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tv   Larry King Live  CNN  January 19, 2010 9:00pm-10:00pm EST

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states right now and they hope the president gets the message because they think he needs to make a shift. >> john king watching the brown headquarters. he'll be there all night. thanks for joining us. "larry king live" starts right now. >> larry: tonight alive after seven days, victims are still being recovered from the rubble of ravage-stricken haiti. saving haitian orphans, 53 children made it to the u.s. smallest victims overcoming obstacles and incredible odds. and then, are the republicans about to win ted kennedy's senate seat? what would it mean for president obama and health care reform? we've got up to the minute election results now on "larry king live". >> first a quake program note.
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we'll have two editions of "larry king live" tonight, this, the regular one at 9:00 eastern pacific, and then we'll be back at 11:00 pacific dealing with the senate seat in massachusetts. and we'll have live coverage from haiti tonight. wolf live on this special election. wolf? >> the votes are enormous. 57% of the precincts have reported. scott brown, larry, the republican in massachusetts with 53% to martha coakley, the democrat 46%. he's building up almost 100,000 lead right now, 653 to 575,000, so he's doing well, but once again, they still have a lot of votes yet to be counted. i will say this, larry. they're coming in, the votes in massachusetts, very quickly, so
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we're going to get a lot of results over the course of the next hour. at some point, i assume, we'll be able to project a winner. we'll do it if we can this hour or we'll do it and wait. >> we'll hang right with you. let's go to john king. he's in brown headquarters, the park plaza in boston. john is a veteran of boston politics. how much of the votes are from urban areas? >> that's the great question, larry, because right now 30% of the precincts in boston has reported in boston. martha coakley, the democrat, is getting 59% of the vote. we need to watch, and that's why everyone in this room are confident, but they're waiting to see the urban vote in boston. if martha coakley can hold that margin, she can make up some ground for the republican votes in the urban areas and the suburbs. the question is, are there enough people anecdotally today. the turnout was higher in the
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suburbs than it was in the city, but some people in the city tend to vote late after work, so as wolf just noted, as we watch all these votes coming in, we'll watch suffolk county, just at the county line of boston, larry. >> larry: let's go to the coakley headquarters. what kind of turnout does she need in boston, the city of boston, jessica? >> larry, she needs an exceptionally high turnout. this is where her base voters would be, urban voters, african-american voters, but the question is, will it be enough to carry her over the line, and i can tell you by the mood here, very subdued. folks do not feel terribly optimistic. this is a campaign where democrats in this state say, and they're acknowledging openly, that they simply did not anticipate the degree of voter rage, that there is such an anti-incumbent spirit, the same spirit that worked for democrats and carried them into office in '06 and '08 is turning on
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democrats this year, and they are really downcast, the democrats in this room. it should be a wake-up call across the nation that the democrats need to realize, don't take anything for granted, stand up and say you're for the people which scott brown did so well in this campaign. still a while to go for vote counting but not a lot of happy people in this room, larry. >> larry: thanks, jessica. let's hear about haiti. anderson cooper joins us with an amazing story of survival one week to the day since the earthquake struck. what happened, anderson? >> larry, incredible doesn't even begin to describe it. one woman rescued, four more people right now being searched for in two separate sites near the national cathedral. the woman who was rescued, her name is anna zizi. she is in her 70s. the fact that a woman in her 70s was able to last a week, she says, without food, without
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water, it is really extraordinary. but the struggle for her life continues, larry, because getting pulled out of the rubble is one thing and being saved living is another thing entirely, and once she was pulled out of the rubble, they didn't know where to bring her. they brought her about a block away where a number of people are living in a park and there is sort of a triage set up there. but they didn't have the facilities to care for this woman. she is severely dehydrated, she has crushed bones. someone who was crushed under the rubble for this long needed immediate care. she needed surgery. they didn't know where to take her, what to do with her. some aid groups saw the broadcast, the coast guard got involved. she has been helicoptered to a hospital. they found a hospital that had a bed. literally, she was just going to lay in this park because no one really knew where to take her and things just aren't organized enough on that level. and searchers are still now combing through the rubble,
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digging through the rubble deep into this building of the national cathedral, going after two people one who, larry, actually sent a text message last night saying she was alive, saying to someone she worked with that she was alive, and the searchers weren't even going to go look for her today. that wasn't their assignment, they were just in the neighborhood to set up sort of a medical unit, a medical area to give basic treatment to people, and some neighbors said, would you go and search over here because we think there is somebody alive, we got a text message. lo and behold, the dog got hits. they sent in another dog, that dog got hits as well, and they already pulled out the one. it's an unbelievable day, larry. >> larry: amazing. anderson will be with you at the top of the hour with this and other things occurring in that incredibly beleagured nation. maxine janvia is on the phone from new york. have you had any contact with your mother yet, maxine? >> no, i've had contact with my
