tv Larry King Live CNN March 9, 2010 12:00am-1:00am EST
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documentary. it it should have been presented by sno "ok!" i of yt jersey shore" for example. >> you can watch joy every night on "hln." that's it for "360." thanks for watching. i'll see you tomorrow night. "larry king live" starts right now. >> larry: tonight jesse ventura is here locked and loaded firing with both barrels at president obama and the tea party crowd and sarah palin. wants to know how anybody could vote for her. why he thinks the war on drugs is a government conspiracy and how we're helping terrorists. that's for starters. hey, get your questions ready. the oscar winner that got cut off kanye by a producer that
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hijacked the mike. he's here and he'll give the acceptance speech he couldn't do last night, next on "larry king live." it is always great to welcome jesse ventura to "larry king live," the former governor of minnesota and the host of trutv's conspiracy theory are jesse ventura. the new book "american conspiracies: lies, lies, and more dirty lies that the government tells us." there's the cover. we will get to the book in a couple of moments. always great to have him with us. last night's oscars, any thoughts on "the hurt locker" winning? it dealt with bomb technicians in iraq. i know you were involved with explosions and weaponry. what did you make of a small budget movie winning it? >> it's outstanding. it shows the growth of a smaller, independent film at certain time hes will get the recognition it deserves.
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it's sometimes nice to see these films that really deliver a message, larry, and that they would give to that achievement and not simply judge a film by how much money it makes. >> larry: "the hurt locker" opens with a quote from chris hedges. here's the quote. i want your comment. "the rush of battle is often a potent and legal addiction because war is a drug." do you agree with that? >> yes, it can be. i know a few people, in fact, a good friend of mine that taught me in s.e.a.l.s had like five tours to vietnam, and i ran into him later at a reunion. i asked him if he did 30 years in the navy, and he said to me very quietly, no, i got out after 20. really? why wouldn't you do 30? he looked at me right in my
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seven-day outlook soul, and he said i wasn't a good peacetime sailor. when the vietnam war ended, that ended for him. he was done in the navy because he couldn't go to battle anymore. >> larry: tell me what you think of guys who do this, who put on these insane uniforms -- we had one here a couple weeks ago -- and walk up to someone who may be blown up in a minute carrying explosives. why do they do that? >> why would they commit suicide like that? >> larry: no. why would they go to diffuse the bomb? why would you want to take that job? >> well, someone has to do it. lots of times it's the old dirty job, but somebody's got to do it. you know, in the condition that, you know, war is, all jobs are really pretty dirty when you are fighting a war. there's nothing glamorous about war at all, larry. it's a matter of survival. >> larry: president obama wants all u.s. troops -- he wants the level in iraq down to 50,000 combat troops by labor day, and
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then all troops out by the end of next year. think it will happen? >> no, i don't think it will happen. i wish it would happen with my whole heart to bring those kids home, but i got a feeling that there's going to be more to iraq than what they think. it may be smooth sailing momentarily right now, but i got a feeling when the election votes are counted and they end up with their split government that there won't be enough of a majority to really show one person as the leader of iraq. so i think you still have -- they've been warring for thousands of years. you're not going to end that in one or two elections. >> larry: we don't have to stay, do we? >> i hope not. we shouldn't have gone in the first place, in my opinion. >> larry: what about afghanistan? how long do you think we're going to be there? >> a very long time. i just read a book that really disturbed me. it was a book written by dalton furey and he was the lead delta
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force commander at tora bora. the delta force realized that there was an escape route along the mountains to pakistan, and they wanted to send an elite delta force on the other side of the mountains to stop bin laden and them from escaping that way, and it went right into the white house. george bush and dick cheney vae vetoed the idea. that disturbed me. number one, did they want this guy to escape so they left him an out? number two, what are these two bozos doing making a combat decision to an elite delta force member or delta force commander when you got dick cheney who got five deferments from vietnam and you got george bush who couldn't make it to one year's national guard meetings? these guys are making a command combat decision to the elite delta force, and then all you heard from them was, we let our generals call the shots. well, it clearly wasn't that case in the book i read by dalton furey, who was the
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commander of the u.s. forces chasing osama bin laden in tora bora right after 9/11. >> larry: did you agree with us going to afghanistan? >> initially i did, because i felt that, you know, they were the people, al qaeda was the people who attacked us, and that we needed to go get these people if they're going to continue it attack us, absolutely. i did not agree at all with iraq. they told us there were these 19 hijackers, larry, and not one of them was an iraqi. that would be the equivalent in my opinion of when the japanese attacked us at pearl harbor, well we'll go attack korea. after all, they're asian too, aren't they? >> larry: jesse ventura is with us. his book is "american conspiracies." he's got incredible thoughts on famous things that happened and what he thinks might have been behind them. we'll let him review them for us when we come back.
