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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  September 15, 2009 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT

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but there's not live medical of honors awardees from the wars in iraq and afghanistan. we'll see you back here tomorrow, rick sanchez picks it up from here. we have several cnn teams drilling down right now on exactly what was found in the new york city terror raids. congress has been briefed. so we're talking to them. congress also voting to discipline joe wilson for his admitted incivility. >> the reforms i'm proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally. >> you lie! >> but was wilson right? did the president lie and what's wilson's connection to white supremaci supremacists? is he a shakedown artist as accused? >> governor blagojevich has taken us to a truly new low.
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>> or is he just a politician taking us to new lows. speaking of fire works, is that a bus on fire? rolling down the freeway? that's a talker. your national conversation for tuesday, september 15, 2009 begins right now. and hello, again, everybody, i'm rick sanchez with the next generation of news. and as you know, this is a conversation not a speech and we have several opportunities to get involved. this is a search that's going on now, there's news coming out of this. it's been going on for the last hour or so at the home of kidnapping suspect phillip garrido and his wife in california and we're going to be all over that for you in just a little bit. but first at this hour, the u.s. house of representatives may be reprimanding one of its
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own. the republican -- may be smacked down of sorts by his own colleagues. it's called officially a resolution of disapproval. here what at least one congressman disa3r06s off. this is a democrat from georgia, he's addressing this matter just about an hour ago. >> it did not help the because of diversity and tolerance with his remarks. if i were a betting man, i would say that it instigated more racist sentiment feeling that it's okay, you don't have to bury it now. you can bring it out and talk about it fully. and so i guess we'll probably have folks putting on white
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hoods and white uniforms again and riding through the countryside intimidating people. and, you know, that's the logical conclusion if this kind of attitude is not rebuked. and that congressman wilson represents it, he's the face of it. and that's why i support the resolution. >> guys in white hoods and he's the face of it. strong words, as strong as we have heard yet. by the way, congressman johnson went on to say that this whole thing would never have happened if president obama were white. that's what he said. we're drilling down on this resolution. also, we have got some new information that we have learned about congressman wilson himself. that's coming up in just a few minutes. so stay right there.
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but first, back to the story i just mentioned a little while ago. you know the names, phillip and nancy garrido, that's a sex offender and his wife, accused of abducting a little girl in 11 1991 and holding her for 13 years. let me let you listen to just a little bit of what police said probably about 15, 20 minutes ago. >> cannot say that the garridos are with certainty suspects in this case, but certainly we have been unable to eliminate them as suspects in the case. phillip garrido was not in custody at the time of eileen's disappear and in fact had been released only a few months prior to eileen's disappear. >> mike brooks is good enough to join us now, he's been follow up on this story. this thing doesn't seem to have an ending. >> no, it doesn't. >> how deep is this hole? >> we don't know.
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who knows? they're talking now, rick, about two more abductions, one of a 9-year-old girl in 1989 and one of a 13-year-old girl in 1989. the reason they're back at the property, apparently from witness statements and everything else they have been able to find -- >> let's look at that property, because we have got some pictures that they have been taking over the last hour or so. and you said this looks like what. >> it looks like a superfun site. if i were one of the crime scene investigators, i would be out there in atyvex suit. i am seeing dogs, they have been out there raking along the fence line of his property and also an adjacent property. getting back to the two girls, apparently there was a lookout in the vehicles that were involved in the 1988 and 1989 abduction that's similar to the car on the property that they
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were able to link to jaycee's case. i tell you what, if i'm an evidence technician, i've got that car back at the lab, i'm going over that, they have got special forensic vacuum cle cleaners, hair, fiber and look at the dna capability that we have now that we didn't have at that time. they might be able to glean some evidence from building on the side. and we don't know what other witnesses have told them about other things that went on on that site. >> maybe even bodies that could be buried in that man's backyard. it's a crypt of sorts and it's probably what this whole story is going to end up revofling around, how do they secure this place? what's to keep somebody from
