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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  September 5, 2009 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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situation room" from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. eastern. and every saturday at 6:00 p.m. on cnn. and at this time every weekend on cnn international. the news continues next on cnn. eight murders and now an arrest. the 911 caller and son of one of the victims is charged in the brutal brunswick killings. what appears to be sexual hazing. now the man who blew the whistle on the u.s. embassy guards in afghanistan speaks out only on cnn. plus, presidential pep talk, or political brainwashing. president obama's school speech innights debate across the country. off the coast of cape cod. several large sharks, including a great white spotted near a popular beach. very good saturday afternoon to you, evening for some of you. first off, the south georgia man who called 911 last weekend to report his family had been killed, has now been charged with eight counts of
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first-degree murder. a 3-year-old critically injured in the savage attack continues to fight for his life. cnn's sean callebs is in brunswick, georgia, where funerals were held today for seven of the victims. >> reporter: loved ones are saying good-bye to eight people brutally killed in a mobile home in the small georgia coastal town of north brunswick. family was floored when authorities told them 22-year-old guy hinds jr. had been charged with all eight murders. he stands accused of killing his own father, five other relatives, and two family friends. the killings have shocked this region. >> the most heinous crime we've ever had in the community. >> reporter: a week ago, guy heinz jr., the man now charged in the killings, made this frantic 911 call after he claimed he discovered the bodies. >> my whole family's dead. >> reporter: something wasn't right. and after police arrived, they charged heinz with possession of drugs, obstruction of justice, and tampering with evidence. for allegedly taking a shotgun
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in the mobile home and hiding it in a car. at the time police said he was not a suspect. two days later his attorney ron harrison said his client is not a killer. >> mr. heinz denies his involvement in the murders. >> has he been cooperating? >> he has been cooperating. >> reporter: wednesday a judge set heinz's bond at $20,000. then he walked out of the county jail only to be arrested two hours later and charged with murder. >> late this afternoon, two pieces of information came forward to us. we took those two pieces of information, compared it to the whole of all the evidence collected, all week long, and we were satisfied. >> reporter: police won't say what this new evidence is, or reveal a possible motive. it doesn't make sense to a shocked and grieving family, who can only say good-bye to the close-knit relatives who shared a violent death. sean callebs, cnn, brunswick, georgia. >> we take you to western pennsylvania, where a tragic end in the hunt for a missing
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4-year-old boy ends. his body was found stuffed in a neighbor's septic tank. the discovery was made after searchers noticed the septic tank cover had been tampered with. one person is in custody. but no charges have been filed. the search began last night when the little boy did not come home after playing outside with his two sisters. a news conference is set for this hour. we'll bring you any new developments when we hear more on that. a totally different outcome in the case of a missing boy in illinois. in royalton, the police searched the home of the boy's grandmother and found the 6-year-old boy and his mother living in a small, secret room in the house. they apparently had been hiding there for nearly two years. shannon wilfong is now in custody charged with felony child abduction. she and her son disappeared in the middle of a bitter custody dispute. the boy's father said he would not have wished the last two years on anyone. >> their efforts were diligent. and i owe them a debt of gratitude.
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the greatest trial will be the re-integration of my son. that's going to be the challenge. >> now, ricky, who turns 7 in nine days, said he was happy to finally be allowed to play outside. jaycee dugard, her longtime captive ran a small printing business in antioch, california. one of the jobs he did was printing fliers on how to protect children from predators. the woman behind that effort, a longtime customer of garrido, said he had lots of practical tips. >> he was telling me that i had left something out. you know, next time you might want to put in children should never go to a bus stop by themselves. they're no match for adults. you tell people to send their kids in a group. have them all walk together. it's better that way. and he said that doesn't even matter, because if the pedophile, and i can't be sure that's the word he used, i just
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don't remember, wants a child, he'll walk up to the group and they'll scatter and they'll just grab one. >> jaycee dugard and her two daughters remain in seclusion as they get reacquainted with family. people in south lake tahoe, california, are still in disbelief that dugard is still alive 18 years after she vanished. kara finnstrom talked to people who remembered the abduction as though it were just yesterday. >> kind of like that feeling that you need to pinch yourself to see if it's real. it felt like a dream almost. >> reporter: amelia edwards has been overwhelmed with emotion since finding out her childhood friend is still alive. watching her own young daughter on this trampoline, she said it was her, jumping here, with jaycee. >> i jumped with jaycee on my trampoline the day before she went missing. >> what was she like? >> pretty much a normal 11-year-old girl. very laid back. very open. and spirited. >> reporter: that was the last time edwards saw her friend.