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these braces, i want to point out something tonight. these braces were presented to me by the wonderful folks at george washington university. i established a scholarship there. we've already extended 20 students that have been able to graduate through the larry king scholarships at george washington. so they had a wonderful lunch. had a great time. spoke to them in the auditorium, and they presented me with their colors by way of braces. i'm honored to wear them, and we're honored to be with the former governor of minnesota. we'll be right back. when i grow up, i want to fix up old houses. ♪ [ woman ] when i grow up, i want to take him on his first flight. i want to run a marathon. i'm going to work with kids. i'm going to own my own restaurant. when i grow up, i'm going to start a band.
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been very disappointed lately, larry, because i feel he should have prosecuted for the torture. he let everybody off the hook on that one. i don't like that. i think that we have to be a country that stands by the rule of law, even when it's inconvenient. if i were president i would be prosecuting right now up the chain of command, whoever ordered this torturing that goes on in guantanamo and all the places because we shouldn't be a country that is known that we torture prisoners and do that type of thing to gain intelligence. you don't gain from torturing anyway. none of the intelligence is any good. otherwise they'd let police do it. >> larry: so you say torture in and of itself is ineffective? >> totally ineffective, because i've been waterboarded, larry, so i know what it's like. all do you when you torture someone is they admit to anything to end the torture. it has no credibility to it. >> larry: why were you waterboarded?
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>> when i finished navy s.e.a.l. training prior to going to vietnam, it was required to go to s.e.a.r. school, a p.o.w. school. it was at that school that virtually all of us got waterboarded. atlantic a recent gallup poll shows when it it comes to approve ratings, obama is the most polarizing the first term president in gallup history. i thought he was going to bring us together. what happened? >> i think it's the polarization of these two political parties, larry. they're the downfall of our country right now, and our country better start waking up and quit voting for democrats and republicans. >> larry: who else is there? >> wait a minute. george washington, thomas jefferson and john adams all warned us way back way. they said the fall of america would not come externally, it would come from internally when political parties took over the
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government. it's clear today that these two political parties put their party ahead of the country because they vote for their party first and the country second. until this country wakes up and quits electing democrat and republicans to office to send that message, well, we're going to get that type of government, then. >> larry: what do you think of the american tea party? >> i think they're kind of a laugh, because they're supposed to defend the constitution and all this. well, where were they when habeas corpus was taken away? in our country right now, they can arrest you and hold you without charging you, they can keep an attorney from you. all they have to do is say you committed an act of terrorism. they can get away with that. they've also destroyed the fourth amendment of illegal search and seizure. they might as well throw that amendment out because they're listening to our phone calls and tapping e-mail and doing everything they do. where were they when this was going on?
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i think this is more of a right wing movement to try to make it look like we're turning socialist or something. when you speak on that behalf, the state of hawaii has had state-run health care for over 40 years and it works fantastic there. in fact, rush limbaugh even got treated there and said how great it was before he found out that it was state-run health care. to follow that up, larry, if government-run health care is so bad, then why do we give it to our veterans and have given to them since world war i? are we screwing the veterans over? if it's good enough for a veteran, it should be good enough for us. >> larry: think we'll get a health care bill soon? >> i don't know. with the polarization of these two parties, i doubt if anything can be accomplished there, because like i said, they put their parties in front of the country. by the way, larry, i need to do something right now. i need -- my wife is still down
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in the baja, she's at a neighbor five miles away watching television. so hi, teri. i love you. i'll be home in two weeks when i'm done battling the media. thank you, larry. >> larry: you don't have to say thanks. i didn't know you were doing it. from our facebook page james wants to know what is our most important issue today as far as you're concerned politically? >> what's the most important issue to me today politically? getting rid of the democrat and republican leadership of this country. it is high time to destroy these two parties if we can, because they're leading us down the road to ruin, both of them. >> larry: it's not going to happen. you know that. it's never going to happen. >> never say never, larry. stranger things can come to pass. never say never in this country. >> larry: by the way, do you think the president should have focused on jobs before health care? >> i think -- i think that the
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president has the ability to focus on probably three to four major topics when he's in there. so i think that he can focus on jobs and health care as well as these wars. then i would limit it to about that. health care, jobs, and the war. that's a pretty big plate to have on the table. >> larry: in a little while we'll discuss with jesse some of the things he alleges in "american conspiracies." needless to say, an extraordinary book. we'll have more to come. the oscar winner whose acceptance speech was interrupted in that bizarre moment last night. he's here for take two. stick around.
