tv Larry King Live CNN January 15, 2010 9:00pm-10:00pm EST
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ready for your body to take in. new robitussin® to go. pure robitussin® relief... to go. . hai >> larry: haiti, haunted by death. >> this is a catastrophe. >> larry: and the fight by the living to hang on. >> we need some help. >> larry: until aid from the world can get there. >> we want the people of haiti to know we will do what it takes to save lives and to help them get back on their feet. >> larry: food, water and medicine is on the way but it's a race against time. can the will to live triumph over the cruellest fate
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imaginable? >> i want someone to help me, please. >> larry: next, on "larry king live." >> good evening. i want to remind you that "larry king live" will be on the air tomorrow and sunday with the latest news from haiti. we've got a big event planned for monday night, too. mick jagger, co, ringo, star are just a few that are going to join us. first, the horror playing out before our very eyes. let's go to ivan watson in port-au-prince with a heartbreaking story of that little girl, and what happened, ivan? >> larry, very bad news, very sad and tragic news. this 11-year-old girl, anika, we saw her fighting for her life, trapped for 48 hours under the rubble of her house. yesterday, a beautiful little girl with braids and glasses and a chipped tooth and really fighting for her life and
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terrified. cut free shortly after sunset last night. but when we contacted her family today, and the communications are very difficult, they informed me that she did not survive the night, that they took her to be treated for first aid, and she was just -- her leg was very badly damaged, crushed underneath all that rubble, and the doctors just did not have the means to save her. they informed the family that they should take this little girl to another better hospital some three hours' drive away, and she did not make that trip. and the uncle informed me that she was buried this evening in the hometown of her mother. so we lost little 11-year-old anika, and that's just one of countless tragedies that have gripped port-au-prince over the past three days. larry? >> how is the family dealing with it, ivan?
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>> it's tough. they told me they have not informed the mother that anika passed away because they know she will not be able to handle it. so they buried her quietly and have not informed her, actually, that she has died yet. >> larry: when you there when she was being rescued? >> yeah. yeah. we were right there with her. this was one of many similar situations all around port-au-prince yesterday, and we got in right in the hole right next to her. i spoke with her. and when the volunteer who was trying to cut her free would cut at the metal that was pinning her down, she would reach back with her left arm and she grabbed my hand, and she would just want somebody to keep her company in this terrifying ordeal. there was very little we could do. we gave her a granola bar,
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larry. >> larry: how do you deal with this? >> it's not easy. it's -- i don't think it's easy for anybody here. and if you can just imagine what it's like for the millions of people here in port-au-prince to endure this, losing, in a span of a few seconds, entire families, homes, everything, it's really hard to comprehend what the people behind me and in this city are dealing with right now and how they can even cope. every person you talk to has a story of tragedy and something terrible. there are glimmers of hope, fortunately. today there was, after the 72-hour mark when people pinned in the rubble, it gets very difficult for them to survive, our colleagues from a cnn affiliate, channel 9 australia, they were a news crew out
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walking around, and they actually heard a baby crying from somewhere in the rubble, and this was a little miracle amid all this misery. they climbed in and were able to actually fish out what they think was an 18-month-old girl named -- an 18-month-old girl and save her lost amid the rubble. it's incredible, larry. >> larry: thanks, ivan. you're incredible. ivan watson, our cnn correspondent. as john kennedy once eloquently said, life isn't fair. back to port-au-prince and anderson cooper. anderson, what happens to the dead bodies? >> well, we learned that today. we've been seeing them getting collected starting late last night, put into dump trucks. today we followed one of those dump trucks out to a mass grave. the government says they buried some 7,000 people so far. i'm not sure how they're actually keeping track because i didn't see any people actually recording the numbers of dead. what i saw was dump trucks coming and literally dumping people out like refuse into
