tv CNN Newsroom CNN January 8, 2010 3:00pm-4:00pm EST
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it was like a sign i passed and here is my truck. >> on the day, bobby returned to the states, 4,000 people came to celebrate his life. thelma gutierrez, cnn, el mon te, california. >> well, that does it for us. we hope you have a terrific weekend. rick sanchez picks it up from rick sanchez picks it up from here. -- captions by vitac -- making news, maricopa sheriff joe arpaio making news. >> come after me if you think i violated a federal law. >> a grand jury is looking into whether he abused his power and retaliated against critics. >> jay leno, out, in?
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ted koppel coming back? what is this, revenge of the retirees? >> terrorism expert rudy giuliani flat out lies about terrorism. i will tell you what he says. and how cold is it? it is so cold, frozen iguanas are dropping from trees. think i'm kidding? smart talk as we count down to january 18th, and the premier of "rick's list." where my access to newsmakers becomes your access. the national conversation starts the national conversation starts right now. and hello, again, everybody. i'm rick sanchez and i am looking at what is a beautiful picture of the east room of the white house. the president of the united states is going to be coming out in the next couple of minute, and he is going to be giving a very important statement.
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if you are the president of the united states, and over the last week and a half, you have been hammered by the press over the way members of your administration have handled the incident in detroit on christmas day. what do you do? what to you do? think about this. you change the subject. that is what you do. you make sure that people start to talk now about jobs, and about your effort to try to improve the economy for all americans. that is what we expect that the ptd of the united states is going to attempt to do today. looking at the monitor, i see the president still has not come out, so we will go to the white house with ed henry who is our white house correspondent, and he is following things for us. so what do we expect the president to talk about, ed? >> well, rick, he is going to be talking about spending more of the stimulus money on what he likes to call clean energy jobs to turn around what is an awful unemployment situation in the country reconfirmed today with almost 100,000 jobs lost in the previous month, be tow the point of changing the subject, there
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is no doubt that the administration has been beaten up on intelligence issues in recent days, but the counter to that is why change the subject back to the economy, when it is not good news for the president. robert gibbs, himself, said earlier today, what is good, quote, unquote good is that when he took office we were losing 690,000 a jobs on average and now we are losing an average of 69,000, so .01, but not what we are gaining. and so, for some time before the intelligence issues came up, and aides said to us, when the new year came in the president would pivot back to the economy and spending a lot of time on health care and still doing that, but they realize heading now into the midterm election year, they have to get back to the pocketbook issues, because they can, you know, and he ewill talk and walk that fine line about well, it is starting to get better, but he knows full well that the president knows it is not where it needs to be for the
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people to be satisfied about the economy in this country. >> as i listen to the analysis, i can't help but think about a presidency when it has to decide of talking about issues that are bad to less bad. you know, look, in fairness to the -- >> that is right, changing the subject to something that is not exactly much better. >> in fairness to them, i know and most people who are fair-minded would look at this and say, these are a lot of the problems that they inherited, but you are driving the boat now, guys, and you are in charge. >> that is true. >> do we expect the president to talk at all about some of the americans' concerns about, and this is still something that resonates out, there and i am sure you hear it, too, ed, that some of the fat cats on wall street are doing okay, but the rest of ous nus not so much. >> well, they hear it literally everyday, because of the bonuses of the wall street coming back, and that is in the holiday season when many were not