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>> larry: before we get into some of the specific conspiracies that mr. governor ventura alleges, one other thing of note plit he cali. sarah palin, in addition to being a commentator of fox, she signed a new book contract, another book and she's teamed with the survivor producer to do a reality documentary series about alaska, nature, and her family. what's your read on mrs. palin? >> well, it shows why she quit the governor. she wanted to cash in and make big money. it's that simple, you know. i wouldn't vote for her if she was the only candidate, because she's a quitter. she told the people of alaska she wanted to be their governor, and then halfway through the term she decides it's not her cup of tea anymore? well, larry, she'd never make it
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through navy s.e.a.l. training, because if you say the words "i quit" you're gone. to me she's nothing but a quitter. i would never support her and people that do, i think, are bad for doing it. >> larry: jesse, try to be direct in your answers as we continue here, because this wishy-washy stuff just ain't flying. >> i will, larry. i've been in mexico a long time, so i answer directly. >> larry: many people complain about how bitter partisan politics is, but you see the republicans and democrats are in cahoots against ordinary citizens. in cahoots how? >> absolutely. atlantic how are they in cahoots? they can't get together on anything. you say they're in cahoots. >> well, they -- they'll get together when they need to. what happens with the democrats and republicans, larry, is very
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much like pro wrestling. in front of the camera and in front of the people, they des pies each other and they're going to beat the hell out of each other, but behind the scenes they're going out to dinner and cutting deals. it's that simple. the question is, can the two sides get together and cut enough of a deal that they can both take back to their political parties and be satisfied with? that's what it really comes down to. the people of america can step aside on that. you know, it will depend whether the republicans will get what they deem is good for the republican party, and the democrats get what they deem is good for the democrats. if they find some common ground, then you'll see something happen, but if they don't, nothing will happen. >> larry: you don't think they're thinking about the people at all, the public? >> they do as a side light, but they think about themselves first and their power struggle between the two. by the way, larry, let me correct you. i don't do this often to you. i don't allege anything in this book. this book is all based on documented facts. i may offer my opinion at the beginning of a chapter or end of
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a chapter, but everything in between is all documented. you can go to the back of the book and see where we got it from. >> larry: i want another opinion on don't ask don't tell. there's a split among the brass, the chairman of the joent joint chiefs think they could throw it out. what do you think? >> i think they should let gays in the military because we're the united states of america, and if a gay person wants to serve his or her country, why should they not be allowed to? if a gay person wants to serve in the military, i would walk up and shake their hand and thank you for serving your country. we're not the heterostates of america. we're the united states of america. >> larry: do you think there were gay s.e.a.l.s serving with you? >> they maybe where. if they were they were certainly in the closet, because we partied a lot in the philippines, and it wasn't with boys. >> larry: a recent cnn opinion research poll, do you think the federal government has become so large and powerful it poses a threat to the rights and freedoms of ordinary people?
