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tv   Larry King Live  CNN  December 8, 2009 9:00pm-10:00pm EST

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that. dana, thanks very much. that's it for us for now. appreciate you joining us. we'll be back tomorrow night. "larry king live" starts right now. . >> larry: tonight, a prime-time exclusive with the jacksons, jermaine, marlon, jackie, and tito, they're all here. ♪ jackson street >> there you go. >> larry: they'll tell us how the family dynasty is doing since michael's death, now five months ago. what his kids are up to. and how they're moving on in the face of tragedy. >> doing as best as you can expect when you lose a parent. >> larry: next on "larry king live."
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>> larry: good evening, we welcome jermaine, jackie, tito, and marlon jackson. the brother's new reality series, "the jacksons: a family dynasty" premieres on a&e this sunday night, december 13th. the only member of the jackson five not here is brother michael. five months, hard to believe so quick, five months since he died. first, jermaine, where's randy? >> randy's probably in monteco where we should be right now. >> larry: did he not want to be -- is there any reason he isn't a part of this reality show? >> well, he's still taking care of things with the estate and still just being randy. he's welcome. we love him. >> he elected not to participate, so we respect his decision. but he's still our brother and there's -- >> larry: might, tito, he make an appearance down the line? >> i'm hoping he would make an
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appearance. he's with us on the music and the records and all those things. he's a little shy about the camera thing. >> he says he's going to make some personal appearances, but we're waiting for that to happen. >> larry: all right. how are you all -- it's five months. does it seem like five months, marlon? >> no, it doesn't seem like five months. the thing about it is, i think for myself, and i can only speak for myself, i'm learning to deal with my brother's passing. and every day i say to myself, i can't believe that my brother's not here. >> larry: where were you when he died? >> i actually was in georgia when he had passed. >> larry: and they phoned you? >> actually, no. actually, i got a phone call from a friend of mine who said, is your brother all right? i said, what are you talking about? he was rushed to the hospital. as i was calling my brothers, calling my mom, my daughter downstairs said, dad, uncle michael's dead. >> larry: that had to be unbelievable, right? >> that was unbelievable. >> larry: where were you, tito? >> actually, i was at home doing some work and one of my sons had
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called me and asked me, was it true what we're hearing about uncle michael. i said, what is it that you're hearing? he said that they just rushed him to the hospital. so i immediately tried to tune into "cnn headline news" and had learned that on my way, i called my mom and she said, you guys better get down here. so on the way there, janet had called me and said, tito, are you driving? i said, yes, i am. she said, pull over. and when she said that, i knew something was drastically wrong. and i pulled over and she broke the bad news to me. >> larry: jackie, how'd you learn? >> i was at the venetian hotel with jermaine's two kids, shopping. i was just looking at a monitor where michael shops and buys all his luggage and things like that and souvenirs. and we were just looking at it, and all of a sudden, someone passing said, michael jackson died -- or someone passing me said that. and i said, no way. soy walked outside and i got a
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phone call from my mom. and she told me, it's true. >> larry: and jermaine, i know we've asked you before, but just for the benefit of those who didn't see it, where were you? >> well, my first -- i was on the other side of pasadena. my first phone call was you guys. >> larry: you found out from cnn? >> i found out from cnn. and i just said, i'm going to call my mother right away. so i called my mother, she said she was on her way to the hospital. within 45 minutes passed, janet -- i spoke to janet and i spoke to our attorney, joe katz, and the next thing i knew, and i called my mother back, and to hear her voice, she was at the hospital, and she said, he's dead. just a horrible tone in her voice. >> larry: were you all very close, jackie? >> yes, we were very close. despite michael travels a lot and he does his own thing, but we're all close. very close. >> larry: and despite his fame, tito, there was no jealousy or anything? >> none, whatsoever.
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because we're all brothers and we all reared together. >> it was the jackson five platform that launched all the individual careers. michael's, janet's, ours. it was the jackson five. >> i think what people don't understand, the camaraderie amongst the brothers began back in the early '60s when we began to -- before we came to motown, traveling to the apollo, new york and the volkswagen van, the ford truck with our equipment and there was a bond that was born amongst the brothers at that time. because we were all trying to make it, you know, striving, trying to make things happen. >> larry: we'll ask you about the reality series in a moment, but as any fan of the jackson five knows, the group left motown for cbs and that was in 1976. except for jermaine, he stayed at motown. here's a clip from "the jacksons: a family dynasty," it's going to premiere next sunday, about that breakup.
