tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN March 16, 2010 10:00pm-12:00am EDT
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it boggles the mind. >> it's boggling and scary and one thing we can look at is there is all of this activism and we should capitalize on that. >> thank you both as always. don't forget the 1 and only betty white is my guest tomorrow night. she going to host "saturday night live." betty white tomorrow night. right now anderson cooper and ac 360. whatever you think of the health reform bill, are desperate democrats abandoning transparency to pass it. are they trying to avoid accountability. we are keeping them honest tonight. tiger woods coming back and in a word, it's major. one of the biggest tournaments for a man who has big, big problems. you heard about sex addiction, but is it for real and what does the treatment entail. we will talk with a man who has gone through treatment twice. new details about the dating
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game killer on death row, convicted serial killer and police found about 100 photos he took over the years in a storage locker and asked for your help in figuring out who the women were. four missing women may have been identified. first up, keeping them honest. tonight the democrats. five more in the house saying they plan to vote against the senate health bill. that means opponents are 11 votes shy. 11 in defeating the defining item on the agenda. for weeks you need to know where congress people stand on health care. he has been calling for a simple up or down vote. you support it or you don't. today we have word that house speaker nancy pelosi is considering a vote that is anything but simple. it's a way of voting for or against something without voting for or against it. why would they do this? ed henry tonight is keeping them honest. >> in his final push for health reform in state after state, the president has been hammering the same point over and over.
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there was pennsylvania. >> the united states congress owes the american people a final up or down vote on health care. we need to see where people stand. >> missouri. >> congress owes the more than people a final up or down vote on health care reform. the time for talk is over. it's to vote. >> then ohio. >> look. that's the proposal. i believe congress owes the american people a final up or down vote. >> except now with victory and doubt, house speaker nancy pelosi may consider the opposite. from casting a direct vote on the president's plan. they may use a maneuver known as deeming where the house provides fixes to the senate health bill and deems the senate bill has become law without house numbers having to vote on it.
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what republicans call trickery caught fire today. >> why are you not being clear with the american people about what you want the house to do? >> we are being clear with the people of the united states and congress that there is going to be a vote this week and where people stand on health care. >> it may not be a vote on actual legislation. >> the legislative process game. >> white house spokesman robert gibbs suggested it will be an up or down vote. speaker pelosi will not get the message and contaddicted gibbs. >> hope is on the bill and upon its passage. the senate bill is deemed passed. it's more process oriented than most people want to know. i like it because we don't have to vote on the senate bill. >> what i would call it is nancy pelosi is trying to come up with
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immaculate conception. >> they're used a maneuver to pass legislation like immigration reform. could be more toxic this time. coming after the health care push is dominated by allegations of shady deals. >> how much of what the republican's outrage is genuine and pure politics. >> in these situations it's never quite black and white. we have to acknowledge there many republicans who want to vote against this bill on principal and we there have been a lot of deal making and the corn husk every kick back and the louisiana purchase. fairly or unfairly that has stuck to the process and hurt democrats. on the other hand, they acknowledge they are scoring points and piling on because of the unsavory deals. a short time ago they advise on health care and said he is nervous, but this maneuver can
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go forward and add all of that. the top democrat insisted he thinks this weekend the president will get a deal. the way he put it, quite frankly the alternative is disastrous. the president invested so much in this they have no other strategy but to get it done. that's not a positive way to pass the bill. >> thanks for the keeping them honest report. weighing in about this on the ac 360 blogs. that's what they end up doing is anything but a profile. he joins us now. why is it so bad? >> i understand it to be fair. i must say i hope it's a trial balloon that collapses. it would be a bad idea. it will taint the health care bill. >> the democrats say there plenty of republicans that did this and did it on immigration
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reform. >> it has been done on the past. a couple of things, anderson. >> we are talking about the most important piece of social legislation in decades. the resort on a piece of legislation this big after all the back room deals that went into getting the bills done. now piling this on top of it, this form of dodging. it's very dodgy. editorialized today. it weighs it down and gives it an air of illegitimacy in the eyes of those who don't like it. it will be an air of bitterness. process doesn't matter. process does matter. the deals that were cut in the back room on the senate mattered a lot in the election of scott brown. that's one of the things that angered voters. >> there is going to be a vote
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on health care reform and whether it's done this way or that way. the process doesn't matter. you say not true. >> the president is arguing, let's have an up or down vote. not where people are not voting and we have the point again. what is not being voted on is the fundamental basic underlying legislation and vote on the amendments. somebody can go home and believe i can't believe you allowed that to happen on abortion. you allowed that in the senate. i didn't vote for that. i just voted for the rule. that's the lack of accountability. no fingerprints. good way to put it. clearly they wouldn't be doing this if they had the vote. they are still going to scramble. when the president called for courage, what he meant was or what i thought he meant yesterday was the courage to stand up for what you think is right. people ought to vote up or down
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based on what they think is right. >> do you think they are going to have the votes to be able to pass this? >> it looked all week as if they would have. they had this momentum and they are talking and looked like they would have favorability to do that, but given the last 24 hours, for the first time i think it's a more serious doubt. >> david, thanks. let us know what you think. join our live chat. up next, why professional golf is celebrating and when and where tiger woods is starting the come back and sexual addiction. we hear a lot about it and turned around a lot, but is it for real? what is the treatment for people who go to rehab? >> shocking photos from a dating game killer's picture book discovered if a storage facility they had. do they point the way to more of his victims. new information that the families recognized their loved ones in these photos. [ female announcer ] treat yourself to something special for lunch.
