tv Larry King Live CNN February 6, 2010 12:00am-1:00am EST
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there's just real fundamentals in this new technology age people ought to pay attention to. >> yeah. yeah. it's one of those new rules, i guess. "larry king is up next. tonight prime time exclusive brittany murphy's husband and mother on her shocking death at 32. >> i thought it would be me, not her. >> she said, mom, i'm dying. i love you. >> the coroner said drugs played a role and she didn't have to die. >> larry: do you fear a toxicology might say an overdose of prescription medication? is that possible? >> no. >> brittany murphy's loved ones share their side of the story and what they witnessed on the day she died. >> you just saw the life go out of her.
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>> larry: next on "larry king live." good evening. the los angeles coroner ruled thursday that brittany murphy's death was accidental, a combination of pneumonia and iron deficiency and what he calls mullible drug intoxication. by the way, these were not illegal drugs. we interview'd britney's husband, simon montag and her mother. even more compelling now that we know what killed her. let's go back a little, sharon. brittany, she always wanted to be in show business, didn't she, as a kid? >> yes. >> larry: where did she grow up? >> in new jersey. >> larry: where? >> edison, new jersey. >> larry: i know edison. and you raised her as a single mom? >> yes, yeah.
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>> larry: what happened to her dad? >> he was never around. it was just us. >> larry: she didn't have a father growing up? >> no. >> larry: did she always want to be in show business? >> yes, and she was very, very tiny, and she just came out of me a showperson. >> larry: was she the kind of person who danced and sang when she was in kindergarten? >> yes. she started in dance school and musical comedy classes when she was little because she always had so much energy, and it was just -- she just loved it and had so much fun in regional theater growing up. >> larry: how did you come to bring her out here? >> well, when she was 12 and a half, the studio she was studying at, fowler school of the performing arts in new jersey, there was a playbill on the board, and she called and made an appointment with the
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manager of the person, and i took her in, and they accepted her and she went on commercials in new york, and then they were opening up in los angeles for pilot season. so she came out with a chaperone for two months. it was the first time she was ever without me. >> larry: so she had training? >> you know, no. no. >> larry: what was her first professional break? >> well, she did a few commercials when she first started in new york, and then i think a television show right after she asked me to come out to los angeles. she begged me to come out and i sold everything within a couple of weeks. >> larry: so you lived for her as single parents do. there were no other children? >> no. >> larry: we want to show the audience -- if you're not
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familiar with this wonderful talent, her breakout movie role was in the 1995 comedy hit, "clueless." it starred alicia silverstone. she played alicia's dorky pal. here's a clip. >> i have been in agony the past week, and i can't even believe i went off the way i did. >> no. i have been going off on a shane spiral. i can't believe i was so unsupportive of your feelings for josh. >> no, you are entitled to your own opinion. i'm the tard here. you've done nothing but been super, super nice to me. >> i'm so sorry. i'm really sorry. i'm going to go ahead and cry. >> let's never fight again, okay? >> larry: she was a natural. >> yeah. that was her first movie. >> larry: that meant a lot to her, right? >> yeah. >> larry: that sort of emerged her, in a sense? it blossomed her right on the
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scene, she had a lot of good reviews. in the years following, she really transformed her looks, right? >> yes. >> larry: she became blond, she became thin. was that all by design? >> not she became thin, she was always the same weight. it's just she went through most, like young teenagers change when they're 12 or 13. with her it was more 15 or 16. >> larry: was she difficult? >> -- and she did >> larry: she didn't become one of those, i'm a star? >> never. no, no. this when he was 15. so far from it. no, she was absolutely not. she never went through a teenage period. no, she was just loving and kind and beautiful. >> larry: before we get to the later years, one more scene i want to show you.
