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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  September 15, 2009 1:00pm-3:00pm EDT

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it is go time. we are pushing forward now with the next hour of "cnn newsroom" with kyra phillips! >> tony, thanks so much. reaching out to the right while keeping the base on board. we're pushing forward on the president's visit to the rust belt, gearing up for recovery, forging ahead on health care. you'll hear him live this hour. a nondescript neighborhood swarming with feds and new york police. they're hunting for suspected terrorists. we're pushing forward on a warning to cops nationwide. and when the going gets tough, some doctors choose to get out. we'll meet a former obgyn who wanted to keep her practice, but couldn't afford it. m.d.s saying n-o. hello, everyone, i'm kyra phillips, live at cnn world headquarters in atlanta. you're live in the "cnn you're live in the "cnn newsroom." -- captions by vitac -- we're actually going to start with breaking news.
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happening right now, attacks in baghdad amid a vice presidential visit. an iraqi government source tells cnn the highly fortified international zone came under fire today, as vice president, joe biden, pays a surprise visit to the capital. our pentagon correspondent, chris lawrence, is on the phone with the latest. chris? >> yeah, kyra, i can tell you, we were in a briefing with general ray ordierno when we heard the warning signs come over. the first one said "duck and cover, duck and cover, get away from the windows." it is the standard warning when you do have fire here, indirect fire, such as mortars or rockets. it probably interrupted general odierno probably eight times during the brief -- the short briefing that we had, so every couple minutes there was just a warning sign saying to maintain, please remain undercover, there's still a danger from indirect fire. but there was no panic inside the actual building. general odierno would just
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pause. he would wait for the warnings to stop, and then continue. and we spoke also with ambassador -- u.s. am does bor, christopher hill, who mentioned at one time, you know, there were probably a dozen such warnings that would go off during the day. he said they greatly decreased, and that this happening at that particular point was somewhat unusual. >> so, chris, what about the vice president when this happened? what exactly was the protocol with regard to his safety? >> we really are not at liberty to talk too much about that, because you don't want to really report on the vice president's movements. you know, i can tell you, he was not in the building. but where he was and what he's doing is not something we really want to disclose. i got the feeling, just from being in there with general odierno, that no one felt an immediate sense of danger. there was no panic.
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and like i said, our briefing continued. he would pause and then continue the briefing. >> got it. chris lawrence there live for us from baghdad. chris, keep us updated. meanwhile, president obama is in between speeches this hour on a day trip to factory towns in ohio and pennsylvania. you heard him live this morning at a gm plant in lordstown, ohio, about 45 minutes from now, he's going to beak at the afl-cio convention in pittsburgh. it's his second visit to the nation's largest labor group in two weeks. he also spoke at their labor day picnic in cincinnati. the setting for the ohio speech was the plant that builds the v chevy cobalt, the plant that sat idle for nine weeks but will go full throatle thanks largely to cash for clunkers. the president said he's fighting to get the whole u.s. economy up to speed, and that's not all. >> and, yes, just in case were wondering, we are fighting for an america where no american should have to worry about going without health insurance or feel that one illness could cost them everything they have.
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we're going to reform the system to provide more security and stability to those of you who have health insurance. we're going to offer quality, affordable choices to those who currently don't have health insurance. we're going to bring health care costs for our families and our businesses and our government under control. now, what do you want to know about the economy? health care, unemployment, e-mail or tweet us your questions to tailtothe advertise jared bernstein will join us live next hour. also next hour, the high cost of practicing medicine. we know health care doesn't add up for million of american patients, but doctors are being squeezed, too. in some cases, all the way to retirement.
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be on the lookout for bomb parts. a day after feds raided some of the new york buildings, as part of a terror investigation, they've sent out a warning to police. >> when my friend dropped us off, it had, like, close to about 30 suvs, impalas double-parked on the avenue, on 41st avenue. we saw one fbi suit. we saw two fbi suits. so, we came in the building. and then we saw, like, 30 camouflage fbi, machine guns, riot gear, everything. and then we went back outside, because we didn't know what was going on. so, it was safer to stay outside than inside. >> now, that was one of the witnesses to the raids. there is actually new information on what exactly happened. ciu correspondent, drew griffin, here with some details. what were you able to find out, drew? >> just to get people up to
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speed of what was happening, these were raids in the queens area of new york. what we're learning is the joint terrorism task force, this is federal, local, state, was targeting a terror cell composed of afghan nationals. now, they all attended or circulated at a new york-area mosque. now a source with direct knowledge of the investigation tells cnn the joint terrorism task force raided several locations, searching for explosive devices or components, intended to be used at targets in the new york area. the source says none of those components were found. now, it's believed publicity and the searches themselves may have spooked those in the cell, or those connected to the cell. the source is adding that this is the first time, kyra, anyone can recall afghan nationals involved in a plot to attack the u.s. on u.s. soil. obviously, this is still developing. deb feyerick has been out there in the neighborhood, trying to figure out what exactly has been going on in terms of these raids. but ongoing investigation,
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nobody arrested as far as we know, and there's still looking for suspects. >> okay. keep us updated because i know you're working your sources. you have been all morning. thanks, drew. now, what's it like to be on the raid when it all goes down? we seldom hear about that. but we'll get an inside look from mike brooks who was actually a member of the terrorism task force. he'll join us live in just about 25 minutes. a deadly stabbing. a school on lockdown, and a developing story out of southern florida right now. cnn has learned that a student was killed this morning at coral gables senior high, allegedly by another student. our affiliate, wsvn, says the two were fighting outside the school when one pulled out a switchblade and stabbed the other in the chest. the suspect is in custody. police are confirming the death, but won't give details. we're going to keep an eye on this story. now, some of them -- well, some of them knew her, lots of them didn't, but all of them wanted to honor anally 11's
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memory. a sea of students, staff, even strangers, hundreds of people, actually, coming out for last night's vigil on the yale campus. just hours after the official and tragic confirmation. the body found in a med school lab building was the missing grad student. we expect more updates this afternoon. mary snow is in new haven now with the latest for us. >> reporter: kyra, we do expect to learn later today how annie le was murdered. the medical examiner is expected to release the cause of death this afternoon. as for the investigation, the new haven police department, which has taken the lead in the investigation, would not take any questions about a potential suspect. the spokesman would only say that the department does not expect to make any arrests later today. this, as police continue their investigation. we know that investigators were back at the home of annie le. and last night for the first time, we heard from annie le's roommate, who addressed hundreds of people who had gathered at a vigil on the campus of yale.