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masters. he won four times and he is least likely to be heckled or bothered by what happened last thanksgiving when he wrecked his truck, marriage, and his value. we have seen porn starlets rejects and cocktail waitresses who had a relationship with woods. the question is raised if he has a sexual addiction. what is it really? what's the treatment? we will talk to someone who has been through it and first professional golf's tiger addiction. >> tiger woods last month. >> i was wrong. i was foolish. i don't get to play by different rules. the same boundaries that apply to everyone apply to me. i brought this shame on myself. >> then he added this. >> i do plan to return to golf day. i just don't know when that day will be. >> we know when that day will
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be. it will be the day next month when golfers come to georgia trying to win a green jacket. the masters is where i won my first major and i view this tournament with great respect. after a long and necessary time away from the game, i feel like i'm ready to start the season at a gusto. he is ready for golf, but is golf ready for him? >> i think golf needs tiger woods a lot more than tiger woods needs golf. >> senior editor of forbes magazine followed the saga that began with the bizarre car accident near his house and c l culminated about a multitude of affairs. >> he doesn't need to earn another penny for the rest of his life, but the tour needs tiger woods back on the course. television ratings and as much as double what tiger woods is playing. the pga tour is hurting in terms of sponsorship. >> some of the sponsors stuck
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with him, like nike. others kept their distance, but kept the contract like gillette. what's the future with the companies? >> if it's a family-oriented brand that is going after a certain type of family and good guy image, i would definitely stay away from tiger woods at this point. if it's a brand that might be looking to make a splash benefit from the pr associated with getting behind woods, i would look at it and say this is a good time to get behind woods. >> back in 1997, i met woods for the first time and he had just won the masters after turning. a huge crowd turned out to see him participate in a deal for a restaurant and ask him about his future. >> how can you top this? >> i can always play better. you can always get better. >> his fans believed him and he
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is making other promises. i have undergone almost two months of inpatient therapy and am continuing treatment. i am returning to competition, but i have a lot of work to do in my personal life. a statement from the man whose personal life was not par for the course. cnn, atlanta. >> tiger woods never said he is a sex addict, but seeks inpatient treatment. we want to look at sex addiction and talk about how it's different for stars and what they have in common for everyone who had to deal with the a dixz. man has been through it. crime, punishment and the pope. the sex abuse case that happened on his watch and what is rattling the pontiff oetoday. a report that said pope is not too blame. also available in small, easy-to-swallow petites. citracal.
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they don't know where to begin. so we start to talk about what have they done and what are their goals. and then we plan. it's a very good feeling as an advisor to work with people and help get them to their goals. once people perceive that they can control their destiny then they accomplish unbelievable things. [ male announcer ] we're america's largest financial planning company. meet us today at >> before the break we told you about tiger woods's big announcement. he is making his come back in the masters. his announcement comes less than a month after the public apology that he was seeking treatment. he checked him into rehab and entered a treatment center in arizona before the new season
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and series cal fornication. russell brand woke up in a sexual addiction treatment center in philadelphia. eric benet said he checked into a sex addict program to save his marriage with halle berry. is sex addiction for real and what does treatment entail? we have an author of america anonymous, eight addict in search of a live and chronicles his own sexual addiction. there a lot of folks who don't believe sex addiction is real. it's like the bible for mental health professionals. plenty say it's for real. in your life, ma made you feel this was a huge problem and this was an addiction for you? >> that's important to realize that sex addiction is not about i think about sex too much or make silly decisions when it comes to sex. most can relate to doing that at some point in their life.
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sex addiction like drugs or alcoholism or gambling is when that behavior or substance takes over your life. your life is really depressing and starts to affect your job and your relationships and your friendships. for me i got to the point when it was clear to me that i lost the ability to make sound decisions sexually. i didn't have the problem with alcohol or drugs and i can have a glass of wine. i don't really understand alcoholics. for me my life became very small and very depressing. this is something that people become suicidal over this. >> for destroys relationships. >> it absolutely destroys relationships and marriages. having an affair does not make one a sex addict. most people who have affairs are not sex addicts. a sex addiction is really sort
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of taking it to the next level. when you are actually not able to control your sexual behavior anymore. >> we don't know what tiger woods's deal is. he hasn't talked about it publicly. there is a ton of women who have come forward, but how real any of them are, i have no evidence way or the other. in terms of the treatment for you and other addicts, how do you treat this? it doesn't seem easily solved by not drinking and having the will power to not drink. >> it's really a difficult one. for those who can afford it, there is a handful of very respected inpatient treatments where you can go and start doing the deep work. a lot of people can't afford that. a lot of 12 step meetings and therapy. it's like drugs and alcohol or gambling. the difference with sex addiction and some people don't get this, the goal is not
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life-long abstinence and you don't touch that substance again. with sex addiction, you are trying to relearn how to have sex in a way that is sane for you. it's actually fun. sex addiction ends up not being very fun. that's a misconception that you are out there having all this sex and it's a lot of fun. it's really isolating and depressing for a lot of people. >> because it's never enough? >> it's never enough. it's not really about the person. the person is a drug. that's actually not fun after a while. it's also not fun as a lot of sex addicts experience. you have to go to work at 8:00 and you want to go online and look at porn for a half hour and you are still doing it six hours later. you wonder i have all this will power in other areas of my life, why can't i stop this? it's really a very confusing problem to have.
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>> i think it's important between the difference with someone who has affairs and we don't know which category tiger woods is in. some celebrities use this as cover? they say i will go to rehab because this is an addiction? >> what we have to understand is you mentioned a few names in the opening about people who admitted to this. very few admitted to this addiction. most who go to treatment or get caught in a scandal and say they are going for drugs and alcohol are going for sex addiction. there is an idea that this is the excuse. sex addiction is incredibly stigmatize and we joke about it and dismiss it. it's not the first excuse that most people come up with. it wasn't for me. i meat a lot of excuses in my life for why i was doing what i
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did. for me going to treatment was a way to take responsibility. i hope -- i don't know what it will be for tiger. i open it is for him as well. >> you have been through treatment twice. >> unfortunately. >> do you have a handle on the issue or is this a long thing? >> this is a lifelong thing. like with drug addicts and alcoholics. there people who say i am recovered and it's not a problem anymore. most people will continue to work on this and continue to go to meetings. this is a tricky addiction. you mentioned this about the dsn. they are proposing to call it hyper sexuality. it's a step forward and a funny thing. it's a proposed word. it's a way to call it sex addiction without calling it sex addiction. we started to look at it.
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we are just starting to look at it and the same pleasure centers in the brain are being affected. there is a lot more to learn and this will be in the dsm. >> always good to have ow the book. eight addicts in everywhere search of a life. it's an excellent read. thanks so much. if you are interested, you can go to ac 360. still ahead, the case of the dating game killer. this guy is so creepy. he is the former game show contestant convicted of killing four women and a 12-year-old in the 70s. is he responsible for more murders? clues may be in more than 100 photos found in his storage facility. police are looking at them and want you to see the pictures. we will show them to you. the pope under pressure. what happened when he was an arch bishop in germany.
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when did he know it and why isn't he talking? for strong bones, i take calcium. but my doctor told me that most calcium supplements... aren't absorbed properly unless taken with food. he recommended citracal. it's different -- it's calcium citrate, so it can be absorbed with or without food. citracal.