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56% of americans said yes. >> absolutely. >> larry: you say yes to that, too? >> absolutely i say yes to it. the federal government has gotten so large now. look at, larry, what they just have the "usa today" paper. if you work for the federal government, the average salary is $7,000 higher than the private sector. something's wrong with that, larry. when you're making more money working for the government than you can working in the private sector. >> larry: when we come back, we'll get into jesse's new book, "american conspiracies." first, this. [ birds screech ] [ loud rumbling ] [ rifle fires ] [ announcer ] if you think about it, this is what makes theladders different... from other job search sites. we only want the big jobs. join
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>> larry: all right. here's the book, "american conspiracies" on sale now everywhere. the front of the book includes a quote from einstein who says a foolish faith in authority is the worst enemy of truth. according to jesse this says it all, and the american public needs to wake up. among the conspiracies he writes about, the assassinations of lincoln, jfk, malcolm x, martin
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luther kinoouuther king, rfk, a about watergate and stolen election of 2000 and 2004 and 9/11 and wall street. why did you write this? >> at first i didn't want to write this book, larry. when the publishers came to me and wanted me to do after the success of my last book, i didn't want to do it because i didn't feel motivated to do it. then i thought it over for about a week. i thought, you know, i've got to do this book, because i want 100 years from now when people look back at this time when we're all gone, i want them to be able to read and understand that not all of us, not everyone believed what the government said or what our, quote, history books talk about. because it's very interesting when you get into all these conspiracies how much documentation there is. people can choose not to believe them, but i will tell you this. this book is a very good read, and it will entertain you because it's not like tom clancy or vince flynn where they're making up stories and making up people and writing off their imagination.
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these are real people, and you can put names to faces many my book. >> larry: are you considered though a conspiracy buff in that you're so conspiracy oriented that you believe nothing, that you question anything? >> no, not at all. i don't necessarily believe every conspiracy that i write about in this book. i just tell the other side of the story and documents back it up to where you still have to say, you know, there's validity to this. it may not be true, but it could be true. if it could be true, it's dangerous. >> larry: okay. you assert in the book that the 2000 and 2004 national elections were stolen. you say that the 2008 election came close to being stolen, too. should people keep voting if that's true, and how do you know it's true? why do you think it's true? >> in the research we did we found out about certain things.
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these computerized electronic voting machines, we got to get rid of them. they can be tapped into. put it to you this way, larry. would you go to an atm machine that didn't offer you a receipt? >> larry: no. you say they can be, but you don't know if they're tapped into, do you? >> wait, wait. read the book. they were tapped into. they were tapped into. why were all the votes suddenly channeled to chattanooga, tennessee to this operative place? read the book, and you'll see that they were tapped into. >> larry: are you saying that bush was not elected in 2000 and 2004? not re-elected? >> no, he was elected, but was he elected fairly? i don't know. >> larry: i know that. you don't know? >> well, let's remember this, too. larry. he lost the popular vote in 2000. al gore beat him by half a million people, but because we got this anoquated electoral
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college, which we should get rid of, bush won. even though five -- >> larry: that's not a conspiracy, that's a law we have. >> that's a law. i'm not saying it's a conspiracy. when you check these voting machines -- let's get back to them -- you have no idea when you push that machine if your vote was actually recorded to the candidate of your choice. you don't know. then in the case of a recount, if you have a close election, there's no way that they can count ballots with these things. all they can do is count the numbers. >> larry: did you know it when you pulled the lever? >> no, because in minnesota we don't have that. >> larry: what do you do in minnesota? >> 17 states have these machines. they need to get rid of them, and states that don't have them don't get them. in minnesota you still have to mark a ballot, and it goes into the machine then, and so that if it's a close election, like we had between senator franken and senator coleman, well, then they
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can pull them ought owl and they can hand-count them. with these new voting machines, you can't do that. >> larry: more with jesse ahead. should marijuana be bought and sold in the united states like liquor? jesse's thoughts on that. lots of other things. the book "american conspiracies," don't go away. oh sure, we have plenty of employees that... you can label as "different." like janice. uh-huh. yeah. fashion deficient. and tom... copy incapable. it's open kimono time. looking good, dan. oh, we want to make sure all our ducks in a row. yeah. volume control syndrome. but we focus on the talent and skill that each person...