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going in it? >> since they haven't technically released it as a crime scene, because of the plethora of evidence that could be there in other cases, they probably have kept officers there to keep people out of the backyard and out of the house. but you and i talked about this right from the beginning, we haven't heard the end of this and there could be other cases involved and now we're hearing about the 1988 and 1989. >> not a surprise. >> not a surprise at all. who in the world is going on right now with those terrorism related raids in new york city. listen to who's now involved in this, the cia, the fbi, what's the threat at the bottom of all this? that's what you want to know. that's the apartment right there, it's in flushing meadows, queens, that's where authorities knocked down a door with a search warrant yesterday. and several people have
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afghanistan have been taken into custody. but what exactly were they doing? we're told that congress was going to be brief and we're trying to get that part of the story covered for you. drew griffin, what -- it almost seems like we were told yesterday that there was some kind of very important raid and investigation going on. and the information was so important that congress was going to be briefed on this. and since then, it's really been a quit question mark. what have you found out? >> let me tell you why and i just got off the phone with one of my sources. these investigations are always touchy and i'm glad mike brooks is here. do you watch them and wait? or do you jump in and get them? there's indications now we're getting that maybe one of the organizations involved did jump the gun on this and move too quickly, which is why it didn't come together. . >> who are we talking about though? who are these people whose homes we raided? >> afghan nationals who are
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described to us as being part of a cell, that had a target in mind and that the information was is that they were planning a somewhat large, 9/11 type attack, at least this was what the plan was and there was information that there may have been either bomb components or parts or devices that would have been in these locations where the raids took place. >> that's alarming. >> that is quite alarming u which is why you saw the manpower, which is why you saw the rush job on this, which is whooo! why that perhaps one of the agencies jumped quickly. one of the things we're getting from the fbi is that the fbi was spooked by this. >> possibly too quickly? >> let's bring in the cop, because the question is how long do you sit on it? >> it's very difficult, especially when you're gathering intelligence. and drew and i have been working our leads on this.
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it's very difficult to go ahead and pull the trigger and go ahead and execute these search war rampbts, when they feel that evidence could be destroyed and officers and possibly the public's lives could be in danger. one of the things i find very interesting, rick, is they put out a bulletin, just late yesterday, called ongoing terrorists interests in home made explosives. it basically starts out, in light of the ongoing investigation in new york city, so we're talking about basically two types of explosives. tatp and hmtp. >> i'm glad you had to say that and not me. >> they are, the explosives used that we saw back in 2005 in the london subway bombings and if you remember the shoe bomber, richard reid, he was trying to light his tennis shoes. >> here's what i want to know,
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guys. we don't want another case where our government ends up looking like they got egg on their face, arresting guys that really were doing absolutely nothing. >> they wouldn't have been arrested then. >> then why are we talking about this? >> why are we talking about this because you've got 30 agents barging up the stairs of an apartment building in queens. it's not like you're going to hide in. >> but you're telling me that they have been not been able to identify any explosives? >> you just can't get a search warrant, you have to have probable cause and it has to be signed by a judge. so you can't just get a piece of paper and say i've i'm going to go to this guy's apartment. there was an ongoing investigation, there was one target, one particular target, my sources tell me they were looking at. that flew from the united
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states to new york a states -- >> do both of your sources indicate that this is the real deal that eventually we're going to find snout. >> they said this was the real deal, this was not informant based or some of the other kind of investigations we have seen, you're familiar with. >> lackawanna, miami and all these other places. >> this was the real deal, they had concrete evidence that it was going on. in fairness, so they broke off cell and that cell scattered. maybe that is a good thing. maybe that is a good thing. >> sometimes you're right. >> in the end. >> you're absolutely right. thanks to you and thanks to you, we'll stay on top of this story. meanwhile, this. i heard from the later shift that they wanted me to contact the white house and state that my statements were inappropriate, i did. i'm very grateful. >> that's what he said right after, the following day. now is congress about to discipline joe wilson and who really is joe wilson?
