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tv   Larry King Live  CNN  September 3, 2009 9:00pm-10:00pm EDT

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roberts. i'll see you again bright and early tomorrow morning at 6:00 a.m. on "american morning." don't forget tonight 10:00 p.m. eastern, ac 360 with especially coverage of the internment of michael jackson. right now stay tuned for "larry king live." moments from now michael jackson will be finally laid to rest in a million dollar farewell. a family says good-bye to a beloved brother, son, and father. gone before his time. the pop star friends on their way to the service to stop by here first to honor their dearly missed michael and then the funeral at forest lawn. we're going to take you there live as it happens. we'll salute the late great michael jackson next in this special edition of "larry king live."
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good evening, by the way. as part of the coverage tonight we'll play tributes from michael jackson from a variety of celebrity guests we had on right around the time of his death. our special guest in the opening segments here in los angeles, the concert promoter, long-time friend of the jackson family. he will be attending the burial and will be a featured speaker tonight. also with us is steve manning, tito jackson's manager, michael's former publicist. he will also be attending the inturnment. right now let's go to forest lawn cemetery in dmrendale. standing by with are our correspondents, jim and ted rollands. we'll start with ted. set the scene, ted. what's happening? rirchlgt well, not much yet. the service is expected to start sharply at 7:00. we haven't seen anybody really arrive as of yet. we've had security go in and out. as you might imagine, there are a lot of media.
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about 60 different outlets from around the world that are here to get what they can in terms of seeing people coming and going. there's a lot of security here as well. the service itself will take place in a mausoleum just over the hill from where we are here at this cemetery here, and it is expected to be very private. it's people that the family really thought michael jackson would want to be here at this moment. >> jim, glad is knight will perform. leonard rowe will speak. do you know any of the other speakers? rirchlg the family has been tight lipped about this, as well as they should. this is a private ceremony as evidenced by the fact that all of us in the media have been kept outside the area around this cemetery for several square
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blocks, have been cordoned off so no plans can get close. no one has tried to break through the barricades. the fans have been well behaved. as a matter of fact, i just spoke with a member of the police force here who said that of the $150,000 set aside for security, they may actually give back $30,000 because everything has run so smoothly. as best we know, it's going to be an outside service. there are about 200 seats outside, and it shouldn't take long. it's probably going to be under an hour, and that's pretty much all we know, larry. >> thanks, jim and ted. we'll be checking back with you at the bottom of the hour when we go live there for the rest of the time leading up to the service. leonard rowe and steve manning are with us. they'll both attend. leonard will speak. what do you remember most about michael, leonard? >> what i remember most, larry, is his dedication to the industry, to the music industry and how hard of a worker he was. i have memories from ok the road
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with him. >> you did the "off the wall?" >> i did the "off the wall" tour. >> you played a lot of cities? >> a lot. about 52, i think. >> how did you handle all this? >> we couldn't handle them all consistently, so what we did is after about the first -- i think it was about the first seven weeks, we had to pull it down for about two and a half weeks. the company -- i had to let him come home and rest for two and a half weeks, and then -- >> we was in alabama one night, and this is when he had -- he was coming out of the dressing room, and i was hoping we could make it because we had a break coming up before we could go to hawaii. when he was coming out of the dressing room, i said, mike, don't exert yourself so much, and cut down on all the dancing and spinning. he looked at me with them humble eyes and said i can't do the people that way. rowe, i got to give them all i
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got. i tharm. >> what do you remember most? by the way, we just learned elizabeth taylor will attend the interment. what do you remember the most? >> i have too many fond merpz of michael. personally he was a very kind soul, a humble guy. he was a caring, loving, true person who loved loyalty, and he was a humble, kind guy. he was very, very kind. >> he was always hands-on, wasn't he? >> yes, he was. mroo leonard mentioned about the shows, he was a perfectionist. everything had to be perfect. michael, you want the biggest, the greatest all times. >> did he want to know about how the publicity was going? >> yes, yes, he did. i remember years ago when he wanted to cover -- when i was working for him, he always wanted to cover "people magazine" and the tabloids and he was blessed with having great success there. that's why the song he did
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"leave me alone." sfwlo what will you talk about tonight, leonard? >> beg your pardon? >> what will you say at the funeral? >> i'm going to talk about some personal things that michael and i talked about. he used to -- i knew this guy was above his years by the things he used to say to me in private. >> like? give me one example. >> well, let me give you one. ofg talking to me one day, and he asked me about bare gordon and motown. he said what do you think? i said i think it's a great business. he said when we left motown, he said i didn't want to leave motown. i wanted stay with my brother jermaine, but i knew i couldn't stay because my family couldn't make it without me, so i had to go. i thought it was something for a guy that young to know he carried that weight. >> what was tito's relationship with him? >> that was one of his closest brothers. they were very, very close. >> has tito taken it badly?
