tv Campbell Brown CNN January 9, 2010 8:00pm-9:00pm EST
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snowman. there was like .10 inches, it would be four blocks worth of it. i want to mention one other thing. this is not an i-report. a potentially serious situation. an earthquake occurred off the california coast. no reports of damage or injuries. no tsunami watches or warnings. we want to alert our viewers. >> more coming up at 10:00. we will see you back here at 10:00. tonight here are the questions we want answered. how far is president obama willing to go to stop terrorists? >> we are at war against al qaeda. >> the white house raises the stakes and lays it on the line. >> the buck stops with me. when the system fails it is my responsibility. >> new details how the christmas day bomber got through. >> intelligence fell through the cracks. >> what will it take to stop the next terrorist from striking
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here at home? and is this american man the next osama bin laden? a special investigation, the radical cleric born in the usa. find out his connection to 9/11, the accused ft. hood shooter and other terror suspects. also, our cnn special investigation a nationwide chain of yoga centers, they claim it is a cult. they claim they were abused. >> people were screaming and throwing up and running away. >> lawyers say it is no cult. who is telling the truth? hey, there, everybody. we start tonight as always with the mashup. the week's top story, a scathing white house report on the christmas day bomb plot. president obama outlined how his
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administration dropped the ball in the bomb plot and the commander in chief made one thing crystal clear he fully understands we are still fighting a war on terror. >> for ultimately the buck stops with me. >> president obama today taking full responsibility for intelligence mistakes that failed to stop the christmas day airline bombing plot. >> president obama explained the three main findings of the review, one, the u.s. government had sufficient information to disrupt the al qaeda plot, two, the intelligence community leadership did not increase analytic resources working on the full threat, three, the watch listing system failed and needs to be strengthened and improved. >> what's new here and what's important and dramatic is the fact you have an al qaeda affiliate trying to hit the homeland directly. >> we are at war. we are at war against al qaeda. a far reaching network of violence and hatred. >> the president issued 16 new
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reforms he wanted implemented at agencies, state, review how u.s. visas are issued and revoked, homeland security, new technologies for screening airline passengers, cia, strengthen procedure on watch listing review and distribution, fbi, conduct a thorough review of the terror screening database. >> the president said he would provide access to more agencies involving threats to the united states. the suicide bomber who killed seven cia agents in afghanistan. he was a double agent and found how he was able to slip through security. >> this is a doctor who slipped through security. he was providing for important information on high-level targets.
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>> the double ought was brought on to the base without being given a polygraph test, a basic tool. he provided bona fide information including the location of al qaeda leaders killed by drone strikes. u.s. officials say there were questions about his reliability. he had been to the base a half a dozen times and because of the information he claimed he had the cia officer told the local guards not to search him as he went past three layers of security. >> some 13 cia officers and the company formerly known as blackwater had gathered to hear his report when the bomb went off. >> american and jordanian officials believed the bomber had been rehabilitated. they hoped he would lead them to the top lieutenant of osama bin laden. a big blow to democrats' hopes to holding on to the supermajority in the u.s.
