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tv   Larry King Live  CNN  January 19, 2010 12:00am-1:00am EST

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we're using our reach across the planet, joining handing with people around the world to aid the men, the women, and the children of haiti. >> you will not be forsaken. you will not be forgotten. >> we're listening. >> no food, no water, nothing. >> we hear you. we're taking action. a two-hour "larry king live" special. how you can help. >> larry: good evening. welcome to haiti. how you can help. you can start right now by calling the numbers on your screen. 1-800-4-unicef and 1-800-help now. tonight we're live in haiti, new york, and los angeles.
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mick jagger, jennifer lopez, seal, and many others are here toou thank you. because your money is going to the american red cross and the u.s. fund for unicef. our celebrity guests are working the phones for the next two hours in los angeles and new york. you can talk to them. we'll go live to haiti showing you what your donations mean to this country in ruin. joining us right now, ryan seacrest, he's the host of "american idol." he'll be in our tweet suite later. black eyed peas front man will i.m. is here, and molly sims, the actress and advocate for haiti. we'll start by going right to haiti to port-au-prince to a hotel where anderson cooper is standing by with we understand desperation boiling over, anderson. looting, violence. what's going on?
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>> larry, i don't want to paint too negative a picture. this was as far as we know an isolated incident in downtown port-au-prince, but it is a taste of what could occur here if security is not brought to bear on a large scale in the port-au-prince area. there were shots fired this afternoon by two haitian police officers in the air. we arrived on the scene. a group of young men broke into a damaged stores. they were taking boxes of candles and selling those trying to profit. they were trying to profit off other people's despair. it quickly evolved into a situation with hundreds of people on the street. they started bringing weapons to the street. they started battling each other over goods. there were no -- there was no one from the u.n. there. no u.n. peacekeepers on scene and no u.s. personnel. just two haitian police employed by a local businessman trying to protect the business. the businessman gave them automatic weapons. they were firing into the air, but the crowd was ignoring them. it ended up with a little bit
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hit in the head with a chunk of concrete thrown by one of the looters off the roof. it is really a taste, larry, of how things could be, but so far all across this city and in other areas we are seeing haitians showing respect to one another, helping one another in the early days. the haitians themselves before any international relief got here that saved each other. at this moment their survival is largely unfortunately in their hands. that's why what these aid groups are doing so important. it's important to have the funds to do the work they needed to, because the clock is ticking, larry. there are still people dying, children dying right now who will die tonight because they haven't received proper medical care for something as simple as an infection, an open wound, a broke leg that could spread and very quickly in a short amount of time and lead to an infection that would kill them. >> larry: anderson, before we talk quickly so sanjay, since you've been there, are things better? >> better?
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you know, that's a hard question, larry. i don't know what "better" would be. yes, you don't see as many bodies in the streets, but the bodies are out there crushed beneath rubble. you don't see as many people wandering the street aimlessly, but they have nowhere to go and they can't go to her homes and they're sleeping in parks. people come up to ask for water and say can i get a message to the loved ones in the states. a town yesterday where aid workers just got there, five days after the earthquake. that was the first time they saw any international aid. whatever is coming, it has to come quickly. an awful lot of people in desperate, desperate need. >> thanks, anderson. we'll check with you later. the numbers appear on your screen. there's localities lots of ways you can donate. you're donates to unicef and the american red cross. dr. sanjay gupta is in a hospital at port-au-prince, he's a practicing neurosurgeon. i understand he performed surgery today on a haitian girl.
