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tv   Larry King Live  CNN  December 16, 2009 9:00pm-10:00pm EST

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hands off my health care from a town hall. there you go. number seven, falcon heene. you said we did it for the show. >> thanks for joining us. "larry king live" right now. >> larry: tonight, do our die for health care reform? could a crisis become a catastrophe? are the president's plans for change in danger of going down the drain? and are blacks adan donning obama? an article out today says yes. we will talk about it. plus, tiger woods named athlete of the decade in spite of a public scandal that rocks his personal life.
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we debate it next on "larry king live." good evening. skbloining us, barney frank, he chairs the house financial services committee and ron paul, a member of the house financial services in committee as well. ron is also a medical doctor. congressman frank we start was. is this dead on arrival in the senate? >> larry, one of the things that is the most troublesome to me is the lack of interaction between the house and the senate. there is an institutional barrier. you have to say i have been
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preoccupied with the reform. i haven't looked at it. but i don't think it's dead. there is a great need to do something. we have people who are going to say, if it can't be perfect, i'm against its. that is not the way a democracy wrks. i believe we are going see a pretty good bill. >> larry: what do you believe, ron paul? >> i'm afraid he is right. i take the approach that we don't need more government in medicine and blame the problems on government already. i'm not anxious for anything to come. the question is how to the pay for it? and i have an idealistic approach with medical sin that we should do it with less government, i think everybody should be concerned about paying for it. and you can't talk about anything economic without foreign policy. the waste overseas is so bad and
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gets us in trouble and we are fighting in wars that are endless. i would be willing to put a lot of that in medical car. >> larry: do you both fill coughically believe that no american should go without health care? >> i don't think we can guarantee that. i have on to say something that is going to be disappointing to many viewers. i agree 100% with what ron paul just said. the hundreds of billions, the trillions, on the verge of wasting and plr to do more harm than good. that is important. and ron paul has spoken accurately. i do believe we ought to have a system that makes it -- that extends medical care. but you can't guarantee it. i think we with do better in providing it. and i think medicare is a good
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thing. for older people, they are better off with medicare. and i would say the most popular form of medicine is the holy government medicine that is dispensed by the veterans affairs. the ones they talked to would get angry, and it's after a holy government. >> congressman paul, would you an agree that public at large does not want to you fail again to come up with you as a body to come up with something that improve what is we have? >> everybody does. i might believe that you can improve it with less government. others believe you nied more government. for instance, i don't believe we should cut of the funds for medicare. they talk about taking $400 billion out of medicare. that doesn't make sense. iowa agree was.
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everybody should have good hk. i don't believe that government delivers on their promises when you think about houses. we were going to give everybody a house. and look, the poor people lost their houses. the programs didn't work. that's why i'm afraid when you promise people health care, some of them will come um short. >> there is a difference there. the mistake that was made by the bush administration more than anybody else, to give everybody a thousand own. i continually argue that for some people, in some economic categories, rental houses is the appropriate form. >> larry: didn't you support fanny mae? >> for rental housing. yes. i opposed it. i think pushing people into owning houses when they can't afford it was a mistake. i was pushing for rental
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housing. >> larry: ron? >> doint think we should make those decisions. he may be right. i like people to make their own choices. but i do think we push some of the programs with community reinvestment acts and easy creddy. there are things that encourage it where i'm convinced if we had a sound or monetary system or didn't have the ease credit -- >> ron has it backwards. the community reinvestment act is not the problem. it on the covers banks. to take insured deposits in thach made a small percentage of the bad loins. the bad loans were made and too little government, not too much. you had private citizens and we tried to get rules adopted to
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prevent them. >> barney, i didn't want him to think we agreed on everything. no, go ahead. >> larry: all right, the republicans today had a freeze today for a few hours on the debate incests that the 767-page amendment be read allowalloweou. are we going get a bill? >> i believe we will. they used to read things allowed in the parliament in new england because they didn't have typewriters of computer. but i think you are going to get a bill. >> larry: ron, are we going get a bill? >> we are not. we will get something but not a real bill. there will be some increase in government involved in medicine. in a sense, there will be a bill. it's going to be very, very minimal. we have been doing it for 35 years, and we have corporatism,
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the corporations run it. they are being protected with this administration. >> banny frank is ron paul remain with us. ben bernanke is "time's" person of the year. should he be? that's next. "s" stands for straightforward. as in up-front, honest... total transparency. straightforward is the way td ameritrade does business. simple, fair pricing.
