tv Larry King Live CNN March 3, 2010 12:00am-1:00am EST
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approach with extreme caution. >> isn't it distracting when they do that throughout the show. how do you read the news? >> bob is scratching his ear there. that's very good. yeah. it's rare that those are captured on camera, so we got -- please, kids, don't approach them or be very cautious when you do. thanks for watching. "larry king" starts now. i'll see you later tonight. >> larry: why does he want the job he left three decades ago? dnc chairman jim cain and rnc chairman michael steele face off right here. knifes and rope from the charles manson murders, o.j. simpson's
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if it doesn't fit you must acquit glove, rfk's blood shirt. they're all revealed next on "larry king live." we begin with breaking news. human remains were found today in san diego. likely those of a teenaged girl, chelsea king, who went missing last thursday. police arrested 30-year-old john albert gardner iii sunday in connection with with her disappearance. he's a registered sex offender. we'll get the latest from adrian moore a reporter in san diego. what is the story, adrian? >> yeah, larry. good evening to you. sheriff's deputies came out around 1:00 and discovered what they believe to be the remains of chelsea king, a 17-year-old student here in the area. they made this grizzly discovery
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just about 10 miles off the shore of lake hodges. we understand that a dive team spotted her off the shore, again, around 1:00 this afternoon. it was on the southeastern side of the lake. this has been an extensive search, a six-day long search here. again, investigators say this is not the outcome that they were hoping for, certainly not the outcome that chelsea king's family was hoping for. this has been such an intense search. it's been a multi-agency search. i've been covering stories for several years now, and i have to say i've never seen so many people gather together and band together so quickly as they did for this investigation. now, larry, you did mention the arrest of 30-year-old john gardner. we understand in talking with investigators that he's not cooperating with investigators at this point. they didn't want to talk about if he was able to provide any information or not in order to help locate who they believe is chelsea at this hour. we understand an official confirmation on whether or not
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this is chelsea king will come in about the next day or so. larry. >> larry: thanks. marc klaas, the father of poly klaas, the founder of the polly klaas foundation is with us from san francisco. you worked on this, did you not? you know the parents? >> i don't know the parentses, i've spoken to them on the phone. most recently today, not long before the announcement. i know they were very hopeful. they were very strong in their search for their daughter. but there have also been many other high-profile cases that i have been involved in down in the san diego area. i think that the response is a reflection of the community's putting its foot down and saying, we're just not going to take this anymore. as the reporter just said it was absolutely extraordinary how thousands of people came out in response to this girl's
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disappearance. >> larry: why, marc, do these stories 99% of the time end tragically? >> well, they end tragically because for some reason society continues to take known sexual predators and put them back out onto the streets. what we know, larry h, is nevern the history of the world has a sigh co-path been cured or a sexual predator. we give them minimal sentences and regurnlg at a time them back out onto the streets knowing this is occur. i wouldn't be surprised if they tie this character, gardner, to other cases such as the amber dubois case going on very near there for the the last year. >> larry: of course, we don't want to find mr. gardner guilty before a court does or before he pleads to this. what would you do with the sexual predator?
