tv Larry King Live CNN September 1, 2009 9:00pm-10:00pm EDT
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>> larry: tonight exclusive, the man whose wife killed their daughter, their three nieces, three men, strangers in an incoming car and herself in a horrific wrong-way crash is here. the medical examiner says she was drunk. maybe high on pot when she drove head-on the new york highway. her family and friends say there's another explanation to this heartbreaking story. they say they have evidence to prove it. how do they explain a bottle of vodka in her van? did she use drugs?
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could she have kept a secret from those who knew her best? all next on "larry king live." good evening. before we begin, we certainly would like to offer our condolences to the families and friends of all eight people killed in the crash we are going to discuss tonight. on sunday, july 26th, diane schuler, while on her way home drove the wrong way on new york's taconic parkway with a minivan full of children, eight people in all were killed. including schuler, her 2-year-old daughter, three nieces, and three people in an upcoming suv. now authorities say that she had more than twice the legal amount of alcohol in her system at the time. and evidence of marijuana. joining us in new york are daniel schuler, daniel schuler's
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husband, jay schuler. daniel's sister-in-law, and diane's very close friend and dominick the schuler family attorney. we thank them all for being with us tonight. daniel, you lost your wife, your little girl, three nieces. how are you doing? >> i'm taking it day by day. there ain't no words for it right now. it is hard. >> how's your little 5-year-old son, brian? >> he is doing a lot better. thank you. >> he's the only survivor of all of this. right? >> yes, sir. >> what is his condition? two broken arms and broken leg. he will make a full recovery. >> let's get into all of this. how do you feel about the losses on the other side? the people in the other car. >> my heart goes out to them. i'm very sorry to everybody.
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>> larry: you are wrapping up a few days' vacation with the family at a campground. what mood was everyone in that morning? >> very good. very nice. we were looking forward to going home, to beat the traffic. and everybody was happy and doing good. >> larry: you left in separate vehicles, right? she had several children with her. why separate cars? >> everybody wouldn't fit in my truck. we had to take another car. >> larry: who went with you? >> my daughter. >> larry: did you have any concerns about them at all? >> absolutely not. they were with my wife, they were in safe hands. >> larry: she stops at a mcdonald's along the way. left there about 10:45 a.m. according to everything we have been able to find out she is okay, right, at that point? >> absolutely. >> larry: now, four were made to and from diane's car en route.
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one of the calls sounded fine. discussing if you plans with her sister-in-law. what can you tell us about that? >> the four phone calls made, the first phone call and second phone call are fine. by the third phone call from what we understand, she sounds as if she's had some sort of a psychiatric or strike-type issue. she's unable to see clearly and she's saying words that are very strange -- in a strange fashion. not in an alcoholic fashion. and i think if i may, larry, just as i digress one moment so we know we are heading, the chief medical examiner, dr. highland says, quote, she's no signs of alcoholism, chronic alcoholism, her liver, pancreas, and every other part of her
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body, including esophagus, shows no alcohol abuse. so when he leaves the campground, we know she's fine. they have decided not to prosecute my client because they believe clearly that he had no knowledge of anything that would make him think she was not going to drive safely and carefully. you know with why they choose her as a driver, because you -- never had a traffic ticket. >> larry: daniel -- hold it. hold it, dominick. daniel, you know your wife well. if something were happening to her, something strange, why didn't she pull over? >> i don't know. she probably thought she was fine. >> larry: other people are reporting she's mott. she is not sounding right. something is wrong. wouldn't someone -- wouldn't her own intelligence tell her to pull over? >> maybe medically she was messed up with whatever what was
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going on. >> larry: jay, you were a close friend of diane's, right? >> yes. she is my sister-in-law. >> larry: what do you make of this? >> i really don't -- i think something medically had to be wrong with diane. she would never jeopardize the children. you know, she fell -- if she knew something was wrong she would pull over and stay there. she -- i don't -- we are just confused. and that's why we need answers by -- having this investigated because this isn't diane. >> larry: authorities -- authorities said she was drunk, evidence of marijuana in her system. let's listen to what they said. >> toxicology from that autopsy shows that diane schuler had a blood alcohol content of .19%. legal limit for intoxication in new york state is .08%. toxicology also reveals diane shul her a high level of thc. thc, active ingredient contained
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in marijuana. with conjunction with the collision reconstruction unit detailed examination of the schuler's van, investigators recovered a broken 1.75 liter bottle of vodka. >> larry: daniel, how do you explain the vodka? >> usually we keep it in our camper throughout the whole season. one bottle. >> larry: why? why? >> campfire. >> i don't want you to think they are talking about having a new bottle every week or day. they have one bottle for the season. >> this bottle would last from may until october. because that -- >> larry: are we saying here -- daniel, are you saying that the authorities are lying when they say that there was .019 of alcohol and marijuana? are you saying they are making that up? >> i know my wife. she doesn't drink, very rare.
