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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  March 20, 2010 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT

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let's take a look at the fourth example here. this is representative gabrielle giffords. just a handful of examples there. i think we can show you where we are talking about this. some people say do you think these law makers are maybe trying to get some attention for themselves by holding on to the last second? we don't know their intentions. there are some people who truly have been struggling with how to vote on this legislation. that's one reason it's down to the the wire. >> there is a lot at stake on all sides no matter which way you look at it. thanks, josh. appreciate that. we'll get back to health care in a moment. pope benedict says he is deeply disturbed that irish priests abused children. he has written a pastoral letter
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that says it is sinful. he didn't mention any vatican responsibility. the first day of spring is bringing snow to the nation's heartland from new mexico to oklahoma to missouri. further north, the red river is expected to crest this weekend in minnesota and north dakota. -- captions by vitac -- now back to health care. president obama has just arrived for a meeting with house democrats. he is making a final push for support ahead of a make or break vote expected tomorrow. cnn's dana bash and ed henry are standing by with the latest. the president has arrived, is that the case? and what will transpire in that meeting? >> we haven't seen him come through here yet. you might have a better view than i do. we are in the basement of the capitol where we are expecting him any minute now. what this is, this is it.
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this is the last rally, last chance for the president to make his case to undecided democrats in a very public forum, but how much he needs their vote. there are undecided democrats. meanwhile, we have pretty important news that just broke here on this whole process. specifically one that has been causing a the lot of controversy. democrats had planned now familiar term called deem and pass. they planned to not just vote directly on the senate bill, but to protect some house members they would have folded it into a rule to not have a direct vote. they dropped that. several democratic sources are telling us that is no longer going to be the case. they are going to have independent votes on both the senate bill and the change package. they are doing that in a way because politically they were getting a lot of push back from some of their democrats who were hearing back home, wait a minute, this is exactly what we
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hate about washington. this is why we do not trust the process because they were hearing that this is kind of monkey business. it is true that both parties have done this kind of thing for their members for years and years, but it has been problematic. one member dennis cardoza talked about that this morning. >> i don't support us doing it and i will not vote for a rule that deems as we've been talking about. the rule doesn't say the word deem. it says the conference report or the senate bill will be adopted. i don't think that's the way we ought to go. i wanted to make the announcement here in the committee right now in this part of the process that i don't support that and won't support a rule that does it that way. >> guess what? he wasn't the only one who thought that. we are now learning specifically that the leadership had been hearing from some of the rank and file, we are getting too
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much push back at home. dennis cardoza just said santi does prevail here. we have heard from so many of the folks they were trying to protect. what does it matter? if we take this vote, it's a tough vote. we'll be hit no matter what. let's do it on the up and up. >> dana bash, thanks so much. the president hasn't left the white house yet so you're not mistaken, he is not there at the capitol building yet. he will be. our white house correspondent ed henry is at the white house. maybe you have a better timeline. >> i can tell you the media has been gathered about a half hour waiting for the president. it's a warm day in washington. they are looking for air conditioning at this point. the president may be fine-tuning that speech. we are told he is going to speak for some time. this is really his last pitch.
