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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  March 13, 2010 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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have these health effects. the melatonin and cortizone. the more you can keep to the same schedule, if possible, the less shift changes you make if you are rotating. try to rotate from morning to evening to night if you have the choice. that's better than going in the other direction. >> dr. david gross, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> a look at the cut backs that are planned at one of america's most troubled school system. detroit school faced a deficit and on monday officials are expected to announce plans to close 40 schools. will americans choose coffee instead of tea? organizers of the group the coffee party say they are holding humans of meetings
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across america today. it's an alternative to the conservative tea party movement. students at a mississippi high school may get a senior prom after all. a school board canceled the prom after learning a lesbian couple planned to attend. now a new orleans hotel owner offered to host a replacement prom. jacky is in the weather center. it's a nasty weekend for some parts of the country. looks like we are working on audio problems. we will get to jackie later on as we work it out. kansas city school board voted to shut down nearly half the schools in the district. a radical painful way to combat a budget crunch. next week we might be telling you a story about detroit. 40 schools on the chopping block there. here's samantha hayes. >> reporter: a startling
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announcement from the kansas city, missouri school district. nearly half of the district's 61 schools are closing. a move to save money according to the new superintendent. >> we were spreading ourselves far too thin, facing a $50 million deficit. >> reporter: the result? 700 jobs eliminated and hundreds moved to other schools. >> i have an 8-year-old and a 6-year-old who will be going school with a 12th grader. i find it to be inappropriate. >> reporter: it will allow the system to refocus resources. deficits are prompting cuts. students and parents in des moines, iowa gathered in the state capitol building to protest a plan to cut hundreds of teaching jobs, many in the music and arts departments. california's crisis neighbors cut to a state bussing program that provides transportation for minority students in the los angeles area. the national education association, a union representing educators said cuts
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will have long-term negative effects. >> even though you lay off hundreds of thousands of adults, there is not less child who needs a ride to school or a healthy breakfast or lunch and not one less who needs caring adults in the lass room. >> more cuts are expected next week where the school district is expected to cut 40 schools. in washington, i'm samantha hayes. >> from kansas city to detroit, where the school district has a huj et shortfall of $219 million. this is the detroit system for the free press and joins us from detroit. are parents encouraged or afraid of the possibilities of absolving the school board and possibly the mayor appointing a school superintendent? >> right now that is a huge issue. parents are really kind of divided about it. there a lot of people who
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remember 1999 to 2005 when there was a controlled district here in the city where the state took away the board and that left the school district in a huge budget deficit. $200 million budget hole. so they are really divided, but what's going with a $335 million dollar deficit projected for the end of this year, parents know that 40 schools will be closed and the district is saying we don't have a choice. we don't have the money. >>s are there is no choice but to close the schools. what about parents and students? what are they saying? >> parents are saying if you close my school, i will go somewhere else. >> where would they go? >> if we go back 10 years, detroit public schools had 175,000 students. 260 schools. fast forward now. u.s. education secretary was saying we are here in detroit.
