tv John King USA CNN March 24, 2010 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT
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right ♪ >> reporter: jeanne moos cnn new york. >> thank, eugenemy most. tomorrow we will be at the white house with a rare interview with rahm emanuel. that will air tomorrow in "the situation room." you can follow me at twitter at wolf blitzer cnn all one word. thanks for joining us. i'm wolf blitzer in "the situation room." cnn's new show, "john king usa" starts now. >> thanks, wolf. another day in the capitol today. fresh signs of a deepening crisis in u.s. israeli relations. the democrats, some evidence of a democratic bounce we'll search for clues in that. they are demanding more changes. we'll go one on one with the country's money man, tim geithner. we'll ask him where are the jobs
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and discuss the china challenge. in our polls, a conservative revolt on the right and sarah palin has a health care hit list. in play by play, we'll breakdown some almost viral videos. no you can't is a republican refrain to an old obama tune. wait until you see the presidential push on haiti's helping hand. we begin as always with a few observations. >> this is a show about policy and politics, not cops and robbers, which means something is wrong when you hear me speaking the words police are investigating. maybe raw is a better word than wrong. it's a raw time in our politics with signs of volatility everywhere you look. some of it is ugly. like racial slurs or bricks thrown through the windows at congressional offices apparently because those lawmakers voted
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yes on health care reform. police are investigating. there are those words, those and other incidents and there should be no rush to judgments, but there are better ways to make a point. in utah is a case in point. some conservatives there aren't happy with their long time republican senator robert bennett. what did they do about it? no bricks and no slurs. they turned out last night and used our most cherished rights. the right to speak up and have their voice and votes counted. it's one step in the process. we won't know for some time if senator bennett will be the republican candidate, but we do know attendance at the caucus was way up. whatever the outcome, if it plays out respectfully, he thinks the party will be stronger, not divided in the end. there's a lesson in that. a lesson for everyone. let's turn now as we always do to our reporters to share with you stories certain to be in the morning newspapers. house democrats called an
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emergency meeting with security officials today to discuss those threats against some of their members who voted yes on health care. after the meeting our senior congressional correspondent dana bash caught up with the house majority leader, steny hoyer. >> reporter: do you feel your members are at risk in terms of their security? >> yes. i think we've had very serious incidences that have occurred over the last 48-72 hours. any member who feels themself at risk is getting attention from the proper authorities. >> list ton this voice mail left for anti abortion democrat, bart stupak. >> all of those thoughts projected on you will materialize into something that is not very good for you. we don't have to do anything but sit back and wish. go to hell, you piece of [ bleep ]. >> strong words.
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dana bash joins us with more. >> reporter: i've talked to a number of house democrats who told me they're getting calls to their offices and even at their homes threatening violence and in some cases even death. there has been vandalism to two offices. the house majority whib whip received a fax with a news on it. they're trying to work on a joint statement with republicans repudiating it. so far no dice. we did get a statement from the house leader john boehner, violence and threats are unacceptable. >> thanks, dana. it appears the bitter health care debate has changed things. cnn national political correspondent jessica yellin has the latest. >> tonight republicans are backing off assurances just given this morning that a deal on wall street reform is within reach. the new line from republicans,
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democrats are unwilling to make key compromises. this is the president's next big priority. my sources tell me democrats actually feel very encouraged they can seize the momentum after health care reform and push this through fast but they need at least one republican vote in the senate. if republicans don't play ball, democrats they're going to hit them hard during the election accusing them of being in the pocket of wall street. operatives on both sides they tell me they think this could be the most potent political issue during the election, possibly trumping health care reform because voters are so angry at the banks. >> thanks. quick look behind the numbers. on wall street the dow industrials closed down, down 52 points. february new home sales unexpectedly fell 2.2% raising questions about the strength of the recovery. next up, one on one with a man who prefers to speak only after the financial markets close because what he says can move
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>> let's start, before we get to the 76 of financial reform and other issues, questions the americans ask around the kitchen table. essentially where are we. the signals from the economy are a little better but still mixed. most people process it through the unemployment rate. i want you to peek over your shoulder and we can show you how this has played out. the unemployment rate starting here, you see it going up in 2008, 10.2%. now at 9.7%. when the 9.7 number came out, the economy lost jobs. to get to 7%, you have to create 300,000 jobs a month to get there within a year. are we anywhere close to that point? >> we're close when the economy is close to creating jobs. this recession caused a huge amount of damage. we're going to be living with that damage for awhile to come. there's a little more hope. >> another question we get when we ask people what are their thoughts on the economy, why has nothing been done on the issue of financial reform.