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as you know, brittany mostly was associated with lighter roles, but she also took on some darker, more dramatic parts. this is one of the best thrillers i ever saw. it was a great book and a hell of a movie. "don't say a word." watch. >> you want what they want. don't you? >> what who wants? elizabeth? what who wants? >> i'll never tell. i'll never tell. any of you. any of you. any of you. >> larry: after that movie was made, mike douglas, who was in
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it, of course, he was the star of that movie, told me how much he thought of your daughter and what a terrific talent she was. then she made other terrific movies. >> she loved him, too, so much. >> larry: how did you come into the picture, simon? when did you meet? >> i met brittany when brittany was 17. we kept in touch over the years. >> larry: how did you meet her? >> i took her photograph. >> larry: you were a photographer? >> part-time. it was a hobby. we just became friends. >> larry: it was friendly. >> it was friendly for years. i visited her on sets, and it was a very -- she was infectious. an infectious angel. >> larry: the romance was later? >> the romance was later.
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honestly, brittany didn't date until she was in her early 20s. >> larry: really. >> no. she just was not -- >> sharon was there, she wasn't -- she was a late bloomer. >> that's what i was saying with late blooming, that she was always the smallest in her class and the most petite and the latest. although highly intelligent. way above everyone at her level. >> larry: you can't be that good without being intelligent. we're going to take a break, and before we go, the autopsy was performed. i'm going to ask about that. no evidence or trauma to the body. we'll talk about the death and what happened and how they're dealing with it. right back with simon, brittney myrrh fi's husband. they were married in a private ceremony in 2007 and her mother,
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i met a woman at a bar, nothing happened. >> you picked up a total stranger at a bar, brought her back to our honeymoon suite and took off her disgusting red bra. >> nothing happened, i swear. >> no, the bra just jumped off her naked breasts. >> sarah. >> you sit there and make me feel guilty for a kiss. i kiss i didn't want in the
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first place. >> don't tell me you didn't want it. you wanted it. i could see from the balcony that you wanted it. >> i'm sorry. >> larry: how you doing, simon? how you holding up? >> i don't think i am. i don't think either of us are. you wake up in the morning and it's like a rebirth. there is not enough time to -- your dreams, be they good or bad when they wake up, and i reach out to touch or hold my wife. and she's not there. >> larry: were you surprised at the public outpouring? >> yes. >> larry: the reaction to her death was enormous. >> it was unbelievable. i think brittany would have been more surprised than anybody. i think it was her career by her own omission in the last few years, five or six, had taken a downturn. >> larry: do you know why? >> it's funny, brittany and i
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spoke about this often. she had her theories. >> larry: what was the theory? >> the theory was that she had upset the wrong people at the wrong time and there was, you know -- >> larry: is she the kind of person that said what she thought? >> oh, yeah. >> larry: that can rub people the wrong way in hollywood. >> but she was the kindest, sweetest person. i think she was too kind, too sweet, too. she was this bubble that existed in a plane beyond ours. >> larry: do you think there was a downturn, sharon? and if so, why? >> yes, there was. for probably the last maybe five years. i got really sick, and i had cancer twice, and she had initially taken off to be with me in the hospital and slept
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there every day for five weeks i was there, and was just with me always and, you know, controlling all the doctors and making sure all the right things were done. you know, i just never dreamed that -- i always thought it would be me, not her. >> larry: to show the impact she had, her ex-boyfriend, ashton kutcher, a very publicized romance, wrote on his twitter when brittany died, today the world lost a little bit of sunshine. my deepest condolences go out to her family, her husband and her amazing mother, sharon. see you on the other side, kid. they got along, huh? >> oh, yeah. >> there was no -- i spoke to ashton after she died. it was funny. i tried to stay off the computer, sharon tried to make
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me stay off the computer, and when i read that, i immediately read it to sharon, and i think that was the first time we actually managed a half smile. >> yes. >> larry: what about the tabloid stories? headlines like "brittany's dark, final days," "brittany's demons." "who is her husband and what is he hiding?" what did you make of all that? they are not at their best here. how did you react to that? >> like any man would, with absolute devastation. >> larry: were you shocked? >> no, but when we were married, there was a whole lot of nonsense. >> larry: how did you react? >> i never had the television on or read anything. no, they kept me completely away from everything. >> she was just very conscious that i wouldn't read too much of them. let me tell you about brittany's final days. >> larry: please.