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watch. >> the reason why i stay ed -- the reason -- this really hurts. >> don't worry about it. >> the reason why i stayed in motown, because motown introduced us to the world as the jackson five and to be told that you can go to cbs and we're going to make you like the beatles, we're the jackson five, and that's all i wanted. so the fact that we started there, just to belong to where we started. >> when you came back to the group, it was one of the best, favorable moments of my life. >> really? >> yeah. >> larry: you seem you're still bitter over that, jermaine, or sad.
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>> it was sad, because being alone and not knowing where they were and not having that connection and then the fans were like, treating me a bit different by saying, oh, you left the group, we don't want your autograph and that kind of stuff. but the love that i've had for them and they've had for me has never changed. >> larry: how did the brothers -- how did this whole thing come back, jackie, this reality show? whose idea was this? who put it together? >> well, jermaine came to us and said there's a reality show on the table for us. and we didn't know whether we wanted to do it or not, because it's a reality show. we've never done a reality show. >> jackie was very tough. >> larry: you didn't want to do it? >> i didn't want to do it, but jermaine said, this is something we must do. you know, give a chance for the world to see what we do at home. >> larry: what do they do to you? follow you around as a group or individually? >> they do a little bit of both. a little bit of both. and i told them, it's all fine,
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as long as they don't catch me coming in and out of the shower. >> larry: you glad you did it, marlon? >> yes, i'm glad. but, as you know, a little bit apprehensive about doing something of this nature, because there's a private side of your life that i strongly feel that the public is not entitled to. and that's not just with our family, that's with any family. so you let them inside your life, but there's a private, private side that -- >> larry: you have control of the edit? >> yes. >> absolutely. >> larry: we'll take a break and come back. lots to talk about. and don't forget, this show will premiere on sunday night, december 13th, on a&e. we'll be right back. medicare.
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it doesn't cover everything.
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happy birthday, jaept janet -- >> i just got a dog for my birthday -- i got a french bulldog, a female. >> you did? >> yeah. and i'm getting ready to go to the movies with austin. >> oh, okay. well, happy birthday. >> we just wanted to say happy birthday. we love you. >> happy birthday. >> take care. >> love you, janet. >> love you, bye-bye. >> larry: who were you talking to? >> janet. >> that was janet. >> larry: little janet? >> yes. >> larry: by the way, i've got to check on this, how are michael's three kids doing, marlon? >> they're doing great, doing
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fine. they're doing as best as you can expect when you lose a parent. that's in any family, you deal with -- but now with all the nieces and nephews around there, they're all doing fine. >> larry: you see them a lot? >> oh, yes, every time we go to our mom's house, they're there having fun with the other kids and family. >> larry: how's your mom, jermaine, dealing with all of that? she's not the youngest person in the world to have three little ones around. >> no, but she loves the children being around, because all the kids are there -- we're all there all the time and my kids are there and the rest of the generation, they come by. she loves the noise. it kind of reminds her of when we were young. >> and there's help there too. >> lots of help. >> larry: do they go to school without being bothered, jacqukj? >> they have home studies there at home. >> larry: they do? >> they have great teachers and are learning a lot. >> larry: were the jacksons always a family that got together, kids with kids?
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>> yes. we got together with my kids, tito's kids hung out together. >> family day. >> yes, we had family day. so we're no different than any other family. >> larry: and you had a decision to make about this reality series, and you may have been the most hesitant, jackie, of giving up your privacy. i think you were the most hesitant. >> i'm a pretty private person. >> larry: i could tell that. >> yeah. i'm very private, very quiet. i like it that way. i don't like to be in the spotlight, you know, i like to be behind the scenes, more or less. >> larry: so? >> jermaine loves the spotlight. >> no, i don't. >> he loves it. >> though, no, no. >> but that's a good thing. >> larry: needs someone to love it. >> i don't like the spotlight, larry. you know that. the light just finds me. >> see, see! >> larry: you opened your refrigerator those ten minutes. tito, do you get into the swing of it, forget cameras are there?