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>> larry: why would the authorities say that? >> there is an error somewhere. >> larry: error? okay. we will take a break and come right back. more on this in a moment with daniel schuler, jay schuler, dominick, schuler family attorney. the drunk driving laws in my state are too lenient, too strict or right on? tell us what you think. s slacke. ♪ that can strain your relationships and hurt yourody 'cause ru'pride ♪ng a ride ♪
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i'm not familiar with any crash that's reach the magnitude of this. >> one of the deadliest car crash necessary new york state history. >> a bombshell solving what -- >> long island mother diane schuler was stoned and drunk when she plowed into the suv. >> i have been with the state police for 24 years. this is the most horrific accident mainly because of the children involved. >> larry: daniel, did you ever see your wife drunk? >> no. no. >> larry: did you ever have a party where you may have all had drinks together? >> sure. a drink or two. family barbecue. was she drinking the night before? >> no. >> larry: this is a total mystery to you. >> absolutely. >> larry: how about the -- explain the marijuana. >> well, if -- to ask whether or
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not she smoked marijuana that morning, the answer, of course, is no. and whether or not she had ever tried marijuana in her whole life, we are not able to answer that at this moment. remember, not only is my client a member of the police department, we have a little boy we want to get home. i'm not going to let him answer that area. but clearly -- >> larry: also he wouldn't know. you don't know what she is doing when you are not with her. >> that, of course, is also a possibility. however, larry, when you raise what happened that morning, whether it be the phone calls or not, mr. ru skin has a great deal of information about other places she went to. >> larry: we will get to that. a spokesman with the new york police department told us today levels were indicative of mrs. schuler smoking marijuana 15 points one hour of the accident.
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now, since he won't discuss marijuana, dominick, how do you explain that? you know of the new york city police are not lie. >> as a state policeman, number one. number two, if it ever occurs and probably will never, if i cross-examine that expert, you are not going to ever hear that there was marijuana smoked within that short period of time. however, what is most difficult, frighten, most difficult to understand is here is a woman who never drank. here is a woman who -- >> larry: no, she drank occasionally, he zbled larry, you are talking two drinks a year. without making a joke, i would think newspaper people drink that much in a night. but the answer is, here's a woman who never drank, never had a traffic ticket and all of a sudden, if you believe the facts the way they are, she had to drink nine ounces of alcohol
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straight. that is what they found in her stomach, six of nine ounces pure. >> larry: i understand. daniel, since this is a terrible tragedy, your wife is gone. the little kids are gone. your son was, thank god, saved. three other totally innocent people are dead. why don't you just let it go? why hold -- why appear here? why question whether -- she is gone. you can't bring her back. we are never going to know the truth really. so why are you carrying on? >> we will know the truth. i know my wife. she is not an alcoholic. she would never drive with kids in her car -- >> larry: okay. we will never know. since we will never know, why keep on doing this? >> the truth, the truth will come out. >> larry, you have to understand danny doesn't want the other families to think that a drunk driver killed their families. that's why we are out to prove that she -- tried to prove she
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wasn't drunk. we wanted -- we want testing, further testing to be done to show -- we are make thing effort because there's month way possible that we will believe that she was drunk when she got in that car or while she was driving that car with those children. absolutely not. the other families need to know this. and we are not going to let it go. >> larry: i got it. for the record we asked the medical examiner's office for a comment. they provided us with this statement today. we stand by the findings of the medical examiner's report. that's from donna green, medical examiner's office, westchester county. other families are speaking out to us. we will talk about that and back in 60 seconds. es me feel pretty good. we're offering a solution for a customer that maybe has to choose between paying their credit card or putting food on the table. our main objective is to reach out to the customers that are falling behind on their payments. a lot of customers are proud and happy
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i read from the medical autopsy report that there was charring of the body because there was a fire. and i found -- my doctors found numerous cases where you can actually have the sugar in the blood turn into alcohol. i don't know if that's it. what i really believe occurred is the tia which is a type of a stroke that would not have shown up necessarily and i know later we are having a medical expert on. but tia driving can cause a lot of the things that happened here. what she tells us we know is that a, she couldn't see. b, that she was having problems speaking. yet, she gets back in the car. that is so not right for this woman. weird is -- it is a good word. and she leaves the phone on the bridge. >> larry: dominick -- i'm going