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we are ground for public education because we have low test scores and graduation rates and half of our students have left in the past 10 years. >> left because they have gone on to charter schools and private schools, right? >> they have gone to charter schools and 50,000 students living in the city of detroit that go not to the detroit public schools, but to public charter schools. >> then is anyone talking about trying to make more of the public schools, make them more like the charter schools that seem to be attractive to a lot of parents and as well as the students. maybe even a private school in the region. is that a possibility? >> just last week we saw a new organization that is calling itself excellent schools detroit and come out publicly and say we are local leaders and philanthropy groups and we have $200 million to raise to pressure the powers that be to
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close that school and open 70 new schools in detroit. those can be public schools. those can be charter public schools. >> the likely part of that? >> this group, we are talking about a wide range of really powerful people in the city who are in this umbrella organization. they are saying look, $200 million we will raise in the next 10 years. with that kind of influence, things can change. >> this powerful group, are they saying we have the money to come up with creating all of these schools, would they also have the wherewithal to try to organize these skals and lead the schools and equip the schools? >> there in lies the details people don't understand. detroit would have no authority over the schools and they would essentially help see them. >> the powerful people? >> we have the skillman foundation that is a founding a here in detroit and a couple
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other local foundations. they are going to raise this money to again help provide money to start the school. they wouldn't have authority. what they are saying is you have a good idea that is modelled on a school that works. you come to us and we will give you start up money. it has to be something we know worked in other places. >> chastity, thanks so much from the detroit free press. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> this is eliciting a huge response for public schools across the country. joseph said this on my blog. to close the schools does not make sense. you close half the schools and then less attention to each child and more opportunity to slip through the cracks. what are the people thinking? >> this from roger. i think it is a good idea to start looking at schools in terms of performance. everyone must become stake holdners in the success of our
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children. parent, teacher, administrators. no excuses. we are continuing to take your responses on my blog and we will get your comments, all that you are weighing in on, on the air. president barack obama used his weekly media address to announce a plan to overhaul the education system. we wants a $4 billion increase in federal education spending and wants to replace the bush administration's no child left behind with a new plan. >> through this plan we are setting an ambitious goal. all students should graduate prepared for college and a career. no matter who you are or where you come from. this will be difficult and take time and require the skills, talents and dedication of many. principals, teachers and parents and students. this effort is essential for children and our country. >> this week gop address focused on the health care bill.
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democrats are pushing for final passage before easter. the senate's newest member, republican scott brown of massachusetts said that would be a huge mistake. . >> i haven't been here very long, but i can you this much already. nothing distracted the attention and the energy more than this disastrous detour. the surest way to return to the people's business is to listen to the people themselves. we need to drop this whole scheme of federally controlled health care, start over and work on real reforms at the state level that will contain cost and won't leave america trillions of dollars deeper in debt. >> brown was elected in january after campaigning against the health care bill. they are calling it the coffee party. organizers say the meeting in washington today was one of hundreds across the country. coffee party supporters are their movement and it's not aligned with either major
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political party, but they describe it as an alternative conservative tea party movement. >> i think the toxic dialogue that came out in politics is really what the coffee party is addressing. if we disagree or agree, we still need to be able to sit down across from a cup of coffee to discuss our viewpoints. the dialogue really nationwide in a lot of ways is so bad that you can't sit down with your republican or democratic or independent friends and have the conversation. >> it seems to be an alternative and everybody is civil here. everybody wants their issues to be heard. they want their voices to be heard. you can do it to the forum that is not being uncivil. >> tea party supporters take a view of the party. no surprise there. they say it looks like a weak attempt at sat ire or manufactured response to a grass roots movementment
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>> going viral on the web to bring you the latest and the greatest and we can't wait. all the time. josh has the viral video rewind coming up. >> always my deserve. at the end of the week. >> mine too. >> we will have fun. here's what i will show you today. how to create a video of you playing an instrument brilliantly even if you don't know how to play it at all. the ultimate zen video for to you relax to. >> i need that. >> plus this. look at this. a skill that apparently only two people in the world can do. this is just his fingers. we are going to you who this man is and how he accomplishes that. >> now i saw the fingers. index fingers. that's insane.
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i own a small law firm and i'm a much better lawyer than i am an accountant. so, when i wasn't getting paid as quickly as i would like, i did what came naturally. i threatened to sue. turns out, that's not the best way to keep clients. so i went looking for answers online at it's a place where i can talk with other small business owners like thomas and connie and learn about tools like acceptpay. it's a new way to bill online that can help me get paid much faster, without the need for any legal intimidation, which gives me a warm fuzzy feeling... sort of like these super comfortable socks made from the soft, supple wool of alpacas. looking good. thank you. owners are asking questions. owners are getting answers. and american express open is building the tools they need. tools like acceptpay, which lets owners take their accounts receivable online. acceptpay. invoice digitally. get paid faster.
