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tv   Larry King Live  CNN  December 10, 2009 9:00pm-10:00pm EST

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king live" starts right now. >> larry: tonight, your money and your life. suze orman is here with bottom line advice about surviving these rocky economic times. four closure notices fell last month. is your house safe? the dow's up, hey, you got the spare cash, are stocks the place to stash it? and how can you save during the holiday season without being scrooged. sure we'll take your call toos. and queen latifa, we'll talk about tiger and oprah and a whole lot more.
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she'll also share one of the greatest stories never told. all next on "larry king live." we begin with the personal finance expert, the emmy winning tv host of the suze orman show, seen saturday nights on cnbc. when you were on in february, obama was set to sign the $787 billion stimulus plan. how has it all worked since then? how are we doing? >> actually, if you look at it, we're a whole lot better than we were a year ago. we're no longer falling off the cliff. the banks have been saved, they're starting to repay a lot of the t.a.r.p. money. however with that said, forget about wall street, forget about the banks, how are every day people really doing, larry? we still have a high unemployment rate, people are still under water in their houses, they don't know what to
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do. as far as the home loan modification program is undergoing, i think that has been a horrific, underline, underline failure, but overall, we're doing quite a bit better than we were one year ago. >> larry: a high number of people think we're going to see another great depression. >> i don't think that we're going to see another great depression. is it possible we could double dip? maybe yes, maybe no. but no matter what happens in the outward economy, we still have people who are suffering, who still don't know what to do about their homes. they don't know what to do about their jobs, they don't have the answers out there and the stimulus has not, in my opinion, provided the jobs that it was promised to do so, i hope it does eventually, but at this point it still hasn't done so. >> larry: if the president
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called and asked you if he should do something, what would you tell him? >> i would say can you actually get these home own modification programs to work? you can't put money away to correct a problem that was created by wall street. you cannot put that kind of money away saying that we're going to help you, we're going the make it so that you can stay in your home. when truthfully, nobody that i know of anyway, is helping them. 232,000 people approximately have been helped by this home loan modification. so therefore it is a failure. so i would president obama, please get your staff, please get these people on these banks so they can really get their act together to help the people keep their homes. >> larry: and there are 18% more foreclosure filings november of this year than november of last year, but foreclosures are down for the fourth straight month. what does that tell you. >> it tells me that they're down for the month right now. but two million people still have lost their home to
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foreclosure, another projected approximately 13 million people are projected to lose their home to foreclosure, and even though i know that a lot of the foreclosures have been stemmed off here, they have slowed down, i still think we could see another wave of them. i'm not so sure that we have absolutely bottomed in the real estate market. so, again, larry, i think this is time for people to still be cautious when it comes to real estate. don't go out there and just say it's hit the bottom, we're okay, when you see a government that still has to initiate things, such as an $8,000 tax credit to buy a home, a $6,000 tax credit if you've bought a home in the last five years, that says to me that the real estate market would not continue without incentives to do so. so we're not out of the water as far as real estate as well. >> larry: we have a twitter, i have been unemployed foy ten months and i am going to apply
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for a federal loan modification. any stiffs so i can keep my house? >> forget about applying, if you do not have an income, you cannot get a loan modification. the only way you can get a modification loan is if you have an income they can evaluate. when you apply for a loan modification, you go on a trial period. the trial period is there to see can you pay for it? if you don't have income, it isn't going to work. so you have to be realistic right now, if you owe more on the home than it's worth, if you can't get a job, sometimes it's better to just let the home go, because that's your only alternative at this point in time. >> larry: the administration set a long-term target for helping a few million homeowners, but rather 31,000 homeowners have received permanent loan
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modifications since the first of march. why such a low success rate? >> because they don't have their act together. if this program was really working, you had about a billion people that were eligible that applied. the numbers are out there, they all came today and if you look at the numbers, it's absolutely atrocious when you see they're about 31,000 people who were accepted for loan modification, 32,000 people were accepted all of a sudden were disqualified. so really about 3%, larry, of the people that are eligible for a loan modification have currently gotten them. that to me is not a successful program. so they have really got to get their act together, get the banks to communicate to the borrowers, to get this system to really work. right now it has broken down and it has not been working and i don't know what they're going to do to fix it. >> larry: more with usuze orman.