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>> of course, he is taeg it bad. it's two months later. no one can believe this is really true. >> you kn -- do you know if tit will be speaking tonight? >> i think all the brothers -- they're still upset. mro a special tribute. it was private and secret. you know, their farewell to their brother. >> who is putting this all together? >> whole family. everybody is involved. >> is he doing a great job. >> yes. >> he is the man, huh? >> i remember when they left mowtown, and i happened to be at the compound in l. afshgs, and he said, steve, it's like pharoah going to columbia records. it's like unchartered waters for him. he was so afraid what was going to happen. he had "off the wall" and also "thriller." >> when we come back, i'm going to show you the inviltation to michael jackson's funeral, and i'll even read something from it. back with leonard role rowe and
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steve manning after this. now the colors of life can last a lifetime. valspar -- the beauty goes on. okay. you were right. these healthy choice fresh mixer thingys, they taste fresh... say it again! say it like, "mmmm, these healthy choice fresh mixers taste freshh!!" they taste fresh... wait. what are you doing? got it. you're secretly taping me? you know, it wasn't a secret to us, we knew. yes, but it was a secret to me. of course, otherwise i would be sitting like this and completely block his shot. so that's why i was like... didn't you notice this was weird? no. made fresh from your desk, cook it fresh, strain it fresh, mix it fresh. healthy choice fresh mixers, look for it in the soup or pasta aisle.
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let me show you something you may not have seen. this is the program beautifully done for tonight's funeral service. the front page says "if you enter the world knowing you are loved, then leaf the world knowing the same, then everything that happens in
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between can be dealt with. michael jackson, dancing the dream." there's a picture on the front page of the program. beautiful picture of michael. then this inside the writings. on the left-hand page. "we loved him, we laughed with him, we sang with him, we danced with him, but on this day we celebrate him. please join us as we lay our beloved son, cherished brother, devoted father, michael jackson, to his final resting place." then written inside the program from michael jackson's "will you be there." "in our darkest hour, in my deepest despair, will you still care, will you be will? if n my trials and tribulations, through our doubts and frustrations, many my violence, in my turk lens, through my fear, my confessions, in my anguish and my pain, through my joy and my sorrow, in the promise of another tomorrow,
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i'll never let you part, for you're always in my heart" michael jackson's "will you be there?" was he that deep, jim? i'm sorry. leonard. was he that deep? >> he was very deep, larry. you know, he was above his years. when i met him, he was about 21, 22 years old, but he was way beyond that in wisdom and knowledge. that's what used to shock me. you know, when you -- when michael, not being close to a lot of people -- when he would get close to you, wee talk you to death. >> he was very shy. >> yes, yes, but when he get close to you, he would talk -- call you 3:00 in the morning, 2:00 in the morning, so just get ready because he don't have that many people, so when he instilled that trust in you, he would talk to you a lot. >> are you going to write a book about him? >> yes. >> what angle? sfwoo people that know him, the real michael jackson. he was very misunderstood. he felt that people didn't understand him. i known him for 40 years. >> what was his biggest weakness? >> being kind, being trusting.
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>> absolutely yes. >> i tell you something, he often wondered -- he had a great faith. that song was -- the late robert johnson. they turned him on to mary jackson, and that was a great influence of him in chicago there. >> so he was -- was he immediately touched? >> yes, he was. he trusted people. he also believed in great loyalty. a lot of people betrayed him. he was hurt by hollywood also. people in hollywood, he felt they betrayed him. they hurt him deeply. >> very much so. very much so. >> the powerful people in hollywood. i'm not going to name, turned their back, shunned him. they embraced him and then absolutely thunder their back on him. >> you mean when he got in trouble? >> that changed him a lot, didn't it? >> i met him in florida. he asked me to fly to florida in 2007 to talk with him, so i flew down to florida that night, and
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his brother picked me up at the airport. we sat up until about 3:00 in the morning, and he spoke about how hollywood had mistreated him. >> yes. >> and i could see and hear the hurt in his voice about that situation, and i told him he had to move past it. mike, we're going to do like we used to do, we're going to jump out on the road and show them. >> he will will have a beautiful resting place. i know you guys are headed there. >> thank you for having us. >> thank you, larry. >> leonard rowe and steve manning. michael jackson's friends, mico brando and dave dave will be here in 60 seconds. still ahead, we're going to take you back to forest lawn cemetery, too. stay with us. this is my small-business specialist, tara. i know landscaping, but i didn't know how wireless could help my business. i just don't know how wireless can help my business. tara showed me how i could keep track of my employees in the field and get more jobs done faster. i was blown away. i'm blown away. only verizon wireless has small-business specialists in every store to help you do business better. we should get you a hat.
