tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN September 15, 2009 1:00am-2:00am EDT
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you can get more involved in helping so many people the way he did, senator ted kennedy's memoir, go to our website, the book, "true compass." anderson cooper and "ac 360" starts right now. good evening, tonight. breaking news, sad news. the actor who got people up on their feet and got them dancing in the movie "dirty dancing," has died. patrick swayze has died from pancreatic cancer. barbara walters joins us to talk about his valiant fight. we'll dig deeper into the kind of cancer that killed him. it's one of the deadliest there is. information you need to know about pancreatic cancer. we begin with a look back, patrick swayze's life on screen and especially on his feet. it's the way many of us first came to know patrick swayze. the year was 1987.
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the film was "dirty dancing." ♪ swayze played dance inconstructer johnny castle. his moves captured america's attention. dancing is something that swayze said was always part of who he was. >> my mother is a choreographer. i had no choice in it. i came out of the womb dancing. >> reporter: he composed and sang a hit song in the film. ♪ she's like the wind >> reporter: he appeared in a dozen films like "dirty dancing," movies like "red dawn" and "the outsiders." >> and i can't call the cops because you'll be thrown into a home so fast it would make your heads spin. >> reporter: "dirty dancing" made him a household name. and later felt that he was too associated with the film. >> there was a period, like, am i going to get out of the dance dude thing? that's part of the reason i've done so many types of characters. >> reporter: among those characters were brawlers in
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"roadhouse" and "next of kin." the thrill-seeking bank robber in "point break" and a drag queen in "to wong fu, thanks for everything, julie newmar." 1990 romantic thriller, "ghost." >> tell her ditto. >> what's ditto? >> reporter: he played a murder victim whose ghost returns, it showed his ability to play a masculine character with a sensitive side. he was getting fewer block buster roles by the 1990s. he began to spend more time on his horse ranch. >> my animals tell me whether i'm buying the hype or not or whether i'm really 100% myself. >> reporter: he also continued to dance. making a film on the subject with his wife. in march 2008, the world learned patrick swayze was ill. suffering from pancreatic cancer. a year before his diagnosis, he struck a philosophical note, as he reflected on his journey through hollywood. >> a career goes up, i think i'm
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on the fifth refocusing of patrick swayze's career. part of the ride and the growth is the up and down. it can be just as hard to live through the ups as it can be to live through the downs. >> reporter: patrick swayze lived a life of ups and downs, on screen and off. he died today at the age of 57. swayze, actor, dancer, devoted husband, cowboy, fighter, 57 years old. he died surrounded by his family, we're told. about a year after he got the news he had pancreatic cancer and after an especially gruelling round of chemotherapy, he sat down with abc's barbara walters. he did the interview after countless stories of his near death. >> i have the meanness to say, watch me pull it off.
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i've never had issues. when they start screwing with people i love, screwing with my family, hope is a very, very fragile thing in anyone's life. and -- people i love do not need to be having that hope robbed from them, when it's unjustified and untrue. >> there have been reports in the tabloids recently saying, you're on your last leg, saying good-bye to your tearful family. >> am i dying? am i giving up? am i on my death bed? am i saying good-bye to people? no way. >> patrick swayze with barbara back in january. i spoke with barbara walters on the phone just a few moments ago. barbara, when you heard the news this evening, your first thoughts were what? >> oh, i'm heart sick, mostly for his wife, lisa. this was one of the most enduring marriages, 34 years. she had been his dancing partner. my first thought was of her. i can't tell you that i was surprised.
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when we did the interview, he had been on chemotherapy. it was enormously painful for him. the kind of treatment he was having. he was starting a new chemotherapy. he was very excited that it would work. and for a while -- for a while, it did. it's a deadly disease, he thought he could lick it. i think in his heart he knew he couldn't. >> you believe he thought he could lick it? >> he was a fighter. in the interview he went from being angry to being very me low. but he did everything he could every treatment he could to try to lick it, yes. >> i want to play something from the interview. you asked him if he was scared. here's what he said. >> are you scared? >> i don't know. i will be so either truthful or stupid as to say no.
