tv Your Money CNN September 6, 2009 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT
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good idea or bad? why officials in one school district say it will help them from a budget crisis. i'm fredricka whitfield. "your money" starts right now. bouncing back from the brink. the u.s. economy, struggling to rebuild. but where are the jobs? bank ceos seem to be doing more than okay. wait until you see their paycheck. didn't we just bail these guys out? why you might not see your favorite football team on tv this year. get ready. time to talk "your money." hello everyone and welcome to a very busy labor day edition of "your money." ali velshi is on the cnn express stop in madison, wisconsin, listening to americans about your stories about how the economy is affecting your honey. for most of us our personal economy starts with our job. the jobless rate jumped to 9.7%
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in august, the highest unemployment rate in 26 years. but the pace of lay-offs is slowing. down from the dark days last winter, in august 216,000 more jobs shed, the fewest number of job loss ins a year. little relief in the hardest hit sectors, more than 120,000 jobs shed from manufacturing and construction, financial services trimming jobs as well. but look here. 28,000 positions were created in health care. that trend continues. managing director of the economic cycle research institute and records professor bill rogers, the former chief economist for the department of labor. ten seconds, each of you. it's bad but getting better? >> absolutely. that means a lot. we were losing 750,000 jobs at the beginning of the year. now losing on the order of 250,000 jobs. if that trend continues, you will see jobs growth in the u.s. economy this year outside of the manufacturing sector. >> still hurts, but it's getting better?
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>> sure. this is a report that culminated the week with less bad news. the economy is edging towards a recovery. >> so what do we do from here now? what is the economy telling us? we have a 9.7% unemployment rate. that really hurts. we have 25 to 30 million people who are ready, willing and able to be working a full-time job and they aren't. think of how many people that is. that's the population of illinois, new jersey, south carolina, all wrapped into one. >> it hurts. first a couple of things. rising unemployment rates in two recoveries are not unusual. the last two recoveries saw that trend. this will be no different. it is darkest before dawn. this is the worst part. this is why it feels the worst. even when the dawn comes, it's still really, really cold. but because you know the sun is about to come out, you can handle it. i'm telling you, the forward-looking leading
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indicators are pointing to recovery and jobs growth for the nonmanufacturing sector this year. >> you've been telling us all summer that this whole thing is ending this summer, the recession is ending this summer. you're on the record with that. i want to talk about the job growth. breaking the unemployment rate down by a demographic. we called it the hch he" session. for adult men, 10.1%. adult women, 7.6%. job creation in health care and education, typically lower-paid jobs predominantly or at least more than half, women in those fields. >> that's right. two months ago for adult men it hit 10%. it fell back down, but this month back up over 10%. there's a psychological barrier around that 10% rate when you look at the unemployment rates by race and ethnicity. african-americans, their unemployment rates have stayed stationary over this period. as we talked about in previous
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conversations, there is that two-to-one ratio being maintained there. one thing that's important to look at about the unemployment rate rise from 9.7% this month, it gets back to your point this is a rt pa p of the dynamics. what we did see was that lay-offs, largely driven by lay-offs but also new entrants, people out of the labor force in the last few months, new high school graduates, college graduates trying to enter. if you look at the other demographic by education, it continues so education is your best hedge against job loss. the increases within education were amongst high school graduates, high school dropouts and also people with some college. >> wrap it us for us and give us your last take on the labor market here. >> look. you have 1/10 of americans out of work. 10% approaching the unemployment rate. if you look at people that are unemploy unemployed, it goes to 1/6 of americans are unemployed. that's nasty.