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>> larry: we're back with jesse ventura. in a recent blog on the huffington post you accuse the obama administration of staggering hypocrisy in continuing george w. bush's so-called drug war policies. what do you mean? the government is dealing drugs. what do you mean? >> well, it's a well-known fact that iran contra they were running drugs to support the contras down there in nicaragua and all that stuff. the cia has been doing it for years, larry. if they can get their own source of money, then they can do things without telling congress about it. >> larry: how do you know they're doing it? how do you know that? >> look in my book, and you'll see the facts and read about how it led to ollie north's desk, you know. >> larry: we know about iran contra. you're talking about now. you're talking about the --
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you're accusing the obama administration of hypocrisy in what regard? >> hypocrisy in the fact that we -- the war on drugs is a failure, a complete failure. you're not going to win the war on drugs by putting people in prison because they use drugs. let me put it to you this way, larry. i grew up in the '60s in the days of jimi hendrix and the rolling stones and the beatles and all that. to put this into the correct context so everyone can understand, marijuana was to rock 'n roll what beer is to baseball. now, imagine if they took away beer at the ball game, when an outrage there would be. people that spoke pot, they're breaking the law and can't do it. i'll tell you this, larry. i've done both, and i've behaved far worse on alcohol than i ever have from marijuana. alcohol is way worse. >> larry: you would legalize
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marijuana? >> i would legalize. i hope the state of california -- it's on their initiative. 800,000 people have signed to put it on the ballot for total legalization. california can lead the way and legalize marijuana. they say it will bring $1 billion into the california economy. don't you think our economy needs that now instead of spending money to stop marijuana? let's spend money and tax it and get money from it. >> larry: this book deals with the assassination of jfk, watergate burglars purposely bungling the break-in, electronic voting machines helping the republican party, whether or not two boeing 757s could have brought down the twin towers, the government's 2008 claim that huge corporations are too big to fail, erosion of civil liberties. you said earlier you didn't believe all these theories, but you print them out -- or do you question them?
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>> i don't necessarily not believe them, but on certain ones i'm not fully convinced. i still lay out all the facts, and each chapter is very compelling. i'll put it to you this way, larry. doing a book like this, it's like throwing a huge jigsaw puzzle on the floor. you have to start by picking a few pieces up. pretty soon you assemble this data, put it together, and a picture starts to develop. now, will we get the complete, whole picture? no. but you can put together enough pieces where you can tell what it's supposed to be. >> larry: there was a conspiracy in the lincoln killing. others went to jail. some were hanged. so it wasn't just john wilkes booth. that was a conspiracy. >> right. the problem is our children are not being taugts that taught that, and neither was i, larry. i didn't learn about what happened to lincoln until i he did this book. my nephew is 15 years old, and i talked to him about it.
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i said, have you learned about the assassination of president linco lincoln? >> and he kind of perked up and said, we had that two weeks ago in school. tell me what you know about it. he related that john wilkes booth went to the ford theater, shot lincoln in the back of the head, yelled something, dropped down, ran off. they hurt his leg and chased him and caught him in the farmhouse and killed him. we're not teaching our kids there were eight other people involved in the massive conspiracy and they were going to attempt to kill vice president johnson, secretary of state seward, as well as general grant. they failed on those three, but they were successful with lincoln. yet, our history books don't tell that to our kids. the only thing they learn about is john wilkes booth. isn't it interesting, larry, that every assassin, lone nut
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assassin, jon wilkes booth, lee harvey oswald, mark david chapman. >> larry: what's that mean? >> what's charles manson's middle name? >> larry: who cares? >> he's the most notorious killer in america. we don't know his middle name, but all these sole lone nut assassins given three names. >> larry: because? >> it's a psychological preparation to get accustomed that only one person does the dirty work. >> larry: jesse ventura, that's interesting. we'll be right back with more. the book is "american conspiracies." don't go away. it's speedy alka-seltzer. alka-seltzer plus. rushes relief for all-over, achy colds. the official cold medicine of the u.s. ski team. alka-seltzer plus.