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what was it about? >> reporter: well, what happened, larry, is that i was actually got a call from the -- from one of the carrier ships off the coast of port-au-prince. they were saying and this acknowledges some of the problems going on here, they simply could not find a brain surgeon to perform this operation. kimberly, a 12-year-old girl, a delightful young girl was a victim as well. a piece of shrapnel that went through her skull into her brain. for several days was really not getting any care whatsoever. she was evacuated and taken to the ship, and that's when i was called and went to the ship to help take care of her. you know, obviously honored and delighted to do so. as you mentioned, larry, i am in a hospital. there's a critical need ongoing over here. there's no question about it. one thing that's so interesting,
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larry, with this natural disaster, obviously a lot of people died at the time of this earthquake. what's so important and what highlights this critical need, a lot of people were injured but still have very much can be saved. they have problems that can be treated. they have issues that can be addressed surgically or medically but they're not getting the care yet. 75 operations performed in this particular hospital over the last three days. i can tell you, larry, it's just a drop in the bucket. it's improving but a lot of work still needs to be done here. atlantic are you say. >> are you saying, sanjay, that you are seeing preventible deaths?>> are you saying, sanja you are seeing preventible deaths? >> reporter: absolutely. that is the way to put it, larry. these are preventible deaths. there are very simple, basic ways to prevent this. antibiotics and i performed this neurosurgical procedure, i didn't have the right instruments. i had to create instruments because we didn't have those.
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these are simple things to get down here. it has to be done. these orthopedic injuries, these neurosurgical injuries, these are patients that are critically injured but they can be saved and they need to be saved. you're seeing some of them getting that type of care right now, but it needs to happen faster. with medical relief you measure things in minutes and hours. lots of other relief you can measure in days, months, and years, but with this, it's now and immediate. >> larry: that's why your help is needed right now. your help is needed right now. one other thing, doctor. you've been in lots of tragic places, katrina, tsunami. how does this compare? >> reporter: you know, this for some reason strikes me harder, and i think part of it is because there's so many patients who are in desperate need. i think with the tsunami you had
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a couple of issues, one is you had a lot of people that died instantly at the time of the tsunami. the people who lived, they needed basic supplies like food and water. with the earthquake we had a lot of people who were displaced, but they were also injured as a result of this. either they had rubble on top of their limbs for a long time, an arm or a leg, they had head injuries. now they've been out in the streets for six days or so without food or water. you can imagine all of that coming together. it's also so focused, larry, in this really devastated area in port-au-prince. with the tsunami it was spread out across several countries. you come here, it is an unbelievable sight, and it's gotten better over the last week. a lot of work still needs to be done. >> larry: we'll check back with dr. gupta in hour two. this is a two-hour special. answering our phones in los angeles right are actor christian slater, david spade and seal. he'll perform later.
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people get ready. and "survivor's" jeff probst raising money for his pete in haiti. sarah ferguson, the duchess of york, maria bello who has seen firsthand how much they need our help. in new york susan sarandon, russell simmons, pete wentz, ashley judd, and "gossip girl"s pen beckley. want to do so what your money is buying for the people of haiti? tea leoni will show us when we come back. they need your help. call the number at the bottom of your screen. we'll be right back. [ female announcer ] olay regenerist is on a roll. new anti-aging eye roller. reduces puffiness immediately --
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and also helps with lines and wrinkles. not surgery. this is our way to do your eyes. new regenerist anti-aging eye roller.
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>> he says his restaurant and home have been destroyed. >> everybody is dead. so i lost everything. all i got here is my bag. that's all. nothing left. >> larry: we're back doing what we can for the people of haiti on another grim day. death estimates as high as 150,000. there are reports of looting and
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growing desperation. please help by calling the numbers you see on the screen right now. you never feel better than when you help someone else. ryan seacrest, how has this affected you? >> just by watching this coverage, i've never been there before. by seeing these people and especially these kids over the last few hours today on cnn, seeing the images of kids who have no place to go who are laying injured on the street, and as sanjay just said, the need is immediate. i mean, they need help right now. that's why we're here with you tonight. >> larry: will, have you been to haiti? >> yeah, i've been to haiti. it's sad watching, you know, the outcome of the earthquake and seeing all the people suffering like seacrest said with no place to go. when i was there, people were suffering with no place to go before this. it's the lack of infrastructure and corruption. no health.
