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tv   Larry King Live  CNN  March 1, 2010 9:00pm-10:00pm EST

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a lot of information is rabl about doctors on medical board websites. you can find out criminal charges, civil cases, board complaints. you should find out the same kind of information about teachers, shouldn't you? if you entrust your child to somebody for an entire day, shouldn't this information be publicly available? that's the next step, and that's the kind of thing this article could lead to. >> tonell hobbs who did the reporting on this, many thanks to you for being here and lisa bloom as well. thanks, lisa. >> thank you. >> that's it for us. "larry king live" starts right now. >> larry: tonight breaking news. panic in the streets in earthquake-ravaged chile. looting, fear, and now citizens arming themselves for safety. is the worst yet to come? plus, seaworld trainer is laid to rest today, but the controversy over killer whales in captivity living on. predators or performers?
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whose to blame? then julia mancuso and skater johnny weir are here with behind the scenes scoop on the games next on "larry king live." as you just saw -- good evening. as you just saw, there's growing desperation in parts of chile tonight following that massive 8.8 magnitude earthquake on saturday. we'll get right to the latest with cnn's soledad o'brien. she's in the city of concepcion, that's about 70 miles from the epicenter. soledad, what's the latest on the death toll and the destruction? >> reporter: well, the death toll is over 700, and concepcion what they're focused on is this building over my shoulder where they focus on doing search and rescue. they pulled the body of an elderly woman out today and identified the body of a young man still inside.
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they haven't brought his body out yet. you can see behind me, this issed underside of the building. it was an apartment building and toppled over. what you see is this edge here straight through there going down would be the parking garage. looking up at the bottom of the first floor. massive throwing of this building. many people inside. they have about 48 people missing, and they're going to continue searching starting at first light tomorrow. >> larry: what's the situation on the looting and the lawlessness? what's going on? we seem to have lost soledad. i don't know what happened, but it looks frozen. if we can get her back, we'll go back to soledad o'brien on the scene in concepcion, chile. we'll check to our second topic. the sea word trainer killed by a killer whale last week was laid to rest today. let's go live to chicago for the latest on her funeral as we meet
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jason knowles, relatives and friends, all gathered to say good-bye to dawn brancheau today. she died last wednesday. what can you tell us about the service, jason. >> good evening, larry. i was at the service. i got there really early in the morning because i do the morning live shots, and we were there all morning long. it started at 11:00 a.m. there were hundreds of people there, family and friends were all there at the service. the family really wanted this to be a very private moment, so the family did not speak. we were able to talk to a lot of family friends that were walking into the service, and i know that you had mentioned earlier that there is this issue whether whales should be kept in captivity or be in these shows. surprisingly, you know, a lot of the people there were saying that they believe that these whale shows should go on, this is what dawn brancheau would have wanted. it even reflects, too, on the pamphlet -- the funeral program for dawn brancheau, it says a beautiful life came to an end.
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she died as she lived, everyone's friend. everybody that at least i talked to at the funeral today was really passionate about that issue, larry. >> larry: jason, you're with wls-tv. why chicago? >> well, brancheau is from northwest indiana, which is in our viewing area. her family has a lot of ties to the southwest side of chicago, and a lot of them have union ties and labor ties. her father, who we were told had passed, had labor ties and her brother is a big labor leader in the city's southwest side. that's where the funeral was, but she's from northwest indiana. i actually got to go to her high school in northwest indiana, a catholic high school where they basically rolled out the red carpet. even though she's 40 years old and she had graduated about 22 years ago, surprisingly dozens of people knew her at the high school. we talked to a lot of teachers who remembered her. this was a woman who they say shined.