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why could it happen again? a lot of people get pretty angry about that, wondering why the government hasn't taken steps. you were at the white house for a meeting with the president, and senator dodd and chairman frank in the house. they have two separate proposals. the senate bill is getting are ready to be acted on. as you know, republicans don't like stuff in that bill. what he suggested is let's not have health care all over again. let's not do a sweeping bill. let's break out that one issue that he thinks should be dealt with. less li let's listen. >> i think we could potentially get an agreement. i think nobody thinks once again we ought to have a situation where tax dollars are used to rescue a big failing company. we need to fix that and not do it again. >> any merit to that argument? just that one issue out and come back to all the more complicated issues. >> two key tests.
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are we giving consumers basic protection. our system did a terrible job. the damage just to the average investor, the average family, the average business, and they're still suffering from those basic mistakes. the other key test is to prevent this from happening again is to make sure we deal with too big to fail. we're constraining risk failure for the major financial institutions. if they mess up is the choice for them not to survive, the choice is to be wound down and sold off. you got to do those two things. one is not enough. >> there's a big piece in both of these legislations, senate and house version to have a new consumer protection agency. the house chairman frank wants it to be independent. the dodd proposal put it is into the fed. what does the president want? >> the key test is is it independent? does it have independent -- >> can it be independent within the fed? >> i think it can be. >> any prevs sth. >> the president's preference was a stand alone agency, but
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the key test and chairman frank said the same thing this morning, the key test is is it strong enough to write and enforce rules that apply to banks but to payday lenders, check cashers, to make sure you're capturing where the abuse was greatest. >> a damning report came out from the inspector general. he said it was misguided in the beginning. they see a potential for a wave of redefault if you will. is that program a mistake or at least in the implementation of it a mistake? >> there's much more stability now. that's hugely important to the stability it all americans. a million americans are benefiting from lower monthly payments. on average, it's $600 a month for families that got their mortgages modified under this program. that's 1 million americans. we're going to keep working at expanding that program so we can
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capture more people, but this program has been very effective. we're going to try to make sure we're improving it and making it better. we've got some ways to go in that area. >> the american private sector and businesses around the world have been trying to rush to get into china because it's one of the world's leading economies. yet recently you had this dust up with google. without getting into the weeds of that, is that a chill in that? are american businesses starting to pull back a little bit because of the interference from the chinese government? >> they're concerned about how hard it is to operate in china on a level playing field. i think that's one reason why the president is going to be working so hard to make sure we get better access for u.s. goods in china and we're seeing a fair rules of the game there. >> how hard is that part? it's a different culture? . they get a lot of political pressure in china. a lot of people in china saying we want china for china, china
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for chinese producers. if you listen carefully to what they're saying, they're sensitive to the concerns of not playing fairly. >> early this morning, senator lamar alexander is on the floor and he's talking about health care. he offered a stinging rebuick of his view of how the obama administration views government. >> sometimes, i think mr. president, the model of the obama administration is, if you can find it in the yellow pages, the government ought to be doing it. this is really breathtaking. we're taking over cars, banks, insurance companies, we're taking over more of health care. we'll just take over the student loan program. >> does he have a point? >> i don't think so. i obviously respect the senator very much. president bush was the one who lent billions of dollars of the taxpayers' money to the automobile industry. he put 230 million dollar there are into banks representing three quarters of our entire
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banking stip. when this president came in, we moved very quickly to get that money back from the banks. we have got 170 billion of that back almost all from the major banks at a positive return to the taxpayer. we've worked quickly to clean up the mess we inherited and get the government out from the emergency actions that president bush started to take to deal with this recession. >> as you know in politics, sometimes perception could become reality. you never worked as a trader on wall street. i visited all 50 states, when you bring up the economy, a lot of people say these are wall street guys. they're tucked in with the banks. how do you shake that? >> it's hard. i worked in public service all my life. i'm here working for this president because i believe deeply that the government has to do a better job of making things better for the average american and the president and people around him wake up everyday thinking about that one key objective.