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when i've spoken to his senior aides, they tell me the president wants to lay out for house democrats behind closed doors, what are the stakes? he's been doing that around the country. he wants to get up close and personal with these law makers and say that he thinks they need to put politics aside and do what he believes is right. he believes, the president does, the fact this legislation will add about 32 million uninsured to the roles will also end pre-existing conditions, not letting insurance companies to boot you off if you get sick. they believe those are very important reforms, number one. secondly, they believe that it's paid for in the long term there will be savings. we saw from the congressional budget office a few days ago over basically 20 years this would save about $1.2 trillion. republicans have been insisting they think that forecast, since it is preliminary, could change
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drastically, but this white house feels between those budget numbers and the case they can make about the people uninsured now who will be insured, and what they believe will be strengthening insurance for people who currently have health insurance. they believe this is a case that democrats can take to the voters despite the various political winds blowing around. >> so where was the president on the whole deem and pass strategy versus voting on this separately? is there any way to anticipate what is thoughts might be or what he might articulate to the democratic caucus? >> we've been trying to find that out for several days now. the president did an interview a few days ago where he was repeat lid asked about deem and pass. he kept punting it over to the democratic leaders in the house. i personally was pressing rob gibbs for several days this week on that point. he kept saying it's up to speaker pelosi. an issue of this importance, however, is not just up to
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speaker pelosi, as powerful as she is. this president, we have been told in recent days by the white house, has been taken on a much more hands-on approach lobbying members. over 64 contacts between phone calls and one-on-one meetings with law makers since monday. didn't square when the white house was then on the other hand saying he's involved, very heavily involved, yet he is not going to comment whether speaker pelosi should use this maneuver or not. this without was fully aware as democrats on the hill were, that using this maneuver while it's been used before was unpopular and was going to add to some of the criticism around the country that maybe this was being done in some sort of underhanded way. i think at the end of the day this white house is going to be pleased this is moving forward with a direct up or down vote, something we've been hearing not just from republicans but some of their fellow democrats, as dana noted, have been saying they wanted. so it could be transparent to the the american people.
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>> ed henry thank you so much. you let us know when the president leaves the white house. make or break time on health care reform. we talk about the big picture. ♪ [ male announcer ] the cadillac laurel sales event. featuring the acclaimed cts sports sedan. a car & driver 10best for the third year in a row. ♪ with a direct injection v6 engine. see your cadillac dealer soon, because while there is no expiration date on achievement, on rewarding it, there is.
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health care reform and all that's taking place this weekend, a lot is riding on not just the president, but on members of the house and senate, as well. let's break all this down with dana millbank, "the washington post" reporter with us now. you're on the hill. deem and pass as we just reported is out of there. it's going to be an up or down vote. we heard from ed henry who reiterated this is what the president wanted all along, an up or down vote. how relieved might the president be as he makes his way there to capitol hill? >> well, he is relieved, but i think the entirely democratic caucus is more relieved.
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i've been sitting for five hours in rules committee as they beat up with this. suddenly they break in with word they dropped this whole noxious procedure. it's taken the wind out of the sail president republican opposition because it gave them a very useful battering ram. so we are back talking a little bit more about health care. >> it's interesting, too, the method of this vote, deem and pass was being considered reconciliation, now it's up or down. is this the house speaker nancy pelosi who is at the reins how this bill will be voted upon, there is a lot at stake for her, as well, right? >> there sure is. unlike in the senate, the democratic leaders in the house really does have virtually entire control over this. republicans can complain. they can make a lot of noise, but the democratic leaders in
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the majority control the entire process here. nancy pelosi came out and said this deem and pass was the method she favored. that is what it it was going to be until she got enough rebel-on within her own ranks. >> let me interrupt you. we are hearing from representatives clyburn and hoyer right now. >> thank you very much. after consultation the speaker and i had with chairwoman slauler will be considering the following on the health care reform bill we will have on the floor tomorrow. we will adopt a rule which will provide for consideration of a reconciliation bill, and we'll
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provide for two hours of debate on that reconciliation bill. it will provide further that upon passage of the reconciliation bill, the senate-passed health care bill will be in order for a vote on the floor of the house. under the procedures, we will proceed immediately to consideration of the senate bill on a vote. there will be no intervening debate, and we will vote on that. when we do that, that will be tantamount to the same thing we would have done had we been in conference. that is to say we would have adopted amendments to the senate bill in conference, then we would adopt the senate bill as amended. this procedure is very similar to that kind of conference procedure. we expect, as i said, to have the votes to pass the senate bill. it will then go to the president and the reconciliation bill will
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go to the senate. we have every reason to believe the senate will pass that reconciliation bill and will then send it to the president. he will sign it and it will amend the then-existing in law senate bill. >> what changed, mr. hoyer, what changed? so many of you were so adamant the deem and pass way to go was okay. was it just the bottom line many of your members said this does not look like transparency in washington? >> i think, frankly, if we voted twice we would have voted on the senate bill and then the reconciliation bill. what this gives us the opportunity to do is to vote as would you in conference for the amendments first, i.e. the reconciliation bill, then the senate bill. we believe this is a better process. >> what changed? why this now? >> we determined we could do this and it was a better process
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in consultation with the chairwoman of the rules committee. >> do you have the votes for both the reconciliation bill and senate bill? >> well, the whip is here. clearly, we believe we have the votes. >> have you reached a resolution on abortion to assuage concerns? >> that is still under discussion. [ question inaudible ] >> seminar reid will be here this afternoon with us. he has met with speaker pelosi and i and talked to mr. clyburn, as well. we have seen a letter that he has signed by more than 50 members of the united states senate indicating they are supportive of the reconciliation bill. more than 50. >> thank you. >> you're listening to congressman hoyer as well as clyburn there. let's return to our dana milbank with "the washington post."
