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tv   Larry King Live  CNN  February 5, 2010 12:00am-1:00am EST

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one child coming. i felt like that was a gift from him. >> i wouldn't be surprised if she named her child tai shan. >> that's it for 360. larry king starts right now. see you tomorrow night. >> larry: tonight breaking news. ten americans are now charged with kidnapping haitian children. the missionaries could end up in prison for decades. haiti's prime minister is marry in his first interview since they were formally charged. james ray, once the picture of success, now the focus of an alleged crime. he had thousands of followers led into court in shackles. ray's attorney will join us in a primetime exclusive and claims his client is not guilty in the deaths of three people in a
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lod sweat lodge. that's next on "larry king live." good evening. james arthur ray pled not guilty to three counts of manslaughter today in arizona. he's charged in connection with three deaths that followed a spiritual warrior sweat lodge ceremony he held last october in sedona. ray was arrested yesterday. it's quite a fall. the handsome self-help leader was looked up to by many, and now he's wearing a prison jumpsuit. we're joined by brad brian, who is james ray's attorney. how is he doing, by the way? >> he's doing the best he can. he's been devastated since this thing happened on october 8th. >> larry: bond set at 5 million. is he going to post it? >> we have a hearing next week. one of the things that's come out, i think, people should understand, james is not a wealthy guy. >> larry: no? >> he's not able to post $5 million in bond.
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we made a motion to reduce the bail. he's not at any risk of fleeing the jurisdiction. he looks forward to his day in court, and we have a hearing next friday with the judge. >> larry: to reduce the bond. he remains incarcerated? >> he's in jail until then. >> larry: can he post $500,000? >> you have to post cash and get property and friends and family. we're trying to put all that together, but the bottom line is he doesn't have that kind of disposable cash and property. >> larry: he's charged with negligent homicide. was he surprised that he was charged? >> he is surprised. he's devastated. this was a tragic accident, nobody, nobody including james could have foreseen the consequences anything like this. remember, these people who died were his students and his
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friends. >> larry: does evgehe hav he ha feeling he had anything to do with it going wrong? >> when this thing happened, he immediately reached out to the famili families. we've been in conversations with their lawyers. he's trying to get to the bottom of this. he's been devastated. in that sense he feels like -- i feels a sense of responsibility in that sense, but that's a lot different than legal liability and certainly criminal liability, which he denies. >> larry: following last october's tragedy in sedona, gary tuchman did a phone and face-to-face interviews with a number of witnesses, one a former employee of james ray international, the other an attendee of the retreat who described some of the what happened inside the lodge. watch. >> he made one comment. >> bodies everywhere. passed out. i mean, then he walked out of there looking like a million
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bucks. >> what was james ray doing during this time? >> watching, standing above and watching. they hosed him down and he said oh thank you, and he walked past the guy who was screaming -- he was earlier saying he didn't want to die and please don't let me die. when james walked by him, this guy said to james from his sitting down position, he goes, i died. i literally died and came back to life. and james was like all right, man. gave him a-five. it was fantastic. james was completely oblivious to the pandemonium taking place around that sweat lodge. >> larry: he is denying that, right? >> let me say a couple things. james put in place safeguards for this sweat lodge experience that went beyond anything we were able to uncover. he had a nurse outside the sweat lodge. he had people trained in cpr. he had people stationed inside the sweat lodge and outside. this idea that he somehow
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prevented people from leaving, the facts are that about 20 people left the sweat lodge during the event. >> larry: the doors are not locked? >> it's a tent. the doors are not locked. people are encouraged to stay. at least one person left during rounds. of the 20 that left, 5 or so came back. the other thing that really hasn't been accurate in the press is that the notion that he somehow abandoned people. he didn't. he was in shock. there's no doubt about this. he did not expect anything like this. nobody did. when they found out there was a problem, they called 911. he and his team tried to take care of people. james himself was holding an i.v. and was trying to help until the authorities detained him. >> larry: had he done these before? >> he had done these, yes. >> larry: no incidents before? >> he had one -- i don't want to call it minor, but one incident in 2005 where a gentleman became somewhat disoriented. these are hot.