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these pits. as you remember from sri lanka and the wake of the tsunami, there was mass graves there as well. you have to do that when there is death on this scale. at least they were taking pictures of the dead so loved ones can at least identify them. there are no names being taken, no pictures being taken. i don't know if they're actually counting the numbers. they're digging these pits and burying them. these people could simply disappear. they could be americans, they could be haitians, they could be from some other country. we don't know where they'll end up, they'll simply disappear. the little girl's hand ivan held, they're stupid deaths happening right now. it's very upsetting to see. >> larry: stupid because? >> because a little girl is dying because her leg was crushed. i mean, somebody doesn't have to die of that. you know, a leg can be amputated if there is a doctor who can do it. if there's antibiotics, an
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infection can be treated. it doesn't have to be spread through the body and kill somebody. it's really stupid. i mean, it's infuriating. >> larry: where are the antibiotics? where are the doctors? where are the people who do the amputations? where are they? >> well, yeah. i mean, i don't know. i mean, there are a lot of good people working incredibly hard and there is no infrastructure here, and they've been trying to get in the pipeline and they've been trying to do logistical assessments of where the needs are. the government can't say, the worst place is here. there is not some overall organization, so all these groups are sort of acting on their own and have to work together. they're doing the best they can, i think, but it's not enough. i mean, people are dying today. people died today who did not need to die. people will die tonight, in the next hour who did not need to die, and people will die tomorrow who do not need to die. >> larry: sad. anderson cooper. he'll be hosting his own
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two-hour program at the top of the next hour. thanks, anderson. god. a former nba great is putting his time, money and good name to work in haiti. alonzo morning is here. that's ahead. you know what's complicated? shipping. shipping's complicated. not really. with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service shipping's easy. if it fits, it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. that's not complicated. no. come on. how about... a handshake. alright. (announcer) priority mail flat rate boxes only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship. only from the postal service. hi, ellen! hi, ellen! hi, ellen! hi, ellen! we're going on a field trip to china! wow. [ chuckles ] when i was a kid, we -- we would just go to the -- the farm. [ cow moos ] [ laughter ]
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star that's just arrived in port-au-prince, we'll go to him. we know some of the images you're seeing throughout this catastrophe are disturbing. we present them to you in the context of a natural disaster that has impacted about a third of haiti's citizens. the victims and survivors all have personal stories and we're doing our best to bring them spou responto you responsibly. gary tuckman, one of the best persons in the business there in haiti. i understand, gary, you looked at a situation at an orphanage. what can you tell us? >> it's so tragic and sad, larry, because there are so many orphanages in haiti, but the one example we picked today was an orphanage where the building partially collapsed. fortunately, they were in a room that didn't collapse, so they're okay. but because it's so precariously close to collapsing because of aftershocks, the 24 children are now living outside. they're sleeping in mattresses
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in the dirt, they're playing outside, they're eating outside, and the two women who run the orphanage who amazingly are a 22 and 30-year-old woman, sisters from pittsburgh, they don't know what to do. there's nowhere to bring them, they're running out of food and water, so they're taking 24 hours of their time and staying outside, and i asked them, what happens when it rains here because if it rains, there's mudslides and big problems, and they said, frankly, we don't know what we're going to do. >> larry: gary, are some of the aftershocks severe? >> larry, very severe. even those of us here at cnn who have covered earthquakes before and other natural disasters, we're really very nervous when we feel it. at 5:00 this morning, most of us were in a hotel we were staying at, and my bed just started shaking. i felt most of the hotel creak and a little crack came in my wall. there's nothing you can do, but it makes your heart beat faster,
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and we're aware it's very unusual for an aftershock to be more powerful than the actual earthquake. this particular hotel wasn't destroyed, nevertheless, it makes you nervous, but i keep hearing the rumor that the aftershocks could be more powerful than the earthquake. historically that's not something that will happen. please don't be worried. nevertheless, they're worried about it, the haitians, and when you feel it, it makes you worried even though it's not as powerful as the actual earthquake. >> we bring in alonzo morning, the great nba star now retired. he arrived in haiti today. how did you get there, alonzo? >> well, i came over here, larry, with the university of miami medical team, doctors that are led by dr. bart green and dr. poniot, and they're on the ground working some countless hours and i just wanted to come