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>> pretty much. after a while, it was a little rough in the beginning, knowing there's a camera, but i'm now pretty used to it. >> larry: how long are you committed to it for? >> i'm sorry? >> larry: how long are you committed to the show? >> we did the five episodes, the five one-hour episodes. >> larry: that's all it's going to be? >> right now. >> larry: what if they want more? >> then we have to sit down and talk. sit down with the brothers. >> back to the drawing board. >> larry: oh, good luck. we've got another clip from "the jacksons: a family dynasty." this deeals with the aftermath f michael's death. watch. >> a great experience of carrying my brother and all the brothers carrying him. if i had to carry him for like 100 miles, i would do it, you know. >> whether you're feeling good or bad, you start thinking about that he's not here and it just overwhelms you with sorrow.
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>> i don't think people will ever understand the loss of michael as a brother for me versus a pop star. losing a sibling is devastating. >> michael was a bright light that's been shining our whole lives and we don't feel that the light is turned off, we just feel that the light is brighter, really, because the legacy lives on and his spirit is very much alive. >> larry: how many children do you guys have? how many do you have, jermaine? >> ask marlon first. >> jermaine has a nursery. >> larry: how many do you have, marlon? >> i have three kids and two grandkids. >> larry: you're a grandfather? >> yes, i'm a grandfather. >> larry: you look like a kid. you have three. all right. tito? >> three and three grandkids as well. >> larry: jackie? >> two kids. >> larry: jermaine? >> three plus four. >> larry: three plus four, that's seven. seven or five? >> that he know of.
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>> larry: so there's 15 kids. do they all get along? >> yes -- our kids? yes. >> larry: randy has kids as well. and randy has kids. >> right. >> there's a lot of jacksons. >> a whole lot of jacksons. >> larry: do a lot of them have talent? >> oh, yes. >> larry: we're going to be hearing from the jacksons forever? >> forever. thank you. >> larry: we'll be back in 60 seconds with the jacksons. (announcer) yoplait's perfect blend of real fruit and the goodness of dairy... just a peel away. explore all 25 delicious flavors. yoplait. it is so good. grill: holy moly!!! what just delichap...whoa!s.
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grill: i! hey! that looks great. grill: and there's no need to discuss it further. in fact, you can buff most of that out. just give it a once-over with a wet paper towel...hee, hee grill: ok, good talking to you... anncr: accidents are bad. anncr: but geico's good. ding! with 24-hour claims service. >> larry: a 40th anniversary rowin reunion of the jackson five is one of the key themes of the jackson's new reality series. efforts to produce a 40th anniversary album, that don't always go so well. take a look. ♪ >> this is a good roller skating song. ♪
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>> tell you what, let's erase that. let's erase it. >> i would do that. okay. you want to start over? >> let's erase it and start over. >> jackie say kill it. i'm not saying nothing. >> yeah, jackie told me to start a new session -- >> who?! >> who told you to do what? >> jackie told me to do that. >> you mean you erased everything? >> yeah. >> marlon, what happened? >> what do you mean what happened? >> what happened with jackie? >> ask your brother. >> you sat right here -- >> why did you let him do that? >> to be honest with you all, the track ain't happening. what i heard, it was great, and jermaine, you sounded good singing, but it didn't sound like the jackson five. it didn't have that jackson five magic. >> larry: boy, i love this. this is going to be a hit. this show starts sunday night.
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we'll be right back with more of the jacksons. [ beeping ] [ male announcer ] hello monday morning, goodbye weekend. braun series 3 with its special shaving head, cuts short hairs just as well as long ones and helps to minimize skin irritation for incredibly smooth skin. new series 3 from braun. yet a lot of natural gas has impurities like co2 in it. controlled freeze zone is a new technology... being developed by exxonmobil... to remove the co2 from the natural gas... so we can safely store it... where it won't get into the atmosphere. exxonmobil is spending more than 100 million dollars...
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♪ time is right for you and me to be alone finally ♪ >> the energy level is poor. hey, you guys got to listen to me. you ain't going to get it right because i hear what you guys are doing. i'm just telling you. do you want me to produce you or what? you ain't even listening. >> tito's a pain in the ass. he's so tough. he's tough. >> it sounds like the supremes instead of the jacksons.