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>> she was as good a human being as you'd ever hope to meet. that this horrible tragedy happened at all is incomprehensible, but that it happened to her, i think, is infinitely more so. it seems completely senseless. >> reporter: and to give you an idea of the scope of this investigation, a police spokesman estimated that investigators have spoken already to about 100 people. kyra? >> all right, mary snow there with the latest on that investigation. we haven't heard the last of the "you lie" hubbub, by the way. it's been almost a week since south carolina republican congressman joe wilson heckled president obama on the house floor. now the house is pushing forward with a formal disapproval. cnn's brianna keilar sets the stage for us. i was shocked to hear that this thing is getting partisan. go figure. how serious is it? >> reporter: are you really shocked, kyra? you are not shocked. you are not. >> i was trying to subtly
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getting into just teeing you up here. >> reporter: no. we are expecting this could be a partisan showdown. i actually just got word from a house democratic leadership aide that we could be seeing a vote possibly on this resolution really here in not too long. possibly ahead of 2:00, maybe a little after, maybe in the 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. eastern range, so we are trying to figure that out. but, you know, i just want to talk, kyra, a little bit about just how serious this is. because a lot of people have wondered, you know, how big of a deal is this? this is essentially like a public slap on the wrist. this is like being called out in front of your class, if you're in elementary school, and the teacher kind of making a bit of a spectacle of you. because, actually, the house of representatives has a whole menu of options for disciplining its members, from expulsion, which is the most severe, censuring, reprimanding and fines and other measures. this is actually none of those. this is -- this resolution of disapproval -- this resolution
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of disapproval is what we call in hill parlance a type of privileged resolution. any member of the house can kind of bring an issue to the floor, sometimes it is when one member has a beef with another member. for instance, republicans, you may recall, in the last couple of months actually brought a privileged resolution -- a privilege resolution to the floor asking if there could be an investigation into house speaker, nancy pelosi's claim that the cia had lied to her about harsh interrogation tactics of terrorist suspects. in the past, when president bush was in power, house speaker, nancy pelosi, brought a privilege resolution on the topic of iraq. so, this is one of those things that it falls under this kind of umbrella, kyra, and in this case today, though, it is a vote on a resolution of disapproval for the behavior of congressman wilson. >> all right. so, i'm assuming, we're going to see some sparks flying at some point, or maybe not. i don't know. what do you think?
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that won't shock me. >> reporter: you know, one of the interesting things is the -- we're expecting that democrats and republicans will each have their chance to kind of get their say in, but we're hearing from democrats and republicans that they're really going to try to stick to the issue of health care and not really add too many fireworks, but you never really know. it's so unpredictable, so we're really going to be catching to see if any of these individual members really start to get upset about this as they have pushed for a lot of this -- a lot of these democratic members have pushed their leaders to go forward with this vote, kyra. >> all right, keep us updated. thanks, brianna. on the senate side, meanwhile, the one and only bipartisan health care reform bill is almost ready for its public debut, last we checked anyway. the so-called gang of six in the finance committy committee are still sweating the details of the package and may continue to work on even as the bill hits the full committee. that's expected to happen tomorrow. here's committee chair, max bauc baucus. >> i'm doing the commit i can,
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and whether we get an agreement today or not is not really the critical question. the critical question is do we get bipartisan support at sometime before we vote on the bill? and my guess is that we will. >> well, the finance committee could start voting on the bill next week. >> pittsburgh, pennsylvania, the nation's largest labor coalition prepares to welcome president obama. live pictures of the podium now. as soon as he steps up to the mm m mike, we'll take it live.
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♪ oh, yeah. remembering the man who got you off your feet and introduced you to "dirty dancing." and who made famous the phrase "nobody puts baby in the corner." we're going to share the tributes pouring in for patrick swayze. so many arthritis pain relievers -- i just want fewer pills and relief that lasts all day. take 2 extra strength tylenol every 4 to 6 hours?!? taking 8 pills a day... and if i take it for 10 days -- that's 80 pills. just 2 aleve can last all day. perfect. choose aleve and you can be taking four times... fewer pills than extra strength tylenol. just 2 aleve have the strength to relieve arthritis pain all day. car insurance company in the nation. but, it's not like we're kicking back, now, havin' a cuppa tea. gecko vo: takes lots of sweat to become that big. gecko vo: 'course, geckos don't literally sweat... it's just not our thing... gecko vo: ...but i do work hard, mind you.
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gecko vo: first rule of "hard work equals success." gecko vo: that's why geico is consistently rated excellent or better in terms of financial strength. gecko vo: second rule: "don't steal a coworker's egg salad, 'specially if it's marked "the gecko." come on people. and this just in to cnn, new video from baghdad right now, where vice president, joe bidden, is smake imaking a surp
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visit. as we speak, we heard a short time ago, baghdad's international zone, also called the green zone, came under fire after joe biden arrived in the iraqi capital. but we've just learned the vice president is not wounded. he's meeting with bigwigs and u.s. troops. it's looking more like a runoff presidential election in afghanistan. u.s. officials say some of the ballets will have to be recounted. that will pit hamid karzai against abdullah abdullah. he says it was rigged in karzai's favor. sorting out the mess could take weeks and it's fueling fears of political unrest. and according to the latest cnn poll, support for the afghanistan war is fading, but support for the war in afghanistan may we waning in the united states.
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men and women are giving their lives in that war. so, we want to honor these fallen heroes. army private 1st class matthew m.martinek, he was shot in patika province in afghanistan. he came from a family of soldiers. his two older brothers served in iraq. and 1s lieutenant michael e. johnson was killed in the kunar province in afghanistan. he leaves behind a wife and a twin brother. and tyler juden was killed when his troop came under attack in western afghanistan. his parents say their 23-year-old son wanted to go back to school to become a teacher once his stint in the military was done. these are just three of the 242 u.s. men and women who have given their lives while in afghanistan. ♪ you'd step out there and not even thinking about yourself ♪
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and this just in to cnn. we're getting word that the cops are back at the antioch, california, home of phillip and nancy garrido, the couple that's charged with kidnapping jaycee dugard holding her in their backyard compound for 18 years. we don't know what police are looking for exactly, but we expect a news conference stim next hour. we're following up on that story for you. in the u.s. economy, is it pulling out of its toughest time
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since the great depression? well, fed chair, ben bernanke, seems to think so. he said the recession is very likely over, but he said there's a pretty rough road ahead. bernanke was speaking to the brookings institution in washington. it was his first speech since his reappointment. somalia's government confirms that the fbi forces have killed one of the al qaeda's top operatives. he was killed yesterday in southern somalia. u.s. forces used a helicopter to fire on a car killing several people including the al qaeda operative. among other things he was linked to the 1998 u.s. embassy bombings in kenya and tanzania. in baltimore, no decision yet on whether a college student will face charges for killing an intruder with a samurai sword. the johns hopkins student said he was attacked by the man in his garage and he used the sword to defend himself. what happened to civility on the tennis court? first, serena williams' outburst at the u.s. open, now roger federer, five-time open champ was beaten in yesterday's final
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by juan dell po portro, federer lashed out at the umpire. take a listen. >> he's considering a challenge. it's too late now. >> no, no, no. >> shouldn't be allowed that much time. >> he was talking to him. >> come on. i wasn't allowed to change for two seconds. the guy takes, like, ten, every night. i can't allow that stuff. >> the review reveals it was out. >> do you have any rules up there? stop showing me your hand, okay. don't tell me to be quiet, okay? i don't want to -- i don't give a -- what he said. live to the president of the united states. he just stepped up to the podium there in pittsburgh, pennsylvania, addressing the largest labor coalition in america. let's listen in. >> -- to fight for the working men and women of pennsylvania and who has the distinguished record of doing just that, arlen specter.