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wlk barney frank and ron paul remain. joining us, a political analyst for the huffington post, and ben stein, a speech writer and columnist. what are your thoughts, ben and tan yarks about the role joe lieberman is playing in the health care question. tan tanya, you first. >> i am shocked and appalled. i am not shocked. but i find his behavior appalling. he said in an interview last night that dana bash he had to take a principled stance against this bill. but he seems he is takes a stance against himself. he used to support the provisions because he doesn't like them now. he is really a big disappointment. >> larry: ben what is your read? >> the last time i looked he represents the state of connecticut, a state with heavy
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insurance companies. hi wants to please them. and buy-ins suffering and medicare could be very, very expensive to a government and people that are already broke on government overspending. he represents the state where the insurance companies are. >> larry: but the people are very liberal. >> the people are very liberal but have lots and lot of money and they are with the insurance companies. >> larry: get's get to business. banny frank what do you think of the federal reserve chairman being named man of the year. they said he led an etch fort to save the world's economy match what do you think? >> i don't subscribe to the concept of the man of a woman of the year. and reporters say, what is the one thick you are doing? and i always have more than one thing. and i do believe he is a major
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force. hi started with the bush administration. he was a high ranking george bush appointee. he's the one that initiated the intervention. it was his decision, not congress, to give the noun aig. the kbe of intervention of bailouts began in september. so the description of his impact, yes. on the whole, what he has done has been constructive. he gets partial blame for the crisis. but he get ace lot of credit for the way he coped with it. >> larry: ron what do you think? >> i think it's unique. he is the most important guy in the world. and anybody who can create trillion of dallases behind the scenes and spend it with no oversight that is pretty important.
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and he is a counterfeiter. and it draws attention to the fed. this to me is a real delight. i don't have to have agree for the reasons that they gave him man of the year. >> larry: a negative man of the year. >> yes, it's very important we understand why he is so sbornt powerful. >> larry: tanya, were you surprised at the selection? >> i have to say w all due respect to senator paul, i think that this was -- here is a man who had to come on board and run, manage things when when were on the precipice of disaster. you can call it counterfeiting. and i understand the congressman has a different view of the role of government than i do. but he deserves kudos for staifring off a much bigger disaster. i think it was a good choice.
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bravo. >> larry: ben, what do you think? >> i made terrible mistakes in the first place. way, way too little regulation and regulation to the mortgage loans and wall street. wall street was walking away with billions in their pockets and leaves us with trillions in liabilities. and he did help solve the problem. you can caught it counterfeit money. it was money. and he did save the economy but he a huge part in hearming it. the man of the year to me is the american men and women fighting in iraq and afghanistan. they are the real stars. >> larry: we'll come back. pannin and swartz negative rer going at it. you a cop? no. you didn't hear from me, but this malibu is a best buy. i heard that from consumers digest. it offers better highway mileage than a comparable camry or accord.
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estimated 33 highway. i saw that on the epa site. so how come the malibu costs so little. it's a chevy. you have cop hair. the award-winning chevy malibu. compare it to anyone and may the best car win. . >> larry: let's take a call on
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this. jofr jarks hello. are you there? are you there, bill rick ka? last chance? >> caller: yes. >> larry: what is the question. >> caller: when do the individuals here -- i knee bernanke was awarded the prize. when do we anticipate seeing the community banchs being able to turn me money to get the lower middle class back to borrowing money. >> larry: the other night, donald trump says the banks have the money and they are not loaning it. barney? >> i'm frustrated by that. there are governmental obstacles in policy. the bank examiners. they work for the insurance commission, the corporation or control the currency. they go out and examine each bank. i'm afraid the culture has been
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to be too tough. they have not been rebuked because of a loan that should be made and shouldn't have been made. i have tried hard, we talked to the chiefs of the agencies to urge them to get them to lend. it be a part of the accounting rules there. because of the vaul, as the assets deteriorates, we try to fix that. but i think it's fundamentally probably a problem with the culture we are a trying to change. >> larry: do you agree, ron? >> yes, to a large degree. after there is a bubble burst, even borrows get skittish. they are worried. bankers get skittish because they lost money. i think barney makes a very good point that the regulators get overzealous. that is the reason i don't like regulators. he mentioned and talked to the regulators, they are
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overzealous. they are a third factor. you have the consumer not wanting to borrow, the bankers not wanting to lend and then they say, you better be careful and they change the rules. >> the small business people already, they are ready, and we have got to get the regulators to tell us, it's a very uphill battle. this is where i think government can do more. we have the small business administration, instead of guarantees loans by the banks, make the loans districtly for awhile. i think the communities banks will decide they better get back in the business. direct loans will about way to go. >> larry: get to get a break. we'll pick up with more when we get back.
