tv Larry King Live CNN September 17, 2009 9:00pm-10:00pm EDT
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by state and by industry on the web. go to and mane street, and later tonight join ali and anderson cooper for a money and main street special. that is tonight, 11:00 eastern time. that is it for us. larry king live starts right now. tonight police say that this man killed yale grad student annie le. a university employee system now charged with her savable murder. >> it is very disturbing to think that a university employee might have committed this terrible crime. rirchl what's the motive? those with answers are revealing just one clue. >> this is not about urban crime. it's not about university crime. it's not about domestic crime, but an issue of workplace violence. >> reporter: the suspect's friends are here. what do they know about raymond
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clark? and then bones on phillip garri garrido's property. whose are they? is the man keeping a secret about other victims? next on "larry king live." one reminder as we come on. bill clinton's special guest monday night. big news today in the murder of yale grad student annie le. a suspect was arrested, and that suspect is mr. clark, and in that connection joenks in new york bobby, raymond clark's best friend, bho grew up next door to clark, maurice perry, the childhood friend of raymond clark sense first grade, and in new haven, connecticut, marcia chambers, reporter for the new independent. bobby, you were friends sense childhood. grew up next door to him. what do you make of this? >> ray is my absolute best
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friend. he is someone i considered a dear friend of mine ever since growing up since we've been 5 years old up until, you know, thus far. it's just -- ray to me is -- i'm speaking on behalf of my friendship with him and for the rest of, you know, the town, absolute complete shock, cannot understand the position that ray is in reason, why he is in this position. obviously, we do know, you know, what is going on, but it's like, it's a complete shocker because this is a dear friend of ours. dear friend of mean who i have grown my whole entire life to know, and the whole country and everybody else is wondering. we want answers to all of our questions. everybody has questions. he is being portrayed right now as, you know, being a murder suspect, and that's not the raymond clark who i have known my whole entire life. raymond clark to me is -- >> yes, larry.
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>> i'll come right back to you, bobby. maurice, you are a childhood friend of raymond since you were in first grade. what do you make of this? >> it's very shocking to me. this is not the raymond clark that i know, and honestly, at the time i can't say that i believe he is guilty. i have known hem so long. i just can't picture him doing something like this. no. not at all. >> have you ever known him to be violent? >> no. not at all. i have known him to be outgoing, hap happy, athletic, fun. violent? not at all. >> larry: bobby, did he ever discuss ms. le with you? >> no, not at all. >> larry: you have no idea about the person that's dead and he is reported to have killed her? >> ray being a suspect in this
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case has riddled everybody's mind in the past, you know, couple of days, weeks. my heart does go out to her fami family. our thoughts and prayers are we her. also to his family, to his mother, stfr, and father, who i have grown to know, you know, my whole childhood life, and, you know, at a time right now it's -- it just doesn't seem real to wake up and to go through all the channels and see that on every single channel your best friend that you have known your whole entire life, whether it may be walking to his house every single day since we were freshmen in high school, walking to the bus stop, and waiting for that bus number 11 to come down the street and bring us, and it's just -- the person that he is just -- it boggles my mind. >> larry: i can only imagine what it would be like for you. let's bring in marcia chambers, the reporter for "the new haven
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independent." marcia, did you break a story about mr. clark back in 2003 being involved in an altercation with a woman? >> larry, i didn't break the story in 2003. i broke the story this week. this was about an incident that occurred -- >> larry: i know that. >> that occurred in 2003. >> larry: what was the incident? >> it was at the bradford high school. it involved himself -- the suspect and his former girlfriend, and she wanted to break up with him. they had been in a long-term relationship. he was very upset and very livid. they were at the high school. he wrote some bad stuff on her locker. the assistant principal called the police. the police came to the high school. clark was told not to have anything to do with the girl,