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she sparkled. she had quite a personality, and i actually got to look through a lot of her yearbooks and see all of the pictures. she was a homecoming queen, president of the student kouco l council. she did everything. >> thanks, jason knowles. there's word there will be a memorial service for dawn in orlando at a late date. joining us now in miami is j.d., and he knew dawn a decade ago when he started at seaworld orlando as a photographer. he's worked as a dolphin and whale trainer at seaworld and one of my old familiar haunts the miami sea aquarium. how do you best remember dawn, j.d.? >> inspirational to say the least. i started working at seaworld in orlando when i was 15 years old, and she watched me graduate from high school, graduate from college and become a whale and dolphin train her at seaworld and both the miami sea aquarium.
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>> her sister said that being an animal trainer was her dream job. why did she love it so much? >> well, i can tell you from my perspective and also, you know, she felt the same way. i think it's amazing to be able to have that bond with these animals and to be able to, you know, take care of these animals in that relationship as well and to be able to be inspirational and to share that with kids. >> you worked beluga whales and dolphins. do you ever worry about the risk? >> no, i do not. i've never once been placed in an unsafe situation. you know, i've worked and having an employee at several parks across the country, and we are trained and safety protocols are followed to ensure the safety of all trainers and our animals entrusted in our care. >> larry: there may be some
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aspiring animal trainers looking in, feel a little shattered, as obviously they should by this, what would you say to someone who is thinking about doing this for a living? >> ever since i was 5 years old i wanted to be an animal trainer at seaworld, and it was trainers like dawn and other trainers that gaf me inspiration to become an animal trainer. i just have to say even though she was not with us today, she's here. i knew dawn outside the park. if she was with us right now, i could say that, you know, she would want her legacy to be remembered, not the tragedy of what happened. >> larry: thanks, j.d. well said. by the way, we'll try to get an update from chile sometime this hour. it's not easy to make connections in an area like that that devastated. should whales be captured and forced to perform? we're going to debate it. among our guest is the man who
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trained generations of flippers, next. in multiple cat homes. purina tidy cats scoop. keep your home smelling like home. all your important legal matters in just minutes. now it's quicker and easier for you to start your business, protect your family, and launch your dreams. at, we put the law on your side.
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>> larry: we have made a connection back to concepcion in chile, so we'll go back for a brief moment or so with soledad o'brien, our cnn anchor and special correspondent. soledad, what can you tell us about the looting and the lawlessness going on. >> reporter: now there's a curfew, so everybody is in except for this group here. the looting was really bad
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today. there was a big fire next to a supermarket. it was a clothing store. looters have taken food and water, et cetera, but also clothes, they looted a store where they make keys and a kodak store. anything they can kick in and take they've been taking. that set that clothing store on fire when there was nothing left to steal inside. it caused a massive, massive fire. really -- keep in mind that a lot of the firefighters are here doing the rescue work. they work as search and rescue teams, and they can't be in both places. it was interesting to see the resources pulled across the city. the looters are very aggressive. i said why are you taking this? because it's there, we can, it's available. we're angry. nobody is here helping us. a whole myriad of reasons. there's more anger about a lack of resources and a lack of feeling like people are focused on what's happening here.