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that's because we just lived through the worst recession since the sgrgreat depression. however that is not going to continue indefinitely. the leading indicators. >> this is what you do for a living. >> i am telling you it is going to -- >> 1 shoin 10 of those are out of a job. >> great guys. have to leave it here. thanks for you both sticking around. ali velshi is on the cnn express. he was pulled over -- he wasnd pulled over. he has pulled over. >> i have not and the bus has not been pulled over. >> let me tell you something though. you see the bus behind me, that's 13 feet six inches. we were in chicago and we couldn't get under some of the overpasses, they were built in the overpasses. there wasn't anything 13 feet
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six inches. our captain of the bus managed to steer it around. that's the only interaction we've had with law enforcement in this trip. >> a haircut like yours, if they kept going right under there too closely. >> that's right. >> take it away, ali. >> you've been to madison. this is a remarkable, remarkable town with a great university, university of wisconsin madison. i'm spending much more time in the midwest even than you are even though this is your native land. it's a little different than what we've been doing in our town hall meetings. we've been in farming towns, industrial towns. we haven't done a college town. we came to the campus and talked with students. i've got blair sanford, the assistant dean of the mba program here and she also oversees career services. christine earlier this week we discussed one issue, and that is women are going to be forming more than half the labor force within the next few months. there's still this disparate in pay between men and women often for the same work.
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interesting. you're saying when your mba graduates are placed in jobs, you don't see that despart? >> we have seen no disparate at all. our men and women are going out and receiving the same base salaries and sign-on bonuses. >> there are some industries even within the world of business that men gravitate to or where they employ men and others that employ women more primarily and there is a disparity in those industry choices? >> you will see differences there. we have more men in the financial fields, heading to wall street, going to the west coast. you will see higher salaries on that end. more women are going into consumer package goods companies, education, government, positions like that. that's where there is some disparity. if you look by industry. >> we were talking to a number of students earlier. something that came up was the ability to get sbefrn ships. a lot of competition for internships. you're saying the way companies
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recruit your graduates has changed, has evolved over the last few years. tell me a bit about that. >> strategies and budgets have changed tremendously in the past year or two. we've seen a high conversion of interns into the full-time placement market right now. it's good for us because we had 99% internship placement this past summer. we've always achieved high placement there. we are definitely seeing less on-campus recruitment for full-time positions. we have a number of people who have already booked for spring internship recruitment. >> would you say that translates into nonbusiness students as well? if you can get job experience, you can get sbesh ships in this environment? good thing to be doing? >> absolutely. employers are treating internship as a three-month interview. they're wanting to see the skill set, the passion for the industry area. we've benefited from the fact that in our mba program we have an average of five years' work experience. our mbas are going out, not just learning what they're doing but
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actually adding a lot of value. >> we'll come back and talk to some of the mba students. and also talk about how a curriculum at a business school given as latch man described, the worst economic downturn since the great depression. >> we'll talk to you again -- hear how i said it? wisconsin. we'll talk to you soon. are you an optimist or pessimist? why expecting the worst could actually pay off on the job. who do not refill their prescriptions on time. readyfill at cvs pharmacy automatically refills my prescriptions and reminds me to pick them up. you mean, reminds me to pick them up. [ chuckles ] stop by your local cvs pharmacy to ask if readyfill is right for you, and get a $25 coupon book. readyfill, only at cvs pharmacy.
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welcome back. time for the ticker where we take you back through the important headlines. ali velshi is at the university of wisconsin. bill rodgers from rutgers university, the former economist from the clinton administration. and bill tucker from "lou dobbs tonight." no more bills. we'll all get confused. i want to start at the top here. the average salary for ceos from the 20 bailed out banks, 436 times the typical american worker last year. the institute for policy studies looked at ceos from 20 banks who received the most federal aid and found they received 37% more than their counterparts. stock options could cause compensation to soar even more in 2009. bill tucker, fair or unfair? >> that's totally unfair. the industry that needed the biggest bailouts, they got the bailouts, performed the worst, got the best pay and will recover the fastest. i don't even see where there's equity in that.
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>> i don't see how anything has changed. it says nothing has changed. these are the 20 biggest bailed out banks. ceos paid on average $13.8 million. >> this is symptomatic to a lot of public policy. public outrage, comes and goes, there's a little hand waving. some reform. we move on. the economist in me really feels, we live in the world of the economy, capitalism. so you have to reward that initiative. if you're getting money from the federal government such as a federal contract or you have to -- you have to provide some information back, you need to either pay it back, but also you probably have to provide some kind of additional sweetener for the cause -- the pain you created. >> how's it playing in wisconsin? >> one of the consistent themes i've been getting across the country is a lack of trust of what government is doing in terms of pay and making corporate america behave properly. obviously a lack of trust in what corporate america has done.