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senate. two veteran lawmakers said they are calling it quits. >> one of president obama's closest and most powerful allies has essentially decided you want have him to kick around anymore. we are talking about chris dodd. he is not the only democratic senator bowing out. >> chris dodd facing a tough re-election in connecticut and byron dorgan announced they are retiring. >> dorgan said he didn't have a republican opponent yet. he said he wants to do other things. his retirement will mean an uphill battle for the democrats to hold on to that seat. >> the democrats will defend four open senate seats this year. it is increasing the pressure on them and the president to get their agenda and health care approved this year. >> usually presidents in their first term lose seats in their midterm elections, okay. that is clearly going to happen to barack obama. >> it's enough to make rush limbaugh's day. >> they are running for the hills, these democrats drank the
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obama kool-aid and they're committing political suicide. >> some perspective here. four democratic senators are retiring but so are six republicans. on the weather front, an arctic blast cased havoc across the country. 2/3 of the nation experiencing record low temperatures. >> snow has been piling up from kansas city to the carolinas and here in memphis at least three fatalities have been attributed to the bitter cold. kamikaze iguanas, plummeting from tree topper chs. these seemingly suicidal lizards are as a result of south florida's record cold weather. >> it is cold, snowy and terrible traveling in the midwest. >> the wind is picking up. >> we are dealing with windchills between zero and 15 degrees below zero. that is more commonplace up north, in the memphis area it is
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not so common. >> word of the day, layers, gloves, lots of pants and ugly hats. the bad news is it is going to be this way for several more days. >> there is hope on the horizon. forecasters say temperatures in the south will be closer to normal but ten feet of snow in the northwest. no official word on the late-night shakeup that has the tv world buzzing. jay leno will be moved back to his 11:30 slot and conan o'brien back to midnight. refusing to comment on what is going on behind the scenes. leno himself made light of the situation. >> well, happy birthday to katie couric. it is katie couric's birthday today. and she left nbc for another network. i have to give her a call and
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see how that is working out. as you may have heard there is a rumor floating around we were canceled. i heard it coming in this morning on the radio. >> i heard it, too. >> kev, if we did get canceled that would give us time to do some traveling. i understand fox is beautiful. kev, what does nbc stand for? >> what's that? >> never believe your contract. >> leno's 10:00 p.m. show is not giving affiliates the boost they need and "the tonight show" ratings have fallen since he passed the baton to conan o'brien. now to jon stewart, "the daily show" picking up on the kritism when it comes to fighting terrorists president obama just doesn't get it. >> yesterday president obama responded to concerns that he was too slow to address the christmas terror plot.
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>> i just concluded a meeting with members of my national security team. >> no! you're playing right into their hands. >> jon stewart, everybody. and that is the "mashup." still ahead, president obama ordering new security measures after a series of government failures led up to christmas day's attempting bombing of a u.s. airliner. we will hear from two former top homeland security officials as the president's national security team struggles to fix the system. >> it was not the failure of a single individual or single organization. yes, there were some human errors, but those errors were not the primary or fundamental cause of what happened on december 25th. rather, this was a systemic failure across agencies and across organizations. ents like wild alaskan salmon in a delicate broth, without by-products or fillers.
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big new revelations from the white house about the christmas day terror plot. there were a number of blunders tracking the suspected bomber. they didn't realize how big a threat the u.s. was facing from the small chapter of al qaeda in yemen believed to be involved in the plot. >> in the intelligence that we have acquired over the past several years it has been aspirational. it has said things. it has promoted a certain view
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as far as bringing the fight to us. all of their activities were happening in yemen. in hindsight, and 20/20 hindsight gives you much better opportunity to see it we saw the plot developing but at the time we didn't know they were talking about sending mr. abdulmutallab to the united states. >> underestimating al qaeda in yemen was one of the conclusions. there was a failure to assign someone to follow up. shortcomings on the watch list kept umar farouk abdulmutallab's name from causing anyone's radar to go up until he was already in the air. an initial search of the suspect's name used the wrong spelling. that is just what we are learning from the unclassified version of the report available to the public. i spoke with ambassador john negroponte and a former director of national intelligence under george w. bush. and farwaz, a professor at the
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london school of economics. mr. ambassador, administration officials told us the american public would find this report shocking in its glory. what in it did you find most surprise something. >> first of all, you used in the leadup here that is system is broken. i don't think that's really true. i think in the statement the white house issued today they made clear there have been a lot of successes since the reforms took place in 9/11. so, frankly, as john brennan said, hindsight is 20/20 vision. we've had this terrorist now in custody for a couple of weeks' time. we've learned the narrative of what he was plotting to do. so, sure, it looks a bit shocking retrospectively. i didn't find it too surprising.
