tv CNN Newsroom CNN September 16, 2009 1:00pm-3:00pm EDT
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benefits because they are simply too expensive, and more americans filed for bankruptcy because of high medical bills. that's why it's time to act, and that's why this is our moment in history. this is our chance to reform health care in america. we cannot let this opportunity pass. last week president obama laid out what he believes are the key criteria for reform. it should provide more security and stability for those with health insurance today. it should expand coverage to those who don't. it should slow the growth of health care costs. and it should keep insurance companies honest. the chairman's mark i'm releasing today delivers on these critical reforms. it delivers on the vision for meaningful health care reform.
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i share with president obama and millions of americans of all stripes that goal. it meets the criteria laid out by president obama, and it could achieve our common goals for health care reform. it reflects months of work and more than a year of preparation by our committee. it represents an effort to reach common ground and a real chance for health care reform, and it is balanced, a commonsense bill that can pass the senate. achieving real reform needs that we need to hold insurance industry accountable, and that's why we're presenting this package, and that's exactly what this package does. it provides competition, holds insurance companies accountable and ensures americans have real choices when they buy insurance. our mark ensures choice and competition in the health
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insurance market so every american can find quality, affordable coverage that cannot be taken away. it protects those with pre-existing conditions. it's very important. it prevents insurance companies from discriminating and capping coverage, and it requires insurance companies to sell and renew a policy to anyone who applies, so long as the policyholder pays their premium in full. our package makes clear that if you like your doctor, your health plan today, you can keep them. it delivers affordable coverage to tens of millions of americans and reduces costs and expands options for millions more. it increases the focus on prevention and wellness. it begins to shift the focus of our health care delivery system to the quality of care provided, not quantity of services provided. it protects medicare and makes the medicare program stronger, to ensure future generations can benefit.
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for seniors, it lowers prescription drug costs dramatically. for small business, it establishes a new marketplace to shop for coverage and tax credits to help make benefits affordable again. in fact, the congressional budget office estimates that our reforms will significantly reduce costs for individuals and group markets. for the uninsured, our package guarantees immediate access to quality, affordable coverage. it is fiscally responsible. it reduces the deficit within ten years, and it controls health care spending in the long run. we've done everything imaginable to get the most generous, most affordable coverage that we could within president obama's target of $900 billion. there are honest and principled differences among all of us working for reform, and this package may not represent all of our first choices, but at the
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end of the day, we all share a common purpose, that is, to make the lives of americans better tomorrow than they are today and to get health care reform done, which means the time to come for action is now, and we will act. we will act to pass health reform legislation this year. next week the finance committee will do its part to help expand coverage. we will do our part to control costs, and we'll do our part to work closely with president obama to deliver health care reform for the american people. i look forward to the efforts of my colleagues on the committee to make this an even better b l bill. i also look forward to working with leader reid and chairman harkin and dodd and the rest of my colleagues on the health committee, so we can merge our bill quickly with theirs. this is a good bill. this is a balanced bill. it can pass the senate.
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and i look forward to making sure that we have an even better bill that passes with even a larger margin. thank you. [ inaudible question ] -- actually delayed this much to the chagrin of the white house and the leadership who said that you wanted to have [ inaudible ] and how disappointed are you, and do you really honestly think that you will get the public -- >> i believe i have an obligation to work as diligently, as hard as i can, to try to get the most broad-based bill possible, because after all, the american people want us i think in washington to work together, republican and democrats. they don't like all the partisanship that's going on. i also think a bipartisan approach is more durable, it's more sustainable. it will generally mean better policy. so, i worked very hard to try to
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get that bipartisan support. and i think that we will get it. that is, i think that certainly by the time the finance committee in this room votes on final passage for health care reform, there will be republican support. no republican has offered his or her support at this moment, but i think by the time we get the final passage in this committee, you'll find republican support. this is a bill that should enjoy broad support. it is commonsense, balanced bill. i think this bill -- i know this bill will pass. it certainly is a bill that can pass. and the choice now is up to those on the other side of the aisle whether they want to work for it or not. we work very hard to make this balanced, and that's really what it comes down to. >> the bill doesn't provide a long-term fix for the sgr? >> sgr will be addressed by the senate this year.
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there's no doubt in my mind about that. i mean -- >> when you say aggressively, do you mean long term? >> i can't address whether it will be one, two, three, five, six years or a permanent fixed. personally, i'd like to see sgr permanently fixed and reformed. there's no doubt that we will in this senate address the sgr. [ inaudible question ] well, that's a separate side issue. sgr is really not part of health care reform. sgr is basically what medicare pays providers, especially doctors in this case, and we'll find a way to deal with sgr. that's not an issue. we'll find a way. >> senator, several democratic members said that they have grave concerns about this bill and they feel that you made too many concessions to republicans. how concerned are you that you may not have enough democrats on your committee to pass this bill? >> there's no doubt in my mind this is a very balanced bill that's going to get various
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support. i've talked to democrats. i've talked to republicans about this bill, just intensively, and i can tell you that in those conversations, there are some who think i've not gone far enough. there are some on both sides of the aisle that think i've gone too far. and this is basically within the framework that president obama outlined in his state of the union address and made it very similar to what he suggested, and, again, i talked to senators, democrats, republicans, some think too much, too little, and i think i've come up with a good, balanced bill that can pass the senate and that will work with all those senators. clearly, this is just the early stage. first there's committee here. there will be amendments offered. there's no doubt about that. i expect some of them to be pretty good amendments, amendments that i will support. then we've got -- then we'll merge with the health committee. and, you know, there's a lot -- it will be on the floor. there's lots of opportunities here to -- but stay within the
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confines of, you know, under $900 billion and trying to find a balanced approach here, and, again, some want more. some want less. i think this is a very, very good beginning. >> senator, there was a statement that says the bill is deeply flawed -- >> i beg your pardon? >> the head of askme, has put out a statement that said it taxes health benefits and provides health plans that provide benefits for many middle-class families, in other words, the cadillac tax that you talked about. can you tell us how that came about, and how is it that you will be sure that that cost isn't going to trickle down? >> yeah, well, first, the president endorsed it in his message to the country. second, it's a measure that many of us have supported for some time or some versions of it. senator kerry in particular has been pushing that measure.
