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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  January 9, 2010 10:00pm-11:00pm EST

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[ audio difficulties ] >> it premieres on fsn january 14th. looking forward to that. >> thank you. breaking news in northern california tonight. a strong quake measuring 6.5. no serious injuries or damage. it was centered about 20 miles off the coast. there is no threat of a tsunami. the coastal cities of ferndale and eureka felt it the most. it was a rolling event that knocked down pictures and caused cracks in their walls. local emergency officials say most of the damage appears to be downed power lines and broken gas pipes and windows broken as well. smaller aftershocks have also been detected. gary byrd is the investigator of
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the eureka fire department. a very busy night for you, gary -- i would imagine as you join us by phone now. >> how are you doing, randy? >> how are you doing there? >> we're doing fine, i think we've come through this quite well. like you mentioned, we have frayed nerves, but the damage seems to have been limited to broken windows, downed power lines, isolated waterline breaks and minor injuries at this point. we're bracing for aftershocks, we've had a number of them so far, we've experienced very significant aftershocks for previous earthquakes, so we're cautiously optimistic at this point. >> i'm sure. i'm sure also that a lot of our viewers who may have relatives in california, who maybe can't reach them because of this earthquake may be worried about them. no serious injuries for sure? >> that's correct. we do have -- and life safety is our number one priority at this point. we have quite a few fire police
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and public works crews out assessing damage at this time. so far, no reports of any serious injuries to pass on. >> have you had to evacuate any areas or what are you advising residents? >> i believe we're advising residents to stay in their homes, off the roads, traffic signals, a lot of those are down, and there is a lot of congestion on the roads at this point. >> a lot of power lines down as well. which i'm sure you're concerned about if residents are out and about? >> that's correct, but just sporadic power lines down. >> we describe this as a rolling event. can you tell us what that means in california? >> i didn't understand what you said there. >> residents would describe this as a rolling event, a rolling earthquake. can you help us explain what that beanmeans? >> well, a rolling earthquake is -- and i'm not an expert on this, i believe that's
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indicative of a quake that is somewhat far away. but this earthquake was not too far away, and i don't believe -- i believe it was somewhat shallow. it was a violent shake when it occurred, and it lasted for a minute, prance. and then after that, it somewhat wrooled through, it was a violent shake before the rolling. >> i'm sure, gary, you have a busy night there at the firehouse, the fire department. gary bird joining us with details. thank you very much. >> thanks for checking in. >> dave magny he runs a small hotel, he's joining us now by phone. can you tell us what tonight has been like there for you. >> just a lot of cleanup. and quite a mess. >> tell me a little bit about some of the damage at the hotel. you're the owner of the ivan hoe hotel? >> yes, we're primarily a restaurant with a full bar. most of our damage was at the bar, the back bar, bottles,
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glasses, plates. it depends what room you're in, and how much damage was done. just a lot of breakage. >> tell me about the situation at the bar, was the bar crowded at the time? >> it was about 4:30. we're just getting opened, we just had three people at the bar. they didn't waste too much time getting outside, our bartender fled the scene and had a broken window come down on them on his way out, but he wasn't hurt. >> i think you described to one of our producers that you spoke with earlier, we're sitting in a sea of booze? is that true, all your liquor bottles fell off the bar? >> yeah. it all fell down, it's all cleaned up now. >> how about your guests, did they run out of the place, or are they still with you? >> one checked out, they were here for a local funeral, they don't live too far away, they checked out, we don't have to worry about them. >> another set of guests just checked back in, and everyone
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was just kind of sitting and feeling the aftermath. letting the heart rates slow down. >> we're shore. we're going to let you get back to mopping up that sea of booze there in your bar. dave magni with us tonight. jackie is with us in the weather center, she has more information about this quake and what it all means. >> this is a strong quake. it's considered what you would call strong as opposed to a math irquake. had this happened on the coast or inland we would have seen a fair amount of damage across this area. 6.5 in magnitude. this was offshore. sometimes when you have offshore earthquakes you can get a tsunami, but no tsunami occurred. five aftershocks have occurred here, 4.5 was the strongest one we've had, and there haven't been any reports that anybody actually felt this. can you see the town of ferndale
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where some of the power outages happened. 6.5, we get earthquakes of this intensity. maybe about 120 of them across the world in a calendar year. they're not that common. we've had plenty of six plus earthquakes in california. and a reminder that that big one could occur any time. we're kind of overdo for getting one of these. what do you do when this happens? if you're indoors already, you need to get down and cover up, and try to get underneath something which is safe. you know, right now we think the worst of this has passed and the aftershock should be small enough we think you don't have to worry about it too much. we'll be on top of it, and let you know if we get any more powerful things happening in this area. >> thank you for following up on that for us. one of the most powerful men in the nation's capital has a lot of explaining to do. harry reid is apologizing to the president and everyone in america. we'll tell you why. winter tragedy in vermont