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but then immediately when i say that, i have to say, yes, i am. i don't know what's on the other side. it tests everything that i believe in. that there is something unique in all of us that does not die. i like to believe, and always have, that i have a lot of guard guardian warriors sitting on my shoulders. including my dad, he's saying, you let us do the work and we'll finish it for him. i'm trying to shut up and let my angels speak to me and tell me what i'm supposed to do. >> he was fighting it every step of the way. >> in addition to fighting it, he was doing a television show. he talked about the fact that he would be lying on the floor in agony and he would get up, walk out on that set and smile. nobody knew how much pain and nausea. he said your whole inside turns over. people didn't know. when we did the interview, he
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was riding horses, walking. he looked thin, very thin as you can see. from our interview. but he -- but he was still going. he was still fighting. he still hoped that -- that he would somehow be the one somehow be the one who would beat it. >> why do you think he kept working? i mean even through the toughest times? >> well, i think, i think it was a good part. he was playing a detective. i think it was exciting for him to do it. it was being done, i believe in chicago. also, it kept the juices going. then after he had done that, they didn't renew it for the next year. he had his horses, he trained his horses and his dogs. he took us to the stables and showed us the horses. he was not going to lie back and feel sorry for himself. he fought it, and she fought it by his side. she cooked special meals for him.
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lisa was a rock. >> and she was by his side when he died. his rock. more on his enduring marriage, the unbreakable spirit with barbara after the break. and the cancer that killed him. why it is such a dreaded form of the disease. not that any cancer is good but this is a real killer. and new signs of hope in treating it. our conversation continues online. our conversation continues. join the chat. going on now at later tonight, new developments in the murder of the yale grad student. her body found on campus stuffed into a wall. is there a murder on the ivy league campus? details on that tonight. and what's behind the anger? how did a debate over health care and bank bailouts turn into angry rallies? and some people calling the president a nazi. we'll talk with the organizers of the tea party express. and james carville is not impressed with some of what he saw this weekend. >> i think the people are utterly without class.
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continuing our breaking news coverage of the death of patrick swayze. he gained fame as an actor, but his first love was dancing. his wife of more than 30 years was an early dance partner. a moment ago, you heard barbara walters describe her as his rock. more now of my conversation with barbara walters from a few moments ago. their relationship, it is remarkable in hollywood to have a relationship that lasts that long. we learned when he died, his whole family was by his side. >> yes, his brothers. as a matter of fact, when i was there doing the interview, one of his brothers was with him. lisa and he met at his mother's dance studio. his mother was a dance teacher in texas. she was his partner in the early years. they loved to dance together.
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they did not have children. they had the horses, the dogs. neither one of them, when we did the interview, were weepy. you know, they -- up until the end, towards the end of the interview, then i think she kind of fell apart. she took care of him every day during that illness. she was his nurse, his guardian, she was his chef, she was his wife. he was very close to his father. and part of it, he said he used to talk to his father, who had died, every day. his father, was waiting for him. he talked about that. his father was one of the i guess angels that was waiting for him. >> whoopi goldberg put out a statement. i just received it. i want to read to it you. it says he was a good man, a funny man, one to whom i owe much that i can't ever repay.
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i believe in "ghost's" message, so he'll always be near. >> well, remember, she played a medium in that film. it was wonderful for her career. and, you know, it's very special, very special for whoopi as it was for her, to know him. >> you talked about him riding horses. a lot of people didn't realize, he kind of -- he didn't retire from hollywood. he moved -- >> he was a cowboy. he thought of himself as a cowboy. he was a texas cowboy. he trained these horses. they were not just there for show. they were very much a part of his life. he had not worked for awhile. that's why when the series came along, and the producers knew, by the way, that he had the pancreatic cancer when they hired him. it was very brave of them. he was going to make a comeback in this swigs series. >> there's a saying to the effect of there's something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man. there was something about horses
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that centered him, it seemed like. >> he had two ranches. one in new mexico and one on the outskirts of los angeles. where we were. that was his home, that was his life. he had a wonderful house, a stable of i don't know, a half a dozen horses, he rode every day, so did lisa. >> the films, "dirty dancing" and "ghost," they live on. people go back to them and look at them again. >> it's amazing that people remember him as much as they did. they were two classic films. >> barbara, i appreciate you talking to us tonight. >> it's a sad night. he was a very loveable, dear, accomplished person. he did as much as anybody could. he fought a very brave fight. i'm sorry he had to lose it, thank you, anderson. >> thank you. still ahead, a lot of reaction online to the death of patrick swayze. erica hill is monitoring that.