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the next morning jaycee du guard left home for the school bus she took every day. but she never made it to that bus stop. it was right about here that police believe phillip and nancy garrido pulled jaycee into their car and vanished. neighbors in this tight community who used to leave doors unlocked, say everything changed that day. >> the parents now, most of us take our kids to school by car. unfortunately. and there's just that fear in us. >> reporter: that fear, even more real for edwards. the week before dugard disappeared, edwards says she told her parents a car with a man and woman inside followed her home from the bus stop. >> i remember hearing the tire tracks pull onto the dirt road behind me, and freaked me out. i remember walking faster, hearing the tires go faster. and that made me even more scared. so then i ran home. >> we just thought it was a 10-year-old being overly dramatic. and didn't really believe her,
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actually. and then when we got the news that her elementary school was in lockdown, it really hit home. >> reporter: edwards immediately recognized sketches of the suspected car and woman on the news. >> at 11 years old, it was my worst nightmare coming true. my mom stated, you know, it's the boogieman coming to life. >> reporter: edwards needed to do something. >> this is one of the original pink ribbons. >> reporter: she started what became a massive pink ribbon campaign. for 18 years, the pink ribbons spread, on trees, on cars, on charm bracelets like hers. >> my very first charm that i connected to this bracelet was this pink ribbon right here. for jaycee. >> reporter: now edwards and her neighbors are putting up more of those pink ribbons. this time, to say they represent not hope, but celebration. in south lake tahoe, kara finnstrom for cnn. >> there are many other aspects to the story that we will be exploring in greater depth
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tonight at 10:00 p.m. eastern. kara will be talking about how to equip your children with abduction issues. also among the issues we'll be tackling, can violent sex offendsers be cured. at least eight states have decided they cannot and now allow kas trace before a sex offender is released from prison. ment obama plans a primetime address to congress next week on what's shaping up to be the biggest battle yet over health care reform. as negotiations among lawmakers keep dragging on, cnn has learned the president may be working on drafting his own version of that bill. our kate baldwin has more from washington. >> the white house late friday did stress that no final language has been written. a white house spokesperson saying in a statement, "the president has been reviewing all the various legislative proposals, but no decision has been made about whether formal legislation will be presented."