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when snowmobiles crashed through a frozen lake. your indoor cat.tdoors r specially formulated to promote hairball control... and healthy weight. friskies indoor wet cat food. feed the senses. friskies indoor wet cat food. boss: hey, those gecko ringtones you put on our website people love 'em! gecko: yeah, thank you sir. turned out nice. boss: got another one for you. anncr: at, it's easy to get a free rate quote, manage your policy, make payments or even file a claim! boss: now that's a ringtone. gecko: uh's interesting.... certainly not the worst ringtone i've ever heard... ♪ ringtone lyrics: a-ringedy- ding-ding-dingy-dong, ringedy-dong-ding-ding... ♪ gecko (to himself): yeah, that might be the worst. anncr: geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. get the taste of a home-cooked meal at work
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comments he made during the presidential campaign. reid is quoting as saying, then senator obama had a good chance of winning the white house because he was light skinned and his speech had what reid described as no negro dialect unless he wanted to have one. the damage control in high gear. i deeply regret using a poor choice of words, i sincerely apologize for offending all americans, especially african-americans for my improper comment. i'm joined on the phone by my senior congressional correspondent. the senator has had a day of apologies, who is he trying to make nice with tonight? >> who isn't he trying to make nice with tonight? >> is this damage control? i haven't seen a damage control strategy, what we saw today in a very long time, and they're very unabashed about what they're doing inside the recamp. not only is senator reid called the president, as you mentioned, and make it very public that the president quickly accepted his
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apology, he has been on the phone virtually all day with civil rights leaders that we have all heard about, reverend al sharpton, julian bond, representative clyburn of california, who is the highest ranking african-american democrat in congress. barbara lee, wade henderson and donna brazil even, she's one of our contributors, she'll be on state of the union tomorrow. perhaps we'll get an inside look at these calls. not only is he making these calls, i just got an e-mail from me showing me that a local politician, a steve forsberg is saying is he understands this is not great, this is not the right choice of words for reid, but he accepts his apology, and the reason why he says he accepts senator reid's apology, and many of these african-american leaders are saying the same,because he does have a good
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record when it comes to civil rights historically, despite what everybody agrees is a very bad choice of words and a very bad situation for senator reid politically. >> how much trouble would you say harry reid is in in the senate. how much hot water does this put him in? >> judging by the immediate reaction, which is, you sometimes -- it's very difficult to do, it looks like for now, in terms of his position as the top democrat in the senate, it looks like he's okay. the biggest problem for senator reid is his own 1r50i8 viability as a senator, he's already in a very very tough battle this election year, 2010, to keep his seat, and just today, a new poll in his home state of nevada came out showing he is -- just pretty much not well liked, his favorability ratings, meaning how much people like him are low. the problem for him back home,
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is that people know him very well, they know him, and the majority don't like him. and he trails three potential republican candidates, the biggest problem for him is that he's already been fighting for his political life to win his seat again in the senate, and this is just another -- in the words of one of his supporters, i just got an e-mail, it's another straw to break the camel's back. >> dana, stay with us, we may come back do you in a moment. president obama was quick to respond to senator reid's apology. the white house issued this statement, harry reid called me today and apologized for an unfortunate comment reported today. i accepted harry's apology without question, because i've known him for years, i've seen the passionate leadership he's shown on social justice. as far as i am concerned, the book is closed. that statement coming directly from the president, our senior white house correspondent ed henry joins me now by phone. this statement coming from the president himself. does this elevate the story in
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your mind? >> it does, and it's rare for the president to jump into the fray on almost any issue that quickly. he put out that statement within a few hours of this controversy coming up. look what happened when we were in hawaii with the president. there was the terror incident and the president didn't speak on it for a few days. the president does need to jump out there on every single issue, he's content to have his aids go out there and in this case, he could have done the same, he could have had robert gibbs or another senior aide go out there and say the apology is accepted. what they say the reasoning is, the white house was working closely with senator reid's office to try to quell this controversy quickly. look, when trent lott was in a similar situation back in 2002, he let this play out too long, and he didn't quell it, he didn't cut it off. they felt by getting the