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i think it is fortunate we dodged this particular bullet. >> obviously we all feel that way. i want to clarify, given all the many, many warnings signs that were apparently there along the way, you don't find this to be concerning? >> well, concerning, of course. it was a near miss. but i think there was noise in the system. there was the ratcheted up threat from al qaeda in the gulf and word of a plot against the homeland but i don't think anything that specifically would cause this man's name to automatically pop out as a terrorist. >> noise in the system. the guy's father went to the embassy and warned. suspect that more than deciphering a noise in the system? >> that is probably the most disturbing part. this is somebody who had no trirs record in the past.
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so all i'm saying is when you're looking at this kind of information in real time there are always am bbiguities and judgment calls that need to be made. we missed this particular one. i do believe there was a lot of ambiguous information. >> fawaz, listening to the president today, what is your take? do you think he gets it. >> he does. he is a president who is very reflective. he says there is a systemic failure in the system. at the end of the day there is no absolute security. there is no absolute security. all systems break down. i think i agree there are a great deal of ambiguities, but here this is refreshing, reassuring, the president, the commander in chief says he expects security measures to be
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ironclad. he is willing to take responsibility for what has happened. >> ambassador, let me ask you about the intelligence sharing after september 11th was the redundancy to stop things from falling through the cracks. in this case multiple agencies knew about the threat. nobody took responsibility for following through. i know you think it could have been a lot worse but the president did outline some additional steps that are going to be taken now. do you think that goes far enough to try to close these holes? >> well, i would hope so. i certainly think it's a good thing that he's announced these measures. i think that clearly there is going to be a tightening up of what's done and i think that everybody up and down the system now is going to be more vigilant and i suspect the president himself is going to become more engaged in overseeing this entire process. i think that is to the good as well. he is going to be more of a
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this week president obama took the blame and ordered changes after an internal review of mistakes in the u.s. intelligence relating to the christmas day terror plot. the president and his advisers focused on what they see as the need for a new strategy against what's proving to be very nimble adversary in al qaeda. >> it is clear that al qaeda increasingly seeks to recruit individuals without known terrorist affiliations, not just in the middle east but in africa and other places, to do their bidding. that's why i've directed my national security team to develop a strategy that addresses the unique challenges posed by lone recruits. that's why we must communicate clearly to muslims around the world that al qaeda offers nothing but a bankrupt vision of misery and death.
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>> once again john negroponte and fawaz gerges. ambassador, you said earlier today you thought this might have been part of a larger plot that could be still unfolding. explain what you mean by that. if that's the case, what do we need to be doing to stop it? >> what i was referring to was back in 1994 there was an incident on an airplane flying out of the philippines where a bomb went off and it turned out to be a precursor of a larger plot to blow up 11 airliners over the pacific in early 1995. a plot that ended up being successfully foiled. that was called the bojinka plot. so it occurred to me one of the hypotheses that needs to be looked at here is is this part of a larger plot? is this just the first step in something broader? clearly that's the kind of thing that in the interrogation of this individual and in the analysis of the intelligence people are going to be looking into. >> one of the things the
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president said, you heard in the sound bite, he talked about the challenge of dealing with this lone terrorist attacker, seemingly lone terrorist attacker, depending what we may learn in the future. it sort of seems like a new front or different way of fighting this. we're not in the hills of afghanistan going out -- going after members of al qaeda as we have been previously. it's now this kind of potential threat. how do you address that differently? >> you know, campbell, the ability of al qaeda to carry out multiple spectacular attacks along the 11 lines appears to have undermined. al qaeda suffered major military setbacks. american security measures are much stronger than before 9/11. al qaeda can no longer send 19 bombers or suicide bombers. you have now al qaeda traveling ideology. al qaeda traveling ideology that resonates with some politically