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one gentleman became disoriented. they calmed him down and dealt with it, and he got medical care, and then james put in additional safeguards. >> larry: i want to get this right. in the so-called white papers that the ray legal team put together in response to what it kays inaccuracies and innuendo you make this assertion. pl ray did not lead or pressure participants into making a choiz they otherwise would not have made. what choice? >> you know, everybody was told about the sweat lodge. everybody was told it was going to be very, very hot and very, very difficult. people were given forms, they signed waiver forms. they did not have to participate. at least one person chose not to. as i said, people chose to leave during the sweat lodge, some stayed out of the sweat lodge, some came back. >> larry: were any people psychologically pressured not to leave? if someone said i'm going to leave, were people working on them to say "stay"? >> it's like running a marathon. i've never done it but i've
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watched them. when you get to mile 23, yes, people encourage you to hang in there. you can do it. i think james did that. i think others in the sweat lodge, too, encouraged others. there was encouragement but no compulsion. everything was volunteer. >> larry: did people sign a release saying he would not be held responsiblresponsible? >> yes, yes. >> larry: what's the purpose of the sweat lodge? >> it's part of the five-day experience of the spiritual warrior. james' philosophy is not just thinking great thoughts, it's converting thoughts into action. he motivates people. he wants them to realize that they can push themselves. that's parts of what the spiritual warrior event is, and the sweat lodge is about that. sweat lodges are common. high school students in los angeles use sweat lodges, professors use sweat lodges, professional people use sweat lodges. >> larry: they've been successful? >> they've been successful. >> larry: james ray was on this show a few times.
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we'll show you one of those clips when we come back.
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>> larry: james arthur ray was a guest on this program several times before the sedona tragedy. here's part of what he said. >> i think what we have to understand, larry, is that there are certain things that we're all designed to do. not everyone is designed to be president of the united states. not everyone is designed to be larry king. not everyone is designed to be james ray. we all have a special purpose
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and a mission to fulfill in this lifetime, and part of my passion is helping people really understand what true wealth is, a state of well-being, finding their unique gifts and using the secret to create the life that really their meant to create and meant to live in this lifetime. >> larry: what did it cost to go to this spiritual warrior thing? >> i think it was a little over $9,000. >> larry: for the week? >> for the week. >> larry: do you think that means you're committed and less inclined to leave if you shelled out $9,000? >> what it means is the people that went to this are largely professionals. i'm not saying that they're rich folks, but they're people that are not duped. they make voluntary choices and looking for the kind of balance, the kind of motivation that james provides. >> larry: he told "new york" magazine he left because he had
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to drive back to phoenix to catch a flight. two participants were dead and one was hospitalized who later died. why didn't he stay? >> you have to understand that despite his efforts on the day it happened, he was detained by the authorities. at that point it had become an investigation. you know, they really didn't want -- they being the authorities didn't really want him involved. >> larry: they didn't want him around? >> they didn't want him around. anytime there's an investigation -- i'm not faulting the police for this. they don't want the suspect, so to speak, to be mucking around in their investigation. >> larry: all right. the three who died, kirby brown, james shore and liz newman, had he met them? >> oh, yes. liz newman had participated in a number of events before. >> larry: he could face 37 years in prison? >> i haven't counted it up, but he would face some real jail time if he got convicted. >> larry: what's the defense, brad? what's the angle?
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>> the defense is this is a tragic accident. nobody, certainly not james, did not foresee consequences like this. he took as i said earlier safeguards as far as we can tell are -- go beyond other sweat lodges, and as i say, did not prevent anybody from leaving if they got in trouble. >> if the clip we showed of that woman is indicative of the kind of witnesses the prosecution is going to present, you appear to be up against it. i mean, she looked very -- you have to present other witnesses who say she's not telling the truth or what? >> i've been doing this for 30 years, and i feel very strongly about our criminal justice s. the government has to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, and this is -- this should not be a criminal case. this should not be a criminal case. this was an accident, and you know, i don't want to say we're looking forward to it, but because we're going to be there, we're confident that if the truth comes out no crime will be proven here. >> larry: would you agree that
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it doesn't look good? in other words, yes, we presume innocence. that's constitutional in america, but would you agree it doesn't look good? >> three people died. that's a tragedy. there's no escaping that. james ray -- i've gotten to know him a lot. i can say this. he thinks about those three people every minute of every day since october 8th. he does. he's devastated, and i really mean that. >> larry: has he paid any civil monies to the deceased victims? >> we've had meetings with their lawyers. we've begun those discussions. you know, he wrote some checks to try to help the families out, but they've not had extensive settlement discussions yet. >> larry: has he made appearances since, public speaking and the the like, self-help groups or anything? >> he did one program -- i think it was one shortsly thereafter, and what he soon realized is he needed to focus all his efforts
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on getting to the bottom of this and dealing with this. frankly, trying to help bring this to closure. >> larry: would you say you're optimistic? >> i'm optimistic. it's a sad situation. i'm not happy. as a lawyer i'm optimistic but sad at what happened to those three people and my clients. >> larry: thanks, brad. a "30 rock "quarter star needs a kidney trandz plants with no hope on the horizon. what does he do in the meantime? we'll ask him in 60 seconds. fact: for over 25 years... in test after test, advil has been shown to be safe and effective when taken as directed. get the facts... go to
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>> larry: joining us in new york, grizzwald "grizz" chapman. "30 rock." he plays "grizz." he's part of tracy morgan's character entourage. in real life he's undergoing dialysis waiting for a kidney transplant. with him is kevin brown, who plays on "30 rock." in real life they are good friends, he and "grizz."