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tomorrow night howie mandel, more of suze next.
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suze is a twitterer, she twitters at the atsuzeorman show. >> we follow you. >> and i follow you, larry, as
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well. >> larry: do you enjoy it? >> i do enjoy it. i don't know if you know, if you do tweet me, i am the one, nobody else tweets on my site but me. i try to answer every single question that somebody asked me and the reason that i like it so much is that it actually keeps me in touch with what does america want to know, what do you need? what are you feeling? and it all kind of comes out on my twitter site and i love it and i do it almost every day. >> larry: pretty good ego trip, though? >> suze, if i have the cash available to pay off my mortgage is it a good idea to do so? i have heard people say that i need the mortgage interest deduction on my taxes and that doesn't make sense to me. >> here's the thing, jeff, it all depends how old you happen to be. if you are old enough that you're going to be keeping this home. let's say you're 45, 50 years of
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age, then i personal think it's a wonderful thing to do to pay off your mortgage? why most of your tax writeoffs in your mortgage are in the beginning years, if you have a $250,000 mortgage and you pay $1,200 a month. after 20 years of paying $20,014 a year, so in the later years of a mortgage, it's all principal anyway. so if you're going to stay in the house for the rest of your life, if you're 45, 50 years of age, i would say you should absolutely pay off your mortgage because then you know nobody can ever take your home away from you. >>. >> larry: we have a question from the ontario side. >> caller: barack obama has only been in office for 11 month and
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it's a year in january. i imagine it will take time for him to make some changes. >> larry: do you have a question or is that just a statement? okay a statement, do you agree with that, suze? >> of course it's going to take some time. he came in at a situation when it was horrific in the economy, he inherited a lot of the problems that he was going to be dealing with with. but there comes a point in time that when you institute a program and you have something that's put in place to help people, you've got to make sure that the program is working. and the program, especially for home owners for the modifications for the modify kraigs is not working. there is a failure to communicate between the borrower and the banks, the people servicing these loans so it's not about how long he's been in office, it's about the fact that the system that has been put in place is not working and that has got to be fixed and that came in on his watch. >> larry: a lot of people are
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going to cut down on spending, good for them, bad for the economy this christmas? >> the economy should expect that people for a long time now are going to be savers more than spendering and they should factor that in. the economy should not be held on the shoulders of people who don't have the money to spend. that's how we got into this problem to begin with. so the greatest gift we can give each other this holiday is the gift to honesty. if you have the money, you have an eight-month emergency fund, you're putting money in your retirement accounts, if you have credit card debt, if you don't have an emergency fund, can you just not spend what you don't have? >> larry: miami, hello. >> caller: hi, larry, hi, suze,
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my idol. i think that i could help this country and other people like me with a proven record of buying foreclosures and buying homes that need rehabbing and doing that and, you know, flipping them or renting them out. i get three houses i purchased. >> larry: what is your question, dear. >> how could i person like me, i have seven houses, i bought 21, how can i get money to do more properties? because the more i do, the better the streets are -- >> larry: can flippers get money? >> here's the thing, my miami friend is that that is the question, you are running a business, whether the business is flipping houses, whatever it may be, you need money in order to run your business. and still small businesses today are not getting the money to flow through to be able to expand their business or create a business, the banks are holding on to the money still. interest rates have got to go up, the feds have got to
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increase interest rates so that banks want to lend money again and that the dollar stabilizes here. so, you know, until they starred lending again, really to small businesses like you, there's not much any of us can do. >> larry: more with our mistress of money, usuze orman in 60 seconds.
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loich we're back with the suze girl. we have an e-mail. i'm hearing a lot about transferring my bank credit card to a credit union credit card. are the credit unions a better option and how can i find one that offers the best cards? >> here's my new thing, credit unions, especially federally chartered, the maximum interest rate they can charge you is 18%. while that may sound like a very high interest rate, the truth of the matter is many of these banks today are charging 29.99%
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interest. here is what i'm suggesting. the united states of america, all of you should start looking into credit union credit cards and do a balance transfer. how do you find a good credit union credit card where they won't charge you a balance transfer fee, the interest rate is 8%, things like that, i want you to go to a site called credit card it is a new site, credit unions you should all want to start to register with this site where it gives the credit unions a rating, you put in your zip code and up will come a credit union in your area that has a good rate, that will treat you honestly. so it's something you should all check out. the site has just started up, i have been monitoring it and i have to tell you, the person running it obviously knows what they're doing. >>. >> larry: give it again. >> credit card >> larry: thank you, szue.