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only from american express open.
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>> are that's good motivation. it gets us started. we have plenty ahead, but right now i want you to take a few minutes and have fun for this week's favorite videos on the web and fun defined. >> we wide you up with the funky videos and then give you zen. >> i look forward to the zen. mama needs it. >> mama needs it. >> mama needs the zen. >> being parents, we deserve a little zen. let's go to the first one. this is dare devil video. watch what this guy does. this is an ice over and he keeps going and going and going and defying gravity. he must know exactly what to do
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and when to lean. i still think six more feet he would have never meat it. you think that's amazing, let's get to the next video. i wouldn't want to be on that thing. watch this guy. just fingers. watch what he is doing. suspends his entire body. this is from' 95. this is a form of kung fu. you see the result? he is only one of two people in the world who can do a hand stand on his index fingers. >> the cool things that are impressive. that's what we are seeing in the next video here. take a look. >> so what now? >> these children, listen to this.
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check out the jamming fingers on these young children. >> this is making me feel really small. this is all exceptional. insane. >> we know how to do what we do. one of the producers is saying here's what to do to keep kids away from too much tv. >> where are they? >> shfs ththis was shot in 2006. they are molly and michael. michael is 8 years old. he wanted to play and they are the children of blue grass performers. made with the kids. >> i like. inspiring. >> sometimes you see the stuff and say man, i wish i could see that stuff. even if you can't play, you can make a video of yourself playing brilliantly. this is pretty amazing. 12 million views. this guy can't play. he is norwegian and tries to
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play the drums and can't play at all. what does he know how to do? edit. skip to the next part and watch what he puts through editing. >> that is cheating. >> watch this. >> sounds good. >> it's him playing brilliantly even though he cannot play at all. thanks to our viewer for this method. >> good cheating though. i'm sorry. that's cheating, but it's good. >> it is cheating. here's something that's not cheating, but this may be my favorite video of the week. i almost never talk about iphone aps because it's one product and one company. >> they don't need advertisement. >> this video blows me away. this is the every day. listen to what this guy does. he record what is he does and it moves it. he does something different each time. all the tracks layer and you
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listen. ♪ >> he has his own website. i you, that guy blows me away. >> that sounded good. he's got talent. >> time for your reward. this might be my first zen video. i call it the better than a.m. bien file. deep breath. >> exhale. namaste. watching the milky way over hawaii. the music is that is why i am on this porch from the movie, the
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village by james newton howard. each shot was a 30-second interval. this is on top of mauna kea. >> i have been there. beautiful. >> this is the world's largest observatory. crystal clear and no lights get in the way. >> don't me you need medication. you watch it and drift off to sleep. >> i want to lay right here on the floor now. that's the problem. >> i will you what. we can rock out on this. >> you have to bring me back up. >> come to the next video. give us a little bit. this was sent to me over twitter. blame it on top 2009 and mixes all the songs together. ultra cool. ♪ all the hottest songs of 2009. i really help the d.j.
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she good. they are all up on my facebook. keep the sound going to show the graphics. everything is up on facebook. if you want the links right now, go to and everything is there. they are all there on facebook and pretty soon we will get them up on the blog. that are are that's one of the most popular ones people want to play it over and over again. that last one. >> the hottest songs compressed into one. gotta love it. >> great. a nice escapism we take. >> i know. now we have to get back to news. >> back to real life. thanks so much. you can do it. >> you think? >> the weekend. >> that's true. >> some hollywood heavy weights make a stop at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. you know the address. we will tell you why who benefits the most by the visit from tom hanks and steven spielberg. oh! tada!