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i want to give my thanks and the thanks of our nation to one of the great labor leaders of our time, a man whose entire life has been devoted to working people, who brought new life to a movement, who worked tirelessly on behalf of organized workers and who will be stepping down tomorrow, your president, john sweeney. john, i know that maureen's looking forward to seeing a little more of you, your granddaughter, kennedy's, about to get a whole lot more spoiled by her grandpa. but we are so proud of the work that you've done and grateful
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for your lifetime of service. i know it's bad luck to congratulate somebody before they're officially elected, but i'm going to go ahead and take my chances and congratulate the man who will pick up john's mantle, the son and grandson of pennsylvania coal miners, a blan who wo man who worked his way through college, my friend, a fiery advocate for american ideals, rich tronka. i also want to congratulate the officers coming in with rich. arlene, who will be continuing her service, and liz, who will be making history as the first woman elected secretary-treasurer. i am looking forward to working with every single one of you.
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now, being here with all of you is a reminder of what we're trying to do in washington and why i'm there in the first pl e place. it's one of the fundamental reasons i ran for president was to stand up for hard working families, to ease the struggles, to lift the hopes, and make possible the dreams of middle-class americans. your stories are what drive me each and every day in the white house, stories i read about in letters or i hear about in town hall meetings or somebody grabs me in a rope line and starts telling me something, stories i remember from the campaign tr l trail, stories like one told by steve skavar, a proud member of the united steelworker in indiana. steve spent 34 years at ltv
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steel, until a car accident left him with a disability and forced him to retire. when the company went broke a couple years later, steve lost his pension, and his family lost their health care. so, rising to ask a question at the cfl -- the afl-cio debate during the campaign, steve said, and i'm quoting him now, "every day of my life i sit at the kitchen table across from the woman who devoted 36 years of her life to my family, and i can't afford to pay for her health care." and as he said it, he got choked up, and his voice started to crack. brothers and sisters, this isn't just about steve. this is about all of us. because when hard working americans like steve succeed, that's when organized labor succeeds. and when organized labor succeeds, that's when our middle-class succeeds. and when our middle-class succeeds, that's when the united
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states of america succeeds! that's what we're fighting for! for half a century the success of america has been built on the success of our middle-class. it was the creation of the middle-class that lifted this nation up in the wake of a great depression. it was the expansion of the middle-class that opened the doors of opportunity to millions more. it was a strong middle-class that powered american industries and propelled america's economy and made the 20th century the american century. and the fundamental test of this century, of our time, is whether we will heed this lesson,
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whether we will let america become a nation of the very rich and the very poor, of the haves and the have-nots, or whether we will remain true to the promise of this country and build a future where the success of all of us is built on the success of each of us. that's the future i want to build. that's the future the afl-cio wants to build. that's the future the american people want to build! that's the future that i've been working to build from the moment i took office! now, we've been hearing a lot of stuff from folks who aren't that
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friendly to me or the union movement, so let's just take a stroll down memory lane. cecil, let's just remember where we were when i took the oath of office a little over eight months ago. at the time folks were fearing the complete collapse of our entire financial system. our economy was shedding about 700,000 jobs a month. our credit markets were frozen. folks couldn't get a home loan. they couldn't get a car loan. they couldn't get a student loan if they needed it. what was a deep recession threatened to become a great depression. you remember that, right? okay. that's why we acted, boldly and
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swiftly, to pass an unprecedented economic recovery act, a plan that didn't include any of the usual washington earmarks or pork barrel spending, but what did it include was a guarantee to uphold davis bacon and pay a prevailing wage. because -- because the recovery act, we're keeping a promise i made to give all of you -- 95% of working americans -- a tax cut, a tax cut that will benefit nearly 5 million families in pennsylvania. we increased and extended unemployment insurance to 12 million americans, including hundreds of thousands of pennsylvanians. we made sure that they could get health insurance if they were looking for a job because
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c.o.b.r.a. was too expensive. reduced the cost of it by 65%, so a lot of families out there were able to hang on to their health care, even during the downturn. we're putting americans to work across this country, rebuilding crumbling roads and bridges and waterways with the largest investment in our infrastructure since eisenhower created the interstate highways system in the 1950s. all in all, many middle-class families will see their incomes go up by about $3,000 because of the recovery act, helping them get back much of what they've lost due to this recession. so, i know times are still tough for working people. i know too many people are still looking for work or worried they'll be the next ones let go,
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but the recovery act is making a difference. we've stopped our economic free-fall. that's something everybody can agree on. but here's the problem -- even before this last financial crisis, the economy had problems. just last week, a census report came out showing that in 2008, before the downturn, family income fell to its lowest point in over a decade. and more families slid into poverty. folks at the top 1% did pretty good. everybody else saw their wages and incomes flat. that's unacceptable. and i refuse to let america go back to the culture of
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irresponsibility and greed that made it possible, back to an economy with soaring ceo salaries and shrinking middle-class incomes, back to the days when banks made reckless decisions that hurt wall street and main street alike. we're not going to go back to those days! it would be bad for unions, bad for the middle-class, and bad for the united states of america! we're not turning back. we're moving forward. we're not turning back. we're moving forward. and that's why we need to build a new foundation for lasting prosperity prosperity, by creating the jobs of the future, by reforming our health care system, by laying down tough rules of the road to
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protect consumers from abuse. let the markets function fairly, and freely, and ensure that we never experience another crisis like this again. that's how we'll build an economy that works for working americans. that's how we'll help our children climb higher than we did. that's how we'll grow our great american middle-class. i love you, too, sister! although it sounds like you've been hollering too much. your throat was all -- we're going to grow our middle-class with policies that benefit you, the american worker. and as john sweeney noted, i've set up a middle-class task force to do just that, run by my outstanding vice president, that scrappy kid from scranton, pennsylvania, joe biden.
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we'll grow our middle-class by building a stronger labor movement. that's why i named hilda solis, daughter of a union member, as our new labor secretary. hilda -- hilda and i know that whether we're in economic times -- good economic times or bad economic times, labor's not the problem. labor's part of the solution. that's why we've begun reversing and replacing old anti-labor executive orders, policies with ones that protect your benefits and protect your safety and protect your rights to organize and collectively bargain.
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that's why the very first bill i signed into law was the lily ledbetter act to uphold the basic principle of equal pay for equal work. that's why i stand behind the employee free choice act. because the majority of workers want a union, they should get a union. we'll grow -- we'll grow our middle-class by creating jobs for americans who want one, not just any jobs, but jobs with good wages and good benefits. jobs that give a american the satisfaction of knowing they'll meet their responsibilities to their families, jobs that aren't just a source of income but a source of pride and
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self-respect. every american deserves that much. earlier today i visited a gm plant in youngstown, ohio, that is -- youngstown, in the house. that -- this plant is rehiring about 1,000 workers to make the cars of tomorrow. that's a sign of life in our auto industry, and i'm pleased to see it. but, do you know what, i don't just want to see jobs return to our auto industry, i want to see them being created across this country in every industry. that's why we're investing in a clean energy economy that will free america from the grip of foreign oil and create millions of new green jobs that can't be outsourced. that's why i've named a new point person to jump-start american manufacturing so that we can make "made in america" not just a slogan, we want to make it a reality.