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and it's basically a tax frankly on insurance companies, and i think it's appropriate to get the fat out of the insurance companies. you know, i'm frankly proud that this bill focused on those who profited the most under our health care system, and i think they should be part of the solution. and actually, well, without getting too deep in the weeds to answer your question, the congressional budget office says that frankly the net result of all this will be a significant change in the way companies and their insurance companies provide benefits to employees, namely, there's a consequence of this, wages will be increased, offset otherwise paying health insurance benefit, and frankly, that will increase taxable income of employees. and it's -- and they, therefore,
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give it, cbo, gives it a positive score. [ inaudible question ] it's also designed -- i'm glad you asked the question, it's also designed, thank you very much, for helping to bend the cost curves. that's a main benefit. >> do you have an estimate from the cbo how many people the bill will cover in terms of the number of -- uninsured? >> that's been foremost in my mind every week if not a couple, three times a week because we don't want coverage to get too low. if coverage gets too low, then we start to no longer have the benefits of virtually universal coverage. too many people who need insurance will go get insurance, if the coverage is too low. those who don't want insurance, don't need it, the healthy, young, et cetera, won't, so you get the death spiral phenomenon if the coverage level is too low. the more coverage is up, the more we have true insurance and
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the more that's going to help assure lower premiums for all americans. i don't have the precise number right now. but it's -- i don't want to give you a number. it's in the mid-90s, mid/low 90s. it's a concern of mine. it's a point i am going to be focused on throughout the committee and as we pass health care reform. >> you have said that you don't want americans to lose their coverage, people who have it can keep it. why not have a stronger employer mandate, then, because it looks like it would be cheaper for employers just to take the tax credit as to -- >> no, in an effort to get balanced again, in an effort to get a bill that can pass, we -- i decided that it made more sense not to have the actual mandate, but for an employer that does not provide coverage, that employer will have to pay a
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penalty for not providing coverage. to discourage employers from dropping coverage. [ inaudible question ] 400 for all employees, or it's the tax credit per employee that -- that an employer may otherwise drop. it's another example of the difficulty in trying to find the right balance here, that is, on the one hand, we want employers -- we want to keep our employer-based system and we want employers to keep providing coverage for their employees. on the other hand, it's -- we've got to make sure that it's not -- insurance is not too onerous for employees and the employer is not too easily dropped coverage. so, it's trying to find the penalty and the right balance that gets to an earlier question so as not to reduce coverage very much. >> what kind of support is there amongst governors and state legislatures?
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>> you know, i frankly think that -- that this is pretty much resolved, that is, the medicaid expansion. we, our group of six, has several conversations with governors, several conference calls, one yesterday. and on the conference call yesterday with maybe a dozen governors, bipartisan, explained what the net result would be to governors under an expansion of medicaid, and essentially when you factor in the f-map rates, that is, how much uncle sam's going to pay, what portion uncle sam will pay, for the expanded population, and when you factor in other matters such as increase of the drug rebate from, say, i think it's 15% to 22% or 23%, when you factor in c.h.i.p. flexibility states will
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have, when you factor in some other provisions, on a net basis, on an average basis, throughout the country, states will see, according to the most recent calculations, 0.8, 0.9 percent increase in the state medicaid obligations over the baseline, that is, over what they otherwise paid. or definitely the baselines will cost the states on average 0.8, 0.9 percent. >> last question. >> i can take a few more. >> senator -- >> i always get that one. sorry? sorry? >> is there anything that would affect the position of -- [ inaudible ] in the bill? >> well, we're -- a key point here clearly is delivery system reform. that's a key point of this bill, and regrettably in my judgment this has been lost in most of the national debate on health care reform, that is, we have to begin to change the way that
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we're compensating providers in medicare and medicaid away from paying on the basis of quantity and volume, more toward paying on the basis of value and outcomes. and the more we can move down that road and the more quickly we can move down that road, the more quickly we're going to not only reduce costs, but this is extremely important, also increase quality. i will underline that last point. it will improve quality. if you look at all the integrated systems in our country now, and more of them are developing because most folks know this is the right approach and where we should be going in health care today. i don't care if it's kaiser, it's cleveland, it's mayo, it's intermountain, it's geisinger, one in montana, the billings clinic, where they're integrated, that is, the hospital and the physicians. in some cases the postacute
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provider are integrated in the payment systems, they're finding that their quality is increased significantly, and its costs are lower. so, we're building incentives in this bill to help groups to evolve into integrated systems, and that will get at the question of medicaid reimbursement. this is going to take time. this is not going to be accomplished overnight. but i do believe firmly that this is probably the most transformative, game-changing provision here. it will start to lower health care costs. it will start to bend the cost curve. there or they are provisions, too, that would accomplish the same objectives. but the underlying delivery system reform is i think just so critical for our country and -- >> when it comes to -- when it comes to the efforts to try to get bipartisan support, what realistic do you think you need to do in terms of actual policy changes to help get republicans on board with this? >> i think it's just continually talking, working with,
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exploring, probing, cajoling. it's just -- being creative about it. this is probably one of the largest pieces of social legislation in american history since the depression. it affects everybody in our country. it affects everybody in many different ways. it is comprehensive. it is complex. it's just -- takes time to fully fathom. put the pieces together to understand, and then make a suggestion to make it better. i also believe, as firmly, that we have a moral obligation as americans to pass meaningful health care reform this year. you know, all of us here are not going to be here forever, you know? we have a moral obligation to -- when we leave this place, to leave it in as good a shape or better shape than we found it. each of us in this room, each of us in this country, has that moral obligation. and had is our opportunity, this is our moment, to help fulfill
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that moral obligation for our kids and our grandkids to have something better than we now have. i began my statement by saying all the costs of inaction. they are just horrendous, the costs of inaction. we've got to get going here. and do you know what? i think most everybody has some sense there might be something to that. and i think a lot of my colleagues, both sides of the aisle, we're now talking specifically about the republican side of the aisle, they get that, too, understand that, too. and when -- this has a certain sense of inevitability this is going to pass. i think with that, more and more people are going to think, oh, gee, first of all, it may be the right thing to do, at least make this effort. and probably this is not too far off the track from what we need to do. so, let me work with it, see what i can do to make it better. i fully believe, as i've said many times, at the end of the day, there will be republican support for this bill. >> -- policy changes you think will need to be made? >> you know -- i will. you know, i've said this several
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times, too. essentially, we've debated this thing, we've met over 100 hours. i forgot what the total is. there are no real policy deal breakers. it's more getting more comfortable with what all this is. and i think that's what this comes down to is helping, working with it, making this -- helping centers in the country, the public, be more comfortable with what all this is. i also think much of this has to be explained to the country with greater clarity, so people have a better understanding. and i say presume erptuously, ha better comfort level. look it, there are millions of americans today that do not have health insurance. just think of that. we're going to provide an opportunity for all americans to have health insurance. there are millions of americans today who have lousy health insurance. pre-existing conditions, denial
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based on health status. no limit on out-of-pocket costs or recisions. companies put limits on coverage, you know, how many dollars they'll pay out. we're stopping all of that. just think of that for a moment. that's so important. and it's -- that's why i do think at the end of the day we're going to get significant bipartisan support and we're going to pass this. thanks, everybody, very much. thank you. all right, you heard it right there. senate finance committee chairman max baucus', answer for health care reform for america. let's break down his proposal. the first surprise is the cost. an estimated $856 billion over 10 years. that's quite a bit cheaper than baucus himself quoted just yesterday. it also makes health insurance mandatory for all americans, offering tax credits to those who couldn't otherwise afford it. it sets up exchanges where consumers can shop for the coverage they want, and it
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expands and standardizes medicaid, health care for the poor. probably the most controversial provision is for nonprofit member-owned cooperatives. in place of a government-run health plan to compete with private insurers. four other committees have already passed health bills, with no republican support. the baucus bill is the product of three months of worked by the so-called gang of six, three democrats, three republicans. but even those republicans have not yet signed on. cnn's brianna keilar joins me now to gauge the prospects for bipartisan health reform. we heard from baucus there that reiterated, you're right, no republicans, as of yet, but he says, it's still early in the game. >> reporter: could you sense how much, fredricka, he really wants that bipartisan support? he really wants republicans, certainly, to get on board here, and certainly he would have been happier today, i'm sure, if he'd had that gang of six and those three republicans and those two democrats standing by him, buying into this bill. but they haven't at this point.
