tv Larry King Live CNN December 3, 2009 12:00am-1:00am EST
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gaga, brianna, eminem and a few others. >> no kidding. >> and now you know what you're getting for christmas now. >> i hope she's enjoying it all. that's it for "360." larry king next. thanks for watching see. you tomorrow night. >> larry: tonight, tiger woods, confesses, admitting transgressions, personal sins. about what? his online apology doesn't spell anything out. but clearly, he's in trouble. is his once squeaky clean image tarnished forever? how about this friends, his name, his talent? made of millions, tiger woods, what now next, on "larry king live"! >> larry: we're going to begin, by the way, with two of the best
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sports writers in the business, rick riley, the award-winning sportswriter and columnist for espn, also hosts espn's "homecoming" with rick riley, a terrific show. and in washington, christine brennan, "usa today" sports columnist and a commentator for espn as well. but, first, tiger woods admits to personal sins and being far short of perfect in a statement posted on his website. here are the comments. i have let my family down and i regret those transgressions with all my heart. i've not been true to my values and the behavior my family deserves. i'm not without fault and i'm far short of perfect. i'm dealing with my behavior and personal failures behind closed doors with my family. those feelings should be shared by us alone. although i'm a well-known person and have made my career as a professional athlete, i'm dismayed to realize the full extent of what tabloid scrutiny really means. for the last week, my family and i have been hounded to expose
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intimate details of our personal lives. the stories in particular that physical violence played any role in the car accident are utterly false and malicious. elin has always done more to support our family and shown more grace than anyone could possibly expect. no matter how intense the curiosity of public figures can be, there is an important and deep principle at stake which is the right to some simple human measure of privacy. i realize there are some who don't share my view on that, but for me, the virtue of privacy is one that must be protected in matters that are intimate and within one's own family. personal sins should not require press releases and problems within a family shouldn't have to mean public confessions. whatever regrets i have about letting my name down have been shared with and felt by us alone. i have given this a lot of reflection and thought that i believe that there is a point at which i must stick to that principle even though it's difficult. i will strive to be a better
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person and the husband and father that my family deserves. for all those who supported me over the years, i offer my profound apology. rick, what do you think? >> it's staggering. it's staggering. i covered this guy since his freshman year at stanford. he got burned by "gq" when he was just starting out on tour. the "gq" writer got him saying stuff he wished he has never said. she has shut us down ever since. he's ran a spotless personal life. he's like a hostile murder witness. he gives you nothing. for him to come out and talk about personal failures, he's the most competitive guy i've ever met. if you play pingpong with him, he keeps playing until he wins. you ski with him, he throws his bowl when he falls. if you golf, you can see him throwing clubs. he's got to win at all times. to come out and say failure, i've let my family down, this has got to be killing him. >> christine, you wrote very
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critically about him. where did that stem from? you were rough today? >> well, it's going to be in tomorrow's "usa today," but i guess it's online. yeah, what an apology, huh? the first paragraph, larry, is an apology, the second two paragraphs, he attacks everybody else, and of course, this is a self-induced scandal. tiger woods has no one to blame for this but himself. and i think it's an amazing window, larry, into the psyche of tiger woods, that even as he is, quote/unquote, apologizing, you wonder, and i hope i'm wrong on this, you do wonder if in fact he felt worse about getting caught than he does about cheating on his wife. for those who say let him have his private life. for the many days that the tabloids were going crazy, i was trying to ignore that and go with the facts. picture this, he's always on his website, larry, rick, you know this, the family pictures
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the beautiful image of him as a family man. well, now, we know that's a charade. and i think it's fair that a man who asks for the money from all of all the endorsements he gets and wants you to buy his products and wants you to cheer for him on the golf course, but then he wants to shut us out completely, i don't know that you can have it both ways in today's society. >> larry: ricky. >> beyond that, this is a guy that runs a school. if you purport to be an educator, you can't run and hide. this is a teaching experience. i thought it was wrong for him to stonewall everything. plus, it's dumb. this is the age of the digital posse. if you say they're not going to get you, they're going to get you. >> larry: would he be better off coming forward with his wife, as kobe did? kobe had a criminal charge. would it be better off coming forward publicly, rather than a website? >> i'm not sure he wants to show his face. >> larry: that's not him? >> no, with the cuts and bruises. i'm not sure he wants to show that.