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you heard them, as well. steny hoyer sounding confident there saying, "we expect to pass." he talked about the breakdown as to what the compromise was. no longer deem and pass, but he explained further, first there will be the reconciliation package voted upon then the senate bill. he feels very confident all will be onboard for the reconciliation package. i don't know if i got the certainty from him on the senate bill. what is your understanding of this logic? >> well, it seems to be they're having increasing confidence with each statement they make. it's sort of the operating assumption around here they wouldn't have gone this far down the road of committing to this vote unless they knew they had the votes. they cleaned up the procedural hurdles in the house now by making this change. one wonders why if they had the votes to do it this way they didn't do it in the first place. this allows the house members to sort of vote against the
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objectionable provisions in the senate bill before they actually approve the senate bill. that gives them cover there. then the action moves over to the senate by steny hoyer saying they have a majority of the senators signing on to agree to this reconciliation. that means that is a commitment, obviously a nonbinding one, but a commitment to vote for the reconciliation bill the way the house passed it. that would be the final step if that happens to get health care to the president's desk. >> earlier i asked all that was at stake for house speaker nancy pelosi, underscore a lot at stake for the president of the united states. it's become his number one domestic policy. how important is it for him to clinch these votes, particularly as he has face time today? >> i don't think you can overstate it. i think that's why the president believes and democratic leaders believe they have the votes. if the president were to fail on this, it would be devastating to his presidency, which is why
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everybody believes the votes will ultimately be there or they wouldn't have gotten themselves into this position in the first place. there may be a couple of people wavers, but steny hoyer, jim clyburn and other house leaders know where people are voting. they know they have the votes if they need them. >> dana milbank, thank you so much. now i turn to dana bash. we heard from hoyer as well as clyburn sounding incredibly confident. why are they so confident? >> they are so confident for a lot of reasons. they've been running around talking to lots of members today. things seem to be falling into place on several issues that were keeping some undecided members from voting for it. some things that were under the radar like an issue that has to do with medicare disparities. that was keeping six or eight democrats from saying they are going to vote yes. that has been resolved. and i think you cannot underestimate the power of what
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they just formally announced here. it is a process issue but it is very much a political issue. it was very clear in talking to, they wouldn't admit it here if you heard, we tried. they wouldn't admit the reason why they decided to scrap this deem and pass idea is specifically protecting members not voting directly on the bill is because many members they were trying to protect were calling the leadership offices saying don't do this. we are getting hammered for business as usual, washington as usual. you heard earlier there was one member particularly who was very open saying i can't do this. i can't vote for this. every vote counts. it sounds like they actually got some votes just in changing the process. again, sounds very technical, very much in the weeds. this is all very, very much political. another thing they are trying to work out is potentially this whole controversy over abortion. this kept members here, leadership here until late last night trying to figure out what the latest was.