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getting bonuses and many losing their jobs. also to the point of just about this president inheriting the challenges no, doubt he did in terms of inheriting a recession, and in terms of inheriting two wars and terrorist threat, but as you know full well, he is about to enter the second year in office sooshg, so at some po inheritance is yours, and it is his now, and that is why he is bearing down once again on the job situation. sure, he inherited the recession, but he now owns it, rick. >> and for those of you just joining us, i am here with white house correspondent ed henry, and we are waiting for the president to come out, and if there were an underlying theme here, it would be changing the subject at this point. we all want to know what is going on with the health care reform lelegislation, and it se wes are entering a quiet zone on that, so can you bring us up to
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date on that? >> well, the negotiations are starting behind the scenes, and you are right, it is quiet in terms of the public debate, and what is going on is that now basically the house negotiators have to get together with the senate negotiators to work tout differen the difference of the bills. one is a public option, and the senate dropped that. they have to work out the difference, and there is controversy kick up in the past few days, because the democrats say they will not include the republicans in that talk and informal conference committee, and another point of controversy is that the president as a candidate promised to open up the negotiations to c-span cameras, and that has not happened and the promises of transparency has fired up some of the critics, rick. >> well, seven times he said he would do it and still they haven't done it. we have been hearing it, hearing it, and hearing it. by the way, i am curious and my producers are saying we have to take a break, and i will. listen, is there a chance that
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the democrats are in charge of the negotiations they can go in and sneak in a lot of stuff that the republicans say they weren't willing to do? how much tom foolery can go on in these negotiations before this thing is a bill? >> when you go into the so-called smoke-filled rooms on capitol hill, you can do all kinds of tom fooler ri, ay and n do all kinds of things. at some point you have to go public, and the 2k78 he democra add whatever they want, but it has to get 60 votes in the senate to get through, and so they can add things that the republicans are opposed to and even things like the independents like joe lieberman and ben nelson of nebraska will not agree with, so they cannot put things that won't pass muster and the smell test, when they get through, rick. >> okay. it will be fun to watch that, ed. now, my producers are yelling at
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me and i blame it on you. >> well, it is my fault. >> i am used to using that at home, too. senior white house correspondent ed henry joining us now. we will get back to you when we hear from the president. meanwhile, let's get a break in. also, a man accused of trying to blow up a u.s. airliner on christmas day is arraigned in pictures next. have you seen the sketch about peter orszag? lady's man? you have to watch, it is funny. don't forget the other way to join the national conversation. call us here in the united states and say, "hey, rick!" and the number is 877-742-5751. i don't know why i am so fired up? maybe it is friday. be right back. upbeat rock. ♪ singer: hello hello hello can anybody hear me? ♪ ♪ i know i know i know i shoulda gone to ♪
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♪ free credit report dot com! ♪ that's whp$e i shoulda gone! coulda got my knowledge on! ♪ ♪ vo: free credit score and report with enrollment in triple advantage. we're on the verge of historic reform, a major step forward for america. let's make sure the health care bill is as strong as possible. under the house plan, we'll be offered good coverage at work. and we won't pay a tax on our health benefits. if you're self-employed or between jobs, you'll be able to afford insurance. and you can keep the benefits you have now. we're at the finish line, tell the president and congress, choose wisely, get it right for us.
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>> all right. as we come back, a programming note. we are expecting the president of the united states to come out any time and then again yesterday he was supposed to come out at 2:30 and then at 3:00 and then supposed to come out at 4:15 and ended up coming out so much later so maybe we should have asked ed henry about that as well. regardless, here we are waiting on the president of the united states. he will have a statement any moment now, and when he does, you are going to hear it and see it here live on cnn. meanwhile, movement today in the case of the wannabe airline bomber. you see the suv arriving at the courthouse in detroit a few hours ago. we are told that umar farouk abdulmutallab was in there, and he is the bomber who stashed explosives in his underwear on christmas day. he has plead not guilty to heavy, heavy charges.