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he has to go with his website. it was an amazing statement to make. remember bobby kennedy's life, he said, if you got a problem, hang a lantern on it. and hang a lantern on it right away. but he didn't do that. he challenged the digital world to come after him, and they're killing him. >> larry: but, christine, didn't you and the rest of the media who covered him all these years like him? everybody rooted for him? >> well, as rick said and rick i covered tiger for a long time, we don't really know him. even those who know him don't really know him. he's kept his privacy very guarded which, by the way, is his right. i'm not saying that's wrong. it's about corporate acquiescence. about keeping the response sores happy. occasionally he does speak out, he spoke out that augusta should have women members. he's the only pro to do that. that's a good thing. he's maturing and doing things that you would want of a man in his early to mid 30s. this is a clear step backwards. this is stunning. when you hear his voice this morning.
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as i said, i was trying to avoid the tabloids. we weren't quite exactly sure what was what and wasn't. he said/she said, then you hear his voice on that voice mail tape. and, wow. that's pretty bad. >> yeah, that's lesson 101 in philandering superstar. you never leave a voice mail, never. it's so easily covered. i'm surprised a guy that careful would do that, not to say what he did was right. boy, i thought he was easily caught. what did it get sold for, 100 grand? >> larry: you wrote a column this summer complaining about his tantrums on the golf course, saying he grew up in every area but that. his dad, he was so close to, everybody needs someone to disappoint. he's had no one to disappoint lately. if i could hit a ball 350 yards and land it on a pot holder and people reached out to touch me and guys are paying me $100
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million just to put their name next to mine, maybe i start thinking i am a superstar and maybe i am superman and you start thinking you can get away with anything but you can't. i hope on this day and age. i hope he stops swearing on the court. he's got kids to mimic his every move. it's going to be hard for him to grow up, in front of the world now. >> larry: christine, can it go away? >> i think it eventually will go away. unless, i talked to some experts today, larry, the only really bad thing to come potentially is the drip drip drip. if there's more. and hopefully, tiger has dealt with it, and it's done. and only tiger knows, obviously. and if there are other women, what have you. yeah, oh, i think when tiger actually shows up on a golf course, it's going to be huge. i think the ratings will go through the roof. he's not going to lose his sponsors. nike loves this kind of stuff. probably most others do as well.
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i think next year's masters, obviously events before then, we'll be watching. we may not think the same of tiger woods ever again, and we may not look at him the same way again, larry, but we will be watching. >> larry: you think he got big ratings before. wait until the next tournament. >> i don't know if he can stay married. tiger's wife, one of her best friends is jesper parnevik's wife. they are the ones that set them up. she was their nanny. he came out today and said, i wished she would have used the driver. i'm sorry i ever set them up. that tells me elin is selling jesper and his wife, i am mad. >> larry: christine, look forward to having you again. i did see it on a blog, whatever it was i saw, the column will be in "usa today" tomorrow? >> that's correct, larry. >> larry: rick will be back later. those of you, tomorrow, read it. those who have experience with a celebrity crisis or two are
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here. and how would they advise tiger? that's next. now your chase card let's you make your own payment plan for what you charge. introducing blueprint. blueprint's free and exclusively for chase customers. for a big purchase, there's split. it lets you decide how much... or how many months you want to pay. so you can be comfortable managing all of your large purchases. if having a plan matters, chase what matters. create your own blueprint at
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kaput, but so much, the sponsors sticking with him. nike supports tiger and his family, our relationship remains unchanged. gatorade says, tiger and his family have our support as they work through their private matter, our partnership continues. we now welcome pat o'brien, television personality, has known tiger for many years, interviews him. howard bragman. crisis communications expert. chairman of "15 minutes." mark geragos. well-known defense attorney. in atlanta, president of cornwell. and described him dollars an a cleaner, a man with making high profile athletes problems disappear. pat o'brien, you know him, you have interviewed him. how surprised were you? >> i was surprised, larry, i think in this day and age, nobody goes undefeated. and that includes tiger woods, i think he's a victim of his own
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image. the one that he set up for himself. i'm a little more surprised that it's getting as much or more coverage than the 30,000 men and women we're sending to war from the speech of obama the other night. you know what which he pointed out in the statement that was five days late, he's human. these things happen. >> larry: was it too late, howard? >> it was too late. it was the second statement. and i think there's a better way to do it than another statement. i think people wanted to hear tiger. people like tiger. they want to hear him. when you don't -- >> larry: he should have done what, radio? >> he should have called you literally on the air. called somebody he was comfortable. >> larry: he didn't have to be seen? >> he could have said, i'm home healing, my doctor doesn't want me to leave but i want people to know.