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it sounds as though what they are talking about, it's not resolved yet, but what they are talking about if they need to get those final votes from anti-abortion democrats who say they simply will not vote for it, the current bill because they say it doesn't go far enough in restriction once abortion, maybe if they have to they could get the president to sign and executive order promising that no taxpayer dollars will be used for abortion. they are not necessarily going to do that yet, but it is an option if they need to get those final votes. you heard the majority leader steny hoyer. he did sound very confident. >> dana bash, thank you so much. we'll check back with you momentarily. we are still awaiting the president's arrival there on capitol hill. we understand momentarily somewhere in the hour he will make his way down the street to capitol hill and end up here for that democratic caucus meeting. [ slap! ] ♪ [ slap! ]
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>> checking some of our top stories. in minnesota and north dakota, resident are expecting flooding from the red river. it is expected to rise and crest this weekend. so far no reports of property damage as experienced in the area during last year's flooding. anti-war protestors on the streets of the nation's capital on the seventh anniversary of the invasion of iraq. ramsey clark calling on the justice department to investigate those behind the launching of the war. we'll have another check on the
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top stories in about 15 minutes from now. pope benedict addresses the latest sex abuse scandal in the catholic church. did his 18-page letter on alleged abuse by irish priests go far enough?
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as the clock ticks toward a health care vote on capitol hill tomorrow, we understand the president of the united states has now left the white house. he's making the journey up to capitol hill where he will meet with democratic caucus to do any last-minute pep talking on this eve before the scheduled vote tomorrow. much more ahead on that. meantime let's talk about pope benedict and the offering of his apology on the sex scandal rocking the irish catholic church now. the pope apologized to children abused by irish priest saying he is truly sorry. he rebuked irish bishops for their grave errors of judgment
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and ordered an investigation. the pope did not dole out any specific punishment to the irish bishops accused of covering up years of abuse. the vatican spokesman says the pope wants guilty priests to cooperate with local authorities. >> he has very strong words for the priests who have abused children. he say that they have to respond to god and to the courts. also the justice of the state. >> for years the charge has been catholic ireland has been exporting priests all over the world. now an irish priest in the u.s. is waiting extradition back to his homeland. he is accused of molesting a boy in ireland four decades ago.
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drew griffin of cnn's special investigative unit has more. >> reporter: ireland, a proud irish town where the local pub owner's son dreamt of becoming a priest. and serving parishioners all over the world. by age 25, the newly-ordained priest was heading to a dark future. now 82 years old, he awaits extradition from a jail in indiana back to ireland to face the charge he raped a young boy more than 40 years ago. his story, part of a growing crisis in the irish catholic church now admitting that for decades its leaders hid, moves and even exported suspected pedophile priests to cover up horrific crimes. >> the roman catholic church has the largest body of knowledge of nonincarcerated sex offenders in
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the world. >> reporter: francis markey was suspended in 1964 and sent for psychiatric treatment in dublin. during the 1960s and '70s he would be suspended and sent for treatment three times. eventually being sent to new mexico where the church ran a treatment facility for priests with various addictions or sexual problems. markey would mysteriously resurface here in 1982 in this tiny town of granite falls, minnesota, filling in for a priest at the very, very small parish of st. andrews. it was here in 1982 a young boy would come to this priest's house just across the street from the church and find himself in father markey's arms. >> as i was leaving, he gave me a hug. when he did so he stuck his tongue down my throat. he had been drinking.
