tv Larry King Live CNN September 3, 2009 12:00am-1:00am EDT
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>> don't listen to ac, keep on keeping on! >> larry king starts now. see you tomorrow night. >> larry: tonight -- chris brown exclusive. do you remember doing it? >> no. >> larry: the singer talks for the only time on tv. >> it's crazy. >> larry: about why he hit rihanna. >> you lose your temper in the heat of the argument or whatever the case may be -- >> larry: why he pled guilty to felony assault. about the infamous photo. >> i didn't know if they were real. >> larry: and his feelings for
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rihanna today? >> do you love her? >> definitely. >> larry: in love with her? a chris brown exclusive, right now next on "larry king live." >> larry: good evening. with us tonight on "larry king live" are chris brown, his mother joyce hopkins and his attorney mark geragos. chris entered a guilty plea on june 22nd that allowed him to avoid jail time after a widely publicized incident with his girlfriend rihanna. a second felony charge making criminal threats was dropped. and chris was sentenced to five years probation, six months' community labor. we thank you all for coming. how are you doing? >> good, thank you. >> larry: this had to be the worst period of your life? >> possibly. >> larry: possibly. are things calm for you now, are you into it? >> it's more of a relief that
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everything is all said and done as far as what i have to do, what's going on. it's no more media frenzy. for them to blow out of proportion. >> larry: so you're glad it's over? >> yeah. >> larry: what did you plead -- explain quickly, mark, what he pled guilty to. >> assault, basically is what it is. felony ray -- felony assault charges. five years' probation, what the judge calls community labor, and he has to undergo a domestic violence program for one year. >> larry: and five years means you've got to be -- >> walk straight and narrow for five years. and as judge schnegg said in court yesterday, she's a tough task master but she's fair. >> larry: we're taping this a week before it airs but that was yesterday. before we get into the
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meat of everything, chris, how have you handled everything, joyce? >> it's the worst of my entire life. it's been hard. really hard. seeing him go through the pain and everything he's gone through, dealing with the media and dealing with the situation. it's been really hard. >> larry: plus all the pain you've had in your life, which we'll get to later. the labor-oriented service, what does that mean you have to do, chris, this is back in virginia, right? >> yeah, back in virginia. >> larry: what do you have to do? >> i think they want me to do anything from picking up trash on the streets washing cars. graffiti removal, anything. i'm going to do whatever. >> larry: is it fair? >> to me, possibly, everything comes -- everything comes with consequences. so i feel like, definitely it is. and i have no misjudgment on what the judge has given me. so i am willing to do anything. >> larry: so you feel it's fair? >> yes. >> larry: the judge was very specific. she wanted labor involved in the punishment. what did that mean to you when she said that? hard work?
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>> hard work, yes, definitely. and i'm a very hard worker, so that's kind of -- i wouldn't say second nature, but definitely something i'm willing to do. as far as the actual, what i have to do, myself, personally, that as far as not saying as a celebrity, i don't exclude myself and try to become like a celebrity so i shouldn't be punished. but i feel like what i'm capable of doing, as far as influencing people, influencing kids, the youth, i can do a lot more to help the community other than picking up trash. i'm not saying picking up trash is wrong, i'm willing to do it. i'm just saying, i know i can do a lot more, which i intend to do aside from my community. >> larry: the sentencing judge, as i understand it, has not lifted the protection order that the judge imposed against rihanna. >> no, i can't communicate. >> larry: do you think that's fair? >> it's kind of hard, definitely, her being my friend
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for so long. and being that close of a friend, it's kind of like, wow, not being able to see or talk to that person is kind of difficult. but it's also hard because we're both in the same industry. we go to the same events. >> larry: that you can, do right? >> yes. >> larry: but you can't go together? >> not at all. we have to be like 10 yards away from each other. i just feel like it's harder because we're always in the same setting. and because we have the protection order, it leaves more room for error. it leaves more room for people to start rumors. like oh, they're together. and it just leaves more room for problems. >> larry: you have to be real careful, right? >> more than careful. there was an incident, supposed incident in new york, where the two of them unbeknownst to each other because they don't talk to each other, are rumored to be same hotel. before we even verified it, i just tell him, move. i kiddingly joked that we almost
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have to put gps chips in to figure out where the other one is. >> larry: how long have you known rihanna, joyce? >> four or five years. >> larry: do you like her? >> yeah. >> larry: when the incident happened, how did it hit you? >> i was devastated, really upset about the situation. i feel really bad about the whole situation. >> larry: were you shocked? >> very shocked. >> larry: during the sentences, the judge said she was not immune with the chatter on the air waves about meetings between you and rihanna. obviously, that upset her, right? you understand that part? >> yeah, i understand that part. the media, not saying this media, but the media as far as the mature media -- >> immature media. >> immature media. i feel like it's high school sometimes. i feel like they spun a lot of stuff out of control as far as with the judge. everybody reads blogs, everybody reads stuff like that.