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>> larry: thanks, soledad. where there's trouble, there's soledad o'brien. we'll check back with you in the nights ahead as well. soledad o'brien, great reporter. let's meet our panel to discuss the tragedy that happened at seaworld. in west palm beach, jack hanna. he has a long-standing relationship with seaworld, bush gardens. he's on the board r conservation fund. jane vill vilez mitchell joins . in orlando, florida is tadd lasanek. he's the former head train her at seaworld orlando. in miami, rick obarry, he trained one of the first captive orcas ever. i trained the dolphins who played flipper. since then he has changed his stance on keeping marine mammals in captivity. his story is featured in the oscar-nominated documentary, a
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brilliant film, "the cove." let's start with rick and get into this. what made you change from a supporter of the idea of seaworlds and aquariums to an opponent? >> well, i got tired of telling that lie about education and research. the fact is the show i was doing was nothing more than a spectacle of dominance, and, in fact, a form of bad education. that had a lot to do with it. >> jack hanna, who often talks about this. how do you respond to rick? >> real quickly, larry, can i just read -- i received a letter today from the member of the family. one sentence. can i take 12 seconds to read this, the last sentence? >> larry: yes. >> jack, i know you knew dawn and what an amazing person she was, we need to smile, light up the room, educate the world and learn from mistakes and fwroe to make this world a beautiful place and keep all the amazing creatures in it. that said, larry, you know, i
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guess rick is speaking on behalf of what he believes. your friend bob basher and ear people said on behalf of pete fa and the 2 million members of peta we'd like to see them leased in the wild. i'm here on behalf of 180 million people that went to our zoos and aquariums last year that came there for education to learn more about the animal world and how to save it. >> larry: rick says the education part is a farce, for want of a better word. >> it's not a farce, larry. we grow and grow each year. we're going to continue to grow. it's educational, obviously, larry. people like rick and myself and other people, we go in the wild and see these animals, but 99.9% of the people in the world today cannot see a killer whale. 80% were born at seaworld and not from the wild. dolphins as well. rick is one of the few people with the marine mammal protection act that had to pay a $60,000 fine to try to release
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two dolphins into the wild. one of two ever fined by this institution. >> before we bring in jane and that had, you want to respond, rick? >> well, yeah. jack hanna, what can i say. he's a p.r. hack for zoos and dolphin amusement parks. what do you expect him to say. >> i'm very proud of it, too. >> larry: you call him abusement parks, rick. you think they're abused? >> i think it's abusive to have a sonic creature in a swimming pool, yes. that is abusivabusive. >> larry: we have two other panelists. let me take a break and come back. we'll bring them in. don't go away. so many irresistible ways to treat yourself to lobster. like our new wood-grilled lobster and shrimp with parmesan scampi... our succulent lobster lover's dream, with both sweet maine and buttery rock lobster tails...
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as your doctor about symbicort today. i got my first prescription free. call or go online to learn more. [ male announcer ] if you cannot afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. > . >> larry: jane, what do you make of rick and jack going at it. >> i'm on rick's side. when you see animal exploitation, follow the money. this is big money. the blackstone group traded on the new york stock exchange recently bought seaworld for $2.7 billion. this is about money. this animal in question, tili m tilikum, the killer whale, was born in the waters off iceland, and it was kidnapped and abducted in the early 1980s.
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for more than a quarter of a century it has spept its life going round and round in a circumstance heels in a tank. it would be sticking a human being in a bathtub. if you were in a bathtub for 25 years, don't you think you'd get a little irritated, aggravated and maybe a little psychotic. it was speaking with its fin saying get me out of this damn tank. >> larry: thad, how do you responds? >> first of all, i'd like to send my condolences of the family of dawn brancheau, because that's what this is about today. she had her funeral today, and i would like to extend my condolences to her husband, who deeply misses her right now. now i'd like to respond to what everybody has said here. the accusations are ridiculous. i think we need to speak in facts here. both jane and rick have their facts messed up. it is not the way they are saying. >> it's not a for-profit
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corporation? >> larry: jane, don't interrupt. let him speak. >> larry: go ahead, thad. >> jane, you are a newscaster. you have no knowledge of what you are talking about with dolphins, whales or anything. you have not trained any animals. rick has trained very few animals back in the 1960s. since that time mainly because he couldn't get a job doing anything else, once he left -- actually, once he was fired from his jobs and those are the facts, then he turned against the ocean aquariums. i cannot help that he trained dolphins using dominance theory. that is not the case anymore. nobody trains dolphins that way in the entire industry. it is all done with positive reinforcement and done in a very positive way, and dawn brancheau was one of those people that carried it on very beautifully. >> larry: rick, you may respond. >> well, i've never been fired
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from any job ever. i walked away from that industry. i could have stayed with that industry. today when i walk out of this room, i could go to the caribbean somewhere and set up my own dolphin abusement park and maybe 4, $5 million a he year. but i would have to be a professional liar to do that. i'm not willing to do that. the fact is dolphins are trained -- they're chromed by their food. they are controlled by their food, and he calls this positive reward. the dolphin calls it food deprivation. it's a word game they play at seaworld. >> we haven't interviewed a dolphin so we won't know that. jack, you have a long-standing relationship with seaworld and busch garden and make appearances on plaf of them. in your position you maybe shape our financial interests, although i know of your feelings for animals. do you want to respond to what rick just said. go ahead, jack. >> if i could, larry. i was talking about whales and dolphins before i did a show at
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seaworld. you can document it on your show, larry. i go with somebody that has a rick, that won be jane or rick. records speak for themselves. tens of millions much people have gone to seaworld. seaworld has released more whales, dolphins, manatees in the wild. they've spent more money on research than any conservation company in the world. we go with records. records speak for themselves, what these folks have done. 80% of killer whoales are seaworld. we have to teach people about our animal world in the wild. if we don't, we don't have time left to save the beautiful creatures. education is the number one way to do it. seaworld is the best. >> larry: in fairness because a million people go doesn't mean they're doing it right. it means the people are enjoying what they see, right? one doesn't mean the other. >> well, larry not necessarily.