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we'll be back with more of suze orman. some pharmacists only dispense prescriptions.
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your walgreens pharmacist also dispenses wisdom... to help you make the right health care decisipds. like understanding medicare part d. we'll walk you through a free plan comparison report... to guide you to the most cost-effective... and comprehensive plan, whether you're new to medicare part d... or you've been covered for a while. so stop in and stay well. cheese! walgreens. there's a way to stay well.
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>> larry: by the way next tuesday, a huge show for you, the cast of the new movie "nine" will be here. fergie and kate hudson and nicole kidman. the broadway production of
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"nine" won five tony's. i saw the movie last night. "nine" is a ten. my guest is suze orman. i know you talk about personal brands, how important is that, how damaged is the tiger woods brand? >> well, i have to tell you, at first i didn't think he was so damaged. and then every day with more and more coming out, i'm starting to think, maybe he's going to be damaged. however, with that said, you know, people have very short-term memories and you have all these people that have done these horrific things in life that you look at and go, oh, my god, we're right back with them all, larry. so i think he may be damageded here a little bit, but not as much as people think. >> larry: it's worse if the story has legs, right? >> of course, if it keeps going, if all of a sudden we go from one person to six people to ability people to ten people and
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there's video footage that comes up with him doing things, he'll be in trouble, if things calm down, he'll be back on top once again. >> larry: people are talking about the feds -- >> why it's good for banks and they're borrowing money and they're making money now and everything's good for them, especially with the elderly population, those people are fixed income, their income is going away, maybe they're used to 5% and they're renewing at 1% or 2%. i think a lot of people, mine in addition pal bonds are still something that's geophysicisting you a nice interest rate, you might want to look into that, especially if they are general obligation bonds, they're insured, they're safe and sound. and again, there's nothing wrong with looking into some of these
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individual stocks or exchange traded funds or utility funds. people who needed income had utility stocks where you can get 3% or 4% income right now and possibly get some growth on your minute if you're willing to wait. other than that, i have to tell you it's very difficult. you also might want to look into a single premium deferred annuity, not a variable annuity. but sometimes single deferred annuities can sometimes give you a higher interest rate than cds. >> caller: my brother-in-law is in a computer business but hasn't been making money for three years, but adding up a lot of creditors and my sister was concerned about the mortgage and was wondering if it was possible or smart to take my brother-in-law's name off their deed to protect her and the house? what do you think about that. >> here's the thing, it's that
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you can take his name off the deed, but you can't necessarily take his name off of the mortgage. and if the mortgage isn't being paid, if there isn't money to pay the mortgage, even if the deed is just in her name, there goes the house. so i don't think it's so much that his name should come off the house, i think they need to figure out a solution to how are they going to make money to pay the mortgage so that they can both keep the house. i think that's a smarter thing to do. >> larry: before the recession began, americans network hit $64.5 thrillon. the fed says in the past quarter it's 53.4 trillion. th that's $11 trillion less. what do you think of that? >> the market is better than it was at the bottom of this year.