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although baucus said he expects by the time of final passage, there will be some republican support. that said, you know, you want to take a look at what mitch mcconnell, the top republican, in the senate came out today and said -- he essentially blasted this plan, saying it will cut medicare, and essentially republicans have said that seniors should be fearful because of that. and democrats say, no, we're squeezing savings out of the system. that's not really true. but obviously, this is not -- this plan, even this plan that does not have a public option, the only draft or bill in congress. it does not have a public option. government-run insurance plan. it's not expected to get really wide, like really broad, support in the senate among republicans. the hope, though, is that for there to be a few maximum, that's really the expectation, fredricka. but there's also the issue of democrats. you know, there are a lot of conservative democrats in the senate, in the house, who need to be wooed, who need to be won over, and we're not sure that they are on board, at least with
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the concept of this plan at this point, fred. >> all right, brianna keilar, on capitol hill, thanks so much. appreciate that. so, this baucus bill, as brianna was just reiterating, does not have a provision for a public option, a government-run insurance plan. so, does that weaken the obama administration's argument for a public option? house speaker, nancy pelosi, weighed in, speaking exclusively to cnn, and she says, no, but -- >> if we are going to mandate health insurance for all americans, if we're going to subsidize that health care for tens of millions of people, how can we give all of these new consumers to the health insurance industry with no accountability, no competition? and no real challenge for them to honor the reforms that we have in the bill. no, we're in pretty good shape on that. all right, let's check in with our josh levs. he's doing some digging. digging deeper in the baucus plan and how it would affect you and me. so, let's talk about the cost
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first. >> yeah, we'll start off with that, it's a good idea, fred. it's interesting to check out what's going on here. i want to emphasize to everyone, it's in our blog, or linked to youtube, we encourage you to check it out. it's an initial read. it'spages long. interesting provisions about controlling cost. issuers in the individual market could vary premiums based only on the following characteristics, tobacco use, age, family composition. no other things could change what it would cost in the individual market, except they do say it could cost a different amount in different regions of the country right there. now, check this out. they say there will be a pretty simple way of understanding what your options are. four benefit categories would be available, bronze, silver, gold and platinum. and it breaks down pretty well what would be entailed in each one. another thing i looked at, though, fred, what it also might cost small businesses. a lot of people concerned about that. when we get questions about health care, that's the biggest one, small business. i want to show you here, it
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shows a tax credit for qualified small employer, for contributions to purchase health insurance for their employees. that's any business with fewer than 100 employees. so, they are offering these credits that they say would help some of the small businesses provide insurance for people. a little bit there, fred, about the cost in this potential bill, legislation. >> another contentious issue was about illegal immigrants. >> yes. >> and abortion. where are we on that? >> yeah, we got a couple things on coverage as well. let's zoom back in. i'll need the camera to come back. let's zoom in, because i want everyone to see what we have on those issues involving coverage. this explains that all citizens and legal residents would be required to purchase coverage beginning 2013. but when we go down a little further, it talks a little bit about what would happen with verifying illegal immigrants. take a look. it requires verification of the following personal data, name, social security, and the date of birth will be verified with the social security administration. now, you might look at that as pretty typical, but there are those in congress who argue this is not enough. more needs to be done to make
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sure illegal immigrants are not taking advantage of this. and, fred, you mentioned abortion. let's zoom back down. i want people to see it as well. it talks about what will happen with abortion. federal funds will be prohibited from paying for abortions unless the pregnancy is due to rape or incest or the life of the mother is in danger. what we're hearing is it does not provide for private plans that take part from providing funds for other types of abortions. that's something we've heard argued in the past. we'll probably hear more about it. >> josh levs, thanks so much. >> you got it. also, new developments in the murder on the yale university campus. we now know how annie le died. more on this developing story. canopy performance towels are designed
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all right, some news just in in the yale murder case. the connecticut medical examiner's office tells cnn that annie le died of traumatic asphyxia due to neck compression, in other words, she was strangled. the m.e. had been holding off on releasing that information at the request of the new haven police. meantime, the new haven police do say that a person of interest in le's murder has been released from custody. yale lab technician, raymond clark, was brought in late last night for questioning. investigators asked for a dna
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sample, and he complied. a few hours later, they let him go. while all that was going on, the police knocked down reports that they needed a huge manhunt to find this man. >> we've known where he was at all along. he was exactly where we expected him to be when we served the search warrants tonight. we've been with him, you might say, since we took this case over, so we've always known where he was at. there's never an issue where he was at. we've always known. >> clark works in the building where annie le was last seen and where she was doing research. the same building where the grad student's body was found stuffed behind a wall. the new haven police will hold another briefing on this case this afternoon, and we'll bring that you to live starting at 3:00 p.m. eastern time. "mail to the chief" your questions on swine flu. answered live by the top infectionerns disease expert at the centers for disease control and prevention, next hour, right here in the "cnn newsroom." so many arthritis pain relievers --
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they are the bravest of the brave, the men and women in uniform who are awarded the nation's highest military decoration, the medal of honor. we've been telling you about some. of these recipients this week. well, tomorrow, president obama will give out his first medal of honor to a massachusetts soldier killed in afghanistan. let's bring in -- we'll be having live coverage from the white house when happens. right now, let's bring in cnn's senior white house correspondent, ed henry. tell us a little bit more about sergeant 1st class jared monty. >> reporter: it's interesting, because i decided to dig deeper
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and why did president obama decide this would be the first medal of honor he would award. i went outside of boston last week and met his father, paul monty. very proud, retired schoolteacher. three years after his son was killed in afghanistan, he's still grieving. he has a garden in his backyard devoted to his son, he's still struggling with what his emotions will be tomorrow tonight. the story was basically there was a firefight in afghanistan and one of the young privates was woundzed, laying on the ground, exposed to the enemy. he decided not to go out one time but three times to try to save the young private. he was ultimately killed himself. i asked his father, what kind of, get into the character of somebody who would jump out into the battlefield and decided to save someone else. he decided to tell a story when he was stationed in ft. bragg, north carolina. he and his roommate decided to spend $500 on a dining set, table and chairs, a little thing, and then all of a sudden, this happened -- >> one day the roommate came
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home and opened the door and looked in, and the kitchen set was missing. they had just bought it, $500 kitchen set. and he was infuriated. and jared came home, and he said, jared, where's the kitchen set? jared said, well, i was at one of my soldiers' houses today, and his kids were eating dinner on the floor, and they needed the kitchen set more than we did. >> reporter: so, you could see right there, clearly, fred, it's the kind of character of the person who steps up. that's the small example of the dining set, but then on the battlefield, he makes the ultimate sacrifice. >> very generous on both fronts. so, all this taking place at the same time the president is facing a pretty tough decision about whether to send more troops to afghanistan. so, does sergeant monti's dad have any strong thoughts on that? >> reporter: he really does, because as you mentioned, just yesterday admiral mike mullen, chairman of the joint chiefs, said, we very well may need more troops going to afghanistan.