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we'll -- we'll grow our middle-class by doing a better job educating our sons and daughters. it was the gi bill that helped strengthen the middle-class in the 20th century, and our generation deserves the same kind of commitment. and that's why we've begun improving standards and holding ourselves more accountable, making college and advanced training more affordable, and offering students a complete and competitive education, from the cradle to the classroom, from college through a career. that's how we'll prepare every child in america, not just some children, but every child in america, to out-compete any worker in the world!
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and, yes, we'll grow our middle-class by finally providing quality, affordable health insurance in this country. health care can't wait. it can't wait. few have fought -- few have fought for this cause harder, few have championed it longer than you, our brothers and sisters, in organized labor. you're making phone calls, knocking on doors, showing up at rallies, because you know why this is so important. you know this isn't just about the millions of americans who don't have health insurance, it's about the hundreds of millions more who do.
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americans who worry that they'll lose their insurance if they lose their job, who fear their coverage will be denied because of a pre-existing condition, who know that one accident or illness could mean financial ruin. in fact, a new report from the kaiser family foundation was released today, showing that family premiums rose more than 130% over the last 10 years. 3 times faster than wages. they now average over $13,000 a year, the highest amount on record, which is why when you go in to negotiate, you can't even think about negotiating for a salary -- a wage increase, because the whole negotiation's about trying to keep the benefits you already have. that's not just the fault of the employer. it's the fault of a broken health care system that's sucking up all the money. when are we going to stop it? when are we going to say enough is enough? how many more workers have to lose their coverage? how many more families have to go into the red for a sick loved one?
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how much longer are we going to have to wait? it can't wait. we can't wait. my friends, we have talked -- we have talked this issue to death. year after year, decade after decade. that's why i said last week, before a joint session of congress, i said, "the time for bickering is over. the time for games has passed. now's the time for action." now's the time to deliver on
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health insurance reform. the plan i announced will offer more security and more stability to americans who have insurance. it will offer insurance to americans who don't. and it will slow the growth of health care costs for our families, our businesses, and our government. if you already have health insurance through your job -- and because many of you are members of unions, you do -- nothing in this plan will require you or your employer to change your coverage or your doctor. let me repeat -- nothing in this plan will require you to change your coverage or your doctor. what this plan will do is make your insurance work better for you. it will be against the law for insurance companies to deny you coverage because of a pre-existing condition. it will be against the law for insurance companies to drop your coverage when you get sick or water it down when you need it the most. they won't be able to place some
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arbitrary cap on how much coverage you can receive in a given year or a given lifetime. we'll place a limit as to how much you'll be charged for out-of-pocket expenses. because in the united states of america, nobody should go broke just because they got sick. insurance companies will be required to cover, at no extra charge, routine checkups and preventive care like mammograms and colonoscopies, because there's no reason we shouldn't be catching diseases like colon cancer or breast cancer before they get worse. because it saves money and saves lives. that's what we'll be offering to people who already have health insurance, more security. for the tens of millions of americans who don't have health insurance, the second part of this plan will finally offer them -- offer you -- affordable choices. we'll do this with the new
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insurance exchange, a marketplace, where individuals and small businesses, they can shop for affordable health insurance plans that work for them. and because there will be one big group, these uninsured americans, they have leverage. they can drive down the costs of care and get a better deal than they're getting right now. that's how large companies and government employees get affordable insurance. it's how everybody in congress -- including those who are always critical of government -- get their insurance. it's time to give every opportunity to americans that members of congress give to themselves. i've also said that one of the options in this exchange should be a public option. now, let me -- let me -- let me be clear.
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let me be clear, because there's been a lot of misinformation out here about this. this would just be an option. nobody would be forced to choose it. no one with insurance would be affected. but what it would do is offer americans more choices and promote real competition and put pressure on private insurers to make their policies affordable, treat their customers better. now, when you're talking with some of your friends and neighbors, they might say, well, that all sounds pretty good, but how you going to pay for it? that's a legitimate question, because i inherited a $1.3 trillion deficit when i came into office. that's the other thing people have been a little selective about. they don't seem to remember how we got into this mess. but it's a legitimate question. how are we going to dig ourselves out of this big financial hole we're in? so, let me try to answer it. the plan i'm proposing is going
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to cost $900 billion over 10 years. that's real money. although that's less than we spent on iraq and afghanistan wars. it's less than the tax cuts for the wealthiest few americans that congress passed during the previous administration. wars and tax cuts that were not paid for and ballooned or deficit to record levels and didn't help america's working families. we won't make -- we won't make that mistake again. we will not pay for health insurance reform by adding to our deficits. i will not sign a bill that adds a dime to our deficits, either now or in the future. what we will do is pay for it by eliminating hundreds of billions of dollars in fraud and waste and abuse, including billions of
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dollars in subsidies for insurance companies that pad their profits but aren't improving care. we'll also set up a commission of doctors and medical experts to encourage the adoption of commonsense best practices that can further reduce costs and raise quality in the years ahead. that's how we'll pay for most of this plan, by using money that's already being spent in the health care system, but spent badly. so, don't pay attention to those scary stories about how medicare benefits will be cut. that will never happen on my watch. we will protect medicare so it's a safety net for our seniors that they can count on today, tomorrow, forever. not a dollar from the med care trust fund will be used to pay for this plan. not a single dollar.
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these are the reforms i'm proposing. these are the reforms labor has been championing. these are the reforms that the american people need. these are the these are the reforms i intend to sign into law. quality, affordable health insurance, a world class education, good jobs that pay well and can't be outsourced. a hard working labor movement that's how we'll grow our middle class, that's how we'll put opportunity within reach in the united states of america. the battle for opportunity has been always been fought in places like pittsburgh, places like pennsylvania, it was here that pittsburgh rail workers rose up in a great strike. it was here that homestead steelworkers took on pinkerton guards at trinity mills. it was here that something that happened in a town called
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aliquippa, it was a tough place for workers in the 1930s, a benevolent dictatorship, said the local steel boss. they had no rights, the company hired workers from different lands, and different races, and it was better to keep them divided it was thought at the time. but despite threats and harassment, despite seeing organizers run out of town. these steelworkers came together, son of pennsylvania coal miners and they took their case all the way to the supreme court. securing the right to organize up and down the ohio river valley, and all across america. i know that if america can come together like aliquippa and rise above barriers of faith and race and region and party, then we will not only make life better
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for steelworkers like steve india indiana, not only make life better for the afl-cio, but also make real the promise of the united states of america for everybody. that's what we're fighting for. that's what this white house is committed to that's what the afl-cio is committed to. and arm in arm, we are going to get this done. i got a question for you, are you fired up? >> yes! >> are you ready to go? >> yes! >> are you fired up? >> yes! >> are you ready to go? >> yes! . >> a pretty packed agenda, who better than organized labor to help president obama push forward on health care reform, economic recovery, clean energy,
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education reform. he hit it all there, even talking about the war in iraq. and as you just heard live in the newsroom, the president talked about all of this to a very supportive crowd there, those labor folks love him, that's the aflcio folks in pittsburgh. cnn's ed henry is also there. some republican critics are saying that the president is overexposed. is he going to scale back at all or is he going to keep pushing forward? >> reporter: i see him really pushing forward, doing a lot more of these kind of events, he ended with a flourish there, sort of a mantra he used to use out on the road. especially to a very friendly crowd. orlg organized labor, this is the group that is pushing ahead
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health care. it was interesting how sober and sedate the president was yesterday on wall street talking about regulatory reform. today much more fired up, talking about how he's going to stand up for american workers, first at a gm plant in youngstown, ohio, now we're here in pittsburgh at the afl-cio convention, and these people certainly wanted to hear it. his message was, look, i inherited a mess. the president is taking a beating in some polls. when you talk to some white house aides, they say, look, the president inherited some of these financial challenges, as you heard the president say a moment ago. part of the reason why it's been difficult for him to sell health reform is that there's so much anxiety in places like pittsburgh, where people have lost their jobs, afraid they're going to use it, afraid they're going to lose their health insurance. and the president pointing out,
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that some believe that the president is overexposed. and the president really addressed the economic anxiety if he's going to sell health reform. and we're learning today, the president is going to do five sunday talk shows this weekend, including cnn's state of the union. the president on monday, he's going to go on the late show with david letterman. he's going to go full steam ahead in terms of following his agenda here. >> waiting for a final result in health care reform and how it's all going to play out. so what do you want to know about the economy, health care, unemployment? you can e-mail us or tweet us your question, for mail to the chief. we're actually getting answers from jared bernstein, is economic advisor is going to join us next hour. and we were actually reading a
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number of articles where these doctors are quoted talking about their concerns about malpractice insurance. one of them quit being a doctor and feeling guilty about it. she has an interesting story and a message to president obama. and the other doctor is talking about his concern about there being a massive decline in the number of doctors if this health care reform bill goes through the way it is stated at this point. more from the cnn newsroom straight ahead. awkward! with unbeatable prices on neutrogena deep wrinkle anti-wrinkle moisture, beauty costs less at walmart. save money. live better. walmart. when i was told i had diabetes,
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i felt amazingly boxed in. (announcer) joe uses the contour meter from bayer. (joe) my meter absolutely adapts to me and my lifestyle. i'm joe james, and being outside of the box is my simple win. (announcer) now available in five vibrant colors.