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most of the seats are up for grabs. a quarter of the votes have been counted there. experts say it's still too early to predict the final winner. strong words from secretary of state hillary clinton who said israel announced plans for east jerusalem for israelis and palestinians claim the area as their own. israel's announcement came as vice president joe biden was trying to restart the peace talks. >> and the announcement of the settlements, the very day that the vice president was there was insulting. it was just really a very unfortunate and difficult moment for everyone. the united states, our vice president who had gone to reassert america's strong support for israeli security and i regret deeply that occurred
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and made that view known. >> israel said the decision to authorize 1600 housing units in east jerusalem was made boy a district committee and the public has 60 days to raise objections. doctors hope to release henry kissinger from a south korea hospital tomorrow. he was in seoul for a security forum when he came down with a stomach virus. doctors say his signs are normal, but they are taking precautions because of his age. he is 86.
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we are in the weather center because there is a lot of wacky stuff going on in the northeast. precipitation, but it needs big problems for places, particularly west virginia where we are seeing flooding and rescues and people missing. what's going on? >> basically we have an area of low pressure that is sitting there and spinning. we have been getting heavy rain and temperatures have been warm and the snow has been melting off in these rivers and coming out of their banks. numerous high water rescues and firefighters and boat was capsized. they were trying to help somebody else and one firefighter hasn't been recovered. >> all the fear when folks get in trouble with first responders and something happens to them. >> this is not just west virginia, but the mid-atlantic
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and the northeast. i will take you over to the magic this time and explain the weather phenomenon taking place. this is not just today. we will be lasting through the weekend and even into early next week before we get the low out of here. it could be an additional two to four inches. high pressure up to the north. a tight gradient between the pressure systems. the wind reporting have been extreme as well. look at the wind gusts. these are not thunderstorm wind gusts. these are winds from the low. 59 miles per hour in atlantic city and dover, delaware as well as new york city. philadelphia 55 and 45 in trenton and new london at 43 miles per hour. we have high wind warnings which are in effect across the areaas well. the low pressure system bringing in the torrential downpours and as much as an inch per hour. if you have to travel in these areas today, something to think about that you are really going
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to not want to drive across any of the roads that have water over them. too dangerous. check out the winds. they can see spend winds and 20 plus miles per hour. you can see up into the teens towards boston and philadelphia, there is bristol. 20ish miles per hour. you see the gusts reach well beyond that as well. if you are trying to travel not just by the highways, but the airways, big time problems and the winds make it hard to land the planes. the runway configconfigurations. hours in newark. that's almost like throwing in the towel there today. philadelphia pushing two hours. this system is sticking with us and look at the flood watches and warnings across the area. one other note, the same low across the midwest earlier in the week. they also have the warmer temperatures.
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flooding going on in states like iowa and indiana and wisconsin. >> you never know what you are going to get. always volatile. excited about the warmer temperatures and the crazy showers or tornados always spring up. >> we had it all in the last week. >> thank you, jackie. >> a mississippi high school put down an unwelcome mat to a lesbian couple who planned to go to the prom, but the owner of a luxury hotel is offering a plan to help the students out. we will tell you all about it.
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i own a small law firm and i'm a much better lawyer than i am an accountant. so, when i wasn't getting paid as quickly as i would like, i did what came naturally. i threatened to sue. turns out, that's not the best way to keep clients. so i went looking for answers online at it's a place where i can talk with other small business owners like thomas and connie and learn about tools like acceptpay. it's a new way to bill online that can help me get paid much faster, without the need for any legal intimidation, which gives me a warm fuzzy feeling... sort of like these super comfortable socks made from the soft, supple wool of alpacas. looking good. thank you. owners are asking questions. owners are getting answers. and american express open is building the tools they need. tools like acceptpay, which lets owners take their accounts receivable online. acceptpay. invoice digitally. get paid faster. only from american express open.
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matt damon is a gun host soldier in the green zone. will it bring in the green at the box office? a.j.? (alarm blasting) (screaming) (phone rings) hello? this is bill with broadview security. is everything okay? no. there's this guy - he just smashed in my door. i'm sending help right now. thank you. (announcer) brink's home security is now broadview security. call now to install the standard system for just $99. the proven technology of a broadview security system delivers rapid response from highly-trained professionals, 24 hours a day. call now to get the $99 installation, plus a second keypad installed free.