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>> what? what? what? what? >> you guys sound like the supremes in there. >> shut up. >> larry: this show can't miss. marlon, does your mother have anything to do with the show? >> no, my mom does not have anything to do with the show. she's going to do an appearance on the show, but -- >> larry: she will? we'll actually see kathleen? >> yes, she's seen. >> larry: you taped it already? >> yes. >> larry: what about your dad? >> the hulk -- >> larry: that's what you call him? >> yes. >> larry: he does not appear on the show? >> not yet. >> larry: we have an e-mail question from sarah in green castle, indiana. she asks, "will the jackson family reality show feature from the family's private services for michael? or will you give us more details about what happened at that private service?" >> we can give you more details, but it was basically just a private ceremony for the
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immediate family. but we're not going to reveal any of that on the reality show, no. >> larry: was it very emotional, jackie? >> very, very emotional. to see your brother there in the cask casket, very emotional. >> larry: were there any other people there other than family? >> we had some close friends there, yes. >> larry: was it hard for you, marlon? >> it was hard for me, because you never expect to, actually, you know, bury your brother. >> larry: that don't happen. >> no, it just doesn't happen. >> larry: in an interview last month on abc, your sister, janet, spoke about michael's problems with drugs and the family's efforts to do something about it. watch and we'll get your comment. >> was there a time as a family where you thought, we need to do something here? did you do anything? >> of course. that's what you do. those are the things that you do when you love someone. you can't just let them continue on that way.
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and we did, a few times. we weren't very successful. >> larry: tito, do you think you could have done more? >> well, you would always like to think that you could have done more. and we did all we could. >> larry: did you always know that he had a problem, marlon? >> no. being, you know, with the prescription drugs and doctors that did those things, no, we did not know that. >> larry: were you surprised when you learned it? >> very surprised to find that out. right away, we tried to comfort it and tried to support him on that, but it was kind of difficult. >> larry: any, at all, honestly, jermaine, guilt that you ever say to yourself, we should have done more? >> no. there's no guilt. i don't like the word "drugs." i think, marlon said it best, without the drugs, there were prescriptions that weren't good
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for him. i just dislike the word "drugs." it's so vague, so broad. there's all types of drugs, but i'll say that michael's in safe keepings now. there was nothing that we could do. >> larry: do you have any anger at the doctors, marlon? must have some, i guess? >> there's an ongoing investigation, ongoing investigation, and until they know exactly what took place. because, yes, i strongly feel that some of these doctors just do things, you know, for the -- for themselves. >> larry, i'm -- i'll just say this. i'm very upset to hear that this doctor is able to go back and practice medicine. >> larry: so far, no charges. >> no charges. >> larry: so far. >> and to take our brother's life and one of the biggest names in the world and he can go -- who is he going to practice on? he's been marked. but i'm just saying that i'm very disappointed, and they are too. he should not be where he is.
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he should be charged. >> larry: how's your mother feel about that? >> she's very devastated over it. you can see it in her face, constantly, all over again. she's torn apart over it. this was her son. >> i don't think any parent ever feels like they would live to see one of their siblings pass. >> larry: it's not supposed to happen. >> it's not supposed to happen. >> but as you and i know, tomorrow's not promised to any one of us. >> larry: for the record, dr. murray who's at the center of the ongoing michael jackson investigation told us that, "everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but we're waiting for concrete facts to come from the lapd." we'll be right back with the jackson's reality series, premieres sunday night on a&e 37. can your body wash nourish this deeply?
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♪ ♪ oh, baby, give me one more chance ♪ ♪ won't you please let me back into your heart ♪ ♪ i want you back ♪ oh, oh, baby >> larry: what goes through you, jackie, when you see that? >> it just brings back a lot of great memories. how hard we rehearsed for that.