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vice president joe biden's surprise visit to iraq marred by an attack in the heavily fortified green zone, biden is meeting with iraq's leaders and
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u.s. troops. police are investigating the reported stabbing death of a florida teen, it happened during a fight at coral gables senior highly this morning. one teen pulled out a switch blade and stabbed the other in the chest. school was placed on lockdown and the suspect was placed in custody. the mantra we keep hearing, everyone gets medical coverage. but guess what? there may not even be enough doctors to the that. our next guests are shouting code blue. they say the problem is the shortage of primary care doctors and the high cost of malpractice insurance. joining us, dr. ted everly, he's pushing for health care reform. and also from teal, florida retired doctor tara wah.
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i wanted to start with you, because you know firsthand the impact of the cost of malpractice insurance. you actually quit being a doctor? >> yes, i quit practicing medicine about a year ago at sort of the peak of my career because my malpractice insurance went over $125,000 a year. and i was taking home less salary than the brand new doctors coming out of residency and i had been in practice 25 years. and i just couldn't make ends meet anymore with my practice. seeing the number of patients they wanted to see and taking care of them the way i wanted to take care of them. >> and what was that like for you? you had to have been torn up, after doing this for 25 years, going through medical school and spending your whole life helping
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people. >> i spent lots of sleepless nights crying. >> i'm curious, dr. everly, can you relate to that? can you relate to what tara had to go through and still going through? >> absolutely. there are many physicians across this country that are facing exactly what she is, high overhead, high liability insurance, high health insurance for their employees and they're trying to make ends meet. that's what's leading to the crisis, that primary care physicians just aren't being paid enough to do the vital work that america must have. >> ted, you actually have president of the american academy for family physicians. what are the doctors saying about what's happening here when it comes to the high cost of, for example, malpractice insurance. are you afraid that we're going to see a major shortage of doctors. >> yeah, certainly part of the
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problem is liability insurance and there should be tort reform as we tackle health care reform. but the biggest issue is the delivery reform must happen, we must have a whole lot more family physicians, general internists, general pediatric n pediatricians tharks are the types of doctors that give the acute health care, chronic disease m disease -- >> tara what's your reaction so that and if we do see more an more doctors like you having to get out because they just can't make ends meet, what does that mean for people who need good doctors. >> we anticipate in florida having a 10% less physicians in the next 10 years. the baby boom doctors are retiring much earlier than anticipated just as we need us
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to care for our contemporaries as we age. the malpractice insurance, for example, is not prorated based on how many hours a week you work. so when i wanted to cut back from an 80-hour week to a 40-hour week, work half time for a doctor, i would still have to pay the 125,00$125,000, $135,00 malpractice insurance, and that was my salary. and there was no way i could do that. >> ted, you make an interesting analogy, you said it's like a free bus pass, but there's only two busses? >> absolutely. the problem right now is that we're going to be about 40,000 family physicians short in the next ten years. and so if we give everybody health care coverage to the 40 million people out there, it's like giving everybody free bus passes but we have only got two
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buss to put them on. what we have right now are way, way too many sub specialists and not enough generalists, not enough primary care doctors. >> tara, let me ask you this, is there anything president obama could do to allow you to come back and be able to afford to be a doctor? >> three things. the first one of course is liability reform. and i think that we should have a no-fault system for most medical problems, maloccurrences, most of them are not true malpractice, but patients need to be compensated if something disastrous happens and need help with financial recovery. but they don't need to be going after the doctor each time. it's devastating to doctors to be sued and so many are. i think we need coverage for every man, woman and child in this country, i think we have
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the richest country in the world, we can do it if we decide that that's a priority for us. >> ted, final thoughts? what do you need to hear from president obama. >> i think we need to continue -- he needs to continue to push hard on the american public for the need of why we need health care reform. we have a magic moment in time right now to get this done for america and our future generations. we need coverage, we need delivery system reform. we need insurance reform, he can make it happen with congress, now is the time to do it. >> dr. tara wah, and dr. ted epperly, thank you both or you time. a vigil at yale draws hundreds of people remembering the life of annie le, was her killer there too?
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capitol hill now and a passionate debate over two words, those would be "you lie." and as you well know, they were shouted by republican congressman joe wilson while the president was speaking to congress late wednesday night. he issued an apology but some house democrats say that shouldn't be the end of it. they want to pass a resolution
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of disapproval. >> it did not help because of diversity and tolerance with his remarks. if i were a betting man, i would say that it instigated more racist sentiment, feeling that it's okay, you don't have to bury it now, you can bring it out and talk about it fully. and so i guess we'll probably have folks putting on white hoods and white uniforms again and riding through the countryside intimidating people. and, you know, that's the logical conclusion if this kind of attitude is not rebuked and if congressman wilson
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represents, if he's the face of it, and that's why i support the resolution. >> a house spokesman says it's a political distraction from bigger issues. even one top democrat plans to vote against a resolution. barney frank says, and i quote, i don't have to time to monitor everyone's civility. a vote could happen any time and you'll see it first right here on cnn. annie le's cause of death expected to be released in the next two hours or so. it will be one of the few details we have about annie le's murder. the police staying pretty mum. >> she was always kind, generous, honest, and -- list j.