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grizzwald, when did this kidney problem start? >> i got diagnosed with hypertension, i was about 24 years old. i was immature and really didn't pay attention to, you know, what the doctors told me. in a sense the doctors didn't explain the seriousness of hypertension and, you know, no one told me that it was going to affect my kidneys and i could end up having diabetes and things of that nature. >> larry: what were you supposed to do that you didn't do that might have prevented this? >> well, first thing i could have kept my weight down. secondly, i could have saw the signs. you know, because, you know, every person has a bunch of signs that they get and, you know, some of the signs are swelling of the ankles, you know, metallic taste in your mouth.
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things like that. and i could have taken the medicine but no one explained it to me. >> larry: how long have you been on dialysis? >> i've been on dialysis two years. >> larry: was it every other day? >> i go three times a week at -- excuse me. i go three times a week at 3 1/2 -- no, i go three times a week, 4 1/2 hours a day at the dialysis center. >> larry: kevin, how is your friend doing? >> well, my friend's doing quite well, believe it or not, but before i answer the question, tracy morgan dared me to call you lare. so, lare, my friend is hanging in there. >> larry: okay, kev. >> yeah, lare. >> larry: you're not able to -- you're not able to give your friend one of your kidneys?
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>> you know what, we haven't gotten to that point yet, you know? the point that we were at for the last, i guess, year now, is getting "grizz" to the right weight where the doctors would even agree to do the surgery. you following what i'm saying? >> larry: "grizz," you have to be lighter in order to get a kidney? >> yes. when i first came down with the sickness currently i was 505 pounds. they will not, i repeat, they will not do the kidney transplant at that weight. i had to bring myself down to a reasonable weight anywhere from 300 to 350 pounds in order to have the kidney transplant. >> larry: what are you now? >> i'm actually right now at 350. >> larry: kevin, if you -- what do you have to match? blood type? what has to match to make someone a kidney donor? >> well, from what i understand, they do, like, three months of extensive testing.
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so it's just a matter of, you know, getting the opportunity to, you know, go through whatever phases, but it's not a simple thing. i don't think it's as simple as, hey, his blood is this and his blood is that and we just, you know, do the transplant. >> larry: would you be a donor if you could be a donor? >> you know what, yeah. i have absolutely considered it, and, you know, we really just got to see, you know, got to see if i'm healthy enough. because, you know, "grizz" just sort of spoke over the being the 500 pounds when we met. and that was 2006 when we first met doing the pilot of "30 rock." we both had problems, you know, with our weight. i wasn't as heavy as he was, but for him to get down and lose 150 pounds was very impressive and i wanted to join him in his struggle to lose the weight, so i recently started nutrisystem just so i could lose the weight and sort of give him that moral support, hey, you're not the only one trying to lose the
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weight. >> larry: "grizz," have you got other people who are desirous of giving you one of their kidneys? >> i had a few people. after i did the dr. oz show a bunch of people came out and was willing to give me a kidney. like kevin said at that point i wasn't the weight. so now -- >> larry: now you are. >> now i am. now it's just a process of getting the right person to donate the kidney. because being that i'm a larger man, you know, i just can't take a smaller person's kidney. everybody's kidney is the size of their fist and you see here i have a pretty big fist. so i'm going to need a pretty big, you know, decent -- >> larry: pretty big kidney. >> yes. >> larry: what happens if "grizz" doesn't get one? that's our scenario. and that's next. [ male announcer ] welcome to the now network, population 49 million.