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the problem s when you make that much money, when you make a range that is hundreds of times what the average american makes, whether you do a good job or bad job, the incentive to make sure you don't do a bad job is just not there. because a ceo of a major bank or corporation that is going to make more money in one year than most of us will ever make in our lifetimes, if you have a bad year, so what, you've still made more money than anyone will make around you. i think it's unfair. i agree with bill. there's no economist in me. i agree we work in a market-dominated economy and there should be fairness. it just doesn't seem we are rewarding people for the right things right now. >> you can't say agree with bill because i have two bills here. economists have called the end of the se session. when will you feel it? is it called the hell drik center at rutgers where bill rodgers is.
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one in four people skipping their rent or mortgage payment. nine out of ten americans believe we're still in some form of recession. bill rodgers, let me start with you. they keep telling us that maybe we're nearing the end of the recession. it sounds like the american people aren't feeling it. >> there's two economies. the main street economy and wall street economy. what my colleagues picked up here, they interviewed people unemployed for the last 12 months who don't have unemployment insurance. these are people having great difficulty. >> you think we'll see even more people needing to get -- >> that's right. several estimates out there, i believe by the national employment law project where they estimate like this month, half a million americans are going to come up to the end or the exhaustion of their unemployment insurance benefits. these aren't even just the regular program. this is the emergency programs. by year's end you're looking at about a million and a half. >> what we're looking at here, bill, we're looking at over 30
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million people in this economy who don't have work. >> ready, willing and able to work full time but they aren't. >> it's probably a good sign that they're feeling kind of depressed. those are not normal economic numbers. you should feel feel depressed and pes mistake. >> several points here. one is that, yes, i think people are feeling depressed and it's very real. society has changed. it is much more -- i don't want to say fashionable, but i say to most of my students, i'm taking my meds, i miss my meds. so people talk about it much more. >> what do you think, ali? >> i'm going to disagree with bill, either one. one of the things i've been finding across the united states, as much as people are very clear -- a year ago there was no discussion about whether there was a recession or not. nobody has got any doubt about whether there's a recession. boy, when you push americans into a corner, they really do become very adaptable. they really do change.
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we are now in a mode where everybody gets it and they're doing what they have to do, whether living a life of new frug ality or as i saw in missouri, a rural lifestyle where people are growing more things or canning their food, there is a lot of coping going on that may not be reflected in the studies. i'm sure that the idea of depression because of this economy is real. but the reality is it is pushing people further than they thought they could be pushed and they are responding in some cases quite positively, realizing they've got to make a future for themselves and i think you'll see a lot of o americans reinventing themselves. >> i think that's a really good point. another story we want to get to amid all this doom and gloom. a story in business week making the case for pessimism. making the case for pessimism. it cites studies who say those people preparing for the worst often do better. if you're in your office and you're not the pollyanna, wow, they're going to be laying people off, they're not buying
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anymore -- buying less coffee for the coffee machines. >> anecdotally, ali just confirmed all that. he's out there with people who are seeing this and saying i've got to grow my own vegetables, i've got to do things to get by. on a practical basis, christine, the people who were pesimists a couple years ago, they were right. >> they were right. this is good news for all the nervous wrecks in the world. it's bullish to be a nervous wreck. >> it causes you to question. causes you to ponder and to also hedge for that -- for failure or for the downside. one level i kind of feel like there's a bunch of economists who were probably interviewed for that from day one. question that assumption, come to an economic seminar some time and you'll see. >> never ask an economist what to do, you'll have a whole day about what keeps an economist up a night.