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>> larry: it would have helped a lot. >> absolutely. >> larry: david, what would you advise? this is your specialty, too. >> given what we know now, i agree with larry that it was a little too late. the statement that he released today should have been released immediately after the accident. but you have to recognize, and good people do bad things. tiger still is an extraordinary talent, and he is still a young man who is remarkably poised. and these are the things that he should embrace and build upon as he rebuilds his image and re-earns the trust of the public. >> larry: and mr. geragos, he doesn't need an attorney, does he? >> he doesn't need an attorney. it might have been a millisecond too late, it doesn't matter. this guy's got a reservoir of good well. he's going to get through it. i'm with pat, it never ceases to amaze me the preoccupation with the dalianses of the rich and the powerful. it's mind-boggling to me.
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>> larry: it's not new? >> it's not new. it happens all the time. anybody who doesn't think this goes on constantly and consistently is naive. like i said before, i mean, in europe, they kind of laugh at how silly this is. >> larry: but it's always gone on, hasn't it? it's just more exposure? >> there's more exposure now than there ever was, i suppose. and the thing that also, i think, is somewhat humorous is this idea that somehow you're going to wait it out and that nobody's going to know. obviously, on the way over here on the radio, they were playing constantly that voice mail message of his. so obviously, he knew that he apparently the other person. you knew that was going to come out. you knew that was going to be something he was going to have to deal with. like i said, he's got a reservoir of good will. if people can get through felonies, he can get through a traffic ticket. >> larry: will tiger's admitted
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transgressions hurt his career? that's tonight's question on the blog. give us your votes, go to, tell us what you think. back in 60 seconds. tightness in my chest came back- i knew i had to see my doctor. he told me i had choices in controller medicines. we chose symbicort. symbicort starts to improve my lung function within 15 minutes. that's important to me because i know the two medicines in symbicort are beginning to treat my symptoms and helping me take control of my asthma. and that makes symbicort a good choice for me. symbicort will not replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. and should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol may increase the chance of asthma-related death. so, it is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on other asthma medicines. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. i know symbicort won't replace a rescue inhaler. within 15 minutes symbicort starts to improve my lung function and begins to treat my symptoms. that makes symbicort a good choice for me. you have choices. ask your doctor if symbicort is right for you.
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(announcer) if you cannot afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. >> larry: there are, of course, others who have made mistakes in their personal lives. take a look at some of them and how they explained it. >> i have had sex with women who work for me on this show. now, my response to that is, yes, i have. >> the bottom line is this, i've been unfaithful to my wife. it began very innocently as i suspect many of these things do. >> it was painful for her, hard and painful for her. she responded exactly the kind of woman she is. she forgave me. >> disgusted at myself for making a mistake of adultery. >> i've acted in a way that
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violates my obligations to my family, and that violates my or any sense of right and wrong. >> indeed i did have a relationship with miss lewinsky that was not appropriate. in fact, it was wrong. >> larry: except for kobe, all of those were on the public trust. pat, how do they -- and where do they go from here? >> well, winston churchill said, when you're walking through hell, keep walking. that's what they got to do. kobe is doing fine. martha stewart was in jail, and she's doing fine. a-rod is doing fine. some of the reporters and sportscasters that talk about kobe have gone through personal battles, and they're doing fine. you know, i think in time this goes away. you got to live with the internet, though. can you imagine if the internet was around for the athletes we grew up watching. >> larry: babe ruth? >> well, not babe ruth, but the dimaggios. mantles. >> and john f. kennedy.
