coming from the soul or the heart. and that may have been true at times with ted kennedy wnd a everybody, including you and me at times because there's just something else going on. he really believed in the spirit of equality. it seemed to me that everything he said about that and the way he took in barack obama as a man and as a senator and eventually as a president seemed heart felt. am i wrong? >> right. first of all, we heard that from senator christopher dodd and others, even vice president joe biden, which frankly he was amazing earlier today talking about ted kennedy. he talked about the passion he had. there's no doubt you understood and you felt that passion. but also he had gravitas. when he spoke, because he brought the kennedy legacy to bear, because he brought the years of experience, because he s
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