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it's easy to influence whenever there's something that's stated like that happened. >> larry: but what happened happened? >> yeah. >> larry: you were involved with what happened so you have to accept the consequences. >> the difference in this case, and i've been through a number of cases where there was media attention. the difference in this case is the aftermath of the incident, where there was repeatedly just false stuff that would be printed. and major newspapers would put out they spent the weekend together there, or the weekend there. which was false. at one point, they said they spent the night together in a location. she wasn't even in the country. >> larry: when is the last time you had contact with her? >> it's been a couple months. that's when the actual stay away order was in effect. from there, we haven't had contact at all. >> larry: do you love her? >> definitely. >> larry: in love with her? >> definitely. >> larry: would you spend a lifetime with her? >> well, i'm only 20 -- >> larry: let's say, can you
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conceive of that, down the road? >> yeah. >> larry: we'll be right back with chris brown. and joyce and mark geragos. disability tool at metlife.comd i never thought i would have a heart attack, but i did. you need to talk to your doctor about aspirin. you need to be your own advocate. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. you take care of your kids, now it's time to take care of yourself.
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brown has been accused in an attack against a woman identified by sources close to the couple as rihanna. authorities believe an argument between brown and a woman turned physical, with the woman suffering visible injuries. brown was arrested and leased on $50,000 bail. neither he nor his lawyer nor
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rihanna have commented. >> larry: we're back with chris brown and his mother joyce, and his attorney mark. okay, we'll show it now and then get through it an get to the whole story of what happened. here's the photo of rihanna's face after the february 8th altercation. it has been seen around the world many times. when did you first see it? >> i first saw it, i think, maybe a week after that incident, i think. somebody posted it. i first saw it. >> larry: what did you think? >> i didn't know what to think at the time? i was like, what? because at the time i just didn't know honestly what to think. i didn't know if the pictures were altered. i didn't know if they were real. i didn't know what. i was like, man, i just felt so disappointed in myself. >> larry: once you accepted the fact that you caused it -- >> that i caused it, yeah. >> larry: when you look at it six months later, do you have a different reaction? >> when i look at it now, it's just like, wow, i can't believe that actually happened.
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it's really like took a toll on me. i just went wow. >> larry: how did you react, mom? >> when i saw it, i was really hurt. and i didn't know if it was altered either. but it really bothered me. i really care about her and my son. >> larry: and you had violence in your own life, right? which that could have probably led to some of this? are you okay? you had it pretty rough, right, chris, growing up? >> for the most part, my mom and my dad, my actual biological father took care of me good. but as far as growing up and growing up in a domestic violence situation as far as with my mom and her ex-husband, there'd be times i'd be scared to go to bed. >> larry: this was her husband or boyfriend? >> this was her husband and boyfriend at the time. >> so you saw a lot of violence?
