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tv   Larry King Live  CNN  February 3, 2010 9:00pm-10:00pm EST

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-- captions by vitac -- >> larry: tonight exclusive inside "avatar." >> you will never be one of the people. >> larry: academy award nominated director james cameron speaks for the first time publicly since his film made over $2 billion at the box office making history, breaking his own record set by "titanic" and smashing another milestone just today. cameron and the cast take you behind the scenes. >> it's fascinating to see your human self transformed into this other being. >> larry: and to pandora.
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14 years in the making. the technology didn't exist to create what was in cameron's mind then. and now he's changed the way movies will be made forever. how in the world did he do it? how can he top this "avatar" triumph with a sequel next on "larry king live." good evening. we have quite a show for you tonight. the incredible "avatar." it's been nominated for nine acade academy awards and the film has broken every box office record there is. "avatar's" domestic haul today surpassed "titanic's". worldwide it has broken all of the records. we welcome the man who created both films. director, screen writer and producer of "avatar," james cameron. we have quite a show planned for you. screens and everything. >> i love what you have done with the place. it's gorgeous. >> larry: we've been "avatar." are you surprised at its success? >> absolutely. that's not just sort of false humility.
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we thought it would be a commercial movie. we didn't think it would do half what it has done financially. >> larry: in retrospect, what did it? i know it's hard because you're so close to it. >> it's tough. i see a very similar pattern in a sense between "titanic" and "avatar" not that they are similar films because they're not. totally different subjects. in both cases you have people going back over and over to see the film and so there has to be some kind of emotional connection to the movie that's happening. it has to be happening in all culture groups around the world because we're doing well in almost every international market. >> larry: the idea was born a long time ago, right? >> yeah. >> larry: where did it emerge from? how did you come up with this? >> kind of from my childhood really. i was just a geek movie fan when i was a kid. i loved science fiction and fantasy movies. i was always reading science fiction. all of these ideas were percolating for really decades. when i sat down to write this story in '95, it just all came
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gushing out very, very rapidly. >> larry: how do you react to those that say this is about vietnam or iraq? cowboys and indians. is it? >> good stuff. all of those interpretations are valid. there's a strong environmental message. there's comment about the clonal period. i think it would be unfair to dismiss the film as not really thinking about those things. >> larry: to create this it required monumental behind the scenes efforts. let's look at some of it. >> oh, my god.
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>> larry: safe to say, there's never been a movie like it. you may have changed the way movies will be made. you probably affected 3-d forever. >> we'll see. we'll see what changes. what i would like to think would happen is that filmmakers now will have permission to do a serious film in 3-d where previously it was thought of as kind of for kids, you know, maybe no animation. that sort of thing. and go make a serious dramatic film in 3-d. >> larry: disney has a movie coming in 3-d and theaters can't push it out in time because you're doing so much success they can't get yours out and it in. >> it will come out when it is
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meant to. obviously it will push us out of some of the 3-d theaters. we'll just hang around longer. it will be fine. >> larry: we're going to meet your technical people. your 3-d takes us in. it doesn't throw things at us. >> part of that is just stylistic. how you direct the movie in a way. if the filmmaker is bouncing a tennis ball off your head the whole film, you're reminded that you're wearing 3-d glasses. i want you to forget you're wearing glasses. i want you to go on a journey through this world. we draw you into the world and forget there's a screen there at all. >> larry: how long did it take to make? >> about 4 1/2 years. first years was designing everything, painting it, drawing it and 2 1/2 years of production. >> larry: was there ever a time during production where people said this ain't going to make it? the costs will be too high?
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>> look, i had to keep from putting a pistol in my mouth 20 times during the making of this film. there were times when we really thought we were off course and found out later we weren't in as bad shape as we thought. that's the nature of an experimental project. it was like the lewis and clark exhibition. they had a general idea where they were going but you couldn't predict all of the little twist and turns in the river along the way. >> larry: how did you come up with the name? >> i don't know. when i wrote it in '95 it just popped into my head that here you've got people projecting their consciousness into a fleshly body a biological body. that's what the word means. taking of flesh. incarnation of a devine being in the case of the hindu religion. and although our characters aren't divine beings obviously, it's the idea of fleshly incarnation. >> larry: did the studio think we have to have a star?