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>> i deal with celebrities everyday in crisis. you hit it. it'sance transparent sis. things that were private are not private. everybody has a kama and e-mails and everybody's taking a picture. and there should be a lesson for or celebrities here. >> larry: so what, if anything, should tiger woods do now? some answers. we'll ask after this. we learned that changing your medicare part d plan could save an average of $612. woman: we just entered my prescriptions, and it compared plans for us. it was easy to find the right plan for the prescriptions i need. your cvs pharmacist can help, too. come in today, or go to before december 31st to find the best plan for you -- at cvs/pharmacy.
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the accident, the golfer is being issued a careless driving citation. >> and what really caused it. >> a scandal has erupted. as one scandal ends, another begins. >> larry: all right, david cornwell, this is your bailiwick. you're sitting with tiger, what's your advice? >> first, you recognize that you are going through a personal tragedy. and it's impossible to separate the personal from the professional. primarily because the public expects authenticity. they want to see authentic remorse. he doesn't get a mulligan on this. so he has to be able to go through the process of dealing with this terrible exposure about his marriage coming apart, in a way that enables him also to present himself to the public in an authentically remorseful way to begin to rebuild his brand, which is character focus, discipline, all the things that make tiger woods tiger woods.
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it may take him a while. i happen to think we may see him on this show, expressing to the public, through you, how sorry he is for what has happened, how sorry he is for not only letting his family down but for letting the people that support him down. >> larry: are you saying, david, that a web message isn't enough? >> i really don't think it is. my sense is, the cuts on his face is something he's not ready to explain, or maybe he can't explain. it's unlikely it happened in an auto accident without the air bag deploying. i'm certain it's because of the cuts on his face that he hasn't been seen publicly. >> larry: you agree, mark? >> i don't know. you know what i think? i think he's hoping and waiting over there that some other celebrity commits a felony and does something incredibly stupid and it shifts. the last thing -- >> larry: there aren't many people bigger than him. it doesn't have to be bigger, it just has to be crazier. that can happen.
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>> it happens, trust me. i get the calls. >> it happens with such frequency, and the number of things that you can't squelch if they get out there that should shift the focus. who knows. i remember how many times we've gone through various scandals here. and then we think, is this ever going to end, boom, the next day it's something else. >> larry: pat, if there is something else, should he come out with it? >> i think if he has the right handler, to sit down with him, is there anything else? you've got to have that conversation right away? is there anything else, let's get in front of it this time. so i think probably we might see a couple more women here and there, i think he's taken care of that with "transgressions." you know. >> he didn't define his tra transgression. what david said is right. he needs to come to a place like this, where he's going to get a fair hearing, put himself out there, look sincere and remorseful. be sincere and remorseful. what i have to teach my clients there's a secret ingredient and that's called time. over time, we forgive an awful lot of things.
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it doesn't happen over the weekend. >> larry: do you teach remorse? do you guys teach it? >> teach them how to show it. >> larry: the old george burns thing, the secret of sincerity, if you can fake it, you got it made. >> you know what, i think you would be shocked. most celebrities who get in trouble, it does make them stop. >> larry: it does make them remorseful. >> i tell you a true story. michael vick on friday. i wasn't involved with dogfighting, i had nothing to do with it. on monday, he apologized, he found jesus over the weekend. it doesn't always work that quickly. >> i'll tell you one thing, i think a lot of people are looking at their pda and pushing delete button. >> that's one of the first things you do in this situation. i always tell the client, give me your authorization and i will get your phone records. do it immediately because i want to know what's going to pop up. >> larry: does it always come out, david? >> it certainly seems that way, that's why you do have a tough conversation with your client
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very early in the process. and i wonder what happened over the weekend with tiger and his advisers, whether he told them everything or whether they made the difficult point to him, if there's anything out there, we need to know about it and deal with it. certainly, knowing what we know today, he was too late with this statement. and, yes, whatever is out there, it always seems to come out. pat, if it's on their pda, it's too late, because it's on somebody else's now, too. >> larry: we'll take a break and come back with more. tiger, of course, has an open invitation to appear on this show. he's been here before. we'll be right back. what doctors recommend for arthritis pain... in your hands... knees... and back. for little bodies with fevers... and big bodies on high blood pressure medicine. tylenol works with your body in a way other pain relievers don't... so you feel better... knowing doctors recommend tylenol more than any other brand of pain reliever.
