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tv   Larry King Live  CNN  December 24, 2009 9:00pm-10:00pm EST

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arrived from brazil this evening. the 9-year-old was at center of an international custody battle. i'm randi kaye. a special "larry king live" starts right now. >> larry: tonight -- jack hanna is back. >> these are poisons on his ears. on his eye, see that right there? that's a toxic poison. >> larry: with his menagerie of gila monsters, freakiest and friendliest features. >> look at the colors on your screen there. >> larry: plus, we'll relive one of our finest or fondest animal moments, kinkajous and camels are coming your way next on "larry king live"!
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>> larry: this is -- i'm in the spirit. this is an annual event that i always look forward to. jack hanna, the director emeritus of the columbus zoo, host of "jack hanna wild" on tv. and the kiddies love and adults love it a lot. we do it around the holiday season. we start with a camel? >> yeah. >> larry: we have never started with a camel. >> i like your jacket. you are hip. >> larry: tell us about this camel. >> this is a dromedary camel. it's the oldest animal in the world. thousands and thousands of years. they raise them. this use them for christmas pageants and educational shows. the camel can survive in deserts, several weeks without water. the fat is stored in its hump.
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some people think it's water. the sandstorms in the desert get real bad. animals' eyes, two eyelids so the sand can't get in their e s eyes. for a person that have camels in the middle east or australia -- by the way, all camels are mostly domesticated. this is one hump for a dromedary camel and two humps for the back camel. the camel is used for everything. it's used for transportation. it's used for food if the camel dies. people eat camel meat. that fur is used for coats. the bones in the camels are used for knitting needles, weapons. even the dung, the poop, how are you going to cook a steak or beans or anything in the desert without dry wood? you take the dried feces, and go along with your caravan. three days later, it cooks your
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food. >> larry: he's three years old. >> have you ever ridden a camel? >>. >> larry: i did once. in israel. >> did your legs get sore? >> larry: yes. >> my wife got blistered and still not healed. >> larry: how's things going? >> traveling and getting ready to go to malaysia and africa. and just got back from rwanda. >> larry: did you ever think about retiring? >> i tried to but i don't know what i would do with myself. >> larry: now, we have a bush baby. >> this is a bush baby. >> can you put him on his shoulder? >> larry: that mean it lives in the bush? >> larry: put him on my shoulders. is this a bush baby? >> we filmed the bush baby in africa. this animal here, it's nocturnal. when we film it, we film it at nighttime. you see the eyeballs at nighttime out in the trees. they're not really big trees. they're pollinated, they defecate and pollinates is what it does.
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eats a seed or piece of fruit. the bush baby, it's amazing mechanism. in the daytime, they sleep. what do they do? they sleep in a big ball, like 30 or 40 of them all together get in a big ball together like this, looks like a big blob. therefore, predators like birds of prey -- are you comfortable? >> larry: yeah, he's light. >> larry: yeah, he's furry. >> exactly. >> larry: he is fooling with my earpiece. >> this is a prosimian. look at the hands on this. you see on larry's shoulder, little hands. just like your hands. an incredible shot. if you can get the hands of this animal. i love the bush baby. >> larry: look at that. >> turn this. >> larry: there he is, wow. they grip, too. >> look at those hands. look at this. a thumb. just like your hands. isn't that amazing. "national geographic" again. >> larry: we have great shots on this show. and now the world's favorite, i think, the penguin. >> yes. this is ray stafford from the wildlife zoo in phoenix, arizona.
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>> larry: hey, hey. >> struck water. you can have a water. >> larry: hey, hey. it's okay, jack, it's a penguin. what's the story with the penguins, and why do we love them so much? >> what is it about a penguin, they're black and white. you've seen "march of the penguins." p antarctic. >> larry: great movie. >> some people don't know this, out of 17 species of penguins, only five live in cold water. only 5 out of 17. this black penguin out of south africa, if it was in cold weather, it wouldn't last several days. but the ones in the "march of the penguins" those can last. 50 to 100 below zero. monogamous. they mate for life. the female lays the egg. immediately, the male comes and sits on it. the female leaves and goes out to sea. she leaves him there for 40 days. he loses over half his body weight while she goes out and messes around in the ocean and eats fish and everything. imagine that? she comes back and the bore guy is about dead, sitting on that chick.