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last year 92% of the people surveyed leaving seaworld they say it was the most phenomenal educational thing they see. not just entertainment. educational things they've seen. how do you love it unless you see it. seaworld provides us with that. >> larry: jane. >> larry, can i read from the seaworld website? this seasonal show is a rock 'n roll concert of unprecedented performances with music remixed from some of the hottest rock stars in the industry. that is not education. these animals are meant to be ncts wild. do you know that whales can travel 100 miles a day in the wild? they travel in pods or packs of up to 60 whales and are very family oriented. the whales often spends their entire lives with their mothers in the sea. they have an intricate communication system and are incredibly social. all of that is interrupted when they're put in one of these
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tanks. >> larry: i'll let thad respond. i have to get a break again. hold it. we'll be right back with thad's response. don't go away. sun life financial has never taken government bailout money, yet no one knows our name. ♪ get down tonight that's about to change. so you'll pay for the tour, but i have to change my name? no, you're still kc, but from now on, they will be the sun life band. it's funky. sooner or later, you'll know our name. sun life financial. if you're on medicare part d, you can get... your 90-day prescription supply from a place... you already trust to keep you staying well. walgreens.
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[ announcer ] if you think about it, this is what makes theladders different... from other job search sites. we only want the big jobs. join a premium job site for only $100k+ jobs... and only $100k+ talent. she'd tell you who is acting up today and not behaving. she loved them to death. >> larry: you're not going to resolve this tone, but it's
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interesting. thad, how do you respond to jane vilez mitchell? >> jane was talking about the killer wholes trav whales trave a day. it's because they're hunting for food. killer whales in the puget sound area hang around where the salmon population is high during certain times of the year and they don't move because that's where the food source is. animals move and travel different distances because the food supply, and that is the only reason and for breeding purposes. that's all. i'd like to address this just from the standpoint of facts. i have 35 years experience training killer whales. i've done it all my life since i was 20 years old. i have worked more killer whales and trained more than anybody in the world. i have trained more trainers in how to train animals than anybody in the world. when i was at seaworld i had 400 trainers under my staff.
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we teach using positive reinforcement. we do not use food deprivation at all. nobody used that anymore. that was what was going on back in the days when rick was training back in the '60s before i started. that all changed in the '70s. there is none of that. i can't help it if he utilized the wrong methods, but he's still talking about things that he does not know anything about. he's not trained a dolphin in 30 years. >> larry: rick, isn't that a fair point? if you haven't done it in a long time, how do you know what they're doing now? >> i have done it and do it all the time. i have rescued and untrained dolphins in guatemala, nicaragua, colombia, brazil and haiti. on the 24th of december a seaworld killer whale kipped his trainer alex mard necessary. did you hear about that? that was 60 days ago.