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>> i didn't see it all the time. i might have on one or would -- 2 occasions. >> larry: how old were you? >> 7 or 8. >> larry: were you scared? >> yeah, very much. i didn't want him to even come to the house. >> larry: do you feel any guilt at all, joyce? do you say to yourself, maybe i should have left? >> yeah. i did leave eventually because of him. >> larry: and that's a common thing, isn't it, mark? >> yeah. i've handled these types of cases for years. you end to see -- it's almost surprising. in some cases i represent three generations of people who have been charged with these crimes. >> larry: joyce, i'm not a counselor, but it's not your fault. >> you know, this has been especially tough on joyce. and i think one of the things that's been really hard for chris has been the toll it's
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taken on his mom and rihanna, the two women that he loves most in his life. >> larry: have you spoken to rihanna, joyce? >> yes. >> larry: are you okay? >> larry: you're driving home from a pre-grammy party. you're dating, she loves you. what happened? >> i don't feel like it's appropriate for me to speak on what actually happened that night just out of respect for rihanna and myself. and out of respect for our privacy more. >> larry: can you tell us from your point of view what happened? i mean, what caused this. you don't have to be specific, but you can tell me what -- had you done this before? >> i'm sorry, i mean, i don't really want to talk about what went on. i feel like i owe it to her not to talk about that. >> larry: mark? >> one of the things interesting
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about chris, when i first met him, he wanted to take responsibility immediately. he did not want to deny this. that's not usual in my line of work. usually, you can have a client who they've got a videotape of the guy running out of the house with the weapon in his hands. and you know, he's denying it the whole time. chris was completely different in that. he came in, he was forthright. he felt guilty. he felt a great deal of remorse. he wanted to reach out. frankly, it was the fact i told him, frankly, you can't, let me work this out and we'll deal with it. and there will come a time when you can talk about it. let me go back to what i said before, he felt absolutely awful. he kept saying, i want to talk to rihanna, i want to apologize. i don't want this to happen ever again. and i want to make it up to my mom. you can see from joyce's reaction today, it's still an open sore. >> larry: was drinking involved? >> i don't want to discuss what went on.
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>> larry: you leave us in a weird position here. the affidavit says that you tried to force her out of the car. you must have some memories of the night. this could help people who might be in the same kind of position. >> yeah. but i feel like as far as for her privacy, and i respect her enough and respect her privacy as well as mine, not to let people know what went on. >> larry: why do you think you were violent? >> i don't know -- >> larry: why do you think, without telling me what you said, she said. i understand it's your privacy. you don't have to say it. what do you think caused you to be violent? i mean, you have to think about it. we all think about ourselves. why did i lose my temper? why did i get angry over this? >> relationships. to say, it's okay, in relationships in general. there's a chance where you lose your temper, argument in the
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heat, whatever the case may be. but i just say to myself -- i'm not saying domestic violence is part of a relationship. i feel just like -- we're young. we're both young. nobody taught us how to love one another. nobody taught us the book on how to control our emotions or anger. so it's like -- i'm not trying to fall on the fact that i'm young. i'm just saying there's a racetrack lot of stuff i wish i could have changed that night. >> one of the reasons, too, i think, that the judge is ordering him to counsel, and one of the reasons it's a requirement that it be one year in california and a lot of other states, it's a complex issue. it's something. there's learned reaction. there's impulse control. there's all kinds of things that go into it. and one of the things that i think the judge and the d.a. wanted is that you get into counseling. that you grapple with these issues. and you learn it. and you go through it. and try and figure it out for yourself.
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he's done a lot of introspection, but i don't think he or anybody else gets to a point where you say, okay, now, i understand completely. i think you have to go through the process. >> larry: he may never understand? >> he may never understand. people have been in therapy on issues like this for decades. >> larry: we'll ask about the charges being pressed after this. he same product. so that's why, you know we've adjusted... ...a lot of the different processes we have in place such as rolling out more innovative products to really meet the needs of our customers. because what might have been good six months ago for them, might not be good now. there's a lot going on right now with helping out customers. one of the unique features that we just brought out recently was actually called add it up. our risk free cd is a very powerful tool that we have for our customers. we're refinancing their mortgages. how are you saving for the future? how do you pay your bills? my own dad uses online banking and he loves it. every single day. he's looking at his account, if he's a penny off he's calling me. you just have to learn to just, you know, just be there.
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we want to make sure that our customers understand, that we understand, what's going on. we're here for them, whatever that need may be. we want to make sure that you're successful in what you do and we want to help you every step of the way. >> larry: we're back with chris brown, his mother joyce hawkins, his attorney mark geragos. when you hear about all the things the police in the report say that you did, how do you react to that? >> i look at it like, wow, i'm in shock. first of all, that's not who i am as a person and that's not who i pride myself on being. when i hear about the police reports, i don't know what to think. i just don't know what to think. it's just like, wow. >> larry: do you remember doing it? >> no.
