tv Larry King Live CNN March 18, 2010 12:00am-1:00am EDT
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our cholesterol. and about lipitor. but my doctor told me that most calcium supplements... aren't absorbed properly unless taken with food. he recommended citracal. it's different -- it's calcium citrate, so it can be absorbed with or without food. citracal. he thinks i'm neater than hard salami. >> larry: tonight, tv's golden girls sweetheart, betty white. a half million face back fans helped land her a special hosting gig. >> live from new york, it's "saturday night." >> larry: she's just signed to do a new tv series.
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and she's scored in a super bowl ad. >> you're playing like betty white out there. >> that's not what your girlfriend said. >> larry: what is is the secret of betty white's long success. >> larry: plus, dennis kucinich. his first press conference since changing his mind. and tiger woods and much more all next on "larry king live." >> larry: she's here, betty white is right here with us tonight. before we speak to her, we want to talk about the big news of the day. she's ticked that she's not on before him, dennis kucinich, democrat of ohio, he made headlines earlier today by announcing he's changed his mind and will vote for health care
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reform. was there any arm twisting involved here? >> no, i -- you know, the president and everyone else i spoke to was -- they made their case. i provided the counter argument as to the changes i wanted to see in the bill. now we've moved beyond that, i think the things i want to see eventually in health care, we can move toward over the years. i said it this morning, i'll say it again, it was a detour. you hit a roadblock, you have a choice, you can go straight and maybe go over a cliff, or you can take a detour and eventually get to the destination you want to get to. i hope as i work with the president on the next step, we can work on issues like diet, nutrition, complimentary issues, things like that. >> larry: did you ever think to yourself, am i copping out on my values? >> no, because i've been very
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strong in the congress, in arguing that if we can't have a single payer, at least we should have a public option, we should protect the rights of states to pursue a single payer plan. and i -- i've been basically, the last person to say, well, you know what, this is is the best we can do. but i will tell you this, i'm not stopping, larry. i'm going to do everything i can to help nurture those efforts that are happening in states across the country to move toward single payer. i'll work with the president in getting this bill passed, and the president is committed to work with me, in seeing further health care reform after this bill is out of the way. >> larry: do you think it will pass? >> i think it will, yes. >> larry: how close a vote? >> i think it will be within a few votes. this is a -- this has been a big debate in america, it's been a debate where there's been so many distorsions, people look at the president's position and
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describe it as socialized medicine. it's clearly not. i'm all for the government to be the single payer. the president is talking about reform within the context of a for profit system. you know what? it wasn't my way, but i'm not a my way or the highway kind of guy. when all is said and done, i made my point, i couldn't get my way. it was more important to see people get a chance to have some coverage, even if it's from private insurance companies than to kill the bill. i didn't want to be responsible for killing the bill, even though i didn't get what i wanted out of the process. >> despite your majority in both houses, did the president lose his way anywhere along the way here? why is it so close? >> well, it's so close because there's -- you know, it's a very contentious issue to begin with. the insurance companies are very powerful, and when you look at how insurance companies have basically lorded over health insurance in this year for so
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many years now. in the last four years, they've raised rates by double-digits. the president took this on, he made it the central issue, he did it at some risk to his presidency. he understands that, what we need to do is not just get this bill done, but we need to refocus on other issues in health care, and other issues in the economy, they have to do with jobs, education, helping people stay in their homes. if this bill goes down, will put the president in a bad way, and i think the congress may start to become less effective. >> larry: you said your wife played a part in your decision, how so? >> i speak with elizabeth about these things all the time. i asked for her opinion, she laid it out. i trust her judgment. she's someone who has a deep understanding -- not just of the process, but of human nature and potential. and i laid it out and said, i'm
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thinking of supporting the bill, what do you think? and we talked about it, and she supported it, that meant a lot, because you don't -- those of us who are in partnerships understand that you want to see if you can get the person who you live with on board. and she has been, and i appreciate that. >> larry: when do you think it will go to a vote? >> i think we were talking about the end of this week. >> larry: you mean the weekend? >> yes, larry. this is is the first step. by no means is this bill the bill i wanted, i'm highly critical of it. but what i do believe is, we take a step, we go in the direction of changing health care. if the bill goes down, though, i doubt that this president or any president in the near future or any congress in the near future will touch anything remotely related to health care. there's a lot at stake. >> larry: thanks for joining us, dennis. >> larry king, thanks for the chance to be on your show.