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on top of the 21,000 more that president obama sent earlier in his administration. a big debate, because you have top democrats on capitol hill warning this president we can't send more troops right now. we just can't do that. and so i asked sergeant mont's father, do you think -- you know, do you think it would be a good idea for the president, send more troops or pull the troops out, take a listen to what he said? >> we've got to get the mission right, exactly. sending more troops, sending better-trained troops, preparing them better for what they're going to face, because the terrain in afghanistan is absolutely incredible. it's mountains, ravines. it's just -- it's not the conventional world war ii type of war that would take place. and you really need to train these troops for what they're going to face. >> reporter: and i spoke to paul monti last friday, which was the
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anniversary of 9/11. he was saying that he fears there's a lot of people around the country who do not see this sacrifice enough. they've gone back to their everyday lives, and he said that's great on one happened, but he thinks the people really need to understand the sacrifice, post-9/11 that so many military families are going to. i can tell you, it will be front and center at the white house tomorrow. these ceremonies are always very emotional, and it's guaranteed to be once again tomorrow. >> thanks for bringing us that profile. we'll hear more about sergeant monti and his entire family later on in "the situation room." thanks so much, ed henry, at the white house. a 7-year-old georgia girl witnesses her mother being attacked, not only by fists and feet, but allegedly by racial slurs. now, the feds are on the case.
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was the alleged beating of a black female army reservist a hate crime? the u.s. justice department is investigating. it happened last week in front of a restaurant in suburban atlanta. witnesses include the victim's 7-year-old daughter, who may have been the flash point to what's described as a racially charged confrontation. tony mcnairy of cnn affiliate wgcl has more. >> she said she remembers when
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the man punched mommy. >> reporter: natasha hill and her daughter cheyenne both have a hard time talking about what happened to them at this cracker barrel in morro. >> i was thinking it was my fault. and that it shouldn't have picked to go to there. >> reporter: this mom and soldier says 6'26'2", troy del t beat her because she said, excuse me" and because she is black. >> i said, "excuse me, sir, watch out, you almost hit my daughter in the face." it was like lighting a fire. he came back with me, you need to watching your "f'ing" daughter. he continued to punch and kick -- punch me and kick on me. and he called me vulgar names. called me a racial slur. and then, you know, curse words. >> reporter: police say surveillance video shows west beating hill in the restaurant's small entryway. >> it's clearly a shocking
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incident to where a man that's twice the size of this female, beats her down in front of the child. >> reporter: hill says her daughter seeing that hurts her more than the bruises and racial slurs. >> that just really bothers me, that she had to see that, so i want justice served. i don't want him to -- i don't want him to ever do this to anybody else. >> wow. that was tony mcnairy of wgcl. a couple of postscript notes now. we repeatedly tried contacting troy west, who is now out of jail on a $5,000 bond. he faces charges of disorderly conduct and cruelty to children. he has a court appearance set for next week. it's unknown whether he has retained an attorney. according to the arresting officer's report, west claimed that hill spat on him, but none of the witnesses to corroborate that. a look at our other top stories. now an execution date has been set for the d.c. sniper master mind. a virginia judge picked november
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10th as the day to put john allen muhammad to death. allen and accomplice lee boyd malvo terrorized the d.c. area, killing ten people in the 2002 rampage. ma malvo is serving life behind bars. the search of phillip garrido's property is giving another mother hope that her daughter might be found. investigators are coming through the antioch, california, home, 18 years. there are similarities between with abductions of girls taken in the late 1980s. the first doses of the vaccines for the h1n1 flu virus should be ready in about three weeks from now. the fda has approved four manufacturers to make it. plans are under way to begin mass inoculations in mid-october. health officials believe only one shot will be necessary to provide protection against the virus. and you've been sending us
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your questions about the h1n1 virus, and we're getting answers from the woman in charge of the cdc's respiratory and infectious disease division, assistant general anne shuckat joins me now. this viewer who is also tweeting asks it this way. why the time the vaccine is distributed in october, will all testing for possible harmful side effects have been completed? >> the vaccines that are providing produced for the h1n1 strain are made exactly the same way that seasonal flu vaccines are made and we're really expecting these vaccines to look quite, quite similar in terms of safety. so far there haven't been any red flags in terms of reactions and about 100 million people get seasonal flu vaccine every year. there's a really strong track record with safety. so, we really think it will be a safe and effective vaccine based
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on everything we know today. >> nancy asks this -- where is the vaccine made in the u.s. or elsewhere, and if not in the usa, then where? >> the companies that are making the 2009 h1n1 vaccine are the same companies that make our seasonal flu vaccine. some are based here in the u.s. and some are based in europe. and basically they're all regulated and carefully overseen by the food and drug administration from the u.s. >> okay. and scott fellker writes, my concern about the vaccination is how do they know it will work and the side effects of the vaccinations if it is brand new? so, i'm on the fence about getting my son the vaccination. >> it's so important for you to get your questions answered, and that's one of the reasons i'm here. the vaccine seems to work really well based on the studies that nih reported on friday. in terms of the disease, we do know that the h1n1 strain is here. it never went away this summer, and it's causing increases in disease in the southeastern states. so, i think some people wonder whether they ought to try to take a risk with the vaccine,
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but i think it's important for you to know that the disease can be severe. and it's still causing hospitalizations and deaths in some people. >> okay. and caroline with a "c," that's how she names herself, i'd like to know if or when the media and the cdc can tell people how to tell the difference between a cold and a flu. people simply don't know. >> you know, the vast majority of people who will get influenza will have a mild illness with fever, cough, sore throat, headache, muscle aches. but it's -- it's more than a cold. usually it will knock you out for a couple days. you'll be home, and you really need to stay at home and rest. but some people who get influenza will have a much worse illness. they'll have difficulty breathing. they may get pneumonia. they can have quite severe symptoms, and sometimes need to be in intensive care units, and unfortunately they may even have fatal illness. so, the important thing to know is that most people with respiratory symptoms and fever
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can stay home and be fine. but if you're pregnant, if you have asthma, diabetes, immunocompromises and kidney disease and so forth, you need to check with your doctor, because you might need antiviral medicine or you might need to be seen in the office or even the hospital. >> before i let you go, for the h1n1 vaccine, where do you get it? >> the h1n1 vaccine is going to be directed by the state and local public health departments, and it's going to be available in lots of different places, but you're going to need to stay tuned in october for information in your community. we think it will be in doctors' offices, pharmacies, school programs. >> okay. >> in some health department-run clinics, so you really need to keep -- keep in touch with the local news near you. >> all right, doctor, thanks so much, of the cdc. appreciate your time. >> my pleasure. all right, we've still got a lot going on in the "cnn newsroom."