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>> larry: "grizz" chapman, what happens if you don't get a kidney? >> if i don't get a kidney i'll be on dialysis the rest of my life. >> larry: that can be trying, can it not? >> it's definitely trying. you know, some days i'll be so tired, you know, after dialysis. it just drains your body so much. that's why, you know, that was one of the biggest reasons why i came out, to bring awareness to the situation because so many people, 26 million people walking around today that have chronic kidney disease and
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they're not aware of it. so, you know, i just felt, you know, if i had my 15 seconds of fame i can come out and i can tell my community, you know, go out, get yourself checked. the national kidney foundation, they'll check you for free. they have a program called the keep program. you know, kidney -- it's kidneys early evaluation perhaps. you can go on and -- >> larry: >> go on and check out in your community where they'll test you for free. >> larry: kevin, is the cast -- is tina fey, alec baldwin, all the rest getting behind "grizz" in this? >> absolutely. what we found out is one of the brothers of one of the executive producers has kidney problems also. it was season three where it was a kidney telethon or something like that. one of the things we were
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concerned about when "grizz" found out this happened, how is the show going to act? are they going to allow him the time to go do his dialysis? before they found out, they told us we were part of the family, and they really stuck by that. whenever he has to do his dialysis or has an appointment, they'll juggle the schedule and give him all the time he needs to get the proper medical attention. tina is great, ail he electric is great. tracy is great. they've all been very supportive. >> larry: people watching, "grizz," who may want to help, may want to donate a kidney, who do they contact? >> contact the national kidney foundation, go on, they have all the information there. >> larry: they know all about you? >> repeat that? >> larry: they know all about you? suppose a very heavy-set person wants to volunteer to be tested on giving you a kidney, he or she could contact that foundation? >> yes, they can contact the national kidney foundation or go to their local hospitals and, you know, they'll take care of
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you. >> can i jump in, larry? >> larry: yeah, quickly, kev. >> also contact nbc. nbc knows how to find us, if you want to offer a kidney. >> larry: that's simple. yeah. go to nbc. >> >> larry: they'll take your call. >> and say i want to give "grizz" a kidney. >> larry: "grizz" a kidney. let's get in line. you love them on the show. why not help them now? now it's time for heroes. this week we salute a 2007 hero currently working amid tragedy in haiti. before the earthquake bobby was serving 1,500 kids from nearby slums in his sports and feeding program. now his center is also home to more than 100 homeless families. tonight cnn honors bobby and his
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enduring organization, athletes of haiti. >> reporter: more than two weeks after the earthquake bobby duvall is overwhelmed. the soccer field he built for kids is now a home for hundreds. >> it's really something. we were already in a hole. now we're in a much deeper hole now. >> reporter: duvall was a cnn hero in 2007. he founded a soccer training center called athletics of haiti giving kids from the poorest neighborhoods in port-au-prince an opportunity to get off the streets, play a sport, and get a meal. that program is now a life saver. many of the families of the children who played soccer with bobby moved on to the field with nowhere else to go. >> we're trying to set up bathrooms and water and give them care. >> reporter: duvall provided what tents he had. those without them have gotten more creative. are these goal posts? >> goalposts, yeah.
