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tv   Larry King Live  CNN  January 13, 2010 9:00pm-10:00pm EST

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daughter, their grandmother, their granddaughter. people are posting on this is a family in peru looking for their relatives. hundreds and hundreds. we have 68 pages, 70. it's up to 80 pages of people, ten a page, looking for their loved ones. you can see what people are trying to do, reach out and get any help they can. >> michael holmes for us. michael, thanks. much more ahead on "larry king" and throughout the night. >> larry: we are, of course, around the clock with coverage of this tragedy in haiti. with us in the studio here in los angeles is garcel bove nilon. she joins us tonight. we'll talk with her at length later.
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joining us off the top is bob pauff. he was driving when the earthquake struck. he's comes to us via skype. where were you, bob, and what happened? what did you observe? >> well, i was driving down the mounta mountain to port-au-prince when the truck i was driving started to wrench sideways vial enthely. i thought i was being rocked by rioters. i didn't know what was happening. and then when it stopped, i realized this was an earthquake. i was not expecting an earthquake in haiti. as i looked at my window, i saw then the buildings, all the buildings, the homes, just pancaking down, one on top of the other on top of the other. as i looked in the rear-view mirror, i could see buildings,
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the ripple effect, they were just going down, down, down. and great clouds of dust and smoke. and then, of course, great crowds of people, coming from everywhere, choking and bleeding and crying and panicked and confused. and it was a horrible scene. it was a absolutely horrible scene. we loaded as many as we could into the back of our truck and took them down the hill, the mountain, to get medical assistance. but there wit was a very, very difficult situation to be in. >> larry: you're watching a special edition of "larry king live" as we are around the clock on this, of course. bob poff is with thele is vacati -- salvation army. do you immediately spring into action? >> yes. absolutely. the first thing i did when i collectioned my wits was to jump out of the truck and try to
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assess the situation, to see what was going on around us, to see how bad this was. i couldn't determine if this was sort of a localized explosion. again, i really wasn't exactly clear. but immediately, it became clear to me the traffic was blocked. the cars were every which way and the destruction and devastation was everywhere. it was all around. and immediately, i knew that this was going to be my first sort of baptism by fire with disaster services in haiti. >> larry: how many members of the salvation army are there? and how are they doing? >> the salvation army is a very large footprint in haiti. overall, we have 63 core community centers. we have that many commissioned officers. we have 49 schools with 10,000 students enrolled in those schools.
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400 teachers. we have a large foot fliprint i haiti. we're in the process of trying to assess where everyone is and what their condition is. because communication is so poor, it's a slow process. we have teams of people working on trying to identify the whereabouts of every staff person and every teacher and every family that is affiliated with the organization. >> larry: and where are you and what is your condition? >> well, we are in the center of port-au-prince. it's called delmadu, which is a frankly, poor area of port-au-prince. not too far from the palace. we are living outside, because no one can live inside a building. no buildings here are safe. and the pager who is standing
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beside me is the national commander for thele is vacation army in haiti. his home was destroyed. in a moment he's going to share that story with you. he was in the home when it was destroyed. my home was also destroyed. i just didn't happen to be in it at the time. we are all without many things here. but we're not without hope. and we're not without god's love. for right now, that's going to get us through. >> larry: can the major hear me, bob? >> yes, he can. >> yes, i do. >> larry: major, thank you for being with us. how close did you come to dying? >> yes. i was in my office at the time when i left to go home with my wife. but god was there, because she asked me to take her somewhere. and then i will gate back to take her home. i did.
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when i get home, i step out five minutes. i heard something, the clock. i tried to go out and the door was closed. it was locked. but i went outside. i saw young people. they were all right, that i could be inside now. my wife was still out. when i find out, i go back to see where she is. i see many buildings collapsed. when i get to her, she's safe. when she get home, she see our house collapsed and she thought that i was inside.