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back to the original i asked daniel. we may repeat -- i don't want to be repetitive. it is all gone. everybody is gone. why are we continuing with this? where are you going to take this to? >> a, i think that's a very fair question, larry. number one, this man -- we have spoken about this for hours with this family. he refuses to accept -- he refuses to accept she was drunk at all. he will not accept that. beyond that -- >> larry: can we leave it at that? >> beyond that, he also wants the answers to how and why all this occurred. and i believe that -- as the public gets involved and, by the way, 60% of america now believes that she did not intentionally get drunk and cause this accident. 60% of america. and dash number two, what's most important is if you know
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everything about her and this is not a case where she is a hidden alcoholic or a secret alcoholic or she drank once in a while in the closet. that never occurred. why did she get back in that car with the people she loved more than anyone? nieces, three of them, and her own children. what happened? >> larry: a number of families have been impacted by this tragedy. more on that and their statements and more questions after the break. the $9 grand entrance. walmart announces op tops for just nine dollars each. back to school costs less at walmart. save money. live better. walmart. (announcer) we understand. you need to save money.
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inconceivable, at least from my vast experience as a lawyer, that nobody -- driver's family, aware of the fact that she had a drinking problem or drug problem. >> larry: we received this statement from the attorney for the longo family. first public comments from them since the accident. the scientific evidence indicates that diane schuler was intoxicated and under the influence of marijuana at the time of the crash. any claims denying her responsibility for this tragedy are wholly unsubstantiated and the longo family feels -- finds these claims appalling, offensive, and hurtful. they have lost a loved one to a senseless tragedy and these claims do nothing but add insult to injury. how would you respond to that,
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daniel? >> we all lost loved ones. she wasn't drunk. it is a tragic accident. >> larry: they are saying that you are hurting them -- they are saying in a sense, daniel, that by doing this, press conference and appearing here tonight, you are prolonging their agony. >> larry, if you lost a loved one, wouldn't you want to find the truth what happened? >> larry: sure. >> i know the truth, what happened, with may wife. she is not an alcoholic and doesn't drink. she is an outstanding mother. >> larry: hold it, dominick. give me another explanation, daniel, for the vodka bottle. you mentioned pina colada, made with rum. why wasn't the vodka bottle at the camper? >> they used the vodka for pina co colada but that's irrelevant. >> my wife packed all the bags
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in the day. i carried them from the camper to the truck. i'm very surprised the vodka bottle was in there. i had no idea. >> larry: why did -- does it give you pause to think that maybe, just maybe, she was a drinker and you didn't know it? >> i have been with her 13 years. absolutely not. >> larry, remember that the medical examiner -- you know, when the case first came out, i got involved. i said she wasn't an alcoholic. i was highly criticized by everyone. made fun of by certain newspapers. the police and the medical examiner tell us that she was not an alcoholic. i never heard that being said by a police department and medical examiner in any ways. >> larry: how would they know? >> examiner -- i will give thank you quote. it is from their press release. based on the examination of the liver -- this is from them, not
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from me. the pancreas, the esophagus, the stomach, she was not an alcohol user. this was not -- you know, larry -- >> larry: so you are saying their reports are contradictory of each other? >> absolutely. >> larry: they are saying she used alcohol that morning but she wasn't an alcohol user. that don't make sense. >> now you are wondering what we are wonder being. speak the language -- >> larry: is it a plot, dominick? >> no, of course not, larry, please. >> larry: what is it then? >> sympathy this man feels and his family feels for the other people is so clear. he cried in my office more than once. something happened. my client believes that she never drank at all that day. i hear about the alcohol. now, there are various things that have could have caused that testing to be alcohol but no one yet has been able to prove that. the charring of the body, i have