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president involved so quickly, i don't take any offense and i know what's in harry reid's heart, they think they can end it. part of the reason they want to move quickly as well, harry reid is sort of the mvp for barack obama in terms of trying to push health care through. they need him there. when you look at the senate picture and how much trouble harry reid is in, you add that to chris dodd this week, saying he's going to retire. democrats barely have a 60-seat majority right now, are barely getting health care and other things through, if someone like harry reid loses re-election at the end of this year, obviously his 60 seat majority good-bye, in getting the presidential agenda through in the days ahead is going to be that much harder. >> how would you say that's going to affect that. how much power does he have to push the obama agenda. >> i think people close to the white house are hoping this will be over after a few days of back
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and forth. and i think you saw in the statement from reverend al sharpton jumping into the fray as well, he was saying that democrats hope this does not become a distraction from the health care battle, you have to focus on health care, and the economy, issues that really matter to the americans, i think the fact that al sharpton invoked that, shows there's nervousness about the fact that any sort of distraction, at this moment, just as they're trying to push health care through this final stage on the eve of the state of the union from the president in the next couple wyc weeks shows they're very concerned right now, there's no doubt about that. >> thank you both for your time. for most people, this boils down to one of two things, racism or just a poor choice of words. boyce watkins is a professor -- you have some strong opinions about senator reid's comments. let's begin with the fact that you say you see racism in the
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senator's words. >> i see racism in his words, but i don't see racism in harry reid, we have to realize that he's a representative, he's a bell weather of public opinion, he wasn't saying i wouldn't support barack obama if he were darked skinned. he was saying america would not support barack obama if he were dark skinned. i don't think harry reid should be the focal point of this. he's got more important things to go. he needs to fight for health care. i think this issue needs to be taken off the president's desk, and near the birthday of martin luther king, this is a time to have a conversation about race. there are millions of rank and file african-americans out here every day, who know that lighter skinned and not having negro dialect. whatever that means, it does affect your ability to get jobs, it affects how people perceive you, and so -- >> are you saying that lighter
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extend african-americans do -- they are treated differently? >> that's been true since slavery. anybody who understands anything about black history, knows that lighter skin is always an asset, it comes down to your degree of whiteness or not being too black. you noticed the president was careful all throughout the election to not be perceived as too black. harry reid's statement reflects what's in america's hard, we still live in a society where being too black or speaking too black will take away certain opportunities. when we judge people on such superficial characteristics, we're missing the opportunity of making america the country it's capable of being. >> when you heard senator reid used the words negro dialect, how did that sit with you? >> remember, harry reid is not a young man. what's interesting, i have a lot of respect for harry reid, i
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read his life story. this guy represents the american dream. he represents what a lot of -- i think millions of black males across the country -- he represents what we go through in terms of fighting to get what we deserve. i think harry reid is a great man. his comment obviously is not appropriate, but it certainly is accurate, we know that, speaking a certain way, would have kept president obama from being elected and we have to ask ourselves, are we really judging this person by the content of his character and his capabilities, or are we judging him on superficial trades? we know what harry reid said is true, as a country, what are we going to do with that information. black history month is coming up, maybe it's a good opportunity to explore that. >> the president has released a statement tonight saying he wants to close a book on this. do you think the president should do more, should there be another national conversation on race? >> yes, i think we need to have that conversation, whether the president wants to do it or not, we have to understand, the president probably doesn't w5an
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to have that conversation, he can't have that conversation. dr. king would have that conversation. i think it's up to us as the american people, i think it's up to black leadership, it's up to leadership in other community willings to really come together and have an honest shard core dialogue to get these issues on the table so we can address them. if we sweep it under the rug, it's going to plague us like a festering disease it already is. >> good to speak with you tonight, thank you. >> thank you. did the senate majority leader stomp on his re-election chances? hear what the gop challengers for his seat have to say about no good choice of words. how people in the sunshine state are working hard just to stay warm. i have been congested for the last 10 days
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and it is so frustrating. (announcer) do you want to give afrin a try? ok. i can breathe through my nose immediately. afrin has made me happy. is that a silly statement? (announcer) afrin. why suffer?