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over and assist and do my part. there's some devastating scenes over here, and at the same time, in my heart, extremely heavy for the children and the families that i see suffering that need medical attention. >> larry: what are you doing personally? >> well, i've done everything from manual labor to adminstering, helping to adminster i.v.s. unfortunately, because of the lack of supplies, we had to cut up paper boxes, cardboard boxes, to help splint a lot of the broken bones because people with broken legs and arms and pelvic bones, neck, everything, you know, and we're using towels that go on the underdressing of these -- you know, these fractures and everything, and it's just some of the most graphic scenes i've ever seen in my life. but people are working tireless,
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tireless hours, you know, to make sure that the people here in haiti are accommodated, and my heart goes out to the families across this beautiful country of haiti, you know. and the more that we can get individuals to send relief, we reach out to all my colleagues and professional athletes and put together a fund through my own personal foundation, a.m. charities, and leading and trying to sustain this initiative to raise funds and trying to raise $1 million for project share and doctors on the ground. you can go to, and we have somebody to match dollar for dollar up to a million dollars, so we're trying to raise those funds right now. >> larry: we're going to have other sports stars with us on a two-hour special monday night, alonzo. we'll be calling on you again. i salute you for what you're doing.
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alonzo mourning, an amazing guy. what's it like to have your world crash down around you, wondering if you're going to be buried alive? a man who made it out of the rubble tells us, next. chloe is 9 months old. she is the greatest thing ever. one little smile, one little laugh. honey bunny. [ babbles ] [ laughs ] we would do anything for her. my name is kim bryant and my husband and i made a will on legalzoom. it was really easy to do. [ spits ] [ both laugh ] [ robert ] we created legal zoom to help you take care of the ones you love. go to today and complete your will in minutes. at we put the law on your side. maybe one of the most important is centrum silver ultra men's. a complete multivitamin for men over 50. it has nutrients to help support eye health
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and nutrients like vitamin d for your colon. centrum silver ultra men's >> larry: joining us now is dr. sanjay gupta, the cnn chief medical correspondent, a practicing neurosurgeon reporting today on medical tents and treatment at the makeshift field hospitals. how are they doing at those hospitals, sanjay? >> well, you know, it's been a day of highs and lows, larry. as you know, last night we were talking about the fact there is such a dramatic need, so few personnel and so few supplies. this morning we found these field hospital tents that are over here. five of them were set up in an area close to the hospital where we were last night. that was the good news. they were able to take care of several hundred patients just over a few hours. what we were told recently was that because of safety concerns, they were told by the united
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nations they need to actually pack up and move all the personnel to a more secure location. so there are patients still waiting, as you can see, in the tents behind me. some of them had operations, some are recovering, some are still waiting. but now, as a result of these safety concerns, the u.n. trucks are actually pulling up as i'm talking to you. they've come here to evacuate the health care personnel. i don't know if you can see this given how dark it is, but you can see the health care personnel actually putting on their packs and getting ready to leave and get in those trucks. this is the low part of the day, larry. this is when we thought there was going to be an opportunity for so many of these patients to receive care that they otherwise weren't receiving, but this is what happens here. you have violence erupt and it shuts down operations, at least for the time being, larry. >> larry: you told the new york times, quote, the help has to come from outside now because the capability of aid organizations inside haiti has been smashed. totally smashed? >> i'm sorry, larry, did you say about the medical organizations
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within haiti have been smashed? is that what you said? >> larry: you told the new york times that they've been smashed. >> yeah, you know, even in the best of times, the medical infrastructure here so poor. the lowest position of patient ratio anywhere in the world is here in haiti short of an earthquake, then you have two things happening at the same time. fewer medical resources as a result of the earthquake and exponentially more patients. there is just no seemingly possible way it could keep up with the demand right now. field hospitals like this, larry, do help a lot. i've seen these employed in afghanistan and iraq. they can work very well and take care of the exact injuries that occur in a situation like this. but again, what's so frustrating for people here today, and we spent a lot of time talking to the personnel here on the ground, is that they're going to have to move and now they're going to have to pack up and move to another location and they're not going to be able to take care of the patients even though that's why they're here,