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sister betty in haiti, and she's very happy and rear happy here. >> what does betty say is the current condition of your mom? >> well, she says she's been air dgs lift airlifted to the boat for medical attention, and my brother went with her, and they're keeping a good eye on her. >> larry: your mom must have a great deal of fortitude. >> i tell you, she's a tough cookie. >> larry: dunne she was in a be -- did you know she was in a buried situation? >> yes. that's her usual routine, every monday and tuesday she goes to church, the cathedral for that service. >> larry: are you going to go down and see her? >> definitely. >> larry: this is an incredible
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story, maxime. give her everyone's love at cnn and the best expectations for her well-being. >> thanks very much. >> larry: wow. some haitian people who beat the odds got back the man who got them out of the country. ed rendell. by the way, keeping tabs on that senate race. keep you updated throughout the hour. [ babbles ] [ laughs ] we would do anything for her. my name is kim bryant and my husband and i made a will on legalzoom. it was really easy to do. [ spits ] [ both laugh ] [ robert ] we created legal zoom to help you take care of the ones you love. go to today and complete your will in minutes. at we put the law on your side.
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we're back. here's the latest in
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massachusetts. scott brown has a 7% point lead, 53% over martha coakley, 65%. this is the race for the seat left by ted kennedy. he's done work in port-au-prince. what's the latest from your vantage point now, ivan? >> a sad moment here, larry. i'm going to pan the camera right over here. the rescue team over here moments ago brought out the body of a priest and [ inaudible ] >> larry: i want to apologize. that's a poor connection with ivan watson.
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we'll try to reconnect with him, but obviously he's reporting on the bringing out of a lady who did not make it, from the rubble in haiti. let's go to washington. governor ed rendell, democrat of pennsylvania, has just come back from haiti accompanying 53 children from the orphanage in port-au-prince. how did this come about, ed? >> the brezhnev orphanage was run by two women out of pittsburgh. when the earthquake happened, they had to keep the kids outside, no sanitation, very little food and water. they called home and were connected with the wonderful pittsburgh medical center. they tried to get the ability to take them out, they couldn't do it. they called me, i couldn't get anywhere. then we saw the haitian ambassador being interviewed on cnn. so i called into the station and said, can you get a message from me to ambassador joseph? they did, the ambassador called me, he started the ball rolling.
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then we got great cooperation from the department of homeland security, immigration, the state department, the military was terrific. we got on a plane yesterday morning, monday morning, at 11:30 from pittsburgh. we reached the port-au-prince at about 6:00. we were there for the next 6.5 hours fighting to get all of these 54 kids out of the country. there was no dispute about the children who already had been approved for adoption in the u.s. or canada, but for the seven or eight oerthers, there s a big dispute about whether they could go or not. the two sisters put their heels down and said, we either all go or nobody goes. and we were trying to persuade them to let us take 90% of them out to safety, the kids had health challenges, et cetera. finally the national security council stepped in and we literally got clearance from the white house all 54 kids were granted visas. they all arrived at the airport. but our plane had been sent a y
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because you can only keep a plane on the tarmac there for a limited amount of time because the planes are coming in and they have to clear the runway space. but the military got us a c-17, and all of a sudden, this c-17 had a cargo of 53 young haitians ranging from six months to ten years, 25 medical personnel. but the real kicker to the story was the 54th child we couldn't find after we locked the door on the plane. so one of the sisters got off determined to find him. they found her, it was a little girl, on the bus. she had fallen asleep and the people hadn't found her. the little girl's name was emma. emma just arrived in los angeles, so all 54 children are safe on american soil. we hope this will be a breakthrough so all the orphans who don't have adoptive homes can be sent to the united
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states. sdpl >> larry: we're going to be talking with two adoptive parents in just a moment. where are the children now, ed? >> they're in two of the greatest hospitals in the country, getting treated. some fevers, some infections, a tremendous number of dehigh drag drags, but the kids are going to be fine. the kids who were adopted, their parents have been notified, and the other seven or eight will be put up for adoption. >> governor, this may be the very best thing you've done. >> it was the most fun. i didn't have a seat on the c-17 because we didn't have enough seats. i was sitting on some boxes. i looked down, and you know the c-17s are huge. you can fit four or five tanks in them. when i saw these little kids strapped in against the wall of the c-17, never been on a plane before, larry, they were laughing, they weren't scared by the loud noises.