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just to do that show. and it was a lot of fun. a lot of hard work. we worked hard, every single day. it was hard work. >> larry: what does it do when you see it? >> well, it brings back the same for jackie, old memories of all the hard work and effort and our dreams to accomplish them today, it makes me feel really good. >> larry: marlon? >> i think about we were doing it, because we loved doing it. we didn't realize exactly where it was going to take us. we enjoyed it. we all enjoyed doing it. we rehearsed relentlessly, but we enjoyed rehearsing. >> larry: jermaine, did you realize how much talent that little kid had? >> yes, yes. we realized it when we used to do live shows before this and michael used to do the splits and just do all kinds of things, just spontaneously, right. way back in india -- >> larry: they've got a museum for him now in gary, indiana. your father, joe, has suggested
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that michael's death involved foul play. your sister, la toya, voiced a similar opinion. here was la toya on "the view" back in september. >> i thought it was homicide. that he had been murdered. michael told me, i'm going to be killed, they'll kill me over my publishing. and he was afraid of that. >> larry: what do you make of that, marlon? >> well, i think if you ask each one of the brothers or the sisters their opinion, you might get a different answer for everybody. >> larry: what's yours? >> i want to sit back and let them do the investigation and let come out exactly what took place. i don't want to form an opinion. and one of the other brothers might have an -- >> larry: do you think la toya may have made an opinion too soon? >> she may have, yes. >> larry: is that the way the family feels about it? and joe, too, then spoke too soon? >> yes. >> larry: was there jealousy of michael?
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>> no. >> that's logical. >> why? >> a lot of people say that, ask us all the time. when i see my brother doing that, it makes me so proud of him, being one of the biggest artists in the world. breaking all records, the record sales, i'm so proud of him for doing that. that's hard to do, larry. that's hard work. his last name is jackson, right? >> that's right. >> as jermaine stated earlier on the show, the jackson five was the foundation. we worked relentlessly to build this name, to brand this name internationally. and as michael branched off and continued to even take it to another level with the last name, it just continued to brand the name, jackson. so, no, it's like a machine, we're all working together and some pieces just excel -- >> larry: even when he got jermaine so famous. i mean, he went beyond fame. >> larry, that's our brother. we're happy. he was going to go further. and we were going to be more proud. he was going to go further. absolutely. >> larry: another surprising thing, we were with you the night of the premiere of the film is what that film shows,
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and anyone who sees it would say this, what a great guy he was. >> he was, larry. >> larry: now encouraging he was of other talent, when that girl is kind of unsure of herself, and he never makes her feel bad. >> he hates to hurt people's feelings. always feels love. >> that's who he was. >> who he was. >> larry: and also, pretty bright. marlon, i mean, this was not just a walk in the park. >> right. no, one of the things that the brothers had mentioned is that my mother and my father, at the time, the things that my father put us through as youngsters, we didn't realize -- >> larry: he was rough, right? >> he was rough. but think about it, six boys, you know, and in gary, indiana, where there's gangs and things of that nature. he made sure we stayed busy when he was away. we never realized what he was doing until we got older. and all those things that took place in gary, indiana, as you get older, you draw back on those things and there's some type of balance in your life.
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and so, i feel that i'm no different than anybody else of my brothers, and i give my father credit for that. >> larry: were you ever resentful of your father, tito? >> never. because i think my father, he's not -- he didn't just prepare us for music, he prepared us for manhood, for life, and the things that he had us do at a child's age, you know, that was only a short period. but we're adults the rest of our lives. so he prepared me. >> larry: was he rougher on michael than the others, jackie? >> no, he wasn't. he could never catch michael. he was so fast michael goes under the bed and never comes out for about 15 minutes. and he would laugh at him. >> larry: so even though he was not a spare the rod, spoil the child kind of guy, right, you appreciated what he did then for you? >> absolutely. that's why we're here today. absolutely. we appreciate -- >> it was tough love. that's what it was. >> none of our friends from gary isn't with us today. >> larry: it's a tough town. well said.
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more from the jacksons after this. sun life financial has never taken government bailout money,
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yet no one knows our name. ♪ get down tonight that's about to change. so you'll pay for the tour, but i have to change my name? no, you're still kc, but from now on, they will be the sun life band. it's funky. sooner or later, you'll know our name. sun life financial. i just want fewer pills and relief that lasts all day. take 2 extra strength tylenol every 4 to 6 hours?!? taking 8 pills a day... and if i take it for 10 days -- that's 80 pills. just 2 aleve can last all day. perfect. choose aleve and you can be taking four times... fewer pills than extra strength tylenol. just 2 aleve have the strength to relieve arthritis pain all day. this country definitely needs to focus on other ways to get energy.