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>> larry: congressman dennis kucinich, democrat of ohio. betty white is standing by -- go to king, send your questions in. we'll be right back. [ female announcer ] treat yourself to something special for lunch. how about a coastal soup and grilled shrimp salad combination? or maybe our new savory shrimp jambalaya. seafood lunches starting at just $6.99
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>> larry: lovely betty white. ♪ >> get 'em, betty. get 'em. >> i could tell you stories that would break your heart. >> i actually know many of you, and i've worked with quite a few, maybe had a couple. and you know who you are. >> this is the sparkling television star and great "password" player, betty white. >> when the red light goes on, that means the camera -- >> i know what i'm doing, just cue me and then stick a sock in it. >> your curiosity is going to be so piqued you'll beg for more. >> larry: she's here, betty white.
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emmy winning actress, comedie e comedienne. also known as a strong voice for health and welfare. she's set to host "saturday night live" may 8th. she's 88 years young, when you get to be that age you're proud to say it. >> i don't know where the breaking point comes. now i'm to the point of, i'm betty white, i'm 88. >> larry: you have a thought on this health care issue? >> i think it's -- my opinion means nothing, because i'm not politically oriented, but i think it is wonderful if it does pass. >> larry: how did the saturday night live thing come about. it's going to feature a reunion of tina fey, molly poler -- >> don't ask me, it came out of nowhere. somebody put a -- i think it's
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facebook, they began to get hits, and i never -- years and years ago i turned it down like three times because i -- it's so new york and i'm not new york. i just thought the safeway to play it was not to do it. then all of a sudden this thing came, and the next thing i know i'm going to be doing it in may. >> larry: are you nervous? >> yes. >> larry: you're nervous? all these years experience you have in the business you're nervous? >> the more years that go by, the nervouser you get. >> larry: you'll have a good time, and it was a facebook campaign. a half a million people signed on. by the way, do you twitter? >> no, i'm afraid i don't. i know what it is, but i don't use it. >> larry: lorn michaels said he always wanted you to host. >> i don't believe that, or he would have asked me. >> larry: but they asked you long ago ago? >> long ago, three times.
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they've been so nice, and i have no idea how this thing burgened. >> larry: i'll tell you. the facebook campaign to get betty white on "saturday night live" was inspired by a super bowl commercial she did. watch this. >> come on. >> mike, what is your deal, man. >> come on, man, you've been riding me all day. >> you're playing like betty white out there. >> that's not what your girlfriend said. >> here's snickers. >> the snickers commercial, and you're the rejuvenation of betty white. >> it's crazy, we're all over the place. >> larry: was it cold? >> it was cold. >> larry: did they tackle a dummy? >> no, the stunt lady took the dive into the muddy water, and i had to get in and lie down in it.
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she did all the work andty got the laugh. >> larry: we have a facebook question, what kind of exits do you want to do on "saturday night live". >> i have no idea, i'll do whatever they tell me to do. >> larry: when did you start in this business? >> it was 1949, i was on a local television show here with a local disk jockey, al jarvis, we were on 5.5 hours a day, six days a week for four years. >> larry: that was your beginning? >> that was the beginning. no descript, you just sort of talked. >> larry: how do you explain your longevity? >> sheer luck. i'm the luckiest old broad that ever drew breath. >> larry: no talent? >> well, i think the reason for the longevity, people have generations, several generations have gotten to know me over the years, so i've become sort of part of a -- you know, you have you relatives that you're not thrilled with, sort of part of
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the family. >> larry: you know, "saturday night live" the general appeal is is the young demographic. >> i know, what are they doing with me? >> larry: it is a thought. ah, you'll kill 'em. they'll love you. >> we'll have fun. >> larry: we'll be back with more of betty white, she has a new tv series.