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never let them out? what's your answer? >> remember jessica luncsford's case? we demanded 25 to life sentences for first sexual offenses, particularly violent offenses against children. in fact, some form of that was passed in, i believe, 38 states. yet states like california and others fail to implement the full -- the full -- they fail to fully implement jessica's law. we see this kind of thing being repeated time and time again. you know as well as i do, larry, that california is on the verge of letting almost 30,000 offenders back out onto the streets because we can't provide them with adequate health care. how ironic is that in these times? >> larry: not heard of last of this. thanks marc, father of the late
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polly klaas. we'll have more on this tomorrow night, by the way. jerry brown is here. he was california governor before, and he wants the job again. he'll tell us why right after the break. all my business information is just a phone call away-- to my wife... who's not answering. announcer: there's a better way. intuit quickbooks online p9 organizes your business in one place, and helps you stay on top of your business anytime, anywhere. get a 30-day free trial at ♪
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need this? >> well, i don't need it, but the state's in deep trouble and the next governor needs the preparation, the know-how, and the knowledge to fix this state. and that's what i can offer and that's why i'm doing it. >> larry: is this state in a failed state? >> it's failing, but it has not failed completely by any means. our wealth creation last year was over $1.5 trillion, so we've got a lot of resources, we've got the creativity, but we've got to stop that bickering, that poisonous partisanship in sacramento. i think they need someone in there with the skills and the knowledge and maybe more importantly, insider's knowledge, but an outsider's mind. and that's exactly what i can bring to this job. >> larry: how do you assess governor schwarzenegger? >> i think the governor has been a bold thinker. he's led the country in terms of climate change and dealing with global warming. he's put a lot of stuff out on the budget, but he's running to the buzz saw of partisan bickering up there.
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and there was a time when the republicans used to work with democrats. and i don't know all the things that contributed to it, but i really believe that if the governor would just focus on knocking heads together and listening to both sides, i think we'd get a lot done. >> larry: do you want his support? >> sure, i'd like -- i'd like everybody who i could get. the governor's learned a lot. one thing, you can't be governor without taking a lot of slings and arrows and learning a lot about how our state works. >> larry: will you live in the mansion? you didn't the last time. >> i didn't. i rented a little apartment and paid with my own paycheck. >> larry: you going to do the same? >> well, i've got a house in oakland now and i'm married, i have a wonderful wife. so i have to check with her this time. >> larry: all right. the gop candidate will either be former ebay ceo meg whitman or state insurance commissioner, steve poizner. do you have preference who you'd rather face? >> no, i think the republicans should pick their own candidate
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and then i'll run against either one. >> larry: wouldn't whitman be formidable with all that money? >> anyone that would spend $150 million buying the airwaves is going to be formidable. i would never underestimate this. but at the end of the day, californians will say, is this real, how is this going to affect me, and let's compare it with the other candidate? i think people have a lot of common sense and over a campaign of seven or eight months, they'll discern the truth and get to the essence. >> larry: will you end the bickering? can you make the parties come together as once happened in california? >> i think we can -- i think we can push people together. i've done this, i've listened. i think the governor can't run all around the country, can't visit foreign countries. i think we have to sit down, starting not next year, but right after the election and get in the republican leaders and all the members of the legislature. the way the budget works now is they have four leaders, two from each party, and they do it. doesn't work. you've got to get all 120
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legislators in a room, day after day and month after month, keep the focus on solving that budget deficit. >> larry: do you have a primary opponent? >> not yet, but there's a week to go, so hopefully. >> larry: we just did a terrible story about a young girl, 17 years old. and the accused, a predator who gets out of prison. will you have a stand on that? we're told there are 38 states where you have to serve 25 years minimum if you're convicted. >> we have, depending upon what the offense is, and there is a range of sexual offenses from the most serious to lesser offenses. but i can tell you this, if we had a more indeterminant sentence where it was five to life for most of these crimes, then a good, insightful parole board could keep people locked up for life. when they are let out, we now have a law that requires a g eopositioning satellite, a gps. they should be kept track of,
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and we need the patrolman power focused on these dangerous people and not generally applied across the board, which really wastes the limited talent we have. >> larry: you're an attorney general. are we forceful enough in that area? >> i think we're not as focused as we need to be. so you have to take the high risk that people have shown propensity to do something very odd and keep them in jail. if they ever get out, keep on them. and there are others that are under some of the same laws, but they're not as dangerous. and i think you've got to focus on what you feel to be -- and we have evidence-based instruments to separate the most serious from the less serious. and that's the way we've got to go. >> larry: are you going to ask the president to campaign for you? >> i would ask -- sure. i do think i'm -- well, i want to say this. i like the president to certainly campaign for me, but i'm running an independent campaign. i think what we need is not more partisanship, but a governor who's going to listen to both parties, take the best, and get the job done. >> larry: are you separating yourself from -- >> no, i'm not separating myself -- well, i'm separating myself from politics as usual. and i want people to know,
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whether it's the legislature, the congress, or the president, yes, i welcome all the support i can get. but at the end of the day, we need an independent-minded governor who will not stand on party dogma, but will listen, honestly, to the other side. >> larry: what's it going to cost, jerry? >> well, that's a good -- one opponent says they're going to spend $150 million, another $50 million, i've raised $13 million. we have a long way to go and i hope that people -- i think we've got to activate the grassroots. we'll have far less, but we'll be focused, it will be an authentic campaign, and people will have enough information to make a choice. and that's all i can ask. >> larry: thanks for coming by. we'll see a lot of you. >> i look forward to it. >> larry: jerry brown, the attorney general of california has thrown his hat into the ring. michael steele and tim kaine are here, chairman of their respective parties, debating the day's big issues. you're not going to see it anywhere else, so stay right here.