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>> larry: you don't remember doing it? >> i don't -- it's crazy. i was like, wow. >> larry: what did he say to you, joyce, when this happened, the first time that you spoke to your son? >> he came and he actually spoke to me about what happened. and i was totally shocked. totally upset about the whole situation. i know that chris has never, ever been a violent person. i mean, ever. i mean, throughout the entire time that high school, i've never been called or -- >> larry: never. >> never. >> larry: weren't there some previous charges with rihanna? weren't there some altercations in the past? >> no charges, no. >> larry: so when you look at this, do you feel like you're looking at someone else? >> yeah, from the outside looking in. when you see on tv, when they say this and that -- >> larry: you punched her a number of times. you threatened to beat the blank out of her when you got home. also, you said you were going to kill her. you bit her on the ear. hearing all that,
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obviously, this has been disparaging, you have a lawyer here. you don't feel like a violent person at all, right? >> yeah. >> larry: you appear rather calm. rather nice. so what happened to you, do you think? >> if i had to say, i guess that night, i wish i could just take it back. and i really regret and i feel totally ashamed of what i did. >> larry: it never happened before? >> no. >> larry: how did rihanna react to all of this? >> i don't know. >> larry: what did she say to you? >> we talked briefly after. but i don't really want to go into -- i don't want -- because like i said before, because of her personal -- and my personal, i don't want to say what conversation we had on the phone. but we basically tried to work it out. >> larry: did it matter whether she pressed charges or not? >> no, in california, it really doesn't. there are exceptions, i mean, it's not like they can take her and put her in jail if she doesn't press charges or anything like that.
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they changed the law in that respect. however, there are plenty of cases where the d.a. prosecutes in this county l.a. county, and they don't have anybody. i've actually seen cases where they tried the case without the complaining witness or the victim. they don't need to. and part of the problem, when they ask about chris, the specific incident and things like that, the law was originally designed and still is, that the complaining witness or victim is not supposed to be identified, precisely, so there won't be these questions so they don't have to relive it. >> larry: that would have been impossible. >> in this case, it would have been impossible, i suppose. but she's kind of in an unfair situation by virtue of the fact that she's not cloaked with the anonymity that you normally get in these kind of cases. and he's embraced that and he says he doesn't want to violate that, and i respect him. >> larry: but his own actions should be explained, don't you?
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>> he's explained them in detail to his lawyer, to his mom. >> larry: but this is -- >> i is in. i don't know. i think out of respect for her family and for her, it makes more sense not to talk about. >> larry: we'll discuss after the incident, we're not going back to the incident. be right back. ay to hide it. sir, have you been drinking tonight? if you ride drunk, you will get caught... and you will get arrested.
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the story has also stuped the hip-hop community. in a radio interview, conway west was quick to come to rihanna's side. two superstars used to headlines but not like this. >> larry: i just want to cover this because she says, according to the probation report, chris, there were at least two other incidents of domestic violence between you and rihanna before the february 8th assault. neither was ever reported to authorities. why? >> because i don't know. >> larry: did that happen? >> yeah, i'm not aware of those incidents. >> larry: it says the first incident took place last year in europe. a verbal dispute. you shoved her into a wall in europe. according to the probation report, the second incident took place in barbados, driving in a
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car again, you got out of the car and broke the front driver and passenger's side windows. are those false reports? >> that was in the probation report. >> larry: that means the probation officer learned that, right? >> no. i think what the probation officer did was take something that he saw in another report. i don't think that that -- in fact, i'm positive that if you look at the probation report, he never spoke to rihanna, nor was there a statement that was delivered. >> larry: are you saying that didn't happen then? >> yeah, i don't have -- especially of that nature. as an actual couple like we have disputes and arguments, but we never got to the extent that i got to this point. >> larry: did you have major differences? >> no, i mean -- >> larry: you're a 20-year-old. what would be major difference what lollipop are we going to get? >> no, our relationship was pretty good. we had a pretty steady and great relationship.