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we'll have a closer look. also at the disease that killed him. also ahead, the other news tonight, the backlash against president obama. we'll talk to james carville and david gergen who had questions for tea party organizer. >> he's the racist in chief? racist in chief? is that what you called him? that's unbelievable. >> until he embraces the whole country. [dejectedly] oh. [screeching] [barks] (man) if you think about it, this is what makes the ladders different from other job-search sites. [screeching] we only work with the big talent. [all coughing] welcome to the ladders-- a premium job site for only $100k-plus jobs and only $100k-plus talent.
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we're following the breaking news tonight, the death of patrick swayze. he died today at the age of 57. of pancreatic cancer, his family by his side. a lot of people are talking about it online. erica hill has been following that. erica, what have you been reading? >> so many fans are turning to social network sites. like facebook and twitter. twitter looks at the most popular topics. we took a shot a couple of moments ago of the screen. of the nine topics, seven of them were related to patrick swayze. so many people talking about the memories of his movies, "ghost," "road house," "red dawn." we took a look at the "dirty dancing" page. people talking about "dirty dancing" specifically.
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and kind of what you'd expect, i remember when i watched this movie with my mom. one person says, he meant a lot to so many. so many great movies. so sad for family and friends. he really did live his life, though, that was not a mistake. just a lot of people sending out their wishes to his family and saying how sad it was that he lost that battle, but also mentioning how hard he fought which you just talked about with barbara walters. >> if you want to join the live chat, go to join the live chat happening right now. i'm about to login. i'm a little bit behind. erica's already there. according to a new estimate, pancreatic cancer will kill more than 35,000 americans this year. it's hard to diagnose, hard to treat, and ultimately, hard to beat. joining us now is dr. anton
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vilcak. why is it so hard to detect and beat pancreatic cancer? >> because the majority of patients present with advanced disease. the symptoms are very subtle, unexplained weight loss, reflex symptoms, symptoms people deal with on a daily basis. the majority of patients present with advanced disease. they present with evidence of liver metastasis. or lymph node metastasimetastas. >> what does metastasis mean? >> spread to the liver, cancer cells that have gone beyond the pancreas. >> with swayze, i understand, it took several days of very detailed tests to diagnose the disease, which happened in 2008 and then he lived more than a year and a half after that. the fact that it takes a whole battery of tests, people aren't going to have that until they have really severe symptoms. right? >> that's correct.
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the standard test to diagnose pancreatic cancer is a c.a.t. scan. and, again, it's not reasonable to get c.a.t. scans on every single person that has weight loss. that's the test that is most specific and sensitive to make the diagnosis. >> it affects most people in their 60s. he was in his 50s. who's most at risk? what causes it? we know patrick swayze smoked. does that have something to do with it? >> yes, smoking has been associated with pancreas cancer. so is diet. but the exact cause is still not known. it may be a genetic component to it, we just don't know. >> someone sitting at home right now, is there any way to protect yourself from this kind of cancer? >> i think avoid smoking, watch what you eat. obesity. there's association with diabetes. i think that the most important
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thing is people lose weight for no obvious reason. >> get that checked out. dr. bilchik, appreciate you being on tonight. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> we'll have more on the life and career of patrick swayze later on. still ahead, mistrust all across america and boiling over in washington. conversations with james carville, david berg enand the tea party organizer. later, the yale murder mystery. it has plunged the campus into disbelief and fear. police say the killing of this woman was not a random crime. the question tonight, who killed annie le and why? the latest, ahead.
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you sought anti-obama march over the weekend in washington. you've seen the money raised for and against congressman joe wilson after he called the president a liar in the speech to congress. the anger and fear is real. there's new polling tonight on the discontent in america. especially after a terrible year for millions of americans. one year ago today, the broker, lehman brothers collapsed, taking the market and the economy with it. today on wall street, the president said we are making progress. >> i will never be satisfied while people are out of work and our financial system is weakened. we can be confident that the storms of the past two years are beginning to break. in fact, while there continues to be a need for government involvement to stabilize the financial system, that necessity is waning. after months in which public dollars were flowing into our financial system, we're finally beginning to see money flowing back to taxpayers. >> there is some good news.