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we should be looking closer to home. we have oil on our shores. natural gas can be a part of the solution. i think we need to work on wind resources. they ought to be carefully mapping every conceivable alternative. there is an endless opportunity right here. we're back with the jacksons, the reality show starts sunday night. they've done five of them, but from the way it looks to me, we're going to be seeing this for a long time, i think. going to be renewed for probably more money. >> i like that. >> larry: i just have that hint. you know, when you get a hit, you have the edge when you only did five, and you're not guaranteed to do more, right? >> no. >> larry: more money.
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let's take a look at the jackson -- trust me. let's take a look at the jackson five in action back in the days when all of us were a lot younger. watch. ♪ ♪ abc, easy as 123 ♪ baby you and me ♪ easy as 1, 2, 3 ♪ do re mi >> larry: let's look at memories here, this is memory lane here. what kind of kid is your brother? >> michael and i were closest in age, the two youngest of the group and we hung out all the time and we used to play practical jokes on everybody. we used to get in the golf carts
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when our row manager and others would go play golf, we would reck the golf carts. we just had so much fun. jermaine and michael used to put ice in people's shoes when they -- back in those ages, you would leave your shoes out, get them polished, shined up, and we would leave ice in them. >> larry: would you say he was a good kid, tito? >> he was an excellent kid. full of fun, love, and very musical, and his whole thing was bringing people together, giving to the world, and trying to change the world, make the world a better place. that's what michael -- >> larry: he started to think that he was young, too? >> yes, even as a young man, even the songs he had written as a teenager, a young teenager, were all about changing the world and bringing people together. >> he studied walt disney. >> larry: he did? >> loved him. read all the books about walt disney.
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that's why he had an amusement park. he told me when he was 10 years old, i'm going to have a disney land in my backyard. >> larry: did you ever play at disney land? >> we played on the ship, pirates of the caribbean. >> larry: that must have been a hoot for him, then, huh? >> a hoot for all of us. >> he was a big draerm. >> larry: what's going to happen to neverland, by the way? >> what we're planning on doing is keeping it exactly the way it was and just maybe, we have other plans for it, but we're going to keep what he did, because that was his tomorrowland. >> larry: but it's not -- you're not going to let it just sit there, right? >> no, no. we've get some great ideas. >> larry: the most beautiful piece of property. >> oh, yeah, you saw it. >> larry: with you. >> it's gorgeous. >> larry: and you can't just let that lie there, right, marlon? >> no. it's not. i think there are some ideas that people have been working on to bring neverland back to life. >> larry: what was the worst
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part? was there any downside to being famous early? >> for myself, i think one of the things, and motown prepared us for this, but everybody wanted a piece of you, everybody wanted to know your private life. and i think that was probably the worst part for myself. you know, being famous at an early age. >> larry: what was for you, jermaine? >> the downside? >> larry: nothing's perfect, so what was the downside? >> i don't remember any downside. we were prepared. we were taught to -- i mean, they all did an incredible job. >> just waking up so early in the morning. >> for jackie. >> preparing yourself, packing your luggage. sometimes you leave stuff. right? >> in hotel rooms. >> larry: did you tour a lot? >> oh, you kidding me? >> larry: a lot of one-tignight tours. ever forget what town you're in? >> all the time. >> larry: jackie's going to say, hello, detroit and we'll be in chicago. >> no, no.
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>> larry: back with more of the jacksons, the show premieres sunday. welcome to the now network, population 49 million. right now 1.2 million people are on sprint mobile broadband. 31 are streaming a sales conference from the road. 154 are tracking shipments on a train. 33 are iming on a ferry. and 1300 are secretly checking email on a vacation. that's happening now. america's most dependable 3g network. bringing you the first and only wireless 4g network. right now get a free 3g/4g device for your laptop. sprint. the now network. deaf, hard-of-hearing and people with speech disabilities access every time you take advil liqui-gels you're taking the pain reliever that works faster on tough pain than tylenol rapid release gels. and not only faster. stronger, too. relief doesn't get any better than this.