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>> larry: pat o'brien, you've gone through personal tribulations that got into the press. >> right. >> larry: any advice in that area? going through it, what's it like? >> it's no fun. it's embarrassing, it's humiliating, really the apology to your family that you hurt. you have to be a man, the three as, admit, apologize and advance. i'm sitting two feet from larry king, so it doesn't hurt me all that much. you got to get in front of it. i didn't really do anything wrong. it was just embarrassing to me. in this day and age, it's got to come out. >> larry: do you need the wife to help now, howard? >> absolutely.
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>> larry: is she paramount? >> yeah, but i don't think she's coming out tomorrow with him. i think there's going to take some time. i think they have to stabilize the relationship. he's got a lot of time what we call the catharsis interview. if she's at his side, it's much better. >> larry: mark, does she have to play a part in this? >> i don't think so. i go back to the fact that this guy is an icon, number one. his core audience, number one are golfers. can you get a higher adultery level than golfers? it's not like this is going to hurt him. >> larry: now, wait a minute, you're condemning everybody out there golfing? >> i'm not condemning them. >> larry: female golfers, too? >> they've got a lot of time. >> larry: long tour? >> exactly right. >> the golf community isn't going to say anything other than the guy's human. >> but i want to say one thing,
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you're right about him being an icon, even listening to the sports people talking about the club throwing, all of the stuff coming up, there's been a shift. it's never going to be the same. it doesn't say joe schmow in is the lead, it says tiger woods is two strokes off. >> too big to fail. >> larry: that first tournament, they said he's taking two months off. i imagine, probably february, hawaii, what's that going to be like, david? february, hawaii? >> i thought it was going to be at torrey pines at the end of the january. but wherever it is, it's going to be a zoo. >> larry: you may be right. it may be torrey pines. >> he better be well prepared. he will bin the public eye. this is not a circumstance where he's going to be able to stay in the clubhouse and issue statements through the website. he has to be well prepared. and frankly, i think it would be smart for him to make himself available before the golf tournament to get this out of
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the way because he doesn't want this distraction hanging over him for the next two months. as soon as his face is cleared up, i would advise him to find a way to get out into the public eye and address this. and i'm not sure -- >> larry: on "larry king live," right? >> i think it's a great place to start. but i'm not sure he needs to have his wife standing next to him because that's such a cliche. and as i mentioned earlier, sincerity and authenticity is what's important in rebuilding his trust and relationship with the public and with his sponsorships, and if he trots out with his woman standing by her man and it's not authentic, i think the public will see that and it won't end it, it will prolong it. >> larry: pat, you've covered sports. how do you think he'll play? how well will he play? >> well, he's the best that ever played, in my opinion. he's got nerves of steel. he's going to have to try to.
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the fans are going to try to get in his head. even fans of his. >> larry: they love him. >> even so you've got fans that will scream out anything. also, you know, i think we got to let up on this a little bit because there's a personal side to this. he's got a family, he's got kids, under one roof, maybe watching us now. that's a sad, sad story. i think it's time to let them heal, whether we will let them do that, i don't know. >> larry: thank you, pat, thank you, mark, thank you, david. we will hold howard for the next segment and come back. how will tiger woods handle this with the kids? damage control, next. i feel like i have to wind myself up just to get out of bed. then...well... i have to keep winding myself up to deal with the sadness, the loss of interest, the trouble concentrating, the lack of energy. if depression is taking so much out of you, ask your doctor about pristiq®. (announcer) pristiq is a prescription medicine proven to treat depression. pristiq is thought to work by affecting the levels of two chemicals in the brain, serotonin and norepinephrine.