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a winter weather nightmare in suburban atlanta when thin ice gives way underneath two teen boys. the boys between the ages of 13 and 15 were playing on the ice when suddenly they plunged into the water. firefighters say one boy got out quickly, but he stayed on the ice trying to save his friends. >> we did have the one teenager who was out on the ice, trying to reach the other two who were still under the ice, in the water. firefighters were able to get him to come over to the exact location where they went in at. they were successful in locating the boys. >> they had been trapped for nearly an hour unconscious and
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unresnonsive. they were rushed to a hospital but later died. the third boy is hospitalized in fair condition. three snowmobiles crashed through thin ice killing three people. the snowmobiles were carrying a total of six people when the ice gave way just before noon. they were about 100 yards from shore when it happened, everyone went into the water, except for a 4-year-old child who was pushed to safety. he reportedly ran for help. two of the five people pulled out from the frigid lakes survived. jackie garris is watching the weather center for us. you and i have lived in minnesota for quite some time. we're used to seeing these stories. bottom line, it's not safe. >> there's never a guarantee the ice will be thick enough. even if it's thick enough, it will be stable enough. there are some guidelines speaking of minnesota. from the minnesota d & r. the general rules are in order
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to be able to stand or walk on ice, you need about four inches thick, and it should be clear thick ice. you should almost be able to see through it. for a snowmobile there, can you see five inches or so. for a car, 8 to 12 inches, that's a small car. for a medium sized truck, more than a foot of ice is needed. for an suv you're going to need more than that. thin and crispy way too risky, clear and blue, you're going to be okay going through. i can't imagine ice in georgia ever being thick enough to hold somebody. you have to be careful, because it can be very very dangerous, more than 10 fatalities at least across the nation being reported due to cold conditions. check out what we're doing here across parts of the south, the windchill, the temperatures dropping below the freezing mark. we have moisture across southern parts of florida right now, we've been seeing a little bit
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of sleet in the kendall area, we're going to expect this moisture to pull on out, we're concerned about icy conditions, we could be seeing some records in south florida. these people don't have the proper means to dress properly or drive safely, really. you can see some of the sleet in the orlando area, the good news, we're expecting temperatures to moderate here in the midwest tomorrow, the southeast will start to warm up early next week, randi, the southeast won't see temperatures near normal or above normal until mid to late next week. >> still have some time left to freeze. >> yeah. >> thanks. >> sure. no in florida, seems no place is safe from this brutal cold spell that has teeth chattering nationwide. in a state known for its sunshine, freezing temperatures have people scrambling to stay safe and warm. how floridians are coping. >> reporter: in south florida, the arctic blast fell as a raw
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rain, forcing a new kind of beach attire. in orlando, runners in this half marathon, ran partly for sport, and partly just to stay warm. >> it makes you earn it a little more, it makes you feel prouder about finishing, it's nothing you can really do. >> reporter: in hollywood, florida, the entire borden family, including little roxy shivered waiting for the repairman. their furnace went out a long time ago, but that didn't matter until this week. >> i tried it a few years ago when we had a real cold day. and it just kept blowing cold air, never stopped. >> reporter: fortunately, the repairman showed up minutes later. for rapheal, it's been days of lon hours and frantic phone calls from homeowners. >> how do they react when they see you? >> very happy. >> reporter: space heaters have been flying off the shelves and that will put a further strain on the state's power grid.
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it will be another nervous night for the state's citrus industry. other growers rushed to protect their plants, even their tropical fish housed in outdoor pools. we talk to chuck, it's about hurricanes, he worries broward county may be totally unprepared for a different kind of weather threat. ice. >> we don't have the ability to de-ice and do any of that stuff, we have some real problems here, if we had any type of heavy ice or even if we had the unfortunate circumstance of having snow. >> either sleet or freezing rain could be an emergency situation? >> certainly could be significant. we could lose a lot of our ability to communicate with 911, it will be a difficult situation for us for several days. >> meanwhile, barbara and richard have their own way of coping with the cold, just throw another log on the fire. something henry la due will be only too happy to sell you, for about $150 for a pickup
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truckload. >> what kind of calls do you get? >> desperation calls, mostly. >> reporter: these days in south florida, the business of wood is good. >> martin savidge for us tonight. a suicide bomber vows revenge in a newly released video, unfortunately, the cia thought he was one of theirs and the mistake cost them dearly. is the proper way to fight heroin to publish a pamphlet on how to use it. it was paid for by new york city taxpayers.