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one case where a state trooper lost his pension because he allegedly had an accident drunk. the car burst. they later found out, quote, he was not drunk. and was a mistake by the fire. >> larry: would we learn more -- do you want the body exhumed? >> we are going to announce it tonight. the body will be exhumed. >> larry: you are going to have to pay the cost, right? >> of course. that's not a problem. >> larry: you are asking the body to be exhumed, more -- is that automatic, dominick? will it be exhumed? >> no, not automatic, no, sir. i didn't mean to interrupt. no, larry, it is not automatic. we have enough cause and reason to. remember one of the issues still left. i'm sure it will also not be a problem. you know, i think that your question is so fair and right from your heart why do this. but i know you, larry, for 40 years. let me ask you again.
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if this, god forbid, was your family, would you want to mo the bottom line? do anything to find out. larry -- >> larry: i can answer that. i would be torn. because i would be in total -- i would be whacked out. if my wife wasn't a drinker, i would be questioning this but i don't know how much i would tap. frankly, i might just go away. if everybody involved is dead and i have a 5-year-old boy i have to raise, i would deeply apologize to those that are dead and put it away. i think i would put it away. i don't know what i would continue. what do i gain from it? >> there is no doubt he deeply apologizes and has. this is a very simple man. you know how many times he has been in new york city in his life? three times. he likes to go out fishing and -- >> larry: you asked me what i might do. i might just go away. >> yet, you might also say i have to know. i have known 40u years, larry. i have a feeling --
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up until this time, my family and i have not given any statement to the press or media. we want to grieve in private. the loss of my brother, dan longo, left a wound that will probably never heal. i want daniel schuler to know that he keeps inflicting more pain on all concerned by once again going to the media to try to pantd a picture after perfect wife and mother. diane shuler is the one that killed my brother, dan. his friends, own nieces and own child. the perfect mother that was drunk and high on pot. daniel schuler, my family and i pray for your little boy to recover fully from his injuries. our hearts hurt for him. for the record, we ask the familiies for statements they declined. tom, you are the investigator on be half of daniel. what have you found? >> what between found is everything contrary to the fact she was drinking that day. between found she left the
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campground at around 9:30. daniel left right in front of her. at that point in time, they proceeded, diane and the kids, proceeded to the mcdonalds. the police have said that in analyzing the video from mcdonald's that day they see nothing unusual in her behavior. we know she was at mcdonald's until 10:40 that morning. we found, my firm, and my investigators, found in a convenience store right in close proximity to the mcdonald's, we found that diane pulls in with the minivan owned by her brother and enters that convenience store after filling up her car or the minivan with gas. she proceeds and looks around the store, looking for something. she then comes back and you see her very clearly on the video engaging the store clerk in a conversation. the store clerk had given us a statement which says that he -- independently remembers diane schuler. he didn't know it was the woman
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involved in the taconic parkway accident. he remembers her. he picked her out of the video as we were going through the video of that day. he said that's the woman who came in and was looking for tylenol or advil gel caps. he didn't have it. you see her very clearly walking in and walking out of that store. what appears to be a totally normal walk and gloss and getting back into the car and leaving. we then know she proceeded down route 17 eastbound. >> larry: tom, that's -- very indicati indicative. you are a veteran investigator. as your conclusion that the medical examiner is totally wrong and the new york police division, state police, are totally wrong, and everybody is wrong but you. >> i'm not -- i'm mott saying that she didn't have alcohol in her system. i haven't been able to determine that one way or the other. daniel schuler and the schuler family felt so convinced in --
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in diane's reputation and her background which substantiate society far by our investigation that they went out and they pay out of their good money for private investigation firm to come in and look at this and take it where it leaves it. we found diane schuler left the five kids in the car and went to a bar that day and we would be telling the schuler family that's what we found. we haven't found that, larry. and in all my years -- i will tell you that i spent eight years in the narcotics divisions making hundreds of arrests in my career and i never heard someone be able to tell me that when someone smoked pot and what their thc levels are and make that indicative that they smoked pot 15 to 30 minutes before. i never heard that, in all my years, 31 years of investigating. i never heard that. >> larry: we will be right back with more. you know why i sell tools? tools are uncomplicated? nothing complicated about a pair of 10 inch hose clamp pliers. you know what's complicated?