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these are great kids. i tell you, it was a great feeling for all of us involved. i haven't slept since sunday, and let me tell you, i'm pumped. i'm pumped. >> larry: we'll check back in with ivan watson in a little while. we'll talk about adoptive parents when we come back. and high cholesterol is a major factor. but crestor can help slow the buildup of plaque in arteries. go to and take an interactive tour to learn how plaque builds up. and then ask your doctor if crestor is right for you. along with diet, crestor does more than lower bad cholesterol and raise good. crestor is proven to slow the buildup of plaque in arteries. crestor isn't for everyone, like people with liver disease, or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. simple blood tests will check for liver problems. you should tell your doctor about other medicines you're taking or if you have muscle pain or weakness. that could be a sign of serious side effects. learn more about plaque buildup
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at then ask your doctor if it's time for crestor. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. >> larry: i want to thank all of you for helping the people of haiti during and after our "larry king live." they received pledges totalling 8, $8,994,956. people of haiti are going to benefit. go to keep the good work coming. let's check in with wolf blitzer for the latest on massachusetts. wolf? >> you did a great job last night. let me thank you.
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you made us all really proud. let's take a look. now almost 70% of the precincts have reported in massachusetts. this for ted kennedy's senate seat. the republican scott brown maintaining a significant lead, 53% to 46%. he's got a lead of about 100,000 votes, larry, so far. there are still plenty of precincts left out there, but it's become increasingly more and more difficult to see a way she can narrow that 100,000 gap right now. but we'll wait. we'll count the votes together with everyone else and see what happens. but this republican is getting ready, it looks like, for a huge upset, larry. >> larry: i'm not an expert, but it's going to take something in that last 30%. back we go to port-au-prince and ivan watson. we had a bad signal earlier, ivan. what were you telling us about that body coming out? >> this was a priest that was pulled out, and it was a very touching moment, larry, where the mexican rescue team which
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helped save a woman earlier today at this very location, they knelt and prayed along with the participation of a catholic nun over the body of this priest with a rosary placed on his body. the procession is under way. the teams have been breaking down some of their equipment because they have not had any contact, any signs of life for about three hours now. they're doing one last check after bringing the dogs through several times. they're using some listening equipment right now, but it does look like the teams here are getting ready to pack up. we had one miracle here today and we may not have another. >> larry: ivan, is it all beginning to wear on you? >> it's been a long week, i think, for everybody. for the rescue workers here, these folks are camping out. they're working very long days and very difficult conditions.
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the haitians themselves, larry, can you believe that a woman could survive seven days in a condition she was in buried there? the mexican workers tell me when they got to her, she was singing, laying on her back. really remarkable considering she was in her 70s. but it is wearing on me and everybody. i was with some family members who were missing, waiting outside the ruins of a supermarket, and they're spending day and night just waiting there, hoping somebody might dig out their loved ones. it's pretty difficult. >> larry: thanks, ivan. we'll take a break and come back and then we'll meet that prospective adoptive parents of a little boy in haiti. more updates coming on massachusetts. and a midnight live show 9:00 eastern, second edition of "larry king live" tonight. don't go away. host: could switching to geico really save you
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15% or more on car insurance? host: did the waltons take way too long to say goodnight? mom: g'night john boy. g'night mary ellen. mary ellen: g'night mama. g'night erin. elizabeth: g'night john boy. jim bob: g'night grandpa. elizabeth: g'night ben. m bob:'night. elizabeth: g'night jim bob. jim bob: g'night everybody, grandpa: g'night everybody. @y jim bob: g'night daddy. vo: geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more. we don't go lower than 130. big deal, pe 5uade him.