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radicalized individual like umar. >> that might be just as deadly. >> absolutely. it's very difficult to deal with this particular trend that's taking place. one particular politically radicalized individual who basically this particular traveling ideology of al qaeda resonates, he gets radicalized, goes to yemen, pakistan, afghanistan, meets with radical clerics. got training, ideological guidance. gets bombs, arms and tries to infiltrate the american -- >> this isn't a runoff. we're seeing this repeatedly. ambassador, how do you think you address this? given this appears to be the new threat. >> i think the president's right. we have to find ways to deal with that, and it is more difficult. on the other hand, the incidents are not on the scale, as the professor was suggesting, of 9/11. one thing i would point out is they seem to continue and have been interested in a long, long time in blowing up airliners. that seems to be one of their
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main objectives in life and they keep trying, so i wouldn't be surprised if they try that again and we have to be on the lookout for that. >> campbell, the president said we need to appeal to muslims worldwide. i mean, think, militants in the last ten years have used social networks to recruit, to mobilize. here you have the father, the father of the christmas day bomber, umar abdulmutallab, go to the american embassy. i would argue, campbell, as the president said, the muslim community could serve as the first line of defense against this particular type of lone bombers. you have a father and other incidents, we have other incidents where the muslim communities, where the relatives, neighbors -- >> is already playing that role. >> absolutely. and this is why in a way you really need to turn the table on the militants. and as the president says, two major points. he said we must really make sure, we must really reach out to muslims and also make sure we do not undermine america's open society. if we undermine american open
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society, al qaeda wins and those are two critical points. >> fawaz, i appreciate your time tonight. thank you. ambassador, also, good to see you as well. thank you. coming up, an american-born cleric inspiring a new generation of terrorism. >> he is still getting his message out. both sets of dvds are openly on sale selling for about $100 each and the storekeeper says they are among the hottest selling items because most believe they are mainstream. a chain of yoga and wellness centers. don yoga and its founder deny all allegations. you will hear from both sides. ( clicking ) you know it's closed and secure. that's why hefty food bags click closed.
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hi, everyone. i'm randy kay at the cnn center. a 6.5 magnitude quake struck off the coast of northern california. the usgs says 25 miles from the city of eureka. no reports of serious damage or any reports of injuries. a resident of ferndale, california, describes it as a rolling event, it rolled and rolled and slammed. the 6.5 magnitude earth wake struck off the coast. cnn is learning the quake hit around 4:27 p.m. california time. that would be 7:27 on the east coast here. no reports of any tsunami or anything like that as a result of this. we want to talk to someone who
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just went through this. his name is cole machado. he is a resident of eureka, cole, good to have you with us. glad you are safe and sound. can you tell me what happened during this quake? >> yeah. i'm watching cnn when it happened. i was talking on my cell phone. all of a sudden the house started shaking. i was worried about my television. i didn't want to it fall over. i went to go catch it in case it was going to fall. it was just brought back a lot of memories from an earthquake in 1990. >> you took these pictures we are looking at cnn right now? >> yes. one is a crack in my ceiling. the other is some figurines that fell over. >> what is the situation? this is your apartment or your home? >> yeah. this is my house. it was just really scary and the electricity went out for a few
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minutes. and then all of a sudden my neighbors started coming out in the street making sure everyone was okay. >> how long did it last? how long did you feel the shake ? >> it probably lasted less than 30 seconds. >> had you been through anything like this before? >> yes. back in 1990 there was a similar magnitude earthquake that happened. i was 5 years old then but i do remember that. it was so long ago. >> what is going on in your neighborhood right now? is there chaos or does it seem under control? are people concerned or anybody suffered any injuries. >> i haven't talked to or seen anyone with injuries. some people have reported property damage. down in ferndale where the earthquake was really close to a lot of windows in the stores on main street shattered. that is one of the things i had heard. >> your power is back on now? >> yeah.
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the power only went out for two or three seconds. as soon as the power and internet came back on i went online to see what the magnitude was and went on twitter and started tweeting about it. a lot of people were tweeting about it. >> amazing you were calm enough for taking those pick chus. thank you for theiring those. we want to check in with jacqui jeras to see what she has learned. >> a 6.5 magnitude earthquake has occurred, revised from earlier reports of 6.1. i want to show you the area on google earth. 6.5 is what we would consider a strong earthquake on the magnitude scale. it can be destructive up to 100 miles from where this occurred. this big red dot in the center that was the initial quake and all these little red dots, we have had several aftershocks.