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new reports are coming in after a 6.5 earthquake off the coast of northern california, that's one of the homeowner's kitchens, quite a lot of mess to clean up. a lot of rattled nerves, no serious injuries. it struck about 3 hours ago, residents say they felt a
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rolling motion that cracked walls and knocked things off the shelves. authorities report scattered power outages and broken water and gas pipes. senate majority leader harry reid is apologizing for comments he made during the 2008 presidential campaign. a new book called game change quotes reid as saying, barack obama could win the white house because he was light skinned and had no negro dialect unless he wanted to have one. president obama said he accepts reid's apology. dana bash reports reid is reaching out to members of congress, including julian bond, wade henderson and jim clyburn. in federal court in new york today, a not guilty plea from a suspected collaborator in an alleged terror plot last september. the muslim immigrant from bosnia is accused of getting training from al qaeda, also an alleged
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associate of najibullah zazi. the suicide bomber who killed seven cia officers was real really a double agent for the taliban. >> reporter: speaking in arabic and english, al awawi leaves no doubt. we can't confirm his claims, this much is clear, he told the jordanians he was going to pakistan for medical training and to help them target al qaeda leaders. but all along, his plan was to
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attack u.s. targets. >> i came to them and i told them everything, and we arranged together this attack. >> reporter: for this veteran of middle east security, it is clear, warning signs of a double cross were miss ed. >> nothing teaches you harder. >> the cia fears all spies will needre-evaluation. setting back the cia hunt for osama bin ladin. >> it will set them back, until they reform, regroup and start again. >> reporter: the video message has other important less sons too. the arab doctors who joined pakistan's taliban, claims his attack in revenge for u.s. road strike for killing their leader last year. significant the taliban not al qaeda took the lead, an
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indication of how closely the two groups operate together. >> of course, it's worrying, because the nature of things in the middle east, they never go away, they mutate, they spill over. we haven't seen taliban in yemen, but who knows. >> the doctor, who's the father, his confirmation is his worst fear, his son is dead. >> i am very, very sad. when i saw that -- i am very very sad. his other sons take him inside the house away from the cameras. but not before speaking of his anger, implying the intelligence agencies are at fault. what his father has also said, he's angry at the people who did this to his son, that changed his son's mind. he won't say exactly who he thinks those people are, but
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this isn't the way he brought his son up, he brought him up to be a moderate. >> what this new video reveals is anything but a moderate. nic robertson, cnn amman jordan. senate leader harry reid's words come back to haunt him. why he's scrambling to apologize for comments he made about president obama. paying the price to report on the weather. a dedicated meteorologist demonstrates the dangers of 100 mile per hour winds. nd you get e any car in the aisle. choose any car? you cannot be serious! okay. seriously, you choose. go national. go like a pro. you hungry? yeah. me too.
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as we've been reporting tonight harry reid is apologizing for saying privately during the 2008 campaign that then senator barack obama could win the white house because he was light skinned and had no negro dialect unless he wanted to have one. president obama said he accepts reid's apologies, but two
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republicans hoping to challenge harry reid this fall are having a field day with his comments. nevada republican party chair woman sue louden says reid's remarks are part of a larger problem. >> it's a pattern of bad judgment that senator reid has made over the years, including the war is lost when our sons and daughters were over in iraq fighting the war, including saying, if you don't like the health care bill, then you must be a proponent of slavery. these are a series of remarks that the senator has made not just one or two times, but many times, it's just bad judgment on his part. >> danny sarcanian is also a senate hopeful, he too is blasting senator reid. reid disgraces himself monthly, in his words, harry reid isn't just america's most vulnerable senator as he demonstrates daily, he's also its most embarrassing. that's a direct quote. there you have it, even though
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president obama wants to close the book on senator reid's comments, some are just starting to dig in especially in nevada. blake mccoy is a reporter for ktnv, how is this playing out there? >> reid is in a very tight re-election bid. any remarks like this certainly don't help his re-election campaign, but what we were talking to, we talked to the former chair of the nevada democratic party today, he says he doesn't see this going beyond a minor blip on reid's radar going into the election, because reid has a strong record on civil rights here in the state of nevada and in the country. so while the republican opponents of reid are having a field day with this, and are criticizing reid's comments, you'll notice neither of them going far enough to say that reid is a racist, and that is why top democrats here in the state don't think they're going to have a problem with this, they're calling it just kind of a misspeak, and not something that will follow reid into the
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campaign this november. >> certainly, though, this seems to be the last thing that harry reid needs with a new poll out today and he's at 40%? >> it's not been a good week for harry reid certainly, and earlier this week he was wrapped in a bitter debate with our own governor who said if harry reid's health care bill goes further, the state of nevada will sue over the health care issue. we have this one coming this weekend, it's really put harry reid on the defensive. which is not a place he wants to be going into an election. >> thank you, blake. a financial lifeline servered for some maryland families. why the cost of caring for this toddler is soaring because of state budget cuts. and a manatee group hug? not quite, but we'll tell you why these florida creatures are finding strength in numbers. and it's all right here. everything sent to you organized by the person who sent it. the droid eris. the droid that's as connected as you.