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she was crying. >> larry: you're not kidding. bob poff from the salvation army. let's go to cnn correspondent ivan watson in port-au-prince. when did you arrive there, ivan? >> reporter: just this morning, larry. it's a dark and tense night here. the power grid's down. the city's mostly dark. as you heard from the gentlemen, people are out on the streets. they're afraid to go into their homes tonight. behind me, there are hundreds, perhaps thousands of people sleeping in a square. some of them singing, clapping, chanting, praying tonight. and they're very worried about the aftershocks that periodically hit this area. if you need they sign of how scary this is and what a catastrophe this has been for the city, just take a look at this exclusive video that we acquired today. let's take a moment. this was shot just moments after
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the earthquake hit port-au-prince. it was filmed by a missionary that we met at the airport, who was trying to get out of the country. let's take a few moments to see these really disturbing images of the shock and horror in the immediate moments after that earthquake struck. >> larry: the earthquake lasted a very short time, right? >> yes. about 30 seconds. and now, now the city is still just beginning to dig out from under the rubble. and i have to say, larry, it's pretty overwhelming to see the amount of people wounded, to see people carrying their mothers, their loved ones on doors, trying to find some medical childrenic to treat them after the wounds they received in the collapse yesterday. to see people laying on
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sidewalks outside of medical clinics waiting for hours, for some kind of treatment for these wounds. and when people die, there's nobody to collect the bodies. they are literally stacking up on the sidewalks. the rescue services here, the medical services here, are completely overwhelmed. larry? >> larry: ivan, stay with us. we'll probably come right back to you. i'd like to remind you how to help people who are desperately in need. our website is you can link to various charities there. you choose where you'd like your money to go. as bill clinton said earlier, money is the most important thing you can send right now. as we go to break, here's more of what ivan watson saw in haiti today. we warn you now, these are powerful images. we'll be right back. >> her leg is broken and she's been here since last night. waiting for treatment, and she's not the only one.
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if we come and take a look at over, there are more wounded people. even the corpse of a small child who could not get treatment. and it is just overwhelming to see, over here, the bodies of at least 13 people stacked up on the sidewalk, right outside. it'. hey, mayor white. how you doing? great. come on in. would you like to see our new police department? yeah, all right. this way. and here it is. completely networked. so, anything happening, suz? she's all good. oh, my gosh. is that my car? [ whirring ] [ female announcer ] the new community. see it. live it. share it. on the human network. cisco.
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>> larry: let's go back to port-au-prince. we're joined by anderson cooper. last time he was with us, he was in the confines of comfortable studios in new york. now he's in a completely different situation. the prime minister told cnn earlier today that hundreds of thousands, anderson, may be dead. you read into that? >> reporter: well, you know, i don't know about that. it's hard to predict. i'm not sure how he can come up with a figure like that. all of us who have been here today, you know, at a certain point just stopped counting the bodies. i stopped at around 30 or 35. i know others have seen more than that. that's in just the space of a few hours. but how that corresponds, port-au-prince is a city of 2 million people. i know in a city 40 kilometers from here they didn't feel much from this quake and didn't suffer much damage. there's an awful lot of people trapped underneath rubble right now. we are still seeing people being pulled out alive. i saw a little girl, 1 years old
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today, pulled out alive after being trapped for 18 hours. it was an incredibly dramatic moment, a moment of sheer joy. then she was put on a seat next to four bodies, one of whom was her aunt. there's sadness on every street corner, larry, on every block. >> larry: how, in your opinion, is the government doing? >> reporter: to be honest, you don't see much haitian government presence. that's really nothing new in this country. the people here don't really expect much from their government. it's a sad statement of the history of this land. you don't see government bulldozers out clearing roads or you don't see government search and rescue teams, because i don't think they really have them. i've seen a few haitian police vehicles driving swiftly through the streets. i'm not sure where they're going but they're not stopping in the places that i was where people were digging their friends and their family members out with their bare hands. people are using shovels, chisels, whatever they have. but as for heavy earth-moving
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equipment which is what's needed and rescue teams which is what's needed and body recovery teams, we're not seeing that. that will be up to the national community. clearly, the haitian government is not capable of providing those services. >> larry: anderson, you're our man in tragic, tough situations. i'm sure it's tough to rank these but where do you put this one. >> reporter: i've never been this close to the epicenter in such a short amount of time. we got on a flight at 1:00 a.m. and we've been here by 10:00 in the morning. we've been out in port-au-prince all day. just to see downtown port-au-prince, to see the national cathedral destroyed, the presidential palace, the front of it just collapsed, so many blocks decimated and so many people standing around, not sure where to go, what to do. they can't go back in their homes because they're afraid of these aftershocks.