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is it wise to allow a perishable item to spoil? he asked, why leave a room empty? the additional revenue easily covers operating costs. 65 dollars is better than no dollars. okay. $65 for tonight. you can't argue with a big deal.
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>> larry: we'll be checking with those adoptive parents we're trying to clear a signal through in the next segment. right now let's go to dr. sanjay gupta, medical expert, standing by. it's a week after the quake. what is the situation with the medical care? is it better? >> it is better, larry, for sure, but that's a little bit of a relative term. it's nowhere near where it should be or i think where a lot of people expected it to be at this point. the problem has become pretty simple and defined itself. we're getting a lot more
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personnel, as far as we can see, on the ground, in these various hospitals, clinics we've been talking about. the problem more than anything else seems to be lack of equipment, larry. the types of injuries you see after an earthquake, these crush injuries, people need operations, they need various procedures, they need pain medications for just suffering, and still, remarkably a week later, larry, not a lot of that has arrived here or at least at the places that need it most. >> larry: do we have an answer as to why? >> it really seems to be a fundamental lack of coordination, number one. you know, supplies are getting to the airport but they're not getting into places that need it. it also seems to be this question do we put more of our resources on security and trying to secure the areas, or do we use it for medical aid, humanitarian aid? >> larry: hold it one second. hold it, hold it. i'm going to come right back to you. let's check in with wolf who has a result in massachusetts.
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wolf? >> cnn now projects, larry, that scott brown will become the next united states senator in the state of massachusetts did efeag martha coakley. 53% for scott brown, 46% for martha coakley. he has maintained a 100,000-vote advantage. we're also told by our chief national correspondent john king that martha coakley has already telephoned scott brown to concede his knowledge he has now won this race. so there will be a republican filling the seat of the late ted kennedy in the state of massachusetts. larry, this is big news because at stake right now, health care reform and a lot of other stuff. the democrats will no longer have the 60-seat supermajority that can beat a filibuster if they want a filibuster, so this is very significant for the
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democrats and republicans on so many issues. >> larry: john king is at brown headquarters. the last republican was senator ed brook, the black liberal republican, was tit not, in '78? '68, maybe. >> you're exactly right, larry, ed brook filled two terms. he left the united states senate in 1979, and since then massachusetts has not sent a republican to the senate. tonight they've not only sent a republican to the senate, they have sent a very blunt message to president obama and the democratic party. they are against the obama stimulus plan, against what he calls the spending and taxing in washington, d.c. voters estimate obama carried by 26 points have now by a significant margin decided to carry republican scott brown to
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washington. i want to echo the point wolf just made. i'm told by two republican sources high up in the brown campaign that martha coakley, the democratic candidate, called a short time ago that she was conceding the race. i'm told she congratulated scott brown on the campaign and wished him well. very touchy days ahead, larry. >> larry: he can't be sworn in, according to massachusetts law, until the 29th. can the democrats in the house and senate try to do something before then on health? >> the answer to can they is yes. the answer is will they is doane don't be so sure. the white house has said they would like to move fast, but many democrats said that would be dangerous if you disrespected the will of the people of massachusetts. this election is being fueled by
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independent voters, larry. independent voters are very powerful. in many other key races this year, democrats fear that if they act too quickly, they will cause more trouble for themselves than any benefit they would get in the short term. >> thank you, john. you stay with us, wolf, you stay with us. gloria borger will be joining us as well. kathleen kennedy townsend will be here as we stay on the massachusetts story for the rest of this hour and the midnight hour again we'll be back at midnight, 9:00 pacific, midnight eastern. of course, haiti coverage will continue at length again throughout the night and again tomorrow, but the massachusetts story reins supreme right now. we'll be right back.