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>> so someone made a little home out of goalposts. families are making due the best they can. >> save as many as you can and serve as much as you can. that's it. 20 minutes later, she'll bring one into the world in seattle. later today, she'll help an accident victim in kansas. how can one nurse be in all these places? through the nurses she taught in this place. johnson & johnson knows, behind every nurse who touches a life... there's a nurse educator... who first touched them. ♪ you're a nurse ♪ you make a difference
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due to diabetes it would frustrate me. in a basketball game a couple minutes could mean a big momentum shift. my bayer meter is very important. (announcer) only bayer's contour meter has programmable personal high low settings. it allows me to be able to look at my highs and lows to make sure that my diabetes is being controlled as tightly as possible. with my bayer meter i don't miss valuable game time. i'm alana burns and staying in the game is my simple win. (announcer) the contour meter, only from bayer. >> larry: in a couple moments we'll meet the prime minister of haiti. let's check in with karl penhaul
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in port-au-prince, our cnn correspondent, major development in the case today of the ten missionaries detained last week while taking -- trying to take 33 children out of haiti. what happened to them today, karl? >> reporter: well, it was a real bombshell announcement because today the ten americans went before prosecutors who decided their fate. and the prosecutors have decided to charge all ten americans with kidnapping children and criminal association. these are crimes that are considered so serious there's no possibility of bail, and for the charge of kidnapping technically under haitian law that could carry a maximum sentence of life. of course, when it comes to trial, if it gets that far, then a haitian judge will look and consider aggravating circumstance, so technically life is a maximum sentence. for that on the charge of criminal association, we understand that the sentence
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there is about three to nine years, larry. >> larry: do they have trial by jury and are they legally represented? >> reporter: they do have legal representation. we understand that they have a haitian lawyer. we did see that haitian lawyer go in and see them yesterday when they were under questioning down at the judicial police headquarters. we understand that the haitian lawyer continued with them there at the prosecutor's office today. in terms of the finer details of haitian law and how this trial will -- how this case will proceed, i'm not sure whether under haitian law there's a trial by jury. i understand haitian law is based a little bit on the french law and also on haitian aspects, itself, larry. >> larry: thank you, karl, who's right on top of this story. karl penhaul, our cnn correspondent. we now bring aboard prime minister jean-max bellerive, the prime minister of haiti. the families, mr. prime minister, of the ten americans
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held in haiti, have issued this statement. we are anxious, fearful and concerned about our family members, especially the young people who are jailed in a foreign country. obviously we do not know details about what happened and didn't happen on this mission. however, we are absolutely convinced that those who were recruited to join this mission traveled to haiti to help, not hurt these children. we're pleading to the haitian prime minister to focus his energies on the critical task ahead for the country and to forgive mistakes that were made by a group of americans trying to assist haiti's children. mr. prime minister, having heard that, what is your reaction? >> what i can say is exactly what i'm doing is i'm focussing on the real problem of the haitian people right now. i certainly hope that the conviction of those people -- i
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certainly hope that the people that were arrested -- i don't believe we need that in haiti right now. we have so much support from the american people. we have so much people coming here to help the haitian people during the earthquake that we believe that that's -- it could bring some people to believe that weren't we are not grateful, but that's not the case. >> larry: do you -- mr. prime minister, don't you think that by charging these people who could face life in prison who are apparently trying to do an honest thing will hurt your image in america? >> what i know is that those people were charged right now and are going to jurors, have three months to decide if those people really are guilty or innocent and have three months to decide that.
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we hope so that they will decide long before those three months and certainly the government are going to give jurors in haiti. they're independent from the prime minister. i hear a lot of people asking for the government or prime minister to release those people. those people are not in the hands of the government. they're in the hands of the justice and what we can do at the time is to support -- in order for them to do what they have to do in a fast manner and at the same time we have to respect the law. it's clear those people violated the law. what we have to understand if they do it in good faith or if they were linked to other traffics. i'm not in the position to decide that. it's the job of the judge or the jury. >> larry: right. as the president of the united states can't interfere with a
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trial or case in any jurisdiction. by the way, is there trial by jury in haiti? >> yes, in some cases they're convicted and there will be a jury. it would depend what the judge that is considering their case right now. as i told you, has three months to give advice. he can release them, he can ask to prosecute them. in that case they would be -- follow the procedure that would bring them to the court. in that case they would have a jury, yes. >> larry: we'll take a break and be right back with -- hold on one second. we'll be right back. i got it. we'll be right back. prime minister jean-max bellerive on this edition of "larry king live." we'll return with the prime minister right after this. ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> larry: we're back with prime minister jean-max bellerive, the prime minister of haiti. you had previously thought maybe these americans could be prosecuted in the united states. now is that out of the question? will this, all legal aspects take place in haiti? >> no. right now the justice system is doing its job and i believe that we go over the first phase. until i receive notice that we cannot continue to process -- but we are also open to any
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cooperation in this judiciary matter. until now i was not asked. >> larry: oh. other than these americans have other people been arrested for any kind of kidnapping? have there been trafficking charges in haiti since the earthquake? >> no, not for what i know. i believe it is the only case that was reported to me. generally the -- in all the trouble that we are now, helping the people in the hospital, trying to get shelters for the people. basically all the american people in haiti that are helping the haitian people. are not involved in any illegal matter. >> larry: the united states could ask you to have them transported to america, right? i mean, you could consider that?