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deployed to do. >> larry: dr. sanjay gupta. he'll be back with us on a big two-hour special monday night. michael stewart is country director for hope for haiti. this charity has set up a makeshift mini hospital in the village creole hotel. how are they doing, mikey? >> today we're doing the best we can. we took in a couple more doctors from local organizations. we're partnering with another organization right now. other doctors should be arriving, some will come today, some tomorrow. our own organization is coordinating a large plane to bring in a lot of medications that we desperately need. we're a massing a critical situation to take care of more of the serious issues and supply those clinics because they have doctors without any supplies. after that we're focusing on the
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general hospital downtown which will be able to serve the most amount of people in the fastest amount of time which they've been hit very hard not only with their support staff but also with their doctors having yesterday, the day after four doctors showing up and only a handful of nurses and hundreds and hundreds of patients, let alone the hundreds and hundreds of bodies that are now amassing outside the morgue and outside the hospital itself. >> larry: thanks, mike, outstanding work. when we come back, the u.n. assistant attorney general for peacekeepers will join us. we'll also meet john louis, the haitian doctor. his family is in haiti and he's heading there later tonight. for upcoming information about the disaster in haiti, go to or go to you can follow cnn reporters on the ground around the clock linked to their twitter accounts. next, the anger of haitians
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>> on a structure like that, it was just completely destroyed. >> as you might imagine, lots of people devastated. >> the thing that's upsetting the most is what's happening back here, and it's the search. >> larry: we have a two-hour "larry king live" special event for monday night, haiti, how you can help. some very big names will be here to help us raise money for some of the neediest people in the world that are suffering in the most horrific way. we hope you'll join mick jagger, ringo starr, russ taylor and
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many more. monday night. joining us in miami, john scarborough. he survived the earthquake and was pulled from the rubble the night the quake occurred. where were you and what happened, john? >> i was in the hotel montana, and about five minutes to 5:00, i guess, is when everything started moving. within about five seconds, i was on the floor. i was on the fifth floor. i was laying on the floor and concrete still on top of me. going a little further, i pulled myself out. i looked up and there was a little -- just a light up at the top and i started clawing and clawing, and after about 30 minutes, i got up on top. >> larry: what were you doing in haiti? >> it was a business venture. i had three of my other friends.
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i had my brother-in-law -- my son-in-law, excuse me, i'm sorry. i'm a little bit nervous. a guy from new york, joe guercia and jim birch out of california. and what we were going to do was work with the government on putting together some basketball courts that we were going to put all over the country, and that was going to be for the kids. >> larry: are those guys all right? >> no, all three of those are missing. my son-in-law is missing and we're desperately trying to find him. joe guercia is missing. heard a little news today that he might be in a daze, but we don't know that yet. and the other guy, jim birch, we haven't heard anything on him. >> larry: were they all in the
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hotel? >> yeah, we were in different rooms. i was with joe guercia on the fifth floor. david apperson was on the fourth floor and also with jim birch. then the whole thing came caving in in about five seconds. >> larry: what injuries did you sustain? >> i was real fortunate. god was good to me, and i give all the glory to god. i'm bruised up all over my face. i guess you can see it right now. >> larry: uh-huh. >> but other than that, i didn't have any substantial injuries. like i said, by the grace of god, i was saved. >> larry: how did they fly you out? >> i was flown out by the united nations. i owned the plane out of miami that brought in the physicians, that private jet. they flew me out on -- i believe
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it was wednesday night. >> larry: you're lucky, john. your three friends, your son-in-law, i hope you hear from them soon. >> you see pictures of them. if you don't, we got them on twitter and everything else, on facebook. we want you to pray for them. not only them. pray for all the people trapped in there. it's such a tragedy. such a terrible tragedy. >> larry: their pictures are up there. thanks. john scarboro, johns hopkins hospital in miami. jimmy john louis will join us next. he's heading for haiti. don't go away. some lunch.