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>> larry: in a couple minutes i'll be calling on ari fleischer to analyze all of this. let's get in a final report from this hour from our reporters on the scene. first, wolf blitzer, a quick recap. what happened? >> the winner in the
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massachusetts rice r race is the republican, scott brown. 84% of the precincts are in, 52% to 47%, more than 100,000-vote margin. scott brown will succeed the late senator ted kennedy as the next u.s. senator from the state of massachusetts. there was an interim senator, paul kirk, the former chairman of the democratic party. he will now step down. and within the next few days, we don't know how many days, scott brown will be sworn in as the united states senator from massachusetts. this is a big deal because it now brings the democratic supermajority down to 59 instead of 60. you need 60 votes to really get anything accomplished in the senate, and the democrats are not going to have 60 votes. >> thanks, wolf blitzer, on the scene as follows. anchoring and covering this star
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election tonight. jessica yellin at the coakley headquarters. this was not unexpected, was it, jessica? >> no, folks are disappointed but not surprised. they say they hope nationally democrats learned a lesson from this when their candidate did not tap into voter rage, did not articulate an important message. they say it is time for democrats to get a wake-up call and realize they have to run on the economy and in touch with the average worker. and that's what scott brown did so well in this election. i'll also add quickly, larry, that the circling firing squad as begun with national republicans accusing martha coakley of running a terrible campaign, and them shouting back with them having a terrible mood.
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>> larry: john king, we'll check in with you later, but ms. coakley was not the strongest of candidates, was she? >> no, she was not the strongest candidate but she was also running against the republicans. the democrats and other key races across the country are going to look at these results, and you already see a lot of statements from democrats saying, we can't sugar coat this, we better learn a lesson. how will that affect health care? how will that affect the president's budget, spending, tax policy? some big drama to see play out in washington because of what happened in massachusetts. >> larry: thanks, john king. those were our reporters, and now let's go to our analysts. ari fleischer served as white house press secretary for president george w. bush. she's in stanford, connecticut. david was an adviser to nixon,
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ford, reagan and clinton. and katherine kennedy townsend, the lieutenant governor of maryland, the he wouoldest daugf the late senator edward kennedy. what do you make of this? >> it's staggering. it's unheard of for a republican to win in massachusetts anymore. 36 years ago you had a republican senator. all the senate has been democrats for more than a decade. i can't really see health care reform passing anymore in the congress. i think if the democrats tried to get it through, particularly in the house, it would fail. the next step? i think there is going to be a real grassroots rebellion in the house of representatives. they are in a very dicey spot right now. >> k >> larry: kathleen, all the polls say obama remains popular in the state of massachusetts.
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people who liked obama voted against the democratic candidate. how do you explain that? >> the best thing is to remember tip o'neal who said all politicians are local. they like politicians who work hard for them, who seem to know this is an important election, who fight for it, and i think the sad thing is we didn't see martha coakley doing that. i'm disappointed, but i think it tells everybody that the voters want you to say, i want your vote. i'm going to be out in the cold, i'm going to be out in the heat, i'm going to be up early and up late to be with you and to fight for you. because people are angry and they're angry with reason. i'mwake-up call for democrats to say, democratic politicians, you got to pay attention to what's going on on the ground. i don't think it's about health care because massachusetts has health care, and 80% of people in massachusetts like their health care plan or like what's gone on.
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so i think i disagree with ari fleischer about that. >> we'll get into that with all of you, but mr. gergan who doesn't have a dog. what's your read? >> this is going to have enormous impact across washington and it will have ripple effects across foreign policy. there was a strong difference between the candidates cht he was a very good candidate. i think he had a certain kind of charm to him, a masculinity about him. he had an emotional connection, she did not. she simply did not connect. i think kathleen was absolutely right about that. but if the democrats leave it there at that interpretation, they're kidding themselves. this was also a message to washington that people in massachusetts, the bluest of blue states, do not like the direction that washington is taking. larry, i happened to moderate the debate that occurred one week ago, and i can tell you there is a lot of anger in massachusetts about the
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direction things are taking and people wanted to take it out on martha coakley. >> larry: let me get a break and come back. all three will remain with us on this election night now edition of "larry king live." don't go away. [ male announcer ] introducing the all-new lexus gx. it has the agility and the power to take on any mission, and the space to accommodate precious cargo, because every great action hero needs a vehicle. see your lexus dealer. ♪
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>> larry: ari fleischer, gary townsend and barry gergan
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remain. what is your two cents? >> i'm going to disagree with kathleen and say, yes, this was a weak election. there was a weak candidate who ran a weak campaign. but scott brown campaigned by saying he wanted to be the vote to kill health care reform in the united states senate. and he won. and that is a big message to this administration that they didn't communicate about their bill well enough. maybe their bill was too large at a time that people don't like big government, and, you know, when trust in government, larry, is at an all-time low in this country, it's hard to tell people to swallow more big government. so they were sending a message and it's also about independent voters. yes, massachusetts is a blue state, but 51% of the voters in massachusetts identify themselves as independents. and the democrats need to learn to talk to independent voters.