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there was alcohol. i can't say if he was drunk. but he was definitely drinking. >> you were a little boy? >> very young. >> reporter: the man is trying to protect his identity to save his family from embarrassment. he claims the abuse never went any further, but markey's arrest in indiana last year based on the accusations being made in ireland has refocused attention, not only on ireland's church of secrets, but perhaps secrets of a smalltown minnesota church. phar-morian? this is drew griffin with cnn calling. you're saying you didn't know him at all? >> i had no contact with him. >> reporter: father james moran was pastor of st. andrews. markey filled in for him while moran was studying in rome. >> you are the one who called? >> reporter: drew griffin. >> i will talk to you and only
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you. >> reporter: as we sat on a couch outside view of the camera, phar-morian insisted he knew nothing about the allegations against father francis markey, but the dioceses told cnn father markey was sent from this church to treatment because parents were concerned he had an unnatural attraction to minor males. he never came back to the parish. markey's attorney has not returned calls to cnn. granite falls, those who did know him now wonder if there are more secrets. >> to this day i wonder only people wondering whatever happened to him. only people that had encounters with him, i can just imagine how many victims. >> reporter: now it seems likely some of them will see their priest again. not in the pews of his old parish, but the benches of an irish courtroom where markey is
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expected to stand trial. drew griffin, cnn, granite falls, minnesota. back to the nation's capital. they are awaiting and poising themselves in the capitol building for the president who just arrived. his motorcade, has, that is. it's parked on the east side of the capitol building. after they get things in place the president will be swept inside and he will be going to that democratic caucus meeting where he will join the last-minute pep talking and pushing toward a health care reform vote that he is favoring. the schedule vote taking place tomorrow. the news of this afternoon has been that these house members decided to do away with the controversial deem and pass method of getting this measure through. instead now they will be voting on the resolution, the package of amendments, i should say. this reconciliation package and also voting on the senate bill.
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if there is passage of those items, they'll then be moving on to the president's signature and then of course the senate will go through its wrangling and voting throughout the next week. first we've got to get through this weekend with the president's arrival there on capitol hill. he will be meeting with that democratic caucus and trying to, i guess, sway any of those democrats that are on the fence as it wither tans to health care reform. let's take a live view of house speaker nancy pelosi there walking in after you see these gentlemen. we understand the president alongside her, as well. through go, in that view, right there. >> how is it going, guys? >> we are going to get this done. >> you heard the president say, "we are going to get this done." not long ago you heard from maryland's steny hoyer to says, "we expect to pass." of course we will see that
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scheduled vote happening tomorrow. we'll have much more in the newsroom after this break. [ male announcer ] nature valley sweet & salty nut bars... they're made from whole roasted nuts and dipped in creamy peanut butter, making your craving for a sweet & salty bar irresistible,
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by nature valley.
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back now to health care reform and what is expected to be a vote tomorrow.
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you're look agent live pictures right there. to the very right almost cutting off the frame there you can see president barack obama on capitol hill at this democratic caucus meeting. to his right, house speaker nancy pelosi as they are doing their introductions right there. i want to bring in our senior congressional correspondent dana bash who is with us now. the president arriving just moments ago. he is going to make his final push, so to speak. he is going to try to convince anyone who is on the fence, as we see nancy pelosi. do we want to hear nancy pelosi speak? dana, hold your thoughts. let's listen to house speaker nancy pelosi. >> thank you all very much. thank you, john larson. i receive your kind words on behalf of all of our courageous members of the house of representatives who want the best for the american people. and what we can do that is best for them in the next 24 hours is to pass affordable, accessible health care for all americans.
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the best for all americans is to have 32 million more people to have health insurance in our country. the best for our country is to have $1.3 trillion in deficit reduction so we are not heaping on mountains of debt. the best for our country is to hold the insurance companies accountable and not let them come between patients and their doctors. we are on the verge of making great history for the american people. in doing so, we will make great progress for them, as well. the president has said over and over, we will measure our own success on the progress that has been made by america's working families. that is our responsibility and we will honor it when we vote on health care reform.
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we would not be here, mr. president, without the courage of my colleagues here. they have fought this fight. they've understood the issues. they have brought great exuberance to the debate. this will be about wellness and prevention and innovation, as well as reducing our deficit and making america healthier. and we certainly would not be here, mr. president, without your inspiration, without your leadership, without your fresh thinking on this subject, and we thank you for that leadership. it is now my privilege to introduce my friend, a great leader of the united states senate, a man who understands also how important this issue is, an issue that has hit home for him very closely very recently. he said at the time of his
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wife's accident that it even made him further aware of why we must pass this bill because it is so important for all americans to have the same access that landra has. to watch him on a day to day basis is see a master at work, an understanding of the issues, a dedication to the values, a vision for america and a knowledge of the procedures. i'm very, very pleased to thank him for what he has done to bring us to this point and to introduce to you my colleagues, the great democratic leader of the united states senate harry reid.