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>> that's just so false and crazy. >> brittany was -- i believe she certainly told me and her mother, who she had no secrets from, that she and i found love together. whether or not i owned a bank in england and had a deal on this or that or the other, i paid my own way and sharon will attest to that. in the home, brittney was lavished with gifts, she went to louis vuitton, and i got a look at the receipt and it was $62,000 and i said you got to be kidding me, but she said oh, begot to get a purse for my mom. and i said, okay, and did you get clothes? she loved clothes and i loved to dress her. >> larry: what were her last days like? >> her last days were full of the academy screeners, being in
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a fluffy robe, her mom coming and bringing her soup and laying on the sofa next to the bed. >> we all watched movies together. >> larry: she wasn't sick? >> she had a little laryngitis. >> larry: did she have any movie roles lined up? >> yes, she did. she did. >> larry: what happened the day she died? where were you? >> i was in bed next to brittany. sharon had come down and -- >> larry: you were living in the house? >> she lived with us. >> i was always there. my daughter and i lived together always. it was the three of us. >> larry: what happened that day. >> that's why these rumors are so ludicrous. >> larry: clear them up. what happened? >> what happened that day was brittany had laryngitis. i have no idea what to do with laryngitis. i'm a rabbi, not a doctor. i pray instead of prescribe. so i asked sharon to come down. we had been talking, anyway, half the night, so she went up stairs by 2:00.
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we planned to move to new york, have a baby -- >> we were talking about names for the baby. >> we were talking about baby names. >> larry: you were trying to have a baby. >> no, but it was all part -- we had this 3.5-year romance. >> larry: let me take a break and tell us about that horrible day. we'll be right back. i was short of breath, so i couldn't always do what i wanted to do. but five minutes ago, i took symbicort, and symbicort is already helping significantly improve my lung function. so, today, i've noticed a significant difference in my breathing. and i'm doing more of what i want to do. so we're clear -- it doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. my doctor said symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition
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or high blood pressure before taking it. my copd often meant i had to wait to do what i wanted to do. now i take symbicort, and it's significantly improves my lung function, starting within five minutes. symbicort has made a significant difference in my breathing. now more of my want-tos are can-dos. as your doctor about symbicort today. i got my first prescription free. call or go online to learn more. [ male announcer ] if you cannot afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. we're back with simon monjack, brittany murphy's husband, and her mother sharon. back to that day. >> i asked sharon to come down. sharon came down.
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brittany, for the first time, was almost fighting for air. her eyes were not right. they were darting off left, right and center. let me explain for the record, my wife had not taken any drugs that could harm her that morning. that is for -- i will -- >> larry: no drug overdose? >> please. brittany is scared to take -- >> she had a heart murmur, so she couldn't take anything. >> larry: so there was laryngitis leading into that morning. >> that morning, she woke up and couldn't breathe. she went out to get some air, sharon followed her out. i'll say this because i know you can't. she said, mom, i'm dying. i love you. >> larry: mom, i'm dying. i love you? she knew she was dying? >> this was in the hour before.
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>> no, no, no, baby, you have forgotten time. no, this was at that time, and then she ran to the bathroom. brittany's safe haven was the bathroom. i was almost pleased she was in the bathroom. that meant she was pulling herself together, reading vogue and putting on lipstick. that was brittany, you know? >> larry: then what? >> then sharon screamed, simon! i ran as fast as my large frame will take me and she's on the floor. i reached for the chest -- i had watched sanjay gupta not a week before say this is the right way to give cpr. no more mouth to mouth, just the heel, so i planted my heel -- >> larry: on this show, we had a plastic model here. >> that was the show. i'm sorry, i apologize.