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let me list some of them. attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction, willful attempt to destroy an aircraft and also attempted murder. he could spend the rest of his life in prison. here is the president. this stage in the review process, it appears that this incident was not a fault of single individual or organization, but rather a systemic failure across organizations and agencies. i am less interested in passing out blame than correcting these mistakes to make us safer. for ultimately, the buck stops with me. as president, i have a solemn responsibility to protect the nation and our people. when the system fails, it is my responsibility. >> should have mentioned that that was the president yesterday. and that was the quote, system failure and nobody gets fired, and he wants improved screening and improved intelligence gathering and as long as he is
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president, he won't quote hunker down, and i doabili not underst what that means? doesn't hunkering down mean becoming defensive and strong? and one more thing about detroit. this may be an example of questionable timing. roger, let's show them. you see that car? this suv truck, whatever it is. chrysler in detroit unveiled it today in advance of the auto show. what is it called? the 2010 dodge nitro detonator. detonator? right. detonator and probably not the wisest choice of names in this current climate especially in detroit, but too late to change the name not that they are inclined to do so and the controversy may help chrysler move a few cars, who knows. here now is the president and we showed him to you on memorex, and now here he is live. >> before i announce a significant investment we are making in clean energy, i want
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to give an update on a matter of concern to every american, and this is the employment picture. the jobs numbers released by the labor department this morning are a reminder that the road to recovery is not straight, and we have to work every single day to get the economy moving everyday. for most americans and me, that means jobs, and means whether we are putting people back to work. the job losses for the last quarter of 2009 were .01 of what we were experiencing in the first quarter. in fact, in november we saw the first gain in jobs in nearly two years. last month, however, we slipped back, losing more jobs than we gained, although the overall trend of job loss is still pointing in the right direction. what this underscores though is that we have to continue to explore every avenue to accelerate the return to hiring, which brings me to my announcement today. the recovery act has been a major force in breaking the trajectory of this recession, and stimulating growth in
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hiring. one of the most popular elements of it has been a clean energy manufacturing initiative that will put americans to work while helping america gain the lead when it comes to clean energy. it is clear why such an effort is so important. building a robust clean energy sector is how we will create the jobs of the future, and jobs that pay well and cannot be outsourced, but it is also how we will reduce our dangerous dependence on foreign oil and a dependence that endangers our economy and security, and it is how we will combat the threat of climate change and leave our children a planet that is safer than the one we inherited. harnessing new forms of energy is one of the defining challenges of the 21st century, and unfortunately right now, the united states, the nation that pioneered the use of clean energy, is being outpaced by nations around the world. it is china that has launched the largest effort in history to make their economy energy efficient. we spearheaded the development of solar technology, but we have
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fallen behind countries like germany and japan in producing it, and in almost all of the batteries that we use to power our hybrid vehicles are still manufactured by japanese companies or in asia though because of one of the steps like the one we are taking today we are beginning to produce more of the batteries today at home. now, i welcome and i am pleased to see a real competition emerging around the world to develop these kinds of clean energy technologies. competition is what fuels innovation, but i don't want america to lose that competition. i don't want the industries that yield the jobs of tomorrow to be built overseas. i didn't want the technology that will transform the way we use energy to be invented abroad. i want the united states of america to be what it has always been, and that is a leader, the leader when it comes to a clean energy future. that is exactly what this clean energy manufacturing initiative will help us to do.