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sources close to the process say the plan is still unclear, but yet another sign, richard, that the president is getting more involved. >> certainly here. so with that development, kate, any idea of what might be included in this right now? although few details are available. >> few details are available. but we are hearing the key to this is that the white house is leaning against including the public option in their draft. and leaning more towards something like a trigger option. this is an idea that moderate republican senator olympia snow has long pushed for. basically comes down to that the public option would not kick in, would not be triggered unless insurance companies neglected to make necessary reforms. reforms like stopping the practice of using pre-existing conditions to deny coverage. and cnn has also learned the obama administration could send such a plan to the hill sometime after the president's speech to congress next week. >> kate, as you know, and you've been covering so many plans out there, not only the gop side, but the democratic side, and now
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this coming from the white house. what does it say how they're getting along with the democratic side and how the talks are going on with congress? >> it is quite interesting. we are told that the senate negotiations that were really key, that they are continuing. senator max baucus and the so-called bipartisan gang of six, they held a conference call yesterday in preparation of returning to washington after the holiday, and in a statement chairman baucus said the group is going to sit down tuesday, take stock of where they are, and he says he is committed to getting health care done soon, and done right. and sources are now telling my colleague, dana bash, that chairman baucus could distribute a proposal among these five other negotiators as early as today. so they definitely are making a move and see that this is a move into a kind of urmg ent season, in terms of this debate. >> okay. kate in washington for us. and a quick reminder, cnn will carry president obama's address wednesday night. the go-to man on the economy
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is in london where reviving the world economy and curbing bonuses for bankers are big issues at a meeting of g-20 finance ministers. treasury secretary tim geithner is among the group which represents the world's 20 largest and fastest growing economies. in an exclusive interview with our richard quest, geithner says the world economy is stabilizing, but we still have a ways to go here. >> we have brought the economy back from the edge of the abyss, and you are starting to see the necessary conditions for a recovery. but we don't have recovery yet. we have growth under way, but we don't yet have the conditions for a self-sustaining recovery led by private demand, which is what we're all committed to achieve. >> g-20 ministers also took on the issues of the huge bonuses for bankers. they worked on a framework for curbing those details. the details have to be worked out in pittsburgh later this month. the outrage over president obama's upcoming speech to school kids has been quite an education for the white house. but are the criticisms fair?
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he blew the whistle on the outrageous contractors in kabul. now he's out of a job. your mother, she said she wouldn't dare take a kidney from her son. >> yes. >> but she would take a kidney from a person she will never know in china. >> yes. what's so strange about that? >> cnn's drew griffin investigates the illegal buying and selling of organs, targeting some of the most vulnerable populations.
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the outrage was fast and furious over president obama's scheduled pep talk to kids in school next week. talk radio fanned the flames and it took off like a wildfire, as you probably know. cnn's dan lothian spoke with parents in school districts caught in the middle of it all. >> education matters. >> reporter: presidents have spoken to school children before. but it was the homework that the obama administration gave to students ahead of a back-to-school address that sparked a re volt. >> that he might be introducing some of his agenda, which as a conservative parent, i don't agree with. >> my rights as a parent are being circumvented so this president can speak to my children. >> reporter: the department of education has suggested that students be assigned to "write letters to themselves about what they can do to help the president." he in turn plans to encourage them to stay in school. but some conservatives say mr. obama is pushing propaganda on school children. jim greer, the head of florida's republican party, even accused
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the president of turning to kids to spread his liberal lies. >> i think the president has enough to do focusing on the economy and finding jobs for americans than writing lesson plans out of the oval office. >> reporter: school officials across the country scrambled to address the problem. the salt lake city district advised teachers to notify parents if they planned on airing the address in class and allow students to opt out. similar moves in states like colorado, florida, minnesota, kentucky and virginia. >> i don't know. right now, i would say no. i'll keep him home. >> reporter: reacting to the youp roar, white house spoke robert gibbs said, i think we've reached a little bit of the silly season when the president of the united states can't tell kids in school to study hard and stay in school. some people agree, seeing the address as inspiring, not political. >> i think anytime someone talks about education, and kids staying in school, there's no other motivation for that. >> the administration did acknowledge some confusion, so the lesson plan was tweaked.