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>> larry: did you like -- how did you think of them as a couple, joyce? >> i mean, i liked rihanna. as a couple. he's my kid. and she was like a child to me as well. she's like my daughter to me. >> larry: so it wouldn't have shocked you if they had gone on together and eventually married? >> it wouldn't have. >> larry: it's happened before. >> i would think together, a relationship between two young people. >> larry: when you talked to rihanna after -- - -- >> back home. >> larry: when you talked to her, what was her attitude? >> it was the same. it wasn't any animosity. >> larry: no animosity. >> she said, mom, i love you. and i said, i love you as well. >> larry: she calls you mom? >> yeah. >> larry: when you look at what happened, we know the stories you grew up with vials and la r vials -- violence, an later violence occurs, do you piece
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this together, what you were subjected to as a kid? >> no, i don't believe that just because someone was abused that someone saw it, they're going to actually abuse. it can happen. i can't say that for sure. >> larry: so this is completely mind-boggling to you. >> it is mind-boggling to me, yes, it is. because i never saw it before this situation, so it was like it was something that i thought -- >> larry: he didn't do that to kids in school? >> we'd have scuffles with guys. there was never any domestic dispute between female and me. >> larry: do you say to yourself, chris -- you know you've got a lot of talent. you're a great dancer. great singer. popular, known all over the world. do you ever say to yourself, i screwed up? >> all the time. >> larry: i screwed my career. >> every day. every day. i think probably this is probably one of the worst moments of my life. and i always wish i could take it back. everyday, it's just something that sticks in my mind and i say countless times how
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sorry i am to rihanna. but it's just one of those things i wish i could have relived and handled it totally different. >> larry: i promised that we'd ask about after the incident. we will, after this. carol, when you replaced casual friday with nordic tuesday, was it really for fun, or to save money on heat? why? don't you think nordic tuesday is fun? oh no, it's fun... you know, if you are trying to cut costs, fedex can help. we've got express options, fast ground and freight service-- you can save money and keep the heat on. great idea. that is a great idea.
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>> those eight hours, i was basically going to my mom and just like being totally disappointed in myself and knowing how disappointed she would be in me. at the same time, just trying to make sure everything was right in the way i turned myself in. >> larry: were you scared? >> definitely, yeah. >> larry: you went to see your mom first? >> yeah. >> larry: where was this? >> i think at where we were staying at our hotel. >> larry: in l.a.? >> yeah. >> larry: you were here visiting? for the grammys, right? >> uh-huh. >> larry: you learned about it from your son? >> i sure did. >> larry: you didn't have to see the pictures or anything. >> no, none of that. >> larry: did he tell you everything that happened? >> he sure did. >> larry: what does a mom say to her son? i tell him how he should not be in a situation and the magnitude of what the situation was. >> larry: were you worried about
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rihanna? >> i was worried about her. very much so. i wanted to know how she was as well. >> larry: you forgave your son because he's your son? >> of course, i would forgive anyone. not because he's my son, because i don't want to judge anyone. >> larry: well, people do judge in society. >> i don't have that right to do that. >> larry: how do you explain that to yourself? he has trouble explaining it to himself. it's hard. we don't know why we do what we do. >> it takes a while. sometimes, you get there, sometimes, you don't. but, you know, it's especially difficult when there's all kinds of reports and misreports and things of that nature. we talked before about the two prior supposed incidents. when you look at the what the supposed incidents are. one is she's supposedly slapping him and there is a reaction and the other is a breaking of glass. technically if that happens, it's vandalism. so you've got that. you have all of these other things that tend to kind of morph into their own urban legends when they aren't necessarily true.