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advil. >> larry: according to sony pictures, the michael jackson rehearsal film "this is it" has raked in more than $250 million in worldwide ticket sales. here's a clip. ♪ ♪ >> larry: was that hard to look at, tito? >> actually, this is the first i've seen of anything of the film, and that wasn't too bad,
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because it's michael's musical. >> larry: was it hard for you qup. >> it's hard for me. >> larry: he died soon after, right? >> yes. you look at it and -- >> larry: he looked so good. >> i'm sorry? >> larry: he looked so good. >> he looks great. you can't believe he's not here with you anymore. >> larry: was it hard for you, jack jackie? >> no, i enjoyed a bit of it, to see him do it, his thing. the film. >> larry: you, jermaine? >> i was excited about seeing him preparing for what was going to be the most incredible show and just to say he wasn't giving 30%, he was just going through the motions and make sure everybody else knew what they were supposed to do. >> larry: you mean, we department see the best? >> oh, no. >> no. >> no, no. >> just go through the motions. when you hit the stage, that's when you give the 2,000%. >> larry: that's the amazing thing about him. he was very shy, except when the light hit him, on stage. nothing shy. >> yes. >> larry: we'll be back with
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>> larry: we're back and we have an e-mail question from brooke in west palm beach, florida. she asks, if you could pick one fine that you think best defines the jackson five as a group, what would it be and why? we'll start with marlon. >> i would paycheck "2300 jackson street." >> come on. >> come on. that's not what you would pick, jack jackie? because it tolds the whole story, what really took place and the camaraderie between family members. >> larry: tito? >> i'm going to go with "can you feel it," because it spaeaks about love and peace and harmony for the world. >> larry: jackie? >> "2300 jackson street" because we had the whole family in on the record. >> larry: ever get back there? >> yes, we get back -- no, i didn't go, jermaine went back. >> it's tito and i that went
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back to gary. >> larry: jermaine, what's your favorite song? >> probably, "never can say good-bye." the lyrical content has nothing to do with what we're speaking about, but it was just those -- during that time when that song was out. >> larry: what did "2300 jackson street" sound like? ♪ 2300 jackson street >> larry: i want to hear it from the four of you. ♪ 2300 jackson street ♪ always home >> larry: give me a little. >> got to do this. >> larry: give me a little. i'll do it. >> you're doing the wrong beat. you got, one -- ♪ 2300 jackson street >> larry: ah, forget it. stop that. all right, something happened, jermaine, an upcoming episode of "the jacksons," we've got our spies. your commitment to the group's
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reunion is questioned after you failed to show up far major photo shoot. what happened? >> well, what happened was, wha in vienna and i was working so hard on a tribute, the tribute, and i got just so exhausted that i got -- my eyes were like red as that band that you have on your wrist there. and they thought that i wasn't telling the truth. so of course the brothers didn't believe me, and so they -- they went on and did the session and -- >> larry: photo session. >> yeah. >> larry: without you. >> yeah. and i did mine out here pretty much. >> oh, you dubbed that in. >> yeah. >> larry: were you mad at him? >> he said he was working hard. he probably was hardly working. >> but then we finally got it together. >> larry: were you mad, tito? >> no, not mad. it's all good. >> larry: were you mad? >> no, i wasn't mad. >> larry: who's the leader of the group? >> me.
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see, larry, you don't ask it out openly. you just say, jackie, are you the leader? tito, are you the leader? >> i got the final word, larry. >> larry: let's say a financier comes along and he has a project and he wants to build a jackson museum in dubuque. who does he talk to? >> talk to jermaine. >> actually, while we were -- we were sitting down to talk about amongst ourselves and if we all agree to it. >> larry: what if you vote and it's 2-2? >> then he comes in. >> there's randy, too. you've got to have -- you're going to have -- that's the swing vote. >> larry: are janet and la toya just as close to you as you are to you? >> yes, absolutely. >> of course. of course. >> larry: so the sisters are close. >> absolutely. >> larry: the tie strongest is to the mom. right? tell me about catherine. we keep hearing about catherine. i spoke to her on the phone once. >> she should be the mother of
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mothers around the world. she's -- she's just an incredible human being. and she's so nice, and we get all that niceness from her. sometimes we hate it because -- >> we don't speak up for ourselves. >> yeah. >> my mother is the type of woman, she can fire me. >> larry: how old is she now? >> she's -- >> 72. >> no. she's -- she's in her late 70s, i believe. let's put it that way. >> larry: healthy? >> healthy. >> very healthy. >> very healthy. >> larry: we'll be back with our remaining moments after this. to help you make the right health care decisipds. like understanding medicare part d. we'll walk you through a free plan comparison report... to guide you to the most cost-effective... and comprehensive plan, whether you're new to medicare part d... or you've been covered for a while. so stop in and stay well. cheese! walgreens. there's a way to stay well.