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a controversial combat military policy to force the troops after 96 hours if they didn't have a large amount of evidence. approximate tuts u.s. lives at risk. our investigative unit first brought up the story and abby but droe joins us. this was the 96 hour rule, abby. >> right, anderson. it meant troops had four days to turn suspects over to afghan officials or to release them. many soldiers and formal commanders said the policy made no sense and wasn't working. in fact we were told it was putting soldiers's lives in danger and many times 96 hours wasn't enough time to do their job and to collect enough evidence to keep suspects locked up. even senator lindsay graham in afghanistan said he saw how the old rule was failing soldiers and how dangerous suspects were being released because of the 96
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hour time constraint. today i had senator graham questioned about the policy and whether it was going to be changed. general petreus announced the new rule that gives soldiers up to two weeks or more to detain suspects. we are told all troops will follow the new 14-day rule and anderson, a pentagon spokesman said he does not anticipate most suspects being held for the full 14 days and said the new rule will help secure information from a high value target that is the biggest threat to troops. >> thanks for the original reporting and the up date. we are following other stories. we have a 360 news bulletin. >> eric holder said osama bin laden will not face trial in the united states. during tense exchanges with the republican members of the house appropriations subcommittee.
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they are viewing it as too dangeritous to put suspects on trial in civilian courts. they rejected the argument. his reason? bin laden will not be captured alive. >> the reality is we will be reading miranda rights to the courts of osama bin laden. he will never appear in an american courtroom. that's the reality. >> the federal reserve is sticking with its pledge to hold rates at record lows for an extended period to foster the economic recovery. it left the key interest rate near 0% today. proof we are born to dance. researchers at the university of york in england found that dancing comes naturally to infants and babies find music more engaging than speech. that reminds us of our favorite dancing baby. new zealand toddler with single
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ladies became an internet sensation when his parents posted it on you tube. do we really need a study to tell us that babies would rather listen to music than people talk? >> i don't think i was born with that dancing gene. i'm the exception. >> at the end of the show, why don't you show us. >> i think should have my genome thing so that they can isolate the gene i'm missing. >> coming up next, the daily challenge for viewers to show up the staffers for the photo we put on the blog every day. secretary tim geithner for the house appropriations hearing. gary captured the white house director and coup of playboy magazine. he is drooling a little bit. mary's kapgds as he sits down ready for the tongue lashing.
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mary, your t-shirt is on the way. congratulations. heard disease and men. this is a fascinating new study that flags early warning signs that some men are twice as likely to die of cardiovascular diseases as others. we will tell you what the early warning sign is. it will shock you. what did the pope know and when did he know it? he was in charge of investigating abuse allegations and questions about whether she was doing his job. thanks for coming.
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the deepening sexual abuse scandal that continues to be met with the catholic church and mounting pressure on the pope to make a comment. will he? should he? dozens of people said they were molested when the pope search served as arch bishop. one was convicted of sexual abuse, but only this week suspended from the church. john allen said the pope's moral authority is being called into question. we will talk with him in a moment, but first nick robinson. >> the questions at the center of the crisis are what did pope benedict know and when did he know about it and what did he do about it? >> we are seeing a global phenomenon and a system at work with the vatican at the center.
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>> questions that began two decades ago when the pope was known as cardinal ratzinger. he was called into allegations of abuse by a priest. >> he walked every bishop in the world, telling them every case of a priest who abused a child was to be referred to his department. >> they are defending the pope, praising his work after he took control of abuse cases. according to one of the vatican's top prosecutors, the cardinal showed great wisdom and firmness in dealing with the cases and he said he showed great courage dealing with the most difficult. therefore he said to accuse the pope of a cover up is false. the pressure just keeps mounting. newly released details are raising questions about the pontiff's judgment even before he came to rome, overseeing
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cases of abuse. in 1980 when the pope was a bishop in germany, he oversaw the case of a priest involved in child abuse. the pope moved the priest from one diocese to another. his own. so that the priest could get therapy. several years later, the priest was convicted. the critics said he should pay more attention at the time and taken child abuse more seriously. in germany over the past few months, several hundred allegations of abuse have been made. new cases are surfacing in holland, spain, switzerland and brazil, but nowhere is the pressure on the pope and the church greater than in ireland. pressure is growing on the leader of the irish church to step down. following revelations he knew of abuse in the 1970s. he kept it from police and had the victims sign an oath of secrecy. the priest involved, brendan
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smith, the irish church's most prolific file continued to abuse children for another two decades. the cardinal said he will only resign if the pope tells him. officials at the vatican are saying in the coming days, the pope will send a letter to the irish people. cnn, vatican city. growing scandal and not a sound from the pope so far. we will talk to john alan and the vat an correspondent reporter. he is the author of the books the upcoming, the future church. john allen joins us. how integral is this pope to hushing this up. this case in germany. >> what church officials have said is that while then cardinal ratzinger, now pope benedict xvi
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was this priest and was sent into the archdiocese for therapy. he was not aware of a subsequent decision made by someone lower down the food chain. he apparently went on to abuse others and was convicted for it in 1986. the argument is while it happened on the pope's watch, it happened without his direct personal knowledge. >> how can a guy, this father who served a sentence and molested kids only have resigned days ago. it's incredible. >> that is mind boggling, anderson. this guy was convicted of sexual abuse in 1986 and served the sentence of probation and paid a fine and yet apparently continued to work in a series of parishes in southern germany for the next quarter century. he was only removed after this came to light in the press. the important thing to stress in
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terms of the personal rule is all that was happened after the pope left germany and came to work in the vatican. >> he was in charge of the that oversaw all these charges. there is clearly a track record of the church hushing these things up and moving priests from parish to parish without informing the parish we ares enning you a pedophile priest. >> no question. it should be said in the church that that was no longer its practice today. that guy will be yanked out and probably kicked out of the priesthood. probably not the pattern in years past. from 1982 to 2001 then cardinal joseph ratzinger had no direct personal oversight with the sex
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abuse cases. >> what's happening in germany and ireland and other places is basically, they are wabing up to what the u.s. catholic archdiocese woke up to years ago. there was a sense that all this stuff was happening in the united states and now it's clear that this has been happening around the world. >> it's obviously a global problem. you are right. at the beginning of the eruption in the states in 2002, there was a tendency in places and i have to say in the vatican to write it off as those nutty americans going off the deep end. it is abundantly clear now that this is truly a global thing. if there is a corner of the catholic world not yet experienced it, they need to be aware that their time has come. >> what will happen to this pope? could he step down? is there that much pressure? >> anderson, i think the prospect of the pope resigning is up there with the prospect of
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us colliding with another planet. it's unlikely. the deeper problem really is that this calls into question the pope's ability to lead the church out of this mess. what we need to understand is that the sex abuse crisis is too interlocked of district problems. the problem of priest who is abuse and bishops who fail to clean it up. on the second problem, some may ask, particularly if this is not an isolated case and other guys were moved around on the pope's watch. people may ask the question, can the pope credibly call bishops to task if he had exactly the same problem when he himself was a bishop. >> and did not call the police that is say layer that is stunning to this. appreciate you being with us. >> you bet, anderson. >> missing women and a serial killer. he was a contestant on the
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dating game and police think he may have killed more women. they found about 100 photographs. we will have the latest ahead. watch what your driving instructor shouldn't have to teach you. what was the guy thinking? we have the story coming up. for me to breathe. copd but with advair, i'm breathing better. so i can join the fun at my family barbeque. (announcer) for people with copd, including chronic bronchitis, emphysema, or both, great news. advair helps significantly improve lung function. while nothing can reverse copd, advair is different from most other medications because it contains both an anti-inflammatory and a long-acting bronchodilator, working together to help you breathe better. advair won't replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than twice a day. people with copd taking advair may have a higher chance of pneumonia.