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when at the same time, you're feeling guilty, as he was, wanting to apologize and fall on his sword. >> larry: you understand in modern media when it starts -- >> i do. the problem with this case was the sourcing of it. there was repeatedly stories of where they were patently false. we would show them that they were patently false, write a letter that they were patently false and they still reported it. >> larry: one thing that was not leal false is -- not false is what happened that night happened. you can't escape that. >> he wanted to plead guilty from day one. he wanted to apologize from day one. that was one of the reasons that we continued arraignment in this case. >> larry: why did you enter a plea, by the way? >> i feel like there's consequences to everyone's action. i feel like it was up to me to be a bigger man and show people it's not okay, regardless of what any domestic incident, it's never okay. and because i am a celebrity and celebrities get the name of getting off when they're in trouble all the time, so i just
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felt like it's basically, like, it was my right as a man to do it. >> larry: but if you wanted to do, if you wanted to pay the price, you might have done jail time. >> and it's something that i would accept. >> larry: on july 20th, chris posted a public apology video on his website. let's take a look. >> what i did was inexcusable. i am very sad and very ashamed of what i have done. my mother and my spiritual teachers have taught me way better than that. i have told rihanna countless times and i'm telling you today that i'm truly, truly sorry that i wasn't able to handle the situation both differently and better. >> larry: why did you post that, chris? >> i did it first -- i wanted to do it immediately. actually, i wanted to do it right after the incident happened. but i felt i owed it to people, definitely my fans, people who really support me and i let down to let people know who i really am and how remorseful and sorry i am. that was key as far as -- i had already apologized to rihanna. me and her had established that
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i was sorry. she knew i was sorry. from there, i wanted to tell my fans. people were like, what happened? not the people who already want to scrutinize me or whatever. just my natural fans and all my fan base who looked up to me and prided themselves on listening to my music and having a good feeling about me. i wanted to express to them how i felt and how i was. >> larry: in the video you posted, you say you're sorry and weren't able to handle the situation both differently and better. how do you explain that? >> differently and better. just me being a bigger man when the problem occurs. instead of walking away, handling the situation is very different. just being mature about it and not handling it immature. >> larry: what kind of input did you have on the video? >> not a whole lot. the input i had on the video was holding him back from doing it sooner.
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what you saw there was largely written by him. those are words that came from his heart. i plugged in a couple things and he scratched them right off. >> it's all your -- >> i got a little help because of the wording, but it all came from my heart. >> larry: we'll be right back, don't go away. who do not refill their prescriptions on time. readyfill at cvs pharmacy automatically refills my prescriptions and reminds me to pick them up. you mean, reminds me to pick them up. [ chuckles ] stop by your local cvs pharmacy to ask if readyfill is right for you, and get a $25 coupon book. readyfill, only at cvs pharmacy.
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with his girlfriend, rihanna. >> rihanna, domestic violence. >> how sorry and saddened i am over what transpired. >> surrounded by a crush of cameras, chris brown arrived in court to face the music. >> larry: we're back with chris, joyce and mark. when you apologized, how do you do that? what did you say? >> when i apologized, basically showed i was really sorry. >> larry: what did you say to her? >> i don't want to say what i said to her, how we had our conversation it's between me and her. >> larry: did you ever speak about that? >> no, i haven't. i talked to her lawyer, don. i've known don for a number of years. we have a good relationship. he, i think, had pretty good contact with her as well. >> larry: what did you say to her, joyce? >> when this happened? >> larry: yes. >> let her know i felt very very bad for what happened. and apologized for my son.
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i'm so sorry for what happened to you. i gave her a hug and she hugged me as well. >> larry: what did she say to you? >> she didn't have a lot to say. mom, i'm okay. i'm okay. i love you. >> larry: she always call you mom? >> yeah. >> larry: something strange. later in february, you and rihanna were photographed jet skiing at the home of sean diddy combs. >> how did that happen? >> after the media, a lot of stuff going on. me and her wanted to get a way. i wouldn't say rekindl our relationship, build that friendship back up. it was like a romeo and juliet story that couldn't have contact and got away. that was one of the main reason i was on a jet ski. i know i got a lot of flak on that. why were you on a jet ski, acting like no care in the world because i was rekindling my relationship with my friend. >> larry: did you rekindle it?