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one 3.8, 3.7, and a little bit lesser than that. aftershocks is something we will be watching as well. a strong earthquake, you generally don't see serious damage, but can see significant damage. we are starting to get word of that. we will continue to watch the situation and let you know as things continue to unfold. this was offshore. sometimes earthquakes can cause tsunamis. the strength of this one probably not strong enough. there are no tsunami warnings issued at this time. >> i understand this was felt all the way up in san francisco. it does travel. >> it does. this is an area where we have a fault line. you can see dozens and dozens of dots so it is an active area. we have been seeing minor ones as of late. this is the strongest one in this area for quite some time. you will see 100 to 125
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earthquakes this strong across the world. >> jacqui, we will continue to stay on top of this. more on this breaking news story at the top of the hour and will continue to follow it. campbell brown continues after this quick break. relief! oh, it's like night and day. can i keep this? (announcer) afrin. why suffer?
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grandpa: g'night everybody. @y jim bob: g'night daddy. vo: geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more. a nationwide chain of yoga and wellness nerts which promises its members "healthier and happier lives" is under attack by former employees. they claim it is a cold. the chain is called dahn yoga. the company denies all the allegations. here now kyra phillips with a cnn special investigations unit report. >> reporter: most americans have probably never heard of dahn yoga nor its founder a korean business man. that is why this event is packed. it is the dedication of dahn
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yoga's mago earth park, mago meaning mother earth. according to this video lee is the messenger of a new creation story. >> knowing that all of humanity needed to hear earth's message, he set out for america. >> reporter: this was part of the spiritual message that drew in college students like jade haralson and liza miller. they started out as members and soon became employees. but they began to question what they believed, what had been promised as the path to enlightenment began to look like a cult. >> they prey upon people like me who are ignorant the way money works. >> reporter: what started out as a few hundred dollars grew into payments of thousands. to pay the bills they took out student loans giving the money straight to dahn yoga. >> my superiors encouraged me and were the people who taught
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me how to take out these student loans. >> reporter: how much money? >> i would say in total $40,000. >> reporter: oh, my gosh. were you able to pay that back? >> i'm still paying it back and will be for 20, 25 years. >> the head of dahn yoga says no one was coerced to spend money to advance in the organization. >> we make no excuse or apology for the fact we are a business. they have misinterpreted natural business cycles, natural business goals as some type of undue pressure. >> as far as i can tell, the need for growth is designed and intended to provide more money to mr. lee rather than any spiritual goal. >> reporter: ryan kent represents 27 former dah yoga employees who are suing the organization. calling it a "totistic, high
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demand cult group which manipulates its members to serve lee's financial interests. >> they've injected allegations of cult-like activities. >> reporter: accusations heatedly denied by lee's attorney who says the suit is little more than a money grab by disgruntled former employees. >> let's make it clear, my client is not a cult leader. dahn is not a cult. >> what is bow train something. >> bow training is a series of repettive motions to, over and over again. >> reporter: bowing over and over like this. liza says it drove her to the brink of exhaustion to reinforce her dedication to the group. >> we actually had to do 3,000 at one point which took about ten hours and we didn't eat or drink during that time. >> reporter: ten hours of bowing, no eating or drinking?
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did people pass out? did they get sick? >> people were rolling around moaning, crying, wailing. there was a lot of emotional distress. >> reporter: and nobody at any time said this is crazy. this is ridiculous. >> if we were to come out and say things like that we would again be refocused to our elves and our problems. >> reporter: alexander says that depiction is simply untrue. >> generally people do a smaller number of bows and build up to more. i know of no one who does 3,000 bows on a regular basis. >> reporter: but allegations against dbs ahn yoga and lee don't stop at money and abuse. there is much more. >> reporter: we want your side of the story, sir. ok. what is it? dad, it more than doubles your risk of a heart attack or stroke. you'd better read about plavix. if you have p.a.d., plavix can help protect you from a heart attack or stroke.