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what are his ties, for example to white supremacist groups. rod blagojevich, shakedown artist or typical politician? now his white house advisor has apparently died. did it have anything to do with the scandal that's surrounding blagojevich, the former governor is going to join us here later on in the show and i'm going to ask him those most difficult questions. when you're sick, you go to the doctor for answers. and when you hear scary rumors about
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health insurance reform being a big government takeover... doctors have the answer again. according to the american medical association, "the health reform plans being debated in congress ensure that health care decisions will be made by you and your doctor--no one else." you choose your own doctor, make your own decisions and you can't be dropped if you get sick, or denied coverage for a pre-existing condition. that's a long way from a government takeover. and what about the claims that health reform will cut medicare benefits? "false" says the non-partisan health reform maintains and even expands benefits for seniors and focuses on preventing illness before it strikes. our health care is too important for scare tactics, you deserve the truth. learn more at the ♪ ♪ which one's me - for a cool convertible or an suv? ♪
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♪ too bad i didn't know my credit was whack ♪ ♪ 'cause now i'm driving off the lot in a used sub-compact. ♪ ♪ f-r-e-e, that spells free credit report dot com, baby. ♪ ♪ saw their ads on my tv ♪ thought about going but was too lazy ♪ ♪ now instead of looking fly and rollin' phat ♪ ♪ my legs are sticking to the vinyl ♪ ♪ and my posse's getting laughed at. ♪ ♪ f-r-e-e, that spells free- credit report dot com, baby. ♪ welcome back. ike i'm rick sanchez. congress is considering a
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smackdown of joe bill son, an official reprimand for his admitted incivility. it's called a resolution of disapproval for, of course, this. >> there are also those who claim that our reform efforts would insure illegal immigrants. this too is false. the reforms -- the reforms i'm proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally. >> you lie! >> that's not true. >> boy, the president was really taken aback by that, we didn't know what it was then, since we have found out. it's not about wilson's behavior though, it's also important to fact check these stories, why was he angry, for example, did the president of the united states actually lie? will illegal immigrants be part of health care reform? these are important questions. there's also another part of this story, the part that says
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when you thrust yourself into the public conversation, you open yourself up your past. and if you're involved with a group that includes white supremacists in it's leadership, then your 15 minutes of fame gets extended, as in after this commercial break. i've seen first hand how america's dependence on foreign oil threatens our national security. billions in oil profits finding their way
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to the terrorists we're fighting against. that's why washington needs to pass clean energy legislation. it will create good jobs, cut carbon pollution, and stop sending our dollars overseas to be used against us. call your senators, tell them to pass the clean energy bill. it's not just a question of american energy, it's a question of american power.
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a baby has just been rescued and there it is. these pictures are from justouts of oklahoma city. there's been an amber alert issued for this child who was apparently abducted from the home. this is 1-year-old bo shannon. this is kwtv. we thank them for their the picture. antoinette shannon is said to be off of medications and the child is considered to be in danger throughout the day. but here's the good news. well, the picture tells us the good news. the child has been found, the child has been rescued, the
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child is now in the arms of that police officer. again, 1-year-old bo shannon has been rescued and there's the picture as we look at it from just outside oklahoma city. we'll stay on top of that story for you. meanwhile we're waiting for the house of representatives to vote this afternoon on a resolution of disapproval against congressman joe wilson he's the one who shouted "you lie" during the president's address on health care last week. he apatrol ja patropologized to but now the house wants him to apologize again. wilson did speak on the house floor, but it wasn't an apology, he claims that the proposal would provide health care to illegal immigrants. that's his complaint. guess what? we found that wilson voted back in 2003 for something very similar that may have actually done what he's accusing the obama administration of doing now. so let's get to the record,
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shall we? according to, wilson voted for the drug improvement and modernization act of 2004. that act included a provision that does reimburse hospitals for treating illegal immigrants. wilson voted for that measure. again, democrats in congress want to reprimand wilson, not for that, but for his outburst, here again, is a representative. his name is hank johnson, he is convinced and listen carefully to his words, because they're rather strong. he is convinced that wilson should be reprimanded. >> it did not help the cause of diversity and tolerance with his
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remarks. if i were a betting man, i would say that it instigated more racist sentiment feeling that it's okay, you don't have to bury it now, you can bring it out and talk about it fully. and so i guess we'll probably have folks putting on white house hoods and whitedown forms again and riding through the countryside intimidating people. and, you know, that's the logical conclusion if this kind of attitude is not rebuked. and congressman willson represents it, he's the face of it. and that's why i support the resolution. >> that's why he supports the
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resolution, which should let you know that not all democrats in congress are supporting the resolution. some say you should just let it go. here's some other information on wilson that may be salient to this story. as it turns out, wilson has been a member of the group called the sons of the confederate history. they want to conserve the history of the con federal leaders. but up until 2006, this group -- slaves in pictures as happy. slave traders, slave traders they depicted as benevolent. the southern party law group says that the sons of c confederates has been largely dominated by white supremacists.