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ali, what do you you think? >> a lo of trust to be rebuilt whether in government or corporations. people are realizing they can trust themselves. i have some people telling me the media is to blame for the whole thing. i think people are learning who to trust. they trust themselves. >> ali velshi and the bills. thanks everybody. millions of american manufacturing jobs have been outsourced to china, mechanixic anywhere the labor rates are cheaper. get this. we found a company bringing those jobs back to the u.s. meet the man who is doing it and find out where those jobs are. m" they taste fresh... wait. what are you doing? got it. you're secretly taping me? you know, it wasn't a secret to us, we knew. yes, but it was a secret to me. of course, otherwise i would be sitting like this and completely block his shot. so that's why i was like... didn't you notice this was weird? no. made fresh from your desk, cook it fresh, strain it fresh, mix it fresh. healthy choice fresh mixers, look for it in the soup or pasta aisle.
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this is humiliating. stand still so we can get an accurate reading. pounds and a smidge. a smidge? y'know, there's really no need to weigh packages under 70 pounds. with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service, if it fits, it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. cool. you know this scale is off by a good 7, 8 pounds. maybe five. priority mail flat rate boxes only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship.
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american jobs are disappearing. many of them to china. 2.3 million jobs were outsourced to china between 2001 and 2007. most of them in manufacturing. it may be the exception to the rule, but we found some jobs coming back. you may not have heard of far ruk shami, the founder and ceo of faruk systems, a billion dollar manufacturing company that produces a popular line of hair irons, moving all of his production from china back to houston. he's with us right now. welcome to the program. why do you want to make these hair irons, as they're called, the flat irons as i call them, here in houston? how many people are you going to
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be hiring? >> you know, we're going to be hiring over 1200 people. my brand name is the number one. i'm privileged to be american, to live in united states of america and live in the american dream. with privileges come responsibility. and responsibility to defend united states of america and to stand to our responsibility as manufacturer and business people. let's think about it. we are in a recession. why are we in a recession? because we are exporting our money and we are exporting our jobs to the orient, to china and different countries. it's time to get responsible. it's time to be true american. it's time to manufacture in america. and it's time to buy american-made products. >> you know, this is -- sounds like good patriotic loyalty. this is also going to make good
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business sense for you. you're talking about your production lines in china, you were saying you were starting to lose control of the oversight, management and control of that line to counterfeiting and other things. you think you might have to raise prices. it will cost you more in the united states, but you'll more than make that up for the error rate and other things in the chinese manufacturing? >> americans, we are known for technology and advanced technology. so what we did, we did automation, we upgraded the manufacturing facilities, and we are not paying more in american than what we were paying in china, absolutely. this is the myth that cheap labor is the answer. cheap labor is not. advanced technology, automation, this is the answer. we are paying $8.00, they pay 50 cents there, but we have better american sales employees here.
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employees are more loyal, hard-working people. and we are very successful. look at the counterfeit that we are faced with, the bad quality, the shipping, the duties, all of that. if you take that into account, we can match the prices made in china and we are selling the prices. we have not raised the price of the chi iron or chi drier. we have advanced the technology. we're very proud of what we or doing and hope all american manufacturers will follow what we're doing in houston, texas. >> i'll tell you, a lot of the concern is as the economy starts to recover, the first place that some companies will try to add labor is not in this country, but it is somewhere else. you write on the box that says made in the usa. do you think this is going to be a marketing tool for you? do you think that people will pay a little more or will seek out maybe a made in the usa product? >> absolutely. i think americans love america and they actually also overse
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overseas -- i do business in 106 countries. people love american products. they believe in the quality of american products, and they believe in american lives. they want our product. they don't want chinese products. it's our fault as americans that we exported our jobs. so really get back to make in america. we can resolve many issues we're faced with from health care, education, all of that. really what we need is more jobs. that's really what every american is looking to build the economy. that's what everybody is talking about. what can we do without money? what can we do without manufacturing? what made america the greatest? manufacturing. what is making china greater than us? manufacturing. >> we'll have to leave it there. we love your enthusiasm. >> we go back and borrow the money from china. >> we love the enthusiasm for
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the subject. clearly you're very passionate about this. you refer to yourself as the richest hair dresser in history. we're very pleased to have the richest hair dresser in history joining us on the program. this is why we're talking about hair irons today on the program. which the irs might soon be looking very closely at your mortgage statement and what they're looking for. that's next. you like your health coverage, but worry what happens... if you get sick, or change jobs. eight ways reform matters to you.