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in a federal suit filed on behalf of 27 members of dahn yoga one of the central organizations is the chain's founder sexually assaulted a woman who devoted herself to the association. they vehemently deny all allegations. here ginn kyra phillips. >> reporter: jade haralson says she was honored by the extra attention paid to her by lee, the founder of dahn yoga. he gave her the spiritual name of dahn sue lee. >> he was prophet like. i took his word as holy almost. >> reporter: lee encourages his followers to think of him as a prophet. listen to him in the spring of 2009 as he rallied his supporters comparing his book "brain wave vibration" to the bible. >> reporter: brain wave vibration is a scripture.
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it's a holy scripture. do you all understand? >> reporter: jade says she not only understood, she believed. even following her new guru to seoul, south korea at his request and to his apartment every time he called for her. you trusted him? >> i trusted him. >> reporter: were you attracted to him? >> absolutely not. >> reporter: that trust abrupt livanished after a night in his apartment propelling her into a life changing world of doubt. >> he slowly took my clothes off and pushed me where he wanted me to go and i numbly like a robot just responded. >> reporter: why didn't you tell him to stop? >> i had been so taught and trained that he was a holy person, a holy object and he was my connection to divinity and,
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again, just to say no to him and to refuse him was to refuse everything that i wanted for myself. >> reporter: haralson concedes she never filed a police report and waited more than two years to file a civil suit. we asked for an on-camera interview with lee and were turned down so we followed him, to the grand opening of mago earth park near sedona, arizona, and this 39-foot statue representing what his followers call the soul of mother earth. mr. lee, we want your response to allegations of sexual assault against one of your dahn masters. we want your side of the story. our cnn photographer translated. lee tells me this is the first time i'm hearing of such accusation. >> please don't touch me.
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please don't touch me. >> reporter: then his body guards knocked down the camera. >> mr. lee has denied all of those allegations and we are confident we will get those claims dismissed in court. >> reporter: there is no question that lee and dahn yoga have a devoted membership. current members say it is not a cult. if you look at the dahn yoga website there are testimonials applauding ill chi lee to the president of costa rica to a prominent scientist. lee is seen in photographs with al gore, hillary clinton and joe biden. liza miller says she was once a believer, too. >> when i found dahn i felt like this is it. >> reporter: now liza is one of the 27 former employees filing a lawsuit claiming dahn yoga is a cult. >> i feel it is my duty to come
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forward and to share my story so people are aware of the truth about the organization. because having been in the organization, you know, and people that are still in believe something completely different. they are being deceived. >> reporter: the attorney for mr. lee says the only deception involved is on the part of the former employees who have filed the lawsuit. they are all disgruntled. he insists all they want is money. the next legal step in this case comes toward the end of the month when the attorney for those former employees has to file a response in federal court aposing dahn yoga's attempt to dismiss the lawsuit. >> you struck a nerve. there has been an outpouring about this story on the internet, on the and on our blog. >> i talked to you about that after the first night. it was incredible. we were inundated with e-mails and response pro and con.
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a lot of the acting members and employees of dahn yoga were saying this is not a cult. this organization has been fantastic. we got inundated with other stories, this has been destructive in my family. it has been destructive for me. it is a cult. we found out they were talking about our investigation on the korean blogs so it has gone overseas as well. >> fascinating piece, kyra, thanks. coming up, a new book just out has new information about the 2008 campaign. find out what brought hillary clinton to tears and later tonight's "guilty pleasure."
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a book worth reading. "washington post" white house correspondent ann kornblut "notes from the cracked ceiling." what it will take for a woman to win. ann, welcome. full disclosure, we have known each other a long time and have been friends for a long time. i did get an early peek at the book. the 2008 campaign, hillary clinton came so close to getting her party's nomination, sarah palin the gop's first vice presidential nominee and you argue 2008 was not a great year for women in politics. explain. >> well, look, we don't give points for second place. we don't say john kerry came in second place for the presidency. hooray. that is historic.