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white out there. >> that's not what your girlfriend said. >> you work hard, you're in every movie. >> well, i'm such a -- i can't help it. >> does anyone else smell pot? >> are you a cop? >> no. >> then what's it to you. >> my name's ryan. >> when betty white says she wants a cup of coffee, you get her a cup of coffee. >> by the way, the snickers super bowl commercial was the best commercial. do you consider yourself a new sex symbol for the younger generation? >> oh, yes, oh, yes. i mean, i -- it's not that i consider myself that, i just have to concede the point. you noel, it's so true. >> larry: you were a loose woman, weren't you, admit it? >> i was loose, and gravity took
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over. >> larry: were you easy? i mean, not when married to allen? >> no, no, i wasn't easy. i'm an incurable romantic. >> larry: you played easy on "mary tyler moore." >> well, she was just this side of hookerville. >> larry: people -- by the way, sarah palin, you stirred up a little fuss a while back, when you called her on a late night tv interview a crazy bitch. >> that was written, it was craig ferguson. >> larry: he wrote that for you? >> yeah, they wrote a lot of stuff for me. >> larry: i thought that was an impromptu interview? >> well, we do little sketches, i play different characters coming in. i was john mccain's speech writer, so -- craig said, well, i understand he doesn't use a computer, then what -- oh, no,
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he can -- he communicates by carrier pigeon. the only trouble is, sarah palin keeps shooting them down. that crazy bitch. >> larry: good delivery. we had this question tweeted to kingstings. we get tweeted, we get facebooked. if asked, would you do "dancing with the stars"? >> i have been asked and i said no thank you. i think cloris leachman took care of that whole department. it would be fun, i would love it. but there comes a time when i don't want to embarrass the audience. cloris did it, and she did fine. i think she's taken care of our age bracket. >> larry: you had a great marriage, didn't you? >> he was the love of my life. >> larry: he left too early. how old was he? >> allen was 64.
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that bloomin' baked sea got him. what you saw was what you got. he was one of the nicest, dearest people. >> larry: and a great game show host. >> oh, yes, great game show host. and what i fell in love with, what got us together was his enthusiasm. he was interested in everything. there wasn't anything he didn't want to know more about and care about. that's fun to live with. >> larry: you never remarried? >> nope, when you've had the best, who needs the rest. >> larry: this animal thing -- >> oh, well. >> larry: have you always been an animal love summer. >> since the womb. >> larry: you're an advocate too, right? >> not so much an advocate. i work for animal health and well being. i'm not in politics, i don't demonstrate i'm not an activist. >> larry: you're not a member of peta? >> no, i'm not. they do fine things, i'm just -- i've been with the morris animal
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foundation for 45 years. >> larry: do you object to whales with being kept in big pools? >> i've also worked with the los angeles zoo for 46 years. i -- of course, for that individual whale, and i'm going to get in trouble for this. of course, i would love to have him swimming free. but the only way we can make the public aware of animals, what they are -- you can read about them, you can see them on film forever, but unless you come to the zoo, and see and smell and touch the real animal, you don't know that elephants are in trouble, you don't know why they're in trouble. and i think it could be the same -- >> those at the zoo are paying a price, in a sense, to educate us? >> to educate us. but they're not paying a price, they're getting such tender loving care, but it's not freedom. it's easy for the outside people
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to say, they should be let free. what we're doing to their environment, and taking away from their environment, pretty much there's not going to be any place to set them free. >> larry: there ain't no free. >> exactly. >> larry: we'll be right back with more on this edition of "larry king live" with betty white. [ male announcer ] when we built our first hybrid,
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youtube didn't exist. and facebook was still run out of a dorm room. when we built our first hybrid, more people had landlines than cell phones, and gas was $1.75 a gallon. and now, while other luxury carmakers are building their first hybrids, lexus hybrids have traveled 5.5 billion miles. and that's quite a head start. ♪