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a cap on deductibles and out-of-pocket costs. no annual or lifetime limits on coverage. preventive care. covered. pre-existing conditions. covered. no higher rates due to genlér. extended coverage for young adults. no more coverage denied if you get sick. and guaranteed renewal, even if you do. learn more today. why is dick butkus here? i hired him to speak. a lot of fortune 500 companies use him. but-- i'm your only employee. we're gonna start using fedex to ship globally-- that means billions of potential customers. we're gonna be huge. good morning! you know business is a lot like football... i just don't understand... i'm sorry dick butkus. (announcer) we understand. you want to grow internationally. fedex express
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so many money stories, we need another ticker. ali velshi is traveling with the cnn express. bill tucker is a correspondent with ""lou dobbs tonight."" we come in don peebles from the peebles corporation. the irs is looking to combat tax evasion by sifting through mortgage interest data to catch people underreporting their income. the government report says the irs is potentially losing out on $1.4 billion in missing the
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discrepancies, contractors, roofers, small business owners with big mortgage payments but very small income, this might not be good for you. this is the irs using mortgage interest data to find tax cheats. a good idea? >> not necessarily. i think obviously our tax system is based on a voluntary level of reporting. there needs to be some form of enforcement to keep people honest. many people are borrowing money, going into their savings to pay their mortgage payments. it wouldn't be unusual for someone to, you know, have no income and be making a mortgage payment and still be entitled to deduct it. we have tore careful. we don't want the irs is in everybody's kitchen looking over our bills. >> especially in the high tax areas where you live, bill tucker. you can make a reason why you could be paying high mortgage interest but had a low income. they did this audit from 2005 and found all kinds of people paying $20,000 a year plus in mortgage interest reporting like
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$8,000 in income. this just doesn't add up. >> does my face look red, christine? i thought the irs was doing this anyway. i just assumed that they were doing this. i guess that's because i'm afraid of the irs. and i think that's what they do all the time. don makes a very good point. it's not license for them to go crazy or anything. but i just assumed there was a relationship there that existed and that the irs would, in fact, go, hey we need to check on that to see if famts make any sense and if the income checks out with what's been voluntarily reported. >> ali, something somebody mentioned to e me on twitter or facebook, look, before they start racing any taxes, why don't they start getting taxes from the people who are supposed to be paying which is an interesting point. >> one thing we have to watch out for is that a number of people have lost their jobs, people are becoming small business people or contractors, also with the threat of health care reform, a lot of small business owners have told me, if they can't afford to provide
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health care the way the government wants them to, they're going to switch to using contractors. we may see a real increase in the number of people who are private contractors over the course of the next few years. the irs may have to think about how it approaches all of this. we may have a whole bunch more people responsible for reporting their own income. that's a whole different structure than the corporate or employer income reporting that we've had. >> a very good point. speaking of health care, you want more affordable health care? you can try a retail health clinic, popping up in stores like walmart and cvs. they offer similar quality care than emergency rooms or the family doctor. the average visit at a retail clinic was about $110. urgent care centers and family doctors, about $50 more than that. the cost for popping into a crowded emergency room, $570. is it time to start shopping for health care like we would any other service. this is the first real study of whether these little health clinics in the cvs were as good
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as going to your doctor's office and found they are and cheaper. >> i'm not surprised. the people are going in for relatively simple things, throat infection, screened for diabetes, high blood pressure. those are prevention measures. yes, i do think it's time we start looking. >> is it part of the discussion for health care reform, if we look at things like this, where we're delivering lower cost health care and where it's working? >> absolutely. we have to ask ourselves why. you look at the major hospitals, the big cost is bureaucracy. it's interesting. i had a test done that was an mri. i wanted to have it done where it was convenient to me. the hospital was pretty convenient to me. the cost of doing it at the hospital was about $4,000. at an mri center it was $700. what a staggering difference there. there's the problem. that shouldn't be the case. we have to answer why it's costing so much more and why our insurance companies and our federal government are paying these absurd rates when you look
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at a comparison. i think we as americans and our government have to shop for the right price for health care. >> ali, it's not for everybody. but for somebody who needs to take a kid in who think they might have strep throat, it might be the way to go. if it's not serious, it might be the best thing to do. >> reporter: i was in your old stomping ground in chicago on the south side where a lot of people were in favor of health care reform. one of the things they were saying is that people who don't have health care coverage end up going to emergency clinics as you said, not only costing the system a whole lot more, but gumming up the wait at emergency rooms for things that might be the flu which they can get from these clinics. i think it's a great development. >> one thing about the wait in the emergency room, these guys this last week were floating out in the gulf of mexico, these fishermen, one of the guys, he was taken to the hospital. he had to wait for so long. after eight days in a boat, he got up and went home. this guy was out on the gerks and spend so much time in the waiting room, he said forget it. he went home.