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so i knew exactly from dr. gupta what to do. so i said to sharon, call 911. there was a slight pulse, ever so faint. and i was just pushing, using the rhythm that dr. gupta had counted, and poor sharon was stuck on the phone for 8.5 minutes. she was crying and screaming >> larry: calling who? >> she was on 911, trying to pass to me the instructions. >> larry: were you able to explain to 911 what the problem was? >> i just knew that from when she collapsed, i was with her in the bathroom. and i was sitting across from her with her little puppy, clara, and she said, mom, please hug me. and i went to get up and she just collapsed, like right there. and that's when i screamed for simon. >> larry: did you do cpr? >> i did cpr from the minute my
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wife collapsed until the minute the paramedic walked in the door. >> larry: did they get there quickly? >> define quickly. they were there in nine minutes. >> larry: where is it, beverly hills? beverly hills is three minutes. >> one more zip code and she would be alive. nine minutes is long. >> nine minutes is long. >> larry: what do they do? >> they put a breathing tube in, ushered sharon and i out of the way. i drove -- they were taking here to cedars sinai. i got in the car. we drove down, they knew exactly who we were when we got there. we were shown into a waiting room with the chairs and green wallpaper, and a young doctor gave us updates. and at one stage he took me aside and said, if i revive her now, you know she'll have brain damage. do you want me to stop?
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and i said, no. i don't. the power of medicine is so strong now. >> larry: you wanted him to keep going? >> if there was life, we would find a way to keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going. then at 10:04 they came in and said she didn't make it. >> larry: 10:04 a.m.? >> 10:04 a.m. >> larry: were you there when they said she didn't make it? >> three people came in. sharon and i were holding each other and they let us know at the same time that she hadn't made it. >> we knew before that. you saw the life go out of her. >> larry: this is a 32-year-old. previously healthy woman? >> previously healthy with the exception of a mitral valve prolapse. >> larry: what is that? >> it's a heart murmur. >> larry: that must have led you to think it was a heart problem? >> i knew it was arrhytmmia.
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she couldn't take anything that could excite the heart. we knew the rules. we had taken her to the best cardiologists. >> 30% of women had it, it's natural, it's nothing, you just take antibiotics before you get your teeth cleaned. nothing showed up. >> larry: were you concerned about her weight? had she lost a lot of weight? >> no, she weighed 115 pounds. >> larry: 115 for how tall? >> 5'3".5 >> larry: any eating problems? >> yes, she had a big eating problem. >> larry: which was what? >> she had refined taste. that was the big eating problem. it had to be this thai restaurant, this chinese restaurant, and if you define that as an eating problem, then
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yes, my wife had an eating problem. >> larry: had a lucrative eating problem. >> exactly. >> larry: we'll be right back. overly sensitive skin? you would never know. introducing aveeno ultra-calming with active naturals feverfew. we know feverfew... has properties that help neutralize irritation... to strengthen skin and calm redness in just one week. discover new aveeno ultra-calming. but my doctor told me that most calcium supplements... aren't absorbed properly unless taken with food. he recommended citracal. it's different -- it's calcium citrate, so it can be absorbed with or without food. citracal.