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if you're a reader looking for an out of print book, or an author looking to get your voice heard, the answer might lie with the expresso book machine. >> the book shop in london recently added to over 400,000 titles into its inventory. but they didn't need to add more shelves, just this. it's called the expresso book machine. you won't find a latte here, but you will find more titles. it only takes about five minutes for it to print, cuts and bind a book. >> isn't it amazing? it's an amazing thing. >> it can also print unpubliced works giving aspirie ining writ
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chance to see their own name on the cover. >> i thought this is a wonder machine for new authors, i must go straight to black bells. i went and there it was. and i thought how fantastic. >> it's makers say it will soon have a catalog of over 1 million titles. there are only 22 machines like this one in the world. becky anderson, cnn. london. i think i'll go with the preferred package.
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all right, a.c.o.r.n. under fire and under pressure. seems like every day there's something. >> a.c.o.r.n. are saying there's a hiring free, they're not going to hire any more people for these service jobs because they need to get a better handle on what is going on before they hire any more people. basically that's one thing. the second thing that we're finding out here is that they're going to have a complete
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independent review, essentially, you have seen what's going on here, over the last several days, there's been tape after tape revealed that there's people posing as a pimp and a prostitute, and saying, oh, will you help us get some housing so we can use it as a brothel and we can later write it off our taxes. >> as a result of tapes that we have been seeing, what about firings, what about really, i guess, laying the hammer down? >> at this point we do know that they have fired four of their workers, we're not sure what's going to happen with the others, we do now know according to this news report, there's going to be an independent review. we also know there's going to be in-service training. essentially there's a hiring free and everyone who's on the front line staff will have in-service training. >> do we any this might be a
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prelude of them shutting down all together or is this simply a reorganization of our priorities beginning with the hiring freeze and the sensitivity train ing. that's kind of like what it sounds like but that's all we know at this moment. at this moment we know there's a hiring freeze and they're going to provide more training for the people that work on the front line. it shows that these tapes that have surfaced have had a real impact on this association. >> thanks so much. all right, the fbi, new york police, a joint terrorism task force on the move early monday in a nondescript neighborhood in queens. they suspected there might be a terror cell made up of afghan immigrants that may have been plotting attacks with home made bombs, a source tells cnn no explosives were found. but the case is still open.
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we're pushing forward all the way to the denver suburbs. cnn has spoke on to a lawyer for an airport shuttle driver who drove from new york to colorado in the days before the raid and stayed in one of the raided apartments. drew griffin picks up our story from there. it's a big one. >> it is a big one and it's ongoing, and there's a lot of circumstances here that we can't explain. nagi is a shuttle limousine worker in the denver area, and from his attorney he tells us that he was in new york recently, did stay at one of the apartments raided earlier this week for the joint terrorism fantastic force and naji had driven from new york to denver in a rental car. while he was there he was actually stopped by the nypd on the george washington bridge. it was as naji described as a ron come drug stop.
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he was released without even getting a ticket. later on this same trip in new york, his rental car was towed for parking violations and while there, the nypd asked to search his car and then they asked to search the lap top on his car, the attorney says he doesn't know why his client drove to denver from new york. he says he went to new york to resolve a business issue. speaking to our affiliate kusa in denver, the attorney insists zazi has nothing to do with this. >> the main thing he wants people to understand is that he had absolutely nothing to do with this. he's eager to cooperate with any questions that we have, that anyone might have from the federal government, from state
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employees. if they have any questions, please contact us, we want to clear any aura of suspicion around him at the moment. >> the police raided several apartments in the queens area acting on suspicion that a cell of afghan nationals. and that was the first time they had ever seen this, the afghan nationals were planning some kind of terrorist strike in the new york area. a source close to the investigation tells us there's growing concern that police may have actually jumped the gun on this one and that's what's going on here. a source is telling us no bomb making material or bomb making devices have been found, no arrests made yet. sources close to the investigation say more resources are actually being sent to the new york area right now. >> trying to flush out what went wrong or if there's anything still at issue, what might it be? >> we can tell you that this is still an active terrorism
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investigation. whether or not the case was blown is another part of that investigation. >> got you. >> but there is still active investigation going on of what was supposedly a terrorist cell. >> so we'll be seeing you again, drew griffin, appreciate it. some new developments to tell you about in the yale murder investigation. just last hour, the connecticut medical examiner released annie le's cause of death. the 24-year-old grad student was strangled. also today new haven police releasing a man they called a person of interest in the case. raymond clark is a lab technician at yale. he works in the lab where annie le's body was found stuffed behind a wall. investigators brought him in last night for questioning and he also gave a dna sample. new haven police will have
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another press conference next hour. an investigation that seems to grow by the day. teams from two police departments are back at it today searching every inch of the california property where the convicted sex offender allegedly held and raped jaycee dugard. this new round of searches isn't related to her, dugard's 1991 abduction. but to two others from the same time frame. teams looking for any signs of two girls who were kidnapped in 1988 and also in 1989. police say the circumstances of both those crimes are very similar to the dugard case. and now to capitol hill and the long-awaited unveiling of the one and only health care reform bill that aims for bipartisan support, the keyword here being aims, so far it does not enjoy a gop support. even among the three republican senators who actually helped write it. but as you saw in cnn live, this
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last hour, senate finance committee chairman max baucus predicts that many of his plans in both parties will come around. >> at the end of the day, we all share a common purpose, and that is to make the lives of americans better tomorrow than they are today and to get health care reform done. which means the time to come for action is now. and we will act. we will act as health reform legislation this year. cnn's brianna keiler joins u now, let's hit some of the highlights of the baucus bill. >> i just want to show it to you, actually, this is the baucus plan, 223 pages, it's not legislative language. this is basically a very detailed summary of what the committee's going to move forward with. but the headline here, fredericka, no government run insurance plan as expected. instead, to kpeetd against health insurance companies, this plan here includes nonprofit
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health care cooperatives, run by the patients who are really governed by the patients who it would serve. also the price tag, $865 billion over the course of ten years, there are protections in this against current insurance industry practices of denying coverage on the basis of a preexisting condition. of capping coverage for individuals, of a dollar amount for either the year or over their life time. there's also this individual mandate, if you are an individual person as we are, you would be required to get health insurance if you don't already have it. so for low income americans, they would will covered by medicaid at a certain level and then as you move up a little bit in the income scale, all the way up to some in the middle class, you would get a tax break to make it cheap tore buy health
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insurance. if you don't buy health insurance you're looking at a fee, as much as $3,800 for a family. >> what's interesting here, max baucus says this was months in the making. and so you've got three republicans, three democrats that are part of crafting this, however thus far we're hearing that three republicans may not be on board. so what are the chances that there might be other republicans who could be swayed, even though these republicans are not on board. >> reporter: thus far those three republicans are not on board, they say there's still outstanding issues. but that doesn't mean they might not get on board. they could. there's still time. they say they're not moving away from the table and it's really going to be these three republicans, senator olympia snowe and senator enzi and senator draszly. grassley.