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we have to have a tom cruise. >> big discussion. big discussion. i wanted the guy to be young. we were looking at younger actors. you know, when i found sam worthington, i didn't want a star. i wanted him. it was just a question of getting the studio comfortable with that and they signed off and agreed with me. >> larry: sometimes in an action film, it can overwhelm the star. this film has an amazing balance of both. >> i think so. you have to believe the people. then you'll believe the action. it works outward from the hearts of the characters really. it doesn't matter how big the action is if you lose track of the people and what they're feeling, you've lost the fight. >> larry: how much was shot as to what we've seen? >> good question. there was probably about another 40 minutes of the film but we didn't complete all of that up to the level that you're seeing here. probably complete that you could watch as finished movie there's
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maybe another eight minutes or so. you mean like when we shoot on the set during the day? i would do six, seven, eight takes. that sort of thing. >> larry: there's a lot of footage. >> there's always footage on the floor in any movie. >> larry: will there be a se sequel? >> we'll have to see how much money the movie makes. >> larry: are you already thinking script? >> i haven't thought about the story yet. we have had some technical discussions of how we would do it. >> larry: shame is you killed off a great villain. you did. >> it's a science fiction movie. nobody is ever really dead in a science fiction movie. >> larry: the inventors who made the movie are here with us. the see if they can make an avatar out of me. ters, especially when it comes to your finances. that's why chase cards come with blueprint.
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free and only for chase customers. with finish it, you can take your balance and decide your monthly payment... or how many months you want to take to pay it off. the faster you pay it off, the more you'll save... and the more progress you'll see every month on your plan. chase what matters. i have my blueprint. do you? start your plan today. it would frustrate me. my bayer meter is very important. (announcer) only bayer's contour meter has programmable personal high low settings. it allows me to make sure that my diabetes is controlled as tightly as possible. (announcer) the contour meter, only from bayer.
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>> larry: james cameron remains with us. as you notice we're all standing now because we're in front of the video wall. we have a strange looking apparatus with us too. with us is richie and vince.
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he collaborated with james cameron in developing this fusion camera system for use in shooting the films. we'll concentrate for the moment at the wall. what are we looking at and would you give us a sense of how the images were created? >> this is a live action shot and this would have been shot with this camera right here. in fact, this was probably a hand held shot where i would have had this camera right on my shoulders. >> larry: what part did vince play in this? >> i helped develop the camera ten years ago. he wanted to build a system to do all forms of 3-d to teach us what worked and what didn't work. >> larry: there was only one of these cameras? >> we had a bunch of them. >> larry: all made by sony? >> sony does the core technology and then vince's team created the rig that allowed us to shoot
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3-d. >> larry: what was your role, rich? >> we used the virtual camera which is a different rig than this. it's a camera that we shoot to provide jim the directorial tools he needed. >> he worked on "lord of the rings" film and because of his experience in doing facial reality, we invited him to be part of "avatar." >> larry: where did you find vince? >> we go way back. >> larry: what's a stereographer. >> it's how to produce good images. >> larry: most people think it represents a technical revolution in film making.
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we'll look at a side by side comparison of a scene involving zoe saldana. watch. >> i trusted you. >> trust me now, please. >> you will never be one of the people. >> please. >> larry: okay, richie. explain animation in that scene. >> the night we shot that zoe set the bar from an acting standpoint. we obviously had to meet that. i think this is probably the best scene in the movie as far as being indicative of a process being improved. we added hd cameras for reference all around the actors to make it in some way a sympathetic process for the
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animator. >> larry: did you the left-hand side of the screen. and vince you were doing what there? >> that's richie and jim and i'm more involved in live action. >> larry: you held this camera on your shoulder? >> absolutely. >> larry: you did? >> absolutely. i love to operate myself. >> larry: was it heavy? >> about 28 pounds. you can run with it. walk with it. crouch down with it and so on. there was somebody off camera operating the focus. >> larry: i thought directors used camera men? >> i like to operate the camera myself. >> larry: in all your movies? >> yes. since "titanic." >> larry: you're a camera freak? >> yes. >> larry: is he tough to work for? >> jim likes to do it all. >> larry: he's a control freak. >> it's a nice style for the likes of me. jim knows what he wants. he very much has a clear visual when we get into it and this seemed to be based on whatever we did with visual however we
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got there technically was about telling the story and getting the best possible performance. >> larry: do you like working for him? >> absolutely. he forces us to be transparent in the production process. that's the real challenge. you work so hard to be invisible. it works out really well. >> larry: james cameron created unforgettable rules for women. sigourney weaver tells us what it's like to be one of them next. years from now, how will we look back on today? as the great recession? or as the recession that made us great? allstate has seen twelve recoveries. but this one's different. because we're different. we realized our things are not as important... as the future we're building with the ones we love. protect yours. put it... in good hands.