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for me, the gift of music has been from god from the time i was a child. so, first of all, i would like to thank my parents who bequeathed me that gift. >> larry: one more clip from "the jackson family dynasty." it demonstrates that even though joe jackson is not around, his influence is still felt. watch. >> tito, don't be real hard. just be real normal. don't say it ten times. >> i'm always hard? >> yeah. >> i got to get it right. >> come on, people paying money for this. >> like joe jackson? >> i can't help it. i look like him. >> joe jackson boy right there. >> i'll just warm up. make sure you do a good job, all right? do it just like i taught you. >> larry: is that your father's impact on all of you? >> you just heard the boss speaking. >> larry: hey, are your parents anxious to see these -- this
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series? >> very excited to see it. >> larry: haven't seen it yet, have they? >> no, they have not seen it. >> this is my first time seeing some of the clips on the show. >> larry: your first time for everything. your first time seeing the movie, your first time -- where have you been? before we leave you, a lot of emotional moments during the public -- the public ceremony for michael jackson on july 7th at staples center. one of the most incredible afternoons of my life. probably the most touching, of course, when michael's daughter, paris, spoke about her father. watch. >> i just wanted to say -- into speak up, sweetheart. speak up. >> ever since i was born, daddy has been the best father you can ever imagine. and i just wanted to say i love him so much.
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[ applause ] >> larry: what did that do to all of you? >> just breaks my heart. >> stabbed me right here. >> larry: you didn't know she was going to speak. >> no. >> no, we didn't. we didn't. >> larry: how is she doing? >> she's doing great. she's doing fine. >> they're holding up. >> larry: who's the boss of the three? is it -- >> probably prince. >> prince is. >> larry: prince is. he's the oldest. >> yeah. he's the one. he loves computers. >> larry: what a family bond this is. the four of you ought to feel so -- i don't know how you -- i don't want to put words in your mouth. what are your feelings? you excited about the show? >> we're very excited because we get the chance to sort of show who we are off stage, and they know us on stage, and we feel that it's a lesson to be shown and for people to see how we really are. >> but not only that, it's -- with the various projects that
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the brothers have, this is the most time we've spent together in a long time. and i tell you, they're not too bad to hang around with sometimes. >> larry: how about the story that you were going to bring a show to vegas? >> well, it's -- there are so many opportunities. >> larry: you get a lot of offers every day? >> yes. >> oh, many opportunities for us, larry. >> larry: isn't vegas logical? it's clo to where you live. it's good money. it's great attention. you pack 'em in. i mean, what's more logical than michael jackson's brothers working vegas? >> well, see, larry, we still want to go out there and hit the road and hurt 'em. right, marlon? we want to put it on. >> tour 8,000 theaters. >> one-nighters. >> just go out there and just jam, a live band and see a different setting. vegas is wonderful, but that's -- i mean, we can always go there. we've still got some touring to do. right, guys?
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>> that's right. >> jackie lives in vegas. that's why he's not saying anything. >> for 40 years we've had great, great support from our fans around the world, and i think we should give them a great tour around the world. >> larry: how far off is this? >> well -- >> i don't know. you know, there's been some talk about some things. there's a lot of work that goes into putting the type of show we want to put together. >> larry: the same people going to put it together that were going to put the jackson tour to london together? >> we haven't decided who -- it's a possibility. >> larry: but it is going to happen. >> oh, yeah. >> larry: the jacksons are going to tour. >> we'll bring you with us, larry. >> larry: i've got an idea. i intro you. i go around, just intro you and get off. >> 15 minutes. >> larry: what do you pay opening acts? okay. i'd love to do -- i'd love to do one swing with you, you know, just one we can do every nigh. you go by bus or


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