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you can build walls that separate people from people, but it is impossible to build a wall that separates a man from his freedom. because freedom always finds a path...
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to build peace. this film is dedicated to aung san suu kyi, still prisoner in burma. >> larry: okay, tanya and ben, you get in on this. two big names in a spat. arnold schwarzenegger questions sarah palin's views on climate change. meanwhile, she shoots back says why is governor schwarzenegger pushing for the same policies in copen hague than drove his state to deficit. >> i think that is absurd. that is one of the absurdities we have heard from governor palin. as a citizen of the state,
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trying to reduce emissions is not what pushed california to the brink of disasters. and i think it speaks to how she values science or how she refuse s to view science. >> larry: ben, you put your face in in your hands. >> i am some what of a fan of sarah pannins. the jury is still out. there is a lot of data that the serth cooler than 1,000 years ago, 2,000 years ago and the youry it s out about whether or not there is global warming. and the connection between that and the california budget problems is nil. there is no connection at all. there is one issue, climate change may be a fraud, california budget problems are real and painful and they are
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not a fraud. >> larry: you are not man of the year, barney, having said that, who would you have selected? >> i wouldn't have selected anybody. i do want to get in on palin and schwarzenegger. i 3i pallon is jealous of schwarzenegger because he doesn't have the guts to quit the way she did. >> i don't have questions about bernanke. i get to make my points about the fed and they don't always pick people for the role for positive things. i think the greatest -- the biggest counterfeiter in the world is a pretty good event. it wipes out the middle class and hurts the poor -- >> ron paul thinks all money is counterfeit. >> larry: ben, who would you have picked?
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>> i would have picked and american servicemen and women fighting in iraq and afghanistan m absolutely, without question. >> larry: tanya. >> i'm going to second that, i am. >> larry: obama writes a personal letter to kim jong-il. what happens to the axis of evil. did you see anything wrong? >> new york city i wish he would write more letter torkts middle east and the people of pakistan and iran instead of ending in more troops. we need more letters and more talk. we left vietnam in a terrible situation. it's unified. there was no domino tier row. the domino was towards capitalism and the west.
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but korea, it's divided and we spend all this money. it's about time we wrote letters. more letters and trade. the best things in the world is to come home from korea. >> larry: ben? >> kim jong-il is probably the evilist person on the planet. he starves people by the millions and he lives the life of an international play boy. the idea that you can change him by writing him a letter is comical and the idea we should not be defending south korea against him is comical. i don't know where the idea has come from. it's comical. >> i think the issue is really one of engagement. adds ben well knows, his former boss, president nixon, engaged with a bad guy oning schi that.
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the issue is whether or not we are going to engage. writing a better of picking up the phone? i'm not going to speak to the mechanics. we have come off a foreign policy where we treated our interests like a video game. you don't like us, i am not talking to you. >> sent many messages to nixon about that. if that happened with kim jong-il, i would be with you. >> i'm close to ben stein's view. i would try sanctions and i think my friend ron was being too cavalier about this. south korea has become a democracy with our help. the people's republic of china is failing on its responsibility and not helping us put pressure
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on north korea. nuclear weapons is a scary thought. >> larry: we thank you guys. african-americans helped president obama get elected. how do they feel about him now? that's next. by changing her medicare prescription plan. all we had to do was go to and use the free savings calculator. we learned that changing your medicare part d plan could save an average of $612. woman: we just entered my prescriptions, and it compared plans for us. it was easy to find the right plan for the prescriptions i need.
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>> larry: an article in the "daily beast" asks are blacks abandoning obama.