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>> larry: how did they get that setup? >> i don't know. >> larry: not fair, protest. >> they have more feathers than any bird in the world. we film these, larry, it's very difficult under water. they're black and white, they're like a bullet underwater. so difficult to film. >> larry: they're adorable. >> no one has ever eaten a penguin. other than shackleford in antarctica. they were there the whole winter. out in the antarctica, they tried to eat a penguin, and it didn't work. i go to the antarctic. and i try to film them -- >> larry: they don't eat them because they don't taste good? >> exactly. that's what protects them. they collect the eggs from them. they breed the penguin and do a great job. >> larry: one more in this segment. a serbo, am i pronouncing that right? >> serbo cat. right. >> larry: i wouldn't let him come near me. >> this is a cat from mohr park college here in california. the young people here, they're students.
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they learn to work with these. animals themselves. not just education. larry, this is a serbo cat from africa. you don't see these cats very often. this cat -- i want to spend a little time on this. this cat was found up in egypt, if you ever watched "discovery" or "national geographic," you'll see the serbo cat drawn on the mummies and pyramids inside. even the pharaohs were buried with an serbo. a very regal animal. it's one of the few cats in the world that can jump and catch a bird in free flight. they can judgment jump up in the air six or eight feet in the air. isn't it magnificent? >> larry: magnificent is the right word. >> look at the back of the ears. they're called eye spots. see the ears? those are called eye spots. if an animal was looking at him they would think that the cat is looking backwards. >> larry: those are built in? >> exactly. the legs are different lengths.
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you notice this. the front and hind legs -- you see the back legs? >> larry: it gives spring. okay. we're just getting started. a kookaburra is next. what is that? we'll find out next. we know why we're here. to build a new generation of airplanes to connect the world. airplanes that fly cleaner and farther on less fuel.
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and make nonstop travel possible to more places. announcer: around the globe, the people of boeing are working together-- to bring us together. that's why we're here.
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>> larry: we're back with jack hanna's big night here on "larry king live." our first segment was titled "africa." this is called "birds." this is a kookaburra. what exactly is a kookaburra? >> our good conservation friend, steve irwin, i know you remember him, this is the kookaburra from australia. it's camouflage and sits on a tree. you don't ever see it. it eats snakes and frogs and that type of thing. it's got a sound. i don't know if i can get it to do this. larry, tell me -- >> larry: well, we can't top that. good night. >> larry, i'm sorry, this makes my day, it really does. it's hard for him to do it. i can't believe he did this perfectly. that's a perfect kookaburra call. when you're in the outback in australia and nighttime, you hear that, and you don't know
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what it is, let me tell you something, what is that. it's called the laughing kookaburra. don't you like that? do you one more time. >> larry: the bird right behind you. >> come on, come on. >> larry: that was good. these are the biggest and smallest. >> i have never done this before ever. she has never done this before. this shocked me. this is susan, my wife. i didn't know she was going to bring an animal out. >> larry: this is your wife? >> this is my wife. >> larry: i thought you didn't know. >> i didn't know she was going to do this. >> we surprised you. >> this is the largest owl in the world, the largest owl in the world.
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what sue has is the smallest screech owl. what animal is found on every continent of america? a species of owls. except for antarctica. >> larry: don't tell me an owl. >> an owl, exactly. let me show you something, larry. people ask, why does he turn his head that way. the eyes are so big. i was going to say if i see pretty girl, you can take your eyes without moving your head, right. the owl, he cannot do that. with his eye socket, he cannot turn his eyes. isn't that amazing? the ears are not up here like the little tufts are. the ears are faced like this, like a cup. so this owl -- neither one of them -- they like insects. this owl, that likes the insects, too. this owl, if he's out for a mouse or rat in this room, he can hunt in that location without seeing it. that's why they call it the wise old owl because of its senses. its brain, larry, is very small. how much do you think an owl weighs? >> larry: 35 pounds. >> you hear that?
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i'm not laughing at you. >> larry: yes, you are. what does it weigh? >> only two pounds. it's all feathers and hollow bones. can you imagine this? >> larry: my goodness. >> look at this, larry, it just disappears inside. >> larry: okay, wise old owl. the american bird. the bird that salutes this country. you don't see many of them. i was driving in montana once with ted turner and we saw one fly, and he went nuts. a bald eagle. >> every time i see a bald eagle, they're coming back again pretty good though because of being an endangered species. melanie from the beautiful farm there, the jackson's, they rescue bald eagles from not just alaska all over the country, all this country. this is a big alaska bald eagle. it looks like one. they're much larger than the florida bald eagles that might live in ohio. >> larry: the bird of america? >> exactly. the whitehead appears after four years.