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>> let me close by asking you what you learned about yourself and the politics of this town and a rough 14 months. you came into office in some controversy. republicans have called for your resignation. >> democrats too. >> we googled your name just for kicks. you see your bio first. that can't feel good? >> i learned this a long time ago. when you're in government, i've been in public service all my life, you've got to worry about one thing, which is make sure you're doing the right thing. it may be unpopular. it may be difficult. it may be controversial, but we're here and we're going to be held accountable for what we do to make things better. >> can i read into that that those calling for your resignation are going to have to wait awhile? are you going to go anywhere? >> that's a question for the president. i wake up everyday trying to figure out how we fix what's
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broken. we're making a lot of progress. >> thanks. tonight, there's a lot of rumbling on the political ride, including the new polle ka hit list from sarah palin. we take the pulse of america when we come back. [ shapiro ] at legalzoom, you can take care of virtually all your important legal matters in just minutes. now it's quicker and easier for you to start your business, protect your family, and launch your dreams. at, we put the law on your side.
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now it's time to take the pulse of america. checking in on some rumblings on the right. erik erikson will join us. with me is amy walter. she's editor in chief of hot line. welcome. >> glad to be here. >> want to talk about several things moving on the right beginning with sarah palin with the health care hit list. the health care vote passes. it's signed into law. she puts on her facebook site, she puts a vote, a list of 20 house democrats. they all voted for the health care reform bill and they're from districts that mccain and palin carried. this is what she says, we're going to reclaim the power of the people from those who disregard the will of the people. we're going to fire them and send them back to the private sector. now, she wants to do this
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obviously for her own to curry favor on the right. is she an influential voice? >> this is what's going to be interesting. remember, if i came in here six months ago and said sarah palin is going after candidates, i would say you have to be very careful if you are a republican in one of those districts in taking her endorsement. a lot of those districts, yes, mccain or bush carried, but they are also, many of them have a very significant population of independent leading voters. two years ago, those folks were voting overwhelmingly with president obama. now they are leaning more toward republicans. we do know sarah palin among independents still a polarizing figure. i still think in this day, if she can raise money, i'm sure those folks will all want to take it. i don't know if they're going to have them in the district campaigning for them. >> i want to move on to something else which is a remarkable display of democracy. this is how democracy is supposed to work.
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we can show our viewers pictures in weaver county. these are republican caucuses. there's a senator bob bennett. there's also a big national group playing in this, the club for growth. it's an anti tax, anti government organization. they put out some fliers out there obama care versus bennett care. bob bennett did have an alternative health care proposal. it says no matter who wins, you lose. the question is does this hurt the party or help the party to have these people coming out and challenging an incumbent republican senator. it was very polite and civil. i want you to listen to the state republican chairman. he says bob bennett is a friend of mine but if we keep it peaceful, it's a good thing. >> they showed up and they were well prepared and they're going to have an impact on the party, to be honest with you. i don't think that's bad at all. we become stronger by becoming
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bigger. >> it was bigger. the numbers aren't in yet. it takes awhile to tally them all up, but it looks like turnout was somewhere between 75,000, maybe even 80,000. this is three times what was in 200 2008. folks definitely fired up, i think in part because these caucuses were held the same day as the president is you literally signing the health care bill. plus i hear they actually give you food at some of these. there's some home made brownies. >> that's why my crew was happy to go. erik erikson joins us. you say it's time for senator bennett to be retired. activists turned out. in the caucus we showed. bob bennett did not carry the day. we'll find out whether he wins the nomination. why do you want this incumbent who has standing on his committees to be voted out.