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>> larry: we're back with the adorable, delightful, beautiful, talented, betty white. >> ooh, i love all those things. >> larry: a facebook question from david. this is serious. betty, what are you doing saturday night? >> what did you have in mind? >> larry: a date proposal. >> well, that sounds -- >> larry: when was the last time you went out on a date? >> probably about five years ago. >> larry: what was it like? you were 83 bouncing along? >> well, i wasn't bouncing as much then as i am now. >> larry: where did he take you? >> to dinner, we have a -- had a nice dinner, and he's a very nice man, but somehow i just --
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dayton is work now, it used to be fun, but dating is work now. >> larry: your upcoming series is called "hot in cleveland." we have a sneak peak, take a look. >> i'm melanie, i'll be leasing the place. >> i've been the caretaker of this house for 50 years. but you can kick me out. >> i wouldn't -- >> no worries, if you can escape from the nazis, you can handle anything. >> you escaped from the nazis? >> escaping from the nazis was the least of my worries. >> boy, you don't hear that very often. so what are you, like 100? >> i don't like you. >> larry: what's the premise of "hot in cleveland". >> three gals, wonderful gals,
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valley bertinelli, jane leev leeves -- they're not having any romance luck, so they decide to fly to paris. they're grounded in cleveland. as they try to get another flight all the guys are eyeing them and hitting on them. why are we spending all that money to go to paris when we're hot in cleveland. >> larry: you are the caretaker of the house they move into? >> i go along with the house. it's great fun, the girls are wonderful together. the chemistry is -- >> larry: you don't have to work, why do you keep doing this? >> it's such fun, larry. why should you stop something you like so much? my life, half animals, half show business, why should i quote? >> larry: are you at all surprised that you are suddenly
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very hot again? >> oh, i'm not hot again, but i'm -- >> larry: you're hot again. >> i'm thankful to still be working -- what did you have in mind? >> larry: you can't get over that, can you? >> no, i can't. i just am amazed and thrilled and i'm going along with it and enjoying it. >> larry: you did a movie with sandra bullock, right? >> "the proposal." >> larry: what did you think of her at the academy awards? >> i was so excited. it's not easy to vote for somebody when meryl streep is also in contention. she's one of the nicest, greatest human beings i know. >> larry: and a talent. she's a great talent. >> oh, she -- believe me. >> larry: it took "the blindside" for people to realize it. >> oh, yes.
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and saving for the future? it's regions lifegreen checking and savings. these accounts come with a personal savings review, up to a $250 annual savings account bonus, and free online and mobile banking for simple and safe banking anytime, anywhere. just drop by or visit to open your accounts, and get into the rhythm of saving. reons it's time to expect more. >> larry: by the way, you've had two -- three enormous hit television shows, right? "mary tyler moore," "golden
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girls," and what was the other one? >> "mama's family." >> larry: you've had an extraordinarily successful career in a business that can be tough to be successful in. >> when they say, when you reach a certain age, women can't get a job, i hope they don't discover -- you have an anniversary coming up soon? >> larry: june 1st, 25 years. it's the longest running show starting at the same time on the same network, hosted by the same person. >> oh, congratulations, larry, that's wonderful. >> larry: if you tell me i'm going to be 88 i'll take it. >> okay. >> larry: did you ever think you'd be 88? >> i think i learned at my mother's knee, we never thought age. everybody else is so age conscious, but you go for a long time not wanting anybody to know how old you are, and then you
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pass a breaking point where then you brag about it. but i just don't think -- it's my health and my energy that i'm so blessed with, and so grateful for that i'm busy being grateful for that, rather than being worried about how old i am? >> what do you do with your romantic urges? >> i have a golden retriever, but in a nice way. no, i'm an incredible romantic, and i get crushes. >> larry: you do? >> oh, do i get crushes. >> larry: do you have a current crush? >> no. only a private one. nobody knows about the ones, but i have -- i fantasize and i have a great time. >> larry: another facebook question, who's the funniest person you know, besides yourself. you know you're funny. who makes you laugh? >> i don't -- my agent is -- he