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these things are more common. >> larry: why didn't we hear about that? we didn't hear about that. why? >> seaworld showed up the next day. i'm talking to trainers now at the park who tell me seaworld showed up and had the body cremated on december 25th, the very next day. we haven't heard about it. what we're going to hear about that, and we're going to start hearing about many trainers at seaworld that have been very seriously injured, filed a lawsuit, were paid millions of dollars, and signed the papers saying i'm not going to talk about this. my heart goes out to dawn's family. >> larry: it seem obvious, jack -- go ahead and finish, rick. >> my heart goes out to dawn, too. she didn't have to die. that was not an accident. that was aa calculated risk seaworld took. if we went out and captured a wild tiger and put it in our private property and this tiger
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already killed two people, you would think the third time we would be arrested for criminal negligence. we're calling for an investigation into seaworld because this has been covered up for too long. >> larry: thank you, jane for with us, coming onto the panel will be the famed actress and animal rights activists tippy hedrin. we'll be right back. with lines and wrinkles.hes not surgery. this is our way to do your eyes. new regenerist anti-aging eye roller.
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>> larry: now joined by tippy. you'll all remember "the birds." she will receive ilifetime achievement from the humane society later this month for dedicating more than 40 years of her life to the protection of animals. we'll get her a chance to sound off on this, but we're going to jack hanna because i want to give equal time to everybody, and it's his turn going around. jack, the statement that -- wouldn't it be obvious that whales would have a better time being free than being captured? >> not necessarily, larry. thad said it very well. 100 years ago man would go 100 miles looking for food. before i say it, larry, one statement he made about
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investigating seaworld, i hope they do. here's the thing. when men go up to space and astronauts are killed, that's because they wanted to discover space and find out more. why do you think our good friend steve irwin gave his life? for the animal world and what we can teach people about it. dawn would say the same thing. if something happened to me, i would hope people would say that's what jack loved to do, because that's what we're here for. this is a job. it's not something dawn was forced to do or steve or myself. the results will be millions of people educated about the animal world. tippy will know it very well. i admire tippy. she's done an incredible job. i hope she agrees somewhat with what the zoo logical world does. >> larry: you have said what that whale did last week was retaliation. is that the the word? >> absolutely. i really mean that, too. first of all, i would like to just make a statement.
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there is absolutely nothing that we can give a wild animal in captivity that they need, not one thing. that goes whether it's the lions and tigers we're saving out at the preserve or a whale or any wild animal. >> larry: they're still animals, so what's wrong with learning from them? >> you can learn from them without having to keep them in this. >> larry: how many people get to go around and world and see whales moving? >> he made a statement that you can't love something unless you see it. what about all of the dinosaurs kids love. they have never seen a dinosaur. you don't have too. they're extinct, of course. how many kids just absolutely love the dinosaur. >> larry: you think seaworld shouldn't be? >> i don't think seaworld shouldn't be. the circus shouldn't be, if they have wild animals in it.
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absolutely. it's all wrong. i mean, it's abuse that we're all able to look at. we see it all the time. >> larry: what's the defense of that, thad? >> well, i think, number one, the defense is that tippy, you are an excellent actress, but i think you need to stick with your craft. you don't know anything about training killer whales or training dolphin or what we do at seaworld. if you ever went to seaworld, you would be amazed what we learn about these animals. we now know how to take care of these animals. if they went extinct tomorrow in the wild, seaworld could proceed that would not happen. these places are necessary. we are learning about these animals. we now can use artificial insemination because of places like seaworld, and dawn brancheau herself was one of the trainers that made that successful. she is one of the trainers that helped us make that milestone at
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seaworld the last few years. to say that these animals -- we cannot learn anything from them is like sticking your head in the sand. we're not going to do that. seaworld is not going to do that. seaworld is not going to release this killer whale and never should. it would condemn him to a horrible death just like kako. kako was released and died of starvation and pneumonia one year later after he lost a couple of thousand pounds. those are the facts. >> larry: the arguments seem strong on both sides. we'll get right back to rick in a moment, tippy, but they seem strong on both sides. i listen to both sides and find myself nodding. he seems right and you seem right. >> you know, i take an objection with my being an actress and not anything about the animals. since 1970 i have been working
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with the lions and tigers that are born in the united states to be sold as pets. i formed the preserve through the foundation that i founded. i've had one on one dealings with these animals, and after so many of us were hurt, i finally said, why are we doing this? and why aren't there laws in the united states that stop this insanity of having these animals being -- >> larry: we're talking about seaworld. >> i know we are. it's basically all the same thing. the whales are in a place where if you were to -- they were given birth in an ocean for a reason. they need that amount of water. >> we have a night by the way before we go to break. rick made allegations about seaworld. we have not been able to confirm them as our cnn check crew was not to confirm them.