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so when i see this -- these images, you know, if those people that are out there that have -- that can help, help. it's important for humanity, for love, life. you have to help. you have to help for that reason, and you have to help for america. we don't have health. what if something was to happen to mississippi or new orleans or any inner city in america? guess what? those people don't have health, and we're going to need help. so you have to help. just like we would need help if something was to happen to us. >> larry: tea you're a unicef a ambassador and national board member for the unicef. there's one of the contributors contributing tonight. what do you have with you that unicef provides? >> what's the difference between this crisis and maybe the tsunami? after the tsunami we were able to prevent the death of any
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child in sort of the second wave of a disaster, which is bringing in supplies. we're looking at a much more desperate situation here. one of the things that we're sending over, which is sort of so urgent, the children of haiti before this crisis, as you were saying, were already in sort of a dire situation. kids who were malnourished are much more susceptible to suffer from disease. they're more apt to contract chlorea or dysentery. one packet is about 7 cents. >> larry: show it to the camera. >> this is an incredible life-saving tool we've used. also here this is something i'm a huge fan of plumpy nut. it's an instant meal, basically $8 provides enough plumpy nut to
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feed a child for a month. what's specific to this product is you tonight have to mix it with water. that's very important right now while clean water is so scarce. >> larry: molly, you're a global ambassador for population survivors. you've been to haiti? >> i was in haiti in october, and it was -- words can't describe what i saw, and i considered myself a very well-traveled person. it was absolute devastation. these people, first of all, are amazing, but what i saw and what i've heard, the filmmaker david bell is down there now, they describe it as a nuclear bomb going off. they had no safe water, drinking water then, and imagine now. that's what i'm hear to say exactlily tea says, oral rehydration. getting clean water, because now it's not the first wave, it's the second wave. it's getting clean water so the disease doesn't spread.
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>> larry: you're helping your fellow man when you contribute tonight. please help. still to come, a very special message from colin powell, and we'll enter our tweet suite with ryan there. after this it's an interactive place where you can talk mick jagger is coming, too. stick around and help the people of haiti. a guy named his own price, wants a room tonight for 65 dollars.
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we don't go lower than 130. big deal, pe 5uade him. is it wise to allow a perishable item to spoil? he asked, why leave a room empty? the additional revenue easily covers operating costs. 65 dollars is better than no dollars. okay. $65 for tonight. you can't argue with a big deal.
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>> larry: we're back with "haiti: how you can help," 1-800-4-unicef. please do your part. ryan seacrest is in our tweet suite, and our celebrity guest will respond to your messages on twitter. tweet to me or use the hash tag cnnhelphaiti. all one word. ryan, who is there? what are we doing now? >> will is standing here helping me navigate this. mara is online right now. as you help out, as you see these images and hear stories, we want you to join the conversation and interact with us. maria, who are you talking now? >> i'm on a website called ar tiss ar tiss for peace and justice.coartists for peace and it's an organization that supports children's pediatric hospital in haiti, 100% of the proceeds denatured go right to the ground to the work that the father is doing on the ground. >> thank you for being here. some of the first images outs of
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haiti came via twit pic on twitter. people can speak to families or at least let their families know they're alive around the world. jared, what's going on with you, buddy? >> i'm pulling up my credit card and participating in habitat for humanity. they have a program called hope builders, where you can actually build a house virtually. you can start now with the reconstruction and helping people out through habitat for humanity. i'm filling in the information. i saw on twitter people were actually building houses around the world, some of our fans, so i'm joining in to help the cause that way. >> it is true social media, although we use it for named things and things that aren't as important on a regular basis in situations like this, they've proven to be very, very important in terms of relaying information. alyssa milano, thank you for being here. >> oh, it's my pleasure. thank you for having me. >> what's touched you and made
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an impact with this story? >> as an ambassador for unicef i've been in the field. i was in angola, africa two years after the peace treaty was signed and in india after the tsunami. i've witnessed places like this that are so impoverished it's unfathomable. to see these images we see every day, what we are forgetting is the other sensory experiences and what i am reminded of about my field experience is the smells and what the temporary shelters look like and feel like and what it feels to be covered in dirt and i'm just touched and moved by the passion of humanity and everyone getting in there. i think we innately want to help. sometimes we don't know how, and social media, twitter in particular has given me a great platform to feel like i'm actively to go something. >> jeff probst is here as well.