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>> larry: lots of things to get into with the chairman of both major parties. at the dnc studios at their headquarters in washington, tim kaine, chairman of that committee and former governor of virginia. at rnc headquarters in washington, michael steele, he is the chairman of the rnc and the former lieutenant governor of maryland. let's start with, tim, what do you think of jerry brown's candidacy? >> i was excited to see jerry go ahead and make the announcement today, larry. obviously, somebody with a long
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political career, well known to californians, a reformer, somebody who's got high name recognition and high approvals. currently is attorney general fighting the -- doing the lord's work, fighting against insurance companies and some of these outrageous premium increases in california. i think he'll be a great gubernatorial candidate. >> larry: michael, let's get into some things real current. a short time ago, senator bunning announced he's ending his holdup of that stopgap legislation to extend jobless benefits, while it lasted, it was quite a drama. was there a fallout on your party? >> i don't think so, larry. i think that senator bunning laid out a very principled argument, and it was a principled argument consistent with what the democrats and the president have been saying they wanted to do from the very beginning. let's not spend more than we take in. this whole argument around pay-go and wanting to get pay-go passed. so i think the senator held a very strong, principled position. we're glad that they've reached an appropriate compromise in the
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senate and we can move forward now and hopefully keeping a watchful eye on the people's money. at the end of the day, everybody knows that we do not have the cash on hand to spend on programs and on new dollars in a way that's irresponsible. the american people want us to check on that and i think that this compromise will hopefully hold and we'll get to that point. >> larry, i've got to disagree -- >> larry: tim, republican senator susan collins said that bunning was hurting the party and hurting the american people. what do you think? >> well, larry, i completely agree with senator collins. this was not just a minor little matter. this was senator bunning and the republican leadership using the same kind of obstruction we've seen them use all year. and here's what they accomplished. they threw 500,000 americans off health insurance, the cobra program that they were involved in. they threw 400,000 hard-hit unemployed americans off
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unemployment insurance. they stopped construction projects in their tracks, nearly $50 million of projects in virginia that were employing people. and they led to the furlough of 2,000 federal transportation workers. this was, you know, the kind of thing we've come to see, they're working on a little procedural game and it's not about spending. these are the same guys that voted against the pay-go legislation that the president proposed. they were pulling a stunt, an obstructionist stunt, and it cost hundreds of thousands of americans unemployment benefits or health insurance. >> larry: how do you respond to that, michael? >> there's a lot of drama around what the chairman just said and it makes for great theater in washington, but the reality of it is, none of that was going to happen at the end of the day, that, you know, all of these things were just going to come to a screeching halt. at the end of the day, we were going to get to the point we needed to get to, and actually two points, one, a recognition that this administration
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consistently and continually wants to spend money that we do not have. regardless of the consequences, and you're talking, you know, resolving a small problem here to create a bigger one later on, if you're not mindful of where the money's coming from and how you're going to spend it. and two, and i think most importantly, is recognizing, again, consistent with the first point with, that right now we're on the top of watching a $14 trillion debt grow. we're on top of spending money on the health care program that the american people don't want. we're now going to be talking about a little bit later on in the year about cap and trade and -- >> well, don't filibuster, michael, don't filibuster on the unemployment issue. >> governor, let me finish my point and then you can have at it. >> okay, good. >> the reality of it is, very simply, this administration -- and i don't know, governor, chairman, if you laugh or cry in the car on the way to do these interviews, because the stuff you've got to try to shill and sell to the american people --