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>> any country there is a judiciary cooperation. we have other case in recent history throughout the world. as i told you, have to be asked. because normally what i want basically to respect the justice system. >> larry: understand. let's discuss some other areas. when is the school system going to be re-opened? >> normally we issue a -- we let the people know that we want to re-open the school monday outside the departments, the region where the earthquake strike hard. normally we will like to see the department where we check the schools and we believe that the children can safely return to the school that we'll do so. we know it brings some problem. first, either to the region in
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the southeast and the west. it's not possible to do that. in the other department we have a lot of people that moved to the department so we have to check if it's possible to integrate these children in school. we'll have to see what is going to happen. we want to open the school next monday, yes. >> larry: mr. prime minister, do we have an official death toll at this point? do we know how many have died? >> yeah. we have over 200,000. the last number i received from my services it was 212,000 people that was collected on the streets and different places. so the last number that we have -- going to be over that. >> larry: a lot over? >> i don't believe a lot over, but a little bit over.
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as you know, there are a lot of places where we are still searching for people alive and we didn't want to -- those people if they were still alive. now we don't have a lot of hope to find new people. so basically i believe that most of the people already bring the dead and the people that they find outside we'll hear about the final toll. >> larry: we'll spend some more moments with his excellency, the prime minister, right after the next break. brittany murphy's mother and husband will join us tomorrow night. the coroner's office revealed the cause of her death today. hear what the loved ones had to say about brittany's health, the prescription drugs and what they say on the day she died. that's tomorrow night's "larry king live." more with the prime minister after this. fancy feast appetizers. [dinner bell chimes]
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>> larry: check in with anderson cooper who will host "a.c. 360" at the top of the hour. what's the lead tonight? >> well, we have breaking news tonight, exclusive to this program. what led ten american missionaries to be charged today with kidnapping 33 orphans in haiti? details you're only going to hear on 360 from new witnesses who say not only did the missionaries know they were breaking the law but there were plans also to bring the children
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back to the united states. this is the first time we've heard that. we'll talk to two men who had interactions with the apparent leader of this group, laura silsby on the ground. also looking at your money, your future. worst financial meltdown since the great depression. despite all the talk, getting answers and finding out who's responsible, not a single wall street executive is sitting in jail. tonight civil charges brought against one prominent ex-bank chief. and welcome to the tea party. we'll take a look at the upstart political movement holding its first convention. we'll go inside with a member, a man who had previously never been involved in politics in any way and hear what made him become the chairman of the largest tea party in his state. those stories and more ahead at the top of the hour, larry. >> larry: thank you, anderson. back to the prime minister of haiti. koum couple of other things prime minister. you said that you put the death toll at 212,000. how many do we know are injured? >> more than 300,000. now we, again, support of the international community, especially the u.s. and we have
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a lot of hospitals. basically most of people are taken care of. we are more than 300,000. i don't have the exact figures but we are -- >> larry: we have 212,000 dead, over 300,000 injured. do we know how many are homeless? >> homeless we have more than 1 million people on the streets right now. but you have to add to that number the people that before the events of january were already homeless and that are regrouping with the people that are new on this. so you should have around 2 million people on the streets right now. >> larry: mr. prime minister, what's the biggest challenge you face right now? >> right now is to give shelters to all those people on the streets. as you know until now we didn't have rain in haiti.
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we are very worried about the that. a lot of people are still living in the shelters, and we're very worried about that not only for the safety but for public health reasons. you can imagine when you have more than 1 million people on the streets and there is no toilets, there is no rest room, we are very preoccupied about the public health safety in that location. we are working hard in order to try to move those people in a safer place. >> larry: thank you, mr. prime minister. we'll call on you again. we appreciate the time. prime minister jean-max bellerive, prime minister, thank you, of haiti. deepak chopra is next. don't go away. so i was the guy who was never going to have the heart attack.
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>> larry: always a great pleasure to welcome deepak chopra to "larry king live." spiritual leader, best selling author conducting his own fund-raising for haiti tonight at the american jewish university. what do you make of this missionary story and the fact that they've been now charged? >> i think their intentions were good to rescue these kids. they probably were unaware that they were breaking the law.