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can i tell you what a difference phillips' colon health has made? it's the probiotics. the good bacteria. that gets your colon back in balance. i'm good to go! phillips' colon health. new developments in a disturbing story about a serial killer who is a winning bachelor on the dating game, if you can believe it.
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pictures he kept are part of our report. >> they look like independent snapshots, but they are hahning and unnerving. we don't know what happened to these women or r and girls and even if they are dead or alive. authorities in california suspect they are photographs taken by rodney al calla. >> we are going to have a great time together, cheryl. >> he was convicted of murdering women and a 12-year-old girl. the jury recommended a death sentence. the orange county district attorney and huntington beach police department released them. they were in a storage unit used by al calla. >> we conditions them in the decision to release the pictures. woo we open they are not victims, but it may bring close tower victims's families.
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>> the tips continue to stream in. authorities say the family and friends of four women in the photographs released have been missing for decades. the identities of the women are not made public and a spokes person told us it is likely that al calla killed more than five people and some of his victims may have been in these photographs. with me is legal analyst lisa bloom. even if they link women in the photos to missing women, there is no other step to solve the cases unless this guy talks. >> that's probably right, anderson. in a 30-year-old case, they need forensic evidence like hairs or fiberses or dna linking it to him. even if the photos are found in his locker, even in he confesses to the killings of these young women, it's not going to be enough without hard evidence. >> would they make a deal and take him off death row for admitting to other crimes? >> that's always the possibility
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and the problem is here in california although we are a death penalty state, it's almost never applied. there is over 600 people on death row and we execute less than one prisoner a year. you are more likely to die of natural causes than execution. not much of a bargaining chip to work with. his attorney does know that. >> the photographs were not the only thing. they found earrings that belong to a 12-year-old girl who al calla killed. it's common for serial killers to keep trophies of the victims. >> it is. they are called trophy killers and they get sexually excited by taking out the trophies and the earrings or under garments they keep in a locker as apparently this guy did for all of these years. he has been in custody since 1979. i am not clear why they are just now being released. the police had a tough decision to make. did they want to rattle victim family member who is had somebody missing for over 30
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years or do they want to try to solve a cold case? they made the right call because victims suffered the worst when their family member went missing 30 years ago. it will be less now even if they see a photo found in this man's locker. at least they get closure and a connection and perhaps law enforcement can have him talk. >> it adds a freakiness to the dating game which has always been freaky, but especially these videos we are seeing. >> it was unorthodox for the police department to release the photos. >> it was. i think they made the right call. their priority as to be to solve unsolved crimes. this man is convicted of killing people, four women and one girl. it's not impossible that he killed others. where did the photographs come from. some of them are beautiful photographs like the one we are looking at now. did he take them innocently that he connected to and did no harm
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to or is there something sinister to the photos? that's why we are showing them to come forward and give us more information. >> so sad. lisa, appreciate it. >> thank you. >> new research on men and heart health. some men are twice as likely to die of heart attacks as others. we will tell you what the biggest warning sign is. $75 million stolen from a warehouse. big sophisticated robbery as police baffled. new details ahead. [ woman ] when i grow up, i want to take him on his first flight. i want to run a marathon. i'm going to work with kids. i'm going to own my own restaurant. when i grow up, i'm going to start a band. [ female announcer ] at aarp we believe you're never done growing. thanks, mom. i just want to get my car back. [ female announcer ] together we can discover the best of what's next at [i don't thinkncer ] togyou can live discover
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the american lifestyle without energy. we have all this energy here in the u.s. we have wind. we have solar, obviously. we have lots of oil. i think natural gas is part of the energy mix of the future. i think we have the can-do. we have the capability. we have the technology. the solutions are here. we just need to find them here.
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>> let's get a look at the other stories we are following. candy? >> local police and the feds are investigating a massive drug heist in connecticut. it happened in the big east coast rain storm early sunday morning. police say a band of thieves broke into eli lily and made off with $75 million in prescription drugs. the company spokesman speculated the suspect will probably try to sell the drugs on the black market. a new study finds a connection between erectile dysfunction and heart disease. men who suffer from impotence are twice as likely to succumb
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to card no vascular disease or heart attack as those who are not impotent. the study is in the journal of circulation. an eye-popping record deal. dozens of michael jackson songs never heard by fans will be released over the next seven years and bring in more than $250 million to the late singer's estate. take a look at this for a weekend. >> yikes! wow. >> not your typical crash. local cameras were rolling when a tennessee man drove right into a rock sleed. >> i did not even see it. >> he didn't see it? >> wow. >> exactly. it was in knoxville on highway 129. people may want to avoid that particular place. >> or that particular driver. either of those two.
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or that car would be fine. candy, for tonight's shot, i love that a spokesperson had to point out that whoever stole the $75 million worth of drugs would sell them. as opposed to use them themselves? >> you want to stop and say what else would they be doing? but i didn't, you notice. >> great restraint. for tonight's shot, i don't know if you have seen your version, but i'm scared to. the 100th anniversary of the museum of natural history on human origins is opening features a facial morphoing station to see what folks might have looked like millions of years ago. they gave us an idea of how i would be as a neanderthal. watch the transformation. i like that i have the same hair. >> like planet of the apes.