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however we are still years away of solving the problem, we're on financial steroids, the markets are going, the my is going, we have injected all this money into it, but eventually that injection of capital is going to take its toll on the financial body, it's got to be paid back and how is that going to get done? therefore we are in this for the long run, it could be years truthfully, before all of this is worked out. >> larry: what about unemployment. >> we're starting to add jobs, but still, it's a seriously high unemployment rate. we need to get it down into the 4% area. so that isn't happening at this point in time, so the true programs that are coming about, the stimulus programs, that money has to go to create jobs. without jobs, we continue to lose homes, when we continue to lose homes and people go into
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foreclosure and people who have their homes go into a spiral. so jobs have got to start to be created and that's where the money needs to go. >> larry: another call, arlington, massachusetts, hello. >> caller: i have a quick question, suze. don't you think that this recession has been a good teaching moment at all for some of the people in the united states looking at it in a way that material things are not number one anymore in their lives? thank you very much. >> yeah, you know, i have always, if you watch my show, you always hear me end my show with a statement that goes people first, then money, then things. and i do think what's happened in the economy has gotten us all to realize that there can be tremendous joy in just being with people and valuing things that matter and letting you define the things around you rather than the things defining
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you. however, with that said, it's a shame that that lesson had to come in the way that it did, it's not right that people don't have jobs. it's not right that millions of people have lost their homes. it's not right that people don't know what to do. good, every day people that really were inflicted with this when for many of them it was no fault of their own. so a recession has taught us lessons, i'm so sorry it had to do so however. >> larry: always good seeing you suze. >> thank you. >> larry: next a grammy winner, an academy award nominee, queen latifa. don't go away.
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i was just in town for a few days, and i was wondering if i could say hi to the doctor. is he in? he's in copenhagen. oh, well, that's nice. but you can still see him! you just said he was in... copenhagen. come on! that's pretty far. doc, look who's in town. ellen! copenhagen? cool, right? vacation. but still seeing patients. oh. [ whispering ] workaholic. i heard that. she said it. i... [ female announcer ] the new office. see it. live it. share it. on the human network. cisco.
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>> larry: we now welcome one of my favorite people. queen latifa, oscar winning actress, author, entrepreneur and also serving as centennial ambassador for the milton hershey school. that was a school started by the hershey magnet. it's for children from families with low income, with limited resources and social need. free kindergarten through 12th and queen latifa is their
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centennial ambassador. how did that hook up for you? >> you know, i had the fantastic opportunity of going up to visit the milton hershey school. i was just blown away, i was amazed. they have 1,800 students. when thaw meet those students, they're so smart, so articulate, they're kind, not afraid to speak, they shake your hand, they're so supportive of one another, they have a wonderful campus, incredible classrooms, high-tech nothing, arts and music, and i'm like, wow, i want to go to this school. i got to see what the campus was like. and i got to see what their homes were like. it's not like a dormitory situation or a boarding school, they live in homes and each home has house parents which is like a married couple who, it's their full-time job to take care of the kids that are in the house. so they cook them dinner and breakfast and make sure they do their chores and their home work. but i got to sit with them and
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play with the kids and they cooked us an amazing meal and it's really, i think quite revolutionary and it's an amazing school and i wanted to help them to help people find out more about it. >> larry: so as centennial ambassador, what you do is spread the word? >> i'm spreading the word because, you know, i don't think people even realize when they buy hersheys that they have been supporting this school. although the late milton hershey dedicated -- he left his entire fortune to the milton hershey school, but he also made sure that a portion of the proceeds from the hersheys go to the school to support and continue to support the school. but the fact that some kids have been through a really tough side of life and some kids have not been able to afford to really have the opportunities in life that they should, have had the most amazing opportunities at this school and it's so important that people know about
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it. and if they could have more teachers coming out to the school or even more house parents. it's fantastic, as the daughter of a teacher, i'm sure my mom would have loved to teach at a school like this. >> larry: where is it locate zped? >> it's in hershey, pennsylvania. >> larry: just because he founded it doesn't mean it has to be there, queen, he could have put it in new york, he could have put it anywhere. >> he could, but he put it right there in pennsylvania. but you have the school that sits on at least 150 acres so it's nice and spread out, there's room for everyone to move around, to run and play and take part in activities. but there's also the hershey factor itself that's there, there's hershey park that's there, so a lot of these kids don't go home for the summer. they stay on campus, some choose to stay and some unfortunately can't go home because of their unstable home situations and,
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you know, they get to be a part of the town. it's a very close knit community up there, so it's wonderful for them to get a slower side of life, a slower pace of life and still be part of a great community. >> larry: shocked i never heard of it. when you drive through hershey, pennsylvania, you smell the chocolate in the air, it's wonderful. there's other things to talk about with queen latifa. we'll be right back. that's about to change. so you'll pay for the tour, but i have to change my name? no, you're still kc, but from now on, they will be the sun life band. it's funky. sooner or later, you'll know our name. sun life financial.