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the president actually sent his first tweet. we have it back here. president obama the first lady are here visiting the disaster operations center here. he sent it through the red cross. jeff probst, you're new to this, i understand. >> that's got to be a first. the president? >> it's the first time a president has used twitter. that's right. >> i'm new to twitter, but it's great. he writes back and says thanks for the help. i donated earlier but i'll donate again tonight. something that's been inspiring to me is how kids are responding to this here in america. they get it. they get that there are other kids that now need shoes or need help. that is really encouraging to me. >> immediate is the operative word right now. larry, back to you. >> larry: thanks so much, ryan. thanks all of you. please keep it up. call your friends and tell them what's going on. joining us from washington general colin powell, former secretary of state, former chairman of the joint chiefs. here's his message for you and the people of haiti. watch.
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>> the united states government and the governments throughout the world, the united nations, international relief organizations are all doing their best to stabilize the situation to bring order to haiti and then start to flood in the necessary supplies needed to sustain life. but, you know, the challenge is going to be great and it's going to be long enduring. once the folks who have lost their lives have been dealt with in as dignified a manner as possible and once we have taken care of those who are injured, then the work begins. then we need reconstruction. then we need to take care of the living, and in taking care of living is not a matter of giving them food and water for a short period of time, but helping them rebuild their homes and schools and churches and government. so i'm asking everyone who is watching tonight to find a way to give and then give some more and to give over the long term for the people of haiti. there are many organizations you can give to. all you have to do is look online or look up the organizes that will be mentioned in the course of this show.
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but give. this is the time for all of us watching, all of us here in america, all of us watching elsewhere to give to people who are desperately in need. people who are wondering if the rest of the world is there for them. the answer has to be yes. so i'm asking everyone, do what you can to help the people of haiti. the best way to do it it is to donate money to those organizations that know how to deliver the needed relief, the needed supplies. whatever you do, don't click this off tonight. find a way to give. give online, mail in, call in, but above all, give. >> larry: colin powell. we're going to new york. susan sarandon, ashley judd, and russell simmons are next. keep the calls and tweets coming. ahhh. time to get the latte budget under control. mm-hmm.
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[ female announcer ] trying to be smart with the family budget? here goes the good old steam. [ pfffft! ] whooa!!!! [ female announcer ] let bounty help... because it cleans the mess with less than the bargain brands. it's thick and absorbent. and really durable. in lab tests bounty absorbs twice as much as the bargain brand. [ steam hisses ] why use more when you can use less? bring it. with bounty. the thick quicker picker-upper. and try bounty napkins. now with new prints. for strong bones, i take calcium. but my doctor told me that most calcium supplements... aren't absorbed properly unless taken with food. he recommended citracal. it's different -- it's calcium citrate, so it can be absorbed with or without food. citracal.
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>> larry: welcome back to "haiti: how you can help." you're helping and keep on helping. we're joined by our guests in new york, susan sarandon, ashley judd and russell simmons, the music mogul and entrepreneur. ashley, what does this family-sized water purification system you have? what does that do?