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we will a sk our guests, mark hill. reverent al sharpton, the activist and former presidential candidate and jeff johnson, b.e.t. correspondent. is obama failing the african-americans? >> i think failing is a strong word. >> larry: disappointing. >> certainly. i think plenty of reason to be disappointed. i think he has falling short of big clinton and jimmy carter. >> larry: what do you think, al? >> i think the overwhelming majority of the people i talked to said that president obama is doing what he protected. he was given a terrible economy a word at war and he has dealt in the way that most african-americans are proud of. he was elected president of the united states and he is doing exactly what he said. this morning, the chairman of
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congressional black caucus, and cbc two or three people who always criticized president obama that are saying things now they said then. >> larry: jeff what do you think? break the tie here? >> let me first say that it's a misnomer to act that all the black community wants the same thing all the time. what segment are we talking about? and i think disappointment is n my mind is based on exmekations. and one of the biggest problems is when i hear what so many have heard about the president not having a black agenda, he never talked about having one. he never said he was going to run on that up. . he never said that in the state of illinois. i think it's connected to
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disillusionment of what he was supposed to be. we need to be serious on fa if he is to be held accountn't. >> larry: when it comes to the handling of the economy. here is the president addressing criticism that he is not doing enough for african-americans. watch. >> butly tell you that i think the most important thing i can do for the african-american community is for the american community period. get the economy going again and get people hired again. it's a mistake to think that particular ethnic segments of the united states rather than think we are all in this together. >> larry: but, unemployment among black youth is very high. is a concentration in that area?
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>> it's one thing to say that a risesing tide lifts all boat. but black people have a hole in their boat. and because of that, you need race targeted policies to help black people. they don't get job wednesday they are qualified for them. we pay for insurance. we are net knot getting access to mortgages. all these things are happening to black people. there has to be a response. >> larry: do you agree with is that? >> absolutely and we fight for it. 9 question is whether president obama and his administration has not addressed that. and they have. when you look at the fact that he has appointed an african-american, eric holden, who will deal with protecting civil rights in blacks in the works place and the arguments with a23ir78 tifa. when we look at the fact that hes a drissed the naacp.
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so i think there is a difference between trying to make the president an activist lead sbeg dealing with the tollcy. bill clinton who had a policy of welfare reform, and a better policy than barack obama, i don't understand how one can say that. when you look at the fact that this president has said we must deal with unploemts across the board, the worst thing that can happen is they make the jobs to give them conservatives a way to willie horton us. i hope the president does not go for that bait. >> i'm not suggesting that bill clinton's policies for positive. however, barack obama has instituted a set of policies negative to the black people. this year, $85 million were cut
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from the education budge as an example. >> larry: we will be right back. tightness in my chest came back- i knew i had to see my doctor. he told me i had choices in controller medicines. we chose symbicort. symbicort starts to improve my lung function within 15 minutes. that's important to me because i know the two medicines in symbicort are beginning to treat my symptoms and helping me take control of my asthma. and that makes symbicort a good choice for me. symbicort will not replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. and should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol may increase the chance of asthma-related death. so, it is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on other asthma medicines. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. i know symbicort won't replace a rescue inhaler. within 15 minutes symbicort starts to improve my lung function and begins to treat my symptoms. that makes symbicort a good choice for me. you have choices. ask your doctor if symbicort is right for you. (announcer) if you cannot afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help.
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>> larry: we take a call, jeff johnson, do you want to get in on this? >> sure. i think whether president obama is better than jimmy carter or clinton is inconsequence. what we are dealing with now is the fact there are a lot of
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african-americaning to that are looking to for president obama to be the political form of ju does that makes the streets flow with milk and honey. we need to push for the congress and the senate to be sensitive to the needs of the african-americans. there is a lot of work that the community is not doing. us not looking to be able to create fundamental partnerships. there are a lot of the solutions out there that are available that we are not aproemping because we are looking for president obama to wave a magic wand and fix everything. >> larry: let's take a call. linkburg, virginia,hello. >> caller: now they the african-americans have elected the first black president, will that lose appeal in the 2012 election? >> that is what i do not want to see, a decrease.
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african-american does not elect their first black president. america elected the first black fought be the president of everyone. and we fought for the opportunity to compete and show we can compete at any level globally. and it would be a sad statement in history if 11 months later, we are going to say, we didn't get one or two things we wanted in a speech and it's over. he cannot walk on water but he is still the best swimmer in american politics. >> larry: the activist danny glover said i think the obama administration has followed the same playbook to a large extent arizona the bush administration. danny glover says, he doesn't see anything different. >> i wouldn't go that far. that is an overstatement. there are patterns we could say is similar. and afghanistan is mirroring --
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>> a kanye. >> there are some issues. but domestic policy. to compare obama to bush is absurd. >> do you think danny glooefer is clear? >> think think president obama stated clearly that the next front is afghanistan. whether we agree with him or not, he clearly state wed need to withdraw from eric and go after al qaeda and al qaeda is in afghanistan. let's hold him accountable to whether or not the strategies work. is he honoring what he said he was going to do in the company? yes. and the other issue is even when it comes to the bipartisanship, when president obama said he was not going to attempt to not do business as issusual, he was no
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going to get contempt. that what he said hes with going do. i don't think we are going to get the health care bill. and there are other pieces of ledge slagts that have been watered down. again, it's what he said he was going to do and that's the change we voted for. >> which is why, larry, we ought to be dealing with the policies. we ought to be talking about joe lieberman and what he is doing to americans and black americans. to sit up and beat up on a president whose policies are in line with helps us, i don't understand trying to bait him into something. >> nobody is beating up on the president. he is my president and our president. when i see a public option go under the bus, i have to speak though to that. all of us have responsibilitier.