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>> don't filibuster, michael. don't filibuster. >> it's very hard to tell people to look them in the eye and tell them that -- >> larry: one at a time. >> larry, what i would say -- >> larry: let me get a break in, tim. we'll pick up with tim kaine. by the way, still ahead, an interesting crime scene exhibit has evidence from l.a.'s most famous crimes. more with the kaine and steele show, next. ♪ ♪
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obama is going to speak tomorrow on health care. he will offer his final, looks like the final stand on health care legislation. he's taken on four new gop proposals. what's going to -- are you going to get a health care proposal -- are you going to get a plan? >> larry, we're going to. the president is going to roll out tomorrow, as you understand, an additional four items that he was listening to the republicans last week that need to be added to the bill, and he's going to say after a year of debate, it's time to have an up or down vote, stop the delaying tactics, stop the procedural obstructions and let americans get what they're entitled to, an up or down vote in the two houses about the bill. we feel very good about its chances of passage and it's going to do very discernible good for seniors who are going to get a benefit in prescription drug coverage, for small businesses who will get tax credits so they can buy health insurance, for parents who can keep kids on their policies until they're 27 instead of 21,
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and especially curbing the really significant abuses of insurance companies kicking people off of policies for pre-existing conditions. that's what this bill will do and this bill's going to pass. >> larry: michael, any republicans going to go for it? >> i don't know. let's wait to see the bill, but the president's giving another speech tomorrow on health care? really? i thought we've pretty much said all we have to say about this subject. i mean, we've gotten to the point after a year and three or four months of this being the priority and then it not being the priority. the confusion that exists out in the country is palpable. but the one thing that is very clear, the american people know that this is a 2000-page monstrosity, no matter what add to it, and a little bit here and a little bit there doesn't change the underlying root effect of this bill, and that is to diminish the relationship between the doctors and the
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patient, increase the relationship between the government and everyone else in the health care industry, and that is not the model the american people want. i believe -- >> larry: michael, do you like the status quo, michael. >> -- scrap it and start over. what was that, larry? >> larry: do you like it the way it is now, michael? >> the bill? no. >> larry: no, do you like the situation in the country is now? >> no, i don't like what the situation in the country is, because you know with the situation in the country is, tomorrow morning when someone goes to work, they're going to get a pink slip. last week someone got a pink slip. next week someone is going to get a pink slip. >> larry: you have 38 million people uninsured -- >> the real question for these people when they're losing their jobs, that's the underlying problem this country is facing right now. and all of these dalliances on trying to do health care has done nothing to create jobs. >> well, larry, if i could can be on the job creation front, remember, at the end of the last administration, the economy was in a free fall. we were losing 750,000 jobs a month and the other guys weren't even willing to pull the rip cord on the parachute.