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a lot of eagles are shot thinking they may be a buzzard or something but they're an immature bald eagle. look at the talons. it's very important to see those talons. if melanie were here without a glove on if that were a wild bird, larry, those talons would go through her skin, break her bones and in a second. the pressure on the arm is beyond anything you can imagine. >> i work out. >> look at that beak there. it's used for tearing. >> when he does that, what is he doing, is he refreshing herself? or he wants to take off? >> exactly. she's just getting comfortable on my arm. she's stretching out her wings like we stretch our arms. >> larry: i got to get one more. >> thank you. a lot of them hit power lines. thank you for bringing that, melanie. >> larry: and now we have a red-crested turacao. >> look at the colors on the screen. golly. look at this head.
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i think it dates back to what's that bird from australia? that pre-historic bird. >> larry: the next guest can outjump kobe bryant, now if only he can shoot a basketball, who knows? maybe he can. that's in 60 seconds. stay with us.
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>> larry: we're trying to do that, we got one on the set with jack hanna. >> have you ever had a kangaroo on your set? >> larry: i don't think so. this is a gray one. >> it's a marsupial, like a baby is born like a worm, as big as your fingernail. comes out of the birth canal. outside of the fur. it lives six months in the pouch for six months and attaches to the breast there. it's a marsupial like the koala and mammals like that. they have speeds up to 40 miles an hour.
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they live in groups called a mob. see how he stands up? when they're full-grown, larry, it can stand higher than you can. one guy, two years ago was killed in australia. how was that? kangaroos are afraid of people basically. you see the claw, the foot on the camera right there, see that right there? that thing becomes about eight inches long, larry. it's lethal. anybody corners a kangaroo, what he does, he reaches out like this, goes bam, with his foot. the main means of defense, if they are cornered, like a dog. >> larry: they go pretty fast, huh? >> up to 40 miles per hour. plus, larry, these animals are quite prevalent in australia. they're still raised for meat in certain parts, like cattle are. their speed is 30 feet in a hop. >> larry: 30 feet in a hop. >> thank you, david jackson. beautiful animal. >> larry: the next is a spider monkey. >> this is anita jackson. this lady here is terrific, what they rescue. someone had this in a dumpster, larry.
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tried to have it as a pet. what happens? you can see the legs ar crumpled up. they took this animal. no one wanted it. obviously. it was almost dying. no one took care of it. they thought it was dying. people say a monkey is a pet. that's the worst thing you can possible do. they carry disease, they bite and it's against the law. most places. >> larry: why the term "spider?" >> look at these hands and legs here. this is deformed, okay but a real spider monkey, his arms are like a big spider. he goes around, larry, like this, see this, he can swing, they are in beautiful big families. they can swing, larry, like 30, 40 feet from tree to tree, like big black spider in the air. don't have one as a pet. they're not good. >> larry: we're with jack hanna. animals from the desert are in the city. we'll be back with a porcupine and a gila monster after this. looking at bones
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and ask your doctor how once-a-month-actonel can help you reverse bone loss. >> larry: we're back. and this is an african porcupine. >> larry -- >> larry: these hurt? >> yeah, they hurt big time. where did david go? >> larry: he ran. >> don't let him -- just don't touch him. now, larry, one thing about this thing, they do not throw their quills. no porcupine throws their quills. the american porcupine has a barb on the end of their quills. if he were to touch you, larry -- >> larry: he ain't going to touch me. >> if he were, though and the quill were to come out, you could die from infection.
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like a dog, hyena in africa where they trite to eat the porcupine. you try to turn the porcupine over there, underneath the tummy there, it's very, very soft, that's how they attack. what they do, run around the porcupine and get him dizzy and he falls over. and that's how they attack the animals. these quills are used for weapons, knitting needles, all sorts of things. they are nocturnal. i've seen them all my life. they rattle the quills like a rattlesnake to keep the predator away. if they don't, if a lion comes up, you get one of those things in him, you can imagine how hard it is to get out. >> larry: go, go. getting a little too close. >> thank you, david. i don't know how you pick that up. >> larry: i give david a lot of credit. this is the scorpion. >> what's that? >> larry: look at that. >> you are crazy. >> can larry hold it? >> larry: no!