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the dow is up more than 1600 points since inauguration day. job losses are slowing. many experts believe the recession could be ending this quarter. but there is still plenty of misery out there and mistrust and anger. candy crowley has the "raw politics." >> reporter: they converged on washington, a sieging september protest. >> president obama, can you hear us now? >> reporter: it was a rally for all reasons. including too much government spending. >> the bottom line, we can't afford these things anymore. >> reporter: too much government creep into the private sector. >> we're here to let the government know we do not want government involvement in their health care. >> reporter: after the wall street bailout, the mortgage bailout, the stimulus program, and the auto industry restructuring, too much government, period. >> i'm afraid our country is taking a socialistic or a marxist direction.
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>> reporter: it is a harsh critique. critics of critics think this is a resistance to a black man as president. >> we're not the standard for what an american is. it's a multicultural nation. >> reporter: delegitimizing the messenger is a tried and true way to dismiss the message. but there's no denying fringe and racist elements. concern about that may be part of why republicans are reluctant to join in these rallies against what they, too, see as government overreach. >> no matter how good your position, there's someone that agrees with you that you wish didn't. >> reporter: the white house says the president doesn't think the protests are about his race. as he defended his economic policies and pushed for tighter regulation in the financial markets, the president talked like a man who hears his critics. >> i have always been a strong believer in the power of the free market. so i promise you, i did not run for president to bail out banks or intervene in capital markets. >> reporter: there's good reason for the president to establish
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his free market credentials. a new cnn public opinion research poll suggests that some protester concerns go beyond the city streets. 55% of americans believe that the obama health care plan will eventually lead to a government takeover, though that includes some who think it's a good idea. three-quarters believe the president's plan would increase the deficit. and about half think it will provide health insurance to illegal immigrants. >> if we're smart in washington, we'll head out to the circle "k," keep our mouths shut and our ears open and see what's going on. >> reporter: candy crowley, cnn, washington. let's dig deeper into the anger and backlash against president obama. earlier tonight, i spoke with senior political analyst david gergen, political contributor james carville, and mark williams, the organizer of the tea party express tour. there was a bigger turnout in
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washington this weekend, more than a lot of people expected. the people we saw, most of them probably did not vote for president obama. most of the country, however, did vote for the president. what do you say to those who say, look, this is sour grapes from those who weren't happy with election results? >> i have no way to know who these people voted for. though i spoke to poem that voted for barack obama. they're disappointed in the change they're getting. it's not what they had hoped for. so, sour grapes? these were working stiffs, people who pay the bills. people who are being called nazis and mobsters by their government. these are people who are being told there's something wrong with him because they embrace the form of constitutional government we have. >> mark, you're actually the one that called president obama a nazi. >> i didn't call president obama a nazi. >> he's on your list, your website of 21st century nazis. you have his name. >> we have the philosophy of fascism and national socialism
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at work here. of course we do. >> you have his name -- it's a derivation -- >> mubarak hussein obama. >> that's what's on your site. >> i call him mubarak hussein obama. he's a man sitting in the office right now, taking the seeds of socialism planted by george w. and fertilizing and watering them until they go into full bloom. >> did you protest against president bush? were you outraged, did you protest? >> i was all over that, all over the radio on that. if i could have turned bodies out, i would have had bodies in the street. it hadn't reached a critical mass yet until it went into full bloom. if you talk to anybody in the crowds, you'll find out they have about as much love for the "w" administration as they have for this one. they were hoping to get away from failed policies when george bush left office, not dive deeper into them.
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>> more with our panel next. you can join the conversation online at the conversation about to get very heated. a new twist in the yale murder mystery. the body found on campus is missing grad student annie le. who killed her? one professor says there could be a murderer on campus. we'll be right back. we even both have osteoporosis. but we're active. especially when we vacation. so when i heard about reclast, the only once-a-year iv osteoporosis treatment, i called joni. my doctor said reclast helps restrengthen our bones to help make them resistant to fracture. and reclast is approved to help protect from fracture in more places: hip, spine, even other bones. (announcer) you should never take reclast if you're on zometa, have low blood calcium, kidney problems. or you're pregnant, plan to become pregnant or nursing. take calcium and vitamin d daily. tell your doctor if you develop severe muscle, bone or joint pain or if you have dental problems, as rarely, jaw problems have been reported. the most common side effects include flu-like symptoms,
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seeing the pictures now, who are protesting for the first time in their lives. they're coming forward in a way they haven't before. and a lot of democrats, it seems, a lot of liberals, are dismissing all of these people, painting them with a very broad brush. >> a lot of people out there, a lot of people in the country that feel a lot of things. what these people had, though, was very low class. let me show you something they were all carrying here. it says bury barack obama with kennedy. a senior cnn executive said there were thousands of these signs out there. that makes me queasy. i think these people are utterly without class. can you imagine man dying with a wife and family and kids and having thousands of those signs out? i don't think the people -- >> i saw three offensive signs all across the country, in 35 cities. >> according to a senior cnn executive who told me two hours ago, there were thousands of them. all people confirmed that.