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>> larry: howard bragman remains, and we're joined by dr. robi ludwig, the psycho therapist and author of "till death do us part." you're the father of a young boy, 11 or 12 years old. he comes over here. tiger is his hero, and his picture is on the kid's wall. what do you say to him? >> i think you can admire someone for their wonderful skills as an athlete. just because they have wonderful skills it doesn't mean they're amazing in all the various areas of their life. i think that's the mistake that we often give to some of these famous people. we idolize them. we idealize them, and make them perfect when they're not. i think if we can help a child understand -- >> larry: do you say that to a child?
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>> you might. i mean, if a scandal comes out, you can explain to a child, listen, because somebody is highly developed in one area, doesn't make them perfect and that's the way people are. i think that would be a very valuable lesson. >> larry: how does the wife cope with this? how does the wife -- you've advised us all the time, how does the wife cope with this? >> you really have to ask the wife or she needs to ask herself, what does she want at this point. it's probably too soon to really know. i think she needs to feel her hurt and pain privately. probably only talk to close people that she trusts and decide, you know, is she willing to be in a relationship that's very high-profile where this happened. she is married to a famous guy where many women are going to throw themselves at him, is that something that she can deal with. can she live with him knowing that he's imperfect, that he made a mistake, but that they go towards their marriage in a new direction.
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>> larry: do you have to advise clients, howard, on not just public but how they deal with their marriage or family? >> absolutely, when you do crisis pr, you have to be part publicist and part therapist. what you have to teach them, there are times where you say, forget what the public thinks, what's important to you and your loved ones and your family. ultimately, if you can make them happy, you either forget what the public is, or you make the public accept that. >> larry: well said. how does she deal, robi, with public ridicule. she goes to the market? >> larry: she knows what everybody's talking about. >> i think she ignores it. >> larry: ignores it. >> i think you have to put on your game face. she probably has close trusted people, hopefully, that she can talk to. but i think what she says is very little. less is more in this case. she doesn't need to explain anything to the public. it's really none of their business. all she should say is something like this.
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you know, i love my husband, and, you know, we are going through a tough time privately. and i appreciate you respecting my privacy. something along those lines, really. but not fueling the fire at all. and she doesn't need to answer to the public. and the public ultimately will feed into however it is that they deal with it. if they come through this strongly, then people will respect their relationship. >> larry: assuming that it was her that acted violently toward him, assuming that, what's the effect on his public image based on that? >> well, the question is, are we going to find out that truth? my experience is that -- >> larry: everybody will assume. >> my experience is, the truth will come out, that in this transparent world, we're going to do it. and i think they have to deal with it together, you know, like robi just talked about, like you just asked me, they have to come
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to their own understanding, and that's not something, they're in the middle of this thing. it's like the hurricane has just blown their house away. you have to gather your thoughts. gather your possessions. make your marriage work for yourselves. get some counseling and get some help, and then come out together with a unified front. >> larry: do you understand, robi, when a spouse is violent when learning about something like this? >> well, there will be many women and men who will be highly reactive when they find out a spouse that cheated on them. it's a feeling of rejection. your image of the partner is completely shattered. the trust level is shattered. and there's the feeling why am i not good enough? why am i not enough in order to hold your attention? when really it may have absolutely nothing to do with the quality of one's marriage. i meaner that is what is so shocking to a lot of people. people cheat for all kinds of reasons, especially high-powered famous men. you know, they have a
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personality structure that might make them more vulnerable to cheating. they like the excitement, they're alpha males, they have women throwing themselves at them. also, there's a feeling of grand yosty, i'm special, i can get away with things that others can't. th that's probably not the case. i believe probably what needs to happen, she needs to understand a lot more about the dynamics of the situation and find a way to come to terms with it. the initial reaction is probably like "i want to kill him." >> larry: thanks, dr. ludwig, as always. howard, always good calling on you, howard bragman, dr. robi ludwig. the crash cost tiger $164 in fines. what about his image? the ability to make even more millions. we'll ask people who know in 60 seconds. amp pliers. you know what's complicated? shipping. shipping's complicated. not really. with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service shipping's easy.
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if it fits, it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. that's not complicated. no. come on. how about... a handshake. alright. (announcer) priority mail flat rate boxes only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship. >> larry: david cornwell returns the sports attorney and president of vmp cornwell in atlanta.