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dave dave is also attending the burial. why dave dave? >> well, to liberate myself from the confines of my father's criminalality. >> he caused the fire? >> yes. he is a criminal, and he caused
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all this. to free myself of his name and his legacy, i decided to become my own person through changing my name. >> we'll find out how michael helped you, but is that a typical story of michael, helping people like this? >> absolutely. when he would hear the story of people in need, who needed help, we would watch the news together, would reach out to them, send them a bask et, send them a note, get well or whatever it would be, and he would always reach out to people and help people. even driving around town. he would stop and help people. >> how did he find out about you, dave? >> he heard about me, and he had contacted me, and he wanted to meet me. >> how old were you at the time? >> i was about p years old at the time. >> were you in the hospital? >> i was not in the hospital at the time. i was in interim back and forth from surgery. >> what did he do for you? >> well, basically he befriended
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me. he took me in to his life, which is very rare for michael to do, but he opened up up his arms to me and accepted me as a very good friend of his and throughout the years he never let me go. >> i believe that's the hearse carrying the body into forest lawn. looks like a beautiful place they have for him. >> it's very nice. >> we're going to be showing you close ups of that. that is forest lawn. were you surprised, dave, to hear from him when you were 7? >> oh, it's a very interesting story, larry. it was kind of -- the visit to his encino house was very imprompt your -- impromptu, and it was kept a secret by my mother, and i had always been kind of an admirerer of his. not a fan per se. i always loved his music, and my
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mother surprised me one day and brought me up to neverland, and i entered an ark aid, and there were all these paul mccartney records. "the girl is mine" and this and that. i remember sitting down, and at the time i -- my favorite video games, my favorite video game was pole position, and i was playing pole position, and i felt a tap on my shoulder, and i turned around, and there was michael. >> hold it right there. >> you know what, larry? at that moment we embraced, and that embrace never ended throughout our whole entire friendship. >> how is the family doing? we've seen jermaine. i saw latoya the other night. >> yeah. getting ready for tonight. yeah. >> are you ready for tonight? i saw your wife. i don't think she's ready for the night.
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>> no. i can't -- i'm not ready for it at all. >> because there's a finality tonight, right? >> not for me. it will never be over. i will always think about him and wish he was here. it will never be over for me. >> do you think it will be hard for you being there? >> yes. i'm bringing my napkins. >> guests are arriving for michael jackson's burial. among them liz taylor, stevie wonder, and others, like gladys knight who will be performing. we'll take you there shortly. stick around. don't go away. >> he changed show business. he hit with a force that was spectacular as he started to grow up, and then he grew and grew and grew all the time. >> michael, he made such an incredible contribution for all of us as entertainers. i can particularry say that i wouldn't be who i am today as a
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philanthropist, as a humanitarian, as an artist without the influence of michael jackson. >> michael's most professional person i ever worked with in my life. ever. in every way. in fact, we used to set up a stand when he sang. he would do his dances and just have a spotlight on the stand, a pin spot on the stand, and he would do his dances and twists and everything else while he was singing. it was an absolutely amazing. if you've had a heart attack
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>> there is the pictureful forest lawn, the site of the interment of michael jackson. al sharpton has just arrived. i would bet that he would be a speaker. that would be a natural, wouldn't it, based on what he did at the -- >> he would be a good speaker. >> at the memorial service. do you know how many people are speaking? what do you know about the program? >> i'm not sure about the program. i think there will be quite a few people speaking, friends and family. it will be a nice evening. >> we know gladys knight is singing. do you know if anyone else is performing? are the jacksons going to sing? >> i would hope so. i think so, yes. >> dave dave, what don't we know about him we should know? >> well, i believe what people fail to realize is that michael was a human being. throughout the years i think he was kind of stigmatized by the media, and i believe that was --
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that wasn't really helpful to him or to anybody around him. i believe that michael was a great person. he has never hurt a soul, and i am happy to have been his friend for all these years and been a dedicated friend. >> how do you explain what michael did for dave dave? >> that's just the kind of human being he was. he was very loving, caring. he loved dave from the day he met him. they became friends. michael helped him through the years, and that's the kind of person michael was. i mean, he loved a lot of people. he will be missed and loved by a lot of people. tloo did he pay for a lot of your medicals? >> actually, he did not pay for my medical. my mother had great insurance at the time. >> what did he do? >> michael offered a lot of