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and then a couple of days later she went to the police department to speak to a detective, and she was with her mother, and during that conversation, she said that she had a long-term sexual relationship with hem and that at one point during that relationship he forced her to have sex with him. she did not want to file a complaint against him. she simply wanted the police to know about that. they took kog niz -- cognizance of that, and he was told to stay away from her. if she changed her mind, they would pursue it. she did not press criminal charges, and the police did not press criminal charges, and that was the end of the incident, although the detective did call his parents and alert them to what had happened. >> larry: all right. i know, marcia. i meant to say you broke the
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the murder of annie le. >> larry: joenk bobby harrison and maurice and with us is thomas caplan, editor in chief. he did not know andy personally. he was with us last night. before i talk with thomas, all right, bobby, what do you make of what marcia just told bus that incident in 2003? what do you know about it? >> well, that incident to to me is just as new to me as it is to the rest of the watching america who now know that in 2003 in high school there was an altercation where ray became involved with that girl and whether it came physical or not, i do not know the extent of that. i just know -- i do know personally the individual who they're speaking about, but that's not my place to speak on her behalf. i really have no further comment on the situation, but other than i knew they were acquainted with each other, but i did not know
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that the report that is now being out in the media ever took place. that's between -- that's their business. i never ever have intentions to -- >> larry: maurice bshgs your best friend, maurice, your childhood friend over say neglect to you about this? >> no. not at all. this is all new to me also. i knew -- >> larry: what do you make of this? >> what could you make of it reason? everything is the evidence that's all coming against this case right now is pretty much -- it is what it is. >> larry: i don't want to prejudge hem. you say you know the young lady. you know the young lady. did she ever tell you anything about him? >> never. lirchlts did she ever say anything -- >> i was only friends with that girl in social evented. if we would go to a party -- if we ended up, like, meeting up at a party or, you know -- i never ever held a friendship with her other than she was a 2004 graduate with me. whereas, ray -- lirchlgt i got
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you. >> ray has been my friend sense childhood. i have known ray. i know how he has been growing into the person he has become right now. being the murder suspect of annie le, and that to me gives me chills up and down my spine. that's not the ray clark i know. everything is so real -- >> reporter: thomas kaplin, what do you make of it when you hear these -- thomas of "the yale daily news," what do you make of it when you hear these two young men talk? >> i mean, i think the unfortunate thing about this ens dent in high school given the fact that charges were not filed, you know, we know that, you know, mr. clark had no record, no background check would have shown something like this, so it's hard to really say at this point. as far as we know from yale, mr. clark's supervisor said he was a great employee. never had any problems. no disciplinary problems, so that's what makes this whole chain of events a surprise to
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me. >> larry: here's what the president of yale had to say about raymond clark. watch. >> mr. clark has been a lab technician at yale since december 2004. his supervisor reports that nothing in the history of his employment here gave any indication that his involvement in such a crime might be possible. it is very disturbing to think that a university employee might have committed this terrible crime. >> larry: this is a puzzle. bobby, when was the last time you spoke to ray? >> i spoke with ray, i want to say probably two months ago. i mean, it wasn't earlier this your. it was steam earlier this year. i want to say about two months. >> larry: to your knowledge, was he engaged to someone? >> as it my knowledge, when i
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had last met up with him and hung out with him, he never mentioned anything about being engaged other than he had a girlfriend, and he told me, you know, other than when we were there to play baseball. we were pretty much discussing furthermo furthermore, like, about him playing baseball, being at the sportsplex or whatever. that's something i had grown up to always do with him. we always played baseball in his backyard. >> larry: if you were engaged your life-long friend, bobby -- he would have told you? >> i understand that, larry. i understand that. he was my life-long friend, but after high school people seem to go their own ways. people all go -- >> larry: did he say anything to you, maurice? >> no. >> larry: maurice, did he say anything to you ever about being engaged? >> i never heard anything about it, no. >> when i say that, just because i graduated -- i was eye 2004 graduate with him. just because we don't walk through the halls every single day together with each other doesn't mean i still haven't kept contact with him or at least made an attempt to, because i have.