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joining us in new york is johnny deutsc deutsche, from an advertising company, expert on things like this and rick riley is back, the award-winning sports writer and columnist for espn and host of "homecoming with rick riley." tiger woods was here in 1988, before he was married. and he spoke about when how difficult it is to be rich and famous? do you want to be married? and have a family? >> do i want to? no. it will happen. i will surrender one day. >> larry: do you like life as a single man? >> life is good right now. eventually, i'm ready. >> larry: is it hard to date a lot? when you're four days here, gone every there, back to another city? >> it's very difficult to be with somebody. to me, i think i'll find somebody through a friend of a friend. >> larry: now, we pick it up
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now, it's kind of sad. as we mentioned earlier, tiger's sponsors are sticking by him. we've got two more statements from ea sports, our strong relationship with tiger for more than a decade remains unchanged. we respect tiger's privacy. we wish him a fast recovery and look forward to seeing him back on the golf course. and from the gillette razor folks, tiger woods has been part of the gillette champions program since 2007. at this time, we are not making any changes to our existing marketing programs. they're the only one, rick, that might have a little hedge here "at this time." >> hedging their bets because you don't know what's coming. we had a few dribble out and might be more. >> larry: donny, do you have any advice? >> first of all, anybody who is worried about tiger's $100 million a year should stop worrying. let's look at the history of athletes getting in trouble. ray lewis charged with murder.
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he didn't lose endorsement. kobe bryant charged with rape. here's a guy that has done what half of men in america has done, it's not right, but it is not a crime. i'm going to take it one step further, i had a driver take me to the airport, when this broke, he said, look at tiger, just like all the guys i know. to a guy like this who is so kind of two dimensional, it makes him more human and relatable. at some point, he will come forward in person and do the proper mea culpa. he's a smart guy. he seems to be a very sensitive guy. it makes him more of a human being. i will go out on a limb and say it makes him more endorsing. >> wow. >> larry: before david comment's. >> let me preface it, not necessarily -- not necessarily for a certain kind of female product, but in this world, guys, come on, this is a nonevent anymore. it really is. >> whoa, first of all, ask kobe how many endorsements he lost. he lost everything. >> larry: he got them back.
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>> he got some back. you don't see him on mcdonald's commercials. ray lewis didn't have much. lost it all. and kobe -- >> pizza hut came back. >> i'm not saying tiger's going to lose a bunch. i think he will lose some. but i don't think this makes him in any way more appealing. i think it makes him as jesper parnevik said, the guy who set him up with his wife, jesper said, we thought he was a better guy than this. i guess we were wrong. that's pretty devastating. >> i didn't say appealing. it makes him more relatable to the average human being. once again, guys. this is a human being, i don't think any smart sponsors aren't going to say this guy is still a great golf player. >> larry: we'll be back. don't go away. maybe this is one of the most important. new centrum silver ultra men's. a complete multivitamin for men over 50.
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it has antiodants and vitamin d... to support your prostate and colon. new centrum silver ultra men's. during the share the love event, you helped us donate almost $5 million dollars to charity. i chose meals on wheels because i believe in food for all. i chose habitat for humanity. our pets are our kids. we chose the aspca. we're sharing the love again this year. because giving back feels good. on the subaru outback,
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>> larry: anderson cooper standing by to host tonight. what's on tonight. >> telling the troops in afghanistan on the hill and tough question for hillary clinton and others and david petriius on the strategy, whether it's nation building and what the new strategy entails and many sent to helmand and canncan har provinces what it is really like in the war zones. the man accused of killing four cops, missed in arkansas state and others. why is this man out on bail. former governor mike huckabee granted him clemency. tonight, governor huk ckabee
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reacts. >> larry: that's at 10:00 eastern, 7:00 pacific. what do you make of donnie doish's commedois deutche's comment, it makes him like every other man? >> i disagree. there are only three people those part of his personal life, he let some down and will side with his wife and others will support him and help him get through this. the other are his sponsors. i don't think the sponsors are issuing the statements because they don't think there is a problem with adultery, issuing these statements because there's no agreement dealing with adultery. my father was a surgeon and once told me it's okay if other fit people think you're a god but you're in trouble if you start believing it. a role model is not a super human icon. it is a person that has all the qualities and blemishes of being a human.