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and, you could save up to 20% on your homeowner's insurance. call now-- and get the system installed for just $99. broadview security for your home or business-- the next generation of brink's home security. call now. a mississippi high skoolt decided to cancel the prom rather than allow same-sex couples to attend. now a new orleans businessman is
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trying to make sure the students don't miss out on the rite of passage. camille whitworth explains. >> hey, kids. the end of your high school experience should not be laced with negativity and public policy decisions and legal skirmishes. >> the message from shawn cummings is clear. prom should go on despite the controversy surrounding it. we met inside of his international house hotel, a possible venue for the party. >> i was bummed out the kids were penalize and she was penalized. >> cummings is offering it all to students at the agricultural high school in rural mississippi. the place? transportation to and from new orleans and a party she will never forget. >> i admire her to stand up like she is. she needs to know there a lot of people who support her and the students need to know that there a lot of people who feel like they are being wronged and wrongly so.
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>> the prom was canceled when the school district found out a lesbian student planned on bringing a girlfriend as a date. in the memo it said dates must be of the opposite sex. >> it's really not fair to the people who are gay at the school. >> millan was told she was not allowed to wear a tuxedo. the american civil liberties union backs her up. >> i was raised to be proud of who you are and i don't think you should have to hide who you are to go to a school event. >> cummings agrees and offered to help. >> it's a disappointing and way of thinking. >> the lesbian student's lawsuit is seek a court order to force the school to hold the prom and also asks that mcmillan be allowed to escort her girlfriend and wear a tuxedo which the school said also violated policy. when we come back, a coffee break with tom hanks and steven
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spielberg. i know. my diet? well yesterday i had an apple turn over mmm hmm, i know it's sort of my weakness - i always keep it in the house well, that and boston crème pie, white chocolate strawberries, ya ya - oh! and key lime pie i've already lost some weight [ female announcer ] yoplait light - with 28 delicious flavours at about 100 calories babe, what are you doing?! ♪ host: could switching to geico 15% or more on car insurance?
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host: is ed "too tall" jones too tall? host: could switching to geico 15% or more on car insurance? host: does a ten-pound bag of flour make a really big biscuit? a familiar action star questions a search for wmd on iraq on the big screen. we learn a perspective on how single guys think. film critic and host of turner classic movies joins us from los angeles with a look at these new releases. we are talking movies this weekend. people thought for a second we were talking about you.
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the single guy's point of view and that wouldn't be right. the film called the green zone, let's look and listen first. >> what do you think you are doing? what is it? >> i came to find weapons and save lives. >> more complicated than that. >> not to me it isn't. >> does it make any sense? >> i'm digging matt damon in everything he does. did you like this green zone? >> i like matt damon and i liked him in this more than invikt us. he did one of the films of the last decade. this movie is terrific for about 56% when it's sort of complicated and nuanced about the search for weapons of mass destruction. the last 44% it gets very simplistic and very one note and ordinary.
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in the end, i didn't like this movie. it takes what is very complicate and the search for weapons of mass destruction and simplifies it in a very, very ordinary way as if there was just one source who said there were weapons of mass destruction and the department, guy at the defense department made up that there were and that was as simple as it was. that's not what happened. the fact that there weren't any and the deceit that the bush administration engaged in was more complicated than that. in the end i didn't like it. i liked the action and matt damon was good. b plus for the first part and f with a second part and ended up with a c. >> i had high hopes of a better letter grade from you. >> that's good. i'm good. we can stop there. >> how about out of my league. i saw the trailer it and it looks so funny.