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>> i think this goes back to new york 23. there were two lessons that came out of there. when the republicans dee deskoez fauf va. the republican establishment in d.c. as well has failed realize is they need conservatives. bob bennett has not been conservative. he's in the top ten most liberal republicans. for the past 30 days i've been pounding the drum beat highlighting his record of why he hasn't been conservative. it looks like based on what i'm hearing is he may be in big trouble. >> to that point, you say the republican party needs conservatives. you were list being when i had mitch mcconnell in here last night. the conservatives aren't happy with the republican leadership in congress. he says they're not relevant?
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>> that surprised me. had my mike galanos been on, you would have heard me yelling. he's right in that in november, and they're going to go with republicans more than they are democrats. the problem for mcconnell, we're saying for bennett and others is the conservatives are going to fight them in the republican primaries. right now they're winning. i credit new york 23 as a win by beating scozzafava. the republican party, if they don't take notice, mcconnell in the senate, they're going to be in big trouble in the primaries. >> how big a deal is that in the sense that the democrats are in charge, the democrat president. it's their health care plan, their economy come november. this tension, how significant is it? >> i think it's going to matter in a case by case basis. in the case of utah, it doesn't matter.
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there's not a democratic challenger. so that's not as much of an issue. florida could be an issue, just that we're seeing, it's the fight that is taking a toll right now, both on marco rubio and charlie crist. that primary doesn't occur until late summer. the bruising they're going to endure about going through who is the most conservative and is rubio really who he says he is. that could be important come november. >> fascinating to watch. amy and erik thanks so much. in the senate right now, it's aemds mania. see how the republicans want to, as they put it, improve the house fixes to health care. they're even talking viagra. we go wall to wall next. portant is the honor of being in your garage. if you're shopping for a new car, we invite you to put us to the test.
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and may the best car win. you can label as "different." like janice. uh-huh. yeah. fashion deficient. and tom... copy incapable. it's open kimono time. looking good, dan. oh, we want to make sure all our ducks in a row. yeah. volume control syndrome. but we focus on the talent and skill that each person... brings to the team. i mean, no one's really concerned about labels. not even mine. labels get in the way. disabilities rarely do. visit to evolve your work force. - for the better. - we really listen to you. and that helps us recommend a home loan option that's perfect for your needs. we'll close your loan at your own house if you want. you don't have to come to us. we'll come to you. my cell phone's always on. if you need me, i'm here for you. every client. every time. - no exceptions. - no excuses. that's what we're all about. - and that's why i love... - i love... i love being a home loan expert.
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aren't enough. one amendment that was just tabled, we'll explain that, senator john mccain, he wanted to remove the sweetheart deals that are still in the deal. that one taken off the board, tabled in a vote senator lemieux says he the members should go on the medicaid program with lower income americans. tomco burn is an oklahoma conservative. he has an amendment that would bar sex offenders from receiving erectile dysfunction drugs. rush limbaugh couldn't resist this one. >>co burn has an amendment to not pay for viagra for sex offenders. what's great about that is that gets a democrat on the record voting for viagra to sex
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offenders. there are all kinds of amendments like that and the senate republicans are going to tie these guys in knots. >> you walk those halls. is that what's happening? >> giving away the not so secret strategy. they're really candid about it, even before rush limbaugh outed them. as we speak, they're voting, they even, to begin with, have 23 amendments they expect it to take eight hours. there is no expectation that any of these amendments will pass. most of them are really geared at making these democrats take very tough political votes, particularly the vulnerable democrats. >> it's a teachable moment. >> a teachable moment? >> to borrow a phrase from the president. >> do we have some beer here? >> when you hear the campaign ad, when the election rolls around and he even voted to give viagra to rapists.