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♪ >> get away from her, you bitch! >> i'll be back.
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>> get out. >> open your eyes. >> larry: those were clips from some of james cameron's blockbusters including "aliens" including sigourney weaver who is also part of "avatar." i talked to her earlier today from paris. sigourney weaver is in paris. your character in this film is human but also avatar. what was your reaction the first time you saw yourself blue skinned and alien looking? >> i realize i've never been tall enough. ten feet is really the right size. i think it's a beautiful blue.
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it's fascinating to see your human self transformed into this other being. i'm not quite used to it yet. my avatar looks a lot like me and i haven't quite gotten used to that yet. it still amazes me really. >> larry: are you surprised at its success? >> you know, i have to say you can never underestimate jim cameron but also when i read the script, which was in 2006, i thought it was the most ambitious script i ever read. it totally took me to another world, which i think movie goers adore and the story was such a classic story of this young man who finds a new life, finds
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something to fight for. several of us have double lives. we have our human lives and then we have our lives on pandoras, our avatars. there was so many fantastic ingredients in this story that i really thought it would be tremendously successful especially in the hands of jim cameron. >> larry: we have another look in the making of this film. a scene involving her, sam worthington's character, jake. >> you just figured you would come out here to the most hostile environment known to man with no training of any kind and see how it went? what was going through your head? >> run, don't run? >> run. definitely run. >> larry: wow. when you were making it, did you realize -- was it hard to do
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physically? >> actually, the performance capturer which had us running around in these black leotards with cameras on our heads and green dots on our faces, jim made sure that we felt very at ease with all of it. we were in a big empty space. there were a lot of technicians and computers on the side but the experience of working on the scenes with each other was like an early rehearsal on a stage really. he also invented this magical camera where you could actually look in his lens and see what you would look like as your avatar in the rain forest in pandora. that was so extraordinary. that was the most science fiction thing in this whole experience was somehow that our experience was so simple as actors we just connected to each other. we played the scenes. jim was right there with us.
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directing us. and then somehow the computers managed to transform all of it into this other worldly experience for the audience. it was really fun actually. >> larry: sigourney, you're used to science fiction. "aliens" previously. used to james cameron. is acting acting or is science fiction different? >> i guess i don't really think of these stories. i've done five now. the four "alien" movies and this one. they're great stories. a lot about character and adventure and courage and survival. being smart and going for it. to me i don't really think of them as science fiction. they do take place in the future. they do take place in another world. i guess i grew up reading
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stories like this, you know. i guess i just think of them as great classical stories and they happen to take place in the future so i think they're cool to do as well as to watch. >> larry: i tell you who would have loved this. one of the most creative people i ever had known was your late great grandfather peter we're. >> i think he would have been blown away by the experience of seeing "avatar" and how how ambition it is and how satisfying it is as a movie, as entertainment, as an experience frankly. thank you. that's sweet of you. >> larry: thanks, sigourney. >> my pleasure. >> larry: what was it like to work with her, jim? >> sigourney -- first of all, she's a little bit humble there talking about the acting
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process. for her the acting process is all consuming which is what makes her great in a fantasy or science fiction context. and she just gets better on every take. usually i'm satisfied by take six but she wants to go -- she doesn't ask if she can have another take. she tells me we're doing another take. >> larry: an evening with "avatar" is what we're doing on "larry king live." you've never seen our show like this. we'll be back with more. (pouring rain)
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i had a great time. me too. you know, i just got out of a bad relatio... it's okay. thanks.