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they're often standing by the bodies of their lovedne loved ones. the hospitals are far away, few and far between. they're overwhelmed as it is. it's a desperate situation. until we start to see some major, you know, international involvement here, there's not going be much of a solution. the haitian government, clearly, is just not up to the task. right now it's the haitian people, the people of port-au-prince who are saving one another. >> larry: and physically how are you set up? how do the reporters operate in this atmosphere? >> reporter: you hoe, you try to get here as quickly as you can. cnn has a great team and a lot of experience. this is what we do best. we have support people, satellite engineers who have just come in. we've gotten this satellite dish up. our main priority is getting a electricity, a generator so we can broadcast, edit our stories. we've been doing that for the last several hours. we've had our teams out all day
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long, talking to people, bearing witness to what is happening here. the haitian people want the world to know. the haitian people will take you to the corpse of a loved one and lift off the shroud. they want you to know who this was. people are desperate to get the word out about what is going on here. it's a tragedy on a scale which we rarely see in the modern world. >> larry: you'll be hosting "ac 360" at the top of the hour. we may check back with you before that. thanks, anderson. >> reporter: larry, thanks. >> larry: we have more incredible, exclusive images from haiti. this is tough to watch. while the pictures of people in distress may be disturbing, we want to show you the full impact of the tragedy. i know it's tough for you, garcel. we'll be back in 60 seconds.
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the involvement to make a difference. i think as a haitian-american, i think it's important that we take seriously the opportunity that we need to come back home and give our share to help the country and provide assistance and help it move forward. >> larry: what do you do there? >> i work for a microfinance institution. i'm the chief financial officer. >> larry: can you say after the events of the last two days you're glad you went back? >> that's a very interesting question. i think someone else actually -- one of our sponsors from the states actually asked me the same question while we were in the office yesterday and we were feeling the tremors, if i felt it was probably better to be in maryland. i answered home is where your
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heart is and where your family is. so i think i enjoy being here and i am not regretting the decision. i knew when the decision was being taken, there are a lot of consequences. there are a lot of unknowns and uncertainties and unpredictables. however, you know, we have to understand that we have to shape our future. we have to shape our involvement by helping and participating, that's one way to make that difference. i don't think that, you know, we need to always feel comfortable. that's the only way to be able to be satisfied in feeling that we can be helpful. we have to get out of our comfort zone. that, to me, was one of the things that was significant. i like to take challenges. i felt haiti's a challenging place, as i'm sure you know. i think i can be helpful. that's why i'm here. >> larry: giles, how is your family and how is your residence?