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recession has already cost americans so much already. now it could even cost, parish the thought, cost fans of the nfl the ability to watch their favorite team play on sundays. nfl commissioner roger goodell says the league has no plans to change a long-standing policy of blacking out home games in the local television market when they're not sold out at least 72 hours before kickoff. with the money tight, nearly half the teams in the league will have to blackout home games including the jacksonville jaguars who might see all their home games blacked out. should the leagues cut out the average fan? >> who do they think built them. >> tell me how you really feel? >> i think watching sport franchises commit suicide. >> really? >> you can't cut out the fan. you can't say to them, if you don't buy our tickets -- it's extortion. if you don't buy our tickets, you can't see our games. we're letting them get away with
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that. this is ridiculous. i think it's time the sports franchises remember the people responsible for them being there and being on tv and being popular are responsible. >> ali, you're in jacksonville and love your team. >> it's bad business in the long run. professional sports has become so important for families to attend. guy to the yankees games, they're virtually never full. i wouldn't bite the hand that feeds you. >> absolutely. one of the things that's happened in professional sports, professional sports, basketball, baseball, football, most of the big-paying customers are corporations and business owners and entrepreneurs. and companies like mine. we are not buying any season packages for any professional teams. >> you're not? >> how can we look at our employees or customers and say we're going to spend $100,000 to watch football or $1,000 to watch a basketball game 41 times a year? it's unjust find.
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i think they've made a horrible mistake with these blackouts because it's the television programs and watching the teams on television that creates the fan base and makes us all want to dream and go to the games. now who cares if i'm living in wisconsin, who cares how the jacksonville jaguars are doing? we want to watch our own home team. i think they're making a horrible mistake. >> don peebles will stick around and talk about commercial real estate. bill tucker and ali velshi, talk to you soon. the meltdown in subprime mortgages took down the global economy. another part of the real estate market going down. danger ahead?
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you all want to run your businesses more efficiently, so we've brought in a team of experts to help. one suggestion is to make your shipping more efficient with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service. call or go online for a free supply and up to $160 in offers from authorized postage vendors. shipping's a hassle! weighing every box... actually, with flat rate boxes you don't need to weigh anything under 70 pounds. if it fits, it ships for a low flat rate. ok, but i ship all over the country. you can ship anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. ship international, too. yes, but i ship hundreds of things, in all sizes. great, because flat rate boxes come in four sizes. call now and we'll send a free supply, plus up to $160 in offers. when you're ready to ship, we'll even pick them up for free, no matter how many you have. priority mail flat rate boxes only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship. call or go online now to get started.
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the "wall street journal" this week called it a $1 trillion time bomb, a looming crisis in the commercial real estate market. developers used borrowed money to construct offices, retail stores, warehouses and factories, hotels and apartment buildings all during the boom. trouble is, now stores are closing. offices are anything but full. vacancy rates for just about everything are rising. property values for commercial real estate fell 18% in the second quarter of 2009. now the developers need to refinance their loans with few lenders willing to part with the money at such a risky time.