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this isn't going to enjoy, this plan here, even though it doesn't include the public option, different from all the other sponsored bills from capitol hill, it's not expected to enjoy huge republican support by any stretch of the imagination. this is about getting at least one republican, fredericka and i think the goals are pretty modest at this point. >> interesting. all right, brianna keilar, capitol hill, thanks so much. and of course if you want to read the baucus proposal for yourself, find a comfy chair and get your browser and send it to and ahead in the newsroom, cnn's gerri willis looks at what health reform may mean for your family's finances. the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat, both known to any u.s. president. but for a while last hour president and mr. obama set aside politics to focus on sports, specifically u.s. olympians and paraolympians and
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chicago's bid to host the 2026 team summer games. maybe there was a little bit of politics involved. the first lady, a chicago native plans to be in copenhagen next month when the ioc chooses between tokyo, madrid and rio day janeiro. this was supposed to be sarina williams' book tour, but instead it's become an apology tour. today on cnn's "american morning," williams offered another mea culpa. >> well, yeah, like i said, everyone has things that they do and everyone has momentses and no one is perfect. and everyone could see that when i played at the u.s. open, everybody kind of sees me as a little bit like oprah which is one of the reasons i wanted to write on the line because it talks a lot about my faults and
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how i embraced moving from number one in the world to almost 100 in the whole world and that fight i had to do to come back. >> you can watch the full interview on cnn's "your money" only on cnn. sarina and musician kanye west join a literal who's who of public apologists and some are more memorable than others. let's hit the refresh button for a second look and listen. >> it was wrong, it was foolish, it was inexcusable. and for this i ask the forgiveness and the grace of my wife. >> i apologize to the public. >> i want to apologize to my staff and i want to apologize to anybody who lives in south carolina for the way that i let them down. >> i am not gay, i never have been gay.
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>> i keep reading new, you know, psychological theories and stuff like that. >> i wanted generally to apologize to every one of you all for letting you down. >> i was under pressure, whether i was overtired or i was lonely or i fell down the stairs when i was a child or whatever, i don't know. >> 2006 two years ago, i made a very serious mistake. >> i'm really busted up over there and i'm very, very sorry. >> i did have a relationship with ms. lewinsky that was not appropriate. in fact it was wrong. >> i think you know in life pretty much what's a good thing to do and what's a bad thing. and i did a bad thing. all right, racism a constant booming sector in the obama administration. obama says racism may have triggered joseph wilson's "you
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investigators are digging into graves that may have been dug up and remains that may have been scatters. >> reporter: this long time former employee says he was told to break concrete burial vaults to make room for new ones at memorial park. >> sometimes it would be a little piece of bone, bones from the next person put in the dump and trashed. >> sometimes skulls? >> yes. >> garcia explains how a salesman would tell him to break the vaults in secret. >> we would go like this and look. and say, break this piece, break this piece. >> and i would tell him, you're not supposed to break it.
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he would say nobody can see. go ahead. >> reporter: he says he and other workers would break through the cement vaults. >> i would break one piece for the investment. just a piece of cement, the body inside. we see the person because we broke it. >> reporter: garcia says he would take the remains to a large dirt hole at the cemetery, where nobody could see what was going on. >> when the peoples go there, families are around. we stop. because the office say, stop, guys, when you see somebody coming. no do nothing. >> reporter: similar allegations are made in a lawsuit against eden memorial and its owner service memorial international. they include claims of secretly opening and breaking caskets, dumping human remains and empties burial spots all to make more money. garcia says breaking burial
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plots was common practice in ten of the at least 12 years he worked at eden memorial. a service corporation international spokesperson says he was fired for cause, but declined to give details. in a statement, the company says allegations against eden memorial park have surfaced as a result of a recently filed class action lawsuit. while very salacious, these allegations are just that, allegations. it says eden memorial conducts extensive training with its employees and we support that with strict policies and procedures. garcia says he was only doing what he was told by supervisors. >> whatever happens, you guys go ahead and do the job. they pay me, i work it. i do anything they told me. >> a spokesman for california's cemetery and.
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the state found that five graves had been disturbed but there was no evidence this it was done intentionally in those cases. >> the lawyers in this lawsuit actually found him and he thought it was important to tell his story, that's why he came forward. we asked ourselves why didn't he come forward a long time ago with this kind of information, he said i didn't want to lose my job, i was told what to do and i was just doing my job. >> and now that he has spoken, he doesn't fear there's any retribution for speaking out? >> i don't know what he thinks about that, but that was his story. >> very good, very creepy, too. abbie boudreau. now the burr oaks cemetery in chicago, now back in control of its owners. a court appointed receiver had
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to return the cemetery to p perpetua holdings. four of its employees were charged in a plot resale scheme. the plot included digging up an estimated 300 graves. final results are in from afghanistan's disputed presidential election, but it could be a while for the issue is truly settled. the results show president hamid karzai got more than 50% of the votes, but the numbers won't be certified until the electoral complaints division investigates fraud allegations. the european union election service says they found more than 1.5 million votes. an explosion of violence along the u.s.-mexican border.
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the drug related killings in juarez has already passed last year's numbers. as a result mexican troops are patrolling the city to deal with the cartel turf war. juarez is across the border from el paso, texas. and a virginia judge has set november 10 as the execution date for john allen muhammed. he and lee boyd malvo were convicted of the attacks in washington that killed ten people back in 2002. prosecutors called humid the mastermind. and get ready for a new whodunit in a city that reeks of conspiracy theories. odd churches, free masons and the temperatures. and seeing them for yourself won't mean a trip overseas. instead of $5 per person for fast food,
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enduring symbols of washington, but they are also clues to a centuries old conspiracy. dan brown is out with a new book "the lost symbol" and it takes krcryptologists on a new hunt following the freemasons through our nation's capital. >> reporter: this is the actual room and the ceremonial altar where the opening scene of dan brown's new book "the lost symbol j ta symbol" takes place. inside a building that the freemasons of the scottish rite call the masonic temple. in this case truth is definitely more boring that fiction.