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>> my family is fine. actually, the kids are here. they're lying here on the floor. there's a lot of periodic aftershocks as was mentioned earlier by watson and, i think, mr. anderson cooper. so far, the house hasn't been as damaged as others. i've been fortunate and blessed. but i cannot say the same for others. a lot of people have been hurt. i took the liberty of going down through the middle of town today, through delma. there are corpses all over the streets and sidewalks. i think it's unfortunate, the disaster is of cataclysmic proportions. it's been several years since we've had a major earthquake like this one. the response is not as swift and prompt as it should have been,
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even at the local level. we should have had basic coordination, cohesion and coordination of what has to be done. to assist the people. shelters and at least basic information on what to do, getting basic clean watter to people and something to eat. it's unfortunate, we've had many instances -- >> larry: giles, you hang tough. giles corbert charleston. quite a story. back to port-au-prince and sanjay gupta, cnn's chief medical correspondent and also a practicing surgeon. did you hear gunshots in the last hour. >> reporter: yes, we did, larry. we're in front of this plaza area over here. just as we were getting ready to do live shots earlier, we heard about 12 gunshots over a period of a few minutes. we turned off our lights. there's not a lot of light in this area. we wanted to make sure we weren't a target. there is sort of this sense
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that, you know, people going from having been stunned over the last day, which was the mood i felt when i first got here, to people are sort of becoming more anxious, a little bit more energetic, a little bit more violence in the air, larry. i think that's what was precipitating this. >> larry: you're an expert on health system. what's the state right now, from your perspective, of haiti's health system infrastructure? >> reporter: well, you know, i have to tell you, there's some things sort of that go into answering that question. first of all, sort of where haiti started. as you know, i know other people have pointed out, this was a country that was very impoverished, the most impoverished in the western hemisphere. they have hospitals in this area, but they don't always have the resources, they don't always have the supplies. that's in the best of times for haiti, larry. now you add to this this issue with the earthquake and what it's done specifically, it's
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closed down roads. it's made it harder to get supplies from the airport to the hospitals. and that's if you can even get the patients to the hospitals. it's a really, really difficult situation. in medicine, larry, we talk about this thing where we have preventible deaths. people are in the situation where they have been injured dramatically by the earthquake but they could still be saved. and those are the critical patients. those are the patients the health care system is designed to try and treat. the problem is, they're just not able to get to these patients right now because of lack of roads, lack of electricity and the hospitals themselves have been so damaged by what's happened here over the last 24 hours. >> larry: what is the most common medical problem? >> reporter: well, you know, with this earthquake we see -- there's lots of trauma, obviously, from things like crush injuries, from the
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earthquake itself. there's penetrating trauma. you have sharp objects that moved about quickly as a result of the violent movement of the earth quick and also a lot of burns. which is something you don't expect. a lot of homes have gas cans in the homes and those gas cans sort of exploded, causing burns as well. larry, i've never enbeen in a situation this quickly after a disaster has unfolded. i saw the earthquake in pakistan but i was there a couple weeks after the earthquake occurred. what's so striking right now is that you have patients who have these terrible crush injuries who, you know, probably were in the streets two, three hours after the earthquake and as a result of that severe crush, they had a lot of protein in their blood and it led to kidney failure. that's what's leading to their demise. they have the initial problem, now you have the preventible deaths that are occurring even today and, i'm sure, in the days
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to come. >> larry: you always wear two hats. you're there as a journalist. are you also aiding medically? >> reporter: you know, i've been asked already a couple of times, right when i got to the airport, there was a woman who had a terrible head injury, they knew i was a neurosurgeon. she had a terrible skull fracture. they were not sure if they could fly. yes is the answer, larry. it's a thin line sometimes between medicine and media. i'm a doctor first, you and i have talked about this. there is a need down here, a need for lots of different medical care. i think i would help as would anybody. >> larry: he's one of a kind. we are fortunate to have him. dr. sanjay gupta. thanks. for the up to the minute information about the disaster in haiti, go to follow reporters on the ground,
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around the clock and link to their twitter accounts. you can do that, lots more, too, like send money. be back after this. you know why i sell tools? tools are uncomplicated. nothing complicated about a pair of 10 inch hose clamp pliers. you know what's complicated? shipping. shipping's complicated. not really. with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service shipping's easy. if it fits, it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. that's not complicated. no. come on. how about... a handshake. alright. (announcer) priority mail flat rate boxes only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship.
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>> larry: in a couple of minutes we'll be joined by ben stiller, the famed actor who will join garcelle beauvais-nilon in our studios. joining us in new york, ted turner, the chairman and founder of united nations foundation and the president of the foundation. the foundation has made a $1 million donation to the u.n. central emergency response fund. much money is still needed. what are you going to say to people, ted? what should they do about this? >> do what they can. that's what we decided to do this morning. it's a terrible tragedy in a part of the world where they don't have a lot in the way of resources. so it really is helpful for americans to help out.