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rather than letters on how they can help the president, students are now being asked to write about their education goals, and how they can achieve them. and to further allay fears, the white house plans to release the president's speech on monday online, so that parents can get a chance to read it. dan lothian, cnn, the white house. >> as dan lothian referenced in that report, presidents have talked with students before. for instance, george w. bush, he read to students. and also talked about no child left behind with students in 2006. we go to president george h.w. bush, gave a speech similar to what president is obama is planning right now. it, too, drew criticism of democrats. and then there's president reagan back in 1988. he talked policy at the white house including tax cuts. so steve perry is the principal and founder of the preparatory school in hartford, connecticut and a cnn education contributor. dr. perry, why do you think here, when we take a look at this, the issues that we've been talking about so far, we want to
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know what is really practical about this speech? what can he get done by speaking out to children? >> i think what's most important is not so much what president obama can get done by the speech, but the issues that it brings up. the very fact that this is a country that is so politicized that the simplest gestures can be taken to this great length. that's all we need in america are more children staying home from school. some children stayed home from school to watch the inauguration, others will stay home because they don't want their children to watch the president. the president of the united states in the top 25 nations in math is 28th. behind countries such as lichtenstein. at some point or another we have to have a conversation about what's meaningful in our public schools. when we have the parents who are the zealots on one side and polarizing unions on the other is a vacuum within which teachers and principals are afraid to act. as a result, our schools begin to crumble. and as a result, we find
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ourselves where we are today, with a great nation with very weak public schools. >> dr. perry, the president is trying to address those issues. but, you know, parents can make the biggest impact as most will say. why aren't parents being included then in this speech, would you say? >> i don't know what you mean by why parents aren't being included in the speech. i can't speak to why the president is deciding to take the tactic as he is. mine is an understanding of what happens in the classroom when the children are not give p access to information, because an individual's dog ma is so significant they're unwilling to listen to the other side. education suffers. we cannot -- if we cannot internally, meaning as a nation, begin to have a dialog how we participate in the global economy, our children are competing for jobs and entrance into colleges with children all over the world. if we can't allow our own president to communicate, what we're doing is failing as a nation. >> teachers' unions, teachers would agree with what you're
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saying. you're an educator and you know this. but why aren't teachers' unions supporting this? >> they're focused on themselves. focused on their own interest. this doesn't cross their path. this doesn't cut into their work schedule. this doesn't impact their pay. so they're not interested in it. all it does is impact children. that's not their thing. >> so there are a lot of big kahoonas out there that could be worked on at the moment. when you look at an educator and what the president is trying to do as well as the secretary of education. we have the falling scores, and deep cuts in education all across the budgets in our country right now. what are some of the main things that should be concentrated on right now? >> we must have an honest conversation about school vouchers. in order for our children to have access to quality schools right now, they cannot be asked to wait for school reform, or some other idea or painting a school or renaming a school or repurpg a school. children need access to quality schools now. the other things that people need to do is we need to
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understand that we as parents and citizens spend quite a bit of money on public education. while we talk about the cuts in education, our local property taxes often are 85% of -- 85% of our property taxes go to our public schools. we're spending a lot of money on public schools, we're just not getting a lot of bang for our buck. >> can't we get it done now? there are so many big issues out there. >> yes, we can. listen to me, yes, we can. >> yeah. >> we can definitely get it done. we have seen too many successful schools, whether they be in some of the poorest communities or wealthiest communities. we already know how to run successful schools. our school is but one example of it. the fish is already in the boat. we don't need to troll the oceans anymore to find successful models of schools. at some point or another we as a country have to start having an honest conversation, do we really care about education or do we care about the adults employed by our schools. >> dr. steve perry, cnn education contributor, thank you so much. good insight there into the
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issue that's being debated right now. and long-term issues that involve education, too. >> thank you very much, richard. you don't have to be in a school to catch the president's speech, by the way, to the kids. just tune in to cnn. we plan to carry it live right here at noon eastern on tuesday. now, to a terrifying sight off the coast of cape cod. can you see those pictures there? those are great whites. and later, it's not halloween yet, but it sure does look like it. right outside our doors here at cnn at the world headquarters. we'll tell you why.
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a smokey start to labor day weekend in los angeles. if you're there, you've seen it. firefighters saying the raging station fire is now about 50% contained. that's up from 5% earlier in the week. still some flames are moving unchecked into willeder necessary areas. two firefighters have died, and 76 homes have been destroyed in the intentionally set blaze. and now a $100,000 reward has been offered for information leading to an arson arrest there. let's head over to jacqui jeras in the weather center. the question might be, is it hot? is it humid? what are the conditions to help them battle this fire? >> yeah, it's definitely on the hot side, richard. temperatures well into the 90s again. that's down a little bit from the triple digits they were seeing earlier this week.