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sign up for free at the new superguarantee making the good guys easy to find. jay schuler, do you support daniel's quest to not go away and continue this fight? >> absolutely, larry. this isn't diane. this isn't the diane we know. to answer to all of the families that are wondering why we are doing this, we are doing it because i -- if that was their loved one, they would want this done, too. this isn't diane. she a wonderful mother, wonderful friend. and diane would want us to do
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this to fight for her, to say that -- she can't rest in peace. we can't have her rest in peace until we can clear her. and make this -- you know, try. make it happen. that's we hired tom and we have dominick. this is what we want. we can't -- we don't feel she can rest. >> larry: daniel, what about this toothache question? >> she had a toothache for a while. good two months. dominick knows more about it. >> the answer to the toothache, she had an abscess in the right upper side of her mouth. two months old. that day she was looking for -- we can prove -- some sort of medication. not suggesting at all that the ambosel that turned into alcohol. that's the silliest thing anything could make. i will tell you how bad that abscess was. that's what we want to look at, that that might have caused the tia we believe she had. something happened to this
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woman. something created something that caused her to get back in that car -- caused her -- >> larry: tom ruskin, former police officer, investigator, what's your theory? >> i don't know when my theory is as of yet. we have investigators out every day taking down the route and going up and down that highway, looking for any type of leads. what we know is this. at 12:08, she had a phone conversation with her brother's family and during that conversation, not only was diane coherent, responsive, she was engaged. they were talking about future plans between the families. diane was the only person on that two-minute conversation from 12:10 when that phone call ended to 12:58 something happened. something changed because at 12:58, when emma, her 9-year-old niece engages her family in a conversation, she says that there's something wrong with aunt diane. that -- diane is confused and diane is slurring and they hear
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it in the background. something happened that 48-minute period. >> larry: have you no theory? >> it defies logic that someone could consume ten shots of alcohol -- one shot every five minutes. >> larry: daniel, what's your theory? >> i believe -- >> larry: what do you think happened to your wife? >> i believe she had a stroke. something to do with her teeth. >> larry: with the teeth? >> larry, you have to remember now, what -- our investigator has not told you yet, we went to 30 bars, 30 liquor stores. not one person has ever come forward and said they ever saw diane drink. not drunk. drink. >> to the contrary, we interviewed dozens and dozens of people who knew diane and who worked with her, her bosses and just knew her casually from stores and other things in the area which they lived. not one person, not one, has ever seen her drunk, including her own family.
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that has to weigh -- that has to raise your mind. >> larry: obviously. daniel and dominick will remain. when we come back, we are going to be joined by dr. drew pinski, psychologist of "celebrity rehab" and author of "the mirror effect." our own dr. sanjay gupta, medical correspondent. and brain surgeon, certified medical examiner. that's all next.