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>> larry: more about the milton hershey school later. some other subjects with queen latifa. you're a big supporter of president obama, you were at the inaugural? >> yeah. >> larry: how do you think he's doing? >> you know, i think he's doing pretty good. this is his first year, he's trying to accomplish a lot. but i do like the way we look around the world again, i do think he's trying to extend himself and make america what it is supposed to be in the eyes of the world. we are a globe, after all, we're not just america, but at the same time, i think he's done a good job representing america. i was really proud of him, unfortunately, he was at the ft. hood memorial, but i was proud to hear him stand up and say words that really made me feel like an american, made me feel like part of this tragedy, made me fell like he cares about our
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armed forces and would deliberate for so long before he sends them into harm's way. i really think he cares about our country and i really think he's doing the best he can to try to get us in a better financial situation as well as health care and as well as tackling these issues of conflict around the world. so i think, you know, to be a year in barely, i think he's doing pretty good. >> by the way, oprah taped a special interview with the obamas at the white house. >> is there a greater pressure to give a good gift when you're president, or can you get away with a lesser gift? >> sorry, busy. >> sorry, busy. >> what are you going to get me? you should feel pressure. >> you get some nice stuff. >> here's the general rule, i give nicer stuff than i get. >> no way, i gave you good gifts last year. >> oh, come on, please. >> it's like, mother's day and
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father's day. >> yes. >> we're talking about christmas. don't become distracted. >> that principal applies generally. >> so you're a good gift giver? where did you get this nice little -- >> this was a gift. >> was this anniversary? >> anniversary. >> anniversary, nice. >> queen latifa, what go you make of oprah's decision to quit that show? >> wah. it's sad about it. i don't know television without oprah for the last 25 years. she's such an icon, such an amazing woman, i feel like she so know what is she wants to do with her life that whatever she wants to do, god bless her, but i will say there's no one else on television like her and there will never be, there's only one oprah winfrey. so there will be a big thing missing if she's not on daytime
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television. >> larry: you had your own television talk show but you gave us up to concentrate on a film crew. would you ever do that again. >> i would consider it. because i know what i'm going into now and i would make sure it was something that was really tailored to what i love to do. so that i could love it every day and not feel sad when i talk about serious subjects and take it all home with me. but i love acting, i love making movies, i love everything about acting and music and producing film and television. so i know i could do that every day and love it and work harder than i could ever believe. but i didn't love my talk show enough to really want to work that hard and not really have it fulfill me as much as i wanted it to. so i gave it the respect it deserves and waked away from it. and i god bless anyone who can do a talk show, it really is a grueling schedule, but if it's something that you love, it
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makes it a lot easier to do. >> larry: queen latifa is our guest, the centennial ambassador for the milton hershey school. back in a moment. (announcer) ask your doctor how to help treat osteoporosis with once-a-month actonel. actonel is clinically proven to help reverse bone loss and can help@i increase bone strength to help prevent fractures. so you can get back some of what you lost. do not take actonel if you have low blood calcium, severe kidney disease, or cannot sit or stand for 30 minutes. follow all dosing instructions. stop taking actonel and tell your doctor if you experience difficult or painful swallowing, chest pain or severe or continuing heartburn. these may be signs of serious upper digestive problems. promptly tell your doctor if you develop severe bone, joint or muscle pain, or if you develop dental problems, as serious jawbone problems have been reported rarely. to get a free trial offer of once-a-month actonel visit and ask your doctor how once-a-month-actonel
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can help you reverse bone loss. >> larry: queen latifa erped raves for her pore trail of motor mouth maybelle in "hair spray." john travolta also starred in it in drag. ♪ >> larry: great movie.