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>> safe drinking water is an immediate and urgent need in haiti. unsafe drinking water can exacerbate already disastrous conditions. so population services international, the public health ngo with whom i work has been in haiti for 20 years. one of the many things we do to empower and protect health is make safe for drinking even the most contaminated water, water that can have microbes, parasites, bacteria and fee cal matter. this sashet costs 10 cents, and a family can stir this water for about 30 minutes, and after the process of having stirred water is called deflocked. all of the contaminated matter is separated, and then you strain it with a t-shirt or whatever material you have available so you would take this, for example, and we had a towel but it's too thick and
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plush. you go like this, and all of a sudden out of the nastiest either river water, sewer water, creek water where even livestock has been defecating, you may drink and stay healthy. it costs 1 cent per liter, 50 cents for a family of four for an entire month. we also help supply the rehydration salts tea was talking about. right now psi is working with the red cross supplying 1.1 million of these. i would love people to go online and donate 50 cents to help a haitian family of four to have access to safe drinking water. it's extraordinary. >> larry: susan -- >> how does that work -- >> larry: hold on a second. susan, what about the artists for peace and justice and doctors without borders. you've involved with them, right? >> i was really excited. i talked to paul hagges this
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evening on the phone, and he personally is taking money and supplies to haiti because, you know, as colin powell was saying be careful where you send your money. make sure, because the infrastructure is down, that you have -- you verify that your money is going to get to where it needs to get. they have the only standing pediatric hospital functioning in the slums. he's personally taking money and supplies down. the name of the hospital is st. damien's and st. luke's is the hospital for adults. that's where they're dealing mostly with amputees. they've been there for 22 years in this area and very well-connected. he's covering every cost aside from the donations. 100% of what you give will go directly there. the website is he hate to -- a lot of these organizations are verifiable, and what you need to do is make sure the organization you choose is still standing and there are people that can process that
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money and get it where it has to go. that's very, very important because at times like this with this much chaos, you don't want to be donating somewhere and not have it get to where you want to. as ashley was saying before this, 46% of the country didn't have clean water. so now you can imagine what is going on there. >> larry: yeah. russell, is the music industry getting behind this drive? >> i think the leader of the charge and the most valuable resource we have is wyclef jean. i was with him last night for a meeting with him and his advisers and this morning for his press conference. he laid out a plan which i thought was a pretty obvious one. i tried to speak to the white house, which i did and spoke to them about engaging them in his plan. his plan was to evacuate the people from the cities which are like a morgue, and if we can build tents so quickly to go to war, we can build tents it to house the 2 million people or so
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outside of the city. you can give them doctors and food safely and start a process to clean up the mess. that was his plan that he promoted today, and i think that's a great message. that's a great process we have to start. that's maybe the first step. >> larry: russell will go over to our new york phone banks in a few moments to talk about the people there. kobe bryant, ringo starr and seal are coming up. call the numbers, 1-800-4-unicef and 1-800-help-now. we'll be right back. >> a 21-year-old man is pinned on his side under a slab of cement. >> your life is in your hands. >> please hang on. >> he does.
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>> larry: welcome back. our celebrity guests will be responding to your messages on twitter. you can tweet to me at kings things or use the hash tag cnnhelphaiti. all one world. cnn's soledad o'brien is in haiti. she joins us to tell us about the most vulnerable victims, the children. she's in an orphanage there. soledad, what's the situation? >> reporter: yeah, larry, the situation is that the orphanage has moved outside. i'm on the edge of a truck.
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i'm going to step out of the shot. you can see what is in this truck. inside this truck as i move out of the way you will see right there, that's babies. 25 babies who are spending day and night on the floor. they have caretakers around them. some of them are sleeping. some of them are still up and being rocked. we gasped frankly when we saw the circumstances here. they moved the babies outside because people are afraid to go back inside the orphanage. they're worried about the security that house, so they're outside. across the way you can hear some of the voices of the little children as well. there's a 5-year-old and older kids that are playing across the way. this is 135 children who are here. it's a real problem, because they're running out of supplies, larry. they need water and diesel and food. they've had some deliveries. actually getting supplies in has
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been a massive, massive problem. the director here, whose name is pierre, said they've had armed robbers come over the fence and have left because there's nothing to steal. they're worried about the security and would like to air lift the children out. right now they're told there's no way to do that. >> larry: thanks, soledad. nothing sadder than a child in trouble. we keep hearing about aid coming into haiti. what about distribution? is it getting where it's supposed to go? >> it is starting to, larry. it's starting to get where it's supposed to go. we've faced enormous challenges in the beginning from the airport to getting things uploaded to getting the supplies to where they needed to go for a variety of reasons. now they're getting there. we have begun to distribute order in ernest, and we'll continue to do so. we're moving on to provide latrines and i've seen other agencies reaching people with supplies.