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emotional support for me. he was there for me whenever i needed to talk to him. he opened up neverland to me as a means to get away. he was almost -- metaphorically, he was almost like a father that i never had. >> oh. well said. there's a lot went we didn't know him, right? >> the people that knew him would tell you the same stories. how much of a loving, caring human being he was. one of a kin. people that didn't know him would make up stories about him. >> could he have handled things bett better? >> i think he was doing a good skob. i think he was getting himself back on track, going on tour. >> i mean come forward more, do more interviews. >> he was a private individual. he liked his privacy. he didn't want -- that's why he kept --
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>> i know you both have to get over there. >> the mercedes you see pulling up contains our dear friend elizabeth taylor. the final farewell to michael jackson just minutes away. we'll go back to forest lawn right after this. sfoo my husband and i and michael came to las vegas to see my show, and i was more than honored to have him, and have i to say that i was questioning myself through the whole show, can i announce him? do i give him his private time? am i going to abuse of him to announce him? should i? i want to do it so much. i did. i did announce him, and the whole coliseum, the whole crowd went crazy, because michael jackson was not only an extremely talented person, he was unique, and he was a genius, and when i said ladies and
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gentlemen, michael jackson is with us tonight, the people -- i thought people were going to jump off the balcony. there's no way to hide it. sir, have you been drinking tonight? if you ride drunk, you will get caught... and you will get arrested. wouldn't it be great if it were easy to spot the good guys ? you know, the guys who do a super job. introducing the superguarantee. go to to find a business with the superguarantee. we're so confident in these super businesses we stand behind their services. you'll get the job done right or we'll step in and help to make it right. sign up for free at the new superguarantee making the good guys easy to find.
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joining us now on this historic night, i guess, for want of a better team. best selling author, long-team friend of michael jackson, and his son gotham as well, a long-time friend of the late michael jackson. fist, let's go back to forest
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lawn cemetery. standing by our chief correspondent jim moray, and cmn's correspondent ted rolands. cars still arriving, jim? ted, you start. set the scene, ted. >> reporter: yeah, larry. we've seen a steady stream of cars coming in here. probably about 20 different cars. it's difficult to see who is in the cars, even though they're driving right by us, as many of them have tinted windows. we did just see on the air elizabeth taylor coming in just a few minutes ago. people obviously arriving about a half hour away from and according to the invitation a firm 7:00 start. one of the big questions, how many people were invited to this private ceremony? we'll get an indication of that, obviously, over the next 30 minutes. >> jim, any surprises so far? >> reporter: no, not really. i saw al sharpton arrive in a white rolls royce about 15 minutes ago. he came out of his vehicle. this is going to be a simple family affair.
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catharine jackson, michael jackson's mother, is a devout jehovah's witness. she wanted this to be a simple affair. even though there will be luminaries and stars here, i think it will be simple and dignified, and this, for the family, i suspect, is some sense of closure for michael jackson's life. not for his death, because that investigation continues, but at least for his life. they really needed this, because, don't forget, michael jackson died more than two months ago, and he is finally now being laid to rest. >> before we go to our guests here in the studio, how much security there? >> intense security. the police in glendale here have cordoned off blocks around forest lawn. members of the public are being kept a good block and a half away from just the front gate. the actual ceremony is over this hill inside the gate. the media is being tightly controlled as well. we are all along a line here in front of the cemetery. not allowed to cross a line and go inside until the ceremony is over. >> all right. what's this moment like for you,
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your friend being buried? >> i think it's a process, and i think this has sort of come back, i guess. it's been two and a half months since he passed away, so i think the healing process has been a long one, and this, i guess, will bring the family some closure. hopefully -- i think for a lot of the friends that have gone through some of that already. >> what do you think of the idea of a mausoleum? >> i think it goes along with michael's life. i mean, he loved things big and beautiful. >> it fits. >> it totally fits. >> you were not shocked at his death? do you think still michael should be alive tonight? >> michael was a mythical being much of his life. when you look at the diversity of people that he knew from cancer patients to.young man dave that you just met with the burns to movie stars to the media, to middle eastern people. he was a mythical being.