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it will help to close the clean energy gap that has grown between america and other nations. through this initiative, we are awarding $2.3 billion in tax credits for american manufacturers of clean energy technology, and companies that build wind turbines and produce solar panels and assemble cutting-edge batteries. the initiative outlining today will create 17,000 jobs in the roughly $5 billion more that will leverage in the private sector investments could create tens of thousands of additional jobs. at the same time this initiative will give a much needed boost to the manufacturing sector by building new plants or upgrading old ones. we will take an important step toward meeting the goal i have set of doubling the amount of renewable power we use in the next three years in wind turbines and solar panels built right here in the usa. put simply, this initiative is good for middle-class families and good for the security and
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good for our planet. over 180 projects in 40 states will receive the tax credits. one of them is tpi composites, inc., which is based in newton, iowa, one of america's leading wind turbine manufacturers, and because of the tax credits, they will not only be able to expand an existing facility in newton, and not only be able to build a brand new facility in nebraska, but also they will be able to hire over 200 new workers, and it is my hope that similar stories will be told in cities and towns across america because of this initiative. in fact, this initiative is so popular that we have far more qualified applicants than we have been able to fund. we have received requests for roughly three times as much in fund i funding than we could provide. that is why as part of the jobs package on which i'm urging congress to act, i have called for investing another $5 billion in the program which could put
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even more americans to work right away building and equipping clean energy manufacturing facilities here in the united states. in the letters that i receive at night and many of you know i get about tenters a night that i take a look at and i hear from americans who are facing hard times and americans who have lost their jobs or can't afford to pay their bills and worried about what the future holds. i am confident that if we harness the ingenuity like companies like tpi composites and tap the intelligence of our innovators and gain the lead of energy worldwide we will forge a future ahead where a better life is possible in our country in the long run. it is a future closer to building because of the steps we are taking today. thank you very much, everybody. it is funny how some of the
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reporters there continue the try to press the president as he walks away. he seemed to hell bent on coming out the make his statement, and yesterday the focus as you know was everything having to do with national security, and some of the problems with national security. what we are having now is a president who wants to change the subject and talk about the economy, which is exactly what he did as expected. all right. we have a lot of news coming your way, including -- take a look at this. >> are you telling me how to do my job and enforcing state laws? come on after me if he thinks i am violating any of the federal laws. >> everybody's favorite sheriff or is he? joe arpaio is back. he is now making headlines on this day. this time, it is because a federal grand jury has been impaneled to look at potential abuses of power by his department, and also revenge tactics used by his department
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against its critics. where have you heard that before? sounds a little fa mail your. how cold you ask? well, it is so cold that iguanas are dropping out of the trees. i am from florida and i have seen iguanas, but not frozen one dropping out of trees. chad myers will take us through that and the rest of the country. stay right there.
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carradine starred in movies. and robert or zag,-- peter orsz you don't think of him as a lady's man, a baby daddy? the omb director had a baby, with this lady, a beautiful shipping heiress weeks before he got engaged to this beautiful lady who is a news reporter. so omb stands for the office of managing the booty. ladies, put your husbands to bed and hide your ovaries. >> good morning. discretionary spending is a -- >> good morning. >> this budget is changing course and like in the gps system, it is recalculating the course. >> good morning. >> this guy has the kevorkian.
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>> what is going to happen as we lose -- >> we are losing the tax rates that were in place in 1993. >> what a story, and you know, i am joined now by the way, because to be a meteorologist, and accomplished meteorologist, you have to be a bit of a nerd, so i have invited our own expert nerd out here, chad myers, to take us through this. does this make you proud to see a guy like this, an accountant to score with the ladies. >> i didn't realize that is what you thought of me. i told my mom i was going to be a doctor, and she said, you will get the girls, and i said, i wanted to be a media urologist, and now i am doing the weather, because they thought it was a meteorologist. >> well, that is the budget director/ladies' man. iguanas in florida blasted
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by cold weather, falling out of trees, an indication of how cold our national weather is. i don't think i have ever seen anything like this. chad is going to pick up that conversation as well. and rudy giuliani says there were no terror attacks in the bush administration. none. only in the obama administration. what the hell is he talking about? you will hear it for yourself. stay right there. or maybe the pure water. whatever it is, idaho potatoes are a delicious part of a healthy diet. with zero fat or cholesterol, and only 110 calories, and they taste great. a great value, only about ¢.25 each. always look for the grown in idaho seal. genuine idaho potatoes, from the best earth on earth.