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>> the thing we were worried about most was this. this is where movies live and breathe in the tight close-up. the part we had to create during the making of this film was the technology that allowed what the actors did to 100% translate to what you see the characters doing. we came up with this idea that we would have a little boom and on the end of that boom there would be a tiny camera and image the face while the actor was working so it captured every nuance of how their lips moved and how facial muscles moved and how their eyes moved. joining us from new york is stephen lang. he plays head of security that is mining pandora. did you like that name? >> i did. it has a few barbs to it. do you like being villainess?
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>> it's fun being the villain. he's half an inch from being a hero. >> larry: he should be the good guy. he's the american. >> in another time and another place and conflict, he would be the hero. >> larry: he's the baddest of bad guys. do you want to see for yourself? watch this. >> you're on pandora, ladies and gentlemen. respect that fact. every second of every day. if there is a hell, you might want to go there for some r & r after a tour on pandora. out there beyond that fence, every living thing that crawls, flies or squats in the mud wants to kill you and eat your eyes.
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>> larry: what was that accent, stephen? where is he from? >> that's a marine accent. it's been my experience that the jarhead clan has their own accent. it's a bit of virginia in there. a little tidewater, virginia. maybe a few other things as well. it's made up. >> larry: you remember the movie "a few good men" with jack nicholson playing that incredible part. stephen lang did it on broadway with that incredible line. >> you can't handle the truth. >> larry: do you have fun doing people like this? >> absolutely. i like any character that has a strong dynamic and also jim cameron gives you an awful lot to do, physical tasks working with weaponry and with the amp
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suit. it's so much easier than acting as it were when you have a physical task. >> larry: how did you cast him, jim? >> stephen came in. he did one audition for me and just blew us away. he had the part before he walked out the door. i was prepped. his stage play that he had done previously is a one man show "beyond glory" and played a number of military characters and came in so ready to show me the sky. i was shocked after the reading to find out what a nice guy he was. >> larry: he has what you would call presence. >> absolutely. >> larry: your character is the human guy in the movie. did you like him, stephen? do you have to like him? >> that's a great question. the answer is, look, if i don't love him, who will? that's how i feel about it. i did. as i say, there's so many of the
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qualities that he personifies. his job is to keep people alive. he's very frustrated by the fact that the mission is an impossible one. he's a straight line and a rigid angle in an environment of fluidity and circular environment. it's a very, very tough job, i think. he also moves me -- sorry. >> larry: go ahead. >> i find him a very moving character as well. just as an actor you ask what brought him to this point of darkness and had his point of view, his world view is so cynical. how did he get there? jim and i talk about that and answer those questions and that gives me plenty to work with it seems to me. the one thing that he's missing for sure is completely gone is any sense of humility.
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that's a characteristic that is common to any heroic figure. any character. >> larry: well said. by the way, if you're one of the three or four people that haven't seen this movie, stephen lang is great. michelle rodriguez is here. she's next as we continue our behind the scenes look at the film that has now broken every box office record on record everywhere. "avatar." more next. chloe is 9 months old.