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humidity levels are up there, we'd like to see them a little bit higher. but they're not below critical levels. so that's great news. winds are relatively calm, a little gusty in some of the passes and down below there. but much cooler temperatures are heading that way over the weekend. it's the labor day holiday weekend, everybody wanting to go to the beach. one part of the country you might want to think twice about doing that. take a look at these pictures out of massachusetts from the chatham area. there have been a number of sightings of sharks, one of which has been confirmed to be a great white shark. here's the "jaws" music. they're doing some patrolling in boats in the waterways, watching for them. sharks have been spotted about mile away from the beaches here. why are they there? officials say that there's an area where there's some seals nearby which are lunch to the great white shark. i wouldn't go in the water. i suggest you don't in that area. it is really a bummer. a holiday weekend. last weekend, the weekend before
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that, bill. water temperatures are kind of cool across much of this area. as we move on and show you what's happening in florida today, showers and thunderstorms have been really heavy here, especially across the south beach area. also even on up into daytona. not great beach weather. as we head out to the west, we've also been seeing very heavy rain across parts of arizona. flood watches are in effect across much of that state. great news, because it's been so dry here. but a little bit of flooding. as we take a look at the big picture for the weekend, as you go ahead and make the rest of your plans, kind of what you see today is what you get. we're going to continue to see stormy across parts of texas into the nation's midsection, as well as into the southeast. best weather in the nation is the upper midwest and northeast. >> compared to last weekend, this is great for labor day. a lot of folks enjoying good college ball, maybe a barbecue. no doubt. you want to go for a walk with me? you love a parade? >> i love a good parade. >> this is right outside our world headquarters here at cnn,
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around the corner atlanta. things got pretty strange. science fiction is what we're talking about. dragon con has hit downtown, right around the corner. aliens, intergalactic royalty. i don't know if i can identify all of these, though, jacqui. any favorites you see there? >> it all looks star wars-ish to me. >> i think i see princess lei there. i don't know. i saw daredevil earlier. there he is. and a lot of other folks. i love this stuff. all right. well, we did enjoy the parade at least for five seconds. nudity, drunkenness and what appears to be sexual hazing. now the man who blew the whist will on the u.s. embassy guards in afghanistan speaks out only on cnn. and are illegal organ transplants being held at hospitals.
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in afghanistan, a nato team there is now officially investigating an air strike that
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killed taliban militants and and unknown number of civilians. a u.s. fighter jet launched a strike yesterday after militants hijacked trucks carrying fuel for nato forces. reports say up to 90 people were killed in that. nato says it was targeting taliban militants, but local afghan officials say civilians were trying to just get fuel from the trucks when the attack occurred. today general stanley mcchrystal the top nato commander in afghanistan visited the attack site and a hospital where the wounded were taken. mcchrystal confirmed civilians had been injured. he had issued orders restricting the use of air power if civilian lives are at risk. sex parties, binge drinking, hazing. some of the guards in charge of protecting the embassies in kabul in afghanistan is like a raucous fraternity. international security correspondent paula newton tracked down one of the whistle blowers for us. >> reporter: fresh off a plane from afghanistan, terry pearson
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says he's back home in britain much sooner than he wanted to be, after blowing the whistle on behavior he said was shocking and undignified. >> it was just downright stupid some of the things they were doing. and insensitive. >> reporter: pearson was a contractor working as an operations supervisor at camp sullivan in afghanistan. housing quarters for u.s. and embassy guards on contract. the camp is now under a u.s. state department investigation for inappropriate conduct stemming from charges and explicit photographs involving u.s. embassy guards. images of nudity, alcohol abuse and what appears to be sexual hazing. pearson says he saw it for himself a couple of months ago, was disgusted and said, no one should have tolerated it. >> you would not try to enforce a sexual deviant way of thinking on someone. it may have a joke.