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so sales are down, commercial loan defaults are up, speaking and property values are tumbling. delinquency rates on commercial property loans are doubled in the past year with small and regional banks are facing the largest risk of severe losses from loans. our next guest says it's a nightmare you can't wake up from. but it doesn't have to be a crisis on bar with the subprime mortgage crisis. don peebles, we know it's coming. in a way we're preparing for it. >> it's a very big risk. right now $1.3 trillion of commercial loans are held by our national banks. basically our community and regional banks. over half of those loans are for development and construction loans. so there is a product coming online or that has come online that there's no consumer for, no user for. and ultimately that means these loans aren't going to be paid back. the loans aren't going to be serviced. there's a significant risk that
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many banks, community banks that are vital to a neighborhood's economy and local small business economy are going to be in big trouble and end up closed. >> that means they're not lending to people, helping you in your community and growing small businesses in their community. that's the risk, how it could affect you and me if the worst comes to fruition? >> absolutely. the biggest risk is to the small business owners and entrepreneurs. right now they're going to be hundreds of banks, small community-based banks that will be closed. small businesses create over half of the u.s. jobs, and they created 80% of the new jobs over the last decade. so without them, we will never get out of this recession that we've been in. and that's the key to getting out, is job creation. >> in terms of financial stability though, this is the shoe that's about to drop that we all know is about to drop. does it pose the risk in overall economy that, say, the subprime crisis posed? >> it does, yes, because it's a different element. subprime mortgages really
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affected individual borrowers. there wasn't a systemic risk there for the n bainging system per se. these loans were packaged and sold off around the globe. the commercial real estate loans are held by local and community-based banks who are going to be making loans to consumers and to the small business owner like the pizza parlor owner, or the shoe store. those people create jobs for all of us. right now we've lost over seven million jobs with almost a 10% national unemployment rate. we need small businesses to kick back in and grow the economy and create jobs. the only way small businesses grow is having access to capital. and they don't get their loans from the big money center banks. they get them from the community-based banks. that's why this is a big issue. >> don peebles from peebles corporation. love to have you on the program. ali velshi is in wisconsin and i think ali is wearing some fashion to keep his hair from getting messed up in the wind.
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hi ali. i. >> i like this lid, university of wisz con sin school of business. go badgers. some of the brightest minds in the business world had a hand in messing up this economy. i'm going to talk to a few members of the next generation, mba students and teachers here at the university of wisconsin school of business. stay with us. you're watching "your money."
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i'm ali velshi, welcome back to "your money." i'm in beautiful madison wisconsin. we've been traveling with the cnn express across the country, started in atlanta, went through tennessee, indiana, kentucky, southern illinois and into wisconsin where we're here in madison, let's talk to some people from the business school on your extreme right is blair sanford, assistant dean at the school of business. responsible for career placement at the university. next to her lewis otera graduating in 2011. mike is the dean of the business
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school. ken is the assistant -- associate dean and a professor of finance and -- something else. >> finance. >> there you go. and kemlin is a mba student graduating in 2011. there are some people and maybe some in our audience who think people with business degrees and mba graduates who moved into corporate america may have had a big hand in this economic collapse we're in right now. has that thought occurred to you and have you done anything in your curriculum to deal with that? >> we, of course, think we've been teaching the right principles all all long. this recent episode highlighted different examples that we want to make out of bad be hav your and corporate excesses. we're part of the solution. we think the work we do is more important than ever. one thing the great recession will never change is that skills and knowledge never go out of style. the resource of advantage for
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company ins the marketplace is really people that can innovate and drive change. >> you have an undergraduate business school, graduate business school. kemlin, you're like many of your colleague ins the business school, worked elsewhere, you worked in health care, in decision to get an mba, tell me about your story. >> i was in education for 11 years. i decided i wanted to have a greater impact with health and food. supply change was a practical way of creating solutions. how i can use my mba to help communities access healthier foods. when i came to madison, it's something i could do with this industry and the connections they have. >> this school has specialties for their mba students. they have to choose what they are doing. 1 of 12 specialties. luis, yours is different. you are getting in brand management? >> brand management. >> tell us about that. >> the reason i chose that, i have been involved the last 12 years in the operation side.