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what about the accusation that the president is lying. this too is important. we want to fact check that for you. listen again to what the president said. >> there are also those who claim that our reform efforts would insure illegal immigrants. this too is false. the reforms -- the reforms i'm proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally. >> you lie! >> that's the argument. again, here's wilson, backing down on the lack of civility, but not backing down on the accusation that the president lied. let's listen to this again. >> last night, i heard from the leadership that they wanted me to contact the white house and state that my statements were inappropriate, i did. i'm very grateful. >> is he right? well, we checked and we found that there were amendments that included illegal immigrants.
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there were. were, keyword there. they were defeated. so they're no longer there. so what is in this bill in question now? one of the bills, what is the exact wording of h.r. 3200 as it pertains to health care coverage for illegal immigrants. nothing in the provision shall allow federal payments on behalf of individuals who are not louisville present in the united states. by the way that's section 246. if you want to look for it yourself. that wording overrides anything else in the bill. so when you come to section 152 for example, that all health care and related services coffered by this act shall provided without regard to personal characteristics, yes, that may be true of tall people or asians or little people. but not illegal immigrants, why? because section 246 says except
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as otherwise permitted by this act and where is it otherwise not permitted by this act? let me read it to you again, let me take you back to resolution 246. nothing shall allow federal payments on behalf of individuals who are not lawfully present in the united states. now let's be really complete be this. will illegal immigrants still be treated in hospitals, for example, even if they don't get coverage? will they be treated when they're injured for example. and we found that the president of the united states did answer that question when asked by a talk show host. >> everybody who's listening out there, when you start hearing that somehow this is all designed to provide health insurance to illegal immigrants, that is simply not true and has never been the case. >> what is their fate, if i might ask, because there's a 1986 law on the book, that says if you show up in an e.r. you've got to be treated. >> that will continue because we don't want a situation in which some child, even if they're
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illegal immigrant shows up in an emergency room with tuberculosis, and nobody's givi giving them treatment and then they're going back to the playground and playing with our kids. >> we decided that you should know the facts of this story. by the way, was congressman wilson uncivil? or maybe worse? some on both sides of the isle agree that he was. the next question is was he wrong? the facts as we have seen them and looked into them seem to indicate that, yes, he was and that may be even more important. since baby stevie has become the jesus freak, it's not easy. >> stephen baldwin wants you to know if you can't pay your mortgage, neither can he. and he shares a few other tidbits with us about his family. he says he wants to, by the way,
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pay his mortgage, get out of foreclosure so what's the issue? we'll tell you. and kanye west is going to explain to us what he was thinking when he decided to have his own moment of incivility at the mtvs. and rod blagojevich is going to join me live, right here in 20 minutes. stay with me for that and the after show. woman: two things we love to share in our house?
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football and farm rich cheese sticks. well, try to share at least. announcer: with unbeatable prices onarm rich cheese sticks-- game time costs less at walmart. save money. live better. walmart.