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>> larry: dana bash up there on capitol hill, ari fleischer says health care is dead but what about the reported story that what the high school will do is pass the senate version in that conference and then the senate will come back, they don't need 60 votes, they need 59, they pass their own bill and they get a health bill before mr. brown is sworn in or even if he is sworn in. >> that has been the talk over the past 48 hours or more of the best of a lot of really bad possibilities, but i have spent the past several hours talking tie lot of house democratic members who would have to swallow that pill and vote for it, and i have talked to so many who said -- some i talked to i couldn't even get my question out, larry. they knew what i was going to ask and they said, no, we will not vote for the senate bill. why? these are democrats we're talking about, but there are a lot of differences between the two bills ask mand many feel thl
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doesn't go far enough to making it affordable for middle class and lower class americans. socdotes from conversations i've had with the people this evening. but certainly again in conversations this evening with house democrats, they are saying it's a national message. maybe martha coakley wasn't the best candidate in the world, but they said if we want to survive and do well in the next ten months, we can't ignore the election results in massachusetts. >> larry: ari fleischer, one could be confused. massachusetts has a very strong health care plan. i think everyone in massachusetts is covered. the president is popular. why are they against this? >> well, the president is somewhat popular there. even in massachusetts he's lost a lot of the huge shine he began the year with. let me pass on something i heard today from washington. i was talking with some top campaign officials at the
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senatorial committee who were involved in this. they told me they first started to see the needle moving in december just before christmas when senate majority leader harry reid cut those big deals to give $100 million payoffs for people doing big projects. that's when they started to see the whole thing shifting in massachusetts. it really angered independent voters. i think it's much bigger than just health care reform, larry. it's the way washington is doing business. and that's what barack obama came to washington to change, and he's losing independence. he lost them in virginia, he lost them in new jersey and he just lost them amazingly in massachusetts, because the way he's governing and the democrats in washington are governing is so out of sync from what democrats were hoping for when they elected barack obama.
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bad candidates who are democrats can still easily win in massachusetts. this is the national mood that has swaummped the democratic pay there and it risks swamping in other places. one final point. i'm also told the six states where democrats have incumbents up for reelection, six close states, republicans are up in nevada, arkansas, colorado, delaware, pennsylvania and north dakota in all the republican polk polling in those states. this has huge national implications. >> larry: we'll get the comments of others when we come back. don't go away.
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>> larry: going back to our analysts, we have a quick comment in from john king. john? >> larry, just wanted to report, a republican source here in the building and another brown aide telling our producer, one source to peter, one source to me, that the president of the united states, barack obama, who has so much at stake in this vote tonight has placed a phone call to congratulate the victor, republican state senator scott brown, who soon will become republican senator scott brown. scott brown ran against the obama health care plan, ran against the obama stimulus plan, ran against the approach to the economy, said he was spending too much and not creating enough jobs fast enough, but tonight, larry, the president of the united states, democrat barack obama, who carried this state by 27 points 14 months ago, called
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the republican victor, said congratulations and told him he was looking forward to working with him in washington. we'll try to get details on that call, larry. quite a constitutional night in massachusetts, a democratic president calling a republican a winner after 36 years of ted kennedy. >> one of the platforms obama ran on was health care and he got health care through, albeit not as as long -- strong as he wanted. so what is the big disappointment in massachusetts? what did he disappoint them with? >> you have to remember the health care industry spent over $100 million against health care reform. so when people say health care reform, they've been confused. it's been what is this, what is that? it's big government. but when you ask them, are you getting rid of preexisting conditions? do you want to have affordability? do you want to to carry health care when you lose your job?
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they liked it. what we saw in massachusetts was during the time they were looking at the health care bill and during the negotiations, massachusetts didn'tcare. but when it got passed, which it is now, 80% of people from massachusetts like it. so i think the health care industry has done a really good job and scott brown has been able to jump on that to say, big government is bad, health care is bad, and i think -- so that's the issue on health care. i think what also is going on is that people in massachusetts, and really across the nation, are angry and they're taking out their anger on the democrats. and i think the democrats have got to say, we're angry too. we have got to provide jobs for people. we have got to take on the big banks who have gotten so much help over the last year. and we've got to be seen as helping the people rather than just sitting in washington, negotiating legislation. which doesn't really actually look like it's helping people. >> larry: david, but the puzzling part is, massachusetts has those things.