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now, it is time to show you video that i want to share with you. i think it is significant. take a look at this. we have just gotten this exclusive picture of the man believed to be the bomber who blew himself up inside of a cia base in afghanistan killing seven cia workers. there is an amazing story behind this guy. i don't know if you had a chance to read "the new york times," because they have a whole bio on him. unbelievable. former intelligence official say shaes former jordanian doctor. he was acting as a double agent, and jordanian and american agents thought he had turned away from the extremist views, and they were using him to try to hunt down al qaeda big wig al
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zawahiri who is the guy who started the muslim brotherhood and osama bin laden's number two guy. they were wrong about al balawi. when they brought him into the cia base last week, they didn't search him, and that is how much they trusted him. oops. the bomb went off inside of the gym, and killed seven members of the cia and countless others were injured. now this. when something strange happens, really strange, something inexplicable, what do you usually say? i mean, most of us, right? we say, well, that was kind of weird, right? but then it happens again. and then it is really strange thing that you cannot explain, and then what do you say? you say something like, well, maybe there is something going on here? maybe there something we should look into. that is where we are today. let me show you something, because now it is happening over and over again, and i keep seeing it on television, and in the print media, and on blogs. it is strange. here is the first one. this is dana perino, former press secretary under george w.
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bush seeming to somehow forget that 9/11 ever happened. at least that it even happened under george w. bush's watch. >> well, following the investigations, i don't flow the thinking that goes into it, but we did not have a terrorist attack on our country during president bush's term. >> we did not have a terrorist attack on our country during president bush's term. >> is that a slip of the tongue? we can't be sure, because the obvious error went unchallenged and unquestioned by fox news' sean hannity. so what, dana perino does not remember 9/11. that is kind of weird, right? but it is fast becoming a common theme among republican strategist, and now there is this, one of the top republicans, the guy we associate with 9/11, the guy who was there on the ground when it happened, and how in the world
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can he forget about 9/11? i mean, if anybody should remember 9/11, it is this guy. >> well, what he should be doing is following the right things that bush did, one of the right things he did was to treat this as a war on terror and we had no domestic attacks under bush, and we had one under obama. >> no domestic attacks under bush. first dana perino and now rudy giuliani telling us that our country was not attacked under the bush administration. that is not one, but two big slips of the tongue. remember that rudy giuliani was mayor of new york city and then ran for president, and so much so that someone uttered that he could not utter a sentence without saying "9/11." >> well, what he should be doing is following the right things that bush did, and one of the right things is to treat it as terror, and we have had no attacks under bush, and we have
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had one under obama. >> it is something that he said that terrorism is only taking place under obama, and that is the exactly the type of partisan statements that americans tell me every single day on facebook, twitter on my e-mails, phone calls, on "hey, rk!" that you are stick and tired of. richard reid who was analogous to the abdulmutallab incident happened in the bush administration. we are going to be hearing more from giuliani today, because my colleague wolf blilts stzer is to be talking to him at 5:00 p.m. in "the situation room." my access to your access. i am referring to "rick's list." and my list brings you the most relevant and pertinent tweets. we are looking at what people say on a given day and i will bring them to you everyday at 3:00. on the list, jeffrey feldman and we find this guy fascinating, because he is a political author and blogger at the huffington
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post, and he writes a book called "framing the debate." he tweets, and we will share it with you this. it says no domestic attacks under bush? rudy giuliani must have put his dusty old toupee in the spot where his brain used to be. jeffrey! that is not nice. most of the nation is under a cold freeze and it is not going away any time soon, and chad meyers is going to be take us through it in a little bit, including iguanas dropping from trees. >> safely, safely dropping from the trees. >> they do like a double somersault on the way down? >> i don't know, but they landed okay. >> we have tape. we will be right back. in a one-size-fits-all world.n you're you. aarp understands that. that's why they endorse products from top companies... so people 50 plus can choose health coverage options... as unique as they are. call or visit for free information
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and you want a fitness program? you can get discounts on health club memberships across the country. so whether you work for yourself, you're employed, retired, or medicare-eligible, call now for free information. and get what you need to make health care decisions... that work for you. you don't even have to be an aarp member to call. all you have to do is be yourself. and, if you have any questions about medicare, call today and get your free copy of "medicare made clear," by unitedhealth educational publishing group. it will help you better understand all your choices. so don't wait. call today for your free guide. by the way, we just got a statement from rudy giuliani after that story that we just did where we appeared -- no, didn't appear, but we are puzzled by what he says
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regarding there not being any terrorist attackses in the bush administration. you got it? here it is, by golly, fresh news as we make it. chad, can you hold for a minute to talk about the weather? >> absolutely. >> okay. here we go, through the spea spokesman, rudy giuliani has clarified the remarks head made on gma this morning. the mayor's spokesman said that the remark -- you want to shoot this. the mayor's spokesman says that the remark did not come across as it was intended. so he is walking this back. and the giuliani was clearly talking post-9/11 with regards to islamic terrorist attacks on our soil. whatever the mayor meant, it is not what he said. all of you who have pointed out that i should have pressed him on that misstatement in the moment are right. my mistake, my responsibility, this coming from some rudy giuliani spokesperson.