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i don't want to hold it. >> how do you know it won't sting you. look at this here, buddy. this is an amazing creature. that is the biggest one i've ever seen, larry. there's a stinger right there? back here? see how he gets excited? they also glow in the dark, larry. these animals are eaten by the fake fox in america. africa. they sting really quick. they can eat the scorpion. this animal, larry, if you're allergic to bee stings can be lethal. it's a sting that can hurt you. put him on your jacket. i want to see him on your jacket? don't let him get near your ear. hold him. >> larry: hey! >> don't let him get near his throat. that is cool. >> larry: cool for you. >> wow. >> larry: next. the gila monster. >> this is the gila monster, and you find these out in the deserts of california -- >> arizona. >> larry: it's a lizard? >> it is.
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>> turn him. i don't want larry to touch his head. it's very poise announce. poisonous. it's a neurotoxic poison, right, anita? >> exactly. they can go weeks without water. >> larry: do they live a long time? >> we don't know a whole lot about them in the wild. that's the crazy thing about them. >> larry, one thing to do, though, if the predators will come, they'll turn that tail, toward the predator, he'll turn around, jerk it off and eat it while the runs away. i'm not making that up. >> here's the venom gland. >> i've never seen the mouth. can we get that on camera? >> those are the venom sacks. >> he doesn't have fangs, he chews. >> he's not a human. small prey. >> look at this, larry. see the sacks on the side there. >> larry: yeah. >> that's amazing. i have never seen one open its
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mouth. that's the first time. >> larry: one more on this segment. one of the favorites, return of the finnick fox. >> this animal lives in the sierra desert. there's no water out there. snake, farms, dogs, anything this animal will eat. the smallest fox in the world. the ears are big obviously for hearing, they're mainly for keeping cool. they are in a zoological park and the ears are always flapping. like a radiator. we are 98.6, we can monitor our body. the animal has little blood vessels in his ears and how the stays cool in the desert. >> larry: hey, folks, can't get to a rain forest for the moment? we'll bring it to you with an ocelot, a baby sloth and a kinkajou. right here. for practically just your signature.
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i'm randi kaye. a deranged woman knocked down pope benedict during christmas eve mass. he was unhurt. a winter horror show. thousands of flights affected by snow and ice. drivers being told to pack emergency kits. he's going to disney world. sean goldman and his dad arriving in orlando from brazil ending a five-year international custody fight. more headlines shortly. now back to "larry king." >> larry: we're in the rain forest with jack hanna on "larry king live." and a hungry ocelot.
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>> larry, you may have heard about the ocelot. >> larry: it smells a little weird. >> it's a urine smell that they have to mark their territory. the ocelots were sold in the '60s and 70s as a lot of pets. they're endangered now where it was in the '60s and '70s where it wasn't in the '80s. larry, look at that coat. absolutely gorgeous. you can see why people hunted the animal. now, they can now make the fake furs which is much, much better on everybody. ocelots, larry, you smell that odor. that's how they mark their territory. the ocelot is nocturnal, and notorious for finding birds. and stuff at night. this cat can walk by you 6 inches from where you're sleeping in the jungle and you will never hear this animal. i've only seen them twice maybe in all of my years in central and south america because they're difficult to find right now. they're a solitary cat. they're not a social cart like a lion, they're a solitary cat. it represents the jungle, like the jaguar for example in of south america, the ocelot is next.
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which kind this here? >> a geoffroy. >> larry: what's that? >> a primate? see the meal worms. they're babies, larry, don't even weigh -- they're big as your finger. they're social creatures. a golden lion tamer, it has a beautiful head on it. beautiful big head. these are great pollinators. you talk about pollinators. these animals are like birds. they pollinate from tree to tree, like birds. it has lost lot of its habitat as well. they're endangered. >> larry: this full grown? >> this is full grown. there's quite a few. crested tamarins. look at it. look at its head. look at the haircut. almost like people have a little mohawk.