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welcome back, i don't know if you have heard, but kanye west called taylor swift today to apologies, and well he should have, most would argue. you know, for interrupting taylor swift at the mtv music awards. west admitted his behavior was rude. so this morning, taylor swift was asked about the incident. and here's what she said. >> any overall thought process went something like, wow, i can't believe i won, this is awesome, don't trip and fall, i'm going to get to thank the fans, this is so cool. oh, kanye west is here. you know, i'm not going to say that i wasn't rattled by it. but i had to perform live five minutes later, so i had to get myself back to the place where i could perform. >> after the break, we're going
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to be hearing from another celebrity, stephen baldwin is going to tell us what it was like to face bankruptcy, just like so many other americans. stay right there and don't forget about blagojevich. that's fun to say. geico's been saving people money on car insurance for over 70 years. and who doesn't want value for their dollar?
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got a couple of comments here on that joe wilson story we reported to you a couple of minutes ago. let's go to the twitter board as part of our national conversation. joe wilson is full of it and is very disrespectful to president obama. people will always remember what he said. and right under that -- i lost my place, i have no idea how i
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did this, but it was done in all sincerity. we'll try it again. there it is, go back, wilson could take a lesson from williams and west, i suppose he's referring to serena and kanye who apologized for being rude. coming back, actor stephen baldwin is going through what millions of americans are going through too. foreclosure. and he's experiencing many of the same road blocks as you are trying to get out of it. someone we don't usually consider just an average american, but in this case, given what he's going through, maybe he is. >> i'm hearing from so many americans, stephen that they're
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trying to do what they can and the system is -- >> i'll give you an example, boy to my mortgage company, and i say, look, i'm at this percentage of interest rate, when i bought the house ten years ago. here's the numbers, everybody thinks i've got this going on, but i'm really struggling so can we do this because i don't have to have any problems with foreclose your. they said, no. i said, wait a minute, did you receive any bailout money for my situation? we're not telling you, so we have a dysfunctional situation. >> so you're willing to deal with them? >> i had to. >> in good faith? >> i have said to them and anybody else i owe money to, i want to pay you, but let me structure it in such a way that i can do it and not say something and not keep a promise that i want to make for the future. unfortunately, which is what happened to a lot of people. you have mortgage companies, the
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irs, all these people saying, no, no, we want you to do this, and it's really not something that people can do and they're committing to it and then nine months later they break that commitment and it's a problem again. what i want to say to people is this, don't try to go it alone, ask for help, seek counsel, do what you've got to do to ensure the best situation you can have in the next three to five years because it's going to get better. >> i asked him how did you get in this situation to begin with? i mean owing $1.4 million here, $1.3 million. and i asked about alec baldwin. this is a great interview, we're going to show you both parts of that interview later on in this week and you'll also be able to see it on my blog,
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that's not me talking, that's somebody else. that's a bus rolling down the street completely engulfed in flames. what? stick around, it's just one of many parts of fotos. remember this guy? the iraqi journalist who threw his shoes at president bush, he got a hero's welcome today when he got released from prison. and a man named chris kelley is dead, although now he's being put together with another big story. he's a close friends and fund-raiser of rod blagojevich. did he have this death, this possible suicide have anything to do with the blagojevich scandal? i'm going to ask the former governor, he's going to be joining me live, this promises to be an electric interview. and the after show continues at 4:00 p.m. on
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welcome back. look, they're celebrating in baghdad. why are these people happy? they're friends and loved ones of this man. let's show the video once again. you've probably seen it plend of times. this is new video, he spent nine months for throwing his shoes at then president bush. he walked out of that baghdad prison wearing shoes, we can only presume. he was sentenced to a year, but authorities let him out today for good behavior. his brother says he's leaving iraq on a private plane to greece for medical treatment. do you think he'll go back to iraq? i don't think so. there's the video that you