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>> yeah, at the time. yeah. >> larry: would you say it's rekindled now? even though you can't talk to each other? >> i'm pretty sure we can always be friends but i i don't know about our relationship. we ended it as friends. >> larry: what was that like to be back there at home, after all of this happened, what was it like? it had to be awkward? >> it wasn't awkward. i mean, i think we established how sorry i was. and she knew that. from there, we just wanted to relax. that's all it was about. and i know everybody was like puffy was the mediator, he wasn't. he was actually just a friend. out of everybody, he stepped up and was like, i'll lend you my home. >> larry: did she ever say to you, why did you do that? >> no. >> larry: never said that? and you weren't able to tell her because you don't know why you did it?
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>> yeah, the situation was touchy, we didn't really -- we just wanted to be friends. >> larry: what did you talk about? >> that's personal. >> larry: i mean, what do you talk about, the next record you're going to do? >> no, when we hang out, we don't really worry about the entertainment side or our careers as far as music is concerned. just kids. having fun. >> larry: you're not surprised with the attention this got, are you? you can't be surprised? >> a little bit. i teased him when i got the call that morning at about 6:30. and i said, you know, somebody said this happened. and i think ben rothman called me and told me chris brown and rihanna. so i got out of bed. >> larry: the lawyer ben brothman. >> yeah, lawyer, ben broth man. i walked into my 18-year-old daughter's room. i woke her up and i said "who's chris brown and who's rihanna?" she looked at me and said, dad you're such a loser.
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>> larry: we're back. chris' mother spoke out about having been a victim of domestic violence. here's what he said. >> i treat women differently. i know rihanna. don't want to put her through the same thing a person put my mom through. >> larry: what happened. >> i made a mistake. something i have to live up to and own, know i can change and be a better person. i definitely made a mistake.
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>> larry: do you ever think something's the matter with me? >> i mean, i'm not saying i have a problem. but when people -- i'm willing to get counseling. i'm willing to learn myself more. because me being 20, i don't know everything. i'm not a man fully yet. so i want to definitely be a man and learn who i am and learn how to control emotions. learn how to control different things. i'm definitely willing to learn. >> larry: do you ever, joyce, think back whenever, and say, remember, there was this time when he was 17 or i remember once when he was 19, where you can say i understand partially what happened? >> no, never. >> larry: did you ever get a call from another parent of another kid who said chris beat my son or my daughter up? >> never, never. >> larry: you're totally -- you have no knowledge of -- >> i know that hasn't happened to him. i've never gotten a call. >> larry: you can't piece
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anything together? >> no. >> larry: we'll be right back with more. don't go away. same flat rate. boston. boise? same flat rate. alabama. alaska? with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service. if it fits, it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. dude's good. dude's real good. dudes. priority mail flat rate boxes only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship. this is my verizon small business specialist, tom. now, i know the catering business but when i walked in here i wasn't sure what i needed. i'm not sure what i need. tom showed me how to use mifi to get my whole team working online, on location. i was like, "woah". woah ! only verizon wireless has small business specialists in every store to help you do business better. you're like my secret ingredient. come in today and connect up to five devices on one 3g connection. now only $99.99
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tonight on "360," nancy garrido and her lawyer in the court of public opinion that she's a victim. we have details ahead. the fight for afghanistan, august the deadliest month yet. the 8 year battle. public support slipping. and michael jackson's burial will finally happen tomorrow. randi kaye will have who will attend and how much it will cost. you've heard chris brown's story. we'll be taking your questions for denise brown, nicole brown
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simpson's sister. now, back to "larry king live." >> now, more on the rihanna chris brown saga. >> the allegations are shocking. >> he has been charged with two felonies. >> one count of assault and one count of making criminal threats. >> there is a media frenzy at the criminal courts building in l.a. >> larry: we're back. chris, you said you loved her. would it bug you if she dated other men? >> i would be affected but at the end of the day, we're not together. if she's happy, i'm cool. >> larry: what about you and other girls? >> right now, i only focus on my career. the only girls i love are my fans. >> larry: you're not dating? >> no. >> larry: you don't intend to? >> who knows. i'm not saying i'm not going to date. >> larry: if you saw her, it would have to bug you a little