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>> larry: i like that look. now, we have frogs from three rain forests. >> oh, yes. put your hands up here where the cameras can see it. open your hands. >> larry: the one in the middle looks like a toy. >> which one is this one? >> a red-eyed tree frog. >> from where? >> south america. >> look at the color of that frog. see that right there. turn around a little bit, see his head. that's a tree frog. look at that, larry, look at this frog here. what is that? a leaf frog from malaysia. this is where i'm getting ready to go, larry. that's where i'm going. look at that, larry. look at the head on that one. look at that. it eats flies and things. does that look like a leaf to you or what? >> larry: sure does. looks like a leaf. >> look at this here. >> larry: what is this? >> a cane toad. this is the one that you know
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who jumped on your son, this is the much bigger one. these are poisonous behind his eyes there. that's a neurotoxic poison. >> larry: oh! >> only if you eat the frog. just don't touch it. >> larry: we will show chance jumping at this. do it to the son, do it to the father. >> don't touch it. this frog was brought over from south america to control the rats and mice in the sugar cane fields. the frog has bred so much, it's taking it out of control. it's gotten out of hand is what's happened. >> larry: go, go, go, go elsewhere. >> larry, he's not going to hurt you. look at this one. >> larry: okay. look at that one. he wraps himself in a bunch of slime, like snot or something. want to touch him?
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>> larry: yeah. slimy. >> you can wash your hands later. isn't that weird? >> larry: ♪ jeremiah was a bull frog he was a good friend of mine ♪ you see, i'm in that kind of mood. >> this is the kinkajou, larry. it's from south america. a honey bear. it was sold in pet trade in the 1960s. that's not allowed. that fur is so thick, larry, a bee sting couldn't get in front and penetrate. it has a tail that hangs from trees. it's from central and south america. beautiful animal. >> larry: we got a real screamer for you. no kidd ocelot.
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>> larry: we're back. now, the wetlands, the swamps and the marshes. and we start with the spoonbill. appropriately named. >> yeah, look at that bill, everybody. isn't that amazing. just like a spoon. the rosy spoonbill, from where, anita? >> the caribbean. >> the caribbean. you see the birds flying and nesting. things like that. this is where all the birds fly and nest. they're beautiful pink animals. they come and nest at night. a spoonbill, you can see in the water there, they can take that beak and scoop up fish, even on the bottom if they want to feed. it's a very valuable tool for the spoonbill. you can almost feel how soft his beak is.
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you see his legs there, he's not a bird of prey where the animal has strong talons. it's more for balancing. they turn real pink, too. >> larry: and now the next builder of dams, the beaver. >> people ask what was the worst bite i ever had, on the david letterman show in 1996, the beaver almost took my thumb off. no, no, why don't you get the beaver. >> larry: i told you, he building another dam. >> look at those. i don't want you to look at the teeth, but they're big teeth. they're very important. he can tear up a tree. apart in a matter -- a lot of people in montana, you've been in montana, i'm sure. don't like them to be there because he dams up rivers and fishes. they're very important for making ponds and certain lakes if they're in the right place. the beaver is still trapped for, obviously, its pelt there. i don't know if you can see the tail or not. that tail is used as a warning signal for all other animals as well. if that beaver knows something alarms it, it will slap its tail and warn the deer and the other
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animals take off. >> larry: it helps the other animals. >> it does. if you ever saw a cute little beaver, they're as cute as they've ever could be. in a beaver home, they're just a neat, neat creature, larry. if you ever see baby beavers and a mom, it's incredible. baby beavers. the worst bite i ever had was by a beaver. look at the back foot. hold on a minute. look at the back foot. it's like a duck's foot. i meant show show you this, larry. is that amazing or what? >> larry: yeah, it is. >> look at that back foot. isn't that amazing. >> larry: here comes the screamer. >> what is this thing? >> that's actually a good question. >> where's it from? >> they're from argentina. >> i've never seen one of these. >> larry: i haven't either. >> that is a big question about them, what exactly is this bird. this bird looks kind of like a vulture. has the long legs like a stork, but they're most closely related to a duck. >> larry: a duck? who named them the screamer? >> they're named after the sound they make. they make a loud screaming call that can be deafening when
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there's a flock of them. in the swamps, they'll scream to attract a harem of females. >> larry: i do the same thing. >> once they do that, they protect them with these. they actually have weapons that have spurs on their wings. see these spurs -- >> look at this, larry, i've never seen this. look at this spur. look at that. >> larry: yeah, a spur. beautiful. >> oh, shoot. you got it again. >> that is sharp. go ahead and touch me if you don't believe me. >> larry: i believe you. bye, screamer, eat some corn an get out of here. you're making me nervous. >> i think he likes corn. >> larry: i do, too. >> that is the neatest bird. thank you. i have never seen that before. >> larry: now we have a water monitor. this is like in school. go out and monitor the water. what is that coming out of his mouth. >> the wildlife world zoo, in phoenix, arizona. the brand-new aquarium, only
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aquarium in that part of the world. look at this. this is a savannah water monitor. larry, look at his tongue. what he's doing, he's stealing your attention right now. you don't want to do that. act like you're not nervous. better. do this, larry. it feels good. let him touch your hand. do that. has it ever licked you? >> larry: it's not poison? >> no -- well -- no. >> larry: well, don't say well. you try it. >> put it like that, larry, do you see that? >> larry: yeah, did i see it? >> do you feel it? >> larry: yeah. >> what he's doing is he's picking up particles. what the dragon will do if he bites you. he will track you for days. the bite isn't what's going to kill you. do you like this animal like i do. this is the biggest one i've ever seen. >> larry: let's get in the alligator. two little alligators.