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exclusively at verizon wireless.
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hard times, tough choices, critical services are being cut in maryland, and the ripple effects will be devastating. here's kate baldwin. >> carson bruce sister has a rare chromosomal disorder. her mother michelle left a contracting job four years ago to care for carson full time. >> she can't care for herself. we have to change her clothes, she gets food fed through a tube, she's got over 22 doctors. >> 22 doctors in. >> yes. >> with $13,000 in out of pocket medical expenses last year alone, supplemental funds from the state of maryland have been essential to her family's financial survival for years. but the economy has struck even this vulnerable segment of the
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budget. maryland cut nearly $30 million from the state's developmental and disabilities administration. for the bruce sisters that means painful decisions, the extra money for diapers and physical therapy dropped from $2500 to $300. >> what does that mean for you guys? >> a struggle. a struggle to figure out how we're going to help our -- how to help our daughter and make sure that we have the money to make sure our other get too. mom and dad, me and my husband we can wait, our kids can't. and that's what it's all about. >> reporter: outraged by the state's actions, advocates for the disabled launched a statewide campaign, holding town halls to fight the budget cut. >> i don't think realize how this can totally devastate your family. >> reporter: state officials say they understand, especially in
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this sluggish economy, every kurt hurts someone, but they defend the governor's decision. >> they want to protect people with disabilities throughout most of the rounds, but the choices are getting much more difficult to make, it's not easy any more. and not easy for states across the country. a recent report suggests state budget troubles are having far reaching impact on residents. >> as the state's face increasingly severe budget troubles, the public is going to feel it. they'll pay more taxes, they'll pay higher fees. >> with a $2 billion budget shortfall projected in maryland for 2011, brewster has no idea what's in store for her family's financial future. she only hopes more cuts aren't on the horizon for her daughter and so many others. >> they didn't ask to be disabled. we're not asking for handouts, we're just asking for a little bit of help, that's it. it is not nancy reagan's
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anti-drug message, far from it, in fact. we'll uncover what's in the heroin pamphlet. fancy feast appetizers. [dinner bell chimes] simple high quality ingredients like wild alaskan salmon, white meat chicken, or sea bass and shrimp in a delicate broth, prepared without by-products or fillers. fancy feast appetizers. celebrate the moment where's my car?!!!! where are you?! arghhh... (announcer) dr. scholl's massaging gel insoles give you outrageous comfort, all-day-guaranteed. woah. it's not too far... (announcer) are you gellin'? dr. scholl's. is enjoying it together. and right now, a complete seafood dinner for two is just $29.99 at red lobster. you both get a fresh salad
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and wrong way to shoot heroin, yes, there's a pamphlet. >> reporter: the 16-page pamphlet is called take charge, take care. ten tips for safer use, a virtual heroin how-to guide, complete with illustrations and detailed tips. warm your body, jump up and down to show your veins. don't always inject in the same spot. and don't dig for veins. if you don't register, pull out and try again. >> jump up and down to show your veins. find the vein before you try to inject it. where's the health concern there. if you miss the vein, you might get a bruise? >> reporter: the brainchild of new york city's health department, 70,000 flyers paid for with 32,000 taxpayer dollars. >> i think it sends out the message -- and the wrong message that heroin use can be safe.