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>> larry: joining us now by phone because we lost power is edwin molet, the attorney general for peacekeeping operations. he previously served as personal representative to haiti and he was dispatched to the scene because the top u.n. official remains missing. any word on anabi, edmond? >> no, larry, we are still on
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anabi search and rescue efforts. no word yet from him, nor from 36 other colleagues of the u.n. who remain unaccounted for. >> larry: they're all missing? >> all 36 are still missing. we have 14 confirmed dead and 34 unaccounted for, still missing. and all the search efforts are continuing with dogs and sensors and removing rubble from the u.n. headquarters here in port-au-prince. >> larry: have the haitian leaders, if there are haitian leaders, given you any indication of any help in this search? >> well, we've been in touch, of course, with the government, with the president, with the prime minister. they are on the ground around, 20 official teams from different countries plus, i believe, seven
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other teams searching not only u.n. headquarters but in hotels and official buildings and ministries everywhere. we have to be reminded that around 3 million people were affected by this earthquake, and according to government officials, between 100 to 150,000 casualties, and so far 13,000 bodies have been recovered. >> larry: is the u.n. sending in other people? >> yes. the secretary general is coming to port-au-prince, to haiti, this sunday, and he's bringing another team to reinforce the mission. the first thing we have to do right now is to put the mission back on its feet in order to support the haitian government on all the coordinating efforts on humanitarian aid and assistance and recovery and eventually for the
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reconstruction of the country. >> larry: you've been seeing all of this on television. what was it like to arrive there? >> well, i've been -- i went with president preval this afternoon on an aerial -- on a helicopter to look from above and on the ground, driving on the streets and meeting with the people. i think cnn has presented a very good picture of what the situation is. of course, it's nothing like living the situation and the smells and the crying and the sorrow and the loss, and psychologically, it's quite an impact. it's a very emotional moment for all of us here. >> larry: honestly speaking, do you fear the worst for these u.n. employees? >> well, today, for example, we rescued three hours ago a colleague who was still alive in the rubble, and he's being
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medically assisted right now and trying to stabilize him. so we never lose hope. i mean, we're still working and searching, and we've seen in other parts of the world where earthquakes have happened that even a week later or even two weeks later, people are still alive and pockein pockets of ai below, and we're still working and still hopeful. >> larry: we'll keep in constant touch. edmond molet, the assistant peace -- attorney general of peacekeeping operations. jimmy john louis is next. re wha. what is it? oh just return it. returning gifts is easier than ever with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service. if it fits, it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. plus i can pick it up for free. perfect because we have to get that outta this house. c'mon, it's not that... gahh,
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>> larry: joining us here in l.a. is jimmy john louis, the haitian born actor. you probably know him best from the popular series, "heroes." leaving the pan american foundation awareness campaign to raise money for quake survivors. your parents live there, right? >> yes, they do. >> larry: what have you heard from them? >> family yesterday, i was about to get in touch with them. it took me two days before i could speak to my mom or my dad. >> larry: you told me before your father lost his original house? >> yeah. it's a house i grew up in and he spent most of his life building from the first stone to the last one. so for him, that was his baby.