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tiger will now learn that process. his success in rebuilding his reputation is being able to deal with his own blemishes in way that is authentic and sincere and bring the public and trust back to him. >> david, you're contradicting yourself. the very thing you're saying is the very reason it will make him more of a human being. the reason the advertisers are putting the statements out not because they don't have a get out clause for adultery, because this guy is a billion dollar brand. >> i didn't con thetradict myse maybe you didn't understand. >> i did sir. >> i said, this represents how human he is. i disagree with you -- i disagree with you they're dealing with adultery as being the functional equivalent of jaywalking. >> i didn't say that. i said this transgression makes him more human and more appealing. >> larry: >> larry: guys, hold it. let's let rick get a word in. we have three guests.
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rick. >> i think the reason they're not bailing on this guy, he's a killer, the greatest golfer i've ever seen. has the most iron will of any athlete i've ever covered. i've covered everybody. he will come back from this, i know how he gets, he will get determined, better than ever. he spends six hours on the range, spend 10 on the range and try to prove it with his golf. >> larry: if he comes back and wins, he's every man, back in the fold. >> i still don't see him -- i'm sorry. >> go ahead. >> imagine now on the 18th, when he's coming back, even more of a heroic story, look what tiger came back from again. it gets written. what he has done is clearly wrong. in the anales of what we watch with human behavior -- >> but birdies don't justify womanizing. i'm saying he will come back and make you forget what he did to his wife and his kids by winning everything. that's how it works in sports,
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>> larry: no surprise the late night comics are weighing in on what impact tiger's transgression will have on his billion dollar brand. >> tiger said it's a personal matter between him, his wife and their billion dollars and they will keep it that way. when ever an athlete gets in a mess like this, you wonder how it will affect their endorsement deals. so far his big sponsors are standing by him. they even held a press conference today to reiterate their support. >> on behalf of nike, we support tiger woods. >> on behalf of gillette, we,
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too, fully support our client. >> and hope to see him back on the court. >> wa who! tiger! >> sony. >> -- sorry. gatorade supports tiger, too. >> larry: let's take a call. fort myers, hello. >> caller: larry, great show. >> larry: thank you. >> caller: like to ask your panel if they think the advertisers like nike and gillette will all be negatively affected by supporting tiger. >> larry: that's a good question. will they be hurt by supporting him? >> no, it hasn't gone far enough. if it gets worse, they could be. >> larry: david? >> i don't think so. maybe some women's groups will come out against him. i don't think there will be a substantial impact against the purchasers. >> the cadillac? you can't get out of it?
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>> larry: john, it's your business, though, people will buy less gillette razors? >> no. i agree with david. the ceo has to deal with letters from women's groups and what not and have thick skin about that. any time something like this comes out, there will be letters i will not buy your product. in reality, the marketplace will speak and it will have no effect. >> larry: chicago, hello. hello. >> caller: hi. hello. >> larry: go ahead. >> caller: two part question for the panel. why are americans so fascinated by celebrity sex scandals. christine brennan criticized tiger's statement at the start of your show. isn't tiger correct he is dealing with a personal private matter? >> larry: technically, why is it our business? >> i think it is because, a, he wants a hundred million dollar a year in endorsement, $90 million
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a year. he says i'm a good guy. pitches the family guy. he runs a school, we're supposed to believe he's a terrific guy and he's messed up here. >> larry: we're short on time. if gillette has a commercial to run tomorrow, do they run it, with tiger shaving? >> absolutely. i disagree with the premise that because tiger or any other athlete has unique and extraordinary athletic prowess they give up their right to privacy. this is the media's prurient interest run amuck. this is a private story exploded into the public air waves because we're fixated with scandal. at some point, here's hoping america gets scandal fatigue and we don't see this kind of coverage. >> larry: well said. we have a great show coming tomorrow night. thank you all very much. tomorrow night, jobs, there's a major topic. guests tony robbins, mitt romney, eric schmidt of
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