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it's a political trick. everybody has to get their own information when you hear those ads and not take them out of context. >> let's look at another one of these amendments. this is by mike krapo. his amendment would assure there's no tax increase for americans earning less than $200,000 a year and families earning less than $250,000 a year. he's asking the democrats to vote no. >> it is a serious amendment but it is highly, highly political. i talked to several republican senators in the hallway over the past couple of days who said they're going to put that up because that's a presidential promise from the campaign trail that they believe that he has broken. they want the democrats, again, who have to face the voters to get on the record voting for or against the presidential promise. again, all, you can see the edit rooms gearing up. >> you have to keep reminding
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people, if the democrats vote yes to any of these, they change the bill, they won't pass health care reform. if any of these succeed, they can't pass health care reform. >> or at least it will change enough that it will gum up the works. >> is there any talk among the republicans that at some point this becomes counterproductive? >> we'll see, talk to me at 3:00 this morning. we'll see if they're still there. that's one of the questions we're going to be looking at. at a certain point, whether or not they stop. look, at a certain point, the parliamentarian can say enough already. >> they can go on for weeks. >> they filed, i believe, 23 amendments. republicans have said that they're going to stop on friday even though they know they're not going to keep members through the weekend. >> i think all of this is sort of lost. people don't understand, they passed health care, now they have to pass it again. it makes the senate and congress look so bad. people don't understand, it's not rational. you must get it when you're
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trying to explain to people why it works this way. >> i try to explain why things work this way. i visited 50 states last year. of the process comes up more than you think. not the language of washington, but essentially, i have to get along with my neighbors, my boss, my in laws, why can't these guy get along. i like my in laws by the way. >> are you listening, mom and dad. >> thank you both. tonight's most important person you don't know might have a big impact on your next trip through the airport. when you pursue an mba at devry university's...
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keller graduate school of management, you'll have a professor with you every step of the way. whether you take classes on campus, online, or both, you get the same attention, the same curriculum, and the same quality. 85 locations nationwide and online. discover how to grow the business of you... at
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we all know it's important, even vital, but don't you just love going through airport security? today's most important person you don't know wants to make it even tougher. his name is robert harding. he's a retired general who spent 33 years in the army much of it dealing with spies and intelligence gathering. harding wrapped up two days of hearings to be the next head of transportation. if he's confirmed the tsa will have their hands on baggage. it bears repeating harding wants to make airport security even tougher. >> we should move even closer to
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an israeli model where there's more engagement with passengers. i think that increases the layers and pushes the layers out. >> that's an interesting analogy, because the israelis are tough, dana. i went through israel once and forgot i had a pakistan stamp in my passport. i'm still hurt. >> if that's the case, you better get to the airport a lot earlier. >> tell us what are we missing today? >> what we're missing. we have a theme here. let's start with israeli u.s. relations. we know they're at a bad point right now. historically, of course, the united states and israel, they are about the closest allies on the planet. if you look through history, we've had lots and lots of photo ops. the president even met with prime minister netanyahu back in may.