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>> larry: how is he dealing with this? >> from what i've been told, badly. and they haven't stopped crying ever since the earthquake. >> larry: did they leave haiti, do you think? >> i don't know. i'm about to find out. i don't believe that they would like to leave haiti because they love the country, but after this, i don't know what's in their mind. >> larry: you're going there tonight? >> yes, i am. >> larry: how long do you plan to stay? >> i'm going to be there until friday to really try to understand the situation and then i'll know how to proceed. >> larry: what is hollywood nights for haiti? >> it's a non-profit organization i started last year. originally the mission was to promote support and cultural activity, especially for the youth, the underprivileged kids. but right now we're shifting
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gears. we just have to help however we can. >> larry: is this the toll-free number for people who want to help? >> yes, this is a toll-free number for the pan american foundation and also for hollywood unites for haiti. >> larry: the number the 877-572-4484. is it a little frustrating for you to be here when your family is there? >> it is. the worst part is the fact that i couldn't speak to them for days, i didn't know if they were alive or not, and i just didn't know how to react. you have to know that most of the places that you're showing there are places that i grew up in. i know most of the monuments that went down, most of the hotels, hospitals. so it's very close to me. my first football game happened
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in a stadium, and that stadium doesn't exist any more, that church i used to go to doesn't exist any more. most of the houses of my friends are gone. i have friends that are gone, i have family members, and i even have strangers that i didn't know. there is that lovely american girl that went there to help an orphanage and we had dinner together this past december. and today i just learned that she was gone, miss hightower. >> larry: that number again, and jimmy, stay here in case we lose contact with others. 877-524-8444. let's check in with our cnn correspondent carl penhall, who has been looking into voodo burials. what's that about, karl? >> there is a saying that goes
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haitians, 80% catholic, 50% protestant and 100% voodoo. they're enmeshed here with catholic beliefs as well, and that was plain to me today when i pulled up alongside the road and some friends were burying a loved one. they dug the grave themselves, and they were sprinkling sugar cane alcohol, and they were dropping three handfuls of dirt in there, and they were saying that was part of their belief that they don't want to be the next ones. they said they don't want him to come next for them, they were referring to the voodoo spirit of the dead, but certainly the catholicism and the voodoo enmeshed here which makes for some complicated but certainly interesting funeral rights, if you can call it that. of course, whatever religion they are, underlying this is the
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sorrow and grief of losing friends and loved ones, larry. >> larry: we heard you had quite a time getting there, karl. >> we certainly did. normally the trip from santa domingo to port-au-prince, we expected it to take 5.5 hours. it took more than 12 hours today. the boats are in a bad state. they don't seem to sustain damage, the bridges don't seem to have sustained any major damage en route to po port-au-prince. there is a lot of traffic on the road, though. i was expecting to see eight convoys flying along that route, but not at all. it's people trying to get in, a lot of journalists, some rescue crews, but certainly not food and water, the things that are most needed. and there, of course, is the haitian border with the dominican republic. you got the border guards. their orders are to allow injured haitians in, but certainly they will not let haitians in who are refugees who are the hungry looking for
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something to eat, looking for something to drink. they're keeping them out of the country for now. but certainly tough times, larry. >> larry: thanks, karl. karl penhall, and you'll be making that trip tomorrow morning, so be careful on the road. >> yes, it's going to be a long trip but a happy trip. i'm going to be close to my loved ones. >> larry: we've got a special event for you monday night, a two-hour "larry king live" called "had iti, how you can help." tune in, take part in lending a hand monday night, 8:00 to 10:00 eastern, 5:00 to 7:00 pacific. meet mick jagger, seal, collin ray, ryan seacrest here, too. stay with us. go back to sleep america.
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>> larry: joining us now from washington, frank and gillian thorpe, survivors of the earthquake. gillian was buried under the rubble for many hours, trapped in the haitian headquarters of the mission where she and frank worked. frank, how far away were you? >> i was about 100 miles north of port-au-prince. i was doing research on a story up north in a region called ahmsrouge. we felt the earthquake up there, the ground beneath us bounced, but we didn't know it was so serious. we didn't know it had hit
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port-au-prince hard until about two hours later. >> larry: of course, you drive frantically to reach gillian. what happened to you, gillian? >> i was in a meeting with my coworker, chuck, when the earthquake hit, and the ground started shaking, and i couldn't place what was going on, and i asked him what was going on and he said it was an earthquake. we ducked underneath a door frame and within 30 seconds we were completely buried under and pinned. >> larry: frank, when you got there, how did you find gillian? >> i walked up to the house and the road the house was on was blocked, and the house had completely pancaked. it's a large concrete building, and the roof of the building had completely gone to the ground level. it was not -- i wasn't expecting that at all. and when i got there, i jumped onto the roof and gillian's coworkers at haitian ministries, the haitian staff, had dug a
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hole, broken a hole into the roof of the building, and i was able to go down and she was able to reach her hand up around what was blocking us from her, and to wave to us. >> larry: and then she gets free. are you hurt, gillian? >> i am miraculously -- have very few injuries. i have a couple lacerations on my leg and my lower back, but the doctors that i saw today said that within two weeks, i should be as good as new. >> larry: we'll be checking back with you. frank and gillian thorpe. back to port-au-prince and bob poff of the salvation army and disaster services. he was driving when the quake struck. what's the latest relief of the salvation army, bob? >> well, larry, i'm pleased to tell you our first teams from our international response team have arrived. they're on the ground and doing work already here in port-au-prince.