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>> reporter: yale students held a vigil just hours after police confirmed their worst fears. found inside a wall at the research facility was le, a research student who stood 4'11" and weighed 90 pounds. >> that this horrible tragedy happened is incomprehendible. but that it happened to her is even more so. >> reporter: yale's president tried to assure students. >> we're doing all that we can to ensure your security across the campus. >> reporter: the president of yale said there were a limited number of people in the basement that day and they were known to authorities. to get inside the building, students tell us ids like these need to be swiped. >> this person probably had access to the building, so it
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makes you very wary of people that you're around, and work with. >> reporter: but annie le herself wrote an article for a university magazine on february on how not to become a crime statist statistic. the building where le's body was found was a newer one and had top notch security. officials say they also have images of her as she walked several blocks from another building to the lab where she was killed. but a yale official says there were no cameras in the area where her body was found. and that has shaken some fellow graduate students. >> we work very hard here and we also work at night and also the weekends also so there are not too many people around. >> reporter: mary snow, cnn, new haven, connecticut. keep your eyes and nose open that's what the department of
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homeland security is telling police departments around the country. a joint terrorism task force broke into three buildings looking for bomb making material, now the feds are warning police to look out for ingredients used to cook up explosives and some telltale signs of a bomb making shop, a foul odor, lots of big industrial fans going and people with burns on their face, hands or arms. meantime, police tell cnn that's the target was a terror cell of afghan nationals operating in the city. cnn law enforcement analyst mike brooks was also a member of one of those fbi joint terrorism task forces, he's going to fill us in on some of the behind the scenes stuff. why don't you first tell us if you have anymore insight to these raids and anymore news? >> talking to my sources both in d.c. and up in new york, they're saying the investigation is far
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from over. there was one target that they were specifically looking at that they believe may have come from denver to new york, i don't wanted to give away too much information, but suffice it to say, that the reason they went ahead and did the warrants when they did is they believed he was possibly there to meet someone or to look or possible purchase components to make improvised explosives devices. late yesterday, the fbi put out that intelligence bulletin you were talking about and it's titled ongoing terrorists interests in explosives. bottom line we have seen this before. i call it vigilance alert. it says right in the beginning, in light of the ongoing investigation in new york city, dhs and the fbi think it's pruntd to remind -- home made
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explosives which have been utilized in previous terrorist attacks. what they're talking about is hmtd. >> you have become quite the chemical expert. >> when i was going through the explosives school they teach you these things. remember the shoe bomber? remember on the soles of his shoes, he had explosives on his shoes. and on the suicide attacks on the london sun wabway, that's w they were talking about. >> this has got everyone worried that there could be a terror cell that's operating in other parts of the u.s. now. they found this one and they're investigating this. should we be concerned? i mean how big of a deal is this. >> when i was on the task force,
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people used to today, mike, what's going on? i said if you knew what was going on sometimes, you wouldn't leave your house. but the fbi and the atf had a good handle on who's involved in this. that's when they pulled the trigger when they did and hit those three locations because they will do that if they think someone's life or the life of the public could be in danger. >> was there any evidence of a plot or a plan or anything they found that there was a sketch of that they were going after a certain area offer target? >> they were going after a certain person or people they believe were associates of this person. it's far from over. as we said the joint terrorism task force is on this. there's over 100 jttfs in the united states. i was assigned to it for six years and worked a lot of
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bombings overseas, the colbart towers. and the abdelbaset ali mohmed al megrahi case, the one that was set free because he had cancer, i actually worked on that case. there's over 1,400 jttf forces nation wise. you've got experts from spot officers and linguists who are putting this together. when a case like this starts, it can start with somebody saying something to somebody else. when we talk about situational awareness, if someone sees something that they think is out of place, don't just pooh-pooh it. cops and citizens have to be
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vigilant. sometimes they that americans have to be poked with a stick to get their heads out of the sand and to be situationally aware themselves. we'll be hearing more about this. he says don't call him a hero, but that's just what john finl fin is. he's being awarded with the nation's highest military medal.
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it's about 20 past the hour, some of your top stories right now, explosions in baghdad, not what vice president joe biden expected when he arrived in the international zone, the location of the u.s. embassy. biden was not hurt, in fact it's not even clear if he was near the impact area. he's actually there to meet with top iraqi government firms and u.s. military commanders. fed chairman ben bernanke
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says the recession is probably over. he uses the word probably. but don't rush around on a spending spree just yet, bernanke says while the economy is growing now, it's not enough to prevent the unemployment rate which is now almost 10% from going higher. they would rather not, but the judge has ordered the feuding kids of martin luther king jr. to sit down and talk about their dad and mom's estates.
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in east texas, a tragic death as floodwaters rise. a blind woman dies as she was
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swept away while walking to a relative's home. that woman was trying to cross a bridge and didn't realize the water was so high. more heavier rain tonight in parts of texas and the southeast. chad myers the tracking it for us in the cnn weather center. that's just heart wrenching to read about that death in east texas. >> actually we talked about last hour, the two ladies that were swept away early sunday morning were rescued but she wasn't. all the way back from atlanta all the way back to texas. this entire area could be covered in green there, the green either means flash flood warning, flood watch, but this whole area could be covered with water. and we can't tell you where it will be because we can't tell you where that cell will pop-up.
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or that cell will pop-up. or if one cell goes on on the of another, on top of another, that's where the flash flood threat will be the rest of the week. this front isn't moving and because it isn't moving these pieces of moisture will come off of the gulf of mexico, the pieces of low pressure will come around here and finally move out for the weekend. it could be a couple of very ugly days, atlanta, you see the shiny streets here, it's going to be a really slow commute if it keeps raining. showers in little rock and memphis, this is a area, arkansas, i think you're most under the gun today. look at little rock, that's six inches of rainfall expected just today and tomorrow. it downtown moesn't move away a soon. a golden anniversary under golden arches. leonard romberg just separated
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50 years on the job. the 68-year-old has worked at the same mcdonald's since he got out of high school. and he says he's proud of the job he's always done, bussing tables and wouldn't you know it, romberg actually cleaned up after his own celebration. the couple charged in the jaycee dugard kidnapping, police are looking for any evidence related to other missing persons cases, a live news conference expected to begin momentarily, cnn will bring it to you live as soon as it startses. dad, here-look at this-
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your p.a.d. isn't just poor circulation in your legs causing you pain. ok-what is it? dad, it more than doubles your risk of a heart attack or stroke. i can't keep anything from you.
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you better read about plavix. if you have p.a.d., plavix can help protect you from a heart attack or stroke. plavix helps keep blood platelets from sticking together and forming clots- the cause of most heart attacks and strokes. dad don't put this off. p.a.d. more than doubles your risk of a heart attack or stroke. promise me you'll talk with your doctor about plavix? i'll do it. i promise. (announcer) if you have a stomach ulcer or other condition that causes bleeding, you should not use plavix. taking plavix alone or with some other medicines including aspirin may increase bleeding risk. tell your doctor before planning surgery or taking aspirin or other medicines with plavix, especially if you've had a stroke. some medicines that are used to treat heartburn or stomach ulcers, like prilosec, may affect how plavix works, so tell your doctor if you are taking other medicines. if fever, unexplained weakness or confusion develops, tell your doctor promptly. these may be signs of ttp, a rare, but potentially life-threatening condition, reported sometimes less than 2 weeks after starting plavix. other rare but serious side effects may occur.