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so rudy giuliani, interestingly enough, we get this information from rudy giuliani's folks saying, i know that is what i said, but not what i meant. he does not come out to apologize, but he is making clear that is not what he meant to say. good for him. good for him. >> yeah. >> let's talk about the weather. chad myers joining us now. strange stuff going on out there. >> dangerous, deadly. >> and you know, wnoknow, we we over this story yesterday, a ohio crash update and these were special needs kids who crashed into a tanker truck. >> yes, jackknifed and ran across the median and into the vehicle and knocked the vehicle backwards and off to the other side. 23 degrees, and four inches of snow already on the ground, and it was a mess. absolutely -- and decent visibility, but the tractor-trailer lost control, and wenthe median and that is my worst nightmare as a driver is someone crossing the median and the double yellow
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line and where do you go? >> i stayed in downtown atlanta last night and i have to be in a place where i can write my book without kids crawling on my head, and i saw cars crossing the center lane, and it was snowing in atlanta, and people can't stop, and that is the kind of thing there? >> well, what happened in atlanta yesterday is that people were driving over and skidding. as you skid, you turn snow into ice. your tires heat the snow up, and pounds it into the ground and all of the sudden the guy before hin and behind you had no chance, because you have made ice. so, like i said, i should have driven a zamboni. >> it is one of the deals if you don't need to go anywhere, you should not go anywhere. >> and tonight, there is sun all day, and where there is sun, the ice is gone, but where there is shade, you see that ice is still going to be there on the drive home tonight. >> and roger, do you have
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pictures of the elk horn, nebraska buses. see if you can find the buses, rog. we are waiting, roger. we need it right now. there you go. look at that. i knew roger would come in. look at that, out of a winter wonderland or freak show. >> it looks like a junk yard and looks like these things have not moved in years, but they are normal operating vehicles running yesterday, but the snow came down and the ice came down and rime ice, and the vehicles were below 32 so the ice hit it and got bigger and bigger and bigger. i bet that the springs on the buses are going, oh, my, really? get the kids off of me. >> finally. you ready for this one? are you guys ready at home for this one? we need a drum roll. this is the one we have been excited about. these are -- >> oh, you and your -- >> no, this is cool. i grew up in florida and i had
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iguanas all over me and i have seen them swim, dance, stair re you and they are cool animals around nonthreatening, but these igua iguanas, and say hello to our affiliate down there, but these iguanas started to fall out of trees because they were so frozen last night. true or not true? >> not frozen, but they are cold blooded, but they did not freeze. >> darn it. it was a better story. >> no, no, no they did not freeze. they are still alive and good. >> oh, so they were partly freezing and when they hit the ground they woke up. >> literally at 36 degrees internally, they can't grip anymore, so they need to -- when it is 37, alarms should go off to walk down the tree and get on the ground, because at 36 they lose feeling in the limbs. >> so that is why they were falling out of the trees? >> yes, down to 34, they had no chance. >> so, they were not frozen. >> no, they were not dying.