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so it's definitely starting to flow. >> larry: thank you. you're doing a great job. when you call in, you're helping, call into the red cross or unicef. winnie is a red cross volunteer and a member of the rapid response team in port-au-prince. what's your number one need there? >> i think our number one need is for money, because that gives us the greatest flexibility to respond to needs on the ground. >> larry: the reporters have been talking about there being stupid deaths, people dying in haiti who shouldn't die. can you verify that? >> what i can tell you, larry, is that in the communities where i've been walking and climbing the mountains around port-au-prince, we've been going out with first aid teams. you know, when the hospitals were so blocked up and people couldn't get there, a lot of haitians are telling us that they decided to just stay in the camps or in the streets where
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they were and not even go to the hospitals. now the wounds that they had have gotten infections. this is a tropical climate, and there was dust and debris in those wounds. their bandages stuck to the wounds. they're yellow with infection. we're taking first aid and going in community by community, street by street, and telling people to come to first aid clinics. they're mobile first aid clinics. we're cleaning up wounds and giving them antibiotics. this is in the first phase of the effort. we're giving out water over the weekend. we've begun distributing other kinds of relief supplies like kitchen sets and tarps and blankets and tools so people can build back. we're seeing that they're being resourceful and starting to get food into the city and microeconomies are springing up.
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it's exciting. i've been very inspired since i've been here. >> larry: thank you, winnie. well, you're really doing your job, folks. in the past 30 minutes the red cross and unicef have raised $700,000. in the past 30 minutes, $700,000. your help is working. you're looking at the red cross and unicef call centers in new york. keep them busy, please. snoop dogg is in the house. he wants you to know he'll take your calls. we'll check in with the phone bank next. ah...fresh and white. do you want to try my crest extra white with scope outlast? i'm good. i bet your breath will still feel fresh when the movie's over. if i win, i'm going to vegas with the boys. ok. if i win, you're going to yoga with me. i love yoga. [ female announcer ] new crest extra white plus scope outlast. for a whiter smile and a fresh breath feeling that lasts up to 5 times longer than ordinary toothpaste.
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still fresh? yip. i want to be mad but it's tough with that smile. [ female announcer ] crest extra white plus scope outlast. vegas.
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>> larry: welcome back. russell simmons is helping with the phones in new york. who do you have with you there, russell? >> i'm with a young lady who just made a donation to the red cross, but she said she's going to call back for unicef. >> i'm on way young lady that a lot of people, their intentions are so sweet. i don't always ask the numbers, but each person is giving what they can. it's really inspiring to me. what's your name, ma'am? delores myers made a donation to the american red cross and is calling back to make a donation
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to unicef. thank you so much. >> larry: that's just great. with us here in the l.a. studios, tea leoni remains, the actress and unicef ambassador. we're joined by sarah ferguson the duchess of york. she's working with c.a.r.e. to support relief efforts in atety. and our own snoop dogg. where would we be without snoop. he's here as well. sarah, you and tea are both mothers, right? >> absolutely. >> larry: the worst thing about this is the children being hit, don't you think? >> it's frightening to think there's 37,000 pregnant women on the streets right now terrified about giving birth to their first child and not knowing how to get the hygiene kits and the water and care needed. so they need to get in there with kits to give them the chance they need to help them out, and, of course, unicef which i think by the way answered some calls and i think it's incredible, $700,000,
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well-done. it's amazing. >> larry: this is heart-breaking. i look at you look at the scenes here. how do you take this? you're involved with it every day. >> i think the only one to handle this is to look forward. we have had our first wave, our first incredible disaster. we need to work immediately to prevent a more heinous second wave and more loss of life. when i see the images of these kids, it's obviously incredibly difficult. we're hearing about children also the psychological effects of children who have seen both parents die in the quake. they were reports from earlier this morning at the u.s. office. i don't know. i'm kind of speechless. >> reporter: snoop, you're a dad. what are your feelings about children there?