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ray has been a true friend of mine since, like i have said -- he don't mean to repeat myself, but since childhood. this is a person i have grown up with. >> larry: we've got that. >> i apologize for repeating myself. >> larry: marcia, has the police reported anything about motive s sng. >> about murder? i'm sorry. there's a train going by. lynch if he killed her, why did he kill her? >> no. the police have not said, except that it was a workplace crime, they believe. he was described in this morning's ""new york times"" by some -- by researchers who used the lab as officious and demanding. he really may be a person who had several sides to him. i can't -- i don't know him personally. i do know that we also -- we
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also attempted to talk to his former girlfriend, and one of our reporters, melissa bailey, did see her faesbook description of what she felt after she heard that he might be connected to the case, and what she said was that it brought back many memories of her own encounter with him and that he -- >> can i interrupt? >> these last few days have been very difficult. i'm sorry. >> larry: what do you want to say? i got to get a break. we'll come right back. we'll be back in 60 seconds. you've worked all your life. as the decades have past, the promise of medicare has always been there. and aarp has fought to guarantee
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none of the benefits you earned were ever taken away. today we're continuing that fight by protecting your freedom to choose the doctors and treatments you need. and to have your tax dollars go towards your care-- not insurance company subsidies. you've done your work. and we'll keep doing ours. learn more at new carefree ultra protection liners, with wings! absorb ten times more, like a pad but feel thin and comfy, like a liner. new carefree® ultra protection™ >> larry: we learn thad ray apparently was engaged, scheduled to be married in september of 2011. but you didn't know about that because you had obviously parted ways since high school. what did you want to add? i'm sorry. i interrupted you. >> no. what i was saying to -- i
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apologize. i don't know her name out of new haven. you asked her about, you know, the engagement and everything, and about -- to add on to her response, all i'm trying to say is people turn on their televisions and they right now raymond clark is rayray. i shouldn't even refer to him as raymond clark. rayray has now been -- he has now been -- >> larry: villified. >> he is as of right now the suspect in the annie le slaying in yale, and people -- >> larry: that's what he is right now. >> in the past couple of days no matter -- how everything has been coming together has been so overwhelmed with trying to take this all in, and i feel like talking for everybody throughout, like, brandford. >> larry: i manned. >> i'm getting off topic.
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>> larry: have you spoke tony his parents? >> i have not. >> larry: why not call them? >> because i only kept contact with him. not through -- he didn't live with his parents. he never -- i never -- >> larry: maurice, have you had any contact with his parents or anyone? >> no, not at all. >> larry: thomas sdshgs this look like a very, very strong case? thomas? >> yes. well, that's what it seems like from what investigators have told us. sources say that there was a dna match between raymond and annie le, and that's what brought the warrant today and the arrest. couple that with the records of the key cards in the building that show that according to news reports, that ray was the last person to see annie alive, and it does seem like this is a strong arrest. >> larry: all right. we're going to have to do more on this with all of these
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scale. we're joined by him for his insights. if i have to remind you, it's sad that i do, everyone is innocent until proven guilty in the united states. we do want want to convict mr. clark, certainly, on this program. all right, dr. wellnor, the two young men that glue up with him don't know what we're talking about. what do you make of it? >> well, strets are often kept from friends, and this is a world where people who have conflicts that they're trying to work out, they don't confide them in a fiance and don't confide them in friends. there's a pretty good likelihood they haven't worked them out. it doesn't surprise me that what is at the heart of this confrontation is something that friends, even close friends, might not be able to connect to. the important thing here is that this is someone who had friends, who was gainfully employed, who was steadily employed, who wasn't in a crisis that we know about and who was loved by a woman in his life, and so he is a lot more connected than some of the deadend people who make desperate decisions that we find ourselves talking about in these kinds of forums.