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good choice. only meineke let's you choose your service, choose your savings. like an oil change for just $19.95. meineke. we're going to take you to a live news conference that's just about to begin with regard to the phillip garrido case, if you have been watching cnn you have
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been seeing live pictures like this of authorities once again going through the backyard of phillip and nancy garrido's home. we were watching throughout the day, monitoring what they were doing via this helicopter cam. they were actually raking up, again, some defenses, they were doing some digging in the backyard, they were taking a bunch of pictures, they were putting together sketches, as you know, police have been looking for any evidence related to other missing persons cases and we understand from the press, there may be a connection to another missing person. >> each one of them will be making a statement and then after that we'll have some q & a and we'll see how that goes. and as we mentioned, we're going to try to get you closer to that designated press area once those trucks have moved out. with that i want to introduce
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hayward lieutenant chris orry. >> good morning and thanks very much for your patience. on november 19, 1988, in south hayward, california, 9-year-old michaela garrett was abducted by a stranger in front of the rainbow market. this that case has been investigated for over 20 years, the hayward police department has investigated over 13,000 leads and unfortunately the case has remained unsolved. on august 27, with the rest of the world, we learned be taillight jaycee dugard abduction, as we learned about that case, we saw more and more similarities to our own abduction in 1988. these similarities included the physical appearance and ages of the victims, the manner of the abduction, that they were taken in a very brazen manner in broad daylight in a public place, the similar vehicle descriptions
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between the vehicle uses in 1988 and the phillip garrido veechblgt and pictures we have obtained of him at that time and the police artist sketch done in 1988 by the witness to michaela's abduction. for those reasons we obtained a search warrant for the property that had been inhabited by the garridos as well as the adjacent property that fill lyphillip ga had access to. our operation today is being conducted with the assistance of the alameda sheriff's department, the contra costa police department and our aim is to systematically and very thoroughly search the properties with our own cases in mind,
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knowing what we're looking for in our cases. the original agencies that were on the property searching were not familiar with our cases, so we're taking another shot at the property to see what we can find. i would like to thank the agencies involved in this operation. we could not do it alone. hayward is a medium sized police organization and it's only with the aid of the sheriff's department that we're able to take on such a huge undertaking. we understand that there's a lot of property to go through on these two properties. we expect the operation to take days, possibly even into next week. at this afternoon's briefing for the media at 4:30 p.m., sharon merch, the mother of michaela
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garrett will be on hand to answer questions. >> on january 30th of 1989, 13-year-old ileen micheloff never returned home from school. for 13 years we have been attempting to find out what happened to eileen micheloff. the dublin police services has pursued hundreds of leads into this investigation in an attempt to locate eileen and find out what happened to her. recently, the investigation and arrest of phillip and nancy garrido for the 1991 kidnapping of jaycee dugard came to light and our investigators
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immediately started looking into the possibility that the garr o garridos had some connection to the eileen micheloff disappearance. as a result of our investigation, we found enough similarities to obtain a search warrant for the walnut avenue property of the garrido's as well as a neighboring property. we based that on a vehicle that was seen by a witness at the time of eileen's disappearance, a witness reported seeing her get into it. that vehicle description is similar to a vehicle which has been removed from this property in the previous search of the property. additionally, we know that based on the dugard investigation as well as mr. garr reido's victim-
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based on that we will be executing a search warrant of this residence and property along with the hayward police department. we'll be looking for any items of evidence that may possibly connect the garridos to eileen micheloff. at this point we can't say that the garridos are with certainty suspects in the case. but certainly we have been unable to eliminate them as suspects in the case. phillip garrido was not in custody at the time of eileen's disappearance and in fact had been released only a few months prior to eileen's disappearance. also the proximity to his
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residence in antioch could give him the opportunity to come into -- we anticipate being here for at least a few days as lieutenant orry explained, it's going to be a very thorough, methodical search of the property, which is a large piece of property and it required numerous personnel from the dublin police services, hayward police department as well as support from alameda county sheriff's office, the federal bureau of investigation, the alameda county sheriff's crime lab and the contra costa sheriff's office. so i would like to thank all of those allied departments for their assistance in the investigation. we will have another press briefing at 4:30 this afternoon
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and i think we can follow up with any questions that you may have at this point. why don't we just do questions one at a time. so the lieutenants can just come up here and take the questions. go ahead. [ inaudible ] >> it is not the van, no. >> it's the sedan. and i understand it is the same vehicle for both cases. >> correct. [ inaudible ] >> i don't know about the specifics of the dugard investigation. [ inaudible ] >> you would have to ask el dorado county, we don't have that particular information if it was used in jaycee dugard's. [ inaudible ] >> we -- you would -- to determine with certainty if it is a human bone, you would have
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to contact the contra costa county sheriff's office. but certainly the fact that a possibly human bone was located on that property is part of the reason that we are searching here today. and, yes, it does include the residence next door. however, the residence of that property is in no way a suspect of our investigation, it is our understanding that the garridos for a time were caretakers of that property. [ inaudible ] >> we have not questioned him as of yet. and certainly because of his in custody and he's been arrested, he has certain protections under the law that would make it very difficult for us to speak with him. >> why the delay in searching the property? there's been a property search a couple of times.
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is it because you were not sure you could go in there and find evidence. >> it's a combination of things. a lot of the information we got in the beginning came through the media and had to be investigated through law enforcement channels. we also had to obtain the search warrant and as you can see, this is a pretty large scale operation where we needed a lot of personnel that we needed to coordinate, we did it as soon as we could logistically and in keeping with the investigation. [ inaudible ] >> it is a concern, but we had to weigh our ability to do this operation correctly, in a fashion in accordance with forensic standards and investigative standards, we had to weigh that against the possibility of people having access. we know that the home was very secure and boarded up and that there was a large fence around
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the property. [ inaudible ] >> not in the hayward police investigation, at this point, no. [ inaudible ] >> yes, we have had investigators working the micheloff disappearance for over 20 years, and i won't say this is the single strongest lead, but it is literally hundreds of leads that we have followed up over the last 20 years. >> for the hayward case, we have always had at least one investigator assigned. it's been adjusted as tips have come in.