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and i -- he calls me on a business call, and the next thing you know, we're in a schtick and laughing ourselves silly. that's a lovely relationship to have with your agent. >> larry: especially an agent. because agents aren't generally funny. >> no, they're not. he's not a good agent, he's a funny agent. >> larry: what haven't you done? who's on your to do list. >> my standard answer to that is always robert redford. that doesn't get me anywhere. >> larry: have you ever met him? >> no, i don't want to, i want to enjoy it from a distance. >> larry: all have you to do is go up to utah and he's there. >> i know, he's also in santa monica. >> larry: he doesn't hide, he's public. >> i don't ever want to meet him. it would spoil all the fun. i want to fantasize and talk
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about him behind his back. >> larry: i'll tell you, he looks just as good on screen -- he's aged very well. >> tell me about it. >> larry: is there something you would like to do professionally you haven't done? >> professionally, no. >> larry: have you done broadway? >> no, not broadway, i've done theater. i did eight productions of "the king and i" and "south pacific" and all those. i had the fun of doing it in the big outdoor arenas like kansas city and st. louis. i've never had the desire to do broadway, isn't that silly? i just enjoy -- well, i've been a television kid all my life. so recently, in the past few years i've done big screen movies. and that was very exciting. >> larry: one other thing, the secret in television, in all those great sitcoms you did is the writing, right? >> you can't do it without the writing. actors will take all the credit, but it's got to be on the page or it doesn't work. >> larry: and "the mary tyler
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moore" show was the classic. >> yes, it was wonderful, and so was "golden girls," the greatest writing staff in the world. you would go in for the monday morning read around the table. and you would laugh -- you would have trouble getting through the script because it cracked you up. >> larry: great seeing you, betty. >> wonderful, as always. >> larry: can't wait for saturday, may 8th. >> thank you. and happy anniversary. >> larry: don't forget the show, it's called "hot in cleveland." it will air on tv land. >> thank you so much. >> larry: we have great minds standing by, and in an irrev rant take on today's headlines, don't miss what they have to say about tiger woods, john edwards and health care reform. now, there's a trifecta, next.
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and nancy geils, actress, contributor on cbs's "sunday morning." ben, we'll start with health care. will it pass? >> it will pass, but it's going to be a tremendous problem for mr. obama, because he's violated so many promises. the republicans would have done the same thing, it's just that he promised he would be different. >> larry: penn, is it going to pass? >> i think it will, and i just -- i believe that the democrats and obama want what's best for us, and probably know what's best for us, but is it okay to force even a good thing on people? i don't know. >> larry: nancy? >> i think it's going to pass, and i'm actually really gratified, listening to dennis kucinich tonight. i think it's a step in the right direction. and when you think of issues like gender equality, that didn't stop with women getting the vote in 1920, civil rights didn't stop with brown versus the board of education. we're getting a foot in the door to make some really great
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changes, and it's kind of unacceptable to have tens of millions of people in this country without access to a good doctor or good health care, that's just wrong. >> larry: you may not agree with him, but do you respect dennis kucinich? >> actually, no, i don't. i'm going to be honest here, i don't like him at all. >> really? >> yeah, he gives me the creeps. >> larry: because he's liberal? >> no, because he has a creepy look about him. i'm sure he's a great guy, a wonderful guy, a much better human being than i am, but he gives me the creeps. >> ben, i have to say, sometimes you give me the creeps, so that makes everything kind of even. i respect him. i think he's realizing that getting a foot in the door means a lot more than not doing anything, which is what the republicans have been doing, nothing. >> larry: penn, what do you make of the kucinich switch? >> i'm proud to say that no one gives me the creeps. but -- i listen to him -- say to
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lawrence o'donnell on msnbc that he would vote no no matter what, so obama takes everybody in air force one and flies to their district and does a round and hopes they vote yes? >> one of the things about him, he seemed to be so true to himself. changing around for a foot in the door, seems a little less heroic than i'd like. >> larry: the president appeared on fox news earlier today. he went into hostile territory, and the host interrupted him and spoke more than the president. he talked health care and politics, and also asked about tiger woods return to golf, watch. >> i think that tiger has acknowledged that he betrayed his family, and that's a personal issue he's going to work out. i hope they've worked it out.