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>> larry: so what do you make of this? >> well, there's a lot more to the story that i think has yet to be determined, but let me point something out to you, larry, and your viewers. i think the forensic pathology is going to emerge as a very key issue in the legal struggle over this over what actually happened, because if this was an unexpected death then there is a question of how much he savaged her versus how much things may have gotten out of hand. what if they test him and find steroids in his system and find that he had an explosive reaction and didn't know his own rage or strength with a 4'11" woman? i think there are many medical and psychological and other complexities that become more complex if we don't identify a motive for this crime. >> larry: maurice, when you hear that, what goes through your mind? >> you mean about him taking steroids? >> larry: when you hear what he jug said, his destroyed violence
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and the fact that you don't actually know nebraska really. >> well, all i can say is i never knew raymond to be a violent person at all, and about the steroids, never heard anything about him ever taking steroids. >> let me speak real quick. people are going to judge one person as to all the evidence and all of the news that they're -- >> larry: i'm not judging him. >> all right. let me -- all right. you're not judging him right now, but within the past couple of days they're called nerve racking couple of days that knowing that someone i have been close with my entire life is on almost every single channel that i flip through is just -- it's gut wrenching, and it hets me the hardest because this is not the person i have known. ray to me has been an outgoing person. >> larry: i know. >> he had a passion for life. and pour for people --
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everybody, i read through blogs and everybody all over is satisfying ray is the most violent person, blah, blah, blah, and now they're pretty much saying, you know, everything. it is what it is, you know, and anybody can tell obviously what's going on, but now they're depicting him as a cold-blooded keller that even lock hem up for life or whatever. whatever the consequences may be to a murderer. you understand what i'm saying? >> larry: i got it. let me get a break. our guests will be with us. we're joined by a former prosecutor and defense attorney. what kind of case does the state have? right after this. xwxwxwxwxwxwxww
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>> larry: we're joined by judge jeanine shapiro. san francisco, the defense attorney michael cardo sdmr a. michael, is this kid really up against it based on publicity alone? >> boy, he is going to have a tough time because i think most people listening right now probably have him convicted. to defend this kid is going to be difficult, but the first thing that i would do is look for that moesh, as they talked about before. was there a motive? was there a relationship here? was this a spur of the moment incident that may take it out of the murder range, assuming he did it, and certainly we don't know that, but a defense attorney would be fighting to get it down into the manslaughter range, but all that
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circumstantial evidence, all that dna evidence is going to be tremendously important in this case. >> larry: judge, when you hear his young friends that grew up with him speak, speak from the heart, what do you read into it? >> well, you know, larry, nobody really knows what a murderer is like. i mean, people don't show that side of themselves. i certainly feel compassion for them. i mean, he is their friend, and everyone agrees that he is innocent until prooun guilty, but i do agree with michael cardozo. what we need in this case is we need a motive because there's nothing about raymond clark that suggests that he is this murderer or that he has a violent temper, but when you juxtapose that with the fact that apparently there's dna, forensic ed, surveillance, interviews, the last person to see her, it all starts to come together, but i think the jury is going to want to know why because it doesn't make sense right now. >> larry: you agree with that, dr. wellnor?
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>> at the workplace, by far the most common cause of a homicide of a male towards a female is rejection, and the complexities of rejection are sometimes quite hidden, and we know about the texting that it dealt with a workplace matter. nobody is employing to kill somebody over myself and cleanliness, and, in fact, at the workplace you want a kus owed yn who wants a clean lab. you know, many terms of what yale says, their risk management, legal department has carefully written a statement to ab solve them of any legal liability so, we're not going to learn any answers from the statement from the president. the reality is -- the reality briefly is that rejection is the most common cause of workplace homicide and we need to take a close look at the dynamics of his sensitivities and hers. >> all right. bobby, do you tend to try to contact ray? >> as of when? when? >> larry: try to call him?
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>> oh, absolutely. in the past, you know. now hearing this, of course, i would love to talk to the kid. he has everybody across glued to the televisions right now, like, the question why? why? what is the -- who killed her, and why are you a person of interest? or now, you know, an arrest. >> larry: or a suspect. michael, if you are his attorney, what do you want to know? hold it, bobby. what do you want to know from michael when you sit down with him? >> well, certainly i want to know on a certain level what happened, but before i really get into deep conversation with him, i would want to look at the evidence that the prosecutor has put together and especially that forensic evidence, and one of the things i would be very interested in is why did he, a worker at the lab, have her phone number? was that standard operating procedure there where every worker had the student's phone number, because did he have it because of a rep?
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i know the d.a. is going to be looking into that, because as judge pero said, the motive, the reason suspect of utmost importance here. if they can show a previous relationship, that prosecution is going to be a step ahead here. >> larry, i also believe -- >> larry: judge -- go ahead. >> i also believe that the prosecutor already knows a xwraet deal. the prosecutor has the emails, the text messages, phone numbers, and, you know, they're not letting us know what exactly has gone on. is this just about cleaning the cage, or is this about more? when dr. wellnor talks about rejection and work please violence, we will know soon enough whether there was any kind of suggestion of a relationship or whether or not it was in his mind or whether it was just anger and he just exploded. >> i think -- >> larry: maurice, are you going to try to contact him? maurice, are you going to try to contact him? >> yes. i'm definitely going to send hem a letter. i mean, i have always wanted to catch up with him, but i didn't
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want this to happen for me to, you know, try to find out how he was doing. sfoo most people reason are portraiting ray as a murderer. if i you saw ray right now, i we should i could give homeland a hug and shake his hand and say what is going on right now, because this is not the person -- >> larry: we're going to stay on top of this. we thank you all. we'll get into another sensational crime, the kidnapping of jaycee dugard, and the discovery of bones on the property where she was allegedly kept for 18 years. breaking news on that next. for arthritis pain... in your hands... knees... and back. for little bodies with fevers.. and big bodies on high blood pressure medicine. tylenol works with your body... in a way other pain relievers don't... so you feel better... knowing doctors recommend tylenol... more than any other brand of pain reliever.