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one of the joyce of my life has been my friendship, my partnership with the greatest speaker the house of representatives ever had, nancy pelosi. we spent the last year discussing, debating, drafting and redrafting. it's no longer a question of whether reform of our health care system is necessary. it's no longer a question of whether this bill is an enormous, positive step in the right direction. with the lives and livelihoods of millions on the line, the fact senate and congressmen would stand on the side of the american people or with the insurance industry responsible for this crisis. it's about whether you will fight for the insurance companies' profits for for the families' peace of mind.
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the question is whether you want to raise health care costs and the deficit or you want to lower health care costs and the deficit. and whether you want to pretend this is about senate procedure, admit it is about struggling people. the question is whether you want to protect our broken health care system or fix it. for more sweeping changes to america's health care will be law in a matter of days. we need a simple majority to make the good law even better. i'm happy to announce i have the commitment of significant majority of the united states senate to make that good law even better.
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our great country has needed health care reform for generations. this congress has been focused on it for the entire past year. history will show it will be one of the most important years in our history ending with one of the most historic achievements congress has ever produced. mr. president, you asked us to send you a bill that will improve the health of millions of americans and help our economy. we are going to do that. mr. president, i know you know basketball. you're a big fan. many are fixated on the national college basketball tournament going on now. so mr. president, we are in the last minute of play. the shot clock is turned off.
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the other side knows what the outcome will be so they are trying to foul us and foul us and foul us again just to keep the clock from reading zero 0. they are not just delaying the inevitable, they are delaying the imperative. every time they foul, we'll keep hitting our shots. we'll overcome every obstacle they throw in our way just as we have for the past year. and soon, when the buzzer finally sounds, there will be a clear winner. that winner will be the american people. >> in the house of representatives there is no one
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who mastered the floor as well as steny hoyer. there is nobody who reaches out across the aisle and is respected and works hard every day to try to encourage our colleagues on the other side of the aisle to join with us in this historic vote. what he work hardest on is what he calls the psychology of consensus. he and nancy pelosi together have created that and have created the greatest caucus ever assembled in the history of this country. the democratic house caucus and its majority leader steny hoyer. >> thank you very much. apparently, however, not the
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most humble. mr. president, welcome. we are pleased to have you here. senate majority leader harry reid, little did you and i realize when you were a capitol cop and i was working down in the basement of the russell building we would be on this stage with president obama. >> i had a good job. >> he had a good job, he said. of course in that office i worked there was a young lady who also worked there. her name was nancy. this was pre-paul wedding, not necessarily pre-paul but pre-paul wedding. little did we realize you and i would be here at this historic time to participate with our colleagues in this extraordinary effort. america is watching us. some would say this is a partisan effort. they are wrong. this is an effort on behalf of all americans. george w. bush in 2002 said,
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"all americans should be able to choose a health care plan that meets their needs at affordable prices." bill clinton said the time has come to pull together to work in a bipartisan manner to work on a guaranteed health care coverage to all americans. george h.w. bush in 1992, said a universal comprehensive national health insurance program is one of the major unfinished items o social agenda. the american people, he said, in 1992, have waited too long. gerald ford in 1974 said, let us affirm that this national legislation is only the beginning of our effort to upgrade and perpetuate this part of our total health care system so no individual in this country, said president ford, will lack help whenever or wherever he needs it. john f. kennedy said in 1962, whenever the miracles of modern medicine are beyond the reach of
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any groups of americans, for whatever reasons, economic, geographic, occupational, or other, we must find a way to meet their needs and fulfill their hopes. dwight david eisenhower in 1955 said, clearly our nation must do more to reduce the impact of accident and disease, two fundamental problems confront us. first, high and ever rising costs of health services. second, serious gaps and shortages in those services. so said dwight eisenhower in 1955. and in 1945, harry truman said, millions of our citizens do not now have a full measure of opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health. the time, he said, has arrived, for action to help them attain that opportunity and that protection. and then another president said
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this, comprehensive health insurance is an idea whose time has come in america. there has long been a need to assure every american financial access to high quality health care. as medical costs go up, that need grows more pressing. now, for the first time, this president said, we have not just the need, but the will to get this job done. he went on to say there is widespread support in the congress, and the nation, for some form of comprehensive health insurance. indeed he urged us to let us act now, in 1974, to assure all americans financial access to high quality medical care. our president talks about the fact that theodore roosevelt put this on america's agenda over a century ago.