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wait a minute, i said little. >> is it a little one? holy mackerel, larry, wow, wee. larry, have you ever seen an alligator that close? >> larry: no, i've never seen that many teeth. >> this is the alligator. watch this. he has two eyeliding. if they can show us on the camera, he's got two eyelids. watch this. see that. he can see you under water. when you're down there, you think he's not watching you, he can. he also hunts as our good conservationist steve irwin told us, he knows a lot about the crocodile. those are sensors, they pick up vibration. if something's in the water swimming up to two miles away, larry, they can feel it like sonar in the water. he lives up to 100 years old and can go for one year out eating. >> larry: are these babies? >> this a baby alligator right here? >> uh-huh. >> and that's also a little baby, right? >> uh-huh. >> this is probably a year ago,
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old, a year and a half old. this is how old, david? >> 25. >> they can outrun a man. in the first 20 yards. can you open his mouth? >> sure. >> you can? >> yeah. look at this, larry. you can watch this at home. we'll open his mouth here. be careful, i want you to look down his throat, larry. don't put your head in there. you see the flap there. you see that. >> larry: i see that. can we get that on camera? it's very interesting. >> he doesn't drown. he can bite without getting water down his throat. he cannot chew. he can only tear. >> larry: aren't we annoying him doing this? >> no, he's used to it. >> larry: guess what, the holiday season, a reindeer, is it donner, is it cupid, is it blitzen? i'm a grown man, what am i talking about?
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>> larry: as ed sullivan used to say, get all the kids up close now. here she is, olive. representingol all of the other reindeer. >> these are the jacksons. they raise them and also called a caribou. anita does a great job with this animal. the female and male, one of the few deer species that both have antlers. both the male and female. she loses the antlers after the male. that's to protect -- >> larry: is that a she? >> that's a she, yes. you've heard of rudolph the red-nosed reindeer? >> larry: heard of him, yeah. >> the reason they go click, click, click, up on the red top, click, click, click, those feet have cartilage in them. every step, it talks. it's not the roof. all the kids watching, this is what brings santa claus to your house and down the chimney. this is the female, really rudolph could have been, right, anita, a female? >> uh-huh. >> because the male had already
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lost his antlers. that's just a tale. tail. i want all the kids to think this is one of santa's reindeer and she'll have to go back and get ready for a long, long trip around the world for christmas. >> larry: get ready, rudy. >> by the way, larry, they have a nose that's soft as cotton and helps them eat substance on top of rocks. >> where are they? >> up towards the north pole. this is a very important animal. >> larry: this is the official bird of south africa. the stanley crane. >> that's a beautiful crane, like the official crowned crane offer uganda. beautiful bird, larry. these birds have long legs, obviously. you see their knee there, that's their ankle there in the middle of their leg there. these birds love to eat fish and things like that, larry. they get under the water, not deep.
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they're beautiful when they're flying as well. >> larry: the next guest is low on nature's love scale. maybe we can change your minds about skunks and turkey vultu vultures. stick around. ♪
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(announcer) here's hoping you find something special in your driveway this holiday. ho, ho, ho!
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(announcer) get an exceptional offer on the mercedes benz you've always wanted at the winter event going on now. but hurry - the offer ends january 4th. i'm randi kaye. a deranged woman knocked down pope benedict during christmas eve mass at the vatican.