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president bush met with omar. and sometimes things weren't great with george h. bush, bebenetanyahu was here in washington. he did go to the white house yesterday, we're not showing you a picture because it's missing. the white house did not allow the cameras in. i can tell you from talking to our senior white house correspondent, ed henry, he said the four visits that president obama had with netanyahu had, the white house is not opening up other meetings with allies, the greek prime minister, the king of spain, so they're trying to deal with precedent at the white house, but this particular issue with the israelis, there's no question that this is because things are very bad between the two countries. >> there is another picture we're not missing but we're also
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not going to show it to your viewers. this is a white house released photo because this is an event they didn't want us to see. >> no. what happened at the white house, the president signed the much talked about executive order essentially restating what he says and everybody believes is law, which is that there can be no taxpayer funding for abortion. this is what got house democrats over the line by drawing anti abortion democrats to vote for it. no photo, again, no media were allowed in. i talked to some of the democrats who were actually going to the white house. i said do you mind? do you feel they're doing this under the rug. they said that's what happens, that's what it's like to be an anti abortion democrat like that in the party. so again, theme. two misses, two things at the white house, two events that for one reason, because of tension and another reason because of politics, they didn't want us to see so we didn't see it. >> thanks for bringing us the misses. next in the class, the health
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care hangover. some of the most reliable voters in the country are not happy. stay with us. host: could switching to geico really save you 15% or more on car insurance? host: did the waltons take way too long to say goodnight? mom: g'night john boy. g'night mary ellen. mary ellen: g'night mama. g'night erin. elizabeth: g'night john boy. jim bob: g'night grandpa. elizabeth: g'night ben. m bob:'night. elizabeth: g'night jim bob. jim bob: g'night everybody, grandpa: g'night everybody. @y jim bob: g'night daddy. vo: geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more. we're with you when you're saving for your dreams. when you want a bank that travels with you. with you when you're ready for the next move. [ male announcer ] now that wells fargo and wachovia
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welcome. >> thanks for having us. >> a bit of evidence. we'll look at the numbers, of a bit of a democratic bounce in the early days just after passage and the president's signature on health care reform. usa today gallup poll is passing the health care bill a good thing, bad thing or no opinion. 49% say a good thing, 40% say a bad thing. cornell, you know the environment coming into this is not good for the democrats. what do you make of that? is it evidence of a little bounce? >> i think this is evidence of democrats taking back control of the messaging here. i think we saw republicans get out and define what health care reform was going to be. we saw the president go out on the road and take back our messaging on health care, we saw the polls begin to move up. what you have right now is more americans understanding actually what's in the health care reform bill and less of them thinking that death panels, for example, aren't a part of this. the numbers are moving up.
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>> is this why you hear from republicans not just repeal but repeal and replace? are they seeing something out there that makes them nervous about the party of repeal? >> i think repeal as a stand alone message becomes a litigation of some of the good things that may be unobjectionable in the bill. it also defines your message on health care as what you're against rather than what you're for. i believe health care is a cost driven debate but it's a value driven debate. republicans, we have to spend the next year talking about not just repeal, but replace and reform. what does the republican vision for lowering costs and ensuring greater access for americans on health care. >> let's look closer at these numbers. while some of them are encouraging for democrats, here's one you must be worried about, cornell. of all the demographics, only one, voters over 65, the most reliable voters in the mid time election year, 54% of voters say this is a bad idea.
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we asked in our cnn polling, this is before the health care bill was passed, which party's candidate would you vote for for congress. voters over 65 give republicans a 10 point advantage. the white house obviously has similar numbers because when the president signed the bill, he had senior citizens on his mind. >> i want seniors to know, despite what some have said these reforms will not cut your guaranteed benefits. in fact, under this law, americans on medicare will receive free preventive care without co-payments or deductibles. >> now they're cutting $500 billion out of medicare. if the republicans still have a so 10 point gap among seniors, what happens? >> it's an issue, because they are the most reliable turnout, look at what's been happening dem graphically in our country. those portions of the older vote are shrinking. we're an electorate that is
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growing younger, blacker and browner. these aren't fdr seniors. we're struggling to win over seniors. just as we turned over the numbers in other areas, when we define what's in health care and we spend time defining what's in health care, i think those numbers will move as well. >> kevin, one second. next up, play by play, almost viral videos including john boehner's musical video debut. stay with us. (pouring rain)
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>> here comes the play by play. >> all right. tonight's play by play, some videos we think ought to go viral. democratic strategy ifrt cornell and kevin madden. >> in the obama campaign, there was this video by will i am. ♪ yes we can >> this is now. >> yes we can prepare this world. >> hell no, you can't.