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this president has done the heavy lifting with no help from republicans to get gdp growing again, to stop job losses, we have a long way to go. but the issue on the health care bill is basically this. and i think you asked the right question. the republicans are defending the status quo. they're okay with 40% premium increases in many of the states. they're okay with people getting kicked off their insurance by insurance companies for pre-existing conditions. they're saying, well, let's scrap it and start all over, we'll take more time, more premium increases, more people losing insurance. what we know is we need to act and those basic components that i laid out, stopping insurance company abuses, tax credits for small businesses and families, parents keep their kids on their policy, path to affordable coverage for those who don't have it. these are the basic elements, along with relief for seniors on prescription drugs that we're confident are going to be very accepted and embraced by the american public. so this is a great difference on a matter of principle that we're very happy to go into talking to
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the electorate about our position and let the republicans defend the status quo. we think that will end out working out just fine. >> let me very clearly say, we're not defending the status quo. and chairman, in your team wants to run on that now and into the fall, let's have it, baby, because i'm looking at new jersey, virginia, and the great state of massachusetts and we're standing with the american people on what they want versus what you want to give them. >> and i'm looking at five congressional elections that we've won in republican districts in corrosive republican primaries like in texas tonight, where you guys are fighting with each other. you know, the fact of the matter is, we were -- >> and i'm giving them 26 our 37 special elections that we've won as well, governor. it's not just the federal level. see, that's your problem. you're only focused on washington, sir. >> no, no, no. >> you need to focus where real people are living out the pain and agony of this administration every single day and they're voting republican --
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fall we hope to have tim kaine and michael steele back often. in our remaining few moments, give me a prediction, michael steele, on the fall races. can you take back the senate? >> we're doing everything we can, absolutely, to be engaged there. we're looking at the retirements that are -- that the democrats are taking on for themselves, because they can't carry this water for the administration. my expectation is to be very competitive this fall. and i think in the house and the senate, gubernatorial races, legislative races, you're going to see a republican party that's going to be unlike any you've seen before in terms of taking this message right to the people. >> tim, what's going to happen in the house? >> we're going to hold on to both the house and the senate, larry. i think we're going to do that. we've had some retirements, but it is interesting to note more republicans have announced retirements in the senate and in the house and among governors than democrats. and so there's going to be
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contentious races. we acknowledge the average president in a first midterm has challenges since 1900, on average, the party of the president loses 28 house seats and four senate seats in governors' races too, and these challenger challenging times. and it may be tough, it may be uphill, but that's what democrats do. we did it in '08, we're the underdog party, we tend to be underestimated and then we tend to overperform. i think we'll do very well this november. >> larry: are you making a firm prediction, michael, on any of these -- you're not saying you're going to take control of the house or the senate, are you, michael? >> look, we're doing everything in our power to do exactly that. we're well on our way to doing that. we've still got some races that have primaries, as the governor has, and he has references, yes, we have more retirements, but they're in republican districts, so we're going to keep those seats. so for us it's not a question of worrying so much about our retirements as, you know, the
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chairman needs to worry about the facts that their guys have come to our side or getting out of the game altogether, which are opening them up to seats that are very competitive for us. so the senate dynamic looks very, very good. the house dynamic looks wonderful. i made the little misspeak of calling the leader -- the senator -- congressman boehner leader boehner, i think it will stick this fall. >> larry: we'll have you both back frequently. >> look forward to it, larry. >> larry: chairman of their respective parties. this may be one of the most unusual exhibits ever. crime scene evidence from the manson murders and the o.j. simpson case on display. where else? in las vegas, next. ♪ [ woman ] nine iron, it's almost tee-time. time to face the pollen that used to make me sneeze, my eyes water. but with new zyrtec® liquid gels, i get allergy relief at liquid speed. that's the fast, powerful relief of zyrtec®, now in a liquid gel. zyrtec® is the fastest 24-hour allergy medicine. it works on my worst symptoms so i'm ready by the time we get to the first hole.