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>> he has his candidate drinking wine out of the human skull. >> reporter: that doesn't take place here? >> not that i have seen. >> reporter: any wine drinking takes place here at all? >> not that i know about. >> reporter: he explains freemasonry is not a sinister society. after all george washington, the most famous freemason was wearing the ceremonial apron when laying the corner stone of the capitol. still in a town where spears theorys flourish, even the book's arrival was shrouded in some mystery. washington's tourism bureau is fully embracing the novel and all the attention. >> right in washington, d.c. >> reporter: even partnering with the publisher in this video. >> plan your trip to the nation's capital at
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>> reporter: telliott ferguson s president of destination d.c. as for the scottish right, arturo dehoyes is still reading the novel, but says so far, no harm, no foul. >> i think everybody will enjoy it. >> reporter: the local trolly company is now considering a tour based on the book. and here at the masonic temple which gets hundreds of thousands of visitors each year, say they won't be surprised if the numbers jump. >> chad myers, you think you can even top that? >> i can show you what the book's talking about. we'll go right in here, and take you right into this conspiracy that's going to go on in this book. it's going to go all the way up
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to our dupont circle, back to the square, and there you go, there's washington, d.c., there is the white house. if you take, this is the mall, the national mall, if you take that and go around the capitol and back down, i think that's maryland. you do get this little compass in the square right there that you're talking about. but, fred, if you really use your imagination, if you go there, and then down here, and then all of a sudden, you've got a lot going on in d.c. that should you never thought of in dan brown's book. >> and it's always so scary. >> this is all of the places that dan brown is going to take care in this book. but that book is so much better than "the da vinci code" that got all the of the press. >> i loved the da vinci code.
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>> "angels and demons" was great. showers in alabama, i will take you over here, we'll get some heavier rainfall, even a potential for a few of the storms in southern alabama, to maybe even make some wind damage, seeing some rain going to move into atlanta later on today, and also some heavier rain showers right there in nashville. the big story really is how much rain is falling and has fallen across parts of texas, arkansas, and then eventually even to georgia because of the storm system, fred, that just will not move. i want to show you, this is what five days worth of rainfall looks like on one map. five days worth of rain. you go all the way up here to this red, that's five inches of this rain, there's arkansas, parts of texas, look at all of this rainfall. there's the gulf, all of these areas have had five inches of rain or more in certaseven days there's flood watches all over the place. >> that's where the pumpkin
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ought to be. that's really scary, too much rain. it's just one of many racist attacks against the nation's first black president. we'll get the view of anti-racist writer and activist tim weis. (announcer) only bayer's contour meter has programmable personal high low settings. it allows me to make sure that my diabetes is controlled as tightly as possible. (announcer) the contour meter, only from bayer. he better not be on the bed. you know you're gonna need it. why not stock up now? get everything you need for fall cleaning and fall allergies at an unbeatable price. save money. live better. walmart. - let's go with the, ah... - basic package.
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good choice. only meineke let's you choose your service, choose your savings. like an oil change for just $19.95. meineke. it's president obama, the target of racist attacks. former president jimmy carter says yes, he says racism is behind some of the -- when he yelled "you lie" during president barack obama's speech to congress. >> that racism still exists and i think it's bubbled up to the surface because of a belief among many white people, not just in the south, but around the country, that
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african-americans are not qualified to lead this great country. >> today the chairman of the republican national committee, michael steele says carter is flat out wrong. steele is the rnc's first african-american chair, he says the opposition is not about race, it's about policy. so pushing forward, how should the obama administration handle race and politics, should they respond to protesters who compare president obama to hitler or just look the other way. my next guest says they're walking a fine line at the white house. tim wise says between a rock and a hard place, "racism and white denial in the age of obama." you say you saw this coming to a degree? >> to some extent, i think the president has to walk a fine line, because any time you talk about race, we saw it in
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cambridge with the skip race affair. any time that glenn beck talks about that he hates white people. i think we need to take the burden off of this president, and for those of us who are white to take the burden off of color generally. >> you're saying someone needs to talk about it, but you're saying black people should refrain from it? >> they have to call it out. what i'm saying is that those of us who are white also need to take some of that burden because historically we know that when people of color have called out racism, most whites would not believe them. so we have to join in sold dare and alliship and make it an issue for us as well. >> so president carter offers what in an argument about race? is it about race or about policy? michael steel says it's not race it's policy.
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but when you have former jimmy carter chiming in, does it now make people listen whereas before their ears may have been closed? >> it might, but others who have not been president need to also do it. it's not just race, michael steele's right about that, but when you have folks like mark williamss one of the key organizers of the white extremist calling obama a welfare thug on his blog, when white people hear the term welfare, for the majority of us it conjures of a negative notation of the word black. >> let's talk about the white house and how it reportedly is internally trying to figure out how in which to deal with this. because we are talking about the white house being the centerpiece of all that is taking place. what do you suppose members of the white house are trying to consider right now and how to move forward with this issue, yes, the president already spoke
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about race, we talk about the professor gates incident, you talked about it as a candidate. but now what? >> well, look, the president has to stay focused on governing the country, he has to talk about issues of health care and that's on his agenda, and it should be on all of our agenda, but for those of us who think that racism is serious and needs to be addressed. no president, whether black, brown, white or otherwise can be expected to lead on this issue unless the people are challenging and pushing forward. we have to be racing it we have to challenge our friends, our colleagues, our families when racism is expressed and so then people will not feel emboldened to speak up on racism. >> so you think it's on a great burden of the white house to talk about this, what is clearly a big problem? >> well, in theory he should be
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able to address it. but unfortunately in this country, when people of color try to raise this issue and talk about it, there is a defensiveness that comes from white folks as happened with the skip gates affair. to say that the president hates white people just because he criticized a white officer is nonsense, but that's what millions of people heard when glenn beck made that argument. so obviously he can't do it alone. >> so you say all this is stemming from fear, if so, fear of what? >> there's fear, there's anxiety and i think for a lot of white folks, by having a president of color, is challenging what being an american really is. we thought we were the pro toe typical american and right now i think there are folks that are not comfortable with a multicultural america and that's too bad because that's the country we have. >> we're hearing that when have have town hall meetings, when we hear take back our country and this is not the america of
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founding fathers. is that the america of fear? >> for some it certainly is, when you say you want to go back to the country the way the founders envisioned it you cannot separate the good part of the founders from the bad part. that was there and we have to address that. >> tim wise, thank you. well, if you are like most people, you care less about the health care bills in congress than about the health care bills you actually get from insurance companies, doctors and hospital s. and that brings us so personal finance editor gerri willis. let's start with the overhaul plan made public today from the senate finance committee. >> it's highly complicated let's take a look at some of the elements in this proposal. people would be required to have health insurance, those lacking coverage could be fined up to $3,800. it would provide tax credits to
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lower income people and the plan would also create health insurance exchanges. it would put a national standard on medicare eligibility because right now there is no standard, it's up to each state, and it would allow for the establishment of nonprift health care cooperatives. >> and what about these cooperatives, what more can you tell us about those? >> you have heard about cooperatives, agricultural cooperatives, electrical cooperatives even credit unions and there are already health care cooperatives in minneapolis and seattle. profits are put back into the system so any money that's earned is used on patients and other costs. and patients in these co-ops really one the whole thing, they run the board, they hold elections and discuss issues and
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concerns. >> and how could life change for people in a co-op? >> for patients, co-ops work just like private insurance, there are premiums and co-pays and just like an hmo. it's not necessarily less expensive. really it depends on the competition in your marketplace. group health cooperative, that tease company in washington. this is one of the last surviving co-ops in washington. and while premiums and group health increased by a slower rate compared to their competitors, they still have significant increases, up to 12.3% since 2000. one of the highest start up co-ops is creating a fairly large network of doctors. so the doctor you use originally would not be the one you would use in a co-op. and it's going to take a long time for this bill to go into effect. it doesn't take effect until 2014. so that's a very long time. that's a long time, fredericka,
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we have a long way to wait even if this becomes law. >> all right, thanks, gerri we can always depend on to you break it down. and more on how grad opportunity annie le was killed. she was strangled, her body stuffed behind a lab wall. meantime investigators have collected samples from a lab technician, raymond clark, he has not been charged with anything, but he was questioned by police last night. and nine american airlines employees are among 20 people arrested as federal investigators break up a drug smuggling scheme. . and you can find just about everything at the airport these days, including a shot. for the seasonal flu. several kiosks can be set up at
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my name is chef michael. and when i come home from my restaurant, i love showing bailey how special she is. yes, you are. i know exactly what you love, don't i? - [ barks ] - mmm. aromas like rotisserie chicken. and filet mignon. yeah, that's what inspired a very special dry dog food. [ woman ] introducing chef michael's canine creations. so tasty and nutritious it's hard to believe it's dry dog food. chef-inspired. chef michael's canine creations.