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"hair spray 2" has been announced, are you going to be in it? >> i hope so. to my knowledge, but i don't know, the script is not done yet, but i'm interested in finding out how it comes out. but it was so much fun doing the first one. >> larry: that movie was made before the tragic death of jet, travolta's son. did you ever meet jet? >> no, we just met on the set. and john keeps his life sort of private and very low key. when he's off, it takes him three outside to get out of that costume rvelgs so he's just ready to go home and chill out once he gets out of that costume. >> larry: queen lat teen fa has written an exclusive blog for us about hershey school and why the school's work is so important,
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your own seafood feast at red lobster. choose two or three from new creations... like wood-grilled shrimp with garlic creme and parmesan... to classics like succulent steamed crab legs. for a limited time, at red lobster. >> larry: queen latifa is still with us, back in a moment. but "a.c. 360" is up next. and anderson is in alta mesa, california where he took an exclusive tour of a recently found drug smuggling tunnel. what did you find? >> larry, this is unbelievable. authorities say this is the most sophisticated tunnel they have ever seen used by the mexican drug cartel to smuggle drugs money and weapons into california. it goes 900 feet long, it
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stretches into the united states from a warehouse in tijuana. and if you go to this warehouse, you have no idea there's this incredible massive tunnel und underneath it. michael ware is also going to take us to the front lines of mexico's war against drugs to the city of juarez, just across from el paso, texas. he goes out on patrol with mexican authorities where the death toll is rising there every single day. a full report on the war here along the u.s.-mexico border, larry. >> larry: anderson and michael, two of the best reporters in the business. that's 10:00 eastern, 7:00 pacific. queen latifa is with us. last year the "new york times" quoted you as saying i dponlt have a problem discussing the topic of someone being gay, but i do have a problem discussing my personal life. so in this era of 24/7 media, how do you draw a privacy line being in the public eye.
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how do you do that? >> you just draw it. you just call it. i mean people can choose to deal with their personal lives however they choose. i can't tell another celebrity how to handle their personal lives. some like to live their life out in the open, they want you to come into their kitchen and watch them cook and they want you to come with them with their kids to the park and i just can't really see myself living my life like that. i feel like what i do with the public is what we share together and what i do when i'm off the clock is my business and i just want to keep it for myself and my family and my friends. i don't want to really share it with the world. >> larry: why do you think the world has such an interest -- why do you think people have such an interest in the private lives of public people? >> because we just don't share it. you know, i think they get -- i think the way the media has also changed too, there was a time that paparazzi would shoot you
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or photographers would shoot you at award shows and things like that, but they wouldn't really take pictures of your kids playing in a park or you just walking in a grocery store, just living average, everyday live and i think that the media has sort of invited itself so much into the normal life of celebrities that it's created even more of a curiosity. and of course, with several celebrities, people, when we fall down, we have to fall down in public, which is really tough. when normal people fall down, we're not celebrities, they fall down in front of the people they know, their family, their friends, people who might know them, but we have to do nit front of the world which makes it way more difficult to deal with, because now everyone's putting their scrutiny on you. people really don't get to weigh in on those things in your life. so, you know, it's a give and
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take kind of thing, and i just think that people -- a lot of people who really haven't had a voice, finally through the internet have a voice and to us it for negative. so they say a lot of negative things for shock value so that someone will just hear them. but i think there's still a lot of positive people out there. >> larry: in that regard, in that regard, what do you make of tiger woods' current problems and his saying it's me and my family and none of your business? >> i respect that. i respect that. the tiger woods i know is a golfer. i don't want know that man. i don't know his wife. i don't know his children. i don't know his personal business. i don't know anybody he allegedly slept with. i don't know anything about that. i know a guy who can hit a ball 400 yards. you know what i mean? and can sink a putt that just makes -- is beyond belief. i mean, that's the guy i know. that's the guy i accept. whatever happens with him and his family or whatever's going on with his situation, to me, really is between him and his wife and his family.
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that's for them to work out. my life goes on and so does yours, larry, and so does all the viewers, with or without whatever happens to tiger woods. so to me that's tiger woods', that's his personal business. and god bless him. everybody deals with their struggles. so i hope everything works out. >> larry: well said. we'll take a break and come back with four children from the milton herschy school. >> that's what i'm talking about. ♪ boss:hey, glad i caught you. i was on my way to present ideas about all the discounts we're offering. i've got some catchphrases that'll make these savings even more memorable. gecko: all right... gecko: good driver discounts. now that's the stuff...? boss: how 'bout this?