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>> what about you? >> i'm working to save enough cash to get out of this place. >> bussing dishes won't make much money. >> i won't be there long. >> where you going? >> new york in a couple months. one of the judges said he could help me out. he's got to get a book together. >> what if he ain't for real? >> all i'm looking for is a ticket. >> larry: we're back with simon monjack and sharon murphy. you didn't want an autopsy at first? >> no. >> larry: you're a religious orthodox jew? >> i was. i figured it was the easiest thing to do. there was this woman who just lost her daughter that to ask, it was such a shock, this
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pristine body, curvy in all the right places, skin like silk, and how could i say in front of her mother, cut her up? >> larry: so what did you do? >> they cut her up, anyway. >> larry: why? >> because that's the law. a 32-year-old dies with no illness -- and we wanted to know. >> larry: you're conflicted. you don't want her cut up, but you wanted some finality, right? >> yeah, but at that moment -- >> at that moment, a wife and daughter just died and they said they want to do an autopsy. they said, do you want an autopsy? we're like -- >> the press thinks they should be androids. the press doesn't think we should feel. the press don't understand loss. they don't know what it is to have one day the liveliest, most beautiful girl, when i would sit and play chopin, she would fall
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asleep under the piano, and then you come home to darkness? >> larry: were there paparazzi at the hospital? >> no, there was paparazzi outside the house. somehow the world knew before we did. >> larry: so they were there when you got home after seeing her body at the hospital? >> correct. >> yeah. >> larry: was she buried? >> yes. >> larry: where? >> at forest lawn. >> larry: did you have a small ceremony, large ceremony? >> we had very few. >> it was very, very small. actually, we couldn't function at all, simon and myself, and my sister and -- brittany's aunt and cousin came in, her cousin was 18, her and her best friend hailey did all the preparations and came back. >> brittany was never an early person, and we scheduled the
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funeral at a certain time so it would be over and people wouldn't be walking around in the dark. but there was a beauty to it, as i said, garrish. the lights over the banks started to twinkle ever so slightly, and day turned to night. >> larry: how many people came? >> 30. >> yeah, it was very small. >> larry: we'll be back with more, this special edition of "larry king live." don't go away. maybe one of the most important is centrum ultra men's. a complete multivitamin for men. it has antioxidants to help support your immunity
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a we don't go lower than 130. ts a room tonight for 65 dollars. big deal, persuade him. is it wise to allow a perishable item to spoil? he asked, why leave a room empty? the additional revenue easily covers operating costs. 65 dollars is better than no dollars. okay. $65 for tonight. you can't argue with a big deal.
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>> what in the devil did you do to him? >> i just gave him a taste of his own medicine. i don't think he'll be bothering you again. how is your jaw? >> i've been slapped around worse. dwight? he was from a while back. before you showed up again with that new face of yours and it was only because i felt sorry for him and it was only once. >> larry: we're back with simon monjack and sharon murphy.
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okay, authorities said that multip multiple precipitation medications were found at the home. tmz reported medications found were anti-seizure migraine medication, ativan, pain relievers, high dro codeine, and the medication profonil. >> yes. >> larry: why? >> number one, i suffered from s see sures and migraines. they were mine. >> larry: so it was bad reporting? >> she's allergic to artificial smoke. >> larry: how did tmz get the bottles? >> i don't know. we're exploning a lawsuit
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against the coroner. there is no way tmz should know >> larry: they didn't get into your house, did they? >> tmz? >> larry: yes. did any authorities open up the medicine cabinets? >> yes, we opened up our home to the authorities. the authorities came to me and said, do you have secrets? i said, no. sharon said, they didn't have a search warrant. i said, what do we have to hide? >> larry: do you fear the toxicology might say an overdose of prescription medication? >> no. >> larry: is it possible that neither of you know she took too many of one substance that night. >> no. >> listen to me, brittany was a monkey, meaning if she wasn't clinging to me, she was clinging to her mum or the dog. she just had to be loved. and i don't mean that in a co-dependent way, she was one of the strongest, most beautiful women i've ever met, but she was a little monkey. she didn't have any secrets. there are no locks on any of our
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cabinets, there are no locks on the doors. it would be impossible. >> larry: now, is it true she was dogged for years by drug abuse rumors? >> what happened was there was a blind item issued by one of these idiots saying the day after she fired a manager saying that one hollywood starlet had gone to a bar mitsvah and had performed fellacio on a water at the bar mitzvah. and the newspaper reported it was brittany murphy. >> larry: performing fellacio on a waiter? >> yes. >> oh, my gosh. >> larry: were you married to her at the time? >> no. it was a couple years before, they used her name and then they
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but she rang me and said what do i do? retracted it on page 32. it was very, very difficult. >> it was just vicious. >> larry: how did she handle that? >> when the dismissal of her representation immediately, like the next morning. >> larry: her agent? did he spread those rumors? >> i'm not going to say that. i'm going to say hollywood has their own -- >> larry: how did she react to this? >> that i can say. she would cry. you want to know who broke brittany murphy's heart? hollywood broke brittany murphy's heart. i'll give you one example. brittany made $300 million on "happy feet." the animated cartoon. >> larry: she made that much money?