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we have investigated 13,000 tips and this is one of the strongest tips we have received thus far. [ inaudible ] >> we are going to be bringing in some specialized equipment that was not used in initial searches. some equipment that allows us to do some subterranean looks at the ground to see if there's any disturbances in the ground. >> are you going to be using radar. >> that is one that we're looking at, yes. [ inaudible ] >> we're looking for any physical evidence that links phillip garrido or nancy garrido to either of our cases, it could be items of clothing that the victims wore at the time they were abduct ed. it could be dna, it could be unfortunately remains. there's any number of things that might connect them to these
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cases. >> the good news here is that two more families may have peace of mind just knowing what happened to their little girls. the bad news and the sad news is that once again, it looks like two more disappearance cases might be linked to phillip and nancy garrido. in light of the recent arrest of them for the 1991 kidnapping of jaycee dugard, the dublin police as you just heard has been monitoring that investigation, now trying to determine if there could be a connection between the garridos and the 19-year-old disappearance of 13-year-old eileen micheloff. at this point the police have not been able to eliminate the garri garrido's in her disappearance. and now just looking at the case of jaycee dugard, the age, the description, when it all happened, matching up when garrido was in and out of
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prison, they know think that possible the garridos could be responsible for her disappearance. you also heard the hayward police department obtained a search warrant as well to come out and look at the property. they are now saying a possible link between the garridos and the november 1988 abduction of michaela garrett. we have a skep of her going back to 1988. so two more cases possibly being linked to fill lyphillip and na garrido and as you heard from the hayward police department, they're going to be bringing in some special equipment to survey the backyard there, in addition to the yard next to the garridos home because they had access over that yard for a number of years as well. they're going to be basically looking for anymore clues, possibly human remains, bones,
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and will be looking at the next couple of days, so we'll keep you updated on these two other cases of young girls disappearing in the past -- since 1988, actually and if they're indeed linked to the garridos. also this is just in, the new swine flu vaccine has received fda approval, health secreta secretary kathleen sebelius says that vaccine could be released in the next month. more than 9,000 people have been hospitalized and worldwide more than 2,800 people have died from that virus. some 254,000 others have been infected. secretary sebelius says the bulk of the new vaccine will start arriving october 15 and it should eventually be available
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at 90,000 sites around the country. hail to the chief, your questions on the economy, health care, unemployment, we're going to take them straight to the white house senior advisor live right after the break. when we spend a billion dollars a day buying foreign oil... we don't just waste our money... we put our economy in the hands of hostile nations. we let big oil make record profits... while we struggle. and we lose new energy jobs, r9that go overseas. but we can take charge of our economy... by passing strong clean energy legislation. 1.7 million new american jobs. less carbon pollution. and a cleaner america for our children.
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it's time for clean american energy.
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live talk on the economy from the president today. but did he answer your questions? jared bernstein joining us ely from the white house to answer al of your questions. and jared, i'll get to all of them but real quickly any update you want to share about the vice president there in iraq? we of course reported the attack on the international zone. is he safe? is he sound? >> i don't have any comments on the vice president's trip to iraq, but for sure safe and sound. >> good deal. let's get right to the questions. this tweet coming from sun devil sal wanting to know, ask the economic advisor why jobless rate is 9.7% when president said it wouldn't go past 8%. and also ask why the deficit is now at 9 trillion fr$9 trillion trillion? go ahead, jared. >> good question from sun.
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the forecast by the white house for the unemployment rate right now, after a mid session review from a couple of weeks ago, is actually about 10% later this year, around 9.7% right now. so we're just about where the unemployment rate. the 8% comes from an earlier forecast that the white house made back in last december and january before we really had the kind of information we needed to recognize how deeply the economy had fallen into recession. back then, 8% was the mid range forecast among the professional forecasters, so that was right in the middle. after the economy kind of fell off a cliff, we're looking at of course higher rates and that's what we forecast. i think the important point there is thanks to the recovery act, that number is going to come down faster than it would
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have otherwise. the reason why we're looking at such large deficits are twofold. we were met with a $1.7 trillion deficit when we unlocked the doors to that building right behind me. and we also had the biggest deficit since the great depression. >> this viewer via twitter asked jared what will it take to reduce unploemt i where are are energy jobs and why is the recession deepening? >> let me just tackle why is the recession deepening, the recession is becoming less severe. the economy was contracting at a rate faster than 6% earlier this year and private sector forecasts and ben bernanke
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mentioned this today, he suggested that maybe the economy is expanding in a gdp sense, from the perspective of the president and the vice president, it's all about jobs, wages and income, and we're not there yet. as far as energy jobs go, that's a really important part of the recovery act. about 1/3 of the recovery act is obligated or spent out at this point. that means there's about 2/3 left. and much of that spending focuses on energy efficiency, on investments in solar, wind, hydroelectric, high speed rail, the smart grid, advanced battery technology, that's going to spin off lots of good, nontradeable jobs in the energy sector. >> china owns a lot of usa debt. will we ever be able to take them off the most favored nation status so they will have to compete fairly? >> i think the important point there is there are rules of the
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road in terms of trade and competition between countries and china, most typicalliedy e e adheres to those rules as do our other trading partners. i suspect what prompted this question is the most recent case about the exports of chinese tire store companies. we have institutions in place that do the kinds of investigations to make sure that those rules of the road are adhered to. and in this case, it's the international trade commission looked at that case, recognized that there was a surge in chinese exports that disrupted our markets and recommend appropriate action. the president has weighed in on this. and i think we're going to continue to have free, open, very successful trade flows between us and all of our trade partners.
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>> we certainly hope. jared bernstein, good to see you. he says don't call me hero, but that's just what john finn is, he was at pearl harbor the day the u.s. was attacked. he tells you what he did to be honored with the nation's highest medal.
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they were simply doing their jobs, american servicemen and women risking their lives and often dying to save their buddies for their uncommon bravery in combat. some were awarded medals. here's barbara starr with the story of one who didd make it
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home. >> reporter: on this wind swept hillside just north of san diego, california, one man's lifetime of treasures. >> i have never been much of a sickly guy, in fact the only time i ever went to the hospital was after december 7. >> reporter: december 7, 1941, the day pearl harbor was attacked by japan. john finn was there serving in the navy he loved. john enlisted as soon as he turned 17. the year, 1926. we'll do the math for you. john finn just turned 100. he lives here on what he calls his ranch recalling in detail the day that still lives in infamy. >> the morning of the attacks, see the japs got there early and they rudely awakened us and they kicked the living hell out of us and burned us all up. and then left. see. they didn't hang around there.
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that jap admiral, he knew his business, he went there to do one thing and he did it. >> reporter: john was an order nance specialist, within minute, he was manning a machine-gun, a one-man counter attack. >> there were japanese fighter pilots, i can remember seeing some cases where i can see their faces. >> reporter: john suffered multiple wounds to his hand, arm, and foot. but he refuseded to leave. >> medical help comes later. if you're busy shooting a machine-gun or a rifle or a pistol or doing anything, you can't worry about getting medical attention. my job was right there and it was -- it was all i had to do was wait. and at some point during that
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attack, there would come an opportunity to me to actually shoot at a japanese plane. >> reporter: for his actions that day, john finn received the medical of honor, the nation's highest military recognition. his citation details how, after being ordered to get first aid, he returned to the fight, obviously suffering much pain and moving with great difficulty, he returned to the squadron area and actively supervised the rearming of returning claims. but the nation's oldest living medal of honor recipient, recently assisted by the young president of the united states, bristles at the notion he was a hero. >> that hero stuff is a bunch of crap, i guess. it is one thing that i think any man that is in that -- you got to be in the position, you got
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to understand that there's all kinds of heroes, but they never get a chance to be in the heroes position. >> okay, barbara starr, i think we all fell in love with john finn today, tell us about these other recipients there at the medal of honor reception. >> reporter: we're here at soldier field in chicago where there are about 50 living medical of honor recipients, veterans world war ii, vietnam and korea. but want today's heroes? a number of medal of honors have been awarded posthumously to men who risked their lives above and beyond the call of duty in afgh


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