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it was folly to say it was the year of the woman because they both lost. at the same time they lost after undergoing a really rough time in first the primary for hillary clinton and general election for sarah palin. they exposed some of the problems that any woman who will run for president is going to experience, harsh treatment, ridicule and credentials exposed off the bat. >> there was a moment when hillary clinton broke down in tears on a conference call with some of her staff. explain what happened? >> well, as you probably remember during the campaign there was a rival cable network, one of the anchors said chelsea clinton had been pimped out. she was calling the donors and superdelegates. when the word got back to the candidate she either broke down and cried or she got extremely angry. a couple aides told me different versions. she was emotional in a way her
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aides had never seen her be in the campaign. what it reflected was this difficulty she had as a mother, as a woman running for office and how to use her daughter. male candidates bring their children out. they are part of the fabric. she struggled with whether to use chelsea, talk about the fact she was a mother on the trail which some people thought me included could have helped her, shown her as a woman. when she did and was attacked it made her emotional. this is an inherent problem of a woman running for higher office. >> let's talk about the republicans and sarah palin. you write, that is so interesting, not one female strategist was involved in choosing her, in selecting sarah palin to be john mccain's vp. in many ways the mccain campaign was caught off guard by the issues and attacks she had to deal with as a woman. explain what was going on there. >> it was a very small circle of mccain aides who made the
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decision. they were all men. some of the things they later experienced such as the focus on her looks or the obsession with her young baby and whether it was hers which turned time-out be a ridiculous question. if there was a woman in the room she might have raised her hand and said, we know from past experience female candidates who look too perfect, who are too attractive can count against them. the men didn't realize that female voters want someone who is older and seems serious and doesn't look so perfect or so beautiful. maybe if there had been a woman in the room she could have alerted them to that. >> you talked to a lot of political strategists in the research and they explain how women need to campaign differently to address some of this stuff. >> look, it may not be fair and a lot of it i don't think is, but what they have found is -- voters don't necessarily want to see a woman all the time in her campaign ads.
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some advisers recommend that women drop the caliber of their voice. bring it down a notch so people can't accuse you of being shrill. it is not fair. people say it is a double standard. but all of that and focus on looks it happens. you can deny it, but when you are running for office you have to appeal to people and that is the frustrating game strategists have encountered. >> "notes from the cracked ceiling." fantastic book. congratulations. >> thank you. politicians upstaged by their kids. >> check out the older daughter going ga ga at the mention of her name. >> these young children of mine, grace who is 8. for all the moments that make every day special. fancy feast appetizers. [dinner bell chimes]
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polices -- politicians and celebrities have no trouble playing to the cameras. so sometimes it is fun to watch what is happening over their shoulders and behind their backs. chris dodd's kid stealing the moment. >> sure you can tell everyone where to stand but getting kids to stand still, good luck. >> i'm driven by the same passions. >> we were more interested in senator chris dodd's daughter was whispering.
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than we were in his speech. 4-year-old christine had her hand on dad's shoulder. and on mom's nose. >> political shape of my career. >> check out the older daughter going ga ga at the mention of her name. >> my older children, grace who is 8. >> when her dad kissed her she wiped it off. grace would rather be saying grace. >> i'm steffanieing. >> the man voters picked to be new jersey's governor wasn't the only thing picked at the speech. we've seen enough of the lieutenant governor elect son getting his hand up. remember chief justice john roberts son? he made the papers for escaping his mom's clutches a the president introduced his dad. young jack graduated to hand
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signals and fancy footwork. >> after he was nominated for the court of appeals in 2001. eventually jack had to be marched off the stage. >> i received good advice from republicans and democrats. >> letterman made this kid famous. >> we stant for the fair treatment of faith-based groups. >> of course, there was rudy giuliani's son all grown up now. will he ever live down his dad's swearing in as mayor, blowing kisses, joining in the oath. it is up with thing when your kids steal a show, how about when it is a cup of koalas. we do mean a couple. tennis star andy roddick was talking to reporters at an australian koala sanctuary. >> we were fighting a 35-mile-an-hour cross wind. >> who cares about the tennis court when you can watch
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