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>> not for her, for the studio. >> larry: good movie. >> the sequel is about to be made. they make an offer and then someone or other hears a blog, i don't know his name. runs that she was fired from a movie in puerto rico. "i was inebriated and fighting puerto ricoans." they pull the offer. after she had been gloria for -- >> larry: from the second movie? >> from the second movie because of some stupid item. she was fired, and her bathroom breaks were a bit long. >> larry: her what? >> her bathroom breaks. this is warner brothers. this is the ludicrousness of what i'm saying to you. >> larry: how did she deal with all of this? >> she cried and cried and cried. she was a flower. >> larry: did she have a good
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press agent? there are great press agents >> i don't know anything about the industry. it was pretty much brittany and i listened to what we were advised. . >> larry: was she diabetic? >> hypoglycemic. she had to eat a lot. >> larry: more about this tragedy after this. i drove my first car from my parent's home in the north of england to my new job at the refinery
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in the south. i'll never forget. it used one tank of petrol and i had to refill it twice with oil. a new car today has 95% lower emissions than in 1970. exxonmobil is working to improve cars, liners of tires, plastics which are lighter and advanced hydrogen technologies that could increase fuel efficiency by up to 80%.
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♪ just can't get no relief ♪ somebody, somebody, can anybody find me ♪ ♪ somebody to love >> larry: we're back with simon monjack and sharon murphy. how would describe her emotional state leading up to the days before she died? >> she was going into her time of the month, so i would describe it as erratic. brittany had very difficult time every month, and everyone used to duck and run for cover. >> she had horrific cramps. she was really -- i >> but underneath it was a happy-go-lucky girl wanting to have a baby and go to new york.
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had the same thing. she had love. >> larry: you mean you? >> yes. her mother will attest to that. it was the happiest time of her life. at the time she died, i spoke to her ex-boyfriend because she asked me to. she said, if anything ever happens to me, do this, this and this. and i did, i made the calls. >> larry: what did her ex-boyfriend say? >> they both said the same thing. she brought light. she brought light. she was an angel. >> larry: what about her girlfriends? >> she was very -- i don't want to say hermetic because that's the wrong word. >> larry: she didn't hang around the hollywood set? >> not at all. one of my favorite headlines is, number one party girl of 2006. >> she never went out. never went out. >> larry: she wasn't in the paris hilton, lindsey lohan
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group. >> jamie presley was asked, were you close to brittany murphy? and she said, i was until she married him. i asked sharon, did she know jamie presley? >> no. >> larry: broken engagements were not bad break ups? >> no, they were very short relationships, six weeks, two months. it was pretty much -- well, she was never in love, you know, whoever sought her out, she kind of ended up with. it was the type of person except for when simon came. >> larry: she liked to be chased? >> no, she didn't even think about it because it wasn't part of her life. she didn't date. you know, she didn't -- it was. >> when she was in a
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relationship, she stayed in it until she broke up. she didn't seek ten different guys in ten different days. >> no. >> larry: the flight home from puerto rico you got sick? >> i had a heart attack. >> larry: you had a heart attack on the plane? >> yes. >> larry: you had a heart attack on the plane? >> yes. there is a 911 call, his heart has stopped. we don't know if we can revive him. >> larry: how about this quote, that one of the reasons for your marriage was fear of getting deported because you had an expired visa. had you heard that one? >> i heard i was kidnapped and brittany paid the ransom. i heard i was going to be deported. i heard that i owed millions and billions of dollars. i have a green card. surely people realize that, you know, i love that i'm quite happy that the federal government is quite happy with me but "us weekly" finds a problem.
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the con man that supports his wife. it's ludicrous. >> larry: back with more. a strange story, don't go away. it guides. it shows. it slides. it tows. it sees. it calls. and it fits. we gave it more ideas per square inch... because more is what we do. introducing the terrain, the all-new smaller suv from gmc.