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>> larry: investigators have found bones on the property where kidnap suspects phillip and nancy garrito did with jaycee dugard and her two daughters. now investigators are trying to determine if there's any connection between the garritos and two long-standing missing girl cases. we'll meet some people directly involved, but, first, dan simon of cnn is on the scene with the latest, which is what, dan? as you mention, looking for evidence that tie the garritos to kidnapping that happened 20 years ago. today about half a dozen kad aver dogs zeroed in on a spot behind fill ep garrido's home, and these dogs are specifically trained to pick up human remains, so, i don't feel, authorities are going to want to investigate that area further and sort of dig it up to see if
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there's anything beneath the soil. the second interesting component we learned today, larry, is some photos were released that show what the inside of phillip g garri garrido's home looked like. you recall the backyard, the series of tents and sheds. very disturbing to see the backyard. well, the house said inside, when you look inside, it doesn't look any better. it really filth everywhere. obviously, you are talking about packrats. you are talking about dishes that haven't been cleaned. discarded appliances, discarded furniture. really a mess inside, larry. >> larry: any reports on when we'll get some dna results on all of this? >> well, we should note that there were some human -- not human remains, but there were some bones that were discovered about a week or so ago. the dog determined that the bone is probably a human bone, but they needed to investigate it further. we should note that it's not uncommon to find native american
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remains in this area, so authorities a bit cautious, but they're looking at that bone -- that bone fragment very carefully to see what the dna might show to see if it might be linked to these two cases, larry. >> larry: thanks, dan. dan simon, our cnn krpt at the garrido house. sharon mirch, she's the mother of a missing 9-year-old. she disappeared in 1988 from hayward, california. also there is lieutenant chris olray of the hayward police department, and lieutenant curt vaughn sav "of the dublin police department. he has been charting the 13-year-old missing girl who was abducted in 1989. sharon, what were the circumstances of your daughter's going missing? >> my daughter went to the local market on a saturday morning with her best friend. they road scooters up there and left them by the side of the door when they went into the store. when they came out, one of the
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sdooters was messing. mick aila spotted it in the parking lot. she went to get it, and when she did, a man jumped out of the car and grabbed her from behind, threw her in his car, and took off with her. >> larry: she would be 31 years old now, right? >> she would be 30 years old. >> larry: 30 years old. now, lieutenant olray, you have worked on this case, is that correct? >> yes, larry. i have. >> larry: were there any leads along the way in these past years? >> we've investigated over 13,000 leads on this case. we pursued all of them, but we feel like this is one of the strongest leads that has come in on this case. >> larry: so you feel that these might be the bones of sharon's young daughter? >> i think it's too soon to say
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something like that. we hope for a better resolution than that. possibly something that leads us to where mikayla might be alive, but some resolution is certainly better than none, and it's too early to say what these bones might be. >> larry: lieutenant, you have been working on this eileen missalhoff case since -- how long you been working on this case? >> well, the dublin police department has been working the case since it was initially reported on january 30th of 1989. >> larry: and you yourself how long? >> i have been spupervising the unit that is investigating this case since -- for about the last six months. >> larry: are the two areas close to each other where these girls went missing?