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he died a mythical death. i could never imagine in my mind that michael would be an old man, for some reason. i couldn't visualize that. >> how do you explain the bad publicity he got, which was terrible for a while, gotham seems to have disappeared. >> i think, you know, in death that happens with a lot of people, and there's been this desperate need by some of the very same people who skanldzized him to now celebrate him. it is part of the mythical elevation, but, you know, at the end much the day he was also a guy who was probably somewhere in between that. >> when we come back, there's elizabeth taylor in a wheelchair attending. there's the ceiling. there's a little over 200 seats. when we come back, i think we'll have jim show us where michael will be interred, and we'll have more with de epa k and gotham. maybe some of your phone calls. we'll be right back. if you're taking 8 extra-strength tylenol...
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zirjts want to remind you that we'll do a midnight show hosted by jim. that's live at midnight, 9:00 pacific. there you see people getting settled in. now, they say they're going to start straight up, and that will be just about 22 minutes from now. they're going to have to get them all in pretty quick if they want to be right auto time. jim, can you show us where he will be interred? >> sure. while we're looking at this picture, larry, i want to remind
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everybody this is outside, and even though it's about 6:35 pacific, 6:40, it's -- i just checked my phone. it's 88 degrees, and it is extremely humid. it will be clearly uncomfortable for those folks for a while for this service to be taking place outside. inside where michael jackson is going to be buried, it's called the great mausoleum at the holly terrace. it's called the holly terrace because there are 13 levels of these terraces. it's beautiful marble floors. inside this great hallway, actually, there's a recreation in stained glass of davinci's the last supper. on the ceiling is a recreation of michelangelo's sistine chapelle. it is a beautiful place. really, i'm sure that those fans of michael jackson and clearly his family feel as if this is a fitting resting place for the king of pop. it's serene. it's separate from the public. the public will not be able to come up and intrude on this private area in forest lawn in glendale. it's beautiful here. this is a making infantry sent
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facility, and given the fact that he never wanted to go back to neverland, this clearly is a restful and peaceful place for michael jackson to be interred. >> ted, will the attendes be able to go inside and see what it's like, or will they be outside all the time? >> reporter: we don't know, larry, because we just don't know the spechx, but if i look at that shot, it looks as though the amount of people that are going to be attending would preclude all of them, obviously, from going inside. one would think. now, we don't know for sure, but the fact that we've been told this is only going to last about an hour, one would think that they're going to stay in those seats that you see in that shot. >> de epa k, in your opinion, is this a fitting good-bye? >> it's magnificent, mablg cal, mythical good-bye to a mythical human being who was very innocent at times, full of compassion, love, caring, and a
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genius. an artistic genius of immense magnitude. though we were just seeing those pictures drawn by michelangelo, statues and davinci. he was fascinated by those people. he related to those figures. he read. you know, he never went to school, but he read western philosophy, read -- >> he never went to school? >> he really didn't get a formal education. yeah. but he knew philosophy, eastern and western. he used to read the classics. he used to listen to mozart and beethoven and the bee gee's. he was an extraordinary human being. >> what do you think he would have thought of this? >> i think he would have smiled at a lot of this. we were all at the ceremony just a few weeks after he died at the staples center, and that was huge and epic, and thought that couldn't be topped. this is clearly smaller, but as full of pageantry and, i think a lot of times these ceremonies are for the family. you know, i mean, i think i can
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speak for my dad. we see michael as having moved on. this isn't so much for him as it is for the family to put -- >> any head of state would get this. >> in your faith, deepak, where is he now? >> he is, in my faith, his consciousness has survived his death, and that consciousness recycles itself. >> do you think he might see this now? >> no. if he is incube ated he wouldn't. he is in an asleep state, and the basic matrix of michael jackson will recycle himself? >> he is not gone gone. >> consciousness is never gone gone. >> do you believe that, too? >> the death of consciousness is mathematically impossible. >> i know. >> because it's -- >> i know in our faith it wouldn't take two and a half
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months to put -- lay a man to rest. in our faith it takes two days you have to be cremated. >> that was something michael once asked me about. >> you have to be cremated? >> you have to be cremated. >> we'll be back with more. you're watching ""larry king live."" don't go away. ok! break! "larry king live."" don't go away. don't go away. get everything you need for fall allergy season at an unbeatable price. save money. live better. walmart.