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>> larry: what is the foundation doing -- >> the foundation, our job is to help the u.n. and the u.n. and the united states government together are the major coordinators for this kind of humanitarian disaster around the world. both of them, they have the capability and the u.n. operates on voluntary contributions and so we're very involved in that. the website is for people who want to contribute. this is the best kind of coordination the u.n. and the u.s. work very closely together, as i think your earlier discussions with president clinton suggests. it's pulling people together, it's the communications, it's the health, all the things you've heard about. it has to be operated centrally and it has to be funded. >> larry: ted, have you been to haiti? >> i have not. i've been to jamaica. the bahamas. >> larry: senator, have you been
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there? >> i've been there a number of times. i've been there many times over the last 30 years. the size of this tragedy is just enormous. these people are so resilient. they put up with just about everything. you think the plague and locusts are going to happen next. this is a culture that's very deep, very strong, just incredibly appealing. these very, very strong people. they just get hammered again and again and again, right off of our shore, 90 miles away. i think we have a special obligation in the united states in this situation to help out. >> larry: ted, the foundation also supports the immediate deployment of two emergency response teams, providing communications, enabling relief. you have teams in the field already? >> one of the things that we really focused on in helping larry, is to be able to stand up communications very quickly.
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there's a communications group you've heard of med-source frontier. it's important so people can understand what's going on elsewhere. it makes a tremendous amount of difference. given our history of where ted came from and the background of the foundation, the communications area has been very important to us. we've helped the u.n. invest in that along with people from around the world. >> larry: ted, it is grand seeing you again. we can do nothing but salute you and tim for the work you do at the u.n. foundation. thanks for being with us. >> thanks, larry, it's a pleasure. >> thanks for doing all this programming, larry. >> larry: we're on top of it as you all know. we'll talk with ben stiller and garcelle beauvais-nilon right after the break. a guy named his own price, wants a room tonight for 65 dollars.
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we don't go lower than 130. big deal, pe 5uade him. is it wise to allow a perishable item to spoil? he asked, why leave a room empty? the additional revenue easily covers operating costs. 65 dollars is better than no dollars. okay. $65 for tonight. you can't argue with a big deal.
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>> larry: joining us now here in the studio is garcelle beauvais-nilon, the haitian-born actress. and ben stiller, he's recently launched the stiller campaign to raise money for a school in haiti. garcelle, you've been watching this for the past 40 minutes. this must be hard to take. >> seeing the one picture of the baby covered because they couldn't get to it, those are my people. those faces are my family. and it's the one place -- >> larry: you came here when you were how old? >> i was 7 when i came to the states. my mother, as brilliant as she was, brought to us the states to give us a better life. boy did she. i've been back a few times. it's amazing. this is the country that deserves this the less, not that anybody deserves it but we are resilient and proud, even if we have nothing, we are very, very
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proud. it's unfortunate, devastating. >> larry: ben, what got you involved in haiti? >> i went down with a trip of save the children in july. you know, i was just affected by the level of poverty that was going on there. first of all, it's such a juxtaposition. port-au-prince is a great city, the music, art, you go to the hotel oliffson and hear from richard morris, who is now giving on the ground reports of what's going on there. you're taken with that cull tire and then in juxtaposition with this incredible poverty that people are living in. before this happened and what they dealt with in 2008 with four hurricanes. >> larry: you started to say -- >> we went to a school in the central plateau and decided to raise money to build an addition and make it sustainable. >> larry: this must be terribly painful for you to watch. >> the hotel we stayed in, the hotel montana is gone, it's leveled.