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>> they're within i would say 15 to 20 miles. >> larry: what do you make of this new finding? >> it's certainly concerning. we want to explore every piece of evidence that has been recovered at this site, including attempting to determine whether or not this bone fragment is, in fact, human and if we can, if it is, who it belongs to. >> have there been lots of leads in the case as there were in the case that she's been working? >> the dub len police department has followed up on literally thousands of leads over the course of more than 20 years. >> larry: is this one of the strangest suspects in your history, lieutenant? >> he is absolutely a strange and awful predatory person, no
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doubt. >> larry: thank you both very much. sharon will remane with us, and we'll be joined by katie calioway who were all recently on this show who was kidnapped and raped by garrido in 1976. we'll be back after this. i drove my first car from my parent's home in the north of england to my new job at the refinery in the south. i'll never forget. it used one tank of petrol and i had to refill it twice with oil. a new car today has 95% lower emissions than in 1970. exxonmobil is working to improve cars, liners of tires, plastics which are lighter and advanced hydrogen technologies that could increase fuel efficiency by up to 80%. ininining ring ring. plastics which are lighter and advanced hydrogen technologies progresso.
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your chicken tuscany says it has fiber in it. yep. four tasty new soups with 28% of your daily fiber. but i like this chicken tuscany. i like it too. but it has fiber in it. that's right. fiber? yeah. but i like it. (announcer) progresso. you gotta taste this soup. >> larry: who was inspired by her own need for transportation. susan jacobs took action knowing that many people don't have an affordable way to get to or look for work. here's what she did about it. >> i started this six years ago after running a staffing agency and that was the challenge that i constantly faced. i could find people jobs at low income levels, but they were afraid that they wouldn't be able to get there. how were they going to make it on time? if they had a car, it wasn't always in good repair. that was a challenge we faced all the time. many times taking people to work so we wouldn't lose the client
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lirchgts has that ever happened to you where you couldn't drive to work? >> that's actually, you know -- it happened to me many years ago. seems like a lifetime ago now. i was in a dmisic violence situation without a car, and a stranger actually gave me a car to use until i could save up enough money to buy one. i always knew i wanted to do something to be able to pay it forward, but i never really thought it would be vehicles. that just kind of came about. >> larry: congratulations, susan. keep it up. >> thank you so much, and thanks to the tampa bay community who supports us so heavily and to the bobby davis davis and the children's board for nominating me. i really appreciate it. >> larry: thanks, susan. you may have given some others a really good idea. keep up the good world war i. >> larry: next, a garrido victim is back with us. what she wants you to know about him. stay with us. ♪
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>> larry: he is ear with us tonight in los angeles. anderson cooper, he will host "ac 360." what's coming up, anderson? >> larry, ahead tonight on the program, emotions running high in the health care debate. house speeshgs nancy pelosi tearing up today calling the rett lick fright mention. is anything really getting done? we'll talk to massachusetts congressman barney frank, along with republican congressman mike rogers, david gergan. new details about the lab technician under arrest in the murder of a yale grad student annie le. what we learn about the suspect and his relationship with le and what may have drip him to difficult. the california home where jaycee dugard was allegedly held captive for 18 years. all hose stories and more on 360
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tonight. limplts that's anderson cooper. 10:00 eastern, 7:00 pacific. coming to us right here from l.a., california. sharon remains with us, the mother of the messing girl, mikayla garrett. she disappeared in 198 23r8 hayward, california. she's at the garrido house now, and joining us from san francisco, return visit with katie calioway hall, who was kidnapped and raped in an incredible eight-hour adventure with the suspect phillip garrido back in 1976 and lived in fear of him for all these years. sharon, is it hard for you to be at that house? >> yes. i was able to go on the property for the first time today. pi walked into the backyard, and it's just a horrific feeling back there knowing what those girls were going through living back there for all that time. >> larry: now, you have not had
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closure, so what is your wish tonight? >> my wish is to fiend mechanic kayla alive. i have not lost that hope, and i won't lose that hopehope. i won't lose that hope until somebody can prove to me that she's not. and my wish is that she would see me here on tv and she would realize how much i miss her. i used to tell her when she was a child be careful and take care of yourself. if anything happened you to, it would break my heart. and i would just like her to see me and remember that and break free from wherever she's been and come home. >> larry: one can only imagine what you have gone through. katie, you were raped and kidnapped by philip garrido. have you been following all of these developments? >> yes, i have, larry. with every piece of new evidence they find, it just sends me reeling with the thought of the
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atrocities this man may have committed. i just want to scream. i told you, i told you he was dangerous to the authorities, to the parole board. you know? it just -- it's terrifying. >> larry: do you -- do you believe in your heart he might have committed these other crimes? >> i believe he's capable of it, yes, absolutely. the man that had me that night, i absolutely believe that he's capable of it. >> larry: have you tried to talk to jaycee or her family? >> no, i haven't. i'll let them come out in their own time. if they would like to atatalk t me, of course, i'm sure they can reach me through you. i'm absolutely open to talking to them. but i want to give them time to just have their time together, reconnect. >> larry: you survived this horrible incident. what do you say to sharon murch? >> don't give up hope.