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the los angeles police department is behind an exhibit that's getting a lot of attention good and bad. on display are items from some of the city's most notorious crimes and cases. it's all at the palms hotel in las vegas and we're there. joining us is lapd chief charlie beck to show and tell us what it's all about. we'll also meet glenn martin, the retired lapd sergeant who is the curator. and with us here in the studio, deborah tate, sharon tate's sister. kim goldman, the sister, her brother, ron, of course murdered in the o.j. simpson case. rosy grier, witness to the assassination of senator kennedy, and to explain all this, a contributor to chief beck, what's this all
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about? and by the way, the exhibit is free. what is it about? >> well, larry, it's about the history of los angeles, as told through the eyes of homicide investigators of the los angeles police department. you know, los angeles is a unique city and its history is tied to the police department and many of these exhibits have not only been documented in film, in story and in legend in the city of los angeles. this is an opportunity for homicide investigators from all over the country to get together, to share ideas, to share best practices, and to talk about some of the most famous cases in los angeles history, as well as their current cases.
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>> larry: glenn martin, a classic example is the famous manson murder case, the killing of a whole bunch of people, a terrible tragedy. what do you see at the exhibit concerning that? >> one of the centerpieces of that exhibit happens to be the charles manson's car. they loaned it to watson for the purposes of initiating helter skelter, which was his scheme that resulted in the manson murders. that's this yellow ford fairline that's parked behind us. certainly the biggest piece exhibit in here, but there are also other interesting artifacts that are related to the manson murders of 1969. >> larry: all right, debora tate is here, sharon tate's sister, her unborn child -- sharon, her unborn child and four others were murdered that night. what do you think of this? >> from my perspective, it's very disturbing. number one, i didn't get any notice that this was going to occur, but this is some, these are very personal artifacts to me. these are things that bring back horrible memories, not only for myself, but other manson family victims. >> larry: glenn, you have other manson stuff there. does it bother you, what debra just said?
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>> well, we certainly try to concern ourselves with the thoughts and concerns of victims and certainly our hearts go out to them. it was, as chief beck mentioned, it was a terrible tragedy with a number of people lost their lives. likewise, we have an obligation both as a museum and then the bigger one as the police department to train, educate, and inform officers and the public doing about people that do this particular job of investigating people that have lost their jobs. >> larry: what are some other manson things you have, quickly? >> quickly, the ropes that the victims were bound with are on display in one cabinet. adjoining that cabinet was a fork that was used to stab another victim. >> larry: galand, our clinical psychologist is here. what do you make of this, doctor? >> larry, it's extremely disturbing to me, on a couple levels. one, given the fact that none of the relatives of the victims
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were notified about this, i find that really disturbing. that there was no compassion for -- >> larry: you don't see an educational aspect to it? >> you know, i guess if it was being done in a private manner, but that's not what we're talking about. this is a public display of items that she spoke about that -- it's disturbing. >> larry: you can understand that, can't you, chief beck? okay, he's gone. all right, glynn, you can understand how it would be disturbing to debra tate and others to see the -- kind of gruesome, isn't it? >> well, we certainly did our best to keep this from being anything but gruesome. particularly with this case, there are some photographs that are absolutely and positively disturbing and nowhere in here will you find that kind of stuff on display. the fact of the matter is, we're not the people that established
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the history, we're hoping that by examining this and exploring it further, that somebody somewhere, there are hundreds of homicide investigators here, that somebody somewhere will learn something that will assist them in solving a case that they're working on or maybe that they have worked on. >> larry: i understand. how long will the exhibit be on display? >> just until thursday evening. >> larry: just two days? >> yes, sir. it's part of the training conference and that wraps up early on friday. >> larry: debra, will you go and see it? >> i might be willing to go and see it. most of the things there i have seen previously. this is my first time seeing the rope that linked sharon and jay. the gun that beat jay's head in and shot jay, i have seen before. but it's not just me. we have other family victims. >> larry: but it's only a two-day conference and police officials are coming -- i mean,
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it's not a -- >> i can see where it could be educational, but i think a little bit of notice for people to prepare themselves would have been very, very nice. >> larry: all right. next, rarely if ever seen photos from marilyn monroe's death are next. and we'll talk about senator kennedy's assassination. and the controversy the exhibit has generated over that. [ shapiro ] at legalzoom, you can take care of virtually all your important legal matters in just minutes. now it's quicker and easier for you to start your business, protect your family, and launch your dreams. at, we put the law on your side. you're taking the medicine doctors recommend most for joint pain. more than the medicines in tylenol or aleve. the medicine in advil is the #1 doctor recommendation for joint pain. relief doesn't get any better than this. advil. i'm george duran and i'm on the hunt's crash kitchen tour. today we're cooking, the men are washing. nice! ah! these tomatoes, they're bye bye. hunt's flash steams their tomatoes and that keeps in that backyard garden fresh taste. guys, dishes.