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i used to live in a halfway house. my father knew i deserved my own apartment so he got me the prettiest apartment that has an eat-in kitchen and all this beautiful wicker furniture, which is fantastic. wicker butterflies and my very favorite part is i like in the phone both there's a sign right outside that says, if you've lived here you'd be home now. >> larry: we're back. couple segments left. we certainly thank you. we know this could not be easy. how about stories that you are a controlling factor? >> i should be so lucky. so you're telling me a woman -- >> larry: i'm telling you stories that were printed.
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>> larry, you have a girl that's made 32 movies. quite happily before i came along. >> larry: was she the breadwinner in the marriage? >> oh, no. >> larry: you earned your own living? >> larry, please. >> he wouldn't let her -- us pay a dime for anything. >> larry: another report, again, these are all tabloid, but i'm just telling you what -- that you -- you were the beneficiary of the entire estate. >> correct. >> larry: sharon. >> there was a will drawn two days after brittany's and my nuptials, marriage. insisted everything be left to sharon. i signed away all rights in california. >> larry: now another report was she was penniless. if she was pen anyless, how did
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she have an estate? >> really? >> larry: did you get a -- was it a sizable estate? >> we haven't begun to add it up. >> i really don't -- we're not even there yet. >> larry, we have clung to each other. >> it's been weeks. >> we cry day after day after day. i lay and i look at the ceiling. my mother-in-law comes in with neuroopathy, shaking, needing to be held. do you think we're doing math? >> honestly. >> i mean, come on. >> larry: i'm just dealing with what's reported. it's not my cup of tea. i'm just asking. >> i'm just telling you, we're not doing math. we're eating, we're living, i'm paying the bills. we haven't even looked at brittany's estate yet. when we do we will but until then, my mother-in-law is my priority. i lost a wife. >> larry: how's your health now? you had cancer. >> couple times. >> larry: you had a heart
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attack. >> yeah. we're a good couple. we're going to take it on the road. >> together we make a whole person maybe. >> she has neuropathy which needs curing. that is where the chemotherapy is mixed with another drug to damage the nervous system. she is not good. she is not well. >> larry: are you being treated for your heart? >> i'm being treated for several things. >> larry: when we come back we'll find out what now. they're forever intwined. don't go away. i'm robert shapiro. over a million people have discovered how easy it is to use legalzoom for important legal documents. at legalzoom we'll help you incorporate your business, file a patent, make a will and more. you can complete our online questions in minutes. thpd we'll prepare your legal documents and deliver them directly to you. so start your business, protect your family, launch your dreams. @i at we put the law on your side.
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i am proud to be an american because living in a country where lady liberty always keeps her flame burning bright. she always keeps her flame burning bright, makes me proud to be an american. >> larry: where do you two go from here? >> we stay together for now. >> larry: going to stay here? >> i would never leave my mother-in-law. are you crazy? >> larry: going to stay here?
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>> in los angeles? >> larry: or go to new jersey? >> no, we'd -- brittany never wanted to stay here except for work. >> larry: you go back east? >> well -- >> we have a job to do. it's called the brittany murphy foundation for young people, for education, for things like what's going on in haiti. so that we will be able to keep brittany's memory, when all the tabloids -- >> larry: forming it now? >> yeah. >> it is >> larry: let us know all about it. being formed. >> absolutely will. there's an e-mail which is >> larry: what's the favorite memory of your daughter, sharon? >> everything. she was so -- just a loving, beautiful angel that just had
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the biggest heart in the world and was so giving and kind and precious. we were one. we were inseparable. we grew up together. and would take time for every single person she passed that needed her. homeless people, little children. she was just -- >> larry: how's the dog doing? >> terrible. crying every day. crying and crying. >> larry: what kind of wife was she? >> not a typical one. if you asked her for a meal then she would give you something to order from. if you asked her for a -- she said blue would be nice. i did hair and makeup for movies. i dressed -- i guess that's where this thing comes from. it was our magic time in the trailer. >> she never liked being alone from her loved ones. >> larry: i hope you get it all finalized. i hope you hear from the coroner soon.
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