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probably remember of the day that he actually will never forget. that's part of the story we have been following for you today. by the way, when we come back, we're going do introduce you to the former governor of illinois. [ telephone rings ]
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that can nourish deep down. it's the most effective natural nourishment ever. new dove deep moisture with nutriummoisture. superior natural nourishment for your skin. nch. is it really much adieu about nothing that a professional athlete got mad and cursed during a sporting event? guess what, today there's another one that tops fotos. oh, my god, roger federer cursed at the chair umpire after
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he disagreed with his opponent last night at the u.s. open championship. here's the exchange. >> he's considering a challenge, it's too late now. should bnn't be allowed that mu time. >> i have to chance late after two seconds, the guy takes a ten every time. >> the view reveals that it was out. >> do you have any rules there? don't show him your hand. don't tell me to be quiet, okay? when i talk, i talk. i don't give a sooep sooep what he said. i don't give a [ bleep ] what he said. what do you do when you're a bank vice president and have access to an ocean front mansion on malibu, that your own bank took over. can minute say party? that's what a bank president is
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accused of doing, it's a $12 billion home that no one is living in right now. there's one problem, but the lady next door, she wondered why somebody was living in the home on the weekends. have you ever seen anything remotely resembling this. oh, a bus, it's an fire. an amateur cameraman caught this view of a bus on fire. it's like the movie speed, with none of the bad acting. but in this case, there's no one on board because the driver got out and got everyone else out just in time. he is accused among other things of trying to sell a u.s. senate seat. and that's just one of the charges. i'm going to go one-on-one with former illinois governor rod blagojevich, and wolf blitzer
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has some announcements to share today. we'll be back with him as well.
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about a year ago, we created something new, it was the marriage of main stream and new media. we call it our own national conversation. now we're taking it even a step furred. beyond twitter, beyond facebook, beyond myspace. i'm asking you who want to come and visit us and be part of this show to do so, it's called inside the conversation. it's a tour that they have started here at cnn. if you want to do it, all you got to do is call this number to get the facts and information. call 877-4cnn-tour.
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guess who i'm going to now. the team did last night, that debacle where they lost a game they should have won, i would, wolf. >> it was so sad. the bills were up by 11 points, the buffalo bills, with 5:00 to go, and the new england patriots won. what -- what's wrong with this picture? >> it's called shooting yourself in the foot. hey, i understand you're going to join this whole social media craze now. >> i'm following in your footsteps, rick. guess what? >> what? >> say what? >> what? what have you got? >> i'm on twitter as of yesterday. i just started tweeting, and it's -- it's a lot of fun. >> it's fantastic. did you tweet about the game, by the way? >> i didn't dweet about that. i did tweet about zz top who came to see me here yesterday in "the situation room." >> do we have a picture? >> we've got a picture that's up
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there as well, so we're just starting right now. in people want to read my tweets, very easy. just go to, all one word,, and you can start reading all of my tweets. >> that's fantastic. love you like a brother. appreciate it. >> it's all your fault. >> bills and dolphins, back next week. don't you worry. >> i love the dolphins and love the bills but the bills a little bit more. >> figured you'd say that. rod blagojevich is going to be joining me in just a little bit, and you can expect that there will be some fireworks when he and i confront each other about his accused shenanigans, shall we say. there's a lot to talk about, not to mention breaking news about chris kelly. we'll have that. stay right there. so, what do you think?
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- preferred package. - good choice. only meineke let's you choose your service, choose your savings. like an oil change for just $19.95. meineke. welcome back. rod blagojevich as governor screwed up. why? well, he says if he had made himself a united states senator which he was allowed to legally do after barack obama won the white house, everything would have been different today. that's what he says and wrote in his book that i read last night, but he didn't do that. what he did do, that's today's breakthrough.