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tests which you have talked about quite a bit there, those are reliable tests. talking about blood alcohol levels and thc levels which give you some indication of potential time course of when -- when thc entered the body. those are reliable tests. the autopsy results -- i have not seen independently myself. it is hard for me to comment on those. they do look at all these things that are indicative of both short term and long-term use of alcohol. >> larry: would bringing the body up help? >> well, you know -- i guess in part depends on what the question is you are trying to answer. lots of different theories i have been listening to your whole show. i'm not sure you would answer any of those theories. transient attack, tia, that's something i heard mentioned earlier. and this basically is a temporary interruption of blood flow to the brain. now, it is transient and that's part of the definition. if i wouldn't find anything in
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particular on an autopsy. mention of tooth abscess. you may see evidence of an infection around the teeth. as far as what that potentially caused, i don't think you are going to be able to draw any cause and effect here. >> larry: the new york state police say she had six grams of alcohol in her stomach that had yet to be metabolized. what's that suggest? >> you know, when there's -- trying to measure blood alcohol levels looking at what's already entered the bloodstream and a statement of what was still potentially going to, you know, cross the stomach lining and into the bloodstream as well. basically is just common mechanics here. there was more alcohol that was still possibly going to enter the bloodstream at some point. >> larry: dr. pinsky, what's your read on this? you are not a medical doctor. >> i'm a medical doctor. it makes me wonder whether or not she became cephlopathic.
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something. she was trying to get pain meds. could she have had tia, it is a bizarre circumstance no matter how you add it up and start adding up theories like that. if you are an alcoholic you should see organ damage which they did not. >> larry: no liver damage. >> month evidence of long-term alcohol use. drew brings up a couple of interesting points. one thing i think drew would agree with is that it sounds like from the description here, something happened relatively suddenly. start talking about some sort of encephlitis, aneurysms, weakening of the blood vessels caused by infection. had she had a significant illness at some point that led to that. i don't know.
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exclusive interview, chris brown tomorrow night. here is a sneak peek. when you look at this, do you feel like you are looking at someone else? >> yes. from the outside looking in. you see on tv when i'm saying -- >> larry: you punched her a number of times and threatened to beat the blank out of her. when you got home, you said you were going to kill her. you bit on the ear. >> yeah. >> larry: obviously, this is -- you don't feel like a violent person. >> no. >> larry: you appear rather calm. rather nice. what happened to you? do you think? >> well, at night, just -- a night i wish i could take back and regretting. i feel shame what i did. >> larry: that's chris brown exclusive. 9:00 eastern, 6:00 pacific tomorrow night. let's check in with anderson
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cooper. >> we have new details about the man that allegedly kidnapped jaycee dugard two decades ago. we are going to speak with a man that knew going to speak with a who knew jaycee and her daughtered and nancy garrido, what did she know and why didn't she speak out? details on. that also, california burning. a massive wildfire raging out of control. the fire shows no sign of letting up. i'll have a live report from the fire lines. and a" 360 special investigation." people selling their own organs on a black market. it's against the law, of course. the organs are transplanted in u.s. hospitals. details on that and more tonight, larry, on "360". >> is there ever a dull day, anderson? ever? >> i wish there was. >> larry: anderson cooper, "ac 360." before we get back with daniel and dominick and their comments on what we heard from sanjay gup gupta, how unusual it would be for a medical examiner's office to get a toxicology report
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wrong? >> unusual with regard to these two substances. alcohol testing, it's a widely performed test. usually look at sensitivity of a test to figure out how sensitive and the specificity. it's a good test. you can measure levels quickly. it sounds like they did. with regard to tht, maybe not as good as alcohol but still pretty good. i think it may be hard to tell the exact levels. you can get some idea of time as to when the substances entered the body. >> daniel, didn't this, therefore, puzzle you? >> absolutely it does. >> larry, it's just not true. >> larry: hold it. hold it. domini dominick, what do you make of it? >> i think i'd like to ask both doctors the following question if i may, please, larry. >> larry: you may. why don't i have daniel answer my question first? >> i'm sorry. i thought you said my name. i apologize. >> larry: daniel, what do you make of this? that's all right, daniel. what do you make of the