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>> i want you the clear that up, because it is a real issue today. >> i don't want peta to come after us because we are making fun of dead ig wau nas, because they are not dead. >> all right. thank you, chad. up next. >> telling me how to do my job and enforcing state law. come after me if you think i am violating federal law. >> sheriff joe arpaio who is no stranger to controversy is being investigated and wait until you hear why. you knew he was being investigated, that is old news. let me update the tease. a federal grand jury has been impaneled now to consider the evidence against sheriff joe arpaio and that is better. don't forget that the other way to participate in the national conversation so call us in the united states, and the number is 877-742-5751. under the house plan, we'll be offered good coverage at work. and we won't pay a tax on our health benefits. if you're self-employed or between jobs,
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big stars and elaborate sets and lots of lighting. in hollywood making a movie takes money, but if warner brothers headquarters, their focus is on green of a different kind. >> shall we take a ride in it? >> from the front seat of the solar-powered golf cart shelby billic is driving the charge. >> you can imagine when you make television shows, you have a lot of materials. >> reporter: her job is to look behind the scenes to find ways in which warner brothers like cnn is owned by time warner can reduce the impact on the environment. her latest project, stage 23. it is believed to be hollywood's first green sound stage with fly ash of the concrete, and sustainable harvested lumber on the seat and energy efficient lighting above. even the stars like the closer's
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kyra sedgwick are playing lead roles in reducing their environmental impact. on the set, they have barred plastic water bottles and eat off of biodegradable paper plates and recycle the old scripts. >> as you can see, you can read the other lines from an old script. >> we think that in the long run, it is good for business. >> warner brothers ceo barry myers says that the green investments pay off long term and advices the smaller studios to follow suit. shelly says that the challenge is changing the culture, but anyone can play a part. brook baldwin for cnn in new york. honey, and brown sugar. no madam, i don't have esp. (announcer) fiber one. cardboard no. delicious yes. only alka-seltzer relieves your upset stomach, heartburn, indigestion and headache... so you're good to go in the morning. you're late.
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welcome back. it is beginning to get deep for joe arpaio, the controversial sheriff of maricopa county, arizona, which is around phoenix. arpaio is a frequent guest on this show is subject of a federal grand jury investigation now. officially, into alleged abuses of power and a lot of folks who watch us were appalled when i showed you this video showing one of arpaio's detention officers being caught red-handed pilfering a document from a defense attorney during open court behind her back. a lot of you said that this is something right out of the soviet union. well, arpaio not only defended this saying that the officer was doing his job, he publicly ordered him to defy a judge's order to make a public apology. that is all she wanted was for him to apologize, but he would not let her do that. and so we don't know if this is under investigation by the grand jury, and alleged abuse of power and alleged retaliation against
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people he didn't like on trumped up charges according to reports coming out. it sounds almost stalinesque, doesn't it? we will follow it for you. an irate customer is caught on surveillance camera. now, i have one of those days, but i have never done something like this. you are going to see this as it plays out, and we will have it for you and then millions of viewers want to see how nbc plays out jay leno's possible move, he is in, out, early, and now going back to late, and in fact, he is going back the late, and don't forget to visit me right here in the studio in atlanta, because we can have a national conversation with you here on set participating in the newscast. go to for more details if you want to pay us a visit. we are glad to have you. oh just return it. returning gifts is easier than ever with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service. if it fits, it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate.