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drop your trousers just for a laugh. but when you start encouraging people to drink alcohol, running off someone's body parts, a bit over the top. >> reporter: pearson says he wrote e-mails to his employer, r.a. international, and complained to supervisors of armor group, a contractor that shared the camp and employed the guards featured in the pictures. >> and his answer to it was, they're just letting off steam. and i think that's what they -- the way they looked at some of the incidents that happened. >> reporter: but the ins kents were investigated by the watchdog group project on government oversight. and reported to the state department. several guards have now been fired, or resigned. management is being replaced. but as a whistle blower, pearson says he wasn't after mass firings, just a change in behavior. he says back at camp sullivan, he was made to feel he had done something wrong, and so he resigned a few days ago, only to ask for his job back just hours later.
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it was too late. he was on a plane home within hours. his employer, r.a. international, says pearson re signed of his own free will, and "although we are now aware of the alleged events at camp sullivan, the employee's resignation was not associated with this matter." how much does it bother you right now? you're the person who said this is not right. and now you're out of a job. >> if i could turn back the clock, and had the chance to do something different, i don't think i would. i think i'd still end up doing exactly the same thing. because i think people's dignity, dignity at work and respect at work is more important than having a job yourself. >> reporter: pearson says he will continue to help with the state department investigation, but he's still stunned that doing the right thing would have such dire consequences in his own life. cnn, liverpool, england.
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>> why was the dying lockerbie bomber released from prison. a charge that a back door oil wheel is gaining traction now. mcgra hi received a hero's welcome in libya last month. he was convicted of bombing an airplane back in 1988 killing 270 people, mostly people from the united states. britain's justice secretary said today that yes, oil and trade agreements with libya were part of the negotiations that led to the release. and a family member of libya's leader, moammar gadhafi, agrees. nic robertson sat down exclusively with gadhafi's son who said it is all politics. >> it was a package. and we signed many agreements and many deals. we put them together in one package. and one of them was this. but to, you know to argue.
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with each other. it's politics. >> libya put pressure on the british government to release mr. magrahai, otherwise there would be problems with trade? >> we haven't mentioned this. we've talked all the time about the prison agreement. all the time. there was no mention of him, until they said but it should be mentioned that mr. magrahi is excluded. and we were very angry. >> and that anger translated into -- >> we were very, very angry. that's unacceptable. >> what did you say to them? >> we are not going to sign the pta if you don't release mr. magrahi. it's from an agreement. it's a general agreement. and there should be no names in the agreement. because it's not the common
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practice in politics to mention names in agreements between governments. >> what was said by moem a gadhafi's son there contradicts what gordon brown said wednesday, insisting then that there was "no double dealing, no deal on oil" in the release. the illegal buying and selling of organs is a multimillion dollar business worldwide. and cnn investigates.