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bit? >> who wouldn't be hurt if somebody else is with the person you love. >> larry: in late may, video chris brown bowling with recording artist bow-wow, here's some of what chris said to the camera. >> i'm telling you, i don't do all this talking on the thing. i want to say, i been out there in a minute, new album coming soon. working on it now, called "graffiti." got everything on it. be ready for that. i'm going to drop a single this summer for you. we ain't going nowhere. everybody that hated, been hated. all my real fans, i love y'all. i ain't a monster. >> larry: you're not a monster. who are the haters you're talking about? >> i know that sounds so bad when you watch it, but -- >> larry: it don't sound good. >> but i think what i was trying to address was the people on the blog whose continuously make false statements and continuously put out -- i'm not
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saying the incident, talking about the haters, bloggers, people that aren't naturally my fans comment on stuff that's just bogus, it's like, okay, well, if you're not my fans don't listen to my music, i'm not -- >> larry: your idol was michael jackson snow definitely. >> how do you think about that in the middle of all this with you? >> i was devastated. my situation was definitely definitely important but i got broke down when i found out how michael jackson died. it really struck a nerve. that's like one of the reasons i really do music, honestly. my first reason when i was 15, yeah, i'm going to get a lot of girls, able to do music, i will have fun. it really was michael jackson, i was watching him since i was 2 years old, trying to do the lean he does. i was like his protege. >> larry: do you think about going to the memorial service. >> i did. >> larry: you did go? >> i just kept a low profile. >> larry: how did the paparazzi
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miss you? did you go disguised? >> i was a couple rows back, wanted to chill and pay my respects. >> larry: do you remember him as a little boy watching michael jackson snow he was his number 1 fan and being in front of the mirror at 2 years old, doing michael jackson at theme parks, michael jackson music. >> larry: we'll talk about where his career goes after this. et c. and you will get arrested. okay. you were right. these healthy choice fresh mixer thingys, they taste fresh... say it again! say it like, "mmmm, these healthy choice fresh mixers taste freshh!!" they taste fresh... wait. what are you doing? got it. you're secretly taping me? 't a secret to us, we knew. yes, but it was a secret to me. of course, otherwise i would be sitting like this and completely block his shot. so that's why i was like... didn't you notice this was weird? no. made fresh from your desk, cook it fresh, strain it fresh,
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chris brown. the 19-year-old fresh faced r&b singer woond kids and their parents with his clean lyrics and polished good looks. ♪ >> larry: we're in our remaining moments. we reached out to rihanna for a statement about tonight's interview with chris brown, invested no response. there is a standing invitation for rihanna to be a guest on "larry king live." and before we ask about what you do with your career now, do you want to say something, joyce? >> i want to reiterate chris has never ever been a violent person. they keep asking me. he has never encountered any activity with violence at all. i just wanted to make sure -- >> larry: this was an aberration to you? >> yes. >> larry: what do you do with your career now? >> only time will tell.
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i think -- >> larry: are you recording? >> definitely. that's my passion. but i feel like i'm going to do doing lot of my own stuff, having fun. >> larry: are you doing any concerts? >> not at the moment. i'm going to wait a while. it's just been -- i don't think at the end of the day my career is over. i just feel like i need to prove to people i can be a role model. >> larry: the tragedy though is, when you die 100 years from today, this will be the first paragraph. >> yeah, they did it with michael jackson. and that's my man. that's who i love. so i just feel like that's what people love. people love negativity. they feed off that. it's like a drug to them. i think if i continue to live my life in a positive manner, then show people the other side of me, leaves no room for error. >> larry: anything you want to say to her now or fans? >> just everybody, like i said, i've apologized, i said i'm sorry. i thank everybody who supported
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me from day one, my real friends, and you know who you are. i just love all my supporters and i love everything. thank you. >> larry: does probation prevent him from doing concerts? >> no, he can travel anywhere in the u.s. and if he gets permission from the court, he can go outside of the country. but he has a load of community service to do. >> larry: all supervised in virginia? >> yeah, with the approval of the probation department, all of these things are going to be done where he lives. he lives in virginia, and as i think they mentioned, they live three doors away from each other. mom keeps a good eye on him. and i'll tell you something, i've grown to love this kid like a son or a nephew. >> larry: you have? >> i really have? i adore joyce, but this guy i have really come to like quite a bit. he's a great kid a really great kid. i have a high degree of confidence, i'll say it now so you can play it back if he ever
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