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what did we do in this business before we had surrailance cameras? for one thing, it would have been hard to do "fotos del dia." south carolina's the place for one of the dumbest robbers we have seen in quite a while. not once, not twice, but three times to drag an entire atm machine away with his truck before the chain breaks. then he puts it in reverse, tries half a dozen more times to trif to lift the machine. you wait long enough, even police officers will eventually drive by and get amused. they did, and they arrested him. to kansas city now. you know the mcdonald's motto "i'm lovin' it." apparently this woman is not, when a store clerk wouldn't refund her order, she trashed
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the place. maybe she liked the old motto -- so did i remember it? you betcha. "you deserve a break today." right? did i get that? to georgia now, don't mess with this man, he's extremely protective of his merchandise, even though it's not even his. this serial robber hits the same target over and over again. he just fills up his cart and walks out the door. when he's approached by security, he pulls out a weapon. guess what? he still hasn't been caught. still on the loose. we're told it may have something to do with poor ratings for jay leno at 10:00 p.m. that is cause ago programming shake-up against at nbc. so what does ted koppel have to do with all of this? i will explain, next. ere's so m. i just shut down. ét liberty walked me through it all like,
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talk about a wig-time screwup. this is like when coke colda dropped the original formula for the new. they were forced to go back to the original three months later. we're talking about jay leno moving to primetime. there's a lot of talk about cancelling the jay leno show or move him back to his old time slot. >> i started by wishing happy birthday to katie couric. you know, she left nbc for another network. i've got to give her a call, see how thats that's working out. there's a rumor floating around that we were canceled.
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i heard it coming in this morning. so far nobody's said anything to me, but kev, if we did get cancel, maybe would give us time to travel. >> that would be wonderful. >> i understand that fox is beautiful this time of year. >> it really is. >> what does nbc stand for? >> what's that? >> "never believe your contract." he's laughing about it, but there's a lot of serious any involved, certainly for a lot of people that may be involved. kim ser afin is in with "in touch weekly." hey, kim, how are you? >> i'm good. you didn't play my favorite part of his monolog where i had said it's my experience that nbc doesn't cancel show unless they're in first place. so that was a hit back at the fact that he was in first place at 11:30 and they cancelled his show. >> i'm hearing now they're in negotiations that these things are being discussed and it's probably going for come to fruition. i just read that in "new york
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times" not long ago. what dune? >> that's right. that's right. big article in "new york times," tmz also reporting it last night, all breaking last night that apparently, according to the reports, jay will go off the air once the olympics starts in february, and then will come back after the olympics at 11:35 again, back in his old spot. of course, that brings up the question, what to do with conan o'brien who has "the tonight show." apparently the reports are they want to negotiate to give jay that 11:35 spot, but it will possible only be a half hour show, then conan on again at 12:05 to 1:05, and then jimmy fallon. then apparently, conan would get to keep the name "the tonight show." jay would still have the 11:35 show is what the reports are saying. >> you know what it sounds like to me? they have a whole bunch of people into contract and they have to squeeze them into one place, so they're going to diminish their time. mama didn't raise no fool.
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>> they have a lot of good people. >> but they've got to put them somewhere. i mentioned "new york times." "new york times" writer brian stilter is senting some tweets. we picked them off "rick's list." this quote from last september is coming back to haunt zucker. this is anything but business as usual. this is a retreat from what was heralded by nbc as a transformational move. he tweeted that to me just a little while ago. you agree with him, this makes the brass not look so good? >> this was going to be a huge success or failure. nbc knew it was a risk. putting jay at 10:00 p.m. was going to save money. it doesn't cost as much to do jay's show at 10:00, like it does to produce "law & order svu." but he had that number within spot. conan has not been beating david
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letterman. in fact david letterman has been getting about 2 million more viewers a night, so it didn't work out as they had planned it. yes, maybe it's money-saving, but people are not tuning in, and apparently the affiliates are upset, because what's happening is jay's on at 10:00, not getting agreed ratings, then the affiliates' news comes on around the country, not getting great ratings, and that of course hurts koenen. so it's a domino effect, bad for everyone. >> in fact, you know, i'm just thinking about something else. you know, anybody who came up in my business has a hero, and certainly one of my was ted koppel. i thought he had retired, but it sounds like ted koppel is maybe coming out of retirement, is going to take george stephanopoulos' old gig on sundays, kind of like a brinkley, asking the big questions. how likely is that? >> that would be interesting. if
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