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>> we are going to do more in the week ace head. tiger woods in 60 sebth. when we want. when we're in the mood. it's our choice. announcer: today, guys with erectile dysfunction can be ready with another dosing option from cialis. cialis for daily use is a clinically proven low-dose tablet you take every day, so you can be ready anytime the moment is right. so relax and take your time. tell your doctor about your medical condition and all medications and ask if you're healthy enough for sexual activity. don't take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. don't drink alcohol in excess with cialis. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long term injury seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than 4 hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision stop taking cialis and call your doctor right away. announcer: today you have options, 36-hour cialis or cialis for daily use. ask your doctor about cialis today so when the moment is right, you can be ready.
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>> larry: former nba star charles barkley isn't one to mince words. he has words of advise for tiger woods. head like to talk to him and can't. as he explained on "with all due respect" from this sunday on hln. watch. >> what was your initial reaction to hearing about tiger? >> i was shocked. and the stories are coming in. and i was just wondering, i hope that charles, that michael jordan, these guys get to him. because we just talked about this in the back room. i mean, charles, he is
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insulated. and if charles barkley and michael jordan can't get. >> you have his number, right? >> he changed his number. >> it was charles and michael, if they can't get to him, other people are making bad moves. >> i think when you have these fires in your lifer, as i call them, you need to talk to someone in your life who is famous ha who has been through things. you can't talk to your family and friends because your family and friends are not famous. >> larry: tiger was named ath let's of the decade. we will talk about that with our guests, all right after the break. take 2 extra strength tylenol every 4 to 6 hours?!? taking 8 pills a day... and if i take it for 10 days -- that's 80 pills.
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>> larry: we get into it with the panel. let's check with anderson cooper will will home "arngs c 360" at the top of the hour. >> why do americaning pay more than canadians for the exact same drugs? tonight we are keeping drug companies and lawmakers and the president honest. also, a custody battle caught on tape. a boy taken off a school bus begs place not to take him to his to father, and now a warrant if issued for his father. and tiger woods, mia. his closest friends can't get in touch with him. they are speaking out about his concerns. that is just ahead at the top of the hour. >> larry: that is 10:00 eastern,
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7:00 pacific. all right, we have gusts joining us. doug, you wrote the article for the associated press. was it a vote of the writers? >> no, it was a project we started in october and the voting took place over the last three weeks. >> larry: part of it was prescandal and over the scandal. >> more the half the vote wrs returned after the accident and the voting trend stayed the same. he built a good lead early and then the accident and then the scandal unfolds and he picks up more votes as he goes along. >> larry: more votes. who finished second? >> lance armstrong. tiger had 56 degrees and lance arm stong had 33. >> brandon cham bly, it wasn't
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husband of the wasn't husband o decade, but athlete of the decade. i think you can make a strong argument for lance armstrong or even stronger still for roger fed federer. both had respective accomplishments. when you consider not only what tiger woods did but how he did it the wide margin of victory and the animated style is almost unprecedented in the history of our game and its impact was definitely unprecedented. >> larry: amy alcott, do you think character should matter at all in voting for an athlete? >> larry, i think character definitely counts. i mean, that's what golf is all about. it is a game of honor it is a game of character. but this athlete, tiger woods, has taken golf to another level of atlanta let cism, of style. there's nobody really that can compete with him as far as being a golfer. i would beg to say being a horse
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racing fan that this has been a great year for the women, too, as far as rachel alexander. >>. >> larry: would you have voted for tiger? >> you know, it's really hard not to vote for tiger as far as being the most dominant golfer of the decade. he stepped up to the plate and he has made an impact on golf that, you know, is pretty hard to match. >> larry: doug, what do you make of this whole story, there's never been anything like it? >> it's a surprising that just about -- just about everybody, everybody i have spoken to, everyone who has been around him. i think the reason the fall has been so spectacular is that the rise really has been even more spectacular, to see what he's done through this decade, the number of tournaments he has won, the majors he's won, the way he has just dwarfed his