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>> i think it's great he's coming back, i don't think it's anyone's business except him and his wife. it's outrageous the way the media has made a tremendous brouhaha out of this, it's just between him and his wife. >> larry: try to have an opinion next time i talk to you. >> all right. >> larry: first penn, then nancy. >> i just have a slight difference in grammar with ben, and that is, i think the word is among and not between. but it's certainly none of our business. >> larry: all right, nancy, do you complete the three? is it none of our business? >> it is none of our business. it's a sad fact that everyone who's a celebrity, their lives are open to the media. i'll say this about tiger woods, he has really great health care,
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and -- >> i'm not sure what the connection is. >> there's no connection, ben. >> i better not say anything more, or else she'll say. >> larry: did you see the president on fox? >> no, i did not. >> larry: did anyone see it? >> no. >> larry: nancy, did you see it? >> no. what do we do now. >> a lot of people do listen to fox. >> larry: i'm not saying -- >> didn't it look like it was hannity? it looked like hannity to me. mr. obama is the most diplomatic polite person in the world, it saddens me that he's yelling at israel so much, because he's normally the most polite, diplomatic person in the world. we could all learn a lot from his interpersonal skills. >> larry: we'll be back.
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>> larry: anderson cooper standing by to host "ac 360" at the top of the hour. >> we're looking for votes and answers on what special favors are tucked inside this bill. we'll also talk to dennis kucinich, whether at the got any special promises from the president to do it. also, a 360 follow-up, the
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haitian orphans that laura silsby tried to sneak out of the country. they were not orphans at all. every one of them had at least one parent. the kids were reunited with their families. it was not the happy homecoming you would hope for. a shocking game show. they believed they were hurting people, they kept zapping the contesta contestants. why did they keep doing it? >> larry: we'll reveal all on 360. >> larry: only in america, that's anderson cooper. remember that amazing documentary series, planet earth? we have a blog exclusive from a cameraman about working on the breathtaking follow-up to that series, it's called life. and it premieres on discovery this sunday. to read all about how they put it together, go to our blog, what's your read on the
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whole rielle hunter confessional in "gq." >> the story of edwards is amazing, so devoted to the poor and working class, his wife with cancer. turns out it was all a lie. >> larry: you don't think he can be devoted by the poor -- >> his campaign manager said it made him sick to be among poor and working class, because they wreaked of tobacco. >> i try to hang tough on certain things not being any of our business. but some of the stuff he says sure seems like it crosses over into our business, especially when he, his whole image was based on that caring and concern and so on. i would like to make it none of
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our business, but i'm afraid it is a little bit. >> larry: nancy, what do you make of reille doing that interview? >> i think she's an opportunist, i hate saying this, i'm a woman, she's a woman. >> you're opportunists. >> you know what's going to happen, she's probably going to have her own fashion line, fragrance, then a reality show and then pose nude. why do we have to even know any of it? i find her and the whole thing horrible. and i'm so grateful that john edwards wasn't chosen to be vice president, yikes. >> well, think about the fact that this man's image -- every single bit of it was fabrication, he really did not care about any of it, except looking good, having lots of money. had a 20,000 square foot house. fine, rich people can be sympathetic to the poor. but the fact that he had
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incredible contempt for the people whose votes he was asking. >> i have to say about his hair, the $400 haircut he got. i always thought, if he just came to new york and got a really cheap cut, it would really balance things out. that always bothered me. >> we'll be back with more with ben stein, penn gillette and nancy geils, don't go away.