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when the fbi arrested a brooklyn businessman on charges to try to broker the purchase of a kidney for $160,000, the news seemed both shocking and unique. but a cnn global investigation has found the illicit buying and selling of kidneys, even in the united states, is not only relatively routine, but a robust growing industry. cnn's special investigations unit correspondent drew griffin has more on our report. >> reporter: when the fbi arrested brooklyn businessman rosenbaum, they had no idea what they say they uncovered would be so big. law enforcement sources who are still investigating tell cnn rosenbaum was running an operation called united lifeline. he was using hospitals in new
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york, boston and philadelphia. what he was doing was selling kidneys. his business was to entice vulnerable people to give up a kidney for $10,000. >> reporter: investigators say the donors and patients in this network had one thing in common, they were all jewish. donors usually came from eastern europe, mostly poor, selling their kidneys for $5,000 to $6,000 to u.s. and israeli patients willing to pay up to $160,000 for the kidney itself and the transplant. rosenbaum's attorney claims he hasn't had enough time to assess the fbi's case and offered no comment, but a lawyer did say law enforcement's account of rosenbaum's network was inaccurate. to those who study the illegal trade of organs, allegations of widespread trafficking in kidneys on the east coast should surprise no one. in the recent past, according to researcher dr. nancy shepherd
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hughes, that has included organized crime. >> mainly that business has been run by a kind of russian organs mafia. and often they have been using bulgarian guest workers-they have been using, you know, new russian immigrants to kind of fuel it. >> i saw an ad in the paper and the ad said kidney donor wanted. >> reporter: neck says selling a kidney in the united states was as easy as answering that ad. nic rosen is an israeli citizen. he bears the scars of an operation where he says neither doctors nor the hospital asked too many questions. >> you think they knew? do you think the surgeon who did the surgery knew? >> i think they may have had a feeling or a hint. but i can't say i know for sure. >> reporter: a few weeks after answering the ad, with a promised payoff of $20,000, rosen said he was flown from tel aviv to new york, to the mount sinai hospital, where he and the
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patient he had never met before told hospital staff, they were cousins. they didn't ask for family records or anything like that? >> no. no. >> so basically you were just two guys came in, declared yourselves cousins? >> yes. >> reporter: dr. barbara murphy is in charge of the hospital's kidney unit. she said screening is rigorous but -- >> we're not detectives. we're not the fbi. and we don't have methods that they have at our disposal. and people can on occasion deceive us. >> reporter: nancy hughes is a university of california anthropologist who has been tracking illegal organ sales for 15 years. she says for the hospitals, it pays to look the other way. >> i ask not only what about the surgeon, what about the transplant coordinators, the nurse coordinators, the hospital chaplain, the bioevident i cyst
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who is supposed to screen people and say, how long have you known each other? >> reporter: on the day we talked to her, she said she was learning of a young korean man recovering in los angeles' cedars-sinai hospital, having just sold his kidney for $25,000 in cash. this took place -- >> last night. >> reporter: -- last night. >> in los angeles. a kid who does not speak much english and terrified and shaking, and thought maybe i made a mistake to do this, but $25,000 you have to admit is a good amount of cash. >> reporter: a source with knowledge about the deal confirmed the surgery did indeed take place. the hospital wouldn't comment on specifics due to privacy concerns, but said if at any time during the evaluation process, the transplant team suspects the donor is being inappropriately paid for a kidney, the transplant is canceled. but to hughes, that's not happening enough. the world health organization
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estimates 1 out of every 10 kidney transplants in the world is illicit. >> i think there is no stopping it. i have to say i'm pretty depressed about it right now. >> reporter: depressed because it's a business that's only getting bigger. as more of the world's desperately poor are willing to sell off a piece of themselves. drew griffin, cnn, berkeley, california. >> kidneys for cash, as you see there, drew griffin's special investigation continues. you will meet a man who sells organs for a living. brokering dangerous deals that brokering dangerous deals that as you'll see can turn deadly.
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illicit buying and selling of kidneys is a problem not only in the united states, but worldwide. our drew griffin was reporting from berkeley, california, before the break and now he travels to israel as he continues his special investigations unit report on organ trafficking. >> reporter: in this tel aviv hospital room, you can see just how desperate some israelis are for kidneys.