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>> yes we can. >> no you can't. >> stop that. john boehner. >> my old boss. now we know he can't sing. i always knew that. now we know. >> one of the things americans don't like is sort of anger in politics. you got to be really careful about that. i know a guy named howard dean, that angry images will kill you dead. >> someone had fun on the internet. that thing will spread around and people will have fun with it. >> john probably not thought he was going to be a pop culture icon, but i think he might now. >> this is a democratic ad, labor union afsme. mary-jo killroy voted yes. let's listen. >> $86 million was spent on misleading ads to kill reform all because they want to keep jacking up premiums and denying
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us coverage, but the insurance companies didn't win, because congresswoman maryio killroy voted no. >> i think if i were advising democrats, that would be one way to frame it up. i think there's an unhappiness with the status quo. there's an unhappiness with institutions like insurance companies or wall street. so what they're trying to do is align themselves with that sort of popular sentiment. i think the harder part for mary joe killroy is we she is spending when we don't have that type of money. i think that's going to distill back to voters very easily. >> i'm sure the americans love the ideal of how we expand it now. you get political ads all
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year-round now. the deficit is a big issue for independents. we need to talk about the economic implications of this. we've got a bill here that's going to help us shrink the deficit. >> let's close with some fun. i covered george w. bush white house. he was big on the purell at the white house. let's watch this play out a little bit. >> can we do that one more time? is there any way to bring that back and show that one more time? >> he shakes hands, he obviously doesn't like the touch. there's president clinton, thank you very much. >> republicans are still smearing bill clinton, to this day. you got nothing to say to that. >> it was like a pine tar moment almost. >> they're getting along nicely now. we'll see if that causes a rift. >> he's going to send him the dry cleaning bill. >> that would be smart.
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good for him. up next pete on the street has a question with health care reform battle almost over, what's congress going to fight over now? is to reproduce every color in the world on tv. introducing quattron quad pixel technology. it adds a fourth color, yellow, to the standard rgb color system, creating a vast array of colors you can't see with your tv's three color technology. but, you can see this. whoa! oh my. [ male announcer ] quattron from sharp. you have to see it, to see it. [ engineer laughs ] we didn't think dog food... quattron from sharp. could make that big of a difference, but it really has. we thought, oh, goldie, you're getting older, and she started eating the purina one... and people would say, "what did you do to her?" [ announcer ] purina one for seniors unlocks the brilliance of nature. [ kristen ] it's a great feeling having a beautiful, happy dog. it makes you feel like you've done something good for your pet.
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the grain of politics these days. ted olson and david boise who battled each other now on the same side. we're going to tell you about the controversial issue that has brought them together. that coming up, john. >> looking forward to it. thanks so much. we have a lot of beat reporters in town. they cover the white house, congress. we consider pete dominic our off beat reporter. >> thank you very much, john king. >> you are most welcome. >> the most obvious question is what's next. we asked the following to the people on the street. >> what do you think the most important issue should be right now? >> it's so important people have jobs. it makes them feel like they're somebody. >> if you don't have a job, you feel insecure, you feel like you're not doing -- like me basically. >> i guess creating jobs would
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be the most important thing. >> you look like you have a job. >> yes, i do. >> can you give me a job? everybody today has been saying jobs. i think for you, probably hair care would be something i'm not concerned with. >> no, i would stick with the health care. >> you're very vague, sir, what are you protecting? >> my political office. >> i want to do this economy more stronger. >> i think what government needs to do is unleash the spirit and the energy of entrepreneurship. >> what's the next big issue, do you think, president obama and congress should tackle? >> i would have to say he had indication. >> you think you have a good education? >> yes, because i went to private school and everything like that. >> oh, private school? is that why you have two collars up? >> we have to prevent cap and trade. >> prevent cap and trade? >> yes, they have to work on illegal immigration. >> you look like a very classy couple. may i ask what the most classy event you've attended in the
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last week or so is? >> we were at river dance. >> i knew it. they went to river dance. will you river dance with me? we're river dancing. ♪ >> pete, after watching that, i thought financial reform would be the next big issue. i may ask the congress to outlaw river dancing by you. >> that would be a real invasion of government right there. everybody says jobs. >> just about everybody said jobs, didn't they? >> yeah, that's the big concern for everybody, for themselves and the people they care about, of course, yeah. >> so next to meeting some river dancers, what off beat things, when people didn't say jobs, i heard immigration. >> we heard energy, climate legislation. a couple people said foreign policy. get the troops out or national security. one way or the other. it was overwhelmingly jobs and the economy. >> i heard you say, can you get
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