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i look like a bearded e wok. it resembles my high school year book picture. i lived in a tree and i don't know, been neanderthal-like. candy, i think we have yours with your permission, of course. >> no. uh-uh. >> never the less, we shall do this. not nice. >> why is yours normal and i'm like that. >> because i'm the anchor. >> exactly. thanks a lot, anderson. i'm off tomorrow night. >> i'm sorry about that. mine didn't look much better. like an e wok with a toupee. coming up, the final push on health care and loud complaints about lawmakers doing the
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whatever you think of health reform bill are they abandoning transparency to pass it. are they avoiding accountability? they are pointing to a maneuver that is keeping them honest. tiger woods coming back and in a word, it's major. one of the biggest tournaments for a man who has big, big problems. you heard a lot about sex addiction, but is it for real?
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we will talk with a man who has gone through inpatient treatment twice. new details about the dating game killer already on death row. the police found about 100 photos in a storage locker. they asked for your help in figuring out who the women were. four missing women may have been identified. first up, the democrats, five more in the house saying they plan to vote against the senate health bill. that means opponents are 11 votes shy from defeating in its entirety the defining agenda. for weeks president obama said we need to know where people stand on health care and calling for a simple up or down vote. you support it or you don't. today we got word that nancy pelosi is considering a vote that is anything but simple. it's a way of voting for or against it without voting for or against it. why would they do that? ed henry is keeping them honest.
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>> in his push for health reform in state after state, the president has been hammering the same point over and over. here's pennsylvania. >> the united states congress owes the american people a final up or down vote on health care. we need to see where people stand. >> missouri. >> congress owes the american people a final up or down vote on health care reform. the time for talk is over. it's time to vote. >> then ohio. >> so look. ohio, that's the proposal. i believe congress owes the american people a final up or down vote. >> except now with victory and doubt, nancy pelosi may do the opposite. she is considering a plan to shield nervous democrats from casting a direct vote on the president's plan. instead she may use a maneuver known as deeming where the house passes a rule to approve fixes
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to the senate health bill and deems the underlying senate bill has already become law without house members having to vote. what republicans call trickery caught fire today. >> why are you not being clear with the american people about what you want the house to do? >> ed, we are being clear with the people of the united states and with congress that there is going to be a vote this week and we will know where people stand on health care. >> for may not be a vote on the actual legislation. >> this is a legislative process game that people put together. >> robert gibbs suggested the procedural move will be an up or down vote, but if that's true, speaker pelosi didn't get the message. on monday she contradicted gibbs. >> the vote is on the bill. upon its passage. it is deemed passed. it's more insider and process oriented than people want to know, but i like it because we
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don't have to vote on the senate. >> i guess what i would call it is nancy pelosi is trying to come up with an immaculate conception. >> republicans have previous used the maneuver to pass legislation like immigration reform, but it could be more toxic this time. coming after the president's health care push has been dominated by allegations of shady deals. ed, how much of what the republicans outrage is genuine and how much is just pure politics? >> in these situations, it's never quite black and white. you have to acknowledge there many republican who is want to vote against this and they believe there have been a lot of unsavory compromises and deal-making and the corn husker kick back and the louisiana purchase. fairly or unfairly, that has stuck to the process and is really hurting democrats. on the other hand when the talk to republicans, they acknowledge they are scoring points here and piling on because of the unsavory deals.
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a short time ago i got on the fwoen a guy who veas this on health care and said he is nervous that this maneuver if it goes forward will add all of that and as top democrats said, he thinks will president will get a deal because of the way he put it was, the alternative is disastrous. the democrats and the president have invefed so much, they have no other strategy fwou get it done. that's not a positive way to pass the bill. >> senior political analyst david gergin weighed in on this and painting democrats anything but a profile on courage. why is it so bad? >> anderson, to be fair it's still an option that nancy pelosi is considering. maybe it was a trial balloon, but i hope it's a trial balloon that collapses. it would be a very bad idea.
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it will taint the health care bill. >> they will say republicans have done this and they did it on immigration reform. >> for has been done in the past. reconciliation has been done in the past. a couple of things,annerson. we are talking about the most important piece of social legislation in decades and to resort to a piece of legislation this big after all the back room deals that went into it and going through the process of reconciliation and piling this on top of it, this form of dodge as "the washington post" editorialized, the ways down the health care bill will give it an air of illegitimacy in the eyes of american who is don't like it. democrats say process doesn't matter. process does matter. the deals from the back room with us on the senate mattered a
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lot in the election of scott brown. that angered voters. >> when they said there is going to be a vote this week whether it's this way or that way and the process doesn't matter, you say not true. >> well, the president has been arguing as henry said, let's have an up or down vote. they understood it to be a cleaning up or down vote where people are not voting and to go to henrio point again, what is not being voted on is the fundamental underlying legislation and they will vote on the amendments and somebody can say i can't believe you allowed that to happen on abortion and you voted to allow this to happen in the seasonate. i didn't vote for that. i voted for the rule. that's the kind of lack of accountability. no fingerprints. that's a good way to put it. they wouldn't be doing this to have the vote. they have to scramble, but i think when the president called for courage, what he meant was
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or what i thought he meant yesterday was the courage to stand up for what you think is right. people ought to vote for this up or down based on what they think is right. >> do you think they will have the votes to pass this? >> it looked all week as if they would have. they had this momentum they have been talking about and they had slight favorability to do that, but given the last 24 hours, for the first time i think it's a much more serious step. >> appreciate it. let us know what you think at "ac 360".com. why professional golf is celebrating and where he will start his come back and sexual addiction. we hear a lot about it and turning around a lot. is it for real and what is the treatment that people receive when they go to rehab? we will talk about that. later, shocking photos from a dating game killer's picture book discovered in a storage facility he had. do they point the way to more of his victims?
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new information of four families who recognized their loved ones in these photos. okay, class, our special guest is here -- ellen page. hi, ellen! hi, ellen! hi, ellen! hi, ellen! we're going on a field trip to china! wow. [ chuckles ] when i was a kid, we -- we would just go to the -- the farm. [ cow moos ] [ laughter ] no, seriously, where are you guys going? ni hao! ni hao! ni hao! ni hao! ni hao! ni hao! ni hao! ni hao! ni hao! ni hao! ni hao! ni hao! [ female announcer ] the new classroom. see it. live it. share it. on the human network. cisco.