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>> it's a horrible thing what happened. like i said, we're here just to support it and make sure that the awareness of helping and wanting to help. that's what i'm so happy to see, people are coming out all walks of life to help and get behind it so fast and it's not taking officials or nobody from the top to do it. we're doing it on our own out of the kindness of our hearts. everybody is rushing to help in this assistance that need it right now. >> larry: snoop is heading over to the phone bank when you call in. you might talk to snoop on the phone. sarah, your countrymen are very involved, are they not, back across the ocean? >> i think they'd like to do more and more. >> larry: they can watch us. >> they can ring in. i think every lay person wants to know how to do it and get the water into haiti. to all this work you're doing, it can spread the work. a large amount of people over at britain say, we know what to do. >> larry: the number one thing is money, right, tea? you can't ship a product?
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>> not now. there might be a time in the not too distant future when i think gifts being sent, canned goods or clothing or whatnot, there will be a time for that. it's not now. now we need money. >> larry: are your friends in the business helping, snoop? >> we're putting together a lot of concerts where we take all the money and the money will go to the red cross to send the money directly there. it's a positive effect and right now. the money coming out and getting sent over there right now as we speak. >> larry: i'm glad we're able to do this, you know, to devote two hours to it. it's one thing to report on something, and we've seen these reports. but the feeling of being able to be in a position where we in the media can give back by helping the people, of course. these contributions are enormous. >> i think it's like a huge cry for help in the country as usual america in my eyes is a great trailblazer of compassion and they're reaching out now and
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they make a difference. >> larry: when you ask america, america responds. when you call in, you can call into the unicef number or to the phone bank number. you're looking at our los angeles phone bank over there. 1-800-4-unicef and 1-800-help-now. don't forget about our tweet suite. john mayer, ben stiller, convene rania, and russell simmons will reply to you on twitter. so make sure to tweet us using the hash tag cnnhelphaiti. more after this. if i had to sit on the bench due to diabetes... it would frustrate me. my bayer meter is very important. (announcer) only bayer's contour meter has programmable personal high low settings. it allows me to make sure that my diabetes is controlled as tightly as possible. (announcer) the contour meter, only from bayer. should we order panda blossom, panda moon... how about chinese at home with new wanchai ferry?
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♪ they know how credit works ♪ they send email alerts ♪ now i'm findingut how bad reality hurts ♪ legal vo: offer applies with enrollment in triple advantage >> how do you feel right now? >> i can't even find the right way to describe it. i'm going to tell you something. i'm someone who prays a lot, and i'm very grateful that i never lost faith. >> larry: you're looking live at haiti tonight. we're raising money for that ravaged country. please call the numbers at the bottom of your screen or text your donations. the information is right there in front of you. we go back to our tweet suite where ryan seacrest is watching over things. ryan, janet jackson, i understand, just tweeted saying,
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hey, you guys. i'm watching larry king's "haiti how you can help." please try to tune in and tweet and support the effort with me. good gig. >> people from all over the world tweeting. just taking a look at the board here. senator gillibrand is very happy to support the effort. everyone can do their part by giving generously to the relief efforts. we're looking at the tweets and reading them as you donate looking at the numbers at the bottom of the screen. this is unicef on twitter. we have people working the phone bank at unicef. after 30 minutes into the telecast, $700,000, which is an incredible amount of money. we need your help. we need you to participate. russell simmons, as you know, who is part of the telecast, take a look there. he's tweeting as well as answering the phones. jeff probst, what are you seeing here from people? what are they saying to you? >> it's great to talk back and forth.
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it said in the town the church put on an old-fashioned lemonade for the fund. they said larry should auction off his suspenders off tonight as part of the fund-raiser. should we start the bidding? >> you got it. >> i'm at 250. >> 500. >> 1,000. >> we're at 1,000. we'll hold at 1,000 for a second. also ben stiller is tweeting as well. as you watch this telecast and we have the latest out the haiti, think about the people that are affected, the families and especially as we mentioned earlier those kids. let's go to tea now in the phone banks, i believe, answering the phones. tea. >> hi. am i interrupting? are you on a call? christian are you on a call? >> i'm on a call with mrs. boogaard, yes.