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this country definitely needs to focus on other ways to get energy. we should be looking closer to home. we have oil on our shores. natural gas can be a part of the solution. i think we need to work on wind resources. they ought to be carefully mapping every conceivable alternative. there is an endless opportunity right here. to build a new generation of airplanes to connect the world. airplanes that fly cleaner and farther on less fuel. and make nonstop travel possible to more places.
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>> larry: if you heard background noise in our studio tonight, we have cardiac auction winners, representatives of the chicago black hawks, hockey team in town to play anaheim and los angeles tomorrow. and a whole bunch of folks from moorpark college. you may have heard them during the show. >> very nice. >> larry: what do you make, ben, of obama? this year in office. >> well, i think if he gets the health care through, and if that's not a disaster, it will be fine. if it turns out to be a disaster, and people hate it, it's going to pull him down
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terribly. we won't know for four years, because the taxes start -- >> larry: how will you judge him? >> we won't be able to judge him for a long time after he's out of office. he's trying his best, i don't like what he's doing with israel. >> larry: you think israel -- >> i don't think their timing was right. i don't think it's right to humiliate them. >> larry: penn, what's your read on the president? >> there's so much about bush i disagreed with, and there's so much that obama's doing the same. the corporate bailouts, the signing the patriot act, the continuing wars. it just seems awful to me, and i'm so upset that there's really no anti-war movement any more. the anti-war movement was the anti-bush movement, and as obama keeps doing some of the same stuff, some of us that disagree with bush, have to continue disagreeing with obama, even though he's so much better spoken and so much more
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pleasant. >> larry: nancy? >> well, i think that president obama came in at an inkretdably bad time. there were so many big, big issues at play. the economy was tanking, the war had depleted so much money, and so many lives, and him being the first african-american president is truly a big deal. and i think that he's handled it with quite a lot of grace. >> larry: the jury's still out, though. it's too early. >> yeah, it's 14 months. >> larry: i have to go to a tape. a black tie gathering is being held tonight in washington, vice president joe biden is the featured speaker. let's tune in. >> at least it's my foot. . and by the way, rahm was only pointing his finger.
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look, in fairness, i know you're going to get mad at -- i think you're a little rough on the republicans. for constantly repeating the mantra, the health care bill is 222 pages long. put yourself in their spot. just ask sayre rarasarah, that' write in the palm of your hand. i don't blame them. by the way, i know this is all supposed to be humorous, as i'm trying to be, but you know, i -- i do have to defend our administration a moment. especially the recovery act, which i've been put in charge of. republicans keep saying it hasn't created a single job. well, tell that to senator scott
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brown. by the way, speaking of scott, it's kind of ironic. the man who posed with his pants down, caught us with our pants off. i don't know how this works. we were a little slow, scott, picking up how good you were. but we sort of zeroed in now. you know, it's often said a picture is worth a thousand words. normally, i'd rather go with the words. but i -- i sum up tonight the journey barack and i have had since being elected. i thought the best way to do that was to share some of my photos with you, and let you know how i'm adjusting to the job. at our convention, president obama addressed the stadium of roaring supporters. let me set the record straight. he's not the only one that addressed the stadium.
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and by the way, sasha and malia weren't the only ones to get a dog when they moved to washington. i got one too, his name is champ. you can see he's the democratic dog. he's biting the hand that feeds him. look, i gotta level with you, one of the first things the president did said, joe, we have to have some ground rules here. ground rules pertaining to our relationship and how you function in your job. the next slide is one of our first days in the white house. the president's explaining to me exactly how far down i have to bow when i enter the oval office. that's not the only ground rule. i don't know who's doing these slides, but they're about two secos
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