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ricky shay's mother is nearly unresponsive, blind, her diabetes slowly killing her. she's been on a national kidney waiting list for years. sitting beside her, sitting beside her, his father, a diabetic who decided not to wait for a kidney of his own and took matters into his own hands. >> my father didn't want to be like my mother. >> reporter: so in april he cut a deal with a man who buys and sells kidneys. a kidney broker who for $100,000 promised new life. >> a broker? >> yes. he is a killer. he went to him and they suggested that for two days he become a new man. come with me two days and $100,000. >> reporter: come with me. >> to china. >> reporter: once in china, shai
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says her father was taken to a rural hospital, a teenage girl was waiting there, the broker paying $5,000 for the kidney that would go to him. the surgery went poorly. shai captured these images of what she described as a filthy hospital. the donor died shortly after surgery. no one knows why. >> she was 18 years. she was a child. i understood they give him $5,000 for her kidney. she died. >> reporter: the broker has yet to face any sanctions. until last year, the entire transaction was not only legal in israel, but some state-sponsored health insurance paid. nancy shepherd hughes researches the trade and israel is ah ground for legal and illegal
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transactions. the numbers of procedures have grown, but in israel so, too, did the belief the best way to treat kidney disease was to find a new one. >> there's a belief, of course, that not only is transplant better than dialysis but you want a living donor because it is better than a kidney on ice. >> reporter: this israeli kidney broker says he operates legally but still wants his face hidden. israelis have a phrase they don't like to quote, weak in their own. so when his own mother needed a kidney she wouldn't consider the one he wanted to give her. your mother wouldn't take a kidney from her son, but will take a kidney from a person she will never know from china? >> yes. what is so strange about that? >> reporter: it says the rich person has more of a right to
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their health and their life than the poor person. >> this is reality. this is how it happens. >> reporter: his experience finding a kidney for his mom in china was so easy he went into the business himself making $5,000 a deal. he says he has arranged for nearly 220 transplants. the new israeli law banning brokering kidneys has made it trickier. if a patient arrives with a donor claiming to be a relative he can send them overseas. are they really relatives? >> i don't know. i don't care. i don't deal with that. >> reporter: in israel relatives are relatively easy to find especially when you have poor emigres in quick need of cash. brokers can have newly acquainted family members on an
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operating table anywhere in the world within weeks. ricky shai says in the search for a new kidney her father lost $100,000 of borrowed money, his pride, and like his donor, is now losing his life. his new kidney is failing. >> my family is breaking. >> reporter: family is breaking. but shai says she has no doubt the organ broker is still in business. drew griffin, cnn, tel-aviv. i've helped somebody.
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you know, it makes me feel pretty good. we're offering a solution for a customer that maybe has to choose between paying their credit card or putting food on the table. our main objective is to reach out to the customers that are falling behind on their payments. a lot of customers are proud and happy that bank of america actually has a solution to help them out. i listen. that's the first thing i do is i listen. you know what, what happened? what put you in this situation? we always want to make sure that we're doing i'll go through some of his monthly expenses, if he has a mortgage payment, if he pays rent. and then i'll use all that information to try and see what kind of a payment he financially can handle.
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i want to help you. bank of america wants to help you through this difficult time. when they come to you and they say thank you aj, for helping me with this problem, that's where we get our joy from. hey, come and stay a while. that is what a connecticut couple is urging people to do. they are the owners of a bed & breakfast. things dropped off in the recession. things are picking back up for them. >> reporter: at the heart of
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lichfield county, connecticut. are bed & breakfasts like this couple bought in norfolk. it seemed like a cash cow. last yearbookings dropped off steeper than the national a.j. of 7.3%. >> we were down 25% overall in terms of bookings. it was a reflection of the economy. people holding back on discretionary spending. this year it started out fairly week the bad weather, the wet spring didn't help. >> reporter: help was on the way. this is the first summer of the infinity music hall and beast row, a public music venue making norfolk an overnight destination. >> i think it is becoming a destination for people. i know the inns are filling up. i know the restaurant is busy so i'm sure we are making an impakts. >> reporter: an impact the johnsons are starting to feel,
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but not enough to sit back and relax. dean and jean marie are taking all steps to bring in visitors. >> we call this our budget room. it is small, intimate and less expensive. >> reporter: what is the price differential? >> the price here is $100 less than more expensive rooms down the hall. >> reporter: the johnsons see more guests in this room than any other and they are willing to negotiate. >> given the fact people are more stretched we are more flexible. if someone says we can only stay one night we accommodate them that one night stay. >> reporter: one-night stays are on the rise in part thanks to infinity. 200 schedules shows, sold out performances have meant needed bookings for mountain view inn. >> 20% more than we would hav


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