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i met a man who worked for save the children who i haven't heard from, we've been trying to reach. i don't know if he's alive or not. we visited schools in a densely packed slum. already the living conditions are horrible. i don't know what's happened to those people. i met a man named simon, again, who knows what's happened to these people. they're amazing people. because they are working so hard against such adversity. >> larry: you guys are with us the rest of the way. let's check in with port-au-prince. what's the security situation there? >> reporter: larry, earlier we got a chance to talk to the chief of police for the entire nation of haiti. he was very, very concerned about security. in fact, he told us one of the biggest problems was the damage that was sustained to the main
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penitentiary here in haiti. he said basically that the inmates were just allowed to go free. they ran away as the roof literally started sliding down. when he talked to us just a few hours ago, he told us that those inmates were still out there. they were not able to apprehend them. they're basically up to their necks in other work. he made an urgent plea to other law enforcement agencies, other militaries nearby and around the world, he told us flat out, larry, he said we need help down here. we don't have the manpower to secure this entire nation with everything that's gone on here. >> larry: hang on, chris. speaking of kicking in, the new york yankees are among the men pitching in. donating $500,000 to relief efforts in haiti. yankee baseball club. we salute the steinbrenners for doing that. do you want to help people desperately in need? go to and you
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can link to various charities. you choose where you'd like your money to go. back with ben and garcelle and others, right after this. that's why i use gillette fusion for my sensitive skin. fusion has 5 blades, with an anti-friction coating, that float comfortably. fusion, proven performance even on sensitive skin.
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>> larry: garcelle and ben will be back with us. let's go to new york now to tatiana lubin. family members of hers are missing in haiti.
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he's trying to help her locate missing family members. louis champaign is the brother and his father, louis is missing us. also joining us with tea leoni. what have you heard from your family, if anything? >> i haven't heard anything at all. biff been calling since last night. no answer. my father's cell phone just goes to voice mail. i've been calling some friends and they heard from one or two family members. i'm asking if they can -- their family members can go somewhere and try to see if they could find my dad and my little sister and my little brother. but due to no communication, it's very difficult. there is no answer. i've been -- i mean, any efforts i've been trying has just failed. >> larry: joseph, the same with you? >> yes.
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actually, i started just before i came over, i started sending text messages over to haiti, because i found out that people from haiti are sending text over. i started doing that. and i'm hoping to get a message. i sent two text messages to my brother, and i have other friends and actually, i just came back from haiti last week. i was going to stay but my mother didn't want me to stay. she's 87 years old. she wanted me to come back. i came back and now this happens. >> larry: louis, what efforts are you taking? >> we've been -- the same. we've been calling my father. he was due to fly in today from port-au-prince to miami, florida. we've been trying to contact him by cell, by homeland phone, there's no communication. nobody has heard anything. nobody can hear anything.
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just zero efforts. we haven't heard anything. >> larry: these are the multitragedies of this tragedy. tea, what does unicef do? >> we're fortunate to hear that all 100 unicef staffers who are in country down in haiti have all been accounted for. it's difficult to hear a lot of our partners down there, doctors without borders and members of the u.n. are still missing. we relocated an emergency center in the dominican republic, and i would say maybe the only good news i've heard yet, it's a bit of luck, that there was a boat of supplies from unicef from copenhagen on its way to haiti. and it will get there tomorrow. it was obviously sent prior to the earthquake. and it is maybe our first small bit of good news. >> larry: can you do anything to help this family that's with you?
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>> i think i would say -- i'm about as poised as anybody else out there. right now, i think more than in any other crisis that we've seen, this situation is extraordinarily desperate. i think back on the tsunami and the relief efforts there. and at that time, given the infrastructure of those countries and that area of the world, we were able to stave off what is potentially a very devastating second wave of effects. port-au-prince is a very densely populated area, and i think we have to understand, all of us, that there is absolutely no moment to wait. funds need to come in now. >> larry: tatiana, our prayers are with you. we will stay on top of this, keep in constant search. any help that our cnn correspondents can be while
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they're there, we will offer to you. >> thank you. >> larry: good luck to you. we'll be back right after this. but you could end up taking twice as many pills... compared to aleve. choose aleve, it just makes sense. just two aleve have the strength to relieve arthritis pain all day.