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heroin use cannot be safe. heroin use can be deadly. >> that's exactly why new york's health department says these tips are crucial. accidental overdose is the fourth leading cause of death in new york city. claiming more than 600 lives a year. another big issue, hiv and aids. one third of americans living with hiv are infected through injection drug use. one reason why the health department also encourages users not to share needles. but adds, there's no healthy use of drugs. just helpful information. >> the messages are clear, it's about getting help to stop using drugs, it's about preventing overdose, it's about preventing hiv infection. that's the context. >> it was about eight years ago. >> reporter: information that could have helped this 35-year-old heroin user. we'll call him john, he shoots up several times a week. two and a half years ago, john was diagnosed with hepatitis c. >> most people are going to use,
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they're going to find a way to use regardless. i think it's bertha somebody has the right information so they can do it the right way. >> reporter: the health department says the $32,000 they spent on the flyers is actually a drop in the bucket when you consider how much money is saved by preventing infection. over a lifetime, treatments can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars per person. not teaching people how to shoot up safely is turning your back on reality. you can try to tell someone to stop using drugs, but unless they're ready, they won't. and in the meantime, the health department says this pamphlet is saving lives. cold weather in the deep south is creating some unusual sites along one florida canal, a herd of manatees have been huddling together to stay warm. they can't stay much longer.
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does winter weather make you want to cuddle? if so, you're not alone. about 100 manatees have snuggled up in this florida canal. earlier i spoke with carly from the florida fish and wildlife commission. why they're finding strength in numbers. >> exposure to water temperatures lower than 68 degrees can lead to manatee cold stress syndrome, that can lead to death. so manatees will -- what they'll do in these types of situations is they will gather in warm water habitats, like the canals and the power plants and the springs here, and they get into these warm water areas where they stay there until the water temperatures rise enough for them to be comfortable out in
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the open water. >> they have been hanging out there for a week now, and munched away at most of the vegetation, eventually they're going to have to wander back out into the frigid water to find more food. for three years, we've been proud to introduce you to cnn heros, every day people who are changing the world. you will meet a trucker turned lawyer in vermont, where 72% of adult homicides are domesticated and mostly in rural areas. her name is wynonna ward and her motto is have justice, will travel. ♪ >> family violence was an accepted way of life. >> this is my mother, and i'm the baby here. and my father and my brother richard and my sister pauline. my father would commonly abuse all of us. he raped me and beat my mothers, and my other siblings.
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when the neighbors heard screaming coming from our home, they just turned their heads. for domestic violence in rural areas it can be very devastating. they're out there on these backroads with no access to town services. many of them do not have telephones. some of them do not have driver's licenses or an automobile so we go to them. my name is wynonna ward, the turning point for me was when a child in my family revealed she had been abused by my father and my brother. i just said, this has to stop. when i graduated from law school, i was 48 years old. good morning, my dear. >> i go to people's homes, give them inhome consultations, provide them with free legal services and transportation to and from court hearings. i don't want children to have to go through what i did as a child. i want to see my clients become
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empowered. i can understand them and they know that i will be there to protect them. >> wynonna ward has helped almost 10,000 victims of domestic violence. she drives 30,000 miles a year doing that. to see the inspiring story of one woman she's helped or to nominate someone you think is changing the world, go to ahead, and we are truly blown away by this reporter throwing caution to the wind to bring us the story. i love winter. with my subaru forester and its all-wheel drive... ... handling even the toughest conditions...
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and take an interactive tour to learn how plaque builds up. and then ask your doctor if crestor is right for you. along with diet, crestor does more than lower bad cholesterol and raise good. crestor is proven to slow the buildup of plaque in arteries. crestor isn't for everyone, like people with liver disease, or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. simple blood tests will check for liver problems. you should tell your doctor about other medicines you're taking or if you have muscle pain or weakness. that could be a sign of serious side effects. learn more about plaque buildup at then ask your doctor if it's time for crestor. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help.
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snow in florida, blistering cold in the nation's middle section, wind out west. no doubt weather is a big story this weekend. one meteorologist in oregon got a little swept up in her coverage. >> the wind is blowing, 60 to 70 miles an hour out here. the windchill, is just painful. oh, yeah, painful, watch that as she goes flying down there, taking that with her. that's keely chalmers, she was whipped away by the brutal wind. wind gusts topped 100 miles per hour, where she was reporting, hard to stay upright in those conditions. updating our top story, a 6.5


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