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barack obama went to the people of this country and reached out to them and said, if you elect me president of the united states, this is what i will do. there was no illusions of what he would do. there was no trying to hide it. it was transparent. and indeed, in the debate, in october of 2008, he said exactly what he was going to do. and john mccain stood on that same stage and said, yes, i believe every american ought to have access to affordable health care. all the presidents i just quoted tried to get something done, and it was not done. on sunday, tomorrow, we will do it led -- led by our president
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who said to the american public, this is our moment. ladies and gentlemen, the president of the united states, barack obama. >> thank you! thank you! thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you, everybody. thank you. thank you very much. thank you. everybody, please have a seat. to leader reid, to steny high, john larson, javier bacera, jim
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clyburn, chris van hollan, to an extraordinary leader, an extraordinary speaker of the house, nancy pelosi, to all the members here today, thank you very much for having me. thanks for having me and thanks for your tireless efforts waged on behalf of health insurance reform in this country. you know, i have the great pleasure of having a really nice library at the white house. and i was tooling through some of the writings of some previous presidents. and i came upon this quote by abraham lincoln. "i'm not bound to win, but i'm bound to be true. i'm not bound to succeed, but i'm bound to live up to what light i have."
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this debate has been a difficult debate. this process has been a difficult process. and this year has been a difficult year for the american people. when i was sworn in, we were in the midst of the worst recession since the great depression. 800,000 people per month were losing their jobs. millions of people were losing their health insurance. and the financial system was on the verge of collapse. in this body has taken on some of the toughest vote and some of the toughest decisions in the history of congress. not because you were bound to win, but because you were bound
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to be true. because each and every one of you made a decision that at a moment of such urgency, it was less important to measure what the polls said than to measure what was right. now a year later, we're in different circumstances. because of the actions that you've taken, the financial system has stabilized. the stock market has stabilized. businesses are starting to invest again. the economy, instead of contracting, is now growing again. there are signs that people are going to start hiring again. still tremendous hardship all across the country, but there is a sense that we are making progress, because of you.
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but even before this crisis each and every one of us knew that there were millions of people across america who were living their own quiet crises. maybe because they had a child who had a pre-existing condition and no matter how desperate they were, no matter what insurance company they called, they couldn't get coverage for that child. maybe it was somebody who had been forced into early retire me ment, in their 50s, not yet eligible for medicare. they couldn't find a job, and they couldn't find health insurance despite the fact that they had some sort of chronic condition that had to be tended to. every single one of you at some point before you arrived in congress and after you arrived in congress have met constituents with heart-breaking
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stories, and you've looked them in the eye and said we're going to do something about it. that's why i want to go to congress. and now we're on the threshold of doing something about it. we're a day away. after a year of debate, after every argument has been made, by just about everybody, we're 24 hours away. some of you know i'm not somebody who spends a lot of time surfing the cable channels, but i'm not completely in the bubble. i have a sense of what the coverage has been and mostly it's an obsession with what will this mean for the democratic party? what will this mean for the president's polls? how will this play out in november? is this good or


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