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>> larry: back with garcel and ben. anderson cooper is back with us to tell us what is happening at the top of the hour. anderson? >> larry, we are here going to be live for the entire two hours tonight from 11 -- from 10 to midnight. going to take you out into the
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streets of port-au-prince as only cnnk our correspondents have been out in this sorrow-soaked city all throughout the day, documenting the unbelievable acts of heroism, the unbelievable tragedy that is occurring here as well. we are going to show you what life here is like tonight and what may happen tomorrow. we will try to give you the big picture but also the very human drama which is occurring on just about every street on every block in nearly every building. we will have all of that larry tonight ahead on "360." >> "ac 360," 10 eastern, 7 pacific. garcel, you have relatives? >> we have family we haven't been able to contact, too. cousins, evi, francois, stanley francois. we have no contact. we spoke to my brother-in-law through e-mail yesterday. we got an e-mail and he was in the car. he said it sounded like a bomb went off. it was just that loud. >> the worst is not knowing, isn't it?
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>> the worst is not knowing, absolutely. >> ben, you are going to tell us about another area? >> jacquesmel about 20 miles south of port-au-prince. >> that a resort? >> a resort town. it is beautiful. >> it is a beautiful place and i just got e-mailed from pictures york know if we can put them up or not. >> couldn't get theme you this to washington? we will get them on tomorrow. >> coincidentally, a friend of mine has been trying to adopt two children for about two years from haiti and she was just down there at the orphanage, which i'm happy to report is doing okay. it is the village of hope orphanage. and -- but she had these pictures of jacquesmel that she was showing me a couple days ago, today, i just got emailed pictures, basically the same area and it's horrible. it is just this beautiful colonial architecture and people, you know, are as affected down there. so -- i think that is important. >> you question faith in all of this? >> you have -- in a way, you do. i mean, you don't understand,
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especially a place like haiti hit so hard by lots -- >> why? >> why would this happen? why would it happen, i don't know. >> anybody you talk to who spent any time down there, really talks about the resiliency of the people. >> larry: go back now, ben? >> i will definitely go back. you know, i think it is also important to note that president obama reacted very swiftly and decisively with -- in terms of relief he effort and it is going to be a long-term relief effort and a very difficult time in terms of where we are domestically. we are fighting a war and i think we have to get behind that. >> larry: more moments after this. ♪ singer:hen you're a rock star you get to party hard ♪ ♪ champagne and caviar ♪ tricked-out exotic cars ♪ it's just how i thought it'd be ♪ ♪ 'cept the party's not for me ♪ ♪ 'cause some punk opened a credit card with my id ♪ ♪ free what? (free credit!) report dot com ♪
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>> larry: missing people is a big story. let's first check with marie jean-louie. her cousin, her sister, claudette, her sister's son, harrison, were stuck in that earthquake. have you heard anything from them, maurice? >> no, i have not. my mother actually spoke with and my other relatives spoke with milet. henry, that's the older lady, spoke with her yesterday morning, actually, around 10:00. she is from boston. she went down there to visit her house in port-au-prince, which
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is located domas 75 in port-au-prince and they tried to calling her later and nothing, blank. and i haven't heard from claudell at all. we will get the names to our correspondents and anything to do to help we will be. also go to leeds, england, this guy drove three hours to be with us, such short time left, he is josie altidor, haitian soccer player. parents born and raised in haiti, emigrated to the united states. you were born in the united states? >> yeah, i was born in new jersey, larry. >> larry: who's missing, josie? >> we have, on my mother's side, we have two of my uncles and four of our -- four of my cousins on my father's side. until this point, we still haven't heard from them. >> larry: how have you tried to reach them? >> we have tried phone. we have tried, you know, text messages, skype, internet,
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everything. until this point, we have been unfortunate to do that. and we have our fingers crossed that everything is okay with them. >> larry: if i can throw in a word for, you don't never give up hope in a situation like this, because they are finding people every day, every minute they find people. so, never give up hope and we hope to get back to you tomorrow. in fact, we hope by tomorrow, you find them. thank you. >> we hope so, too. thank you, larry. >> larry: we are all backed up here. and garcelle, want to add anything? >> i want people to give whatever they can. know is a tough time but give anything, red cross, ox fam. anything would be helpful. >> you can just text haiti to 90999 and that will be a direct $10 donation off your phone bill. >> larry: say that again. >> text haiti to 90999 and that is a direct dough mission to the red cross. they have already raised about $1.7 million the next 24 hours, making a huge difference. ev


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