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conflicts? >> i don't know what to make of it. someone messed up somewhere. >> larry: all right, dominick, what did you want to ask? >> apologize. doctors, assuming the following, if i may, she doesn't drink. the medical examiner's report said she is not an alcoholic. yet, to believe all of this she drank eight to ten ounces of vodka in ten to 15 minutes. most of it undigested in her stomach. would both of you say something had to happen, whether it was the ab ses or some other event? zbl. >> larry: we got it. what you would say? >> i think that is a potential theory. she impulsively took some substances in an attempt to gain relief from whatever she was experienced in an altered state. that is a viable explanation. i must say, i mean there are things -- it's a mystery, let's
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face it. it's just a horrible situation. and it is still shrouded in mystery. alcohol is a substance that people use to hide their drinking. but yet she has no organ damage to suggest she is a regular user. she had -- vodka is something people use to hide their drinking of alcohol. and, you know, there's no evidence that she is a chronic user on the pathology specimen. yet, i would trust the results if there is was something there. >> larry: do you -- do you understand why daniel continues to -- >> a little bit. but i sort of feel like you. >> larry: he should go away? >> yes. >> larry: what do you make of dr. daniel trying to bring this to some fruition that favors his side? >> i -- i don't know, larry. emotionally, i'm sure, it's incredible. i can't even imagine what it feels like. i don't know. and to bring it to some sort of closure seems like will be the
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right thing to do. you know, to the doctor's point, whether -- what the impetus was to try to drink that much alcohol if that's what happened, you know, who knows? i haven't heard a tia, for example, causing someone to be impulsive. who knows? >> larry: all right, tom is still here. are we ever going to get an answer? >> i hope we can get an answer. this is one of those case that's koend in a mystery. i'm hoping we can bring some closure. two other points i'd like to make. >> larry: quick. >> we'll never know if she drank out of that alcohol bottle because the alcohol bottle was broken. and we'll never really know why she took that road down other than at the time was a very unmarked road that she took south to go in the northbound lanes. >>ore right after this. i had a great time. me too. you know, i just got out of a bad relatio... it's okay. thanks.
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>> larry: daniel, you have talked to the parents of the niece who's were killed? >> yes, it's my brother-in-law. we keep in touch. we talk. >> larry: and? >> they're having a hard time with it. they're managing slowly, day by day just like i am. >> larry: what do they think about what was the condition of your wife? >> they don't believe it either, not for a second. >> larry: dominick, it is possible this is going to be an unsolved mystery? >> it might be an unsolved mystery. i want to thank you for bringing on the experts you brought on. because what they've told us is what we've been saying all along. it just shows what a fair
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gentleman you've always been. thank you, larry. >> larry: drew, what other areas would you look at? >> stress issues. obviously previous psychiatric conditions. >> none. >> i understand. but he asked what we would look at. you would look at family history, whether there is a history of alcohol or addictions and it could have been catastrophically precipitated. the pieces just don't all fit together. >> larry: supposedly she didn't have an alcohol or drug problem. could you keep a secret like that from a family? >> oh, yes. i deal with that personally. >> larry: you could keep that? >> oh, they can. >> larry: she could have hid it? >> there is too much progression. but intermittent binging habit, i would hope they could do a hair analysis or something and indicate things that way. you know, there can be something else. you know, it's not my place to agree or disagree, but it certainly could -- i would look very hard at that. i would look at her kidneys to
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see if there is evidence of chronic infection. i would look more carefully at her liver to see what's really going on there in a microscopic way. whether or not there is any evidence of any alcohol use. i've seen things in the lining of the esophagus. an independent person could really shed light on this. >> larry: daniel, what do you want to say to the relatives of the people in the other car? >> oh, i say that a drunk driver did not do this to your family. something medically had to have happened. >> and as for as examination of her kidney, liver, everything, microscopically no alcohol abuse. something happened. and if someone with five children in a car that you love dearly had to pick a bottle up and literally gulp eight to ten ounces of vodka, no one without a stroke or something occurring would do it. >> larwe
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