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>> larry: before we get back to the exhibit, let's check in with anderson cooper. he'll host "a.c. 360." what's the lead tonight? >> the breaking news tonight on 360, the standoff in the senate is over. one senator blocking unemployment benefits for hundreds of thousands of americans. but was senator jim bunning's stand a principled one or just political hypocrisy?
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and in chile, picking up the pieces in a town devastated by three successive tsunami waves. each ten feet or more from live witnesses. and with so much attention being paid to seaworld and the killer whales, tonight we look at the big money world of exotic animals, held captive, trained to perform for humans, but is it really humane? passionate arguments on both sides, we'll take you up close. those stories and much more tonight on "a.c. 360." >> larry: that's "a.c. 360" at 10:00 eastern, 7:00 pacific. back to glynn martin with our exhibit, and our panel assembled here in l.a. we'll move to the marilyn monroe exhibit. why that exhibit, glynn? she was not murdered. >> no, she was not. nonetheless, this was a case where somebody lost their life in los angeles. it is a case of enduring public interest and we thought it important to display a
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photograph. >> do you -- do you have any link between her and robert kennedy, as has been so often written about? >> i'm sorry, larry, i missed that part? >> larry: do you make any link between her and robert kennedy? >> no, sir, we do not. >> larry: what do you have on the robert kennedy assassination? >> currently displayed for the robert kennedy assassination is the logbook of nurse's notes, senator kennedy was initially transported to a police hospital where he was treated and examined by a doctor who determined that his wounds were beyond the doctor's ability to treat. the entry pertaining to that is on display along with a summary of the investigation and the book, especially in its senator, which was the lapd group charged with investigating that assassination. >> larry: and part of the exhibit we're showing you tonight included the shirt that robert kennedy was wearing the
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night he was assassinated at the ambassador hotel. we planned to show that to you. it was removed from public view at the last minute. why, glynn? >> my understanding is that chief beck was contacted by the family members of the kennedy family, and out of deference of their wishes, they were removed at the chief's request. >> rosie grier you subdued his killer and you were a witness to the assassination. what do you think of this exhibit? >> i can't really see the value of it, because it brings back so much pain to all the people that are -- were involved in the family and so forth. i think that, again, i can see on their part the need to get the type of training that people need in order to catch people that do these kinds of things. >> larry: do you understand the kennedy family's desire to remove the blood-stained shirt?
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>> they got it removed because of the power that they have. that's why they removed it. if you have that kind of power, you can do those kind of things. >> do you think of that scene often? >> all the time. i always think about what could i have done that would have prevented it? yet, you know that these kind of things happen. all of these things that happened was quick and shocking and blew you away. there's nothing you can do about it to prepare yourself for these kind of things. >> larry: we all remember the man yelling "get the gun, rosie." you were right next to the senator, right? >> yeah. i was he trying to get the gun away from him, but george plimpton had the gun initially and couldn't get it. >> larry: dr. golland, you can understand the kennedy family have been the shirt removed. if it were for professional police only, wouldn't it have value sf. >> if it was just for
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professional police officers, but again, my feeling about it, larry, is there's so many things that the lapd could have done differently. they could have given sufficient notice to people. they also could have set up a percentage of the proceeds for the conference to go to victims rights advocates. there's many ways to remedy these sorts of things. >> larry: we'll it take a break and come back and then we'll discuss o.j. and bring in kim goldman. don't go away. imagine being at thirty thousand feet with a plane full of kids. and you have a heart attack. that's what happened to me. i'm on an aspirin regimen now. my doctor told me it's the easiest preventative thing you can do. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. see your doctor. simple.