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you probably saw the whole movie. what did you think? >> i definitely saw the whole movie. >> of course you have. >> this >> i liked this film. do we have a clip or no? are. >> let's listen. >> no one would ever do a noodle. >> i'm sorry. i called it out of my league. she's out of my league. >> she's out of my league is something that i'm very familiar with. he and his three friends all sort of work for the tsa or two work for the tsa and another one is say ticket agent and another in ground crew. who is the woman in this? she is quite beautiful. the blond there. this is a very sort of engaging
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little movie. it's very funny and incredibly well written. by a couple of guys, shawn anders and john morris who write hot tub time machine coming out later this year that i'm looking forward to. this is sort of funny and engaging as always. they have a couple of gross out scenes i'm not sure they need, but i like this film. it's funny. it's engaging. >> are you saying better than the c you gave green zone? >> definitely the c i gave the green zone. it's funny because i gave this movie a b minus and then i was talking about it on -- i do a review show called what the flick that you can get through the young and talking about it with a couple of other critics. from the associated press, as we were talking about it, i was realizing how much i liked it, i think i like it better than the
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b minus i gave it. >> good! >> this might be a b. i gave it a b minus, but it might be a b. it's easy for the characters to have been sort of stock characters and foolish guys. a couple of scenes are really well written and the idea that whatever your number is like if you are a guy who sia five, you can't date more than two ahead of what you are. if you are a five, you can't date above a 7. this girl is a 10. she is out of his league. very smart and funny. they are complex and the girl is not a stereotype. i liked it a lot and it's very surprising and funny. >> why did i not think of this earlier. the first weekend after the oscars and you gave us your predictions and you were so close to being on the money. you were on the money. you talked about "the hurt locker" and the director of and are you happy with the outcome from the oscars? >> yeah, i was.
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i was pleased to see "avatar" not win. i'm not trying to jump on it, but i like -- >> talk about you losing the desire for the movie. go ahead. >> i'm glad was nominated, but i think "the hurt locker" and inglorious bastereds were more worthy and "avatar" lost momentum and i'm glad katherine bigelow won and jeffrey fletcher won for screen play for precious. i think the right decisions were made. i was pleased. i thought alec baldwin and steve martin did a nice job. i think most of the hosts have done a good job. chris rock did a nice job. david letterman did a nice job. it's a hard job to do. >> that's true. i could have seen more of the host. i felt like we didn't see enough of him. he went away for a long time. >> they are there a lot in the first hour and vanish. that's true. >> when we come back and when you come back, we will talk about dvd releases.
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that's what you saw that popped up a little while ago. old dogs. i already know what you think about that movie. you reviewed it a while back. the big screen. anyway, more with you in a moment. ask me. even if you think your mattress is just fine...
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>> are so they didn't take home a statue for best picture, but two nominees are out on dvd so you can catch them if you didn't see them before. an offering of an anti-oscar
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kind of film. are those my words or ben's words? film critic and host of classic movies, back with us now for a look at the new dvd releases out this weekend. let's begin with up in the air. let's begin with the flick. all the awards they are looking for. you like this one. i think you said you liked this one. >> i did. it's like losing the super bowl. you had a great season and up in the air is a terrific movie. i thought it might win for a best screen play oscar for jason wrightman and it didn't, but i gave it a b plus. anna kendrick and vera gave great performances. it's a terrific movie and those who didn't see it ought to rent it. it's terrific. certainly worth seeing. >> precious, you mentioned it's out on dvd.
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the award that it got too, but maybe folks missed at this time first time around. check it out. >> it won a best adapted screen play for jeffrey fletcher. that was the more emotional speech. gabby was nominate and give a great performance. monique was one of the best acting performances of the year. monique was great and certainly deserved her oscar. she had an emotional speech. precious is worth seeing. i thought some of it was over the top and a little hammered on the nail, but certainly worth seeing. monique's performance is so surprising because you don't expect monique would deliver that performance considering she is a stand up comedian and this is an emotional performance. i gave it a b and definitely worth renting. >> that was lenny kravitz. now it makes sense why he was sitting next to the author.