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>> larry: we're back. let's take a couple calls for jesse ventura. the book "american conspiracies." sacramento, california. hello. >> caller: hey larry and jesse. it's an honor to speak with both of you. i felt very compelled to call, because i agree with everything jesse said. it must be because we're from the same generation. i feel the same way about our political party. >> larry: what's the question? >> caller: he gave the comment about the don't ask and don't tell. there's another thing, mental illness within the army and within our country. i come from a family where we're bipolar, i have two siblings
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that are. >> larry: what's the question? >> caller: what does he think about the fact that people like that are ashamed to get help? >> larry: are what to get help? >> caller: they don't want to tell, so they don't get help. >> larry: i don't understand the question. >> they don't want to tell they're gay and they don't want help from being gay? >> larry: they're bipolar. >> i don't know why they wouldn't get help. help is available out there in the military. there's help available to people, and they absolutely should seek it out. >> larry: richmond, virginia. hello. >> caller: just wanted to say thanks for jesse being a great american and voicing his opinion on a lot of things. my question is, i'm a veteran, and we were over in iraq helping build their country. when we had storms and stuff, we
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couldn't, you know, help our own people. how do you think bush should be held accountable for a lot of the things that they messed up? >> you can't hold him accountable for it, because he's out of office now. unless he absolutely broke the law on something and violated a law to indict him, and they don't do that to former presidents, you know. when a president leaves office, they kind of leave everything behind and nothing -- they're not responsible for anything they did from the point they leave office. there's really no way that he's going to be held accountable for anything he did. >> larry: what do you make of former illinois governor rod blagojevich? he's going to be a contestant on "celebrity apprentice." >> that's because i turned it down, i guess. they wanted me on there, and i wouldn't do it. maybe they got him. i don't know. every time i travel to o'hare and the people of illinois see me, they always always say, hey, we need a governor.
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i said, no, i don't want to be your governor. when i was in, it was -- who was the governor? he went to jail right before the current one. now this one looks like he's going to jail. >> larry: ryan. >> governor ryan. thank you. he was governor when i was governor, and he had to do jail time. i don't think i'd like to be governor of illinois. you seem to end up in prison. >> larry: what are your thoughts on linda mcmahon, the wife of the world wrestling entertainment founder, your old boss? she's going to run for the u.s. senate in connecticut. what do you make of that? >> i won't support her because she's running as a republican, and i don't support republicans or democrats, but i wish she'd run as an independent because then i would. anyone should run for office, absolutely. if you feel inclined to serve your country or to serve your community or your state, absolutely run for office. you know what they need to do, larry? they need to ban lawyers. i mean, every guy we elect is a
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lawyer. think of it like this, larry. is that not a conflict of interest that they create the laws that they will will then work under? >> larry: legislators are lawyers because they know the language of law, they understand law. it would be logical for lawyers to be legislators, they go hand in hand, don't they? >> no, no, no, no. you don't need lawyers making laws. regular citizens can make laws. let the lawyers work under the laws. we have enough elected lawyers in this country. everybody that gets elected is a lawyer. i'm tired of lawyers running the country. look at the shape we're in. >> larry: jesse, i'm never tired of you. continued good luck with the book, always great having you with us. >> larry, my pleasure. i love doing your show. i'll be in l.a. next week. i'll stop by and say hello. >> larry: you better. >> i sure will. >> larry: the book is "american conspiracies." jesse ventura, never dull. what do you do when someone cuts off in the middle of your oscar acceptance speech? come to this show to finish.
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always great to welcome him to the west coast. anderson cooper, the host of "ac 360." what's up tonight? >> larry, tonight on "360" drive-by shooting witnessed by many and no one came forward. le killer has gotten away with murder tonight. we return to hollenbeck tonight. we were there five years for a documentary about gangs. we saw the bloody code of ethics and talked to people that wanted to get out. tonight the first in a series of reports about what it's like now there and how the so-called no snitching code keeps killers on the streets. hundreds of millions the dollars poured into haiti after the quake. as the rain starts to pound the country, why do thousands of survivors not have tents? how is that possible? we're keeping them honest tonight. we couldn't let the night go by without a look at the oscars. we'll talk about the winners and train wrecks but mostly about the train wrecks. all that and more at the top of the hour, larry. >> larry: speaking of train wrecks, roger ross williams,