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>> larry: by the way, kim goldman is with us. her brother ron murdered along with nicole brown simpson on june 12th, 1994. just published in paperback is the ron goldman's foundation for justice's "i did it: con fegss of a killer." what is the exhibit about the simpson case, glen martin? >> exhibited in the display case pertaining to this particular lapd homicide investigation are the bloody gloves that rose to
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fame during the trial of o.j. simpson and watch cap collected as evidence also. >> larry: kim goldman, how do you react? >> it's disturbing. i think we all feel the same. had we been given a little bit of notice it would have been easier to avert your eyes with watching the "today" show. it wouldn't have been great for my son to see that. there is an educational value and i understand that. for me showing pictures and weapons shows the brutality in which the crimes were committed. that's important for me so that people know the way in which my brother and nicole were slaughtered to death. it comes back to sensitivity. i wonder if there is any sensitivity training happening at the conference that would have been interested to be a part of. >> larry: does it bother you to see the gloves? >> i'm kind of right down the middle. i watched those gloves. i know what happened with those gloves but this kind of behavior is what motivated -- i have a show in development, victims in crimes and what happens and the aftermath and this is partly why. >> larry: rosey, you conferred with o.j. during trial, right? >> i ministered to him, yes. >> larry: how do you feel about this? >> well, i just feel terrible about all of these things that happened. i know this is not the way god would want us to treat one another and to try to learn how
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to live with things after we have these tragedies because we have to go on with life. >> larry: interesting that in this case, the person tried was found not guilty. found guilty in a civil court but not in this criminal trial. >> right. >> larry: another not guilty you have is the robert blake gun, right, glen martin? >> that's correct, sir. >> larry: now, he was also found not guilty. what is the relevance of the gun? >> again, this is a case of enduring public interest on the first -- on the firsthand. the second part is, again, talking about the hundreds of investigators that are here. maybe there's something to be learned here. and that's particularly relevant to the kennedy case where 42 years later that is still the largest single homicide investigation ever tackled by the los angeles police department and we know with all these detectives, not all work for an agency the size of lapd
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so there are lessons that can be learned by the people here today particularly when dealing with something of the scope of an assassination of a u.s. senator or dealing with the arrest of a hollywood celebrity. >> but i would also say there is a missed opportunity in terms of dealing with victims and victim advocacy and telling you what we see on the other side. when the case closes we still have a life to live and still have the devastation to work with and that's what victim advocacy is about. >> larry: you agree? >> absolutely, 100%. >> larry: dr. golland, you agree as well? >> absolutely. >> larry: do you have sympathy for the victims? >> yes, sir, i'm a career law enforcement officer and, absolutely, and that being the case, certainly seen plenty of victimization in my career here. as to the notice, i can speak to that directly. this has been posted on at least our website for the past couple of months, again, the homicide investigators have had it widely publicized for longer than i
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have so, again, if we've offended anybody certainly we extend our apologies to them but the intent is to inform and educate with the idea we'll serve a greater public good. >> larry: so, kim, you might have known about it. >> if i was surfing the lapd website but i don't spend my day doing that. >> they do have our phone numbers. >> right. >> that response is actually offensive. >> yes, i mean i'm a huge lapd fan. i have no ill-will. this could have been handled differently. they do not treat victims and survivors with respect and dignity the way we deserve. >> larry: it's through thursday but in vegas if you're the public you can come see it, right? >> wednesday and thursday, 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. >> larry: it's at the palms casino and resort. that's the palms casino and resort in las vegas. we thank you, glen martin. any closing comment, debra? are you going to go? >>
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