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they were printed. they were passed out. there's something wrong with this. utterly wrong with this. people want to protest, that's the idea. celebrating a man's death, who is a great patriot, is wrong, wrong, wrong. >> as much as i appreciate your hyperbole, james, you might want to cross over the 495 beltway and get out and see america. >> just on the sign, in particular, do you see anything offensive about that? there are critics who say protest is one thing, the level of personal vitriol is another. >> i did see some of that out there. i saw far less than i have seen in the streets of san francisco, washington, and new york back in the so-called "anti war peace demonstrations" where george bush was portrayed as a monkey, we was first portrayed as the joker, where soldiers were hung in effigy. where flags were burned. are they representative of the democrats and the american liberals? i don't know. maybe they are.
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but as much as i appreciate james over the top hyperbole, the simple fact of the matter is, what you saw was a broad cross-section of america. you saw democracy in action. the people who pay the bills, who are not nazis, who are not mobs, they pay the bills and they're being dissed and not listened to by their government. 2010 is around the corner and there's going to be pullback. >> as i said, the number this weekend was bigger than some democrats or liberals expected. not as much as the immigration rallies or against the war. as we saw under the bush administration. but large and significant. is there something happening here? or is this part of normal dissent? >> i think we're going off the rails here in some of these demonstrations. i think we went off the rails against george w. bush. they're going off the rails against barack obama. healthy dissent is a good thing. it's healthy for the country. this country's often had raucous
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politics, but the question increasingly is, are we governable as a people, or are we getting to a point again as we're not sure if we can pull together on the big things as a people? i think all of us thought that polarization reached its limit under george w. bush. i think it's worse now. i think it's unfair to the president, unfair to the country. if we can't pull together and have conversations without the nazi stuff. bury him like kennedy? of course that's deeply offensive to most people. >> it's amazing how our memories are failing us. i'm old enough to remember american cities in flames in the 1960s. >> we condemned that. if you remember, we condemned that back in the 1960s. >> what you saw was representative democracy. are we so far from that now in this country that we can't accept it?
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and polite -- >> what about the argument that under the bush administration you saw the pictures and protests. there were plenty of people calling president bush a nazi on signs, plenty of sign which is would be offensive to many people in the country. >> again, a neoconfederate that shouted out you lie during a presidential address. that's pretty much the mainstream republican party. there were thousands of these out there. i think it's very important that americans know the quality of people out there demonstrating. >> you mean like bobby byrd in the u.s. senate, the klansman? >> i think it's important for people to know -- >> you mean like wallace? >> more people know what's going on. if you want to align yourself with the neoconfederates, you can do that. this is america. i choose to point out the obvious. >> maureen dowd pointed out in "the new york times" over the weekend -- i'm sure you read her column religiously. >> actually, i do.
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>> i quote, some people can't believe a black man is president and will never accept it. increasingly you hear from some liberals, some democrats, they say that they believe there is an undercurrent of racism in some of the criticism of the president, some of the vitriol that is being expressed. when you hear that, it's got to anger you. how do you respond to maureen dowd? >> i dismiss extremists of all color, especially maureen dowd. i saw exactly three of the witch doctor signs in 35 cities, 16 states over 16 days. as for the people around the fringes of this, they're no more a part of the mainstream america than are the hippies who wear nipple clips and feather boas in so-called peace demonstrations. we were traveling fourth of july celebration and the tea party
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express, people had picnics. their kids were out. it was a celebration of america and our rights. we were celebrating this country and vowing to protect its constitution. >> what you're saying makes sense to me here. then i read on your blog, you say you call the president an indonesian muslim turned welfare thug and a racist in chief. >> yeah. >> is that the kind of -- >> that's the way he's behaving. if he cares to be -- >> do you believe he's indonesian, muslim, a welfare thug? >> he's certainly acting like it. >> you think he's a racist in chief? racist in chief? is that what you call him? >> until he embraces the whole country, what else can i conclude? he and guys like james are totally, totally isolating the rest of this country. if you're a working class american, then that's it. >> i tell you, you're an american and you like what you're hearing from this guy, you like celebrating a man's death, go over there with these people.