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why -- is it that they don't want the rest of the country to have them or what? >> no, larry. and it's pretty popular in massachusetts, the state reforms have been pretty popular. even the premiums have gone way up. larry, scott brown was a very, very clever candidate in many ways. he was able to turn these arguments on her and he did it on health care. he, essentially, argued two things. one, to go to ari fleischer's point. people saw that kind of stuff, they didn't like it, and it really helped scott brown say, i want to change washington. there's too much business as usual. the second thing he was able to argue was the cost of health care. he added that in with the cost of a lot of other programs and he said -- >> david, they're telling -- i'll come back to you. they're telling me to go to break. pair of 10 inch hose clamp pliers. you know what's complicated? shipping. shipping's complicated.
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-- about tradition, about having strong values. >> larry: as we come back, we're expecting the attorney general of massachusetts -- that is not her -- to address the crowd shortly. let's go back to david gergen
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for his analysis, as i interrupted him, and as soon as the attorney general of massachusetts gets up to speak, we'll go right to her. david? >> well, larry, it goes back to this point about who scott brown became. he presented himself as a populist in a pickup truck, and a lot of people responded to that, especially guys. she was a person who said she didn't have any idea who curt schilling was. and in red sox nation, if you don't know who curt schilling is, you don't have anything to do with the voters. but he was good about marshaling these ideas and channeling that into his candidacy and he did a good job with it. and i think that's the message that is being sent to washington and we're hearing from dana bash tonight that the moderate democrats are responding. they're getting the message. the question i have in my mind tonight. the message has been sent. has the white house received it and what do they think about it. i'm very curious about that in
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the days ahead. >> larry: dana, do you think they have? is dana bash still with us? apparently not. so i think we now have the attorney general coming up to the microphone. this will be her concession speech. she's taken a hard hit tonight, in all quarters, democratic and republican. here is the attorney general of massachusetts, the defeated candidate tonight. >> i don't know, somebody told me there was a crowd out here. thank you. thank you. i want you to know that i just got off the phone with scott brown. i've offered him my congratulations and my best wishes on his victory tonight. and i wish to him and gale and to his two daughters, and i told him, mr. brown, you've got two lovely daughters, which he does, and he also extended his good wishes to me. so i wish we were here with
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other and better news tonight, but we are not. and i want to take this moment, first of all, for all of you, in this room and those of you who are probably still out working, you poured your hearts and souls into this campaign. and there are thousands of you, literally. we had thousands of people out on the street since september. and i want to say an incredibly sincere thank you for everything that you did. obviously, not just for me, but for the campaign and what we stood for in this campaign. and so let's give yourselves a huge round of applause for what you've done. thank you! thank you. i will not forget the fierce determination with which we approached this, not just again about this campaign, about the things we believed in and we still believe in and we will
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still fight for after tonight. and i know you will join me in that. we never lost our focus or our determination and you never demonstrated an ounce of discouragement or complacency, as far as i'm concerned, in this campaign. i know how hard we worked and you own everything about this campaign. you were there every step of the way, as we went forward, in the primary, and through tonight and focused on the issues that i believe everybody in massachusetts does care about and everybody in this country should be focused on as we go forward. i want to say a very sincere and loving thank you to my husband, tom -- thank you. i had him out on the campaign trail for the last couple of days, and i can tell you, there
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are at least two dogs who are very happy about tonight's results. because we're going to be back with them. i have to thank my family, many of whom are here behind me tonight, my sisters, anne and jane and mary are all here. my nephews and nieces and grand-nieces, terrific staff on our campaign. if you worked with our staff, with kevin and dennis and m.l., and everybody else who gave sweat, blood, and tears and all of their time to this campaign, you know how much heart and soul we put into it. and it was my honor to be working with them and with you during this campaign. you've, in some ways, become an extended family for me, as i told my folks in the a.g.'s office, my extended dysfunctional family, but that's okay. ly never forget


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