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>> larry: remaining with us, james cameron, who put all of this together. richard, the animation director. vince pace. steven lang who plays the colonel and joining us now is michelle rodriguez. james cameron has a reputation for creating strong female characters. this is no exception. she's the ex-marine pilot. before we talk with michelle,
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watch. >> oh, my god. >> you should see your faces. >> larry: what it like to go flying around like that and were you flying around? >> no. we were actually stabilized but it was on a rig that had a bit of for movement to it. had a hydraulic system. i was in an actual cockpit to -- what was that? was that a black hawk? >> it was based roughly on that. >> what was wonderful coming on board of this film and being a live action character where i'm human the entire time is that i hop on board two years after all of the hard work. >> larry: you came in late? >> i wouldn't call it late but
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yeah. i came into the game after he had manifested the entire planet of pandora. all of the foliage. all of the nutrients. the movement of the helicopter was already premeditated. whenever i had a question about, you know, what that green screen outside of the cockpit window consists of, i would tap him on the shoulder and can you help me out here and i would go to a screen and he would play it out for me. it was all done. >> larry: how about the physical aspects? was there a lot of that for you? >> i got a bit of training. i got to work with modified guns. i got to fly in a chopper across los angeles. i actually got to fly in the air so i could get used to maneuvering. >> larry: what was it like when you saw the finished product? >> i was just -- i can't
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really -- marvelous. blown away. i have no words for it really. >> larry: how did you cast her, james? >> michelle was my dream choice for the character. i had her pictured in my mind when i wrote her. i didn't want to tell her that when i interviewed her. i tried to convince her to do the movie telling her why it was a great idea. >> larry: why didn't you want to do it? >> i would serve the guy coffee for a year if i could afford it. my lifestyle is a bit more than an assistant. i love your work. i think you are incredible at translating yourself in multiple formats from sound to music to imagination. the guy gets it. >> larry: did have you to learn any technical things? >> i spent most of my time
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geeking out with jim asking him questions about his perspective of the universe itself. >> she's very curious. >> i'm very curious. as far as my character goes there wasn't really much technique to her. she's a pretty simple type of personality. she just follows her heart. >> larry: she's driven. >> very driven. >> larry: an unusual look at an extraordinary movie tonight. it's now officially today the number one box office ever worldwide and domestic. he broke his own record did james cameron. this is a congratulatary day for him. we'll be right back.
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>> larry: by the way, richard and vince, the two geniuses behind mr. cameron, we heard from them earlier. i just want to establish who you are looking at in case you're just joining us.
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joining us now is joel david moore. you had to work with a performance capture helmet. explain that. what was it like? >> you know, like sig said earlier, it's going back to the roots of acting. you don't have to worry about lights and camera angles and if you're blocking someone else. you can get back to two people and acting. i think that's good. >> larry: learning and speaking the language of the people was another challenge for you obviously. what was that like? >> we spent three or four months before we started shooting just learning the language. we would meet with a couple people and they would tell me what to say. it's such a beautiful language because it is borrowing ideas from a lot of different languages. so you can't point to it and say it sounds just like this thing
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or just like that. >> reporte >> larry: you invented a language? >> for the film, yes. the language was created for us. it's a gram atically correct language. >> we had to learn what he had had to say in the movie. it's beautiful to listen to. and in the movie i'm fluent in the language so i'm teaching sam's character how to speak the language throughout. i got a one up on him. >> larry: vince, were you there for the whole making of it? >> i wasn't. i special iized on the l.a. portion in preparation for the film. >> larry: what about you richard? >> i was fortunate to be in it
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from beginning to end. >> he ran the technical side of the set so this is before michelle was around. he told me what to do. these two guys, really, were the guys i listened to all day long. it's a good place to be in. >> larry: was there any training to do this part? >> yeah. we had to learn the language. obviously i had to learn how to use the guns and that was something that this guy really likes teaching. so we were out in new zealand and they're amazing guns because you can talk a little bit about this, they're not normal. >> larry: why not normal? >> they're made-up weapons. we had to create these new weapons like you do on any science fiction film. i want to make sure their gun technique is good. we don't have to teach michelle because she knows what to do. joel was a cherry. we had to put him through boot
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camp. >> i'm left handed. he had to switch me. that's how the military would teach you to shoot. >> larry: you can't be a left-handed gun shooter? >> you can be left handed navi. >> larry: did you get to sympathize? >> absolutely. i'm on the same ride that jake and sig. i came there to study this beautiful species. part of the ride is -- we're in a way peacekeepers but part of the ride is understanding the beauty that they are. this relationship that they have between animal and plant. >> larry: stephen out to feel bad trying to destroy them. back with more on this salute to "avatar."