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>> what man's death am i celebrating, james? how did you get on this kennedy thing? >> because there are over a thousand signs being held up. >> david gergen, i want to read you something from david fromme, who's hardly an obama supporter said -- he said some of what we're seeing out there and i quote, the wild accusations -- are wild accusations and paranoid fantasies. is this -- is this, though, any different than things we've seen in past years? >> i think it's different in kind from what we've seen over a lot of -- domestic fights. we're shouting past each other in a way now that i think makes governance extremely difficult. and for a great nation to be engaged in this bread and circus kind of thing, i think, is -- has real dangers to it. >> it's not about health care.
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>> is this just the beginning? >> the beginning was during the bush administration with t.a.r.p. this has nothing to do with health care, other than health care has become the metaphor for the socialist policies that are being rammed down our throats by this president or that he's trying to ram down our throat. it's about t.a.r.p., taking money from working stiffs and giving it to the big corporations. it's about the corporate takeover of washington, d.c. it's about the representatives of the people representing everybody but the people. it's about this nation deviating -- or this government, more accurately, deviating from the nation's legacy and destiny. if you think this is about health care, you're missing the entire point. this is americans being attacked by their government. >> james, the final question to you. do you think what president obama is doing is anything different than what he promised to do during the election? mark was saying that some people were upset that this was not the change they voted for.
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isn't this what he promised in terms of health care? >> he talked about it a gazillion times. he came out with the entire thing. no one should be surprised he's talking about health care. this was much discussed in the primaries, much discussed in the general election. i think they're going to end up with, something fairly close to what he talked about. it doesn't, it doesn't matter because you have, and people have a right to come out there. i can't say that everybody was the same. i was shocked by how utterly classless the crowd was. who knows? i think david is right to be worried about it. you're calling the guy a welfare indonesian muslim. or something like that, there's not much -- >> thug. >> thug. >> or nazi. >> there's not much room to negotiate. they're fired up. you got them, they're yours. >> the american people are not classless. they're the working stiffs who keep money in your pocket. >> i won't celebrate anybody's death. >> i'm not sure we shed light or
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heat, but we had a discussion. david gergen, james carville, mark williams, thank you. just ahead, new details in a fast moving investigation. a yale grad student, this woman murdered just before her wedding. police say they have plenty of evidence. the question is, where is it pointing? and remembering patrick swayze. lost his battle with pancreatic cancer today. tonight, we're looking back at his life. his "dirty dancing" co-star, jennifer grey, speaking out about him tonight.
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annie le's body was found yesterday, the same day she was supposed to be married to another grad student. she's being remembered on the yale campus tonight. many of the students on the campus are living in fear. a yale professor saying that the circumstances of her death indicate there could be a "murderer among us." tom foreman has the latest in tonight's "crime & punishment" report. >> reporter: six days ago, a 24-year-old graduate student walked into this medical research building and into a mystery. more than 70 security cameras are around the facility. one caught this image of annie le going in, but none caught her coming back out. she disappeared less than a week before her wedding. for days, there was speculation about a possible runaway bride, or a possible kidnapping. then yesterday, on sunday, the day she was to be married, police found her body stuffed inside a space inside a wall in the basement of the building, a few floors below where they
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found some of her things. the very building where she was last seen. people who know the building say you have to have a security pass to get into that area leading to speculation that this might be an inside job. the building remains sealed off as police continue to search it. an investigator says bloody clothing was found hidden inside some ceiling tiles. they've scoured a waste facility that takes trash from the labs here at yale. police admit they have a lot of evidence. beyond that, they're not saying much. listen. >> we're not releasing any information at this time, because we have an ongoing homicide case. we can't tell you what we have. where we found anything or what it is. >> reporter: others who knew annie le say she worked late up on the second floor of this building, too. they say she us always friendly, always said hello, was often alone. many times at midnight, they say, she would come down these
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steps, go across the plaza and get on to one of the shuttle buses that take people across campus, and out into the neighborhoods nearby, where many of them lived. as the campus holds a vigil, people say they're nervous. police say they don't believe it was a "random killing." the fact remains, a young woman was murdered in a building with security cameras and locked doors and a week later, police have yet to make an arrest. >> did annie le ever tell anyone she was afraid to work alone or she was having any problems? >> reporter: not that we know of, anderson. all the people we talked to today said, it didn't matter what time of night they ran into her. she always wore high heels. as she walked you could hear her heels tapping down the hallway. earlier this year, she wrote an article for a campus magazine about security on campus. we don't really know why.