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never give up hope, sharon. i'm hoping and praying that you find your daughter, too. i can't imagine having lost a child like you did. that's just horrible. >> thank you. thank you. >> larry: how you have put up with this, sharon? how have you lived? >> it's been a long time. it's been 20 years. and it's been one day at a time. and different strategies at different times. the last month or so the last few weeks have been really difficult. my hopes have been higher than they've ever been. and my fears have been higher as well. not knowing -- holding on to that hope is really -- hope is a heavy burden to carry when it's unfulfilled over a long period of time. so it's been very difficult. >> larry: you think about her every day? >> oh, every day, absolutely. she's still very much a part of my life. she's very much a part of my
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activities. i have a website for her and i'm on it every day, myself. and she is very much the center of my life. and she always will be. >> larry: when we come back, i'll ask -- yeah, fully understandable. we'll ask katie if she feels lucky. first, these words. and you get to choose any car in the aisle. choose any car? you cannot be serious! okay. seriously, you choose. go national. go like a pro.
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>> nothing but support, absolute support for me speaking out and, you know, trying to speak for all those people, all those women that don't have their voices yet to come forward and tell their story. it's been nothing but support. a lot of them were very surprised, of course. but now that they know, they're just saying go, katie, go. >> larry: i bet. do you have any fears at all that he could be acquitted? >> you know, yes, i do. i'm sorry, but look at my experience. just -- >> larry: i can understand. >> i worry about it. that's why i'm making all this noise right now. i'm going to make sure that he doesn't slip through the cracks ever again. >> larry: sharon, investigators are combing the properties for signs of other possible victims. they continue to remove debris. they're going to use search dogs and ground penetrating radar. do they keep new the loop with
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all of this? >> no. >> yes, they do. our investigators have been absolutely excellent. this has never been a cold case. they've been working the case even before jaycee was found and have always staid in close communication with me. and they have been absolutely excellent. i couldn't ask for better. and there are many volunteer searchers out here and i am very thankful to all of these people who are pouring so much of their time and heart and resources into this. >> larry: did they ever have leads during these years that indicated someone might have seen her or they may have found her somewhere? >> i had a lead a couple years ago about a young woman on the other side of the country who couldn't remember her childhood and who had suddenly discovered that her name was supposed to be michaela. for a while, i thought it was her and she was going to come home. but it turned out not to be.
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that's the only one i know of that would indicate michaela coming home alive after all this time. >> larry: kate, the incident happened with you in reno, right? you were taken to reno, right? >> yes, i was taken to reno. >> larry: you would want to go visit the garrido house? >> not particularly, thank you anyway. i did go, however -- >> larry: i mean to look at where you might have wound up. >> no, thanks. i went this last week and looked at the warehouse with some people. and that was scary enough where he had me. >> larry: where you were raped? >> yes. that brought back a lot of bad memories. >> larry: it's still there? >> yes, it is. it's still there. >> larry: do you consider yourself lucky? >> absolutely. i feel extremely lucky. you know, i must have had an angel watching over me that night. because i have no doubt he would have killed me. i mean there's no way he could
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have let me go. and trust med to not tell on him. he would have had to kill me. so i feel very lucky, yes. >> larry: boy, you are. so, sharon, you are hoping beyond hope that those bones are not your daughter's naturally, right? even though you want closure, you don't want that kind of closure. >> i really don't want that kind of closure. i believe that michaela could be alive and finding jaycee proves that it can happen. >> larry: by the way, sharon, do you have any feelings toward his wife, garrido's wife? any thoughts about her? >> i really cannot understand how she could have done what she did. it's hard enough to imagine somebody who has the sickness to behave this way much less somebody who is just
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