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he was unhurt. a winter horror show across the central u.s. thousands of flights affected by snow and ice. drivers told to pack emergency kits. he is going to across the u.s. driversing with told to pack emergency kilts. and he's going to disneyworld pop. sean goldman and his dad landing in orlando after an international custody fight. more headlines shortly, now back to larry king. >> this i'm pulling this very hard. that was in her skin there. there and this here. these are quills. take these home to your sons and let them fight each other. just kidding, larry, don't do that. >> larry: no, they will.
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how is this one different from the other that was bigger? >> the african porcupine is much bigger than the north american porcupine. there's a barb there. the minute you touch this animal, whether it be a cougar or bobcat to try to eat it, the quill will come off in their mouth or hand and infect them. >> let's meet the striped skunk. >> be careful. just take your time. no hurry here. >> larry: here comes the striped skunk. >> there, see the tail goes up, right? >> larry: does that mean he's going to smell? >> could be, yeah. larry, i want to encourage people to not try to pick up a baby skunk. number one, they'll get sprayed and two, they carry the rabies
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virus. animals could have the -- not show symptoms but carry the rabies virus. leave the animals alone. . >> larry: what does the spray do? >> some dogs can be blinded by that. you take tomato ketchup that will help get rid of the smell. the skunk is black and white. what's amazing is some dogs that have never seen a skunk, they run from a skunk and yet they've never seen one. i don't know how animals know what each other can do to each other. >> larry: last, we have the turkey vulture. >> look at the wingspan on this. look at that. that's beautiful. look at that. this is from moorepark college. all the young people from moorpark college. bacteria cannot grow on its h d
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head. nature gave him a bald head. the wings, larry, go out anywhere four to six feet. a turkey vulture, larry, can soar for days without ever flapping their wings. they can soar forever looking for animals dead on the road. they're a very important animal. the talons aren't like a bird of prey. they're mainly used for balance. what they're eating is dead. so it's a very important animal to nature. >> larry: we saved the best for last. we go up close and personal with cockroaches here next. how about your f150? less. and this silverado has 315 horsepower. yours? less. silverado's powertrain is backed for 5 years or 100,000 miles. yours? 40,000 miles less. don't blame the carpenter, blame the tool. chevy silverado. america's best truck.
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>>. >> larry: earlier, we showed you a cane todd. here's what happened with the cane toad. >> don't touch this one. this is a cane toad, everybody. if you notice, there's poison glands -- will he hop right here? this is a cane toad. this larry is one that came over from south america. they brought them into this country in southern florida. there are poison glands right back there. >> get it away from me! get it off of me! >> larry: it's okay. >> it's a toad. it's a toad. >> larry: it's okay. >> i don't like toads either.
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>> larry: you're okay. he didn't bite you. get it out of here. that's historic, folks. bring on the cockroaches. >> put that on larry's jacket. that's what i do. that's a nice one there. don't let him get in your hair because he'll lay eggs. >> larry: he will lay eggs? >> well, she. no, he's the male. let him go down your shirt. he's gone now. >> larry: where is he? he went down my shirt? get him out of my shirt. >> reach down in there. don't be bashful. get the thing before he gets -- you got him? oh, good. >> larry: imagine if i went home with that. >> your wife wouldn't like you. >> larry: cockroaches, they are unusual, right? >> they say they could survive
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nuclear attacks. this is the mad gas scar hissing cockroach. hear it? [ hissing ] >> i put these in socks and i go to a restaurant by myself, i take them, they serve me the salad and bread, and i put it in the breadbasket and they say how is your dinner? i say good, but there's cockroaches in the breadbasket. the manager come the out, i great a free steak dinner. >> larry: the deadly tarantula. he can't kill you? he has a bad image, though. >> a lot of people just kill
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these spiders in the desert. wow, you are a brave man. i'm afraid to move. >> there's hairs there and they make it itch a lot. they have little pinchers in the front right there. and plus, larry this thing sheds its skin about twice a year. he crawls out of his entire shell. it looks like a tarantula sitting there and yet he's over here. i don't know how they leave a perfect shell of a tarantula and he lives over here. that really matches. that is nice. >> larry: we are out of time. >> you can leave him up there. . >> larry: i'll close with him. we have more animals. go to our website king. and you'll see a web extra with jack hannah.


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