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we'll continue our debate right after these quick messages.
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>> larry: okay. we're back. i'm trying to figure out whose turn it is, because this has been so kind of back and forth. it's really hard, very dildy ba -- difficult debate. >> caller: i'm curious to find out from your panel if these whales and dolphins know this is
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not their natural habitat, there's a different lifestyle for them? >> larry: do they know about it, jack. >> thad answer that. most of them were born in this habitat, so they don't know. go ahead, thad. >> larry: how would you answer that? >> that's the main problem with this whole debate. people that work with animals and train animals on a daily basis using the techniques we use a seaworld and around the world now with dolphins and killer whales can answer that question. people with emotions that try to put human emotions to these animals say they're pining for the wild. these animals are worried about and all they worry about is if their needs are being met, and their needs are being met at these facilities. one way is baud they breed and they propagate in captivity. seaworld has had over 20 killer whales born at the seaworld parks and successfully. that is one of the ways in which you can tell that everything is fine with the animals.
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they have a social group there. tilikum has a social group with other animals. for these people to say because they're emotional about it and idealistic about it, they want to believe these whales or dolphins sit around thinking about being in the ocean, i can guarantee you that's not what is taking place. >> rick, do you feel guilt over what you've done previously? >> wait a minute, larry. i'm sorry. a man lost his life here, and these two guys representing seaworld are being very he quiet about that. you may not have been able to get your staff to confirm what i said, but that's a serious thing. now, if alex martinez was killed by a seaworld killer whale on december 24th just a few months ago, certainly they would know about it. if they don't know about that, what else don't they know? >> larry: jack, do you know about it? >> why don't you ask them. >> yes, i heard that. i don't know the facts of it.
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you're correct, rick. so what do we do, rick? >> you don't know the facts of that? you don't know the facts about that? >> what did i just say to you, rick? >> that's astonishing. >> a 29-year-old -- >> again, larry. >> larry: thad, do you know? >> do you know about john who was almost crushed to death by one of the orcas at seaworld. >> i know about john silic. >> tell us about the -- december 24th -- >> i'm trying to speak right now. >> larry: one at a time. thad, do you know the story? >> well, if i'm allowed to speak. if he's going to butt in, i'm not going to say anything. >> larry: go ahead, thad. >> i know about john and know what happened in the canary islands. there was a young man killed in the canary islands by a killer whale, and it was during a show. that's all i know. i have not worked for seaworld
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for two years. i do not know the particulars of it and how it happened. but yes, i do know about that. >> larry, what is the problem -- >> larry: the risks and everything. jack, go ahead. >> you said it, larry. what about the astronauts and certain things in life. i don't understand what you're saying, rick. it's called a killer whale. this is a dangerous animal. killer whale, rick. you should know that. >> it's really simple. my 5-year-old daughter gets it. habitat dictates behavior. habitat -- >> larry: tippy haventd been heard in a minute he and a half. let's get tippy in. >> these animals who they say are so happy, you know, it's like the animals in the circuses where they're beaten into doing the stupid tricks that they have to do. >> you cannot compare the circuses with seaworld. >> i will compare it, because it is the same thing. these animals are taken out of their -- wait a minute.