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the masters, where he won four times and he is least likely to be heckled or bothered by what happens last when he wrecked his truck, marriage, and a big chunk of promotional values. we have seen reality show rejects and cocktail wait ress that had a relationship with woods and you hear about the term, sex addiction, but what is it really? we talked to someone who has been through it. first gary tuckman on the tiger addiction. >> tiger woods last month. >> i was wrong. i was foolish. i don't get to play by different rules. the same boundaries that apply to everyone apply to me. i brought this shame on myself. >> then he added this. >> do i plan to return to golf
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day. i just don't know when that day will be. >> now we know when that day will be. it will be the day next month when golfers come to georgia trying to win a green jacket. the masters is where i won my first major and i view this tournament with great respect. after a long and necessary time away from the game, i feel like i'm ready to start my season at augusta. he is ready for golf, but is golf ready for him? >> i think golf needs tiger woods a lot more than tiger woods needs golf. >> the senior editor of forbes magazine followed the saga that began with the mysterious car accident near his house and culminated about him apologizing about the affairs. >> here doesn't need to earn another penny for the rest of his life, but they need tiger woods back on the course. television ratings can as much as double when tiger woods is playing. right now the tour is hurting in terms of responsorship deals.
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>> some sponsors have stuck with him like nike. others kept their distance and maintained the contracts like jillette and others said adios. >> if it's a a certain type of family good guy image, i would definitely stay away from tiger woods at this point. if it's a brand looking to make a benefit from the pr associated with getting behind woods,y would look at that brand and say you know what, this is a good time to get behind woods. >> back in 1997, i met woods for the first time. he just won the masters months after turning pro. a huge crowd turned out to see him participate in a sponsorship for a restaurant. i asked him about his future. >> how can you top this?
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>> i can always play better. >> his fans believed him and he lived up to his professional promise and now she making other promises. >> i have undergone almost two months of inpatient therapy and continuing my treatment. although i am returning, i have a lot of work to do in my personal life. a statement from a man whose personal life was not par for the course. cnn, atlanta. >> he never said he is a sex addict. tonight we want to learn about sex addiction. it's different for stars and what they have in common with everyone who deals with that addiction. we talked to man. crime and punishment and the pope. the sex abuse case that happened on his watch and the aftershocks rattling the pontiffs. i remember being at the hospital, thinking about my wife. i should have done more to take care of myself.
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now i'm exercising, watching my diet, and i trust my heart to lipitor. [ male announcer ] along with diet, lipitor is fda approved to reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, and certain kinds of heart surgeries in patients with several common risk factors or heart disease. lipitor is backed by over 17 years of research. lipitor is not for everyone, including people with liver problems p9 and women who are nursing, pregnant or may become pregnant. you need simple blood tests to check for liver problems. tell your doctor if you are taking other medications or if you have any muscle pain or weakness. is may be a sign of a rare but serious side effect. i'll never forget what i went through. don't take your health for granted. [ male announcer ] have a heart to heart with your doctor about your risk and about lipitor.
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before the break, we told you about tiger woods's big announcement returning to professional golf and making a come back to the masters. his announcement comes less than a month after the public apology that he was seeking treatment. not the first celebrity to check himself into rehab. david duchovney before the new season of his series, cal fornication. russell brand mentioned it in his biography and he woke up in sexual treatment center. eric benet said he checked into a 35-day rehab program to save his major with halle berry. is sex addiction for real and what does treatment entail? let's dig deeper with the author of eight addicts in search of a
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and chronicles his own sexual addiction. a lot of folk who is don't believe sexual addiction is real. it's not in the bible for mental health professionals, but therapists do say it's for real. in your life, what made you feel that not only was this a problem, but an addiction for you? >> that's important to realize that sex addiction is not about i think about sex a little too much or make silly decision when is it comes to sex. most people can relate to doing that at some point in their life. sex addiction like drug addiction and alcoholism and gambling is when that behavior or substance takes over your live and your live is depressing and it starts to affect your job and relationships and friendshi friendships. for me i got to the point when it was clear to me that i lost the ability to make sound decisions sexually. i didn't have the problem with alcohol and with drugs.
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i can have a glass of wine. i don't really understand alcoholics why they can't have just one glass of wine. for me it was my life really became very small and very depressing. this is something that people become suicidal over this. >> for destroys relationships? >> it absolutely destroys relationships. it certainly destroys marriages. having an affair does not make one a sex addict. most people are not sex addicts. a sex addiction is really sort of taking it to the next level when you are actually not able to control your sexual behavior anymore. >> we don't know what tiger woods's deal is. he hasn't talked about it publicly and there is certainly a ton of women who have come forward, but how real any of them are, i have no evidence one way or the other. in terms of the treatment for and you other addicts, how do you treat this? doesn't seem like something
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easily solved by not drinking and having the will power to not drink. >> it's really a difficult one. there is a handful where you can start doing the deep work. a lot of people can afford that. there 12-step meetings and therapy. it's like drugs and alcohol and gambling. the difference with sex addiction and some people don't quite get this, the goal is not life-long abstinence. you don't touch that substance again. with sex addiction, you are trying to relearn how to have sex in a way that is sort of sane for you. that's actually fun. sex addiction it ends up not being fun. that's a misconception that you are having this sex and it's fun. it's isolating and depressing for a lot of people.