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competition and done it with a fairly impeccable image. always a few glitches here and there, whether it was foul language, whether it was throwing the clever soul, but he was the gold standard. go back 13 years to when he started to, see it crumble in three weeks is astonishing. >> brandle, what do you make of it? >> well, i'm shocked, frankly, to be honest with you, the single strongest attribute in my mind to being bulletproof in athletic endeavor is having a clear mind. evidently, this has been going on for some time now, talking about tense of things that he needed to hide. he had to have enablers helping him do this. he had to, on some level, be worried about this getting out. now, how he was able to put those thoughts out of his mind and concentrate on the task at hand is beyond me. it even makes his accomplishment on the golf course that much more miraculous because there is just no way he was able to not
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think about the consequences of his actions off the golf course. >> larry: wouldn't you agree, aim knicks any sense this makes him more amazing? >> well, he is -- it is hard to really believe he is amazing. where did he have the time? working out the way he did, where did he have the time to have all these liaisons? it is even more amazing to imagine. the difficult thing, larry, is the old add edge, to whom much is given, as much expected. will he get past this and move on to, you know, going after nicklaus' record and dominating the sport again? i know there are a lot of people rooting for him to do that but it's just hard to imagine that he had the time to do this. this was a kind of a career in itself. >> larry: when we come back, we will ask about if they want tiger to come back. don't go away. sfx:racking of a taillight.
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>> larry: hard to guess atting? like this you think the public wants to see him come back and win? >> i think they probably do larry. that is one of the great mysteries, how they are going to respond to him when he gets back and what they want to see from him. i think has been interesting to see this methodical march toward nicklaus. he is at 14, jack has 18. you figure it is a matter of time. i still think there is going to be a part of the population that is disgusted with what's happened and is not going to want to see him catch nicklaus or his record. >> larry: brandle, do you think that women will protest his appearance at golf matches? >> yes, larry, i do. i think that it is going to be a rough road for tiger for some time. i mean, by and large, he has
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controlled not only the people who are asking questions but the questions he has been asked. he will no longer have that type of control and he will no longer have the awe surrounding him as he walks these fair ways. he will be heckled. he will be asked tough questions. and he always hated the intrusions that came before this. he is not going to be happy when he shows at a golf tournament going forward for some time. >> larry: amy, you are in the hall of fame of golf. can he win again? >> i think there's no question that tiger can win again. he can -- he is going to have to dig deep. i agree with brandle. you know, there is going to be heckling and there's going to be people that just do not like what he's done. and they will probably want him to come forth and really come clean about it and, you know, the wonderful thing about golf is once you get inside those ropes, it's a respite from a lot of problems and a lot of issues. any professional golfer will
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tell you, when you have problems in your life, you get out there and you let the club does the speaking. and who knows how great tiger will be. he will -- if he steps in there, in that arena, and show cases his talent the way we all know he can, then he can get past a lot of this and on to bigger and better things. he will have a difficult road. >> larry: doug there are some to think he is the kind of athlete who can use this, play in anger and be better. >> that is another side of it. i mean, he has blocked out a lot. this arena he is in, with so many people and so many photographers and so much attention around him, that is one reason he has got such an edge when he plays in the majors, larry, is because he is used to that type of chaos. this is a different type of chaos. but i still think he can block a lot of it out, make it me against the world and carry on. >> larry: all right. will this ap at let of the year, brandle, do you think he will come back for the masters?
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he will have to play a tune-up before, right? >> boy, i certainly do think he will come back and if i was counseling him, i would tell him to come back at the masters and certainly not before, because the masters is the best chance for him to have as much control over the people that will be asking the questions as any arena that he will be in. it will be limited media credentials passed out. it will be a relatively well-known audience to him. and i think as benign as they will ever get, in terms of asking him questions, that will be his best shot. of course it is a venue for him that has been very kind to him in the past. >> larry: amy, wouldn't he need some sort of warmup before a masters tournament? >> larry, some golfers are really great not playing at all going into a major. it is almost like they need some time off. but i think it would be way too difficult for tiger not to have a warmup and then come in and play the masters. the masters is


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