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but in there she mentioned the need to be safe when you're working athe night and around places. you need to take certain measures to make sure you didn't make yourself a victim of crime and, as she put it, become another statistic. >> smart, beautiful woman. tom, thanks for that. friends of annie le are paying tribute to her. you can see it on the outburst that has all the kids atwitter, kanye west, what was he thinking or what was he drinking? we'll let you decide. gecko vo: geico's the third-largest
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car insurance company in the nation. but, it's not like we're kicking back, now, havin' a cuppa tea. gecko vo: takes lots of sweat to become that big. gecko vo: 'course, geckos don't literally sweat... it's just not our thing... gecko vo: ...but i do work hard, mind you. gecko vo: first rule of "hard work equals success." gecko vo: that's why geico is consistently rated excellent or better in terms of financial strength. gecko vo: second rule:
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"don't steal a coworker's egg salad, 'specially if it's marked "the gecko." come on people. a lot going on tonight. let's check on some of the other stories we're following. erica hill joins us. anderson, federal agents conducting raids early this morning in flushing, queens, just outside of new york city, all part of a terrorism investigation. at least one raid was carried out at a residence. new york senator chuck shirm
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said the raids were preventive. two senior members of congress, including the chairman of the house homeland security committee did receive classified briefings on those raids. former white house press secretary, jody powell died today of an apparent heart attack. he was 65. he served under jimmy jimmy car from 1977 to 1981. elton john will not be allowed to adopt a 14-month-old ukrainian child. ukraine's minister for family affairs says adoptive parents must be married and ukraine does not recognize homosexual unions. he also said john was too old to adopt a ukrainian child. serena williams apologized for what she calls her inappropriate outburst at the u.s. open. >> you may not have heard it all. plenty of people grabbed the
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intent by watching. that tirade on saturday cost her a point that actually decided the semifinal match and earned her a $10,000 fine. it wasn't the only weekend outburst that has people talking. in case you missed kanye west's episode at mtv's music awards last night, you're in luck. here it is. >> i sing country music. thank you so much for giving me a chance to win a vma award. >> i'm really happy for you. i'll let you finish but beyonce had one of the best videos of all time. one of the best videos of all time. >> kanye later apologized in his blog writing in all caps, i'm so sorry to taylor swift and her fans and her mom. swift called the evening interesting. >> i actually watched that. just the beginning of that. the rest of it was pretty much unwatchable. i felt so bad for her. she seemed so sweet.
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>> she does seem so sweet. >> she made a statement later, she was so excited she won and so excited that kanye west was on the stage and then not so excited. >> it was nice at the end beyonce called her up on stage. she said, look, you need to have your moment. come up on stage and have your moment. >> beyonce is cool. but that guy -- >> not the first time as we know, kanye. remembering patrick swayze, reaction from his "dirty dancing" co-star, his incredible sense of humor, even about himself. that is our "shot of the day."
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we're back again. erica, on the kanye west thing, before we move on, i don't know if you saw this thing on youtube. someone has put kanye west interrupting barack obama. let's play that if we can. >> the reforms i'm proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally. >> but beyonce had one of the best videos of all time. >> just saw that. on the terrible news about patrick swayze who died today at the age of 57, we got a statement from "dirty dancing" co-star jennifer grey. she says --
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boy were they wrong, jennifer grey, her thoughts tonight. the shot and clear evidence that patrick swayze was, if nothing else, adaptable. he played a lot of different roles over the years, serious to funny, the dancing roles. this is him on "saturday night live" kind of making fun of himself. take a look. ♪ everybody's going off the deep end ♪ ♪ everybody needs a second chance you want a piece of my heart ♪ ♪ you better start from the start ♪ ♪ you want to be in the show >> and chris farley who passed away far too young as well. patrick swayze died today at the age of 57. we'll have the details of
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