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and tomorrow our first planeload of food supplies arrive and feeling pretty good about that tonight. >> larry: boy, i'll bet. everybody working for the army okay? >> everybody's doing fine, yes, sir. we've been able to account for all of our personnel. >> larry: that's bob poff. we'll be checking periodically with him. back to port-au-prince, elizabeth cohen, cnn's medical correspondent, reporting from a field hospital. you describe doctors being reduced to practicing civil war style medicine. what do you mean? >> reporter: that's right, what i mean is that they can't ful fulliance thfully ance t anesthetize, i watched a woman have her foot amputated on the side of the road, she had a local anesthetic, she had some sedation but you know horrifying to watch them amputate a foot
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while she's still awake and watching it. >> larry: how did she -- well, what did she do? >> reporter: she just had to suffer through it. i mean they could sedate her pretty well but still she just had to suffer through it and i'm told she's doing quite well but they're really operating on them, i saw the nurses sterilizing the equipment by washing it in a big open pan of warm, soapy water. i mean things are not even low-tech, they're no-tech here, larry. >> larry: we got about a minute left. what's the situation with orphans? >> reporter: the situation with orphans is so sad here, larry. this is a hospital of about 200 beds and there are several orphans here. as you can imagine, people can't get the attention they need here. there aren't enough doctors, aren't enough nurses so that parents play a huge role and their kid is sick but these kids have no parents so when they're needing pain medication or anything else, people can't always get to them. it is just heartbreaking, but i
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wanted to tell you alonzo mourning on your show earlier this evening he has gone and played with the orphans and it's been heartwarming to see that happen. >> he's. >> larry: he's a very special guy. keep it up, elizabeth, you're doing great work. >> reporter: will do, thanks, larry. >> larry: elizabeth cohen. what a team we have out there, don't we? you look at the work they've done, god. pathy austin is here with a musical message for the people of haiti and i promise, it will move you, next. host: does charlie daniels play a mean fiddle? ♪ fiddle music charlie:hat's how you do it son. vo: geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance.
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my name is chef michael. and when i come home from my restaurant, i love showing bailey how special she is. yes, you are. i know exactly what you love, don't i? - [ barks ] - mmm. aromas like rotisserie chicken. and filet mignon. yeah, that's what inspired a very special dry dog food. [ woman ] introducing chef michael's canine creations. so tasty and nutritious it's hard to believe it's dry dog food. chef-inspired. dog-desired.@i chef michael's canine creations.
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welcome back. patty austin is a grammy-award winning artist who, like everyone else wants to do what she can for the people of haiti. she's right here with us tonight to lift spirits, inspire hope and generate goodwill for those who need it most. here's patty austin singing "lean on me." patty? ♪ sometimes in our lives we all have pain, we all have sorrow ♪
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help you carry on ♪ ♪ for it won't be long 'til i'm gonna need somebody to lean on ♪ ♪ whoa, oh, just call on me brother when you need a hand now ♪ ♪ cause we call need somebody that we we can lean, lean on ♪ >> larry: thank you, patti. terrific. patti austin. "larry king live" is live on saturday night, we'll also be back live sunday night as well to keep you up to d
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