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>> because it's never enough? >> it's never enough and not really about the person. the person is a drug. that's actually not fun after a while. it's also not fun when you as a lot of sex addicts experience, you have to go to work at 8:00 in the morning and you want to go online and look at porn for a half hour. you are still doing it six hours later. you wonder. i have all this will power in other areas, why can't i stop this? it's a very confusing problem to have. >> an important point that there is a difference between those who have extra marital affairs and we don't know which category tiger woods is in and people who get caught having an affair use this as cover. this is an addiction. >> i think what we have to understand is we have people who admitted to this. realize this, few people admitted to this addiction. most celebrities who go to
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treatment and get caught in a scandal and who go to rehab say they are going for drugs and alcohol when they're going for sex addiction. this idea that this is sort of the excuse and easy excuse. sex addiction is still invediblely stigmatized. we joke and dismiss it, this is not the first excuse that most people come up with. it wasn't for me. i made a lot of excuses in my and doing the things i did. starting recovery was a way to take responsibility. i hope -- i don't know what it will be for tiger. i hope it is for him as well. >> you have been through inpatient treatment twice. >> unfortunately, yes. >> do you feel like you have a handle on it now or is this a long thing you deal with? >> this is a long thing like drug addicts and alcoholics. people say i'm recover and it's not a problem anymore. most people will continue to
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work on this and continue to go to meetings. this is a tricky addiction. you mentioned this about the dsn. it's not there. they are proposings to call it hyper sexuality which is a step forward. it's a funny word, but it's a way to call it sex addiction without calling it sex addiction. the problem is that we started to look at the brains of sex addicts and made great progress with alcohol and drugs and compulsive overeating and food addiction. we are starting to look at the brains of sex addicts and what we're finding is fascinating. the same pleasure centers are being affected. there is a lot more to learn. this will be in the dsm. >> always good to have you on. it's an excellent read if anyone has not read it, i recommend it. thanks so much. >> thank you. >> we will have more on tiger woods and his problems and how he is dealing with it and including his religion,
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buddhism. you can go to "ac 360".com. still ahead, new developments in the case of the dating game killer. this guy is so creepy. he is the game show contestant convicted of killing women and a 12-year-old girl in the 70s. is he responsible for more murders? clues may be in more than 100 photos found in his storage facility. police are looking at hem and they want you to see the pictures. the pope under pressure. what did he know about sex abuse? when did he know it and why isn't he talking? crime and punishment in the catholic church, coming up. kblap him a cart. [ man ] wow! [ male announcer ] staples has low prices on everything you need for your office. staples. that was easy. youtube didn't exist. and facebook was still run out of a dorm room. when we built our first hybrid, more people had landlines than cell phones, and gas was $1.75 a gallon. and now,
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we brought you a controversial military policy that foresaid our treeps to release insurge eps after 96 hours if they didn't have a large amount of evidence. it puts u.s. lives at risk. our unit first brought us this story and special investigates unit joins us with 360 follow. this was the 96 hour rule. >> the old rule said they had four days to turn suspects over to officials or release them. many soldiers and former commanders tell us the policy made no sense and that it wasn't working. we were told it was putting lives in danger because at 96 hours, it wasn't enough time for them to do their job and collect enough evidence to keep suspects locked up. even senator lindsay graham saw
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firsthand how the old rule was failing soldiers and how dangerous suspects were being released because of the 96-hour time constraint. today on capitol hill they questioned david petreus about theless and whether it was going to be changed. general petreus announced the new rule to give soldiers up to two weeks or more in cases to detain suspects in afghanistan. we are told all troops will follow the new rule and a pentagon spokesman said he does not anticipate most suspects being held for the full 14 days. he said the new rule will help secure information from high value targets which are the biggest threat to u.s. troops. anders anderson. >> candy crowley has the latest. >> attorney general eric holder said bin will never face trial
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in the united states. he made the comments in tense exchanges and the republican members of the house appropriation committee in a hearing. they said it's too dangerous to put them on trial. holder rejected the argument and his reason? bin laden will not be captured alive. >> we talk about a hypothetical. the reality is we will read miranda rights to the courts. he will never appear in an american courtroom. >> it is -- >> that's a reality. >> the federal reserve is sticking with the pledge to hold rates at record lows for an extended president to foster economic recovery. it left the key interest rate near 0% today. new proof we are born to dance. researchers at the university of york in england found that dancing comes naturally to infanneds and babies find music more engaging than speech.
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that reminds us of our favorite dancing baby. new zealand toddler corey elliott with single ladies became an internet sensation when his papers posted on the tube. >> i love that dancing baby. >> do we really need a study to tell us that babies would rather listen to music than people talk. >> i don't think i was born with that dancing gene. i think i'm the exception. >> at the end of the show, show us. >> i think i should have my genome things so they can isolate the gene i am missing. coming up next, viewers have a chance to show up the staffers by coming up with a better caption for the photo we put on the blog. tonight we have before the house appropriation hearing. gary has captured the budget
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director as he prepared to open up playboy magazine. mary's caption is he sits down ready for the tongue lashing. mary, your 360 t-shirt is on the way. the vatican sex abuse. what did the pope know and when did he know it? now there questions about whether she was doing his job. we are keeping it on.
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the deepening schedule that shook the catholic church is met with silence. mounting pressure on the pope to comment on what is clearly becoming a crisis for the vatican. will he and should he? dozens said they were mo lefed by a german priest when the pope served as arch bishop. one was convicted, but only this week was he suspended from the church. our analyst said the pope's moral authority is called into question and we will talk with him in a moment, but first nick robert with crime and punishment report. >> the questions at the center of the crisis is what did pope benedict xvi know and when did he know about it and what did he do about it? >> we are seeing a global phenomenon in and a global system at work with the vatican at the center. >> they are questions that began two decades ago when the hope was known as cardinal ratzinger. for 23 years he was the chief
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investigator into allegations of abuse by priests. >> in 2001 he wrote to every bishoping them every case of a priest who abused a child was to be referred to his department of the vatican. >> fiduciaries are defending the pope, praising his investigative work after he took control of abuse cases. according to a top prosecutor, cardinal ratzinger showed wisdom and firmness in dealing with the cases and he said he showed great courage dealing with the most difficult and thorniest of them. therefore he said to accuse the pope of a cover up is false. >> the pressure just keeps mounting. newly released details of abuse are raising questions about the pontiff's judgment, even before he came to overseeing cases of abuse. in 1980 when the hope was a bishop in germany, he oversaw the case of a priest involved in
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child abuse. the pope moved the priest from one diocese to another. so that the priest could get therapy. several years later, the priest was convicted of child abuse. the critics said he should have paid more attention at the time and taken child abuse more seriously. in germany over the past few months, several hundred allegations of abuse have been made. new cases are surfacing in holland, spain, switzerland and brazil that nowhere is the pressure on the pope and the church greater than in ireland. pressure is growing on the leader of the irish church. the cardinal wants him to step down. abuse he knew of in the 70s, he kept it from police and had the victim sign an oath of secrecy. the priest involved was brendan smith, the most prolific pedophile continued to abuse
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children for another two decades. cardinal brady said he will only resign if the pope tells him. officials here at the vatican responded saying in the coming days, the hope will send a letter to the irish people. cnn, vatican city. >> growing scandal and not a sound from the pope so far. what is going to happen next? the vatican correspondent and the author of the book the upcoming, the future church. john allen joins us now. how integral was this pope to hushing this up? this case in germany? >> what church officials said while then cardinal rat zinger and now pope benedict was aware that this priest was sent into the archdiocese needing therapy in 1980, he was not aware of a
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subsequent decision made lower down the food chain in munich where as nick's piece said. he went on to abuse others and was convicted in 1986. the argument is that while it happened on the pope's watch, it happened without his direct personal knowledge. >> how can a guy, this father who served a sentence and who molested kids only have resigned three days ago. it's incredible. >> it is mind boggling, anderson. the fact that this guy was convicted of sexual abuse in 1986. he served the sentence and probation and paid a fine and continued to work in a series of parishes. >> the church has. >> he was only removed after this came to light in the press. the important thing is that all of that happened after the pope had left germany and come to
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rome. >> he was in charge of the body that oversaw all the charges. there is clearly a track record of the church hushing these things up and moving priests without informing the parish and we are sending you a pedophile priest. >> no question. there was that. that was summer no longer the abuse of someone. he will probably be turned over to the cops, but obviously that was not the pattern in years past. one small point about the pope in the vatican, his office only got the responsibility for the sex abuse in 2001. from 1982 to 2 then 1 then cardinal joseph ratzinger had no direct personal oversight over the sex abuse cases of any kind. >> what is happening in europe and germany and ireland and other places is basically, they are waking up to what the u.s.