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or perhaps they were aware, but i think they'll be released. i think -- >> larry: you think this government, the prime minister just said he would welcome the united states taking some action in this. do you think we should? >> i think we should. there was no malicious intent, to all appearance there was no malicious intent. they were there to help these kids. >> larry: tonight you're doing this fund-raiser for haiti food project. you have the haiti ambassador to the u.n. world food program, the former first lady, right? you're speaking, she's speaking. the supremes are entertaining. >> we have the albert sweitzer fellowship. an organization based here, a jewish organization that has been working in haiti for a long time. what this whole disaster has done, larry, is it's showed that people really care. i mean, your fund-raiser, the amount of money you raised. so there no question that people care, that they have compassion. it took such a big event to make us aware that people really care. so how can we make this a global
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movement of compassion and action? immediate need is medicine, food, water, and shelter, but what then? you know, how do you build infrastructure? how do you make people self-sufficient? where is education? the employment of women. post traumatic stress disorder management. these are long-term issues and we have to address them. >> larry: some others things i want to discuss. what do you make of the james arthur ray story? you're a motivational speaker, too. what do you make of sweat lodges? >> well, they've been used for hundreds of years. they're part of the american tradition. american-indian tradition. sweat lodges are part of a tradition. >> larry: what are they supposed to accomplish? >> traditionally they're supposed to in a sense detox your body and mind. i think anyone who does them should either know the traditional methodology or be medically qualified. if you're dealing with people who are middle-aged or who have
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propensity to heart disease and diabetes, you can get very easily dehydrated. >> larry: are you saying the host should be medically responsible? >> say that again? >> larry: the host should be medically -- >> should take medical precautions or at least know enough about what they're doing. i think sometimes people go over their head and presume it's a safe thing to do and it isn't. >> larry: have you ever attended one? >> i have never attended one, no. >> larry: what do you make of -- and you took a firm stand on this when his death occurred -- the fact that michael jackson's personal physician dr. conrad murray is expected to be charged tomorrow in connection with his death? >> well, again, i predicted that if you remember, there was criminal negligence. i don't think, again, dr. murray had the intention. the only time you need to give an anesthetic is in an operating room. when you have access to a ventilator. you can intubate the patient.
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so it shouldn't have been done. leaving that aside, larry, now the data clearly shows that the number-one cause of death from overdose in america is medical prescriptions. not street drugs. the number one cause of addiction in america is medical prescriptions, not street drugs. this is a huge problem. >> larry: doctors are at fault. you took a lot of flak. following his death, soon after his death you came on this program and talked about drug abuse and you were angry at michael and his doctors. were you not? >> i was frustrated at michael. i loved michael. he was a very close friend. he was an artistic genius. he was an amazing person. so i was frustrated at michael. i was angry at the doctors, yes. >> larry: do you think -- where do you think this trial's going to go? i mean, this is the kind of thing you're trying to prevent. >> i think if anything it will draw attention to the fact medical establishment has to
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look within itself to see that we not only perpetuate these problems but we initiate these problems. unless there's deep soul searching in the medical profession this thing is going to keep going on. you just had brittany's death. >> larry: we're going to talk about it tomorrow night. you're a doctor. what do you do if someone comes in to you and says, i have a terrible headache and aspirin's not helping and excedrin's not helping? would you give them vicodin? >> most usually not because i can show them ways to help treat pain through meditation -- >> larry: he can't know if you're having a headache or not. >> that's why you have these drugs. as soon as you realize the patient is demanding these drugs and the demand is out of proportion to anything you've seen normally, because we see normal patients who get vicodin after surgery and they come off it in two days or three days. when a patient starts to demand, which in a range that's totally out of proportion to what you've
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seen normally then you question is. >> larry: is it easy to do it by going to five different doctors? >> yes, but most doctors do know the patient is going to five different doctors. >> larry: how do they know? >> that's the nature of addictive behavior. every time i've seen patients who had addictions they've actually been going to six or seven doctors. a lot of these doctors are what we call concierge doctors. they'll send you the prescription over the mail. so, you know, this is how they make money. >> larry: are prescription drugs easy to get? >> they're very easy to get and right now it's a huge problem even amongst children, amongst teenagers and children who have access to prescription drugs. >> larry: the haiti food project will take place tonight at the american jewish university. can still go over and attend, right? >> yes. people from the schweitzer fellowship.


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