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there's no way to hide it. sir, have you been drinking tonight? if you ride drunk, you will get caught... and you will get arrested. >> there's the scene as people begin to fall in, take their seats for the upcoming service, which is, if they're on time, about 17 minutes away. it's thursday, so it's heroes night on cnn. we got another great hero for you this evening. watch and be inspired. >> there are shootings. people just trying to -- the
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children are supposed to have proper upbringing, and what they were having there was far from being normal. this is so upsetting for me and my family. that's why we committed to go and to help. i'm a pilot for singapore airlines. i supported an orphanage to help the children. when we started, we only had four children, and we found out even more needed help badly, so we decided to build our own orphanage building. right from the beginning we give them vaccination, clothing, food. but we cannot give them anything more valuable than a proper education. >> very, very good. right. >> we are able to provide and to teach them just be who you are, help others, and do it from your heart. he is using his pilot's 158
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to support the orphanage right now, but he says he will be laid off with his job from singapore airlines in november. want to help? go to we'll be live from the michael jackson burial right after this. ♪
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funeral is about 13 minutes away. there's elizabeth taylor looking lovely, i might add. she has been seated. confined it a wheelchair now. still dame elizabeth will always be the grand dame. anderson cooper stands by to host "ac 360" at the top of the hour. what's up?
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>> larry, we'll be looking at those pictures as well, bringing you a special two-hour edition of "360" stakt at the top of the hour. more on moij's funeral. about to get underway. his final resting place in los angeles. as you see, the guests are arriving. we should be about -- it's supposed to start at the top of the hour right at the top of 360. we'll hear from one of the people speaking at the ceremony and bring you full coverage. also, the latest on jaycee dugard. tonight we have new details on that reunion with her mom and disturbing new information about phillip garrido's past. kids go back to school on tuesday. they'll be greeted by a televised message from barack obama. not everybody is happy about it. we'll have all the angles at the top of the hour. >> that's anderson cooper, ac 360, 10:00 eastern, 7:00 pacific. macaulay caulkin, long-time friend of michael jackson has arrived. de epa k and gotham are here with us in studio.
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kim and ted rolands are on the scene. they'll be anchoring throughout the night, and jim will be back here midnight eastern to anchor another edition of larry king live. he called you shortly before he died. what did he say? >> he said i'm sorry you're not there. this was in my voice mail. i'm sorry you're not there. i have really good news for you. please call me back. by the time i called him back, the number had been disconnected. >> jim, are they going to make that starting time at 7:00 eastern? >> you know, i'm -- >> 7:00 pacific. >> reporter: i don't know. i would guess not, but you know, i will tell you that as the sun begins setting over the hills just to our west, it's almost as if on cue. it's finally becoming cooler here, so at least it will be more comfortable for these people. i would guess this will not start at 7:00 straight up
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pacific. >> and, ted, it's getting darker earlier now. this is the valley, right? it's much hotter there. >> reporter: yeah. boy, today was a perfect example of a perfect example. it was scorching hot throughout the day here but as jim said the temperature is now much more comfortable. we see the jackson family attorney there in that shot. it is very comfortable now. as you look at these seats, people are going to be comfortable. one thing that could happen, we don't know the details of the ceremony, but, clearly, they could have it outside and then people could walk through the masoleum and pay their respects possibly in a line as they go through. but one thing, we have not seen the family yet, the immediate family arrive yet so obviously they won't start before then. so, clearly, getting it started at 7:00 would be tough at this point. >> especially with all of those empty seats. now, our crack staff tells me that sunset tonight, pacific
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time, is 7:15, so it will be dark and it will be cooler. how are the police doing, jim? are they handling this well? >> reporter: they're doing very well. as a matter of fact, they're so pleased that it's gone so smoothly, i think i mentioned at the top of the hour one of the police officers i talked to earlier said he's expecting the $150,000 tab that they had anticipated may be cut to $120,000. it's gone very well. and, frankly, people around the community have been great. they've been staying away, as they should. >> larry: somebody is handling traffic well. leonard was here 45 minutes ago and he's there right now. how do you think he's going to be remembered? do you think in 50 years they'll be playing his music? >> yeah. i mean, i think he is going to be canonized.