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catholic archdiocese woke up to years ago. there was a sense earlier on that all this stuff was happening in the united states and that was clear, it has been happening around the world. >> it's obviously a global problem. you are right. the beginning of the eruption in the states, there was a tendency in places and including in the vatican to write it off as those nutty americans going off the deep end. it is abundantly clear now that this is truly a global thing. if there is a corner of the catholic world not yet experienced it, they need to be aware that their time has probably come. >> what will happen to the pope? is it possible to step down? is there that much pressure? >> anderson, i think the prospect of the pope resigning is probably up there with the prospect of us colliding with another planet. it's radically unlikely. i think the deeper problem is
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that this calls into question the pope's ability in some ways to lead the church out of this mess. what we need to understand is that the sex abuse crisis is too interlocked of sdrirchth problems. priests who abuse and bishop who is failed to clean it up. on the second problem, some may ask if this doesn't turn out to be an isolated case and other guys who were moved around on the pope's watch, people may ask the question, can the pope call bishops to task if he had the same problem when he himself was a bishop. >> and did not call the police which again is a whole other layer which is stunning to this. thanks, john. >> you bet. >> coming up next, missing women and a serial killer. he was a contestant on the dating game and he may have murdered more women. they found about 100 photographs. we will have the latest ahead.
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we have solar, obviously. we have lots of oil. i think natural gas is part of the energy mix of the future. i think we have the can-do. we have the capability. we have the technology. the solutions are here. we just need to find them here. compare a well equipped lexus es, to a well-equipped buick lacrosse. get inside each. and see what you find. if perfection is what you pursue, this just might change your course. meet the new class of world class. the twenty-ten lacrosse, from buick. may the best car win. to chart a greener path in the air... and in our factories.
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>> they look like innocent snap shods, but they are haunting and unnerving. we don't know what happened to these women and girls and if they are dead or alive. they ar taken by rodney alcala who last month was convicted of murdering four women and a 12-year-old girl. a jury recommended the death sentence for his crimes. the orange county district attorney and the huntington police department released the pictures to the public this week. they were found in a storage locker used by alcala. in a statement, the prosecutor said, question balanced the privacy concerns of those depicted in the decision to release these pictures. although we hope that the people depicted are not victim, we believe the release may help solve some cold cases and bring closure to victims' families. >> well, the tips continue to stream in. just today, authorities in
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california say that family and friends of four women in the photographs released last week having missing for decades. the d.a. says the identity of the women are not being made public and tonight, a spokesperson for the d.a. told us it is likely that alcala killed more than five people and that some of his victims may have been in these photographs. with me now is legal analyst lisa bloom. even if they continue to link women in the photos to missing women, there's no other step for them to really solve these cases, unless this guy talk, right? >> that's probably right, anderson. in a 30-year-old case they're going to need some kind of forensic evidence, some hair, fiber, dna, linking the victims to them, even if their photos are found in his locker. it's not enough to convict. and i would say, even if he confesses to the killings of any i of these women, 0 years ago, it's not going to be enough without hard evidence. >> could they take him off death row if he admits to other crimes? >> that's always a possibility. the problem, anderson, is that
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here in california, even though we are a death penalty state, the death penalty is almost never applied. 600 people on death row, we executeless than one prisoner per year. you're more likely to die of natural causes believe it or not on death row in california than execution. so it's not much of a bargaining chip to work with. if alcala doesn't know that, his attorney certainly does know that. >> they also found earrings which belonged to a 12-year-old girl who alcala killed. i guess it's common for serial killers who keep troe fis phies their victims. >> it is. sometimes they get sexually excited by taking out the trophies, the earrings, undergarments, something like that they keep in a locker. he's been in custody since 1979. i'm not clear why the photos are just now being released. but the police had a tough decision to make. do they want to rattle potentially victim family members who have had somebody missing for over 30 years or do they want to try to solve a cold case in i think they made the
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right call. victims suffered the worst tragedy when their family member went missing 30 years ago. i think it's going to be less traumatic now, even if they see a photo, found in this man's locker. at least they get some closure, at least they get some connection and perhaps law enforcement can prevail upon him to talk. >> it adds a whole other level of creepiness to "the dating game" which has always been creepy, but now you look at them with a whole other set of eyes. it was unorthodox for the huntington beach police department to release these fot te fps. >> it was. i think they made the right call. their priority has to be to solve unsolved crimes. this man has already been convicted of killing five people, four women and one girl. it's not impossible to believe that he could have killed many poer people. where did these photographs come from? did he just take them innocently of people that he connected with some way but did no harm to? or is there something more
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sinister to these photos. that's what police want to find out. we're showing these photos in the hopes that people will come forward and give us more information. >> so sad. lisa bloom, appreciate it. thanks. still ahead, a southern state that's adding jobs and building itself up one car at a time. what happened after they convinced hyundai to call alabama home.
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america" we all know these are not great times for car sales in america, but some companies are doing much better than oh, including one carmaker that's put down new roots in alabama far from its home base in seoul, south korea. the decision is transforming an american community. here's tom foreman. >> reporter: just south of montgomery, almost every minute, another newrolls off the line. and just about as soften you can find someone like oyolanda williams singing the cars praises. >> i love my job. it's changed a lot of people's lives down here. >> reporter: winning this massive economic prize over other states that wanted it had local leaders scrambling at one point, making sure hyundai knew how transportation services, power grids and most of all, the local community could and would meet all their needs.
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>> so this location was great. >> reporter: and they made sure you had everything? >> everything. >> reporter: the land, the communications, the transportation. >> yes, utilities. >> reporter: and it seems like it's working? >> it is working. >> reporter: last year, hyundai was just one of three car companies to increase sales in america. the success for the community? -- so you're just looking to see if there's anything wrong in this piece? good jobs. how secure do you feel in your job? >> i feel really secure. i really do. >> reporter: enough to buy a house, enough to move forward? >> i have. >> reporter: hyundai doesn't make everything it needs, so that means a lot of suppliers have sprung up all throughout this region to make bumpers and sunroofs and dash boards. and that has created many more jobs. about 800 have come from mobis, another korean company that followed hyundai here. i'm guessing a lotf
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