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former producer for cnn, went to to greatness and won the 2010 oscar for best documentary short subject called "music by prudence." his co-producer, eleaninor burk interrupted the sense speech and made her own comments. here is what happened last night, and then we'll meet mr. williams. watch. >> oh, my god. this is amazing. two years ago when i got on an airplane and went to zimbabwe i never imagined i'd end up here. this is so exciting. >> can't a man let a woman talk? isn't that a classic thing. in a world in which most of us are told and tell ourselves that we can't, the band behind this film teaches us that we're wrong against all odds, they did so we can. so the bottom line is, to me, my
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role models and my heroes, marvelous and energy to the whole rest of the band and especially prudence -- >> prudence who is here. who is back there tonight. prudence is here tonight. this is for prudence. this is for prudence. >> larry: what was -- are you in dispute with her? >> you know, there's always in the creative process, you know, you always -- you get in disputes in creativity. >> larry: so you're not friends anymore? >> i wouldn't say we're friends. >> larry: she was your co-producer? >> she produced the film. she hasn't been involved in the film since about may of last year. >> larry: what was your involvement, if she produced it? >> i directed and produced. >> were you shocked she shoved you out the way? >> it was a little shocking, you know. i was there to talk about
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prudence. we were there to honor prudence and her incredible message and her incredible story. >> larry: the woman who cut into your speech claims your mother used her cane and tried to block the path to the stage. tr true? >> that's ridiculous. my mother got up to hug me. my mother is 87 years old and has bad knees and dpgot excited like any mother would. >> larry: has it diminished your evening? >> it has not diminished my he evening. i had a great night last night. i'm exhausted because i was out until 6:00. >> larry: we want to give roger a chance to give the oscar speech he wasn't able to deliver last night without interruption. the 2010 academy award for best documentary short subject goes to "music by prudence," and accepting the oscar, director/producer roger ross williams. >> oh my.
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oh, my god. i can't believe i'm standing here. when i got on a plane two years ago and went to zimbabwe i never thought i'd end up on the stanl of co-back theater. this is incredible. i want to thank the academy. i want to thank schilling nevins for giving a platform to short documentary films. i want to thank my supervising producer at hbo sarah bernstein, my incredible crew, derrick, patrick wright, my editor. i'd like to thank my advisers kim schneider and perry and mika and my partner casper. i also would like to thank leslie and jonathan put in this case who brought prudence from zimbabwe. she's here tonight. my mother is also here, and she got on a plane for the first time in her life to be here.
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prudence, you were born in a country that despised the disabled. you had nothing, nothing but your spirit, your intelligence, and your talent. with your band leona, you touched us all. what? >> larry: come on back. we only have -- they're cutting you off. i wasn't cutting you off, kanye. sit down. did you have anything left? >> yeah. i was going to say that the name leana means it's raining and in zimbabwe rain is a gift from god. i recognize prudence. lu >> larry: you had a chance to
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give it. there's applause for you. elton john gave us unprecedented access to his oscar fund-raiser for aids. you're going to go to that next. (announcer) funny thing about sinus pressure you can blow your nose but nothing comeout! advil cold & sinus knows that the real problem isn't always mucus. it's often swelling caused by inflammation in your nasal passages. the right medicine for the real problem is advil cold & sinus with a strong decongestant that reduces swelling to relieve sinus pressure plus the power of advil for the pain.
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"larry king live" had special backstage access. look at what and who we found. even people who have been everywhere and seen everything don't want to miss this. >> it's a party atmosphere. >> i remember when rock was young. >> it's really cool. >> it's an exciting night. zipted to be very serious, no rhinestones. >> he always does it. >> you have to give them great food and a great broadcast. >> you can't believe you paid to come because it's so much fun. >> to be here e-k, check this out. >> it's hard to say no to elton john. >> even though we're having a great time, the underlying thing is we're raising all this money for people who aren't having a great time. >> elton's tireless crusade to spread awareness about aids and to find a cure, at that in itself is unbelievable and to be a part of it it a great honor. >> elton john is over $175 million through holding this event over the years.
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>> his energy is so positive and generous and open. >> he's made such a difference. >> it's great footprints to walk in. >> we know how hard he works for his charity. >> it's more important in this portion than it was. >> a lot more artists and entertainers should see the importance on doing this as well. >> so i think if everybody comes here and had an amazing team and hopefully empty r their wall lots for the aids foundation. >> it's not a fabulous party, but it's for a good cause. >> it's a great hybrid of everything. >> larry: elton and his foundation do so much for so many. congratulations, elton. well-done. as we close, our heartfelt condolences to marie osmond on what must be one of the most difficult days of her life, the service for her son, michael brian, was held earlier today in provo, utah honoring the m
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