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a report out this week shows that consumers are buying things that aren't absolute necessities. but retamers say it's still a very steep challenge to figure out what consumers wand and buy accordingly. sus >> retailers in all sectors trying to reduce costs dramatically. a lot of retailers are reducing inventories so they won't have to mark down as much. but you're also seeing more store closings. toys "r" us is opening 350 stores. they're called popup stores. they're only for the holiday season. what toys "r" us is doing is taking advantage of all that vacant mall space. there's a whole lot of it. so they get this real estate
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cheap, at their most critical time, right. and then they can just go away and hopefully make a lot of money because then they don't have to keep those operational. blockbuster, on the other hand, it's going to close hundreds of stores by the end of next year. what blockbuster is embracing is thousands of dvd rental kiosks. it's going to have 10,000 of them. that's the goal, anyway, there's only 500 of them now. you think of them basic as just like vending machines, red boxes, a small competitor who has these and rents movies for $1, which is certainly recession friendly and this business mod m model here is so much better because you don't have a brick and mortar store, you just put it in a supermarket and let them carry the costs of overhead. >> and in times like these, a
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lot of luxuries are being hit hard but then again, there's a lot of luxuries you can't live without. >> this is very debatable, it's relative to the consumer as to what is a must have and what is a luxury. if you look at apple's success. apple is in a space all by itself, it's mack books, it's ipod, it's iphones continue to gain market share. and system always trying to top itself with the next generation item in a big way. last week we had steve jobs, but steve jobs unveiled ipod that were faster, had more colors, more cameras. a great flair for the dramatic. and these stores that they do have, they are beautiful.
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w visually they are erecting. >> yeah, they're competing over, you know, a little face time with something new. or getting their hands on something new. >> that's right, i mean it's a real event. people clog the internet for months as to what the next apple offering will be. and that is a real accomplishment, especially in times like these. >> okay, all right, cool stuff. thanks so much. all right, so the difference between gratuity and gratuitous. some lunch.
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the next generation of brink's home security. call now. it doesn't cover everything. and what it doesn't cover can cost you some money. that's why you should consider... an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan... insured by united healthcare insurance company. it can help cover some zd what medicare doesn't... so you could save up to thousands of dollars... in out-of-pocket expenses. call now for this free information kit... and medicare guide. if you're turning 65 or you're already on medicare, you should know about this card; it's the only one of its kind... that carries the aarp name -- see if it's right for you. you choose your doctor. choose your hospital. and no referrals needed. there are no networks help protect yourself from some of what medicare doesn't cover. save up to thousands of dollars... on potential out-of-pocket expenses... with an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan... insured by united healthcare insurance company. call now for your free information kit...
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and medicare guide and find out... how you could start saving. okay, being drunk is not always a crime. being naked, not always a crime. but put them together, you got a problem. especially on the highway. take a look at this. dash cam video from marion county, florida. the blur on the left side is the
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naked drunk guy. the guy on the right laughing hysterical hysterically, he's the arresting officer. he says this is a first for him and for the guy on the bike, that's his fifth dui arrest. this guy had clothes, but it was a vehicle that caught our attention. it was a motorized scooter right there. apparently this guy was on this three wheeled vehicle and he had a blood alcohol level three times the legal limit. and this was his fifth dui arrest as well. and finally, a british waiter is looking for work after adding a little something extra to a family's dinner tab. an expliive. the last line, thank you little something, you can figure out the rest because i'm not going to say that. the very apologetic restaurant
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says the employee has been fired. molly's parents say their daughter was a bit peeved with the service, but she did nothing to deserve such a tip-in that form from the waiter. as always team sanchez is right around the corner working hard in the newsroom. >> hey, always good to see you, fred. >> always good to see you too. what's going on. >> i'm just sitting here writing a list, because i knew you were going to ask me this. i'm thinking blagojevich is huge, because he's got a bombshell. i do an interview with him and he tells me, and he's convinced that the feds, as in fitzgerald, the prosecutor in chicago pressured chris, his assistant to commit suicide. i mean that's a hell of a charge. that's a heck of a thing to say about a standing federal prosecutor and blagojevich told me this, he told "the washington post" this and he's been saying it in several interviews, i'm going to let you listen to what
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blagojevich says about his former funding advisor. and we have also got calls in to fitzgerald, the prosecutor to get his reaction on all of this. let's talk a.c.o.r.n. it's a complicated story, but the bottom line is if you're caught on tape doing something that's unethical and really almost illegal, you got to be called on it and we're going to be calling them on it during this hour. and the latest on some fund rasing guys and how much money they've got. >> we're going to be tuning in. >> i'm passionate about this stuff. >> rick, see you soon from new york. you might be surprised to learn which country could be the first to vaccinate for swine flu, a hint, it's not the u.s.
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now it's set to become the first country to provide mass inoculation, china produced the first successful h1n1 vaccine in the world and is producing millions of doses to the public. it's also the first country to produce the first vaccine for sars. the sars vaccine helped us make the bird flu vaccine which helped us make the h1n1 vaccine, says the company's ceo that's why we were so fast and the first. every day, tens of thousands of territo territo
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fertilized eggs are being infected with the h1n1 virus. right now the vaccine is being boxed and orders filled. the chinese government has filled more than 10 million vaccines. it's approved for people aged 3 to 60. priority to be given to children, soldiers, police, medical and transport staff. as with any vaccine, world health officials have warned of possible side effects and some chinese are skeptical. i don't think my baby will get the swine flu, so the vaccine seems unnecessary, says this mother. and what if it affects his health in the future. still, health authorities have heavily publicized the virus's risks. this young patient seen with her doctor via video screen before crowds of journalists. they have also rolled out a traditional chinese medicine prevention plan. china has taken perhaps the most extreme measures worldwide to prevent the virus's spread. officials boarding international flights, checking passenger's temperatures before granting industry. thousands have been quarantined including entire flig
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