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i left you talk. you let me talk. >> larry: quickly, tippy. >> these animals -- you talk back they get enough food. they don't get enough food. they eat by the schools of fish out in the wild. they swim for hundreds of miles every day. this is not any kind of a -- >> larry: i'm sorry. we have to do more on this. how about a show about those fish? what chance do they have? i just thought of it. >> i want to make one more statement. the show is going back on the air, and tilikum will be in the show, i thought, you know what? this is kind of like during the crusades when the christians were, you know, thrown to the lions. i mean, this is -- everybody is -- >> larry: thank you. >> this is from "the birds"
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larry. >> larry: the olympians are here. send them to facebook or tweet us at kingsthings. they're next. host: could switching to geico really save you 15% or more on car insurance? host: did the waltons take way too long to say goodnight? mom: g'night john boy. g'night mary ellen. mary ellen: g'night mama. g'night erin. elizabeth: g'night john boy. jim bob: g'night grandpa. elizabeth: g'night ben. m bob:'night. elizabeth: g'night jim bob. jim bob: g'night everybody, grandpa: g'night everybody. @y jim bob: g'night daddy. vo: geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more.
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hi, i need to remove one of these thingies. half-inch ratchet, three-quarter standard socket. from one of these rascals. 3/4" deep well. - and i can't reach it. - 12-inch extension. because this big 'ole grizzly bear is in the way. universal joint. my man. the largest tool selection in america... and the people who know them best. come in now and fi all portable power tools, bench, and stationary tools on sale. sears. life. well spent. >> larry: we're back. we'll meet two great american athletes in a moment. let's check in with anderson cooper, who has returned from the war, so to speak. he'll host "ac 360" at the top
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of the hour. >> we'll get the latest from chile, a disaster that could have been a catastrophe. we'll have several reports and tell you what went right there to prevent chile from becoming another haiti. a government report said that a whale train her would die, it was only a matter of time, but that never made it into the final version of the report. the question is why? we're keeping them honest. one senator put 2,000 out of work today and kept hundreds of thousands from receiving unemployment benefits. he didn't want to answer questions today. we have the raw politics ahead. those stories and a lot more on "ac 360." julia mancuso is most decorated ail pine skiers, winning two silver medals in and super combined and won gold in torino. johnny weir finished 6th overall in figure skating in vancouver. he's a three-time u.s. national champion and showcased in the
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sundance channel documentary series "be good johnny weir." julia, you have two silvers and brought them with you. >> i brought them here. >> larry: is silver a defeat for you after you win a gold in sil. i mean, you definitely want to win going to the olympics, but after having that gold and knowing what it feels like to be on top of the podium really when you're in the olympics just participating is, like, winning the gold. to be able to come out with a medal is an amazing thing. >> larry: johnny, you didn't medal. what was the feeling like for you? >> i didn't my absolute best performances i possibly could. i'm a figure skater so it's a little different than racing down a course and being judged only by a stop watch. you can't please everybody. the thing i'm most happy about is the way i was able to perform at the olympic games. >> larry: julia you had a rift with lindsey vonn. what was that all about? >> just like in ski racing, i've
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grown up with lindsay since i was 10. we've been competing against each other. we do things differently. it turned into this thing that we're enemies because we don't march to the same beat of the drum. so we kind of get along off the hill and never get in each other's way. it's just unfortunate she crashed in front of me in the giant slalom and i had to go up again. that jumpstarted everything. >> larry: did they start you too fast after that? >>. >> they changed the intervals because of the weather. >> larry: did you get a raw deal? >> it was a raw deal. i felt like johnny, you get judged. it's like almost being unfair. being in a judged sport and not getting the scores because you don't have a fair score. it's tough. >> larry: do you take umbridge with judges? >> of course i think everyone's wrong when you're not the one standing on that podium. you want to blame everyone. i'm a very overexposed person i suppose in some ways. for figure skating it's a very
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stayed sport and very difficult to please everyone politically, so i think -- i think it's natural. i mean, i got into figure skating for the art of it as well as the sport and how much i love it and, you know, i do everything that i want. i march to my own drummer. sometimes people have an issue with that and i can't control it. >> larry: it is subjective, isn't it? judging? >> absolutely. >> absolutely. >> larry: when we only we'll give you a sneak peek at johnny weir's upcoming episode of "be good johnny weir." wrong move! you. you can save up to half off that sale when you name your own price on priceline. but this one's a me. it's only pretending to be a deal. here, bid $79. got it. wow! you win this time good twin! there's no disguising the real deal.