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>> marilyn, thank you for calling in. >> thank you, marilyn. >> how about mr. spade? who are you talking to? >> this guy, he's donated and he also wants to know why "just shoot me" got canceled. i'm trying to keep everything together here. everyone is being great calling in. >> what are some of the things people are asking about when they call in? what are some of their concerns? >> hold on, brother. they want to know where it's going, and some wanted to go to drinking water and some want it to go to different things over there. i think this is a trustworthy operation, and everyone is kind of kicking in and we'll get it right where it needs to go right away. >> excellent, david. thanks. >> we're really doing nothing. they're doing the hard work by donating. >> great. >> thanks, man. everybody is so busy. i love it. it's crazy ringing around here. >> everybody is donating. i'm telling you.
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>> larry: tea, back to ryan seacrest, ryan at the tweet desk. >> i'm here in the tweet suite. i'm with will i.m. and jared leto right now. jared told me that you actually lived in haiti at wunt point. >> when i was a kid, i lived there. my family did volunteer work there. i lived in port-au-prince. i have a very special place in my heart for haiti. >> thank you for being here with us. we appreciate it. will, you said earlier tonight that we must help. we've got to help. what are you seeing tonight on twitter? >> i'm seeing a lot of things on twitter. people are pouring out, and at the same time i see a lot of -- it's -- you see negativity, people saying america should worry about america or -- you know -- >> you're seeing people say that to you here tonight? >> yes, yes. people overseas and stuff. people following me from all over the world.
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so just reading the responses is -- you know, it's all over the place, but a lot of people are pouring out and are showing how sympathetic they are. a lot of people don't know how to help. they want to help, but they don't know how to. it's so devastating. >> an easy way to do it, take a look at the numbers on the bottom of screen here on cnn. maria, what have you seen tonight? >> people are so, so incredibly generous. america is showing up in a glorious way. i've been in haiti and met the people there, and they real is deserve our help right now. they really need it. i mean, it was a very poor country before this happened. so it's devastating. >> thank you. larry, what struck me also at the beginning of the show, the images that we saw of anderson in his report carrying a bleeding child away from just total destruction. i mean, there is such a need in this moment for people to help.
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>> larry: yeah. and they sure are, ryan, and anderson and dr. sanjay will come back with us in hour number two of our two-hour special. what you're watching if you just joined us expecting to see "larry king live" in a couple of minutes, we've been on for an hour. this is our special "haiti: how you can help" through unicef and the red cross. jennifer lopez will join our phone bank in los angeles, so call now. scarlett johansson and john mayer next. he'll sing for you and the people of haiti after the break. don't go away. #ñ#ñ#ñ#ññññññ
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tension mounts, desperate survivors push for a place in
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lind. . >> some were left empty-handed. >> larry: so many have such goodwill for the people of haiti. here's actress scarlet johansson with her heart-felt plea. watch. >> hi, i'm scarlet johansson. you can help save lives in haiti to donate to oxfam. they're on the ground in haiti providing life saving assistance like clean water. please donate to oxfam >> there are so many sources to help. the two principal ones we're doing tonight, unicef and the american red cross. john mayer has always been here for us when we needed him, and he's back for the people of haiti. john joins us now from london performing "heart of life."
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here's john mayer. ♪ ♪ i hate to see you cry ♪ lying there in that position ♪ there's things you need to hear ♪ ♪ sometimes i feel the tears ♪ then listen ♪ bring your hearts to the ground ♪ ♪ that will turn the whole thing around ♪ ♪ though it won't all go away
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it should but i know the heart of life is good ♪ ♪ ♪ you know it's nothing new ♪ you never hide good timing ♪ then the circle of your friends ♪ ♪ will defend the silver lining ♪ ♪ take those to the ground ♪ that turns the whole thing around ♪ ♪ though it won't all go away ♪ it should ♪ but i know the heart of life is good ♪
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♪ oh oh oh oh oh ♪ oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪ oh oh oh oh ♪ take those to the ground ♪ love turns the whole thing around ♪ ♪ i'm a friend that's misunderstood ♪ ♪ but i know the heart of life is good ♪ ♪ i know it's good ♪ i know it's good


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