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breaking news, says it was an accident, an arizona grand jury says it is manslaughter. we're talking about this guy. james arthur ray arrested late this evening for his role in the deaths of three people during that sweat lodge ceremony. we'll talk with a survivor about what really happened that night and to jeff toobin about the legal case. where is the government of haiti? it's been more than three weeks since the quake. pretty clear they're not at the forefront of relief efforts. the u.n. is asking president clinton to spearhead reconstruction, should haiti's leaders be off the hook? startling new allegations against the american missionaries in custody accused of child trafficking. allegations they knew what they were doing was illegal and may have paid a bribe and president obama pushing his party to finish health care reform. and others using the chance to
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push back at the president posturing for midterm elections. digging deeper at raw politics at the top of the hour. now back to larry.
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♪ >> you have a strong heart. >> of course, zoe saldana brilliant in this movie. one more clip from "avatar," dramatic moment involving sam's car and the life in harmony with nature. watch. [ growling ] [ speaking in a foreign language ]
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>> you're mine. >> how did you decide on blue for the color, not green? >> i like -- green was kind of taken by the little green men and the simpsons had yellow. pretty much blue was all that was left. >> did you have any say in this, vince? >> no, not at all. >> did you, rich? >> the blue decision was made before i game on. there was a couple of drawings. >> we have a twitter question. tweeted. what does the of a tan team think about the possibility of extraterrestrial life? steven what do you think, do you think there is life on other plan sets in. >> no question about t. >> larry: no question? what do you think, jim? >> absolutely. i think we will find life in the solar system, not like we see on pandora with intelligent beings. >> larry: you all think that? >> i have to agree. there are just too many dimensions other than what we
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see here, smell to know right now, but i agree. >> larry: we asked jim earlier, do all of you think there will be a sequel? >> put your hand up if you want a sequel. your hand is not going up, vince. >> my hand is up. >> larry: everybody wants a sequel. steven, you were killed. >> well, my mantra is nothing's over while i still got my dna. but we will -- we will see -- >> larry: you would bring him back? you could clone him? >> sure, we got genetic engineering in this story. >> larry: you can do anything. our manipulator, aren't you? a director is a manipulator. you are manipulating us. >> a director is a leader. 's dream weaver. >> i ask the actress to do something. i don't tell them. >> larry: taking us on your trip? >> yeah, yep. that's right. my world, y'all are just living in it. >> larry: is he easy to work
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for, michelle? >> yes. i find him incredibly easy to work for. you know, as long as you don't tick him off and you don't come to set, you know, unprepared, and unprofessional, then i think that you will have a really wonderful time working with this man. lawyer find him easy, joe? >> yeah, i would -- it is going to be hard to go to another movie without a director that starts the bar here because that's what's raising everything. that's what's making everybody want to come to set and give their all. >> larry: the technical people like him? >> i wouldn't say easy is the right adjective, amazing. >> larry: demanding? >> demanding, yes, but it was an amazing experience. >> larry: steven you wanted to add something? >> i think that jim has a special reverence for actors because it maybe the one job aside from katering on a film set that he doesn't think he can do. he is a lot of fun to work with.
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>> larry: we will be with our amazing moments. i'm going to go to pandora any minute now. you will see how i look when i get there maybe later i will learn nabi, unusual for a jewish person. we will be right back.
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>> they sent me here to learn your ways. >> what are you saying, jake? you knew this would happen? >> yes. >> larry: that's sam worthington, supposed to make it for this taping, he was in a cab without a cell phone. you found him in a car, right? >> he was living in a car when i cast him, yeah. doesn't surprise me he doesn't have a cell phone. he's surfer. he's very blue collar guy at heart. and you know, he is very committed, very responsible actor. but you know, he kind of marches to his own drum and i love that about him. >> larry: you found him in what? >> well, no, i mean, i cast him through the normal process, you know, but he was very unknown
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here. but he was literally living in his car when he got the part to, you know -- >> larry: really like him then huh? >> yeah, i mean, he wasn't a star, he wasn't well known. we had to like him for who he was and what he brought to the character. >> larry: before we leave you, we now have the big reveal. this, apparently is how i would look if i were a navi of pandora. watch. >> oh, come on. the suspense. >> frightening. >> larry: okay. how does that play, vince? >> works for me, larry. ""avatar" 2" all the way. >> more "avatar" than and a half very. >> more "avatar" than navi. i could have been in this film, i could have been in this movie. >> i'm thicke the sequel could go a whole diffe


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