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>> larry: i'm holding one of the two silver medals julia won. her mother has the gold at her house. that she won in torino. we have a sneak peek at an upcoming episode of "be good johnny weir." here's johnny talking about the vancouver olympics and how he's sometimes judged. >> with the short program i proved to myself i'm still a great skater. now i won a medal and there are 11 other skaters that would like to see me fail. the skating community is very fickle and with me they're especially fickle for whatever reason. maybe i bring it on myself, but if you don't prove yourself and don't skate consistently they can easily write you off and
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bring somebody from behind you and put them in your place. >> larry: you're in a dangerous sport. been hurt a lot? >> i've been lucky enough to not crash too bad out there. >> larry: ever broke a leg? >> never had anything broken. i had a hip surgery. a tear in my right hip. a couple years ago i was dealing with a compressed disk. >> larry: what age did you start skiing? >> when i was 3. >> larry: you naturally take to it? >> yeah. my parents are skiers. my grandparents are skiers. they'd drop us off at the hill. i'd head on out there and chase my sister around. >> larry: lots of questions tweeted. people want to know what's next for both of you. first i'll ask johnny. johnny, they've been pushing for you to be picked as a competitor on the new season of "dancing with the stars." the new cast is scheduled to be announced tonight. are you going to be one of them? >> you know what, i haven't heard anything. unless "dancing with the stars" knows something i do not i will
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not be part of "dancing with the stars can "this season. >> larry: would you do it if asked? >> i would love to do that. i think it would be an amazing thing to learn to dance. despite the usual idea of a figure skater i have no rhythm when it comes to even walking off the ice. i fall off curbs all the time. >> that's hard to believe. >> larry: maybe they'll do it on skates one day. we have a question from our facebook page. what kind of opportunities do you get after you receive a medal? julia? >> well, yeah, it's, i mean, just coming on larry king, that's a pretty big opportunity. >> larry: what about money-making opportunities? >> well, i guess all eyes are on you in the olympics so definitely there's a lot more sponsors and people interested in what i'm doing. so it's a good -- you're on the world stage. so to be able to perform and show america, definitely brings more opportunity. >> larry: there's a professional ski tour, right?
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>> yeah. we have a world cup ski tour. that's going on all the time. 38 races in every year we don't even compete in the olympics. >> larry: another question from facebook. johnny, the question is, how does it feel to be so fierce? >> larry, i never heard -- i never thought i'd hear you call something fierce -- >> larry: i didn't. the facebook did. >> i know. still, you said fierce. kathy griffin would be very excited for you right now. i suppose being fierce is a very good thing and a very cool thing, but more than fierce. i think i'm a strong person and a strong individual and that's what i take with me every day. >> larry: were the olympics fun, jerusal julia? >> they were a lot of fun. it was town to be close to home. i had my family there cheering me on. >> larry: you live by lake placid -- >> lake tahoe.
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>> larry: you're right nearby. >> were you in the closing ceremonies? >> i went home to see my family. i had a welcome home party. >> larry: johnny, were you thin the closing ceremonies? >> i was not. i was excited to get home and sleep in my own bed. walking in the closing ceremonies it was better to sit on my couch in my underwear and watch it. >> larry: evan lysacek will be on "dancing with the stars." >> congratulations to evan for his gold medal and "dancing with the stars." >> larry: you think he'll do good? >> i hope so. he has a lot of rhythm and he's definitely determined to be the best at everything he does, so i hope he -- i hope he excels with "dancing with the stars" and gets a good partner. >> larry: julia, where do you ski next? >> next i'm going to germany for world cup finals. >> larry: go


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