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i was impacting products and services i was giving on the backhand. of the creation of this solution. so, that's how i decided i wanted to go into brand and product management. i wanted to an impact to the solutions at the beginning of the front and the creation of this product. it's where you get the interaction with consumers and clients and bring the requirements into corporate or creating the solution. >> ken, you're in finance. school just started for the year. you have new students that must have real questions about the role finance has played in the economy we're in right now. is your first week of teaching different than in prior years? >> this week, no. the past 15 months have been an extraordinary learning experience for anyone in finance or anyone in business, for that matter. frankly, in my class last year, i had to set aside 20 minutes to
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-- of every class to talk about who failed in the last two weeks or two days and what does that mean for the economy? what are we going to do about it? are the solutions that people are talking about going to make sense? we have adapted the curriculum to handle the environment we are watching unfold. but, the foundation of what we talked about and the first principles don't change at all. >> blare, the prospects for the two students graduating in 2011, how does it look? >> well, they're at the beginning of their training. they come with an average of five years' work experience. they will get strong management core. the marketplace is going to want these people. >> thank you all. we wish you the best of luck. thanks for taking time to talk to us. thanks for hosting us. in this beautiful town, madison, wisconsin. next, the real green shoots
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how is this for a return on your investment? look at this. the letter "d" may have interest to you. that's today's roman numeral. it's the number 500. it's the amount of money you can save from growing your own fruits and veggies from your own $2 pact packet of seeds. millions of americans are gardening and growing their own vegetables. google saw a spike in searches earlier this year for canning recipes. mason jars are flying off the shelves. >> reporter: here are the real
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green shoots in the economy. karen and simon work together in the business office at the queens botanical garden. before this spring, there wasn't a green thumb between them. >> since we didn't know how to do it we figured we'd do it together. save time and be easier for both of them. >> reporter: with help, they found abundance in a recession. >> i planted the tomatoes and the string beans and peppers. >> reporter: theirs is one of 43 million food gardens this year. the national gardening association says 19% of the households growing their own fruits, vegetables and herbs are doing it for the very first time. vegetable seed sales are up 30%. ball, a popular maker of canning supplies saw sales jump 30%. one of the oldest seed --
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>> a vegetable is not going to make you money, but you are not going to spend the money in the market. if you spend $100 on vegetable seeds, you'll save $2,500 on average at the supermarket. that's money you can spend on your child's college fund or, you know, buy something or get the house down payment further advanced. >> reporter: saving money, taking control, getting back to basics and bringing green to your greens. >> you're controlling how you're growing it. often home grown produce which you can pluck right off the vine is very -- is really much tastier than the vegetables have been harvested a couple of weeks ahead in the supermarket. >> new gardener simonson says fresh and pesticide free produce is what got her gardening in the first place. >> having my daughter, i'm conscious what she eats. being that she's 8 years old, i thought it was a good activity to do together. >> reporter: next year they'll do it again. it is harvest time right now across the country. according to burpee, not all
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vegetables give you the same return on your investment. tomatoes. a $3 to $4 pack of seeds gives you a good return. don't expect it for other vegetables like sweet corn. for every $1 you spend, you get about $5 of supermarket corn. they must be harvesting in minnesota. >> that's incredible. >> isn't that cool? we talked to one woman who last year planted a garden in the backyard. this year, they hired someone to till up the entire backyard. they're planting a whole half acre. >> when i was at the missouri state fair, the fair director there told me the same thing. he said people there are going back to basics. they're planting their own gardens. they're canning their own vegetables. i had no idea the difference was that great. that's incredible. >> the numbers bear it out. they really do. people taking control. we have to let you take control of your weekend. thanks for joining us. you can join us on facebook and twitter.
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