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i'm a little slow sometimes. let's talk about old dogs. john travolta and robin williams. i remember you panned that. the movie a while back. >> i'm not normally mean. >> you were harsh on this one. >> this is an opportunity to be mean. i don't understand how these two guys who i sort of like, i really don't know how they and the agents looked at the script and said yeah, let's do this. i barely even remember the story there. there a couple of single guys and robin williams is divorced and he had a fling with kelly preston and twins came out of it. it's so wreched and i don't know why or how they did it. i gave the movie an f minus because it reminded me of a quick story of my uncle joe who back in the day was in college and they used to post grades and posted an f minus for him and he was embarrassed so he goes to
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the professor and says professor, it's one thing i know i didn't do a good job, but why do you post in front of the class that i got an f minus. he said i gave you an f minus because the rules prohibit me from giving you a g. i thought it was a great story. i gave him an f minus because the rules prohibited giving a g. >> you were being kind. ouch. thanks so much. i know what to rent or buy and what not to rent or buy now. thanks so much for that. see you next weekend. >> okay. something is brewing with tom hanks and is that steven spielberg? both of them at the white house? why? nine iron, it's almost tee-. time to face the pollen that used to make me sneeze, my eyes water. but with new zyrtec® liquid gels, i get allergy relief at liquid speed. that's the fast, powerful relief of zyrtec®, now in a liquid gel. zyrtec® is the fastest 24-hour allergy medicine. it works on my worst symptoms
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honored at last. 175 former civilian women pilots received the congressional gold medal for service during world war ii. they were members of the women service pilots created in 1942 to fill all types of flying jobs at home which freed male pilots to go to the frontlines. fewer than 300 of them are still alive. don seymore is a proud veteran and flew the massive b 17 bomber. she was honored at the ceremony in washington. i spoke with her about accomplishments as a world war ii pilot. >> my best mem ory is my best landing. the runway was still damp and i came in and levelled off and pulled back and i made -- there was no squeak or no noise. the wheels just glided on to the
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runway and i thought aha, that was it. >> was there a moment at the time where you felt like you or any of the other women wanted to be in combat? did you like the idea that you were for the most part training a lot of other male pilots ready for combat and not getting a chance to be in combat yourself? >> we were flying the b 17 for the gunners who were training at ft. meyers, florida at buckingham. i remember the first graduation and i thought to myself, was it possible for me to go into combat and fly? i said yes, it was necessary and i could do it. we never had to do it of course, but -- >> what was the lure? about becoming a b 17 pilot? did you feel eager about learning how to be this pilot in the first place? how did you find yourself in this position? >> well, it was all by chance
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and i was asked to be a member of the cpt organization in cornell university. there was a program for new pilots and this particular person was asked to be director of flight research. he thought there might be some way you could figure out how to avoid pilot training in an airplane and a cheaper method. i was one of his guinea pigs. that led to jackie cochran's program and i was selected for pilot training. i loved it. i absolutely loved it. >> is she extraordinary or what. 92-year-old dawn seymore. actor tom harchgs is proving he is as generous of a guest as he is an actor. he and steven spielberg held a screening of the pacific with the first family this week and
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stopped by the white house briefing room to check on an old gift he had given. >> because i never served in our military, i will get you another espresso machine. that's on its last legs. we have the pony espresso, a fine american model. >> you brought this? >> long ago i would have bought this in 1990 dollars. i will see what i can do for the poor slobs in the fourth estate here. come on. come on. >> harsh words. was he taking a picture of the espresso machine that looked that bad? he sent the machine after he and his family took a tour in the 2004 memorial day holiday and surprised to find the reporters working there without a coffee maker. he decided to be generous. i'm fredricka whitfield. in the next hour, cities
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suffering due to the economy. we visit one georgia town where the entire police department has been closed. don lemon has the story and the rest of the day's top stories all coming up. i own a small law firm and i'm a much better lawyer than i am an accountant. so, when i wasn't getting paid as quickly as i would like, i did what came naturally. i threatened to sue. turns out, that's not the best way to keep clients. so i went looking for answers online at it's a place where i can talk with other small business owners like thomas and connie
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