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let's begin with the accusations. they were shocking the first time, and they make the governor look like a nasty shakedown artist. as described here by prosecutor patrick fitzgerald. >> this is a sad day for government. it's a very sad day for illinois government. governor blagojevich has taken us to a truly new low. he attempted to sell the senate seat, the senate seat he had the sole role under illinois to appoint to replace president obama. john harris, his chief of staff, schemed to send a message to the "chicago tribune" that if the "tribune" company wanted to sell itsfield wrigley field in order to complete a business venture the price of doing so was to fire certain editors, including one editor by name. there's a hospital, children's memorial hospital believing that is getting $8 million, but its ceo has not coughed up a
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campaign contribution, and the thought that that money may get pulled back from a children's memorial hospital is something that you cannot abide. >> joining me now from new york, rod blagojevich. mr. blagojevich, thank you for being with us, sir. >> thanks for having me, rick. thank sxlu first, let's talk about chris kelly. he was your adviser, just died over the weekend. lots of stories floating around out there. what can you tell us? >> well, chris was a very good friend of mine, and i'm feeling a very deep sadness deep inside because he took his life and left behind three little girls and a wife. he had done some things wrong unrelated to me. he was involved in some issues at o'hare airport in the daley administration. he went to court. he acknowledged his wrongdoing, and as a result he was about -- on the eve of apparently beginning a jail sentence. it's -- it appears that there's a pattern emerging, and that is that my accusers were not
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satisfied with the jail sentence that he had in those cases, and they were putting pressure on him, offering possibly to reduce his sentence. i've been told that by lawyers, if he would lie about me. he chose to tell the truth, refused to lie about me, accepted his wrongdoing and his took his life. >> wait a minute. are you saying or intimating that the pressure put on him by fitzgerald and his gang is what led this man to take his own life? >> i -- i don't know the answer to that. i'm simply putting together as they have emerged through published reports and things that have been told to me by lawyers. i know, for example, the kind of pressure that prosecutors put in place, and this one in particular. there's a fellow by the name of tony res cowho did some wrong things, a mutual supporter and former friend of both poeb mao and mine. >> which you say in my book you wish you never met him. >> now that i know who he is i
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do. he wrote a letter to a federal judge saying those prosecutors were pressuring him to lie about barack obama and about me. he wrote in that letter that he would not do so and that neither one of us were involved in any wrongdoing, but then he was convicted of crimes that i didn't know about or president obama didn't know about and as a result was put in a jail sentence, i'm told again by lawyers, for 23 out of 24 hours a day where they got him to change his story, and now to make some false accusations against me. what is really troubling is this pattern with that prosecutor at that press conference you just alluded to where he takes snippets of conversations from secretly recorded taped conversations, misleads the public and mutilates the truth when he says he was stopping a crime spree before it happened when in fact the morning before on those very telephones i directed my chief of staff, who my first choice for the senate was, and it was a routine political deal that would create 3,500,000 jobs, expand health care for thousands of people and not raise taxes on people. >> that's madigan.
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>> that's correct. >> i get it. i've read every word of your book and careful to see -- take to you page 175. you say this prosecutor, i emergency you're talking about fitzgerald, right? >> yes. >> this prosecutor is so concerned about his own standing he willfully conducts prosecutions and investigations that cause great injustice. the same prosecutor is the one who accused me of trying to sell barack obama's seat for personal gain, but that accusation is completely and entirely false. here we've got fitzgerald who our viewers just heard moments ago saying you were trying to sell his seat, and i hear you here accusing this prosecutor of making all this up, and further, if i move on in this book, by the way, and i don't want to take up too much of your time, but you go on to say if anybody was trying to get the seat sold, it was the other side trying to get you to sell it. >> well, the book is truthful. everything i wrote in the book is truthful. i want to say something to you, rick, and it's very important. someone is lying here. someone is lying here, and it's either a crime spree selling a senate seat for financial gain and that is flat out false, or
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it's what i just said. the truth is in taped conversations. i believe everyone should hear those tapes. i've advocated that since january. my accuser who took conversations from those tapes is the one who went to court preventing me from telling you what's on them and preventing you, the media, from hearing it. >> but it sounds like everybody was coming to you and trying to do it. listen to this, on page 179. marilyn matts, she indicated if i appointed valerie jarrett to the u.s. senate the obama people would help me raise money from their network of contributors across the country, which is interesting. the fact remains, you write, that people approached us about campaign contributions if i appointed them or the person they were supporting. you're turning the whole thing around in the book saying people were doing deals with me. i wasn't shaking people down. it's more like they were shaking me down. do you stand by that? >> you're absolutely right i stand by that. i didn't shake anybody


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