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i think he is one of the great, iconic artists of our era and i think he'll certainly be remembered and his music will be remembered. i think, you know, but he'll also be remembered probably as much for the agony that he went through as much as the ecstasy that he provided everybody. >> larry: will that agony be in the first paragraph of the final obituary, deepak? >> i think so, you know, he was a tortured soul but he was also an ecstatic soul. he could go into a state of ecstasy, nothing short of the existentialal spirit and he could do it in such a way that he brought that ecstasy to people. i was with him in romania. the entire city was on fire. there were people on tree tops, people on window ledges, on the tops of buses. as far as the eye could see there was a seething mass of humanity, and he went to an
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ecstatic dance and you could see the ecstasy in the whole city. >> can i make a prediction? >> larry: yeah. >> in the 20 years i knew him he was never on time for anything so my money is on this not starting on time. >> larry: it ain't going to start in eight minutes, folks. we'll be back with more after this. (announcer) we understand. you need to save money. towels, sheets and then there was the stuff he wanted... like a new microwave. and because of walmart's unbeatable prices, we were able to get it all. ...and then some. set them up for success-- for less. save money. live better.
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>> larry: as the crowd gathers they're not going to make the 7:00 starting time. by the way, elizabeth taylor if you've done interviews with her as we have many times was notoriously late but she was notoriously early tonight. there she is, as we said earlier, looking fantastic.
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deepak chopra you brought a few of your own personal photos. we'll show them and you can tell us about them. are we going to show them? all right. >> the practicing and rehearsal and he's -- there you are again, the brand new move that he was developing even as he was composing the music. >> larry: did you take these pictures? >> these are taken by a friend of ours. there he is under a tree. those are the days when he was full of exuberance and ecstasy. that's in a car. the two of us are fast asleep and returning after a night of hard work going over his lyrics. you see that mirror in the background. he's -- he says, you know, the world is a mirror of our own self so he remembered the song
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"man in the mirror." thafs one of his favorites. >> the camera liked him did it not? there we see the motorcycle cops. that tells us the family is probably close. you went with him on the dangerous tour, right? >> yeah, as a teenager. >> larry: he invited you along? >> yes. and i nervously went and asked my parents can i go away for the summer to europe. >> larry: did you have a role? >> i did after a while. i asked him. i got so bored just sitting in hotel rooms with him so he gave me a job on the -- >> larry: they loved him all over europe? >> loved imeverywhere. one of the most amazing thing is every stadium was sold out hundreds of thousands of people yet afterwards you could see he was so isolated. he was by himself. >> larry: some final comments, the temperature is 86 degrees in glendale, california. the humidity is not bad. 33%. sunset is 7:15. they are not going to start at
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7:00. what's the vantage point, a final comment for "larry king live", ted? >> well, it is turning out to be a gorgeous night, larry, with the temperatures starting to drop and the sun setting and we're just waiting on the family and a few late guests. but no sign yet of the family. obviously once they arrive this will begin. but turning out to be just a gorgeous night and a beautiful setting. >> reporter: jim moret i know you'll head over here to host the next edition of "larry king live" in two hours. what do you want to tell us before you go? >> reporter: it's really, when you look at that magnificent setting of that memorial and now you look at this very dignified, private setting, it is really a fitting memorial, one that perhaps michael jackson would have really appreciated. >> larry: thank you, guys. thanks for great reporting. we only have a minute left. deepak, what are your thoughts? >> i think michael will be remembered as one of the greatest artists of our time.
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he could move as no one else. he could sing as no one else. he could go into a frenzied state as no one else. and he could bring people to that same frenzy as no one else. >> larry: he was a genius. >> he was a genius. >> larry: gotham, your thoughts of your friend? i think it's a sad day but also a day to celebrate his life and i think put some of all of this chaos which has surrounded his death which unfortunately will go on, put it to rest. >> larry: thank you both very much. thanks fto all of our guests an of course cnn's continuous coverage. anderson cooper will have a two-hour edition of "ac 360" coming up and jim moret will be back to host edition number two of "larry king live." you see darkness kind of setting in now over forest lawn cemetery and the upcoming masoleum interment of michael jackson. tomorrow night we'll do a very


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