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gecko: ...they're the bee's knees? boss: or this? gecko: sir, how 'bout just "fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance." boss: ha, yeah, good luck with that catching on! anncr: geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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♪ oh, yeah , i got my safari systems with me. we're about to get into this tune about the letter? ♪ what's the name of that letter ♪ ♪ that's the letter o >> the great queen latifah is with us. inni joining us now, 16-year-old sidney alan, a tenth grader. 16-year-old andrew altman, also a tenth grader. and 9-year-old kneeshy border in fourth grade and 10-year-old tyler jones, also in fourth grade. let's start with sydney. you're 16 years old from georgia. how long you've been at the school, sidney.
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>> i've been there for lee years now. >> larry: what do you like about it? >> i like the opportunities that the school gives you to grow as a person, because you don't have your family to rely on, so you just have yourself to do well. >> you get a lot of support there, though, right? >> lots. >> larry: andrew, how do you like it? >> i like it very much. >> larry: you're from bath, pennsylvania, you're in the 11th grade. how long you been there, andrew? >> six years. >> larry: is it difficult in living in a kind of new house? >> it can be, especially getting along with usually about 12 other of your peers. >> larry: how do you like having queen latifah has your centennial ambassador? >> i like it a lot. she's great. >> larry: she sure is. all right, niece, you're 9 years old from allentowallentown,
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pennsylvania. you're in fourth grade. how long have you been there? >> i've been here for one year. >> larry: how do you like it? >> it's good, so far. >> tell him what you like about it? >> larry: are you a good student, niece? >> yes, i am. yep, i am. >> larry: and tyler jones, from warren, ohio, also in fourth grade, how do you like it? >> it's really good. i like have you have a lot of opportunities to grow up and have a good life and have a good job and have a house that's stable. >> larry: how about living in new houses? do you like that, tyler? >> mm-hmm. the houses are stable and protective. >> larry: queen, you were quoted as saying that the kids at the school were like the ones you knew growing up. in what way? >> well, because i come from, basically, from a lower middle class neighborhood, if not lower than that, you know. i knew a lot of kids who had
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family issues. whether it was drugs or alcohol in the house or whether there was abuse in the home or whether they just lived below the poverty level and their parents really struggled to put just food on the table and clothes on their backs. so i know, to see a lot of kids like who have gone through that, at this school, don't be fooled by these guys right now. they're being very professional on tv, but they are so amazing. i mean, these two, they both play saxophone, this guy's in student government, this girl runs track. they do amazing things. they're not just students, but they're also able to do everything that surrounds being a student who reads, writes, and does arithmetic. i get excited because i know that that capability is in all children if we have those opportunities. i'm one of them. you know, i came from the hood, so to speak, so i got that opportunity and it's just wonderful to see these kids get an opportunity. right, tyler? >> yes.
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>> larry: sidney, your younger sister's in the school, right? your younger sister attends the school? >> yes, she does. >> larry: how does she like it? >> she loves it. she gets a little homesick at times, but she knows where that's where she should be overall. >> larry: andrew, two of your siblings have already graduated. how are they doing? >> they're doing wonderful. i have a sister at drexler university and my brother attends penn tech. >> larry: what do you like most about the school, nice? >> i like that you can be safe, you can learn good, and you can have fun. >> larry: and tyler, what would you say -- i know you're a good student -- what's the most important thing you've learned? >> one of the most important things i learned is that the people up at hershey, they're being supportive, so you need to give that back to other people maybe when you grow up.
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>> larry: this is wonderful. queen, we only have about 40 seconds. what do you get out of this, queen? >> i think i get just what he said. you know, when you give support to other people, i think i'm getting back everything that was given to me. someone supported me and i hope to support them and i hope people will go to the hersh and become a teacher at the milton hershey school or become a staff member or become house parents. these kids -- they enroll 400 new students every year. they need some more applications. they need people to apply. they want to help more people. so this is just my way of getting the word out so the people know there's an amazing thing happening up in hershey, pennsylvania. check it out. >> larry: >> and some good chocolate. the best chocolate. >> larry: thanks, guys. we've got a sad note tonight. condolences to


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